RECLAIM | Season 1 2020

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RECLAIM Season One | 2020

THE FLYING TRAPEZE The Art of Letting Go and Laying Hold

FINDING FREEDOM Fruitful Believers Grow Through Finding Their Freedom in Christ

AROUND THE HILLS Stories of Life Change From Our Campuses



FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO THE NATIONS SENIOR PASTORS | Wendell & Lynda Vinson EDITOR | Jenifer Watts ASSISTANT EDITORS | Erika Ramirez, Salomon Servin, Richard Shepherd CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jessica Champlin, Crissy Cochran, Leslie Painter, Erika Ramirez, Dr. Susan Rowe, Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, Wendell Vinson, Jen Watts CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Lyndsee Farzan, Armando Perez, Salomon Servin, Michael Wong, Wayne Wong PUBLISHED BY Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/IDEAS Write to us at CAMPUSES

Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Canyon Hills at City Center 3201 F Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Canyon Hills: Kern River Valley 25 Arden Avenue Wofford Heights, CA 93285 Canyon Hills: San Luis Obispo 525 Cerro Romauldo Avenue SLO, CA 93405 Canyon Hills: Wasco 600 Broadway Avenue Wasco, CA 93280 CityView Church 3535 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Revive Church 1326 30th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Riverview Church 315 May Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Cover Photo: Revival Wednesday Season Three 2019



THE FLYING TRAPEZE - by Wendell Vinson

What are you focused on as you step into 2020? What has your attention? What are you curious about? It’s really easy to get distracted from what’s important in life by the constant buzz of cell phones and notifications and the latest breaking news. All of it seems to conspire to rob you of your focus. Many of us are addicted to distraction and that’s why we can’t stop checking our social media channels all day long. Distraction might not seem like a big deal, but it costs us big time. The enemy knows this and it’s why he’s become the master of distraction. Think about Nehemiah. He was on a mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but it wasn’t long before people came to discourage him. When that didn’t work, they tried to intimidate him with threats of attack by the enemy. Finally, they kept pestering him to come down to meet with him about the plans, but Nehemiah recognized the distraction and maintained his focus on his God given job assignment.

Have you ever seen an illusionist? Most of the magic happens when they’re able to distract your attention away from what’s really going on to cause you to see what they want you to see. I tried this with my own grandkids over the holidays. The game of guess-which-hand-it’s-in is winnable with an easily distracted four-year old. A quick, “look over there,” is all it would take to move the objects around and she was none the wiser. It was entertaining to watch her reaction and she still thinks her papa is a masterful magician, but it made me think about how it doesn’t take much more for the enemy to distract believers from what really matters. The enemy can use good and bad things to get our eyes off of what we are supposed to be focused on and it subtly moves us off mission.

past mistakes and failures you’re going to keep repeating them. In Isaiah 43, this word “forget” is the Hebrew word “Zakar” which means to not focus on or speak about; to look in the other direction.

The Apostle Paul gives us a powerful word on the importance of focus in Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

So many of us struggle to move forward as believers because we spend too much time focusing on and talking about what God is trying to move us out of. This is why you have a big windshield and a little rearview mirror. If your focus and your words are all stuck in the past, you can’t move forward!

Now this is interesting to me because Paul says, “but one thing I do” and then he mentions two things; I let go of the past and I lay hold of the future. Why is this? It’s because the one thing is one motion. If you’ve ever been to a circus and watched a flying trapeze act you’ve seen this very thing happen. The person in the trapeze act is both letting go and laying hold all in the same motion. There’s a window of time to let go and lay hold. They don’t just let go and turn around and say “I hope this all works out.” There are people who live like this. They bail out of their job, education, relationships, church, with no plan and nothing to grab on to. That’s not faith, that’s stupidity! God doesn’t want you to just let go of the past with no vision for your future.

The enemy can use good and bad things to get our eyes off of what we are supposed to be focused on and it subtly moves us off mission. He has a plan for your life! Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

So many of us struggle to move forward as believers because we spend too much time focusing on and talking about what God is trying to move us out of. This is why you have a big windshield and a little rearview mirror.

2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” If your life is “in Christ” you can let go of the things you need to let go of and you can lay hold of the things God has for you going forward. So what is it that you’re supposed to lay hold of this year? My encouragement to you is this; narrow your focus. Don’t overcomplicate it. Put Jesus first and let Jesus be King! Invite Him into every situation in your life and let Him be Lord. When David was the King of Israel and had demands upon his life and everything was vying for his attention, he wrote these words in Psalm 27:4, “One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple.” And in Psalm 27:8, “When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” If you want to clearly see what really matters in 2020, make up your mind today that you won’t be distracted by the enemy. Decide to let go of some things that are holding you back, and lay hold of the things that will move you forward. Narrow your focus and seek Jesus!

