Cover Photo: Alair Gomes, Alexandro Oliveira Gurgel, Antonio Guerreiro, Aun Helden, Cesar Oiticica Filho, Claudia Andujar , Hélio Oiticica, José Oiticica Filho, Lamberto Scipioni, Luiz Garrido, Maurren Bisiliat, Mergulha e Voa, Neville D’Almeida and Rossangela Rennó

Carcara has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, with 40 editions celebrating photographic art.
In these 10 years, at the beginning of each season, we have gathered the works of great photographers from Brazil and around the world to keep the love for photography alive.
It is gratifying to be, for so long, a platform for dissemination and connection.
We invite you to go on with us on this journey.
Carlo Cirenza

Copyright: Photo courtesy of the artist

Cosmococa - Programa in Progress

A Carcara recentemente completou 10 anos, 40 edições celebrando a arte fotográfica.
Durante 10 anos, no início de cada estação, reunimos as obras de grandes fotógrafos do Brasil e do mundo para manter vivo o amor pela fotografia.
É gratificante ser, por tanto tempo, uma plataforma de divulgação e conexão.
Te convidamos a continuar com a gente nessa jornada. Carlo Cirenza
Publisher: Carlo Cirenza
Editor: Carlo Cirenza
Graphic Project: Marcelo Pallotta
Designer Assistant: Katharina Pinheiro
Translation: Bruna Martins Fontes
Acknowledgements: to all who collaborated during these 10 years.
1 - Suggestions, complaints and praises should be sent by email to: contact@carcaraphotoart.com
2 - Portfolios should be submitted in the following format: JPG ( 20 x 30 cm ), RGB, 300 dpi, by email to: contact@carcaraphotoart.com
ISSN 2596-3066
