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Recognizing the Rich Contributions of Caribbean-Americans
Every June, the United States celebrates Caribbean American Heritage Month, a time dedicated to honoring the rich history, culture, and contributions of CaribbeanAmericans. This observance, officially recognized by the U.S. Congress in 2006, provides an opportunity to reflect on the profound impact Caribbean-Americans have had on the nation's development and to celebrate the vibrant and diverse heritage that they bring to American society.
The roots of Caribbean American Heritage Month can be traced back to the significant influx of Caribbean immigrants to the United States, beginning in the early 20th century. These immigrants brought with them unique cultural traditions, values, and a strong work ethic that have profoundly influenced various aspects of American life. The establishment of this month-long celebration was spearheaded by the Institute of Caribbean Studies, a Washington, D.C.-based organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of Caribbean people and their descendants in the United States.

Shan Rose wins District #5

In the heart of Orlando, District 5 stands as a vibrant and diverse community, a testament to the resilience and spirit of its residents. At the forefront of this community is Commissioner Shan Rose, a dedicated public servant whose journey from local advocate to elected official embodies the aspirations and dreams ofDistrict5.
Rose quickly gained a reputation as a compassionate and effective advocate, unafraid to tackle the most pressing issues facing her community.
The formal recognition of Caribbean American Heritage Month by Congress in 2006 was a significant milestone, reflecting the growing acknowledgment of the Caribbean community's contributions to American society. This recognition not only honors the historical presence of CaribbeanAmericans but also encourages ongoing dialogue and cultural exchange.
The contributions of Caribbean-Americans to the United States are vastly multifaceted, spanning various sectors including politics, arts, sports, and science. Here are some key areas where Caribbean-Americans have made a notable impact:..Cont'd on pg #5
Shan Rose was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. Her roots run deep in District 5, where she grew up witnessing both the challenges and the incredible potential of her community. Raised by hardworking parents who emphasized the importance of education, community service, and perseverance, Rose developed a strong sense of duty towards her neighborhood from a youngage.
Before her tenure as Commissioner, Rose was well-known in District 5 for her relentless advocacy and community involvement. She began her career as a social worker, addressing issues such as housing insecurity, youth unemployment, and accesstoqualityeducation.
Her work with local non-profits and community organizations highlighted her ability educational tobringpeopletogetherandcreate impactful change. From organizing neighborhood cleanups to spearheading workshops, Rose’s efforts made a tangible difference in the lives of many District5residents.
The decision to run for public office came naturally to Rose, driven by her desire to amplify her impact and address systemic issues on a larger scale. Her campaign was rooted in a deep understanding of District 5’s needs and aspirations, resonating with voters who saw in her a leader committedtotheirwellbeing.
Running on a platform of community empowerment, economic development, and educational advancement, Rose’s messagewasclear:...Cont'd on page #6

Politics, Religion, Marriage, Homosexuality, Business, and Love
Overthepast30to40yearsofmylifeI’ve traveled many roads, visited many places, seen may elections, I’ve met many politicians, I’ve met great individuals,I’ve met assholes, and I’ve met idiots. I’ve been involved in discussions on politics, religion, marriage, homosexuality,business, love, relationships…you name it, I’ve probablyhad a discussion, argument or debate on the issue. I consider myself a well-rounded, not body shape, person of above average intelligence and with an open mind. I’vegained great insight, perspective and in some cases, not many, accepted that my view or perspective was wrong. I love listening to folks share their ideas, thoughts, views andopinions,andItrymybest,Ireally do,nottojudge.
Politics – It takes a truly special person to be a greatpolitician. Politics is a messy business, and politicians needto have the ability to rise above the natural tendency to get personal. Great politicians understand the needs of the citizenship/voters, understand the objective of the office for which they are campaigning and are tasked with theresponsibility of charting that course. The course must beguided by the consensus of themajority and not influenced by the few, including the candidate. Once elected the politicianMUST remember that the campaignhas ended, and the job hasstarted. During the politicians term in office they must remember that while charting their course,guided by theneeds of the majority, they also have a responsibility to listen and govern for the minority too, they too are membersofyourjurisdiction.
Religion – I truly believe that religion is based on your personal relationship with your God/Buddha/Allah/ Brahman/…etc. Your place of worship is also your place of choice, because your worshiping is your personal communication with your God/Buddha/Allah/Brahman/… etc. I believein the need for educational classes for each religion, but these places MUST be for educational purposes only andnot meant as places ofworship.
Marriage – woooo, marriage!!! Marriage is based on friendship; true friendship must be the foundation of marriage. I’m not saying that love is not a necessary part of the equation, but without the foundation of a true friendship, love will fail. Simply Google the question “What are the foundations of Friendship” and read the rest –Shared experiences, Trust, Listening, Kindness, Compassion, Mutual attraction, Shared Interest, Effort, Respect, and Communication - no marriage can survive

