ReCAP | Apr 2013

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Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. - Ecclesiastes11:7

Stories from the past, inspiring our future Volume 4, Issue 3 April 2013

Inside this issue:

2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship

Back to Basics


Back to Basics


Digital Evangelism


Aeolian’s Concert


Acidic or Alkaline?


Dear Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church Family:

Strengthening Marriages


Health & Fitness Fair


Our Greatest Heroes


My Greatest Desire


“Americans know Big Macs better than Ten Commandments.” This was the headline to a study conducted by Kelton Research Group. When asked, “How many of The Ten Commandments can you name? Put to the test, Americans recalled the seven ingredients of a McDonald's Big Mac hamburger and members of TV's “The Brady Bunch” more easily than the Bible’s Ten Commandments.

Calendar of Events


Bible vs Cell Phone


ReTool Your School


Back to Basics - Spring Revival 2013 by Pastor William Lee

The survey found that 80% of 1,000 respondents could name the Pastor William J Lee burger’s primary ingredient, two all-beef patties, but less than six in 10 knew the commandment “thou shalt not kill.” Less than half of respondents, 45%, could recall the commandment “honor thy father and mother”. Whereas 62% knew the Big Mac has a pickle. I am not kidding. Listen, Bobby and Peter, the least recalled names from the fictional Brady Bunch family, were remembered by 43% of respondents, topping the 34% who knew “remember the Sabbath” and 29% recalling “do not make false idols.” ( Many people have no idea what God said and what God means? Even within mainstream Christian denominations there are numerous views on God’s Ten Commandment law. It is not strange to hear many suggest that God’s Ten Commandment law has been “done away with.” Yet, others suggest that 9 out of 10 commandments are still “binding” however the fourth commandment is obsolete? For the entire month of April we are going “Back to Basics.” Are the Ten Commandments obsolete? Have we, as a society, progressed to the point that we no longer need these ancient standards, written in stone by God’s own hand? Take one glance at this morning’s headlines and you'll know the answer. The truth is there’s much more to the Ten Commandments than even most Christians know. In Back to Basics, what you don’t know about The Ten Commandments will be explored! Through the power of the Holy Spirit I will seek to give you fresh ways to apply this holy code to your daily life and surprising insights on how to live a life that pleases God. In this powerful series, you’ll discover: (1) How to look at the commandments from a New

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Back Basics (continued) by Pastor William J Lee

Testament perspective. (2) How to detect the subtle presence of modern idolatry in your life. (3) Test to determine whether or not you’re taking the Lord’s name in vain. (The results may surprise you.) (4) What it means for a Christian and “Keep the Sabbath holy” in 21st Century America and why doing so is vital to experiencing success and balance in this fast paced world. (5) The vital lesson hidden in the 6th Commandment and why Christians need it now more than ever, and much, much more. Frankly, you can’t afford to miss this vital series. Remember the words of Jesus, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10. Please plan to attend and invite as many guest as possible! As we continue this year here’s what I need for us to do: Make Jesus your top priority! • Pray for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit • Come to Church! • Join at least one (1) Ministry • Give financially to help advance God’s Kingdom • Support Church events! • Invite someone to church each week! William J Lee

j|ÄÄ|tÅ ] _xx Digital Evangelism | An Easy Way to Share Your Faith by Wayne Burrell; Adapted from Alvin M. Kibble’s “Socially Connected for Christ” Adventist World | March 2013 pg 17**

Social media are digital networks such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIN, and Pinterest that enable people to interact, communicate, exchange, transact, share, and/or create. Social networking is about engaging and connecting with people through personal interactions, meaningful content, and current information.** Ellen White wrote: “Christ has given to the church a sacred charge. Every member should be a channel through which God can communicate to the world the treasures of His grace, the unsearchable riches of Christ” (The Acts of the Apostles, p. 600). ** Social media is important because it is a new frontier that Christians can use to share Christ with their sphere of influence.


Keep the conversation going by... • Like/Join/Follow the church on these Social Media platforms: - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, Pinterest, LinkedIN • Commenting on church posts (statuses, photos, links, polls and events) • Sharing church posts or other spiritually uplifting posts on your timelines • Tagging yourself/others in church photo albums • RSVP’ing to church event invitations • Adding friends and family to the invite list of church events • Retweeting church tweets to your followers • Checking in upon arrival on any day of the week • Live tweeting the highlights of the sermon (twitter) • Uploading photos of you and friends in your Sabbath best

As best-selling author and marketing guru Seth Godin has rightly stated: “How can [we] squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare [we] settle for less when the world has made it so easy for [us] to be remarkable?” **

Volume 4, Issue 3

Aeolian’s Live in Concert by Melissa Williams

To see images from this event, scan this barcode with your smart phone’s barcode reader app or visit

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

See all of our church photos by clicking the ‘Church Photos’ tab on our website.

