I’ll admit, when God first gave me the idea for Care Net to host a “pro-life men’s conference,” I was a bit nervous. After all, there are many reasons that no one’s ever tried to do this before! But as I prayed and thought about it, I realized that none of those reasons were from God. When I prayed some more and reached out to colleagues, friends, and mentors of mine who share Care Net’s Pro Abundant Life vision, their response was unanimous: “This is a great idea. Let’s do it.” Fortunately, Dr. Tony Evans was one of the first people I spoke to. He understands the power and importance of engaging men on the life issue and graciously hosted the conference at his incredible church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX. We couldn’t have had a better host or a better location. Few pastors in the nation have done more to not only speak about, but apply practical action to the idea that we can’t make abortion unthinkable without engaging men as fathers and husbands. Moreover, only God could have know that nearly two years after we decided to hold the conference in Dallas, that Texas would become the first state in the nation to effectively ban most abortions. Texas was ground zero in the decades-long fight against legal abortion... and it seemed God wanted us there. We then set out to inspire and equip men to know that they are called and missioned by God to defend the unborn, build strong families, and protect the vulnerable in their communities. Dr. Evans, Michael Jr, Pastor David Platt, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Steve Arterburn, Amy Ford, and I spoke to more than 500 attendees about their calling and how to take on their mission. It was a weekend filled with laughter, tears, and — most importantly — hope. Hope for a future in which men know and fulfill their roles in a movement where they have been mostly absent for nearly 50 years. The culture wants it that way — telling men to just “shut up” about abortion. But God knows that when men step in with love and compassion as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to a hurting world, the gates of hell don’t stand a chance. I hope that this report can capture just a fraction of the power and emotion of this important event, and that you will learn how Care Net is using the energy from this event to further our vision of creating a world in which both women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. Blessings,
Roland C. Warren President & CEO
ROLAND WARREN President and CEO Care Net
Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, former chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies. Dr. Evans spoke about the need for Kingdom Men to step into their central, God-given roles as defenders of the unborn and builders of strong families.
In September of 2017, David Platt became Lead Pastor at McLean Bible Church. Previously, he served as pastor of The Church at Brook Hills and president of the IMB, an international missions organization. David is the author of Something Needs to Change, Radical, Radical Together, Follow Me, and Counter Culture.
Pastor David spoke on opening night of the conference to explain what being “called and missioned” on the life issue meant for the men in attendance.
Peter Heck is an author, speaker, and teacher who lives in Kokomo, Indiana with his wife Jenny, their daughters, Addison and Bristol, and their son Grayson. Peter is a prolific writer, providing daily commentaries for The Resurgent, and is a contributing columnist for the Indianapolis Star, the Christian Post, USA Today, and the Washington Times. Additionally, Peter is the author of 5 books. Peter emceed Called and Mission, providing uplifting commentary and contagious energy to keep the men in attendance inspired and engaged.
Through stand-up comedy, Michael Jr. takes you on a comedic
journey in a way you’ve never experienced before. Michael Jr. has spent his career making laughter common in uncommon places like homeless shelters and prisons while inspiring his fans through sketches, stand-up, short films, and appearances in feature films. Michael Jr opened up the event with a talk that was both entertaining and enlightening, inspiring men to be who God has called them to be.
Watch full Keynotes at ROLAND WARREN
Roland Warren has been the president and CEO of Care Net since 2012. He leads Care Net’s efforts to transform people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, empowering them to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. Prior to his role at Care Net, he led National Fatherhood Initiative for 11 years after a 20-year career in the business world. Roland spoke about how men must play an irreplaceable role in transforming the pro-life movement into a Pro Abundant Life movement.
Steve Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and host of the number one nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show, New Life Live!, heard and watched by over 2 million people each week on nearly 200 radio stations nationwide on XM and Sirius Satellite radio and on NRBTV.
Stephen shared his experience with abortion in his past, and helped men see the hope and healing they can find in Christ to become champions for life.
