Global Talent Organization - Learning & Leadership FY24

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Learning & Leadership Development FY24

Lead with Purpose

At Carhartt, leading with purposemeansinspiring and investing in our associates'learning & leadershipdevelopment.Webelievein fosteringa culture ofcontinuous growth and innovation. By providing challenging experiences,exposureto diverseperspectives,and accessto structured education,we empowerourassociatesto excel in their rolesand becomeagile leadersready to tackle any challenge.Together,we strive to create a communityof lifelonglearners,driving Carhartt’s successwith purposeand passion.

Our Learning & Leadership Development Philosophy

The 70/20/10 learningmodelemphasizesthe significanceofexperiential learning, allocating 70%of the developmentprocessto on-the-jobexperiences.Carhartt ensuresthat associatesare providedwith challenging opportunitiesand real-world projectsthat allow them to apply their skills and knowledgein practical settings.This hands-on approachnot only fosters adeeperunderstandingof their roles but also encouragesproblem-solvingand adaptability in a dynamic work environment.

The companyfurther nurtures its associates'growthby dedicating20% ofthe learning modelto exposure.This involves creating opportunitiesforassociatesto learn from others,suchas mentors,leaders,and peers,who offerdiverseperspectives and insights.Through exposureto differentleadershipstylesand experiences,Carhartt associatesgaininvaluable lessonsand build a robustnetwork, promotingcollaboration and fosteringa strong senseofcommunity within the organization.

To complementexperiential learning and exposure,Carhartt invests 10% of its Learning & LeadershipDevelopmentin formal education.Associatesare offereda range ofstructured learning programs,workshops,and coursesdesignedtoenhance their knowledgeand skills.Whetherthrough online modules,workshops,or external training partnerships,Carhartt ensuresthat associateshave accessto top-notch educational resourcesto continually refine and expand their expertise.

By embracingthe 70/20/10learning model,Carhartt demonstratesits commitmentto developingwell-roundedand adaptable leadersat all levels of the organization. This holistic approachempowersassociatesto not only excel in their current rolesbut also to beagile in navigating future challengesand opportunities.The dedicationto Learning & LeadershipDevelopmentis a testamentto Carhartt's vision offosteringa culture of continuous growth and innovation, ensuring that its workforceremains at the forefrontofexcellencein the ever-evolving landscapeofthe industry.

Experiential Learning (70%)

In the 70/20/10learning model,the 70% refersto the percentageoflearning that occursthrough hands-on experiencesoron-the-job learning. This means that the majority ofan individual's developmentcomes frompractical,real-world experiencesand challengesthey encounterin their day-to-day work.

At Carhartt, the 70% componentof the learning modelis emphasizedthrough various initiatives:

On-the-job assignments:Carhartt provides associateswith meaningful projectsand tasks that stretchtheir capabilities and encourage problem-solving.This practicalexperiencehelps associatesdeveloprelevant skills and knowledge within their roles.

Cross-functionalopportunities:Carhartt encouragesassociatesto take on temporary assignmentsorprojectsin differentdepartments or teams.This exposurebroadenstheir understanding of the organization and fosters adaptability.

Stretchassignments:Associatesare given opportunitiesto tackle challengesbeyondtheir current scope,which helpsthem developnew skills and build confidencein their abilities.

Feedbackand coaching:Regularfeedbackand coaching sessionsprovidea learning-rich environmentwhere associatescan learn from their experiencesand growprofessionally.

Throughthese initiatives and a focuson experiential learning, Carhartt ensuresthat its associatesare continually learning and evolving, enabling them to thrive in their roles and contribute effectivelyto the company'ssuccess.

Job Specific Skill Building Stretch Assignments Participation in Projects Observing Leadership Meetings Become a Subject Matter Expert Train Others in a Skill Leading a Strike Team Planning Activities in BRGs Simulation Exercises


In the 70/20/10learning model,the 20% refersto the percentageoflearning that occurs through exposureorlearning fromothers.This componentemphasizesthe importance of learning fromdifferentperspectives,mentors,leaders,and peersto gain insights and diverseexperiences.

At Carhartt, the 20% componentof the learning modelis supportedthroughvarious initiatives:

Mentoringprograms:facilitatedmentoring relationships where experiencedasociates mentorand guide lessexperienced associates.Thisenables knowledgetransfer,career advice,and personal growth support.

Leadershipdevelopmentprograms:leadershipdevelopmentprograms bring together leadersfromvarious levelsand functionsto share experiences,challenges,and best practices,fosteringa strong leadershipcommunity.

CarharttCoffees:Carhartt Coffeesisare virtual networking events where associates can interact with colleaguesfromdifferentteamsor locations,encouragingcollaboration and the exchange of ideas.

Cross-functionalteams: Workingin cross-functionalteamsallows associatesto collaboratewith colleaguesfromdifferentdepartments,providingexposureto different perspectives andways of working.

