1992 - Gazette

Page 1

CARAJÁS December - i 9g2

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I È-\tiffit ídír{;-







q't'/ tlrïüÍf-ê







Ediforial Mais um ano de bom escotismo s€ passou, € Qom ele várias muilanças somaram-so na busca do um aperfeiçoamento constante. Folheando este número do Gazette, todos poderão apreciar a primeira edigão totalmente informatiz.ads da nossa publicagão. Isto so foi possível gÍaças aos modernos recursos compuüaoionais de que dispomos hoje em dig tornando assim, o des htop publ.is hing uma realidade. E por falar em computadores, temos visto ultimamente um grande cresçimento na utili:zaçõo deste instrumento no nosso grupo. Os misros são usados no controle das finanças das seções, na elaboração de circulares, material didático, e formação de bancos de dados com informações sobre os membros do grupo. É neçessário quo p€nsemos desde j*, n" possibilidade de no futuro (bem próximo, espero) adquirirmos tal ferramenta, o qu€ só vem a facilitar a vida de nossos chefes, que além de se preocuparem com itens como programação. testes, acempamentos, eventos do grupo, transporte, trabalho, estudo, vida social, ainda são obrigados a perder tempo com tarefas



Cordôr Egrclhi

Publication of thc Crrupo Escoteiro Carajás CEP 01440 São Paulo - SP R. Juquiá" 166 and R. Com. Ehas T:rrz.LÍ. 1239 CEP 04737 AssisL Editor: Jonathan H. Goüer Editor: Ìr'lanuo A. CarrÊ ï'yplng nnd Asslstance: Klaun Wucotcfold Copler: Artist Directur and Assistance: Karçn Wuçstelèld Revlslnn rnrl Prlntlng: André G Ílirashima Autorizaçio prrt publicaçlo rle I-l.E.B. N" 2ló



L@KOUT novo chefe de grupo. Ere assur'e. Mg!iË!a!up1Ìr é '"sso 'l'lrrnrsen p.str rro lugar do Paul que por sua vez, esrá

c.r1{spnndo a área de Relações Internacionais da u.!..1J. Ao Parrl o nosso agradecimenkr pelo excelente trabalho realizado. J-t,-tì3!!d!t-8.r!rgr passou a partir deste semestre a ohefiar a tropa de esc.teirrs dr st. Paul's school. A ele, e ao Marcos que assurne a chelia de grupo. nossos votos de sucesso.


I st.

held at SPYC on 24110 \vas a great success. 'lradition al Jirr.z,Band and Hermann & the caribbeans entertrained 400 peopre with their dancing rithr's.

Funds raised will be used for settii.g up the new st. paul's sçhqrl Ileadquarters. Foi realizsdo em ltatiaia. o acamf)amento deste semeslre da tropa tle escoteiros do st. Paul's school. Grande parte dos participu,ric, tcve a ()p()r'tunidade dc csçalar pela primeira vez as pratelciras, nesle que já é um l.cal conhccid. de nosso grupo há mais de 4 decádas

o.já tra.lici.nal curso de First Aid cstá sendo realizatl, rìr)\'Ianrcnle e c.rrta c.m a presença de 45 participanles



()c()rre krda sexta-fèira. e tem como obletivo pro[x)rcr()nar ao:i ttterrtbr's d'grup', conhecinrent.s básic,s pÍrra'que possarn &glr enr siluações tlc cnrcrgôrrcia. I I


o Grupo cara.jás tcm recibo dcstaquc nas úrümas cdiçõcs do Jonral são Paulo Escotismo publicado pela LI.E.R. F-otos da l)ipa (ìigante construlda durante um acampamento e uma matéria sobre a vida d'nosso esc'teiro Palle'['h'msçn na Dinamarça Íìrranr os assuntos.

t) t'ield

Dav uaraiás ocorreu em agosto. e contou Çom diversas atrações corno um acampanrento modelo, barraquinhas de divcrsão, pista do obstáculos c cxibição dc vÍdcos sobre as atividades das seções.

