Season One | 2019
REMAIN It's Not What We Do, It's What He's Done
THE GOD WHO SEES Every Life Matters To God
CHOOSING YOUR FUTURE Six Decisions That Will Change Your Life
FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO THE NATIONS SENIOR PASTORS | Wendell & Lynda Vinson EDITOR | Jenifer Watts ASSISTANT EDITORS | Elexa Henderson, Richard Shepherd, Salomon Servin CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jonathan Allbaugh, Kaleb Amos, Natalie Cunningham, Brooke Lawrence, Leslie Painter, Erika Ramirez, Fern Segura, Rich Shepherd, Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, Wendell Vinson, Jenifer Watts, Louie Wright CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Elexa Henderson, Evan Henderson, Noe Ojeda, Salomon Servin, Michael Wong, Wayne Wong PUBLISHED BY Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/IDEAS Write to us at CAMPUSES
Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Canyon Hills at City Center 3201 F Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Canyon Hills: Kern River Valley 25 Arden Avenue Wofford Heights, CA 93285 Canyon Hills: San Luis Obispo 525 Cerro Romauldo Avenue SLO, CA 93405 Canyon Hills: Wasco 600 Broadway Avenue Wasco, CA 93280 CityView Church 3535 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Revive Church 1326 30th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Riverview Church 315 May Street Bakersfield, CA 93308
Canyon Hills Assembly of God exists to inspire and equip people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We accomplish our purpose as we grow together in INTIMACY with God, in COMMUNITY with other believers, and in INFLUENCE in our world.
REMAIN “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9
A song that many of us learned as children in church yet struggle with as adults says, “Yes, Jesus loves me; the Bible tells me so.” It’s a song that’s so easily sung, but not so easily understood. John, the beloved disciple, records this instruction from Jesus: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” (John 15:9). He didn’t say, “Maintain your love for me.” He said, “Remain in My love for you.” In John 15:9, the word “remain” can also be translated dwell or abide. Reflecting on these words helps me realize how easily I sometimes miss the point. My first impulse is often centered on what I need to go out and do for God, rather than what He has already done for me. What Jesus is telling us is that everything fruitful, worthwhile and lasting will be produced out of a heart that remains in the love of God. To be honest, at the beginning of a New Year, I’m ready to move out and make stuff happen, but Jesus invites me to first move in closer to Him and trust in His supernatural power to take me further than I could ever go on my own.
Our Mission statement as a church is as follows . . . Canyon Hills Assembly of God exists to inspire and equip people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We accomplish our purpose as we grow together: • In Intimacy with God • In Community with other believers • In Influence in our world Please notice that the very first step in the accomplishment of our mission is that we are growing in intimacy with God. This simply means that we’re learning and experiencing what it means to remain, dwell and abide in the love of God, because absolutely everything flows out of this reality. Healthy marriages, strong families, meaningful friendships, fruitful ministries, work that matters all flow out of simply remaining in His love. What does this mean, practically? Jesus - “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) I believe three things are implied in John 15 around the theme of remaining or abiding in the love of Christ. 1. Connection - It means having a life-giving connection to Jesus. A branch is connected to the vine, and a vine to the branch. This is what theologians frequently describe as “union with Christ.” If there is no connection, there is no life, no fruit. 4Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. (John 15:4) 2. Dependence - The branch is completely dependent on the vine, not its own power to produce fruit. The branch derives its life and power from the vine. Without the vine, the branch is useless, lifeless and powerless. Sap flows from the vine to the branch, supplying it with water and nutrients that make it grow. In the same way, as believers, we receive the “sap” of Christ’s grace as we trust and depend on Him for everything we need. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) 3. Continuance - Abiding involves continuance. It’s not something that’s hit or miss, off and on. In fact, “abide” (Greek, meno) means to remain, or stay or continue. This simply means that we’ve made a decision to follow Jesus and we’re not looking back. It’s not a shallow, tentative, half-hearted kind of thing. It’s a deep resolve to keep trusting, keep depending, and keep believing, no matter what may come. To abide or remain in Jesus love means to press into His presence and His Word. This is what Jesus is talking about when He declared “ . . . “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32) The secret to a supernaturally fruitful life is not based on your performance or ability to make things happen. It’s not even based on your ability to maintain your love for Jesus. It’s about your willingness to remain in His love for you! As we launch into 2019 our focus as a church and my prayer for you is simple, that you will receive a fresh revelation of what it means to remain in His love for you! Jesus - “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
Wendell Vinson, Pastor 5
INTENTIONAL INTIMACY by Jonathan Allbaugh This afternoon I bought flowers for my wife. I admit, most of the time, I pass the flower-stand without a second thought. More valuable than flowers is the intentional allocation of time, affection, and meaningful conversation that cultivates the possibility of ongoing intimacy within marriage. Reflecting on the topic, Intimacy with Christ, it occurred to me that we often expect the fruit of intimacy in our relationship with Christ to be ever present. His promise, “Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you,” is nestled in the context of an exhortation to cultivate relationships with intentional practices of care (Hebrews 13:1-6). So, while we can count on God’s faithfulness, it is incumbent on us to be careful to cultivate deeper intimacy with Him through intentional practices that open our hearts for a stronger connection. We live in a world that inoculates our sense of what it means to be in relationship and how to have intimacy with another person. In our culture, relationships are presented as matters of convenience while intimacy is promoted as being as instantaneous as microwave popcorn. If we adopt this mindset toward people, we will certainly carry the same principles over into our relationship with God. Wanting to open his listeners’ minds to this very danger, Jesus used the metaphor of seed falling into different types of soil (Matthew 13:1-23). You know the storyline, some of the seed fell into shallow soil. Though it quickly sprung to life, the noonday sun scorched the life out of the new growth because there was no depth. Jesus was helping us understand that spiritual burnout and unfulfillment are often directly related to a shallow relationship with God.
