Carujús= Brasil-
Garaiás - a Lifetime of Scouting Caraiás Scout Group ( Grupo Escoteiro Carajás. in f Portuguese) is mainly an English speaking Scout Group. part of the British Communitv in São Paulo. Brazll. We rvere oficiallv formed in 1927. succeeding the lst. and 2nd.São Paulo Bov Scouts. This vear rve ivill be completing our 68th anniversary!
quarters were al-
ready near by to lvherc today is St. Paul's School),
In this article. wc rvill give you a brief notion of what the Caraiás is all about. interesting facts, camps.... So sit back and feel rvelcomc to enjoy this little bit of history!
In thc earlv davs. the Scout Troop meetings rvhere held at Avenida Paulista (toda1,'s most important aveuue in São Paulo!). in a rather strange shelter kindh lent bv the Siciliano fàmilr - horsc stables!! Chácara Flora u'as ons of thc first camp-sites and rcmained a farouritc for some ten vears. It uas still a largelv uninhabited uoodland u-ith clear spring rvatcr and tu'o attractir,c snrall lakes uhich
ucrc uscd for bathing. It rvas at a Mogi das Cmzcs camp that a Scouter. probablv Ken Willey. knolrm as "Zaikc". decided to clear the arca llcar his tent by setting firc to it. The firc got out of control aud thc rvholo Troop had to bo called to fight thc bush fire r,vhich r,vas -Carajás-ALifetime of Scouting
a F
z Fz
- Gazette & Planeta - CheÍia's Message
o o
- Cavalgando sob Chuva e Sol - These Things are Scouting
- Easter in the Rain Forest
- Scouting in Brazil
thrcaten ing to burn the tents. The danger signal of thrcc long rvhistlc blasts u,as used to call thc Scouts back to camp and. to this da1'. is thc traditional Troop call for
camp-frre - three long rvhistles or horn blasts.
The u,eckly meetings. callcd Paradcs in thosc davs. u'crc hcld on Saturdavs.
frcqucntlv rvith a short hikc and Widc Gamc in Cidade Jardim (the head-
which rvas rvooded and marshland at that time. The objec-
tive rvas .usually to lav a "bolnb" olì thc Cidadc
Jardrur tranr
line - bondes \\'erc oncc every hourrvhilst the
other team dcfcnded thc
greal pionaerìng pro.jecÍ: I hc " Iìarri,s Ií"hae 1 ".
bondc. Thc conductcrs loincd cnthusiasticallv in the spirit thesc games.
The first intemational camp thc Caralás participated in rvas the ,5th. World Janrborcc in Holland. It u'as also the last l2efgrc the War. and thc last at ri'hich the Chief Scout of thc World u,ould bc prescnt. Badcn Porvcll visited the camp of thc British Scouts fronr Brazil. giving them a replica of the Jamborec svmbol. ivhich is in thc Troop Room to this dar,. The leaders in Brazil organized a camp-fire to rvelcome back the Jamboree Contingcnt. At this camp-firc.Tom Grcgon, introduced a custorn u{rich becamc a tradition for manv vears. He had nranaged to collect a fotv cmbers frorn that last grand camp-firc at the Jamborce attended b1'all participants and the Chicf. Thcsc ashes u,orc poured from a hom into the firc and a uo\\, lot of cmbers \\,crc taken out at thc
closing of the camp-firo ccrcmon\'. Ashes froln vcry mauv camp-fircs rvcrc collected in tliis rììalrÌer rvcll into thc sn,cutics. all originating fronl that ccrell'rollv at thc Janrborcc
The year of 1938 was the start of the main problem which caused the suspention of Group activities by the end of 1940. The Vargas dictatorship was issuing decree-laws severely restricting activities of private organi zations and associations, especially those controlled by non-Brazilians. Nevertheless, thc Union Jack was no longer wom on the uniform. and all the registration had to be now done in
Brazil (we still were registered in Britain).
r,vcrc thc davs!
