CRY Update Magazine - Issue 57

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Update 57 January to April 2012 News and Events

• raising awareness • our fundraisers

Cardiac Risk in theYoung (CRY) Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail: Visit our websites: • Registered Charity No 1050845


Meet our County

update 57 January to April 2012

Contact the Editor

Peter Teale

Inside Update 57

Meet our County Representatives

Page 3

Assistant Editor

News from the Chief Executive

Page 3

Chief Executive

Other CRY News

Page 10


Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive

Page 11

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP)

Page 13

CRY Screening Report

Page 14

South West Postcard Launch

Page 16

Alison Cox MBE

Dr Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive Jemma Reilly Ayton Medical Secretary to Dr Mary Sheppard Rebecca Zouvani Fundraising Manager

Now on Twitter and Facebook

It was more distressing to learn that lives could be saved if young people were screened with a simple ECG scan. This could detect conditions and allow them to be treated.

County Representative for West Midlands

Mair Shepherd

Research News

Page 16

myheart News

Page 19

Virgin London Marathon 2012

Page 21

Our Fundraisers

Page 36

Raising Awareness in the Media

Page 68

Fundraising Events 2012 - 2013

Page 79


My name is Peter Teale, I live in Cheslyn Hay near Walsall, West Midlands. Our lives changed forever on the 15 September 2009 - this is the day that my eldest daughter Zoe died suddenly in her sleep.

With SADS you don’t have the opportunity to pray for a child’s survival, have the chance to say goodbye or even be there with them to hold their hand as they pass away.

Zoe was only 23 years old when she died. She worked as a fitness instructor and was fit and healthy prior to her death. As far as the family are aware there have been no cases of sudden death or cardiac problems in the young in either of our families.

In Zoe’s memory we are raising money for CRY to fund the cost of ECG screening sessions for young adults throughout the West Midlands. This will help save lives and prevent other families going through this tragedy.

Zoe spent the day before her death with her sister; and the evening laughing and joking around with her family and best friend Ben. We were all unaware of the devastation that was to come; she didn’t have any signs or symptoms of any illness. Zoe died suddenly in her sleep that evening.

They are taken away from you suddenly with no prior warning; the whole family have been left in extreme shock as well as total disbelief and devastation.

Zoe’s heart was sent to Dr Mary Sheppard in London for examination and the family have all had to be tested as it was thought that Zoe died of an inherited heart condition. My other daughter (Meghan) and myself were found to be clear, but my wife was diagnosed as being a carrier of the Brugada syndrome gene, and this is what they believe Zoe died of.

Our youngest daughter Meghan (22yrs) found her sister dead in bed.

It wasn’t until after Zoe’s death that we heard about SADS or CRY. We have been so glad that we searched the internet and found CRY’s details. There have been many times during the past months when we have wondered how people coped or managed in the past, not knowing or understanding why their children have died. CRY have helped provide this information along with support which has helped my entire family cope through a very difficult time.

The family were only made aware of “SADS” - sudden adult death syndrome - after Zoe’s death. We also learnt that tragically 12 young lives are lost each week in the UK as a result of this.

I have been asked to be a Representative for CRY - I am more than willing to do this as it helps others and I look forward to supporting CRY in the great work that they do, helping to save lives.


View the Update online:

from the

Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE

FSC logo

CRY Founder & Chief Executive


She subsequently

spoke at a key meeting of the Cardiac Risk in the Young All Party Parliamentary Group; and was absolutely crucial to the successful outcome of the campaign to retain the role of Chief Coroner. Regarding

This magazine is printed on chlorine-free paper taken from a sustainable source using vegetable-based inks.

CRY she Submission guidelines We only include activities in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section that raise £100 or more. If you would like to supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please


email the editor at


“CRY has

had a huge impact in raising awareness of young sudden cardiac death with coroners,

Articles may only appear in the ‘Raising Awareness in the Media’ section if we have permission from the publishers to reproduce the article.

Baroness Finlay of Llandaff and Rob Key are announced as new Patrons of CRY

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without


prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of

that have suffered a tragedy and funding free expert fast-track

I met Baroness Finlay - an Independent Crossbench member

cardiac pathology to reduce the wait for the pathologists’ Post

should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement

of the House of Lords - when she was leading the fight back

Mortem for those bereaved. I would be pleased to help them get

for said product or procedure.

in the House of Lords over the importance of the role of Chief

their important message to as wide an audience as possible.”

Entries appear in the ‘Our Fundraisers’ section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised.

any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers

2 • CRY update • Issue 57

working to provide essential support services for those

CRY update • Issue 57 • 3


from the

Chief Executive


from the

Chief Executive

CRY Supporter Keith Davies interviewed on Desert Island Discs

I was also interviewed and spoke about the importance of CRY

Calor Gas cheque presentation

screenings, what they are and why we do them. The show was

28 February

29 January

broadcast on 25 February on the first day of screening. The screening was fully booked for the Saturday, several weeks in advance.

Robert and Susan Hinchliffe present CRY Research Fellows Dr Hari Raju and Dr Michael Papadakis with the first ever “Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics” 27 February

CRY Supporter Keith Davies was chosen to appear on one of the regional shows which were produced to celebrate the 70th

CRY is delighted to announce that during its partnership with Calor

anniversary of Desert Island Discs.

Gas Ltd - from October 2009 to December 2011 - the company have contributed a massive £101,660 to CRY in memory of Scott

Keith was part of the hour-long programme, ‘Your Desert Island

Rennie, son of Calor’s Managing Director, Stephen Rennie.

Discs’, on BBC Three Counties Radio, which was broadcast at The money was raised through a range of staff activities and

midday on 29 January.

sponsorship of events. CRY is very grateful for Calor’s support. Keith’s son Graham died aged 16 in 2007 of an undiagnosed Rob Key is an England Cricketer and Captain of Kent County Cricket Club. On becoming a CRY Patron, he said “I am privileged to have become a Patron of CRY. I have been very fortunate to enjoy a career playing cricket; however a close friend of mine, Ben Simpson, with whom I grew up playing sport, suddenly lost his life whilst playing a game of hockey. CRY does a fantastic amount of work in raising awareness and encouraging cardiac screening for young people. It gives me great pleasure to support the work of CRY to ensure we reduce the number of such tragic cardiac deaths each year.”

An Evening with Bill Neely 27 January On





special evening was planned with CRY Patron Bill Neely, to raise money for CRY and Little Missenden Infant School. A late call away to the Falkland Islands for work for Bill, meant the evening had to be saved by a colleague, James Mates, who stepped in and helped raise a wonderful £1,020.79 for CRY. To read more about the event visit

To read more about what the team did visit

heart condition. During Keith’s interview he spoke of the

devastating impact of Graham’s sudden death and about CRY.

Robert and Susan Hinchliffe presented two of CRY’s

The track he chose was on Graham’s iPod: “Miserere (Have

Research Fellows with the first ever “Pete Hinchliffe Travel

Mercy)” by The Cat Empire.

Award for Medics”. Joined by their daughter Sarah and son Rob, they were proud to present Dr Hari Raju and Dr Michael


Papadakis with grants of £500 each, to allow them to travel

Bolton Footballer Fabrice Muamba collapses on pitch

to international conferences to showcase their research

17 March

CRY Information Day

findings, as well as learning from their counterparts within

CRY release a statement following the sudden collapse

4 February

the global research community. It was agreed that for the

of Bolton’s Fabrice Muamba during an FA Cup Quarter

The fourth annual CRY Representatives Information Day was

first year of this award, the prize should be shared by two of

Final match against Tottenham on Saturday 17 March.

held at the Haywain restaurant in Epsom and was attended by

CRY’s Research Fellows.


questions and to find out about CRY’s plans for the year ahead.

The grants were awarded in a short but moving ceremony

The undoubted star of the day was CRY Research Fellow Dr Hari

within the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions

CRY Patrons in the news following the collapse of footballer Fabrice Muamba

Raju, who hugely impressed his audience with his knowledge of

and Sports Cardiology at St George’s NHS Healthcare Trust,

From 17 March

young sudden cardiac death and his commitment to research in

South London.

We were most grateful for the support given by several CRY


22 people. CRY Representatives had the opportunity to ask

Patrons in representing CRY in the media following the

this area. Pete Hinchliffe, who worked as a personal trainer, died suddenly

collapse of Fabrice Muamba.

in 2010 whilst out cycling, from previously undiagnosed

Interviewed for BBC Radio Devon

arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC).

23 February CRY



Luckett was interviewed on BBC Radio Devon about the upcoming screening event in Barnstaple in memory of her brother Martyn. Martyn died aged 19 in 2005 of myocarditis.

4 • CRY update • Issue 57

CRY update • Issue 57 • 5


from the

Chief Executive


Andy Scott was one of the first football pundits to

by Jeremy Sallis of BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. Professor

South East myheart meeting

be interviewed – giving live comment and updates on BBC

Sanjay Sharma and myself spoke on the same programme

25 March

Radio Five Live during the events unfolding at White Hart

about screening and undiagnosed heart conditions.

from the

Chief Executive

Lane. He also wrote a personal piece about his own condition for The Guardian newspaper and was interviewed for the

Young case studies from the myheart team also played a big

Daily Mail, Sky Sports News and Radio Five Live again.

part in keeping CRY’s name and reputation at the forefront of

He was quoted on numerous football and sporting websites

the media platform. James Bailey and James Doherty both took

due to his call for “all professional footballers to have a

part in a number of local and online media interviews as well as

‘cardiac certificate’”.

featuring on the BBC Radio 1 programme, “Newsbeat” (which targets 15 - 29 year olds).

Pixie Lott supplied a comment to the Daily Mirror about the importance of screening young people which was printed as

By the end of the 2011 they had raised over £5,000 for CRY and

part of a large feature.

12 young people between 14 and 35 registered for the

wanted to say ‘thank you’ to CRY for the initial presentation to the

myheart meeting held at Reigate Manor Hotel. These

staff, by inviting Carl and Eunice to join Ian Caswell, Sapphire

Clive Clarke was interviewed by the Daily Mail, BBC World

meetings give members an opportunity to meet other young

Systems Director, in the executive box at Tottenham. In the

Sport and ITN lunchtime news.

people similarly affected, receive group counselling and

end, Carl, son Gareth and grandson Seth joined Ian Caswell

informally ask questions of a cardiologist. Cardiologist Dr

and his family in the company box to watch, coincidentally, the

John Inverdale took part in an exclusive, front page feature in

Michael Papadakis and Counsellor Alan Jones attended.

rearranged match between Tottenham and Bolton, which was

the Sunday Post.

We are very grateful to Rosemary and Graeme Attridge for

originally abandoned due to Fabrice Muamba suffering a sudden

looking after us at their lovely hotel.

cardiac arrest.

Scotland Regional Bereavement Support Day 18 March

Needless to say this was a great treat. The match was a good

14 people registered for this event, held at the Norton House Hotel

tussle between the two clubs and in the interval signed players’

and Spa in Edinburgh. Groups were led by CRY Bereavement

shirts were sold to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young,

Supporters Maralyn Bowen, Irene Broughton, Jennie Crean,

the British Heart Foundation, the Pan African Heart Foundation,

Julie Hatton, Ruth Lowe (pictured) and myself.

the London Chest Hospital and the London Ambulance Service. The 3 charities were also highlighted on the mobile advertising around the side of the field, with CRY lucky enough to be on

Professor Sanjay Sharma gives expert analysis on Fabrice Muamba

display as the last goal was scored.

CRY supporters in the news following the collapse of footballer Fabrice Muamba

26 March

Carl had the opportunity to talk to Ian about the essential Bolton

From 17 March

work of screening for which CRY campaigns so vigorously

midfielder Fabrice Muamba

and assure him that the money raised by Sapphire Systems

We were also very grateful

during the Tottenham versus

would be a valuable contribution to this work. The whole

to all those who helped raise

Bolton FA Cup Quarter Final

evening was a great profile raiser for the issues surrounding

awareness of CRY in the


SADS and brought home to spectators the vital work of the


of sudden arrhythmic death




Muamba’s collapse.






charities involved.

syndrome (SADS) in athletes.

Paul Daniels, whose son Ben


died aged 15 in 2011 due to an

appeared on TV on Sports Tonight Live to provide expert

CRY launched an e-petition urging the government to immediately and comprehensively review their policy on cardiac screening in young people

undiagnosed heart condition,

analysis of this event.

30 March



was particularly proactive in

The e-petition reads as follows:

helping to get the message

Sapphire Systems hosts CRY Representatives at rearranged Bolton Wanderers vs Tottenham Hotspur match

The collapse of Bolton footballer Fabrice Muamba, aged 23,

Paul also spoke to radio and

27 March

Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 there have been

TV including Radio Five Live,

In 2011 Sapphire Systems adopted CRY as their charity for

more than 10,000 young sudden cardiac deaths in the UK.

Sky News, Channel 4 News,

the year due to an employee’s friend dying from SADS. The

BBC London News and BBC

company wanted to do something to honour his memory and

It is unacceptable that 600 apparently fit and healthy young

London Radio.

in December 2010 they invited Carl and Eunice Johnson (SW

people (aged 35 and under) die suddenly each year from

London Regional Representatives for CRY) to go along and give

previously undiagnosed heart conditions, when there is evidence

the staff a presentation about the work of CRY.

to show that screening can save lives.

across. As well as supplying interviews




Brad Herrington, whose son Joe died aged 14 in 2011 due to

during a televised FA Cup match has highlighted the issue of cardiac health in Britain’s young people. Since the charity Cardiac

an undiagnosed heart condition, was interviewed on 19 March

6 • CRY update • Issue 57

CRY update • Issue 57 • 7


from the

Chief Executive


from the

Chief Executive

Such deaths are devastating for thousands of people every

Luka Modric’s shirt raised the highest total in the auction, with the

CRY features on Radio 1’s Newsbeat

We were delighted with the

year, including parents, siblings, children, grandparents, friends

winning bid a magnificent £1,950.

17 April

number of runners and their

and the local community.

James Bailey and James Doherty featured on the highly

supporters who came to visit us

Funds raised were distributed equally between The London Chest

popular, BBC Radio 1 programme, “Newsbeat”. As well as

in the Hilton hotel afterwards for a

Do we want to be a nation that tolerates the deaths of 12 young people

Hospital and the London Ambulance Service along with the British

being interviewed as part of a 5 minute radio feature, the two

massage and hot shower - which

a week with nothing being done to try to prevent these tragedies?

Heart Foundation, the Pan African Heart Foundation and CRY.

also featured in the accompanying online podcast on the Radio

we hope eased aching muscles!

The government must immediately and comprehensively review

Interviewed for BBC Radio Oxford

their policy on cardiac screening in young people. This policy currently says “Screening should not be offered”.

1 website. The Newsbeat team also travelled to Cheshire for interviews and recordings at a screening held in memory of Ian

A very special thanks to all the

11 April

Bowen, which included Radio 1 DJ Chris Stark being screened.

CRY volunteers who helped

I spoke to Barry Caffrey from

Ian died aged 19 in 1996 of WPW.

out on the day – especially the

BBC Radio Oxford during a

hard-working and highly valued team of masseurs who donated

To sign the petition, please visit:

live telephone interview to

South West Postcard launch

give a general overview of

20 April

their time free.

CRY and what we do. I spoke

For more details and pictures see the Virgin London Marathon

Mums’ Bereavement Support Day

about the support services

article or visit:

31 March

we offer to affected families; gave a summary of some of

Interviewed for Tameside Advertiser

the medical conditions; and

24 April

explained how funds raised

I provided a comment to a tribute article which was written

are used in our work.

following the inquest into the death of 15 year old Joel Johnson, which found his death was due to SADS.

Barry also interviewed Anthony Rowbottom, who is cycling with friends from London to Berlin (approximately 600 miles) to raise

North of England myheart meeting

money for CRY in memory of his brother Adam (pictured) who

29 April

died in his sleep aged 23 in 2011.

The launch of myheart in the North was held at the Queens Hotel The 10th ‘12 a week’ postcard launch - to raise awareness of the

in Leeds. 5 young people between 14 and 35 registered for the

20 people registered for this new national event, exclusively for

Anthony said of his first interview experience:

statistic of 12 young sudden cardiac deaths every week in the UK

meeting, where members have the opportunity to meet other

mothers who have lost a child. It was held at the MacDonald Burlington

“The interview itself was part of a series of interviews on BBC

- was held in the South West, in Taunton.

young people similarly affected, receive group counselling and

Hotel in Birmingham. The groups were led by CRY Bereavement

Radio Oxford to do with Cardiac Risk in the Young - all in all it

Supporters Joan Hillier, Dianne Tolley (pictured) and myself.

went quite well, although I was extremely nervous. We briefly

Jeremy Browne, MP for Taunton and Minister of State for the

discussed the circumstances of Adam’s death and how we

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, spoke at the launch. CRY

Dr Campbell Cowan (cardiologist) and Craig Russell (ICD/

decided to start fundraising for CRY in the pub...a cycle trip to

supporter Jenny Thomas, representing bereaved families, spoke

arrhythmia specialist nurse) from Leeds General Infirmary

Berlin being decided upon after a few drinks!”

about the loss of her son Nicholas.

donated their time for the North of England myheart meeting,

informally ask questions of a cardiologist.

to talk to the young people attending about any medical queries “The Oxford Mail had initially reported the sad death of Adam and

ITV filmed the event, producing a short piece for ITV West

they might have about their condition. Counsellor Jayne Slack

when we decided to raise money for CRY we approached one


also spent time with the group to discuss any social difficulties

of their reporters to raise awareness of our planned fundraising

they might be having.

effort. As a result, BBC Radio Oxford picked up on the story and


the rest was history as they say.”

CRY provides comment on government’s tax-cap plan April

12 April CRY




For more information see the South West Postcard Launch article or visit

117 CRY entrants in the Virgin London Marathon 2012


Tottenham Hotspur signed shirt auction raises £22,000

its opinion of the government’s

22 April



6 April

The BBC posted responses

you to all 117 CRY runners

The auction of Spurs and Bolton match shirts from the FA Cup

from myself and from CRY

in this year’s Virgin London

quarter-final raised £22,000 for selected causes in the field of

supporter Maralyn Bowen on

Marathon; with special thanks

heart research and treatment. Tottenham Hotspur and Bolton

their news website.

to our Patrons Bill Neely and

The expansion of the myheart group into the

Simon Halliday who ran for

North has been enabled by a much appreciated

CRY for the third time.

grant from ‘Jeans for Genes’.





Wanderers worked on a number of initiatives together to raise awareness and funds for those charities and organisations whose

The story can be viewed at

work helped the footballer Fabrice Muamba and are working in



the area of heart research/treatment.

8 • CRY update • Issue 57

CRY update • Issue 57 • 9


CRY News

New publication


CRY News

a group from Sophia’s Gang who had signed up for the Gold Challenge and were fundraising in memory of Sophia Forrester. There was a crowd of approximately 20,000 there to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the people taking part in Gold Challenge and included Team GB legends, celebrities, charities and sporting champions there to cheer them on.

A lot of people asked me about it and I didn’t see a single other person wearing fancy dress or supporting another charity! I was interviewed by the BBC running around and a camera for the lottery at both the start and end. “I, of course, told them all about Cardiac Risk in the Young.”

“We are really proud now to have launched our new playing kit for our youngsters that they will be playing in until the end of 2014. We have teams at each age group from Under 7’s up to Under 16’s and 3 girls teams (U12, U14 and U16). Every team will play in the new kit and we are really happy that EVERY shirt bears the CRY logo on the right sleeve.