How easy it is to joyfully receive our relationship with Christ, only to find ourselves neglecting the ongoing practices of intentional intimacy that unearths the stones of competing loves which block our depth and preclude us from the fruitfulness the Lord intended for us to have. While our spirituality may seem to flourish in the topsoil of worship services and conversation with other believers, the challenges of life will most certainly test the resilience of our faith to see if we are rooted in intimacy with Christ. A quick search of Amazon will reveal a massive selection of books that advise couples on ways they can spice up their relationships. While there may be merit to getting unstuck from relational ruts, the consistent practice of the scales of deepening intimacy is the surest way to proceed toward a robust relationship. Likewise, when you long to have a meaningful and fruitful relationship with Christ, your best course of action is to establish a habitual set of practices that tune your heart toward the Lord’s voice along life’s journey. These lifegiving practices of prayer, giving, worship, scripture reading, fasting, and finding solitude in God’s presence will create a deep intimacy that will not be scorched by the challenges of this world. For more on the spiritual power of habit, read You are What you Love by James K.A. Smith or Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.
Jonathan Allbaugh, Dean of Missional Effectiveness at Vanguard University of Southern California
Academic Scholarships, Ministry Grants, AG School of Ministry or affiliate partnership discounts may be available. Scholarships, grants and discounts cannot be combined.
SIX DECISIONS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Fernando Segura A couple years ago, I decided to start cycling. I loved the idea of zooming through the streets and riding through different settings while getting a bit of exercise. I was so inspired and excited that I had to tell my friends and family. I purchased the most expensive bicycle I could afford along with accessories (I love accessories). I also bought expensive attire so I could ride comfortably. I watched about three documentaries of cycling that got my heart pumping, and I remember spending hours researching different lights so I could ride at night. I invited all my friends to go out on a night ride—I was so inspired that days before, I convinced my friend to buy a bicycle during a late night wal-mart visit. The first ride was great and so liberating. However, no one knew that it would be our first and last ride. Long story short, because it was a short ride (pun intended), I used those lights once, and after two rides I got a flat tire. The bicycle sat in my garage for many years until it was finally sold. The inspiration and excitement I had disappeared so quickly because of a flat tire. If you are anything like me, whenever I pick up a new hobby, I go all in. I invest in all the gear, overload on information, and tell all my friends and family that I will be starting something new. However, after a few days, things change. The items that I invested in now sit in a closet, never to be touched again.
start, but we never announce that we are going to quit and not finish. We are are at the brink of entering a new year, and perhaps you have already made a list of new year's resolutions. While we may all have a diversity of goals and endeavors, I am certain that we all want to become better people. As we enter the first series for the new year entitled, "Choosing Your Future: Six Decisions That Will Change Your Life," we will talk about the importance of not only starting, but finishing. As we propel into our new year, our desire is that each of us get as close to God as possible. Developing both spiritual and practical disciplines will launch us into the places that God wants to lead us in 2019. My prayer is that if you start a Bible reading plan, that you finish it and if you decide to pick up a diet and exercise plan, that you not only start, but also achieve your goals. These six decisions will, without a doubt, change your life. Come us with us as we explore the goodness of God in 2019.
Join us for our new teaching series, "Choosing Your Future: Six Decisions that will Change Your Life," beginning Sunday, January 13th.