Business – Follow your passion, find what gives you themost satisfaction and give it your best shot. I am notsaying that that’s all you need to be successful in business, but if you follow that passion, the satisfactionand riches will flow. Remember riches are not always measured in dollars and cents. Richness is a personal inner satisfaction that comes from following your passion and achieving your objective, it might be money, but whatevergives you that personal satisfaction is what you must use as your personal measure of success. Additionally, youwill fail, you will have a change of heart, you will come to crossroads of indecision, YOU MUST make that choice and accept the consequences either way…good or bad. One of the greatest poems of all times, “IF” by RudyardKipling…readit!!!
Love – Let’s try Google – “Love is an intense, deep affection for another person. Love also means to feel this intenseaffection for someone. Love can also refer to a strong like forsomething or to like something a lot. Love has many other senses both as a verb and a noun”. In my opinion,whileloveisanemotion,andistiedto,sometimes, physical attraction, love is also a choice. I think we can control that emotion and that attraction, however, when that emotion is built on a strongfoundationoffriendship, itisevenhardertocontrolandmakesensiblechoices
1969 Alafaya Trail • Orlando, FL 32828 Office: 407-427-1800 Fax: 407-386-7925 Toll Free: 877-220-8315
For Media Information email: Publisher: sroberts@caribbeanamericanpassport.com
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Should you desire to review past copies of the publication go to http:// caribbeanamericanpassport.com and click on the 'Print Archive'.
Guenet Gittens-Roberts
Samuel J. Roberts Owner/Publisher/Editor
without these basic foundations. As they say, we sometimes end up being married to your best friend.
Stanley Campbell for U.S Senate
In a surprising turn ahead of the 2024 elections, the Florida AFL-CIO has thrown its support behind Stanley Campbell for U.S. Senate, bypassing the Democratic Party's favored candidate,formerU.S.Rep.DebbieMucarsel-Powell.
Stanley Campbell, a stalwart advocate for Florida's working familiesandlaborrights,expressedprofoundgratitudeforthe AFL-CIO's endorsement. "I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of the Florida AFL-CIO," Campbell remarked. "Growing up in a union household, I understand firsthand the importance ofsafeguarding workers' rights. This endorsement reaffirms my lifelong commitment to championing the middle class and revitalizing our state's economy, a lesson I learned from myfather,aUnionman."
The endorsement, announced last Sunday, marks a pivotal moment in the Senate race, underscoring Campbell's extensiveoutreachacrossFlorida,engagingwithvariouslabor and community groups. Rich Templin, AFL-CIO Florida's Director of Politics and Policy, highlighted Campbell's impressive background in the Navy, national intelligence services, and entrepreneurship as pivotal factors in securing theendorsement.
"Stanley Campbell's track record resonated deeply with our members," Templin emphasized. "His dedication to labor issues and his proactive engagement with workers set him apart."
A Navy veteran and former pilot, Campbell is poised as a leading contender in the Democratic primary scheduled for August20th,positioninghimselfagainstGOPincumbentU.S. Sen.RickScottinthegeneralelection.
Responding to queries about the endorsement process, Templin noted that while Mucarsel-Powell completed the AFL-CIO'squestionnaire,Campbell'sdirectengagementwith union members was notable. "Stanley Campbell's commitment and understanding of our concerns were evident throughout the endorsement process," Templin added.
The AFL-CIO's endorsement underscores Campbell's deep ties to Florida's communities and his dedication to representingthestate'sdiverseworkforce.AsFloridagearsup for FDP Day with Labor, a joint initiative between Labor and theFloridaDemocraticParty,Campbell'scandidacypromises to invigorate voter turnout and shape the state's Senate representation.
Moreover, Campbell's connection to his brother, rapper and activist Uncle Luke, adds a unique dimension to his campaign. Their heritage roots back over a century in Miami, when Bahamian immigrants played a pivotal role in shaping the city's early growth. Before Miami's incorporation in 1896, Black Bahamians contributed significantly to its development, bringing cultural practices and contributing laborthatlaidthefoundationforthecity'sprosperity.
Stanley Campbell's father, Stanley Victor Campbell, was a respected figure in Miami. He worked for unions his entire life, starting on the docks and later as a mechanic and truck driver before becoming a shop steward at Miami-Dade County Public Schools. His obituary in 2015 highlighted his longstanding union work, his leadership in Alcoholics Anonymous and his Jamaican heritage intertwined with Yvonne Galloway Newbold, a prominent beautician in Miami'ssegregatedOvertownarea.Together,theyraisedfive sons,includingStanleyandLutherCampbell,knownas rapperUncleLuke.

