ReCAP | June 2013

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RECAP Stories from the past, inspiring our future

Volume 4, Issue 5 June 2013

10 Years of Pastoral Ministry

Inside this issue:

by Pastor William J Lee

10 Years in Ministry 1,2 Adventism turns 150 years old


Forks Over Knives Recipes


Saluting our Grads


Keys to Effective Music Ministry


Calendar of Events


Honoring Fathers


“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Pslams 107:1 I want to thank this moment to give God thanks, praise, glory and honor for “Ten Wonderful Years” in ministry! On May 24, 2003, I officially began full time Pastoral Ministry as I was installed by the Lake Region Conference as the Pastor of the Trinity Temple Seventh-day Adventist in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I said to the Lord back then, “Just use me as your humble servant.” At that time I was currently still a full-time Seminary Student, in my 2nd year, young, and inexperienced. I felt overwhelmed by being a full-time Student and a full-time Pastor, but the grace of God carried me through. I graduated Seminary the following year (2004) with honors and Trinity Temple Church was a thriving church. Early in my ministry God placed a burning desire in my heart for evangelism. My prayer has always been “Lord, give us souls.” For me, there is nothing more precious than to see individuals make a full commitment to Jesus Christ and mature in the Lord. I absolutely love to see children, youth, and adults experience the power and love of God in their lives. It was Jesus that said, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3

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