Fernando Segura, Canyon Hills Wasco Campus Pastor
What I find funny is that we announce our
THE GOD WHO SEES by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner Sixteen-year-old Amelia (a pseudonym) left her high school campus right after her first class. She told the school nurse she wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. Nearby the school campus, she’d seen the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center’s mobile sonogram unit; she hoped no one saw her as she ducked inside the door. She was surprised when greeted by a kind young woman; her anxiety calmed a bit as she was gently guided through a brief intake interview procedure. Laying flat on her back on the examination table, Amelia hoped the monitor screen overhead would reveal the cause of her queasy stomach, that it would be explained away by a bout with the stomach flu or an ulcer. Her brain numbed by nervousness, eyes riveted to the screen, she was shocked when saw the unmistakable grey outline of a tiny baby sucking its thumb. Oh no, she gasped. The x-ray technician said, “Yes, can see your baby, Amelia? You are just about 12 weeks along, and your new little one really likes his thumb.” Amelia shuddered but said nothing. Just behind his perfectly shaped head, there was a moving shadow. Amelia sighed deeply as she waited. The tech said, “Wait a minute, let’s check out what’s back here behind the thumb sucker. Well, what do you know? There’s another baby. You are pregnant with twins.” Amelia’s jaw dropped as a cry of desperation escaped from her lips. She felt totally alone. She gasped panicked sighs through her hot tears as she hurriedly dressed. She ran out of the mobile unit as fast as she could. But where could she go? Who could she tell? Her parents would be furious. Her boyfriend would leave her. What would she do next? “Every life is ordained by God at the point of conception, and every life is precious until birth,” says Erin Rogers, Executive Director of the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center, “The center served 315 clients in
October 2018, 53 of those heard about the BPC from family or friends. Ninety-eight percent of abortiondetermined clients change their minds after the sonogram.” The BPC’s mobile sonogram unit (fondly nicknamed Esther), serves the outlying areas of Kern County and offers material assistance and referrals to those with transportation issues. The unit is scheduled five days per week and is staffed with a registered nurse and experienced driver. Unfortunately, Amelia’s story is a common occurrence. According to the California Department of Public Health, the Kern County teen birth rate in 201718 was 57.6, a decrease of 8 percent since 2015. Public relations officer with Kern County Public Health, Michelle Corson said, "We are moving in the right direction. We are very encouraged by that. Unfortunately our work is not done, the Kern County rate is still twice as high as the state average.” Founded in 1985, the BPC has served over 40,000 clients and their families with pregnancy-related services. Initially, the center focused on pregnancy tests and material assistance to clients. However, services have expanded over the years to include post-abortion and postmiscarriage peer counseling programs, abstinence education, medical pregnancy verification and firsttrimester ultrasound as well as parenting classes. Many of the clients are served through school and community education events. As a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable corporation, with a California State Primary Care Medical Clinic license, the BPC is funded primarily by private individuals, businesses and local churches. Not only does the BPC provide education, training and tangible material support, the caring staff provide emotional support for the client who is in desperate need. Amelia ran from the sonogram unit the day she found out she was pregnant with twins, she was afraid of telling her parents and her boyfriend the truth.
The BPC staff called to find out how Amelia was doing, after numerous unanswered calls, Amelia called them back to say she needed help. She wanted to tell her boyfriend and their parents the truth. The BPC staff arranged a meeting to help Amelia break the news to her family and also offer future education and support throughout her pregnancy. Once a runaway, like Hagar, in Genesis 16:11, Amelia has found “the God who sees.” God saw her need, met her there and now continues to provide for her through his people. The caring, loving staff at the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center are waiting with arms open, to love, share and see you. If you are trying to run away from an unplanned pregnancy, the BPC is here to help you. God sees you, and so does the BPC.
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center For more information on the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center, visit or to set up a tour for your pastor and church staff to view the brand new facility, call the BPC (661) 326-1915 or email Erin Rogers at
What's Next? Have you had an abortion? What’s next? You might be prone to pelvic inflammatory disease. Have you felt psychological or relational trauma? Did you know 60% of those who’ve had an abortion have PTSD/ Depression/Addiction/30% more prone to suicide/high anxiety?
Help Awaits The Empty Arms program at the BPC or Reflections Ministry Post-Abortion Healing Group offers support and counsel. Please call us to sign up for a support group and Bible study. All information is treated with confidentiality. Text or call (661) 599-2307 to start your healing now. Erin Rogers, Director of the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center
BPC Mobile Unit
Interior Design of the BPC
Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, Author of It'll Be Okay: Finding God When Doubt Hides the Truth, and Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down Interior Design of the BPC
A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART by Richard Shepherd Whether you were raised in church or not, most know the story of David and Goliath. This story, through the decades can even be wrapped inside a sport moment where the team that just doesn’t stack up to its opponent somehow pulls off the miracle and wins. While these can be feel good moments, in reality, the encounter that David has with Goliath is really not similar. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 17:40, “He took his stick in his hand and chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the shepherd’s bag which he had, even in his pouch, and his sling was in his hand; and he approached the Philistine.” It would seem like to me that David knew what he was doing. I believe David was rehearsed in using this weapon because he spent time using it, and also heard stories of soldiers who did it before him. Look at Judges 20:16, “Out of all these people 700 choice men were left-handed; each one could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.” That is pretty impressive right? And maybe like a lot of us who look up to athletes, actors, service men and women, I think David knew of these men and wanted to be like them. We know from scriptures that David spent a lot of time on the back side of a mountain tending to his fathers sheep. Maybe, there was some time spent slinging rocks.
David is running towards Goliath, I believe he was so rehearsed that he had the confidence to hit Goliath right where he wanted to. This is not the first time that David slung a rock. So, this is what I see and this is where it becomes personal for us . . . Nobody ever suddenly rises to the occasion, they fall to the level of their preparation. David didn’t rise to the occasion, he responded with the confidence of his preparation and past experience. The scriptures tell us that he had killed a lion and a bear when they tried to attack his father’s sheep. David had a proven experience. And in our lives, it’s what we have experienced, and fought for, that will give us the ability to walk through the next challenge. So don’t despise the preparation it takes to defeat the giants that come your way daily. Invest in your walk with Christ, your family, your education, etc. Get proven experiences and then get out their and slay some giants!
Join us for our new teaching series, "Dave: A Man After God's Own Heart" beginning Sunday, March 3rd.
