ReCAP | July 2013

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Volume 4, Issue 6 July 2013

RECAP Stories from the past, inspiring our future

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” - 2 Peter 3:18

2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship

LRC Camp Meeting 2013

Church School New Principal

Getting the most from Worship




Soy and Breast Cancer

Forks Over Knives Recipe

Mother’s Day Celebration




Strong Finish, Strong Faith 2

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Pastor’s Corner: Strong Finish, Strong Faith “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1

Pastor William J Lee

During Camp Meeting this Summer I was introduced to a song written by Jonathan Nelson, that I absolutely love. The song is entitled, “Strong Finish.” The basic lyrics to the song says:

In this race that we run, you gotta have endurance cause it’s a marathon, I was born sure enough to win, in pursuit with faith until the win. Life transitions all in my way, but still I'm all worked out each and everyday. No matter what I’ll continue to run, for the rest of my life until my work is done. Chorus: I’m going to have a strong finish, strong faith. As we enter into the second half of the year we must all have a “strong finish and a strong faith.” The Bible reminds us in Hebrews 12 that we must keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ. It is easy to become frustrated, discouraged, and disheartened when we glance at all the things happening around us. But when we keep our eyes of Jesus, we know that we can depend upon Him for He is the God of nature, natural events, and yes, our circumstances too. Satan is out to stop the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessing of God to believers’ lives at any cost. He will lie and deceive in order to kill, steal, and destroy. He’ll use rumor, gossip, innuendo or character assassination to embarrass Christians, distract them, and knock them off course. When we keep our eyes on Jesus we have nothing to worry about for He knows our every need. During such times of uncertainty like job losses, home mortgage failures, stock market drops, recessions, droughts, floods, and sickness, Jesus is never caught off guard or caught by surprise. He knows humans propensity to worry about things. When we worry about the future we are borrowing trouble from tomorrow and ruining today. He has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5) and will never, ever cast us away (John 6:37), we must take Him at His word. The strength of your faith is only as strong as the object of your faith. Since Jesus is God and God can not lie we know His promises are sure.


We must keep the mission of Jesus Christ before us. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, 20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” In the second half of 2013, we must continue to “strengthen the saved to save the lost.” We must continue to move from “Membership to Discipleship.” Stay focused. Don’t allow the distractions of Satan to have you take your eyes off of Jesus! Remember, we are going to have a “Strong Finish” because we have “Strong Faith!”

Volume 4, Issue 6

Lake Region Camp Meeting 2013: Grace to Grow by Wayne Burrell

A Rejuvenating and Refreshing Summer Tradition From Jun 14-22, 2013 the Lake Region Conference (LRC) of Seventh-day Adventists held its annual Summer Camp Meeting at Camp Wagner in Cassopolis, Michigan. The ten day religious celebration featured two of Adventism's most famous names - Pastor Wintley Phipps (Palm Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, Palm Bay, FL) and Pastor Henry Wright (Community Praise Center, Alexandria, VA).

Photography by Wayne Burrell

By Wayne Burrell

Pastor Henry Wright delivers the second week's sermon.

"This year's theme ‘Grace to Grow’ was chosen to remind LRC constituents that without the grace of God, there is no growth in Jesus. We are eternally indebted to Him for His grace which brings salvation to all. Therefore we are debtors to share the good news of His grace with others." - LRC President Jerome Davis

"I was blessed by the way Pastor Wright explain "Grace" -- gives me hope that even when I'm in Babylon grace will get me through. Love the way he broke down Jeremiah 29." - Gwen Mitchell

Pastor Wintley Phipps delivered the first week's sermon.

Pastor Phipps emphasized that "The primary goal of the soul is to resemble, reflect and reveal the character of Christ. Everything else is secondary.”

Pastor Wright focused on the fact that our trials (Babylonian experience) are something to be embraced and not avoided, they are an expression of God's love for us and not His displeasure. God's grace reaches us in our Babylonian experiences (trials) and gives us the power to overcome sin.