Wendell & Lynda Vinson, Pastors

God is not saying that there isn’t something to learn from past mistakes or hurts in life. In fact, if you don’t learn from







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"CityServe comes at a perfect time when businesses are encouraging workplace compassion through volunteerism and giving. A top resource for any companies team!" Anne Beiler, Co-founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels “At Focus on the Family we know that the first line of defense for families is the local church. That’s why I’m so excited about CityServe. This book will be a tremendous resource for churches as they engage in the critical work of helping troubled marriages, equipping parents in the challenges they face, and embracing struggling families with the hope of Christ.” Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family


“CityServe is an effective road map to bring together businesses, churches, and government to offer proven solutions to the systemic problems in our communities.” Charlie O’Reilly, Former Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO, O’Reilly Auto Parts “More than ever, churches need to making a difference in their communities. Habitat for Humanity is delighted to be a part of CityServe’s efforts to engage churches in ministries that can alleviate suffering — ministries that stir the hearts of passionate and compassionate people.” Jonathan Reckford, CEO, Habitat for Humanity International


VANGUARD.EDU Academic Scholarships, Ministry Grants, AG School of Ministry or affiliate partnership discounts may be available. Scholarships, grants and discounts cannot be combined.



FRUITFUL BELIEVERS GROW THROUGH FINDING THEIR FREEDOM IN CHRIST by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner Freedom In Christ is a straightforward way to implement effective foundational Biblical truths. By starting our discipleship journeys rooted in the positional truth of who we are in Christ, and understanding the nature of the spiritual battle we’re in, we give people the tools to turn to God and away from all that holds them back through repentance, and pursue transformation by the renewal of their minds through stronghold-busting.

Sadly, I discovered that my daughters had been sexually molested. When I found out, I felt worse than I did when I had been sexually violated. I felt like I had failed as a parent. I remember praying to God and giving Him control of the problem, but not of my life. I continued going about the same life style. A couple of years later, my son was born. His father and I were not in a stable relationship, and as things started to get more serious, my husband’s parents’ health declined. He walked out of our relationship to move back to Mexico. Once again, I was a single parent.

Jocelyn Anguiano has experienced true freedom in Christ. Here’s her story,

My father's side of the family had dabbled in witchcraft and the occult for generations. Exposure to it began to have negative effects on my son. They taught me that it was the answer and that I didn't need God, but God had a different plan for my life. You see, through Freedom in Christ teaching, I learned the truth. What the enemy tries to use to make our lives uncomfortable or worse off, our Lord can use for victory when we reject the lies and believe God’s truth. That's how my household and I became free, free indeed.

“I'm a mother of four children. I'm the oldest of three children. I grew up in a Christian home, but at the age of 14 my parents got divorced. When my family pulled apart, so did I… from God. I knew He was real and there for me, I just decided not to trust Him or keep on believing. My faith vanished.

Freedom in Christ has helped me with my spiritual growth. I’ve been able to offer forgiveness to those who don’t deserve it, and that helped me let go of my anger, bitterness, hurt and hate. I have broken free from strongholds of fear and my faith has been renewed.

At a very young age, I was sexually abused as a child. I thought that by getting married I would escape reality, so I did. At the age of 15, I married a man who was very verbally abusive and very controlling. At that time I was very immature and I decided to walk out of that relationship and that’s when I became a single parent. Throughout the years there were times I had to live in my car. My family relationships were just not the greatest. I thought that the farther I lived from my family and the less I knew about them, and them about me, it would be better. But now I know that’s how the enemy tries to keep us isolated from people and in the dark about God’s truth about our identity in Christ and what it means to forgive from the heart. I had two car accidents in less than six months. In the second car accident, only God knows how I survived. The truck that I was driving was jammed up in between two charter busses and I survived with no scratches at all. During that time, I became a workaholic, I partied a lot, and I was very unstable. I moved


from Los Angeles to San Diego, to Tijuana, Mexico, to Visalia and eventually, here to Bakersfield.

Last year, my newborn son had a seizure. He stopped breathing. I was talking to the 911 operator. I had no idea what to do. I started praying and I was thanking the Lord. I was saying, “Jesus He's yours not mine. Let it be Your will. As I was praying, I felt how the Holy Spirit made me understand that if I was ready for those little moments that will challenge my faith and trust Him, He would keep His promises to me as His child. In that moment, I said, “Yes, you are my Lord.” As I said my prayer, my

son started breathing again. The paramedics were amazed and so was the operator. I have an amazing testimony of understanding God’s truth. No matter what the enemy tries to do, or to make me believe, I can remember that God has won the victory.

