ReCAP | May 2013

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“Who can find a virtuous woman? She is far more precious than jewels…” - Proverbs 31:10

Stories from the past, inspiring our future Volume 4, Issue 4 May 2013

Inside this issue:

Back to Basics


Honoring Mothers


Honoring Mothers


2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship Spring Revival 2013 - Back to Basics by Wayne Burrell

Community Guest Day


School Fundraisers


Healthy Eating


Forks Over Knives


Calendar of Events




Starting on April 10th, Pastor William J Lee used each night of this 10-part series to call the church’s attention back to the Ten Commandments and show how to look at them from a New Testament perspective. During the 10 days, many souls made decisions to go all the way with Christ. The purpose of this revival series was to show fresh ways for how the holy code can be applied through the power of the Holy Spirit to the ones daily life and for all to learn surprising insights on how to live a life that pleases God. The law was demonstrated to be the foundation of our faith as it perfectly demonstrated the love of God. God loved man so much that He saved us and then provided the law so man can stay protected in His will. The law is about love for God & Man. Use #backtobasics2013 Some of the many highlights included….

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0 - God saved us FIRST and THEN He told us what to do! 1 - When we let God's love invade our minds He'll give us a heart to love others. 2 - The greatest challenge we face is not bowing down to wood or stone idols. It's bowing down to ourselves. 3 - If we respect adults enough to have our kids to say Mr/Mrs, we can surely respect the name of God. 4 - The #Sabbath is our honeymoon with God. Every 7th day is our time to reconnect and study up on God. 5 - Parents, your highest responsibility is to train up your kids in the ways of the Lord 6 - You can murder someone by using the weapon of your tongue. 7 - The #marriage bed is undefiled b/c when you say "I Do", you say "I Don't" to everyone else 8 - You don't just have to rob a bank to steal. Even "sampling" grapes at the grocery is #stealing 9 - Lying is dangerous b/c it attacks the character of an individual. Our characters are the only we have. 10 - What we think - not just what we say/do - has consequences because what we think often translates into actions.

“The good news of the gospel is that besides forgiving our sins, Jesus gives us power to overcome them - all of them...God will cleanse us from the filth and debris that have accumulated in the cracks and crevices of our brains. He wants to sweep away the trash that poisons our lives. He wants to purge the stains on our souls. He wants not just to heal our broken hearts but to create new hearts within us.” (Psalm 51:10) - Pastor William Lee The only acceptable response is for us to allow Jesus to perform the miracle that is restoration in our lives and change our hearts and minds. Then we can be true disciples as we allow God to use us to spread the gospel and influence others for Christ.

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