Photography by Wayne Burrell

"Pastor Wright was awesome. The Holy Spirit was in the pavilion. When he got into his sermon, people were blocking the doorways trying to hear. Simply wonderful. I've heard him many times and each time, he gets better and better. Truly a man of God." - Janet Watkins Wynn

Photography by Wayne Burrell

The importance of camp meeting is to rejuvenate and refresh our members spiritually for greater service in Christ's vineyard. During this time conference business is conducted. Each day is filled with sermons, talks, bible studies, musical presentations and many fun activities for children and families.

Capitol City members in the Deliverance Youth Pavilion on the second week of the LRC Camp Meeting..

Between its main pavilion and its newly built Youth pavilion, Camp Wagner saw approximately 3,000 people on average each Sabbath. 500 LRC constituents and all but 10 of its 100+ Pastors, representing the LRC's 110 churches, camped out on site for the full 10 days.



Soy is a Healthy Food for Everyone Including Breast Cancer Survivors by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).

WASHINGTON, DC — Breast cancer patients and survivors need no longer worry about eating moderate amounts of soy foods, finds a new review of the research published today on the website of the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). The latest update of the online tool AICR’s Foods That Fight Cancer™ answers one of the most frequently asked questions relating to how diet may affect breast cancer risk. “Determining whether it is safe for breast cancer survivors to eat soy has been one of the big research questions under study and now we know it is safe – the evidence is so consistent,” said AICR Nutrition Advisor Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN, an expert on diet and cancer prevention who worked with AICR to examine the research and develop the materials. For all cancers, human studies show soy foods do not increase risk and in some cases may even lower it, the review finds. AICR’s Foods that Fight Cancer™: Soy summarizes both current and emerging evidence on soy and cancer risk. The web-based tool highlights AICR/ WCRF’s reports along with the ongoing laboratory, observational and clinical studies. The resource was reviewed by a review committee of leading soy-cancer experts.

Early Fears Allayed Previous concerns with soy and increased breast cancer risk stem from soy foods’ isoflavones, a group of compounds that in some ways mimic the action of estrogen. High blood levels of estrogen are linked to increased breast cancer risk. These fears were enforced by rodent studies that suggested two isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, led to breast cancer cell growth. Scientists now know that rodents and most other laboratory animals metabolize soy isoflavones differently than humans. And soy consumption does not lead to increased estrogen levels in humans. Six recent human studies and one major meta-analysis have found that consuming moderate amounts of soy foods does not increase a breast cancer survivor’s risk of recurrence or death.


A moderate amount of soy is one to two standard servings daily of whole soy foods, such as tofu, soy

milk and edamame. Studies have demonstrated as many as three servings a day are not associated with increased breast cancer risk. Some preliminary human studies suggest that soy foods may be most protective among breast cancer survivors who are taking tamoxifen, but this research is ongoing. For breast cancer risk among cancer-free women, studies on soy consumption either show no link or a slightly protective link to breast cancer. Some research suggests that protective effects may primarily come from consuming soy during childhood and adolescence. “There are numerous ways in which soy foods may protect against cancer,” notes Collins. Laboratory studies show that soy isoflavones inhibit a number of cell signaling pathways linked to cancer growth. And research suggests some individuals may benefit more from soy’s compounds than others.”

Soy Foods: The Big Picture AICR estimates that 38 percent of US breast cancer cases every year – approximately 86,000 cases – could be prevented if women were to maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, drink less alcohol and breastfeed their children. To reduce risk of recurrence and secondary cancers, survivors are encouraged to follow these same recommendations. Soy foods are among the many plant-based foods that can help women get to and stay a healthy weight, note AICR experts. “The evidence is not quite there to start saying soy reduces the risk of cancer,” says Collins. “But for breast cancer survivors who want to eat less meat, get protein and enjoy a more plant-based diet, soy is a healthy food and everyone – including breast cancer survivors – can feel comfortable eating it.”