As the campaign progresses, bolstered by these deep historical ties and his unwavering commitment to representing all Floridians in the U.S. Senate, Stanley Campbell emerges as a transformative force in Florida's political landscape. With robust backing from influential labor organizations and a diverse coalition of voters, Campbell is positioned not only to challenge but to reshape the trajectory of the upcoming elections. His deep roots in the state and recognized contributions resonate widely. Campbell's narrative embodies Florida's rich Black history, often sidelined in mainstream discourse, his pull yourself up by the bootstraps legacy of going from Liberty City to owning golf courses and one of the largest healthcare companies in the United States positions him as a pivotal figure in shaping the state's political future. Delve into the archives of the oldest Black newspapers, trace the names on Miami's streets, or visit the Luther Campbell Football Field in Liberty City—each bears testament to the enduring legacy of theGalloway/Campbellfamily.
In the words of Uncle Luke, "While I take pride in being a Hip-Hop icon who started the music industry’s first independent rap record label, Stanley has me beat. He’s a former Navy pilot and counterterrorism expert with a background in physics and mathematics who’s an icon in the world ofbigdatamanagementandpredictiveanalytics."
Recognizing the Rich Contributions of Caribbean-Americans
Caribbean-Americans have played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of the United States. Figures like Shirley Chisholm, the first African-American woman elected to Congress, and Eric Holder, the first African-American Attorney General, are prominent examples of Caribbean-American leadership in government. Their efforts have paved the way for greater representation and have inspired future generations to engage in public service and advocacy.
The arts have been profoundly enriched by CaribbeanAmerican contributions. The influence of Caribbean music, including reggae, calypso, and salsa, is evident in the American music scene. Artists like Bob Marley, whose roots reggae has gained global recognition, and Rihanna, a pop icon with Barbadian heritage, have brought Caribbean sounds and rhythms to the mainstream. Additionally, the literary world has been influenced by Caribbean-American writers like Jamaica Kincaid and Edwidge Danticat, whose works explore themes of identity, migration, and cultural heritage.
Caribbean-Americans have also made their mark in the world of sports. Athletes like Patrick Ewing, a Hall of Fame basketball player born in Jamaica, and Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, have showcased the exceptional talent and dedication of Caribbean athletes. Their achievements have not only brought pride to their communities but have also inspired countless young athletes.
In the fields of science and innovation, Caribbean-Americans have made significant strides. Dr. Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist with Jamaican heritage, invented the Laserphaco Probe, revolutionizing cataract surgery and improving the lives of millions. Additionally,
Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist of Caribbean descent, has made complex scientific concepts accessible to the public through his work as a science communicator.
Caribbean American Heritage Month serves several important purposes. It provides a platform for celebrating the diverse cultures and histories of the Caribbean, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the region's contributions to American society. It also encourages Caribbean-Americans to take pride in their heritage and to share their stories and traditions with others.
Moreover, this observance highlights the ongoing issues and challenges faced by Caribbean-Americans, including immigration reform, social justice, and economic opportunities. By raising awareness and promoting dialogue, Caribbean American Heritage Month contributes to the broader goals of inclusion and equality in the United States.
Caribbean American Heritage Month is a time to honor and celebrate the rich cultural tapestry that CaribbeanAmericans bring to the United States. From politics to the arts, sports to science, the contributions of CaribbeanAmericans have shaped and enriched American society in countless ways. As we celebrate this heritage month, we are reminded of the importance of diversity, the strength that comes from unity, and the enduring impact of the Caribbean-American community on the fabric of American life.

