HighSchool!Weareexcitedtobeginanotheryearoffaith, learning, and growth alongside your family At CGHS, our Christ-centered approach remains foundational, guiding us as we embrace values such as accountability with dignity, fostering curious critical thinkers, and promoting transformativelifelonglearning.
Our vision, "Elevating Faith & Academics," inspires us to create an environment where students excel both spirituallyandacademically Weinviteyoutoengagewith ourcommunitybysharingyourtime,talent,andtreasure Your involvement is vital to enriching our school and supportingourmission
“Elevating Faith & Academics.”
Asweembarkonthisnewschoolyear,wehopeyoufind answers to your questions and feel well-prepared for a successful start. We anticipate a successful school year and look forward to partnering with you on your child's journey
Mr Oscar Cedeño Principal
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to ensure that all students and parents are informed about the mandatoryorientationsessionsscheduled for each grade level Please carefully reviewthedatesandtimeslistedbelowfor yourchild'sspecificorientationsession.
During orientation, students will be provided with detailed information regarding school policies, expectations, and our emergency preparedness plans Additionally,yearbookandIDphotosforall underclassmen will be taken at this time. Please ensure that you are in proper uniformandadheretotheuniformpolicies outlined in the handbook, including guidelines on hair, shaving, tattoos, etc. Students who do not comply with the uniformpolicieswillnothavetheirphotos taken
Freshmen and transfer students will receivetheirschoolassignediPadsduring thestudentorientation Youwillreceivean email from our Technology Department containing instructional videos for setting upaccounts
Transfer students are required to attend bothgrade-levelandparentorientation
Pleasenote,seniorsarerequiredtoarrangetheir seniorportraitswithMunozPhotographybyAugust 16th.Clickheretobookyourphotosessionorcall (954)564-7150.
Tuesday, August 13
8:00am - 10:30am Sophomore Student Orientation 11:00am - 1:30pm Junior Student Orientation (No School for 9th & 12th) 6:00pm - 7:30pm New Student & Parent Orientation (9th Grade & Transfer Students)
Wednesday, August 14
8:00am - 1:30pm Freshman Student Day 8:30am - 12:30pm Senior Student Orientation Freshman/Senior Picnic (No School for 10th & 11th) Freshmen must bring a copy of their class schedule
Thursday, August 15 at 7:55am
First full day of classes for all students is a Day #2 (Periods E, F, G, H) All School Mass - Feast of the Assumption
Students should arrive to their first-period class (E period) no later than 7:55am in full uniform. Pants are required for all Mass days
10-12th grade students who have applied foraCareerReadinessPathwayhavebeen accepted into the program and their courses are now scheduled. More informationwillbeavailableinAugust.For questionsabouttheseprograms,clickhere tovisitourschoolwebsiteorreachoutto thePathwayCoordinator.
Summerreadingassignmentsaremandatoryforall students. The summer reading requirements and packets are due on August 18 to your English teacher. No late assignments will be accepted. Students will be assessed on summer reading duringthefirstweekofschool.Allassignmentsare availableonourwebsite.
Mrs. Kari Borud Lead Pathway Coordinator borud@cghsfl.org
Mrs. Kathryn Reeber EMT Pathway Coordinator reeber@cghsfl.org
Ms. Taylor Gilhauley Business Pathway Coordinator gilhauley@cghsfl.org
Mr. Bill Carangelo Engineering Pathway Coordinator carangelo@cghsfl.org
Mrs. Erin Meyer Digital Video Production Pathway meyer@cgshfl.org
Mr. Mike Stringer Computer Science Pathway stringer@cghsfl.org
PhysicalandImmunizationFormsarerequiredfor all new incoming students. Please submit your child(s)latestimmunizationrecordtotheOfficeof Admissions by August 1, 2024. Immunization records must be received before a class schedule willbereleased.
Midterm and final exams are mandatory assessments at the end of each semester to evaluatestudentknowledge,accountingfor20%of thesemestergrade.Itisimportantnottoschedule trips during exams days. Missed exams incur a make-up exam fee and will be rescheduled by administration. Refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for detailed policies on exam exemptionsforseniorsandunderclassmen.