British forces: C. J. Bowles; H.C. Derrom; H.C. Cromack; J. Everill; C. Macintyre; A.C. Macintyre; R.B. MacWilliam; E. Monk, R.M. More; P. Potter. J. D. Rushworth. J.G. Wood "Whcn the sun sets, and \ r
We u,crc using the new site that had becn loancd b-v the Ford family on thc cdgc of Chácara Flora, but it was poor. There r,verc no swimming facilities and drinking rvater had. . to be obtained
from a
rrrvrrr l.r'r,;ï#-wesharr \
a\ F)
nearbv garden until thc
Alons came 1955 and';òperation
owncr Some camps were held in Morumbi, a popular spot being the ridge of hills overlooking the city at rvhat was known as the three trees - now a large Club ( Paineiras do Morumbi). The post-war days began to look very
rvalked into camp onc dar'furious: thc Scouts
bleak for the Scout Association. Activities were suspended towards the end of 1940 and the last offrcial outdoor activity registered in the log
patrol. rvhich rvc shall not namc. claimed that thc chicken had u'andered into thcir patrol caurp-sitel Thrs l'as alonq thc carlr fifties
"No problem", he satd, "we'll call the írarn back"! And that was
exactly what he did book. by an unidentified scribe. r,vas a hike to Taboão on 25th of August
Pineapple", when Rover Scouts Hugo
Mdal, Charles Downey and Jan Stekly succeeded in obtaining
sponsorship to dnve a Willis Jeep all round South and Latin America.
had stolen. killed and catcn onc of his chickcns! Thc
through thc U.S.A. to thg 8th. World Jamborcc at Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Canada Their drive to and from Canada took 12 months and a few da1 s- and upon their return, in a Jeep
nou covered ri'ith badges and souvenirs from their 73.000 kilometers
Thc \\/ar had cndcd \!'e decided that u'c should harc a Roll of Honour for Scouts nho had glven their lives in battlc This Roll u'as hung next to thc Scout Laws on the rnain rvall and the
jouney'. thc rvhole Região São Paulo rvelcomed thern back at start of via Dutra, accompanying them through São Paulo in a massive car parade.
(to be contintted in next issue)
narnes of thc folloiving youngstcrs rvcrc listed. all but onc r,vho served in the U.S. forces. having served in the
Rio, 1st. July 1991 In late 1943 we were back to an old camp site at Perus. It rvas a disap pointment! The via Anhanguera rvas being built right by there. This camp commenced lvith quite an adventure. They had trouble getting on the right train, seing that all of them were packcd full. Arriving just on tinre at the Perus Station, they found out that
the train had just left. Undaunted they went to the Superintendent's house, a Canadian just starting his lunch break, and told him who they were and rvhat had happened. "No problem", he said, "we'll call the train back"l And that rvas exactly what he did. The train shunted backr,vards
for some two
kilometers to Perus, an extra passenger \.vaggon u,as attached and the boys were poured in with all gear plus two crates of guaraná as a gift from the friendll Superintendent. Thosc
Dear Paul, You must be up to youreyes m preparation for the Jamboree, so I am
This letter was writtcn on tlre ocasion ol the last Jamboree.
you must
do is "what
Even though it's
not going to "cobrar"anything they do from you in this letter, but for diflerently and better". Look for sure lvill do so after August. the positive good things in úose you meet. And of course put This lcttcr is to wish all of you ôn the best show possible yourand especially the .Carajás selves as I am sure you will do. Scouts and Girl Scouts, a wonderful time on your trip and at Well I guess that is about all for the Jamboree. Please remind now - I hope this letter is not all (as I used to remind those too early, but I dont remember who werÚ with rne in the past), the date of the Jamboree or that rvhen seeing and meeting when you leavc. Scouts from other countries, don't take the attitude of mak- Bon-voyage and happy landings ing, qqprparisons on the basis to all, Toby Shellard "thi! is better in Brazil", rvhat
s Jamboree time. A time when Scouts from all over the world get together. This 7 issue of the Gazette. written practically all in
English. is done so r'vith this purpose in mind.
This Jamboree's motto is "The Future is Now", which means that a Scout shouldn't just sit and watch time passing by, but should act now to start building the future.
