RECLAIM | Spring 2016

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GET IN THE GAME Discover why volunteers are the real heroes at Canyon Hills!


How a group of committed women are on a mission to put an end to modern day slavery.


Six facts that will change the way you think about small groups. 1

RECLAIM FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD TO THE NATIONS SENIOR PASTORS | Wendell & Lynda Vinson EDITOR | Jenifer Watts ASSISTANT EDITOR | Elexa Henderson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kaleb Amos, Katie Blodgett, Kaelyn DeLeon, Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, Elexa Henderson, Evan Henderson, Brooke Vinson, Wendell Vinson, Jenifer Watts CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Tessa Bender, Mary Davis, Elexa Henderson, Evan Henderson, Heidi Parra, Patrick Porfiri, Kerwina Sabado, Michael Wong, Wayne Wong PUBLISHED BY Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/IDEAS Write to us at CAMPUSES

Canyon Hills Assembly of God 7001 Auburn Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Canyon Hills at City Center 3201 F Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Canyon Hills: Kern River Valley 25 Arden Avenue Wofford Heights, CA 93285 Canyon Hills: San Luis Obispo 525 Cerro Romauldo Avenue SLO, CA 93405 Canyon Hills: Wasco 600 Broadway Avenue Wasco, CA 93280 Riverview Assembly of God 315 May Street Bakersfield, CA 93308






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Canyon Hills Assembly of God exists to inspire and equip people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We accomplish our purpose as we grow together in INTIMACY with God, in COMMUNITY with other believers, and in INFLUENCE in our world.


IT’S THE VERY SAME POWER by Wendell Vinson, Pastor But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11


As we move into the spring season, we turn our thoughts toward the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We make much of the resurrection in our worship, prayer, teaching and group gatherings because it’s the foundation for everything. It’s more than just an event that happened historically. It is our source of power for everyday life! Scripture teaches us that the same power that resurrected Jesus from death to life is available to each of us. Moreover, if we’ll actually receive it and live in it, we will see amazing transformation in every dimension of our lives. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11 I think for all of us the most challenging part in our personal resurrection story is the dying part. A sobering truth is that death always precedes resurrection. That means for you to experience the victory of resurrection power you have to first come to a place where you are willing to sacrifice those things that are at odds with God’s purposes for your life. You have to bring the old nature to Jesus and ask him to put to death everything that hinders, so a resurrection can take place.

“I think for all of us the most challenging part in our personal resurrection story is the dying part. A sobering truth is that death always precedes resurrection.” What in your life is holding you back right now? It may be a behavior, a self-defeating habit, or even an attitude but you know it’s simply a ball and chain for you spiritually. You’re not the first one to experience this. Everyone deals with stuff. So the key for you is to call it what it is, give it to God, and trust Him to raise you up into a new way of living.

When we do this, we’re actually letting God fight on our behalf, against our enemy, and for our freedom from everything that holds us captive. This is what resurrection power is all about! I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 Resurrection power also means that we can believe God for things that seem impossible. Just as the resurrection itself was impossible for anyone but God, there may be situations or circumstances in your life today that are clearly out of your reach in the natural. Maybe it’s your marriage or family, your work or business, your health or finances. I want to encourage you to simply believe what God’s Word has emphatically declared, that there is supernatural power available to you as a son or daughter of God and because of this, you can trust Jesus for those things that appear impossible. For with God nothing will be impossible. Luke 1:37 While the cross is God’s gracious response to our sin and failure, Christ's resurrection is the victory over principalities, powers and death. In His resurrection, Jesus reclaimed freedom for us all. In His victory, fear and shame are replaced by unspeakable joy. Our past can be healed and forgiven. A new identity in Christ is ours to embrace. Our future is secure with promised peace. I am excited for this spring season because we are shining a bright light on the subject of spiritual, relational and emotional freedom. So consider this your heads up that on Sunday April 3rd, the Sunday immediately following our Easter weekend services, every Canyon Hills campus will be launching a teaching series called, Freeway. I believe we will learn together and experience something life-changing!


First Sunday at Canyon Hills Wasco Campus

“When I walked in, it felt like a new beginning, with new fresh faces. A place of no judgement but opportunities. A new season.” -Fez, Launch Day at Canyon Hills Wasco

Launch Day at Canyon Hills Wasco

“...the week of baptisms, I heard maybe like two or three people say ‘this place feels like home.’ And that really made me feel so proud of our team and I realized that we may be small but we’re impacting someone’s life just by being there every Sunday.”