Dr. Katrina Azevedo Vice Principal for Academics & Curriculum azevedo@cghsfl.org
Dr. Stephen Louy Dean of Faculty (954)491-2900 ext. 103 louy@cghsfl.org
Ms. Carolina Puerta Registrar (954)491-2900 ext. 138 registrar@cghsfl.org
Counselors and Advisors will be available beginning August 1st All scheduling and counseling questions will be answered at thistime
Starting this school year, all incoming freshmen will receive a school agenda to help them stay organized. With guidance fromcounselorsandteachers,studentswill learn effective calendar management for keeping track of assignments, tests, and daily schedules Whether using online or paper-based tools, developing strong time managementskillsiscrucialforsuccessat CardinalGibbonsandbeyond
If you have any questions about accommodations for the classroom or on standardized testing, please contact ese@cghsflorg
Studentclassscheduleswillbeemailedtheweek before school starts. Any schedule questions or changesshouldbedirectedtothestudentsschool counselor The deadline to request a schedule changeisAugust23rd
Mrs. Lauren Monaco Director of School Counseling & College Advising (954)491-2900 ext. 121 monaco@cghsfl.org
Mrs. Danelle DeGaeta
School Counselor 9-10th (A-L) (954) 491-2900 ext. 113 degaeta@cghsfl.org
Mr Fernando Rosero
School Counselor 9-10th (M-Z) (954) 491-2900 ext. 102 rosero@cghsfl.org
School Counselor 11-12th (A-L) (954) 491-2900 ext. 120
Ms. Antoinette Love
Academic Advisor 11-12th (M-Z) (954) 491-2900 ext. 149 love@cghsfl.org
Ms. Sharon Wessinger
Administrative Assistant (954) 491-2900 ext. 114 wessinger@cghsfl.org
The first day of FHSAA fall tryouts is July 29, 2024. If your child wishes to participate in a fall sport, visit the Athletics page for more information. Please see the team page for specific sport information or contact the coach withanyquestions.
Pleasenotethatinordertoparticipateinanyof ourathleticprograms,youmustberegisteredon Aktivate.
Cheer Cross Country Dance Football
Girls Volleyball
Swimming & Diving
Parents, please complete the required documentslistedbelowbeforeyourchildbegins participatinginanysport.
Registration FHSAAEL2Form(revised4/24) 2024FallTryoutInformation
Contacttheindividualcoachesregarding conditioningforWinter&Springsports.
Register today to participate in the golf tournament or become a tournament sponsor by clickingonthegolfball.
TheCardinalGibbonsParentAssociation(CGPA)is essential in enhancing our school's mission and vision through active parent participation and fundraising. Becoming involved as a VIP (Very ImportantParent)isawonderfulwaytostayactive in your child's student life and contribute to our Cardinal Gibbons family Here's how you can participate:
“Chiefs 101” Ambassador
Events: Auction
Events: Holidays
Events: Mailing Committee
Events: Silver Chiefs (Grandparents)
Events: Social
Teacher Appreciation
Trolley Dollies (Coffee Cart)
Single Day Projects
Each role offers a unique opportunity to have a direct impact on our community and have a meaningful difference in your child's' high school experience In addition to parent involvement, we are now offering ways for grandparents to come ontocampusthroughourSilverChiefsclub,which encouragesgenerationalrelationshipsthroughfun, aswellasfaith-basedevents
Volunteertoday! Clickheretosubmittheonlineinterestform
34th Annual Dinner Auction - March 29, 2025
Join us for the Cardinal Gibbons Dinner Auction, our most important annual fundraiser This event funds essential campus improvements and educational opportunities for our students and athletes We encourage all parents to save the date,donateanauctionitem,sponsortheevent,or fill a table Your participation will make a lasting impact on the future of Cardinal Gibbons High School
Auction Co-Chairs
Heather DiSanto
Maria Wanes
Mrs. Margie Dettor
Events Coordinator & CG Parent Association Facilitator (954) 491-2900 ext. 142 dettor@cghsfl.org page 07
Parking decals for the 2024-2025 school year will be distributed at the end of the JuniorandSeniororientationsessionsto approved students Note that parking spots do not carry over annually All student drivers must obtain and attach a newdecaleachyear.Juniorsandseniors wishing to join the waitlist for a parking spaceshouldemailparking@cghsflorg
Please review the Parent/Student Handbook for all school policies The Parent/Student Handbook and AcknowledgmentFormswillbeemailedinJuly Print,sign,andreturntheAcknowledgmentFormat the Student Orientation on either August 13 or August 14, 2024. Students who do not submit the formcannotattendclassesonAugust15.