BusinessResourceGroups:BRGstands for"BusinessResourceGroups"at Carhartt. Theseare voluntary, associate-ledgroupsthat bring togetherpeoplewith common interests,backgrounds,orcharacteristics.BRGsat Carhartt provide a platformfor networking, professionaldevelopment,and support,fosteringan inclusive and diverse workplace culture. They play a vital role in promotingemployeeengagement,sharing perspectives,and contributing to the company'sdiversityand inclusion initiatives. Some commonBRGsmay include groupsforwomen(The Riveters),veterans (Veterans ResourceGroup),LGBTQ+individuals (PROUD@Work), and associatesfromdifferent cultural backgrounds(BRIDGE,#CELEBRATE,Carhartt Amigos).

The exposureto diverse perspectivesand experiencesthroughthese initiatives helps associatesat Carhartt expand their understanding ofthe organization, developsoftskills suchas communicationand collaboration,and build a strong professionalnetwork. It also encouragesa culture of sharing and learning from one another, contributing to the overall growth and developmentofthe workforce.

Formal Learning (10%)

In the 70/20/10learning model,the 10% refersto the percentageoflearning that occurs through formaleducationorstructured training programs.This componentemphasizes the importanceof formal learning opportunitiesto acquire new knowledge,skills, and competencies.

At Carhartt, the 10% componentof the learning modelis supportedthroughvarious initiatives:

1. Workshops: Carharttoffers structured workshopsand sessions ontopicssuchas DevelopmentPlanning, Giving and ReceivingFeedback,LeadersLeveraging DiSC, LeadershipTrackswith other professionalgrowth topics.

2. LinkedInLearning& OnlineComputer-BasedTraining: Associateshave access to online learning platformssuchas: LinkedInLearning, MyCarhartt, and DiSC Catalyst. Theseplatformsprovidea wide range of courses,booksummaries, podcasts,skill assessments,and compliancetraining to enhance their knowledgeor build new skillsetsor capabilities.

3. Externaltrainingpartnerships:Carhartt may collaboratewith external training providerssuchas Educate360to offerspecializedtraining programs(Project Management Academyprivate cohort).

4. Continuingeducationsupport:Carhartt providestuition reimbursement, educationalloan repayment,and tuition discountswith multiple Universities. Contact your BenefitsSpecialistformoreinformation.

5. Leadershipprograms: Carharttinvests in leadershipdevelopmentprogramsto upskill associatesforcurrent & future leadershiproles.

By allocating resources toformaleducationand structured training to inspire and invest in associates,Carhartt ensures that its workforcehas accesstolearning opportunitiesto stay equippedwith the necessaryskills and expertiseto excel in their roles.These opportunitiesnot only enhance individual growth but also contributeto supportingthe growth and protectingthe legacyof Carhartt.

Leadership & Learning Programs

THE WAYS OF THE CARHARTT LEADER reflect our mission and core values and closely mirror our founder, Hamilton Carhartt's philosophy. When first launched in 2019, our CEO Mark Valade said, "The exciting thing is, we're at the beginning of our leadership journey, and we're not perfect, but we believe in continuous improvement. Our vision is that everyone who wants to, will have a chance to leave a legacy here at Carhartt."

You can learn more about these Leadership Competencies by visiting:

• The Ways of the Carhartt Leader (Sharepoint Site)

• The Ways of the Carhartt Leader CBT located in MyCarhartt

Leadership & Learning Programs

LeadershipTracks: YourPathto EffectiveLeadership

Designedtocater to a diverseaudience,including entry-level leaders,aspiring leaders,and individual contributorsseekingleadershipdevelopment,this seriesis tailored to your unique needsand ambitions.


•Entry-LevelLeaders:Forthose steppinginto their firstleadershiproles,we provide foundationalknowledge and toolsto build a strong leadershipfoundation.

•AspiringLeaders:Ifyou're aiming to moveup the leadershipladder,our programequipsyou with the skills necessaryto excelin higher positions.

•IndividualContributors SeekingLeadershipDevelopment: Evenif you're not in a formal leadershiprole yet, our program helpsyou prepare forfuture leadershipresponsibilities.


•Self-Awareness/Self-Management:Understandyour strengths,weaknesses,and emotional intelligenceto lead authentically.

•ValuesDifferences: Learnto appreciateand leverage diverseperspectives todrive team success.

•EffectiveCommunication: Be introduced tothe art of clearand impactful communicationto inspire and lead your team effectively.

•Collaboration/Leading withInformalAuthority: Discoverhow to collaborateacrossteams and lead without formaltitles.


•1 Hour ConversationalFacilitation:Ourinteractive, conversational approachmakes learning enjoyable and impactful.

•PeerExperiences: Learnfrom your peers'real-world experiencesthrough engaging discussionsand casestudies.