A Brand New Bus for Riverview

- Leslie, Baptism and BBQ Day at Canyon Hills Wasco Test Driving Our New Bus


Littlest Bus Riders at Riverview

“Camp showed me that there is always more that the Lord has in store, and it always lies in Jesus, so I don’t need to go looking everywhere else. The answer literally is Jesus, and He will always be more than enough in every situation of my life. And He just has done even more than I can explain right now, but I know for a fact that His fullness of glory is coming, and I haven’t even seen anything yet.” - Jordyn Daniels, age 17 Junior High and High School Winter Camp

Men’s Ministry BBQ Team

Senior at North High School

Winter Camp at Sugar Pine

First Sunday at Canyon Hills SLO Campus



GET IN THE GAME by Kaleb Amos

“Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.” -John C. Maxwell “Do you know what I have done to you?” Imagine the looks on the faces of Jesus’ disciples when He asked them this question. This was a special meal. Passover always was, but this was different somehow. The Lord had just left the table, taken his outer garments off, and then bent down and washed their worn and dirty feet. He even wiped them dry and clean with his own clothes. After He returned to the table, there was silence. His question pierced the stillness, right to their souls. “Do you know what I have done to you?” Several of the Twelve looked left, looked right. They observed their freshly washed ankles and soles and toes, but there was still no answer. “You call Me Teacher and Lord,” Jesus said, sensing their confusion and embarrassment. “And you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.” (John 13:13-15) These men went on to change the world and the entire course of human history for the glory of God. I’m sure that one day in Eternity, if you get a chance to talk to them about it, they’ll say they were just following the example of their Lord. You see, Jesus was too busy carrying out the assignment the Father had given Him to merely sit back and watch other people fulfill their calling. In His own words, “the works which the

Father has given Me to accomplish—the Embracing the call of God can look like very works that I do—testify about Me, that volunteering as a mentor in the high school the Father has sent Me.” (John 5:36) ministry, or starting a Bible study in your living room to encourage new believers, or And the Father has also sent you and me, to joining the parking team to provide a safe follow the example of our Lord. We are a and welcoming environment for families part of a story broader and deeper than we who may be hearing the Gospel for the could ever imagine, and God is holding the first time. Everything we do in unity as a pen. You may not even know it, but God Church, from the stage to the streets, plays has placed His dream inside of you. a vital role in making the dream of the lost being found a reality. “What? Inside of me?” Yes, you. God has a plan for you! We need you on the Since the beginning, God had a dream. A team, so don’t stay on the bench. Regardless dream of closeness and relationship with of your age, experience, or abilities, you His creations where they find their source are a part of the Body of Christ. In 1 and joy in Him. When that relationship Corinthians chapter 12, the Apostle Paul was broken by the sin of the Fall, the dream describes the Body of Christ which, just remained – it just turned into a rescue like the human body, has many members mission. “For it was the Father’s good or parts, but is still one body. We can’t do it pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him apart from each other. (Christ), and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself ” (Colossians 1:19-20, Whether you’re a hand, a foot, an eye or an emphasis added). You and I have been ear, there is a specific purpose you are meant created by God with a very important to fulfill in the Body that no one else can. mission to accomplish the dreams of our You are a completely unique expression of King. God’s creativity and an invaluable member of the dream team. Don’t just settle for sitting in a service and watching – be a part of the incredible things that God is doing today!

Kingdom dreams change the atmosphere surrounding the dreamer.

They turn strangers into brothers and sisters, heal the sick, destroy the power of addiction, feed the hungry, and give the hope of the Gospel to the hopeless and broken.

Our Dream Team at Canyon Hills is filled with people who are willing on Sundays to Worship one service (investing in yourself) and then staying to Serve another service (investing in others). If you are interested in joining the Dream Team, visit Guest Services this weekend or email