We offer morning, afternoon, and Activity bus services Activitybusesdepartcampusintheearly evening, and serves students enrolled in extracurricular activities One-way and roundtrip routesareavailable Pleaseclickthefollowinglink to review the 24-25 bus routes and reserve your seattoday.
BusTransportation: https://wwwcghsflorg/gibbons-life/transportation
Students must adhere to dress regulations as detailed in the Parent/Student Handbook Noncompliancewillresultinconsequencesasoutlined in the handbook This includes correct uniform, appropriate shorts length, no visible tattoos, adherencetotheearringpolicy,properhairlength, and being clean-shaven. Habitual violations will leadtoanadministrativereview.Thankyouforyour cooperation.
The Student/Parent Handbook will be emailed in JulybeforeOrientation Parentsandstudentsmust read the handbook thoroughly to understand the expectations and policies of the school All handbook acknowledgement forms are due on the dayofstudentorientation
Allparentswhoaredroppingoffastudent shouldentertheCardinalGibbonsCampus through the main gate, accessible from 47thStreet
As you enter the student parking lot from 47th Street, please form two lines and follow the directions of the Campus Securityteam Pleasenotethatallparents must use the front gate only for pick-up and drop-off The rear gate located off Bayview Drive is reserved for one-way studentuseonly.
Traffic in the surrounding area may potentially be heavy during the first few weeks of the school year due to the proximity of other local schools. Please plan accordingly as your child is still expectedtobeintheirfirstperiodby7:55 am each morning, despite traffic conditions
The main parking lot gates are locked promptly at 8:00ameachmorning Intheeventthatyourchild isarrivinglate,youmaydropthemoffinthecircular driveway outside of Ott Hall Students must then proceed into the Office of Student Affairs, where theywillbecheckedinandreceivealatepass.
You will pass through a number of school zones during your commute Use caution while driving throughtheCoralRidgeneighborhoodandobeyall postedspeedlimits,bothinandoutofschoolzones.
Once the school day has ended, please enter campus through the front gate, and once again, form two lines We advise parents to notify their child of their arrival to avoid traffic jams in the parking lot. Students must be picked up and droppedoffoncampusonly Donotpickupordrop offstudentsinfrontofSt JohntheBaptistChurchor anywherealong47thStreetorBayviewDrive
We kindly ask that all parents and student drivers respect our neighbors and their property and refrainfromparkingonlawnsorinopendriveways
Viewdropoffandpickupmaponlinebyclicking here
Mrs. Jennifer Perez Dean of Students/ESE Coordinator Student Affairs (954) 491-2900 ext. 124 jperez@cghsfl.org
Mr. Manuel Cespedes Dean of Students Student Affairs (954) 491-2900 ext. 105 cespedes@cghsfl.org
Students are expected to be in attendance every day of the school year as mandated by Florida Law Parents and guardians must take accountability to ensure that their child is in schoolandarriveon-timeeachandeveryday Absence from school is a serious interruption oftheeducationalprocess.
Cardinal Gibbons, based on Florida Statute and the policies of the Archdiocese of Miami, allows 10 days of absences in a semester. Days absent are defined as full-days or halfdays
Half-day absences are defined as leaving school before 11:00 AM or arriving at schoolafter11:00AM.
If a student is absent for more than ten (10) days in a given semester, no academic credit may be awarded per course
Once a student reaches seven (7) absences, parents may be required to meet with the administration and/or be placedonattendanceprobation
Students chronically absent may be withdrawn from CGHS at the discretion of administration.
Voice Recording only (954) 491-2900 ext 110 attendance@cghsfl.org
The following are considered excused absences with the proper documentation and will not count againstthe10days:
Any serious illness that requires medical care orhospitalizationwithdoctorsnote DeathofaFamilyMember.