urn camp conjunto fri rcalizado pelas aloateias da lgrcja e da Escola. o local foi cscolhido foi Riacho Grande. às margcns da Represa Billings. Houve muita diversão aquáüca graças ao bom tempo do feriado de Finados. Rio crande do sul scrá a scde do Jamboree colon. o qual ocorrerá em dezembro/janeiro. Nosso grupo mandará uma dlelegação que Íbrá também um tour a fim de conhecer as belezas do sul do pais.

ln .luly the carajás hosted a group of l4 venture scouts coming fr'm Potten tlnd - Fìngland. fhev camped together with some õÍ our Rovers in Ubatuba" and then madc a trip to Manaus, where thcy'had thc opportuniry- to know úc Amazon Forcs! and hclp in a reforesting project..'l'hen they visited Rio de Janeiro, helpinj the salvation Armv build a home for úe poor. We expect to see them again here in []raz.il, or mcel them at the next Wtrrid Jamborec. ) JOIA (.lalnhore,e ox tfiç Air) teve oomo local este ano o pico d, crrrcrvado enr I lbatuba. F-oi realizsdo nos dias 23 e 24/10 jurriar'errte o'm urna tropa do Grupo Bororós, e os presentes pudcranr andar dc jipc c comunicar-sc com outros participantcs. (



U.ipx frsrn &n (Dlb Toby Shellard




lla'irrg rorurncd

ro live in são paulo I have been able to acc()nìpÍìrrv the dav-to-dav liÍè oÍ'scouting in the carajás once agaiu, so it seerns t'nre that this edition of the Gazette offers me an opportunity to cornrnent on what, I feel, needs nlore atlentitlu autl rvhal can be improved on in the Group of today. lìirstlv. ever sirrce my retrrrn I have been a critic of the rr*,r cornrnunications system, not only between the Chefia and parclìts, bul also intenraly within the Group. hnportant messages liequerrtly get stalled and delay,ed, but I am glad to see that Marc's. since taking over crro'p leadership, is giving this prob lern special attention. seco*dly; I have noticed a tendency, mainly at so'ut ïro.p I-.e'.'el, to pay little attention to one of the basicsof scouting, Progressive'l'rairring

As BP and Gilwell wood Badges havo always told us, the runit in cubbing is the paclq the sixes are only a convenient way of dividing up the Pach being nothing more than an introduction to the Patrol system consequentry c*b sixes should not havetheir own dens and Cub camping in lents shuultl bc uf a vcr) çivilized form, wiú guú peÍïnírnent shclter clrìss by. In the Scout 'l'roops the challenging Ipc of aotivities nrusl be progressivc, not onl1, fiom the tcst training angle. hut alsn tiom the salèty aspect. ln the p&st_ no Scout wcnl orr a'lìrx;p arrrrrral kxrg carnlr urrtil he was twelve years old and


hnd completed Second Class. You mrrst avoid giving eleven vear olds the sanle challenges as fior Sçnior aged Scouts. 'l'herc slruuld lrc nrure sepalate and special activitics within lhe Gloup for Scnior aged members. 'l'hc pros and cons of the Carajás fìrrming a Senior'lrcrrp again require to be debated at a Chefia meeting. Some of you have a distorted view on this subject" irruluitling as [o why we clusc,J our Senior Tltxrps in the past. I.astly; the annual programming of Scout 'l'roop activities and, especially the weekday meetings, which require to havc Progressive Training themes and specific targets, can be improvcd on.,St. Paul's Sçhtxrl Scout Trrxrp is the exceptitlrt and can help tlle other Troops in this, their planning is exemplary and should he shared with other units oÍ'the Group. I do hope the Chefia read the above in úe right spirit, I arn tryirrg to oÍIbr çorrslr uctive çritiscisrtt - you &re all i.ring a fitrc job, but there is always room for improvement.




