Leeds College of Art End of Year Show Brief Create an identity for the Leeds College of Art End of Year Show. Concept In the spotlight. Tone of Voice Friendly and informative, professional, considered, and innovative whilst portraying the College as a leader in art, design, media and communications education.
Carl Holderness Audience Art & Design students, creative industry professionals, local and national press and TV, local artists and general public visitors.
Rationale The showtime identity plays on the suspense of a show beginning, the exictement and the build-up till the spotlight hits the stage. It also poses an idea of putting the college in the spotlight over others who are maybe left in the dark. The word showtime also links to the concept of the showcase of work by the students and is a little tongue in cheek in reference to the idea of a play or act which should appeal to the widest audience possible as it doesnt take itself too seriously. The concept is based on the idea of a spotlight illuminating the black background as if onto a student/ student’s work.
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