Rich Shepherd, Canyon Hills SLO Campus Pastor
So when you look at the moment where
Launched in 2013, Champion’s Club is a 3,200-square-foot facility designed specifically to meet the needs of kids with special needs. The building is equipped with such features as an oversized keyboard kids can play with their feet, black lights for its sensory room, and large rockers with heavy blankets. The building is divided into four rooms: a worship area, a play room, a sensory room, and an education center where kids learn Bible stories and sign language. As Canyon Hills planned to open Champion’s Club, we discovered the need for a similar program for adults, so we also offer Big Champ’s every Sunday morning in the Gym for adults with special needs. The gym is setup with areas designated for crafts, snacks, games, a lesson and more. We’d like to introduce you to a few families who have been blessed by this wonderful ministry.
and continue to grow in my walk with God without worrying for that hour if Liam is okay or not."
Melissa and Liam Melissa was a single mom struggling to raise a son with autism on her own when she heard through the Kern Autism Network about Champion’s Club. Desperate for a break, she started coming to Canyon Hills on Sunday mornings, not because she wanted to attend church, but because it provided a couple of hours of respite. To be honest, Melissa was fearful that people from church would reject her because of her lifestyle, so she sat in the back of the room hoping to go unnoticed by anyone. Week after week, Melissa was welcomed and was met with love instead of judgment and soon her heart began to soften. It wasn’t long before she found herself walking to the altar to receive Christ and begin a relationship with the Lord. People from the church embraced her and she found community here. So much about Melissa has changed, including the fact that she’s become bold about sharing her new-found faith with others who are lost and broken like she was. Melissa would have never darkened the doors of a church, but she was willing to come because of Champion’s Club and the opportunity it provided for her son, Liam. Melissa says, “I am so grateful for Little Champions Club. The volunteers are wonderful. Having a safe place specifically designed for special needs children like Liam is so special to families like ours. Knowing Liam is surrounded by people who truly love him and want to see him grow means so much to me. It brings peace of mind knowing I can attend church service
Hearing a diagnosis like Down syndrome can rock the world of new parents as they are welcoming a new life into the world. There can be fear when facing the unknown. But it didn’t take long for Larry and Angela Frantz to embrace their new role as the primary advocate for their son, Ian. And as they did, their church family embraced them too. Angie has remarked about how thankful she is for a church, preschool and daycare that celebrate Ian and look for every opportunity to include him. Recently, Ian started attending our Royal Rangers class for boys at Fort Faith on Wednesday nights. Admittedly, Angie wasn’t sure how he would do, but within a few weeks at the award ceremony, Ian’s new friends were cheering him on as he was awarded two merit badges. Angie says, "Having Ian has allowed our family to become missionaries in our own home and church. Watching Ian in activities on campus reminds us that God can use everyone and anyone to do great things!"
Kathleen & Lynn Through the generosity of Don and Kathleen Crabtree, the Lord enabled the church to build Fort Faith, a children’s ministry facility that is irresistible to kids… and parents, too! As the construction was in progress, Kathleen was reminiscing about her own childhood experiences at church and recalled that her own sister, Lynn, who suffered from cerebral palsy, was unable to attend church once she became wheelchair bound because there was no ramp, and therefore no access for her. Lynn’s experience became the catalyst that inspired Kathleen to make sure that every family who has a child with special needs has access to church at Canyon Hills. Now, all these years later, Lynn’s smile lights up the room in Big Champs every Sunday morning and she is dearly loved by our wonderful team who serve in that ministry. Don and Kathleen are thankful that the Lord allowed them to be part of bringing a special needs ministry to Canyon Hills. Kathleen says, “All the glory goes to God! He has blessed Don and I beyond our wildest dreams which enabled us to make a dream come true for Lynn and I.” Thank you, Don and Kathleen, for allowing the Lord to use your gift of giving to bless so many!
We are so grateful for the incredible servant leadership of Beth Orton, our Champion’s Club Director, and Wally and Lori Ramos, our Big Champs Directors. Your willingness to show the love of Christ to His children is both humbling and inspiring. You are an example of the goodness of God to families who are blessed by your ministry each and every week. On behalf of every family who has been served by your ministry to children and adults with special needs, we say, thank you! If you are looking for a place to serve others, Champion’s Club and Big Champs is a place where your life could make a difference to many! To learn more about this rewarding ministry, visit Guest Services or email
Anthony and Angelea Leon Kailey, Savannah, Anthony III, Dominic
FINDING HOME Stories of Inspiration from Around the Hills by Brooke Lawrence, Erika Ramirez, Fern Segura, Jen Watts and Louie Wright
Five months ago, the Leon family moved from Oklahoma to Bakersfield with the promise of a new job and a fresh start. They moved their family of five, with one on the way, across the country, but soon everything started to fall apart. The job didn’t pan out and soon the family found themselves facing homelessness with no prospect of work and a baby due any time. Angelea attended church occasionally as a child, but Anthony’s father didn’t believe in God and didn’t allow Anthony to attend. Anthony and Angelea met in high school and became high school sweethearts. When they married, and began to have children, Angelea secretly hoped that someday Anthony would be open to attending church together as a family. She wasn’t the only one who was praying for their family. Anthony’s mom attended Canyon Hills and would make sure Anthony visited with her anytime he was in town visiting from Oklahoma.
Angelea, Anthony and their children were immediately welcomed into the Canyon Hills family. Right away, they felt the connection they had been longing for. Every sermon they’ve heard here has impacted their lives in powerful ways. It has helped them get through many tough times because they have been able to rely on God and His Word. Angelea says, “When I say this is the church for us, I mean this is it. I feel like I’ve found the real thing at this church.” The past five months have been life changing for the Leon family. Angelea and Anthony have grown together not only as a family, but as a couple. They have now been together for nine years and are continually growing in the Lord together every day. It is important for them to always make sure they are putting their faith and trust in Him daily and with every situation.
