ChungWah Magazine Vol.4 - 龙年大吉 The Prosperous Dragon Year

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第四期 ISSUE No.4 2012年1月 January 2012

The ProsPerous

年大吉 中华会馆编辑出版 Published by Chung Wah assoCiation

year ount side c s i D rs in he 物 vouc 购 餐饮 含 券 内 优惠

Perth Chinese New Year Fair


Year of Chinese Culture in Australia

珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文 化 节

Proudly Sponsored by

Attractions include stalls, cultural activities and demonstrations, cultural concert, photographic exhibition, lion and dragon dances, and much much more.

A Street Celebration

TIME : 12.00noon - 9.00pm DATE : Sunday 29 January 2012 VENUE : James Street, Northbridge (between William & Lake Street) ENQUIRIES : (08) 9328 8657

我们的声音 voIcE of chUNg wah


《中华会刊》公开发售 会员免费

Free for Chung Wah Members

迄今为止,我们已经出版了四 期高品位、高水准的《中华会刊》。

The Chung Wah Magazine has produced 4 substantial and quality editions to date. I hope you have enjoyed reading them, and have been able to indulge and share in the underlying messages in line with my vision of Harmony, Heritage, and Humanity. When the editorial team first met to discuss the format, contents, purpose, and direction of the magazine, it was clear that our ultimate audience is the entire WA Chinese community, not just Chung Wah members. If we are just addressing the needs of the Association, a newsletter in the form of the former Chung Wah News would suffice. The production costs of a proper and quality magazine is relatively prohibitive for the local Chinese community. In the current day, only Chung Wah has the resources and ability to produce and support such a magazine.

希望大家都喜欢该杂志,并能在阅 读我们精心准备的内容时,体味到 我关于凝聚、传承和人道的执政理 念。 当编辑团队在讨论 会刊的形 式、内容、目的和方向时,有一点是 很明确的,那就是我们最终要把会 刊推向整个西澳的华人社区,而不 仅限于会员 。如果仅为了满足会馆 的需要,那之前以通讯形式出版的 《中华会讯》就足够了。一本高水 准杂志的出版成本,对于本地的华 人社区来说是相对昂贵的。如今也 只有中华会馆有实力和能力来制作 和出版这样一本杂志。 在今年七月份出版第一期时, 理事会一致同意把会刊寄发给那 些会籍在2008年12月份到期而未续 费的会员,以鼓励他们继续入会。

Chung Wah Magazine Sales Poster 《中华会刊》销售海报

At the point of publishing the first edition in July, the Executive Committee made a conscious decision to post the magazine to members whose membership had lapsed since December 2008, in a bid to encourage them to renew their memberships and re-acquaint with Chung Wah. The plan was to persist this for the first 3 editions. After that, only members whose subscriptions are paid up to date will continue to receive the magazine in the post from January 2012 onwards. If you no longer receive a copy in your letterbox, but would like it to continue, you should consider renewing your membership. We are now ready to promote the magazine to the wider Chinese community, as well as the mainstream community, with the aim of interacting and sharing our thoughts with more readers. Even though this is a non-commercial magazine, we have decided to collect a contribution of $5 per magazine at cost from the public, as it would be unfair to members if non-members also receive them free of charge. Non-members can also benefit from the Members Discount Scheme by using the discount vouchers contained in the magazine. Members will continue to get a copy of the magazine free of charge and enjoy more discounts and a wide variety of services provided by the Association.

计划前三期都以这种方式进行,此 后,就只有续交会费的会员才能从 2012年1月起继续收到会刊。如果 您最近没有再收到会刊,但仍想继续阅读的话,请您考虑更新会籍。 我们现在准备把会刊推广到更广泛的华人社区,以至主流社会 公众,希望能有更多的读者与我们交流产生共鸣。尽管会刊是非营利 性的杂志,然而如果免费向公众发放,这对会员是不公平的,我们最 终决定以5元的出版成本为标准,向公众收取费用,而且非会员也可以 使用优惠劵来节省一些费用。会员则能继续免费收到会刊,享受优惠 和会馆提供的其它各项服务。 我认为会刊是为广大华人社区服务的媒介,而非商业性质的刊 物。您可以通过在会刊上刊登广告、直接提供资助、加入我们的会员优 惠计划、或花5块钱购买本刊等方式,来支持这样一个重要的媒介。

中华会馆会长 叶俊帆

I see the magazine as a medium for all WA Chinese of a community nature rather than commercial. You can support this important medium by advertising in the magazine, provide direct sponsorship, join our Members Discount Scheme, or simply buy a copy of the magazine for only $5.

Sammy Yap President of Chung Wah Association


我们的声音 voIcE of chUNg wah


a coMMoN ThEME As a 60 plus years old Chinese resident of Perth for over 20 years with fluent English skills, I still often come across problems and loneliness caused by the cultural divide. Hence, I can appreciate the problems and issues faced by Chinese seniors with English or financial difficulties. So, despite the different backgrounds, aged care will be a common problem that we face. I am touched by the tribute paid by the Chung Wah Magazine to Theresa Kwok in recognition of her hard work and achievements for more than 20 years. To my knowledge, this is the first time that the Chung Wah Association has publicly done so, which required a lot of courage and demeanour. As a witness to history, the controversies that had surrounded Mrs Kwok, in my personal opinion, were a reflection of a poor and basic management structure which created a conflict between volunteers and paid personnel. Mrs Kwok has always been a paid personnel ever since she joined the Association, whereas the Association until today, still relies heavily on the contributions of volunteers (Editor’s note: The Presidents, Executive Committees, and Council of Elders are all volunteers). Whose contribution is greater? Are unpaid volunteers the more noble? Should paid personnel be subject to bullying? I am in no position to be the judge, but I am grateful to, and respect, anyone who has a kind heart towards looking after the elderly. I really enjoyed reading this edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, because it respected history, tells it as it is, and inspires the readers to develop their own thought processes. I thank the editorial team for their professionalism and hard work in bringing to light a factual account of history. The unpleasant controversies are not worth a mention; what should be passed on is the precious experience and learnings from history. Just as mentioned in President Sammy Yap’s article of “A Pioneering Model”, the learnings are not only valuable to Chung Wah, but should be shared with, and referenced by, the entire Perth Chinese community. S.Tan

共同的主题 作为一个60多岁,在珀斯生活了20多年的华人,即使我的英文很流利,在生活中我也还是

Looking back at the times when they were still very inexperienced parents, my mum and dad are always very proud of having made the decision of sending us to Chinese schools. Back then, in Malaysia, when kids reached the age of 6, parents were required to register their children into primary schools that they were to go to the following year. My parents had initially registered my elder sister, the first child, into an English school. But when they got home and realised an Indian family a few doors away on the left and a Malay family two doors away on the right were sending their kids to a Chinese school, they thought long for the reason not sending us to one when we are Chinese ourselves, especially when my dad himself has experienced regret of not being able to understand Mandarin. Interested in Chinese literature, My dad has always yearned of reading the Four Great Classical Novels, but being English educated, that emptiness is never filled. He understands that watching the movie or drama series is never the same as reading them. He has tried reading the translated version of Water Margin but found it to be very dry and with little meaning or impact. So, eventually, all four children went to Chinese schools from primary to high school and are now able to speak and write three languages. This emptiness of his remains till today but I know somehow it’s been slightly filled knowing his children would not face the same problem/regret. Wayn SONG

经常会遇到因为文化观念的不同而造成的压抑和寂寞,所以对于那些英文或者经济条件更加 困难的华人长者,我能够体会他们处境的艰难,他们的养老问题,也就是,或者将要是我们共


同面对的主题。 会刊对郭郑素雯20多年工作成绩的肯定和褒奖,令我感动。据我所知,这是会馆许多年 以来,公开进行的第一次。这需要很大的勇气和胸怀。作为一个历史的亲历者,发生在郭太身 上的是非争议,在我个人看来,更多是反映了在一个贫穷和简陋的管理平台之上,志愿者与受 薪者之间的矛盾。郭太从进入会馆开始,就是受薪的雇员,而会馆维持至今,一直有赖于无数 志愿者的奉献(编者注:历任的会长、理事会、元老会成员全部都是志愿者)。究竟谁的功劳 最大?是否不拿钱的就是最光荣?受了薪的就应该要受气?我没有资格来做这个评判,但是 对所有孝敬老人的善人和善举,我都表示尊敬和感谢。我很欣赏这一期会刊的地方,也是由于 它尊重历史,陈述事实,启发读者进行独立地思考。 再次感谢会刊编辑的专业精神和辛苦工作,呈现和诠释了这段重要的历史,那些不愉快 的纠纷,真的不值一提;留下来的,应该是宝贵的经验和启发。正如会长叶俊帆先生在《榜样 的意义》中所说的,这些经验不仅有益于中华会馆,也值得整个珀斯华人社会借鉴和分享。



每当回想起他们作为年轻的父母,对于 管教孩子还很缺乏经验的年代,爸爸妈妈总 是为做出送我们到华校念书的决定,感到非 常的自豪。当时,马来西亚的孩子到了6岁时, 父母就需要为孩子在下一年要入读的小学 进行注册,而姐姐作为长女,起初被父母注 册到一间英校去。然而,当父母回家时,发现 我们家左侧隔壁的印度家庭,和右侧相隔两 家的马来家庭,都有着送孩子到华校去的打 算。这让他们为本身是华人却不送我们去华 校的原因思考了很久,尤其是当时爸爸自己 也因为不懂华文而感到遗憾。

我们的声音 voIcE of chUNg wah 向来对中国文学感兴趣的爸爸,一直都 渴望能够阅读中国四大名著,但因为自小接 受英文教育,从来都没有弥补空白的机会。 他明白看电影或电视剧和阅读终究不一样, 也曾试图阅读《水浒传》的英文译本,但发现 它非常单调,而且缺乏意义和感染力。因此, 最终我们家全部四个孩子,从小学至高中都 被送到了华校,现在也因此懂得说、读、写三 种语言。虽然直到今天爸爸的这个空白仍在, 但我知道它已经得到了稍许弥补,因为他的 孩子们不会再面对同样的问题或者遗憾。



Chung Wah says:

我曾经在“乐善好施者”工作过一段时 间,看了贵刊关于这个慈善机构的报道,我 觉得还有一些细节可以补充。它是一个慈善 机构,宗旨很明确,就是要为残疾人创造就 业机会,然而它更象是一个充满活力、管理 规范的公司,每年回收、分类、清洁、储运和 销售近380万件的衣服和各类家庭物品,却 没有一点浪费,全部物品都被分拣得非常仔 细。有些新衣服甚至连牌子标签都还没有剪 掉,就被人当作废物捐出来了,这些“新”衣 服会被送到位于市中心莫瑞街和苏比埃可 区的商店里销售,因为这些地方的售价比较

a LESSoN foR SoME I used to work at Good Sammy for a period of time. After reading your article, I would like to supplement it with some additional details. It is a charitable organization with the clear objective to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities. It is also an active and well managed corporation involved in collecting, sorting, cleaning, transporting, and selling close to 3.8 million items of clothing and household goods. There is zero wastage as all items are carefully sorted and categorized. Amongst the collections, there are even new clothes still with their labels attached, and are mostly sent to the Murray Street and Subiaco stores to sell as they can fetch better prices due to their locations. The items that could not be sold locally, for example a single shoe, are sold to Malaysian and overseas companies by weight. Even in charitable work, if there is no money, there will only be talk and no action. In the past 53 years, Good Sammy has been keeping a low profile, focusing on building its operations from a modest shop to provid employment for more than 250 people with disabilities. This should serve as an example and lesson to those in the Chinese community who are busy seeking personal fame. TAN Boon Tee

It is always great to receive feedback from members as it is a good indication as to whether the Association is relevant and meeting their needs. After all, the members are the Association, and there would be no Association without the members. Chung Wah will continue to improve its current services to members and consider launching new services where there is a need.

高。那些实在没办法在本地出售的物品,比 如只剩下一只的鞋子等等,会以重量来计价, 成吨地直接卖给马来西亚等海外有市场的国 家。我个人认为,即使是行善,如果没有钱, 也只能是空谈。 “乐善好施”者低调、务实地 经营了50多年,从一个人的洗衣房,发展到今 天能够为250多名残疾人负担生计。这条道 路,实在值得热衷于追求虚名的华人社会借 鉴和学习。

我的会员资格真正给我带来实惠了 自从几年前我儿子入学中华巴克务中文 学校时,我就加入了中华会馆。我对会馆 一 无所知,会员证对我来说也只是废纸一张。 但收到并阅读了三期中华会刊后,我开始关 注会馆,看到他们推出了越来越多有益于会 员的举措,我很受鼓舞,觉得作为会员真正 能得到实惠了。最打动我的是会馆求职援助 计划和会员优惠计划。当我初到珀斯时,很 难找工作,很久我才找到第一份工,当时也不


MY chUNg wah MEMBERShIP MEaNS SoMEThINg To ME Now I have been a member of Chung Wah since I enrolled my son at the Parkwood Chinese school quite a few years ago. I don’t know anything about Chung Wah and don’t know what they do, and my membership seemed to be meaningless. But after receiving and reading the last three issues of the magazine, I started to take an interest because I can see that more and more services and initiatives being introduced to benefit members. I feel very heartened and really start to see the meaning of being a member. The initiatives that struck me most are the job seek assistance and the members discount scheme. When I first came to Perth, I found it very difficult to get a job and it took me quite a long time to get my first job, and I didn’t know where to ask for help. So, I can see the real value of the job seek service and I am sure many people, especially new migrants, will benefit from this service. Keep up the good work!

知道要去哪里求助。所以我认为求职援助计 划一定能帮到很多人,尤其是一些新移民。 再接再厉!

李济康 会馆说: 收到会员的反馈意见总是让我们很振 奋,这能反映会馆是否与会员保持了联系, 是否满足了会员的需求。总之,没有会员就没 有会馆。中华会馆将继续努力提高现有的服 务质量,并按会员需要开拓新的服务项目。

GK Lee



会员优惠计划更新 Updated Members Discount Scheme Participating Outlets


辛卯清明海内外华人公祭黄帝大典 Public worship ceremony of Emperor Huang in 2011 in China



珀斯华人庆龙年 Celebrating the Year of the Dragon

在2011年特别会员大会上回顾历史 Recalling history at the EgM

目 录 coNTENTS 1

我们的声音 Voice of Chung Wah


中华会馆献给珀斯华人的新年礼物 A New Year’s Gift


快来Southlands Boulevard商场参加龙年新 春嘉年华 Celebrate Your Chinese New Year at the Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre


世界龙年邮票大观 Year of the Dragon Postage Stamps from Around the World


西方的龙 Eastern Dragon VS Western Dragon


与龙有关的成语和古诗 Chengyu Related to Dragons and Ancient Poems about Dragons



走进幕后 Looking Behind the Scenes


打开通往神秘东方之门 Discover the Mysterious Orient


世界华人艺术摄影家联合展通知 Global Chinese Photographer’s Exhibition


“炎黄子孙”的由来 The Legend of Yan Huang


“中华”溯源 In the Name of Chung Wah


龙图腾 Dragon Totem


龙传说 Legend of the Dragon


故宫龙文化 Dragon Culture in the Forbidden City


龙九子 The Nine Sons of The Dragon


十二生肖与龙年 The Chinese Zodiac & The Dragon Year

主播随笔 Broadcasters’ Journal 53

乘着声音的翅膀飞翔 Soaring in the Air Waves

会馆动态 Chung Wah Events 31

松柏常青 Community & Aged Care 56

答谢、庆祝,拥抱未来 Appreciation, Celebration and Embracing the Future


移动长者服务信息台服务非英语背景长者 Mobile Information Booth for non-English Speaking Seniors


欢迎加入我们!成为一名中华CAC义工 Come & Join Us! Become a Chung Wah CAC Volunteer


中华社区与长者服务部网站开通 CAC Website Launch

外面的世界 The World Outside 60

海外旅行:谁是“老外”? “Too many foreigners” on overseas holidays...


虐待老人: 一个不容忽视的现实 Elder Abuse – A Reality That We Cannot Ignore


巧手慧心 Show Your Talent

连载专栏:寻根问祖 Regular Column : In Search of Cultural Identity and Heritage 54

第三篇:中国的十二生肖 Part 3: Understanding Chinese Zodiacs

2011年特别会员大会召开 2011 Extraordinary General Meeting


活动早知道 Staying Ahead

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Leeming)


校园天地 The School Yard

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

求职援助计划 Chung Wah Job Seek Assistance


会员优惠计划加盟商业伙伴名单 Members Discount Scheme Participating Outlets



会员优惠券 Members Discount Scheme Vouchers 封面美少女拍摄特辑 Cover Girl Photo Shoot in Action


电子邮箱 E-mail address

中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office 128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 facsimile (08) 9227 5694 电子邮箱 Email 网址 website

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Morley) Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

电子邮箱 E-mail address 中华青年组 Chung Wah Youth 电子邮箱 E-mail Address Cost of Magazine: Members – Free of Charge Non-Members – $5 Contribution

通信地址 Mailing address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

版 权 coPYRIghT 发行

Pulished by


chung wah association

社长 叶俊帆

Publisher Sammy YAP


Editorial Team

主编 秋小天

chief Editor Tina QIU

副主编 饶逸生

Deputy chief Editor Dr Yit-Seng YOW

编辑 宋丽君

Editor Quin SONG

视觉设计 汪德泉

visual Designer Carl ONG

摄影 周丹

Photographer ZHOU Dan

翻译 何双子

Translator Dorothy HE

市场统筹 程敏仪

Marketing coordinator Stella CHING

行政支持 曾梅兰

administration Agnes TSEU


Printed by New Formula Printing

中华社区与长者服务部 Chung Wah Community & Aged Care

中华舞蹈团 chung wah cultural Dance Troupe 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

9/117 Brisbane Street Perth WA 6000 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 3988 传真 facsimile (08) 9228 3990

中华民乐团 chung wah chinese orchestra 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

中华社区广播电台 chung wah Radio fM95.3 面书专页 Facebook Page

中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

电话 Telephone (08) 9440 0265

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Rossmoyne) Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

电子邮箱 e-mail address

版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材 中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

春节特别报道 Special EvENTS eventS SPEcIaL

A NEW YEAR’S GIFT ◎ Sammy YAP - President of Chung Wah Association Generally, the biggest expense in organizing a function, particularly in a prestigious location, is the cost of the premises and meals. The biggest winner out of this is the owner of the premises. On the other hand, we have a perennial headache in raising the funds required to maintain our own assets in the form of the Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge and the Chinese Cultural Centre in Balcatta. Why don’t we maximize the use of these assets by holding all our functions and activities there, so that all the funds raised can be reinvested to improve these assets for our own enjoyment and growth?

The Chinese New Year is the most important traditional

of the joint effort and hard work by more than

of our members, the entry price of $100 or more

festival on the Chinese calendar. It is not only the start

30 Chinese organizations led by Chung Wah, and

per person is unaffordable. Moreover, a ball or

of the lunar new year, but also represents the hope

is expected to be attended by 10,000 or more

dinner dance does not reflect the typical Chinese

and good wishes for the coming year and a time for

people. This represents a historical first for the

tradition, thus is unable to truly showcase the

family reunions in sharing happiness together. As the

Chinese community in Perth.

The preparation

characteristics of Chinese New Year. In addition, it

President of the Chung Wah Association – the head of

and requirements for the event are very stringent

gives a misperception to the public that Chung Wah

the largest Chinese family in Perth, I have prepared a

and is a highly complicated process as it involves

is rich. In our fundraising effort to date, we have

dynamic new year’s gift for you, not just for the Chung

dealing with a myriad of government officials,

constantly received this kind of feedback where

Wah members, but for all fellow Chinese in Perth.

learning about safety and legal issues, applying

not only it didn’t help to raise the profile of Chung

for government funding, negotiating with various

Wah, instead it had negatively impacted on our

suppliers and contractors, and raising the $100,000

fundraising work. In the earlier years, the balls and

required to ensure the success of the event.

dinner dances were a major source of fundraising

The first ever Perth Chinese New Year Fair will take place on Sunday 29 January 2012 on James Street and the Northbridge Piazza in Northbridge. James

for the Association, but in recent years, this has

Street will be closed between William and Lake

The Chung Wah Association Hall is located in James

Streets from 12.00noon to 9.00pm with street

Street in Northbridge, which is in the Chinatown

activities, performances, demonstrations, and

precinct. We hope that the Perth Chinese New Year

competitions throughout this period, including lion

Fair will become an annual event of Perth, one that

dance, dragon dance and fire crackers. An official

will help to raise the public profile of Chung Wah

We come from different parts of the world with

opening will take place at the Northbridge Piazza at

Association, Chinatown, and the city of Perth. I feel

subtly different backgrounds and practices

6.00pm followed by a multicultural concert.

that this event fully reflect my vision of Harmony,

despite our common heritage as Chinese. Hence,

Heritage, and Humanity.

celebrating an occasion in different ways adds

In planning for the 2012 Chinese New Year celebrations, my first and foremost consideration

In the past, the Association has mainly celebrated

was to organize activities that can benefit and be

Chinese New Year by holding balls and dinner

shared by all our members, as well as extending

dances at Burswood Resort or the Perth

it to the general public, within the constraint of

Convention Centre. This type of event limits the

our limited resources. The event is a culmination

number of people who can attend, and to most


diminished greatly as escalating costs and lack of sponsorships have rendered these events only breaking even at best.

to the variety and richness of events available to our community. For example, the annual balls held by the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Australian China Business Council suit their objectives in achieving business networking and promotion. The Chinese New Year Ball held

春节特别报道 SPEcIaL EvENTS Special eventS

by the Christmas Islander and Friends Association

volunteers. We treasure these resources dearly,

I have learnt from my many years of organsing

is totally backed by their corporate affiliation.

hence all the more we should ensure that they are

community events that the best way of integrating

However, Chung Wah is a community based

used wisely to maximize returns on events which

into the mainstream society is to understand

organization with the objectives of looking after the

are meaningful. Generally, the biggest expense in

government policies and strategies, become

interests and welfare of members of the Chinese

organizing a function, particularly in a prestigious

familiar with its requirements and processes,

community in WA. As such, I see the role of Chung

location, is the cost of the premises and meals.

then maximise the application for government

Wah to be holding events and activities that can be

The biggest winner out of this is the owner of the

funding and support. Paying high costs to gain

enjoyed, shared, and affordable by all.

premises. On the other hand, we have a perennial

fame and exposure is a short cut, but this short-

headache in raising the funds required to maintain

sighted method has very limited contribution to the

our own assets in the form of the Chung Wah Hall

Chinese community. I would like to see the Chinese

in Northbridge and the Chinese Cultural Centre in

community focus on projects and activities that are

Balcatta. Why don’t we maximize the use of these

foundation building, constructive, and perpetual,

assets by holding all our functions and activities

and operate within our means. No matter what,

there, so that all the funds raised can be reinvested

we have to rely on ourselves to stand on our own

to improve these assets for our own enjoyment and

feet and be strong.

