Case For Supporting Abundant Life in 2024

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IN 2024

More than 1 Million lives have been saved!

I’m excited to be on this journey with all of you at Care Net. It’s a privilege to give to a ministry that loves life abundantly, and does something about it! I’ve learned so much from you...which has helped me in coordinating a pregnancy care ministry at my church. Thank you! MAUREEN, FAITHFUL SUPPORTER OF CARE NET


I hope you are just as enthusiastic as Maureen to be part of Care Net’s Pro Abundant Life ministry! Your prayers and financial support have helped Care Net reach an important milestone — more than 1 million lives have been saved from abortion and more than 2 million clients have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This amazing victory was carried out by our network of 1,237 affiliated Pregnancy Centers over the past 15 years. Thank you for prayerfully considering an investment in Care Net to help us meet the current challenges to abundant life. May God bless you daily as you serve Him faithfully,

Roland C. Warren President & CEO

CURRENT CHALLENGES: • The federal government announced the creation of a taxpayer-funded “national abortion hotline.” Some states have already launched their own hotlines that are actively referring people for abortions. • Increased access to the abortion pill -- now accounting for 53% of all abortions • Pro abortion states have codified the right to abortion into state law and expanded abortion rights beyond what Roe allowed (even after birth) • Companies are offering travel benefits to help female employees get abortions • Pregnancy centers continue to experience vandalism, media smear campaigns, and frivolous lawsuits 2

What is the

OUR MISSION Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.

Pro Abundant Life DIFFERENCE? Sharing the Gospel Building Strong Marriages

OUR VISION Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.

Engaging Fathers Influencing Culture

Lives 1,010,931 Saved! (Since 2008)

Providing Abortion Recovery & Care


(Since 2008)


Expanding Pregnancy Decision Line to compete with the national abortion hotline and state abortion hotlines

Equipping pregnancy centers to better serve clients by creating training and resources that address the abortion pill

Engaging more churches and preparing them to care for women and men in their communities who are facing pregnancy decisions

Creating resources that help more women and men find healing from past abortions (25% of women will have experienced at least one abortion by the age of 45)

Gospel Presentations



Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) is a national call center offering immediate pregnancy decision coaching and medical support from Registered Nurses, to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. We connect with approximately 4,000 callers per year (95% begin the call determined to abort) with the goal of moving them from a desire to abort to a posture of life, connecting them with a local Pregnancy Center, and sharing the Gospel as the Lord opens the door.

A Note from PDL Coach Rebecca

We are meeting people right in the middle of their decision-making process. We are reaching so many people considering abortion because everybody is Googling and looking for information. We are right there at that critical moment of decision, and whoever they talk with on the phone will have a huge impact. They could call Planned Parenthood and be told ‘Everything will be fine, don’t worry about it. Just come in on this day (for an abortion), and you’ll be good to go.’ But if they talk to us, they’re going to actually be able to talk things out and look at all their options.

What Coach Rebecca said is indeed true. One PDL caller recently told her: “Thank you for actually listening to me and asking how I am feeling. At the abortion clinic, they didn’t care about my thoughts or feelings at all; they simply cared about giving me information and scheduling an abortion. My experience with you has been so much different and I now know that God wants my baby to live.”




TO -8181 703-263 RTS ER ALE


To join PDL’s intercessory prayer group and receive updates

Like this story! Text the word PRAY to (703) 263-8181.

GOAL Increase Pregnancy Decision Line’s capacity to reach more women and men considering abortion, offer them lifeaffirming coaching, and connect them to life-affirming resources and support. KEY OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREATER IMPACT •

Create a live chat feature on Pregnancy Decision Line’s website to engage additional callers

PDL Caller chooses life for her twins! “I wanted to share a huge praise in seeing God at work today. A young woman who called PDL already had an abortion scheduled for the next day. She did not want to change her abortion appointment and was planning on going through with her abortion without having an ultrasound. I let her know I would reach out to a pregnancy center today in hopes they would have an opening for an ultrasound for her to go today before her abortion tomorrow. And don’t you know God is GOOD and He gave her just that, an opportunity today to see her babies! I called one of Care Net’s affiliated pregnancy centers today at 11am and they had one ultrasound appointment left at 1pm. She went to that ultrasound and saw her 17 week old twins! She texted me a few minutes ago sharing that seeing her twins has changed her mind. She cannot go through with her abortion tomorrow after seeing her babies.

