Carinbundi received a very
generous bequest from a local Bundaberg family. The Board of Carinbundi made the decision to
The Carinbundi Foundation was
use the money to set up an
established to address the housing needs
independent charitable
of Bundaberg people living with a disability.
foundation with a separate board and the vision of
"Access to adequate, safe, secure,
providing homes for life for
accessible and affordable housing is a
people living with a disability.
fundamental human right and one stipulated in the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons
Carinbundi has been providing disability
with Disabilities.
support in the Bundaberg region since 1997. This support includes day service
Australian adults with disabilities
programs, a respite house, flexible respite
experiencing housing disadvantage
programs as well as Supported
including homelessness, poor quality
Independent Living (SIL).
housing and housing unaffordability ‌ People with disabilities experienced
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is
disadvantage across all housing
help with and/or supervision of daily tasks
indicators, and people with intellectual
to develop the skills of an individual to
and psychological disabilities fared
live as independently as possible.
worst." These findings suggest that there is a housing crisis for Australians with disabilities ‌. (Zoe Aitken, 2018)