Stories from the past, inspiring our future
Inside this issue:
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
2013 Ministry Leaders
Beautiful Feet
Why Sabbath School: Part 1
Healthy Options
Mobile Text is HERE!
10 Days of Prayer
Calendar of Events
2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship Volume 4, Issue 1
January 2013
Happy New Year! by Pastor William Lee
Dear Capitol City Church Family:
Hope for the New Year 8
Happy New Year, my Capitol City Church Family! What a blessing it is to be alive in 2013. These years are going by at lightning speed! The Bible reminds us “Surely, it is the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:23). As we start another New Year it is very important that we consecrate ourselves to the Lord once again. We must allow God to have complete control in our lives. It is when the Spirit of God dwells in us that genuine reformation and transformation can be done in our lives. I want to encourage you to daily ask God for the fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13).
Pastor William J Lee
There are three major items that I want to share with you in this communiqué. 1. Our Theme for 2013 is: “From Membership to Discipleship.” I am quite excited about this theme because I clearly sense God is leading us into a deeper experience with Him. When we talk about Membership it is usually synonymous with belonging to a group, where certain benefits and privileges are granted to that group or certain services are provided to the membership clientele. Most would agree that the church was not founded to serve primarily the interests of people who were already “Christian.” In Matthew 28, Jesus sends the message to Mary Magdalene, another Mary, and then the eleven disciples that their job is to make more disciples. In “The Great Commission,” Jesus gives the directive to go into all the nations to teach people how to follow in his ways, to tell people the stories of God’s love and redemptive work in the world, to show people
2013 Theme: “From Membership to Discipleship”