DO YOU BELIEVE by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner


It was my worst nightmare. The horrible day Pastor Paul’s tragic motorcycle accident that tore his life from my arms still seems like yesterday. God’s plan seemed untimely, unfair and unacceptable. In the nearly seven years since the fateful day that changed my future, I’ve asked God to show me His will, and I’ve learned to depend on His promises. One of my favorite promises is from Isaiah 57:1, 2; “The righteous perish and no one ponders it in his heart, devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.” I am thankful and confident I will see Pastor Paul in heaven again, someday. However, I’ve wrestled over the concept of accepting God’s will as His best plan for my life. I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that God isn’t asking me to settle for second best. He always has His greatest plan available to me depending on my willingness to accept it. The choice is up to me. I can choose to say, “Yes, God. I believe.” Believing that God’s plan is best is a crisis of the will. We are deceived when we feel we can’t trust God with our situation and don’t believe He can help us. This is where I found myself. I was in a situation I didn’t like, didn’t plan, and wanted to change. Can you relate? Doubt is the opposite of belief. The only anecdote for unbelief is to accept the truth. Those who believe God can put their faith in Him in any circumstance. Once we understand God’s character, we can trust Him and believe He loves us. In spite of immobilizing circumstances, we can choose to move gracefully and freely through trials. Belief doesn’t just happen. It’s a conscious choice to put one’s hope in something worthy of trust. It is having faith in Someone who is reliable. One of God’s character qualities is His faithfulness; He is worthy of our trust. He is constant, unwavering, dependable, and reliable. Faithfulness is His fiber; it is His being. He will not change. The condition of mistrusting God is deception because we have chosen to see God other than how he really is. Deception is clever; it tricks us and makes us yearn for what we don’t have. The media tells us we must own a

certain car, fit into a particular brand or small enough size of clothing, or enjoy the latest fad for contentment. We are bombarded with false advertising enhanced to manipulate us to buy things that we either can’t afford or don’t need. Holding close to truth is how you believe God and learn to take Him at His Word. Essentially, it means to maintain freedom from deception. We must devote ourselves to search out and find truth. Devoting ourselves to something, according to Webster’s, “is the choice to be set apart or dedicated exclusively to.” If we dedicate ourselves to find out solely what God thinks about us, the impact of the opinions and accusations of others is diminished. On our own, we cannot undo the lies we have believed since childhood. “Your attitudes, actions, responses and reactions of life’s circumstances are greatly affected by what you believe about yourself,” Dr. Neil T. Anderson said. Only truth can untangle the knots of deception and renew our minds to display God’s glory in the way we live. Through embracing our Identity in Christ, we can let go of our past feelings of shame, blame, and unworthiness. We must let the blood of Jesus cover our sin, accept God’s forgiveness and learn how to walk in our identity in Christ. This is walking into the truth of what God says about me and acting accordingly. Has God’s plan taken you by surprise? God isn’t asking you to settle for second best. He always has His finest plan available to you depending on your willingness to accept it. The choice is up to you. Will you choose to say “Yes, God. I believe?” Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner is the Mothers Of Preschoolers “Titus Woman” for Canyon Hills MOPS, and she and her husband Dr. Jim Turner lead the “Freedom In Christ” life group at Canyon Hills at 11:30 am on Sunday mornings. To contact Sheryl, send an email to: sherylgiesbrecht@ or go online to her website: (Exerpts from Sheryl Giesbrecht’s book Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down” page 16)


MOPS: A FIERCE FLOURISHING by Katie Blodgett Every stay-at-home mom is well aware of the need for adult conversation and stimulating discussion when spending 24-hours a day with little ones. At MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, women have the opportunity to get a break from potty training and play dates to spend time with other mothers in an interactive setting. MOPS is new to Canyon Hills Assembly of God and is facilitated by Jessica Champlin, Crissy Cochran, and Nikki Schorr. The group meets once a month and has an accompanying MOPPETS program for the children of the mothers who attend.


With the belief that “moms make a better world,” MOPS takes on the challenges of raising small children in a Christian setting and focuses on flourishing in the ministry of motherhood instead of just trying to survive it. At each meeting, MOPS provides creative activities and facilitates various discussions where mothers have the freedom to express themselves, learn from each other and a mentor mom, and grow. “What we’re doing [as moms] has so much value; we hear about all of these other ministries at church, but for us moms, our ministry starts at home. Your self-worth as a mom isn’t defined by what you’re doing or how much money you’re making, which we’re reminded of in MOPS meetings,” said Crissy Cochran. The program is hosted from September to May and will be accepting new members in March during their open enrollment period for the fall season. “I appreciate our time together and growing as women in Christ. It’s good to have a break without interruptions from kids and have the time to have unity with other women. We get to be encouraged and filled so we can continue to grow,” said Jamie Lawson, a member of MOPS. As a new program at Canyon Hills that launched last fall, MOPS is currently in need of volunteers for the MOPPETS program that is provided when the mothers of MOPS meet together. MOPPETS consists of senior-aged women who are available once a month during the day and have a passion for caring for children. The care offered during MOPS teaches children Biblical principles with a specific curriculum that includes videos, lesson plans, a snack, and play time. Five to ten senior women are needed to care for children who are between the ages of newborn and four-years-old. The more caregivers available, the more mothers will have the ability to join the MOPS program during the year and be encouraged in their ministry at home. “I look at this as my own personal ministry, that all of these moms are not alone. I remember taking the classes and [motherhood] wasn’t what I expected it to be. We all go through it and we’re here to help them, to make better moms,” said Nikki Schorr. To learn more or register for MOPS and MOPPETS, email