It' G

RçloRT f 4

ffitPãntr .,,,,



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o só


ra i r

Pois é, saimos às lg:()0 e voltamos somente às 22:00 eue "Lilre" hcirr. lì'olarrr tluas t,rro" .t". Akelaaa! euanto faltâ? - Knnn! I;alta mrrito,/ - (.alrrra. sr'r làlta unr pouquinho nrais


l'á lxlrr!!!

- Akelaaahl .lá chegarrros,/ - Kaah! Vrcé làlou que Íàltara unl p()urluilrho sti!

- I,,u sei, já cstarnos


- r\aalr rìlecnl!! lô corrr lìrrne! - l,u lanrlrélrr .. - lru tarnbém.. - l..u tanrbérn





Nr Phrnrla

- Mç rê

rtrrra dc

(lulrrl'ly. rurratlc

rrtrrssarçlu! - l',rr rlttolo oocal

- l',u quero guarená! - [,u tanrbcnr!!! Aaah cu não.'l'êm soda'Ì

'lbm sinr

l',ntão eu quero urna tànta laranla! .$Urrth:l::vúa

Alguéru apitava tle longa distiincia, el'a urn cheÍb. Os cubs trxJo:; tcntava chegar nele pelo esçuro seln ser visto pelos rrrarcianr''s da rroile - Morreu. Morreu. Morreu!!! - Morreu! . Morreu! - A:rah Meec,rr l'ois é. isso Íìri a volta. inleliz,nrente a rnaiorra rÌì()rícu lx)r(lue sinrgrleslnente não sabem toçaiar (lue nctrì gente. .


l'. r'oçô, sô sabo loçaiar... Mlchael Downe.y - AkcH

aaa (

)trs dai' I n'crrt lo rn]' ÍìrsÍ carnp, and in the thursdal, I g.r lrrv st''lrl thnÍ lrrearìs tÌì!'protÌìes I was ven, hallpv lo geÍ rilv pr()rÌìes. I needed to repeat what aoela saitl. On the last tJay ol'the cülìtp we wcnl lo sçhtxll. Ou lhe way Miccl asood quostions und



\ïho arÌs\\'ered Íìrst got a chewirrg gutn. When we got to school rt'e rlid ligle ca !herr we saw ()wer clad ,rr lÌìulÌì. 'l'hen wc wrrrrl horrre. PaÍrlck Balley - Redr

My best canìp was the one that all the boys wsnt on a hike, were there was water like pantanal. lt was very VL,RY lun! We crosscd to thc oLhcr sidc by going ilr ,uc watcr. Crls Cowan - Greys

Yukarl snd Julla --:--t----:]--'

Church Pack ()s (ìrct s ó urrra nratilha ntuito boa. quantlo os gru).s (lue[erìr oles gt,rdgtt't n'tglhorar nruifu'' l' rlrre clcs eslão rrrrulo iìcostrrnurtlos a lirzcl /()cnÍt

-K"rl""-íi \ u.tt*g



Browns ĂŠ uma matilha excelente pra mim, o tullinro canrp a gerrte ganhou e fomos para o McDonalcls. E,u adorei. O mcu sixcr cra o Mikacl e a scconder cra a Claudia nras agora sou eu. Denlsc



lst Cub Law: "The Cub

gives in to the

Otd Wolf" -9-

$G0ufi@GeG Scouts - School Prinravera CanrD (Itatlâla, ll|,;r e 1U10) 's I his vc.ar prinravera calÌrp trnk place in ltatiaia, alìcr lht: court oí'honour's decision to make a hike as upposed to a statiorrary canrp. We lcÍì early iu the urorrring uu the Saturtlay orrly lrventl' [ìrul scouts and lìrur leaders. After a long and tiring i,rrrrrrey u'e gol to our carnp-site and later found out that it was irr lhe statc of'Minas Gerais. Wc hutl a witlo g,arne thal. includçtl the usag,c uur rnur sc coclc knon'lcdge. lts the ganre wont into the night (iÍ starlecl al