Hire additional coaches to serve more callers


65% of callers engage in a follow-up conversation with a PDL coach

50% of callers are scheduled for an appointment at their local pregnancy center

35% of callers verify that they chose life (Note that these are the lives saved that we are able to conclusively track as a result of direct follow up with callers)


Thank you for praying for PDL! God is at work saving lives and changing hearts!”

Coach Tabitha


PREGNANCY CENTERS Care Net leads a network of 1,237 pregnancy centers. Since 2008, our affiliates have saved the lives of 1,010,931 babies and shared the Gospel with 2,124,931 million mothers and fathers. Care Net provides educational resources, print and digital client resources, and staff support to help affiliates maximize their impact in local communities.

In 2022 Care Net Affiliated Pregnancy Centers Saved Communities


Pregnancy centers are faith-based, community-supported, non-profit organizations: •

Alleviating social service burdens on local government

Facilitating public health through consultation with medical professionals and referrals for ongoing care

Building healthy families through education and support








Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center, TX

A Woman’s Choice Lakeland, FL

Southeast Georgia Women’s Center, GA


for Pregnancy Centers & Their Clients





Enhances pregnancy center professional’s expertise with our university level development courses

Delivers best-in-class curricula, magazines, brochures, and other materials to train pregnancy center staff to serve clients with excellence

Annual event for pregnancy center and church workers to network, learn, and gain encouragement for promoting abundant life in their communities

Provides cuttingedge resources and training designed to strengthen pregnancy centers’ existing fatherhood programs or help them start one

Client Marketing Essentials Course

I gained new insights on how the potential client thinks. I thought I knew her, but you took me to a much deeper level of knowing, not only how she thinks, but how she functions. I’m not a tech person, but I even learned more about that and I really appreciated the step by step approach to marketing in each lesson.


Last Year, 43,000 Copies of Care Net’s Before You Decide Magazine Got Into the Hands of Women at Risk for Abortion This exceptional publication goes beyond traditional resources, presenting information in a format reminiscent of popular magazines. Packed with captivating graphics and meticulously documented research, BYD equips clients with the knowledge they need to make well-informed decisions regarding their pregnancy.


Key Positions that Serve Our Network of Centers



National Medical Director

Senior Fatherhood & Family Program Manager


Serves as Care Net’s lead representative on matters pertaining to the operations of medical services within affiliated pregnancy centers.

Provides training that prepares pregnancy centers to welcome men into their center and creates interactive courses for their male clients.

Supports pregnancy centers by providing information on current state and federal legislation and provides suggested actions they can take.

Center Services Network Manager

We had a client accept Christ as Savior in the last few weeks and we are not only helping him with Doctor Dad (curricula to train new dads), but also connecting him to a local church and meeting for lunch once weekly. I have only been here for two months. We have made monumental efforts in terms of planning, but we are just now beginning to put the vision together for our own version of Men’s Ministry here. TODD RICHARDSON, MEN’S DIRECTOR AT BSIDEU FOR LIFE IN LOUISVILLE, KY


Conference Director Serves the 1,200+ pregnancy center team members who attend Care Net’s Annual National Conference and provides them with opportunities to attend workshops, hear inspirational keynotes, and be spiritually refreshed.