On March 6th, 2013, was the site of the Oakwood University Aeolians made a stop at the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church during their Spring Break Concert Tour. When Capitol City was given the opportunity to host the Aeolians for "free", it was something that we knew we could not pass up...even on a Wednesday night! God had His hand in this event! I received a call approximately two weeks prior to the event from my former Pine Forge Academy classmate, Attorney Ben Swift, who is also the Head Elder of Ethan Temple in Dayton, Ohio. He informed me that his church was hosting the Aeolians 3/8-9 and that the Aeolians had a break in their schedule and wanted to know if we were interested in a Wednesday evening concert! I spoke with Pastor Lee and we were thrilled about the opportunity. Capitol City showed up and showed out for this! Although it was a "free" concert, we agreed to give the Aeolians a love offering. Never in this history of a Wednesday night service, have we had more attendees or raised a larger offering! This a true testament to God's amazing power. Those young students

ministered to us with conviction and the Holy Spirit filled the place. Our goal was to raise $2,000 to further the ministry of this traveling choir and we exceeded that goal! Praise the Lord. I thank God for the opportunity to have worked with the Aeolians! What an outstanding group of young people. I'm also thankful to Pastor Lee for all of his support. I was constantly emailing, calling and texting him with updates and requests and he was always on board! This event would NOT have been the success it was without the following: Dr. Avonelle Dorant-- Thank you for coordinating our host families! You worked tirelessly to ensure that ALL 45 students were placed. You are organized and get the job done! Host Families-- Thank you, thank you! We truly could NOT have hosted a 45 member choir without your help! Your kindness, generosity and sacrifice on a Wednesday night will never be forgotten. God bless you all. Merlene Peters-- You're an angel! Thank you for your sacrifice. The students were raving about their home cooked meal after the concert! You even prepared a "hot" breakfast before their departure on Thursday! A special shout out to everyone who assisted in the kitchen,

served food, or prepared a dish...we couldn't have done it without YOU! Sylvia Wilson-- Thanks for taking care of all the "odds and ends"! If you weren't making signage for the makeshift dressing rooms for the students, you were emailing or calling folks on my behalf and for that, I thank you! Marian Strong & Doris Harris-My angels with the irons! The young ladies of the Aeolians asked for irons because their dresses were wrinkled after their long road trip. Marian was the first person I saw and she drove all the way back home and got her iron! She suggested that I call Doris, who was en route to the church, and turned around and brought back TWO irons! Thank you ladies...the girls looked lovely! Robert Reed & the Technology Team-- Thank you for a job well done! You showed up in full force and represented us well! The Aeolians sounded great. Finance Committee & Treasury Dept-- Thank you for assisting us with our budget requests. You're the best! Finally, thank you Capitol City, sister churches and friends for showing up and supporting this event!! Your presence made the difference!



What Makes the Body Acid or Alkaline? Lessons from the Miracle Doctor, by Jon Barron

To better understand the system our bodies have developed for maintaining pH balance, we need to take a look at what affects pH (usually making us more acidic) and how our bodies respond to that change. • Acid-Forming Foods: When they are metabolized, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats produce various acids in our bodies. That means that all meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, cooked grains, and refined sugars are acid forming in the body. Probably at the top of the list of acid-forming foods in the human diet are colas. Not only are they high in refined sugar, which is highly acid-forming in and of itself, but most cola contains a large amount of phosphoric acid, not to mention carbon dioxide (an end-product of the acid neutralization process). • Alkaline-Forming Foods: For the most part, only fresh fruits and vegetables and superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, barley grass, and wheatgrass are alkaline-forming and help your body maintain a proper pH. It should be noted that even though citrus fruits are highly acidic, your body treats them as alkaline so that they are, in fact, highly effective alkalinizers. When proteins are metabolized in the body, they produce sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid; carbohydrates and fats produce acetic acid and lactic acid. Since these acids are poisonous to the body, they must be eliminated. Unfortunately, they can’t be eliminated as acids through the kidneys or large intestine as they would damage these organs. The way the body handles them is to neutralize by