Shan Rose wins District #5
She aimed to be a bridge between the residents of District 5 and the resources they needed to thrive. Her grassroots campaign garnered widespread support, leading to a decisive victory.
Since taking office, Commissioner Shan Rose has been a tireless advocate for District 5. Her tenure has been marked byseveralsignificantaccomplishments:
Rosehaschampionedinitiativestoattractnewbusinessesand create job opportunities within the district. Through partnerships with local businesses and educational institutions, she has worked to ensure that residents have accesstotrainingprogramsandemploymentopportunities.
Recognizing the critical need for affordable housing, Rose has led efforts to develop and preserve affordable housing units. She has worked closely with developers and housing advocates to ensure that new developments meet the needs of thecommunity.
Rose has prioritized education by supporting programs that provide resources and support to students and teachers. She has facilitated the creation of after-school programs, scholarships, and mentorship opportunities aimed at closing theeducationalgap.
Under her leadership, District 5 has seen enhanced community policing efforts and initiatives designed to build trust between law enforcement and residents. Rose has been a vocal advocate for policies that ensure the safety and wellbeingofallresidents.
Rose has championed public health initiatives, including the

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establishment of community health clinics and wellness programs. Her efforts have focused on providing accessible healthcareservicesandpromotinghealthylifestyles.
Commissioner Shan Rose’s story is far from over. With a clear vision for the future, she continues to work tirelessly to address the evolving needs of District 5. Her commitment to fostering a sense of community, empowering residents, and drivingsustainabledevelopmentremainsunwavering.
Shan Rose’s journey from a passionate advocate to a respected public official is a testament to her dedication and love for District 5. Her leadership serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of community, resilience, and the impact of one individual’s commitment to making a difference.AsDistrict5continuestogrowandevolve,itdoes sowithasteadfastchampioninCommissionerShanRose.

The Pine Hills Hob Nob 18th July 2024 is set to be another landmark event for the vibrantcommunityofPineHills,Orlando. This gathering promises to bring together local residents, business leaders, community activists, and political figures for an evening of networking, celebration, andcivicengagement.
The Pine Hills Hob Nob, known for fostering community spirit and political discourse, will continue to serve as a crucial platform for local and regional politicians to connect directly with the constituents they serve. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, ask pressing questions, and gain insights into the policiesandvisionsofthoserunning.
This direct interaction not only empowers voters but also encourages transparency and accountability among publicofficials.
The 2024 event will feature a diverse lineup of speakers, panel discussions, and interactive sessions covering a wide range of topics important to the Pine Hills community. Issues such as economic development, public safety, education, and healthcare will be at the forefront of discussions. By addressing these critical topics, the Hob Nob aims to foster a deeper understanding and collaborative approach to solving local challenges.
Formoreinformationvisit thewebsitewww.pinehills.info
Orlando Carnival Downtown Weekend 2024

