第10期 ISSUE No.10 2013年1月 January 2013 双语双月刊 Bilingual Bimonthly Magazine www.chungwah.org.au
Discount Vouchers Inside
Chung Wah Chinese New Year
Dinner Dance
Sunday 17 February 6.00pm – 11.00pm
团年饭菜单 风生水起 七彩鱼生
Prosperity Raw Fish Salad
18 Radalj Place, Balcatta
Beef Fillet in Birds Nest
Tickets available from Chung Wah Office
Golden King Prawns Braised Pork Leg with Fatt Choy
购票地点: 中华会馆办公室
Nanjing Duck
Enquiries: 9328 8657
Dessert Fruit Platter
金凤报喜 古法盐灼鸡
Chung Wah Cultural Centre
Hakka Salt Baked Chicken
Fried Rice in Lotus Leaf
嘻嘻哈哈 龙虾沙拉
Lobster Salad
扭转乾坤 雀巢牛柳粒 遍地黄金 黄金虾
Members $38 会员 Non-members $48 非会员
发财就手 发菜红烧圆蹄 富甲四方 南京潮味鸭 五谷丰收 荷香炒饭 甜甜蜜蜜 甜点
Supported by
晚宴舞会 + 现场乐队 Live Music Provided by Scott Quek Band
四季平安 鲜果拼盘
NEW YEAR GREETINGS from the Premier of Western Australia I am pleased to have the opportunity to extend my 2013 New Year wishes to the Western Australian Chinese community. More than 75,000 people of Chinese ancestry live in Western Australia and they come from a range of countries, including the People’s Republic of China, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Taiwan and Indonesia. This has added to the rich diversity that has been of such benefit to Western Australia economically, socially and culturally. The Western Australian Government proudly acknowledges and celebrates our cultural diversity as one of our State’s great strengths. With the New Year comes our celebration of Australia Day, an opportunity to mark our pride in our nation and in being Australian citizens. Citizenship brings a number of benefits, most significantly the right to participate in making democracy a reality and to live in a country in which the rights and liberties of individuals are respected, and where the rule of law is upheld. Citizenship is an important step that enables us to truly say, ‘I am Australian’ and to share in our State’s future. I commend the Chung Wah Association for introducing the New Year with a focus on this important issue and wish you all success, good health and happiness in the coming year.
Colin Barnett MLA PREMIER
翻译 何双子
西澳州长新年致辞 很高兴在此向西澳州的华人朋友们送上新年的祝福。 西澳的华人居民有75,000多人,来自中国、新加坡、马来西亚、 毛里求斯、台湾和印尼等国家。这在经济、社会和文化上都为西澳州 带来了更多元的精彩。文化多元性也是西澳政府一直引以为傲的优势 之一。 新年过后就是澳大利亚国庆节,也是澳洲国民共同欢庆的日子。 作为国民,其中一个最重要的好处就是有权利参与民主政治,有 权生活在这个尊重个人自由和权利、尊重法治的国家。 要成为真正的“澳洲人”,成为澳洲未来的一份子,入籍是重要 的一步。 感谢中华会馆将这一重要内容作为新年第一期的杂志主题,在此 我谨祝所有的华人朋友在新的一年里万事顺意,健康喜乐! 科林·巴奈特 州长
Reflection on Love
对“爱”的反思 包括我自己在内,在我身边多的是 疼爱孩子, “望子成龙”而不惜牺牲一切 的华人家长。其实我一直都 很困惑,何 谓“成龙”?是有份高学历,找个好工作, 还是 处 处 强 过 别人 家的孩子就叫作成 功?作为家长,我们以“爱”为名义去要 求,甚至逼迫孩子们所追求的的人生,有 多少真正能够让他们幸福?又有多少实际 上是出于大人们无聊的攀比,或者盲目的 跟风?很多时候,当我面对孩子那充满了 完全信赖和依靠的眼神,都不禁深感惭愧。自私而软弱的我们,不 过是将更加弱小的他们,当作了弥补自己人生缺憾的梦想寄托和现 实工具。
喜获政府拨款, 会馆事业再添助力!
Myself included, I am surrounded by many Chinese parents who love, and hold high hopes of success for, their children, and would make big sacrifices for them. However, I am somewhat confused by how “success” is defined. Is it a tertiary qualification with a good job, or is it a child who is better than other children in every facet? As parents, we expect such success from our children on the basis of “love”, sometimes going to the extent of forcing them to choose the path that we think is best for them. Will they really find happiness? Yet, how many were borne out of the parents’ own meaningless comparisons with other families, or blindly following popular trends? Many a times when I was faced with my children’s expressions of trust and reliance in me, I felt a deep sense of guilt. Due to our selfishness and weakness, we are unfairly using our powerless children to fill the gaps and regrets in our lives. Xi Lian (verbal transcript)
More Government Grants Approved!
12月10日下午,中华理事会、中华元老会、中华社区 与长者服务部,中华黎明中文学校的代表们,在会馆欢聚 一堂,共同观礼政府拨款支票交接仪式。
On 10th of December, members of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, Council of Elders, Community & Aged Care (CAC), CAC Independent Board of Management, and the Leeming Chinese School gathered at the Chung Wah Hall to witness the handing over of cheques for more government grants approved for our Association.
西澳遗产、公民和多元文化利益部长约翰•卡斯特里 利,专程前来会馆,向会长叶俊帆转交了三项拨款支票。 他首先代表西澳乐透彩票福利中心,转交了用于中华文化 中心空调安装的101,189元,以及用于支持中华黎明中文学 校图书馆建设的14,325元。此外,部长还代表西澳多元文化 利益办公室,向会长转交了对于2013珀斯中华新年文化节的 赞助拨款15,000元。
Minister for Local Government, Heritage, Citizenship, and Multicultural Interests, the Honorable John Castrilli MLA, came in person to hand 3 cheques to President Sammy Yap. He represented Lotterywest in presenting 2 cheques, one for $101,189 for the installation of air-conditioning for the Balcatta Cultural Centre, and the other for $14,325 for the purpose of enhancing the library facilities at the Leeming Chinese School. He went on to present a third cheque on behalf of the Office of Multicultural Interests for $15,000 in sponsoring the 2013 Perth Chinese New Year Fair.
这些拨款为会馆的各项事业提供了有力的支持,尤其 是中华文化中心得以安装大型中央空调,是会馆上下长久 以来的心愿。从此,在文化中心活动的老人家们在炎热天 气里不用再受苦,还可以为他们预防夏日中暑。会馆也终 于可以在自己的地方,开展春节聚餐或其它夏日活动,不 用再花费大量的财力向外租用场地。
All the above grants greatly enhance the Association’s ability to service our members, clients, and the public. The grant for the air-conditioning in particular, has been a wish of the Association for a very long time. When installed, the old folks at the Cultural Centre will no longer have to suffer from the heat during the warmer weather, and will help to ensure they are protected from the risks of heat exhaustion. It will also mean that the Association can hold functions and dinners, particularly during the Chinese New Year in our own premises, instead of incurring huge expenses holding such functions outside.
约翰•卡斯特里利部长(中)、叶俊帆(右二)、张仕煌(左二 ,前会长,中华文化中心奠基人之一)、中华理事会副秘书长房秋亮(左一,负责政府联络与拨款申请), 以及中华黎明中文学校图书管理员(草拟了学校图书馆的拨款申请)Minister John Castrilli MLA (middle), Sammy Yap (second right), James Chong (second left, past Chung Wah President and a founder of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre), Mong Fong, Chung Wah Assistant Secretary (first left, responsible for liaising with, and applying for grants from, various government departments), and Isobel Yeo, Library Officer from the Leeming Chinese School (responsible for drafting the Lotterywest grant application)
中华文化中心也是中华社区与长者服务部的日间活动中心 The Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta, the venue where the activities and services of the Chung Wah Community Aged Care are conducted.
Letter to the President Hi Sammy,
When you declared your intention to run for the Presidency of the Chung Wah Association in 2011, you wrote “I am confident of my ability to carry out the duties of the President and achieve results to benefit the Association, its members, and the Chinese community in general .......... I have the necessary leadership skills and attributes to move the Association forward and raise its profile and standing in the community” (email to the Council of Elders dated Tuesday 1 February 2011).
2011年当您宣布竞选中华会馆会长的决心时,您 写道: “我深感自信,具备承担会长职责和造福会馆、 会员,以及广大华人社区的能力∙∙∙∙∙∙我拥有必需的领导 才能和态度,来带领会馆前进,并提升会馆的形象和 地位。” (摘自2011年2月1日致元老会的电子邮件)
Since then your commitment and dedication have achieved results you envisaged for the Association : the 2012 Chinese New Year Fair raised an ethnic (Chinese ) festival to become a City of Perth public calendar event in the years ahead thus raising the profile and standing of the Association in the community. And now the 2 grants approval from Lotterywest (air-conditioning at Balcatta and Leeming Chinese school library) that will give great benefits to members. Sammy, the true measure of your leadership is shown by what you have achieved. No doubt, the best is yet to come. Thank you. Thank you and your great team.
从那时起,您的承诺和奉献帮助会馆取得了您所 设想的成果:2012珀斯中华新年文化节的成功举办, 使这个少数族裔(华人)主办的盛会,提前列入了珀斯 市政府一年后的活动计划,因此全面提升了会馆的形 象和地位。现在从西澳乐透成功获得的两项拨款(分 别用于中华文化中心的空调安装和中华黎明中文学校 的图书馆建设),也将为会员们带来极大的好处。 叶会长,通过您所取得的成绩,您的领导才能获 得了真正的检验。毫无疑问,最好的成果还在后面。 谢谢您,谢谢您及您的优秀团队。
邱玉金 中华元老会秘书长
Alex Hew Secretary - Chung Wah Council of Elders
Australia in the Asian Century White Paper In October 2012, Prime Minister Julia Gillard commissioned the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper. It details how, by 2025, Australia can be a winner in this Asian century by becoming more prosperous, more resilient, and sharing the new opportunities. It calls on all of us to play our part in becoming a more Asia-literate and Asia-capable nation. Proudly, the Chung Wah Association rated a mention in the Asian White Paper (on page 100), as follows: “Australia has by and large managed its increasing ethnic diversity successfully. The contributions of Australia’s Asian communities to Australian life have been diverse, with Australians with Asian heritage being active participants in Australian community and civic life. There are many long standing community organisations and associations; for example, the Chinese community’s Chung Wah Association of Western Australiadates back to 1909.”
《澳大利亚亚洲世纪白皮书》 2012年10月,朱丽亚∙吉拉德总理签署发布了《澳大利亚亚洲世纪白皮书》。 它详细说明了到 2025 年,澳大利亚如何因为更加繁荣、 更富弹性,并同亚洲 分享更多的新机会,而能够在这个亚洲的百年中成为一名胜利者。它号召我们所 有人发挥我们的作用,使澳大利亚成为一个了解更多亚洲语言和亚洲知识的国 家。 值得骄傲的是,中华会馆在这本白 皮书中被提及(第100页),内容如下: “澳大利亚已对其不断增加的种族 多样性进行了成功地管理。通过澳大利 亚与亚洲的文化遗产在澳大利亚社区 和国家生活之中的积极参与,澳大利亚 的亚洲社区对于国家生活的贡献,已 经实现了多样化。其中涌现了许多长 久而稳定的社会组织和机构,例如, 作为华人组织的西澳中华会馆,历史 可以追溯到1909年。”
期待您的声音! Hope to hear your voice in our magazine 投稿和联系方式 Article contribution & contact details
10月28日朱丽亚-吉拉德总理发布白皮书 PM Julia Gillard launching the White Paper in 28 October 2012
电话 Telephone: 电邮 Email: 邮寄 Postal:
9328 8657 editorcw@chungwah.org.au PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865 3
中华乐思中文学校2012年闭学式 End of another Successful School Year
34 30
白蛇传 Legend of the White Snake
议员在为您服务 Member of Parliament at your Service
NEW YEAR GREETINGS western australia from the Premier of Western Australia
心灵加油站 Spiritual Junction
我们的声音 Voice of Chung Wah 2
喜获政府拨款,会馆事业再添助力! More Government Grants Approved!
Australia in the Asian Century White Paper 《澳大利亚亚洲世纪白皮书》
外面的世界 The World Outside 36
10 17
澳大利亚我的家 I Call Australia Home
我的老公是议员 My Politician Husband 了解澳大利亚政府体系 Understanding Australia’s System of Government
西澳首位华人议员的回忆 First Ever Chinese Politician in WA
我为什么要从政 Why I Entered Politics
议员在为您服务 Member of Parliament at your Service
土著蛇与中国龙的文化合作 Cross Cultural Collaboration
边走边看 The Scenic Route 37
白蛇传 Legend of the White Snake
连载专栏:寻根问祖 Regular Column: In Search of Cultural Identity and Heritage 38
我与中国文化的亲密接触 My Close Encounter with Chinese Culture
他山之石 Paradigm of Progress 42
松柏常青 Community & Aged Care 46
回顾2012 2012 Reviews
展望2013 2013 Resolution
校园天地 The School Yard 50
总结与希望 End of another Successful School Year
这一年,我们共同成长 Growing Up Together
会员优惠计划加盟伙伴名单 Membership Discount Scheme Participating Outlets List
优惠券 Members Discount Scheme Vouchers
第八篇:中国的十二生肖与蛇年 Part 9: Understanding Chinese Zodiacs (2)
另眼看东方 From Another Angle
百年一英里 One Mile in 100 Years
希望之光 Light at the End of the Tunnel
中华社区与长者服务部 Chung Wah Community & Aged Care
中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office 128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003
电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 Facsimile (08) 9227 5694 电子邮箱 Email chungwah@chungwah.org.au 网址 Website www.chungwah.org.au 通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865 中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021 电话 Telephone
9/117 Brisbane Street Perth WA 6000
电话 Telephone (08) 9328 3988 传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990 中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Rossmoyne) Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148 电子邮箱 E-mail Address cwcs_rossmoyne@hotmail.com 中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Leeming) Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address cwcsleeming@hotmail.com 中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Morley) Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address chungwah_chinese_morley@y7.mail.com
(08) 9440 0265
版 权
发 行
Pulished by
Chung Wah Association
社长 叶俊帆
Publisher Sammy YAP
Editorial Team
主编 秋小天
Chief Editor Tina QIU
副主编 饶逸生
Deputy Chief Editor Dr Yit-Seng YOW
编辑 周文琪
Editors Raine CHAW
视觉设计 汪德泉 丁成城
Visual Designers Carl ONG Campbell DING (Assistant)
摄影 阮贤
Photographer Hien NGUYEN
翻译 何双子
Translator Dorothy HE
插画 于红波
Illustrator Ida YU
市场统筹 周文琪
Marketing Raine CHAW
行政支持 曾梅兰
Administration Agnes TSEU
Printed by C J King Printers
中华青年组 Chung Wah Youth 电子邮箱 E-mail Address kwokjustin@yahoo.com.au 中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au
中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au 中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au
中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Radio FM95.3 面书专页 Facebook Page Facebook.com/Chung.Wah.Community.Radio.WA
版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华之声》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会馆。因为题材 来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题 材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。
Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.
Availability, Bookings and Pricelist. Hien Nguyen: 0403 199 118 Studio: (08) 9376 1003 info@lumensphotography.com
I Call Australia Home Words ◎ Sammy Yap -President of Chung Wah Association Photos ◎ Hien Nguyen, Theron Kirkman In order to adapt under such pressures, two common methods have been employed. One type of people would begin to assimilate, mimicking western ways in terms of accent, actions, practices, interests, and thought processes. A common description of such people is “banana” – yellow on the outside but white inside. In contrast, another type of people become a form of recluse, described as “ostrich”, withdrawing themselves from mainstream society and avoiding contact with western people and matters where they can. They prefer to live in seclusion and misery rather than face the challenges for fear of failure. In search for a better life, we would have summoned all of our courage and taken great risks to choose to migrate to a western country. Before arriving in the land of hope in our minds, we would have fantasised about how wonderful our future would be. But not long after stepping foot on this land, the harsh reality began to hit. With no foundation and credibility in our new environment, and having to give up everything we had established in the past, we had to start all over again from scratch. New migrants looking for jobs got told they have no local work experience, and those starting a business were entwined in a myriad of unfamiliar strict rules and regulations, while others struggle with the language both professionally and socially. The initial excitement and curiosity of a new migrant began to wane under the weight of a western dominated mainstream society.
Assimilation and withdrawal are just like two sides to a coin. They appear different but both types of behaviours are equally extreme and filled with inferiority complex. Under the dominance of the western cultural environment and the forces of reality, family heritage and individual strengths appear to be relatively weak. There is no right or wrong in a person choosing to assimilate or to withdraw – they should be treated with empathy and respect. The Chung Wah Association is like an extended family for all Chinese people irrespective of where we come from. One of our missions is to help our fellow Chinese, through our vision of “Harmony, Heritage and Humanity” and our various services, to become an integral part of this multicultural society, and call Australia home. We call this process “social integration”. Social integration helps to strike a balance between assimilation and withdrawal, and represents harmony and inclusiveness. In sociology, social integration is defined as the movement of minority groups such as ethnic minorities, refugees and underprivileged sections of a society into the mainstream of societies. Social integration requires proficiency in an accepted common language of the society, acceptance of the laws
of the society, and adoption of a common set of values of the society. It does not require assimilation and it does not require persons to give up all of their culture, but it may require them to forgo some aspects of their culture which are inconsistent with the laws and values of the society. In tolerant and open societies, members of minority groups can often use social integration to gain full access to the opportunities, rights and services available to the members of the mainstream society. Chinese culture and history goes back more than 5,000 years. It is a society based principally on agriculture where families prefer to sit around a table to eat their meals, and stay put in a designated area for generations. It greatly contrasts western culture which is nomadic in nature. Hence, to “force” someone from a deeply ingrained Chinese background to change their preferences and their way of life into something totally foreign to them, is in some way against nature. All along, the Chung Wah Association has been promoting social integration through recognising the equal importance of maintaining our heritage and making this land our home. This has based on our extensive and in-depth knowledge of our own culture, as well as acquiring a sound understanding and appreciation of the western culture and modern society. We need to have full self awareness and confidence in our own culture, before we can learn and absorb a culture new to us. Fate may appear to have placed us in a position torn between two cultures, but our real fate lies in our own hands. The Chung Wah Association has implemented various practical services and initiatives in encouraging social integration. Through our various channels, be it our English language classes, aged care services, Chinese schools, or more recently the Chinese community mental health assistance program and the Perth Chinese New Year Fair, we hope to further promote understanding and harmony, and eliminate prejudice, amongst the Chinese people in WA irrespective of their origin, age or status, as well as between the Chinese community and other multicultural groups, in achieving social integration.
澳大利亚我的家 文◎叶俊帆(中华会馆会长) 译◎秋小天 摄影◎阮贤 塞尚·科克曼
出于对更加美好生活的向往,我们不惜 拿出破釜沉舟的勇气,选择移民西方。过去心 目中的自由西方,如同充满了朦胧美的彼岸, 一旦踏上这片土地,才发现现实的残酷,远 远超出了想象。没有根基,缺少积累,曾经的 人脉、资历和信誉全部被抹杀干净,找工作 时因缺乏当地经验而受阻,自主创业又要面 对无数陌生的严格规章和制度,此外还有其 它诸如在专业和社交方面双重的语言困难等 等。在西方主流社会的强势之下,移民之初的 好奇与兴奋,也日益变得衰弱。 压力之下产生了两种普遍的适应方式。 一类人开始寻求同化,无论从口音、爱好,还 是思维方式或行为举止,都拼命想要同西方 人一样。就好比“香蕉”——除了表面的黄色 皮肤,他们的内在已经,或者想要被“漂白” 。与之相反,另一类人则想将自己更深地隐 藏和封闭起来——就像是“鸵鸟”——封闭 耳目和心门,尽量减少与西方人和事的接触, 宁可承受孤寂和抑郁,也不要面对挑战和由 此可能带来的挫败。 同化或是封闭,就如同硬币的两面,看 似截然不同,实质都充满了自卑和偏激。在强 大的西方文化背景和现实冲击之下,家庭传承 和个人力量,显得如此的脆弱和不堪。因此无 论采用同化,还是封闭的方式来适应,原本没 有对错之分,都应得到理解和尊重。 中华会馆是所有炎黄子孙共同的大家 庭,我们的使命之一,就是要通过传递我们 关于“凝聚、传承和人道”的理念,以及开展 多样化的服务,来帮助广大的华人同胞,真正
成为这个多元文化国家的一部分,让澳大利 亚成为我们的家园。这样的方式,我们称之 为“融合”。
要营养。命运使我们身处东西两种文化的 夹击之中,而真正的主宰,永远都掌握在 我们自己手中。
融合介于同化和封闭之间,代表了平和 与包容。在社会学中,社会融合被定义为少 数族裔、难民和弱势群体等,被主流社会容 纳的过程。社会融合要求人们对于社会基本 语言的熟练掌握,对于社会法律的接受,以 及对于社会普遍价值观的认同。融合有别于 同化,也不要求人们放弃自己的文化,但是可 能要求他们放弃自己的文化中不符合法律和 社会价值要求的某些方面。在一个宽容和开 放的社会中,少数族群的成员经常可以通过 社会融合的方式,来充分获得与主流社会的 成员相同的机会、权利和服务。
中华会馆开展的一系列服务,都是鼓 励融合的积极实践。无论是英文辅导,社 区养老、中文学校,还是举办中华新年文 化节,以及新近推出的华人社区心理健康 援助计划,我们希望搭建不同的平台,让背 景、年龄、身份不同的华人之间,以及华人 与其它种族之间,能够有机会增进了解, 克服偏见,相互学习和融合。
中华民族迄今已经繁衍生息了5,000多 年,基于“农耕民族”的传统,我们喜爱与家 人围座吃饭,而且数代人都在一个地方长期 定居。这与来源于“游牧民族”的西方文化特 性,有着根本上的不同。因此,对于某些具有 根深蒂固中国文化背景的人,如果“强迫”他 们完全改变生活方式,从某种程度上来说, 是违背了天性。 中华会馆一直积极倡导“寻根”与“安 家”并重的理念,因为融合的前提,基于我们 对自身血统与民族文化的全面认知,也基于 我们对西方文化和现代知识的学习和了解。 对于外来文化精华的汲取,有赖于自我的认 知;而应对外来强势文化的冲击,更要取决 于内在的自信,无论是东方文化之根,还是 西方文化之用,都是完善自我,积累自信的重
I Still Call Australia Home 澳大利亚我的家 This is a song written and performed by Peter Allen in 1980. In it, Allen sings of Australian expatriates’ longing for home. It has been used to suggest Australian patriotism and nostalgia for home. 这是一首著名的澳洲民歌,于1980年由彼得 • 阿伦谱曲并演唱。这首歌在推出后即在澳 洲广为流行,并成为其中一首最为著名的澳洲爱国歌曲。一些工作和生活在海外的澳洲人更是将其视为一种精神食粮。
I’ve been to cities that never close down from New York to Rio and old London town, but no matter how far or how wide I roam I still call Australia home.