I just want to say thank you for hosting the conference. It was truly amazing to be part of it. Being saved from abortion by a pregnancy center and now working at the same pregnancy center that helped my mom choose life is truly a blessing and it is all because things like this keep people encouraged to do what they do. So thank you! CARE NET 2023 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ATTENDEE 8

GOAL Grow our network of pregnancy centers and prepare them to reach and care for more clients considering abortion, empowering them to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. KEY OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREATER IMPACT

Sheila, Shateal, & Her Beautiful Daughter

Pregnancy Care Center, Old Hickory, TN Sheila, a single mother of three, brought her 14-year- old daughter, Shateal, to our pregnancy center for a pregnancy test. Sheila and Shateal were both overwhelmed and making plans for Shateal to have an abortion. Shateal recalls: “The day I found out I was pregnant, it was like a bunch of bricks fell on my head…I was very lost and was thinking of what I could do to get rid of it or maybe I could keep it. I didn’t really know where to go.” But when Shateal visited our pregnancy center she said: “I felt very welcomed; it was a peace haven for me, where the outside world was shut out.” After both Sheila and Shateal received personal support and pregnancy decision coaching at our pregnancy center, together, they made the decision to choose life! Throughout the pregnancy Sheila and Shateal met individually with their client advocates. During one visit with her mentor Shateal gave her life to Christ! She also graduated high school early and we’ve had the privilege of walking closely with her and her family for over 2 years. 9

Create additional training and resources that address the abortion pill

Create a new online parenting course for dads

Provide immediate updates on changing legislation that could affect pregnancy centers, state by state


Lead 137 Care Net University classes for pregnancy center team members

65% of pregnancy centers provide services and support to dads

1,200 pregnancy team members attend Care Net’s National Conference

Host 8 webinars for pregnancy center affiliates on topics affecting them most


CHURCH ENGAGEMENT As the Bride of Christ, the Church is the only institution that is both ideologically aligned (i.e. affirms God’s design for the family) and structurally capable of caring for the long-term support needs of women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Care Net is committed to engaging and equipping the Church to provide compassion, hope, and help to women and men facing pregnancy decisions within their congregation and community...and to strategically partner with local pregnancy centers to move clients from the center to the Church for long-term support and discipleship. Care Net offers two “onramps” for training churches on how to engage in abortion prevention (Making Life Disciples) or post abortion healing (Abortion Recovery & Care).

Making Life Disciples Graduates from First Baptist Church of Taylor, TX


Making Life Disciples MLD is a simple, easy-to-access basic training that allows churches to begin a holistic, gospel-centered approach to caring for the abortion vulnerable. Based on Care Net’s 45 years of experience, MLD teaches people in churches how to offer practical help and discipleship to people who are in the midst of making difficult pregnancy decisions. 10




Our after-abortion care and services connect women and men impacted by abortion with individual ministries, pregnancy centers, and churches that provide healing resources.


Many people are aware of the physical effects an abortion can cause, but few people are told about the emotional effects that can occur. By engaging in post-abortion care, both women and men can get support and understanding for their healing and find a path to recovery.

Lydia celebrates after sharing her testimony about her abortion healing. When asked for a mic soundcheck, she started singing, “Break Every Chain.” Lydia is incarcerated and went through Care Net’s Forgiven & Set Free with members from a local church and pregnancy center. She has found healing by the blood of Christ, and plans to go to seminary after she is released.

GOAL We have now completed the first two phases of our church engagement initiative – product development and education & marketing. As we enter phase three, our goal is to significantly accelerate the number of churches that are fully implementing Making Life Disciples (MLD) and Abortion Recovery & Care (ARC) ministries.



Generate 1,600 contact leads for High Impact Volunteers

Recruit 400 High Impact Volunteers and 120 Team Leaders

Recruit 2,000 prayer partners

Recruit, select, and train “High Impact Volunteers” to lead MLD and/or ARC in their church

Create an online abortion recovery leader’s training for women and men

Create a national prayer team for church engagement


CULTURAL INFLUENCE Care Net is committed to being a voice of compassion and reason in the public square and challenging the culture to think critically about the value of human life, the importance of marriage and strong families, the important role of fathers, and the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Care Net reaches approximately 125,000 individuals annually with our free Pro Abundant Life resources and training... and more than 10 million people are reached through our social media.







I had no idea how prevalent abortion is within the church. This has really convicted me to do more in my local church community to advocate for life. I think Care Net’s approach to the pro-life movement is the best way to go about it in a loving, compassionate, Christ-like way. It makes me excited to be part of a movement that is considerate and effective when tackling this overwhelming challenge.


