第5期 ISSUE No.5 2012年3月 March 2012 双语双月刊 Bilingual Bimonthly Magazine www.chungwah.org.au
SiSterly love 中华会馆编辑出版 Published by Chung Wah assoCiation
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Wills, Deceased Estate Administration & Trustee Services
办理一份持久授权委托书或遗嘱。 超过半数的西澳成年人没有为自己盘算“身 后事”,没有考虑在丧失了心智能力无法做决 策时该怎么办,或者死后他们的财产应该如何 处理。 即使您已立下遗嘱,也需要定期检查,尤其 是有结婚、分居、离异、事实婚姻、孩子出生 或死亡等情况发生的时候。 许多人错误地认为,指定某位朋友或亲人作 为自己的遗嘱执行人,是对亲朋的一种馈赠或 一种特权。而且还有人认为,指定一位朋友意 味着可以节省大笔的物业管理费用。事实上, 遗嘱执行人的工作并不容易,需要很多精力和 时间,尤其是当这个人还处于失去亲朋的悲痛 之中或遭遇家庭纠纷的时候。 “公共信托”是一家独立、公正的法定组 织,专门提供遗嘱草拟、持久授权委托书、已 故者物业管理、信托管理,以及私人管理协助 等服务。“公共信托”下属的西澳遗嘱银行, 安全地保存着 10 万份遗嘱。遗嘱执行人协助服 务,能在遗嘱检验的繁复法律程序方面,为执 行人提供帮助。 为您省心省事,今天就联系“公共信托”。
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我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah
感谢在龙年春节到来之前收到会刊—— 龙年大吉,感谢来自会馆的新年祝福,在
Dear Sammy,
Happy New Year to you and your committee.
的一年里龙马精神!万事如意! 那些关于龙的精彩照片让我着迷,我 曾经多次去过北京,去过故宫,但是现在 发现只是走马观花的游览,多少精美的细 节全被忽略了!也同时发现我关于龙、关 于故宫、关于中国文化的知识少得可怜! 好比“龙九子”,我只知道个大概,至今 都还有很多名字念不全!我的孩子快12岁 了,她在这里出生长大,一直有学中文, 但是相当肤浅,我已经很难向她解释清 楚“十二生肖”,因为我所了解的,也只 不过是十二个动物而已!我与她一起学习 有关龙的成语,还要求她念龙的古诗,结
I must admit that I am disappointed to find that Chung Wah Association has abandoned the long held tradition of having a Chung Wah Association Chinese New Year Ball during the period of celebration of Chinese New Year.
May I have
the reasons for cancellation of this popular and well attended event where people of all cultures can participate the traditional Chinese New Year Celebration in a western environment? Thank you. Tim Lam Member 3139
果当然是念得磕磕巴巴,但是她感觉相当有趣! 我们自称是“龙的传人”,但是如果我们和我们的孩子对龙的文化一无所知,对龙的 精神和艺术也毫无见识,岂不是很悲哀?所有的父母先一起“补课”吧,为我们的孩子做 一个表率,让他们真正明白“龙的传人”的意义并感到自豪!
Dear Sammy, I have just received the Chung Wah magazine, Issue No. 4 January 2012.
I have also read your
President’s message “A New Year’s Gift” where you explained why the Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball has been cancelled.
A MOTHER’S WISH IN THE DRAGON YEAR Many thanks in sending the monthly magazine before the arrival of the Lunar New Year – thank you also for New Year well-wishes from the Association. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the staff at ChungWah Association a very Happy Chinese New Year, may you continue to enjoy good health and the best in your undertakings.
I understand your feeling and belief on this matter. I fully agree with you that the Chung Wah Cultural Centre is a great facility with a handicap of not having air conditioning.
May I make a suggestion
that we are going to raise the fund (as you said about $80,000.00) by asking donations from
The wonderful pictures of dragons fascinated me. I have been to Beijing and the Forbidden City several
our members?
times, but it is only now that I realize it has been all but a quick tour - how much detail has been missed!