It’s been reclaimed. Now, it’s being revived. Riverview. Last year, Craig and Angie Amos were installed as the campus pastors for Riverview Assembly of God, a neighborhood church located in Oildale. And recently, they celebrated their one-year anniversary of “reclaiming Riverview”. They really celebrated. The sanctuary surpassed capacity, the praise was loud and boisterous, hands were raised and “hallelujahs” shouted. Testimonies were given, stories shared, lives were dedicated to Christ, and others’ lives were renewed. Did we mention the amazing barbecue extravaganza that followed the service? And then there’s the bus with the big red bow. This bus, though, would not have been possible without one little girl.


Five-year-old Abigail Johns, months prior to Riverview’s One-Year Celebration, came forward during a service with something really special: all the money from her piggy bank. This was her life’s savings, a whole sixtyfive dollars. She cashed in her piggy bank money when she heard Pastor Craig say Riverview needed funds to purchase a bus. Abigail knew that children were coming to church to hear about Jesus on the Riverview van every Sunday morning. But the van only allowed room for a few and the driver was making more and more trips on Sunday mornings and Thursday nights to accommodate the growing demand. While sixty-five dollars might not seem like much to the average working adult, this girl’s generosity and genuine compassion prompted the whole congregation to give above and beyond. “I can’t let a little five-year-old outgive me!” one in the congregation exclaimed. And just like that, a mere sixty-five dollars in a piggy bank grew to thousands of dollars, as others leaped to give towards

a Riverview bus. Abigail gave simply because she didn’t want any child to miss hearing the Good News of the Gospel. With the additional support of other Canyon Hills Network members, Riverview was presented with their very own bus at their Celebration Service, so that more people in the area are able to come to church and know who Jesus is.

A brand new bus for Riverview

Revival is happening at Riverview. In fact, all of Abigail’s close and extended family heard the transformation that was taking place and decided it was time to come back to church. They now attend faithfully every Sunday. Two of the testimonies given during the celebration were from Sharon Walker and Bessie Hammons, women that were part of Riverview over a year ago when the congregation had dwindled down to less than twelve people. Pastor Craig relates that, “…the Lord spoke to them years ago that Riverview would be a mighty lighthouse to all of the greater Oildale area!”

Generations worshipping together

As Christians, we often pray for revival, we ask God to bring revival, and we expect it to come. But these two women believe they are seeing it and that this is the revival they have prayed for all these years. They are not praying, seeking, and waiting for revival to come. This is the revival they have been waiting for. They are living in it now. Pastor Craig Amos shares, “We see someone come to salvation at virtually every service! In 2015, we saw over one hundred-forty people come forward during the invitation and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior! It’s harvest time in Oildale! Now that’s a sign of revival. People getting saved! It’s all about souls!”

A packed house for our one-year anniversary

At Riverview, the atmosphere is welcoming, the worship is filled with the Spirit, the preaching is fiery, and the barbecue is out of this world. If you’re ever in the North Bakersfield and Oildale area, stop by Riverview and see the revival that is happening. God is doing a great work in this neighborhood.

Canyon Hills Men’s Ministries BBQ team prepared a feast for this celebration


MODERN DAY DISCIPLES by Brooke Vinson The room was dimly lit and aside from the smiling people inside it, it looked utterly desolate. In the middle of the room, music and light poured from an escalator that looked too old to function. Yet, up Daisy rode to the second floor, entering into a large room with concrete floors and flashing lights. Daisy had never been to a church before but this was certainly not what she had envisioned. Apprehensive and observant, she searched out for someone who could answer her questions. “I’m actually here for a school project,” Daisy explained to the young woman who had greeted her just moments before. Daisy began asking questions about everything from service order to doctrinal beliefs. “What style would you say the music is?” she asked. “I don’t know what you would call it,” the young woman replied. “But it’s not like anything else. Just wait. When the music starts playing, you’re going to sense the presence of God; you’ll see.” In a matter of minutes, the room flooded with people and Daisy found her seat. As the music began, Daisy’s eyes filled with tears. She turned to the woman and said, “I know what you mean now.” That night, before the service had ended, Daisy committed her life to Jesus Christ. The Canyon Hills congregation and sister campuses have had the privilege of experiencing the beginnings of a unique revival that is surfacing in Central and Southern California. Daisy is one story out of hundreds of others that we have celebrated! Week after week, we see altars flooded with people and we feel the momentum of new salvation. “This is it,” we think, “They made it! Mission accomplished.” As though, this was the goal and the end game all along; to believe. But is it?