Freedom in Christ has helped me in many ways to grasp onto my faith even more and also to let go of baggage I had been carrying around. As a Christian, forgiving others and letting the Fruit of the Spirit bloom in my life makes me strong. I have realized that we as Christians are not perfect, but our Jesus is, and we are being molded by the Potter’s hands in every situation that we release to Him. Remember that God gives us many promises. Here’s one of my favorite promises, one I cling to, I hope you will cling to it, too! Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your ways; submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.” No matter how long or short a time you have been a Christian, or how far you are on your journey, you will find Freedom In Christ is a wonderfully refreshing spiritual check-up. It will help you clear away spiritual cobwebs and connect with Jesus in a deeper way. Don’t wait, the time is now! RSVP for our next class at

Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, Author of It'll Be Okay: Finding God When Doubt Hides the Truth, and Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down





I continued praying the next morning and later in the day, when I checked social media, the very first post was a prophetic word talking about the Lord raising people up to speak out against abortion. I knew the Lord was calling me to do something. I met with some of the leadership from our Women's Ministries that same day and they prayed over me and commissioned me to engage in the pro-life movement. I didn't know exactly what that would be, but I began seeking out all of the pro-life activities in our area. I came across Right to Life Kern County and discovered they hold college campus outreach where volunteers engage college students in healthy discussion about their point of view on abortion. So I signed up! I learned about activist Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Director who now helps people in the abortion industry get out. She was championing a ministry called Embrace Grace that supports abortion minded women in an effort to reach them for Christ and save their baby.

EMBRACE GRACE by Jessica Champlin

Single. Pregnant. No little girl says to herself, “when I grow up, I want to be a single mom,” yet it’s a circumstance all too familiar. We talk a lot about being pro-life, ending abortion and saving lives, but practically speaking, what are we doing? Now that my kids are both in school, I have more time to dedicate to ministry. Recently, I began praying about what the Lord would direct me to do. During that season, I had a dream where I was speaking on college campuses with girls who were praising abortion. I turned and asked them if they really knew what abortion looked like. As I began to explain the details, they began to weep. When I woke up, I felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit and I knew this wasn't just any dream.

Historically, girls who become pregnant without a husband have been isolated and even alienated from the church. Whether their own shame kept them away or unkind words received from a congregant, these young women are running from the church. Enter Embrace Grace. Embrace Grace is an international organization aimed at helping single, pregnant girls find community and a home within churches. Their goal, and now ours, is for the girls to run to the church instead of from the church. In fact, the mission of Embrace Grace Inc. is “to inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women and their families.” Can you think of anyone more in need of the church than a pregnant, scared young girl with few options? We’re so excited to announce Canyon Hills has just launched an Embrace Grace group. This group will feature a Bible-based curriculum aimed towards showing each girl that regardless of past sin, hurts or failures they are a daughter of the King. God is rich in mercy and abounding in grace and He longs to bring these lost ones into the fold. Every participant will attend a 12-week small group where they will learn Biblical truths and develop community within the church. In addition, each girl will be part of a lavish baby shower, or celebration of life event should she choose to place her baby for adoption. Embrace Grace is an amazing opportunity for the church body to love and support some of the most vulnerable in our city. You can be a part of changing the destiny of a young mother and her baby—the church will be the reason a mom chooses life for her baby! Please be in prayer for this new ministry. We know it is birthed from the Lord and are trusting Him to provide resources, volunteers and young women who are desperate for the “kindness of God (Romans 2:4).” We are honored to have an opportunity to play a part in the restoration of lives and we cling to this verse from Psalms, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” For more information about Embrace Grace, email






WASTE HUNGER, NOT FOOD DOES MORE THAN FEED THE HUNGRY A STORY OF TWO FRIENDS AND UNEXPECTED NEEDS MET by Crissy Cochran Jenni Krippner and Darlene Doughty appear to be the oldest of friends. While enjoying coffee with these two lovely ladies one rainy morning, I watched and witnessed a friendship only God could have orchestrated. Their admiration for each other was immediately evident as they giggled, cried and giggled some more when sharing stories of their outreach adventures. Jenni and Darlene are obviously bonded, but not by years of growing up together in a way you’d assume most close friends would be. In fact, they had only just met each other a few short years ago and this past year connected on a deeper level. Looking back now they see how God was the Mastermind behind it all--planning out each step that would invite them individually, and their friendship, into a deeper intimacy with Him. About three years ago, Darlene, a long time administrator for Toys for Tots, was contacted by Jenni, the children’s pastor at CityView Church, regarding the program. They became acquainted through Toys for Tots, and when Darlene discovered the Waste Hunger, Not Food program-unbeknownst to them-- a door opened leading to a path of transformation.