Some people are of the view that holding a ball or dinner dance at a glamorous location such as Burswood helps to raise the image and standing of the Chinese people in the society. Having attended numerous such functions, I feel that this is only a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Winning the respect

and recognition of our culture and identity by the mainstream society cannot be achieved by merely dressing up and raising glasses at a high class location. In a mature society, only the powerful can enjoy the glory and high standing in society. In my mind, the powerful is not represented by those who stand on their pedestal and use their position or wealth to bully and shame the weak or the less privileged. Instead, they are people with the vision and ability to pool together the goodwill and resources available, to look after the disadvantaged people. I see this as the biggest objective and purpose of the Chung Wah Association. The Chung Wah Association needs to lead by example in the Chinese community, and develop a new way of thinking. Every time we organize an event, it costs a lot of manpower and money. Fundraising is difficult and we have never received strong support from external sources, having to rely on the effort from within the Chinese community. The sponsors and donors are local familiar faces time and again, with a big dependence on unpaid

growth? The existing facilities may be rather basic for the time being, but if we continue to reinvest the funds raised, then the facilities will improve with time. The irony is that whilst we have been spending around $50,000 to $60,000 each year at Burswood or the Convention Centre in the past, we couldn’t afford to install a central air-conditioning system at Balcatta costing around $80,000. This handicap has made the cultural centre an undesirable location for activities or for renting out during the warmer months.

On behalf of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, I would like to thank you for your support for the Association, and wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! GONG XI FA CAI!

春节特别报道 Special eventS SPEcIaL EvENTS

中华会馆献给珀斯华人的新年礼物 文◎叶俊帆(中华会馆会长) 译◎秋小天

通常情况下,我们举办活动,尤其是在高级场所举行的晚宴或者舞会,场租和餐费是最大的成本支出,场馆业 主其实是我们活动最大的受益者。然而同时,我们自己的物业——北桥的大楼和巴卡达的文化中心,每年却在为大 量的维持和改善费用短缺而头痛。为什么我们不尽量将这些活动在自己的物业上开展,以便所有资源的投入能够 得到积累,改善物业条件,形成自我发展的良性循环呢? 春节,是华人最重要的传统节日,它














首届“珀斯中华新年文化节”将于2012 年元月29日,在北桥詹姆斯大街和北桥广场 隆重举行。詹姆斯大街上从威廉姆街至雷克 街一段,从中午12点至晚上9点,将被关闭,

舞会曾经是会馆一个主要的筹款来源,然而 近些年来,由于成本的相对提高和赞助人的 稀缺,筹款金额已经大幅下跌,能够维持收 支的平衡,已经是最好的成绩。








的活 动,适用于华人社区的多样性和复杂

如何在有限的条件之下,令所有会员, 以至于本地的更多华人,都能受益和分享, 是我筹划此次春节联欢活动时首要考虑的 重点。在中华会馆的领导下,本次联欢活动 集合了30多家华人社团的共同努力和辛苦工 作,全天活动的参与总人数,预计将达到上 万人,本次文化节的活动规模,创造了珀斯华 人社区的历史。文化节筹备和组织过程要求 很高,也十分复杂,我们要与多个政府部门

性。例如,西澳华人总商会和澳大利亚中国 工商业委员会都有举办年度舞会,这有利于 他们达成开展商业社交和推广的目标;圣诞 岛居民及朋友协会举办新年舞会,背后完全 有赖于他们公司的财力支持;而中华会馆是 一个社区性的组织,我们的宗旨,是保障西 澳华人社区会员的利益和福利需要。正因为 如此,我希望会馆举办的活动,尽量让社区 中所有的人都能够受益、分享,并负担得起。









中华会馆地处北桥詹姆斯大街,而北桥是 珀斯的“唐人街”。我们衷心希望“中华新年文 化节”能够成为珀斯的年度盛事。它将同时有 利于提升会馆、唐人街和珀斯市的公众形象和 影响力。我认为这样的庆祝形式,也真正体现 了我的执政理念——凝聚、传承和人道。



同和身份的认可,不是光凭衣冠楚楚地在高 级场所里把酒言欢就可以轻易达成的。在一 个成熟的社会里,只有真正的强者才能享有 荣誉和地位。我心目中的强者,不是傲慢地 高高在上,令弱者仰望,甚至用地位与金钱 的差距去欺负和羞辱弱者;与之相反,强者









中华会馆需要成为榜样,为华人社区带 来新的思维方式和风气。每次我们组织社区 活动,都要耗费大量的人力和财力资源。筹 款非常艰难,我们从未获得过强大的外部支 援,每一次都是主要依靠华人社区自己的力 量来达成目标。很多捐款人、赞助人都是本 地社区的熟面孔,而且每次都有赖于大量志 愿者的无偿劳动。我们珍惜这些付出,故而 希望这样的付出能够更有价值和意义。通常 情况下,我们举办活动,尤其是在高级场所 举行的晚宴或者舞会,场租和餐费是最大的 成本支出,场馆业主其实是我们活动最大的 受益者。然而同时,我们自己的物业——北桥 的大楼和巴卡达的文化中心,每年却在为大 量的维持和改善费用短缺而头痛。为什么我 们不尽量将这些活动在自己的物业上开展, 以便所有资源的投入能够得到积累,改善物 业条件,形成自我发展的良性循环呢?可能在 开始几年条件会很简陋,设施也不完善,但 是只要持续性地投入资金进行保养和改善, 未来的条件和环境一定会越来越好。长年以 来,一个令人痛心的现象是,一方面,我们每 年在博思活或者会展中心花费大约5万至6万 元,而另一方面,我们的文化中心却连一部价 值8万元的中央空调都没钱配置,以至于很多 年的暑期,文化中心都在白白闲置,难以使用 或出租。 据我多年组织社区活动的亲身经验,与 主流社会融合的最佳方式,是了解政府的政 策法规,熟悉运作的规程和手续,并设法争 取政府的资助和支持。支付昂贵的费用去赢 得体面是很快捷,但是这种短视的行为对华 人社区的帮助非常有限。我的心愿,是在华人 社区多开展一些基础性、建设性和持续性的 工作,因为无论如何,我们都必须依靠自己, 自立自强。 最后,值此新春佳节到来之际,我谨代 表中华会馆理事会,感谢大家对会馆的支持 与厚爱,祝愿大家龙年大吉!恭喜发财!

春节特别报道 SPEcIaL EvENTS

Celebrate Your Chinese New Year at the Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre ◎ Written by Justin KWOK As part of the 2012 Year of the Dragon Chinese New Year activities, the Chung Wah Association will be hosting a celebration at the Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre in Willetton on Saturday 28 January 2012. The event will form part of the Year of Chinese Culture in Australia, a joint initiative of the Australian and Chinese governments. The organising committee is arranging for a number of colourful and exciting activities to showcase Chinese culture in, and to share it with, the Western Australian community. The event will sport the grace of Chinese dancing, the impact of martial arts, the traditional fanfare of lion dancing to chase away bad spirits and to usher in good luck and the colour and excitement of “Cai Shen”, the God of Prosperity, who the crowd will be welcome to meet and take pictures with.

快来 Southlands Boulevard 商场参加 龙年新春嘉年华 文◎郭沚维 译◎何双子 作为2012龙年新春活动的一部分,中华会馆将于1月28日周六在 Southlands Boulevard商场举办新春嘉年华。这也是澳大利亚和中国政府联合 举办的澳大利亚中国文化年的活动之一。 组委会正在筹备一系列精彩纷呈的活动来向西澳人展示中国文化,包括 优美的中国舞蹈、精彩的功夫表演、传统的舞狮驱走恶魔带来好运,还有财神 驾到,与大家合影。 组委会的成员来自中华会馆的各个部门,包括社区和长者服务部、中 文学校和中华青年组。本着团队精神,大家正为活动的成功举办进行着大 量的幕后工作,紧密配合,各尽其职。 This event Proudly sponsored by 特别鸣谢本次新春嘉年华赞助商

In true spirit of cooperation, the members of the committee hail from various sections of the Chung Wah Association including the Community & Aged Care Services, the Chinese Schools and the Chung Wah Youth. The organising committee is currently working hard behind the scenes to make the event a great success and its members are working closely together to coordinate the myriad of different tasks that need attention.


春节特别报道 SPEcIaL EvENTS

LOOKING BEHIND THE SCENES ◎Written by Mona FONG – Assistant Honorary Secretary of Chung Wah Association In the past, people have complained about not having much to do or to look forward to during Chinese New Year in Perth. Come January 2012, things will be different with the inaugural Perth Chinese New Year Fair happening on 29th January. Having been involved in the thick of action in preparing for this event, I can already feel the tingling excitement that this event will bring to the local Chinese community. Whenever an event took place successfully, very few people are ever aware of the mountain of work that had taken place behind the scenes to make it the success it was. So, I thought I’d share my experience diarised below.

September 2011 Got a call from the President informing me that I have been appointed the Secretariat to the Organising Committee for the 2012 Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Need to roll up the sleeves and start the ball rolling. Main tasks were to obtain approval from City of Perth (COP) to close James Street for a day to hold the event and apply to state and local governments for funding. Made initial contact with COP who are very supportive of event. The President had briefed the Lord Mayor and her officers earlier, which helped. Found the process to be very complex having to deal with a plethora of issues and people from COP. Paperwork after paperwork, application after application, phone call after phone call, email after email … So much research and so much attention to details required !

October 2011 Started to prepare applications for funding from COP and Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) for $45,000 and $15,000, respectively, as well as road closure of James Street and use of Northbridge Piazza. Estimated budget for event was $95,000 – remaining funds need to be sourced from corporate and individual sponsors. Had to plough through a myriad of forms and documents, and deal with a plethora of issues. Had tight datelines to meet – found myse4lf burning the midnight oil on many occasions, having to juggle this task with managing the Chinese school, attend to administrative work at Chung Wah, and attending to my responsibilities at the Carlisle Primary School. So grateful to my husband, Thavee who took over my duties at home as chef, chauffeur and child carer and my young children for being patient and keeping themselves amused and occupied Just as I thought things were getting under control, the workload stepped up exponentially, having to obtain quotes on things such as traffic management control, waste bins, portable toilets, marquees for stalls, electrical supplies, security services, first aid services, stage, sound and lighting, fireworks, insurance, etc, etc. Didn’t realize there’s so much involved in holding such an event! President almost had a heart attack after being told that mobile toilets cost $1,260 each for a day! Fortunately, a second quote I obtained indicated 10 toilets for $727 a day calmed his nerves. He then wondered if the toilets from the first quote were the luxurious version like those in Japan that included functions like washing your backside!

November 2011 Phone calls, text messages, emails, and meetings seemed to be the order every single day. Arranging unending appointments for the President to meet with COP officials, suppliers, contractors, etc, in itself was a highly challenging and stressful task. Just don’t know how he can manage to personally attend to all these in addition to his full time job and daily tasks in managing the Association. I must say I have learnt a lot working with him on this event. The experience and journey had been an incredible and valuable one.

December 2011 Informed by President that the City of Perth have approved a funding of $44,000 for the event. Yay!! All the hard work had paid off!! Off to a well earned break in Singapore over Christmas. Will be ready and recharged on my return in early January to assist in the preparations for the event.

Editor’s Note: Just before Christmas, we received confirmation from the Office of Multicultural Interests that our application for $16,500 (including GST) grant has been approved. In total, including GST, we have obtained a total of $60,500 government grant for the event.


春节特别报道 SPEcIaL EvENTS

走进幕后 文◎房秋亮(中华会馆副秘书长)


以前人们总是说在珀斯过春节很闷,没有什么活动。但今年春节将会大不同,珀斯中华新年文化节将在 1月29日隆重举行。在如火如荼的筹备工作中,我已经能感觉到文化节将带给华人社区的“龙马精神”。每 当有盛大活动成功举办时,很少有人会想到幕后有多少堆积如山的工作。因此,我想在此与大家分享我的筹 备工作日记。 2011年9月 接到会长电话,说指定我为2012珀斯中华新年文化节组委会的秘书。得卷起袖子大干一场了。主要任务是向珀斯市 政府申请将詹姆士街封路一天,作为文化节的场地,并向州政府和本地政府申请资助。 与珀斯市政府取得联系,对方非常支持。会长已提前和市长及其办公室打过招呼,这让我的工作更顺利。发现有一 大堆的事情要处理,与市政府打交道手续也很繁杂。一堆又一堆的文件,一个又一个的申请,一通又一通的电话,来来 往往的电邮…… 需要做大量的搜索和细致的工作。 2011年10月 开始准备活动资金的申请,市政府45,000澳元,多元文化利益办事处15,000澳元,以及申请关闭詹姆士街和使用北 桥广场。活动预算为95,000澳元,其它资金需有赖于企业及个人的捐助。得啃大堆的表格和文件,处理一大摊的事情。 时间很紧,经常得熬夜,同时要兼顾中文学校的工作,参与中华会馆行政事务,以及我在卡莱尔小学的工作。感谢我的 老公林致德,帮我做家务,做饭、接送、照顾孩子,也感谢我的孩子们,他们很听话,会自己玩,不让我操心。 我刚刚觉得有点得心应手的时候,工作量却陡增,要收集很多报价,如交通管控、垃圾桶、移动厕所、摊位帐篷、 供电、保安设施、急救设施、舞台、音响和灯光、焰火、保险等等等等。真没想到这样一个活动居然有那么多事情要 做。 会长听说移动厕所就要每天1,260澳元时大为吃惊。还好拿到第二个报价,10个厕所每天727元,他才安心,并开玩 笑说第一个报价的厕所是不是日本那种用完还能替人清洁的豪华厕所。 2011年11月 电话、短信、电邮、会议几乎成了我每天的生活。为会长安排与市政府官员、供应商、承包商等人的会面就已经是 任务繁重。真不知道会长怎么能在自己的全职工作和繁忙的会馆事务之外还亲自参加所有这些会面。我得说在这次与会 长的合作中让我学到很多。这是一次难得的宝贵经历。 2011年12月 会长说市政府已批下了40,000元资金,太好了,之前的辛苦都是值得的。准备去新加坡放个圣诞大假,好好放松和 充电,一月初回来再投入文化节的筹备工作。

编者按: 圣诞节前,接到来自多元文化利益办公室的通知,确认我们的15,000元(加消费税共计16,500元)拨款申请获得通 过。因此,最终我们为此次新年文化节一共成功申请到60,500元的政府资助。



Dragon Totem

圖 騰

Amongst Chinese myths, the most talked about legend are supernatural beings Nu Wa and Fu Xi. In the minds of the ancient people, they were actually giant dragon snakes, an aspect which still prevailed in current day Chinese literature. As a symbol of the Chinese people, the dragon is a fictional image formed by the combination of a snake and other animals. This came about from a fusion process as ancient Chinese tribes whose main totem was symbolised by a snake, progressively conquered and integrated other tribes and different versions of their totems, gradually forming the image of the dragon. From this hypothesis, the dragon is an exaggeration of a snake which has been supplemented and deified, representing an object of fantasy rather than reality. 唐代帛画上的伏羲(右)女娲图 Fuxi (right) and Nuwa painted during Tang dynasty

在中国的神话传说序列中,流传最广、材料最 多,也最出名的,是女娲、伏羲的传奇。在真正远古 人们的观念中,它们实际上是巨大的龙蛇。即使在 后世流传的文献中,也仍旧可以看到这种遗迹。作 为中华民族象征的“龙”,实际上是蛇加上各种动 物而形成的一个虚构的形象。以蛇图腾为主的远古 华夏氏族、部落,不断战胜、融合其他氏族部落,蛇 图腾不断合并其他图腾而逐渐演变而为“龙”。从 这个假设上说, “龙”是蛇的夸张、增补和神化,它 不是现实的对象,而是幻想的对象、观念的产物和 巫术礼仪的图腾。

从女娲、烛阴的神怪传说,到甲骨金文中的有角的龙蛇字样,从 青铜器上的各式夔龙再到《周易》中的“飞龙在天” (天上)、 “或跃在 渊” (水中)、 “见龙在田” (地上),一直到汉代艺术中的人首蛇身诸形 象, “龙”的神怪形象和神奇传说,产生于远古的渔猎时期,却具有强 大的生命力,延续千年,流传保存至今,长久吸引着华夏民族去崇拜和 幻想。 “龙”始终是那样变化莫测,气象万千,它永远是我们华夏民族 的精神依托和艺术代表。



Legend of the Dragon 龍傳說 According to Chinese myths and legends, the dragon is a fictional creature combining the characteristics of nine different animals with the eyes of a shrimp, antlers of a deer, mouth of a cow, nose of a dog, whiskers of a catfish, mane of a lion, tail of a snake, scales of a fish, and talons of an eagle. In Chinese culture, the dragon is capable of changing its shape and figure, produce rain and clouds, and aid the growth of all life forms. Revered by the Chinese people, the dragon symbolizes power, wealth and good fortune. Regarded as the ancestors of the Chinese, Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) and Yan Di were said to be closely related to the dragon, hence the Chinese people call themselves “descendants of the dragon.” 中国的神话与传说中,龙是具有虾眼、鹿角、 牛嘴、狗鼻、鲶须、狮鬃、蛇尾、鱼鳞、鹰爪,由九 种动物合而为一的虚构形象。 中国龙根据不同的 类型,又被称为螭、虬、蛟、蟠、虺、夔。中国古人 说龙是 “鳞虫之长,能幽能明,能大能小,能长能 短,春分而登天,秋分而入渊”。 龙在中国文化中是擅长变化、能够产生云雨、 有利于万物生长的神灵,龙象征着权力、财富和

eventually to five claws. Since the Yuan Dynasty (13th century), only the imperial family is permitted to use the five claw version; the ordinary people can only use the three or four claw versions. 中国龙并非一开始就有五爪,而是从三爪、 四爪到五爪发展过来的。自元代(13世纪)起, 只有皇家可使用五爪龙造型,民间只能用三爪 或四爪龙的图案。

Under the Chinese feudal dynasties, the Emperor and the Empress were seen as dragon and phoenix. In folk custom, newly married men and women are also portrayed as dragon and phoenix to signify good luck and good wishes. Dragon and Phoenix images are often used in weddings and invitation cards. 封建皇朝中帝、 后被视为龙、凤,民 俗 中 新 婚 男女也 被 比作龙凤,以表达吉 祥的祝福。龙凤呈祥 的图案 通 常 被 用于 婚礼和喜帖上。

吉祥,是华夏各民族共同崇奉的图腾。华夏民族的 先祖炎帝、黄帝,传说中和龙都有密切的关系,因 而中国人自称为“龙的传人”。zure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermilion Bird and the Black Tortoise are four mythological creatures in the Chinese constellations, and

each of them represents a direction and a season of the year. The Azure Dragon is said to guard the East. 青龙与白虎、朱雀、玄武一起并称“四神兽”,代 表着中国古代天文中东南西北四个方向,其中青 龙主管东方。 In the beginning, the Chinese Dragon had only three claws. It subsequently developed to four claws, then


In the long feudal history of China, the dragon had progressively become the symbol of royalty and their power. Every emperor proclaimed themselves to be the “heavenly son of the dragon”. Everything they used were decorated with dragon images and thems. Now, let us take a tour of the Forbidden City to appreciate the colourful and painstakingly made items of dragon images during the Qing Dynasty.