For Daisy, is this the summation of her journey? Has she reached the pinnacle of her purpose? Indeed, not. Salvation is not the finish line; it’s the starting line. Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Interestingly enough, the word believer occurs only TWICE in the entire New Testament. However, the word disciple appears 269 times! Christ’s desire is not for the church to make believers, or even, Christians. He is unimpressed with our head counts and raised hands. The endgame, as defined by Jesus, has always been to make disciples. Discipleship is a journey Have you ever looked at the gospels and tried to pinpoint when the first disciples were fully converted? Have fun trying to figure that one out! Jesus began His work in the lives of John, James, and Peter, long before they truly believed. Jesus desired the hearts of His disciples, not a statement of faith. He was and is after whole-life transformation and surrender to His lordship. The word “disciple” literally means learner. This is a progressive by nature. True learners never stop learning. Discipleship, just like learning, is a process, not an end-goal. A disciple is someone who is following Jesus, continually being changed by Him and committed to the mission of Jesus. Discipleship will cost you everything Discipleship is extreme and it is costly. It is a very countercultural stance in the land of the moderate and home of the safe. Jesus put it bluntly: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole


world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self ?” (Luke 9:23-25) For some, this was asking too much. Jesus watched many walk away from Him (John 6:66). Being a disciple of Christ continues to be as costly and as extreme as it was for the first disciples. Yet the reward of Christ and the promise of His return is still as glorious and better yet, even nearer. Discipleship is for you To disciple others, we must first be disciples ourselves. We cannot give what we have not first received. And how many of us, when we honestly take a look at ourselves, would volunteer as the model disciple, and say as Paul did, “Follow me as I follow Christ”? It’s a bold assertion and an intimidating expectation. Yet, you have been called for this! Regardless of your starting point, believer, doubter, sinner or saint, Jesus desires to have you and to use you for the greatest purpose on earth! What has held you back? Perhaps, you’ve never known what it takes to be a disciple. Perhaps, years of pew-sitting have caused your spiritual muscles to slip into dystrophy. Perhaps, you live in fear of what may come of unreserved surrender. A million reasons flood the mind to contest the call of discipleship but only one reason puts them all to shame: Jesus Christ. He is enough. He is sufficient. He is a good enough reason to confront your fear. He is a rich enough treasure to provide for all your needs. He is a good enough reason to die to yourself. He is a good enough reason to die for. Whatever your reason or whatever your lack, He is greater still. As we continue to see the Spirit of God move masses of people toward salvation, let Him find us faithful in our own surrender to His Lordship and faithful in our relentless pursuit to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded us.


PROJECT HOPE & PROJECT RESCUE: HOPE CHANGES EVERYTHING by Kaelyn DeLeon Thriving on the understanding that hope changes everything, the women of Canyon Hills are showing the love of Jesus and working as world-changing women through Project Hope and Project Rescue.


Project Rescue Fighting Human Trafficking

A vital ministry birthed out of Project Hope is Project Rescue, founded in 2013. In 2012, funds raised for Project Hope were given to the Global Family organization for its Daughter Project, an established ministry in fighting human trafficking. During 2012, Canyon Hills Women’s Ministries raised $100,000 to fight human trafficking and decided their work shouldn’t stop there. Their hearts were so broken for the women and girls affected by human trafficking that in 2013, they launched Project Rescue. This is an ongoing outreach dedicated to raising money for organizations on the front lines of fighting human trafficking. A key part of Project Rescue is bringing awareness to the fact that human trafficking doesn’t just happen in other countries; it happens here. That means it happens in America, in California, and in Bakersfield. It’s an issue of the utmost severity that Project Rescue aims to expose. Canyon Hills Women’s Ministries has numerous fundraising outreaches to support Project Hope and Project Rescue each year. One of their biggest events is Pull for Hope, a sporting clay shoot with a BBQ , live auction and raffle. This year, Pull for Hope is scheduled for May 14th. With high motivation to support Project Hope and Project Rescue, this is destined to be another fun and successful event!