At the same time, I also realize how shallow my knowledge of dragons, the Forbidden City, and Chinese
donating one thousand dollars ($1000.00) towards
culture is. I only have a rough idea about the ‘Nine Sons of the Dragon’, until today there are still names
this “Chung Wah Cultural Centre Air Conditioning
that I fail to remember. My daughter is almost 12 years’ old. She was born here, and has been learning
Fund”, should you and your committee agree to the
Chinese, although her knowledge of it is still quite superficial. I have been finding it difficult to explain the
‘Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac’ to her because my knowledge goes no further than knowing the
we have a hall to cater for all the activities. Thank
twelve animals. We have learnt some idioms and poetry about dragons. She does not recite it fluently, but
still finds it interesting! We claim to be ‘descendants of the Dragon’, but is it not a pity if we and our children know nothing about the culture of the dragon? Therefore, let us, as parents be a role model for our children so that they can truly understand the meaning of “Descendants of the Dragon” with pride. Mrs Zhang
My wife and I are self-funded
We are happy to start the ball rolling by
Hopefully, by next Chinese New Year,
Tim Lam
Chung Wah says: I fully appreciate the open nature by which Mr Lam wrote to me to ask why the Association has ceased a long held tradition of holding a new year ball. It helps to build a healthy and open communication channel between the members and the Association where it enables clarification of issues hence 1
我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah preventing misunderstanding and the unnecessary spreading of misleading rumours. I would urge all members to follow Mr Lam’s lead if you have any issue or matter to raise with the Association. As mentioned in my article in the January edition, it is good to have a variety of events during Chinese New Year for the Chinese community to choose from, as different people enjoy different things. For those who love dressing up or putting on their dancing shoes, they would have been catered for by the balls held by the Christmas Islanders and Friends Association on 28th January and the Australia China Business Council on 6th February at Burswood, and the dinner show by the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce on 2nd February at the convention centre. Members of our Association and the Chinese community who contacted our office wanting to attend a function have all been referred to these events. I have also promoted these events
In the September 2011 edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, we had a special feature reporting on the
funeral and the life of our Chung Wah Mother, the
我刚收到了2012年一月期的《中华会 刊》,看到了会长所写的《中华会馆献给 珀斯华人的新年礼物》一文,文中清楚地
helped to build cohesion and cooperation amongst
I am very grateful for Mr Lam’s initiative and generosity to start the ball rolling on the “Balcatta Air-conditioning Fund”, and have taken up his offer without any hesitation.
In the long run,
the Association needs to build a capability to
They noticed a rivalry starting between Edie and
成您的看法,会馆的文化中心是个很好的 活动场地,却因为没有空调而被闲置。我 能不能提个建议,号召会员们捐款为文化 中心配上空调(据您所说要花费约8万澳 元)?我和妻子都是退休在家,有自己的
For example, Edie would say “I have a street named after me in Northbridge called Hoy Poy St”. Bruce would then retort by saying, “That’s only a small back lane. I have a much bigger street named after me in Landsdale, called Hoy Poy Gardens”.
Recently, we received a letter from Edie’s niece
中心空调购买基金”。希望明年春节我们 可以在文化中心举办各种新年庆祝活动。 谢谢。 林日华
Frances Blampey, to tell us a piece of good news that …
UNCLE BRUCE’S DREAM CAME TRUE! Bruce Hoy Poy lived on several acres of land on
Landsdale Road in Darch from 1980 until 2007.
新年晚宴舞会一事,直率地向我提出质疑。 这有利于会馆与会员间开诚布公的良性沟通, 让我们有机会澄清事件,避免误会和不必要的 流言蜚语。真心希望所有会员都能像林先生一 样,就关心的问题直接向会馆进行反映。 正如我在一月刊中所写到的,以不同的
service its members and the Chinese community,
instead of relying heavily on members’ donations.