rrround hall'pasl five in the alÌernoorr ancl went up lo laler lharr se\/erì at night ) morso cocle transmissions using torches would savç walkirrg greut tlisLarrccs. Everyoue wlro was wcl aÍìcr thc ganrc got changed into something dry and rvarm. L,ventually. e\/cìrl' plqlpol rrranaged lo get dinner readv and soon "Conrc arrd get il s rvere heard throughout the campsite. AÍter a tiring dav all r.rc,rrl [o slecp. l'he next clay, the rising whistle went ofl'and breakÍhst w,as ,luicklv c,u'ked and ealerr I urrc:h o'as packed irr rucksacks arrrl lìrrallr u,e hil tlre road on our rvav to the Prateleiras. Jonathan kc;,1 g,'irg I'ack arrtl lirrth irr the çar giv'irrg lilìs tu lhe sluwcr , rrtc:; llrggirrg bchintl We, rrll grrlher<'rl rr,hr.re the car was par-ked arrd in livc rrrirrtltcs ttl lrrke llrcre wcre the pltteletr{ìs slanding inrpcnousll irr Irlr;l ,,1 rr Ilrt.rli,\ \\it\ spce trrlIr lrol [1111 beurrlrlìrl r,ritlr lltc



clcal blue sky. Wc conti;tuctl to walk up to thc basc ol'thc Pratclciras slopping onlv to have some water on the wav. .klnathan then tulkcd kr us about the ob.fectives o[ this clinrb. rvhat our attiiurles io it shoukl be, antl lrow lo olinrb. AlÌer ilris, up we wcrrI

Rio dc Janeiro! Alìer about one hour o1'ponder ing at thc top it was tirnc to climb rJown. No rnajor problems. Getting dotvn, u'e lvalked ut'cr to the portaria ol the National Park. with Jonathan giving liÍïs to tlre ones behind. Alìer this mini-hike the bus waited and took us [o Minas Cìerais, back in thc canrpsite. We then rvent for a srvim in the masochisticallv cold water 'l'he other cslnpers who didn't belong to the scouts iust lmked. perplexed, scratching their lr,ja.ls: 'What üïàz,y people.. ' 'fhat night the Tigers joined the Kirrg l;ishcrs Íìrr dintrer, as the F.agles joined the Cobras so that rr,'e corrld keep orrr rrnity as Scorrts and not as incJividual palrols Alìer B very complete dinner, we all went off'to the carrrplit'e $ltore wc ltad thc St. [-aul's lruys'çh..,,ir sing tu us in (icrnrnrr antl in Latin! We were all happl, but lbr too tired to sing Ioo rrìrrch Alìer this we went to sleep 'l'he next day rve woke up and had breaklàst. distrrourrtcd llr,-: eartrpsilc, trtaJc srrre all was prirn antl prt,p*lr, cleatt antl clear and wçtrt olì'baçk to Sao Paulo. On the \\,ay we stollJrcd ut Mlr:l)otrakJ's itr Sao.hrsé dos OarnJx-ls where w'e all devorrrerl orrr lligMacs atrd MacSornethigs A tluli sur,ucssÍìl eanrp whcrc all wcre at thc crrtl. proutl crrorrglr [() sa., "l tlicl it " Johu Mt{ullmh - 'llgerr



Girl-Scouts GOOD Ï'::,ì.N (São Josó dos ('anrpos ' { e 5/04) Nos dias 4 c 5 de Abril, a patrulha l,eo se reuniu para ira urtt orlàtrato .lc urcuin(,s stìì Sãr.r Jusé rJos Cautpus. Foi super legal, os tneninos adoraraln, no começo não çotlsegttitttus errlrelet' nruift, os lÌìeninos. Íìcavatn senìpre pedindo os doces qtte tigfuanxls levatfir. Quando aomeçarnos a distribtrir avançaralìl elìì uirrra da gcutc. nlas lì(, Íìnal Íìoott tudo beur , ale [uzíarn fila pal a pegar as coisas que tlistribuittros.