故宫全景 Forbidden City from Far


The Forbidden City is located in central Beijing. It was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911), and was the centre of peak power of China for more than five centuries. Having housed 24 emperors, it has now become the national palace museum. The construction of the Forbidden City commenced in 1406 after Ming emperor Zhu Di seized the throne and decided to move his capital to Beijing, and was completed 14 years later in 1420. The palace sits over 720,000 square metres of land with a built up area of 150,000 square metres. There are 8,707 chambers constructed using bricks and timber with glazed roof tiles (made from yellow liuli) and white marble floor tiles. The palace is the world’s largest surviving and most complete ancient royal architectural complex, and represents a priceless historical evidence of the Chinese civilization during the Ming and Qing Dynasities. 故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城” , 这里是明清两代(公元1368~1911年)的皇宫, 是中国五个多世纪以来的最高权力中心,曾居 住过24个皇帝,现成为“故宫博物院”。


代皇帝朱棣在夺取帝位后,决定迁都北京,即 开始营造紫禁城宫殿,至明永乐十八年(1420 年)落成。故宫占地72万平方米,建筑面积约15 万平方米,共有殿宇8707间,都是砖木结构、黄 琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座饰以金碧辉煌的彩绘, 是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代皇家建 筑群,是明清时代中国文明无价的历史见证。


太和殿 The Hall of Supreme Harmony

在中国漫长的封建历史中,龙逐渐演变成为皇权的象征,历代帝王都自命为“真龙天子”,使用器物也以龙为装饰。现在,请跟随我们一起走 进故宫,欣赏明清时代那些绚丽多姿、精工细作的龙之形象,无论是琉璃瓦当中的团龙,还是雕梁画栋上的彩龙,也无论是殿前御道间的雕龙, 还是天花藻井里的蟠龙∙∙∙∙∙∙无不是皇权在建筑、雕塑、绘画、刺绣等等艺术形式中的完美呈现。对于每一个华夏子孙来说,封建王朝虽早已成为 历史,但渗透于心的龙文化却神圣依然。

Caisson 藻井 The Hall of Supreme Harmony is 35.05 metres high, and measures 63 metres from east to west, and 35 metres from north to south, totaling 2,380 square metres in area. It is the largest hall in the Forbidden Palace, with the highest specifications and the most luxurious construction. It is the ceremonial centre of imperial power, where the emperor’s ascension ceremony, birthdays, weddings, etc, were celebrated. Located directly above the throne is a dome shaped caisson. A caisson is an architectural feature typically found in the ceiling of palaces as a decoration. Caisson also literally means “algae well”, implicating a prevention against fire. The caisson in the Hall of Supreme Harmony is decorated with a coiled dragon whose mouth holds a chandelierlike set of metal balls, called the “Xuanyuan Mirror” made from copper and coated with mercury. Xuanyuan is Huangdi, the ancestor of the Chinese. The “Xuanyuan Mirror” is hung above the throne, where on one hand it represents righteousness and intelligence of the emperor, while on the other hand, it signifies that all emperors were the descendants of Xuanyuan, and therefore were the rightful successors of Huangdi. 太和殿(明朝称奉天殿、皇极殿),俗称“金銮殿”。太和殿高35.05米,东西63米,南北 35米,面积约2380多平方米。面积是紫禁城诸殿中最大的一座,而且形制也是最高规格,最富丽堂皇的建筑。太和殿是皇帝举行重大典礼的地 方。即皇帝即位、生日、婚礼、元旦等都在这里庆祝。藻井为殿堂建筑物顶部天花装饰之一种。金鉴殿宝座正上方的天花中央,是“穹然高起,如 伞如盖”的特殊装饰,这就藻井。藻井是水草,它和井皆与水相联,含有避火之意。太和殿藻井高1.8米,一贴金巨龙盘卧其中,俯首下视,口衔的 宝珠叫轩辕镜,铜胎,中尖,外涂水银。轩辕即是黄帝,轩辕镜悬挂于御座上方,一方面代表明镜高悬,帝王圣明;另一方面,显示历代帝王都是 轩辕氏的后裔子孙,是黄帝的正统继承者。


Dragon Stone Pillars 龙望柱 Ancient Chinese large buildings and bridges are often supported by stone railings which in turn are supported by stone pillars. Before the Qing Dynasty, the stone pillars were quite basic, for example in the Ming Dynasty tomb, Mingxiaoling, they were just plain pillars with a ring at the top. As the art of stone sculpture of the Qing Dynasty developed, the sculptures on the stone pillars became more pronounced. This eventually produced dragon stone pillars with three dimensional effects. Work of such magnitude can only be afforded by the imperial family. 中国古代大型建筑物及桥梁等,常有石栏杆相衬托,那 些支撑石栏杆之间的石柱就叫望柱。清代之前的望柱一般都较为简单,如明孝陵的 望柱只是简单的一根顶部有环饰的石柱。


的雕刻也越发精美。眼前的龙望柱极富立体感,如此的手笔和气度只有皇家的宫殿 才能够做到。

Literally translated as “Owl’s Mouth”, the chiwen is also known as “Hornless Dragon’s Mouth” or “Owl’s Tail”. It is an architectural ornament found along the roof ridges of ancient Chinese buildings. When it spread to Japan, it was known as the shachihoko (a mythical fish with dragon scales). The most well known structure in Japan was located in the city of Nagoya known as the Golden Shachihoko. The chiwen has the scales of a dragon, soaring claws, fierce look, mouth wide open as if swallowing the roof beams, and carrying a sword on its back. In addition to being a decoration, it also served as a roof sealant preventing water from seeping through. 又名螭吻、鸱尾,是中国古代建筑物的脊梁上的一个设 计。传到日本后则称为“鯱”,最为人所知的是位于日本 爱知县名古屋城上的金鯱。鸱吻表面饰龙纹鳞甲,四爪 腾空,龙首怒目,张口吞住正脊,脊上插有一柄宝剑。在 古代建筑中,鸱吻不但是一种重要的装饰物,而且由于 它衔接了殿顶正脊于垂脊之间的重要关节,从而起到了 使殿顶更加封闭、牢回、防止雨水渗入之作用。

Chiwen 鸱吻


龙门 Door decorated with dragon pat

门角的龙纹 Dragon p


patterns on door frame


Blue and White Porcelain Dragon Vase 青花龙瓷瓶 Blue and white porcelain is a form of pottery in China which best showcase the characteristics of the Chinese people. It uses a blue pigment, usually cobalt oxide, to decorate patterns on white porcelain, then coated with a clear glaze and fired at high temperature. Early blue and white porcelain surfaced during the Tang and Song dynasties. More matured blue and white porcelain then appeared in Jingdezhen during the Yuan dynasty. Today, the most famous blue and white porcelain comes from Jingdezhen. This blue and white porcelain vase is about 46 cm tall painted with Chinese dragon patterns. It had been kept in a closet of a female Swiss collector as an ordinary item. After an appraisal carried out by an expert, this vase was found to an antique made in the 18th century during the Qing dynasty. As its dragon pattern was considered the only one of its kind, it became the most valuable Chinese porcelain vase in the world antique market today. On 7th November 2011, it was sold for 2.82 million British pounds at the Sotheby auction. 青花是中国最具民族特色的瓷器装饰,它是中国陶瓷 制造技术中的一种工艺手法,是用含氧化钴的钴矿为原 料,在陶瓷坯体上描绘纹饰,再罩上一层透明釉,经高温 还原焰一次烧成,釉下彩的一种。原始青花于唐宋已见端 倪,元代景德镇湖田窑出现成熟青花。今以景德镇出产的青 花瓷最为著名。这只青花瓷瓶大约46厘米高,瓶身上绘有中国 龙的图案。它一直被一名瑞士女私人收藏家当做赝品存放在家中 衣柜的最底层。专家鉴定后发现,这个一直被当作“杂物”的瓷瓶,竟 然是产自18世纪中国清代的珍贵古董。而且,由于它上面的图案设计独一无二, 使它成为目前世界古董市场上最珍贵的一种中国瓷瓶。 2011年11月7日,伦敦索 思比拍卖会上,这个龙瓷瓶以282.05万英镑的天价售出。

御道龙雕 Dragon carving on the imperial steps 17


Dragon Spouting Water 龙吐水 Dragon head sculptures sitting underneath the white jade railings are used for diverting rain water, culminating in a clever combination of practical use and architectural beauty. On the three tiered platform housing the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony, and the Hall of Preserving Harmony, there are a total of 1,142 dragon heads. During the rainy season, rain water on the three tiered platform would naturally flow to the lower areas discharging through the mouths of the dragon heads, forming a unique and grand sight of “a thousand dragons spouting water”. 汉白玉石栏杆下安有排水用的石雕龙头,使分流雨水的实用功能 与建筑艺术的观赏功能巧妙地结合在一起。太和、中和与保和三大 殿矗立之上的三层台基,共有一千一百四十二个龙头,每逢雨季, 落在三层台面上的雨水自然流向地势底的四周,从龙口中排出,形 成“千龙吐水”的奇观。

龙雕塑 Dragon sculpture 18

龙灯 Dragon lamp


清朝乾隆(1711-1799)皇帝像 Portrait of Qing Emperior Qian Long

The Dragon Robe 龙袍 The dragon robe is exclusively worn by the emperor, and is embroidered with dragon patterns, hence the name. Its characteristics are disc collars with right junctions, and yellow in colour. In addition, dragon robes also refer to dragon ceremonial clothes won by ancient emperors of the past. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Tang Gaozu prohibited ordinary citizens from wearing yellow clothes, resulting in yellow coloured clothing progressively becoming exclusive to the imperial family. In 960 AD, the founder of Song Dynasty Emperor Song Taizu put

on a yellow robe and led a mutiny and proclaimed himself as the Emperor. Hence the dragon robe was also known as the yellow robe. The dragon patterns on the dragon robe had been modified through various dynasties. There are generally nine dragons on a dragon robe – 3 each on the front and back, one each on the left and right shoulders, and one hidden in the collar. So, when viewed from either the front or back, there are 5 dragons visible, which matches the description of the imperial throne of “Nine Five Honour” (Jiu Wu Zhi Zun). The bottom section of the Qing dragon robe is also embroidered with waves and rocks patterns, implying a united kingdom.

龙袍是皇帝专用的衣服,又称龙衮。因袍上 绣龙形图案,故名。其特点是盘领、右衽、黄 色。此外,龙袍还泛指古代帝王穿的龙章礼 服。唐高祖武德年间令臣民不得僭越穿服黄 色,黄色衣袍遂为王室专用之服,自此历代 沿袭为制度 。公元960年 ,宋太祖赵匡胤“黄 袍加身”,兵变称帝,于是龙袍别称黄袍。龙 袍上的各种龙章图案,历代有所变化 ,龙数 一般为9条 :前后身各3条,左右肩各1条,襟 里藏1条,于是正背各显5条,吻合帝位“九五 之尊”。清代龙袍还绣“水脚” ( 下摆等部位 有水浪山石图案),隐喻山河统一。

雕梁画栋 Dragon paintings on roof beams 19


Incense Burner Jar 香炉 This is an item commonly used in homes and temples. Since ancient times, the Chinese people often use incense as an air freshener to get rid of bad smells in their homes. They also like to light an incense to help clear the mind and concentrate when they read or play a musical instrument. The incense burner jar was also used widely for religious and worship purposes. Over time, these items became increasingly made from expensive materials with highly refined carving techniques. Gradually, they started to lose their religious and domestic usage, and have become more of a collectors’ item of art and antique. 香炉,不但是佛寺中的 法物,也是华人家庭中 必备的供具,中华民族在 很古老的年代,就常以焚香木熏 居室以除臭秽,所以古人读书弹琴,喜欢先 焚一炉香,可以净杂念而使精神集中。自古以 来,华人都拜天地神祗,祭祖先,上香表示敬

雕龙金杯盏 Golden dragon cup and saucer

意,是祭拜仪式中的一个主要项目,香炉因 而得到普遍使用。印度民族也流行熏香,娑 罗门教也有烧香的习惯,佛教传到中国,很快 溶入华人社会,中国的香炉,也随之进入佛教 的殿堂。年代久远、质料名贵、雕工精美的香 炉,早已失去焚香供养的意义,而成为了收藏 者们竞相追逐的艺术品和古董。

Liuli is an ancient Chinese terminology borrowed from the west to describe jewels. In ancient China, liuli was mainly made of lead barium glass, hence was not suitable for making food utensils. Instead, it was mainly used for making items used for decorations, rituals, and burials. Roof tiles made from liuli in different colours were often used in both ancient and modern day constructions. They are usually used on roofs and screen walls in palaces, temples, and tombs. Liuli is one of Buddhism’s seven treasures, and has been an integral part of Chinese cultural and mythical exploits. 琉璃,又称流離、瑠璃、瑠瓈,是中国古 代对来自西域的一种宝石的称呼。中国古 代琉璃的主要成分是铅钡玻璃,所以不适合 用于制作饮食器皿,一般常用于装饰品、礼 器和随葬品等。各种色彩的琉璃瓦常用于建 筑材料中,是中国古代建筑以及现代中式建 筑的重要装饰构件,一般用于宫殿、庙宇、陵 寝等重要建筑的屋顶和影壁。琉璃是佛家七 宝之一,自古以来,琉璃被人赋予了深刻的文 化内涵和神话色彩。

Liuli 琉璃 20


Nine Dragon Screen Wall 九龙壁 The screen wall was a unique form of traditional Chinese architecture which was particularly popular during the Ming Dynasty. In ancient times, people believed that ghosts come and go through their homes, so they built a screen wall to keep them out as they believed ghosts could only travel in a straight line and were incapable of turning corners. In the Forbidden City, the Nine Dragon Screen Wall was built in the 38th year of Emperor Qian Long’s rule. It was 20.40 metres long and 3.5 metres tall, with its front face made up of 270 pieces of glazed tiles. The screen wall was decorated with nine dragons, each portrayed as playing with a jewel. The background consisted of a scenery of mountains, clouds and ocean. 照壁,是中国传统建筑特有的一种形式,又称“影壁”或“屏风 墙”。明朝时特别流行。古人将大门内的屏蔽物称之为“萧墙”, 因而照壁又有萧墙之说。在旧时,人们认为自己宅中不断有鬼 来访,修上一堵墙,以断鬼的来路。因为据说小鬼只走直线,不 会转弯。故宫九龙壁建于乾隆38年,是一座长20.40米,高3.5米 的大型琉璃照壁。


接而成,照壁饰有九条巨龙,各戏一颗宝珠,背景是山石、云气 和海水。



Eldest Son – Bi Xi – looks like a tortoise, good at carrying heavy things, likes literature and enjoys fame, hence it was given the task of bearing the stone tablet. 长子赑屃,样子像龟,善于背负重物,还喜欢文字,爱扬名,因此,让它驮石碑。

THE NINE SONS OF THE DRAGON Fourth Son – Bi An – looks like a tiger and is a symbol of power, hence is usually used as a decoration on the entrance of prisons to curb the prisoners. 四子狴犴,样子像老虎,是威力的象征,因此把它 装饰在监狱的大门上,用来威吓罪犯。

Second Son – Chi Wen – likes to scale heights and look far, has ability to create waves and generate rainfall, hence it is often incorporated onto the roofs of buildings for fire prevention purposes. 次子鸱吻(螭吻),喜欢登高望远,能喷 浪降雨,因而它通常被装饰在建筑物的 屋脊上,用以防火。

Third Son – Pu Lao – likes to roar, enjoys music, hence often used as decorations on large bells and used as the bell handle. 三子蒲牢,爱吼叫,喜爱音乐,因 而它常被用来装饰大钟,做钟顶 的钟扭。



Ninth Son – Jiao Tu – excels in self preservation, hence is used as decorations on doors to guard the property. 九子椒图,善于封闭和保护自己,因此人们把它装饰在 大门上,用来守门。

龍九子 Eighth Son – Suan Ni – looks like a lion and likes fireworks, hence is usually decorated on incense burners. 八子狻猊,样子像狮子,喜欢烟 火,它一般被装饰在香炉。

Seventh Son – Ya Zi – said to be vicious and likes to kill, hence is usually decorated on swords. 七子睚眦,传说中它性情凶残, 爱争斗厮杀,所以它被装饰在刀 剑的柄上。

Sixth Son – Ba Xia – likes water, hence is often used as decorations on bridges. 六子蚆嗄,平日最喜水,所以它大都被 装饰在桥头处,桥洞和桥栏等处。

Fifth Son – Tao Tie – loves eating, hence often used for decorating food utensils. 五子饕餮,生性贪吃,所以人们把它 装饰在食物的器皿上。



THE CHINESE ZODIAC The Chinese Zodiac, or Chinese Animal Astrology, forms its basis around the 12 ‘Earthly Branches’ represented by 12 animals signs, five elements and the Yin and Yang theory. The 12 animal signs are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and the Pig while the five elements are Wood, Fire, Metal and Water. Unlike the Western horoscope where each symbol or sign represents a month, each of the animal symbols represents a year as the Chinese Lunar cycle is rooted in a 12-year repeating cycle instead of 12 linear months. Also, where Western calendar was founded based upon the movements of the Sun, the Chinese astrological calendar centres on the movement of the Moon. According to Chinese astrology, the character, temperament and nature of a person can be determined based upon his or her date and time of birth. This has also allowed the study of compatibility to develop, looking into the interactions between people of different signs. For example, animal symbols opposite from each other at 180 degrees on the chart shown below, or in other words, 6 animals away, are known to be incompatible (eg. the Rat and the Horse). 2012 is the year of the Dragon, so let’s look into the characteristics of a Dragon person (those born in 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000). Most Chinese parents hope to have a Dragon child as not only is the Dragon believed to be an auspicious animal, but as the noble animal symbol that represents the Chinese emperors.



Dragons, gifted with power and luck, are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. As far as Dragons are concerned, their sovereignty is indisputable. They are aggressive and determined in going after what they want. They get things started and keep them moving. Dragons are also idealists and perfectionists with an overstated ego. Born thinking they are perfect and inflexible as well as with their hunger for power, Dragons cannot bear the prospect of losing power, such as growing old or having to follow rules fixed by more superior people. They hate orders unless they are the ones giving them. They are slavishly impressed by wealth, prestige, rank and splendor. Although they enjoy and embrace the power they hold, in exercising it, the Dragon knows innately how to exert authority yet be gentle with his slaves. Dragons are over-proud and are enthusiastic to the extent of hotheadedness, often losing their temper easily. Though irritable, stubborn, and a real blabbermouth to the point where they are sometimes too outspoken, the dragon’s opinions are worth listening to and advice is often good. They are fearless, energetic and charming. When a Dragon goes to a party, it is unlikely he will escape unnoticed. While these people enjoy being the centre of attention, they have a generous side to their personality. If a friend faces a problem, they are there to offer help. Drawn by their charisma, Dragons are often loved by many. They are passionate, giving and totally partial when in love. Dragons are blind to the faults of the loved ones and will protect the object of their affection against anyone or anything that could hurt or threaten their love. They are never let down in love. In fact, they are frequently the cause of some drama of despair. It is not a secret that these people treat love as a game at some point and it is rare for them to ache for the past or harbor regrets. The women of this sign are surrounded by admirers and often demanded in marriage. The Dragon is also gifted, intelligent, persistent, and enthusiastic. People born in the Dragon year wear the crown of destiny, and is capable of great achievements if they know how to manage their tremendous energy and talent. No matter what career a Dragon chooses, he is going to shine in it and will be a success wherever he goes. Celebrities born under the Dragon sign include Russell Crowe, Keanu Reeves, Courteney Cox, John Lennon, Shirley Temple Black, Neil Diamond, Cliff Richard and Matt Dillon. Certainly, this is only a brief introduction to the Chinese Zodiac. As mentioned above, the character of a person is also determined by the five elements involved as well as the Yin and Yang theory. For a more in depth explanation on this topic, please refer to the article “Understanding Zodiac” at our regular column “In search of cultural identity and heritage” of this issue.


十二生肖与龙年 干支龙年对照表







辛、壬、癸)和12个地支符号(子 、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、





















带”、 “吉祥结”的红黄绸带,本命年的人们将之系在腰

中国人认为,五行中的每一种要素都是相生相克 的,对人的一生会产生重大影响。人们可以利用不同的 五行要素来协调,使自己的生活及所从事的工作能顺心

甲辰年 (1904/1964) 丙辰年 (1916/1976) 戊辰年 (1928/1988) 庚辰年 (1940/2000) 壬辰年 (1952/2012)

间、手腕上,这样便可禳解灾祸、化凶为吉。我国许多民 族都很重视老人的60岁生日,称为“花甲”,花甲为一生 中第5个本命年,也是干支纪年的一个轮回,须好好庆 祝,以此寄托人们企求长寿、健康、吉祥的愿望。

丑 Ox











Pig 25



台灣 Taiwan (1964)

中國 China (2012) 2000年中国最佳邮票评选纪念 Winner of the best anniversary stamp of 2000 in China

美国 USA (2012)

澳大利亚圣诞岛 Christmas Island, Australia (2000)

美国 USA (2000)

加拿大Canada (2000)

中國 China (1988)

新加勒多尼亚岛 New Caledonia 新加坡 Singapore (2000)


中國 China (2000)



现在很少有人知道Seraphim的原始面目而已,现在宗教 画像与雕塑中的Seraphim已经全是人型的了。 Seraphim现在一般翻译成炽天使,但在《伪经•伊 诺书》中,Seraphim的意思却是大蟒。在西方早期文明 中,龙与蛇的概念常常是混为一谈的,但一些人认为 把炽天使理解为大蟒是一种亵渎神灵的行径,其间涉 及的宗教问题就不解释了。 Dragons的出现要远远晚于Seraphim,它们是凯尔 特人崇拜的对象,地位很神圣。中世纪初期,在大西洋 上探寻新航道的维尔京人将自己的海盗船船首雕刻成 Dragons的样子,以此希望Dragons赐予自己无穷的力量。 基督教的诞生,使Dragons的命运发生了一次翻天 覆地的变化,Dragons成为Satanas的代名词。新宗教的 诞生,难免会与老宗教有冲突,如同雅利安人入侵印 度一样,就将原来土著崇拜的阿修罗“贬”为恶魔。 龙 在 基 督 教中 被 视为恶魔的象征 是源自 Mesopotamia神话,在Mesopotamia神话中,龙是“海洋 中恐怖的生命,具有祸害人,被神消灭的命运。”巴比 伦神话中的英雄Marduk的对手Tiamato与Hittite神话 中的Illuyankas,皆为其中例子。居住在Mesopotamia区 域附近的犹太人也曾受其影响, 并将这一种观念继承下去,龙在 犹太教与基督教中渐渐成为 恶魔的象征。

在西方文明中各个方面、本质、含义、特征都最接近 中国本土的龙的概念就是Seraphim,Seraphim不仅在西 方神话与宗教中的地位、作用、意义与中国本土的龙在 中国神话与宗教中的地位、作用、意义最吻合,而且古希 伯莱语中Seraphim的词源意思与中国本土的龙的一种 主要起源相同。中国本土的龙是蛇型,Seraphim是古希 伯莱语中的大蟒,就是Seraph的复数,也有说法是加上 一个有“火焰”或“燃烧”等等意思的词尾,在早期古希 伯莱语中,因为无“龙”字,所以常常用大蟒表示龙,圣 经中就表明,这样的大蟒是有四肢的,一些希伯莱神话 的历史资料也间接地表明Seraphim早期形象要远远比 Dragons更接近中国本土的龙,有四肢与六个由火焰组 成的翼的大蟒,十分酷似中国早期神话中的应龙,而且 Seraphim对于西方的人来说是一个很熟悉的概念,只是