To see the video visit: Leigh Miners Rangers Rugby League Academy will be supporting CRY by holding fundraising events over the next 2 years. To further raise awareness, their new team kit displays the CRY logo. In January, CRY released a new medical information book: ‘Cardiac Conditions in the Young: From ARVC to WPW’ The booklet provides information for a young person who has been diagnosed with a cardiac condition, and their family and relatives, and was written by Dr Elijah R Behr, Dr Michael Papadakis and Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Newsletter Supporters raising awareness of CRY

Dr. Steven Cox CRY Deputy Chief Executive After the collapse of Fabrice Muamba there has been an unprecedented level of interest in CRY. However, his collapse has also raised questions about the value of cardiac screening and why it is that some people who are tested are not identified with an abnormality, when in fact they are at risk. Fabrice Muamba was screened and yet his cardiac condition wasn’t detected. Some people have suggested that this proves screening doesn’t work.

If you would like to download this new medical information booklet in PDF format, please visit Copies of this booklet are available on request in the UK. Call the CRY office on 01737 363222. Christmas cards 2011 Christmas 2011 was the first year CRY had Christmas e-cards available for supporters to send. We are pleased to announce that £132.50 was raised during this first year. The Gold Challenge As an exciting incentive for those taking part in the Gold Challenge the organisers had managed to secure the first trial event in the new Olympic Stadium in preparation for London 2012. This meant that those taking part were privileged to be one of the first on the new Olympic track. On 1 April, CRY went along to support

10 • CRY update • Issue 57

On 31 March James Herbertson was interviewed as he took part in the National Lottery Olympic Park Run in his heart costume. James said of the experience “Thank you very much for allowing me to wear the Heart costume with pride at the Olympic Lottery Run. It was an amazing day and made all the more special by supporting such an important cause.

Cardiac screening will not identify everyone who is at risk, but it will identify the vast majority. In Italy, where screening prior to participation in organised sport is mandatory, the incidence of young sudden cardiac death has been cut by 90%. As with other established screening programmes - such as those for breast cancer and cervical cancer - tests cannot detect all those at risk, but cardiac screening will detect the majority of individuals at risk. The conditions that can be identified by ECG (electrocardiogram) screening include Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), Dilated

The photo shows members from our U13s/U14’s/U15’s & U16s teams.” Steve Lloyd, Secretary, Leigh Miners Rangers Rugby League Academy.

from the

Deputy Chief Executive

Cardiomyopathy (DCM), and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC); ion channel disorders such as long QT and Brugada syndrome; and other conditions such as Wolff Parkinson Whyte (WPW). When a young person is identified with a condition, they may have to make lifestyle changes, undergo corrective surgery, take medication or in some cases have an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) fitted. There are specific cardiac conditions that will not be identified on an ECG, most importantly Coronary Artery Anomalies (CAA). Additional tests over and above an ECG - such as an ultrasound (echocardiogram) - increase the sensitivity of cardiac testing, but conditions like CAA can still be missed. Conditions like long QT and ARVC can also be easily missed by those who lack the necessary specialist expertise. The ECG does not comprehensively identify all conditions - for instance, an ECG will identify 95-97% of HCM. If you include the more expensive ultrasound test you will identify more conditions that may not be immediately life threatening (e.g. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)) but which will have an impact later on in life if not monitored and, when required, corrected. Currently, CRY identifies about 1 in 100 people with conditions like ASDs or valve problems.

CRY update • Issue 57 • 11


from the

There are also acquired conditions like myocarditis that can affect a person at any time. For this reason we always recommend that people return to CRY to be retested if they develop new symptoms after the initial test. The symptoms to look out for are chest pain (exercise related chest pain is particularly a red flag); syncope or passing out; palpitations; breathlessness (disproportionate to the amount of exercise); and dizziness. The fact that some conditions will be missed by screening is a key reason why CRY’s screening programme is part of a wider research programme. Through ongoing research it is hoped that one day we will be able to identify all conditions that can cause young sudden death and ensure that the risks of living with these conditions are fully understood and managed. However, the need to conduct more research does not undermine the importance of screening in reducing the number of young sudden cardiac deaths. As mentioned above, in Italy the incidence of young sudden cardiac death has been cut by 90%. This Italian research has informed international policies that either mandate or recommend cardiac screening prior to participation in organised sport. The current National Screening Committee policy on cardiac screening is inconsistent with current practice at an elite level in most sports in the UK - including guidelines followed by the Football Association; the Lawn Tennis Association; the Rugby Football Union; the Rugby Football League; England Cricket; the English Institute of Sport and the governing bodies of many other elite sports. Indeed, screening is often mandated for UK athletes when they compete outside the UK. The National Screening Committee policy has many limitations, including the basic errors of significantly underestimating the number of young people who die suddenly due to cardiac conditions; and underestimating the impact these deaths have on families, friends and wider community. Furthermore, in their evaluation of screening the National Screening Committee are not making the distinction between ‘specialists’ and ‘non specialists’ and how level of expertise relates to false positives. Cardiac screening needs to be overseen by a cardiologist with expertise in this specialist area of cardiology (i.e. conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death). When a specialist cardiologist conducts the tests, the number of false positives and false negatives significantly decreases. That is, fewer people are told they may have a problem (and are subjected to further investigations) when they do not; and fewer people with a problem are mistakenly given an all clear. Specialist expertise is of paramount importance. The unique way in which CRY has specialist doctors at the front line when we conduct cardiac testing - and how we have integrated ultrasound into the routine ECG screening process - ensures that false positives, and the subsequent burden on the NHS for investigations that may be seen as unnecessary, are minimised. The reality is that the NHS does not have the infrastructure - neither the facilities nor the expertise - to immediately implement a national cardiac screening programme for all young people. However, CRY is leading the way in training specialist doctors, conducting research and providing educational resources so that this will be possible in the future.

12 • CRY update • Issue 57

Report from the CRY

Deputy Chief Executive Although the implementation of nationwide cardiac screening for young people is hampered by economic constraints and the lack of infrastructure and expertise, it does not mean that screening should not be recommended. On the contrary, these limitations should prompt the development of a collaborative approach between the government, the NHS, CRY and sporting bodies to provide cost effective screening for young people who choose to be screened for their own peace of mind and self-protection. As a society we want all young people to engage in sporting activities. Elite athletes are pushing their hearts to the limit on a daily basis and are therefore at greatest risk if they have an underlying cardiac condition. However, only a small percentage of sudden deaths in the UK are in elite athletes; most of the deaths are in people who live normal lives and may or may not participate in recreational, organised or competitive sport.

Centre for Cardiac Pathology


By Jemma Reilly Ayton, Dr. Mary Sheppard’s medical secretary at the CRY CCP.

Dr Mary Sheppard Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

Jemma Reilly Ayton Medical Secretary

Dr Sofia de Noronha Research Assistant

Saharnaz Vakhshouri Laboratory Technician

Over the last four months the centre has received 62 sudden death cases.

Sport itself does not lead to cardiac arrest but can trigger a young sudden death by aggravating an undetected cardiac abnormality. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommend cardiac screening for any young person participating in competitive sport. In countries such as Italy, screening for those participating in representative sport is mandatory. In some professions cardiac testing is also mandatory. Furthermore, medications that affect the heart must be avoided if you have an underlying cardiac condition. There are also NICE guidelines in place in the UK recommending that people who suffer a syncope episode should have an ECG. Syncope is common and occurs in at least 20-30% of the general population. There has been a great deal of progress in recent years in the way organisations - including sporting bodies, universities and schools have introduced cardiac screening. In time, we believe the advice that the government is given will take on board the true impact of these conditions - not just on the young people who are at risk, but also their families and wider communities. The NHS policy that “screening should not be offered” is currently discouraging young people who may be at risk of sudden cardiac death from having simple, non-invasive and potentially life-saving tests. The National Screening Committee needs to review its position, which is out of date. • The National Screening Committee policy should widen the remit to consider all cardiac conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death. • The National Screening Committee policy directly contradicts the general NHS policy of “prevention”. Please support us by signing the petition to urge the government to review the position

The bar chart shows each month by an individual colour so you can clearly compare months and the overall total for that period.

Katsuya Norita (lab technician), attended the Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biology meeting (FCVB) and presented his poster: ‘Sudden death in congenital heart disease. A study from a specialist referral centre’ and presented Stephen Preston’s (researcher) poster on his behalf: ‘Mitral Valve prolapse and sudden cardiac death. Is there a cardiomyopathy linked to floppy mitral valve?’ Sharleen Hill (researcher) also attended and presented her poster: ‘A silent cause of sudden cardiac death: anomalous coronary arteries’. Katsuya is currently working on a project which involves stem cells as a therapy in ischemic heart disease in collaboration with The line graph shows our average turnaround time per month for the period of January to April in 2012. Our aim is to provide a final report within 14 days of receipt of specimen; this 14 days target is highlighted by the red arrow. In February 2012 there is a jump across (16.1) the target line and this was due to Dr Sheppard being

Best wishes,

away at the AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) meeting in India for two weeks. Diagnoses

Steve Cox Deputy Chief Executive

The pie chart shows the diagnoses that were made during January to April 2012 indicating, again, that channelopathies predominate.


Professor Stephen Westaby, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Recent publications 2012 1. Desai S, Sheppard MN. Sudden cardiac death: look closely at the coronaries for spontaneous dissection which can be missed. A study of 9 cases. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2012;33(1):26-9. Epub 2012/03/24. 2. Stone JR, Basso C, Baandrup UT, Bruneval P, Butany J, Gallagher PJ, et al. Recommendations for processing cardiovascular surgical pathology specimens: a consensus statement from the Standards and Definitions Committee of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and the Association

CRY update • Issue 57 • 13

Report from the CRY

Centre for Cardiac Pathology



for European Cardiovascular Pathology. Cardiovasc Pathol.


2012;21(1):2-16. Epub 2011/03/01.

1. Dr Sheppard attended the Royal Society of Medicine Meeting,

3. Silvanto A, de Noronha SV, Sheppard MN. Myocardial

London, March 2012 and lectured on ‘Sudden death in sport’.

infarction with normal coronaries: an autopsy perspective.

2. Dr Sheppard was invited to become part of the Scientific

J Clin Pathol. 2012. Epub 2012/03/02.

Advisory Committee for the Frontiers in Cardiovascular

4. Sheppard MN. The fittest person in the morgue? Histopathology. 2012;60(3):381-96. Epub 2011/06/15.

London between 30 March and 2 April 2012. She also chaired

5. Sheppard MN. Approach to the cardiac autopsy. J Clin Pathol. 2012. Epub 2012/01/31. caused



and judged a poster session. Katsuya Norita and Sharleen Hill attended the meeting and presented their poster.

6. Norita K, de Noronha SV, Sheppard MN. Sudden cardiac death

Biology meeting (FCVB) which was held at Imperial College,


Virchows Arch.

2012;460(3):309-18. Epub 2012/02/07.

Three posters were accepted and the abstracts were published: 1. ‘A silent cause of sudden cardiac death: anomalous coronary arteries’. S.F. Hill; M.N. Sheppard. Cardiovascular Research: Vol 93, supp 1, 15 March 2012 P193.

Meetings attended

2. ‘Mitral Valve prolapse and sudden cardiac death. Is there a

Dr Sheppard has attended two international meetings and two

cardiomyopathy linked to floppy mitral valve?’ S.D. Preston;

national meetings:

D. Baskaran; A.M. Plonczak; K. Norita; S.V. De Noronha;


M.N. Sheppard. Cardiovascular Research: Vol 93, supp 1,

1. Dr Sheppard lectured on, ‘Cardiomyopathies and Cardiac

15 March 2012 P191.

Pathology’, at the AIIMS Meeting, India, February 2012.

3. ‘Sudden death in congenital heart disease. A study from

2. Dr Sheppard attended the United States and Canada Academy

a specialist referral centre’. K. Norita; S.V. De Noronha;

of Pathology (USCAP) meeting in Vancouver from 17 March to

M.N. Sheppard.Cardiovascular Research: Vol 93, supp 1,

23 March 2012. She presented two posters:

15 March 2012 P622.

for Specialist Opinion to a Tertiary Centre in the UK during

Staff changes

1994-2010’. De Noronha SV, Ohta-Ogo K, Norita K, Banya

At the end of January Jemma Wells, Personal Assistant to Dr

W, Sheppard MN.

Sheppard, left her post for Portsmouth. Jemma Reilly Ayton was

2. ‘A Silent Cause of Sudden Cardiac Death: Anomalous

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and it only takes 5-10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on your chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (known as electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of your heart is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2-3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% – 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of your heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. CRY uses top of the range machinery donated by Philips for the screening programme. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

1. ‘1971 Non-atherosclerotic Sudden Cardiac Deaths Referred

appointed and started in January 2012.

Coronary Arteries’ Hill SF, Sheppard MN.

Screening Report

Left to Right: Robert Elstone, Chief Executive of Everton Football Club; Hayley Marshall; Matthew Reed; Dr Nabeel Sheikh, CRY Research Fellow; Maureen Marshall Members of the Marshall family, from Ormskirk (Lancashire), travelled to the grounds of Everton Football Club at Goodison Park to lend their support to a free cardiac screening session, organised by CRY. The Marshall family (John, Maureen and daughter, Hayley) was instrumental in launching the charity

“We held a screening

when John and Maureen’s son, John, died suddenly from


a condition known as Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular



Cricket Club on 11 & 12

Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) in 1995.

February, funded by the


Screening Report

Nathan Butler Memorial

John was a talented footballer having played for England




on 12 occasions. He had been signed by Everton FC and



was due to start his football career with them the day after he

thanks to the expertise

died. The day-long screening session held on Wednesday 28

and efficiency of all

March saw around 100 young, local people tested for cardiac

the CRY staff, plus the

abnormalities. It was a particularly poignant day, in the wake

help of Nathan’s family

of the sudden collapse of Bolton midfielder, Fabrice Muamba,

and friends. Everybody

just 10 days before the screening at Everton.


Between January and April 2012 CRY screened just over 4,400

(Darwen); Martyn Luckett (Barnstaple); Zoe Teale (Birmingham);

people, with family memorial screenings making up the majority.

Allyn McCluskie (Aberystwyth); Ollie Marsden (Totnes); Tom Reid (London); John Marshall (Liverpool); Dale Tennent-Butler (Kings

At our regular CRY clinics, a total of 686 young people were

Langley); Josh Fell (Hornsea); James Haggerty (Battle); Ian Bowen

screened. Clinics were held at University of Glamorgan (in memory

(Malpas); Jack Maddams (Gillingham); and Timothy Spooner and

of Mark Stephen Young); the Newry Shamrocks Clubrooms (in

Laura Hillier (Northampton).

worked together and all the clients were very grateful for the event. A lot of people commented on the lovely manner

Maureen Marshall said: “John was so fit and healthy, he was

campus; the University of Ulster Coleraine campus; and Colchester

740 young people were screened at 7 school screenings. These

of Dr. Sabiha Gati, saying how they felt comfortable and at

known as one of England’s jewels in the crown, mainly for his

General Hospital (in memory of Andrew Gard).

were held at Canford School (Wimborne), Bryanston School

ease during their consultation with her and were impressed

left foot. When John died, we were in a state of total shock

(Blandford Forum), Cranleigh School (Surrey), Eton College

with her expertise and knowledge. Midlands Today came

and devastation - we’d never even heard of the condition that

Sports screenings included GB Rugby League, GB Handball

(Eton), Millfield School (Somerset), St Edmunds College (Herts)

and filmed us all and there was a lovely piece on the news

caused his death. CRY gave us the answers and support we

(Mens), Triathlon, England Rugby U20s, England Rugby U17s,

and Old Swinford Hospital School (Stourbridge - held in memory

which all helps towards highlighting awareness. I would just

were looking for and the opportunity to make young people

England Rugby U16s, GB Fencing, UK Athletics, GB Hockey,

of Zoe Teale).

like to say a big “thank you” to all the staff for making the

aware of these conditions.

memory of Oisin McGuiness); the University of Ulster Jordanstown

England Rugby Clubs & Schools, GB Blind Football Squad,

weekend such a huge success – and well done to Tony who

Tottenham Hotspur FC, Everton FC, West Ham United FC and

At the ICAP clinics, where those born in 1995 in the South East

was the “washing up wizard”! What a pity we forgot to take a

“We’re proud to continue funding screening sessions with

the England Cricket Team. 337 athletes were screened.

are able to get free screening, 290 young people were screened.

photograph of all you lovely people! I look forward to hosting

CRY and will soon be organising another large event in

These screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited

another event next year. Across the weekend we received

2,317 people were screened at 16 family memorial screenings.

Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, in St. George’s

memory of John. However, Hayley and I were pleased to be

These were held in memory of Debbie Rendle (Penzance); Craig Lunt

£490 in donations.” Angela Butler.

Hospital, Tooting.

able to lend our support to this recent CRY screening event at Everton, as our family has such strong links to the club.”

(Isle of Man); Nathan Butler (Newcastle-under-Lyme); Neil Wickers

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CRY update • Issue 57 • 15

South West

Postcard Launch

Research There have been 2 individuals that have stood out that we are going to award today and that award has come from the Peter Hinchliffe Foundation. Some of you may be aware that Rob’s brother Peter died recently from ARVC. When I spoke to Dr Hinchliffe he said to me “we want to do something that promotes your research and we don’t just want to give you something to put in your research fund. What we want to do is to honour one or two members that have excelled and to give them some form of bursary to allow them to continue their work and promote their research, maybe a travel bursary”. They’ve nominated £1,000 per annum and we normally have just one prize but this year we’ve been a bit spoilt for choice as we’ve had two people that have been extremely good. If this award continues next year there’s going to be some very stiff competition because all our Research Fellows are exceptionally good. This year I have the pleasure of announcing that we’ve got 2 award winners: Michael Papadakis and Hariharan Raju.” Dr Hari Raju

Families from across the South West region came together in Taunton to help launch CRY’s new ‘12 a week’ campaign postcard. The postcard features photos of 12 young people from the South West of England who lost their lives suddenly to previously undetected heart conditions. One of the young people on the postcard is Nicholas Thomas, who died suddenly from SADS in January 2005, aged just 25. Nicholas’ mother, Jenny, spoke at the postcard launch about the impact that this tragedy has had on her family. Jeremy Browne, MP for Taunton and Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, also spoke at the launch.


CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work we do at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 2 years who choose to specialise in the field of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. The research that they produce advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death.

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Professor Sanjay Sharma “We’ve been very lucky to secure some really high calibre juniors. The aim of the Research Fellow programme was to have juniors help us but also to develop these juniors scientifically and clinically so that they go on to become top notch consultants and can support this network we’re creating here, elsewhere in the country to protect young lives. We’ve done a lot of good research on ion channelopathies, cardiomyopathies and sports cardiology and have published in some very good journals. As a group, we’ve had over 20 publications in the last 12 or so months.