我曾游历了许多不夜之城, 从纽约到里约再到古老的伦敦城; 但是无论我曾漫步多远, 我依旧叫澳大利亚——我的家!
I’m always traveling, I love being free, and so I keep leaving the sun and the sea, but my heart lies waiting over the foam. I still call Australia home.
我一直都在旅行的路途上, 我喜欢无拘无束的感觉; 以至远离了家乡的阳光和大海, 但我的心却一直在那片大海的泡沫中漂浮; 我依旧叫澳大利亚——我的家!
All the sons and daughters spinning ‘round the world, away from their family and friends, but as the world gets older and colder, it’s good to know where your journey ends.
我所有的儿女们, 他们漂泊在世界各地; 远离他们的家人和朋友, 但当地老天荒之时; 他们却知道应在何处落脚。
But someday we’ll all be together once more when all of the ships come back to the shore. Then I realise something I’ve always known. I still call Australia home.
有一天我们终将重逢, 当所有远行的游子都已归航, 那一句话再次萦绕心头, 我依旧叫澳大利亚——我的家!
Australian Children Choir singing “I Still Call Australia Home” on the Great Wall 澳大利亚童声合唱团站在长城上演唱《澳大利亚我的家》
my politician husband It is not often that we get the chance to have an insight into a politician’s personal life and thoughts, so we jumped at the rare opportunity when Dr Nyuk Nahan agreed to an interview by the Chung Wah Magazine to talk about her politician husband, Dr Mike Nahan MLA, the Member for Riverton. We also asked her about any cultural issues that may have affected their marriage and relationship, given their different backgrounds, one an ethnic Chinese from Malaysia, and the other a Caucasian from the United States of America. Written by Tina QIU, photos by Hien LUMENS
When Nyuk Met Mike Nyuk is from Menglembu (near Ipoh) Malaysia. Ex-Malaysians will remember that Menglembu is known for a particular variety of peanut. Nyuk came to Australia on a scholarship from the Australian National University in Canberra to do her doctorate in law in 1978. That was where she met Mike who had also come in the same year from the United States on the same scholarship to do his doctorate in economics. In 1982, Nyuk and Mike got married and jointly decided to make Australia home. They moved to Perth when Nyuk secured a teaching job at the University of Western Australia. Mike taught at Curtin University for a while, before joining the public service. Their daughter, Keavy, was born in 1985. Being a working mum without any family in Perth was very hard work. Their son, Key, was born in 1993. Mike was, by all counts, very comfortable with parenting and is devoted to his children. When the children were young, Mike was the preferred parent. He was a lot of fun. He could make up enthralling stories at the
drop of a hat. There were the ‘101 goofy goffingggoffingnots’ and every star in the sky had personal names. Some were involved in elaborate intrigues. There were made-up games and adventures in a modest two-bedroom home and the nearby beach was a favourite with their daughter. Nyuk, on the other hand, considered herself rather lacking in imagination on that front. She has little memory of her early childhood; fun and games did not feature in it. One of seven children in a working-class family, Nyuk’s memories of growing up in Menglembu are dominated by endless chores, shared between her and her older sister when the other children were too young to pull their weight, and the parents’ financial worries. Her mother, who had very little formal education was very traditional in some ways in the earlier years. There were different rules for boys and girls – only girls could do the laundry; the men’s clothes must be washed before women’s clothes were washed in the same tubs. Girls must have the assorted skills that were considered the hallmark of well-raised daughters. Interestingly, her parents treated the children equally where it really mattered. The importance of education was beyond question for both sons and daughters. Nyuk reckons that her mother gave up in dismay as her five daughters all grew up distinctly disinclined to be the ‘well-raised daughters’. Juggling her different responsibilities at home and at school, Nyuk completed the equivalent of the ‘A levels’ at St Michael’s Institution and was named the ‘Most Outstanding Girl of the Year.’
proud of her children? Grateful that they are well and finding their way. Keavy has just completed her Master’s degree in international conflict resolution at Georgetown University in the USA, while Key will enter his third year in Podiatric Medicine at UWA in the new year.
Start of Political Career
s, 3 sons-in law and youngest Nyuk’s mother visiting in Melbourne with her 4 daughter 玉英夫妇 son. 玉英的母亲、姐妹和弟弟前来墨尔本看望
Cultural Difference Not a Problem So, how did Nyuk’s parents react to her marriage to Mike, a “foreigner”? “Surprisingly, they were very open-minded about it, despite the fact that they were not educated and didn’t speak English”, said Nyuk. They could only communicate with a mix of body and sign language and a mish mesh of English and Malay words. Nevertheless her parents welcomed the foreigner and embraced him as one of their own. They found him to be a good son-in-law, and if they were unhappy with Mike in anyway, they certainly didn’t let Nyuk know. In the Chinese culture, filial piety and gratitude are the touchstones of the parent-child relationship. The expectation is that children will in due course look after their parents. In this regard, Nyuk has been helping out with her family, financially, since she began studying law at the University of Malaya on a scholarship. After her marriage, the matter was one of great delicacy with her parents who subscribed to the belief that a daughter marries into another family and her responsibility must then first be to her inlaws. As happens when couples share core values, Nyuk and Mike, together with her siblings, have continued to provide for their parents. During the years when she didn’t work, Mike assumed the responsibility. Asked if she has encountered discrimination or prejudice, Nyuk recounts some amusing experiences with stereotyping by Asians. For years, she retained her maiden surname, Chin, and travelled with her marriage certificate (in lieu of a wedding ring) but finally got tired of the subtle and not so subtle insinuations that she may be some kind of hangeron. There is also the story of how a Chinese hairdresser in Vancouver, who obviously having noted that her young daughter was Eurasian, asked her if she had married her boss. Intrigued by her question, Nyuk sought to find out why she thought so. “Because I know a lot of Asian women who are married to their bosses”.
In 1995, the family moved to Melbourne when Mike was appointed the Executive Director of the Institute of Public Affairs. Due to Mike’s interest and forte in public policy, it was suggested to him that he should enter politics at the federal level. Putting family first, Mike was disinclined to be away from his children too much.
Mike with kids in 1993 1993年麦克和孩子们在一起
After 11 years in Melbourne, they returned to Perth in 2006. Mike started his own consultancy business while Nyuk returned to teaching at UWA. When it was suggested again that he entered politics, he gave it serious thought. The family discussed the matter at length and in 2008, he contested the seat of Riverton then held by Labor as a Liberal candidate and won by a mere 64 votes. Nyuk recalled that they talked about going into politics at great length. She decided to give Mike her fullest support because she liked his reasons for going into politics. Apparently, the reaction of some friends and acquaintances was quite amusing. Mike might as well have announced that he was running away to join the circus. Why then, seriously, politics? Mike has always said that life is not worth living if one is too cynical. If things are not right, one must try to change them. He is under no illusion that the shortcomings of political systems and generally the problems we face as a state, as a people can be ‘fixed’ easily or in the short to medium term. Having raised a family, and having for the most part done what he has wanted to do, it is time to try to give back to the community. Nyuk and Mike seem to have their feet firmly on the ground. They have kept family, life and politics in sensible perspective, drawing boundaries as warranted. Cultural differences are turned into strengths or not allowed to get in the way of core values. As an epicure might speak of fusion cuisine, we might speak of a fusion family –east meeting west.
Nyuk, Mike and their son 玉英夫妇和儿子
What expectations then does she have of her children? Only the hope that they lead responsible and meaningful lives. Her overriding wish is that they will be happy. She does not want them to make choices just to please her. She has seen too many university students struggling with or resigning themselves to their parents’ expectations. Is she
Nyuk: Yes and no. The processes for pre-selection on both sides of politics are fundamentally flawed and not conducive to getting the kinds of talents, expertise and temperaments necessary for good governance and opposition. The ‘job’ itself requires no qualifications, experience or skill. A lot is in the image making – something elusive, sometimes called charisma. However, that has to change and I would like to think that it is slowly changing. CWM: What is Mike’s ambition in politics? Nyuk: He has considerable expertise and deep interest in public policy. He entered politics to make a contribution to public policy and it remains his aim to do so. Mike Nahan and Premier with an impromptu crowd of students from Willetton Senior High School 麦克 麦克·拉汉和州长与来自维乐顿高中 ·拉汉和州长与来自维乐顿高中 的学生们合影
Candidly Chung Wah Magazine: What is it that you most like about him? Nyuk: That he is not chauvinistic. CWM: What do you find most endearing about him? Nyuk: That he is genuinely interested in what people do, their experiences and what they are about. CWM: How did you find the last election campaign? You went door-knocking? Nyuk: I didn’t know what to expect. Consequently, I had to keep a very open mind and kind of go with the flow. We had a very clear understanding that we would focus on our strengths and not on the opposition. By and large, people were polite even if they were not interested. On the day of the election, there was some personal verbal abuse from voters who were clearly not voting Liberal. It was rather surreal. CWM: Do you try to persuade your friends to vote for him? Nyuk: Oh, no. They are capable of making up their own minds. CWM: Has your view of politics changed in this time? Nyuk: Yes, to some extent. I am closer to it and getting a glimpse of the reality of politics and governance in a way I couldn’t from a distance. I am more aware of the systemic difficulties. For example, I have always known that the reality of the political system often does not allow the most desirable outcome - but you don’t really know from a distance. It is also kind of bizarre that Parliament is so like a gladiatorial arena. It must be the only workplace in which abuse is expected and applauded. Debates, if you can call them that, too often degenerate into entertainment for the press gallery and the public.
CWM: So, has Mike’s political career affected the family life and your relationship? Nyuk: Mike is very level headed and copes well with work-related stress. He doesn’t bring them home much, so to speak. As a family we carry on pretty much as usual – sometimes chaotic, sometimes argumentative and mostly- busy. I am very pleased that he has been helpful to members of his electorate. He does seek my opinion on a range of matters but he is not always persuaded by my arguments. He is a good listener and takes a lot of trouble to be well-informed. I play the devil’s advocate in our marriage. On political matters, I very much retain my voice of an average voter. Yes, I do what I can by way of accompanying him to functions and make it a point to enjoy myself. Sometimes, work and family commitments have to take priority, though. CWM: Do you get involved at the electorate office? Nyuk: No. I do visit occasionally but never get involved. He has very good staff and I respect that they should do their work without any interference. Before Lyn Mitchell - the Electorate Officer - was appointed, I was invited to meet her and after her appointment, his Policy Research Officer, Godfrey, Lyn, Mike and I had a frank and honest talk about why each of us was in it. They are not there just to do a job. They have very real and personal aspirations to make a difference. Maria joined later and is similarly inclined. I respect and admire that.
CWM: What do you think of politics as an occupation? Nyuk: I would rather it is not an occupation. It should not be just another way of earning a living. I do not approve of the idea of ‘career politicians’. CWM: Do you think it is difficult to go into politics?
麦克夫妇与公众人物合影 Dr Nyuk Nahan, Dr Mike Nahan, Patty Chong and Ajahn Brahm at the Coffee Shop Forum
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往往没有机会使我们得以深入了解一位 政治家的个人生活和思想,因此当瑞尔顿区 议员麦克∙拉汉博士的太太陈玉英愿意接受 《中华之声》的采访,来谈论她的老公作为 政治家的一面时,我们深感难得。由于他们 夫妻的背景不同,一个是来自马来西亚的华 裔,另一个则是来自美国的西方人,我们同 时也希望借此机会,了解文化差异对他们的 婚姻和关系所造成的影响。 Nyuk, Nyuk, Mike Mike and and their their son son 玉英夫妇和儿子 玉英夫妇和儿子
当玉英遇到麦克 玉英来自马来西亚怡保附近的万里望小镇,老 一辈的马来西亚人都知道,万里望以出产花生小吃 而闻名。1978年玉英得到澳大利亚国家大学的奖学 金,来到堪培拉修读法学博士。她在这里遇到了麦 克,他同样是在1978年,因获得奖学金而从美国前来 澳洲,修读经济学博士。 1982年,玉英和麦克举行了婚礼,并共同决定 在澳大利亚安家。当玉英在西澳大学谋到一个教师 职位后,他们搬到了珀斯定居。麦克曾在政府部门 任职,在此之前,他也曾在科廷大学担任过一段时 间的老师。
女儿其薇近照 女儿其薇近照 Daughter Daughter Keavy Keavy in in 2012 2012
1985年,他们的女儿其薇出世,作为一个同 时需要兼顾工作,而且身边没有任何家人可以依 靠的母亲,生活十分不容易。1993年,他们的儿 子凯也诞生了。麦克一直都很擅长扮演父亲的角 色,并对孩子们倾注了全部的爱。在年幼的孩子 们心中,麦克是父母中的首选,他总能给孩子们 带来很多乐趣。他可以即兴编出迷人的故事,其 中包括“101只古菲”系列,为天空中的每一颗星 星命名,还有包含精心阴谋的故事等等。在他们 温暖的两间卧室的房子里,麦克和孩子们玩化装 游戏与大冒险;而他的最爱,是在离家附近的海 滩与女儿玩耍。玉英与麦克相反,她自认缺乏这 方面的想象力,在她对于童年的模糊记忆中,玩 笑和游戏都乏善可陈。 作为一个工薪阶层家庭7个孩子中的一员, 陈玉英在万里望的成长记忆中,充满了父母对于 贫困的烦恼,以及无休止的家务劳动,当其他的 孩子因为年幼还无法帮手时,只能由她和姐姐来 分担全部的家务活。她的母亲所受的教育非常有 限,在很多方面都极为传统。例如,在男女有别 的规矩中——只有女孩才去洗衣服,而且在同一 个洗衣盆中,一定要先洗男人的衣物;女孩必须 拥有全面的家务技能,这被视作一个“好女儿” 的标准。幸运的是,对于生活中重要的方面,玉 英的父母对于所有孩子都一视同仁。教育的重要 性超越了男女之别。玉英发现她的母亲最终无奈
们为骄傲吗?“非常高兴他们都成为了好孩子,并 且找到了自己的道路”,其薇刚刚在美国乔治敦大 学完成了国际冲突解决专业的硕士学位,凯则即将 进入他在西澳大学足医专业的第三个新学年。
Nyuk and Mike attending Nyuk’s graduation in 1981 1981年玉英在毕业典礼时与麦克留影
地放弃了对于女儿们教养上的坚持,因为她的5个 女儿全都明显不愿意成为传统上的“好女儿”。 玉英在家庭和学校不同的要求之间穿梭,最终凭 借全优的成绩完成了在圣迈克尔学校的学业,并 当选“年度最佳女生”。
文化差异不是问题 那么,玉英的父母又是如何看待她同麦克的 跨国婚姻? “让人惊奇的是,尽管他们完全不会说英 文,但是他们对此非常开明。”玉英说,他们同 麦克之间只能用混杂了身体和手势,以及简单的 英文和马来单词的语言来沟通。她的父母不排斥 外国人,欢迎麦克成为家庭的一员。他们发现麦 克是一个好女婿,如果他们对麦克有任何不满, 肯定会瞒着玉英。在中国文化中,孝顺和感恩是 父母和子女关系的根本,对于孩子的期望,就是 希望他们能照顾父母。在这方面,当玉英开始依 靠奖学金在马来西亚的大学学习法律时,就已经 在经济上帮助父母减轻了负担。她的父母原本的 信仰是女儿在嫁人之后,她的责任首先是维护夫 家的利益,然而在她结婚之后,父母依然从她这 里获得关照,因为在玉英和麦克夫妇分享的价值 观中,包括玉英的姐妹在内,她们继续向父母提 供支持和帮助,即使在玉英没有外出工作的那些 年里,麦克依旧承担着这个责任。
1995年,伴随麦克被任命为公共事务学院的行 政主管,他们举家搬迁到了墨尔本。由于麦克在公 共政策方面的兴趣和特长,他被建议在联邦政府从 政。然而出于家庭优先的原则,那时的麦克不愿意 远离孩子。 在墨尔本生活11年后,他们于2006年返回了珀 斯。麦克开创了自己的顾问生意,同时玉英重返西 澳大学教书。当麦克被再次建议从政时,他经过了 慎重的思考,全家也对此进行了详细地讨论。2008 年,他作为自由党候选人,参加了一直由工党占据 的瑞尔顿区议员的竞选,最终以微弱的64票差距获 胜。
Mike and daughter 麦克和女儿
玉英回忆说,对于麦克从政将给生活和家庭造 成的影响,他们曾经进行了反复地讨论。她决定给 予麦克全力的支持,因为她喜欢他从政的理由。很 显然,一些朋友和熟人对麦克从政表示了惊讶,就 像麦克可能宣布他要出走去加入马戏团那样。为什 么去从政?如果严肃地来谈论,政治对于麦克意味 着什么?他一向认为如果一个人太愤世嫉俗的话, 这样的生活已经失去了意义。如果事情不合理,人 们应该尝试去改变它,而不是满腹牢骚。他从来不 抱有幻想,认为政治体系的缺点和我们所面对的一 个州,或是一个人的基本问题,能够在短期到中期 的时间内,或是轻易地就得到“解决”。已经养育 了一个家庭,并完成了大多数他所想做的事之后, 是时候去尝试回馈社会。 玉英和麦克看起来都是脚踏实地的人,他们一 直用理性的角度来看待家庭、生活和政治,依据承 诺来划分边界。文化差异转化成为了优势,或是从 来不被允许挡住他们核心的价值观。就像一个懂得 享受的人宣称会融合各种美食,他们也可以宣称这 是一个融合了东西方文化的家庭。
当被问及是否曾因跨国婚姻而遭受歧视或 偏见,玉英讲述了一些由亚洲人的成见而带来的 有趣经历。在婚后几年,她沿用了婚前的姓氏, 并依靠带着结婚证书(而不是结婚戒指)外出旅 行,最后终究还是厌倦了含沙射影地认为她是某 一类“附庸”的微妙暗示。曾经发生过一个故 事,玉英在温哥华遇到一个华人发型师,因为明 显地留意到她的女儿是一个中西混血儿,就问玉 英她是否嫁给了她的老板。对这个问题感到尴尬 和困惑的玉英,想知道这位发型师为何要这样 想,结果回答是:“因为我知道很多亚洲女人都 嫁给了她们的老板”。 对于孩子的期望是什么?“只是希望他们能 够拥有尽责和有意义的人生。”玉英压倒一切的 愿望,是孩子们能够快乐。她不希望孩子们只是 为了取悦她而做出选择,她在大学里见过太多学 生为了父母的期望而自我挣扎或放弃。她以孩子
Nyuk and Mike with the Nahan family at Mike’s mother’s 80th birthday in 2001 in America 玉英夫妇在2001年前往美国,与家人一起为麦克母亲庆祝80岁生日
问与答 中华之声:你最欣赏他的是什么? 陈玉英:他不信奉沙文主义。(编者注:沙文主义 原指极端的、不合理的、过分的爱国主义(因此也 是一种民族主义)。如今的含义也囊括其他领域, 主要指盲目热爱自己所处的团体,并经常对其他团 体怀有恶意与仇恨。) 中华之声:你发现他的最可爱之处是什么?
Christmas in Sydney 在悉尼过圣诞节时的家庭照
陈玉英:他对于人们在做的事、他们的经验,以及 与他们相关的事,都真的有兴趣。
中华之声:你如何看待他上次的竞选活动?你们是 否去挨家挨户敲门助选?