Volume 4, Issue 6

A Change In Leadership at Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) School is pleased to announce that Jennifer Bolejack has been selected as its new School Principal. Jennifer, 2010 graduate of IUPUI (BS Education), has been an instrumental educator at Capitol City SDA School since 2011 teaching Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 4th and Music.

Photography Wayne Burrell

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - (Capitol City SDA School) -- 6/30/2013

"Now is the time to be in prayer and implement the necessary changes to raise this school higher and establish ourselves as an organization that not only provides the best education, but holds God in the center of everything we do." - Jennifer Bolejack Jennifer brings to the role passion, creativity and enthusiasm. Join us in congratulating Jennifer and as always lift her and the rest of our faculty up in continued prayer. About Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School: The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide a spiritually oriented education for children grades Pre-K - 8th grades. A belief in the existence of the Creator God is fundamental in the philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist schools. The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School is operated in harmony with the guidance and direction of the Office of Education, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Recipe from Forks Over Knives Healthy Cooking Demo by Sybill Satterfield

Cucumber Mango Salsa Photography Wayne Burrell

Ingredients 2 mangos, peeled and diced 3 cup peeled, diced cucumbers 1 tablespoon finely chopped jalapeno (or poblano pepper to taste) 1 jicama, peeled and diced 1/3 cup diced red onion 1 clove garlic, finely minced 2 tablespoons lime juice 1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro leaves Salt and pepper Honey (to taste)

Directions Combine the mango, cucumber, jalapeno, red onion, lime juice and cilantro leaves and mix well. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.



SPOTlight Taking notes is a great way to focus on what’s being said.

Taking the Training Wheels Off

Tip: Live tweet / instagram sermon highlights @capitolcitysda

Ask Questions - “the only

How Youth can get more out of Worship By Wayne Burrell

Photography by Wayne Burrell

Whether its a bike, car or the pool - learning new things can seem extremely difficult at first, but they are skills that are best learned in your youth. The word of God can seem daunting as well, but developing a relationship with God is best done in your youth. After a child grows out of Children’s Church, the spiritual training wheels can now come off. 1 Tim 4:12 says there’s a work for the young in the service of the Lord. By following these six steps, youth can have a better shot of understanding the word of God.

Have a Desire - “anything worth having is worth working for” Think back to the desire you had to have a pet, ride a bike, or drive a car. With anything you want, you need to have a desire first so you will be willing to do the things needed to attain it.


Pray - “p.u.s.h. = prayer until something happens” Ask God to help you get something from the sermon, your bible study or even make you a better witness for Him. Communication is essential to any relationship, therefore

prayer is critical to vital to our relationship with God. Tip: 7 Minute Prayer = 2 Thank God you’re there 2 Tell God what’s on your mind 2 Listen to God 1 Thank Him

dumb question is the unasked one” Its not expected that a teen would understand everything in a sermon, but that’s what questions are for. While you can not raise your hand to ask a question during a sermon, you can ask a parent or church member. Tip: Jot questions down on note sheet.

Ellen G White says in

Study the Bible - “study to Testimonies for the Church, show thyself approved” A better understanding of our Christian textbook will make it easier to understand the sermon that are created from that text. The Sabbath school lesson is a great way to learn the bible. Tip: Download the Bible app from for daily bible reading.

Get in Position - “you have to be in it to win it” Would you rather upper deck seats at a Pacer game or would you rather court-side seats? The best seat in the house is always up front so be sure to sit up close. Take Notes - “if it works in the classroom, it’ll work in the sanctuary” A sermon has something for everyone. Its up to each of us to be attentive for the message that applies to us.