When the family moved to Bakersfield, they started attending Canyon Hills, and while that was an answer to so many prayers, their life started falling apart in so many other ways. Out of options and desperate for help, Angelea met Fred and Sherree Paggi in the lobby one Sunday and began to share her story. Sherree comforted Angelea, prayed with her and reminded her that God had a purpose and plan for their life.
Fred and Sherree have continued to walk alongside them, help them and have even become “grandparents” to all four children. Their kids love Sunday School, Fort Faith and learning about God every Sunday. God has provided for the Leon family in so many ways and only continues to do so. Because Angelea and Anthony never gave up and put the Lord first, their faith has grown stronger, their trust has grown deeper and their family has grown even bigger.
Because Fred and Sherree are connected to CityServe, they immediately went to work making connections for Anthony and Angelea. Within two weeks, Anthony had interviewed and was hired for a new job and they had a new apartment that CityServe and families from Canyon Hills helped to furnish. Many families even came together to throw a baby shower for Angelea the day before her son, Dominic was born.
Sherre said, "It has truly been a blessing to meet the Leon family and be the feet of Jesus through CityServe. Seeing God’s miraculous hand upon their lives and using me for such a time as this has really been life changing, even for me! The relationship we have formed will last a lifetime, I just love this family! I can’t wait to see how God is going to use them in the days ahead." (continued)
REVIVE A few years ago, Pastor Louie and Jarris became friends with TJ and Bree Bowman, a young couple involved in Upper Room, the young adult ministry of Canyon Hills. For years, Bree had asked her friends to agree with her in prayer for dad. Sometimes it’s easier to believe in the power of prayer when you’re praying for someone else than it is to have faith for your own need. Although she longed for the Lord to restore her relationship with her dad, it was hard to be hopeful that things could ever change. Recently, at a men’s retreat, Louie met a man who was struggling to put his life back together after an addiction to alcohol. Ron was a successful loan officer that had maintained his sobriety for many years, but his addiction to alcohol had caused some strain in his family relationships. Ron desired a restored relationship with his daughter and grandson. As Ron shared his story, Louie began to connect the dots. Ron is Bree’s dad and Louie had been praying for him for years!
This meeting wasn’t by chance; God was at work! Ron’s wife, Christine, said, “Ron found God through AA, but until two years ago, he didn’t know what it truly meant to have an abiding relationship with Jesus. His transformation has been amazing, truly knowing and understanding what it means to be a man of God and the spiritual leader of his family and home.”
Ron and Christine with their grandson
In the months since the retreat, the Lord has restored the relationship of Ron with his daughter, Bree. Now, Ron and Christine lead the prayer team every Saturday and have made Revive their church
home. Christine said, “Ronnie’s transformation and spiritual leadership has renewed my desire to become a woman chasing after Jesus.” Louie said, “I love this story because it really shows the reach Canyon Hills has in the community. On Sunday nights, this guy’s daughter is crying out to God for her dad to surrender to the Lord at one Canyon Hills campus and then on Saturday, right down the street, her dad is at the altar giving his heart to Jesus at a different Canyon Hills campus. This is the benefit of multiple sites. Same love, different location!”
SLO Tianna Speth grew up going to church every Sunday in her home town of Paso Robles, California. As an adult, Tianna began working full-time in the hospitality industry and she found herself becoming increasingly distracted by work to the point that she stopped attending church. Over time, Tianna’s grandmother moved back to the area and encouraged Tianna to go to church with her. Tianna’s sister, Jessica, had been invited to the Canyon Hills SLO campus. Jessica took her family to check out the new church. When they arrived, Tianna was surprised to learn that her family had a greater history with this church than she thought. Tianna’s grandmother had attended the church years before and took Tianna’s father as a young boy. Tianna felt a connection that she had not felt in a long time. She quickly realized she had found her home. Tianna re-dedicated her life to Christ and was ignited with fresh passion to follow and serve Jesus. Sunday mornings at Canyon Hills SLO became a family staple. Tianna became involved in helping with Canyon Kids and found a community of friends that she served with every week. In the following months, Tianna was offered attractive new job opportunities in several locations throughout California. There was only one place she refused to consider moving to. “I’ll go anywhere but Bakersfield,” she told her family. But as Tianna and her family continued to pray and talk through where the Lord was leading her, she began to feel a call towards Bakersfield. Tianna did not want to get stuck in the trap of missing church again. Knowing that Bakersfield had another Canyon Hills campus was a huge
factor in her decision. With the blessing of her family and church family, Tianna decided to take a leap of faith and move to Bakersfield.
a moment of boldness, Fern gave a challenge to Chris and he recalls that it was a moment of discovery and clarity; a turning point in Chris’ life. Fern said, “That day as we spoke, I sensed the Lord calling Chris to pastoral ministry. When I told him by that dumpster that he had a calling of God on his life, he smirked, perhaps not completely understanding the magnitude of what that meant, but willing to say yes to God.”