IA ìt
How about taking a look at your grades? Are you doing well at school? Remember that'the future belongs to those who are better prepared. After all, you lvou't r'vant to be a looser,
u,ill 1'ou'Ì
Eutu edição foi feita praticamente todu.* inglês, para que os escoteiros de outros paises também possam ler. Para quem não entende inglês, é uma boa oportunidade para se esforçar um pouco, e com a ajuda do dicionário, tentar compreender o que está
Internet E-Mail. Those who already have access to this means, from even the more distant corners of the Earth, or belonging to whichever Scout Group, is invited to contact us to state their opinion on the Gazette, or even exchange views on Scouting.
Based on this action. \\'e can todal tell the story,of 701ears of existence of the Carajás
It is also due to this that
the Gazette is able to
introduce colours with this edition. A new colour rvith each issue.
The first one to answer giving the name of the Scout Group which publishes this newsletter, will receive four editions of the Gazette free of charge. E-Mail one of the addresses below.
E-Mail us. Now!!!
It's important to remember that, since the last issue rvent to press. the Gazette
Send us your opinion on this issue or
has introduced a neu' rvav of communicating u'ith its readers. It's through
get in touch with Brazilian Scouts: Jonathan_Govier@Dispro.
Quick, Practical & Effective
Kris Harrison, fon'ner St. Paul's Scout Leader, has been to Brazll on holydays. Although having stayed only a few lveeks, he had the opportunity of meeting the "old friends"and camping with the Scouts. Once nrore. the Rovers had lots of crazy activities to fulfill at úe Gincana Gilwell. The best team was thc'' S.H.I.T. (Super Hyper húeligent Team) and the most
original was the Krefarut.
St. Paul's Troop rvas the winner of the first football match. against Sto. Á'n-raro Troop. The game. held at St. Pauls School, ended rvith a 2 X 2 score. Penalties gave St. Pauls the trophy. Cubs St. Paul's had the lovely oportunity of camping at Aratoca (Campos do Jordão) during the last Corpus Christ Weekend.Who rvill cver forget the nights around the fire covered with brotherhood and lot's of
July Camp das Scoutas e Scouts Sto. Amaro: Ilha do Cardosol No Sul de São Paulo, depois de viajar 5 horas de onibus mais 3 de barco, acamparanì num lugar muito lindo. Vale a experiência, alem de aprender muito com os nativos da ilha. Bragança Paulista recebeu uma galeriúa da pesada no último feriado de Corpus Christy. Os Cubs Sto. Amaro entraram arrasando. Muito obrigado a Família Pimentel, e cuidado com os Herculóides!
Dia 2l de Julho passado faleceu o Chefe Carlos Alberto Carneiro Teixeira. Ativo do G.E. Guaianazes de S. B. do Campo, foi um grande amigo dos Carajás, participando de vários dos nossos eventos. Sentiremos muito sua falta.
Qual a Scouta que está
Qual o chefe
escoteiro que mais come ovos?
: tt.' que acerta
iúalquer equação
Qual o Scout que está sempre de Jeans?
matemática? O MATHew Govier.
O NÍcholas
sempre penteada?
A Vivian COMBer.
O Joule LEE
aïil:;::liïffïlïï se formos olhar rìp
dicionário. a
palavra "Scout" sfnifi ca dcsbravador. aquelc quc lidcra/abrc novos camiúos. guia. enfim. Mas. isso não c tudo. B.P. criou isso tudo. e sozinho pcrccbeu quc apcnas "Scouting" rtão dava. E prcciso de "Cubbing" (a base
do Scouting). Todos dcvcm sc conscientizar quc os Cubs são apenas o inicio de uma vida Escoteira. Eristem os Escotciros-
Pioneiros. Chcfia inclusivc Pais dc
chefe que mais respeita as leis?
esteja. você ostatii sendo observado. ' julgado c cobrado como tal. sabia'Ì
Será que todos aqueles que recebenr a Promessajá podem sc considcrar possuidores de um bom Espírito'l Na vcrdadc. a Promcssa c ato dc ojovem scr accito no Movimcnto. pois autes ele/ela era apenas um "ouvintc". Você se lembra de todas as Lcis (não precisa sor en'ì ordem) c as scguc a risca? Sem querer. alguma hora. algum dia, urna Lci provavclmente
será "esquecida". O importante e lembrar que a qualquer
lromento estamos sendo vistos como Cubs. Scouts, PLs. Chefes c atc Pais de Scouts. Por isso que aquela vellia frase deve fazer partc das nossas vidas. "Urna vez Scout, sempre Scout!"