Waste Hunger, Not Food is a program of Kern County Public Health that safely rescues uneaten, unopened wholesome foods from school districts, restaurants and markets, and delivers it via refrigerated vans to CityServe churches. Because neighborhood churches are trusted sources in the community, it is the best way to get this good, nutritious food into the hands of those who need it the most. Michelle Corson, the Public Relations Officer of Kern County Public Health, described the passion driven behind the project as they became more aware of the staggering amount of food wasted in school cafeterias and the large number of families that go to bed hungry. It was no surprise Waste Hunger, Not Food would be something Darlene would enthusiastically dive into. “She’s always had a servant’s heart.” Jenni says about Darlene. “I asked Jenni if I could take some of the food to The Towers, a low-income housing facility for the elderly. And she said, ‘yes, of course--it’s an outreach’,” says Darlene. Her routine consists of picking up food at CityView Church that has been delivered from the Waste Hunger, Not Food delivery vans, loading up her car and driving it over the The Towers. “I don’t do it for me. I do it for them,” Darlene says through her tears. “They are so grateful and they tell me all the time. One man was so excited to have milk because he hadn’t had milk for over a month. It’s too expensive for him. When he told me that I truly realized the need.” Michelle Corson explains how the program affects the lives of those who receive the food. “The fact that we are able to rescue such healthy, fresh perishable foods is very unique. That’s why we see so many people crying and so touched. They aren’t used to getting this type of good food,” she said. “Our top priority at Kern County Public Health is the health of those in the community. With Waste Hunger, Not Food we are literally impacting their health. It’s beautiful and unique.” With the food that CityView gets from Waste Hunger, Not Food, Darlene is able to bless 40-50 people twice a month, and sometimes more, by giving them pantry staples such as canned goods, rice, beans, milk, cereals, fresh fruits, veggies, yogurts and pre-made, plastic-wrapped burritos and sandwiches. Darlene saw the need and CityServe allowed her to fill it. But something else was going on behind the curtain. There was something happening in her heart as she stepped into the lives (Continued on page 20)


of the people living at The Towers. Darlene, though knowing God at a young age, was not a believer when she began serving with Jenni in Waste Hunger, Not Food. A handful of painful memories from childhood and then a broken marriage in her adult years lead her to place of anger. She was simultaneously wanting to help people while holding resentment and anger towards God and the church. “I was angry at everyone,” she says.

old son was hit by a car and endured traumatic brain injuries. “It was all so much. But I wouldn’t have been able to get through it all if it wasn’t for my church. It’s the close-knit family that God knew I was going to need. I would have been suicidal if I hadn’t accepted Jesus a few months before. God knew.”

Enter Jenni. A woman after God’s own heart. A seasoned servant of the Lord who believes we need to bring “church” to people. Not the other way around. Jenni saw something in Darlene. She saw a place of brokenness that was desperately crying out for help and didn't know it. She saw that Darlene was lost. “She was gentle in inviting me to come to church. She didn’t force anything. If she had forced it on me then I would have taken 3 big steps back.” Darlene eventually started attending CityView Church and quickly found a close-knit family. Jenni nurtured a relationship with Darlene naturally. In serving together, experiencing the blessing of blessing others, and becoming a part of each other’s lives, a little door to Darlene’s heart began to open and the Holy Spirit started to move. Then one day Darlene had found herself at a place of despair and weeping in her car. She was overcome by life’s circumstances and heart broken over the loss of a job title she relied on, so she called Jenni. “Tell me what to do!”

Jenni explained how God clearly showed her what discipling was about. “I learned that whatever God gives you to do--whether it’s CityServe or Waste Hunger, Not Food--when you bring friends along side you and do it with them, He does the work for you. I didn’t realize it at the time but it’s called discipling. We just had fun together. It wasn’t about me trying to save her or preach to her. I knew she would do the work with me. It was natural.” If it wasn't for Waste Hunger, Not Food, then The Towers wouldn’t get food to help them make ends meet. But another need was met through the program, unexpectedly. Jenni and Darlene’s friendship was built on serving the hungry, and then used to bring Darlene close to Jesus for a new found intimacy she didn’t know she needed. “God wanted to put you in His Hands,” Jenni says sweetly to her friend. They started with two separate agendas and found a friendship based on the saving power of Jesus--a forever friend.

Jenni said, “ You need to hang up the phone and cry out to the Lord and ask Him to show you.” So she did just that and found she wanted to ask Jesus to be the Lord of her life. She didn’t know it but the next few months would bring her the most traumatic experiences of her entire life. In July, her daughter passed away at 37 years old from congestive heart failure. Then in September, her 19 year


This is the heart of CityServe. Through any program or outreach, CityServe wants to resource churches so they can serve people in their neighborhoods. This opens avenues for long-lasting relationships--bringing people in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Crissy Cochran is a wife and mother of 3 school age children. She is the Good News Club coordinator at a local elementary school and has been attending Canyon Hills since 2003.


know how the angel expected Zacharias to react, but his response was, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years,” v.18. This reaction would be a normal reaction for anyone in Zacharias’ position. However, the angel perceived it as a lack of faith.

themselves to the fact that in all human terms, they would be childless.The angel’s announcement of a coming child challenged their mindsets.The encounter broke a cycle of familiarity, keeping them tied to logic when God was calling them to participate in His plan.