Tianna Speth was a key leader for Canyon Kids in SLO before momving to Bakersfield this fall
Tianna found community and connection at the SLO campus and is now looking forward to all the new opportunities to get connected at the Bakersfield campus. She says she already feels at home. Tianna loves that on weekends when she visits her family she is able to track with the sermon series without missing a beat. Transitioning to a new city and community is never easy, but Tianna did not have to leave her church family when she moved to Bakersfield; her family just got bigger.
When Pastor Fern and Cecia came to Canyon Hills Wasco Campus, they were intentional about building relationships with their new church family. Abby Estrada and her three children were faithful to attend church, but Fern noticed that Abby’s husband Chris wasn’t around. Chris was working out of town, but Fern made a point to keep reaching out to him. When they finally were able to connect, Chris was reluctant to open up at first, but Fern kept chipping away at the barriers to develop an authentic friendship with Chris.
Days after that moment by the dumpster, Chris committed himself to following Jesus and doing the work of ministry. It hasn’t been easy, and the Estrada family can attest to that, but it has been worth it. Fern said, “As their pastor, I have seen major growth in their marriage and in their family. Abby has shared that serving at church has helped her children excel at school—grades have improved, Natalie is vice president at her school, and Lily, well she is spunky, always smiling and enjoying every minute of her childhood. I love the Estrada family, perhaps they have been more of a blessing to my wife and I, than we have been to them.” Chris is planning to attend SoCal School of Ministry to attain his credentials for pastoral ministry. Abby is flourishing as our Children’s Ministry Director, and is smiling more than ever. It is so beautiful when a family is on the same page and they experience the joy of serving the Lord together.
One day, Chris stopped by the church to help Fern with a project. As they worked and talked, Fern began to share with Chris the joy found in going all in and serving the Lord with your whole heart. During that conversation, while they were doing something as mundane as taking out the trash, something shifted in Chris’ heart and soul. In
The Estrada Family Chris and Abby, Chris Jr., Natalie, Lily
MANNY ON A MISSION by Jen Watts The day before his high school graduation, he was gunned down as he was walking home from school. He stepped off the bus in front of Pioneer Park and was caught in the crossfire by no fault of his own. Frankie didn’t make it to walk across the stage and receive his diploma. On Saturday, Frankie ran into his former mentor, Manuel Carrizalez, and invited him to attend his graduation ceremony. He was the prom king, a straight A student, on the honor roll and the Principal’s List. He would have graduated on Tuesday, but he was killed on Monday. And now instead of celebrating his bright future, his friends and family gathered to mourn the loss of his life. His mom reached out to the person who had a profound impact on Frankie’s life. She asked Manuel to perform the funeral service for her son because of the impact his Reach for Greatness mentoring program had on Frankie’s life. The school principal invited Manuel to come and speak to the students in the days following the tragedy to help them cope with their trauma.
It’s a scene that’s become all too familiar for Manuel who founded Stay Focused Ministries in Bakersfield in 1991. Last year, Manuel officiated nearly a funeral a week, most of them senseless killings that were a result of gang violence. To Manny, that number is more than a somber statistic, each of these funeral services represent a life full of potential that was cut short.
That personal encounter with Jesus would change the course of Manny’s life forever. Since then, Manny has made it his mission to rescue kids who are at risk of getting involved with drugs, alcohol, gangs and other destructive behavior. The goal of Stay Focused Ministries is to reach high risk kids before they become involved in these behaviors through their one on one mentoring program, Reach for Greatness. The mentoring program is currently in 27 schools in Kern County with an invitation to expand to other schools. The success of this program has garnered national attention for Manny providing him an opportunity to speak to thousands about the importance of early intervention for children being raised in neighborhoods where drugs and violence are prevalent and the PTSD experienced by children when trauma becomes normalized.
Manny was Frankie's 8th Grade Mentor
What drives Manny to relentlessly pursue at-risk youth? It’s because in them, he sees himself. It wasn’t too many years ago that Manny was running the streets of Bakersfield. Hooked on heroin by the time he was in junior high, he was heading down a dark path. Caught up in the gang life, his choices soon led to a downward spiral and by the time he was 18, Manny found himself serving time. Even while he was behind bars, his heart was hardened and although he remembered the prayers of his family, he wasn’t ready to surrender his heart to Christ. He wasn’t prepared to receive salvation just yet, but when Manny was released, he knew that going back to the gang lifestyle would ultimately lead to destruction. Looking for a change, he wound up in a rehab center in the middle of the dessert. It was there, away from all the noise and distraction, that Manny could clearly hear the voice of God for the first time in his life. Manny remembers vividly the very moment that God spoke to him and let him know that as hard as he tried, he could never outrun the love of God.
With God, nothing is wasted. Every experience that Manny had in his youth, God is redeeming for His glory! Because Manny has surrendered his past to the Lord, it’s being used as a testimony of the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ. His story opens doors and gives him favor to speak in places that others aren’t welcomed and gains the respect and attention of people who would normally tune out a presentation of the Gospel. Only God can do that! Reach for Greatness is poised to help many more children in our community, but they cannot do it without help from people willing to give one hour a week to mentor children. Mentoring can sound intimidating, but through the matching program and training provided by the Stay Focused team, mentors will be well equipped to meet with their mentee. Manny says it best, "Your vision has to be bigger than your excuses." Manny's no-excuses approach to community outreach is bearing much fruit for the Kingdom of God.