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), the world’s largest Hispanic Christian organization with 42,000 plus U.S. churches and many additional churches spread throughout the Spanish-speaking diaspora. Rodriguez is recognized by CNN, FOX News, Univision and Telemundo as America’s most influential Latino/Hispanic faith leader. Rev. Rodriguez spoke about the central role the Church must play – and the men in the Church – in making abortion unthinkable.
Amy Ford is the Co-Founder and President of Embrace Grace, a non-profit that inspires and equips the church to love on single and pregnant young women and their families. She is also the author of the upcoming book release, Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement, released January 2021 as well other books. Amy spoke about why women, who have led the pro-life movement for years, need men to be equal partners in a new Pro Abundant Life movement.
One of the highest purposes of the Called and Missioned conference was to give men the voice they have not often had when it comes to the life issue. For too long, the prevailing sentiment in our culture has been that men should just “shut up about abortion.” But as Christians, we know that
So I actually had no idea that I was coming here. My wife told me Monday, “Hey, I booked a conference for you.” And then yesterday she took my phone, put it on my Google Maps, and sent me here. I didn’t know anything until I went into the sanctuary and then I saw Michael Jr walk past me… I came to the Lord through an abortion. My ex-girlfriend and I decided to abort 10 years ago, and out of guilt, I started going to church. Fast forward a little bit, I wasn’t open with my heart and I kind of crashed and burned again. And then I gave my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ. Through abortion, you’re overwhelmed with guilt and there’s trauma and there needs to be healing, and I do believe that I am healed. I’m upset being in New York where many people think that men don’t deserve a voice. I want people to know that they’re not alone. And I feel like the problem is the lack of fathers, the absence of men. So I think that it starts with you and just saying yes to the Lord for the greatest help that you can possibly ever receive. I’m glad to be with the men that I already met in this conference. One of my desires is to have an orphanage and we’re looking into foster care, and I’m believing for children of our own. I’m just really trying to be where the Lord wants me to be. But I know that that is the burden that he’s given me, the heart of the father.
there has always been a role for men in unplanned pregnancies, and we have to look no further than the role that Joseph was given by God in the birth of Christ. So, we got out cameras and allowed men to share with us why they were at the conference, what they hoped to gain
from it, and if they had an abortion in their past, we gave them the opportunity to share their heart. The testimonials were emotional, uplifting, and filled with hope for a better future for life and families. Here are just a few examples.
My name is Dimitri Bothwell. One of the takeaways I want to bring back home is correlating to my story that got me in the ministry in the first place. I was one of those rarities that was conceived in rape – rape in marriage, actually. And through that rape in marriage, my mother was faced with a pregnancy decision, and I’m beyond grateful that two men spoke up on my behalf – her OB doctor spoke up and the divorce lawyer actually said, “You should have this child and give him a shot.” And I’m beyond grateful to see now that God is using my past, my broken shattered past, to now advocate and speak up on behalf of children in the womb. What I want to take back from this conference is the aspect of discipleship. I was born and raised in the south – it’s the Bible belt in Alabama. Some may say the buckle of the Bible belt. But in that, I was raised Christian. I grew up in church and I was not following the Lord and I lacked discipleship. So to see how we want to advocate for Pro Abundant Life, through Christ Jesus, I want to be able to establish those connections and those relationships with our local churches in order to have this conversation go beyond just that child in the womb, but the wholeness of the family. So, I’m beyond grateful again, to be a part of this. So, I’m glad to be here representing my pregnancy center.
Demetri is the Fatherhood Director at Women’s Hope Medical Clinic, a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center in Auburn, AL.
The Called and Missioned conference was about moving people from inspiration to implementation. To give concrete ideas to the men in attendance on how to return to their communities with an action plan, three Care Net leaders made presentations on three strategic Care Net initiatives. • Erin Forsythe, Vice President of Strategic Programs, discussed how men can “tether” themselves to their local pregnancy centers to make a big impact. • Jill Marquis, Director of Abortion Recovery and Care, shared how men can use their past abortion experiences to help others find healing and hope after an abortion. • Greg Austen, Executive Director of Church Outreach and Engagement, presented on Care Net’s Making Life Disciples program, and how it is a game-changer for getting churches involved in Pro Abundant Life ministry.