是来自凯尔特红龙,虽然与中国的龙外形差异较大, 但在凯尔特民族及他们的后裔心目中,其意义与中国 龙之於华人没有任何区别。 不仅今天威尔士的国旗上还印著红龙,而且在威 尔士当地的工艺品、服饰、建筑物、汽车甚至茶杯、牙 膏、打火机这样的日常小东西上也经常印著红龙。威尔 士人以“红龙传人”之称而自豪,随处可见的红龙图案 也成为了那里的一道风景。 波尔图市坐落在伊比利亚半岛北部,是葡萄牙第 二大城市,在现代工业化文明的深处,是古老的杜罗河 孕育出的悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。 波尔图有一座著名的大型体育场,叫做巨龙球 场。这座体育场名称的由来也和杜罗河有关:由於周边 有非常丰饶的矿产,杜罗河称为“黄金之河”,在葡萄 牙有一个古老的传说,有一条巨龙想要霸占杜罗河两 岸的矿藏,由于它时常喷吐烈焰,所有人都对它无能为

威尔士红龙旗 凯尔特人是欧洲最古老的居民之一,总共有 近4000年的历史,曾遍布整个中、西欧。今天他们 的后裔主要分布於英格兰岛西南部的威尔士地区 和北部爱尔兰地区的一部分。

力。但是,聪明勤劳的波尔图人最终用杜罗河的河水 浇灭了巨龙的火焰,巨龙成了波尔图人的仆人和保护 者,并且帮助波尔图人击退了很多次敌人的侵略。从此 很多波尔图人都说自己是巨龙的孩子,还用“巨龙”为 他们的体育场命名。 著名的龙枪系列小说中出现了很多的巨龙,他们 有的是善良的,有的是邪恶的,有的老眼昏花,有的

我们所熟悉的许多以欧洲中世纪为背景的奇幻 故事,诸如巨龙飞舞,法师作法,骑士驰骋等D&D中 的典型场景大多出自凯尔特神话传说。龙在凯尔特文 化中具有举足轻重的地位,事实上,凯尔特人和中国人 一样崇拜龙图腾。他们的守护神叫做Y Ddraig Goch, 意思是红龙,一直是该民族的象征。电影《龙之心》(

年轻激进,都让人对于这些活在传说中的生物感到好 奇。中国人自称龙的传人,皇帝要穿龙袍,喝酒有景德 镇的著名瓷器“九龙公道杯”,端午节还可以划龙船; 而西方的龙则是看守金苹果,把守伊甸园,任意吞吃 无辜的人类,是魔王撒旦的使徒,几乎每一个功成名 就的英雄都必需要宰上一两个才行。

《Dragon Heart》)便是以凯尔特神话为背景塑造了卓 克(Draco)的形象。现在常见的欧洲Dragon的形象正

EASTERN DRAGON VS WESTERN DRAGON Although no culture can agree on what precisely dragons are, almost all have myths about their own ‘dragons’. These variations of dragons generally fall within two traditions, ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’. The Eastern dragon, more commonly known as long in Chinese, ryuu or tatsu in Japanese, or ryong in Korean, is a mythical creature very different from the Western dragon. Even then, the Chinese, Japanese and Korean dragons differ slightly from one another in the number of toes they possess. What’s more, within one culture’s mythology, there are different types of dragons, just like ethnicities for humans. For the Chinese, there are nine major types which are the Celestial Dragons (Tian long); the Spiritual Dragons (Shen long); the Dragons of Hidden Treasures (Fu cang long); the Underground Dragons (Di long); the Winged Dragons (Ying long); the Horned Dragons (Qiu long); the Coiling Dragons (Pan long); the Yellow Dragons (Huang long); and the Dragon Kings (Long Wang). But today, we will not look so much into the


different types of the Chinese dragons, nor into how dragons came into existence in various cultures. Instead, we will explore the differences between the representation and significance of the Western dragon and that of the Chinese dragon. The differences of the Western and Eastern dragon in physical appearance are distinct. A quick glance and one could tell the two apart. Most people believe that the Chinese dragon is a combination of many animals. One popular version is a mixture of features including the head of a camel, eyes of a rabbit, ears of an ox, antlers of a stag, neck of a snake, abdomen of a large clam, paws of a tiger, claws of an eagle and scales of a carp around its body. In Eastern mythology, most dragons are depicted as beautiful, friendly, and wise. As for the Western dragon, it is typically illustrated as a huge fire-breathing, reptilian-like and serpentine creature, with four legs, bat-like wings and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with


feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, and ivory spikes down spine. Some have forked tongues, and most are capable of coughing fire and fumes. They could come in various exotic colours but the most common ones in traditional stories are black, red and blue. Besides physical appearance, the representation each holds also set the Chinese dragon and Western dragon apart. The Chinese dragon is a deified creature worshipped by the Chinese from ancient time. Legends of the Chinese dragon had infused into, and shaped, the Chinese culture until the present day. The dragon is referred to as the divine mythical animal that brings power and prosperity, signifying excellence, heroism, intelligence and nobility. The appearance of one suggests greatness and blessings. The Celestial Dragon, which acted as the emblem of the Emperor and the Imperial command, is a representation of the Chinese race itself. People of Chinese

ethnicity around the world are referred to as“龙的传人” – descendants of the Dragon, a statement proudly accepted by many. European dragons, however, are often associated with negative events. In Western folklore, these dragons, which exist in literatures among the overlapping cultures of Europe, are usually portrayed as evil and cold-blooded. Stories often involve the dragons kidnapping damsels or hoarding treasures. In contrast with the Eastern dragons, they are often depicted as greedy and voracious beasts which feed upon human flesh, often in favour of young meat. Most legends of the West have it that the dragons either live in caves or mountains, typically taking off at night into villages to terrorise the dwellers. They are always the antagonist and never the protagonist. Since dragons symbolises the dark side of humanity, the defeat of one represents battle and extinguishment of those evil instincts.These dragons basically existed to be the villain for a knight to slay to be a hero.

St George & the Dragon

In Greek mythology, there is Python, the earth-dragon of Delphi that was slain by Apollo, the son of Zeus, when he was only four years old. And in Bulgarian mythology, dragons are three-headed creatures with wings and bodies of a snake. They are either good or evil depending on their gender. The male and female dragons are often perceived as a pair of siblings with each having a different view of mankind. The female dragon is of water element. It represents harsh weather and is the destroyer of crops. The male dragon on the other hand, is of fire element. It represents protection and love, guarding crops against destruction. Another story is that of an important English legend – St. George and the Dragon. In the story, Saint George killed a dragon to rescue the princess of Silene. The legend of Saint George and the dragon is also well known in Italy. But in Italian mythology, there are other Saints who were depicted fighting a dragon as well. Saint Mercurialis, the first bishop of the city of Forlì, supposedly killed a dragon and saved the city. Similarly, Saint Theodore of Tyro, the first patron saint of Venice, was also a dragon-slayer, and a statue

of him slaying the dragon was built and located in St. Mark’s square in Venice, Italy.

The details given above are only a generalisation of Western dragons. As mentioned, almost every culture has its own ‘dragon’. Besides those pointed, there are many more mythologies from different cultures about dragons. But from these examples, we could see that the major difference between the Eastern and Western dragons lies in the representation and significance of these creatures as a result of diverse traditions. Rumour has it that back in the distant past, Westerners who came across stories and images of the Chinese long jumped at the similarities to the European dragon and could not think of anything better to call them, thus the same term ‘dragon’ is used til today.

Nevertheless, there are exceptions where dragons are depicted as good, mainly in Welsh folklore. There are accounts of dragons giving assistance to weary travellers or acting as guardians or protectors of sacred forests or treasures. Many contemporary fictions also place dragons as allies of humans rather than adversaries. This has become popular in modern times, as authors have blurred the traditions by mixing and matching traits from both Eastern and Western dragons. Increasingly, Western dragons have been shown as guardians and friends of humans, with evil dragons simply misunderstood by humans. These stories often represent dragons as intelligent, capable of speech and are creatures of magic. Some were described in stories as a sage who provides help and advice to heroes.



CHENGYU RELATED TO DRAGONS 与龙有关的成语 Chengyu or Chinese idioms are short phrases developed through long term practice and usage, and generally consist of four characters. A very big section of chengyu originated from the ancient times where the words used were quite different to the modern day Chinese language. Some consisted of phrases found in ancient books, some were abbreviated phrases used in ancient literature, and some originated from the everyday sayings by the common people. Some chengyu can be understood just from the meaning of the characters themselves, while others are harder to understand, particularly those that have stories behind them. The Chinese language has a very long history with lots of chengyu, which made it a standout characteristic of the language. Below are some chengyu related to the dragon, which demonstrates the popularity of the dragon in Chinese culture. 成语:—所谓成语是语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语。一般都是四字格式。 成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,在用词方面往往不同于现代汉语。其中有古 书上的成句,也有从古人文章中压缩而成的词组,还有来自人民口里常说的习用语。有些意 义从字面上可以理解,有些从字面上就不易理解,特别是典故性的。汉语历史悠久,成语特 别多,成语因此成为汉语言的一大特色。以下罗列的,是中文中一些与龙有关的成语,由此 也可看出“龙”在中国文化中的普及度非常的高。

【生龙活虎】活泼壮勇的姿态。 【车水马龙】形容繁华热闹。 【来龙去脉】喻事情的全部过程。 【卧虎藏龙】喻人才多而杰出。 【活龙活现】形容绘画、雕刻或文字的叙述,极为逼真。 【乘龙快婿】形容一个令人满意的好女婿。

龙移 【唐】韩愈 天昏地黑蛟龙移,雷惊电激雄雌随。 清泉百丈化为土,鱼鳖枯死吁可悲。

龙潭 【唐】韦庄









【叶公好龙】比喻表面上爱好某事物,但并非真正的爱好它;引申为浮华不实。 【龙生九子】古代传说龙生的九条小龙,外貌性情皆有所不同。比喻人各有所好,不全然 相同。

【龙吟虎啸】指龙虎的叫啸,形容人吟啸声非常洪壮嘹亮。 【龙争虎斗】形容两强争斗,不相上下。 【龙肝凤髓】比喻珍美之菜肴。 【龙飞凤舞】形容气势奔放雄壮。

咏龙 【唐】《传奇•萧旷》 亦知清戒守仙规,燕血尘埃岂嗜宜。 自许身躯脱梭木,淹从螭蛟困拳池。 为虚化实是何日,弃甲成林会有时。 已笑痴儿执凡铁,驱云驾雾奈何之。

龙挂 【宋】陆游






霹雳迸火射地红。 上帝有命起伏龙,龙尾不卷曳天东。







【龙骧虎步】比喻威武轩昂的气概。 【龙腾虎跃】形容跑跳时动作矫健有力。也比喻奋起行动,有所作为。 【龙骧虎视】形容规模宏远。 【攀龙附凤】喻巴结、投靠有权贵的人向上钻营。 30

会馆动态 chUNg wah EvENTS

2011 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING On 10th December, close to 200 members gathered at the Balcatta Cultural Centre to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting. The meeting unanimously passed two special resolutions related to a change to the financial year of the Association. At the same time, the Executive Committee took the opportunity to organise a social get together to celebrate Christmas and new year with the members. The existing financial year of the Association was from 1 January to 31 December each year. In order to align with government departments whom we receive funding from, the Association's financial year has been changed to start from 1 July and end on 30 June the following year. This will also result in savings on the accounting and auditing fees for the Association. Accordingly, the latest date for holding our annual general meetings has been changed from 30 April to 31 October each year. (Reporter: Tina QIU)

1984年会馆前辈们为获得巴卡达文化中心土地权证而签名留念。会长叶俊帆(左一)向大家介绍和 展示这份历史性的文件。President Sammy Yap (1st left) sharing the historic signing of the Balcatta land deed in 1984 at the EGM

2011年特别会员大会召开 12月10日,近200位会员齐聚巴卡达中华文化中心,举行了中 华会馆2011年特别会员大会,全票通过了修改会馆财政年周期的决 议。同时,会馆理事会借此机会,组织了聚餐和娱乐活动,与会员 们一起共庆圣诞和新年。 中华会馆原财政年,是从每年的1月1日至12月31日,为了配合 政府的财政年度周期,以及节约审计费用,现将财政年周期改为每 年的7月1日至次年的6月30日。与之相应,此后的年度会员大会将 由每年的4月30日之前,改为10月31日之前召开。(秋小天 报道) 清点决议投票人数 Counting the votes


中华会馆会员优惠计划 加盟伙伴名单


SAVE! SAVE!! SAVE!!! Use your Chung Wah membership card or voucher to enjoy discounts for dining and shopping! Participating Outlets, Check the Chung Wah website for an updated list (VMC = Valid Membership Card)








20% off (Except Friday, Saturday, Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve)



Shop 67, Floreat Forum Shopping Centre, Floreat


10% off except Sat & Sun, dine in only



76 Francis St, Northbridge

Golden Gates Asian Gifts Fashion & Accessories 金门亚洲礼品时尚服饰店

10% off



314 William St, Northbridge

Xin Tian Di Restaurant 新天地餐馆

10% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)

Till 30/06/2012


40 Francis St, Northbridge

Perth Dae Jang Kum 大长今韩国烧烤

Free pancake



74 Francis St, Northbridge

Shanghai Flavour Restaurant 上海人家餐馆

10% off



hop 2, 375 William St, Northbridge


25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser

Till 30/06/2012


291 William St, Northbridge


25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser

Till 30/06/2012


357 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park

JOY GARDEN 乐涛园海鲜餐馆

10% off lunch (Except Sunday) 10% off dinner



65 Francis St, Northbridge

Welcome Inn Tea House 美心茶楼

5% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)



354 William St, Northbridge


10% off



88 James St, Northbridge


$10 off international flight tickets 10% off travel insurance



Shop 6, 109 James St, Northbridge

Great Australian Natural Selections 大澳保健礼品中心

10% off (Except products on sale)



Shop 3, 369 William St, Northbridge

dshop Photographic studio 周丹摄影工作室

20% off



0423 881 212

its More than a sip tea art gallery 品之味茶艺中心

10% on tea and tea sets (Except furniture )



5-7 Pacmerston St, Northbridge, WA 6003

James Computers 西澳电脑

10% for computer repair



U10, 117 Brisbane St, Perth WA 6000

Regent Cake 丽晶饼屋

5% off



Shop 10, 45 Francis St, Northbridge 6003

little bubs baby and Children’s Wear

10% off



2/117 Brisbane St, Perth WA 6000

吃到饱的日本自助餐原价42块, 中华会员只需付33块6!

All you can eat Japanese Buffet normal price $42, CW member only $33.60!

Formosa Cafe

10% for food and beverage only



58 Francis St, Northbridge 6003

little lamb Restaurant 小尾羊餐厅

10% off off steam boat only (Except Saturday & Sunday)



91 James St, Northbridge 6003

the Red teapot 美食屋

10% for lunch only



413 William St, Northbridge, 6003

Wa’s Chinese Videos books & news 胜者影音

10% off



273 William St, Northbridge 6003

hair dJ

10% off



4/415 Newcastle St. Perth 6000

south ocean Chinese Restaurant 海洋酒家

5% off (Except lunch special)

Until 6 / 2012


17 south St, Kardingya WA 6163

endless delight Chinese Cuisine 味中味餐馆

5% off



Unit 5/145 Newcastle St, Northbridge WA 6003 utopia Formosa square 14/109 James Street, Northbridge utopia Victoria Park 859 Albany Highway, Victoria Park utopia Myaree 50 Hulme Court, Myaree


10% for drinks only


VMC/ Voucher

utopia garden City K07, 125 Riseley Street, Booragoon utopia barrack 71 Barrack Street, Perth utopia southlands 4. 41 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton utopia Carousel 1019B, 1382 Albany Hwy, Cannington utopia Westfield Whitfords City 231A Cnr Marmion & Whitfords Ave, Hillarys

加盟及反馈热线 Contact details for participating and feedback 市场推广协调人 Marketing Co-ordinator 程敏仪 stella Ching 电话 tel: 9328 8657 / 0408 078 737 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 e-mail:


龙年 白眉吴馆友联龙狮团 Pak Mei Yaolin Dragon Troupe

大吉 中华会馆舞龙团 Chung Wah Dragon Troupe

76 Francis Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 9228 3968

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc

Tel: 9287 2020



Shop 67, Floreat Forum Shopping Centre, Floreat 6014

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di


Sunday – Thursday, 10am – 10pm / Friday – Saturday, 10am – 11pm

Close on Monday

Close on Wednesday

$8 off per person per voucher (Except Fri, Sat, Xmas Eve & New Year’s Eve )

10% off

dine in only (except Saturday & Sunday )


Tel: 9228 9182 Monday – Sunday, 10:30am – 11:30pm

Tel: 9227 0615 Tuesday – Sunday Close on Monday

10% off Steam Boat only

Lunch 11:30am – 03:00pm | Dinner 05:30pm – 10:00pm

(Except Saturday & Sunday)

Free pancake

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun

91 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003


74 Francis Street, Northbridge WA 6003

Little Lamb Restaurant 小尾羊餐厅



rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di





乐涛园海鲜餐馆 65 Francis Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 9227 8638

Monday – Sunday, 9:30am – 3:00pm, 5:30pm – 11:00pm | Close on Tuesday

10%off lunch (Except Sunday) EXCLUSIVELY FOR 10%off dinner 胜者影音

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

Shop 3, 369 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

Great Australian Natural Selections 大澳保健礼品中心

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un nt S

5% off


Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 6:00pm / Saturday, 10:00am – 5:30pm


Tel: 9227 8081


Shop 10, 45 Francis Street, Australian Taxation Bldg, Northbridge WA 6003

Joy Garden Seafood Restaurant


rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

Regent Cakes 丽晶饼屋


273 William Street, Northbridge WA6003 Tel: 9228 2768 Monday – Sunday, 9:30am – 6:00pm

10% off

Tel: 616 6086 Monday to Sunday, 10:00am – 6:00pm

10% off(Except products on sale) EXCLUSIVELY FOR

413 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 9228 1981 Monday – Saturday, 11:30am – 3:00pm, 5:30pm - 10:00pm

10% off lunch only EXCLUSIVELY FOR

Point 88 Food & entertainment 88 James Street, Northbridge WA6003 Tel: 9228 8898

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

The Red Teapot 美食屋


10% off


金门亚洲礼品时尚服饰店 314 William Street, Northbridge WA 6000

Monday – Sunday, 9:00am – 3:00pm

Tel: 9228 1773

5% off except Saturday & Sunday

Monday – Sunday, 10:00am – 5:00pm

10% off


10% off computer repair

Shop2/117 Brisbane Street, Perth WA 6000 Monday – Saturday, 10:00am – 5:00pm

10% off


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It's More Than a SIP Tea Art Gallery 品之味茶艺中心



U5/145 Newcastle Street, Perth WA 6000



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Endless Delight Chinese Cuisine 味中味中餐馆

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun

Monday – Saturday, 9:30am – 5:00pm

Little Bubs Baby and Children's Wear


1/28 Robinson Avenue, Perth WA6000



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James Computers 西澳电脑

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc

Tel 9227 8886

Golden Gates Asian Gifts Fashion & Accessories


354 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003

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Welcome Inn Tea House 美心茶楼

5-7 Palmerston Street, Northbridge, WA 6003

Tel: 9228 9778

Tel:9328 8178

Monday – Sunday, 11:00am – 3:00pm, 5:00pm – 10:00pm

Wednesday – Saturday, 10:00am – 6:00pm | Sunday, 11:00qm – 6:00pm

Tuesday close

5% off

10% off tea & tea sets




Hair DJ

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Tel: 0423 881 212

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Dshop Photographic Studio 周丹摄影工作室

except furniture

U4/145 Newcastle Street, Perth, WA 6000 Tel: 9227 9546 Monday – Saturday, 10:00 – 6:00pm

10% off



17 South Street, Kardinya Centre Monday – Sunday, 11:30am – 2:30pm, 5:00pm – 10:00pm Sunday morning close

Shanghai Flavour Restaurant

上海人家餐馆 Shop2, 375 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 9227 1782

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rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

South Ocean Chinese Restaurant 海洋酒家


Monday – Sunday, 11:00am – 9:00pm Close on Wednesday

10% off

5% off (Except lunch special) EXCLUSIVELY FOR


CHUNG WAH JOB SEEK ASSISTANCE Chung Wah Job Seek Assistance provides free service to our member in the following areas: Job match Workshop for interview technique and pathway to job Experience sharing workshop Help in resume Referrals to available training programs The Chung Wah Jobseek assistance is also available to EMPLOYERS to advertise their vacancies free of charge. Whether you are seeking for a job or are an employer looking to fill positions, please contact Stella Ching at the Chung Wah office on 9328 8657 on Tue, Wed & Fri or Email:

中华会馆求职援助计划 中华会馆求职援助计划,将为求职者免费提供以下服务:  量身寻找工作机会

 面试技巧训练

 举办经验分享聚会

 指导填写履历表

 介绍其它相关训练


无论求职者或雇主,如有需要,请于每周二、三、五致电中华会馆办公室(9328 8657) 与计划协调人程小姐联络 电邮

Job VaCanCies • ASIAN COOK IN CAFE - Café in Albany Hwy., Victory Park recruiting Asian Cook. FT or PT, basic cooking experience in Asian cookery, minimum 3 days or more per week. Able to work in evening and weekend. • SHORT COOK IN CAFÉ - Café in Nedland recruiting Short Cook. Minimum 30 hrs per week, finish at 3PM. 5 days a week. No night work. Experience in kitchen. • Factory Hand - Tyre re-treading company located in Kewdale are seeking a motivated Factory Hand. You will have: Factory work experience, ability to work fast paced, ability to work in a team, reliable, physically fit and not be afraid to get your hands dirty. In return you will be rewarded with a generous pay, a long-term opportunity and a great team environment. Working hours are Monday to Friday from 7am - 3pm. • HR Driver in Bassendean - A leading steel company in Bassendean is seeking an experienced and motivated truck driver. You will have: Current HR licence, loading experience, excellent customer service and communication skills, willingness to learn, willing to obtain a Forklift licence. The working hours are Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 3pm. • Mechanical Fitter in Kewdale - A reputable employer based in Kewdale is seeking an experienced Mechanical Fitter. You will have: Experience with Hydraulics and Conveyors, well organised and have time management skills, capable of reviewing technical problems in detail, ability to work in a team and independently, a sound technical knowledge, your own transport due to the early morning start. Working hours are Monday to Friday from 5.30am - 2.00pm with the opportunity of working overtime when needed. • Counter Hand - A well-established Deli in Highgate is looking for a friendly Counter Hand. Your main duties will include customer service, rotating smallgoods and some cleaning. Work every Saturday and up to three weekdays from Tuesday to Friday. The working hours are flexible but ideally you will be working from 9am to 3pm. To be successful for this role you must have excellent communication skills and a great work ethic. Ongoing training will be provided. • Store person - A reputable global employer in Kewdale near the International Airport is seeking motivated and experienced Store persons. You will have: Current forklift licence, Picking / Packing and dispatch experience, good communication and organise skills, ability to work in a team. Two shifts Monday to Friday. Afternoon shift from 2pm - 10pm and night shift from 10pm - 6am. • Administration Coordinator - An engineering consultancy is seeking an Administration Coordinator. You will have: advanced skills in Microsoft Office, excellent attention to detail, competence in the typing, formatting and finalisation of documentation, experience in data entry. With a personable and friendly nature you will provide direct assistance to senior personnel assisting in accounts, project management and ad-hoc administrative duties, as required. Candidates with previous experience within the engineering, or resources industry will be highly regarded. • Office Junior - A manufacturer and supplier of plastic pipeline in Welshpool is seeking an Office Junior. The successful candidate will be mentored by their senior staff and offered training. The Skills and Experience Required: good verbal and written communication skills, willingness to learn, good understanding of MS packages, general administration experience.