陈玉英:我宁愿将它不看作一种职业。它不应该只 是一种谋生方式,我不赞同“职业政客”的想法。
陈玉英:我不知道会发生什么,因此不得不保持非 常开放的头脑和跟着感觉走。我们非常清楚关注的 焦点应该放在自己,而不是对方身上。总的来说, 即 使 选 民 们 对 你 不 感 兴 趣 , 他们也表现得很有礼 貌。选举当天,有一些明显不是自由党的选民,进 行了一些个人辱骂,让人觉得真是不可思议。
中华之声:你会发动你的朋友去为他投票吗? 陈玉英:不,他们足以做出自己的选择。 中华之声:这个过程是否改变了你对政治的看法? 陈玉英:是的,在某种程度上。我近距离地浏览了 政治的现实一面,如果隔着一段距离的话,你不可 能看得这么清楚。我对系统性的困难有了更深的认 识。例如,我一直都知道政治体系的现实性,通常 不允许最理想的结果发生,但是如果隔着距离来看 的话,你不能体会得如此真切。同时,令你感到不 适的是,议会就像是一个角斗的舞台,在这个唯一 的 工 作 平 台 上 , 期 望 和 称 赞 往往遭到滥用。所谓 的“辩论”,也通常沦为了媒体和公众的娱乐。
陈玉英:是,也不是。竞选双方预选的过程,从根 本上来说是有缺陷的,不利于获得良好的执政和反 面监督所必需的天份、专才和性情。从政这项“工 作”本身,没有资质、经验和技能的标准要求,很 多都像是形象制作——有些东西难以捉摸,有时又 被称为有魅力。然而,这种状况必须改变,我想它 们也正在慢慢地发生改变。 中华之声:麦克的政治抱负是什么? 陈玉英:他拥有大量的专业知识和对于公共政策的 浓厚兴趣。他进入政坛,会在公共政策方面作出贡 献,而且这方面也将是他一向的目标。 中华之声:那么,麦克的政治生涯是否对家庭生活 和你们的关系造成影响? 陈玉英:麦克拥有一流的领导和应对工作压力的能 力。他不会将很多工作上的事带回家中来谈论。我 们的家庭生活一如往常——有时充满混乱,有时发 生争执,大多数时候还是很忙。我很高兴他可以对 选区中的人民有所帮助。对于很多事情他都会征求 我的意见,但是不一定会接受我的争议。他是一个 很好的倾听者,费尽心思只为了消息灵通。在我们 的婚姻中,我是唱反调的那一个,关于政治事务, 我非常坚持发出我作为普通选民的声音。的确,我 会尽量陪伴他出席活动,并从中找到自己的乐趣, 不过有时候,不得不对工作和家庭的承诺分个先 后。 中华之声:你有参与选区办公室的事务么? 陈玉英:没有。我偶尔会去他的选区办公室,但是 从不介入工作之中。他有得力的手下,我对此表示 尊重,认为他们的工作不应该受到任何干扰。在行 政人员琳·米歇尔被聘用之前,我曾受邀去同她相 识。在她入职之后,政策调查员葛菲、琳、麦克和 我,曾经进行过一次坦诚地对话,有关我们每个人 的角色分工。他们不只是在那里做一份工,他们有 非常真实和个人的愿望,想要有所作为。后来又有 了玛丽亚的加入,她也拥有同样的志向。我对他们 表示尊重和钦佩。
WA Parliament 西澳州议会大厦
Understanding Australia’s System of Government The Commonwealth of Australia has a hybrid form of government. It combines a British (or Westminster) form of parliamentary government with a federal system modeled largely on that of the United States of America. Parliament is both a representative and a law-making body. It comprises representatives of the people who are elected at periodic elections. The political party or coalition of parties that wins a majority of seats in the lower house of the parliament forms the government.
Three Levels of Government In Australia there are 3 levels of government: Federal (or Commonwealth), State, and Local. Each of these levels of government has different responsibilities and powers. As a result, most Australians are governed by 3 sets of laws and deal with 3 sets of officials and elect representatives to 3 governing bodies. A typical Australian citizen of 18 years of age or older may therefore vote in local council elections, State parliamentary elections and at national elections for the Federal Parliament. The Federal Parliament is located in our national capital, Canberra. It makes laws for all Australians known as Acts of Parliament. It has 2 houses – House of Representatives (lower house) and the Senate (upper house). The lower house consists of 150 elected representatives from regions called electorates across Australia. Each representative is generally known as Member of Parliament and represents approximately 92,000 voters. The upper house is made up of 76 Senators – 12 from each of the States and 2 from each Territory (ACT and NT). The Government is formed by the political party, or coalition of parties, with the majority in the House of Representatives. Elections are held every 3 years. Voting is compulsory for citizens aged 18 or above. The Constitution gives the Federal Parliament greater powers than State.
Western Australia has 2 houses of State Parliament. The Legislative Assembly (lower house) consists of members elected from 59 electoral districts (42 metro, 17 country). The 36 member Legislative Council (upper house) consists of 6 regions with 6 members each. Elections are held every 4 years. Voting is compulsory for citizens aged 18 or above. The political party, or coalition of parties, that has a majority in the Legislative Assembly forms the State Government. Local Government is often referred to as the Local Council or Shire. Councils make decisions on local town matters. There are hundreds of Local Governments throughout Australia. Councillors are elected to represent local residents and the Mayor is elected by the Councillors. Council elections are generally held every 4 years. In WA, voting in council elections is voluntary. To vote, an elector must be on either the State or Commonwealth electoral roll. Property owners and occupiers may also enrol and vote if they are Australian citizens.
Barracks Arch 西澳州议会大厦前的军营遗迹
Canberra Parliament House 堪培拉国会大厦
Structure and Functions of the 3 Levels of Government
Local Government
State Government
Federal Government
Head of Government
Mayor, Lord Mayor or Shire President
Prime Minister
Queen's Representative
Governor General
Your Representative
Member of Parliament (MLA & MLC)
Member of Parliament (MHR & Senator)
Schools Hospitals Utilities – Gas, Power and Water Police Prisons Fire Brigade Ambulance Most Roads Car Registration Payroll and Land Taxes, and Stamp Duties Planning and Development
Centrelink Medicare Family Support Pensions Defence Immigration and Customs Foreign Affairs and Passports Income Tax and GST Imports and Exports Currency and coinage Telecommunications and Broadband Postal Services
Local Libraries Community Centres Rubbish Collections Parks and Gardens Street Signs Some Sports Grounds Responsibilities Swimming Pools Local Roads Drains and Footpaths Traffic Control Animal Control Building Permits
Inside WA Parliament 西澳州议会大厅内景,桌前方放置的是权杖
Perth Council House at night 珀斯市议会大楼夜景
Australia’s Constitution A Constitution is a set of rules for governing a country. Australia’s Constitution was created at Federation in 1901. It was written by representatives of each of the States (then colonies) at several meetings prior to 1901. The Constitution has special status – it cannot be changed in the same way as other laws. It can only be changed by a direct vote of all Australians. This is called a referendum. The Federal Parliament can change ordinary laws by passing new ones but it can only suggest changes to the Constitution. Since 1901, the Federal Parliament has made 44 different proposals to change the Constitution – but only 8 have been passed by referendum. A special Constitutional Convention was held in February 1998 to consider whether or not Australia should become a Republic and have an elected head of State rather than the Queen. The referendum, held in November 1999, rejected the Republic Model.
Australia’s Coat of Arms The Australian Coat of Arms consists of a shield with the badges of each of the six Australian States. On the left side of the shield stands a red kangaroo and on the right is an emu. Beneath the shield is a scroll with the word ‘Australia’ written in it. Wattle sprays form a background. The Coat of Arms is one of the symbols of Federation. The Commonwealth uses it to identify its authority and property. However, it can also be found in many other places, for example on Australian passports.
High Court of Australia in action 澳大利亚高级法院庭审即景
澳大利亚我的家 I CALL AUSTRALIA HOME Front entrance of the Canberra Parliament House 堪培拉国会大厦前门
了解澳大利亚 政府体系 译◎周文琪
澳洲联邦政府是混合式的。其政治机构和习 惯沿袭西方的民主传统,反映出英国和北美的经 验。澳洲联邦政府沿用了英国(或“威斯敏斯 特”)议会制度,并且在政府架构方面大量参考 了美国模式。在定期选举中,获胜者将进入议会 (国会),成为议员。议会既是政府和人民的代 表,也是制定法律的机构。在下议院赢得多数席 位的政党或联盟政党将组成政府。
三级政府 澳洲的政府机构体系分为联邦、州 及地方三级,每一级都有不同的权力和 职责。因此,大部分澳洲公民是受三套 法律所管辖,并且接触三级管理体系的 各个官员和选举代表。年满18岁或以上的 澳洲公民可以在市议会、州议会和全国 大选中投票,选出各级议会成员。 联邦议会位于澳大利亚首都堪培 拉,它为所有澳大利亚公民建立的法律 称为议会法案。联邦议会分为两个议 院:众议院(下议院)和参议院(上议 院)。众议院由各个选区的澳洲公民投 票,选出一位代表在众议院代表他们, 这位代表就被称为众议员。每位众议员 代表了约92, 000名选民。各州各领地的
众议员数量取决于其人口的多少,澳大利 亚公民从各州各领地中一共选出150位众 议员。参议院在每个州不论人口多少,其 代表数量相等。每个州各自选举产生12位 代表,两个本土领地(北方领地和首都 特区)各自选举产生两名代表,共76名代 表,称为参议员。国家政府由联盟政党所 构成。在两个议院选举赢得多数席的政党 或联盟政党,将组成国家政府。两院每三 年改选一次。公民年满18周岁或以上有义 务参与投票。和州政府相比,联邦议会被 宪法赋予更大的权力。 西澳州政府共有两个议院。立法院( 下议院)包括了来自59个选区的当选议员 (42个城市、17个乡村);立法会(上议 院)包括了6名分别代表6个区的议员。选 举每四年举行一次,公民年满18周岁或以
上有义务参与投票。州政府由联盟政 党所构成。在立法院选举中赢得多数 席位的政党或联盟政党,将组成州政 府。 市议会或区议会通常都被称为 地方政府。地方议会负责为当地社区 规划和提供服务。全澳共有数以百计 的地方政府。由每个地方政府选区的 公民投票,选出地方议员,再由地方 议员投票选出市长(或区长),通常 每四年举行一次地方议会选举。在西 澳,参加地方议会投选是自愿性的, 选民必须在州或联邦政府选民名册中 进行登记,以成为合法选民。同时拥 有澳洲公民身份的地方物业拥有者和 居住人,也有资格登记成为地方选 民。
架构和职责 地方政府 政府首领 英女皇代表 人民代表
州议员 (MLA 立法院议员和MLC 立法会议员)
联邦议员 (MHR众议院议员和Senator参议员)
学校 医院和保健服务 公用事业:煤气、电、水 警察 监狱 消防车 救护车 道路和道路交通控制 车牌登记 工资和土地税、印花税 策划与发展
福利 医疗 社会保障(抚恤金和家庭援助) 退休金 国防 移民和海关 外交事务和护照 税收 进出口 货币和货币制度 电信和宽频 邮政
地方图书馆 会堂和社区中心 垃圾收集 公园、游乐场、泳池、体 育场地 街道标志、交通管理 当地道路、人行道、桥梁 排水 噪音和动物管理 建筑许可
澳大利亚国徽 澳大利亚国徽的构成,中间的盾牌由代表六 个州的徽标组成 ,盾牌左边站立了一只红色 袋鼠,右边则是一只鸸鹋,背景为发散的澳 洲国花金合欢,其下方有一卷轴,上面是英 文“澳洲”字样。国徽是澳大利亚联邦的象 征之一,英联邦用它来标示权威和产权。此 外,人们也能在很多地方看到国徽,比如说 在澳大利亚的护照上。
Inside Canberra Parliament House 堪培拉国会大厦内景,桌子中间放置的是全套《澳大利亚宪法》
澳大利亚宪法 宪法是一整套治国准则。澳洲宪法最初由各州(然后是殖民地)的代表, 在1901年之前于数个会议中共同拟定,然后于1901年正式开始生效。宪法有着 特殊的地位——不能用修改其它法律一样的方式来修改宪法。宪法只有通过“ 全民公决”的特别投票方式,方能进行修改。联邦议会可以颁布新的法律来 替换原有的法律,但是它只能对宪法的修改提出建议。自1901年以来,联邦议 会共提出了44项不同的提议来修改宪法——只有8项被全民公决通过。1998年2 月,为了考虑是否将澳大利亚变成共和制国家,并投选出国家首脑来取代英女 皇,特别举行了一场制宪会议,而1999年11月举行的全民公决,否定了上述的 共和模式。
Inside Canberra Parliament House 堪培拉国会大厦内景,桌子中间放置的是全套《澳大利亚宪法》
Voting in progress 选民在填写选票
War Memorial Canberra 堪培拉国家战争纪念碑
WA Government House 西澳州督府
In In being being elected elected as as aa councillor councillor into into the the City City of of Melville Melville in in 1996, 1996, Dr Dr Ching-Howe Ching-Howe CHAN, CHAN, an an orthodontist orthodontist by by profession, profession, became became the the fifirst rst ever ever ethnic ethnic Chinese Chinese person person to to be be elected elected into into any any level level of of government government in in WA. WA. Ching-Howe Ching-Howe was was aa member member of of the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Executive Executive Committee Committee in in 2010-11, 2010-11, and and was was the the Chief Chief Editor Editor of of the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Centenary Centenary Magazine. Magazine. His His family, family, in in particular particular his his late late father father Dr Dr Beng Beng Keat Keat CHAN, CHAN, was was also also aa benefactor benefactor of of Chung Chung Wah Wah where where they they have have donated donated computer computer equipment equipment to to our our offi office, ce, made made donations donations to to our our Chinese Chinese schools, schools, and and sponsored sponsored the the Battle Battle of of the the Band Band competitionin competitionin 2011. 2011. Here, Here, he he shares shares with with us us his his thoughts thoughts and and experience experience of of aa very very special special part part of of his his life. life. Ching-Howe Ching-Howe with with Chung Chung Wah Wah members members William William and and Judy Judy Green, Green, his his Election Election Campaign Campaign Captains Captains in in 1996 1996 曾精豪同其助选团队负责人威廉姆和朱迪·格林夫妇 曾精豪同其助选团队负责人威廉姆和朱迪·格林夫妇(中华会馆会员) (中华会馆会员)合影 合影
FIRST EVER CHINESE POLITICIAN IN WA ◎Dr Ching-Howe CHAN II bless bless the the day day in in December December 1970, 1970,when when my my beloved beloved parents, parents, the the late late Dr. Dr. Beng Beng Keat Keat and and Mrs Mrs Siew Siew Eng Eng CHAN, CHAN, in in their their wisdom, wisdom, brought brought our our family family to to Perth, Perth, seeking seeking aa better better and and more more secure secure future future for for their their 44 young young children children in in this this beautiful beautiful place. place. II was was 99 years years old, old,the the youngest youngest of of 44 siblings. siblings. Though Though young young II wanted wanted to to be be heard heard and and was was interested interested in in the the welfare welfare of of the the people people around around me, me, so so in in 1973 1973 II was was elected elected aa Prefect Prefect of of my my Primary Primary School School and and in in 1978, 1978, elected elected aa Prefect Prefect of of my my High High School. School. After After becoming becoming established established in in my my profession, profession, II began began to to serve serve on on various various professional professional and and service service organisations organisations from from 1993. 1993. In In 1995 1995 II joined joined the the Winthrop-Murdoch Winthrop-Murdoch Community Community Group, Group, aa local local resident resident Association, Association, and and served served on on its its Committee Committee until until 1996. 1996. When When aa couple couple of of councillor councillor positions positions in in the the City City of of Melville Melville became became vacant vacant in in 1996, 1996, the the President President of of the the Winthrop-Murdoch Winthrop-Murdoch Community Community group group suggested suggested that that II stand stand for for election. election. ItIt seemed seemed like like aa natural natural progression progression to to go go from from aa committee committee member member of of aa Community Community group group to to participate participate in in Local Local government. government. My My election election campaign campaign consisted consisted mainly mainly of of door door knocking, advertising in local newspapers, knocking, advertising in local newspapers, and and letterbox letterbox drops drops of of pamphlets. pamphlets. Each Each letter letter drop drop had had to to be be different different to to attract attract the the attention attention of of aa diverse diverse audience. audience. My My supporters supporters and and II also also handed handed out out pamphlets pamphlets to to parents parents who who dropped dropped their their kids kids to to school, school, as as well well as as at at weekend weekend meetings meetings of of community community groups groups and and shopping shopping centres. centres. The The response response generally generally was was good, good, as as local local residents residents were impressed by my willingness to work were impressed by my willingness to work so so hard hard for for their their vote. vote.
The The main main diffi difficulty culty II encountered encountered was was that that local local government elections are not compulsory. I needed government elections are not compulsory. I needed to to put put in in aa lot lot of of work work to to encourage encourage people people to to vote, vote, in in particular particular the the Chinese Chinese community. community. In In addition, addition, the the cards cards were were stacked stacked against against me me because because the the other other two candidates had agreed to swap preferences, two candidates had agreed to swap preferences, meaning meaning that that II had had to to get get at at least least 50% 50% of of the the vote, vote, an an almost almost impossible impossible task task for for aa newcomer newcomer II never never saw saw my my Chinese Chinese background background as as aa disadvantage. disadvantage. IfIf anything, anything, itit can can be be turned turned into into an an advantage advantage because because the the Chinese Chinese community, community, including including those those who who have have not not taken taken up up Australian Australian citizenship, citizenship, are are entitled entitled to to vote vote in in local local government government elections. elections. As As such, such, itit was was an an untapped untapped resource resource where where II could could potentially potentially draw draw aa large large number number of of fifirst rst time time voters. voters.
Residents Residents of of Chinese Chinese origin origin living living in in the the City City of of Melville Melville could could feel feel that that this this could could be be an an historic historic occasion, occasion, and and with with the the great great help help from from my my family, family, friends, friends, members members of of the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Association, Association, the the Taiwanese Taiwanese Association, Association, Brunei Brunei Association, Association, and and other other local local community community and and service service organisations, organisations, II polled polled the the largest largest number number of of primary primary votes votes and and won won by by just just 18 18 votes. votes. On On the the day day of of the the election, election, the the incumbent incumbent and and the the returning returning offi officers cers were were very very surprised surprised by by the the number number of of non-western non-western residents residents voting. voting. AA section section of of the the community community who who had had normally normally been been silent, silent, had had aa say say and and were were heard. heard. II became became the the fifirst rst Australian Australian of of ethnic ethnic Chinese Chinese origin origin to to be be elected elected into into Local Local Government Government in in Western Western Australia. Australia. At At the the time, time, II was was elected elected into into aa one one year year term, term, hence hence II had had only only one one year year to to prove prove myself myself to to the the community, community, before before facing facing the the next next local local government government election election again again in in May May 1997 1997 for for aa further 4 year term. In my fi rst term, I was further 4 year term. In my first term, I was placed placed on on the the Multicultural, Multicultural, and and the the Planning Planning and and Development Development committees. committees. ItIt was was aa year year of of doordoorknocking, knocking, attending attending local local PP && CC school school meetings, meetings, and attending Council meetings to speak and attending Council meetings to speak and and vote vote without without fear fear or or favour favour on on all all issues. issues. II guess guess II must must have have been been on on the the right right track track being being rereelected elected for for aa second second term term in in offi office, ce, and and polling polling the the highest highest individual individual votes votes not not just just in in the the City City of of Melville, Melville, but but also also in in the the entire entire local local government government elections elections in in WA WA in in 1997. 1997.
曾精豪全家合影 曾精豪全家合影 Ching-Howe’s Ching-Howe’s family family portrait portrait
During During my my next next 44 years years in in offi office, ce, II served served on on various various committees committees and and was was made made the the Chair Chair of of the the Technical Technical Service Service Committee. Committee. One One highlight highlight
of of my my local local government government career career was was to to be be able able to to change change the the hearts hearts and and mindsets mindsets of of some some people people who who had had aa certain certain prejudice prejudice or or misperception misperception about about migrants. migrants. II remembered remembered aa specifi specificc incident incident where where II assisted assisted aa middle middle aged aged western western resident over a planning issue. She thanked me for resident over a planning issue. She thanked me for my my asassistance, sistance, and and said, said, “I“I never never really really liked liked Chinese Chinese people, people, but but you you are are ok ok for for aa China China man”. man”. This This shows shows that that every every long long journey journey begins begins with with one one small small step. step. Citizenship Citizenship and and success success are are always always bound bound together. together. LeadLeadership ership and and imagination imagination create create justice, justice, prosperity, prosperity, beauty, beauty, peace peace and and happiness, happiness, but but only only for for those those who who participate. participate. In In the the end end we we only only get get what what we we earn. earn. The The path path to to aa better better community community for for us us all all isis to to join join hands hands with with all all of of our our fellow fellow West West Australians Australians and and make make the the changes changes we we wish wish to to see. see. To To the the surprise surprise of of many many residents residents and and Councillors, Councillors, II made made the decision that I would not seek re-election at the end the decision that I would not seek re-election at the end of of 2001, 2001, as as II chose chose to to concentrate concentrate on on bringing bringing up up my my young young family, family, my my business, business, and and attending attending to to my my aging aging parents. parents. My My beautiful beautiful wife wife Gaiklin, Gaiklin, told told me me that that the the reason reason II was was able able to to do so much in the community, was because I was rarely at do so much in the community, was because I was rarely at
home; home; II humbly humbly thank thank Gaiklin, Gaiklin, the the love love of of my my life, life, for for her her unwavering unwavering support. support. No No man man ever ever owed owed his his wife wife aa greater greater debt debt than than I!I! Editor’s Editor’s Note: Note: Bill Bill Green, Green, aa veteran veteran member member of of the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Association, Association, has has been been aa close close friend friend and and aa fatherly fatherly fifigure gure to to Ching-Howe Ching-Howe for for many many years. years. On On hearing hearing that that ChingChingHowe was writing an article about his political career Howe was writing an article about his political career for for our our January January edition edition of of the the magazine, magazine, he he couldn’t couldn’t resist resist in in penning penning aa few few heart heart felt felt words: words:
Ching-Howe's Ching-Howe's achievements achievements are are astonishing, astonishing, we we never never know know what what on on earth earth he's he's going going to to do do next, next, but but we we can can always always be be sure sure itit will will bring bring benefi benefitt to to someone. someone. It's It's in in his his DNA, DNA, he he inherited inherited itit from his from his entirely entirely remarkable remarkable father, father, Dr. Dr. Beng Beng Keat Keat Chan, Chan, and and noble noble fathers fathers have have noble noble sons. sons. How How he he fifinds nds time time to to fifitt everything everything in in isis aa complete complete mystery; mystery; II recall recall that that Ralph Ralph Waldo Waldo Emerson Emerson once once said, said, "Every "Every noble noble activity activity makes makes room room for for itself", itself", so so II guess guess I'll I'll have have to to leave leave itit at at that. that.