Orlando Carnival Downtown weekend 2024

Orlando Carnival Downtown Weekend 2024

The Orlando Carnival Downtown weekend 2024 was an cultural showcase for every taste, from high fashion, to high energy, from choreographed dancers to concert level perform-
ances, from hot food to cold drinks. The Orlando Carnival Downtown weekend delivered it all, join us again in 2025
Soca Anthropology - Back in Time Lime

'Soca Anthropology - Back in Time Lime' was a showcase presentationwiththeVykingsofsoca-BunjiGarlinandFay-

Are you looking to access the vibrant, diverse, and influential Caribbean diaspora that exists in Florida
Look no further than Caribbean American Passport News Magazine!

Ann Lyons on the Lawns of Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center,withJoanne'Tigress'Rowley,&RogerGeorge.

Thank You...Thank You! Our Mas Bands, Our DJ's, Our Attendees, Our Committee Members, Our Staff, Our Sponsors, Our Vendors, City of Orlando, Orange County, Orlando Police...Thank You!

Caribbean Tourism Investment Opportunities Highlighted in Investment Guide.
A wide range of investment projects available in the region’s tourism and hospitality sector are featured in the just-released 2024 edition of the Caribbean Tourism And Hospitality Investment Guide, a publication of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Scholarship Foundation,
The fourth edition of the Investment Guide, highlights investment opportunities in 21 CTO member countries and recent investments in the sector across the region. The Investment Guide, produced by Florida-based Carigold Signature, was made available to the region’s tourism ministers attending this week’s CTO “Caribbean Week” events at the Inter-Continental hotel in New York.
“We feel strongly that this important publication that focuses on identifying investment opportunities, is a critical tool for the members of the CTO. Prospective companies interested in the development of the Caribbean tourism and hospitality industry can secure information on infrastructure development including airport and seaport upgrades as well as hotel development and expansions. This resource is also very valuable to high-net-worth individuals with a desire to invest in the region,” Chairman of the Foundation, Jacqueline Johnson said in a message in the
“The Caribbean has substantial investment potential. In the hospitality and tourism sector, opportunities abound in areas such as medical and sports tourism, conference hosting, cruise homeporting, ferry services, and yachting. These sectors represent niche or emerging markets ripe for growth,” said CTO Chairman, Kenneth Bryan, who is the Minister of Tourism and Ports in the Cayman Islands.

The Investment Guide is distributed to targeted business organizations and executives as well as Disapora leaders in New York, Florida and Toronto. It is also made available at the annual Caribbean Hotel Investment Conference and Operations Summit (CHICOS), which is being held this year, in Barbados, from November 13-15. “ In addition to international brand name properties, several countries welcome investment for more boutique hotels and ecolodges, marina facilities, theme parks and entertainment centres, medical ,wellness and sports tourism projects, cultural tourism and Agri-tourism initiatives,” said Sandra Ann Baptiste, Chief Executive Consultant of Carigold Signature, who is the Editor of the Investment Guide. She said several governments have recently enhanced their package of investment incentives, upgraded infrastructure and expanded airlift to their destinations.