Cardiac Risk in the Young clinic with Dr Behr and Prof Sharma; and thirdly, research which this award is specifically geared towards. I’m just going to give you a quick overview of some of my research highlights over the last year or so. The first piece of work was designed to question existing recommendations and risk stratifications in a condition called Brugada syndrome. This is one of the inherited conditions that underlie sudden arrhythmic death syndrome which forms a large part of our referral population to the familial evaluation clinics. We took 50 families who were related to a premature and unexplained sudden death victim and discovered that those people who show high risk markers are at the tip of the iceberg and the majority of those people who die related to this condition, because of the larger population who fall into the low risk category, appear to go unnoticed. This is something that we would obviously like to look further into to try and determine exactly how to better identify those people who are at risk. Another piece of work, which was performed with my colleague Dr Michael Papadakis, was looking at individuals who have died with post-mortem findings that were not definitely conclusive of any certain condition – so not completely normal but also not sufficiently abnormal to explain sudden death. On investigating family members in our familial clinic following this we discovered that, somewhat surprisingly, about half of these families had a familial diagnosis of an inherited condition and more surprisingly the majority were actually channelopathy deaths – that is pure electrical faults of the heart rather than primary structural disorders. So, this impacts on the way that we manage families in our clinic, by recommending us keeping an open mind in these clinics and investigating families comprehensively for as many conditions as we would in any other SADS death. One of the interests that Cardiac Risk in the Young has had from the very beginning is sports cardiology and this has developed into ethnicity specific screening for athletes. I’ve looked at QT intervals, which is a measure of the electrical system within the heart, comparing Caucasian athletes with Afro-Caribbean athletes and showed that, while the distributions are slightly different using standard European mandated thresholds, there is no apparent difference in the proportion that show an abnormal QT interval which again impacts on clinical practice suggesting that the existing guidelines are appropriate for the Afro-Caribbean population as well in this particular regard.


Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics Two of CRY’s Research Fellows shared the first ever “Pete Hinchliffe Travel Award for Medics”. At the award ceremony on 27 February Professor Sanjay Sharma introduced the award, whilst Dr Hariharan Raju and Dr Michael Papadakis gave short speeches in acceptance of the award. The grants of £500 for each fellow will allow them to travel to international conferences to showcase their research findings, as well as learning from their counterparts in the global research community.


“Thanks to the Hinchliffe family. My work with Cardiac Risk in the Young involved having three separate hats on; firstly, getting involved in the CRY screening programme – looking after athletes and young people in the general population; secondly, doing familial evaluation in our specialist

So having developed an interest in inherited cardiac conditions I have determined to continue a career working in this field. My current work is looking at the molecular autopsy, which is genetic post-mortem investigation following unexplained sudden death. I will also be looking at genetic mutations, determining false positives and false negatives, and essentially trying to apply this to future diagnostic work. I’m also doing some more experimental work trying to identify some new and novel genes which will hopefully impact on clinical care in the very near future. I’d just like to finish by saying thank you very much for facilitating my work and the opportunity for a future conference attendance. Thank you very much.”

CRY update • Issue 57 • 17





and cause of sudden cardiac death and investigate how to diagnose those causes and how to manage those individuals. My main project was screening families of sudden death victims as Dr Raju already mentioned. Besides this I was also involved with research in heart muscle conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ion channel diseases such as Brugada syndrome and the athlete’s heart – because it’s very important when you screen athletic individuals to know what’s normal and what’s abnormal because athletes exhibit a lot of physiological adaptations when they exercise for a long time and for long periods of time. During my research I saw about 150 families where no pathology was identified at the post-mortem and what we realised is that by screening families you can identify conditions (that weren’t identified at post-mortem) in about half of them. Also, in about 35% of the first degree relatives that you screen, you can identify conditions that they did not know about beforehand, and most of them they don’t have any symptoms either. The hope is that by identifying those individuals you can prevent similar tragedies from happening in future generations.

Dr Michael Papadakis “First of all I would like to thank the Hinchliffe family for their kind donation and also Cardiac Risk in the Young for giving me this award with my colleague Dr Raju. I thought that I would give a quick overview of what the CRY fellowship means for the Fellow, what it means for the actual individuals that we’re caring for and also give you a quick overview of what I’ve done, where I am now and where I hope to be in the future. So what does the CRY fellowship mean for the Fellow? Essentially you get the chance to develop yourself as an individual and you get an all around education. You also get recognition in the international arena because, I can promise you that working with CRY and Professor Sharma, you are guaranteed that you will get presentations at international conferences and publications of your research in international journals. The most important thing with the CRY fellowship is that you get unique skills and you get unique expertise that most other individuals won’t have when it comes to apply for a post as a cardiology consultant in the future. And that’s because, besides the general cardiology background that everybody will have, you have a background in inherited cardiac diseases and sports cardiology and these are things that most people don’t have a lot of experience in. And what does it mean for the public? Well, as we all know now, sudden cardiac death in the young is not as rare as previously thought. We’ve got about 12 deaths per week in the United Kingdom. We also know from our experience in the CRY inherited cardiac disease clinic that not all the referrals are from London. There are referrals from Scotland down to Cornwall and from Northern Ireland to Kent which, in my view, means that there is a need for expertise at several centres within the United Kingdom and obviously we are missing these expertises for now. By promoting research we are able to identify the exact prevalence

18 • CRY update • Issue 57

We understand that being young and suddenly finding that you need to be treated for a heart condition is not easy. CRY’s myheart network offers help, support and information to young people who are coping with a diagnosis of a heart condition. If you are between the ages of 12 and 35 CRY can help you. Adam Payne – Men’s National Life Saving Champion 2011

One of the highlights of my career during the CRY fellowship was the award of the Young Investigators Award. I have also had the opportunity to attend conferences; presenting numerous abstracts in national conferences, such as the British Cardiovascular Society and the Royal Society of Medicine, and international conferences such as EuroPRevent and EUROECHO. Over the past year I moved on and I managed to get a clinical lectureship, which essentially gives me the opportunity not only to complete my training, but also to continue my research with Professor Sharma and CRY, and develop the expertise that are necessary in order to create this network within the United Kingdom of experts in different places that can manage families with conditions that predispose sudden cardiac death. Probably the highlight of my career is my election as a member of the nucleus of sports cardiology, which is a dedicated group in the European Society of Cardiology which is comprised of 12 members throughout Europe. We’ve got 3 members from the United Kingdom including myself and Professor Sharma and essentially that gives us the opportunity to get involved with the development of the curriculum for sports cardiology, including how we ensure safe participation in exercise – not only in competitive individuals but in the non-competitive individual, the young kids in our school for example. The very last project I’ve been involved with is about safe participation in exercising individuals with congenital heart disease. So once again thank you very much, none of that would have been possible without my mentor Professor Sharma, who supported me throughout, and without the support of Cardiac Risk in the Young which is obviously basing their support, even financial support, from every single family. Thanks.”

Five years ago Adam Payne, a member of the City of Rochester

to eventually reach his goal at National Level. But, he still doubted

Swimming and Lifeguard Club, had to give up lifesaving after being

himself and needed at times to be told not to give up. Qualifying

diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a potentially fatal

through each round of the National Lifesaving Championships in

hereditary heart condition, when his uncle died suddenly at the age of

2011, although emotional, gave him the encouragement to continue

30. He was fitted with an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator)

as he recognised this might be his last chance to compete at this

in January of 2009.

level. Each check up at the hospital risked him being told he could never compete again.

Adam found out about CRY by reading a poster on the wall of his hospital which gave information. This was at a time when the only

Eventually, the weekend of the National Lifesaving Championships

thing in his life was complete confusion. Adam’s mum contacted

arrived and the competition began. Clear focus took over. Once the

CRY for advice and then CRY became a contact point for Adam’s

competition was finished the results were announced. Adam had

questions and further support. He wanted to share his experiences

won the Rope Throw and the Dry Side Incident and was third in the

in the hope that it may help someone else like him.

Aquatic Incident. Then it was the overall result.

Adam was out of the water for about eight months before he began

Adam’s dream had come true; he had reached the pinnacle of Men’s

to join in training again at the pace of a rookie. However, under the

Lifesaving by winning and becoming the Men’s National Lifesaving

close supervision of The London Heart Hospital, the club’s coach,

Champion 2011. He had proved to himself that life does go on and

Paul Paulding, and members of the Kent Branch, Adam began to

that you can find a way forward even when something has a major

compete and started winning again at club and county level - hoping

effect on your life.

CRY update • Issue 57 • 19



Virgin London A big thank-you to everyone who ran for CRY in the 2012 Virgin London Marathon and to all those who supported our runners. This year we had a team of 117 CRY runners, of whom 35 ran with their own ballot place and 82 with Golden Bond places acquired through CRY. The total raised so far is a fantastic £226,000. A full write-up can be found at

Bristol ‘Up the Pace’ Education Day

Up the Pace’ is an annual education day held by Bristol Children’s Hospital for their patients with a pacemaker or ICD, and their families. Patients ranging from a few months old to 18 years old have the opportunity to attend workshops covering areas such as resuscitation and heart rhythms, as well as listen to a talk given by a young adult about their experience of growing up with a pacemaker or ICD. Different groups including charities and pacemaker/ICD companies are invited to hold stands so families can wander round taking leaflets and asking questions. Two of the myheart members, Laura Lees and Rebekah Goddard, went along to represent CRY and answer any questions people had about the myheart group. This is Rebekah’s account of the day: It’s one thing dealing with your own heart condition, but nothing can prepare you for the worry that suddenly arises when you become a mother to a child with this potentially life threatening condition. It’s only now that I can see what my own parents were worried about. So when CRY asked me to help out with the ‘Up the Pace’ education day in Bristol, chatting to parents and children who are currently going through what I, myself have gone through in the past, I was more than happy to oblige. Both my youngest daughter, Jessica (aged 5 years old), and myself, have long QT syndrome. I have a pacemaker, and she has a ‘Reveal’ device implanted, which monitors her heart, until she is old enough to receive a permanent pacemaker. A good mix of people attended the day: babies, toddlers, youngsters and teens, and all with their families in tow. These families were so lucky, just having the opportunity to meet and chat to experts in their field, the cardiologists, the pacemaker and defibrillator manufacturers, as well as the various charities, which offer such incredible comfort, help and support to people who desperately need it. It was a great opportunity to be able to chat to several parents who were in similar positions to that of my family and me. I was able to

20 • CRY update • Issue 57

Marathon 2012

share some of my own experiences, as well as lend an ear and listen to what each of them has had to cope with. There are some incredible people out there, who are dealing with so much on a daily basis, and just listening to how some of them were coping with their various situations was very humbling. It was strange for me as I suddenly realised that I was able to relate to both the children/ teens as well as the parents, as I have walked in both shoes. Those who did not want to talk were able to help themselves to leaflets, booklets, badges and bags - and by the end of the day they were almost all gone! Being able to represent CRY at such a day was a great experience. If only they had had this kind of event available to my family when I was diagnosed… it would have meant a lot less worrying! My only hope is that they can repeat this event again and again, and hopefully other hospitals all over the country will follow suit. Looking around the venue, and seeing the amount of people that such a day was helping, gave me a really tremendous feeling of hope. Hope that they now know that help is out there and they can maybe rest a little easier at night in the knowledge that they are definitely not alone.

Upcoming meetings Meetings are held in the South East of England, the North of England and the Midlands. For details of upcoming meetings please visit Meetings are free to attend and give members an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences in an informal but supportive environment. If you have any queries about myheart meetings please contact myheart Coordinator Karla at or on 01737 363222.

CRY update • Issue 57 • 21

Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

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Virgin London

Marathon 2012

CRY update • Issue 57 • 33

Virgin London

Marathon 2012

Virgin London

Marathon 2012

CRY Heart Costume runners: Tim Barker Freddie Corlett

Julien Mas Robert Simpson

More CRY runners: Terry Anderson Jane Barrow Gareth Barton John Battle Simon Beer Lee Beetles Andy Bird Jeff Blackett Matthew Bowler Tom Britton Sophie Broad Will Broad David Broadley Dan Brooke Adele Brown Andrew Brown Hannah Brown James Brown Nick Brown James Carroll Michael Coates Mark Collins Richard Collins James Connor Jonathan Cook Annabel Cosgrove Phil Cowin Rachel Davis Carolyn Davison Thissa De Silva Rian Dewar Richard Douglas Alex Drummond Penny Echevarria Stuart Edwards Orbay Emirali Caroline Evans Mark Evans

Matthew Filkin Michael Glazebrook Mark Gleeson Terry Ha Steve Hadaway Lynda Hall Simon Halliday (CRY Patron) Tim Hannah Mohsin Harahara Nick Heard Doug Hewett Charlie Holland Shaun Hopper Paul Hunter Gareth Ilbery Garry James Stephen James-German Chris Jordan Shaun Kamis Kirsten Keiller Jenny Kelly Andrea Kennedy Andy Kerr Fi Lang Sam Lewis Rhiannon Lloyd-Ellis David Lock Michael Logan Pete Maidment Ross Marriott Nikki May Garry McGrotty Alanah McIntosh Sam Mogg Sunil Mukerjea Alison Murray Bill Neely (CRY Patron) Danny Nice

Matthew Nicholson Gregory O’Brien Annie Palmer Andrew Penny Francesca Penny Suzanne Penycate Matthew Pilling Dean Rawlinson Charlotte Reeves Chris Rhodes Ian Ritchie Robert Sadleir Jayne Sales CJ Shepherd Lauren Silver Leanne Silver Ken Slater Victoria Smith Chris Speed Eric Speed Charlotte Stafford Mike Taylor Paul Taylor Victoria Taylor Alexander Thomson Trevor Tiller Simon Titmus Richard Towler Netta Tyler Graham Whiteley Neil Wilcock Lyndon Williams Matt Woods Sally Woodward Gentle Joanna Wootton Neil Wright Mehmet Zekayi

Our thanks also to the following volunteers who helped out on the day: Martin Appleby Miriam Barriga Nigel Bennett Lucy Clifford-McBrinn Abbie Cowie Nichola Dennigan The Desai Family Bob Finch

Carol Finch Lauren Gold Barbara Holland Jim Holland Jane Hopping Steve Jackson James Loder Tasha Loder

Koula Louki Tina MacMillan Marc Swan Chris Turberville Katy Turberville Lucy Turberville Oliver Turberville Mark Wibberley

Special thanks to our volunteer masseuses and masseur: Hannah Baldock Ellie Denton Hannah Fernando

Joseph McConnell Lisa Reid Alexandra Rose

Rakhee Shah Sabena Williams

For more pictures visit:

34 • CRY update • Issue 57

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In Memory of Baz Mehmet Zekayi took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £5,445.

Our In Memory of Rob Allen Doug Hewett took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,265. In Memory of Marcus Armstrong Lloyds TSB sent in a matched giving donation of £500 in respect of Alison Stanway’s Thailand Trek.

In Memory of Glyn Eric Speed took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £840. In Memory of Ronald Alison Murray took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,020.17. In Memory of Philip Abraham and Joyce Ruby Mason We have received a funeral donation of £150, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Joyce Ruby Mason.

In Memory of Vikas Agni Nishal Patel and Neha Bansal sent in a donation of £272.75 from a fundraising ball held in memory of Vikas. In Memory of Dennis Ahearn Linda Morgan sent in a funeral donation of £125 in lieu of floral tributes, for her late father, Denis, who passed away on 19 December 2011. In Memory of Robert Aitken • Students at St Boniface’s Catholic College, Plymouth sent in a donation of £110.

In Memory of Tony Lee Atkins Donna Atkins sent in a donation of £415, raised by a friend who completed a 10 mile run in memory of her brother-in-law Tony.

In Memory of Steph Atkinson Sophie Brown took part in the Adidas Women’s 10K and raised £144.21 in memory of Steph In Memory of Stuart Attridge • Rosemary Attridge sent in a donation of £200 which was raised from raffling a large teddy bear.

• Moreford Lodge Number 7097 donated £100. CRY County Representative Rosemary Attridge collected the cheque on behalf of CRY. • Epsom Mayday Flower Club held their AGM on 18 January.

CRY volunteer, Mike Hearn, collected a donation of £740.56 from Lucy Morrell.

• Rosemary Attridge forwarded a donation of £100 from Keith Harris.

• Alicia Aitken sent in a donation of £366.60 in memory of her brother, Robert.

• Rosemary Attridge sent in donations totalling £140 from the sale of her handmade cards.

In Memory of Kevin Aldread We have received a donation of £210 from A. Aldread in memory of Kevin. In Memory of Robert Allan • James Brewins raised £1,720 from the Lloyd’s vs. Challengers Boxing night on 1 December. CRY Representative James Brown attended the event.

In Memory of Esme Rose Balp • We have received a funeral donation of £915.38 in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Esme Rose Balp, who sadly died aged just 18 years on 20 December 2011.

Liz and Richie Morgan sent in a donation of £100.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 donated by Esme

Balp’s former school, St Leonard’s Catholic College. She was studying for her A-levels at Bexhill College, where they will be holding a ‘Wear it Purple’ day in her memory on 29 February to raise money for CRY.” Rosalind Balp.

• Mike Fleet gave a talk to Shirley Methodist Church Guild. Fran Byand, the Treasurer, sent in a donation of £107.60.

• Mike Fleet forwarded a donation of £100 from Mr. R York, The Rotary Club of Caterham.

• Penny Echevarria took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,386.70.

In Memory of Lewis Barry Mrs. P Eaglen sent in a donation of £100 given to her in lieu of presents for her 40th birthday. In Memory of Daniel Benjamin Bartle • Jennifer Davies sent in a donation of £260, collected by the people of the Valley, in memory of Daniel Benjamin Bartle, who died suddenly when he was 19 years old.

• Jennifer Davies sent in a donation of £268 which was collected on Christmas morning at a fun quiz held at the Nantymoel Social Club.

In Memory of Claire Beer Simon Beer took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,442.

In Memory of Graeme ‘Tinka’ Bell Gemma Cannell sent in a donation of £600 from the West Denton Fire Station Social Club (150 Club) in memory of Graeme.

In Memory of Richard Belton The British Triathlon sent in a donation of £350 in lieu of corporate Christmas cards. In Memory of Jemma Benjamin “My daughter would have been 21 years old on 29 November 2011. Her friend, Cassandra Hughes, organised an event in her memory. We held a disco, buffet, auction and raffle at Llantwit Fardre Sports Club and raised £1,490 on the night. The club donated £50 and my brother, Calum Garwood, donated £500.” Miss C Garwood. In Memory of Laura Bennett John Bennett forwarded a donation of £100 from Mrs Joan Ginsberg.

In Memory of Johny Barker Julie, Steve and Sam Barker sent in a donation of £1,230. In Memory of Cecilia Barriga • Tara Lomasney took part in the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge and raised £155.

• Matthew Allan took part in the Run to the Beat Half Marathon and raised £250.

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In Memory of Sarah Bennett Rian Dewar took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,146.20.


In Memory of Kasia Ber “Please accept this cheque for £291. This was raised through our local Horden Rugby team and Seaton Carew team giving their time once again for our precious Kasia’s Rugby Memorial Match on 27 December. Although it was freezing cold there was a great turn out for support. Thank you to both teams and the great referee and everyone at the presentation. It was an emotional but wonderful atmosphere.” Diane, John and Chris. In Memory of David Berry D Berry held a charity night and raised £1,500 in memory of David.

In Memory of David Bick “Please find enclosed cheques to the value of £2,078.86. This was given to me by Mrs. Diane Bridgen. Diane was made aware of CRY and was so impressed by the information given that she decided to make CRY her company’s Charity of the Year. She fund-raised by holding raffles, cake stalls and asking employees to contribute. Diane specifically requested that the money was used to bring a screening team into the Tamworth area. Fortunately a screening is to be held in Tamworth on 27 and 28 October, and she was delighted to hear that young Tamworthians would have the opportunity to be tested on those dates.” Ursula Bick. In Memory of Lydia Bird • Cathy Bird held a murder mystery dinner in November 2011 and raised £574.

• Dr G Marshall sent in a donation of £100. • Cathy Bird sent in a donation of £128 representing Christmas donations from her work colleagues and £594 raised at the Zumba night.

