Stories from the past, inspiring our future
Inside this issue:
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
2013 Ministry Leaders
Beautiful Feet
Why Sabbath School: Part 1
Healthy Options
Mobile Text is HERE!
10 Days of Prayer
Calendar of Events
2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship Volume 4, Issue 1
January 2013
Happy New Year! by Pastor William Lee
Dear Capitol City Church Family:
Hope for the New Year 8
Happy New Year, my Capitol City Church Family! What a blessing it is to be alive in 2013. These years are going by at lightning speed! The Bible reminds us “Surely, it is the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:23). As we start another New Year it is very important that we consecrate ourselves to the Lord once again. We must allow God to have complete control in our lives. It is when the Spirit of God dwells in us that genuine reformation and transformation can be done in our lives. I want to encourage you to daily ask God for the fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13).
Pastor William J Lee
There are three major items that I want to share with you in this communiqué. 1. Our Theme for 2013 is: “From Membership to Discipleship.” I am quite excited about this theme because I clearly sense God is leading us into a deeper experience with Him. When we talk about Membership it is usually synonymous with belonging to a group, where certain benefits and privileges are granted to that group or certain services are provided to the membership clientele. Most would agree that the church was not founded to serve primarily the interests of people who were already “Christian.” In Matthew 28, Jesus sends the message to Mary Magdalene, another Mary, and then the eleven disciples that their job is to make more disciples. In “The Great Commission,” Jesus gives the directive to go into all the nations to teach people how to follow in his ways, to tell people the stories of God’s love and redemptive work in the world, to show people
2013 Theme: “From Membership to Discipleship”
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Happy New Year (continued) by Pastor William J Lee
how to be disciples of the one named Christ. The directive has very little to do with the comfort of a church that serves the needs of the disciples and everything to do with challenging the disciples to go and meet the needs of people in strange and foreign communities. There is a great difference between being a disciple and being a church member. Discipleship is an experience. It takes more than a mere one time belief. It is a life long commitment. It has to be practiced for a lifetime. It calls for following Jesus. It calls for spreading the gospel. It calls for responding to the needs of others. It calls for making other disciples. It calls for going. The Discipleship Model asks people to risk the safety and ease of what they’ve known in order to leave a legacy of offering freedom and healing and relief for people in need. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Remember Matthew 28:18-20. 2. Please support our young people. We are blessed at Capitol City to have numerous young children and young people. We must encourage, motivate, and disciple our young. The future of the Adventist Movement is with the young. Ellen G. White wrote in Messages to Young People, p. 207, “Young men and women, God calls upon you to work, work for Him…You can do a work that those who minister in word and doctrine cannot do. You can reach a class whom the minister cannot affect.” Let us continue to train and disciple our young people. 3. Finally, I want to share with you the financial obligations of our church. We have obligations, to fund ministries, maintain the building, cover our operating expenses, support Christian Education, church renovations, just to name some of our expenses. Will you covenant with the LORD this year to be faithful in returning back to Him? God ask for our time, talents, temple, and treasure. As a church family, I want us to grow, develop to be used mightily for God’s purpose! This is what I need for us to do: Make Jesus your top priority! • Pray for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit • Come to church! • Join at least one (1) ministry • Give financially to help advance God’s Kingdom • Support church events! • Invite someone to church each week! Your Church Pastor, William J Lee
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Volume 4, Issue 1
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2013 Church Ministry Leaders Photography by Wayne Burrell Adventist Youth
Bereavement / Men
Merlene Peters
Carmelita Dawson
Bryan Chapman
Krysti Arnold
Denise Brooks
James Ockletree
Augusta Owens
Bhekie Washington
Stewardship / Elder
Family Life
Christopher Jones
The Dorants
Terrance Turner
Community Services
Doris Harris
Home & School
Latoria Lee
Micheil Turner
Here are the men and women chosen to help carry forth the mission of this church. Please continually keep them lifted up in prayer. Not pictured: • Glendoris Anderson, Hospitality & Ushers Kitchen
Parking Lot
Personal Ministries
David Davidson
Melissa Williams
Jason Dawson
Diane Burt
Charlie Waddell
Carolyn Duncan
Joseph Robinson
Religious Liberty
Sabbath School
Carmelita Richardson
Andrew Bailey
Nicole Morris
Robert Reed
Dewitt Smith
Marian Strong
Tom Harris
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Beautiful Feet by Bryan Chapman
Ex-offenders adopted by the Men’s Ministry have paid their debt to society and recognize their need for correction. Several have also indicated their need for conversion in Christ, with the desire to attend a church of their choosing. As many have expressed they own only a pair of gym shoes, the shoes will not only support their reform, but also their dignity. Recipients will use the shoes to complete their modest dress apparel for church attendance and job interviews.