Não c preciso estar na sede. de uuifomre ou num camp para ser visto
Scouta mais amiga do Papai Noel?
Realmcntc os tcmpos mudaranr. mas não podcmos deirar qus o tcnrpo
Qual o Scout que nunca se molha?
O dea
forma dc senllos Scouts. Algumas coisas quc cu. nrcu PL. e atc nrcu
Go SEKlni
Quais os Rovers que estão sempre
calçados? Os SHOOters.
pai fazíanros quando Scouts
Jovcns Escoteiros.
afinal os lrais tambem fazcm parte. E o Espírito Escoteiro. onde fica'/
O LAwrence
Scout quer
Michael Downey
não podcrn scr dcixadas de lado. Coisas como i:. respcito pela Bandeira c
Uniforme. aquela
gana de fazer colsas 110\'as e aclllla dc tudo a patrulha. Na verdade ó como sc sua patmllia
fossc sua turma de escola so que muito
rnais. Nunca devemos abandoná-
laslll Qucm tcm Espírito Escoteiro sc orgulha de ser Scout. Só quc não sou eu. B.P. ou qualquer outro chefe qLrc vai cltegar c fíìar: "Vocô tctn Espírito Escoteiro" São vocês rìrcsr'ììos quc conquistarão seus Espíritos Escoteiros soziúos.
Boa sorte e que a experiência dc unt
Jamboree erga ainda mais o Espirito Escoteiro nos Carajás e no Mundo.
Gavalgando sob Chuva e Sol ffinçFmiT PL Orion
fl ff
qui está um rcsumo da aventura qu"eu c a Emily (PL Áquila) passamos para conseguir o badge de
aventureiro. Nossa viagem começa às 8:00h . no sítio da Emily. que fica em Caucaia
do Alto. Depois do cafe-da-maúã "atôlnico" e de ter arriado as eguas. montamos de mochila e tudo, para começar lÌossa
ROMARIA ''INDEPENDENTE'" até São Sebastião da Scrra.
que sai da bica da gruta e milagrosa,
até curando deficientes! Fomos atc a gruta (que era aninral!) e aproveitamos para tomar um baúo com a água milagrosa (de repente curava as l.rossas assaduras!).
q ida. no lombo ò
Tinhamos unl mapa da região. quc nos guiava. o colno equipe de apoio vinham os pais da Em. Pra variar. cantamos muito c em boa partc do canrinlro podíamos admirar a beleza da Mata Atlântica. Já na metade. quando a exaustão teimava em aparecer. ouvimos um forte bamlho de cachoeira. Como estava ern unta
propriedade, pedimos pennissão aos donos. que foram muito sirnpáticos e ate pediram para passaÍrnos lá na volta. Refrescamos as éguas c
ïhese Things aÍe Scoutin$
Assim que acabarnos de cor.ì.ìor- caiu o rnaior teurporal. Eutramos no galpão e dormimos No meio da .noite tivemos a presença dc ilustrcs
Foranr 6 horas de
deixavam a marca das fcrraduras.
PS: Quem for passar esse badge, vai fundo; porque além de ser muito legal. depois que você olha para trás e pensa no que vocô passou, vê o quanto o seu Scout Spirit cnriqueceu.
Como havia acontecido um assalto por aquelas bandas. o pai da Emily achou melhor passar a noite por lá (elc dormiu no carro).
dos cavalos. numa trajetória com partes de dificil acesso. O Sol torravaeacada2 horas era preciso dar água para os pobres Àquila c Boate- que el.ì.ì suas passadas. sobre o asfalto que derretia.
com um delicioso churrascol
visitantes...AMIGOS MORCEGOS. que passavant por nossas cabeças em
vôos razantes. Domingo acordamos benr cedocstava tudo molhado ao redor- lltas o cóu cstava sell'ì Ìlllla uuvctlt. Arrumauros tudo e após dannos uma última volta pelo lugar, pegamos a cstrada.