The Association will continue to need the support
and contribution from members’ but it should not
become a reliance on members.
Sammy Yap
President of Chung Wah Association
这些活动信息通知给了会员,以及前来咨询 节日活动的人们。我也在接受主流媒体,如
Bruce, where they would try to outdo each other.
be financially independent, in order to properly
of her family members, one of which involving her brother-in-law, Bruce Hoy Poy:
the Chinese associations.
More”, we captured the reflections and memories
when interviewed by the mainstream media such as ABC Radio and 98.5 Sonshine FM. This also
late Edie Hoy Poy. In the article “Yesterday Once
Bruce had avocado trees, lemon trees, and a very prolifically fruiting mulberry tree. He also grew vegetables and leased out several areas for strawberry growing, Chinese gooseberry growing, a section for native plant propagation and at one time a hydroponic plant business, and a bus service and parking ground. When the time came for Bruce to think about moving to a smaller place, his great nephew Matthew Blampey, put in an application for any future development to have a street named in honour of the original owner. In 2008 the name was approved by the Geographic Names Committee, because not only was Bruce Hoy Poy the resident for 20years, but he had also been a prisoner of war. Bruce served with the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Force, and was taken prisoner in 1941, and held in the Port Stanley prison camp. The development of the area began in 2011, and the HoyPoy Gardens signage went up in January 2012. Building of houses in the street has already commenced.
我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah
95岁的布鲁斯在建设中的霭培花园大道留影 95 year old Bruce at Hoy Poy Garden named after him
On 14 January 2012, upon receiving the news of the serious medical condition of LEOW Hooi Wah, the late wife of Chung Wah Executive Committee member, Kok Thye TEOH, the President and members of the Executive Committee paid them a visit at the St John of God Hospice in Murdoch, to show our concern and provide support to the family. Madam LEOW passed away on 16 January 2012. The President and members of the Executive Committee attended the funeral service on 20 January 2012, and arranged for a wreath to be delivered.
在2011年9月期的《中华会刊》中,我们专题报道了“中华妈妈”阮丽茹的葬礼和生 平,其中在《昨日重现》一文中,家人们追忆了丽茹与小叔布鲁斯之间的趣事:
两人注意到当丽茹和布鲁斯都想胜过对方的时候,相互之间就开始抬杠。这里有一个例 子,当丽茹说:“在我身后有一条街在北桥叫做霭培街”,那么布鲁斯就反击说:“那只是 一条背街小巷,在我身后有一条更大的街在兰德斯顿,叫做霭培花园”。 近日,我们收到丽茹侄女弗朗西丝的来信,高兴地告诉我们——
布鲁斯叔叔的梦想成真啦! 从1980年至2007年,布鲁斯∙霭培一直居住在达卡兰德斯顿大街占地几英亩的土地上。 布鲁斯在这里栽种了鳄梨树、柠檬树,和一棵果实茂盛的桑椹树。他也种植了蔬菜,还租 出去一些土地用于种植草莓和中国鹅莓,有一部分土地用于经营本地植物和一种水耕植 物,同时还将土地用作巴士维修和停车场。 随着岁月流逝,布鲁斯考虑搬迁到一个面积小一些的地方居住,为了这片土地未来的 开发,他的侄孙马修递交了申请,希望可以用最初土地拥有者布鲁斯∙霭培的名字为街道命 名,以示纪念。2008年,该申请被地理名称委员会批准,不仅因为布鲁斯在此居住了20多 年,也由于他曾经是一名二战战俘。布鲁斯曾经在香港志愿防卫队服役,1941年被捕,被 囚禁于斯坦利集中营。 这片土地的开发起始于2011年,“霭培花园”的路标设置于2012年1月,街道上的房屋
2012年1月14日,当得知会馆理 事会成员张国泰的妻子廖慧华病重的 消息之后,会长带领理事会成员专程 前往医院看望了廖慧华,并对其家人 表示了关心和慰问。廖慧华不幸于1 月16日逝世,会长和理事会成员出席 了于1月20日举行的葬礼,并代表中 华会馆向死者敬献了花圈。
Our deepest sympathies to the family of our Executive Committee Member, TEOH Kok Thye, for the sad loss of his beloved wife LEOW Hooi Wah who passed away on 16 January 2012, aged 55. From the President and Executive Committee at Chung Wah Association.