• Reproach of the past is broken and promises are fulfilled: When Mary visited Elizabeth, “The babe leaped in her (Elizabeth’s) womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,” Luke 1:41. Elizabeth had likely experienced much reproach for her childlessness. The Holy Spirit came upon both Mary and Elizabeth as revelation opened their eyes to the miracle and purpose for the children they would bear. The reproach of the past was broken through a much higher calling on their lives. God’s promises would set them into a At the birth of John, we see a different Zacharias. On the calling that would change the course of history. eighth day, when it came time to circumcise John, friends, and relatives came to rejoice with Elizabeth and Zacharias. • Break cycles of unbelief and enter new realms of faith: The When asked what his name would be, Elizabeth said, “John.” Zacharias who wrote the definitive name of John on a tablet, was a When those who gathered contested it saying, “There is different Zacharias than the one who heard the news from the angel no one among your relatives who is called by his name,” Gabriel. He had grown in new faith that God was performing His Luke 1:59, Zacharias was called in. He wrote on a tablet Word through Elizabeth and him. definitively announcing, “His name is John,” v.63. At that moment, Zacharias’ tongue was loosed, and he spoke. All • The decree releases the seed: It wasn’t until Zacharias moved to those in attendance were in amazement. They were witness decree, “His name is John,” that his voice was restored. The act of to two miracles, the birth of John to older aged parents, writing his name then decreeing it catapulted Zacharias into a new and the restoration of Zacharias’ speech. All were amazed. realm of faith and definitive truth that agreed with heaven. The “Then fear came on all who dwelt around them; and all result was the miracle of regaining his voice. these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea.” What unfolded was a miracle that caused people •New dimensions of worship are released: When Zacharias received to awaken and ponder what was happening in their midst. his voice, he praised God “Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, praising God,” Luke 1:64. When the seed comes alive, we enter into new realms of worship and His Sounds of a New Season presence. What are take-home lessons from this story? Here are some • The Word of God takes on new revelation and insight. Zacharias’ points for consideration: receptivity of the word of God from the angel is quite different than • Hidden seed comes to life: Elizabeth and Zacharias carried a seed of the Zacharias who pronounced, “His name is John,” Luke 1:63. destiny within them. It was hidden, unseen, and unknown, yet longed Zacharias faith had changed, and his lifestyle took on a whole new for. They had likely gone through much reproach and questioning as dimension as a father to John. they were childless all those years. Old Testament Law states that those who are obedient to God’s ordinances would not be barren (Deut. • When God’s plan unfolds, it casts a new reverential fear of the 7:12-14). So, infertility was seen as a sign of divine disfavor, and a Lord on the people. After the birth of John, Luke records, “Then great deal of shame was attached to being childless. Yet the seed was fear came on all who dwelt around them...” Luke 1:65 real and did not die. The Results of Declaration • Enter a “set time”: At the appointed time, the seed became manifest. In the time of being childless, there was a long season of preparation. God wants us to know that our voice and His divine The preparation was not only for Elizabeth and Zacharias but for purpose is important. Our prayers matter. However, God’s manifest plan and destiny for a nation(s) to come into place for like Zacharias, He is calling us to a higher level of engagement... to lay siege to our prayers. To decree that which their seed would play a vital role. which is not and call it into being. What can we expect (Continued on page 24) • Cycles of familiarity break: Zacharias and Elizabeth had resigned Consequently, Zacharias was rendered mute. He emerged from the temple speechless, and the people perceived “That he had seen a vision,” v.22. True to the word of the Lord, Elizabeth conceived. The encounter and pronouncement of the angel changed their lives as God performed His word through them. The seed they had long given up hope for, came alive.

A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS & THE BIRTH OF A NEW SEASON by Susan Rowe, M.D. Recently, I felt prompted by the Lord to take a break from the routine with a focused intention to set myself apart for the Lord and listen to Him. During this time of rest, there was a sense of a real breaking and shift. In the midst, I heard the Lord say, “I will give voice to the voiceless.” As I heard it, the atmosphere around me began to change as the presence of God moved in. What does that mean? What does it mean to be voiceless? As I began to ponder the thought of what it means to be voiceless, I began to see seeds in people that had not yet sprouted or born fruit. I thought of idle talk and routines of life that lacks the energizing power of His Spirit and keeps us imprisoned in silos of thinking. What about disappointments, discouragement shrouding our prayers, and rendering our hearts dull and disenfranchised? What does our voice sound like in heaven as we cave in to threats, intimidation, discouragement in life? I also thought of those in closed nations undergoing silencing for the gospel, and those walking in darkness on our streets. Are their voices heard? Certainly, every prayer counts. However, God is saying there is a higher level of intentionality and faith in which He is calling us now. Petitions must go to proclamations, worship to war. Where long desert seasons 22

or disappointments have disenfranchised us, and the dust of complacency has settled in, God has not forgotten. He is waiting for us to rise to a new level of intentionality to overcome the schemes of the enemy to silence us. The story of the birth of John the Baptist carries insight for us today. Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous people, childless yet well-advanced in age. Luke notes, “They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord,” Luke 1:16. In today’s language, they were good Christians. Luke describes them as being “blameless,” v16. Amongst a multitude of priests, Zacharias was chosen to burn incense at the golden altar of incense in the temple. It was likely a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for Zacharias. While Zacharias was fulfilling his priestly duty, the angel Gabriel appeared to him. Astonished by the appearance, the angel quieted Zacharias’ fear by saying, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.” This son would be filled with the Holy Spirit, Luke 1:15, and turn many in Israel to the Lord, v.16. He would carry the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for the Lord, v.17. We don’t