曾精豪与比尔 曾精豪与比尔·格林 ·格林 Ching-Howe Ching-Howe with with Bill Bill Green Green
西澳首位华人议员的回忆 文◎曾精豪 文◎曾精豪 译◎何双子 译◎何双子
1996年,牙医曾精豪当选为梅尔维议员,成 1996年,牙医曾精豪当选为梅尔维议员,成 为了有史以来进入西澳政府的第一位华人议员。 为了有史以来进入西澳政府的第一位华人议员。 曾精豪是2010-2011年度的中华理事会成员,也是 曾精豪是2010-2011年度的中华理事会成员,也是 《中华会馆百年特刊》的主编。曾精豪的家人, 《中华会馆百年特刊》的主编。曾精豪的家人, 尤其是他已故的父亲曾明吉博士,还经常为会馆 尤其是他已故的父亲曾明吉博士,还经常为会馆 慷慨解囊,给会馆办公室捐赠了电脑设备,为中 慷慨解囊,给会馆办公室捐赠了电脑设备,为中 文学校捐款,并赞助了2011年的中华青年乐队大 文学校捐款,并赞助了2011年的中华青年乐队大 赛。应本刊邀请,曾精豪在此与我们分享他生命 赛。应本刊邀请,曾精豪在此与我们分享他生命 中这段不寻常的从政经历。 中这段不寻常的从政经历。
员,这看起来顺理成章。 员,这看起来顺理成章。 我的竞选活动主要包括上门拉票、在当地报纸 我的竞选活动主要包括上门拉票、在当地报纸 上登广告,以及往信箱派送小册子,而且要针对不 上登广告,以及往信箱派送小册子,而且要针对不 同的受众派送不同内容的小册子。我们还向送孩子 同的受众派送不同内容的小册子。我们还向送孩子 上学的的父母们、周末到社区团体聚会或去购物的 上学的的父母们、周末到社区团体聚会或去购物的 人们派发小册子。收到的反映还不错,当地居民都 人们派发小册子。收到的反映还不错,当地居民都 对我的决心和努力表示赞赏。 对我的决心和努力表示赞赏。 曾精豪的父母同4名子女合影, 曾精豪的父母同4名子女合影,摄于其 摄于其 母亲78岁生日 母亲78岁生日 Ching-Howe Ching-Howe with with his his parents parents and and siblings siblings at at his his mother’s mother’s 78th 78th birthday birthday gathering gathering
1970年12月,我敬爱的父母,曾明吉博士 1970年12月,我敬爱的父母,曾明吉博士 和吴秀英女士,把我们带到了珀斯这个美丽的地 和吴秀英女士,把我们带到了珀斯这个美丽的地 方,为我们一家六口追寻更安定的生活。我很感 方,为我们一家六口追寻更安定的生活。我很感 激父母的这一英明之举。 激父母的这一英明之举。 当年我九岁,是四个孩子中最小的一个。年 当年我九岁,是四个孩子中最小的一个。年 纪虽小,我却很喜欢发表意见,并对我身边人们 纪虽小,我却很喜欢发表意见,并对我身边人们 的福利公益颇感兴趣。我在1973年时就当选了小学 的福利公益颇感兴趣。我在1973年时就当选了小学 级长,1978年上高中时也当选了级长。 级长,1978年上高中时也当选了级长。 在医生工作步入正轨之后,我从1993年开始 在医生工作步入正轨之后,我从1993年开始 为各种专业类和服务类的组织服务。1995年,我加 为各种专业类和服务类的组织服务。1995年,我加 入了温斯洛普∙默多克区社团——一个为当地民众 入了温斯洛普∙默多克区社团——一个为当地民众 服务的团体,我在该团体的委员会服务至1996年。 服务的团体,我在该团体的委员会服务至1996年。 当年恰逢梅尔维政府空出了一两个议员席位,温 当年恰逢梅尔维政府空出了一两个议员席位,温 斯洛普∙默多克区社团的会长就建议我参加竞选。 斯洛普∙默多克区社团的会长就建议我参加竞选。 从一个社区团体的委员会成员发展到当地政府议 从一个社区团体的委员会成员发展到当地政府议
Ching-Howe with his parents in 1996 1996年曾精豪同父母合影
地方政府的选举并不是强制性的,这是我遇到 的主要困难。我得花很多精力鼓励人们来投票,尤其 是华人。更令我处于劣势的是,其它两位候选人已决 定互投选票(译者注:两个同意互投选票的候选人, 当一方不能当选,可选择将其所得选票给予另一方, 助另一方胜选)。这样我至少要获得50%的选票才能 胜选,这对于一个新人来说几乎是不可能的。 我从来不认为我的华人背景是劣势,这反而可 以成为我的优势。因为华人居民,包括那些还没有入 籍的华人,都可以参加地方政府的选举投票。如果我 能争取到这些从未投过票的大批华人前来助阵,或许 有胜算。 梅尔维的华人居民都觉得这可能成为具有历史 意义的事件,都对我表示了关注和支持。加上我的家 人、朋友、中华会馆、台湾协会、汶莱协会和其它 本地社团和服务组织的大力帮助,我获得了大量的 选票,最终以18票的微弱优势赢得了选举。在选举当 天,时任议员和选举监察员看到如此多来自少数族裔 居民的投票都大感惊奇,平时沉默不语的少数族裔终 于发声了。我成为了首位进入西澳本地政府的华人议 员。 当时我当选的任期为一年,在1997年5月再次迎 接四年任期的选举之前,我只有一年的时间来展示自 己的能力。在第一个任期里,我被分派到多元文化、 规划和发展委员会。在这一年中,我经常得上门游
说,参加当地父母和市民协会的学校会议,参加议 员会议,以中立的态度为各类问题发表意见、进行 投票。1997年,我当选连任,并获得了个人最多票 数,这不仅在梅尔维是最多,在当年整个西澳的地 方政府选举中都是最多的。 在我的第二个任期内,我曾就职于各个不同的 委员会,并当选了技术服务委员会的主席。我在地方 政府工作的一大成绩,就是改变了许多人对移民的 成见和误解。我记得曾经协助过一位中年白人解决 她的规划问题。她对我表示感谢,她说: “我从来不 太喜欢中国人,但你是个不错的中国人。”这正应了 那句老话 ——“千里之行,始于足下”。 作为公民的归属感和成功总是分不开的。领 导能力和想象力可以带来公正、富足、美好、和平 和幸福,但这些只有积极参与社会活动才能实现。 有所付出才能有所得。一个更和谐美好的社会,需 要我们少数族裔与所有的西澳居民一起携手共创。 到2001年末,我决定不再连任。这令许多居 民和议员感到惊讶。我选择了照顾家庭、管理我的 生意、以及照顾年迈的父母。我亲爱的妻子曾壬琳 曾说,我之所以能为社区做这么多事,都是因为我 大部分时间都不在家。我非常感激壬琳,感谢她为 我付出的无私的爱和一如既往的支持。我欠她的太 多了。
编者按 中华会馆的资深会员比尔·格林先生是曾精豪多年的挚友,如同 精豪的父亲一般。听闻曾精豪要为本刊撰文讲述他的从政经历,比尔 也忍不住写了以下的话:
参加公益植树活动 Participating in a community tree planting activity
精豪已取得了惊人的成就,我们永远不知道他下一步的计 划,我们只知道他要做的一定是利民的好事。虎父无犬子,精 豪就是从他优秀的父亲曾明吉博士那里遗传到了优秀的基因。 我不知道他是怎么有时间来安排这繁多的事务。我记得拉夫· 沃尔多·爱墨森说过:“每一个有意义的事情都会为自己找到 时间和空间。”我想这就是原因所在吧。
西澳华人社区第一网站——AUPEOPLE澳群网 隆重推出中华会馆及《中华之声》互动专栏,欢迎中华会馆会员及其他朋友前往讨论互动。 详情请登陆 http://aupeopleweb.com/ChungWah
In the 2008 WA state elections, the Hon Helen Hong Hui Bullock MLC became the first ethnic Chinese person elected into the WA State Parliament as a Member of the Legislative Council in the upper house. She represents the Mining and Pastoral Region with her electorate office located in Kalgoorlie. She arrived as a migrant in WA in 1991. We invited Helen to share her experience in entering Australian politics.
Why I Entered
Politics ◎ Helen Bullock I have lived in Western Australia for almost 22 years and during that time, have been afforded many great opportunities. I have had the privilege of travelling extensively throughout the State and have become attached to it; growing to love its diverse environment, culture and all that it has to offer. I have always maintained that I have lived two lives; the first in China and the second in Australia. My first life afforded me with very few opportunities. I was born in the midst of the Chinese Cultural Revolution during which I witnessed my parents struggle. In spite of their hardworking and diligent approach to life, it was getting them nowhere. I was determined that I would not live the way they had lived. During the early period of my childhood I developed a passion for reading. It was through this hunger for knowledge that my mind was opened. I realised that there was a very different and romantic world outside of China which I wanted very much to experience. These were the chief reasons that I came to Australia. My second life in Australia was not easy and necessitated a fresh beginning in a completely new environment. These trying circumstances were compounded by the fact that my qualifications were not recognised and that I had mastered little of the English language. After a couple of years
of labouring work I came to the realisation that in order to improve my situation I needed to get some Australian qualifications. At the age of 28 and for the second time I became a full time student. I emerged from drowning in books six years later armed with the qualifications that I thought I needed and found myself in demand in the sphere of business that I had chosen. I utilised my employment opportunities and worked in finance departments across many different industries. By 2007 I had accumulated considerable experience but was not contented with what I was doing. It was also about this time I started soul searching and come to the realisation that I have taken the many opportunities presented to me in my life for granted. Perhaps it is time for me to make some contribution to enrich the society that I live in. By that time I had been involved in the Labor Party for almost 15 years and it prompted me to think that, with my experience and background, perhaps I could make some contribution to help the State manage its affairs more efficiently and effectively. That was the reason I sought entry into Parliament. I have always believed that amongst the different governing systems around the world the Westminster system is the best in design. It is superior to other systems due to its built-in checks and balances which result in transparency and accountability. The Westminster system produces a
political system of democracy in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives, allows eligible citizens to participate in the proposal, development and creation of laws. It also encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable citizens to pursue a decent standard of living and provide them with support to achieve success in their lives. It is this system that afforded me with numerous opportunities and the privilege of serving as a member of the Legislative Council. It is also a system that has guaranteed me much freedom – freedom to express myself and pursue my own path. For a country that has afforded me so many opportunities, that is why I call Australia home.
我为什么要 文◎戴红晖 译◎王璀玫 我在西澳 生活了将近二十二年,并在 这期间 获得了很多巨大的机会。我得到了在 这片土地 上 走南闯北的殊荣,并在这 过程中开始爱上她多元 的环境、文化以及所有她所能提供的优惠。
那时我已经加入工党十五年,这使我意识到, 以我的经验 和背景,也许我可以做 出一些贡献,来 帮助西澳州得到更加有效地管理。这就是我加入议 会的原因。
我一直认为我经历过两段人 生;第一段在中 国,第二段在澳大利亚。
我 始 终 相 信,在 世 界上 众 多不 同 的 政 治 体系 中,威 斯 敏 斯 特 体系是 最为完善的。它比其他体系 优秀的高明之处,在于其内置的 检 查和 平 衡,保证 了拥有透明度和问责制。威 斯 敏斯特 体系下产生了 民主的政治制度,让所有合格的公民在面对影响其 生活的决 策时,都 拥有同等的发言权,并允许 他们 参 与 提出、发展和 建 立 法律。这个体系也包括了提 升社会、经济和 文化条 件,使 人民能够追求更 加美 好的生活素质,并为他们在生活中获得成功而提 供 支持。
我的第一段人生给我的机会十分有限。我出 生在中国文化大革命期间,亲眼目睹了双 亲的 挣 扎。尽管他们 刻苦勤奋地 对 待生活,却一直没能 过 上好日子。我因此下定决心,绝 对不 要过像他 们一样的生活。 童年时代,我 对阅读产生了浓厚的兴趣。透 过 对于知识如饥似渴的追求,我的心灵之门得以 打开。我 意 识 到在中国之外,有一 个非常不同 而 且浪漫的世界,让我想去亲身体 验。这 就是 推动 我前来澳大利亚的主要原因。 我 在 澳 大 利 亚 的 第 二 段 人 生 并不 容 易,因 为 我 必 须 要 在一 个全 新 的环 境中 打造 一 个全 新 的开始。使得这 样的艰 难处境变得更为复杂的事 实,是我的资质不受 承认,而且英文 能力极 为有 限。在几年的劳工生涯 之后,我 发现 若想 改善境 遇,我需要 得到澳 洲政 府承认的文凭。在 二十八 岁那一 年,我再 次 走向学 校,成 为了一名全职学 生。 六年后,我离开 茫 茫书海,带 着我 所需要的 文凭,在我 所 选 择的商业领域 需 求中,找到了自 己的事业方向。我 利用我的就 业机会,在 不同行 业的财务 部门工作。到了2 0 0 7年,我已 经 累计了 可 观的经验,但是我却并不就 此满足。也 正是在 那 个 时候,我 开始自我 反省,发现 我把 生命 中所 能得到的机会 都 视作了理 所当然,也许到了该我 回馈社会的时候了。
正 是 这个 体系 为 我 提 供了无 限 的 机 会,并 得 到 了成 为 议 员 的 殊 荣 。这个 体系 也 保 障 了我 的自 由— —自由地表达自己,自由地追求想要走的路。
在 2 0 0 8 年的西 澳州竞选中,戴红晖 被选举成为上议院立 法会 议员,成为了首 位进入西澳州议会的 中国人。她是矿业与 牧业地区的代表,选 区位于卡古里。她于 1991年移民至西澳。 我们邀请她为本刊撰 文,与大家分享她在 澳洲的从政经历。
这是一个 给了我许多机会的国家,这也是为何 我要说澳大利亚就是我的家。
Jimmy Chee Kheong Chong CA
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Many Many people people in in the the Chinese Chinese community community do do not not know know what what aa Member Member of of Parliament Parliament does, does, or or the the fact fact that that they they can can raise raise issues issues which which concern concern them them with with their their electoral electoral representative. representative. Hence, Hence, we we invited invited Dr Dr Mike Mike Nahan Nahan MLA, MLA, Member Member for for Riverton, Riverton, to to talk talk about about his his role role and and the the types types of of issues issues that that have have been been raised raised by by his his constituents. constituents. We We chose chose Riverton Riverton because because itit is is the the state state electorate electorate that that contains contains the the highest highest number number of of Chinese Chinese constituents, constituents, as as well well as as Dr Dr Nahan’s Nahan’s extensive extensive understanding understanding of of issues issues affecting affecting the the Chinese Chinese community. community.
Member of Parliament at your SERVICE! ◎Dr ◎Dr Mike Mike Nahan Nahan Many Many people people ask ask me me what what II do do when when I’m I’m not not in in Parliament Parliament debating debating legislation. legislation. As As the the Member Member for for Riverton, Riverton, II bring bring to to the the role role aa lifetime lifetime of of experience experience as as aa parent, parent, aa State State public public servant, servant, an an economist economist and and as as aa champion champion for for the the local local community. community. II am am also also Parliamentary Parliamentary Secretary Secretary to to the the Minister Minister for for Education, Education, Energy Energy and and Indigenous Indigenous Affairs Affairs and and these these are are positions positions that that II have have earned earned through through my my experience, experience, leadership leadership and and values. values. In In fact, fact, my my Electorate Electorate Offi Office ce isis the the major major focus focus of of being being aa local local Member Member of of Parliament Parliament (MP) (MP) and and it’s it’s one one of of the the most most enjoyable enjoyable aspects aspects of of my my job. job. ItIt allows allows me me to to meet, meet, get get to to know know and and help help local local constituents constituents like like no no other other aspect aspect of of my my role role as as aa Parliamentarian. Parliamentarian. All All MP’s MP’s are are provided provided with with an an offi office ce within within their their electorate. electorate. Mine Mine isis based based at at Stockland Stockland Riverton Riverton Shopping Shopping Centre Centre on on the the corner corner of of High High Road Road and and Willeri Willeri Drive Drive in in Riverton. Riverton. II have have been been operating operating from from this this location location since since winning winning the the seat seat of of Riverton Riverton in in 2008. 2008. II am am blessed blessed with with aa very very experienced experienced staff staff that that has has been been with with me me since since II was was elected elected –– my my fulltime fulltime Electorate Electorate Offi Officer, cer, Lyn Lyn Mitchell, Mitchell, and and Godfrey Godfrey Lowe Lowe and and Maria Maria Usedo Usedo who who share share the the Research Research Offi Officer cer role. role.
Over Over the the last last four four years, years, II have have dealt dealt with with many many heartbreaking heartbreaking constituent constituent issues, issues, including including one one terrible terrible situation situation involving involving the the death death of of aa young young migrant migrant man man in in aa work work place place accident, accident, which which left left his his wife wife and and young young son son struggling struggling for for fifinancial nancial
Another Another distressing distressing situation situation involved involved an an elderly elderly couple couple who who were were in in fifinancial nancial diffi difficulties culties and and could could not not get get past past the the bureaucracy bureaucracy to to access access muchmuchneeded needed funds funds left left to to them them in in aa Will. Will. II successfully successfully negotiated negotiated with with the the executor executor and and was was able able to to secure secure the the release release of of the the funds funds on on their their behalf. behalf.
between between neighbours neighbours and and the the City City of of Canning Canning planning planning and and redevelopment redevelopment issues, issues, to to name name just just aa few. few. In In addition, addition, II meet meet regularly regularly with with representatives representatives from from the the Herald Herald Avenue Avenue Senior Senior Citizens Citizens Club, Club, the the Canning Canning Men’s Men’s Shed, Shed, Good Good Samaritan Samaritan Industries, Industries, the the Riverton Riverton Returned Returned Services Services League, League, local local companies companies and and businesses, businesses, our our local local schools schools and and their their P&C P&C Associations, Associations, playgroups playgroups and and child child care care centres, centres, youth youth groups groups such such as as cadets, cadets, scouts scouts and and guides, guides, and and sporting sporting clubs clubs to to assist assist them them where where II can can with with their their plans plans for for the the future. future. As As aa service service to to the the community, community, local local church, church, sporting sporting and and community community groups groups can can also also undertake undertake photocopying photocopying of of their their regular regular newsletters newsletters and and flflyers yers for for free free through through my my offi office. ce.
Canning Canning Men’s Men’s shed shed members members with with their their new new banner banner 坎宁男子库房会员和他们的新横幅 坎宁男子库房会员和他们的新横幅
My My role role as as aa local local MP MP isis to to stand stand up up for for the the constituents constituents of of the the Riverton Riverton electorate electorate and and be be aa strong strong voice voice for for them them in in Parliament. Parliament. Local Local residents residents contact contact me me or or my my offi office ce daily daily to to voice voice their their concerns, concerns, raise raise issues issues or or seek seek aa resolution resolution to to problems problems they they are are facing. facing. Some Some issues issues are are quickly quickly and and easily easily fifixed xed and and others others require require in-depth in-depth and and complex complex investigation investigation to to resolve. resolve.
Mike Mike Nahan Nahan addresses addresses the the gathering gathering for for International International Women’s Women’s Day Day 麦克 ·拉汉在国际三八妇女节聚会上致辞 麦克·拉汉在国际三八妇女节聚会上致辞
support support and and without without aa long long term term visa. visa. II was was able able to to liaise liaise on on their their behalf behalf with with the the authorities authorities to to help help get get the the family family the the fifinancial nancial and and visa visa assistance assistance they they needed. needed.
One One of of the the most most enjoyable enjoyable tasks tasks II have have done done was was to to assist assist the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Chinese Chinese School School move move from from Parkwood Parkwood Primary Primary School School to to its its new new facilities facilities at at Rossmoyne Rossmoyne Senior Senior High High School. School. This This not not only only allowed allowed the the Chung Chung Wah Wah Chinese Chinese School School to to access access better better facilities facilities but but put put itit in in the the centre centre of of aa Chinese Chinese Language Language Hub. Hub. There There have have been been aa huge huge variety variety of of other other issues issues that that II have have dealt dealt with with on on behalf behalf of of constituents, constituents, including including requests requests for for assistance assistance to to access access State State and and Federal Federal Government Government services, services, liaising liaising with with the the police police over over community community concerns concerns such such as as public public safety, safety, hooning hooning and and road road traffi trafficc congestion, congestion, help help with with grants grants and and funding funding applications applications for for community community groups, groups, tree tree and and leaf leaf litter litter problems problems
My My offi office ce isis also also aa drop-off drop-off collection collection point point for for pre-loved pre-loved books, books, DVDs, DVDs, CDs CDs and and sheet sheet music music for for the the annual annual Save Save the the Children Children book book sale, sale, which which this this year, year, raised raised more more than than $56,000 $56,000 for for projects projects run run by by their their charity. charity. In In addition, addition, each each year year between between 11 July July and and 31 31 October, October, II run run aa Tax Tax Help Help Centre Centre from from my my electorate electorate offi office. ce. The The Centre Centre isis run run in in conjunction conjunction with with the the Australian Australian Taxation Taxation Offi Office ce and and isis designed designed to to assist assist people people from from non-English non-English speaking speaking backgrounds, backgrounds, seniors, seniors, students, students, the the disadvantaged disadvantaged or or those those earning earning less less than than $50,000 $50,000 to to complete complete their their tax tax returns. returns. II also also have have members members of of the the community community who who regularly regularly drop drop in in to to my my offi office ce simply simply to to say say hello hello and and have have aa chat chat with with myself myself or or my my friendly friendly staff. staff. My My aim aim for for the the future future isis to to ensure ensure that that my my electorate electorate offi office ce continues continues to to provide provide the the valuable valuable community community service service that that itit isis renowned renowned for for to to the the people people of of Riverton. Riverton.