Based on Matthew 25:45, "to the least of these, ye have done it unto Jesus Christ," the campaign for shoes was a platform which afforded Men of God to directly minister-serve, one-on-one, the needs of other men. A residence facility for ex-offenders has been identified
Eric was the first recipient of a brand new pair of shoes. Eric said, “the shoes complete my presentation.” An ex-offender, Eric has found a job and delivers very compelling poetry at churches. He now sells “Jesus” instead of drugs. Eric expressed thanks
and was followed by 10 other men who submitted their request and sizes for dress shoes. The Men’s Ministry is commended for covering the feet of other men, literally. In doing so, they have provided for others, "beautiful feet." According to Isaiah, the campaign for dress shoes has enabled the “Men of Cap” to yet attain beautiful feet themselves. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publishes salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" Isaiah 52:7
Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell
for shoe distribution.
The Capitol City Seventhday Adventist Church Men’s Ministry is to be commended for empathizing with the needs of other men by launching a campaign that collected 65 pairs of new and gently used Men’s dress shoes for ex-offenders in just a three-week period. The campaign, which end on November 24th, was a component of the Men's Ministry Community Service Project. The drive also doubled to serve as part of a Men's Ministry training and development platform designed to develop concern for the welfare of others through ministry and service.
Volume 4, Issue 1
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The Heartbeat of the Church | Why Sabbath School? (Part 1/4)
Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell
by Elder Andrew Bailey, Sabbath School Ministry Leader
I have had the opportunity of being a student in Sabbath school, teaching Sabbath school and more recently leading Sabbath school. However over the years I have seen waning interest in and lack of understanding of why we have Sabbath School. Recent studies show that Sabbath School attendance has dropped from 80% of church membership to 40% of church membership in the past 30 years. Has Sabbath School become a relic of the past, a dinosaur, as it were? Over the next few articles we will explore nine reasons for the continued existence of Sabbath School with particular reference to the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church. “The mission of the Sabbath School is to be a system of local church religious education that builds faith and practice. Based at the local church, Sabbath School builds faith through the study of the Scriptures, the doctrines and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It builds practice through the application of biblical principles and the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the individual lives of the Sabbath School members.” - Sabbath School Handbook 2000
In developing study and practice the Sabbath School has four multi-dimensional objectives geared to the discipling of all church members:
elements. “The influence growing out of Sabbath School work should improve and enlarge the church…” - Counsels on Sabbath School Work
Sabbath school membership in years past far gone was always more than the church’s membership. Interestingly the population in the U. S. is rapidly outpacing the evangelistic results of the church in North America. We might conclude that the Sabbath School as a growth tool has reflected the lack of evangelistic growth in the church at large. Why has a tool that once worked so well become seemingly unplugged? Many non-attending The four specific objectives of members have expressed that they Sabbath School are… have not come to Sabbath School 1. Study of the Word because it is monotonous and 2. Fellowship boring. Many of those who come are 3. Community Outreach only interested in the lesson study. 4. World Mission Emphasis How this once multi-dimensional These four objectives are ministry could get to this point of losing much of its vitality? Is it a lost the basis for every activity of the cause ready for a eulogy? Sabbath School in all divisions The fundamentals of (Adult and Children). Sabbath Sabbath School are still sound. school was originally seen as the When re-examined and applied in a heartbeat of the church. If the st 21 century reality, we will see that Sabbath School throbs with the Sabbath school is still the heartbeat spirit of prayerful bible study, that will get all the organs moving to harmony, and practical activity, the the vital beat of our mission. church will possess the same
If the Sabbath School throbs with the spirit of prayerful bible study, harmony, and practical activity, the church will possess the same elements.