School activities such as school-sponsored field trips, school athletic contests, spirit days, etc
The following items count against the 10 day total andareunexcusedabsences: Familyvacationsandfamilytrips
College visits (Beyond the allocated 2 days for juniorsandseniors)
Other non-emergent appointments that need notinterferewithschool
If a student needs to be dismissed early for any reason, a parent must call or email the attendance lineandleaveamessageatleasttwohoursbefore the requested dismissal time Students will not be dismissed early once the final period has begun. Review the Parent/Student Handbook for specific informationaboutdismissals.
Call the school attendance line and leave a message before 10:00 am (954) 491-2900 Ext 110 or email attendance@cghsflorg Only parents or guardians canmakethiscalloremail,notthestudent
Parents leaving a message on the office voicemail system must: state their child’s last name, first name, student ID, the reason for the absence, and a phone numberwheretheymaybereached
Mark your calendar and keep track of all absences
Make sure the total does not exceed the statemandatedleveloften(10)inagivensemester
Ask yourself: Does this absence qualify as an EXCUSEDorUNEXCUSEDabsence?
Go to PlusPortals to obtain any missed assignments for excused absences. Communicate with your teachers
Prepare any medical documentation to submit to the OfficeofStudentAffairswithin3days
Allstudentsareexpectedtobeinfulluniformevery day, unless otherwise specified Full uniform includes: an official Cardinal Gibbons red polo shirt; khaki or navy Cardinal Gibbons shorts or pants; and black/white Adidas sneakers, in the specifiedmodelandcolor
Please note that on Mass days, all students are required to wear the long uniform pants, so each student should own at least one pair of these Uniformshortsandpantscanonlybepurchasedat the Risse Brothers location in Deerfield Beach or theonlinestore
On Fridays, students are permitted to wear club, athleticorspiritt-shirtsinsteadoftheuniformpolo Anassortmentofspiritshirtscanbepurchasedin theCampusStore
Additionally, students enrolled in Physical EducationmustweartheofficialCardinalGibbons PEuniform,whichconsistsofagrayt-shirtandred gymshorts PEuniformsareavailableforpurchase in the Campus Store This uniform is worn during Physical Education classes only. Students will be giventimeattheendofclasstochangebackinto schooluniformtoresumetheday.
Students may also purchase official Cardinal Gibbons outerwear and sweaters to wear during the school day, but students must wear the CardinalGibbonspolounderneath.
PleaseseeourCampusStoreforsummerhoursand onlinestore.
For additional details regarding uniform policies, pleasereferencetheParent/StudentHandbook
Risse School Uniforms
386 SW 12th Avenue, Building #6 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 360-7777 www.rissebrothers.com
Cardinal Gibbons Campus Store Building A Room 101 (954) 491-2900 ext. 191 www.cghsfl.org/gibbons-life/campusstore-information
Uniforms and Outerwear CAMPUS STORE SHOP ONLINE
www.gibbonscampusstore.com (954) 491-2900 ext. 191
Campus Store
Online orders must be placed by August 1st for shipment to arrive before the first day of school.
Our Uniform:
Red Cardinal Gibbons Polo Shirt
Navy/Khaki Gibbons Shorts or Pants
Black & White Adidas Sneakers
Additional: P.E. Uniform
Campus Store Regular Hours
7:30 - 8:00am 2:30 - 3:00pm
Closed on Early Release Days
Campus Store Summer Hours
June 3 - 6
June 10
June 11-14
June 17 - August 2 (CLOSED)
August 3
August 5-8
August 9
August 10
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
7:30 - 9:00am & 1:00 - 3:00pm 7:30 - 12:00pm & 1:00 - 3:00pm 7:30 - 8:00am & 1:00 - 3:00pm 9:00 - 12:00pm 9:00 - 3:00pm 9:00 - 12:00pm 9:00 - 12:00pm 9:00 - 3:00pm
7:30 - 8:00am & 4:00 - 5:30pm 7:30 - 8:00am & 1:00 - 3:00pm Regular Store Hours
7:30 - 8:00am & 2:30 - 3:00pm
Cardinal Gibbons Campus Store Building A Room 101 (954) 491-2900 ext. 191 Campusstore@cghsfl.org
We are excited to announce the launch of a new platform that will centralize all student textbooks accessible via ClassLink on student iPads Further details will be providedtostudentsatthebeginningofthe schoolyear
PlusPortals provides students and parents with access to information about upcoming assignments, current grades, attendance, and other day-to-day school information Parents will receive an email approximately the first week of school that contains instructions on how to set up a parent PlusPortals account. We encourage parentstocheckPlusPortalsonaweeklybasis.