In Memory of Lydia Bird and Sebastian English Andy Bird took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,575. In Memory of Peter Bissell Dave Bissell sent in a donation of £450.54 in respect of Peter Ruffhead’s Paris to Brest and Back cycle ride. In Memory of Rebecca Black Catherine Dunn sent in a donation of £600 from the proceeds of the sale of Terry’s disc ‘Glamorous Cake Stall Holder’. In Memory of Mathew Blease Karen Blease sent in a donation of £530 in memory of Mathew.

• Mike Fleet sent in donations totalling £474 from the sale of bookmarks. • Sophie Bates sent in a further donation of £200 in respect of the Berlin Marathon.

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Fundraisers In Memory of Graeme Blenkinsop • “I enclose a cheque for £104. This money includes donations from some of our work colleagues and money in lieu of not sending Christmas cards to our close family, friends and work colleagues.” Jan Blenkinsop.

• Jan Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £155, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of Graeme’s grandfather and grandmother who passed away in December 2011 and January 2012.

• Lesley Bryant sent in a donation of £100. • Matthew Bowler took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,242.

In Memory of Jack Boulton Saltford Golf Club held their annual team event on 15 October 2011 to play for the Jack Boulton Memorial Trophy. The sections came together to form 26 teams of 4 and a good day was had by all. The winning team who were Pete Symonds, David Abel (not pictured) Jacob Millard and Harry Crew had a total of 98 stableford points and are pictured with the club captain Mike Hucker who presented the trophy at the race night held later in the evening. Saltford Golf club members and friends raised a total of £664.65 during the day’s events.

In Memory of Ian Bowen “Please find enclosed a cheque for £500 donated by Redcar Bulk Terminal. Kenny and I were presented with the cheque by Steve Bonner and Paul Wright.” Maralyn Bowen. In Memory of Dave Bramwell Lisa Bramwell held a Tea Party on 16 February and raised £380. In Memory of Emma Broad • Sophie Broad took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,422.80.

• Will Broad took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,422.80.

• Annie Palmer took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,422.80.

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Our understanding friends and acquaintances that we would be making a donation to CRY in memory of Jenny. Accordingly we enclose the sum of £250.” Hillary and Bill Durrant.

• Charlotte Reeves took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,422.80.

• Nick Heard took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £295.

and Caravanning Club spent five days over Christmas 2011 camping in the grounds of Avoncroft Community Centre near Bromsgrove. We came from all parts of the UK, with the cooking of lunch and dinner being carried out in teams to spread the work. We enjoyed invigorating walks alongside canals and through beautiful countryside, singing and dancing each evening and many old fashioned activities in craft work, plus games including skittles, canasta and a beetle drive. These lovely people, instead of giving Christmas cards to each other put the money into a pot and voted unanimously that it should benefit CRY. Through their efforts during the Christmas period we raised £115.” Hillary and Bill Durrant.

In Memory of Katrina Brown • James Brown took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,255.60.

• Annabel Cosgrove took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,378.90.

In Memory of Dr Jennifer (Jenny) Bucknell • Amy Louise Hill, Cardiff University Rowing Club; the club held various activities during their fundraising week and have sent in £197.

• Steven Young took part in the Cardiff Half

Marathon and raised £622.00.

• Hillary and Bill Mead held a Quiz at the Village Hall at

In Memory of Craig Burling Dale Burling sent in a donation of £100 from the Charity Night in memory of Craig.

• “Some 60 plus members of the Folk Group of the Camping

In Memory of Steffani Broughton Ian Broughton sent in a donation of £250 from his employer DSM Dairy.

In Memory of Alex Buckler “In February, the New Hardy Players (of which I am a member) came up from Dorset to St. Michael’s Church, to provide an evening’s entertainment of stories, poems, songs and music. This was the second time the NHP had ventured out of Dorset to this venue and again we had an audience of around 70. Readings and performances were taken largely from Thomas Hardy and William Barnes, the Dorset Dialect Poet, as well as some from the NH Players themselves. Being close to St Valentine’s Day, the band played some appropriate Dorset tunes, including one called ‘St Valentines’. With such variety, a most enjoyable evening included a raffle and refreshments and we raised funds for CRY, the NHP and the church. The NHP will perform ‘The Woodlanders’ as a play this summer at venues in and around Dorchester. St. Michael’s Church has a long association with our family, as my wife’s grandfather was the Rector from 1900 to 1940; we were married there; and Alex was baptised and received his first Christmas Communion there with the family, just three weeks before he died.” Charles Buckler sent in £200.


In Memory of Craig James Burke “Craig was a beautiful, vibrant character with a lust for life that was second to none. He made the most of every moment, always up to some sort of mischief, mainly playing pranks on some unsuspecting victim; but most of all he was a loving son and little brother to Jaime, Delia and Paul. His loss left a gaping hole in our lives that can never be filled. Craig died of undiagnosed long QT syndrome. His cousin Janine, who has previously taken part in a triathlon in his name, has now collected £200 for CRY. I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for helping to keep Craig’s memory alive.” Mrs. Mary Burke. In Memory of Nathan Butler • Mrs. C Shaw sent in a donation of £2,000 raised from fundraising by the staff at Newcastleunder-Lyme and Manchester sites (Royal Bank of Scotland) for 2011.

Angela Butler sent in donations totalling £525; £490 which represents donations made at their family screening event held on 11 and 12 February and £35 from Louis Taylor Estate Agents, in lieu of Christmas cards.

In Memory of Michael Cadman

• Veronica Bucknell sent in a donation of £10 from Mrs. P Goater and £150 in respect of sponsorship for herself, Dorian Mead and Tony Yates taking part in the Lyme Bay Lunge on New Year’s Day 2012 at Lyme Regis, in memory of Jenny.

“Following a lazy Christmas, Veronica Bucknell with partner Tony Yates and brother, Dorian Mead braved the bracing sea temperatures, taking part in the Lyme Lunge, New Year’s Day 2012 at Cobb Beach, Lyme Regis, Dorset. Organised by the Lyme Regis Lions Club, around 130 swimmers – many in fancy dress – braved the icy waters and worst of all the torrential rain. The three intrepid swimmers raised £150 in memory of Dr Jenny Bucknell, in support of CRY. Jenny Bucknell, who passed away in April 2011, 3 weeks before her final Medic exams, was herself a keen competitive swimmer; given the chance we are sure she would have taken the plunge too.” Veronica, Tony and Dorian.

Chaffcombe and raised £240.

• Ms. S Howles sent in donations amounting to £101 in respect of the Ladies Night held before Christmas.

• Hillary and Bill sent in a donation of £101.50 raised with

• Ian Cadman sent in donations totalling £193.64; £116.64

from collection boxes and other sources and £77 from Mrs. ChristineSmith.

• Ian Cadman sent in donations totalling £131.67. In Memory of Jake Thomas Carney David Carney sent in a Christmas donation of £200 from the Carney family.

In Memory of Trevor Carter Fi Lang took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £808.60. In Memory of Graham Lewis Cataldo Davies “In November 2011 Wynstone’s School held a charity concert for CRY in memory of Graham Lewis Cataldo Davies, who died on 18 April 2007 when he was a 16 year old student attending the school.” Suzanne Cataldo sent in donations totalling £804.47.

the help of the Whist players at Chaffcombe Village Hall and a further donation of £100 in respect of the raffle at the Big Draw that took place at the Yesterday’s Farming Agricultural Show.

In Memory of Guy Champney • Rhiannon Lloyd-Ellis took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,995.

• “Bill and I did not, as in the past, spend sums of money

• Victoria Smith took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

on giving Christmas gifts and cards, but informed all our

and raised £1,995.

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In Memory of Philippa Chowne Jim Sexton, Treasurer, St Peter’s, Kineton, held a Coffee Morning and sent in a donation of £172.37 in memory of Philippa. In Memory of Tom Clabburn • Sue Howells sent in a donation of £1,248 in respect of the Carol Concert held by Ealing Choral Society in memory of Tom.

• Ealing Choral Society held a concert on 10

December and raised £2,812.

• We have received a further donation of £244.84 in respect of the Carol Concert last December. Total raised £4,424.84.

“Ealing Choral Society’s carol concert was held on Saturday 10 December at St Barnabas Church. In the presence of the Mayor of Ealing, Councillor John Gallagher (Ealing Choral Society’s president), the 70 strong choir conducted by Jonathan Williams sang traditional and less well known carols to an audience of 350 people. BBC Radio 4 Broadcaster Harriet Cass, Christopher Wickenden of Haven Funeral Services (sponsor of the concert programme), Tom’s sister Ellen Clabburn and Charlie Pearson (representing M&S, sponsors of the refreshments) were among those giving seasonal readings. Tom’s father Paul Clabburn said “We very much appreciate the society making Tom’s Fund and CRY the beneficiary of their charity concert. It was brilliantly organised and ECS made what could have been a difficult occasion very easy for us. We were thrilled by the turn-out which has guaranteed that we will be able to sponsor more free heart screenings for young people in Ealing in 2012.” The evening was rounded off with mince pies and wine after the concert. “Clare Nazerali, the Ealing Choral Society Social Secretary, organised a hugely enjoyable social evening for members and their partners at The Grove at Ealing Green last Monday (12 December). She managed to negotiate an agreement with the pub’s management that in return for 30 minutes carol singing we would receive £110 off our bill for the evening! Clare suggested that this should be donated to the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund for CRY, which was unanimously agreed. Choir members, always ready to perform, gathered as an impromptu group in the bar and sang a number of traditional carols in harmony and totally unaccompanied. Other customers seemed to enjoy the

Our festive music, and a number of them stood up and joined in with us. It was a happy end to a lovely evening.” Paul Clabburn View online at:

Gresham’s, Adam was 1st XV Rugby captain, swimming and athletics captain, as well as being a first team hockey player. He was also a talented guitarist and enjoyed playing in the school rock band.

and raised £415.

• “I enclose a cheque for £820 for the Tom Clabburn memorial

Fund. £750 of this was raised by BBC colleagues at a book sale I held at the BBC in December. The remaining £70 and the second cheque of £20 should be put towards the money raised by the Ealing Choral Society at their concert for Tom’s fund.” Claire Prosser.

• Vicky Pearson and Alan Stewart sent in a donation of

£275 raised at the Mince Pie and Mulled Wine Evening on 23 December. I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £200 in memory of Tom Clabburn, a young football player from the Middlesex County.” Silvia Cary, Executive Assistant to the Chairman.

• Kate Riley took part in the Windsor Half Marathon and raised £462.

• Carlo Fruzza sent in a sponsorship donation of £144 in respect of Luca, Rory and Charlie and the Marathon of Zelda. In Memory of Darren Clark Bob Emmerson, Total UK Limited, sent in a donation of £100. In Memory of Natalie Cocks Kate Manning took part in the Great South Run and raised £260.

“12 Glyn School students travelled up to the top of Great Britain to begin their 710 mile bike ride south to finish at Glyn School on the 23 July. Stefan Richards and Ziya Gokman represented CRY in memory of their teacher Tony Cooper, who died in school from a heart attack two years ago.

• Mark Collins took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

• “On behalf of the Chairman of The Football Association


His family, Jerry, Debbie and Shelly Connolly, approached Gresham’s to ask if it would be possible to plant an oak tree in his memory. Following a meeting with the Headmaster, an area close to the rugby pitch was found, a place Adam would have loved. The memorial plaque was designed and made by Neil Humphrey (Head of Design and Technology), using oak from the school woods. The tree planting memorial service took place on Saturday 19 November 2011 at 3.30pm. Family, friends and staff, current and past, attended this happy occasion and the sun shone throughout. In Memory of Tony Cooper Stefan Richards and Ziya Gokman took part in the John O’Groats to Glyn School bike ride on 16 July 2011 and raised £257 in memory of Tony.

In Memory of Adam Connolly • Freddie Corlett took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,411.

“The journey consisted of 3 days riding the hills of Scotland. Battling the Scottish highlands, around spectacular Lochs and up Glen Coe Mountain. And 3 days of the north and central England. Battling harsh weather, farm traffic and the London rush hour on the final day. Our days were split into ‘stages’ with a target mileage, meaning that if we didn’t reach the target, we had to exceed the target for the next day. If we exceeded the target for the day, then the next day’s mileage would be shortened, adding an element of time to the journey. We were all met by family and friends at the Glyn front gates at around 9pm on Saturday. Thanks to the people at C.R.Y for all their help and support for our journey in the ways of fundraising support. We were close to Tony Cooper and we are so happy we could help out the charity.” Stefan Richards and Ziya Gokman. View online at:’Groats_to_Glyn_School_Cycle.htm In Memory of Beryl Frances Copping We have received a funeral donation of £125, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Beryl Frances Copping. In Memory of Lynne Corden W Jones & Co., Funeral Directors, sent in a donation of £102 from Ashgate Primary School, in memory of Lynne Corden. In Memory of Peter Cox Kim Cox raised £369.50, through online fundraising, in respect of the Bupa Great South Run 2011.

• Gresham School, Norfolk, held a reunion and sent in a donation of £636.

In Memory of Nigel Cox • CRY have received a donation of £381.51, and £85.95 from donations via Much Loved, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Nigel Cox, who passed away on 5 February 2012, aged 33 years.

Lucie Spooner organised a 10 year reunion for her contempories. The event took place in Big School following a tree planting ceremony in Adam’s memory, and was greatly enjoyed.

• CRY have received a funeral donation of £170, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Nigel Cox, who passed away on 5 February 2012, aged 33 years.

60 guests were treated to sushi, followed by fish and chips! The event was dedicated to their fellow 2001 leaver - Adam Connolly.

In Memory of Richard Credland Vicky Credland sent in donations of £545 from the ‘Swim a School Day’ event in memory of her brother, Richard.

Adam Connolly died in 2008 from Sudden Death Syndrome, because of a minor defect in his heart. During his time at

In Memory of Hayley Crook Claire Boyle took part in the Basingstoke Half Marathon and raised a further £860, through online fundraising. “It was around 30 degrees on the day and so extremely hot. I was aiming to do the run in 2 hours which I had trained for and should have been capable of doing quite comfortably.

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In Memory of Ben Daniels • Ravens Wood School, Bromley, Kent sent in a donation of £693.01.

• Alan Farmer sent in a donation

of £518 in respect of fundraising by members and visitors of the Old Elthamians RFC.

• Robert Williams sent in a donation of £273 from a Fireworks party in memory of Ben.

• Keith Parkinson sent in sponsorship donations totalling £928

However, because of the heat I struggled from about the 3rd mile. The course was extremely hilly too, and I had practiced round it so I knew what was coming - but it was so tough. The support from the crowd was amazing, people were outside their houses with hosepipes for us to run under. It was a great atmosphere.

in respect of the Brighton Marathon.

• Helena Daniels sent in a donation of £243.50 raised by the band, Endless, at a gig last year, in memory of Ben.

In Memory of Robert Crozier Shirley Miles, Solutions Health & Fitness Club, sent in a donation of £555.35. In Memory of Simon Jon Cullum Marilyn Cullum sent in a donation of £620 raised at a Christmas sale in December and £1,167 from the student party night organised by a family friend, Georgia Gooch. Total £1,787. “On 3 December we held a Christmas Stall at St Peter’s Church Hall in Gorleston. We had a cake stall, raffle, Bric-a-Brac and also a memory tree for people to write a message for loved ones they have lost.

• Ken Slater took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and

In Memory of Adam Drawbridge Elsie Drawbridge sent in a donation of £200 in memory of her grandson, Adam.

raised £4,911.

In Memory of Chris Dart Michael Coates took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,075.

The tree was placed in the Church after the sale. The sale was advertised in the local press and I received some donations through the post from people who saw it. I am raising funds to get a local screening in Gorleston. A family friend, Georgia Rose Gooch, also organised an event. She is 17 years old and has a friend who has been diagnosed with a heart condition, and after attending our Christmas sale decided that she wanted to do something to help with raising funds for our screening. She held a Student Party Night at Caesars Bar in Great Yarmouth, and she also sold T-shirts, wrist bands and badges at her 6th form college.” Marilyn Cullum. View online at: In Memory of Stuart Cutler • Nigel Sterrick sent in a donation of £2,860.

• David and Natalie Cutler sent in donations

totalling £420; £400 from the staff of NHS 24 Tayside, who held regular cake and candy days, and £20 donated by Mrs. Sheila Seward in lieu of a Christmas present for Stuart’s grandma.

In Memory of Jason Dacre We have received a donation of £549.71, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Jason Dacre, who passed away on 11 January 2012, aged 27 years.

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two sisters, Mary Roberts and Margaret Parry, at their weekly car boot sales on Anglesey.

launch of the Ben Daniels Memorial fund.

However, between miles 11 and 12 I collapsed due to the heat and couldn’t finish the race. An ambulance came and gave me oxygen and did ECG and other tests once I’d come round. I had been to one of the CRY screening clinics just after Hayley died and there were no problems with the ECG then, so I knew it was just down to the heat - but I felt awful for the rest of the day and it was pretty scary. So, unfortunately I don’t have much of an inspirational story for you but I got most of the way and so they still gave me a medal!” Claire Boyle. View online at:

• Paul Daniels sent in a donation of £869.43 from the evening

In Memory of Edward Davidson and Bill Helen Davidson raised £1,104.18 in respect of ‘Bill’s Run Preston’ event. In Memory of William Davidson Antoinette Theophilus raised £114, through online fundraising, in respect of her sponsored walk in memory of William. In Memory of Neil Desai • Thissa De Silva took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £420.

• Sam Lewis took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,907.50

In Memory of Luke Dickinson Rebecca Dickinson sent in a donation of £281 raised at the Darts and Dominoes day at The Green Squirrel on 22 January. In Memory of Patrick Dinsmore CRY Representative Ian McCall collected a donation of £3,820.40, raised by friends of Patrick who took part in a sponsored walk in his memory. In Memory of Christopher Dixon Vanessa Mogridge sent in a donation of £300 in respect of the 12 hour ‘Spinathon’ in memory of Karen’s son Christopher, and in support of her youngest son, Joshua. In Memory of Adam Donnelly Julie Donnelly forwarded a donation of £1,000 which her mother, Eleanor Webber, raised along with her

In Memory of Mark Eden “On 25 September 2011 (which coincided with the third year anniversary of my father’s death (Mark Eden)) I abseiled 60m down the Bell Tower at the Trafford Centre in aid of CRY. On 29 September 2008 my daddy passed away having just turned 47. He was diagnosed in his 30’s with cardiomyopathy and in his 40’s he was fitted with an ICD. The ICD began helping his heart run for longer and it gave him a new lease of life. He went on to help set up Bolton ICD Support Group and fundraised regularly for the cause. Without the ICD and the fantastic cardiology team at Bolton Hospital we may never have had as long as we did with him. Now I hear you saying ‘what has this got to do with CRY?’ Well, I am one of four children and during dad’s illness and since his death, my mum was constantly worried that one of us may have the same condition. Unfortunately due to costing we were unable to be tested for any heart condition but that’s where CRY came into it. CRY gave us the chance to have mobile screening tests and we were given ECG and Echo scans at no cost to us. Thankfully we all came back clear. As a family we have raised money for various charities over the years relating to my father’s illness. Last year I felt CRY deserved my sponsorship to enable them to continue their great work and maybe to help another family out there who are worrying about cardiac issues.

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Our In Memory of Sean Michael Farrell • Simon Baylis has raised £11,308.15 through online fundraising.

• Dorothy Allan and Georgie Dixon took part in a 10 mile walk on Christmas Day and raised £121.

• Anne Jobson, colleagues and friends raised £11,308.15 through online fundraising.

