RECAP Stories from the past, inspiring our future
Volume 4, Issue 8 September 2013
What Every Christian Needs to Know
Inside this issue:
10 Years in Ministry
by Pastor William J Lee
Ken Waddell Tribute 2 First Day of School
Church Renovation
Pastor Appreciation 5 Kingdom Rock 2013 6 Calendar of Events
Veteran in Action
“Foundations of our Faith” is the theme of our Fall Revival Series for 2013. We live in extraordinary times. The battle between darkness and light grows more intense each day. It has never been more important for Christians to understand what they believe and why. In this powerful series you will discover why (1) Jesus Christ is our Rock and Salvation (2) The Significance of the Everlasting Gospel (3) Why the Law of God is Foundational (4) What it means for a Christian to "Keep the Sabbath" in the 21st Century (5) Why we can trust that Jesus will Return and much more... These teachings will help you grow in your faith and build a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. If you have been hearing the world news lately you would have heard that our world is in a state of unrest. Currently, President Barack Obama's plea for military action against Syria is making headlines everyday. School shootings, financial turmoil, and multiply fatalities loom across the media waves throughout the day. Recently, I have been thinking to myself, “Is there any good news?” “Can anything good come out of these terrible situations that we face each day?” I was reminded of Christ’s words in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” The good news is that Jesus has already won the battle. The fight has been fixed and Jesus Christ is the victor. Our salvation is guaranteed because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (John 3:16,17) Knowing that Jesus has already won the battle is gratifying, however I think about all the countless people that do not know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship
As Christians it is our responsibility to share the “good news” with others. We have to share Jesus Christ now. The only hope this world has is found in the foundation of our faith, Jesus Christ. All of us must be engaged in personal evangelism. While everyone is not called to stand before a congregation to preach the Word of God, everyone is called to personally share the Word of God