ReCAP | Mar 2013

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Stories from the past, inspiring our future

Volume 4, Issue 2

2013 Theme: From Membership to Discipleship

March 2013

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

Inside this issue:

- Matt 5:14 We Are Witnesses!


We Are Witnesses!


Shawn Boonstra


Valentines Banquet


Alcohol & Cancer


Dear Capitol City Church Family:

Lord I Declare!


Making the Link


Couple’s Night Out


Youth SPOTlight


Earliteen Class


Wow, what a wonderful start to a brand New Year. January and February have been wonderful months of ministry here at Capitol City. The Spirit of God is moving among us and it is evident as lives are being transformed. The words of the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 43:19 are ringing true for us. God says, “For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert!” Several individuals have made commitments to God and we’ve witnessed new birth by baptism since the start of the year.

Calendar of Events


How to iWitness


We Are Witnesses! by Pastor William Lee

Pastor William J Lee

Over the last couple of months I have been reminding us that we must allow God to have complete control in our lives. For it is when the Spirit of God dwells in us that genuine reformation and transformation will happen. Again, I want to encourage you to daily ask God for the fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). Yesterday’s victories will not suffice for today’s battles. We need a fresh anointing from God each day. Since the first Sabbath of this year I have been teaching and preaching about our theme for the year. By now I’m sure you have heard our church theme for 2013 is, “From Membership to Discipleship.” God has not called us just to be “members” in the church, but the biblical mandate is that we become “disciples.” Disciples are spiritual, committed, and faithful. Discipleship is an experience. It takes more than a mere one time belief. It is a life long commitment. It has to be practiced for a lifetime. It calls for following Jesus. It calls for spreading the gospel. It calls for responding to the needs of others. It calls for making other disciples. It calls for going. The Discipleship Model asks people to risk the safety and ease of what they’ve known in order to leave a legacy of offering freedom and healing and relief for people in need. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. One of the highlights of the past two months happened on Sabbath February 16. We called this day, “Bring a Friend to Church Sabbath.” On that Sabbath we saw over 400 individuals attend our morning worship services. The Spirit of God was present and many

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