In Memory of Josh Fell • Yvonne Fell sent in a fundraising donation of £501.20 in memory of her nephew, Josh.

• Mrs. J Sugden sent in a donation of £580 in memory of her grandson, Josh. •

Thanks to CRY we have peace of mind. The day came and it was much scarier than I had anticipated and it didn’t help my nerves when I got my foot stuck whilst hanging over the edge at the top. All my supporters thought that was the best moment but the best moment for me was when my feet were back firmly on the ground and I knew I had achieved what I had set out to do. The majority of my sponsorship was raised online but please find enclosed a cheque for £150 for sponsorship that I raised offline. Overall I raised £515 and I’m sure my dad would have been proud.” Tracey Wilkinson. In Memory of Sebastian English • Dr. Elaine English sent in donations totalling £200; £100 to mark what would have been Howard’s 50th birthday, £50 from Elaine’s mum in lieu of a floral tribute in memory of Phyl, Stephanie’s Aunt, and £50 donated by a family friend following the Radio 4 appeal.

• Jack Hillcox took part in the Charterhouse 50 miles as the Village People event and raised £1,235 in memory of Sebastian.

• John, Yvonne and Rose Bailey sent in a donation of £200. • Philip Davies sent in a donation of £250. • Simon Halliday took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £9,220.

In Memory of Sebastian English and Phyllis Mary Owens Wynne Owens sent in a donation of £820, in lieu of floral tributes for his late wife, Phyllis Mary Owens, who died on 15 December 2011.

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The Fell family attended the opening of the new Tesco in Hornsea on Monday 16 January and were presented with a cheque for £500 from Tesco Charity Trust.

“My ride from London to Paris was a doubled edged event for me. A practical fundraiser to thank CRY for the help they have given my family since losing my son Nolan Foley in 2008. The other to commemorate my son’s life, and work through my grief with a positive action. I entered the event on my own. The other 111 riders all had their causes but we all shared a common attitude, so before a pedal was turned I was chatting and feeling part of a group. The first day was long. Registration and briefing at 6am. The ride starting at 7am from Crystal Palace. The route to Dover was fully sign posted, with official water stops morning and afternoon, and a buffet style lunch stop at 55 miles. It’s a 95 mile ride, which is more than I had ridden in one day before. It was demanding, with the worst hills all in the last 25 miles. Everyone made it to Dover by the required time of 4.30pm. The ferry section took some time (another chance to meet others), followed by a slow 40 minute ride to the hotel in Calais. That day finished at about 10pm. With that section under the belt, although weary, I felt the toughest day was behind me. Days 2 and 3 were similar, covering close to 75 miles each day. All via low traffic country roads, passing through small villages (each seemed to have a pretty church or town hall to admire) with historical content. There were still many hills to climb, and often the riding was difficult, as you carry the previous day’s weariness in your body. On these days an early breakfast and briefing got me on the road by 8am. I was able to reach the next destination by 5pm, so there was some evening down time to sit and drink a coffee; chat with others about the days ride, and about each person’s charity and motivations for the ride.

• Nick Prout sent in sponsorship donations totalling £1,134.50

in respect of the Classic Cols of the Tour de France bike ride in memory of Josh.


The stopovers were Abbeville and Beauvais. The ride from Beauvais into Paris is just about 55 miles. Hence the 4th day becomes somewhat easier. The surroundings changed to suburban traffic. The final stretch was along the banks of the Seine. The last few miles being in convoy. The whole party guided and “escorted” through the Saturday Paris traffic by the support vans. The Eiffel tower was reached at the pre-determined 4pm slot, with friends and relatives cheering people home. It was a challenge that I am so glad I was able to engage in, and I achieved the personal thinking time away from life’s “busyness” that I wanted. I did prepare for the event as best I could, only having weekends to train, and by doing other organised events of 50-75 mile distances. I am not a cyclist historically.” David Foley. View online at: In Memory of Nolan Foley and Ann Foley We have received a donation of £100 from David Gaster in memory of his sister, Ann Foley. “For Ann the loss of Nolan at 30 was a mountain she never managed to climb and as a family they continue to campaign for this cause. Donations to this work are a fitting tribute to Ann’s memory.” In Memory of Sophia Forrester We have received a funeral donation of £438.08 in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Sophia Forrester.

In Memory of David Forway Steve Busby sent in a donation of £205 from his fundraising in December 2011. In Memory of Joanne Fotheringham • “I enclose a cheque from the Great Wilderness Challenge (GWC) for £1,600 from the Cadets of Ullapool Detached Flight 161 D/F. Our cadets have been taking part in the Challenge since 1998 and have been raising sponsorship for CRY which has been increased in value by the GWC each year. We hope to continue participating in the Challenge in 2012 and add to our current total of £19,750 since we started.” Alex Eaton, Treasurer, 161(ULLAPOOL) D/F Air Training Corps.

• The City Healthcare Partnership, Hornsea, sent in a fundraising donation of £1,500.

• Neil Wilcock took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,000.

In Memory of Therese Field Tara Field sent in a donation of £710 from the Stars in their Eyes evening carol concert and a murder mystery evening in memory of Therese.

In Memory of David Fiume Alison Fiume sent in a donation of £200, in lieu of floral tributes, for her late husband, David Fiume, who passed away on 29 February 2012, aged 31 years, due to sudden adult death syndrome. In Memory of Nolan Foley David Foley cycled from London to Paris between Wednesday 14 and Saturday 17 September 2011 and has so far sent in £2,275.

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• Alex Fotheringham sent in a donation totalling £142.76;

£67.76 from the Gallery Café, £65 from the Red Tooth Poker league and £10 from Ann Falconer.

Our 90% mental. So you all know how I had got on 5 months ago in Edinburgh, 4:42 for my first marathon in force gale conditions and I entirely won the mental fight! Liverpool my second and I had a stinker.

In Memory of Jamie Gault • Margaret Gault sent in donations totalling £1,600; £900 from Knocka Hollett Primary School, £270 from Ballynure and District Community Association, £200 from Newtownabbey Borough Council, £80 from Mrs Sarah Logan, £50 from 1st Larne Ladies Circle, £50 from Mrs June McAllister and Mrs Cullen and £50 from NI Wrens Association, plus £75 from the sale of pens.

• James and Margaret Gault forwarded donations totalling

£600; £120 from Mr and Mrs Agnew from a garden open day at their home; £62 in lieu of Christmas cards and £418 from farmers and friends.

In Memory of Jamie Gentleman Terry Anderson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,962.50. In Memory of Alexander Goodman Rosemary Goodman sent in a donation of £300 from the sale of handmade Christmas cards and a raffle.

In Memory of Vicki Furlong • Niall Furlong took part in the Bupa Great North Run and raised £770.

• James Carroll took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,530.

In Memory of Matt Gadsby Mr S Darleston and Team Poppyfields raised £193, through online fundraising, in respect of the Liverpool Marathon. Steve Darlaston took part in the Liverpool Marathon on Sunday 9 October, completing the run in 5:12:54 and getting lots of enquiries about CRY thanks to his vest design. “Running a marathon for a chubby amateur like me has a million components. You’ve got to want to, you’ve got to get your inspiration from somewhere, clothing, training, eating, drinking, sleeping, holidays, transport, mental attitude all play a part. Now the want and inspiration isn’t a problem for me, nor is the training and prep because I have such fantastic support from Mrs. Brightside and everyone else. The problem for me is mental. It’s the mental fight with myself, it’s the craving to better myself, to make me a better person. I overheard a conversation today ‘its not your legs that stop its your brain telling them to stop’. That’s entirely true. Its 80% if not

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In Memory of Reece Goodman “Enclosed is a cheque for £215 raised in memory of our beautiful son, Reece Goodman. We lost Reece in 2006 and continue to raise money for a great cause in his memory. The money was raised by fantastic friends at my workplace ‘Unipart’, Baginton, Coventry. David McIlwaine organised a charity football tournament which proved a great success. Unipart have been very supportive in these hard times.” Lara Goodman. A 5:10 marathon is nothing to be ashamed off but failure to give 100% is. It’s a war of attrition in many ways and I am the only enemy. The fact that I succeeded in beating myself only makes me more determined to make sure that next time I don’t! I’ll be happy with 5:10 again if I know in my heart I gave 100%. From that you’ll know that I will do another, I will do it better and I will not lose the mental fight next time!” Steve Darlaston. View full write-up online at: In Memory of Lauren Gallagher • Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £265.

• Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £157

from the collection box held at the Ballymagorry Centra Store in Strabane. In Memory of Lyndsey Galligan-McLaughlin James Galligan sent in a donation of £100 in memory of his daughter, Lyndsey. In Memory of Stewart Gardner Emma Butcher, Goodrich ISR Systems, sent in a donation of £150.


Memorial Fund within your charity. Leanne’s parents are well known to David and your charitable cause fully supported.” Geoff Brookes, Charity Steward, Perseverance Lodge No 4554, sent in a donation of £350. In Memory of Shamil Hamid • Farah Hamid forwarded £634 from The English School in Salmiya which held a bake sale in February 2012 to raise funds.

• Farah Hamid sent in a donation of £2,110 from the ‘Cakes for CRY’ events. “Since losing our beloved son Shamil in December 2010 to an undiagnosed heart condition we have been trying to raise awareness of this cruel and silent syndrome that takes the lives of 12 young people a week in the U.K. Although Shamil was living in the U.K. when we lost him, we were, and still are, living overseas, in Kuwait where Shamil grew up. It is shocking how little is known about SADS and we had never even heard of CRY until our lives were shattered. Cakes for CRY have been raising awareness of SADS in Kuwait. All profits from the sales go into the Shamil Hamid Memorial Fund which is collecting funds for screening. The support has been truly amazing and it is so satisfying to hear people say that they will get their young ones screened.” Farah Hamid. View more photos at:

In Memory of Jordan Grant • Nomita Lillystone sent in a donation of £117.40.

• John Grant sent in a donation of £885. • “On behalf of Preston & District Scouts please accept this

donation of £200 to help support the local branch of Cardiac Risk in the Young and in particular the Jordan Grant Memorial Fund. This money was raised at our annual St George’s Day Celebration Service at the Guild Hall in April and the choice of the local charity was decided by the leaders in the District.” Judith Jamieson, District Commissioner, Preston & District Scouts.

In Memory of Oliver Griffin Gareth Ilbery took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,219.20. In Memory of Leanne Haddrell “It is the custom of Perseverance Lodge of Freemasons to make charitable collections at our monthly meetings. The total collected at our November and December meetings is donated to a charity selected by the current Worshipful Master of the Lodge. This year David Street (the current WM) has asked that the total collected be donated to the Leanne Haddrell

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Our In Memory of Elizabeth May Harrison • Gillian Harrison sent in a donation of £140.

• Gillian Harrison held a Service of Thanksgiving in memory of her daughter, Elizabeth May Harrison, on 3 February and sent in a donation of £978 in her memory.

In Memory of David Harrop Charlie Cowie took part in the Great North Run and raised £770.

In Memory of Chris Haw “On 19 November 2011 the Teesdale Dance Academy held their annual song and dance extravaganza in aid of the Chris Haw Memorial Fund at CRY, in Middleton in Teesdale Village Hall. The night was a great success and supported by Middleton Brass Band and involved many in the local community, who were happy to give up their time in aid of CRY. The show itself was produced by Teesdale Dance Academy director Dawn Benson - known as ‘Dancing Dawn’ and included children aged between 3-15. The song and dance show included various genres of dance including tap, ballet and theatre craft. This was then topped off with their grand finale - a rendition of the class Michael Jackson hit ‘Thriller’.” Miss L Watson sent in a donation of £697.45.

In Memory of Captain Rick Hammond The 1st (UK) Armoured Division, Hereford sent in a donation of £526.32. In Memory of David Hargrave Ian Welsh sent in a donation of £528 in respect of his fundraising event ‘Comedy Moustaches at Newcastle Building Society’ in memory of David. In Memory of Matt Harris • Adam Payne took part in the Kenilworth Half Marathon and raised £300.

• Elizabeth Ayres took part in the Run to the Beat Half Marathon and raised £220. 12757

In Memory of Graham Harrison • Christine Iveson sent in a further donation of £655 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle Ride in April.

• John, Martin and Stephen took part in the Great North Run and raised an additional £250. Total raised £2,456. • Christine Iveson sent in a sponsorship donation of £670 in respect of her forthcoming London to Brighton Bike Ride.

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In Memory of Jake Hawkins Paul Taylor took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,813.18. In Memory of Natalie Herbert Camille Williams and 23 friends and family members took part in the Mount Snowdon climb in September 2011 and sent in a further £5,231.71, making a total raised of £6,201.71. “In April 2010 Natalie Herbert passed away suddenly in her sleep. Natalie was a perfectly healthy 25 year old but through recent tests it is believed she died due to a rare genetic heart arrhythmia know as a Long Q-T. Natalie was and always will be remembered as a beautiful, bubbly young lady who enjoyed every moment of her life spent with her loving family and friends.

As organised by her cousin Camille and fully supported by Natalie’s parents Chris and Judy Herbert and her sister, closest friend and work colleague Cristie Herbert, a charity climb up Mount Snowdon took place on Saturday 10th September 2011. Altogether there were 24 participants of the 3560 ft climb including Natalie’s sister Cristie, cousins Camille, Daniel, Faye, Kieran and Sara, her auntie and uncle and most cherished friends. Each of us travelled from Leicester to tackle extremely harsh weather conditions including icy rain, hail and strong winds to complete the challenge of climbing the highest mountain in Wales in honour of Natalie who holds a special place in so many hearts. It wasn’t easy, and caused a lot of legs to ache but we all agree it was a very worthwhile experience and an honour to raise money and awareness for CRY and to do something positive in memory of such a special young lady.


• “One of our students died last year from SADS. Joe Herrington

was a student who epitomised the community spirit of our school. He was a happy lad, who had a smile for everyone and was well known for his excellent sense of sportsmanship. Joe was a keen rugby player, both inside and outside of school and captained the year 9 rugby team. He was a very lovely, thoughtful, wellmannered and kind young man who always put his best effort into everything he did. We were devastated to hear of Joe’s sudden death on 22 April 2011, and students and staff pulled together to provide comfort and support to each other and to create a lasting memorial to Joe, who was aged just 14 years. So far a number of events have been staged in Joe’s memory. His school held a nonuniform day and cake sale, including a donation from one boy who dressed as a fairy for the day. Smiley face badges and keychains have been sold to represent Joe’s cheerful nature. We might not have been able to help Joe, but by working together to raise money and awareness for others, we hope that we can keep Joe’s memory alive.” Miss C Ingarfield, Key Stage 3 Coordinator, Chesterton Community College sent in £1,284.21.

• Jacqueline Evers took part in the Cambridge Half Marathon on 11 March and raised £410.

• The Kirschel Foundation sent in a donation of £500. In Memory of Matthew Hesmondhalgh Barry and Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in donations totalling £250 raised by Matt’s family and friends.

During her 25 years Natalie had a smile for everyone and made so many friends, as a result the support and sponsorship for our climb has been greater than anyone expected. To date the total money raised is over £5,000 and with sponsorship still being collected we expect the total to rise significantly. Support for our event has come from far and wide, including local and national businesses, newspapers and magazines. We have also had support from Georgia Horsley (friend of Natalie) girlfriend of Danny Jones of Mcfly who kindly requested the support of his fans on Twitter. Since his post we have been overwhelmed by sponsorship from Mcfly fans, who have raised around £600 altogether and have left heart-warming messages of support. Natalie’s family hope that all the loving support will continue in memory of our daughter, sister, auntie, cousin, niece and friend Natalie, our ray of sunshine.” Camille Williams. View more photos online at: In Memory of Joe Herrington • Brad Herrington sent in a donation of £155.10 collected by Hanna Pickup and Sophie Knight during a Cambridge rugby match in memory of Joe.

In Memory of Oliver Hewitt “I am the team captain of the Ball Busters Flyball Dog Club. I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £100 from our Tombola and Raffle at the tournament in February.” Debbie Collins. In Memory of Greg Highwood-Mack Emma Dew sent in a donation of £312.60 raised during the last six months at the Dress Down Days at Advanced Health & Care Limited.

In Memory of Laura Hillier Tony Hillier sent in donations totalling £265.

In Memory of Peter Hinchliffe (Research) Dr R Hinchliffe sent in a donation of £1,000 towards the Research Fund.

In Memory of Peter Hinchliffe and Mrs Nellie Drury CRY have received a donation of £172.50, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Nellie Drury, who passed away on 19 February 2012.

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In Memory of Chris Hoggarth Michaela Hoggarth forwarded a donation of £1,231.50, raised by Harrison & Hetherington Limited, who held an auction in December; also Mr. W Bright sent in a donation of £1,450 in respect of the Keswick to Barrow Walk, in memory of Chris. In Memory of Nicholas Holland Gemma Holland sent in a donation of £3,100 raised at various events in memory of her husband Nicholas including the Cheshire Polo Club 8 Goal, and £150 donated by his work colleagues at Spinney Motorhomes. In Memory of Lauren Holly “Please accept this cheque for £2,200 which was raised through the Lavender Fields annual open days at Hartley Park Farm, Hants in the summers of 2010 and 2011, in memory of my daughter, Lauren.” Mrs. Lyndsey Butler. In Memory of Jonathan Hooper “On Saturday 24 March we held a Cheese & Wine event to raise funds for CRY in memory of our son, Jonathan Hooper. The day was a total success as we were blessed with fine weather, quite exceptional for the end of March, a total of £256 being donated. We are most happy to send you cheques amounting to £296, including monies given at Christmas in Jonathan’s name, by family and friends.” The family of Jonathan. In Memory of Kieran Horn “On 17 March 2011 The Lamerton Handbell Ringers lost one of its young ringers very suddenly. Kieran Horn was just 11 years old, a farmer’s son, a very active, sporty boy who was just getting so much out of his life. He was a most valued member of our team and is sorely missed. The actual cause of his death is still and will probably remain a mystery, but it was discovered at post-mortem that he had an enlarged heart and obviously this defect was a contributory factor in his death. Each year the team raises money for charity and it was unanimously agreed that this year money collected through our ringing should be donated to your charity.” Geoff and Valerie Hill, Leaders, Lamerton Handbell Ringers, sent in a donation of £320. In Memory of Stewart Howard • Jane Howard sent in donations totalling £820: “Thanks go to Steve Ashworth and his team and June who made bags out of old carrier bags which raised £20 and Terry and Barbara, who donated £20.”

Our • Thomas Ray took part in the Norwich Half Marathon on 27

• Last November our beautiful baby daughter passed away

November 2011 and raised £200.

having suffered from heart failure. The condition was undiagnosed and hit us totally out of the blue. We have only recently become aware of CRY and the outstanding work the organisation undertakes and really feel this special charity could do with our ongoing support in terms of fundraising/ donations. At our daughter’s funeral we requested that donations should be made to CRY and a sum of £292.20 was raised!” Matthew and Marie Johnson.

• Jane Howard sent in a donation of £400 raised at the Spring Fair, in memory of Stewart.

In Memory of Sophia Olive Howe CRY has received a donation of £159.40, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Sophia Olive Howe. In Memory of Matthew Hughes “Please find enclosed a cheque for £165.25 which is the amount collected at our Harvest Festival Service, October 2011. As a school, we support a charity every year in lieu of collecting food. The charity selected is usually connected to us in some way. We chose to support CRY this year because on 9 April 2007 our school secretary lost her nephew, Matthew Hughes, very suddenly. Matthew was 17 years of age at the time and his death came as a huge shock to all his family and friends. His family has subsequently worked to support CRY and we are glad to have the opportunity to do the same.” Mrs S Harkin, Llwyncelyn Infant School. In Memory of Pollyanna Hughes George Hughes took part in the Berlin Marathon and raised £1,638.