讣告 中华会馆理事会成员张国泰的妻 子廖慧华,于2012年1月16日 在珀斯不幸逝世,享年55岁。 中华会馆会长和理事会, 谨对死者表示沉痛哀悼, 并对张国泰先生及家人, 致以深切的慰问。 谨此讣闻。
Want to do something different for Mother’s Day this year? Want to see a surprised smile on Mum? In our May edition, Chung Wah Voice will have a special section dedicated to Mother’s Day entitled “I Love You, Mum”, to express and share our love and gratitude to our mothers. Text messages, poems, in English, in Chinese, photos, drawings … also can! Classical, contemporary, passionate, humorous, polite, loving … also can! Please send your message to editorcw@chungwah.org.au by 15 April 2012 想让今年的母亲节与以往不同吗?想见到母亲惊喜的笑容吗? “我们的声音”5月特设“献给母亲的爱”专辑, 传达和分享大家对于母亲的赞美和感谢—— 短信、诗歌、中文、英文、照片、图画∙∙∙∙∙∙都可以! 古典、时尚、深情、幽默、礼貌、撒娇∙∙∙∙∙∙都欢迎! 投稿请寄:editorcw@chungwah.org.au 截稿日期:2012年4月15日
Best sellers author Lisa SEE 畅销书作家邝丽莎
It’s not for you, guys! 女书
The inaugural Perth Chinese New Year Fair a great success! 首届珀斯中华新年文化节圆满成功!
目 录 CoNTENTS 1
我们的声音 Voice of Chung Wah
2012年珀斯中华新年文化节 PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 2012 6
中国龙火爆珀斯城 Chinese Dragon Fires up Perth
学会做主人 Learn To Be a Host
2012国庆有感 Reflections from Australia day 2012
歌声中的金兰情 Finding Sisterly Love through Songs
邝丽莎和她的中国背景畅销书 Lisa See and Her Best Sellers Based on Chinese Heritage
讲述女性友谊的电影推荐 Movies about Female Friendship
独特的女书 NüShu – The Unique Women’s Writing
The Nüshu Culture Village
主播随笔 Broadcasters’ Journal 58
感谢你带给我的快乐 Thank You, My Friend, My Sister
闲言碎语 Light Hearted Talk 59
女人爱用的九句话 Nine Words Women Use
连载专栏:寻根问祖 Regular Column : In Search of Cultural Identity and Heritage 60
第四篇:汉字部首 Part 4: Chinese word radicals
松柏常青 Community & Aged Care 62
探索身心健康的旅程 A Journey to Wellness
欢聚庆龙年 Celebrating the Dragon Year Together
活动早知道 Staying Ahead 66
吃喝玩乐在珀斯 What’s on in Perth?