l;it:a11çs trrirrcnttdo conì ()s tleninos- por mttito fetrtpo e clttntldo lìlrnos errrbora eles lìcaram super tnstes. lìt,i unra cxpcriênoia tnuilo boa que uiugtréur deveria perder. Jrrlllls -





nÀí1Jplp, úlra,úI+.r

r\ vela queinra o balcle" ajudantlo a nt:ttrtcr a água aquecida. Ao esvaziar-se o lralde. eslc l'az. c.ont (lue a lerrlra cara direlo pela ciuraleta tta lìrgueira, at;tlet entlo eltlãn ntais ágrra e ttlnrtclìltts

Ache ír palavras relacionadas a acÍrmpamcnto na mal"riz abaixo. Vale horizontal, vertical e dc cuua para baixo.


s isa oxvs nz, hh






t old o hikem 'lholnas


O qut o Soouta tem qut o J-,oout nã,o Lzm ???


Vcja as rcspostas no linal dcsta cdição

- l.l



ffi.9.ïi)0ffi9s F,very Scrxrt ought to prepare himsell to be a gocxl citizerr ot'his

country and of the World. lìor this you rnusl begirr, as boys, to ltxrk orr all b.ryr as your fi-iends. Rcurombeç whether rich or pooq from town or from crruntry you have fo stand shoulder to shoulder for your country. If vou are divided among yourselves you are doing harm to your oouulry. Y<ru musl sink your diÍferences. Ifyou despisc uther boys beçause they belong to a poorer home Íhan yourselí'you are a snob. lf you hate other boys because they happen to be born richer than you, you are a fool. We rnus! eaçh tlrc of us, tako our place &s we Íiud it in this world and make thc bcst of it, and pull together with the othcrs around us. We are very much like bricks in a wall. we each have our place. thoughi it may seem a small one in so big a wall. But if one briçk crurnblcs or slips out of placc, it bcgins to throw an unduc strain on others, çracks appear, and the rvall totters. l)on't be too anxious to push voursell' on. You will gct clisappointnrents without end ifyou süart that way. Work for the good of your country or ofthe business in which \,ou are emploved, and you will find that as you do this you will be getting all the promotion and all the sucess úat you want. Try and prepare yourself for this by seriously taking up the sub.jccts thoy teach 1'ou at school, not because it amuses you, but because it is vour du$, to your country to improve yourself. Take up your matlrematics. vour historv. and vour language learning in that spir it. and you'll get on.



t)on't think oÍ'vottrselÍ, but thirrk oÍ'voltr cottntry and the gtxrcl rhat your wotk is g,oing Lo do to other people'

ft.,r*"^\\tr"P*,\ l{ave any ofyou Scouts ever thought about the above issue'l What are vou doing now to serve your coull[ry'l '1ry tftinkilg about the importance of your acadsnric work for your future life.

ì\N\, ìNì$\\ì ;;

\ \\t\'.'ìì'. ...\.rt Ë :





"\\rlcoltte lo lnt:itltttt liivc...thc rir el' cnrssing!" t5


W .lusl betìrre I arrivetl in canaclaa nurnber ofyears ago, an awt'ul tragody had happenod at the Niagara Falls. It was rnid-rryinter. 'l'hree people, a man and his wiÍb and o bo1, of severrteen. were walkingaoross abridge whiçh the icehad fornred over ihe rushing river under the tblls, when it sudclenly began to craçk autl to break up.'l'he uran and his wife founcl thcmsclvos on one Íìoqrr rÍ'ice 1Ìoating a\rya)/ from the main par! and the boy was ott another. All around ihern ihe water was covered with sirnilar Íloating blt,çks uf ice. grinding antl burnping against each other. l'he tlrrec pcople \rycre at the rÌì€rcy of the currerrf which here moved slowlt: but graduallv and sureh' carried them downstream towards the aw lìrl rapids a rrrile away. l'coplc ou the banks sarv thcir dangcrous position, and thousrrrrtls collecÍetl, but not orìe seerÌìed able to do anything to help thcrn. Sn'ilrrnring was irnpossible. So was a boat rescue. l;,r an hour ihe pour wretches iloated along. 'rhen the river citt t ictl lhsttt tttrder two br itlges, whiçh span the riverjust before thc rapitl.s ( )rr fhe brrclges. lót) teet above the water- nren had lowercd r()l)cs so ilral lhey hung tlown in the path oÍ'i.he drifting people. As llrr:r passod by; the bor nranagcd