许多华人可能都不知道议员的工作到底是什么,也不知道议员可以代选民向议会反映他们关心的问题。就此,本 许多华人可能都不知道议员的工作到底是什么,也不知道议员可以代选民向议会反映他们关心的问题。就此,本 刊请到瑞尔顿议员麦克·拉汉博士,来向我们介绍他的工作,以及他的选民们都提出过怎样的问题。之所以选择瑞尔 刊请到瑞尔顿议员麦克·拉汉博士,来向我们介绍他的工作,以及他的选民们都提出过怎样的问题。之所以选择瑞尔 顿,是因为该区是华人选民最多的州选举区,拉汉博士对华人社区的相关问题也有深入的了解。 顿,是因为该区是华人选民最多的州选举区,拉汉博士对华人社区的相关问题也有深入的了解。
议员在为您 服务! 文◎麦克·拉汉 文◎麦克·拉汉 译◎何双子 译◎何双子 的设施, 的设施,也令学校有了更好的中文语言环境。 也令学校有了更好的中文语言环境。 我还为选民处理过许多各种各样的问题。 我还为选民处理过许多各种各样的问题。比如帮助选民使用州和联邦政府的 比如帮助选民使用州和联邦政府的 服务, 服务,就公共安全、 就公共安全、危险驾驶和交通拥堵等问题与警方协调, 危险驾驶和交通拥堵等问题与警方协调,协助本地团体获取拨 协助本地团体获取拨 款, 款,解决邻里之间的树木和落叶问题, 解决邻里之间的树木和落叶问题,以及坎宁市的规划和发展问题等等。 以及坎宁市的规划和发展问题等等。 此外, 此外,我还经常与本地各种团体单位的代表会面, 我还经常与本地各种团体单位的代表会面,尽我所能为他们提供服务, 尽我所能为他们提供服务, 包括赫柔德街老年人俱乐部、 “乐善好施者” 包括赫柔德街老年人俱乐部、康宁市男士工坊、 康宁市男士工坊、 “乐善好施者”慈善机构、 慈善机构、瑞尔顿退 瑞尔顿退 伍兵团、 伍兵团、本地的公司企业、 本地的公司企业、本地学校及其父母市民协会、 本地学校及其父母市民协会、幼儿园和幼托中心, 幼儿园和幼托中心,还有青 还有青 年团体如军校学生团、 年团体如军校学生团、童子军团, 童子军团,和体育活动俱乐部等等。 和体育活动俱乐部等等。 Mike Mike Nahan Nahan with with representatives representatives from from the the Canning Canning State State Emergency Emergency Services Services group group based based inin his his electorate electorate 麦克 麦克·拉汉同坎宁紧急救援服务组织的代表合影 ·拉汉同坎宁紧急救援服务组织的代表合影
人们常问我, 人们常问我,当我不在议会讨论议案时都在做 当我不在议会讨论议案时都在做 些什么。 些什么。作为瑞尔顿的议员, 作为瑞尔顿的议员,我同时也是一个父亲、 我同时也是一个父亲、 一个州公务员、 一个州公务员、一个经济学家、 一个经济学家、以及本地社区的拥 以及本地社区的拥 护者。 护者。我还担任了教育、 我还担任了教育、能源和原住民事务部部长 能源和原住民事务部部长 的议会秘书。 的议会秘书。这些职务都是我用自己的经验、 这些职务都是我用自己的经验、领导能 领导能 力和价值观赢得的。 力和价值观赢得的。 实际上我的选民办公室是工作重点, 实际上我的选民办公室是工作重点,也是我最 也是我最 喜欢的部分。 喜欢的部分。在这里我能遇到、 在这里我能遇到、认识和帮助我的选 认识和帮助我的选 民们, 民们,议员的其它工作内容都不会有这种机会。 议员的其它工作内容都不会有这种机会。 每个议员都有一个选民办公室。 每个议员都有一个选民办公室。我的办公室设 我的办公室设 在瑞尔顿斯多克兰购物中心, 在瑞尔顿斯多克兰购物中心,海路和维乐瑞街交汇 海路和维乐瑞街交汇 处。 处。我自2008年赢得选举以来就一直在此办公。 我自2008年赢得选举以来就一直在此办公。我 我 拥有一支非常专业的团队, 拥有一支非常专业的团队,自我当选以来就一直伴 自我当选以来就一直伴 随我, 随我,包括全职的选民官琳∙米歇尔, 包括全职的选民官琳∙米歇尔,以及研究员葛 以及研究员葛 菲∙楼和玛丽亚∙尤塞多。 菲∙楼和玛丽亚∙尤塞多。 作为本地议员, 作为本地议员,我的工作就是代表瑞尔顿区的 我的工作就是代表瑞尔顿区的 选民在议会为他们发言。 选民在议会为他们发言。当地居民每天都会联系我 当地居民每天都会联系我 或我的办公室, 或我的办公室,反映他们关心的问题或为他们的困 反映他们关心的问题或为他们的困 难寻求解决办法。 难寻求解决办法。有的问题很快就能解决, 有的问题很快就能解决,而有的 而有的 却需要更深入而复杂的调查研究。 却需要更深入而复杂的调查研究。
我们为社区提供的服务中还有一项, 我们为社区提供的服务中还有一项,就是本地教堂、 就是本地教堂、体育和社区团体, 体育和社区团体,都可以 都可以 在我的办公室免费复印他们的简报和传单。 在我的办公室免费复印他们的简报和传单。 我的办公室还收集居民用过的书籍、 我的办公室还收集居民用过的书籍、音乐和电影碟片、 音乐和电影碟片、乐谱, 乐谱,进行一年一度 进行一年一度 的 的“救救孩子” “救救孩子”义卖。 义卖。今年的义卖就为慈善机构了筹得了56,000多澳元。 今年的义卖就为慈善机构了筹得了56,000多澳元。 每年7月1日到10月31日之间, 每年7月1日到10月31日之间,我的选民办公室还设有退税协助中心。 我的选民办公室还设有退税协助中心。该中心与澳 该中心与澳 洲税务局联合开设, 洲税务局联合开设,以帮助非英语背景 以帮助非英语背景 的居民、 的居民、老年人、 老年人、学生、 学生、残障人士或收入 残障人士或收入 低于五万澳币的人完成退税。 低于五万澳币的人完成退税。 社区的选民们还会常来我办公室 社区的选民们还会常来我办公室 坐坐, 坐坐,打个招呼或与我们聊聊天。 打个招呼或与我们聊聊天。 我的目标是保证我的选民办公室 我的目标是保证我的选民办公室 继续为瑞尔顿的居民提供高质量的服 继续为瑞尔顿的居民提供高质量的服 务。 务。 Mike Mike Nahan Nahan with with members members of of the the Herald Herald Avenue Avenue Senior Senior Citizens Citizens at at the the opening opening of of the the new new Home Home and and Community Community Care Care services services inin RiverRiverton ton 麦克·拉汉在 麦克·拉汉在“先驱大道老年公民” “先驱大道老年公民”组织位于瑞尔顿的 组织位于瑞尔顿的“家 “家 庭和社区关怀服务” 庭和社区关怀服务”开幕式上, 开幕式上,同该组织成员合影 同该组织成员合影
Mike Mike Nahan Nahan presents presents aa Lotterywest Lotterywest cheque cheque for for $132,000 $132,000 to to the the Willetton Willetton Child Child Care Care Centre Centre for for an an upgrade upgrade to to their their kitchen kitchen and and wet wet areas areas 麦克·拉汉代表西澳乐透, 麦克·拉汉代表西澳乐透,向维乐顿儿童照顾中心转发13.2万元的拨款支票, 向维乐顿儿童照顾中心转发13.2万元的拨款支票,用于厨房和湿地改造 用于厨房和湿地改造
在过去四年中, 在过去四年中,我曾处理过许多令人心痛的案 我曾处理过许多令人心痛的案 例。 例。比如有一位年青移民在一起工伤事故中身亡, 比如有一位年青移民在一起工伤事故中身亡,留 留 下他的妻子和年幼的儿子, 下他的妻子和年幼的儿子,面临经济和长期签证的 面临经济和长期签证的 问题。 问题。我代表他们与有关部门沟通, 我代表他们与有关部门沟通,帮助他们在经 帮助他们在经 济和签证方面获得了政府的协助。 济和签证方面获得了政府的协助。 另一个案例是一对面临经济困难的年迈夫妇, 另一个案例是一对面临经济困难的年迈夫妇, 由于手续繁杂他们拿不到一份遗嘱中留给他们的 由于手续繁杂他们拿不到一份遗嘱中留给他们的 钱。 钱。我代表这对夫妇与遗嘱执行人进行了会谈, 我代表这对夫妇与遗嘱执行人进行了会谈,并 并 成功地为他们拿到了属于他们的钱。 成功地为他们拿到了属于他们的钱。 有一件很令我引以为傲的事情, 有一件很令我引以为傲的事情,就是协助中华 就是协助中华 会馆把中文学校从原来的巴克务小学搬迁到了现在 会馆把中文学校从原来的巴克务小学搬迁到了现在 的罗斯莫因高中。 的罗斯莫因高中。这不仅让中文学校可以使用更好 这不仅让中文学校可以使用更好 31
Mysterious Orient 神秘東方 Legend of the White Snake
之 白蛇传
《白蛇传》是京剧的一个经典剧目 The Legend of the White Snake is a classical performance in Peking Opera
《白蛇传》是中国四大民间传说之一(其余三个为《梁山伯与祝英台》、 《孟姜
于南宋或更早,在清代成熟盛行,是中国民间集体创作的典范。描述的是一个修炼 成人形的白蛇精与凡人的曲折爱情故事。
《白蛇传》在中国广为流传,开始时是以口头传 播,后来民间以评话、说书、弹词等多种形式式出现,
又 逐 渐 演 变 成 戏 剧表演。后来又有了小说,民国之
后,还有歌 剧、歌仔戏、漫画等方式演绎。到了现代
乞丐手中拿一青蛇,要挖蛇胆卖钱,于是化身为人买下青蛇,从此青蛇认白蛇为姐 姐。十八年后的清明,白蛇思凡下山,化身为白娘子。她与化身为小青的青蛇同到杭 州,在断桥边游湖逢雨因借伞与许仙相识并定情。两人不久后成亲,迁往镇江经营 药店,法海和尚以白娘子和小青为妖,数次破坏许仙与白娘子的关系。许仙听信法海 之言,于端午节之际用雄黄酒灌醉白娘子,使之显示出原形,而许仙也因此而被惊吓 致死。白娘子为救自己挚爱的夫君,冒生命危险去峨嵋仙山盗草。重生的许仙被法 海囚禁在镇江金山寺,不许他们夫妇团聚。白娘子为了救回许仙,和小青一道,跟法 海斗法,不惜引西湖之水漫金山寺;因为身怀六甲,无法救出许仙。许仙逃回杭州, 在断桥边与白娘子相会。 法海借佛法将白娘子 镇 于 雷 峰 塔 下,拆 散了许 仙与白娘子,小青得以逃 脱。二十年后白氏之子许 梦蛟高中状元,衣锦还乡 祭母,小青也修炼有成, 再回金山,斗赢法海,打 破 雷 峰 塔,救 出了白娘 子。西湖水干,法海无处 可逃,身 穿黄色 的僧 衣 2010年美国波士顿歌剧院排演《白蛇传》A play based on the Legend of the White Snake at the Boston Theatre in the USA in 2010
林风眠国画《白蛇传》 Chinese traditional painting of the Legend of the White Snake by LIN Fengmian
MYSTERIOUS ORIENT 神秘東方 The Legend of the White Snake is one of the four famous Chinese folk legends, which existed as oral traditions before any written compilation. It has since become a major subject of several Chinese operas, stage plays, films, and television series. The story is set in the Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou and Suzhou. Bai Suzhen, a female white snake, dreams of becoming a goddess by doing good deeds. She transforms herself into a woman and travels to the human realm. There, she meets a green snake, Qing, who causes disaster in the area she lives. Bai holds Qing captive at the bottom of a lake but promises her that she will return 300 years later to free her. Bai keeps her word and develops a sisterly bond with Qing. They encounter Fahai, a sorcerer who believes that every demon is inherently evil and must be destroyed. However, Bai is too powerful and Fahai is unable to eliminate her immediately, so he vows to destroy them if he sees them again. Fearing that they will meet more human sorcerers, Bai and Qing retreat to the Banbuduo, a realm that exists between the human and demon worlds. They try to perform good deeds by bringing rain to places experiencing drought. However, Qing was careless and almost flooded the whole town once. Due to this mistake, Bai loses her chance to become an immortal. However, Guan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, informs her that she may have yet another opportunity. In the meantime, Bai and Qing accidentally bring a scholar named Xu Xian, and his friend, into the demon world. Bai protects them from the other demons and falls in love with Xu in the process. After the battle with the lord of the Underworld, Xu confesses his feelings for Bai, claiming that it was love at first sight. However, for a human to return to his world, he must first become unconscious and have any memory about his experience in the demon realm erased, but Xu knows and avoids being knocked out. However, Fahai finds a way into the demon world and he tricks Xu into being knocked out.
Legend of the White Snake
电影中的白娘子和小青 Madam White Snake and Miss Green Snake as depicted in a movie
When Xu Xian returns to the human realm he forgets everything. Since he and his friend entered the portal separately, they end up in different locations. Xu meets many new people there. Not long later, Bai takes a final step to becoming a goddess, which is to collect human tears. Bai sees Xu with another woman and assumes that they are a couple. Qing realizes that when Xu and Bai meet, Xu will fall in love with Bai again, so she helps to arrange a meeting for them. Xu and Bai are married, open a medicine shop and live happily together. However, as humans and demons are forbidden to bond, the town is struck by a plague and ends up on the verge of total destruction. Bai, Qing and Fahai finally agree to a truce and obtain a magical herb needed to help the population. Bai becomes pregnant later with Xu's child, but Fahai continues to attempt to eliminate her and Qing. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, when the Duanwu (Dragonboat) Festival is held, demons in human form will revert to their original shape. Bai thus decides to take Qing and Xu Xian back to Banbuduo, but Xu falls for Fahai's trick again. Bai's true form is revealed and Xu is literally scared to death. Bai retrieves a drug that restores Xu to life. After giving birth to Xu's son, Bai is unable to control herself anymore and is forced to tell her husband the truth about her origin. Xu kindly accepts her, but Fahai attacks the weakened Bai and imprisons her for eternity in Leifeng Pagoda.
舞蹈中的许仙与白娘子 Madam White Snake with her lover Xu Xian engaging in a dance
杨柳青年画《白蛇传》 Festive painting of the Legend of the White Snake
ECU Vice Chancellor Professor Kerry Cox unveiling the Wagyl Wagyl and and Dragon Dragon painting painting with with Sammy Sammy Yap Yap ECU大学副校长凯瑞·库克斯同叶俊帆会长为澳中合作画作揭幕 ECU大学副校长凯瑞·库克斯同叶俊帆会长为澳中合作画作揭幕
土著蛇与中国龙 的文化合作
Cross Cultural Collaboration On 29 June 2012, President Sammy Yap was invited as a special guest to attend the NAIDOC celebrations at the Edith Cowan University. NAIDOC stands for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields. In recognition of the 40th Anniversary of AustraliaChina Diplomatic Relations and the Year of the Dragon, ECU’s NAIDOC Week celebrations focused on a special collaboration to showcase and promote Aboriginal and Chinese culture. The celebrations included an exhibition to celebrate Indigenous Art and Culture. A special feature of this year’s exhibition is a commissioned artwork through a unique collaboration between Chinese Artist, Gao Xu Yong and Nyoongar Artist Sandra Hill. The piece features the Nyoongar mythological creature Wagyl and the Chinese dragon. The artwork was started in China with the dragon being painted first, then transported to Perth to allow the Wagyl to be painted to complete the picture. In Nyoongar culture, the Wagyl (sometimes referred to as the Rainbow Serpent) is a snakelike Dreamtime creature, responsible for the creation and protection of the Swan and Canning Rivers and other waterways and landforms around present day Perth and the southwest of Western Australia. Like the Wagyl, in popular belief, Chinese dragons are also strongly associated with water. They are believed to be the rulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas. 36
2012年6月9日,叶俊帆会长作为特别嘉宾, 叶俊帆会长作为特别嘉宾,出席了伊蒂思∙科恩 出席了伊蒂思∙科恩(以下简称 (以下简称 ECU)大学主办的NAIDOC庆祝活动。NAIDOC是 NAIDOC是“全国原住民与岛民日纪念 “全国原住民与岛民日纪念 活动委员会”的简称。NAIDOC庆祝原住民与托雷斯海峡岛民的文化, NAIDOC庆祝原住民与托雷斯海峡岛民的文化,同时提 同时提 供机会让世人了解澳洲土著在各种不同领域的贡献。 供机会让世人了解澳洲土著在各种不同领域的贡献。 适逢澳中建交40周年和中国龙年, 适逢澳中建交40周年和中国龙年,在ECU大学的NAIDOC周庆祝活动中, 在ECU大学的NAIDOC周庆祝活动中, 将关注焦点集中到了展示和推广土著与中国文化的合作上, 将关注焦点集中到了展示和推广土著与中国文化的合作上,在传统的 在传统的“土著艺 “土著艺 术与文化”展览中,应委员会的委托,有一件特别的画作, 有一件特别的画作,来自中国画家高旭永 来自中国画家高旭永 和努嘎族画家桑德拉∙希尔独特的合作。作品展现了努嘎神话中的蛇 作品展现了努嘎神话中的蛇“瓦戈” “瓦戈”和 和 中国龙。创作这幅作品时,首先在中国进行了龙的绘画, 首先在中国进行了龙的绘画,再将半成品运到珀斯, 再将半成品运到珀斯, 加上“瓦戈”作为完结。 在努嘎文化中, “瓦戈” (有时也被称为 (有时也被称为“彩虹蛇” “彩虹蛇”) )是一种蛇形的梦想生 是一种蛇形的梦想生 物,负责创造和保护天鹅河和坎宁河,以及目前围绕在珀斯和西澳西南部的其 以及目前围绕在珀斯和西澳西南部的其 它水道和地貌。同“瓦戈”相似,在普遍的信仰中, 在普遍的信仰中,中国龙也与水有着密切关 中国龙也与水有着密切关 系。龙被认为是瀑布、河流或海洋的主宰者。 (秋小天 河流或海洋的主宰者。 (秋小天 编译) 编译)
Wagyl Wagyl puppet puppet dance dance performance performance as as part part of of the the ECU ECU NAIDOC NAIDOC week week celebrations celebrations ECU大学NAIDOC周庆祝活动中的 ECU大学NAIDOC周庆祝活动中的“瓦戈” “瓦戈”舞表演 舞表演
东 京 片 段 文◎艾爱 文◎艾爱
这次到东京出差两天,是为出席来年 这次到东京出差两天,是为出席来年 的新产品研讨会。新产品独特的核心卖点 的新产品研讨会。新产品独特的核心卖点 让人惊喜,希望能缔造耀眼的销售量和市 让人惊喜,希望能缔造耀眼的销售量和市 场价值。 场价值。
享用了配以经典Café 享用了配以经典Café Florestal的土司 Florestal的土司 套餐,仿佛回到旧时代细味一段美好时光 套餐,仿佛回到旧时代细味一段美好时光 后,我带着期待到表参道,看看T喜欢的建 后,我带着期待到表参道,看看T喜欢的建 筑大师伊东丰雄所设计的Tod's。 筑大师伊东丰雄所设计的Tod's。
工作日的午餐和晚餐,都在同事们常 工作日的午餐和晚餐,都在同事们常 去的拉面馆和居酒屋享用。感觉很亲切, 去的拉面馆和居酒屋享用。感觉很亲切, 仿 仿佛 佛这 这样 样就 就可 可以 以更 更了 了解 解他 他们 们的 的生 生活 活和 和文 文 化,促进情感,拉近距离。我记得同事们 化,促进情感,拉近距离。我记得同事们 引领我走过几条街,来到一间已有半百年 引领我走过几条街,来到一间已有半百年 历史的拉面馆的诚意,还有自己满心喜悦 历史的拉面馆的诚意,还有自己满心喜悦 和感动的神情。 和感动的神情。
命定的相逢总是近在咫尺,不期而遇 命定的相逢总是近在咫尺,不期而遇 是最美丽的遇见。从表参道的A2出口往左 是最美丽的遇见。从表参道的A2出口往左 走几步,就惊喜看见Tod's。震慑于师将榉 走几步,就惊喜看见Tod's。震慑于师将榉 树的树枝状展现成建筑的结构之余,感觉 树的树枝状展现成建筑的结构之余,感觉 恰似与T重逢,犹豫之后还是把照片传送给 恰似与T重逢,犹豫之后还是把照片传送给 T。我忽然明白之前对前世和今生情人的注 T。我忽然明白之前对前世和今生情人的注 解,那也许是一种告别T的仪式,一种和林 解,那也许是一种告别T的仪式,一种和林 风走向未来的向往。 风走向未来的向往。
印 印象 象中 中日 日本 本人 人都 都彬 彬彬 彬有 有礼 礼, ,个 个性 性内 内 敛。下班后杯觥交错中,就算话题流于表 敛。下班后杯觥交错中,就算话题流于表 面,至少我们都可以开怀地畅谈。我的初 面,至少我们都可以开怀地畅谈。我的初 级日文和他们的中级英文,无形中促成一 级日文和他们的中级英文,无形中促成一 种有趣的交流。 种有趣的交流。 我 我选 选在 在星 星期 期六 六晚 晚上 上的 的航 航班 班飞 飞返 返新 新加 加 坡 , 只 为 看 看 久 违 的 东 京 几 眼 。 我 最 向 坡,只为看看久违的东京几眼。我最向 往 往的 的两 两间 间咖 咖啡 啡馆 馆, ,分 分别 别是 是承 承载 载着 着一 一个 个风 风 华绝代的繁华盛世之百年咖啡馆Café 华绝代的繁华盛世之百年咖啡馆Café PauPaulista(成立于 lista(成立于 1909年)和诠释着98岁高龄 1909年)和诠释着98岁高龄 店主只卖咖啡的执着的Café 店主只卖咖啡的执着的Café de de L'ambre( L'ambre( 成立于 1948年)。其他的咖啡馆就任缘 成立于 1948年)。其他的咖啡馆就任缘 分的安排,而国际精品属下的咖啡馆,例 分的安排,而国际精品属下的咖啡馆,例 如:Hermés、Bvlgari和Armani,就留待下 如:Hermés、Bvlgari和Armani,就留待下 次。 次。 来到Café 来到Café Paulista吃早午餐,感受到历 Paulista吃早午餐,感受到历 史的遗迹。作为旅客的我不知道103年来 史的遗迹。作为旅客的我不知道103年来 的改变,只从装潢和家具看见百年来的不 的改变,只从装潢和家具看见百年来的不 朽风情,从熟客脸上的表情发现很多年后 朽风情,从熟客脸上的表情发现很多年后 依然存在的对该店的眷恋,从看起来年轻 依然存在的对该店的眷恋,从看起来年轻 的咖啡师傅看见自古以来专注而认真的煮 的咖啡师傅看见自古以来专注而认真的煮 咖啡神色。看着熟客们淡淡的和待者打招 咖啡神色。看着熟客们淡淡的和待者打招 呼,走到熟悉的位子,我不禁想到,在他 呼,走到熟悉的位子,我不禁想到,在他 们眼中的我又是什么样的一幅风景。 们眼中的我又是什么样的一幅风景。
作了表参道的建筑物巡礼后,我缓缓 作了表参道的建筑物巡礼后,我缓缓 的走向明治神宮。我是幸运的人,过了拜 的走向明治神宮。我是幸运的人,过了拜 访时间后依然获得允许进入。天色渐渐变 访时间后依然获得允许进入。天色渐渐变 暗的近下午五点钟,只是在宫外驻足,却 暗的近下午五点钟,只是在宫外驻足,却 也涌现无尽感动而落泪,也许长久以来的 也涌现无尽感动而落泪,也许长久以来的 情感终于有了出口。和我交换故事的女孩 情感终于有了出口。和我交换故事的女孩 说,历史的厚重感和时间的过往。我说, 说,历史的厚重感和时间的过往。我说, 今后更澄明宁静的心灵。 今后更澄明宁静的心灵。 回到银座,我不期而遇一间新开张的 回到银座,我不期而遇一间新开张的 京都四季料理店而赴一场飨宴,无奈最后 京都四季料理店而赴一场飨宴,无奈最后 却没让我惊喜。 却没让我惊喜。 之后到隔了三条街的隐秘Café de 之后到隔了三条街的隐秘Café de L'ambre。是天气渐冷,还是过于疲惫,店 L'ambre。是天气渐冷,还是过于疲惫,店 主関口一郎先生提早打烊。对自己微笑说 主関口一郎先生提早打烊。对自己微笑说 没关系,转身离开飞返新加坡。 没关系,转身离开飞返新加坡。 也许是行程太仓促,也许是天气的转 也许是行程太仓促,也许是天气的转 变,也许我的体质变弱,从东京返回新加 变,也许我的体质变弱,从东京返回新加 坡后就身体不适,直今还尚未康复。忽然 坡后就身体不适,直今还尚未康复。忽然 有点感伤,怎么东京如此不疼爱我。 有点感伤,怎么东京如此不疼爱我。 我的东京之旅,带着一点遗憾却有更 我的东京之旅,带着一点遗憾却有更 多的美丽。遇见过的人,走过的风景,错 多的美丽。遇见过的人,走过的风景,错 过的美好,都会是我记忆里的珍贵片段。 过的美好,都会是我记忆里的珍贵片段。
这是一个向英文读者介绍中国文化的连载专栏,内容出自饶逸生博士所著的《中国文化面面观》。我们将这个专栏看作是一种交 流,由会馆的一位长者会员,写给那些由于种种客观原因而对中文和中国文化失去传承的其他会员。当你们需要了解更多中国文化 的时候,这里有一条寻根之路∙∙∙∙∙∙ This is a column written for the English speaking readers, introducing various aspects of Chinese culture, partly based from the book “The Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, written by Dr. Yit-Seng YOW. We perceive this column as a form of “cultural infusion”; dedicated to those who, through no fault of their own, did not have the opportunity to be exposed to the Chinese language and culture. When you need to know more about Chinese culture, here lies a path to your cultural roots…
In search of cultural identity and heritage
寻根问祖 Part 10: Understanding Chinese Zodiacs (2) How does the Chinese zodiac compare with
In the previous article, we looked at the three
Western system? What does the year of water-
elements in the “spring” group, represented by
snake mean to you?