Tel: 9328 5092

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc

58 Francis Street, Northbridge 6003



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Formosa Café 福尔摩莎

291 William Street, Northbridge 6003

25% off or $15 max whichever is lesser

Monday – Sunday, 11am till late

10% off food and beverage only EXCLUSIVELY FOR

Utopia Barrack 71 Barrack Street, Perth WA 6000

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc

Utopia Formosa Square 14, 109 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003



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357 Albany Highway, Victoria Park 6100 Tel: 9470 2333

25% off or $15 max whichever is lesser

Utopia Victoria Park 859, Albany Highway, Victoria, WA 6100 Utopia Myaree 50 Hulme Crt, Myaree WA 6154


Utopia Garden City K07, 125 Riseley Street, Booragoon, WA 6154 Utopia Southlands Willetton 4, 41 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155 Utopia Westfield Whitfords City 231A, Corner Marmion & Whitfords Ave., Hillarys WA 6025 Utopia Carousel 1019B, 1382 Albany Highway, Cannington WA 6107

10% off drinks only EXCLUSIVELY FOR

Aus World Travel 澳华旅游 Shop 6, 109 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 9328 6868 Shop 13, 113 Collins Road, Willetton, WA 6155 Monday – Friday, 9:15am – 5:30pm / Saturday, 9:15 – 12:00pm

$10 off for all international ticket Plus 10% off travel insurance



ar 寻找 ch 封 Fo 面 r 美少 Co 女 ve r Gi rl

Ever dreamt of being the cover girl of a magazine but never had the chance to realise your dream? Well, you can stop dreaming now, as the Chung Wah Magazine is looking for young Chinese ladies of good character aged from 18 to 29 to be considered as the cover girl for future editions of the magazine. We have a professional working team, and a rich source of clothing sponsors to package you into the star of your dream. If you think you are up to it, and are willing to share your beauty with the public, submit your details such as name, date of birth, contact number, and a recent photograph by email to, for your chance to realise your dream! Don’t just think about it, ACT NOW! Who knows, you might just be that rising star on the horizon!!! 嗨,年轻的女孩,曾经梦想成为杂志的封面模特而不可得吗?好吧,你现在 可以停止发梦了,因为《中华会刊》正在寻找封面美少女——凡是年龄在18至29 岁,品端貌淑的华人女性,均有机会成为未来会刊的封面女郎。 我们有专业的工作团队,有丰富的服饰赞助资源为你提供包装和服务,一定 能够满足你成为大明星的美好梦想。 只要你够美够靓,品行良好,乐意将美貌与微笑与大众分享,请将姓名、出生日 期、联系方式和近照发送到我们的邮箱,梦想就有可能 成真啦! 心动不如行动,明日之星正在冉冉升起,说不定那个她——就是你!

本期封面美少女——陈慧菱 “记得小时候,我曾对父母闹过脾气,怪他们为何让 自己接受中文教育而并非英文教育。当时的我认为, 如能掌握英语,在未来的竞争中会更有优势。然而 母亲只是淡淡地说: ‘将来你一定会明白的’。时至今 日,由于我懂得中华文化和语言,让我接触到很多不 同的机会,如担任翻译、参加2010年西澳中华小姐选 美比赛、成为中华会馆社区电台的中文主播∙∙∙∙∙∙这些 都印证了母亲说过的话。如果能以一首歌代表我的 心情,那必然会是‘龙的传人’—古老的东方有一群 人,他们全都是龙的传人∙∙∙∙∙∙黑眼睛黑头发黄皮肤, 永永远远都是龙的传人。”

金门店主陈玉娥帮助慧琳挑选旗袍 Golden Gates owner Tran Thi Nga helping Hui Lin to select cheongsam

Cover Girl of January Edition of Chung Wah Magazine – Hui Lin TAN “When I was young, I used to blame my parents for getting me to undertake Chinese education study instead of English study, as I thought mastering the English language would give me a bigger advantage for my future career prospects. I can still vividly recall my mother's response 'One day you will understand ’. Indeed, my knowledge and understanding of the Chinese culture and language has since given me enormous number of opportunities to engage in vastly diverse work and activities, such as my previous role as a translator, my participation in the 2010 WA Miss Chinese beauty pageant as well as my current role as a Mandarin Radio Broadcaster role for Chung Wah Radio Program. This validated what my mother has said to me before. If I were to choose a song to represent myself, it would definitely be ‘Descendants of the Dragon’ – in the ancient times in the orient, there is a group of people, they are all descendants of the dragon … black eyes, black hair with yellow complexion, they are forever descendants of the dragon. 金登代子 Toyoko KING 慧菱、发型师 N, Hairdresser 小娟、模特陈 odel Hui Lin TA ,m NG 左起化妆师黄 WO y sle up ar tist Le From lef t, make

金门亚洲礼品及时尚饰品店 GOLDEN GATES ASIAN GIFTS FASHION & ACCESSORIES • Chinese Cheongsum for Adults and Kids • Chinese Lantern Head and Footwear • Asian Gifts, Feng Shui Merchandise & Other Accessories Tel: 9228 1773 Fax: 9228 1774 314 William St, Northbridge

Photographer : Dan ZHOU 摄影师:周丹

Makeup Artist – Motives Consultant

Private Hairdresser – Toyoko KING

Lesley WONG



Qualifications from Japan –– come 2 me or me 2 you, Services in hairstyling, cuts, perms, colour dyeing, etc

Service include: Bridal, Glamour, High Fashion, Skin-care, Colour Match, Hairstyling Dragon & Phoenix Cheongsum 龙凤旗袍 $650 New Year lanterns accessories 新年灯笼饰品 $16 New Year fans accessories 新年扇面饰品 $8

Mob : 0411 871 020

Home (Carlisle): 9361 6668 Mob: 0448 610 963



Mysterious Orient 神秘東方 The Legend of YAN HUANG



湖南株洲炎帝陵 Tomb of the Yan Emperor in Hunan Zhuzhou, China


Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

打开通往神秘东方之门 ◎ 秋小天

新年伊始,万象更新。顺应《中华会刊》走出会馆,面向社会公开发售的新方向,我们隆重推出一个全新 的专栏——神秘东方。这是一个充满知识和趣味的东方文化万花筒,我们希望能为您揭示神秘面纱之下东方文 化的丰富内涵,带您领略独特的东方风情和人文魅力。 历史学家认为,如果按照全世界人类文化的已往成就而论,只有西方欧洲文化和东方中国文化两大系统,算得 源远流长,直到现在,成为人类文化之两大主干。千百年来,东西方文化之间的对比和交流从未间断过。以中国 文化为代表的东方文化之神秘,不光是由于它比西方文化拥有更为久远和庞杂的演变,更是源于东方文化体 系的非“科学”性,使它难以得到系统化地继承和发展,而在历史中呈现支离破碎、鱼龙混杂的状态。如 中国文化之根本的阴阳五行,它的世界观和方法论,难以用逻辑推理来解释,也难以用实验方法来验 证,运用它的人,可以是高明的中医,也可以是骗人的神棍。它缺乏严谨的传承体系,却又拥有 长达千年的旺盛生命力。如此神秘,怎能不令人着迷? 科学对于人类发展居功至伟,然而科学也仅是人类迄今为止所采用的,用于探索自然及物质 规律,一个较好的的思路和方法而已。科学也有着自身的局限和问题,它并不是解决所有人类 未知的神通,然而在很多现代人的心目中,已经将科学,尤其是高科技当作了万能的上帝来看 待。这其实也是一种愚昧和狭隘,限制了对于自我和世界的认知,也束缚了人类未来发展的思 路。在我们轻易就一概打上“落后”标签的古老文化中,还蕴藏着有异于科学的,解开生命 和宇宙奥秘的另类启示,有待我们用更加开放和智慧的思维去探索和发现。虽然今天“西 风”压倒“东风”,西方文化在全球占据强势地位,但也正是由于东西方文化的传播和 普及不对等,促使我们在本地加强对于东方,尤其是中国文化的介绍和推广,让更多 的澳洲人能得以更加全面和深入地接触和了解东方文化。因为我们坚信,东方文化是 人类共同的宝贵财富和遗产,值得东西方共同继承与分享。 在今日澳大利亚多元文化和谐发展的大背景之下,鼓励各个种族文化的独立与传 承,倡导不同文化之间的融合与互补,已经成为了主流。我们是生活在这里的华人, 澳大利亚是我们的家,我们在这里与其它种族和平共处,共筑家园;同时我们也依 然与中国文化之根紧密相连,无论是气质、思维还是生活方式,都在昭示着我们 共同的祖先和传承。即使我们来自不同的地方,说着不同的语言,但是我们永 远都是炎黄子孙,龙的传人。穿过历史的长河,追溯到我们共同的起源, “神秘东方”就从那远古岁月,两个伟大的帝王开始讲起 ……



A new year signifies a new beginning. In line with the expansion of Chung Wah Magazine being made available for sale to the public, we proudly introduce a new regular column – Mysterious Orient. This column will present both an informative and fascinating kaleidoscope of oriental (eastern) culture with the aim of removing its mystery and showcasing its richness, taking you on a journey in discovering its unique grace and charms. Based on past achievements in human cultural exploits, historians are of the opinion that only the western European and eastern Chinese cultures, with a long history behind them, have prevailed to become the two major streams of human culture of the modern day. For thousands of years, the comparisons and interactions between eastern and western cultures have never stopped. The mysterious nature of the orient represented by Chinese culture, was due not only to its more extensive and diverse evolution, but also to its non-scientific nature. This has been an obstacle to its systematic passage and development in history, resulting in its present fragmented and mixed states. It is very difficult to use logic to explain a common view and methodologies of the ying and yang and the five elements representing the fundamentals of Chinese culture, nor can it be proven through practical experiments. People who apply these fundamentals could be a very effective Chinese medical practitioner on one extreme, or it could be a con man at the other extreme. It lacks a disciplined training system and method, yet it continues to persist for thousands of years. How can one not be fascinated by such a mystery? Science has greatly benefited the human race, but to date it has only been used to explore the natural and physical laws, representing a relatively better way of thought processes and methodologies. Science has its own limitations and problems, and is not capable of solving all the unknown. However, in the minds of many current day people, science in particular high technology, has almost become almighty god. This has been borne out of ignorance and narrow-mindedness, limited by self awareness and knowledge of the world, restricting the thought processes on the future development of humanity. Hidden within our ancient culture which many of us would label as “outdated”, lies an alternate form of revelation to unlock the mysteries of life and the universe awaiting our exploration and discovery using an open mind and wisdom. In the present day, the world is dominated by western culture. It is this uneven spread and development between eastern and western cultures that motivates us to intensify the introduction and promotion of Chinese culture to the Australian community in order to expose and increase their awareness and interaction with the oriental culture. This is because we strongly believe that the oriental culture is a common treasure and heritage that should be shared by both the east and the west. In Australia today, the mainstream culture is represented by multiculturism which supports the independence and heritage of the respective ethnic groups through an integration process in forming a harmonious society. We are Chinese living in Australia which is our home. We coexist peacefully with other races in build our homes together. At the same time, we are still closely linked to our roots in Chinese culture, be it our temperament, our psyche, or our way of life; they all point to our common ancestors and heritage. Even though we came from different parts of the world and speak different languages, we are forever descendants of Yan Huang, and descendants of the dragon. Through the long course of history dating back to our common origin, let’s explore the “Mysterious Orient” starting from the ancient days of the two great Emperors Yan and Huang … 45

Mysterious Orient 神秘東方


明朝时绘制的黄帝像 Portrait of the Yellow Emperor painted in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

黄帝出生地有甘肃天水和河南新郑两个说 法。《汉书人表考》卷一有载:(黄帝)姬姓, 少典之子。少典取有峤氏,名附宝,感大电 绕枢,孕二十五月,以戊巳日生黄帝于天水。 据《史记•五帝本纪》记载:“黃帝者,少典 之子,姓公孙,名轩辕。……黃帝居轩辕之 丘”。“轩辕之丘”位于新郑的说法出《大明 一统志》。相传黃帝出生夏历三月初三,一说 生于二月初二, 俗言“二月二,龙抬头;三 月三,生轩辕。”早前炎帝与黃帝结盟对抗蚩 尤,后炎、黃二帝展开阪泉之战,黃帝取得胜 利,最后黄帝在涿鹿之战擒杀了蚩尤,獲得胜 利,统一了中原各部落。战后,黃帝率兵进入 九黎地区,隨即在泰山之巔,会合天下诸部 落,举行了隆重的封禅仪式,告祭天地。突 然,天上显现大蝼大蚁,色尚黃,人们说他以 土德为帝,故自称为黃帝。从此,黃帝天下共 主的地位最终确立。

《路史•后纪一》载:“黄帝始分土建国”。据说,黃帝奠定天下后,“命风后方割万 里,画野分疆,得小大之国万区”,制定国家的职官制度,如以云为名的中央官职,管宗 族事务的称青云,管军事的称缙云,又设置了左右大监,负责监督天下诸部落。风后、力 牧、常先、大鸿被任命为治民的大臣。他又经常封祭山川鬼神。他以神蓍推算和制定了历 法。他定期巡视各地,了解人民生活情況,因此深得人民的爱戴。 此外,黃帝当共主的时候,去古未远,人民生活简陋朴素,故黃帝教人民生火做饭, 吃熟食,又创造纺织技术,用以制作衣服冠冕,御寒护体。他又命大臣负责不同的技术创 造,如义和与常羲分別负责观测太阳和月亮,臾区观测行星,伶伦创制律吕,大挠创立甲 子,隸首發明算数,容成综合以上六数,制作乐律和律历。黃帝还让伶伦和垂制造乐器磬 和鐘,沮诵和倉頡造字,史皇作图,雍父造舂和杵臼,夷牟造矢,挥造弓,共鼓和货狄作 舟。 黃帝有四妃十嫔。正妃为西陵氏,名嫘祖,她教人民养蚕缫丝,织出丝绸做衣裳,次 妃名嫫母,长相丑陋,但德行高尚,深受黃帝敬重。黃帝共有二十五个儿子,其中十四人 被分封得姓。这十四人共得到十二个姓,它们是:姬、酉、祁、己、滕、葴、任、荀、 僖、姞、儇、衣。而少昊、顓頊、帝嚳、唐尧、虞舜,以及夏朝、商朝、周朝的君主都是 黃帝的子孙。 相传黃帝亦通晓医术,中医《黃帝內经》是以黃帝与岐伯讨论医学问题的问答体裁编 著的,分成《素问》与《灵枢》二部。但实际上可能是后人假托黃帝之名的作品。 黃帝崩,葬桥山(关于桥山的所在地历来有所争议,现今学术界较认可的说法是今河北 省张家口市涿鹿县温泉屯乡里虎沟村西南之桥山,其上直至后唐仍有黄帝庙并享有祭祀, 直至辽统治中国北方后,从此断祀)。而陝西黃帝陵则为一衣冠冢,因为长期处于中原汉 族统治区域,因此,自秦统一中国后,历朝历代每岁祭奠黃帝陵延续不断,并且被历代帝 王上升为国家大典,被称为“天下第一陵”。但实际上,黃帝陵只属一个衣棺塚,黃帝陵 前碑亦有表明此事情,另外,根据文献记载,黃帝离开之时有彩云飞天,并乘搭彩云离 开。2008年河南新郑黃帝故里拜祖大典,亦被中国国务院列入国家级非物质文化遗产。

炎帝像 Portrait of the Yan Emperor

传说中的上古帝王神农氏(或神 农氏的子孙)。因以火德王,故称 为炎帝,又称赤帝、烈山氏。继女 娲后为天下共主, 传说是农耕和医药 的发明者, 又创造五弦瑟, 开始蜡祭 和市场,自他以后中国进入农耕社 会。 相传其母名女登,一日游华 阳,被神龙绕身,感应而孕,生 下炎帝。传说炎帝人身牛首,头 上有角。炎帝生于烈山石室,长于 姜水,有圣德,以火德王,故号炎 帝。炎帝少而聪颖,三天能说话, 五天能走路,三年知稼穑之事。他 一生为百姓办了许多好事:教百姓 耕作,百姓得以丰食足衣;为了让 百姓不受病疾之苦,他尝遍了各种 药材,以致自己一日中七十次毒。 他又作乐器,让百姓懂得礼仪,为 后世所称道。其族人最初的活动地 域在今陕西的南部,后来沿黄河向 东发展,与黄帝发生冲突。在阪泉 之战中,炎帝被黄帝战败,炎帝部 落与黄帝部落合并,组成华夏族。

后世对黃帝的神化是逐渐进行的。《庄子》中提到黃帝得道成仙;《史记•孝武本纪》记 载“黄帝且战且学仙。患百姓非其道,乃断斩非鬼神者。百余岁然后得与神通。”,“仙 登于天”;《列仙传》中的黃帝还能够驱使群仙。黃帝在道教中被尊为道家开创者之一, 有特殊的地位。 依山而建的炎帝祠,位于陕西宝鸡 The Yan Emperor Temple in Shaanxi Baoji


Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

炎帝与黄帝的关系 说到中华文明的缘起,论者大多溯及炎黄,“炎黄子孙”已成为海内外华人的 精神纽带。炎、黄并称,人们已经习以为常,然而对于炎、黄之关系,历来纷言聚 讼,颇多异说。最新的研究成果表明,炎帝为神农氏姜姓始祖,黄帝取代的不是炎 帝本人,而是神农氏的后代子孙。炎帝、黄帝的关系是,同血缘但不同世代。从文 化关系上,“同血缘”的实质在于,炎帝、黄帝部落都视太阳为始祖之母,炎帝、 黄帝部族对于太阳崇拜具有文化传承性。

位于陕西延安黄陵县的黄帝陵大殿 The main hall of the tomb of the Yellow Emperor in Shaanxi

炎黄子孙 也称黄炎子孙,黄帝子孙,历史以来是 中华民族的自称。传说中,炎帝与黄帝都 被视为华夏民族的始祖。传说他们出自同 一个部落,后来成为两个敌对的部落的首 领。两个部落展开阪泉之战,黄帝打败了 炎帝,两个部落渐渐融合成华夏族,华夏 族在汉朝以后称为汉人,唐朝以后又称为 唐人。炎帝和黄帝也是中国文化、技术的 始祖,传说他们以及他们的臣子、后代创 造了上古几乎所有重要的发明。 后来的传说的几位古帝王一直到夏商 周帝王,都被认为是黄帝的直系子孙,连 蛮、夷也被纳入这个系统。后世的帝王也 声称他们是黄帝的后裔。几乎所有的姓氏 都将自己的远祖追溯到炎帝、黄帝或他们 的臣子。而接受了华夏文化的少数民族( 如匈奴、鮮卑等等)也声称自己是黄帝子 孙、炎黄子孙。 辽朝大臣耶律俨《皇朝实录》称契丹 为黄帝之后。《辽史•太祖纪赞》和《世表 序》主张契丹为炎帝之后。近年在云南发 现的契丹遗裔,保存有一部修于明代的《 施甸长官司族谱》,卷首附一首七言诗, 诗曰:“辽之先祖始炎帝……”。这些契 丹人也自认为契丹是炎帝苗裔。 在清朝末年,这个观念隨着中国民族主 义的建构更加广泛地流传。清末反抗满族 统治的早期革命党人,即用“炎黄子孙、