Agora. por ser mais descida. a volta
foi mais rápida. Paramos na cachocira. almoçamog e um pouco antos dc chegar , tomarros nma TRADICIONAL TUBAÍNA.
# ff*l.ï:ïïï'Jïi;;;,"i Coloring of boyish pride. the sweetening of Hurnan appreciation - úey are all in Scouting. KEEP THEM
When Romance dies out of the heart. youth is gone. When lifc holds nothing more of Adventure, itholds
NOTHING more. If there were no mystery in things around us, there would be no interest in them. And lvhen rvhat rve do and rvhat we are mean nothing to anybody but oursclvcs, wc arc nothing Unless Scouting keeps these things alive in the Scout and for the Scout
rvhile he lives, it fails. But these things ARE in Scouting. Are they in YOU? Give them to your Scouts and your own life will have more romaÌlce, adventure and satisfaction.
Após 5 horas de viagem. chegamos ao sítio e fomos muito bem recebidas.
seguimos viagem.
Completando o trajeto de 25km. finalmente chegamos. Desarriamos as eguas c as colocamos no pasto. Montamos as redes num galpão e fomos dar urna volta pelo local . Visitamos a capela e a sala dc oferendas. onde alénr dc santos e presentes. encontravarÌr-sc gessos e rnuletasl Dizem quc a água
Para afastar
N",, J;:::::"1ï., colocar uma
corda tipo sizal em volta da mesnla. O sizal agride o abdomen da serpente, que rapidamente se afasta.
To keep snakes away from your tent, just placc a ropc around it.
The rope hurts the snake's abdomen, causing it to run away.
José Spina 1913 - 1995 Chefe Spina was one of the first Scouts of the traditional Group, the "Boy Scouts Paulistas", (today the Grupo SP.l). He was one of the Rover Scout participants in the joint Boy Scouts Paulistas and 2nd. São Paulo (ES) Rover Crews.
who formed First Aid teams which worked behind the trenches during the l932Revolution. In 1944 when our Group was operating clandestine as a Boys' Club, it was Chefe
I, as a Scout who learnt a great
deal from
Jose Spina on Leaders' Training Courses, run by him
in the Horto Florestal, always considered him to really have what that traditional Scout song tell us, the "8.P. Spirit Right in his Heart".
as Group Leader of Grupo SP.l, who convinced us to go back into uruform under their wing, as the
EasteÍ in
the Rain Forest
Scouting in Brazil
Because of the great diversity of cultural and economic conditions throughout the country, the basic Scouting programme allows for a wide variety of choices and adaptions to respond to different needs Scout activities include sanitation education, vaccination campaigns, as well as assisting during elections. "Child Survival" is one'of'the proficiency badges that Scouts can wcnt to Ubatuba, our earn in Brazil. traditional campsite. surrounded by ln this land of sparse population and vast size, the Atlantic Rain Forest. Scouts use amateur radio to maintain contact during national Scout camps When rve got there, rvc began to raise our tents are held in as many as 45 which and kitchens. At night, we had a night-garnc, places at the same time. organized by Pale and Florian; the aim was to cross a William Lee 3rd Tiqers
river. To achicvc that. we had to collcct somc materials to build a raft.
Total membership is 57.462.
Next day. we spent our time during the morning to finish building the carnp. Then, aftcr lunch. rvc sct offto the lvaterfall (short hike). As soon as rvc reached therc, we had to start collecting fircwood. building small kitchen shelters. and getting our hammocks readv for us to sleep. I reckon that the climate r,vasn't nice that day. it rvas cold and rainy. and the ground was damp and Therefore the firervood wasu't good cnough for making a tall and nice firc: but ovcn so. it was still a nice hiking cxpericncc. Aftcr thc cver-lasting PT. we startcd to pack our things. and makc our rva-v back to the campsitc. In thc cvcning, rvc had an activit-v. rvhcre one had to makc a squarc screcll. and using it, drarv a sccnc of onc's choice. In fact. it's an cffrciellcv ollc test. Later. u'c had dinncr cornpctition. and the traditional campfire on thc plateau of a hill.
Bv morning. rve did the treasure hunt. and soon after. rvc lcft. Tigcrs and Cobras rvon the camp this year.
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