“wood”. Note that the month refers to Chinese
In an earlier article, “Understanding Chinese Zodiacs“, Chung Wah Magazine March 2012, it
calendar month.
was explained that the Chinese zodiac is based
Spring – wood
Chinese Zodiac
on time and space. If you wish to understand
January “yang wood”
Tiger 寅
Chinese zodiac you would need to be familiar with
February “yin wood”
the ancient concept of five determinant elements
Rabbit 卯
March “wood-earth”
Dragon 辰
[wuxiing] 五行. It is easy to perceive the [wuxing] time and space. In terms of time we have spring, denoted by “wood” 木; summer, denoted by “fire” 火; autumn, denoted by “metal” 金; and winter, denoted by “water” 水. The seasons are interspersed by the element “earth” 土, forming the five mutually generating and mutually controlling elements. Together with the concept of yin-yang 阴阳, they form the basis of Chinese zodiac.
calendar month, about one month after Australian
In this article we take a look at the summer zodiacs, where fire is the dominant element. They are: Summer – fire
Chinese Zodiac
April “yin fire”
Snake 巳
May “yang fire”
Horse 午
June “fire-earth”
Sheep 未
After the growth phase in spring, it is time for display and expression. “Fire” is the dominant element in summer; the element is dazzling and brilliant, though transient in nature, it symbolises expansion, as well as self-expression. Three animals, the snake, horse and sheep are chosen to represent the summer period of yin-fire, yangfire and earth-fire”. It is important to realise that in the Chinese zodiac system the same zodiac signs are used for year, month, day, as well as hour parameters. For example we have the year of snake, month of the snake, day of the snake, as well as the hour of the snake. Western zodiac system is based on the month. As can be seen from the stamp, the 12 Western zodiac signs correspond to the 12 Chinese zodiac signs; the month of snake corresponds to “Taurus”.
The 12 Chinese zodiacs are as follows; including the correspondent Western zodiac and time.
Chinese Month
Chinese name
Animal Represented
Western Zodiac
“zi” 子
Rat 鼠
11pm – 1 am
“chou” 丑
Ox 牛
1am – 3am
“yin” 寅
Tiger 虎
3am – 5am
“mao” 卯
Rabbit 兔
5am – 7am
“chen” 辰
Dragon 龙
7am – 9am
“si” 巳
Snake 蛇
9am – 11am
“wu” 午
Horse 马
11am – 1pm
“wei” 未
Goat 羊
1pm – 3pm
“shen” 申
Monkey 猴
3pm – 5pm
“you” 酉
Rooster 鸡
5pm – 7pm
“xu” 戌
Dog 狗
7pm – 9pm
“hai” 亥
Pig 猪
9pm – 11pm
Finally the same system applies on a daily basis as two hour segments. You would be born on hour of the snake if you are born between 9 to 11 am on any day.
• Thrives in a wide range of environments from the ocean, the forest, to the desert. • Able to seize opportunity, waits for the opportune moment before striking. • People born under the snake sign are generally
The Australian Post is issuing commemorative coins for the year of snake in 2013. Please note that there is no such concept as a “wooden snake”, “Fiery snake”, “metallic snake”, etc. It refers to wood-snake, fire-snake or metalsnake combinations.
regarded as elegant, charming, intuitive and rather introvert. They are also intelligent though contemplative and private. Back to the year of the snake. What would be
As the snake is a yīn-fire element, it generates
some of the personality profile of a person born
warmth rather than heat, inner warmth while
in the year, month, day or hour of the snake?
outwardly appearing indifferent or cool. They tend
In nature the snake
to coolly observe its surrounding environment
Display charm and elegance, sometimes gives
express their emotions or inner feelings they could
an impressive performance.
be misinterpreted or misunderstood. In general they
• Might look inactive on the surface. It actually stays alert, reacts fast when the time comes. • Is exciting as well as dangerous at the same time. • Is cool on the outside, alert and warm on the inside. Contemplative and private. • Acts on instincts, intuitive and introspective. Keen and intelligent. Act independently, based on instincts and personal judgment.
while completing the assigned task. As they do not
are independent in thoughts and action. On the whole
they are stable and diplomatic. In particular they are on the alert, defensive against any potential attacks.
Y. S. Yow: “Chinese Dimensions: Their Roots, Mindset and Psyche”, Pelanduk Publications
The discussion is not complete without mentioning
(Malaysia) 2006, ISBN 967-978-927-6
the modifiers. As we have discussed there exist the five determinant elements, which modify a zodiac
Y. S. Yow: “Interpreting Chinese Zodiac”: Public
sign, whether it occurs in the year, month, day or
talk as part of the 2008 Chinese New Year
hour. For the snakes there would be wood-snake 乙
Festival Celebration, City of Sydney 2008.
巳 (1965), fire-snake 丁巳 (1977), earth-snake 己 巳 (1989), metal-snake 辛巳 (2001), and watersnake 癸巳 (2013).
Y. S. Yow: “The Chinese Zodiac”: Radio broadcast by Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 2010.
My Close Encounter with Chinese Culture Words ◎ Dr Mike Nahan When I was young, China was truly a distant, foreign world. I grew up in a small town in the mid-west of the USA where my only exposure to China and Chinese people was seeing Mao Zedong on TV and a rare visit to a Chinese restaurant. Indeed, I had virtually no direct interaction with Chinese people until I completed university, at which time I joined the US Peace Corp and was stationed in Malaysia for 2 years. I became fascinated by, and involved with Asia, particularly the Chinese and their culture. My first and most enduring observation was the industriousness and entrepreneurial drive of the Chinese people. They work hard, take risks and get things done. As I went on to work as an economist in the region, I came to realise that the Asian miracle was to a great extent a Chinese miracle.
Photos ◎ Hien Nguyen
The rise of the ‘Asian Tigers’, including Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia, during the 1980s and 90s was driven in the main by the skills, investment and risk-taking of their local ethnic Chinese populations. The rise of the People’s Republic of China is very much a story of the industriousness of the Chinese people being unshackled by Deng Xiaoping and his successors and allowed to flourish. Outside of Asia, the very aspirational Chinese have long distinguished themselves in every field.
on education and admire their selflessness in giving their children opportunities to have a good education. Nyuk's parents were hawkers in a small town near Ipoh in Malaysia. They were poor and had little formal education. They worked extremely hard to raise the children and made great sacrifices just to put them through school. The older children worked and helped by contributing financially to the university education of the younger ones. And this culture of gratitude continues with the children looking after the parents.
My late father-in-law very wisely said that what matters in an inter-cultural marriage is the sharing of core values. In this regard, I had a head start. I grew-up in a large, tight-knit family. There were thirteen kids and we had to share just as we all had our assigned chores. We grew up in a pecking order where the older helped to look after the younger ones. When I married Nyuk, a Chinese from a family with seven children, I had no difficulty embracing a large family which helped each other instinctively. They warmly welcomed me into their fold. Some of Nyuk’s siblings are married inter-culturally too. Of course education and travel transform. Ours then is a generation that has the opportunity to cherish the best in each culture in a harmonious blend. Perhaps our approach to our children’s education is a small illustration. We encouraged our children to do their best but steered them away from single-minded pursuit of good marks at the expense of everything else to a more balanced endeavour.
In Malaysia, children could attend Chinese schools. Nyuk’s parents sent her and her 4 sisters to English medium schools to better prepare them for the Oxbridge style national examinations. This meant that they had no exposure to formal Chinese language studies and cannot communicate in writing with their parents. This was a great sacrifice.
I appreciate the importance the Chinese (and indeed many other cultures) place
麦克·拉汉夫妇 Mike and Nyuk Nahan
There are many amusing stories of the Nyuk’s family struggles with the daily challenges of schooling. Ten people over three generations lived and worked in her family’s small three bedroom house. It was noisy, hot and smelled of fish. The five girls shared a bedroom without beds or other furniture. Routinely, homework had to be managed in whatever table space available, between cooking the family meals, hand-washing the laundry, and helping at the noodle stall. Even when the family’s circumstances improved slightly with the older children leaving home, space was always an issue. My favourite story is that of Nyuk placing a chair over the only (squat) toilet in the house and locking herself in the toilet to study for exams. I suppose one of the major impediments to westerners understanding Chinese culture is language. Mandarin is difficult to learn to speak, write and read. I certainly had no exposure to the language in my youth and struggled miserably every time I have tried to learn it subsequently. Nyuk and I, however, have no language difficulties. She has the upper hand; her command of English is superior to mine and she resorts to Hakka when she talks about me to her sisters.
我 与 的中 亲国 密文 接化 触 文◎麦克 ∙ 拉汉 译◎王璀玫
在我小时候,中国真的是一个遥远且 陌生的世界。我在美国中西部的一个小镇 长大,在那里,我对中国和华人的唯一接 触,就是在电视上看到毛泽东,以及难得 一次地前往中餐馆就餐。 事实上,直到大学毕业,我几乎完全 没有与华人打过直接交道。大学毕业后我 加入了美国和平队,并被分派到马来西亚 驻足两年。那个时候,我深深被亚洲所吸 引,尤其是华人以及他们的文化。 我对华人第一也是最久的印象,就是 他们的勤奋和创业动力。他们刻苦耐劳, 甘于冒险并能坚持到底。当我以一名经济 学者的身份在那里工作时,我逐渐发现, 所谓的亚洲奇迹,在很大的程度上来说, 就是华人的奇迹。 1980和90年代“亚洲虎”——马来西 亚、新加坡、台湾、泰国和印度尼西亚等 国家和地区的崛起,主要来自于当地华裔 族群在技术,投资和冒险精神上的推动 。 中国的崛起,也是一个中国人民勤劳工作 的典型故事,邓小平和他的继任者帮助国 家解脱束缚并允许它蓬勃发展。在亚洲以 外的地区,被寄予期望的华裔后代,早已 在各个不同的领域久获声望。 我过世的岳父曾经说过一句非常有智 慧的话:在跨国婚姻中,最重要的莫过于 分享不同文化的中心价值观。在这方面, 我有一个很好的开始。我生长在一个关系 紧密的大家庭。家中有十三个孩子,我们 必须分享,因为每个人都有各自的责任。
我们依据啄食顺序而成长,年长的孩子要 帮助照顾年幼的弟妹。因此,当我娶了陈 玉英,一个家里有七个孩子的华人时,我 毫无困难地迎来了一个本能地会互相帮助 的大家庭,他们也热情地欢迎我的加入。 玉英的一些兄弟姐妹也拥有跨国婚姻,由 此带来教育与旅行上的变动。我们这一 代,拥有将多元文化中最好的部分融合在 一起的机会。或许我们对孩子的教育方式 就是这种尝试的一个缩影。我们鼓励孩子 们追求卓越,但是引导他们远离一味追求 好分数的观念,以使他们在每个方面都能 得到更加平衡的发展。 我欣赏华人(当然还有许多其它文 化)对于教育的注重,钦佩他们的无私奉 献,只为了给孩子有机会受到良好的教 育。玉英的父母曾在马来西亚怡保附近的 一个小镇当小贩,他们生活贫困,也没有 受过多少正规教育,但是他们辛苦地工 作,胼手胝足地把孩子们养大,他们做出 巨大的牺牲,仅仅为了让孩子们有机会上 学。年长的孩子们用工作来帮补家用,并 为弟妹们提供念大学的费用。而孩子们则 通过孝敬和照顾父母,来让这个相互奉献 的文化得以传承。
伴随着日常学校生活的挑战,在玉英 的家庭纷争中,发生了许多有趣的故事。 一家三代十个人在一个只有三间卧室的小 屋中生活和劳作,充满了吵闹、闷热,和 阵阵的鱼腥味。家中五个姐妹共用一个没 有床和其它家具的卧室。通常情况下,学 校的功课不得不抢在做饭、手洗衣服和到 面馆帮忙之间的空隙,在任何有空的桌子 上完成。尽管年长的孩子离家以后,会使 家中环境稍有改善,但是空间不足永远都 是一个问题。 我最喜欢的故事,莫过于玉 英为了应付考试,而不得不搬一张椅子到 家中唯一的蹲式厕所里,将自己反锁在内 苦读。 我觉得让西方人了解中国文化的主 要障碍是语言。学会说、写、读中文十分 困难。由于我在年轻的时候完全没有接触 过中文,导致后来在尝试学习这门语言时 尝尽苦头。然而玉英和我,并没沟通上的 障碍,她占了上风,因为她的英语远强于 我,而当她与姐妹们谈论起我的时候,用 的却是客家话。 1982年麦克和玉英参加玉英姐姐的21岁生日庆祝会 Mike and Nyuk attending the 21st birthday party of Nyuk’s sister
在马来西亚,孩子们可以到华文学校 就读,而玉英的父母选择将她与她的四个 姐妹们送到了英文学校上学,好让她们能 够更好地应对牛津剑桥式的国家考试。这 样一来她们姐妹完全没有受过正统的中文 教育,因此她们无法用中文给父母写信。 在我看来,这是一个很大的牺牲。
百年一英里 谈到现任美国驻华大使骆家辉,总有两个离不开的话题,一是他的华裔血统,二是“美国梦”。现年61岁的他,将自己30多年的 政治生涯,浓缩成了一个“百年走了一英里”的故事:“100年前,我的祖父乘蒸汽船到了美国华盛顿州。他在一个白人家庭当佣人, 这户人家距离州长官邸不到一英里路程。我们家族用了一个世纪,才从那幢当佣人的房子搬到了州长的房子里。” 骆家辉的曾祖父骆永椿出生于广东台 山,在19世纪后半叶到美国打工,后来回了 老家。对于美国,骆永椿只是一个匆匆过客。 他的长子骆世泽— —骆家辉的祖父— —则 在1900年前后到美国闯荡,后来也回台山老 家娶了亲,他用带回来的积蓄盖了一栋青砖 楼。儿子骆荣硕在这栋房子里生活到13岁,也 追随父亲到了美国。 “我的父亲骆荣硕在二 战爆发前加入美国陆 军,战后回到西雅图, 开了个小 杂 货 铺,在 美国扎下根来。”对骆 家辉来说,这是骆氏 家 族的转折点,也是 他整个人生的开端。
1968年,骆家辉考上耶鲁大学,借着奖 学金和打工收入完成了学业。几年后,又取 得了波士顿大学法学学位。出色的法学教育 背景,骆家辉受聘在华盛顿州金县的检察院 办公室工作。1982年,骆家辉正式进入政界, 成功竞任华盛顿州议会众议员。此后,他的 从政道路一帆风顺,历任华盛顿州助理检察 长、华盛顿州金县县长。1996年又以56%的 选票当选华盛顿州州长,成为美国历史上第
骆家辉1950年出 生于西 雅图,在家中 五个兄弟姊妹中排行 第二。到5岁上幼儿园 前,骆家辉还不会 讲 英语,因为家里 人只 说广东话。据他的回 忆,在幼儿园时,他还 因为不爱吃美式早餐 而被老师打过手心。 现 在,他 喜 欢喝星巴 克的摩 卡咖啡,有时 还 亲手调制,并与记 The third Asian American tapped to join Obama’s cabinet, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke. 者畅谈咖啡文化。与 骆家辉任商务部长时同总统奥巴马在一起 流 利的英文 相比,他 一位亚裔州长。 “骆家辉就是美国梦的主 听得懂广东话,却只能说上简单的几句,几乎 角。”在1997年的国情咨文中,美国前总统克 完全听不懂普通话。 林顿如此评价骆家辉的当选。时隔12年后, 这一评价又被另一位民主党总统奥巴马重述 和其他美国华人一样,在西雅图经营小 了一遍,2009年,已离任州长近6年的骆家辉 店铺的骆荣硕对儿子的未来有过很多希望。 正式宣告复出,就任奥巴马政府的商务部部 他希望他成为有出息的人。不过,骆荣硕仍 长。 然坚持美国华人“不过问政治”的传统思想, 反对儿子从政,他想让骆家辉成为工程师或 商人。在骆家辉出生后的头6年里,他和家人 挤住在为二战退役军人建的低收入公共房屋 里,与其他传统华人家庭的子女一样,需要 到父亲的杂货店内帮忙料理业务。
骆家辉从不讳言自己的双重身份——首 先是一个美国人,然后拥有华人血统。 “我的 成功,大概要归功于我的家庭教育。”骆家辉 说, “我们家庭的基本理念就是重视教育。作 为第二代移民,我的父母从祖父那里看到了
文化的重要性,也体会到华人在美国创业的 艰辛,他们对教育的重视影响了我。” 在华盛顿州长任上一年多后,骆家辉和 祖先的家乡第一次发生了联系。1997年10月, 骆家辉率领华盛顿州各大公司对中国和日本 进行了访问。随后,骆家辉以私人身份开始了 自己的寻根之旅,借道香港回台山祭祖。新 任州长的骆家辉“衣锦还乡”,他和夫人先乘 车来到了水步 镇,再 按照台山的习俗,下车 扛着大 烧 猪,点了香 烛拜 祭祖先。这一次 寻根祭祖行为,据说 让不少美国的老华人 感动,认为他“骨子里 流淌的还是中华民族 的血液”。 尽 心尽力维护和 争取美国的利益,是 骆家辉外交生涯奉 行 的 职 业 标准。“我 以我的中国血统而自 豪,我以我的祖 先而 自豪,我以华 裔为美 国的 贡 献而自豪,但 我是百分之百的美国 人。”骆家辉曾在华人 非政府组织“百人会” 的年会上,感 慨 地回 顾了自己年少时如何 想做“标准的美国人” 而挣脱中华文化影响 的心路历程。整个青少年时代,他既要面对 老师要求的“美国化”,又要面对父母的“努 力往回拉”— —有的时候,骆家辉希望自己 的午饭能像美国同学一样带烤苹果派,而不 是米饭。他挣扎得非常痛苦,甚至为此和父 母关系紧张。成年以后,他才开始在热爱美 国的同时,深深认同自己的华裔身份。他意识 到,亚洲移民因为人种原因,很难像大部分 欧洲移民那样被完全同化,华人实际上永远 摆脱不了“美国人”前面的“华裔”二字。
ONE MILE IN 100 YEARS When talking about Gary Locke, the current United States Ambassador to China, there are 2 inseparable topics – his Chinese heritage and his “American Dream”. In describing his family’s experience in the United States, Gary Locke often says it took 100 years to move one mile. “100 years ago, my grandfather arrived in Washington on a steamship. He toiled as a servant in a house which was one mile away from the Washington Governor’s mansion. It took our family 100 years to move one mile from that house to the governor’s mansion”. Gary Locke was born in 1950 in Seattle, the 2nd of 5 children with paternal ancestry from Taishan, China. His father, James, was brought to the United States from China by his father, Suey Gim Locke, in 1921, and was drafted into the Army when the United States entered World War II. James Locke had a restaurant in the Pike Place Market until the mid-1950s and the family lived above it. Gary remembered “great days” playing with the children of other merchants and farmers in the market, sneaking time in the Goodwill store basement “to read second-hand comic books, which were not allowed at home. “My parents were strict, with very high expectations. Study always came first.” It also was a family of humble means. “We were poor, but not poverty-stricken”. James Locke later operated a small market near Seattle Pacific University, where Gary worked. Like most Chinese Americans, James Locke held high hopes of his son becoming a successful man one day, but he strongly believes that Chinese Americans should not interfere with politics, hence he wanted Gary to become an engineer or a businessman rather than dabble in politics. Gary Locke spoke only Cantonese until he entered kindergarten at 5, and learned English along with his mother. Today, he speaks fluent English, understands Cantonese but can only speak a few simple words, and does not understand Mandarin. When he was 10, his parents took him to Hong Kong to meet his maternal grandmother, who lived
in "essentially a refuge camp," he was appalled by what he saw. The experience would resonate in his later political career. Through a combination of part-time jobs, financial aid, and scholarships, Gary Locke attended Yale University in 1968, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in political science in 1972. He later received his Juris Doctor from the Boston University School of Law in 1975. In 1982, Locke was elected to Washington State's South Seattle district in the Washington House of Representatives, where he served as the Chair of the Appropriations Committee. In 1996, Locke won the Democratic primary and general election for Governor of Washington, becoming the first Chinese-American Governor in United States history, and is the only Chinese American ever to serve as a Governor. He was appointed by President Barack Obama as United States Secretary of Commerce which he served until August 1, 2011, when he was appointed as Ambassador to China. Gary Locke had never denied his dual identity as an American national, and a Chinese descendant. “My success was due largely to my family upbringing”, said Locke. “Our family fundamentals focus on education. As 2nd generation migrants, my parents realised the importance of culture from my grandfather, and also saw how difficult it was to start a career or business. The importance they placed on education deeply influenced me”.