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Healthy Options | Vegetarian Linguine Source:
The vegetarian linguine is an excellent vegetarian dish and easy to cook. This recipe is a tasty alternative to meat and potatoes, plus pasta dishes can be so satisfying. It is colorful with all the fresh healthy vegetables, and it is an easy recipe. One serving is about 216 calories using reduced fat provolone or vegetarian cheese. Ingredients: - 6 ounces uncooked linuine - 2 medium zucchini, thinly sliced - 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced - 2 green onions, chopped - 1 garlic clove, minced - 2 tablespoons butter or vegetarian margarine - 1 tablespoon olive oil - 1 large tomato, chopped - 2 teaspoons minced fresh basil - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 1/4 teaspoon pepper - 4 ounces provolone cheese, shredded (vegetarian cheese is available) - 3 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese (vegetarian cheese is available) Directions: 1. Cook linguine according to package directions. 2. Use a large skillet to sautĂŠ the zucchini, mushrooms, onions and garlic in butter sand oil for 3-5 minutes. 3. Add tomato, basil, salt and pepper. 4. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes. 5. Drain linguine. Cool Fact: Fact: 6. Add to vegetable mixture. About 35% of Adventists 7. Sprinkle with cheese; toss to coat. worldwide are reported to be vegetarian. Yield: 6 servings
Get Ready, Get Set, Get MOBILE! Capitol City has gone mobile! This year we have enhanced our communication with the addition of the Symbiota Mobile Text/ Voice system. Only 35% of each weekly announcement email are ever opened compared to a 90% of text messages being read within 3 minutes. This system will allow members to receive instant emergency communication and more efficient updates on important news and events. To sign up simply text CAPCITY to 70000. Reply back with your full name to complete the registration. No cell phone, no problem! Land lines can receive voice messages. Look for landline sign-up forms coming later this month. Contact Terrance Turner for further details.
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Volume 4, Issue 1
January Birthdays
10 Days of Prayer by Lanae Duncan
God poured out His Spirit at Pentecost after His church spent ten days together, pleading for His promised blessing. He is ready to do it again today! All around the world, Adventist churches are experiencing the renewal of the Holy Spirit by following the disciples’ example and participating in 10 Days of Prayer. Luke 11:9-13 Keep Asking, Seeking, Knocking “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer.” (Last Day Events, p. 189)
1 – Bhekie Washington 1 – Linton Coke 3 – Kyle Wofford 5 – Anna-Kay Bailey 6 – Charlesetta Cartwright 8 – Alliyah Loney 8 – Christopher Lee 9 – William Byrd 10 – Sharon Smith 11 – Steve Arnold 13 – Izolla Ockletree 16 – Aaron Ates 17 – Latifah Palmore 19 – Nicole Morris 19 – Gerlyne Crawford 23 – Jessie Vandiver 26 – Naomi Wilson 26 – Erielle Sharpe 27 – Camille Pinkston 28 – Charles Mabry 28 – Kerrington Morris 29 – Kevin King
January Calendar of Events • 1st – New Year’s Day 10 Days of Prayer • 11th – Leadership Training - 6:00pm 9th - Multiplied Grace 10th - Powerful Promises 11th - Foundation of Faith 13th – Leadership Training - 10:00pm 12th - Excellence in Morals 13th - Knowing God Fully 19th – All Night Prayer Meeting 14th - Essential Self-Control 7:00pm 15th - Patient Perseverance 16th - Growing in Godliness 20th – Church Board Meeting 17th - Brotherly Kindness 10:30am 18th - Loving Supremely 19th - Rejoicing in God-Given Results 21st - Martin Luther King, Jr Day
• 12th – Leadership Training - 2:30pm • • • •
• 23rd – Prayer Meeting - 7pm • 30th – Prayer Meeting - 7pm
Adventist Youth Society 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
January Anniversaries 17 – Victor & Beverly Woods (25th)
CAPITOL CITY Hope for the New Year by Wayne Burrell
A new year is upon us and with it comes new hopes & dreams and for some resolutions. In God’s word we read
1801 E 49th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-251-1053
”When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him. It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.” - Ecc. 5:4-5. Instead of resolutions we wanted you to share with the church your hopes and prayers were for 2013. Here are few of those hopes and prayers...
Editor-in-Chief Terrance Turner To submit an article for next month’s ReCAP or provide feedback please send an email to: Tierney Dioffo at...
Izolla Ockletree - “Be more talkative to people about the Lord. We need to go and to tell others about the goodness of the Lord. Time is getting short, we need to stop relaxing in our own little world. Get busy!” Dwayne Sumlin - My hope and prayer for the New Year is to have a more Spiritual understanding and Spiritual walk with Jesus… Joy Sumlin - My 2013 hope is to keep my closet free and clear of any skeletons that can disrupt God's plan for my life. Happy New Year! Each passing year is a blessing and brings us closer to God and His soon coming. It is Capitol City’s hope that of its members and friends enjoy the satisfaction that come with the realization of our 2013 Theme: “From Membership to Discipleship” May God be with you all this year as we continue to grow in Christ.
If you like what you have seen in these pages and would like to continue to get ReCAPped on what’s taken place, kindly remember the Communication Department in your future giving.
The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian congregation that has been serving the Greater Indianapolis area since 1906. Our vision is to Grow the Kingdom of God by Changing Lives so that together we can Strengthen the Saved and Save the Lost. For more information on the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church please contact Sylvia Wilson at 317-251-1053.
The deadline for contributing to February’s ReCAP is JANUARY 18th
February’s ReCAP publication date is set for JANUARY 30th