t. graspa rope, ancl willing It'tlttl-* l''tc'cecded kr haul hirn up. Llut rryhen thel,had hirn up ahoul trrrll r',:rr'. the prxrr lèllorv could hold on no longer. tlis hands were trrrrrr[r. llc lêll tlorvrr irr rhe icy strearn . and was never- scen again. 'l'lrs rrran orr lhc othcr floe also graspetl a rope which hs tricd lr lìrsk:rr rrrourrd lris r.vilb, so that she, at arry ratc, might be saved.

llrrt the crrn'errt

ll()w nlslìing ttren along l_lis harrrls r,,.e re nrrnrb lìril'',1 r. rìrsrerr rrre rope. rt sìippe<I frrrrr his rrnrrds. Arrtl a Íèw scçurrtJs ratcr both a'tr rris *.itè *,,.J"d trrsir t.rtrr rcs b1' bcing sucked u'dcr trre 'e wate r irr trrc heaq,srvirting r.1ritrs. wa.s


What would ),ou do, if you were in this siLuation / Dtd you know that there is a knot called Bou,hne (right) w,hich is used to sal,e lives / Did you know that the Bowline is also used in our clinrbing activities at Itatiaia / So,Ì try' l.o learn it quick and be prepared.

o$ra\er lbltuba Prar.er ',,'u [ì,r íhc,'rrruniri,rí.spe'ttirrg I

:,]::l ,líì j]l:l; l* lll",:,k '':,r ie,,,rs n,rrr ,,,' llclp us use ir wisery

rtris ri u'itrr irì"'"ì,ffi;il;ïï# ïïi:ll:,ïiïiÏï,rttnc

tr our be'erit witrrrur causi'g it rrarr'. Aunerr



íe utnr orlent

- (.'he[e.lorri ao (]hefe ('arlos: "Anranhã havcrá eolipse do so[, o que não acontcce todos os clias. Mande lìrrrnar as patnrllìas em ferradura as 7 horas, de unilìrrme complcto. Poderão ludos assirrç otrservar o ferrôrnerro e rJarei explicaçõss. Se çhover, nada se poderá ver e os escoteiros formarão sob a cozinha da çhelìa para irrspeção."

- ('Ircfe (-larlos uo (hefe C]arré "l'or ortlctn do Chelè Jorri, haverá eclipse do sol amanhã. C) que não i1ç:.111çsç l,rdos .s clias. () Clhefe Joni dará as explicações as 7 hs., o que nâo acontece todos os dias. O eclipse será sob a cozinha da chelìa. "

- ('hefe ('arré aos P.L's "Anranhã as 7 hs., vem ao canrpsite um eclipse do sol, de unilorrne cornpleto C) chefe Joni dará as explicações sob a cozinha da cheÍia. se trão çhover - o que não acontece todos os dias".

- O P.1,. .krhn aos'l'igers "Alençã.! Arrrarrirâ as 7lrs.. o ChetèJonr vai taz,er um eclipse do sol tlc unilìrnne c()rÌìplçto [ì dará explicações. Nos devçmos fazcr uma adura rra cozirrha cla çhefia" o quc não acontece todos os dias. Caso <'lt,'r'a nãrt ltlverá inspeção. lc'rr

- l',rrlre os elelllerrtos da patrulha -lìgers (


l' l.

dissc quc anìanhâ o sol, de uniforme cornple [o, vai faz,ereclipsc por n (' cheÍè .krrri rlue lhe pedirá erplicações. A çoisa é capaz de <Jar enl etìcrcnc:A. dessas que acontecenl todr>s os tlias [)eus queira qrre cltova !



