Study of exempt facilities 2021, 1st Special Session HF33/SF37 Chapter 7, Article 13, Section 71 HHS omnibus bill Effective: August 1, 2021 Short description Despite the legislature and provider objections, the Department of Human Services (DHS) opposed the continuation of customized living payments in settings which were exempt from assisted living licensure. In order to agree to continue to pay customized living in exempt settings, and as a way to keep the conversation going, DHS required a study of the payment of customized living rates to the exempt settings. Summary The commissioner of human services shall review policies and provider standards for customized living services provided in settings identified in Minnesota Statutes, section 256S.20, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), in consultation with stakeholders. The commissioner may provide recommendations to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over customized living services by February 15, 2022, regarding appropriate regulatory oversight and payment policies for customized living services delivered in these settings. Implications Exempt providers will need to be prepared to participate in the study and make the case for ongoing payment of customized living rates in their settings. Bill language Sec. 71. DIRECTION TO COMMISSIONER; PROVIDER STANDARDS FOR CUSTOMIZED LIVING SERVICES IN EXEMPT SETTINGS. The commissioner of human services shall review policies and provider standards for customized living services provided in settings identified in Minnesota Statutes, section 256S.20, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), in consultation with stakeholders. The commissioner may provide recommendations to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over customized living services by February 15, 2022, regarding appropriate regulatory oversight and payment policies for customized living services delivered in these settings.