ennis Pumpa Liburd, a dynamic force in the
evidenced by footage of the crowd s ecstatic response to
Soca music industry from the US Virgin
his hit song. Recently, Pumpa joined several soca artists on
Islands, continues to leave an indelible mark
the UberSocaCruise and each performance was a testament
with his electrifying single The A List. Born in
to him honing his craft! His stage presence was nothing
Saint Kitts and raised in the US Virgin Islands,
short of spectacular, causing the crowd to erupt into what
Pumpa s track has become a sensation among female
can only be described as beautiful chaos, a vivid display of
party goers, igniting the dance floor with its vibrant
the infectious energy his music brings.
rhythms. The song's impact is evident in its streaming success,
Pumpa has dropped several pump worthy hits like, Ring
accumulating over 503,000 streams on Spotify and topping
Ting A Ling, and She Got the Juice, which induce hypnotic
the Reggae charts in the British Virgin Islands and Austria
waist gyrations. However, when you hear the hook if your
on Apple Music and iTunes.
name ends with an A... bend right over, heads disappear and fall to the knees, and pulsating waistlines go into
Pumpa, the reigning Groovy Soca Monarch of St. Croix for
overdrive Notably, The A List is gaining recognition on
2023, is no stranger to the entertainment world. His career,
Shazam, where it ranked 131 on the top 200 chart in
spanning nearly two decades, has seen him enchant
Trinidad as of October 11th, indicating an increasing interest
audiences across the Caribbean, the United States, and
in the artist behind the hit.
Europe with his dynamic singing, songwriting, and performances. Known for his high-energy stage presence, Pumpa consistently leaves a memorable impact, even on
Continuing his global outreach, Pumpa is keen on exploring
those previously unfamiliar with his work, as he shares that
new markets and is preparing fresh musical creations for
his performances are often lauded for their vigor and
the upcoming St. Croix Carnival season. Adding a visual flair
to his auditory appeal, the official video for The A List was released on September 28th, offering fans another avenue
His appearance at the Stink and Dutty event during Miami
to experience his compelling artistry.
Carnival 2023 was met with overwhelming enthusiasm, as