GOAL Develop more resources that equip individuals to defend their pro-life beliefs in a God-honoring way and compassionately help those considering abortion in their communities. KEY OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREATER IMPACT •

Create an e-book and online course — Is the Pro-Choice Position Consistent with the Life and Teachings of Jesus?

Develop new resources for pastors for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Sponsor media through Moody Radio and the National Association of Evangelicals


16,000,000 individuals are reached through Care Net’s social media

150,000 individuals engage with Care Net’s free online resources 12

Roland Warren Interviews Kirk Cameron on the CareCast Podcast

Here is just one of the 1,010,931 lives that was saved through a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center and how that life brought a family together.

Meet Leslie, Rodney, and Their Family Leslie was our very first client at helped us be parents together,” were expecting their 3rd child! Pregnancy Care Center in Old Leslie said. They gave us the honor of doing Hickory, TN. She was 18 and their first ultrasound on our “At first I was nervous, and I had just started college when ultrasound bus. didn’t want to come but I saw found out she was pregnant. how much you cared for us. Leslie shared that our center has Her mom heard about our I kept coming back because helped her grow her relationship pregnancy center through her of how you treated me and with the Lord. “The pregnancy church and brought Leslie to us. because I learned a lot.” center brought my relationship “I didn’t know what to expect with God but once I back into my found out The pregnancy center brought my relationship with God back life. I learned how much into my life. I learned that God will never leave me. The Lord that God will you do for has helped me and Rodney grow together as parents. never leave pregnant girls me. The Lord like me who has helped feel like they Rodney was so grateful for the me and Rodney grow together don’t have anybody or anything, help he received that he came as parents.” I knew I could do this.” back to the center to volunteer Rodney agreed, “We know we Two years later, Leslie and her to lead fatherhood classes. “To are not alone because we have husband Rodney were newly have someone else who has God with us. He gave his only married and barely making ends been in your shoes coach you Son to die on the cross for us. meet when she found out they along makes it a little bit better,” When you have a child you were pregnant again. Leslie he said. realize you would do anything came back to our pregnancy A few years later they were a for them. Just like God loves center and this time, Rodney stable family of four and returned us and would do anything for came with her. They chose life to the center to share their joy us. We love our children to the for their son and began taking and celebrate the news that they ends of the world.” parenting classes. “The classes


Will you prayerfully consider investing in Care Net to...

CHANGE MORE HEARTS, SAVE MORE LIVES, & BUILD MORE FAMILIES? Here are just a few more clients and families who are grateful for your consideration of support!

Care Net Helps You Leave a Legacy

Why Tammy & Mike Invest in Care Net “The overturning of Roe v Wade was really what led us to include Care Net in our estate plan. Seeing the anger and outright evil that has been, and sadly will continue against pro-life people and organizations was a call to action. We are saddened that the public believes abortion is a constitutional right but yet there’s no second thought about threatening, intimidating or injuring those who work and volunteer at pro-life clinics. Only God can change hearts but we can be good stewards of what God has blessed us with so that the next generations have a chance to be born and hear the Gospel of Jesus.” 14

WAYS YOU CAN INVEST in Care Net’s Ministry

We need to raise $7 million in contributions to accomplish the call that God has given us for 2024.

Please prayerfully consider at what level the Lord may be calling you to partner with Care Net.

This chart outlines a path to reaching our goal!

Care Net Gift Range Chart 2024 LEADERSHIP GIFTS

Ministry Partners

1 1 2 4

Annual Giving

$1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000


6 6 12 14

Annual Giving

$100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000

MAJOR GIFTS Ministry Partners

20 20 36 38

Annual Giving

$20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000

160 Gifts Totaling $7,000,000

Gifts of Appreciated Stock at • Receive a charitable tax deduction for the fair market value of appreciated securities held for at least a year. Avoids capital gains. • Can be more beneficial than giving cash. The “cost” of your gift is often less than the deduction you gain by making it.


To learn more about other types of gifts that Care Net accepts or go to:


We Welcome a Conversation With You if More Information is Needed



44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200 Lansdowne, Virginia 20176

Tom Patras, VP of Donor Relations, at or 703.554.8742 15


Because of Your Support

44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200, Lansdowne, VA 20176

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