truvian arch he final desi Juried out by insisting of I pgineers and JThe 13 interm Kiyonori Ki Fumihiko M? Charles Corrt Center for (Christopher Sara Ishika' Angel (USA) Toi\ Korho Esguerra, (Columbia) KnudSvenss Oskar Hanse Herbert Ohl Atelier Five J. L. Inigue Caslro (Spai fandilis Jos James Stirln Aldo E. van All their e ing pages ' very compn Lain! tor thi the minorii;
Photo montage of the international competitors at a briefing session with Peter Land (in front of blackboard), against a picture of El Augustino, Lima, (taken f mm Urban dwelling environments by Horacio Caminos, John F, C. Turner and John A. Stejfian. MIT Report No. 16, 1969).
PREVI/LIMA. LOW COST HOUSING PROJECT The Government of Peru has formulated an experimental project in housing which has as its objective the development of new concepts and techniques utilizing Peruvian and foreign experience. In August 1966 the Government submitted an application to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the Experimental Housing Project (Prpyecto Experimental de Vivienda, 'PREVF) which was approved in June 1967. Following the preparation of the plan of operations, the work started in July 1968. The project will be carried out by the Government in collaboration with U N D P over approximately three years and consists of three pilot schemes to be implemented simultaneously in Lima. The entire project is to develop methods and techniques, to be afterwards applied on a larger and significant scale as part of Peru's housing policy. The first pilot scheme is for the design and construction of a community of approxi187
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mately 1500 low-cost houses. The second pilot scheme is to develop procedures and techniques to rehabilitate and extend the life of existing older houses. The third pilot project is to develop methods and techniques for planning the rational establishment and growth of spontaneous housing settlements to meet proper standards. Each of the pilot projects will be carried out by a separate Development Group consisting of Peruvian and foreign personnel comprising the different specialities needed for each scheme. A Board of Directors for the entire project consists of representatives of national housing and development agencies and the UNDP. The Government will provide the necessary personnel, services and plant to carry out the project and financing for the construction of the new houses. The contribution of UNDP will cover the international competition, specialized foreign personnel,
pilot plant and equipmentforthedevelopmeni of materials and building methods.
Pilot Project I To obtain ideas for Pilot Project I a competition was organized which was open lo all Peruvian architects and to 13 invited foiviLarchitects. The jurors were asked to vk\e Each received $5000. International winners:
Atelier 5 (Switzerland); Herbert Ohl (Germany Fed. Republic); and Kikuiaki. Maki and Kurokawa (Japan) Peruvian winners:
Elsa Mazzarri and Manuel Llanos; Fernando Chaparro, Victor Ramirez, Victor Smirnoff and Victor Wyszkowski; and Jacques Crousse. Jorge Paez, and Ricardo Perez Leon. It is now the intention of the sponsors to build a number of groups of houses utilising different designs by selected foreign and
The project lion of a co 1500 lam ih Mandatory dwelling 1< 150m2, of between 60 and that ' storeys, sh< third floor, module. All othe free inter p resources i cencentrat niques ir within the density at row and c to considt storied hi Detaile requested general d final com The 40 ment are< be con no and to t Nearby i; winners fromI The site over whii The qual The watt and elev couples four chi
25 per ct units, f owners. planned children couple, of diffei