January is National Mentoring Month and Canyon Hills would like to raise up an army of men and women who are willing to stand in the gap for children in our community. If you’d like to know more about mentoring, visit
AVAILABLE SPRING 2019 “At Focus on the Family we know that the first line of defense for families is the local church. That’s why I’m so excited about CityServe. This book will be a tremendous resource for churches as they engage in the critical work of helping troubled marriages, equipping parents in the challenges they face, and embracing struggling families with the hope of Christ.” - Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family
WE OWE IT TO YOU by Brooke Lawrence Honor is a word that seems to have been removed from our vocabularies and erased from our values. In a world of scandalous tabloids and slanderous tweets, honor feels like a hark back to forgotten times of knights, heroes, and folklore. We have been trained to criticize and distrust those in authority whether it be parents, law enforcement, politicians, bosses, or even God. Even in our personal relationships, we are quick to expose other people’s mistakes and weaknesses. The media has made a game of hunting down wrongdoing and branding people for their evil. We, the eager and entitled consumers, justify listening to and propagating the worst in others because we feel that we are owed the truth. From our genesis we have been tempted to buy into the cynicism to believe the worst about others and God. Adam and Eve were the first to be lured by this cynicism. The irony is that while they chose to believe a lie about God’s motives, God has chosen to forgive the truth of our own evil, removing our shame and bestowing honor upon us instead. The truth is that we were desperately wicked and lost without God. All of our wrongdoing and ill-intentions have been put on display before Him. Yet, because of Christ, He did not brand us for our evil. Instead, He took our shame and replaced it with honor. He has chosen to clothe us in the righteousness of Christ. He has chosen to believe the very best about us and has never stopped believing and acting to see our complete transformation! We serve a shame-ending, and honor-giving God. As His children, God calls us to act in his character and operate in honor as He does.
We invite you to join us, Sunday, April 28th, as we begin our series, Honor: We Owe it to You. Through this teaching series we will look at what our relationships, lives, and communities could look like if God’s people resolved to lead lives of honor.
CUPCAKES & FRIENDSHIP HOW FRIENDSHIP IS CHANGING SEX TRAFFICKING IN OUR CITY by Kaleb Amos and Leslie Painter Imagine your daughter. Your sister. Your wife. Imagine them treated like a caged animal. Subjected to abuse, manipulation, and even sexual assault. Bought and sold like a piece of meat. Human Trafficking is a global problem. We tend to think it only happens abroad, but it happens in your home town. Trafficking has many different faces, such as child trafficking, labor trafficking, and sex trafficking. It's a common misconception that women who are in prostitution or other forms of exploitation such as stripping, are there by choice when often the truth is far more nefarious.
them from the hand of the wicked." There are so many weak and needy women and children being senselessly stripped of their God-given dignity and forced into a life of darkness. As believers in Jesus, we must take a stand.
Every human being born on this planet has an intrinsic right to be respected and valued. That’s the moral concept of “dignity” — a concept that has crossed religious and cultural barriers for millenia and been shared by various people groups. According to the Christian faith, this is not random, but by design. When God formed humanity in the Creation story of Genesis, he said “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” This concept of us sharing God’s image is an amazing and provocative one: by our mere existence as God’s created children, we have been marked by the infinite worth He finds in us, which no person can ever take away.
Cupcakes and Friendship started in 2008 with the intent of building relationships with the women in strip clubs, showing them hope, directing them to resources and ultimately the love of Jesus. It's amazing how something as simple as offering a cupcake and friendship can open doors to share the love of Jesus in practical ways. We offer Bible studies, connections to local churches, mentors, as well as social service resources, professional development including resumé writing and interview skills.
Yet sadly, humanity has done it’s best to damage and devalue one another. Through violence, war, and enslavement, people groups have been subjected to terrible cruelty at various points of time across the globe. Tragedies against the sanctity of human life perpetuate our history, from ancient conquests of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires, to the injustices of the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades, the evils of the African slave trade and the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps like Auschwitz. Time and again, people seem to find new ways to try to rob one another of their God-given dignity. And we’re not out of the dark yet. Human trafficking has become a wildfire epidemic. Now more than ever, women and children are kidnapped, brutalized, drugged, and forced into prostitution, forced labor, and other terrible practices. Psalm 82:4 says, “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver
Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” It is our calling to be a voice for the voiceless and help for the helpless. It is our passion to begin to restore the dignity of those who have been trapped in the sex industry.
Leslie Painter who founded Cupcakes and Friendship says, "Many people think they can’t help or minister to those in the sex industry or victims of trafficking. You don’t need to have a history or a similar background to be effective, you only need to say yes. God equips those who He calls." All Christians have a role in the fight against human trafficking. Psalm 82:3 says, “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.” It is our calling as Christians to live as Christ did and to be voice for the voiceless and fight for the weak. The Church is a shelter for the weak and desperate to find ultimate freedom in a transformative, intimate relationship with Jesus. Stand up for the defenseless who are entrenched in the darkness of human trafficking. Be a voice. Support the fight against the modern-day slave trade and together, we can be used as God’s vessels to restore His dignity in hurting people.
Fact: Human Trafficking is the 2nd largest global organized crime today, generating approximately 31.6 billion US dollars each year.