In Memory of Neil Hustwit Jayne Hustwit sent in a donation of £540 raised at the Charity Band Event held in December in memory of Neil.

that nearly blew the refreshment gazebo away! The sun did appear after lunch leading to all golfers returning to the clubhouse dry! The winner of the trophy was Paul Hine, second was Mike Lancaster and third Pat Furlong. Longest Drive was won by Gary Thomson and Nearest the Pin by Terry Jennings, Howard’s Dad. The event was again sponsored by Becker (UK) Ltd who covered the cost of all refreshments. Generous donations were given by players and others who continue to support this established event year on year.” Keeley Ashley. View online at: In Memory of Nick Jarram Nikki Holliday raised £3,720 through her online fundraising page, in memory of Nick.

In Memory of John Ibbotson Sue Ibbotson sent in a donation of £500. In Memory of Howard Jennings Keeley Ashley sent in a donation of £2,000 raised at a recent Golf Tournament in memory of Howard. “The 15th memorial golf tournament held in memory of Howard Jennings took place at Bulbury Woods Golf Complex in Poole, Dorset on Saturday 10 September 2011.

In Memory of Barry Johnston Laurie MacNamara raised £5,898 through online fundraising in memory of her fiancée, Barry. In Memory of Lisa Johnson Mark Simmonds took part in the Robin Hood Half Marathon and raised £206. In Memory of Ozi and Kiki Johnson The Llewellin Lodge No. 7907, Poole, sent in a donation of £250. In Memory of Kiki Johnson

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £451.60.

With 22 competitors, the tournament proved to be invigorating to say the least with torrential rain in the morning and gusty winds

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CRY was chosen by the children of this school to receive the retiring collection at their Christmas productions following the sad death of the little sister (Kiki Johnson) of one of our pupils.” Mrs Rhian Tomkins, Headteacher, Sturminster Marshall First School, Wimborne, Dorset.

In Memory of Ethan Jones • “I have pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £807.50 which has been raised in memory of Ethan Jones. The children in our school, aged 4 to 7 worked extremely hard learning songs and lines to perform four spectacular productions of their Christmas play in front of parents and governors. All the performances were thoroughly enjoyed by all and also succeeded in raising funds for a very worthy cause.” Ellie Origo, School Business Manager, Oatlands School, Weybridge, Surrey.

• Michael Bohling sent in a donation of £605.58 raised during an illustrated talk he gave entitled ‘Kilimanjaro at 70’.

• “I am pleased to enclose a cheque in the sum of £100 on behalf

of the New Malden Rotary Club. Keith Weston, a butcher, gave our rotary club an interesting after dinner talk recently and rather than accept a fee he suggested we make a donation to CRY.” Barry Collins, Community and Vocational Chairman.

• Keith Weston sent in a donation of £150 in respect of his public speaking.

• Nick Brown took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,785.

In Memory of Matthew Kamis Sunil Mukerjea took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £790.

In Memory of Joe Kellogg Carrie Robinson took part in a skydive and raised a further £220, making a total raised of £420. In Memory of Mr. Kenny We have received a funeral donation of £102.07, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of the late Mr. Kenny. In Memory of Jennifer Kerwood Martin Kerwood sent in a donation of £1,405 in lieu of floral tributes, for his daughter, Jennifer.

In Memory of Robert Lancaster Christine Ellera sent in a donation of £136 raised at the Christmas Onesie Challenge in memory of Robert.

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In Memory of Michael Land Gary Land sent in a donation of £1,825, in lieu of floral tributes, in memory of Michael. In Memory of Charles Laugharne We have received a funeral donation of £200, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Charles Laugharne who died on 17 November 2011.

Our we would like to say a special thank you to the landlord Paul McDonald and his staff for the help and support on the night. Also we would like to thank Morrison Cooper for organising the event, which we know took a lot of time and effort as he collected all of the football memorabilia and the prizes for the raffle, thank you very much Morrison.

In Memory of Aaron Lundy • John Lundy sent in a CAF donation of £200.

• Gareth Barton took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £214.

• Michael Logan took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £214. • Garry McGrotty took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £214.

In Memory of Jonathan Leigh • Jack Storr took part in the Great North Run and raised £1,852.

• Gregory O’Brien took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £214.

In Memory of Leslie John Luxford and John James Luxford

• Mrs Rena sent in a donation of £426 raised at


In Memory of Karl Mansfield Susan Mansfield sent in a donation of £381 in memory of her son, Karl. The money was raised by employees from Shop Direct Group, Oldham through Christmas raffles and the sale of Christmas cards. In Memory of Mark Marden • Pam Dickins took part in the London Marathon 2011 and raised £225.46.

• Pam Dickins, Kevin Blazer and Russell Marden raised £3,440.78 when they held a Charity Ball in memory of Mark.

• Jean Luxford sent in a donation of £130 in memory of her late

the fundraising event held at the Armstrong Social Club, in memory of Jonathan.

husband Leslie and grandson, John.

• Mrs Jean Luxford sent in funeral donations amounting to £200 In Memory of Martyn Jordan Lee Deborah Jones and Kevin Douglas took part in the New York Marathon in November 2011 and raised £326.

In Memory of Ian Linington Stephanie Edwards held a jewellery party in October and raised £170 in memory of Ian. “Ian was my son William’s (Bill) great friend and I know he still misses him.” Stephanie Edwards. In Memory of Kira Louise Lloyd Melanie and Andrew Lloyd sent in the following donations in memory of their daughter, Kira; £135 from Mrs M Lloyd and £5.00 from Miss A Rich - this was received at Kira’s grandfather’s funeral donations in lieu of flowers. £150 from Fern and Glen at their local spiritualist church who held an evening of mediumship and chose to donate the proceeds to CRY, special thanks to Wayne and Julie Pooley and £50 from Melanie’s friend, Donna Owen, who has recently started running her own jewellery parties. In Memory of Nathan Michael Logue “I held a charity event for CRY in December at Sainsbury’s in Eltham. We managed to raise £1,505 by running a Soft Toy Tombola, raffle and selling things that people donated. Sainsbury’s also donated £500. This was in memory of my son, who we lost in April 2010 to a congenital heart defect. His name was Nathan Michael Logue and he was 11 years old. I hope that this money will help you with your charity.” Sally Keen.

After the party we gathered outside and let some lanterns go, everybody was generous on the night and all donated money into the collection boxes which was spaced out around the pub, lots of tears but also many smiles of good memories; we all miss James very much.” Valerie Moffat. View more photos at: In Memory of Max Lowry Stuart Edwards took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £760.

In Memory of Steven Lowry We have received a funeral donation of £2,030 in memory of the late Steven Lowry who passed away on 8 November 2011. In Memory of Martyn Luckett • Charlotte Luckett took part in the Great North Run and raised £227.

• Charlotte sent in a donation of £137.56 from

Jodie and her work colleagues selling cakes at work.

in memory of her husband, Leslie John Luxford, who passed away on 2 January. They had both supported CRY since the death of their grandson, John James Luxford, who died in May 2005, aged 18, from Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. In Memory of Stuart Daniel Lynch Martin Houghton, Treasurer, Euxton Parish Institute & War Memorial Club, sent in a donation of £400 from family and friends in lieu of gifts for the 40th Birthday of Stuart’s Aunty Susan. In Memory of Ashleigh Lyons Jo Lyons held a Charity 21st Party on 24 February in memory of Ash and raised £1,500.

In Memory of Alice Lyte • Maggie McDermott, Laura, Hannah and Flic took part in the Great North Run and raised £2,221.

• Lucy McAlister took part in the Royal Parks Half

Marathon and raised £213.

In Memory of Jack Maddams Roger Maddams raised £3,416.54, through online fundraising, in respect of the 92 Grounds in 100 Hours fundraising event in memory of Jack.

In Memory of Laura Main Torry Academy, Aberdeen, held a Cabaret evening and sent in a donation of £1,923.76 in memory of former pupil, Laura.

In Memory of James Love-Smith Morrison Cooper held a memorial night in memory of James and raised £628.02.

In Memory of Leon Manners Rebecca Fisher took part in the Darlington 10K Road Race and raised £605 in memory of Leon.

“On the 26 June 2011 friends and family held a memorial party with an auction in the memory of James Love-Smith who passed away suddenly from aortic stenosis (faulty heart valve) on the 27th June 2009, at the age of 16.

“Throughout 2011, Pam Dickins, Kevin Blazer & the Marden Family have been fundraising for CRY, in Memory of Mark Marden, who sadly left us at the age of 18 and also for The Sick Children’s Trust for Kevin’s son who had a rare form of cancer when he was just 6 weeks old They all received the support of their colleagues at Aviva and also their friends and family during the year, thank you! Many varied events were held which included Pam running the 2011 London Marathon, a virtual balloon race, a chocolate quiz and several cake bakes. The main event took place on 15 October 2011 with the amazing Choctober Charity Ball, the evening at Dunston Hall was attended by 160 friends and family and was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all as they danced the night away with a live band. A silent auction was also held on the evening and the grand raffle drawn.” Pam Dickins. View online at: In Memory of James Markham Steve Hadaway took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £5,231.11.

The memorial party was held in the ‘Bell by the Green’ pub,

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Fundraisers In Memory of Oliver Marsden • Jon Strickland took part in the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £211.10.

• Tim Barker took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,135.01. In Memory of Lewis Marsh Suzanne Penycate took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,252.78.

In Memory of John Marshall • We have received a matched giving donation of £750 from Barclays Bank for the charity night and raffle held on 28 October 2011 in memory of John Marshall.

“My name is Pat Quirk and I am the secretary for the Aughton Evening Townswomen’s Guild. We are located in Aughton just outside Ormskirk. After hearing about your charity last year and looking at your website, our members decided that our Charity for 2011 would be CRY. One of our members is a friend of Mrs M Marshall who has kindly visited us this evening to tell about your charity. We presented her with a cheque to the value of £175. We truly understand the good work that you all do and hope that our little contribution will be of some help.” Pat Quirk, Secretary, Townswomen’s Guilds, Aughton.

• Hayley Marshall sent in a donation of £550 raised from the Christmas float, together with the Aughton and Maghill Rotary Club.

• Maureen Marshall sent in donations totalling £250 from the collection boxes at Edge Hill University.

In Memory of Dean Mason

• Natasha Jenkins took part in the Cardiff 10K 2011 and raised £500.

• Barclays Bank, Pembrokeshire, sent in a fundraising donation of £2,175 in memory of Dean.

• Christina Mason and Jonathan Littlejohns took part in the

Cardiff half marathon on 16 October 2011 and raised £615.50. In Memory of John McCall • Dr Ralph Mitchell took part in the Great North Run and raised £343.50.

• Dr Lucy Rapp took part in the Great North Run and raised £357. • Janette and Malcolm Pollard sent in a donation of £100 in memory of their nephew, John McCall.

• Matthew Nicholson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £5,100.

Our In Memory of Aine McCann “Please find enclosed a cheque for £420 which we raised just before Christmas at our Christmas Zumba Party. All the girls at the Lisbellaw, Co Fermanagh, class helped with raffle prizes, fancy dress and of course a little mulled wine. A great night was had by all and funds raised in memory of our little Aine McCann.” Aravon McCann. In Memory of Greg McFarlane • Jim McFarlane took part in the Great Scottish Run 2011 and raised a further £204.

• Andy Kerr took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,284.06.

In Memory of John Carl McGraffin Susan Cooper sent in a donation of £450 from the additional funds raised at the Boxing Day Cycle Race, organised by her husband, Ed. In Memory of Oisin McGuinness • The year 14 pupils of the Sacred Heart Grammar School sent in a donation of £200 raised at the school formal.

Ardrossan, is pleased to donate the enclosed cheque for £100 as part of our charity drive. John’s sister, Kirsty McMillan, has committed herself to raising the money required to enable 100 young people to be screened by CRY and we would like our donation to be added to her total.” Mrs Alison Brown (Leader).

• Kirsty MacMillan sent in a donation of £600 from the Charity • Kirsty MacMillan sent in a donation of £143 in respect of

In Memory of Kevin McIntosh Alanah McIntosh took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,560. In Memory of Tim McLaughlan • Alison McLauchlan sent in an additional funeral donation of £105, in memory of her husband, Tim.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100. This is a donation

on behalf of Foster Wheeler Energy Limited as a mark of respect for the sad passing of Tim McLaughlan who was an employee of the company for over five years. We hope that this donation will make a contribution towards raising awareness and promoting and protecting the cardiac health of young people.” Laura Spins, HR Consultant, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited.

In Memory of Simon McNamara • Alex Drummond took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,004.

• Richard Towler took part in the Virgin London Marathon • Matthew Pilling took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,201.71.

In Memory of Luke Morris The staff at the Midlands branch of The Danwood Group held a Dress Down Day recently and sent in a donation of £164.26.

In Memory of Judith and Oliver Morris “I enclose cheques totalling £160, contributions in lieu of 80th birthday presents. My daughter, Judith Morris and grandson, Oliver Morris, were drowned in 2002 whilst on holiday in Austria with the tragedy attributed to sudden heart arrest.” Dennis R Brown. In Memory of Paul Mulford Colin and Sandra Mulford sent in a donation of £100 from the sale of Paul’s bike.

fundraising in memory of John.

In Memory of Andrew Mogg • Sam Mogg took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,450.

In Memory of Duncan Mulholland Joanne Coates forwarded a donation of £100 in respect of the Brighton Half Marathon.

• Mike Taylor took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,450.

In Memory of Andrew Murch • “A wee note to say thanks to you and all the staff who supported the postcard launch in the Scottish Parliament on 1 December. It was a very important event for us and we hugely appreciate the support of the CRY staff. To highlight the postcard launch in our community, we ran an ‘Art for CRY’ exhibition from 24 November - 10 December. Anyone who wanted to submitted a postcard sized canvas which we then sold for £10 each. This was a very successful event, raising both money and awareness.” Hazel Murch sent in a donation of £1,501.

In Memory of Matthew Moody Mr L Moody sent in a donation of £105 from the sale of books and Christmas Raffle at the station, in memory of Matthew.

Armagh Minors sent in a donation of £443.93.

2012 and raised £2,861.71

54 • CRY update • Issue 57

• “The Craft Group, which meets at Park Parish Church,

Night held in memory of John.

In Memory of Paul McGlynn Kerrie McGlynn sent in a donation of £200 in lieu of Christmas gifts for her family.

In Memory of John Millar • Kirsty MacMillan sent in a donation of £1,315 in respect of the Glasgow Women’s 10K in May 2011, Glasgow Half Marathon in September and a charity evening she held on 30 October 2011 in memory of John.


In Memory of Jonathan Morgan • Total E&P UK made a donation of £1,000 in memory of Jonathan. This was forwarded to us by Sue Ainsworth.

• Julie Heffron raised £1,000 through online fundraising, in respect of the Mount Kilimanjaro climb. • Stephanie Wardell sent in a donation of £250 from the tandem parachute jump.

• Matt Woods took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £260.

In Memory of Levon Morland • Jeff Morland forwarded a donation of £100 from Mrs Pat Swainston who has been fundraising for CRY for 10 years, since the death of Levon.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £400. This represents money raised at an event held on 11 February in our village hall. The entertainment was provided by Barkin’ Billy and the Scrapyard Dogs and the cash was raised from a raffle and ticket sales. It was promoted by Jeff Morland and Kathleen Carr. Steve Percival also performed songs from the CD he has produced for CRY and copies were sold” Jeff Morland.

• Gordon Murch sent in donations totalling £250, of which £200 was donated from the Aberfeldy Rotary Club.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque from finance minister John

Swinney for £100. I received this donation for a map I made for a CRY art exhibition my parents organised and John loved it so much he ordered another one!” Pete Murch.

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Our In Memory of Andrew Parr • Mr & Mrs Campbell requested donations in lieu of presents to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary and sent in a donation of £155.

In Memory of Ralph Murwill • Michael Murwill sent in a donation of £112 raised at a recent pub quiz, in memory of his nephew, Ralph.

• Caroline Evans took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Dave Naylor sent in a further sponsorship donation of £1,755 in respect of the London to Paris Cycle Ride in memory of Benjamin.

In Memory of Jack Phillips Anna Ervine took part in a Firewalk on 3 March and raised £339.

Maggie Marrinan (a friend of Ann Coles) held a Psychic Evening and raised £300.

2012 and raised £2,239.20.


In Memory of Daniel Newman • Lee Beetles took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,856.20.

• Pat Murray sent in a donation of £1,000 in memory of Andrew

In Memory of Sara Pilkington • Pete Fendall and family sent in a donation of £100.

• Leanne Silver took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

• John Wiley & Sons sent a royalties donation of £327.37 in

• Penny and John Ball and Dorothy Galbraith sent in a

• Lauren Silver took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

• Chris Smith sent in a donation of £749 raised at the open

In Memory of Gary Pope Google Match Giving sent in a donation of £296.67 in respect of Jonathan Barker, Martin Herdman and Janet Cho.

and towards screening in the Preston area.

water swimming event and other events held during the year.

and raised £1,996.60

In Memory of Ben Newton “On Sunday 5 February we tried to hold our eighth Birthday Memorial Football Match in memory of Ben. Unfortunately for the first time the weather was against us and we were unable to play due to a snow covered pitch. However the two teams that were all ready to play football held a darts and pool tournament for the afternoon followed by our usual raffle and auction after the event. I was absolutely amazed and am delighted to enclose a cheque for £2,530, being the amount raised on this day. We realize that we are only able to achieve these significant amounts for your charity through the generosity and kindness of our supporters on this special day, which in itself is a tremendous testament to Ben’s memory. As explained to you previously, our Memorial Match usually consists of Ben’s old Under 16 team-mates playing against a select side made up by Ben’s brother Nick and is always played the week of Ben’s birthday.” Mrs Jean Heading.

“My mum and I raised £657 through holding a raffle. There were many prizes, some being generously donated by; West View Leisure Centre; Andrew Wallbank Limited; Ocean Palace Chinese Restaurant, Blackpool; and friends and family. A special thanks goes to Fleur Boutique, Penwortham, where Elise has gift wrapped many prizes over the years which make them stand out. Billy Worswick won the first prize of £100 Love2Shop Vouchers, which I presented.

In Memory of Andrew Parker Pamela Conn sent in a donation of £1,832.90 in respect of fundraising in memory of Andrew.

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“I was invited to the Preston District Scouts AGM to accept two cheques for CRY. I was asked to say a few words about CRY and my own personal experience of being diagnosed with a heart condition.” Chris Smith.

In Memory of Christopher Parr • Dianne Parr forwarded a donation of £250 from Jim Brunt and his work colleagues.

• Tom Brunt forwarded a donation of £500 from his employer

“Boots Make the Difference Fund” in respect of the Three Peaks Challenge he took part in on 18 June 2012 in memory of Chris.

In Memory of Thomas Padmore John Billing held The Undecided event at Ormskirk Civic Hall on 4 November and raised £1,435 in memory of Thomas.

In Memory of Daniel Page David Brown took part in the Great North Run and raised £470 in memory of Daniel.

Left to right; District Commissioner Judith Jamieson, District Chairman Joe Singleton JP, myself Chris Smith & County Commissioner Carl Hankinson.