Díõ ?ou Ênow 7?7 The Scout Unifprm - Orieinç llat

'l'he Scout hal originalll'got its initials'8.P.'[iorn the w'ords "lJoss of Íhe Plains" ll was worl bv memhers <'rf the South fuiican Constabulary as being both distinctive and practiçal. It shaded the face trom the surr, ;rtuleL;eted it frorr hcavy t'airt, sltadilg the eyes whcn scouting at a distancc, trvas uselul for fanning a fire, carry'ing water in emcrgencies and in manv other clirections.


'l'he SçarÍ'was designed for its practical use. 'lb protect úe back ofthe ner:k rrgainsÍ hol sun 'l'he nose and nrottth against dttst, as all emergencl handkerchiel or pad Íbr a triangular bandage. as tie stripes lìl an elnel'gcncy stretohcr. The originul Scout Scarl was green, like that oÍ'thc South Alricatt Constabulary'.

Garters (Wortr aroutrd sooks ) A lilait ol'woul, r;[the sarrÌe oolour as the socks, tied below the lutee, had a cloutrle pury)ose. It both suported the soçk and supplies its ntending wool.

Staff('lbtlay the patrol pole) ln lhe carll dal's tlrc staÍì was arì integral part oÍ'the uniÍbrm and was e'arric,l I'i çirll] !içoul. lls uscs are tÌìalì\. kr i1it111ç a lbn' N'lakirrg,,Í c{re(clrcr s lire r criçunìg ol'skaters rvho hatJ tàllerr lhror.rgh thilt ice, tirr li,rthrrg riicrs. clirrrtrrrtg hills. the gariging ol'heights aniJ tlistauçcs. lhe stalÌ \\lt:r Jccuurtc:ti nitll loletn signs alìtl ti!hcr trail'; '',1 lltç irrrli' irlrr:rl St'orrÍs I


xír a<'lr lr rx-rr " I

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?drí/ Dut'*ztl :ti,)àrs, eem?re lá, muiLa 6arra oomo Òem?re. $ Ë $ b!-\ert,; f-lal:-, mrilÌaq \te7eÕ eqLào ce,rttt.q,nào brir4rn A à ÈF nruit"r,r,tárl 3PË* n' E Ë $.É Pë

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Anàré,vatnoo tá, o vrofttioe vai çatrl Mtttnl cam?6 ïn eoperam

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I Love You fill. Uou sentiÍ saudsdes de ser membÍo desso gÍsnde pqtÍulhol Eogles Íayql .20






PosÍ 8ox llemel l{empstead. lst Oçtober lgg2 Dear José Mariq 'rhank vor very much indeed for alrthe help you gave us during our exciting expedition toyour amazing countrv. úe could never havã achieved all the íàntastic visits without your herp, we wil ailways be rnosl grateÍìrl to you ancl the Carajás Scouts. lf'vou, or any'Í'yorrr group, come to E,ngland please be sure to conüacr us so that we can reciprocate vour hospitaliW. Joyce Whittaker Venture Sçout Leader

o próxinro gazette espera contar

com mais co*espondência. Gostarlamos que memb'os de outros grupos, pais, membr.os do Carajás no exterior, oldscouts, e demais leitores nos escrevessem.

'Ihe next edition of the Gazette expects to receive more correspondence. We would like that menrbers of other gr'oups, parents, member.s of (ìarajás lir{ng abroad, old_ scouts, and readers in gen_ eral wr.ite to us.


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Thomas Berkes

manda avisar que o que a Scouta tem que ol

Scout não tem é o Al Com efeito, a palavra Scouta termina com a. Se você não acertou, seja mais observador cla proxima vez.

0llll /tlls se você gosta de escrrver, desenhar, mexer com computer ou enJrevisúar pesso&s, venha participar do Gazette. Está aberúo a todo^r; é só falar com a chefia.

(EP Ot ffo Sfio Poulo .



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