converting them into acid salts by combining them with the minerals sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Of these, calcium is the most important. Now, here’s the key: your body uses a priority system if there are not enough available minerals to neutralize all of the acids present. Blood is at the top of the heap— your body will seal minerals from anywhere and everywhere before it will let your blood become too acidic. Remember, even a slight deviation in blood pH results in death. Saliva is at the bottom of the heap. Saliva is the first place your body steals minerals from to balance the blood. That’s why pH testing of saliva provides an early warning system for when you are becoming too acidic. At optimum health, your saliva will have a pH of 7.45, the same as your blood. At a pH of 6.5–7.0, you’ll find yourself frequently succumbing to colds and sickness. At 5.5 and lower, you can pretty much count on the fact that major disease has already taken hold. Virtually, all cancer patients test strongly acidic on a saliva pH test. Unfortunately, your saliva doesn’t contain a big reserve of minerals, so you soon run out. After extracting what it can from urine and soft tissues (creating a rich environment for the spread of cancer), your body turns to its great mineral bank—your bones. So, if your diet is too acid-forming (too much meat, dairy, simple carbohydrates, phosphoric acid, and sugars), your body will fairly quickly begin to leach calcium from your bones to balance the low pH and avoid death. In effect, your body says osteoporosis is preferable to death.

Weekend to Remember |SIGN-UP NOW!!! by Dr Avonelle Dorant


Family Life Ministry invites married, engaged, dating couples to enjoy a life changing experience called 'Weekend to Remember'.

APRIL 19th-21th: 'Weekend to Remember': Downtown Indianapolis at the JW Marriott. This is an important marriage building seminar that allows you to spend quality one on one time with your mate focusing on building and improving your relationship. This seminar has been instrumental in saving marriages that were on the brink of disaster. You cannot afford to miss it. We are asking that the men be proactive in encouraging and inviting your spouses to attend. Please visit and go under 'Register Now'. The group name is CapitolCitySDA.

Volume 4, Issue 3

WTHR Channel 13 Health & Fitness Expo The role Adventists will play in reaching Indianapolis with the Health Message ‘The Right Arm of the Gospel’ by Cynthia Pinkston Click the image for a FREE ticket to the expo.

The surrounding Indianapolis area Seventh-day Adventist churches have answered the call to be a part of a wide scope health and outreach initiative that will take place through 2014. One of the key events planned through the Indiana Outreach Coalition (IOC) will take place on April 27th – 28th, when the Seventhday Adventist church will join the WTHR Channel 13 Health & Fitness Expo at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Once inside the WTHR 13 Health and Fitness Expo, the free Lifestyle Expo will demonstrate and educate through interactive learning, the 8 Laws of Health. Approximately 250 volunteers are needed each day to support and assist the 8 stations representing areas of health that include: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God. Two volunteer shifts are available on both Saturday and Sunday (9:30 – 1:30 & 1 – 5). Volunteer responsibilities include greeting participants at the welcome table, distributing resource information, passing out water or simply taking the time to converse with participants at the end of the Expo and even offering a word of prayer if requested. There will be

something for everyone to do as it will take many hands working together to make this evangelistic outreach a success. After the participants have completed all eight stations, they will be provided with a printout indicating their health age. This information can be shared and discussed with the participants’ primary physician and used as a catalyst for lifestyle changes.

Participants will be able to view their health status in a holistic manner and in an environment with individuals who are there to minister to their physical & spiritual needs

training session. Anyone else who would like to volunteer during the health fair would mark your calendar to attend the final mandatory training session on April 20th at the Indianapolis Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church (821 Denison Street. 317-381-0343). The local area churches have been asked to plan and host various health related events throughout the year that will be used to maintain and strengthen our outreach within the community.

One of the first events being held at Capitol City will be a viewing of the documentary “Forks Over Knives” on the evening of May 11th (Save the Date!). You don’t want to miss this in depth Diagnosis or treatment options will scientific look at how a whole food, not be provided. However, for plant based diet can prevent and many participants this will be an reverse disease. opportunity to view their health status in a holistic manner and in Additional health programs and an environment with individuals activities, including the Let’s Move who are there to minister to their Day on September 23rd are currently physical and spiritual needs. being planned. If you are unable to There are a few booths where a volunteer at the health fair, other medical background is required. opportunities will be planned where However, the primary qualification you can participate. for participation is a willingness to serve and connect with others Please pray for the Holy Spirit to during this unique opportunity that continue to rest upon and guide this God has placed before us. monumental outreach endeavor and Additional information regarding that many lives will be touched and the responsibilities at each booth transformed through the power of will be provided during the next the Holy Spirit.




To see images from this event, scan this barcode with your smart phone’s barcode reader app or visit See all of our church photos by clicking the ‘Church Photos’ tab on our website.