One year after becoming the Governor of Washington, Gary Locke came into contact with his paternal ancestry for the first time. In October 1997, he led a business delegation from Washington on a tour of China and Japan. Following that, he commenced a personal journey in search of his cultural roots by paying respects to his ancestors in Taishan. He and his wife travelled to Shuibu village by car, and upon arrival, got out of the car to carry a whole roasted pig and paid respects to his ancestors using joss sticks and candles in accordance with Taishan customs. It was said that his actions touched many old Chinese Americans who felt that “Chinese blood still runs deep in his veins”. Doing his utmost to protect and fight for American interests is the professional aspiration of Gary Locke in his foreign affairs career. “I am proud of my Chinese heritage and ancestry. I am proud to contribute to America as a Chinese, but I am 100% American”, Locke quoted in his speech at an annual function of a Chinese non-government organisation “Committee of 100”. He lamented the dilemma during his youthful days when he was trying to shake off the influence of Chinese culture in his journey to become a “typical American”. He was faced with his teacher’s wish for him to become “Americanised”, at the same time faced with his parents’ effort in “pulling him back”. At times, Locke wished his packed lunch consisted of apple pies like his American classmates, instead of rice. It was a tough struggle which placed tensions on his relationship with his parents. After gaining adulthood, he began to appreciate his Chinese identity whilst retaining his passion and patriotism for America. He came to the realisation that due to their racial background, Asian migrants will never become fully assimilated like most European migrants, and that the Chinese people in America will always be known as “Chinese Americans”.
Locke and his wife, Mona Lee Locke, a former reporter for the NBC affiliate KING 5 television in Seattle, with their children. 骆家辉的家庭合影
当你在生活的道路上—— 因种种压力而倍感孤独、苦闷和忧郁, 请不要再独自承受,有我们伴你同行!
华人社区心理健 康援助计划 正式启动 每周五上午10点30分至下午4点30分 由专业辅导员提供中文(普通话和广东话)心理咨询服务 请致电9328 8657或发送电子邮件至 chungwah@chungwah.org.au 进行预约 咨询地点:中华会馆总部大楼,128 James Street, Northbridge 服务流程
接受预约,提供心理辅导咨询 个案评估,提出援助方案 实施医疗、社会、法律等专项援助
服务对 象个人资 料 全 程 保密 服务内容包括:中文咨询,出具评估方案,委托相关政府部分提供专项援助。 服务内容不包括:开具处方药物、提供财政资助、住宿,或是作为移民代理。
Stressed? Feeling down? Need to talk ? We may be able to help ! Chinese Community Mental Health Assistance Program is launched ! A professional psychology counselor is available to talk to you in Mandarin or Cantonese Every Friday between 10.30am and 4.30pm at the Chung Wah Hall at 128 James Street in Northbridge. Please call 9328 8657 or email chungwah@chungwah.org.au to make an appointment.
Chung Wah Association
Relevant Mental Health Service Providers
Relevant government department or agency
Preliminary enquiry and counseling Case assessment and propose solution or treatment Provide medical treatment, social, or legal assistance and guidance
All personal information will be treated in strict confidence What we can do: Chinese speaking counselling, Assessment, and Referral to other appropriate services,
What we cannot do: Prescribe medications, provide financial help, accommodation, or act as migration agent.
nnel of the Tu d n E t a Light
希望之光 无论公众的反响如何, “心理健康” 在西澳是一个增长中的产业,已成为不 争的事实。在澳洲广播公司2012年11月 的一个晨间节目访谈中,西澳卫生局局 长吉姆∙ 斯诺博说: “多年以来,对于西 澳州的心理健康服务,有了前所未有的 需求”,他同时承认,西澳州目前的心理 健康服务体系,无法满足这样的需求。 这番话,同时是对由布莱恩∙斯托克斯教 授所做的一个结果糟糕的调查的回应, 斯托克斯教授的调查显示,西澳州的心 理健康服务支离破碎,而且缺乏雇员和 各项资源。州政府已承诺,对于这项调 查结果给予迅速和彻底地反应,并将对 报告中的大部分建议都付诸行动。心理 健康部长海伦∙莫顿称,政府将把心理健 康问题放到优先位置,她也将在下一个 预算年度中,寻求额外的资源。
Like it or not, mental health is a growth industry in WA. In an interview in November 2012 with ABC’s morning program, the Director General of Health in WA, Kim Snowball said, "We have had unprecedented demand for our mental health services in this State over a number of years now," and he went on to admit that the State's mental health system cannot keep pace with the level of demand. That was in response to a damning review of the sector by Professor Bryant Stokes where he found public mental health services in WA to be fragmented and lack staff and resources. The State Government has promised a swift and thorough response to the findings, saying most of the recommendations contained in the report will be implemented. The Mental Health Minister Helen Morton said mental health was a priority for the Government, and she would seek additional resources at the next budget round. Through our observations and interactions within the local Chinese community, mental health issues are widespread but people are either unaware of the symptoms or they are unwilling to acknowledge it due to the social stigma attached to it. Furthermore, there was no dedicated assistance available to the Chinese community until the Chung Wah Association launched its mental health assistance program in September 2012. However, we have not been able to promote our service far and wide due to a lack in funding. We hope to be able to submit our application for funding in early 2013. As part of the process in applying for funding, President Sammy Yap met with the Mental Health Commissioner, Eddie Bartnik, in October 2012
to discuss options and direction. Through this meeting, we discovered that there are many nongovernment organisations already providing mental health services to multicultural groups, but as per the finding of the review by Professor Stokes, it appears rather fragmented. Given the extensive existing network, the role of the Chung Wah Association would be most effective as a bridge, one that can connect sufferers from the Chinese community to the appropriate service provider who can assist them in diagnosis and recovery. That fits in very well with the original intention of our existing assistance program. Since the above meeting, we have met with representatives of Ruah Mental Health, one of WA’s leading edge non-government mental health service providers, and visited their premises to further discuss how we can work together. We also met with the representative from Multicultural Services Centre of WA, who is contracted by the State Government to present mental health awareness workshops to multicultural groups. We reached an agreement for them to deliver a two part workshop in May 2013 for the Chinese community at the Chung Wah Hall. As has been expected, the path in developing and expanding our Mental Health Assistance Program is a slow and drawn out process. Irrespective of the obstacles and constraints, we will continue to build the program, as we believe that the Chung Wah Association is the most qualified body, in terms of credibility and capability, to service the Chinese community. (Reported by Tina QIU)
通过我们对本地华人社区的观察 和交流,我们发现心理健康问题在广泛 的人群中普遍存在,但是人们要么对于 它的症状毫无意识,要么因为附加其上 的社会压力而羞于承认。此外,长期以来 华人社会也没有可行的专门援助,直到 2012年9月,中华会馆正式推出了“华人 社区心理健康援助计划”。遗憾的是,因 为资金匮乏,我们至今无法广泛和深度 地加以推广。希望到2013年初,我们能够 向政府正式递交拨款申请。 作为拨款申请的一项进程,2012年 10月,就相关看法和发展方向,叶俊帆会 长同西澳州心理健康理事长埃迪∙巴尼 克进行了会谈。通过这次会谈,我们发现 已经有许多非政府机构,在向多元文化 背景的族群,提供各种形式的心理健康 服务。但是如同斯托克斯教授调查中所 发现的,这些服务都很分散。鉴于广泛 的现有网络,中华会馆将是一个非常有 效的中间桥梁,可以帮助华人社区的需 求者同适当的服务机构相联接,帮助他 们进行诊断和恢复。这也与我们援助计 划的发起初衷相吻合。 此后,我们同Ruah(在西澳州处于 领先地位的非政府心理健康服务机构之 一)的代表进行了座谈,参观了他们的设 施,对双方的合作进行了商讨。我们还 同来自西澳多元文化服务中心的代表见 了面,这是一个与州政府签约,专门面向 多元文化族群开办心理健康意识讲习班 的社会性服务机构。双方在会谈中达成 了共识,商定于2013年5月,在中华会馆 会堂,首次为华人社区开办由两个课时 构成的讲习班。 正如我们的预想, “心理健康援助” 的发展之路崎岖而漫长,然而无论遇到 何种障碍和困难,我们都不会放弃,因 为我们坚信,凭借中华会馆的资质,我 们具有足够的信誉和能力来为华人社区 提供服务。 (秋小天 报道)
2012 Reviews
Our broadcasting team members at the Volunteer Appreciation Christmas Luncheon 我们的广播组在义工圣诞答谢会上的合影
◎Elvie Yap
Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) is grateful for your continued and growing support concerning our development. At the beginning of a new year, we are proud to share with you our achievements of the past year and what we intend to achieve in the year of the Snake. Induction Day a speech at the last Volunteer CAC’s CEO, Theresa Kwok gave 在义工迎新日发言 总裁 行政 务的 者服 及长 中华社区
Proven management and service quality The biggest happiness of the year was the positive outcome of a significant quality review which has confirmed that we continue to provide quality community care services to our community. We succeeded in two major quality reviews for providing National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP), Community Aged Care Packages (CACP) and Home and Community Care (HACC) last December. Chung Wah Community & Aged Care demonstrated that it had met the national Community Care Common Standards in terms of management, service access and delivery as well as service user rights and responsibilities.
Bridging the mainstream services and seniors from CALD background
Support workers were trained in safe manual handling techniques 照顾人 员接受安全扶抱技巧的培训
For the past 12 months, we have worked closely with various government agencies, non-government agencies, health professionals conducted talks, seminars and workshops to empower audiences from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Likewise, we also provided channels to mainstream agencies to understand the cultural needs and barriers of CALDs seniors accessing mainstream services.
National recognition as one of the People’s Choice As a successful applicant for a national level SGIO community grant, we were nominated as one of the four agencies competing for People’s Choice Award last July.
获全国认可为用户的 最佳选择之一 Members of community accessed to service information at our Open Day 社区人士在我们的开放日获得服务信息
管理与服务质量保证 过去一年,我们机构最大的喜悦莫过 于在极其重要的服务质量审查中取得良好 成绩,这让我们可以继续给社区提供高质 量的社区护理服务。所通过的审查包括在 去年12月分别针对我们所提供的全国照顾 者暂息服务项目、社区安老计划 、家庭与 社区服务项目的护理服务。中华社区及长 者服务的服务表现得到政府的认可,无论 是管理、服务提供及服务用户所应有的权 益和责任方面,都符合社区护理服务的全 国性标准。 46
作为一项全国性的拨款项目SGIO社 区拨款的成功申请机构,在去年7月份中华 社区及长者服务被提名为“用户的最佳选 择”的四家非营利机构之一。
Training provided to volunteers at “Independent Living Centre” 义工在 “独立生活中心”接受培训
We provide computer class as one of the courses of our Evergreen College 电脑课程是我们常青学院的其中一项兴趣班
连接主流社区服务和多元文化及 语言背景的长者 在过去的12个月,我们与各个政府 机构、非政府机构、医护专业人士紧密合 作,主办各类讲座、座谈会和研习会给多 元文化及语言背景的人士,增强他们各方 面的知识。多元文化及语言背景的长者在 获得主流社区服务上困难重重,中华社区 及长者服务扮演的另一个角色就是让主流 机构能进一步认识这些长者所面对的文化 需求和障碍。
中华社区及长者服务衷心感谢您一直以来支持和关心 我们机构的发展。新一年的开始,在此想要与您分享过去 一年的业绩和今年蛇年的发展计划。
Seniors practiced Tai Chi at our 2012 Stay on Your Feet Day 2012步履稳健日参 加的长者一起练习太极
Establishment of Evergreen College In August, as part of our wellness program we started Evergreen College for our service user, offering a range of interest classes including Computer, English, Cooking, Dancing, Tai Chi and memory support group. These students, some of them over 90 years old graduated last December, thus demonstrating that it is never too old to learn.
创立常青学院 去年8月份,配合机构所重视的身心健 康计划,我们为服务用户开办了常青学院 的种种兴趣班,包括电脑、英语、烹饪、 舞蹈、太极和记忆辅助班。这些学生当中 有些超过90岁,在去年12月份毕业,这印证 了“活到老,学到老”这个说法。
“Walk Safe, Cycle Safe” will be part of our community education program “安全行走,安全踏车”将会是我们其中一项社区 教育项目
Increased Media and Face to Face platforms We increased the channels for community to access information about our agency and services. Besides the quarterly trilingual “Living Stronger” newsletter and corporate calendar posted to you, we have a 24 hours 7 days trilingual website www. chungwahcac.org.au, a weekly newspaper column promoting positive ageing published in Australian Chinese Times, as well as two weekly Chinese radio programs on 6EBA World Radio FM 95.3 megahertz, broadcasting community news, aged care and health care information etc. every Wednesday 6pm to 7pm in Mandarin and Saturday 10 am to 11 am in Cantonese. We also organised an Open Day and participated in community care related expos where community members and other service providers could enquire about our agency on the service we provide.
Stronger community engagement We recognise the cultural needs and social needs of our community who originate from Asia. Last year, we celebrated the major festive events: Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival with the community at large. Throughout the year, we have interest classes such as Tai Chi, English, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy for community to share interest as well as socialising with people who come from similar backgrounds.
增加媒体与面对面交流的平台 社区人士可以通过更多途径认识我们 的机构和服务。我们的媒体平台不仅限于给 您寄上的每季度的三种语言的季刊和一年一 度的挂历,我们还有7天全天候的网站www. chungwahcac.org.au、 每周刊登在《澳大利亚 时报》的“阳光安老一站通”专栏,以及通过 6EBA多元广播电台FM 95.3 兆赫,每周两次 的中文广播节目,普通话节目每周三晚上6点 至7点和广东话节目每周六上午10点至11点, 给您带来社区新闻、养老护理信息和身心健 康资讯。此外,我们在去年举办了开放日和参 与社区护理服务有关的展览会,让社区人士 和其他服务机构可以面对面咨询我们的员工 有关机构和服务的信息。
Our volunteer performed at mainstream day centre 我们的义工在主流服务机构的日间活动中心演出
与社区保持更密切的接触 来自亚洲的移民拥有着与主流社会不 同的文化和社交需求。每年的重要节庆,如: 农历新年、端午节和中秋节,中华社区及长 者服务都会给广大社区承办活动大肆庆祝 一番,去年也不例外。过去一年,我们一直都 进行着不同的社区兴趣班,如:太极班、英语 班、中国国画和书法班,让来自相似背景的移 民学习共同爱好之余结交志同道合的朋友。 47
Professionalised Voluntary Services AA new new volunteer volunteer policy policy and and handbook handbook were were developed developed last last year year to to enhance enhance the the professionalism professionalism of of our our expanding expanding voluntary voluntary services. services. We We organised organised training training and and appreciation appreciation programs programs for for volunteers volunteers and and now now have have more more than than one one hundred hundred who who assist assist in in many many ways ways –– teaching teaching our our community community interest interest classes classes and and Evergreen Evergreen College; College; cooking cooking for for our our service service users users attending attending day day centre; centre; broadcasting broadcasting aged aged care, care, health health care care information information and and community community news; news; visiting visiting Asian Asian seniors seniors in in nursing nursing homes; homes; preparing preparing for for community community events, events, etc. etc. We We believe believe volunteers volunteers are are one one of of the the greatest greatest assets assets for for our our growth, growth, and and by by providing providing aa wide wide variety variety of of voluntary voluntary roles, roles, CAC CAC not not only only benefi benefits ts from from their their experience experience and and expertise expertise but but also also provides provides an an opportunity opportunity for for volunteers volunteers to to enhance enhance their their sense, sense, not not only only of of their their own own community community but but also also the the broader broader community community in in which which we we live. live.
Equipment training training for for seniors seniors 示范长者辅助用具的使用方法 示范长者辅助用具的使用方法 Equipment
Extended Operating hour
We We are are now now available available to to receive receive your your enquiry enquiry from from 88 am am to to 5pm 5pm Monday Monday to to Friday. Friday. Enquiries Enquiries that that require require special special assistance assistance will will be be attended attended by by aa specially specially trained trained enquiry enquiry team. team. Our Our enquiry enquiry team team isis made made up up of of multilingual multilingual staff staff who who have have extensive extensive experience experience in in community community services. services.