For assistance with all technology related problems, please email techticket@cghsflorg In your email, please include the nature of your problem, your child's name and student number, as well as description of any error messages you may receive and a representative from our Technology Departmentwillreachouttoyouassoonpossible
Update the current iOS software
Check your emails
Activate your Plus Portals account. An email will be sent the week before school starts with a link to activate your account If you are a returning summer school student, you should have already activated your Plus Portals account.
Watch CGHS YouTube videos, for helpful tips to start the new school year
CGHS Rules and Procedures 1 Manager App and Concept Map 2 Showbie Sign up 3 Notability Set-up - CGHS Tech Chiefs 4. iCloud Settings and iPad Back-up 5.
We are excited to welcome Sage Dining and encourage all our families to explore what's to come Learn about the nutritional options, manage allergies, and check the daily menu, which will become available before school starts, by visiting www sagedining com/sites/cardinalgibbonshighs chool/
After thorough evaluation, we have decided to transition to a new Point of Sale (POS) payment system through a Sage Dining partner, MyKidSpending As we approach the new school year, we will notify families via email when it is time to register an account with MyKidSpending. At this moment, there is no action required.
For returning families, any remaining balance in your child's current POS account will seamlessly carry over In the interim, your child can use cash, credit card, or Apple Pay until we roll out the MyKidSpending information Detailed information about new payment options will be communicated via email as we approach the new school year and during the Back to School Orientation to ensure everyone is well-informed and ready.
Mr. Nick Tofini
Service Director
Student ID/Network Username:
School/Network Password:
School Email Address:
School Email Password:
Apple ID:
Apple ID Password:
Naviance ID:
Naviance Password:
Parent Plus Portal Username:
Parent Plus Portal Password:
Cardinal Gibbons Directory
School Calendar
Student Activities, Clubs, SGA and more
CG Parent Association and Parent Hub
www cghsfl org/about/directory
For assistance with all technology related questions or problems, please email techticket@cghsfl.org. In your email, please include the nature of your problem, as well as description of any error messages you may receive and a representative from our Technology Department will reach out to you as soon possible.
Aug 13, Tues at 6:00pm Louise Crocco Gymnasium
New Student & Parent Orientation
Orientation for new families 9th Grade & Transfer Students and their parents
Aug 30, Fri at 5:00pm Baseball Field
New Parent Welcome Tailgate BBQ
Aug 14, Wed at 9:00am
Senior Moms
Mom/guardian of the Class of 2025 RSVP and ticket required
Sept 24, Tues at 6:00pm Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Auction Kickoff
Bingo Night
Aug. 27, Tues. at 6:00pm Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Back to School Night for 9th Grade
Parents only
Aug. 28, Wed. at 6:00pm Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Back to School Night for 10th - 12th Grades
Parents only
Oct 11, Fri Palm Aire Country Club
Annual Golf
Welcome to a new school year All NEW parents are invited RSVP required Presented by Athletics
Oct 18, Fri at 5:30pm Softball field
Homecoming Tailgate
Presented by the Alumni RSVP and ticket purchase required
Jan 30, Tues at 4:00pm Chapel of the Holy Family
Silver Chiefs Mass and reception RSVP required
Presented by CGPA Auction Committee RSVP required
Oct 26, Sat Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Open House
Dec 10, Tues at 9:00am Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Silver Chiefs Blessings and Bingo
Open House for prospective families
Presented by Admissions RSVP required
Mar 29, Sat Louise Crocco Gymnasium
Annual Dinner Auction
Presented by CGPA RSVP required
Silver Chiefs invited RSVP and ticket purchase required
Apr 29, Tues at 9:00am Dr Bud Tight Field
Silver Chiefs Health & Fitness Day
Silver Chiefs invited RSVP required
Welcome page 17