Secretary-General and CEO of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, Dona Regis-Prosper with Sandra Ann Baptiste,Chief ExecutiveConsultantofCarigoldSignature
Its Trad Dad!
I went to a seafood disco last week – I pulled a mussel! I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon - I’ll let you know which one arrives first. Every time I take my dog to the park, the ducks try to bite him – that’s what I get for buying a pure-bread dog. To the person who stole my copy of Microsoft Office, I will find you – you have my word. These jokes are from a poll which found that the sense of humour of fathers is one of the things that our children love about us. You can take my word and experience for that.
While the second-most loved quality about fathers is our hugs, we are also loved and respected because of the advice we give our children, our support and our life lessons. One of the people involved in the poll said, “We may roll our eyes from time to time but there’s no denying that a cheesy dad joke makes us laugh. It’s no surprise that our dad’s sense of humour is the favourite thing about the father figure in our life.” This was supported by the British Psychological Society, “By continuing telling their children jokes that are so bad that they’re embarrassing, fathers may push their children’s limits for how much embarrassment they can handle.” That said, and my being given permission to proceed with gusto instead of gutso, let’s get ready to rumble with my four children, as well as you and yours. Many are the times mine shook their heads and said loudly, “Dad! Oh gosh, man. Ease us up please! Mom, tell him to stop!”
Just in case some of you don’t know how terrible dad jokes can be, and the boys get enough training so they would be ready when their times come, here are a few examples. I start with one from my favourite comedian when I was young, Jerry Lewis. He said, “When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, ‘Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?’ He answered, ‘If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.’” One youngster’s father told him that he wanted something different, something really groundbreaking for Father’s Day. The youngster gave his daddy a shovel. One boy said his father wanted to listen to music while they were fishing. So, he put on something catchy. Another father was so concerned that his son would buy him something that would be costly, he told the boy that he wanted a gift with no strings attached. The boy brought him a broken guitar. One father, who said that he carries pictures where his money used to be, was worried, “My children are buying gifts for me for Father’s Day. I’m not sure if I can afford it!” Another, on Father’s Day, decided to get his son to help him wash the family car. The boy’s mother ran out and shouted at her husband, “Can’t you use a sponge instead?” Perhaps the father was getting back at his son who, in the previous year, gave his dad some soap flakes instead of corn flakes for breakfast. When asked by a friend, “How did he react?” the boy replied, “He was foaming at the mouth!” So, now you’ve got the examples, when does a dad joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent!
The fact is that life doesn’t come with an instruction book and that’s why we have parents, fathers especially. While the greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother, Robert Frost, the poet who wrote The Road Not Taken, did not take the mother as first in line. He believed that you don’t have to deserve your mother’s love, as they love you regardless. However, you have to deserve your father’s, and that is not easy. He’s more particular.
By Tony Deyal
Father's Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating and honoring fathers and father figures for their love, guidance, and sacrifices.
This is why another great poet, William Wordsworth, who believed that “Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be”, was convinced that, “Father! to God himself we cannot give a holier name.” For that reason, it is believed that the greatest gift we have ever got from God is someone we call “Dad”. Sigmund Freud, the neurologist, was convinced, “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” But it’s not just men. Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill Clinton and despite everything he is known to have done, said, “[My father] has always provided me a safe place to land and a hard place from which to launch.” And television presenter Lisa Rogers put it into a broader context, “A man’s worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own.” In other words, and in the case of so many of us, when our fathers didn’t have our hands, they held our backs and did not have a belt in the other one.
This is why my greatest concern, and perhaps the one that affected me most because of my own experience, is that, for many of us and our children, when Fathers’ Day came, our fathers, and later our children’s fathers, were not ‘day’ or ‘there’ when they were expected and needed. The most confusing day in the Caribbean is Father’s Day. While the boys deal with the lack, or loss, of the father, with anger and even hate, the girls are totally devastated and may never recover from the pain and despair. It is true that Father’s Day is also in honour of stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles and even big brothers, but not having a father around on Father’s Day is tough on all children. One thing I have learnt is that, as Shakespeare wrote, we have to be true to our own selves and that is the only way we cannot be false to anybody else, especially our children, who, in many ways and almost every day, are the first heroes of their sons and the first loves of their daughters. It is why dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and singers of songs, and also the reason for children losing their way forward.
It is true, as Billy Graham, the evangelist, believed, “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” In fact, I have learnt from Rita Rudner, the US comedian, who was serious with this one, “I gave my father one hundred dollars and told him ‘Dad, buy yourself something that will make life easier.’ So, he went out and bought a present for my mother.” As we say, that is man! It is why I am proud of The Fathers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as those in other parts of the region and the world, for helping families to be, and remain, together.
*Tony Deyal was a young teacher and had four theories that he kept telling parents they should use to raise and train their children. Now, he has four children and no theories.