if we move from our routine in prayer to lay hold of that which is before us? • We will witness the Glory of God in answered prayer: Just as Zacharias watched his son grow into the promises spoken by the angel Gabriel. • Supernatural encounters through Holy Spirit visitation and angelic intervention. • Enter into a fuller dimension of our identity in Christ. When Zacharias got his speech back, he immediately praised the Lord. Then “Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied,” Luke 1:67 • Seeds that have fallen to the ground and died will now grow and multiply. The angel identified the seed of destiny within Zacharias and Elizabeth. It was Zacharias’ decree, “His name is John,” that released God’s intent on earth and solidified his son’s identity. The seed of purpose, hidden in the lives of Zacharias and Elizabeth came to pass. Laying Siege to the New Season! We are entering a season when new dimensions of accountability, responsibility, and intentionality in prayer are necessary. Why? The season is shifting. The intensity of the times is increasing. New challenges require a higher level of faith but will bring us into new dimensions of manifestations of His glory and supernatural intervention. God is looking for those who will not only believe His Word but lay siege to it and not relent until His promises are fulfilled. Our voice will take on new strength in the decrees of the Lord. A shift is upon us, and we will find ourselves requiring a shift in our stance, attitudes and faith as we accept it. As God watches over His word to perform it, His glory will become brighter in the midst of darkness. As such, many will be saved. Just as in Zacharias’ time, the testimony of Jesus will bring glory to His name as we apprehend His promise, “Declare a thing, and it will be established,” Job 22:28. Your light will become brighter. Dr. Susan Rowe, Author of Remnant Rising and The Amos 911 Call, along with her husband Dr. Fred Rowe, are the Directors of our Prayer Ministry at Canyon Hills and lead Pray Bakersfield





Rose's Story Rose was a single mother raising two children on her own. With no job or income, she was struggling to provide for her family and put food on the table. Rose felt desperate and hopeless. She says, "There was a time that I left God, and I was so low and ready to give it all up, even to the point of my own life. I was so low, and God touched me and said turn around, go back, you are the only person that your kids have. God assured me that everything was going to be okay." Soon after, a social worker from the Kern County Department of Human Services contacted CityServe to see if we could provide formula and diapers to a single mom in need.

Rose accepted Ashley's invitation to come over for dinner. That first night, Rose began to share with Chris and Ashley about her struggles, but also about her belief that God was at work in her behalf. Ashley says, "Since we met Rose she has always spoken life over her struggle and been so grateful for what God had done to protect her and her family. I have been so proud of how strong she has been and her trust in God." Through their conversation, Ashley was able to assess some of the other immediate needs that Rose's family had, and through CityServe, she was able to request additional resources for her. Each of the items Rose has received has been met with deep appreciation, but more importantly, it was the process God used for Ashley to develop a deeper relationship with Rose.

The Stutzman family relocated to Bakersfield two years ago and began attending Canyon Hills shortly after that. Both Chris and Ashley work full time while raising two active young boys and have another son on the way. Chris recalls that when he first heard about the need for people from Canyon Hills to connect with families who are referred to CityServe, he was hesitant. They weren't sure the timing was right for them to take on another commitment, but they felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to say yes. And so they did!

Chris and Ashley invited Rose and her children to church where her life has been transformed from the inside out. She says, "Things happened little by little that showed me that God is here. He is not going to leave me. And those people that God put in my life to help me are still here, and they were put in my life at the right time for the right reasons. They continued to invite me to church until I was finally able to come. I have been coming ever since. I'm growing and learning and feel like it's a family. From the greeters to everybody, it feels like a family, and they know me."

Ashley said, "We immediately resonated with her need. Every mom could use a free meal and some time to fellowship, so I invited her to join us initially at Chickfil-A, or coffee or even over to our house for dinner if she felt comfortable. I let her know that I had a gift basket for her, so even if she wanted me to just bring it to her home, that was okay."

Ashley has seen the transformation first hand. She says, "Rose has been supported by our congregation and is regularly attending Sunday morning services. She has asked about being baptized and is excited to start serving and helping others the way she has been supported." (Continued on page 28)



Rose's life change hasn't gone unnoticed by her friends either. Her story has impacted them, and she's used her testimony as an opportunity to invite them to church with her. Before, she was the one who needed encouragement. Now, she's the one encouraging others. She can't contain her enthusiasm. She says, "Now, I worship God. I didn't before. I have a desire to read the Word and know God. I am so grateful; for my kids, the life He has given me, my friends, my church, all the new friends I have met. He has opened my eyes to things that I did not see before. He has been there in hard times and good times. I am growing! I am now showing my kids the right passage to God. I want everyone to love it like I love it."