In Memory of Andrew Parr and Andrew Coles Ann Coles forwarded a donation of £100 from her niece, Bernadette Coles, who is getting married to Lee Winder on 23 June. Instead of providing ‘Favours’ she has chosen to donate to CRY in memory of Ann’s son, Andrew.

In Memory of Richard James Northedge Pat and Derek Northedge sent in a donation of £100 in memory of their son Richard.

“On 4 November 2011, The Undecided staged a charity concert to raise funds for CRY. The Undecided are a seven piece band formed in 2010 and comprised of predominantly healthcare professionals. An audience of nearly 200 packed into Ormskirk Civic Hall in Lancashire to hear the band, supported by a local comedy group. The event was in memory of Thomas Padmore the cousin of one of the singers. £1,435 was raised from ticket sales and a raffle in what was a thoroughly enjoyable evening for all concerned.” John Billing.

donation of £200.

respect of David Lowe’s book in memory of Andrew.

and raised £2,624.06

• “On behalf of Leek Cricket Club I enclose a cheque for

We would like this money to go towards The Andrew Parr Memorial Fund as it is because of Ruth Lowe’s continuing support of CRY that I was diagnosed with a heart condition at one of her funded screenings. I was subsequently treated and am now completely cured. This is our thanks for saving me from being one of the twelve a week.” Chris Smith and Julie Smith.

• “On behalf of Preston & District Scouts please accept this donation of £200 to help support the local branch of Cardiac Risk in the Young and in particular the Andrew Parr Memorial Fund. This money was raised at our annual St George’s Day Celebration Service at the Guild Hall in April and the choice of the local charity was decided by the leaders in the District.” Judith Jamieson, District Commissioner, Preston & District Scouts.

£764.50 in memory of Chris Parr who was a larger than life character and valued playing member at this club. He will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. The funds have been raised through the Annual Gala Ball held at Leek Cricket Club which was organised by myself and Lynne Mellor.” Lynne Ball.

• Jan Stocks took part in the Great North Run and raised £100.

In Memory of James Paterson and Simon McNamara Matthew Filkin took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,267.98

In Memory of Benjamin Percival • Dave Naylor sent in a sponsorship donation of £835 in respect of the London to Paris Bike Ride which took place in April.

In Memory of Alan Porter Helen Porter sent in two donations; £110 donation from family at Christmas and emptied collection box and £75 from a friend, Richard, collected when playing his fairground organ at a Christmas Fayre at Warbreck Garden Centre. In Memory of Craig Powell “Please find enclosed a cheque for £4,570, a donation from Risca United AFC. Following on from the inaugural event in the summer of 2010, this season we were once again able to hold the Craig Powell Six-a-Side Tournament at our football ground in memory of 22 year old Craig Powell. Craig was the eldest son of Risca United member Mark Powell. He died four years ago from a previously undiagnosed cardiac condition. Mark, his wife Helen, their family and members of Risca United took huge satisfaction in helping to raise awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young through holding this event and in so doing are able to make this small contribution to your worthwhile charity. Over 40 teams of local footballers and over a thousand people of mixed ages attended this season’s event. Hopefully through our efforts to raise the awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young they all went away better informed. It was through the hard work of those involved in organising this event and through the support of local people that we are able to make this donation. Please keep up the good work, we at Risca United AFC wish you well in your future efforts.” Stuart Luckwell, Club Secretary, Risca United AFC. In Memory of Shannon Powell • Simone Powell sent in a donation of £100 from Shannon’s Memorial Service.

• Tim Hannah, Ealing Southall Middlesex Athletics Club, sent in a donation of £270 raised during a fundraising Sports Quiz in memory of Shannon.

“Our athlete Shannon died last year after collapsing during a Cross Country race.

We held a Sports Quiz and auction on 20 April to raise funds for CRY in Chiswick, West London. Shannon’s team mates helped in arranging the event, selling tickets/raffle tickets and serving a Mexican meal. Liverpool, Watford

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Our In Memory of Olivia Raby “Please find enclosed donations amounting to £518. This was raised in Liv’s memory of what would have been her 18th birthday, by friends, family, school and all who loved and continue to love her. We all met on that day on the school field where she died and let off lots of balloons to her in heaven. It was a lovely day just fitting my wonderful daughter. God bless.” Tracey Raby-Barton. In Memory of Catherine Ramsden Barclays Bank, Birmingham, held a Christmas raffle and sent in a donation of £166 in memory of their colleague, Catherine Ramsden, who sadly passed away from a heart condition in September 2010. In Memory of Mike Rathbone Adam Rathbone took part in the Great North Run and raised £715 in memory of Mike. In Memory of Kenneth Malcolm Rawlings We have received a funeral donation of £106.47 in memory of the late Kenneth Rawlings. In Memory of James Read and Jim Read We have received a funeral donation of £140, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Jim Read. In Memory of Ed Reading • “On behalf of League Edstreme I would like to give CRY a donation of £130 from our CRY Cup competition which played its first Group Stage games at the beginning of this month. This competition is held each season in our 7 aside football league raising money for CRY.” Sean Reading, League Edstreme Partner.

• “On behalf of League Edstreme I would like to give CRY and Brentford Football Clubs sent in prizes. QPR gave a Team Shirt signed by their first team and Manchester United donated a football, signed by Rooney, Ferdinand and all their top stars. The star item of the night was a pair of signed, track shoes provided by Usain Bolt from his personal tailor made supply!” Tim Hannah

• Victoria Taylor took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £4,546.55

In Memory of Robert Poysor “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 in memory of a much-loved son, brother and uncle, Robert Poysor.” Diane Tolley.

In Memory of Sara Provins We have received a funeral donation, in lieu of floral tributes, of £273.94 in memory of the late Sara Provins. In Memory of David Quinney Garstang Football Club recently held a fundraising event and raised £125 in memory of David. “Since David’s death Garstang Football Club (who David used to play for) has been most generous to CRY and we are very grateful to them.” Mick & Dot Quinney.

58 • CRY update • Issue 57

a cheque for £125 from our CRY Cup competition which finished at the beginning of January 2012. The competition is held each season in our 7 a side football league raising money for CRY.” Sean Reading, League Edstreme Partner.

In Memory of Tom Reid • Halina and Anton Reid forwarded a donation of £277.82 in respect of fundraising by Garforth Academy in memory of Tom.

• Joshua Pitts took part in the Middlesbrough

Transporter Bridge Bungee Jump on 20 November 2011 and raised £150. In Memory of Debbie Rendle • Sylvia Pezzack forwarded donations amounting to £357; £174.70 from Cathy Savage for painting stones and selling them, £145.30 from a Carol Service at Mousehole Methodist Church, where anyone could walk in and request a carol whilst enjoying a mince pie and a glass of punch, and £37 from the village store collection box.

• Sylvia Pezzack sent in a donation of £600 which was raised

from a Carol Concert run by the local Male Voice Choir and £100 from the screening weekend, plus a further £250 from “a generous lady who attended the screening with her family and thanked me for making it possible.”

In Memory of Debbie Rendle and Ewan James Bellamy Judie Street sent in a donation of £180 raised by her ‘crafty’ friend Mary Vague and a donation of £25 from her mother. In Memory of Scott Rennie • Matt Lightburn took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £335.

• Dr Loes Visser took part in the Royal Parks

Half Marathon and raised £268.

Paul and Sarah Madge took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon and raised £210.


In Memory of Jack Sheriff Terry Ha took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,725.17.

In Memory of Samantha Shirley Mrs Shirley sent in a donation of £120 from the Warwick University cash office, in memory of her daughter, Samantha.

• Phil Cowin took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

In Memory of Ben Simpson • Paul Hunter took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,879.70.

• Hannah Brown took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Ian Ritchie took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,010.

and raised £2,326.30.

2012 and raised £1,385.

In Memory of Alex Roberts • “Please accept the enclosed cheque for £1,104.88 from the staff and customers at the Village Home Pub in Gosport. The money was collected in a bottle on the bar but was added to by a sweepstake guessing the amount in the bottle and two very successful shopping nights in the pub. It is donated in memory of Alex Roberts, nephew and much missed friend in the pub. May I also take this opportunity to thank all our friends and customers for their kind donations and the hard work that Suzanne and Tanya put into the shopping evenings.” A J Roberts, Licensee. In Memory of Lesley Roberts • Guto Roberts sent in a donation of £990 representing sponsorship for the New York Marathon.

• Guto Roberts took part in the New York Marathon and raised £594.20. In Memory of Russell Robinson CJ Shepherd took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,716.20 In Memory of Luke Rogers Angela Rogers sent in the following donations: £75.94 for a Pampered Chef evening she held, £150 for a Vintage Car Rally and a further £500 from various donations. In Memory of Nathan Rudd Carolyn Rudd sent in a sponsorship donation of £380 in respect of the Survival of the Fittest 10K Run that she and Paul Calderbank are taking part in. In Memory of Paul Robert Sadleir Robert Sadleir took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £340. In Memory of Mark Sharp Joanne Hunter took part in the Garioch 10K and raised £1,101.

In Memory of David Oliver Smiley

• Peter Hopkisson sent in a sponsorship donation of £311 in respect of the Hasting Half Marathon.

• We have received a funeral donation of £455, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late David Oliver Smiley.

In Memory of Lewis Smith Brendan McAndrew took part in the Liverpool Marathon and raised £561. In Memory of Matthew (Mattie) Smith • Susan Smith took part in the Great North Run and raised £527 in memory of Matthew.

• “Once again a Go-Karting event was held in

memory of Mattie at Pontefract Raceway Karting on 19th November 2011. The event was again sponsored by DS Smith Packaging and Raceway Karting and a total of £700 was raised. Family and friends had an enjoyable afternoon and the winner of Mattie’s Memorial cup this year was Jason Nowell.” Mrs S C Whitney. In Memory of Robert Smith John Ibbert, Chairman, Bedfordia Group Plc, sent in a donation of £250 in lieu of Christmas cards, for his colleague Robert Smith, who died suddenly in May 2011, aged 39, from an undetected heart condition. In Memory of Robert Smith and Gemma Tatham Trish Willis raised £200, through online fundraising, in respect of the Million Metres in Three Months event in memory of her brother Robert Smith. In Memory of Jennifer Sneddon Graham Whiteley took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,097. In Memory of Lee Philip Stables Sharen Stables sent in a donation of £1776.90 from Mike McPhillips in memory of Lee.

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Fundraisers In Memory of David Staff “Please find enclosed two cheques; one for £81.40 raised by a charity raffle, the other for £62 which was the result of a charity auction of a Blackburn Rovers football signed by the first team.” Jonathan Stubbs, Chairman, Darwen Dashers Running Club. In Memory of Andrew Stevens “I am delighted to inform you that the Trustees and Committee of the Chale Horticultural Society, Isle of Wight, agreed to make a donation of £700 to CRY as a result of profits made at the 2011 Chale Show.” Andrew Wenden, Trustee and official correspondent. In Memory of Vicky Stockton Julie Stockton sent in sponsorship donations amounting to £170 in respect of her trek in memory of Vicky.

In Memory of Cameron Strathie “Please find enclosed a cheque for £320.06 from pupils, staff and parents of Moray Primary School. This donation is the collection from our end of term Christmas Service in memory of one of our pupils, Cameron Strathie.” Ghislaine Tait, Head Teacher, Moray Primary School, Grangemouth. In Memory of Paul Sykes Tom Britton took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £3,055.30.

In Memory of Hannah Taylor Marion Reeves, President, Harwich Tangent Club, sent in a donation of £275 from a recent fundraising event in memory of Hannah.

In Memory of Joyce Taylor Peter Taylor sent in a donation of £155 in memory of his late mother, Joyce. In Memory of Suzanne Taylor “Enclosed is a cheque for £200 which has been raised by the sale of my handmade Christmas cards in memory of my daughter Suzanne who died in 1999 from ARVC. Making cards is very therapeutic for me, especially as I can raise money for such a worthwhile cause.” Beryl Ewing. In Memory of Vicki Taylor Ian Taylor sent in a donation of £356.64 from the 24-hour Table Tennis event held in memory of Vicki.

Our In Memory of Zoe Teale • Pete Teale sent in a donation of £3,108.03 from various fundraising activities in memory of Zoe.

• Christine Margetts held a raffle at the Manor Arms Public House and raised £200. 12625 • Stephanie Bradley took part in the Bupa Great Birmingham Run 2011 and raised £230 through online fundraising.

• Chris Simkin raised £176 through online fundraising, in respect of the Bupa Great Birmingham Run.

• Pete Teale sent in a cheque for £300 made from donations

given by parents at the screening event held at Old Swinford Hospital School on 1 March, in memory of Zoe.

• Pete Teale forwarded a donation of £100 from Duncan Robb. In Memory of Dale Tennent-Butler Angela Tennent-Butler sent in a donation of £250 from the boxes at her recent screening event at Kings Langley School.

Certificate of Personal Effectiveness organised a bake sale and non-uniform day.” Alison McCullock, CoPE teacher, Hockerilll Anglo-European College, Herts, sent in a donation of £875.70.

In Memory of Alexander Richard Watley • Richard Steel raised £725 on the Much Loved website in memory of Alexander.

• We have received a donation of £1,676.50, in lieu of floral tributes, for the late Alexander Richard Watley, who passed away on 30 December 2011, aged 23 years.

In Memory of Neil Wickers • Louise Taylor, Kathryn, Sean, Darren and Marc, took part in the Great North Run and raised an additional £260.

In Memory of Hannah Turberville John Turberville sent in donations totalling £945 in respect of the Original Mountain Marathon he and Martin Cripwell took part in.

• Darwen Ladies Choir recently performed their annual Charity Concert and sent in a donation of £200 in memory of Neil. • Gail and Eric Rivia sent in a donation of £140. • Irene Wickers sent in a donation of £117 which was raised

In Memory of Lucas Von Hoff Pippa Cullingworth took part in the Amsterdam Marathon 2011 and raised £700 through online fundraising. In Memory of Thomas Wall

• Alastair Ward Booth sent in a further donation of £341 in respect of the Santa Run.

• “Please accept this donation in memory

In Memory of David Williams • David Watson and team members Conor Cripps, Stefan Arthur, plus hitchhiker Marc Liddel, took part in the Lands End to John O’Groats Cycle ride and raised £1,635.

• “I enclose a cheque for £555, being the

In Memory of William Tootill Tricia Tootill held an event ‘Big’ Will Tootill - Tribute to a Legend ‘One Year On’ on 23 March, in memory of Will and sent in a donation of £2,020.

In Memory of Greg Vamvakas Julien Mas took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £730.

In Memory of Amy Williams Debbie Edgar sent in a donation of £100 which was collected at a Family and Friends Bingo Night on 27 December 2011 in memory of Amy.

• Liam McGhee took part in the Santa Run 2011 and raised £1,105.

In Memory of William James Thomson Anne Lowther sent in a donation of £335.85 raised during the Christmas Quiz in memory of William. In Memory of Nicholas Thorne “Please find enclosed a cheque for £188 which was raised by our Year 11 students, who held a Musical Showcast on 29 September 2011. The concert featured a variety of acts - bands, dancing and singing.” Miss S Dobson, Head of Year 11, Saint Bede’s School, Redhill, Surrey.

In Memory of Sam Wilkinson Stephen James-German took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £440.

• Chris Wall sent in a donation of £200 in memory of Thomas.

amount raised by an impromptu bucket collection at the Winchester 7s Rugby tournament on Easter Sunday in memory of Alex, who died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome on 30th December. As his parents we are immensely proud of the impact Alex had on the local community, so graphically demonstrated by the generosity of the donations made in his memory.” John and Val Watley.

at a raffle and £100 from Andrew Graham.


Sue Williams raised £380 for ‘May Angels Lead You In’ event, in memory of David.

In Memory of Pete Williams Emily Forbes took part in the Bupa Great South Run and raised a further £1,619.22, making a total raised of £1,753.72. In Memory of Kay Wilson “Please accept a cheque for £250. This was donated by a company called Hermes at Bermuda Business Park, Nuneaton. Throughout the month of December the company decided that each day they would donate to a charity. CRY was chosen in memory of Kay Wilson who passed away suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition in 2004 at the age of 19. Kay’s uncle, Mick Davies, who works for the company has kindly asked me accept the cheque on behalf of the company which is a great honour as I lost my own little boy, Reece Goodman in 2006 and know how much the charity needs our support.” Lara Goodman. In Memory of Kevin Wilson “Please find enclosed two cheques for £2,044.25 and £1,000 in memory of Kevin. The first represents sponsorship from a Coast to Coast bike ride I undertook from Liverpool to Hornsea using the Trans Pennine Trail. The second from our annual ‘Light a Light’ remembrance hearts at the college.” John Waszek, Principal, St Edward’s College, Liverpool.

In Memory of Stevie Wiggins Craig McIntyre sent in a donation of £251.83 from the Charity Cider Tasting at Preston Grasshoppers on 14 January, in memory of Stevie.

In Memory of Stephen Wilkins Pam Oates sent in a donation of £1,200 in respect of the annual Charity Night, in memory of Stephen, making a total raised of £1,300.

of Tom Wall, a former student at Hockerill Anglo-European College. Year 10 students studying for their

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Fundraisers In Memory of Rianna Wingett Nikki May took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,693.01.

Our • “Please find enclosed cheques totalling £670 resulting from local sales to date of the ‘Don’t Cry’ CD.” Allan Percival, Anchorage Initiatives, Durham.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £100 from the Angus In Memory of Julian Wort “This cheque for £1,000 was presented to me by the Wessex Model and toy Collectors Club. My friend Maureen Marshall’s late husband was a member of the club and Julian’s Memorial Fund was chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the Christmas Auction. WMTC (Wessex Model & Toy Collectors Club) was formed in the 1980’s by a Trowbridge based group of model and toy collectors with a membership open to all collectors worldwide. Currently based at the Farmhouse Inn at Southwick, they have for the last few years held an annual Christmas Auction of donated items aimed at raising money for local charities. In excess of £60,000 has been achieved over the club’s lifetime to date. This year two local charities were chosen by club members, namely West Wilts Portage and CRY.” Shirley Wort.

Cardiac Group towards your worthwhile cause. This is our third year of donating to you. The Angus Cardiac Group is a thriving patient-led support group with a membership of almost 300.” Jennifer Hedge, secretary.

• Andrea Lunn nominated CRY to receive a donation of £158 from Archbishop Sentamu Academy, Hull.

£500 for CRY. CRY supporter, Sally Ashworth, attended the quiz and collected the cheque on behalf of CRY.

• Bedford Heart Beat Golf Society sent in a donation of £1,000. • Lindsey Bellis sent in a donation of £250 in memory of her

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £155 from the Child

• Paul Bayliss sent in an additional donation of £110 from the Quiz night held in March for CRY.

brother, Richard.

• Nathalie Bishop sent in a donation of £831.54. and raised £2,175.

• Josie Blackie sent in a donation of

£105 to CRY via the Giveacar scheme.

• “Please accept this donation of £500 from all of us here at The

• Dan Brooke took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £536.20.

• Gareth Brooke sent in a donation of £110. • Ray Brookes took part in the Warwickshire Triathlon and raised £340.

In Memory of Daniel Young Mrs B Farnworth sent in donations totalling £130.

In Memory of Halil Zekayi Orbay Emirali took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,830.

General Fundraising • The Aberystwyth Guild of Students sent in a donation of £347 in respect of the Urban Dance event.

• “Each year we operate an office competition, the winner of

which nominates a health-orientated charity for the prize. You have been chosen by the 2011 winner and I am pleased to enclose a cheque for £135 as a donation towards your most valuable work.” David J Wood, ACII, Essex.