黄帝子孙”做口号取得汉人的支持,激进 的革命派认为“炎黄之裔,厥惟汉族” 。而温和的改良派则认为“我国皆黄帝子 孙”。面对西方列强的侵略和蚕食,包括 少数民族人士在内的有识之士号召打破族 群界限,以“炎黄子孙”为旗帜凝聚中 华,比如,满族贵族盛昱称:“起我黄帝 胄,驱彼白种贱,大破旗汉界,谋生皆自 便”。在面对外国强敌侵略而处于亡国亡 种的危机下,“炎黄子孙、黄帝子孙”的 概念,成为以祖先崇拜为基本 文化的中国人构建民族凝聚力 的符号。抗日战争时期,“炎 黄子孙”的称谓在抗敌烽火中 定型为中华民族的指代符号, 成为号召与激励海内外华人共 同抗战的一面旗帜。比如国民 政府在《告抗战全体将士书》 中指出:“我们大家都是许身 革命的黄帝子孙”。又如中国 共产党在给中国国民党的电报 中称:“我辈同为黄帝子孙, 同为中华民族儿女,国难当 前,惟有抛弃一切成见,亲密 合作,共同奔赴中华民族最后 解放之伟大前程。” 中国文明史连绵不断的原 因,主要是顽强的民族意识 所决定,民族意识的重要因 素,是民族的心理素质和传统 文化。炎黄二帝是中华民族的

人文始祖,是民族凝聚力心理的认同。在 遥远的上古时代,先民们在中华大地上生 存、繁衍,因血缘关系组成不同的氏族与 部落。经过数十万年的发展,这些各自独 立的部族如百川归海般融入中华民族这一 大家庭中,异口同声认为自己是炎黄子孙 和龙的传人。这是一种文化的积淀,一种 民族精神的凝聚。 中华民族又称华夏民族。据研究,华 夏是汉族的前身。华夏族认为中原居四方 之中,故把居住的地方称为中华。华夏、 中华,最初指的是中国中原地区,后来包 举中国全部统辖的领土而言,亦称中国, 它是由众多的部族在历史长河中整合而成 的。在这个过程中,以炎黄二帝,特别是 黄帝为中心和血缘纽带。而中华民族则是 我国各民族的统称,无论其居住何处,只 要他有着相同的血脉,敬奉我们共同的炎 黄始祖,那他就属于中华民族。中华民族 既是血缘概念,又是地理概念,还是文化 概念,它构成了一个血统、地缘、文化认 同的民族整体。事实上,中华民族(华夏 民族)、炎黄子孙、龙的传人是同一概 念,其中透露的是一种文化的认同,血脉 的延续,和寻根认祖的情结。

参考书目 田晓岫主编:《中华民族》华夏出版社1991年出版 田君:《炎帝、黄帝关系考辨》2010年 河南大学历史文化学院 闫德亮:《炎黄子孙与龙的传人神话谈》2008年 河南省社会科学院

公祭黄帝大典 The Yellow Emperor worshipping ceremony


Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

THE LEGEND OF YAN HUANG 轩辕黄帝像(山东武梁祠石刻) Picture of the Yellow Emperor carved on the wall of the Wuliang temple in Shandong

Along with Egypt, Babylon and India, China is one of the oldest nations in the world. China was one of the countries where economic activity first developed. As early as 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, people in the Yellow River valley had already started farming and raising livestock. The ancient Huang river valley is the cradle of the great Chinese civilization. China’s culture is one of the oldest of the word. Legend has it that the Huang and Yan Emperors were the first rulers of China. They are also considered as the ancestors of the Chinese people who taught the Chinese to build houses and grow grain. The Huang Emperor (also known as Yellow Emperor) is a legendary Chinese sovereign and cultural hero who is considered in Chinese mythology to be the ancestor of all Han Chinese. His surname was Gong-Sun, and given name was Xuan Yuan. He was born with a unique temperament. Not long after his birth, he was able to talk. Since a young age, he was very intelligent, honest and diligent. At reaching adulthood, he became very knowledgeable and had a superb ability to discern right from wrong. 48

Tradition holds that the Yellow Emperor reigned from 2697–2597BC. His cult became prominent in the late Warring States and early Han period, when he was portrayed as the originator of the centralized state, a patron of esoteric arts, a cosmic ruler, and a lord of the underworld. He was credited with improving the livelihood of the nomadic hunters of his tribe, and taught them how to build shelters, and tame wild animals, as well as numerous inventions and innovations such as the Chinese diadem, throne rooms, the bow sling, early Chinese astronomy, the Chinese calendar, math calculations, code of sound laws and cuju, an early Chinese version of football. As such, he was regarded as the initiator of Chinese civilization. The Yan Emperor was a legendary Han Chinese ruler who lived in pre-dynastic China. Yan literally means "flame" in Chinese, and it was speculated that this appellation may be connected with the fire used to clear the fields in slash and burn agriculture. The Yan Emperor was popularly known as Shennong which means "Divine Farmer". He was thought to have taught the ancient Chinese not only their practices of agriculture, but also the use of herbal drugs. Shennong is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medical value. The most well-known work attributed to him is “The Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic”, first compiled some time during the end of the Western Han Dynasty. It is considered to be the earliest Chinese pharmacopoeia, and includes 365 medicines derived from minerals, plants, and animals. Legend holds that Shennong had a transparent body, and thus could see the effects of different plants

and herbs on himself. Tea, which acts as an antidote against the poisonous effects of some seventy herbs, is also said to have been his discovery. Shennong is venerated as the Father of Chinese medicine, and is also believed to have introduced the technique of acupuncture. In Chinese mythology , the Yan Emperor was said to be ox-headed, sharp-horned, bronzeforeheaded, and iron-skulled. He and the Yellow Emperor were supposedly friends and fellow scholars, and together, they shared the alchemical secrets of medicine, immortality, and making gold. During the Yan Emperor’s reign, many tribes were fighting each other and many people died. He was incapable of pacifying the conflict, so the Yellow Emperor made plans to conquer those tribes that failed to come to pay tribute. Soon, all the small tribes were on his side except Chiyou’s tribe, which was the fiercest tribe that no one dared to confront. The Yan Emperor wanted to conquer those small tribes, but he knew they all listened to the Yellow Emperor. Once the Yellow Emperor learned of the Yan Emperor’s plans, he started to cultivate his virtue, studied the changes of the four seasons, pacified his people, surveyed his territory, and prepared his army. He also tamed many ferocious animals, like tigers and bears. After the Yellow Emperor defeated the Yan Emperor on the battlefield of Ban Quan, Chiyou became rebellious and disobeyed the Yellow Emperor. So, the Yellow Emperor mobilized armies from small tribes and fought Chiyou at Zhuo Lu. Chiyou was captured alive and put to death. The feudal lords then respected the Yellow Emperor and made him their emperor in place of the Yan Emperor.

Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

湖南株洲炎帝陵中的神农大殿 Shennong Hall in the tomb of the Yan Emperor in Hunan

The Yellow Emperor never had a permanent place to reside and did not live in comfort. During his time, when he went out to do battle, he also built many roads in the mountains. He had been to the East Sea and climbed Wan Mountain and Tai Mountain; to the west, he had been to the Da Kong Tong area and climbed Ji Tou Mountain; to the south, he went to the Yangtze River and climbed Xiong and Xiang Mountains; to the north, he dispelled rebellion by the Hun Zhou Tribe and signed a treaty with small tribes at Fu Mountain, establishing a county at the foot of Zhou Lu Mountain. The gods gave the Yellow Emperor a precious tripod and herb for fortune telling in order to create a calendar to forecast seasons and climate changes. He appointed Feng Hou, Li Mu, Chang Xian, and Da Hong as his close advisers to help him manage important affairs. He followed the will of Heaven and Earth and understood the changes of yin and yang, which enabled him to set up precepts for healthy living and dying and explaining the survival of a dynasty. He planted various plants in different seasons, and he also domesticated wild animals and birds and used silkworms for silk production. He observed the movements of the sun, moon, and stars, and the properties of water, soil, rock, and metal so that these materials could be properly utilized by men. He applied knew ideas diligently and rationally, and observed and listened carefully. In all his planning, he always considered the benefits of his people. Meanwhile, he respected the spirits, mountains, and rivers, and taught people to respect Heaven and divine beings.

provide us with some clues and information to help us gain an understanding of the roots of ancient Chinese society. The 5,000 years of Chinese culture that was passed down from divine beings all started from this one legend. The unification of the two tribes of the Yan and Huang Emperors formed the Huaxia (Chinese) race. Because both

emperors are considered as the ancestors of the Huaxia race, Chinese people also call themselves the “Descendants of Yan and Huang”. After these ancestors settled along the Yellow River, they started the creation of the splendid Chinese culture.

炎帝铜像 Bronze statue of the Yan Empero

Although this is a legend from an ancient time, unearthed relics and historic records have shown that it could be true. These records can 49

Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

黄河是中华文明的摇篮,又被称为中国的“母亲河” The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, it is also known as "The Mother River" of China.

IN THE NAME OF CHUNG WAH ◎ Yit-Seng YOW Ethnic Chinese wherever they are associate themselves as Hua Ren 华人. Throughout the world there are numerous associations using the term “zhong Hua” 中华 (Mandarin pronunciation), though the English spellings differ from place to place. In Perth, our Association uses Chung Wah, as pronounced in Cantonese as our pioneers hailed from Guangdong in China. The Chong Wa Benevolent Association was established in San Francisco in 1882; the Casino Chung Wah (a social club) was founded in Cuba in 1893, the Chung Wah Association was formed in Perth in 1909, Chung Wah School in Hawaii was founded in 1919, Chung Hua Hui was incorporated in Indonesia in 1927, etc. The term zhong hua was coined in the year 300 during the Wei-Jing era adopting two words, “zhong” and “hua” . As we all know, the word “zhong” refers to China, it also means 50

“central” or “middle”; while “hua” refers to a region and people known as Hua Xia, where various groups of tribes lived along the Yellow River, in part of today’s Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan provinces. Some 4,000 years ago, this region was considered civilised compared to the surrounding areas. This is the region where two outstanding leaders, Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, ruled with wisdom and authority. Today Chinese throughout the world call themselves “descendents of Yan and Huang”. Emperor Yan is also known as the “Divine farmer” 神农 and is considered the forefather of Chinese agriculture. The “Divine farmer” carefully studied the weather and the soil and taught his people how to plough the land, planting and harvesting crops. He was credited with tasting hundreds of herbs to ascertain their qualities. The earliest and one

of the most authoritative texts on Chinese herbs, the “Compendium of Chinese herbs” 神农本草经; compiled around the end of the Western Han period (25 – 220 AD), honours his name. The divine farmer was legendary for a population faced with limited food resources when they moved away from hunting and gathering to gradually become farmers of the land. Emperor Huangis sometimes translated as the “Yellow Emperor”. Born in Xuan Yuan, he used his extensive knowledge of the terrain (mountain, rivers, marshes, plains), local knowledge, leadership and indomitable courage to lead his tribe in battles. In a decisive campaign, he defeated the belligerent and numerically superior army of Chi You. The tribal chieftains anointed Xuan Yuan as the “Son of Heaven” and leader of the united clans. With considerable foresight, the Emperor Huang prohibited marriage within their own tribe, resulting in intermarriage

Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

Editor’s Note:

炎黄二帝巨型雕像,位于中国郑州黄河风景区 Giant sculptures of the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperorin the Zhengzhou Yellow River Tourist Centre in China

between tribes, as well as merging of bloodlines, resulting in a new race known as the Hua Xia, the predecessors of the Han 汉 race to which more than 90% of the Chinese people belongs. Over several hundred years of hard-work and uninterrupted prosperity, the region eventually gave birth to the flower of early Chinese civilization. The middle Yellow River basin that extends westward from today’s Zhengzhou into the Wei River valley near the present city of Xi’an is known as the “cradle of Chinese civilization.” Virtually all of China’s major dynasties and much of its native culture emerged from this region.

This national identity became a very powerful force during the Japanese occupation in the 1930s and 1940s. The communist formed an alliance with the Kuomingtang nationalist in 1937, invoking the Zhong Hua identity, to jointly fight the invading imperial Japanese army, in the face of untold atrocities. The Zhong Hua identity is so fundamentally important that it transcends national boundaries, as it is the most commonly used identify for ethnic Chinese throughout the world. * Chung Wah Association and the 1911 Xin-hai revolution, Chung Wah Magazine, November 2011

Since ancient times, China has also been known as Zhong Hua or Hua Xia, and its people are generally known as Chinese. In the long history of the Chinese race, particularly during the tumultuous period in the course of recent history, we have complicated the issue by coining different terms such as tang ren, hua ren, hua yi, or zhongguo ren to differentiate our origin, place of birth, nationality, and even political alliance. However, no matter which term we use, it doesn’t alter the fact that we all share the same ancestry and heritage. You may have certain political beliefs, or is a citizen of a certain country to which your loyalty lies, but you cannot deny your racial and cultural background. You may not feel comfortable with the often politicised and nationalised concept of “China”, but the fact is, it is the cradle of 5,000 years of Chinese culture and spirit. Shouldn’t it be more appropriate that we seek more knowledge and personally live through it, before we express our opinion or judgement on what China and being Chinese mean to us?

The entity Zhong Hua has evolved as an ethnic and cultural identity for the Han people. When the Han people was under siege, notably towards the end of the Qing dynasty, when China was under threat from external and internal forces*, Zhong Hua was once again highlighted as a conscious national identity. “Get rid of the Manchus, restore the Zhong Hua nation” 驱除鞑虏、恢复中华 was part of the slogan for the 1911 Xinhai revolution. It galvanised the general population to overthrow the non-Han invading race, the Manchus. After the 1911 Revolution, the official definition of “Chinese people” was expanded to include non-Han ethnicities as part of a comprehensive Chinese nation, in order to boost the unification of different races in China.

炎帝故里祭祖大典 The Yan Emperor worshipping ceremony


Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

“中华”溯源 ◎ 饶逸生 全世界的华裔都自称为华人,虽然在 不同的地方,采用不同的英文拼写方式, 但是世界各地都有以“中华”名义成立的 社团。在珀斯,我们的会馆以粤语发音 的“中华”来命名,是因为我们的先辈们 来自广东。 美国的中华会馆 Chong Wa Benevolent Association1882年成立于旧金山,中华社 会俱乐部Casino Chung Wah 于1893年在 古巴成立, 我们的中华会馆 Chung Wah Association1909年成立于珀斯,中华学校 Chung Wah School 于1919年在夏威夷成立, 中华会 Chung Hua Hui 1927年在印度尼西亚 注册,等等。 “中华”一词,是公元300年魏晋时期, 从“中国”和“华夏”两个名称中各取一 字复合而成的。众所周知,“中”即指中 国,意思是“中原”或“中央”;“华” 则泛指今天的山西、陕西和河南等省的黄 河沿线部分地区。 约四千年前,在这些文明地区出现了 华夏民族两位杰出的始祖——炎帝和黄 帝,他们以智慧和权力统治了华夏。今天 世界各地的华人,都称自己为炎黄子孙。 炎帝也被称为神农,是中国农业的祖 先。 神农仔细研究气候和土壤,并教导 他的人民如何用犁耕地,如何种植和收割 庄稼。他尝遍百草,以确定植物的药性。 《神农本草经》是中草药记载中最有权威 和最早的文本,它引用了神农的名字来命 名。神农把人类从狩猎时代带到了种植时 代,人类最原始的种植业开始了。 黄帝,出身于轩辕氏,是华夏部落联盟 的领袖。他运用关于高山、河流、沼泽、平 原等地形的广博知识,用杰出的才能和不屈 不挠的勇气率领他的部落获得战争的胜利。 在一场决定性的战役中,他击败了在军队数 量上拥有绝对优势的蚩尤。部落酋长们于是 尊称轩辕氏为领导部落联盟的“天子”。出 于远见,黄帝禁止部落内部的通婚,而是鼓 励部落与部落之间的通婚,从而促进了血缘 的融合,导致了一个新的民族“华夏”的产 生,它就是汉族的前身,如今超过90%的中 国人,都属于汉族。


位于陕西黄陵县的黄帝陵 Tomb of the Yellow Emperor in Shaanxi Huanglin

经过数百年的辛勤工作和不间断的繁 荣,这些地区最终催生了中国早期文明之 花。黄河中游流域,从今天的郑州向西延 伸到渭河谷地,靠近现在的西安市, 这一片 广大的区域被称为“中华文明的摇篮”, 几乎中国所有的朝代和每个朝代的文化, 都从这一地区开始产生。 “中华”一词,已经演变成为汉族人的一 种民族和文化认同。清末时期,汉族人生 活在在内外势力的威胁之下*,“中华”一 词再次作为一种民族的自觉认同。“驱除 鞑虏,恢复中华”,是辛亥革命口号的一 部分,它呼吁广大的汉族同胞一致反对入 侵的满人。 辛亥革命之后,“中华民族”的官方 定义被扩大到所有的非汉民族,以提高在 中国的不同种族的统一。在上世纪三、四 年代的抗日战争期间,中华民族的统一意 识成为一个非常强大的力量。1937年,国民 党和共产党组成的国共联盟,以“中华” 的共同名义,一起对抗入侵的日本军队。 “中华”对于中国人有着根本性的重要 意义。事实上,“中华”一词已经超越国 界,成为世界各地华人在宣明身份时最常 使用的词汇。 * 中华会馆与辛亥革命,中华会刊,2011年11月

位于湖南株州的炎帝陵 Tomb of the Yan Emperor in Hunan Zhuzhou

编者按: 中国自古以来又被称为中华和华 夏,英文都称作China,中国人在英文中 也都被统称为Chinese,然而在中华民族 漫长的历史,尤其是苦难深重的近现代进 程中,我们自己却人为地、复杂地将“中 国人”分以不同的名称——唐人、华人、 华裔或中国人,以此来区别我们的出身、 来源、国籍,甚至政治信仰。但是,无论 我们被冠以怎样不同的称呼,都改变不了 我们相同的血脉与文化传承。你可以信奉 任何一种主义,也可以生活在世界不同的 国家和地区,忠实于这个国家并拥有它的 国籍∙∙∙∙∙∙然而无论是党派,还是国家,都 无法抹杀和超越民族和文化的根本地位。 你可以不喜欢作为政治和国家概念的“中 国”,但是不可否认这片土地孕育了绵延 五千年的中国文化和民族精神。我们最好 在学习之后再评论,在亲历之后再判断, 中国和中华民族,之于我们“华人”,到 底意味着什么?

主播随笔 BRoaDcaSTER’S JoURNaL

乘着声音的翅膀飞翔 文◎汪德泉 插图◎于红波

我和广播的渊源,可以追溯到我的孩童 时代,在幼儿园的时候,我就已经和另外一 名小女生搭档,在电台的儿童节目中,合唱过 一首名为“荡秋千”的儿童歌谣。在中小学时 代,我也因为参与了童声合唱团的关系,每 年都会有在电台录制广播的机会。 当年电视节目并不普及,只有电台陪伴 着我度过那些挑灯夜读的日子。当西马来西 亚主流电台的节目开始在东马来西亚播放的 时候,全天候的广播,对许多人来说是件大 事。除了舶来电台,我还是当地电台 —— 猫

















电台主播和听众的关系之密切,是旁人无 法想象的,忠实的听众可以抓住连主播都没

憬,欢迎你来加入我们!这是绝对有趣且收 获丰硕的!

SOARING IN THE AIR WAVES ◎ Written by Carl ONG, illustrated by Ida YU My fate with broadcasting can be traced back

radio station – Kuching Radio Station, which also

who are able to pick up on details that go unnoticed

to my childhood – When I was in kindergarten, I

led to my close friendship with two of the radio

even to the presenters. Perhaps this is where the

performed a duet titled “Dang Qiu Qian” (The

presenters at that time – Jean Hun and Isaac Wong.

fun of being a presenter lies – being able to enjoy

Swing) with a girl on a children’s radio program. Being part of a children’s choir during the course

In 2009 When Elvie, a radio presenter of the Chung

that one hour of fame every week.

Wah Radio invited me to join her show, I initially

My participation in the show has not only enabled

thought that it would be something that I would

me to look at things with different perspectives,

just do for fun on a short term basis. However,

it has also broadened my knowledge of current

without realising, three years have passed since

affairs. I have also developed a keen ability to

As television was not common at the time, the

I’ve joined the team. Although there have been

distinguish newsworthy material. Although I did

radio had been my only company while I stayed

some obstacles along the way, the care, concern

not manage to achieve my childhood dream of

up burning the midnight oil. It was a big event

and friendship shown by the team members have

being a professional radio presenter, I have treaded

for many people when the main radio station in

seen me through, to this very day.

upon a similar path. If there is anyone out there

of my primary and secondary education, I had the opportunity to be part of a recording at the local radio station every year.

West Malaysia started 24 hour broadcasting in East Malaysia . Despite the availability of foreign programs, I remained a loyal listener to the local

The close relationship established between presenters and their listeners is one that cannot be imagined by others – there are loyal listeners

sharing the same interest, you are welcome to join our team! It will definitely be an enjoyable and rewarding time!


连载专栏 RegulaR Column

这是一个向英文读者介绍中国文化的连载专栏,内容出自饶逸生博士所著的《中国文化面面观》。我们将这个专栏看作是一种交 流,由会馆的一位长者会员,写给那些由于种种客观原因而对中文和中国文化失去传承的其他会员。当你们需要了解更多中国文化 的时候,这里有一条寻根之路…… This is a column written for the English speaking readers, introducing various aspects of Chinese culture, partly based from the book “The Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, written by Dr. Yit-Seng YOW. We perceive this column as a form of “cultural infusion”; dedicated to those who, through no fault of their own, did not have the opportunity to be exposed to the Chinese language and culture. When you need to know more about Chinese culture, here lies a path to your cultural roots…

In search of cultural identity and heritage

寻根问祖 Part 3: Understanding Chinese Zodiacs What does it mean when you are told that you are a wood-tiger, a metal-rat or an earth-dragon? How does the Chinese zodiac compare with Western system?