Read on for more details on what Erin, Jill, and Greg shared and how you, too, can get involved.
ERIN FORSYTHE Vice President of Strategic Programs at Care Net
Get Involved In a Pregnancy Center 2 STRETCH
Pray for pregnancy centers. Pray for those you might know who have had a past abortion. Pray about what gifts or talents God might want you to use to engage in this Pro Abundant Life ministry. God has given each one of us resources and skills that He wants us to use for His Kingdom and glory. Men in particular have unique skills that are needed in this mission field.
Reach out to your local church leadership. Ask the question, “are we engaged in the Pro Abundant Life mission?” For some this might take courage, for others it wont seem like much of a “stretch” at all. It is so important for the church to be engaged and sometimes that means the members speaking up and saying that it should become a priority.
This work is very messy. It’s the hardest thing you will ever love. You will be dealing with people who
are making decisions that go against God’s divine plan for life. These are people who are viewing their life through the lens of a crisis. The hope is to pull the crisis back to help them have perspective. ERIN FORSYTHE | Vice President of Strategic Programs
Find A Pregnancy Center Near You
Number of Pregnancy Centers Number of Abortions
This map has two data points in each state. It has the number of pregnancy centers in your state (teal) and the number of abortions (pink). These are difficult numbers to take in. The teal numbers are the pregnancy centers. Every pregnancy center in America needs the support of men. WA 64 17,740 OR 44 9,640
CA 140 132,680
ID 12 1,290
NV 8 9,690
UT 8 2,990
WY 15 140 CO 33 12,390
HI 10 3,200
MT 12 1,580
AK 11 1,260
ND 6 1,160 SD 6 500
NH VT 15 7 2,210 1,300 MN 76 10,740
WI 57 6,360
NY 84 105,380
MI 86 IA 26,630 PA 117 NE 34 31,260 OH IN IL 19 3,760 133 110 118 2,020 WV VA 42,080 7,710 20,630 16 KS MO 64 1,430 30 65 57 KY 17,210 6,830 4,710 3,200 84 61 NC 29,500 OK TN 12,140 AR 47 SC 38 42 4,780 5,120 3,200 MS GA AL 74 25 60 TX LA 2,550 6,110 36,330 180 26 55,440 9,920 FL 149 71,050
3 CONNECT Find out if there is a local pregnancy center near you and connect with them. Every single pregnancy center in America needs more male board members, more donors, more church support, and more volunteers. Connect with your local pregnancy center.
ME 10 2,040
MA 22 18,590
RI 3 CT 3,500 15 NJ 11,910 39 48,110 DE 7 1,900 MD DC 14 2 5,630 29,800
4 FLEX Flex means to continue to do what’s next. Don’t let your involvement be limited to just prayer. Don’t just write a check instead of getting plugged in and serving. Because male clients at pregnancy centers need other male role models and mentors, continue to grow, flex, and stretch.
USE THE QR CODE TO FIND A PREGNANCY CENTER NEAR YOU! Pregnancy centers have and are praying for more male support. There are so many practical ways in which men can serve.
Abortion Recovery and Healing for Men
At Care Net, we understand what it’s like for someone facing a tough pregnancy decision to walk in fear. We also know what it’s like to walk in FREEDOM! Our prayer is for men who have participated in an abortion to know the freedom that only Christ can bring. We all know the story of Noah’s ark. It’s one of rescue and promise. Noah builds a giant boat. Then the animals come two by two. The flood comes and then there is a rainbow reminding us of God’s promise. Those who have experienced an unplanned pregnancy are looking for a life boat to rescue them from the flood/crisis that is coming as a result of their choices. They are looking for an ark that will carry them to safety from the rising waters. For many, abortion appeared to be that boat. They jumped on board only to find themselves in even deeper water.
For anyone who has participated in an abortion, Care Net would like to welcome you to ARC, Abortion Recovery and Care. We invite you to journey with us to becoming forgiven and set free. To experience Abundant Life in Christ. JILL MARQUIS Director of Abortion Recovery & Care
For anyone who has participated in an abortion, Care Net would like to welcome you to ARC, Abortion Recovery and Care. We invite you to journey with us to becoming forgiven and set free. To experience Abundant Life in Christ.