Sarah's Story Sarah was once a thriving mother of four, but after her divorce, she struggled to make ends meet. She did the best she could to keep it all together, but three years later, she found herself facing eviction. Out of options, she was forced to send her children to live with their father while she tried to figure out a way to get her life back on track. Sarah found herself homeless and on the street living a life she'd never imagined. Her life started to spiral out of control. Sarah was introduced to drugs, and although she had no history of drug use, she quickly became addicted. She was fighting to survive. Sarah remembers, "What was supposed to be a couple of weeks while I picked myself up and got my life in order became three long years stuck in a life of addiction and hopelessness. I eventually had lost everything; my children, my belongings, my family and all hope of ever escaping my new reality -- drugs and a life of despair."

it's not uncommon to find homeless people looking through the garbage for a quick meal. Louie says, "The day I met Sarah and Jose was just like any other day. I had a long list of things that needed to be done when the Lord put them both right in my path. I had two choices; I could run them both off and get back to work, or I could slow down and see the opportunity God has placed in front of me. When I saw Jose and Sarah digging through the trash to find something to eat, it made me think of my own children. If my son or daughter were in need, I would hope someone would care for them. The truth of the matter is every homeless person that comes across our path is someone's kid. It's my duty as a believer in Christ to love my neighbor (Mark 12:31). I saw them both as God's children and looked for ways I could help."

Sarah heard about a sober home. She walked in and begged them to give her a chance to save her life. While in this 90 day program, she heard about Flood Ministries, but to qualify for housing, she had to be homeless. That meant once she completed the sober program, she had to go back onto the streets for a period of time, and it was only a matter of time before she fell back into the cycle of addiction. Louie had a conversation that day with Jose and Sarah about the services Revive provides. He told them about On a Friday afternoon, Louie Wright was at our Revive the shower ministry at Revive where they could come outreach campus preparing for service that Saturday. He during the week to get a hot shower, a fresh set of was taking out the trash when he came across two people clothes and a hot meal. He also invited them to the searching in the dumpster for something to eat. Revive weekly services. He got them something to eat and shares property with the Golden Empire Gleaners, so some essential hygiene items. They discussed addiction 28

and how God wanted to restore their lives. They both Sarah brought Jose to church one Saturday. Jose gave utilized the services offered at Revive for a short time, his life to Jesus and went into a Christian discipleship and then they stopped coming around. home that same day. He got clean and is now part of a local church body and is part of the team at CityServe Sarah says, "Six long months later, I was finally approved and is loving Jesus! for housing. I could see the light again. While transitioning into a normal life again, still addicted, I met Pastor Louie. One day, for a community outreach at Revive, Sarah He welcomed me into church with open arms, and I felt brought her daughter Hope with her. It was a special God was directing me back to Him. I attended Revive a day for Sarah. Louie recalls, "That day, Hope decided couple of times but found it difficult to adjust from the to get baptized. That day, I witnessed the restoration street to normalcy. It took almost a year before I was able of God in Sarah's life first hand. I watched as tears to pick myself up and decide I didn't want this life of of joy and thankfulness streamed down Sarah's face as despair any longer. I got clean!" Hope went under that water and came out filled with excitement." Louie says, "One Saturday, I noticed a new face while I was in the sound booth before service. She kept looking back at me as if she knew me, but I could not recall ever meeting her. After service, she came up to me and asked if I remembered her, but I did not. She told me she was the girl in the dumpster I'd spoken with sometime back. I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked so different. She was healthy and obviously sober. She told me she had gotten her own place and was back on her feet and wanted to come and give back at the place she found hope at a time when her life was hopeless." Sarah began helping every week with showers and serving on Saturdays at Revive. She also began helping at CityServe. She says, "I decided that I needed to go back to Revive where I felt the change all began. After the service, I re-introduced myself to Pastor Louie, reminded him of how we met, and told him how my life was now. I soon became an active member of the church, helping with the homeless showers that we offered every week, the same showers that I once used when I needed it the most. I felt like my mission in life is to give back to everyone that helped me in my journey. Working with the homeless and sharing my testimony gave me great healing. Without Pastor Louie and Revive, I don't know where I would be today. It truly brought me back home. I've now been sober for two years, and I love my life. Through volunteering with CityServe, as well as doing homeless outreach, I have found my purpose in life. While staying active in the homeless community, I give those still suffering and addicted hope that they too can come out of their circumstances. I have been so blessed since making the decision to change my life, and I hope that I'm able to lift up those who need it the most while living the life of addiction, mental illness and suffering.