The Chinese zodiac is based on time and space. If you find it hard to understand think in terms of seasons. We know that spring turns to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter and winter to spring again. This concept of continuous time cycle is represented in Chinese psyche as “wood” 木 (spring), turning to “fire” 火 (summer), then to “metal” 金 (autumn), and “water” 水 (winter). Think about it! Wood represents growth and regeneration in spring after winter hibernation, heat or fire is dominant in summer, metal is used in autumn for harvesting or chopping down wood, and water in its various forms including snow, ice, hale dominates winter; it is also the opposite of fire in summer. We need to add the space dimension to time. As we live on earth, adding the “earth” 土 dimension we would have the five determinant elements “wu xing” 五行 of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, 金木水火土. Together with the concept of yin-yang 阴阳, it forms the basis of Chinese zodiac. There are 12 Chinese zodiac signs, which can be divided into 4 groups, the “spring” group, represented by “wood”, the “summer” group, represented by “fire”, the “autumn” group, represented by “metal” and the “winter” group, represented by water. Each of the group would have a yin and a yang element, followed by “earth” during the transition to the next group. It is important to realise that the same concept applies to the time dimensions of years, months, days, and hours.


The arrangement is as follows (the months refer to Chinese calendar month) Spring - Wood January

"Yang Wood"


"Yin Wood"


"Wood-earth" Summer - Fire


"Yin Fire"


"Yang Fire"


"Fire-earth" Autumn - Metal


"Yang Metal"


"Yin Metal"



Winter - Water October

"Yin Water"


"Yang Water"



To make it easier for the common folks to understand, a suitable animal is selected to represent the properties of the five determinants of metal, fire, water, wood and earth, together with their yin-yang attributes. In this article we will look at the “spring group”. As we have seen, “wood” is the dominant element in spring; it represents growth and expansion after winter. To survive and grow amongst millions

that sprout together one has to be steadfast, organised, practical and innovative; be prepared to face challenges. Three animals, the tiger, rabbit and dragon are chosen to represent the “spring period of yang-wood, yin-wood and earth-wood”. The month of January (equivalent to February in practical terms), known in Chinese as “yin” 寅, is designated as yang-wood, represented by the tiger 虎. In nature the tiger is King of the jungle, it is ferocious, acts alone, and needs a space to roam. It does not get along well with others in the same territory. It creates an environment for others to take into account. It is self-confident, bold, and ready to take challenges. People with tiger traits have big ambitions, are strong willed, active and optimistic, they pursue something right till the end. For the month of February “mao” 卯 (March in Western calendar) the highly prolific rabbit 兔 is chosen. In nature the rabbit is always on the alert of any potential enemy, highly instinctive, quick to response and react fast to the environment. They are mild mannered, lovable, friendly and not regarded as an enemy by other animals. People with “rabbit” traits are not aggressive, easy to get along with, known for its strong survival and adaptability skills. They grow and develop without being aggressive. True as a “wood” person, the rabbit could at times be moody, and keep their inner thoughts and feelings to themselves.

连载专栏 RegulaR Column

The month of March “chen” 辰 (April in Western calendar) is a transition between “wood” and “fire”. This transitional month is represented by the “earth-wood” zodiac, the dragon 龙. This is a legendary animal in Chinese mythology, considered as an icon in China, hugely popular throughout Asia. The dragon is imperial, associated

with kings, benevolent and kind. People with dragon trait tend to command a certain degree of respect, charisma and leadership. They are peace loving, outstanding in their own ways, energetic and enthusiastic, with a strong sense of principles, conviction and practical realities. They are decisive, not deceiving. They do not like being supervised.

The commemorative coin issued in Australia for the year of the dragon, 2012.

The 12 Chinese zodiacs are as follows; including the correspondent Western zodiac and time. Chinese Month

Chinese name

Animal Represented



Western Zodiac



“zi” 子

Rat 鼠




11pm – 1 am


“chou” 丑

Ox 牛




1am – 3am


“yin” 寅

Tiger 虎




3am – 5am


“mao” 卯

Rabbit 兔




5am – 7am


“chen” 辰

Dragon 龙




7am – 9am


“si” 巳

Snake 蛇




9am – 11am


“wu” 午

Horse 马




11am – 1pm


“wei” 未

Goat 羊




1pm – 3pm


“shen” 申

Monkey 猴




3pm – 5pm


“you” 酉

Rooster 鸡




5pm – 7pm


“xu” 戌

Dog 狗




7pm – 9pm


“hai” 亥

Pig 猪




9pm – 11pm

Most people would know their zodiac by year, and they tend to associate their personality traits with it. However the same zodiac cycle is also found every year as months. As the 2011 Australian stamp shows, there is a nexus between the two zodiac systems. If you are born in the year of the dragon and the month of September, you would have a Dragon year and Rooster month, and you would have traits from these two zodiacs. Note that the corresponding dates for the two systems are approximate. The same cycle applies from day to day. As an example 1st January 2012 in Western calendar is a day of rooster 酉, the 2nd January a day of dog 戌, the 3rd a day of pig 亥, etc. Finally the same system applies on a daily basis as two hour segments. You would be born on hour of the dragon if you are born between 7 to 9 am on any day. A person could be born in the year of the tiger, the month of the dragon, the day of the rat and the hour of the snake. It is only logical that he would have a combination of the traits of these zodiac signs. The zodiac elements interact with one another, some of these elements might reinforce, merge to form more powerful alliances.

The discussion is not complete without mentioning the modifiers. As we have discussed there exist the five determinant elements, which modify a zodiac sign, whether it occurs in the year, month, day or hour. What we have discussed thus far refers to the “terrestrial branches” (di zhi) 地支. The five determinant elements, know as the “Celestial stems” (tian gan) 天干 modifies the properties of the zodiac. For the dragons there would be wooddragon 甲辰, fire-dragon 丙辰, earth-dragon 戊 辰, metal-dragon 庚辰, and water-dragon 壬辰. This Chinese stamp was issued in 1988, in the year of earth-dragon 戊辰. See you in part 4.

Reference: Y. S. Yow: “Chinese Dimensions: Their Roots, Mindset and Psyche”, Pelanduk Publications (Malaysia) 2006, ISBN 967-978-927-6 Y. S. Yow: “Interpreting Chinese Zodiac”: Public talk as part of the 2008 Chinese New Year Festival Celebration, City of Sydney 2008. Y. S. Yow: “The Chinese Zodiac”: Radio broadcast by Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 2010.

松柏长青 coMMUNITY & agED caRE

Appreciation, Celebration and Embracing the Future ◎ Written by Jillian PAN, photographed by Walter CHO

from Lef t: Bill TEh , lucky draw winner , Sammy YaP, Esther 左起:郑乾坤,幸运 ch aNg, Theresa Kw 抽奖获得者,叶俊 oK 帆, 郑婉婉, 郭郑 素雯

It is the season of lots thanks and wishes. On 3rd December 2011

A speech named ‘Embracing the Future’ from Ms. Theresa Kwok, Chung

Saturday, Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) organized

Wah CAC CEO has encouraged everyone to work together towards 2012

the annual appreciation lunch for all the staff and volunteers at Winbo

to achieve better outcomes. Mr. Sammy Yap, Chung Wah Association

Restaurant in Maylands. Chung Wah Executive Committee, Chung

President also expressed his warmest thanks to every staff and volunteer

Wah Council of Elders and Chung Wah CAC Independent Board of

who are the greatest asset to the organization.

Management have also been invited.

答谢、庆祝,拥抱未来 文◎潘之霖


又到了说许多感谢与祝福的季节。12月3日星期六,中华社区与长者 服务部在永宝酒家举办了年尾的员工、义工答谢午宴。中华理事会、中华 元老会以及中华社区与长者服务部的独立董事会会员也应邀出席。 中华社区与长者服务部的行政总裁郭郑素雯女士发表了题为“拥 抱未来”的讲话,鼓励大家在2012年取得更好的成绩。中华会馆会长 叶俊帆先生也向所有的员工和义工表达了诚挚的谢意。


松柏长青 coMMUNITY & agED caRE

Mobile Information Booth for non-English Speaking Seniors ◎ Written & photographed by Jillian PAN “We (old migrants) don’t have very high

aged care information and services. It is run at our

they are in need of information and resources.”

expectations of life – we don’t expect to be very

Brisbane Street Office every Tuesday and our day

Theresa Kwok, CEO of Chung Wah Community

rich, we don’t expect to be as healthy as before.

centre in Balcatta every Wednesday and Thursday.

and Aged Care commented on the purpose of the

However, what really means a lot to us is feeling safe and secure every day. When an English letter comes, no matter it is from our GP, bank, or even someone we don’t know, we really need someone who can explain it to us in our language. Those small things mean a lot to us.”

During the past three months, this booth has

information booth.

received over 70 enquiries from our clients and the

In addition to receiving enquiries, our volunteers

public. In fact, those enquiries are quite diverse

also provided 10 Aged Care Information Talks

– explaining an English letter, fill in a Centrelink

through this booth. The topics we have covered

form, make a clinic appointment and find a

include elder abuse prevention, safety issues

mandarin-speaking pharmacist and so on. With

for seniors when staying alone at home,

This is one of the comments we received when

the support and supervision from the on-site staff,

communication means for seniors, hospital and

asking clients’ opinions about the Aged Care

our volunteers were able to provide answers and/or

GP services, rights and responsibilities as an aged

Information Booth running at our day centre for the

relevant information for those clients.

care service client and etc.

“We see this information booth as the entry

Acknowledgement: aged care Information is

From this October, Chung Wah Community and

point for our clients and community members to

a project under community Partners Program

Aged Care started this booth which is operated

seek aged care information and services. As the

(cPP) funded by Department of health and

by a group of bilingual volunteers. This booth is

volunteers come from similar cultural backgrounds


established to promote the access from Chinese/

and speak the same language, it is easier for non-

Vietnamese and other Asian clients to mainstream

English background people to ask questions when

past 3 months.

移动长者服务信息台 服务非英语背景长者 文、摄影◎潘之霖 “我们(移民)年纪已经这么大了,对生 活并没有什么太奢侈的要求——不要求很富 贵,也不指望身体和从前一样好。但是,我们 真得很需要在日常生活中、从很多小事中感 到安心。譬如说我们收到一封英文信件,不 论它来自银行、我们的医生,还是不认识的 人,我们非常需要能有人帮忙看一看这封信, 并用我们的语言解释一下— —这样我们才 能放心。 ”在过去的2个多月中,我们在位于 Balcatta的日间中心中看办了长者服务信息台。 这份评论是我们收集的客户反馈中的一条。 从10月开始,中华社区与长者服务部开始 了这个由一组双语义工运行的信息台。信息台 创建的目的是为了帮助华裔/越南裔和其他亚 裔客户更好地获取主流长者服务的信息。 从开始到现在,长者服务信息台已经收 到超过70个询问。这些问题来自我们的客户 日常生活中遇到的方方面面:解释一封英文

的信件,填写 Centrelink的表格,电话预约,











*长 者服务信息台是社 区伙伴 项目的 一 部





在需要时更方便、更主动地提出问题”中华 社区与长者服务部的行政总裁 Theresa Kwok 对于信息台的意义如是评价。 在接收问题之余,我们的义工还提供了


松柏长青 Community & Aged CAre

Come & Join Us! Become a Chung Wah CAC Volunteer ◎ Written by Ricky LEE, Jillian PAN With the expansion of our organization, we are

Why Become a Chung Wah CAC Volunteer?

looking for more volunteer to become our family

• Help you own people in need of care

member. We value volunteers as a great asset to our

• Learn more about your own community - the

organization. That is the reason why we ask every

people, the language and the culture

volunteer to attend an interview when submitting the application. This interview helps to promote the

• Build on your work and life skills

mutual understanding between you and us.

• Meet new people and make new contacts • Share your knowledge and experience

We take volunteers very seriously. Before starting

What Can I Do? • Promoting Wellness - work as Evergreen College instructors under our Wellness Program • Providing Information - operating the Aged Care Information Booth under our Community Partners Program • Helping with Community Events - Chinese

the actual work, an induction is given to ensure

• Access on-going training and support

New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Stay On Your

you are clear about the job duties, your rights

• Gain confidence

Feet Week, Seniors Week & etc.

and responsibilities and etc. As our volunteers,

• Have fun!

you will also have access to on-going training and

• Teaching Interest Groups – daily English conversation, basic computer skills & etc.

community events. All volunteers are invited to our

• Making Friends with Seniors - visiting Asian

appreciation functions throughout the year.

residents at nursing homes and/or hostels • And more…

What to Know More? If you have the passion to help your own people, available short or long term, or would like to know how you can be involved, please contact us according to the following contact details.

欢迎加入我们!成为一名中华CAC义工 文◎李

想了解更多? 如果你有一份帮助自己人的热情,短期 或长期的有空闲时间,或者想了解如何参与,


请根据以下方式联络我们。 随着机构的扩大,我们正在寻找更多义






我们要求你在递交申请时参加一次面试,帮 助我们更好地了解彼此。 我们非常认真负责地对待每一位义工。 在你开始正式的义工工作前,我们会提供入 职培训,帮助你明确自己的角色、权力和责

我能做什么? • •

倡导身心健康—成为我们“身心健康”项 提供信息–操作长者服务信息台 (隶属 于“社区伙伴”项目)



社区活动帮手-中国春节、端午节、 “步履

地址 Address: Unit 9/117 Brisbane Street Perth WA 6000


电话 Tel: 9328 3988

教授兴趣小组–日常 英语绘画,基本电









Contact details of CAC


任等。所有的义工都将有机会参加持续的培 训和各类社区活动。每年我们也举办答谢活


脑技术等 •



传真 Fax: 9228 3990 电邮 E-mail: 网站Website: 办公时间 Office Hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday - Friday

New Chung Wah CAC Website 中华社区与长者服务网站开通啦!


Embracing the Future…




On 4 November 2011, our long awaited Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) Website has been successfully launched. This website can now be accessed in three language — English, Chinese or Vietnamese by all of our clients, staff, community groups and general public. Chung Wah CAC information and service details could now be provided 24 hours a day for everyone. By clicking the different website channels, you could know our latest news, download our trilingual newsletters and link to other important websites. If you have any questions or comments, you could always submit it through the ‘Make An Enquiry’ function which is created for you to contact us anytime anywhere. 2011年11月4日,筹划已久的中华社区与长者服务网站正 式发布了。我们网站的网址为:。网站设有三种语言— —英文、中文和越南文,欢迎我们的顾客、员工以及社 区人士浏览。由此,中华社区与长者服务的相关咨询和 服务可以24小时全天候提供给所有人士。 通过点击网页上不同的板块,你将了解我们最新的活动 咨询、下载三种语言的季度期刊,并可以链接到其他重 要的信息网站。为了让你随时随地联络我们,网站还设 有“在线咨询”功能。无论你有任何疑问或评价,都可以通 New Chung Wah CAC Website 过此功能来提交。 中华社区与长者服务网站开通啦!



We care We help! WE CARE WE HELP!

Embracing the Future…



On 4 November 2011, our long awaited Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) Website has been successfully launched. This website can now be accessed in three language — English, Chinese or Vietnamese by all of our clients, staff, community groups and general public. Chung Wah CAC information and service details could now be provided 24 hours a day for everyone. By clicking the different website channels, you could know our latest news, download our trilingual newsletters and link to other important websites. If you have any questions or comments, you could always submit it through the ‘Make An Enquiry’ function which is created for you to contact us anytime anywhere. 2011年11月4日,筹划已久的中华社区与长者服务网站正 式发布了。我们网站的网址为:。网站设有三种语言— —英文、中文和越南文,欢迎我们的顾客、员工以及社 区人士浏览。由此,中华社区与长者服务的相关咨询和 服务可以24小时全天候提供给所有人士。 通过点击网页上不同的板块,你将了解我们最新的活动 咨询、下载三种语言的季度期刊,并可以链接到其他重 要的信息网站。为了让你随时随地联络我们,网站还设 有“在线咨询”功能。无论你有任何疑问或评价,都可以通 过此功能来提交。

Phone / 电话: 9328 3988 CARE WE HELP! Street, Perth Office / 办公室:Unit 9/ 117WEBrisbane Phone / 电话: 9328 3988 Office / 办公室:Unit 9/ 117 Brisbane Street, Perth


外面的世界 ThE woRLD oUTSIDE

“Too many foreigners” on overseas holidays... ◎ Written by David Ellis, illustrated by Ida YU

Some people just can’t seem to break with habit,

fellow who went back to England quite irate about

Spain seems to cause the Brits the most angst.

even when taking a holiday. A colleague overhead

the Mediterranean tradition of siesta. “It’s lazy of

“We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem

an English fellow at a camp-site in Switzerland

the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons,”

with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish,” one

bemoaning to a captive at the bar about the camp’s

he wrote. “I often needed to buy things during this

holidaymaker scribbled. “And there are too many

lack of ‘proper’ food. “It’s awful,” he growled.

time. It should be banned.” Another wrote: “I think

Spanish people,” wrote another. “The receptionist

“They didn’t even understand when I ordered egg

it should be explained in the brochure that the

spoke Spanish. The food was Spanish. There

and chips for lunch – they served me a boiled egg

local stores do not sell proper biscuits like custard

were too many foreigners.” And the couple who

and some thin strips of potato that when I asked,

creams or ginger nuts,” while one grizzled: “We

came home with more than they left with: “My

they said were called Pomme Fritz…”

booked an excursion to a water park, but no-one

fiancé and I booked a twin-bedded room but were

told us we had to take swimming costumes.” And

placed in a double-bedded room. We hold you

when a guest at a Novotel in Australia complained

responsible that I now find myself pregnant. This

his soup was too thick and strong, the waitress

would not have happened if you had put us in the

pointed out he was eating the main course gravy.

room we booked.” And two trainee hairdressers

Another: “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was

asked before leaving England if they would have

disgusted to find that almost every restaurant

trouble staying at a particular resort, because the

served curry. I don’t like spicy food at all.” And how

brochure stated “No hairdressers at the resort,”

Thomas Cooks, arguably the most famous travel

about this bloke. “The beach was too sandy… it

while another lady wrote: “I compared the size of

company in the world, has been receiving bizarre

was not yellow like the sand in the brochure, it was

our one-bedroom apartment to our friends’ three-

complaints from tourists ever since 1871 when Mr

quite white.”

And the beach proved a worry for

bedroom apartment, and ours was significantly

Cook took 570 people by train from Leicester in the

another family. “No-one told us there would be fish

smaller.” Then there is travelling to and from your

Midlands of England to a temperance rally 15km

in the sea. The children were quite startled.” Then

destination: “It took our American friends only

away. The success of the venture prompted Cook to

there was the tourist at an African game lodge who

three hours to fly home from Jamaica, but it took

start arranging other trips for all sorts of people – not

spotted an aroused elephant, and complained to

us nine hours to England because we are English.”

just for those who had forsaken alcohol – including an

Cooks that the sight of this rampant beast ruined

And finally: “We bought ‘Ray-Ban’ sunglasses for

amazing round-the-world tour in 1872 that took 222-

his honeymoon by making him feel “inadequate.”

$5 from a street trader, only to find out later they

days and for which he charged 200 guineas.

Maybe he would have got sympathy from a woman

were fake.”

He‘s not alone. Tourists from France expect the world to speak French. Those from the south of the United State are amazed that the few others anywhere else eat grits. And Aussies – well don’t get us going on the lack of Vegemite in 5-star resorts in ‘Vegas and the United Nations...

who bemoaned: “My holiday was totally ruined Today the company manages the travel plans of

by topless sunbathing. My husband spent all day

19-million customers annually, and staff patiently

looking at other women.”

deal with those who don’t quite seem to understand how petty are some of their travel gripes. Like the


Some mothers do ‘ave ‘em.

外面的世界 ThE woRLD oUTSIDE

海外旅行:谁是“老外”? 文◎大卫·艾利斯 译◎何双子





的鸡毛 蒜皮。就 象那位因为讨厌地中海国

方。一位游客说: “我们在西班牙度假,





样,他投诉道: “当地的店铺一到下午就关

是西班牙人。”另一位也说: “太多西班牙

吼大叫: “太差劲了!我午餐点了煎蛋和炸




候。应该禁止这种习惯。”还有人投诉道: “




来后,身上多了点东西,女士投诉说: “我



另一个人则抱怨道: “我们订了一个水上乐园








用来浇在主餐肉上的卤汁。另有人投诉: “我





位小姐则投诉道: “我们住的是一房的公

欢吃辣的。”再看看这个人: “海滩上太多沙



小太多了。”还有关于旅程时间的投诉: “



题: “没人告诉我们海里会有鱼,把我家孩子





请听听这位: “我们在街边摊花五块钱





无独有偶。法国游客就希望全世界都 说法语。来自美国南部的人,看到其它地 方人吃玉米粥都感到特吃惊。而咱们澳 洲人呢,可别让我们在拉斯维加斯的五 星级酒店里和世界其它地方吃不到维吉 麦蔬菜酱。 世界最有名的旅行社托马斯∙库克公 司,自从1871年成立以来,就不断收到游 客们五花八门的奇怪投诉。当年库克先 生带领着570人,从英国中部的莱斯特乘 火车去参加15公里外的禁酒运动。这成 功的行程促使库克开始为各种人组织旅 行,不仅是为那些要禁酒的人,还包括 1872年历时222天的环球之旅,他当时的 收费是200几尼(英国旧金币)。

己简直是阳痿。 可能有位小姐会同情以上这


位男士,这位小姐也非常气愤地投诉: “我的





真是一样米养百样人,叫人哭笑不 得。


遗嘱、已故者物业管理和信托服务 处理好自己的法律事务是您生活规划的一 个重要部分。大部分人还没意识到一份持久授 权委托书或一份遗嘱都属于法律文件。很多人 有养老基金、退休基金和保险,却没有及时地

Wills, Deceased Estate Administration & Trustee Services

办理一份持久授权委托书或遗嘱。 超过半数的西澳成年人没有为自己盘算“身 后事”,没有考虑在丧失了心智能力无法做决 策时该怎么办,或者死后他们的财产应该如何 处理。 即使您已立下遗嘱,也需要定期检查,尤其 是有结婚、分居、离异、事实婚姻、孩子出生 或死亡等情况发生的时候。 许多人错误地认为,指定某位朋友或亲人作 为自己的遗嘱执行人,是对亲朋的一种馈赠或 一种特权。而且还有人认为,指定一位朋友意 味着可以节省大笔的物业管理费用。事实上, 遗嘱执行人的工作并不容易,需要很多精力和 时间,尤其是当这个人还处于失去亲朋的悲痛 之中或遭遇家庭纠纷的时候。 “公共信托”是一家独立、公正的法定组 织,专门提供遗嘱草拟、持久授权委托书、已 故者物业管理、信托管理,以及私人管理协助 等服务。“公共信托”下属的西澳遗嘱银行, 安全地保存着 10 万份遗嘱。遗嘱执行人协助服 务,能在遗嘱检验的繁复法律程序方面,为执 行人提供帮助。 为您省心省事,今天就联系“公共信托”。

Getting your legal affairs in order is an important part of your life planning. Most people don’t realise that an Enduring Power of Attorney or a Will are legal documents. Many people have superannuation policies, retirement funds and insurance policies, yet simply put off making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) or their Will until it’s too late. Over half of all adult Western Australian’s haven’t planned for what may happen to them if they lose the mental capacity to make decisions or what happens to their assets after their death and how they might be distributed. Even if you have a Will, it still needs to be regularly reviewed - particularly if marriage, separation, divorce, a de facto relationship or the birth or death of a child occurs. There is a common misconception that it is a compliment to appoint a friend or relative as your executor and that it is a position of privilege. In addition, people believe that appointing a friend also means significant savings in the cost of administering the estate. In fact, the duties expected of an executor are difficult, demanding and time-consuming, especially when the executor is grieving or there is family friction.