Black History Month: Greatest Heroes

By Merlene Peters

Adventist Youth Society (AYS) went “back to the future” to emphasize Black History Month during programs Feb 23 here at Capitol City and on Mar 2 at the Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church in Niles, Michigan. The objective was twofold: (1) to highlight the contribution of African Americans. (2) to present Jesus as the greatest hero. With parallels drawn from the principles for success used by historical figures. An interest in AYS was rekindled as the youth connected as living stars like Rhianna, Beyoncé & Jalen Smith were featured.

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

Our Greatest Hero shines brighter than any Hollywood star

Bryan Chapman reenacts Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream Speech”.

Carolyn Robinson protects her slaves in a stunning depiction of Harriet Tubman.

“I learned new things about African-American history. Also it was good to be reminded about the more familiar figures.” - Bryan Chapman

develop an interest in the wellbeing of others. Live the mantra “We are our brothers keepers”

This program was necessary to remind the youth that the same opportunities and in some instances greater opportunities are available to them. They too can make an impact on history if they get educated, connected and

Teens & Young Adults: Express yourself by sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas through poetry, art or prose in this new ReCAP section dedicated to the Youth! Send content to

My Greatest Desire by Merlene Peters

My greatest desire is that all of us, especially parents, will understand that the home and the church must work together for the successful development and salvation of all of our youth. We cannot sit back and have the attitude that you take care of yours and I will take care of mine. We need to support the goals and work of the Adventist Youth Society. I want parents and guardians to “buy in” to the notion that more can be accomplished if each one of us put in a little.


Moreover, our children will put the same amount of importance to AYS, the church and ultimately their relationship with God that we do: not by our words but by our actions. To my dear youth, we are making the effort, we do not have all the answers, nor can we know everything that you need, but we will listen if you come to us and tell us how we can help. We always welcome your support and ideas.

Volume 4, Issue 3

April Calendar of Events

6th | 9:30am

7th | 3:00pm

6th | 8:30pm

1 - Jackie Bailey 1 - Harold Lumsey 1 - George Mvundura 1 - Henry Sherrod 2 - Antwan Hollbrook 3 - Lailah Hadley 3 - Deajha Campbell 4 - RenaeĂŠ Thompson 5 - Jamses Ockletree 5 - Kijuan Woods 5 - Shevaughn Loney 5 - Lauren Ford 7 - Sashana Gordon 8 - Estella Purnell 10 - Taunya Swann 10 - Taisha Swann 10 - Jessica Nolan 11 - Beatrice Mvundura 11 - Aaron Ates II 11 - Verna Thomas 14 - Oscar Ongeri 19 - Cierra Thompson 21 - Barbara Thomspon 25 - Beverly Ongeri 26 - Krysti Arnold 26 - Purdina Bailey 26 - Sandy Holland 26 - Purdina Bailey 27 - Maya Stewart 28 - Joy Sumlin

10th - 27th | 7:00pm Every Sunday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

19th - 21st

27th - 28th

13 - William & Rhonda Byrd (16th) 22 - Wayne & Joelle Burrell (6th) 30 - Aaron & Carissa Ates (13th)


The Bible vs The Cell Phone Author Unknown; as read by Marian Strong on March 23, 2013

1801 E 49th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-251-1053

Editor-in-Chief Terrance Turner To submit an article for next month’s ReCAP or provide feedback please send an email to: Terrance Turner at...

Use this key to see how our stories link to our Model for Church Growth

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive message from the text? What is we treated it like we couldn’t live without it? What if we gave it to kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency? This is something to make you go...hmmm...where is my Bible? Oh, and one more thing. There are no dropped calls. Unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill. Makes you stop and think “where are my priorities?” When Jesus did on the cross, he was thinking of you!

Vote NOW for Oakwood University to receive a $50,000 Campus Improvement Grant!

Visit (or scan QR code above) and vote for Oakwood University. Home Depot will be awarding an HBCU with a Campus Pride Grant that will go to the school with the most votes and social media activity. Oakwood University is currently in the lead with votes. To ensure victory for our college youth:

1. Vote for Oakwood using the link above (you can vote once each day) 2. Follow Home Depot on Twitter @RYS_2013 using Oakwood University’s cobranded

May’s ReCAP Submission Deadline APRIL 19th Publication Date MAY 1st



hashtag #OakwoodRYS2013 on Twitter and Instagram to earn them points towards their social media activity. Voting period is from Feb 18 – Apr 15, VOTE TODAY!!!

The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian congregation that has been serving the Greater Indianapolis area since 1906. Our vision is to Grow the Kingdom of God by Changing Lives so that together we can Strengthen the Saved and Save the Lost. For more information on the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church please contact Sylvia Wilson at 317-251-1053.

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