How Can You Stop Human Trafficking? • Be a voice and raise awareness. Every year there is a Drive-by donation day in April to raise funds and awareness. • January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Learn as much as you can about human trafficking – be a voice by posting on social media, talking about it, teach your teenagers about the dangers of trafficking. • Join Cupcakes and Friendship or start a ministry in your town. We’d love to connect with you and resource you with everything you need to get it going. • Attend Human Trafficking 101 Training (January 29th at 6:30pm in the Summit) • Help prevent Human Trafficking by becoming a foster parent or adopting. Foster children are the most vulnerable targets for traffickers. To get involved, email Leslie Painter at
CONFRONTING THE OPIOD EPIDEMIC HOW ONE COUPLE'S PAST POSITIONS THEM TO HELP OTHERS FIND FREEDOM by Natalie Cunningham Louie Wright and his wife, Jarris have a vision to see a hope-filled and drug-free Bakersfield. Their journey through Louie’s drug addiction early in their marriage has given them a passion to reach the addicted and give them new hope through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Several years ago, they planted Revive, a campus of Canyon Hills, downtown to minister to families struggling with homelessness, poverty and addiction. Each week brings new faces for them to care for through outreach, prayer and free meals. Louie and Jarris have seen so many people receive their new identity in Christ through Revive. Many surrendered their lives to the Lord, but many did not have the resources to get sober after their decision. Without proper care and treatment, many times people become trapped in the viscous cycle of addiction and never find their way out. Seeing this need, they were burdened to give people who cannot afford medical detox or care a place to receive practical tools and aid. Louie knew what it was like to be caught in the trap of addiction and feel the crushing weight of hopelessness. At an early age, Louie started using drugs to cope with painful experiences. His addiction had become so intense that it cost him his job, home, sanity and worst of all - his family. His addiction, like so many others, took him to the point of desperation. He had exhausted all his resources and options. At the end of his rope, he finally cried out to God as a last resort. “Fix me or kill me!” was his desperate prayer. Almost immediately thereafter, Louie was given the opportunity to get into a quality treatment center with medical detox through a family friend, for free, in Los Angeles. Louie got sober, found his way back to God. His kids started visiting him in treatment. After some time, Louie and his family took a leap of faith and moved to Bakersfield to begin a new life with Christ at the center.
Louie believes that had he not been given the opportunity to get help when he had nothing to offer, he would be dead and his family would have had a different destiny. Now, they are working to pay it forward and offer that same opportunity to others by launching One Door. The first of its kind in Bakersfield, One Door is a non-profit, State Certified - Intensive Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center, with Medical Detox. The name “One Door” represents just one door someone can walk through, open to many resources. One Door exists to offer the hope of life transformation and restoration to families everywhere! The opioid epidemic has brought on such a need for a facility like One Door. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 72,000 Americans died from a drug overdose last year. People are dying everyday due to the lack of quality accessible treatment and medical detox services. Louie and Jarris have seen and felt firsthand, the trauma that comes with addiction to both the individual and their families.
Dr. Susan Rowe, a pivotal prayer warrior and wife to One Door’s Medical Director, Fred Rowe, states, “I believe One Door represents a door of hope that is opening for our city. It will be a pathway to freedom to those who otherwise would not be able to get the help they need. It is an invitation to those bound in drugs to turn their lives around and walk in their purpose and destiny.” Louie and Jarris are confident that they will see families restored and lives transformed though the opportunities that God is creating at One Door. They have a vision of families who were once broken and separated, walking through the entrance of One Door, holding hands as one. They see children with their mothers and fathers once again and mothers with their sons and daughters whom they had once feared losing for good. They see restoration that only God can do, and He is using His people to make it happen. For more information about One Door and thier vision of making quality medical detox treatment available to anyone, regardless of their ability to pay, please visit
Although there may be resources available for those who have private insurance or an abundance of monetary resources; the truth is, by the time the majority of people struggling with addiction are ready for help, they have already lost their job, health insurance, and exhausted all of their resources. One Door ensures that every patient will be cared for with quality treatment regardless of their ability to pay. The community can support One Door by spreading the word and encouraging their friends and family who may be struggling with addiction to reach out to them for help. As One Door does this difficult work of leading God's children out of the darkness back into His light and grace, being covered in prayer is the single most important way the community can support.
One Door was recently awarded a grant from Bolthouse Properties to cover the expense of the medical software needed to launch the program
KRV New Playground for Canyon Kids Made Possible by CityServe
“Our church family is very blessed and excited to be a part of the Waste Hunger Not Food program. We have had the pleasure of blessing many families, some of whom did not know where their next meal would come from.” - Jenni Krippner CityView Waste Hunger Not Food Program
New Bus to Bring Children to Fort Faith
“This year we got to serve our Florence Gardens family. It was one of the sweetest memories I have made this year because we got to bring joy to people who bring joy to us all year. I love seeing them and feeling I get to make a difference in their life.” - Abby Hargestam
Uprising Students Serving at Florence Gardens 34
SLO Campus Meeting Needs for a Family through CityServe
Filipino Group at Harvest Carnival 2018
"Seeing the impact that CityServe could have on someone who was homeless, addicted to drugs, and given another chance after completing a year of treatment is amazing. Because of CityServe, we were able to furnish her very first apartment." - Chris Day
Canyon Kids at Harvest Carnival 2018
Wasco Campus Exterior Church Remodel 35