Louie said Sarah's story reminds him of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. His challenge is that Christians would choose not to be like the priest and go out of their way to avoid the need or like Levite and ignore the need. "Let's be like the Samaritan and lean into the needs of those God puts in our path. Let's not become too busy with the everyday work of life that we miss out on the real work God has for us." Sarah now faithfully attends our CityView Campus where she is actively engaged in many of the ministy opportunities and community outreach efforts. 29

going strong and gains momentum every year. Canyon Hills Women's Ministry begins months in advance to plan for this event. Contact is made with our local bus company to wrap awareness banners on fourteen buses. The banners on these buses, in both English and Spanish, run for about a month and read "Stop Human Trafficking" as well as list the national human trafficking hotline number. With these banners, we can bring awareness to human trafficking right here in Bakersfield.



ENDING MODERN DAY SLAVERY ONE LIFE AT A TIME by Erika Ramirez and Leslie Painter April 5th was a typical day in Bakersfield. An average workday, with traffic and probably some construction on the roads. However, it was a day that many women and volunteers were getting together to raise awareness for one of the most significant issues of today's world; human trafficking. You may have seen many people standing on corners holding red buckets and red stop signs that say, Stop Human Trafficking. This is known as Red Bucket Day. Human Trafficking is when someone's freedom is stolen for someone else's profit. Traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion into providing commercial sex. Some victims of labor trafficking are assaulted, threatened, and manipulated into working in inhumane and illegal conditions. Human


trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry bringing in $150 billion dollars a year that steals the freedom of 24.9 million people from around the globe. Nine years ago, Canyon Hills Women's Ministry leader Cynthia Giumarra, launched Red Bucket Day as an effort to raise money in partnership with the SoCal Network for The Daughter Project, an outreach in India fighting human trafficking. During the course of their fundraising efforts for The Daughter Project, the women who were involved in the project were deeply impacted by the horror of human trafficking and the plight of its victims. That year, Canyon Hills Women's Ministry decided to establish Project Rescue and continue Red Bucket Day as an annual event. And nine years later, this event is still

awareness campaign leading up to Red Bucket Day. The efforts over the past nine years have clearly impacted our community and raised awareness. Where do the funds go that are being raised?

traffickers tell their victims all the time--that no one else will ever care about them. The fact that strangers are ready and willing to come together to assist them with no strings attached proves that unconditional love exists. Because funds from Red Bucket Day allows KCAHT to cover various costs involved in stabilizing a victim or survivor, which often includes assisting them with safety planning, law enforcement have a trusted partner they can call on to provide services that they may not be able to provide."

Funds raised from Red Bucket Day have been given to many different organizations that fight against human trafficking. A21 Campaign, Project Hope and Days for Girls on both an international and domestic level. Cupcakes and Friendship and the Kern Coalition Against What do you hope for the Leading up to the event, volunteers Human Trafficking (KCAHT) for future when it comes to Red are assigned different locations across local awareness and rescue efforts. Bucket Day? town. On the day of the event, tents are set up at three business locations Cynthia Giumarra says, "Countless in Bakersfield, which are situated near people have credited our efforts busy intersections. Volunteers stand to making them aware of human on the corners and sidewalks near the trafficking and its presence in our intersections holding red buckets and community. We are seeing results, "Stop Human Trafficking" stop signs. but realize our work has really just They receive donations from people begun. There is so much more that in the cars which are stopped at the must happen in this fight if we are to intersections. On the day of the event, see prevention, as well as rescue for there are also donation buckets placed victims and the arrest and prosecution in various businesses to encourage of the traffickers. Our hope is that donations from their customers. churches in all parts of our city and county will see the need to help in this Does Red Bucket Day really fight to stop human trafficking. We raise awareness? want to see more businesses help on Sandy Woo-Cater is the co-director Red Bucket Day, offering locations for When this event was launched nine of KCAHT and explains how Red tents and volunteers. We simply want years ago, Cynthia contacted local Bucket day has helped them at the to see an expanded and more effective radio and news stations to help spread coalition. "Without Red Bucket Day, fight against human trafficking in our awareness. City, county and state KCAHT would not have the flexibility community. The needs are great and officials began participating in both the to provide things like a safe place we will be relentless in our efforts. Our event and media interviews. Cynthia to stay for the night, transportation feeling is that no matter what, even if has also coordinated efforts with law back home either locally or across the only person is rescued, every effort enforcement and representatives country, a phone to use while waiting every sacrifice is worth it. We will keep from the Kern Coalition Against for a crucial callback, three hot doing all the Holy Spirit leads us to Human Trafficking (KCAHT). Great meals a day, warm clothing for their do." effort has also been made to reach children and themselves, educational as many government leaders, media assistance to help meet their goal of If you are interested in helping with outlets and community residents as self-sustainability, and other daily our next Red Bucket Day and raising possible year after year. And in recent essentials that many of us take for awareness about human trafficking, years, Cynthia has coordinated press granted. Not only do these funds mark your calendars for Friday, March conferences to officially unveil the provide tangible assistance, it also 27, 2020 and sign up at canyonhills. buses as we begin our month-long serves as a counter-narrative to what com/rsvp







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