565 Hay Street Perth, WA 6000 n 1300 746 116 n Wills n Deceased Estate Administration n WA Will Bank n Enduring Power of Attorney n Trust Management n Executor Assist n Private Administrator Support

The Public Trustee is an independent and impartial statutory authority that specialises in Will Drafting, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Deceased Estate Administration, Trustee Management and Private Administrator Support. The Public Trustee’s WA Will Bank holds over 100,000 Wills in safe custody. The Executor Assist Service assist executors through some of the difficult legal requirements of seeking Probate. For peace of mind, contact the Public Trustee today.


including the house, for her own gain. This was a crude, clumsy and vicious attack and, it must be said, one that was always likely to be found out. But with legal euthanasia and assisted suicide, the opportunity for abuse increases and

◎ Written by Paul Russell

the chance of detection decreases. Whenever I speak on the subject of euthanasia

concerns. Either they’re living in some Utopian

How difficult would it be to convince an elderly

and assisted suicide, one of my main points is

dream-world or they simply have no answer to

relative over time that they really did want to die?

always the issue of Elder Abuse. Elder Abuse

a growing and real problem that shines the light

Perhaps death to someone routinely abused with

has been called the ‘crime of the 21st century’

of reason on their dubious agenda. If someone is

little to live for might seem to them to be a relief.

and is rightly the focus of significant concern in

manipulating an older person and controlling them

Who knows? The risk of the ultimate in Elder Abuse

the welfare and aging sectors and across the

to such a degree that they feel powerless to defend

cannot be dismissed. We can, and should, have all

community, generally. Elder Abuse, mostly, but

themselves and their property, then it is more than

sorts of protections in place in nursing homes and

not exclusively, committed by relatives of the

simply a theoretic observation to conclude that

aged care facilities and we need to provide help

aged person, is most often for financial gain.

such contempt for that person could place their

lines and advocates for the aged. But it would

Raiding bank accounts or disposing of assets

very lives in jeopardy.

be reckless in the extreme to provide all this

without permission can also be accompanied by coercion, psychological and physical abuse.

In December 2008, aged and living alone, Adelaide Southern-Suburbs resident, Vonne McGlynn was

valuable support if, at the same time, we created further opportunities for abuse with such grave consequences.

The incidence of Elder Abuse is grossly under-

savagely bashed, dismembered and her body

reported, the victims often feeling that they have

dumped in a nearby creek. In August this year,

* Paul Russell is the Director of HOPE: preventing

no right to complain, that they do not want to

Angelika Gavare, who had lived nearby and who

euthanasia & assisted suicide. He can be

see a relative get into trouble or, simply, that

had befriended McGlynn, was found guilty of her

contacted on

they do not know where to turn for help. In

murder. Evidence against Gavare told of how she

article first appeared on www.onlineopinion.

2009 the Queensland Public Trustee said that

intended to dispose of Vonne McGlynn’s assets,


cases of Elder Abuse had been increasing by 20 per cent each year, estimating that at that time 27,000 elderly Queenslanders were victims of theft or physical or emotional abuse every year. Director of The Elder Abuse Prevention Association, Lilian Jeter, estimated that there are a minimum of 100,000 cases in Australia each year with evidence of manipulation and control, intimidation and fear. I ask a most reasonable question: What is likely to happen if euthanasia and assisted suicide is ever legally available in Australia in relation to Elder Abuse? I have heard and read pro-euthanasia commentators dismiss these

虐待老人:一个不容忽视的现实 文◎保罗 ∙ 拉塞尔












防止虐待老人协会的会长李丽安∙杰特 估计,澳大利亚每年至少有10万起操控、威胁 恐吓老人的案件发生。 我想问一个问题:如果安乐死和协助自

每当我谈及安乐死和协助自杀这一话 题,重点之一总离不开虐待老人的问题。虐 待老人被称为“21世纪之罪”,也是福利、 养老和整个社区都普遍关注的重点问题。 老人们所受的虐待,通常但也不完全都是其 亲人所为,大部分是受经济利益的驱使。盗 用老人的帐户、或未经许可就处理其财产, 还可能同时施加威胁,以及心理 和生理上 的虐待。 老人受虐待事件的曝光率非常低,因 为受害者通常都觉得自己无权抱怨,也不

杀在澳大利亚被视为合法的话,那会虐待老 人的情况会不会更多?我曾听过和看过安乐 死的拥护者对这一担忧的说辞。他们要么是 生活在乌托邦的理想社会,要么就是想为这 个日益严重的现实问题找到论据而又根本没 有答案。如果有人操控着老人的生活,令老 人觉得他们到了无法保护自己及其财产的地 步,那么完全可以想见,老人的生命也可能会 被置于危险的境地。

和协助自杀合法化的话,虐待事件的发生 率就会上升,而对事件的调查则会减少。 要说服一位年迈的亲人,令他们真的 想要结束自己的生命,这难吗?也许对于那 些经常受到虐待而觉得生无可恋的老人来 说,死亡反而是一种解脱吧,谁知道呢?虐 待老人可能造成的严重后果不容忽视。我 们可以也应该在老人院和护理院提供各种 保护措施,我们还应为老人提供求助热线 和法律援助。 但是,如果我们在提供这些 帮助的同时,又为虐待老人的行为创造机 会,那么这些帮助不都是徒劳吗? *保罗∙拉塞尔是反安乐死和协助自杀协会







巧手慧心 Show YoUR TaLENT

You would have been used to seeing hong bao (red packets) used for giving out money gifts during Chinese New Year, but did you know these colourful paper packets can be collected and used for making beautiful lanterns and other decorations? See Susan Leong show her talents in this area. 华人过年时派送利是的红包,大家 都司空见惯,但是你知道如果将这些 五颜六色的包装纸收集在一起,可以 用来制作漂亮的宫灯和其它饰品吗? 请看梁苏珊呈现的精巧手艺——


If you want to show your talent, call our hotline: 9328 8657 or email

This is an attractive piece of painting by Xiao Ye, a Chinese painting teacher from Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. 这是中华社区与长者服务部国画老师小叶带来的精彩画作 ——

中华社区与长者服务部国画班课堂即景,居中者为小叶 Xiao Ye (middle) conducting the CAC Chinese painting class


活动早知道 STaYINg ahEaD

吃 喝 玩 乐在 珀 斯 空 闲 时 感 觉 无 聊 和 无事 可干 吗? 为带 家 人前 往何处 消 遣而烦 恼 吗? 快来看看接下来两个月在 珀 斯和 费 文 图 有 哪 些 地 方 可 以 找 到 乐 子!

WHAT’S ON IN PERTH? Feeling bored and don’t know what to do? Don’t know where to take your family or partner? There’s plenty happening around Perth and Fremantle, so check out the events below and have fun!

City of Perth Twilight Hawker Markets (Free Entry) Dates: Every Friday from 28 October 2011 to 31 March 2012 (Except 11 November, 23 & 30 December 2011) Time: 5.00 – 8.00 pm Venue: Forrest Place, Murray Street, Perth

Indian Ocean Classic 2012 (Registration fee required for competitors, otherwise free to attend) Date: 28 January 2012 Time: 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Indian Ocean Classic) 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Surf Boat Race 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm Fastest Man and Woman on Sand Venue: Scarborough Beach The Indian Ocean Classic, staged for the first time, is an event set to test the athletic skills of surf sports enthusiasts. In the categories of ski, board, run and swim, participants can compete as individuals or teams of four for men, women and juniors. Besides the race, the event also comprises of a public beach festival including Surf Boat Races, Fastest Man and Fastest Woman on the sand, the legendary Pole Pillow Fight, and plenty of other beach entertainment and activities free to the public at Scarborough Beach. For more information, please visit www.indianoceanclassic.

The Twilight Hawkers Markets offer cuisines from around the world in market stalls where visitors could sample various dishes including Indonesian satays, Spanish paella, Turkish gozlemes, Moroccan tagines, and so on. In addition to international street-vendor style foods, there will be free live music and roving entertainment for visitors to enjoy. For more information, please visit

The Secret of Point Zero (Free Entry) Dates: 1 January 2011 – 31 December 2016 Venue: Perth Cultural Centre, Off William Street, Northbridge This adventure trail was created to help visitors to Perth discover some of the wonders Perth has to offer. Secret of Point Zero, takes you on a journey from the Cultural Centre to the Swan River, passing through many places of interest on the way where you can stop, rest and explore. The mission is to find twelve blue plaques, set in the ground, which contain secret messages. The Secret of Point Zero will be revealed when you have decoded all twelve messages. For more information and to download the trail map, please visit http://www.cityofperth.

Australia Day Skyworks – Celebrating the Australian Spirit (Free Entry) Date: 26 January 2012 Time: 8.00 pm Venue: The Esplanade, Cnr Barrack Street and Riverside Drive, Perth

Central Walk Markets (Free Entry)

Sculpture by the Sea Cottesloe (Free Entry) Date: 1 to 19 March 2012 Time: All hours Venue: Cottesloe Beach The 7th annual event, held over 20 days at Perth’s iconic Cottesloe Beach, will display over 70 sculptures from artists across Australia and the world, transforming the beach into a sculpture park. It is one of Perth’s largest free public events and will be featuring exhibits from some of the world’s top sculptors. For more information, please visit events/9086400/profile.htm

Dates: Every Friday from 18 November 2011 to 10 February 2012 Time: 6.00 – 9.00 pm Venue: Central Walk Joondalup, Boas Avenue, Joondalup (Free parking available) The Central Walk Markets is a family-friendly event that features the best of WA’s arts, crafts, food and fashion at the heart of Joondalup, offering something for everyone. Over the nine summer nights, visitors will have a perfect opportunity to purchase the perfect gift for the special someone with original and handcrafted wares by local artists and designers. There will also be live music entertainment and plenty of free activities to keep the kids happy. For more information, please visit http://www. CentralWalkMarkets.aspx

For a much loved tradition, around 30 000 pyrotechnic shots will light up Perth skies at 8pm on Australia’s national day. The theme for the Skyworks this year is ‘Celebrating the Australian Spirit’. Besides the fireworks display, other highlights of this year’s event include Langley Park Youth Zone – a free concert by Australian pop rock band Amy Meredith and free activities such as beach volleyball, paintball and family rides; Survival Concert – a free-admission showcase of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music and dance, along with food, kids’ activities, an Elders’ tent and a large range of community stalls; Air BP Air Show and Water Show – stunning air and water shows where this year’s will pay tribute to Women of the Air, with some of Australia’s best female pilots taking part in the show; and BYO Picnic Zone – picnic locations for the public to gather, one is on the Esplanade where there are live music and free roving entertainment to enjoy, and the other is in Kings Park (For these picnic zones, one bottle of wine or a six pack of beer for adults 18 and over allowed between 6.30pm and 8.30pm). For more information, please visit event/skyworks.


校园天地 School Yard



学校 五年级

张潇予 | 指导 老师 张颉 秋姑娘是一个 小画家,把蓝 白的颜色送给 色送给了蓝天 了白云。小松 ,把雪 鼠说:“好像 。小蚂蚁说蓝 是棉花糖” 蓝的线上飘着 几个雪白的羊 了。 。秋姑娘笑 第二天秋姑娘 看到田里春天 到了,该收 种的种子说: 割了。”秋 “秋天 姑娘看到树 色,对树木说 木的叶子还 :“秋天到了 是绿 ,该变黄色了 问小燕子为 什么飞得这 。”秋姑娘 么快。小燕 了,树叶落下 子说: 来了,我要飞 到南方去。” “ 秋 天 到 秋姑娘想了一 想,想起了现 跟秋姑娘说: 在是秋天。小 “第一,秋天 朋友们 树叶变黄;第 燕子飞到南 方;第三, 二 , 秋 天小 春天种的种 四,北方秋天 子秋天收割 只穿一件衣服 ;第 就好了。秋姑 们小朋友笑着 说:“这是一 娘和小朋友 个美丽的秋天 的画 !”


宏 | 指导老师

九年级 陈浩 摩利中文学校


有的国家 家污染很多, 国 的 有 。 家 中的一个小 的国家。 在这个大世界 亚这两个美俪 我的家,也是 幸运,在新加坡和澳大利 2007年移 的家很 是新加坡人, 家 全 污染很少,我 们 我 。 来这里看 和我 工程师,每年 、妈妈、哥哥 个 爸 是 爸 他 , , 人 作 口 我家有四 在新加坡工 ,爸爸现在还 的 亚 利 大 澳 民来 院子里边 前边有草地, , 房 望我们。 间 四 有 家 每天都要 利亚生活。我 些义工。妈妈 大 一 澳 做 在 时 我 有 和 , 家务事。 工作 妈妈、哥哥 辛苦,还要做 们学习没有去 很 我 妈 顾 妈 照 , 为 菜 妈 们喜欢吃的饭 有花有菜。妈 年级,哥 校学习,做我 学 去 我 和 中文。我在九 哥 习 学 送哥 校 学 文 中 我们星期 星期六在摩利 中文。所以, , 说 习 会 学 要 校 就 学 人 我和哥哥在 国人,中国 妈说我们是中 妈 , 级 年 一 哥在十 。 六就要学中文 中华

妍 学校2A班 刘




学校 九年级

张艺宏 | 指导 我最喜欢的动 老师 韩力戎 物是大熊猫。 上还带有一些 大 熊 猫原产于中国 漂亮的黑斑。 ,它们有个胖 它们的耳朵和 大。成年的大 胖的身体,白 眼睛是黑色的 熊猫的体长可 色的绒毛,绒 ,四条腿也是 以到一点五十 到十五公分长 毛 黑色的。大熊 米,身高可以 ,它们是熊类 猫的眼睛很 长到七十五公 里尾巴最长的 性的可达一百 分。大熊猫的 一种动物。雄 二十五公斤。 尾巴可以长 性大熊猫可以 长到一百五十 大熊猫最爱吃 多 公斤。雌 的是箭竹。 药,橙子,香 蕉,蛋和蜂蜜 在 它 们 的 食 物 中 , 有 百 分 。 之九十九是箭 竹。大熊猫也 野生的大熊猫 吃鱼,山 可以活到二十 多岁,但是如 果被圈养,它 大熊猫的交配 们就只可以活 的时间是大概 三十多年。 生一只小熊猫 每 年 的 三月份到五月 。小熊猫出生 份。通常每隔 时的体重一般 两年,成年雌 只有九十到一 大熊猫是世界 性大熊猫才能 百三十克。 上 濒 临 灭 绝的动物之一 在它们的栖息 。它们濒临灭 地把大量它们 绝的原因是生 赖以生存的箭 态环境被破坏 竹砍掉,把它 ,因为,人们 们的栖息地用 作农业生产或 生活住房。


校园天地 School Yard

我 学校 朱全瑜


我是台湾 年就毕业了。 明 , 级 年 二 现代中学读十 共五个人。 岁。我在珀斯 妈妈,姐姐,哥哥和我, 七 十 年 今 , 我是朱全瑜 家有爸爸, 最喜欢人 利亚出生。我 ,和中文。我 大 学 澳 科 在 体 我 人 是 , 学 早起床, 人,可 学,物理,化 以每天需要很 文 所 , , 学 克 数 艾 , 学在苏比 六个科目 我在学校里读 而且很有趣。 珀斯现代中 单 简 很 。我妈 体科学,因为 力宏和周杰伦 王 如 。 比 车 , 汽 歌 共 不了。 中文 去搭公 一开始看就停 。我也喜欢听 是 乐 可 音 , 国 剧 韩 韩 欢 看 花,去 乐,最喜 了。我也喜欢 想去日本看樱 坏 我 听 。 朵 我很喜欢听音 西 耳 东 把 买 去 个礼拜 听太多音乐, 漂亮的风景和 加学校的音乐团。我们几 看 看 去 , 妈老是唠叨我 游 所以我有参 日本和韩国旅 很多照片。 会拉大提琴, 有一天我想去 也 , 琴 钢 匈牙利,拍了 弹 和 会 , 我 时 。 利 菜 比 泡 在高中 国, 韩国吃 ,所以我需要 们去法国,英 难 我 很 。 会 演 医 表 读 洲 前去欧 。可是我听说 可以挣很多钱 为 因 , 生 医 我长大想要当 好的大学。 进一个 好好读书,考

我的世界 中华摩利中文学校十年级 陈利

明 | 指导老师 陈水玉 电脑是现代人非常重要的工 具。在学校里,我的朋友们 几乎每个人都有一部电脑。 电脑。我们用电脑来学习发 我自己也有一部 邮件、和朋友联系等等。 今天我要来说说我的电脑。 首先,电脑是我学习的好伙 伴。我用电脑上网找资料、 学、科学和 上网站学习数 中文。例如,这次中文老师 要我们上网搜索端午节的历 史故事和粽子的由来。电脑 很实用的。 其次是娱乐。学习压力大的 时候,我用电脑玩一点儿游 戏、听音乐、和朋友聊天儿 空的时候,我也上网看电影 来放松自己。有 和买东西。 放假出国前,我还 可以上网订机票、饭店和搜 查当 地的天气。 电脑和网络给人们的用处很 多,它帮助我们学习,与朋 友联系,还带给我们很多娱 的好帮手。 乐,电脑是现代人


中华黎明中文学校 3A班

指导老师 张慜婕

了鱼钩、球和一些 odman Point钓鱼。我们带 Wo 我去 人和 的家 ,我 妹和哥哥去玩球。四点我 星期一,四月二十五号 an Point。三点半,我、妹 dm oo 到W 三点 下午 食物去那边野餐。我们 。(陈桂凤) 们去钓鱼。我们钓到八条鱼 了我 吃饱 物。 的食 带去 们吃 个美丽的小城。我 (玛格丽特河)度假。它是 er Riv et ar rg Ma ory(奶酪工厂) 在假期里,我和家人去 力工厂),Cheese Fact 巧克 y( or ct Fa te la co 和弟弟玩得很开心。(叶 们去了很多地方——Cho ighthouse(灯塔)。我 ,L ed Sh g rin ea Sh ,Jewel Cave,Sheep 俐恩) 那里的食物很好 很开心。我很爱马来西亚, 过得 坡, 新加 亚和 来西 (符传兴) 我的假期在菲律宾、马 那里有的地方食物很好吃。 长, 得最 宾过 菲律 们在 吃。我也爱那里的小山。我 丽的酒店。晚 和小鱼。我们住在一间很美 水母 看到 们有 。我 滩玩 假期里,我和家人一起去海 富的晚餐。(刘婕) 上,我们去吃了一顿非常丰 hew Setiono) 我去朋友家玩。(Matt 视。 看电 具和 玩玩 ,我 在假期时


西澳华人社区第一网站——AUPEOPLE澳群网 隆重推出中华会馆及《中华会刊》互动专栏,欢迎中华会馆会员及其他朋友前往讨论互动。 详情请登陆

The chung wah association has a century of history and is the largest and strongest chinese organization in wa. The association is recognized by federal, state, and local governments as the official spokesperson for the chinese community in wa which numbers around 140,000. 有着百年历史的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最强 的华人社团,得到澳洲联邦政府和西澳州政府的共同承认,是西澳全体14万华人的官方代言人。

Our motto is 我们的口号是


Just dial 9328

Membership Hotline 8657 to join the Chung Wah Family

Annual Membership: Single $30 and Family $45. Concessional Rate: Single $15 and Family $30 – For students and pensioners. 直接拨打9328 8657 即可加入中华会馆大家庭,年会费单人30元,家庭45元; 优惠价(适用于学生和退休人士)单人15元,家庭30元

三条快线 Three Direct Email Contacts for Services Members Discount Scheme 会员优惠计划

JobSeek Assistance 求职援助计划

Volunteer Development Program 志愿者发展计划

With your Membership Card, you can access discounts from 5% to 25% at participating outlets. Participating outlets are increasing and being updated constantly!

Helping members to match jobs that suit them. In 2012, we will run job application workshops to help members better able to apply for jobs.

凭借会员卡,您可以在加盟餐馆、 商店和其它服务机构中,享受到 5%—25%的折扣优惠。加盟商业伙 伴数目在持续增加之中!

帮助会员寻找适合的工作职位。在2012 年,我们计划开办求职申请辅导班, 以帮助会员掌握更好的求职技巧。

Providing training to volunteers incorporating personal and professional development with real practical work experience. Also provides valuable local work experience for new migrants and professional references where appropriate. 结合个人和职业发展的需要,提供 实用的工作经验,为志愿者提供培 训机会, 同时为新移民提供适合的、 有价值的本地工作经验,并出具专 业的推荐信










HIA 2011

UDIA 2010





HIA 2011

UDIA 2010

UDIA 2010





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