You have been called, you have been given a mission. Now you need to be equipped.
JILL MARQUIS | Director of Abortion Recovery & Care (ARC)
Fatherhood Aborted
This conference was about equipping men for the mission that God has for them in pro life ministry. Each attendee was given a free download of the book “Fatherhood Aborted,” written by Guy Condon and David Hazzard. Care Net understands that no one leaves an abortion clinic unscathed. There is a life that is lost and two lives that are forever changed. This book is a great resource for those who are looking for healing, or if you’re looking to help. It discusses the profound effects of abortion on men.
Forgiven and Set Free Care Net knows this work is best done with community support, so a new website currently in development will be a tool for churches and pregnancy centers who are interested in bringing abortion recovery to their organizations.
A Bible Study for Women Seeking Healing After Abortion
Care Net has revised the post abortive healing Bible study entitled “Forgiven and Set Free.” We are now in the process of working on a companion facilitators guide, and putting together an online facilitators training course.
Care Net is in the process of developing an Abortion Recovery and Care website which will serve both men and women. This website will be a place where those who are looking for healing can get connected with individuals or groups in their area.
Long-term discipleship cannot happen in pregnancy center ministry. That’s why a connection to a local church is critical. We must invest time, get messy, and work together to figure out how to build bridges that are relational and effective. The goal must be to see moms, dads, and unborn children become disciples of Jesus Christ. Again, this is impossible
DR. GREG AUSTEN Care Net’s Executive Director of Church Outreach & Engagement
without local churches.
CHURCH OUTREACH Making Life Disciples (MLD) is a practical, non-political “basic training” to equip a group of first responders in a church or parish to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. Making Life Disciples: • Equips the church to watch for and reach the abortion-vulnerable in their midst. • Equips the church with sensitivity to and healing resources for the post-abortive. • Builds bridges that connect pregnancy center clients with local church discipleship.
The sanctity of life is a vital and vibrant Christian belief. This amazing curriculum helps ensure new generations of Christians stand for the truth that all humans, including children in their mother’s womb, are made in the image of God. Our entire team wholeheartedly endorses MLD 2.0 and we pray that it will land in both the hands and hearts of pastors, parachurch ministries, and faithful local churches for many years to come!
62% of women who have abortions associate themselves as religiously affiliated, with 30% identifying as Protestant and 24% as Catholic.
Were attending a church once a month or more at the time of their first abortion
Were attending a church once a month or more at the time of their first abortion
Source: Care Net/Lifeway 2015 National Survey
Source: Care Net/Lifeway 2021 National Survey
54% of women having abortions identify as Protestant and Catholic. Source: Guttmacher Institute
Making Life Disciples will help your church establish a team to walk alongside women and men facing pregnancy decisions and to build a unified, holistic, Kingdom response to abortion. It turns your church into a central point of compassion in your community. Moreover, MLD enables your church to form meaningful partnerships with your local pregnancy centers so that you can create “kingdom connections,” forming a network of support for people at risk for abortion.
Prayerfully watch the first session of Making Life Disciples 2.0 at
Consider leading or identifying someone to lead a life team using MLD as your basic training to get started.
If you already have some kind of “life team” at your church, consider using MLD to enhance your efforts and take you deeper.
Purchase Your Copy at
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HANDBOOK & GUIDE Video Sessions Included
$14.95 SMALL GROUP PACKAGE Video Sessions Included
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Become part of the movement to equip churches to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men facing pregnancy decisions.
Called and Missioned gave men an opportunity to receive prayer for their past abortion experiences. Volunteers from Care Net and sponsor Pro-Life Man prayed with dozens of men who came forward, many for the first time in their life, to begin healing from abortion. It was a powerful moment.
Given the central role that the Church must play in supporting women and men considering abortion, Called and Missioned featured a special invitation-only pastor’s lunch. At the lunch, Dr. Tony Evans and Roland Warren shared their vision for how churches can become engaged in Pro Abundant Life ministry centered around discipleship. More than 70 pastors attended.
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