Vol. VII, p. 64 “The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand.” God would not expect something of you that you are not physically/mentally able to do. With patience, persistence and practice you will find yourself being able to grasp more and more of the sermon or bible study. This will allow you to mature as a Christian as you mature into adulthood. Teens & Young Adults: Express yourself by sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas through poetry, art or prose in this new ReCAP section dedicated to the Youth! Send content to

Volume 4, Issue 6

July Calendar of Events Watch WHMB-TV “Church Showcase”

Holy Communion | 13th Lee’s 3 Year Anniversary | 13th (7p)

Sundays through Aug 25 at 8:30am

Women’s Ministry Banquet | 14th Men’s Day | 8th Indiana Black Expo Summer Celebration | 11th - 21st

During the month of July, the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church will continue to be featured on LeSea broadcastings “Church Showcase” on WHMB-TV Channel 40. Tune in and TELL A FRIEND!!!

2 - Kenneth Kaiser 6 - Subbrina Ewing 11 - Johnnie Cooley 15 - Spencer Harris 16 - Robert Dorant 17 - Jason Dawson 18 - Jonah Brooks 18 - Willie Belle Weymon 19 - Kailah Pickens 20 - Mary Chapman 20 - Effie Dixon 21 - Randolph Loney 26 - Gabrielle Byrd 27 - Charlie Waddell 27 - Kelly Van Horn . 29 - Wanda Thomas

Find WHMB on TV: Church Board Meeting | 16th (6:30p) Prayer Meeting | 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th Summer Picnic Celebration | 28th (12n)

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Digital signal Ch. 20 Comcast: Ch. 9 Brighthouse: Ch. 22 Satellite dish: Ch. 8457 Direct TV: Ch. 367

WHMB TV-40 is not on Direct TV in Indianapolis.

Vacation Bible School | 22nd - 26th Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Come One, Come All! July 22-26 2013, Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church will be transformed to KINGDOM ROCK, Where Kids Stand Strong For God. Join Sir Valant and his friends as they teach each day a new Bible Principle that will teach your child to Stand Strong! It is our prayer that Kingdom Rock will allow Gods Love to come to life as never before, touching hearts, changing lives and drawing Kids closer to Christ.

Friday Sunset Times | “Please be mindful to guard the edges of the Sabbath” July 6: 9:16p

July 13: 9:13p July 20: 9:09p July 27: 9:03p

11 - Lawrence & Kim Lowe (2nd) 21 - Joseph & Carolyn Robinson (17th) 24 - Barry & Latifah Palmore (2nd) 31 - Hasan & Sherilyn Mason (8th) 31 - Duane & Sian Henry (2nd)


Mother’s Day 2013: Honoring Our Mothers 1801 E 49th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-251-1053

Mother’s Learn to Grow in Love & Grow in Holiness By Marian Strong

Editor-in-Chief Wayne Burrell To submit an article for next month’s ReCAP or provide feedback please send an email to: Wayne Burrell at...

Use this key to see how our stories link to our Model for Church Growth

Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church Womens Ministry celebrated all women on Mother’s Day May 11th, 2013. The guest speaker for the event was Shelley Quinn from Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN).

Pastor J.D & Shelley Quinn of 3ABN with Capitol City’s Womens Ministry Leader Marian Strong and Pastor William Lee.

Shelley, a true child of God, delivered a powerful message entitled Grow in Love-Grow in Holiness. The message that was delivered helped the ladies realize that we should never take our eyes off of God and continue to grow in Love. “All women should recognize what beautiful heavenly beings we are and the importance of family along with the role they play.” - Marian Strong

Two generations of motherhood: Nancy Woods-Atkins (L) with her daughter, Carmelita Dawson.

The women felt special and appreciated this day. They walked away feeling a little more loved and important along with a stronger feeling of empowerment as they continue to grow in God's grace. The key words within the our Women's Ministry is Love and Let Your Little Light Shine. Loving the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.

August’s ReCAP Submission Deadline JULY 26th Publication Date AUGUST 1st


Dinner for the women was tastefully prepared and served by the men.

Hat inspired table decorations from the fellowship dinner that followed the Mother’s Day Celebration Service.

The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian congregation that has been serving the Greater Indianapolis area since 1906. Our mission is to Grow the Kingdom of God by Changing Lives so that together we can Strengthen the Saved and Save the Lost. For more information on the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church please contact Sylvia Wilson at 317-251-1053.

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