为了加强日益增长的义工服务的专业 为了加强日益增长的义工服务的专业 性,我们在去年制定了一份全新的义工政 性,我们在去年制定了一份全新的义工政 策和 策和
Community Community talks talks to to empower empower our our members members of of community community 我们举办社区讲座帮助社区人士增强知识 我们举办社区讲座帮助社区人士增强知识
我们的办公时间, 我们的办公时间,目前是星期一至星期 目前是星期一至星期 五, 五,上午八点至下午五点, 上午八点至下午五点,欢迎您来电咨询。 欢迎您来电咨询。 如果须要格外帮助的咨询服务, 如果须要格外帮助的咨询服务,我们的咨询 我们的咨询 小组可以协助您, 小组可以协助您,这个小组的员工是经过特 这个小组的员工是经过特 别培训, 别培训,他们能说多种语言, 他们能说多种语言,且在社区服务 且在社区服务 方面经验丰富。 方面经验丰富。
We We provide provide cultural cultural briefi briefing ng for for mainstream mainstream service service providers providers 我们帮助主流服务机构进一步认识亚裔文化 我们帮助主流服务机构进一步认识亚裔文化
Students Students from from our our Calligraphy Calligraphy && Chinese Chinese Painting Painting Class Class produced produced an an artistic artistic work work 书法班与国画班的学生联手打造的作品 书法班与国画班的学生联手打造的作品
手册。我们定期给义工提供培训和举 手册。我们定期给义工提供培训和举 办答谢会,至今有超过100位义工通过不同 办答谢会,至今有超过100位义工通过不同 的方式帮助我们的社区,比如:在社区兴 的方式帮助我们的社区,比如:在社区兴 趣班或常青学院当导师、给出席日间活动 趣班或常青学院当导师、给出席日间活动 中心的服务用户烹调美食、广播社区新闻 中心的服务用户烹调美食、广播社区新闻 和养老护理信息等、到养老院探访亚裔长 和养老护理信息等、到养老院探访亚裔长 者,以及筹办社区活动等等。我们相信义 者,以及筹办社区活动等等。我们相信义 工是机构成长过程中重要的资产之一,在 工是机构成长过程中重要的资产之一,在 提供广泛的义务服务选择下,中华社区及 提供广泛的义务服务选择下,中华社区及 长者服务不仅从他们的宝贵经验和专业中 长者服务不仅从他们的宝贵经验和专业中 获利,同时也让这些义工有机会对自己的 获利,同时也让这些义工有机会对自己的 社区甚至更广大的社区有深一层的观感。 社区甚至更广大的社区有深一层的观感。
展望 2013 Resolution In In the the coming coming year, year, we we will will continue continue to to develop develop and and improve improve our our roles roles in in fostering fostering positive positive ageing ageing and and healthy healthy living living for for Asian Asian communities. communities. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, we we aim aim to to maintain maintain quality quality services services as as we we work work towards towards becoming becoming the the top top preferred preferred service service provider provider for for people people from from CALD CALD backgrounds backgrounds who who are are in in need need of of care. care. AA series series of of festive festive celebrations celebrations for for Chinese Chinese New NewYear Year isis around around the the corner. corner. Family Family reunion reunion isis an an essential essential part part of of this this festival, festival, this this year year we we would would also also like like to to uphold uphold the the positive positive intergenerational intergenerational sentiment sentiment amongst amongst the the Asian Asian family family by by organising organising aa Chinese Chinese New New Year’s Year’s longevity longevity luncheon luncheon and and aa photography photography contest contest themed themed “Intergenerational “Intergenerational caring” caring” Apart Apart from from celebrating celebrating this this festive festive season, season, we we will will endeavour endeavour to to establish establish partnerships partnerships with with mainstream mainstream service service providers providers and and peak peak bodies bodies such such as as Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Australia Australia WA WA to to combat combat the the dementia dementia epidemic epidemic which which isis now now an an emerging emerging care care issues. issues. In In addition addition to to our our existing existing community community care care services, services, we we will will work work in in partnership partnership with with the the leading leading provider provider of of relationship relationship support support services, services, Relationships Relationships Australia Australia WA, WA, to to run run “Beyond “Beyond Gambling Gambling Project” Project” for for
the the Asian Asian community. community. We We believe believe itit isis part part of of our our social social responsibility responsibility as as problem problem gambling gambling has has been been an an issue issue that that bring bring aa negative negative impact impact to to many many Asian Asian families. families. Furthermore, Furthermore, we we are are committed committed to to providing providing aa wide wide range range of of community community programs programs and and activities activities for for you you who who share share the the same same interest interest to to strengthen strengthen the the community. community. Without Without your your support support and and participation, participation, our our growth growth will will be be limited. limited. We We value value your your feedback feedback and and comments comments and and we we can can be be reached reached via via the the following following ways: ways:
庆祝节日之余,我们也会竭尽所能与 庆祝节日之余,我们也会竭尽所能与 政府机构和主流的非政府机构建立合作关 政府机构和主流的非政府机构建立合作关 系,例如西澳阿兹海默症协会,接下来, 系,例如西澳阿兹海默症协会,接下来, 我们会与该机构共同对抗失智症这个日益 我们会与该机构共同对抗失智症这个日益 严重的健康医疗问题 严重的健康医疗问题 。除了目前所提供的 。除了目前所提供的 社区护理服务, 社区护理服务, 我们将会与领先全国的关 我们将会与领先全国的关 系帮助服务机构,Relationships 系帮助服务机构,Relationships Australia西 Australia西 澳分会合作,一起实行命名为 澳分会合作,一起实行命名为 “Beyond “Beyond Gambling Gambling Project”的反赌博项目给亚裔社 Project”的反赌博项目给亚裔社 区 区。 。参 参与 与这 这项 项计 计划 划是 是我 我们 们的 的社 社会 会责 责任 任所 所 在,因为病态赌博多年来给许许多多的亚 在,因为病态赌博多年来给许许多多的亚 裔家庭带来了相当大的冲击。 裔家庭带来了相当大的冲击。
新的一年里,我们会继续努力帮助亚 新的一年里,我们会继续努力帮助亚 裔社区打造一个身心健康和精彩活跃的生 裔社区打造一个身心健康和精彩活跃的生 活。与此同时,我们也积极保持高质量服 活。与此同时,我们也积极保持高质量服 务,希望能够成为所有来自多元文化及语 务,希望能够成为所有来自多元文化及语 言背景的有需要人士首选的社区护理服务 言背景的有需要人士首选的社区护理服务 机构。 机构。
不仅如此, 不仅如此, 我们也致力于提供更广泛 我们也致力于提供更广泛 的社区计划和活动给同样有志于增强我们 的社区计划和活动给同样有志于增强我们 社区的您。缺少了您的支持和参与,我们 社区的您。缺少了您的支持和参与,我们 的发展是有限的。您的意见和建议值得我 的发展是有限的。您的意见和建议值得我 们关注,请通过以下的方式与我们联系。 们关注,请通过以下的方式与我们联系。
农历新年在即,接下来我们会有一连 农历新年在即,接下来我们会有一连 串的春节活动为您展开。家庭团聚是春节 串的春节活动为您展开。家庭团聚是春节 的关键传统之一,今年我们也趁这佳节来 的关键传统之一,今年我们也趁这佳节来 临之际,举办一个称为“千岁宴”的春节 临之际,举办一个称为“千岁宴”的春节 聚餐活动以及取名为“留住祖孙情最美一 聚餐活动以及取名为“留住祖孙情最美一 刻”的摄影大赛,来宣扬亚裔家庭中正面 刻”的摄影大赛,来宣扬亚裔家庭中正面 的三代关系。 的三代关系。
地址 地址 Address Address :: Unit Unit 99 /117 /117 Brisbane Brisbane Street, Street, Perth Perth WA WA 电话 电话 Phone: Phone: 08 08 93283988 93283988 传真 传真 Fax: Fax: 9228 9228 3990 3990 电子邮件 电子邮件 Email: Email: enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au 网站 网站 Website: Website: www. www. chungwahcac.org.au chungwahcac.org.au
千 2013春节齐欢
日期 Date 时间 Time 地点 Venue
: 16 /2 /2013 , Saturday (星期六) : 上午 11am - 下午 2pm : 新天地 Xin Tian Di 40 Francis Street Northbridge WA 6003
9999 Live Well to Longevity
票价Ticket:$ 45 每位 (90岁以上长者免费)座位有限 购票截止日期 购票截止日期 11 11 // 22 // 2013 2013
购票地点 购票地点 Ticket Ticket available available at at
Unit 9/117 Brisbane St. Perth WA (08) 9328 3988 www.chungwahcac.org.au
演 师生与家长手语表 sign language parents performing Teachers, students and
讲故事 Story telling
End of another Successful School Year
总结与希望 对于孩子们来说,年终,意味 着闭学和总结,也预示了节日和休 假,由此紧张而忙碌,但更多的 是开心与期盼。12月15日,中华乐 思中文学校举办了年终闭学式, 全校师生欢聚一堂,还吸引了众 多家长前来观礼。校长陈美丽对 2012年的学校工作进行了总结, 对师生们一年来的努力表示认可 和感谢。校长亲手向毕业班的同 学们颁发了毕业证书。同时宣布在 学校开展的各种类型竞赛和 评比中,共有130人次的同学 获奖,由各班老师向他们颁 发了奖杯和奖状。闭学式上, 师生们还带来了精彩的文艺演 出,受到观众的热烈欢迎。愿 我们幼苗一般的孩子们,在中 文学校这个园地中,领受更多中 华文化的洗礼,共同快乐成长。 rformance ral dance pe 表演 Cultu 高年级舞蹈 (李雪莲 报道 杜孝顺 摄影)
Children look forward to the end of the year as it usually signifies the arrival of extended school holidays and festivities. On December 校长与学童 15th, the Rossmoyne Chinese School Principal with a student held its year end assembly where teachers and students gathered together to celebrate the end of another successful school year. Principal CHEN Meili summarized the achievements of the year, and thanked all teachers and students for the effort they have put in. She and various teachers then presented graduation certificates, excellence awards, competition awards, etc, to about 130 students. Parents were also present to witness the recognition of the achievements by their children. A series of cultural performances by various classes followed the presentation, which was warmly appreciated by all present. It’s great to see our children immersing themselves in Chinese culture in the nurturing environment of our Chinese school. (Reported by Laura LI, Photos by George DU) 学前班儿歌表演 Pre-primar y classes performing
a song
这一年,我们共同成长 Growing Up Together On the morning of December 8th, the teachers and parents of the pre-primary classes at the Rossmoyne Chinese School held an end of year gathering in the grounds of the school. The parents brought along a wide variety of fantastic food, whilst the teachers prepared some traditional and fun games. Everyone enjoyed the picnic and had a good time. The kids were excited and participated actively in the games, with the parents joining in, filling the occasion with lots of laughter. Every child received a gift from their teachers at the end of the activity.
12月8日上午,中华乐思中文学校学前班的师生和家长们,在操场上举办了热闹 的年终联欢会。家长们带来了丰盛的食物,老师们也准备了传递乒乓球、击鼓传花等有 趣的集体游戏。大家一边野餐,一边联欢。游戏中小朋友们争先恐后,家长们也应邀加 入,现场充满了欢声笑语。活动结束后,每位小朋友还收到了来自老师的爱心礼物。 2012年中华乐思中文学校一共开设了三个学前班,“寓教于乐”是学前班的教学 宗旨,小朋友们在游戏中快乐地学习知识,在歌唱中勇敢地表现自我,他们的聪明和 特长由此得到充分发挥,同时这些活动也极大地激发了他们学习中文的兴趣。在这一年 的学习和相处中,师生之间建立了深厚的感情,让我们期待来年小朋友们更加优异的表 现!(韩亚青 报道)
In 2012, there were 3 pre-primary classes, and the motto of these classes is “learning through happiness”. The children gained knowledge through the fun of games, and expressing themselves with courage through singing, allowing them to showcase their intelligence and talents. At the same time, such activities also motivate their interest in learning Chinese. During a year of learning and interaction, the teachers and students have developed a strong relationship. Let us all anticipate even greater results in the coming new year! (Reported By HAN Ya Qing)
Kids Drawing
学前B班 黄宏圣
学前B班 哈娜
Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme Participating Outlets
Use your Chung Wah membership card or voucher to enjoy discounts for dining and shopping! Condition of Use : Membership card cannot be used in conjunction with vouchers. Other conditions may be imposed by individual outlets.
加盟及反馈热线 Contact details for participating and feedback 市场统筹 Marketing Co-ordinator 周文琪 Raine Chaw 电话 Tel: 9328 8657 / 0413 175 082 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 E-mail: marketingcw@chungwah.org.au
VMC = Valid Membership Card
10% off per jar (190gm) with Online Purchase or in Festivals
Online Store: http://chilli-d.com.au
Gourmet Snacks
10% off products
Shop FP 21-22, E-Shed Markets, Fremantle
Restaurant D’Nyonya Penang
10% off on Food and Beverage
Unit 6 & 7, 1019 Albany Highway, Victoria Park
Café Myriade
15% off per person, not to be used in conjunction with other offer. Limit to one voucher per person.
2/98, Lake Street, Northbridge, 6003 WA
Café Valentino
10% off
27 Lake Street, Northbridge Piazza (Cnr of James and Lake Streets)
Endless Delight Chinese Cuisine 味中味餐馆
5% off
Formosa Café
10% off (food and beverages only)
Voucher + VMC
58 Francis Street, Northbridge
Hong Kong BBQ House 顺德烧腊海鲜酒家
10% off for dine-in only (Except Saturday & Sunday)
Voucher + VMC
76 Francis Street, Northbridge
Jolon House 吉隆
10% off
Voucher + VMC
Belmont Forum Shopping Centre, Shop 82-1, 227 Belmont Avenue, Cloverdale
Joy Garden 乐涛园
10% off for lunch (Except Sunday) + 10% off for dinner (Except Tuesday)
Voucher + VMC
65 Francis Street, Northbridge
Little Lamb Restaurant 小尾羊餐厅
10% off for steamboats (Except Saturday & Sunday)
Voucher + VMC
91 James Street, Northbridge
Perth Dae Jang Kum Korean BBQ 大长今韩国烧烤
Free pancake
Voucher + VMC
74 Francis Street, Northbridge
Presotea 鲜茶道
Free upsize or topping
Regent Cake 丽晶饼屋
5% off
Voucher + VMC
Shop 10, 45 Francis Street, Northbridge
Shanghai Flavour Restaurant 上海人家餐馆
10% off
Voucher + VMC
Shop 2 , 375 William Street, Northbridge
Shimizu Grand Japanese Buffet Restaurant
20% off (Except Fri, Sat, Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve) + Maximum numbers apply per membership card
Voucher + VMC
Shop 67, Floreat Forum Shopping Centre, Floreat
Food and Beverage
Unit 5/145 Newcastle Street, Northbridge
81 Barrack Street, Perth
Utopia Formosa Square 14/109 James Street, Northbridge Utopia Victoria Park 859 Albany Highway, Victoria Park Utopia Myaree 50 Hulme Court, Myaree
10% off for drinks only
Utopia Garden City K07, 125 Riseley Street, Booragoon Utopia Barrack 71 Barrack Street, Perth Utopia Southlands 4. 41 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton Utopia Carousel 1019B, 1382 Albany Hwy, Cannington Utopia Westfield Whitfords City 231A Cnr Marmion & Whitfords Ave, Hillarys
South Ocean Chinese Restaurant
5% off (except lunch special)
17 South Street, Kardinya
Sushi Master (Coventry Square Markets)
20% off total bill of the table
The Red Teapot 美食屋
10% off for lunch only
Voucher + VMC
413 William Street, Northbridge
Welcome Inn Tea House 美心茶楼
5% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)
Voucher + VMC
354 William Street, Northbridge
XinTianDi Restaurant 新天地
10% off Monday to Friday
Shop 3A Coventry Square Markets, 243 Walter Road, Morley
40 Francis Street, Northbridge, WA 6003
Shopping Angel City
10% off except special priced items
Voucher + VMC
Good Vibration Studios
15% off full price stock
Shop 261, Coventry Village, 243-253 Walter Road West, Morley WA
High Mountain Tea Company
10% off on tea variesties except special priced items
26 May Street, East Fremantle 6158
Muddy Creek ANW Enterprises Pty Ltd
20% discount on entire range
1/51 Farrall Road, Midvale
Busy Bee Pharmacy
10% off
201 William Street, Northbridge
Golden Gates Asian Gifts Fashion & Accessories 金门亚洲礼品时尚服饰店
10% off
Voucher + VMC
314 William Street, Northbridge
Great Australia Natural Selection 大澳保健礼品中心
10% off (Except products on sale)
Voucher + VMC
Shop 3, 369 William Street, Northbridge
It’s More Than a Sip Tea Art Gallery 品之味茶艺中心
10% off for Tea & Tea Sets (Except Furniture)
Little Bubs Baby and Children’s Wear
10% off
Voucher + VMC
The One Gift Shop
10% off
Shop 48 Coventry Square Markets, 243-253 Walter Road, Morley
WA Unique Homes 佑嘉应用
10% off
Shop 19, Coventry Square Markets, 243 Walter Road West, Morley
WA’s Chinese Videos Books & News 胜者影音
10% off
Voucher + VMC
273 William Street, Northbridge
3% off
370 William Street, Northbridge
347 Shop, 280 Bannister Road, Canning Vale
5-7 Palmerston Street, Northbridge 2/117 Brisbane Street, Perth
Services Dshop Photographic Studio 周丹摄影工作室
20% off
Voucher + VMC
0423 881 212
James Computer 西澳电脑
10% off for computer repairs
Voucher + VMC
U10, 117 Brisbane Street, Perth
ME Superfund Tax & Audit
15% off
Money Chain Foreign Exchange 融侨速汇
10% off service fee
Voucher + VMC
1-354 William Street, Northbridge
Point 88 Food & Entertainment
10% off
Voucher + VMC
88 James St. Northbridge WA 6003
2 Santa Rosa Way, Stirling
Beauty and Wellness Hair DJ
10% off
Voucher + VMC
U4/415 Newcastle Street, Perth
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1/189 William Street, Northbrigde 6003
Pot Black Family Pool and Snooker Centres
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Vouchers On Available i Printed Maga
Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme Voucher
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Exclusively for
双语杂志 文 英 中 的 西澳唯一
WAH M The Only Chinese AGAZINE -English Magazin Biling e Publis hed in W ual A
发出 你的 声 音 Advertise with Us 《中华之声》广告邀请 《中华之声》双月刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出版。成立 于1909年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最强的华人 社团,得到澳大利亚联邦、西澳州、珀斯市和各个地区政 府的共同承认,是西澳全体14万华人的官方代言人。 每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人物专访、 背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和广度挖掘,来对每一 个与会员和本地华人密切相关的不同主题,进行全面阐释 和报道,我们力求通过多样的形式和风格,来传达中华会 馆关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国文化、加强人道关怀” 的理念追求,以此来记录中华会馆乃至西澳华人社会百年 以来的生活历程和历史变迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它非盈 利性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄送,并在 珀斯市中心北桥的一些传媒零售商店中公开 发售,同时在中华会馆网站www.chungwah. org.au 和澳群网 www.aupeopleweb.com 中有电子版可供阅读和下载。本刊的知 名度和声誉在 2011 年 7 月创刊以来 不断发展壮大,对于吸引新会员和加 强会馆与主流社会的联系,提供了强 大助力。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布 广告,将您的产品和服务信息与我 们的读者分享。我们具有全方面专 业才能的工作团队,能够使您的广告 展示更加优化。
The Chung Wah Magazine is a bi-monthly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in WA. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers around 140,000. Each edition of the magazine uses a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact on our members and the local Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via story telling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in human services. In the process, it generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes through time. The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-profit organizations. It is available for sale at a number of retail outlets in Northbridge, and the electronic version is posted on our website www. chungwah.org.au as well as on www.aupeopleweb.com. It has grown in popularity and reputation since its inception in July 2011, and has helped the Association in attracting new members and generating goodwill. We invite you to advertise in our magazine and/ or to share information about your goods and services with our readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimise your exposure and presentation.
全页 Full Page
半页 Half Page
¼页 Quarter Page
普通内页 Inside pages
$600 + GST
$300 + GST
$200 + GST
封面内页 Inside front cover
$900 + GST
无 Not Applicable
无 Not Applicable
封底内页 Inside back cover
$900 + GST
无 Not Applicable
无 Not Applicable
$1,500 + GST
无 Not Applicable
无 Not Applicable
封底 Outside back cover
(有时广告设计需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required)
Contact details
市场统筹 Marketing Co-ordinator 周文琪 Raine Chaw 电话 Tel: 9328 8657 / 0413 175 082 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 E-mail: marketingcw@chungwah.org.au
中华会馆 - 炎黄子孙共同的大家庭 We invite you to join the Chung Wah family Our motto is 我们的口号是
Membership Hotline Just dial 9328 8657 to sign up Annual Membership: Single $30 and Family $45. Concessional Rate: Single $15 and Family $30 – For students and pensioners. 直接拨打 9328 8657 即可加入中华会馆大家庭,年会费单人30元,家庭45元; 优惠价(适用于学生和退休人士)单人15元,家庭30元
三条快线 Three Direct Email Contacts for Services Members Discount Scheme 会员优惠计划
Volunteer Development Program 志愿者发展计划
Mental Health Assistance Program 心理健康援助计划
With your Membership Card, you can access discounts from 5% to 25% at participating outlets. Participating outlets are increasing and being updated constantly!
Providing training to volunteers incorporating personal and professional development with real practical work experience. Also provides valuable local work experience for new migrants and professional references where appropriate.
chungwah@chungwah.org.au Ph: 9328 8657
凭借会员卡,您可以在加盟餐馆、 商店和其它服务机构中,享受到 5%—25%的折扣优惠。加盟商业伙伴 数目在持续增加之中!
结合个人和职业发展的需要,提供 实用的工作经验,为志愿者提供培 训机会, 同时为新移民提供适合的、 有价值的本地工作经验,并出具专 业的推荐信
A professional psychology counsellor is available to talk to you in Mandarin or Cantonese. The service includes counselling, assessment, and referral to other appropriate services 中文心理咨询服务,内容包括:中 文咨询,出具评估方案,委托相关 政府部分提供专项援助