62 • CRY update • Issue 57

charities supported this year. We hope the publicity, along with pupils’ education brought to CRY and the enclosed cheque for £600 will be an encouragement to you in the coming year. This is the second occasion in which our school has donated to CRY and we wish to continue this interest.” Edgar McKiney, Head of Religious Studies & Convenor of the Charity committee, Ballyclare High School, Co Antrim.

• Andrew Brown took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,271.61.

• Becki Brown took part in the Bupa Great Birmingham Run and raised £636.

• John Battle took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,092.

British Legion Club in Tonbridge on 20 February and raised

2011 and raised £120, through online fundraising, in memory of Sofia.

• Jonathan Cook took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,010.

donation of £168.94 raised during Dress Down Days.

• Rachel Davis took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £175.

• Carolyn Davison took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,649.80.

• Jane Dawes sent in a donation of £100. • The Department of Work and Pensions, Blackpool, held a Dress Down Day on 3 February and sent in a donation of £180.

• Elizabeth Rae, Donaghadee Young Farmers Club, hosted a

Parents and Supporters Night and presented a cheque for £750 to CRY supporter Martin Collins. “It was a splendid evening at which they were presenting all sorts of awards to their members for winning the contest of agricultural and personnel development skills.” Martin Collins.

• Kevin Draper took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £201.

• Mr Eaton sent in a donation of £145.50 from the ‘Faris Focus 11 - v - Bedfont Sports 11’ football event.

• FlyingBinary Limited held a joint event with Klaxon Marketing and raised £1,673.

• Francis Limited, Sheffield, sent in a donation of £285. • “We work for Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in the Document • Broxbourne Sailing Club held a 24 hour Sailing Marathon and sent in a donation of £875.

• Kevin Byram took part in the Hadrian’s Wall Walk and

• Paul Bayliss held his annual Sports Quiz Night at the Royal

Marathon 2012 and raised £159.

• Samantha Dover took part in a skydive and raised £200.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £202 which has been

raised by colleagues with Barclaycard Commercial, Stocktonon-Tees office. The money was raised across two events that have been organised and funded by staff over the last two months. The events were an All In Half Out draw and a Valentine’s competition. They were organised by Jayne Dove and Guilermo Vazquez respectively.” Donna Leadbitter.

• James (Jimmy) Connor took part in the Virgin London

• Tracey Wells, Dalehead Foods, Lincolnshire, sent in a

• Bridgman Bowling Club sent in a donation of £240.

• “Cardiac Risk in the Young was one of three designated

and raised £5,687.

• The committee and volunteer helpers of the Boston Methodist

on 19 November and raised £283.21.

In Memory of Julian Wort and Terry Price We have received funeral donations totalling £833.74 in memory of the late Terry Price.

• Richard Collins took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

• Amy Conway took part in the Bupa Great Birmingham Run

• David Bott held a charity collection in Guildford Town Centre

a donation of £735 raised at the London Hardwood Club’s annual lunch.

Support Agency, Ashdown House, Charity Forum. This money was raised for CRY by holding a charity quiz night at our local clubhouse.” Pauline Thunder, Charity Committee Secretary.

Blue Hive. We hope this will help you to continue the fantastic work that you do, that helps so many. We spent a long time considering which charities we wanted to support and we were inspired by all the brilliant research and support you offer.” Tony Grigg, CEO, Blue Hive. Church Shell Centre sent in a donation of £150.

• Mr A Potts, Associated Timber Services Limited, sent in

• “Carillion has recently closed its 2011 Employee Nomination Fund where fifty one-off donations of £500 are made to various charities selected by our employees. I am delighted to tell you that Cardiac Risk in the Young has been selected to receive £500.” R. F. Tapp - Chairman - Group Appeals Committee, Carillion plc.

• Jeff Blackett took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

“On 8 December, several of the 6th formers were a part of a fashion show that raised funds for several good causes, including Cardiac Risk in the Young. This event was organised by Romani Leigh Bryant and Charlie Scott who arranged all the clothing, leaflets and stalls that were set up on the evening.” Andrea Lunn.


raised £3,295.

• J. Calcoen sent in a donation of £100.

Production Department and as part of a team event we organised a Charity Christmas Fayre. We took the decision to split the proceeds between two charities and have chosen CRY as one of these. A couple of the team members have had young family members with heart conditions and felt that this was a charity worth supporting.” Vicki Simper, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer sent in £370.

CRY update • Issue 57 • 63



Our as it was particularly significant for those individuals.” Arifa Ismail and Heather Dixon sent in a donation of £178.70.

• “Just before the Christmas holidays FrontRange Solutions

disposed of some old computer hardware. We placed names in a hat and our staff ‘won’ the items in exchange for donations to your charity. Some members of staff donated directly through your website and for the remaining I have great pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £530.” Janine Simpson, FrontRange Solutions UK Limited.

• “We have heard about the excellent support you give to families from one of our members so we would like you to accept the enclosed cheque from our society towards your funds.” Beryl Davison, treasurer, Leighton Musical Theatre Company, sent in a donation of £134.

• Michael Glazebrook took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Lloyds TSB sent in a match giving donation of £500 in

2012 and raised £1,840.79.

respect of Joan Taylor’s Zumba Exercise Event.

• Mark Gleeson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

• David Lock took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012

and raised £1,994.80.

• Lynda Hall took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £288. • Claire Hamilton took part in the Bennachie Hill Race and raised £130. • James Hanlon took part in the Istanbul Marathon and raised £370.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £750 sent as a donation on

behalf of the Harp Road Club. We run an annual cycle event in January, the Harp Hilly Hundred, from which we donate a large proportion of the proceeds to charity. This year we selected CRY as one of the charities to benefit.” Richard Hutt.

• Catrin Hawthorn and Lyn Doherty took part in the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday 16 October 2011 and raised £355.

“Well we did it!

It was a lovely day for a run just maybe not a race. There was a nice breeze that occasionally helped as a tail wind but also hindered at the 8.5 mile point. This is where Lyn and I parted company not to be reunited till the finish line but make it we did. The support we have had from family and friends colleagues and patients has been quite touching and to be honest that’s what kept us going over the final very long three miles. Cardiff 1/2 marathon is a wonderful event and this year with 15,000 applicants it surpassed itself with organisation as well as fun.

Family members lined specific parts of the route to cheer us on when we were flagging, but to be honest the passers by (we run through the city centre) cheering, handing out sweets or passing water were fantastic. It seemed that the whole of Cardiff was out there to support us, even the supporters for other charities cheered at anyone who was flagging and slowing down. As they say a picture tells a thousand stories I have included a happy one of the two of us at the three mile mark, but have decided against using the one of us in pain at the end (vanity I’m afraid!) - you know it was difficult when you can’t even lift your leg to stretch at the end. Happily for us the aching has faded quicker than the buzz of achievement. On Monday we swore that we had retired from running a distance like that.... Then I had a text from Lyn and today we are reviewing the application form for next year :-) what have we started!” Catrin Hawthorn.

View online at:

64 • CRY update • Issue 57


and raised £1,391.

• Mary Holt Goldsmith, Bursar, Loose Infant School, Kent, • Hayes School, Bromley, held their Charity Week in December 2011 and raised £460.

• Billy Heaton took part in the Bristol Half Marathon and raised £1,426.69.

• “I am pleased to advise you that we have chosen Cardiac Risk

in the Young to support in our email Christmas Greeting this year and I am enclosing a cheque for £500 as a donation.” M J Guillem, Helmores UK, Chartered Accountants.

• “Please find enclosed a donation of £338.50. The funds

are forwarded on behalf of my triathlon club, Hillingdon Triathletes. We held a large raffle at our annual Christmas meal and were able to raise the fantastic sum of £677. The money has been split between CRY and the British Heart Foundation. In August last year I had to have - at 39 years of age - a triple heart by-pass operation, despite being fit, never having smoked and with a good diet! Thanks to the guys at Denmark Hill Hospital I am well on the way to recovery! A fellow club member was also raising money for a friend of hers who had died at a young age from a heart defect. As a result we chose CRY and the British Heart Foundation to receive our raffle funds.” John Levison, Secretary, Hillingdon Triathletes.

• Shaun Hopper took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £417.

• Garry James took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,585.

• Chris Jordan took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,264.12.

• Shaun Kamis took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,535.

• Kirsten Keiller took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,278.70.

• “We are writing on behalf of Lancaster University Medical

Society. During the past 12 months MedSoc have held several events, including pub quizzes, raffles, fancy dress nights out, fundraising stalls and selling Valentine’s roses, to help raise money for charities which are important to our society’s members. Cardiac Risk in the Young is a charity some of our members have chosen to support in the past

sent in a donation of £430.05 which was raised at various activities held in the school over the Christmas and New Year period.

• Loose Schools Federation, Kent, held a cake sale and raised £423.10.

• “I write on behalf of the ‘have-a-go’s’. We are a small group

of friends who get together on a weekly basis, six weeks prior to a Christmas Dickensian Market which is held in our local village of Dedham, each December. We make a variety of different crafts which we sell at this event in aid of a different British charity, which we choose each year. A unanimous decision was for 2011’s raised funds to be donated to CRY, for research purposes and I am therefore very pleased to enclose a cheque on behalf of the ‘have-ago’s’ for the sum of £200.” Jayne Marshall.

• Vicky Mayhew and Darren Jenkins took part in the Belfast Marathon and raised £928.20

End to John O’Groats cycle ride and raised £5,060.44.

• Johnny McAdam raised £1,085, through online fundraising, after shaving off 8 years of dreadlocks. McMillan raised fundraising page.





• “It gives me enormous pleasure to enclose a cheque for

£1,020.79, the fruit of a lot of people’s labours. It seems a very long time ago that I asked Bill Neely if he would like to be the star attraction in a fundraising event for our school and a charity of his choice. “Yes”, he was up for it, and he said the charity he’d choose was “easy”: CRY. You know, of course, that the evening didn’t go according to plan, but James Mates was the most superb ‘Plan B’ anyone could wish for. He stormed Little Missenden Village Hall - for Bill, for our school and for CRY. One of our school’s mums’ picked up your leaflet and said she wished she’d known about CRY some years back when her sister unexpectedly died of a heart condition. It seems more people have been touched by cardiac disorders than most of us realise. I wish CRY all the very best and hope our small donation will help in the extraordinary work you do.” Ben Scotchbrook.

Marathon 2012 and raised £4,708.20.

• Danny Nice took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,869.86.

• Kirsty Medlock and team members took part in the Land’s

• Amy

• CRY Patron Bill Neely took part in the Virgin London

• Mike Newman and Team Triathlon raised £220 through online fundraising.

• Brenda Sprules “The League was founded in 1911

and currently has four Divisions with teams from North Buckinghamshire, South Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire competing. Each season, as well as the League competition, we have a knockout Challenge Trophy for each division and an Inter Divisional Trophy. At the League Trophy Finals we strive to raise £1,000 from gate receipts which we donate to two charities. This year your Charity was nominated to receive the enclosed donation of £500 which we hope will be of assistance.” Brenda Sprules, Treasurer, North Bucks & District Football League.

• George Stones, Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, nominated CRY to receive a donation of £156 from the recycling of old mobile phones.

• Celia Woodward, Occam Singers, sent in a donation of

£525 from the sale of box office tickets at the concert held on 25th February. CRY supporter Vanessa Tardif attended the event.

• Sara McCollum, Organic Resource Agency Limited, Malvern, sent in a donation of £100 after CRY was nominated for their charity donation.

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• Mukesh Parmar took part in the Bupa Great Birmingham

• The staff at Romag Limited, Co. Durham, held a raffle at

from the auction of the Driving Experience at Jayne Hustwit’s Charity Event.

• “Since winding up our junior football club at the end of last

• “At recent collections over the Christmas period held at

• Robert Simpson took part in the Virgin London Marathon

Run and raised £430.

season (the lads had all turned 18) we have been looking for a suitable charity to which we could donate the club funds. My wife saw an article about your work recently and CRY seems an ideal home for the money. Keep up the good work.” Graham Ketton, Club Secretary, Pastures Youth FC, Derby, sent in a donation of £301.

• Richard Payne and Wilkins Kennedy sent in a donation of £250.

• Claire Pearson took part in the Adidas 5K and raised £150. • Andrew Penny took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,082.89.

Christmas and raised £267.50.

St George’s Church the PCC expressed a wish that those collections be split between two charities and accordingly I have pleasure in enclosing a cheque for £359 for CRY.” Tom Bating, Rumboldswyke, Whyke & Portfield PCC.

• Mrs A D Ryan sent in a donation of £100. raised £270.

£145 from their recent football tournament.

2012 and raised £2,098.

• Anne Donnelly sent in a donation of £100 from the Peter

Tavy Scottish Dancers. The dancers meet every Friday evening in Peter Tavy, Devon.

“On Monday 2 January 2012, Matt Day (Founder and Manager for The Barnabas Sports Trust) celebrated his 40th birthday by holding a Brazilian football tournament to raise money for CRY and The Barnabas Sports Trust. Thirty youngsters who regularly attend South Devon Brazilian Soccer School took part in the morning tournament, displaying many of the skills they have been taught by Matt.

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £286. This is a donation

to CRY as a gift from the former drop-in centre support group. This has recently closed and funds accumulated have now been distributed to various charities.” Gary Reynolds, Pontypool Christian Support Group.

respect of the Carol Service collection.

• The students of Ripon Grammar School took part in various fundraising throughout 2011 and raised £10,646.06. Lisa Hodgson collected the cheque on behalf of CRY.

66 • CRY update • Issue 57

raised by the students at Sunbury Manor School that take part in the Princes Trust XL Group each week. The students decided to raise the money by doing a marathon but on exercise bikes. In the group we have 24 students who ran over two days, year 10 and year 11. Each student cycled 26.3 miles on the bike over a period of the day.” Mrs Deborah Gardner, Sunbury Manor School.

• “Each year we hold a Christmas Remembrance Service at our

Chapel for families who have lost loved ones during the year and called upon us to assist at a difficult time in their lives.” Stewart & Elizabeth Treharne, E.C. Thomas & Son, Funeral Directors, Pembrokeshire, sent in a donation of £500.

• “I am writing to you on behalf of the Sale of Work Committee

• Ripon Grammar School sent in a donation of £631.54 in

• “Please find enclosed a cheque for £200 which has been

• Maeve Sweeney raised £120 through online fundraising, in respect of the Cardiff Half Marathon.

2012 and raised £131.

raised £110.

a donation of £170 which was collected at their Christmas Carol Service in December 2011.

collection. CRY County Representative, Rosemary Attridge, collected the cheque on behalf of CRY.

• Dean Rawlinson took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Lucy Ringhofer took part in the Great South Run and

• The South Dairy Baptist Church, Haverfordwest, sent in

• Sutton Nonsuch Rotary donated £1,500 from their Christmas

• Sir Ravinder and Lady Maini sent in a donation of £500.

2012 and raised £250.

• Eleanor Stevens took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon

Probus Club, sent in a donation of £110 from the coffee money surplus.

and raised a further £2,610.36, making a total raised of £2,963.96.

• Chris Rhodes took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Charlotte Stafford took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Mrs A Davy, Club Treasurer, Sutton Coldfield Vesey Ladies

• Michael Potts took part in the Great Wall of China Trek

of Repton School. The Sale of Work has been a highlight in the calendar of Repton since its inception 150 years ago. It is the school’s main charitable endeavour and is the real engine of the Michaelmas term, focusing the minds of all Reptonians on work aimed at improving the lives of others. The highlight of the whole event is the Sale of Work day itself, when 650 pupils from each of the school’s boarding houses run events and sales of merchandise which they have produced. In addition, they host gala dinners for their parents and peers to raise funds. With this is mind, please accept a donation of £500.” Dan Clark, Repton School, Derbyshire.

Marathon on 25th September and raised £550.

and raised £230.

• Matt Day, St. Barnabas Sports Trust, sent in a donation of

• Francesca Penny took part in the Virgin London Marathon

• Nicole Slaghekke took part in the Run to the Beat Half

2012 and raised £1,841.53.

• Eleanor Sabet took part in the London Santa Run 2011 and

2012 and raised £1,849.95.

This was followed by an adult tournament in the afternoon, with thirty-five participants fighting for victory in six teams. There may not have been as much evidence of Brazilian Soccer skills from the adults, but fun was had by all! Talking about the event Matt Day said ‘I have always been passionate about sport and following personal cardiac problems I have become aware of the amazing work of CRY. Organising and participating in a football event to raise money for CRY and The Barnabas Sports Trust was a perfect way to spend my 40th birthday. The fact my team won was icing on the cake!’” Matt Day.

View online at:

• Katerina Potamianos, Sanderson House Limited, sent

in a donation of £150 which represents £0.10 for each Christmas card they ordered.

• Vicki and Wes Scales sent in a donation of £320 raised


to do our bit to help ensure that your work may continue.” Darren Howlett, Chairman, Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust, sent in a donation of £250.

• Netta Tyler took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £441.

• Ian McCall forwarded a donation of £2,311.04 from Ulster Farmers Union, Armagh Down Group.

• Andrew Berrie, University of Northampton Students’ Union,

sent in a donation of £373.62. The funds were raised through a sponsored Dance event run by their Dance Club.

• Nicolene van Niekerk took part in the Run to the Beat Half Marathon and raised a further £100.

• Claire Walsh sent in a donation of £221. • Thomas Wells took part in the Run to the Beat half marathon and raised £245.

• Lyndon Williams took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £1,868.64.

• Amanda Williamson took part in the Liverpool Marathon 2011 and raised £565.

• Bob Scott, Captain, Woodlands Manor Golf Club, sent in a

donation of £200 from the annual Newman Family Trophy event which is held at the club.

• Sally Woodward Gentle took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,615.64.

• Tony Hillier forwarded a donation of £100 from Mr. M. Wreford in

respect of the annual Santa sleigh ride around Blisworth Village.

• Mrs F M Wright sent in a donation of £200. • Neil Wright took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,060.

• Tracy Cullen, Zebra Kids, held a Rudolph Raffle and sent in a donation of £100. CRY Patron Clive Clarke attended on the day.

• Alexander Thomson took part in the Virgin London Marathon 2012 and raised £2,211.38.

• Patricia Thornton took part in the Dextro Energy Triathlon and raised £405.

• Mr. M Gibbons sent in a donation of £280 raised at the Christmas Raffle and Party held by Thurrock Council.

• Torfaen Silver Belles chose CRY as their charity of the year for 2011. They raised £1,120 for CRY and this donation was collected by CRY Representative, Anne Thomas.

• “We were all deeply affected by the events that developed in

front of us on Saturday 17 March at White Hart Lane when 23 year old Fabrice Muamba collapsed with what appeared to be a cardiac arrest. We have all been heartened by the recovery he would appear to be making since this terrible event. Within the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust we have discussed what we can do to make a difference and recognising the fantastic work Cardiac Risk in the Young does, we wanted

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Cardiac Risk in the Young Head Office: Unit 7, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5LR Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 E-mail:

Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young

people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD. In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our Charity. Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John Barrowman Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, Mark Cox MBE, James Cracknell OBE, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Ilora Finlay, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Robert Jones MBE, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor W J McKenna, Bill Neely, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, David Walliams, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE and Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

Sir Ian Botham OBE

Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to

Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about YSCD. By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support service, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at Royal Brompton Hospital, the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s Hospital and the CRY myheart Network to support young people living with potentially lethal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the Bupa Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources.

To read the supportive quotes from CRY’s Patrons in full please go to If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

CRY is always extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • The Celtic Charity Trust • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity • Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Malcolm Chick Charity • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation, Inc.

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