Project Hope 2016 The Bible Project

Project Hope is an outreach through which Women’s Ministries throughout the Southern California Assemblies of God Network raise money to support organizations that minister to the needs of women and children somewhere in the world. This year, the funds raised will be given to Latin America Child Care. Since 1993, LACC has been educating and feeding over one million children through its sponsorship program. Many of these children leave the program with the necessary tools to go on to higher education. Through Project Hope 2016, children will leave with the most important tool of all… the Word of God. This year, children across Latin America will receive their very own Bibles that have been translated into their native language.

Why Now? Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of forced labor and sex trafficking. Until more recently, the term was seldom used, especially here in the United States and thought of as something only in other countries. However, this is not the case. Human trafficking leaves virtually no culture or ethnic or socio-economic group untouched. In fact, California is the 4th largest destination for human trafficking in the United States. Although there are different types of human trafficking, they are all highly abusive, violate basic human dignity and freedom, and are all illegal.

You can be part of helping with Project Rescue or Project Hope by donating in the following ways:

It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world with someone being sold into this form of slavery every 30 seconds. There are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history with an estimated 27 million people in bondage being exploited for manual and sexual labor. Of these 27 million, more than half are children according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

2.Give online at Link to online giving and click on Project Rescue or Project Hope

Cynthia Giumarra is the director for Women’s Ministries at Canyon Hills. When asked what motivates her to keep raising funds for Project Rescue, she said, “My heart was broken over the horror of human trafficking in January 2012 while watching a documentary titled Nefarious. I prayed after seeing it, saying to God; "Do not un-break my heart about this." It has been five years since then and my heart is still broken over this horror. I tell people who donate to Project Rescue, ‘We will never know this side of heaven the impact our efforts are making to rescue people from this horror, but even if only one child is saved, then all our work is worth it. Everything is worth it!’”

1.Text any amount to 661-7274050 with the word “Rescue” or “Hope”

3.By mail to Canyon Hills, attention Women’s Ministries, at 7001 Auburn, Bakersfield, CA 93306. Checks should be made payable to Canyon Hills, with a memo designation of “Project Rescue” or “Project Hope”.


FINDING THE FREEWAY ON-RAMP by Evan Henderson One of the most fulfilling and spiritual things a believer can do is use their gifts to bring someone else closer to Christ. This is why we strive in connecting you not only on Sunday mornings but also throughout the week, to Small Groups. The majority of our small groups meet weekly and dive into the various studies we have available online and on campus. While we might call them “small groups”, there is nothing small about the impact a community of believers can have in each other’s lives. Intentional, genuine community is what we all hunger for, and every week, this happens in small groups.


Fact #3: Small groups are designed to help you grow deeper in your faith. Building relationships within a small group cultivates an openness to discuss the Word of God and encourages us in how it applies to us individually. That is why at Canyon Hills we have over six thousand video- and book-based discussion guides to help each group have a dynamic and Biblically-based discussion during your small group. We are all in different seasons, and having meaningful discussions about God’s Word will help transform your perspective as well as encourage others who are in a different stage of life. Small groups not only help you become more connected to the vision and purpose of Christ in your life, but also empower you to see God move through your life to impact the lives of others. Fact #4: There are many ways to join a small group. The easiest way to find a small group that is right for you is by visiting our website at and searching under the small groups tab. There you will see “Find a Group”, and boom! Search. Find. Connect. Speaking of Connect, every month we host a Connect Night at The Summit. Connect is designed to introduce you the various outreach, service, life and small groups available to join at Canyon Hills. We believe that each person has a purpose and place at Canyon Hills, and our Groups are on the forefront of making that happen. Maybe you feel you are being called to start your own small group. LAUNCH is designed to equip and resource you with everything you need to start and lead a successful small group. Our LAUNCH Nights happen every two months and are designed to raise up new leaders at Canyon Hills. Our next LAUNCH will be March 14 at 7pm in the Summit, and childcare will be provided.

Fact #1: You do not need to be a Bible Scholar to join a small group. I remember the first time someone invited me to a small group as a college student. I was not interested. I did not have time, nor did I feel I was the theologian I assumed I was required to be in order to join a small group. As if the guy who was inviting me read my mind, he said it was NOT a Bible study, but a time to hang out, have some refreshments, meet with other guys, and discuss a few passages in the Bible and how it applies to our lives. I was interested, I was skeptical, but I was hungry, and they had FREE food. I went to my first small group and loved every part of it. It was everything I needed as a Christian, and I grew more than I had trying to live my life without others alongside me. Fact #2: Small groups build community. I have outreached with my small group. I have struggled with my small group. I have gone through tragedy with my small group. I have celebrated breakthrough with my small group. Small groups encourage people to become active participants, first by helping build a community of believers, and second by encouraging participation. It’s about building a community around you to live out the purpose God has placed on your life.