•VirtualQuarterlySessions:Engagewith us in virtual sessionsheldevery quarter to ensure consistentlearning and growth.

•By Request: We'rehereto addressyourspecificteamneeds,ensuring that the contentis tailored to your context.(Subjectto Learning Team Availability)

Leadership & Learning Programs

Leadership Essentials is a leadership development program with the goal of preparing new Carhartt leaders to lead the Carhartt Way.This program is designed so that our leaders can improve their interactions, growth conversations, and to help ensure consistency across the company.

Who: The material is targeted for Supervisors and Managers that have direct reports. This is typically first-time leaders at Carhartt, in Corporate, Supply Chain, Retail, and Distribution. Learning & Human Resources review the attendee list and learning will notify participants and leaders about enrollment in the program.

What: The goal is that each course will provide applicable theories, methods, and models that the leaders can implement in their roles. At the end of each course there is time for planning on how they apply the concepts to their work. These topics build upon each other and utilize DiSC Management weaved throughout the courses.

Leadership & Learning Programs

Coming Soon!

Carhartt Coffees Networking

At Carhartt, we understand the value of building meaningfulconnectionswithin our vibrant community. CarharttCoffees,a unique virtual networking experiencethat brings colleagues togetherin a casual and engagingsetting.

What is CarharttCoffees?

Carhartt Coffees isa refreshingtake on networking. Througha simpleregistrationprocess, participants are thoughtfully matchedand paired basedon their interests,roles,and goals. Theseconnectionsprovidean opportunityto engagein virtual coffee conversations thatgo beyondthe formalities – think of it as a friendlychat overyour favorite cup of brew.

How It Works:

Registration:Signup forCarhartt Coffees,sharing a bit about yourselfand your professional interests.

TailoredPairing:Ourmatching algorithm pairs you with a fellowCarhartt team memberwho shares your passionsor goals.

VirtualCoffeeDate: You and your matchedpartner can schedulea virtual coffeedate, complete withsuggestionsforicebreakersand conversationtopics.

CasualNetworking: Connectovera video call, discussingyour experiences,insights,and aspirations in a relaxed and informalenvironment. ExpandYourNetwork: Forgenew connections,exchangeperspectives,and broadenyour horizons within the Carhartt community.

Why CarharttCoffees?

Meaningful Connections:Build connectionsbeyondyour immediateteam and department, fosteringa strongersenseof community.

PersonalGrowth: Gain freshinsights,learn fromothers,and discoverpotential opportunities forcollaboration.

InformalEnvironment: Enjoy networking in a comfortable andnon-intimidating setting,just like catching up with a colleagueovercoffee.

Whenand Where:

Carhartt Coffees sessionswill be scheduledmonthly, allowing you to participate at a time that suits your schedule.All you needis an internet connectionand your favorite mug of coffee or tea!

Embracethe spiritof connectionand collaborationwith Carhartt Coffees.Takea break from your routine, share stories,and expand your network in an enjoyable and meaningfulway. Let'ssip,chat, and growtogether!


Connectyour LinkedInprofileto your LinkedInLearning accountto getpersonalizedand interactive learning experiences.

Here arethe benefitsyoucanstartenjoyingwhenyouconnectyourLinkedIn profile:

•Share yourlearning achievements: AddCertificatesofCompletionand skills to your LinkedInprofileand share LinkedInLearning videos with your network.

•Watch courseswith your connections and colleagues:Seewho elseis learning with you and build connections.

•Receivecustomized content recommendations:Getrecommendations basedonwhat your connectionsand similar professionalsare viewing, as well as recommendations basedonyour LinkedInprofile.

•Join learning groups: Deepenyour learning by engaging otherlike-minded learners who have similar careeraspirations.

•Ask questionsand get answers: UseQ&A to continue the conversationbeyondthe coursewith peersand instructors.

Capability Skill Development with LinkedIn Learning

LinkedInLearning providescomprehensiveskilldevelopmentpaths to strengthencore capabilities,including Carhartt's Core Capabilitieslike Change Leadership, Sustainability, Inclusion,and more. Thesepaths offerstructured skill enhancementforindividuals and organizations, fosteringsuccessin a dynamic environment.The Building Capabilitiespage features curated skill lists with directlinks to related LinkedInLearning Paths. Thesepaths covervital proficiencies suchas Leadership,Technology,ProjectManagement, and Diversity & Inclusion.

By leveraging expert-ledLinkedInLearning content,learners can systematically developessentialcompetenciesin alignmentwith Carhartt's corecapabilities.Whether refining leadershipskills, mastering technology,or promotinginclusivity, thesepaths empowerlearners to boosttheir expertiseand drive organizational progress.LinkedIn Learning bridgesambitionand achievement,equippingindividuals to excelin their roleswhile contributing to their fields'advancement.

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