校园天地 The School Yard 68
中华黎明中文学校获选 “华文教育示范学校” Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School Wins Award
学生作文 Chinese Students’ Writing
会员优惠计划加盟伙伴名单 Membership Discount Scheme Participating Outlets List
优惠券 Members Discount Scheme Vouchers
封面美少女拍摄特辑 Cover Girl Photo Shoot in Action
中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Leeming) Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address cwcsleeming@hotmail.com
中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office 128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657
中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Morley) Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address chungwah_chinese_morley@y7.mail.com
传真 Facsimile (08) 9227 5694 电子邮箱 Email chungwah@chungwah.org.au 网址 Website
中华青年组 Chung Wah Youth 电子邮箱 E-mail Address kwokjustin@yahoo.com.au
www.chungwah.org.au 68
Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School wins award 华黎明中文学校获奖
通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865
版 权 CopyrIghT 发行
pulished by
Chung Wah Association
社长 叶俊帆
publisher Sammy YAP
中华社区与长者服务部 Chung Wah Community & Aged Care
Editorial Team
主编 秋小天
Chief Editor Tina QIU
传真 Facsimile
副主编 饶逸生
Deputy Chief Editor Dr Yit-Seng YOW
编辑 市场统筹 宋丽君
Editor Marketing Coordinator Quin SONG
视觉设计 汪德泉
Visual Designer Carl ONG
摄影 周丹
photographer ZHOU Dan
翻译 何双子
Translator Dorothy HE
行政支持 曾梅兰
Administration Agnes TSEU
(08) 9328 3988
中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese orchestra 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au
(08) 9228 3990
中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah radio FM95.3 面书专页 Facebook Page Facebook.com/Chung.Wah.Community.Radio.WA
中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021 电话 Telephone (08) 9440 0265
中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Rossmoyne) Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148 电子邮箱 e-mail address
Cost of Magazine: Members – Free of Charge Non-Members – $5 Contribution
电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au
9/117 Brisbane Street Perth WA 6000
printed by New Formula Printing
电子邮箱 E-mail Addres chungwah@chungwah.org.au
中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe
电话 Telephone
中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe
版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出 自中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于 对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对 题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 perth Chinese New year Fair 2012
中国龙 6
Fires Up
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 perth Chinese New year Fair 2012
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
From left: Dr Mike Nahan MLA, God of Fortune, Justin Kwok, Sammy Yap, and Theresa Kwok 左起:麦克-拉汉议员,财神,秘书长郭沚 维,会长叶俊帆,社区与长者服务部总裁郭郑素雯
Chung Wah was a hive of activities during Chinese New Year! On January 28th, we opened the celebrations with a mini carnival at the Southlands Shopping Centre in Willetton, which attracted hundreds of people. Other than lion dance and a series of Chinese cultural and traditional performances, there were two “Gods
God of Fortune 两个财神
of Fortune” going around handing out red packets, as well as a chicken feet eating competition. Chung Wah Community & Aged Care staff helped in transporting and accompanying the seniors to join in the festivities. The finale saw all performers and volunteers singing “We Are Australian” on stage, reflecting our aspiration for a harmonious multicultural society. (Reporter: Tina QIU, Photographer: Lyn Mitchell and Richard Tan ) 中华会馆龙年春节盛事连连!——1月28日在南部华人聚居区的桑斯兰购物中心,率 先举办了一个小型嘉年华,并取得了开门红!热闹的现场吸引了数百名观众,除了舞狮、 中国文艺表演和其它传统节目外,还特意安排了“财神”送福和开心的“啃鸡脚大赛”。 中华社区与长者服务部的很多员工前来义务帮忙,并接送老人家们来一起过年。最后,所 有的演员和志愿者一起登台,同声合唱《我们是澳大利亚人》,表达了多元文化和谐的心 愿。(秋小天报道,琳∙米秋,陈志强摄影)