Fact #5: We have a new small group series starting soon! Starting April 3rd, we are beginning a brand new series across all Canyon Hills’ campuses entitled FREEWAY. This innovative workbook and small group study will lead you and your friends on a powerful soul adventure. This six-step guide is a powerful exploration of pain, loss and the power of God’s amazing grace. Filled with core biblical insights, unique learning experiences and engaging group questions, Freeway will lead you to freedom. The FREEWAY Series will only be available in Small Groups. Fact #6: You should be in a small group. So what is keeping you from joining a small group? Small groups meet every day of the week in locations all around town and at your campus. Some groups even have childcare. What is holding you back from building meaningful, God-centered relationships that will help strengthen your spiritual growth and personal devotion to Christ? Time? Location? Childcare? Small groups have all those areas covered, and there is one waiting for you to join so that you can connect and grow. To learn more about small groups at Canyon Hills, email




CANYON HILLS CAMPUS CHI L D RE N CANYON HILLS PRESCHOOL AND DAYCARE GRADUATION May 10 at 7:00 PM, Sanctuary You’re invited to Canyon Hills Preschool and Daycare’s Graduation Celebration. It’s amazing to watch our little ones learn and grow. At graduation you can be sure they’ll put on quite a show! Contact: 661.871.0880,

WOM E N WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Saturday, April 23, at City Center Come join us for our one-day Women’s Conference featuring a live simulcast with Priscilla Shirer. It will be a great day of teaching and a wonderful time of encouragement for those who attend. Registration information is available on Sundays at Guest Services. Contact: 661.871.1150,

9TH ANNUAL PULL FOR HOPE Saturday, May 14, at Five Dogs Range Registration is $85 per shooter and includes a BBQ meal! This fundraiser will support Project Hope and will help us make Bibles for students in Latin America! Registration information is available on Sundays at Guest Services. Contact: 661.871.1150,

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesday Evenings at 6:00 PM, Fireside Room Thursday Mornings at 9:15 AM, The Summit Come join us for a great time of growing in your walk with the Lord and in relationship with other women! Childcare is available. Contact: 661.871.1150,

MOPS 2nd Wednesday of Each Month at 9:00 AM, Room 103 This is a registration-only program, but early registration opens March 2016 for the Fall year. Contact:

GOD’S BEAUTIES God’s Beauties is a confidential ministry for women who have been battered and abused. Contact: 661.871.1150,

WOMEN WITH A MISSION Tuesdays at 9:00 AM in Room 101 Our Women with a Mission are mission-based and come together each Tuesday morning for a time of devotions and a variety of other things that promote fundraising for missionaries and mission projects Contact: 661.871.1150,

GEMS Fridays at 6:30 PM, Room 101 GEMS is our ministry to Single Moms, and we meet every Friday night. If you are a Single Mom, we invite you to come be a part of this small group! Childcare is available and needs to be reserved. Contact: Andrea at 661.428.8835

M EN MENS BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM at The Summit Join us every week for a cup of coffee and Bible study. Contact: Jeff at 661.549.2221,

MEN’S BREAKFAST 4th Saturday of Every Month Every month, our men join together for a great breakfast and a time of encouragement and hanging out! Tickets are only $5 and can be purchased at Guest Services on Sundays or at any Men’s group meeting! Plan now to attend and invite a friend! Contact: Jeff at 661.549.2221,

GUNS & GRUB Saturday, April 9 at 8:30 AM Join us for our 3rd Annual Guns & Grub event. Cost is $8 per person and includes lunch. It will be a funfilled day with plenty of shooting, exploding targets and fellowship! Registration is available at Guest Services on Sundays or by calling the church office. Contact: Jeff at 661.549.2221,





FRESH HOPE Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, Room 101

REVIVE MINISTRY 3rd Saturday of Every Month at 1:30 PM at the Gleaners

Fresh Hope is our support group for those battling with mood disorders. Our Fresh Hope small group meets each week. Contact: Dale at 661.871.1150

Formerly known as Mission at Home, Revive is one of our community outreach ministries. Every month, they provide a meal and a time of worship and teaching for the homeless in our community.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Fridays at 6:30 PM, Room 202

To volunteer, visit the Connection Corner on Sundays or call the church office.

