ReCAP | Apr 2013

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Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. - Ecclesiastes11:7

Stories from the past, inspiring our future Volume 4, Issue 3 April 2013

Inside this issue:

2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship

Back to Basics


Back to Basics


Digital Evangelism


Aeolian’s Concert


Acidic or Alkaline?


Dear Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church Family:

Strengthening Marriages


Health & Fitness Fair


Our Greatest Heroes


My Greatest Desire


“Americans know Big Macs better than Ten Commandments.” This was the headline to a study conducted by Kelton Research Group. When asked, “How many of The Ten Commandments can you name? Put to the test, Americans recalled the seven ingredients of a McDonald's Big Mac hamburger and members of TV's “The Brady Bunch” more easily than the Bible’s Ten Commandments.

Calendar of Events


Bible vs Cell Phone


ReTool Your School


Back to Basics - Spring Revival 2013 by Pastor William Lee

The survey found that 80% of 1,000 respondents could name the Pastor William J Lee burger’s primary ingredient, two all-beef patties, but less than six in 10 knew the commandment “thou shalt not kill.” Less than half of respondents, 45%, could recall the commandment “honor thy father and mother”. Whereas 62% knew the Big Mac has a pickle. I am not kidding. Listen, Bobby and Peter, the least recalled names from the fictional Brady Bunch family, were remembered by 43% of respondents, topping the 34% who knew “remember the Sabbath” and 29% recalling “do not make false idols.” ( Many people have no idea what God said and what God means? Even within mainstream Christian denominations there are numerous views on God’s Ten Commandment law. It is not strange to hear many suggest that God’s Ten Commandment law has been “done away with.” Yet, others suggest that 9 out of 10 commandments are still “binding” however the fourth commandment is obsolete? For the entire month of April we are going “Back to Basics.” Are the Ten Commandments obsolete? Have we, as a society, progressed to the point that we no longer need these ancient standards, written in stone by God’s own hand? Take one glance at this morning’s headlines and you'll know the answer. The truth is there’s much more to the Ten Commandments than even most Christians know. In Back to Basics, what you don’t know about The Ten Commandments will be explored! Through the power of the Holy Spirit I will seek to give you fresh ways to apply this holy code to your daily life and surprising insights on how to live a life that pleases God. In this powerful series, you’ll discover: (1) How to look at the commandments from a New

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