Care Net Planned Giving

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Impact Lives for Generations to Come Secure Your Legacy with CARE-NET.ORG SEE MORE

Dear Friend,

On behalf of everyone at Care Net, I want to thank you for being a part of our mission. Through your generous investment, we’ve been able to make a large and eternal impact on families who are facing difficult pregnancy decisions.

Over the next few years, Care Net’s work is going to matter more than ever. Regardless of what the law might be, Care Net will work hard to save babies, offer compassion, hope, and help... and change families with the message of the Gospel.

As you look over this brochure, please consider the best way you and your family can help us make a larger and longer-lasting impact.

God bless you richly for your steadfast generosity,

Type of Gift OPTION 1 Bequest in Will OPTION 2 Gift of Stock, Securities or Appreciated Property OPTION 3 Charitable Remainder Trust OPTION 4 Charitable Lead Trust OPTION 5 Gift of Life Insurance Policy OPTION 6 Beneficiary Designation on Life Insurance or Retirement Assets OPTION 7 Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) or IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) OPTION 8 Donor Advised Fund (DAF) PLANNED CONTACT US AT: 800.518.7909


Benefits to You Benefits to Care Net

Provides estate distribution as desired. Generally escapes estate and inheritance taxes.

Avoidance of capital gain tax. Tax deduction for fair market value of gift if asset was held for more than one year. Removed from estate for tax purposes.

Initial tax deduction on value of charitable remainder interest. No initial capital gain tax.

Remainder returns to family. May reduce annual income tax and federal estate tax.

Certain tax deductions for premiums paid, dividends assigned, cash surrender or replacement value. Generally escapes probate and estate taxes.

Provides charitable distribution as desired. Generally escapes estate, inheritance and income taxes.

QCD’s are excluded as gross income for federal tax & RMD gifts count toward the year you make the gift.

Payable to Care Net.

Immediate receipt of stock, securities or appreciated property.

Receive balance at death.

Income for period of years.

Payable to Care Net.

Receive proceeds at death.

Payable to Care Net.

Tax reductions for grants and non-cash assets donated. Payable to Care Net.


Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.


Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.

Include Care Net in Your Will

Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA’s

See Chart Inside for More Information

There comes a time when you realize the brevity of life and start pondering what legacy you want to leave behind.

I believe in making the world a better place and I know Care Net will do that by sharing the Gospel with others. I like knowing that after I’m gone people will still be coming to Jesus because of my will gift.

44180 Riverside Parkway | Suite 200 | Lansdowne, Virginia 20176 |
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of Appreciated Stock

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