Celebrate Recovery is a faith based 12 step program designed for any life issue. The night is filled with music, group sessions and the Solid Rock Cafe. Also, if you would be interested in becoming a leader, we would love to have your help! Come join us on Fridays for some encouragement and support. Contact: 661.871.1150

LIFE GROUPS Sunday Mornings at 8:45 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Our Sunday Morning Life Groups are a great place to connect! Life Groups have a topical, age-related or a "seasons of life" structure and gather every week with a small group feel. Visit the Connection Corner on Sunday for more info.

SPORTS MINISTRY If you are interested in our Sports Ministry, we have a variety of ways you can be involved! From Men’s Basketball leagues to family nights, Co-ed nights, Open gyms and much more! Contact: Kelly at 661.871.1150,


GU EST SERVI C ES HOST TEAM MEETING Saturday, April 16 at 9:00 AM in the Gym If you are a part of any of our HOST teams, please mark your calendar now to attend this important meeting as we look ahead to all that is happening in our church in the days ahead! RSVP by email or by calling the church office. Contact: 661.871.1150,


<<WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 & 11:00 AM | Sanctuary 10:00 & Noon | The Summit Nursery and Kids Church available during every Sunday morning service <<CHAMPIONS CLUB 10:00 & 11:00 AM | Champions Club For kids and adults with special needs


<<MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY 7:00 PM | The Summit <<NURSERY CARE, ROYAL RANGERS, GIRLS CLUBS, MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS 7:00 PM | Preschool Wing, Fort Faith, the Gym and Room 202

Wendell & Lynda Vinson, Pastors

P R AY ER GATHER I N GS FIRST WEDNESDAY PRAYER 1st Wednesday of Every Month at 7:00 PM at The Summit First Wednesday is the gathering where we share all of the new and exciting ministry initiatives that are happening at Canyon Hills and pray over the doors that God is opening for us. Join us for a powerful time of prayer and praise on the first Wednesday of each month.

Kern River Valley Campus Pastors: Chris & Stephanie Wenzel

Riverview Campus Pastors: Craig & Angie Amos

San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Campus Pastors: Campus Pastors: Scott & Joy Golin Joseph & Lisa Rountree Wasco Campus Pastor: Eman Hernandez



<<UPPER ROOM 7:00 PM Childcare Provided

KERN RIVER VALLEY WORLD’S BIGGEST EASTER EGG HUNT March 19 Join us as we reach out to our mountain community this Easter. We will have BBQ, an inflatable slide, Easter Egg Hunt, and giveaway’s! Lots of fun for the whole family!

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST April 2 at 8:00 AM Join us for our prayer breakfast as we grow together as friends and men of God.






<<WORSHIP SERVICES & CHILDRENS CHURCH 9:00 & 11:00 AM Nursery Care available during the 11AM Service

SAN LUIS OBISPO AVILA BEACH BONFIRE May 6 at 4:00 PM Join us for a fun evening at the beach around the bonfire where we will roast hot dogs and play some music.

MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC Monday, May 30 at 10:00 AM at Throop Park Join us for a day of fun and fellowship!

HIKE AND OUTREACH Every Saturday at 8:00 AM, Meet at the Church Join us on Saturdays for a prayer hike followed by an afternoon of outreach. Then, we will have dinner and worship at the church at 5:00 pm. We look forward to connecting with you!


<<ADULT BIBLE CLASS 8:00 AM | ROOM 102 Current Study - The Book of Romans: God’s Big Picture <<WORSHIP SERVICE Traditional at 9:00 AM Contemporary at 11:00 AM

Nursery Care and Children’s Ministry available during both services


<<MENS PRAYER 10:00 AM | Fireside Room


<<MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY 7:00 PM | Fireside Room Current Study - Love & Respect


<<SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:15 AM | Fellowship Hall



Nursery Care and Children’s Ministry available during both services

<<GROCERY MINISTRY in Partnership with Word Alive 12:00 PM | Courtyard <<MIDWEEK ADULT BIBLE STUDY 6:30 PM


<<FREE SHOWER MINISTRY in Partnership with FLOOD 11:00 AM | Parking Lot <<STUDENT MINISTRIES & KIDS CHURCH 6:30 PM

<<WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 AM (Espanol) ˜ & 11:00 AM (English)

QU E S TION S ? Have questions about these events or anything else going on at Canyon Hills? Visit Guest Services on Sundays for assistance or call the church office Tuesday through Friday at 661-871-1150.


Beginning Sunday, April 3


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