Chung Wah Dance performing the Peacock dance 中华舞蹈团表演《孔雀舞》
Children from the Rossmoyne Chinese School 乐思中文学校的儿童表演
Group photo of grand finale 大合影
Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华民乐团
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
勇敢的拉汉 在“内封面”专栏,我们通常勇于尝 试新的挑战,但是有时我们也不得不划分 界限。然而,我们要说来自瑞尔顿的麦克 ∙拉汉议员很勇敢,他的亲口尝试,被“ 内封面”认为是超越了我们的界限。 这种认知,源于他在中国新年庆祝 活动中的表现。这次活动由中华会馆在 桑斯兰购物中心举办。拉汉博士依靠两 轮啃鸡脚大赛的胜利突出了自己,这两 场胜利最终将他送入了总决赛。 初赛要求每人完成3只鸡脚。据拉 汉博士称,这不仅要看谁吃得最快,而 且还要看谁吃得最干净,评判标准是看 丢在碗里的鸡骨头的干净程度。 到总决赛时,竞争的依据是看在两分 © THE WEST AUSTRALIAN
钟内,他们一共能够啃光多少鸡脚。拉 汉说,他遇到了一位罗斯莫因居民的挑 战。“她用速度和干净程度同时打败了 我”他说。当拉汉博士在两分钟内啃完4 只“大个”鸡脚时,他的对手吃光了5只。 鸡脚的滋味如何:“它们是用咖喱酱 做的,熟透了,而且骨头很小。我非常 喜欢吃。” “内封面”甚至连尝试的勇气都没有。
in One of the heats
the chicken feet
n 啃鸡脚大赛初
eating competitio
Presentation to win ners in the chicke n feet eating com Sammy Yap, runner petition (from left -up Dr Mike Nahan ) : Thavee Lim, Yoz MLA, and Ricky Lee 一名得主,叶俊帆 i Ngoo, Winner 啃鸡脚大赛颁奖合 ,第二名得主麦克 影,左起:林致德 of the competition, -拉汉议员,主持 ,主持人吴优子, 人李檽亥 第
Chung Wah Magazine stall. Back row : Dr Mike Nahan MLA and Sammy Yap. Front row (from left) : Susan Toh and Agnes Tseu 推广《中华会 刊》。后排左起麦克-拉汉议员,叶俊帆,前排左起郭素珍, 曾梅兰
Chinese tea stall 请喝中国茶
Chung Wah Cantonese Opera 中华粤剧团
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
On January 29th, the celebrations continued with the inaugural Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge. The event achieved unprecedented success where it was estimated more than 30,000 people attended. The crowd was shoulder to shoulder most of the day with the 45 stalls lining James Street as well as restaurants on the street all enjoying a roaring trade. Each time a lion dance or a dragon dance performed along the street, they attracted hundreds of “fans” following them all the way and back. More than 1,000 people watched the official opening ceremony which was followed by a multicultural concert at the piazza. Everyone had a good time and found something for themselves in a joyous and vibrant celebration of the Year of the Dragon. (Reporter: Tina QIU, Photographs sourced from the Australasian Photographic Association) 1月29日再接再厉,首届珀斯中华新年文化节取得了空前成功——全天人流总量多达 3万,行人摩肩接踵,商业摊位和路旁的餐馆生意兴隆,每次舞狮舞龙时都有上百名“粉 丝”尾随其后穿街而过,上千人现场观看了文化节开幕典礼和多元文化演出——所有人共 同开心分享了一个喜庆、鲜活的龙年春节! (秋小天报道,亚太摄影协会摄影)
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012 Ribbon cutting ceremony at the official opening. From left : Fujian Association President John Hong; Chinese Consul General-Wang Yiner; Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi; Chung Wah President Sammy Yap; Hon. John Castrilli MLA, Minister for Heritage, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests; John Hyde MLA, Shadow Minister for Arts & Culture, Heritage, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests. 开幕式剪彩嘉宾,左起:福建同乡会会长洪泉龙,中国驻珀斯总 领事汪银儿,市长丽莎•斯嘉菲,中华会馆会长叶俊帆,西澳遗 产、公民和多元文化利益部长约翰•卡斯特里利,西澳艺术和文化 部及西澳遗产、公民和多元文化利益部影子部长约翰•海德
VIP guests and audience singing along with We Are Austrlian 嘉宾和观众们一起挥手高唱《我们是澳大利亚人》 The organising committee and VIP guests getting together at Chung Wah Hall before the official opening 开幕式前,主办方和 嘉宾们在会馆聚集
Masters of Ceremony, Yozi Ngoo and Ricky Lee 主持人李檽亥和吴优子
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
a large tion attracted 主办的世 phers’ Exibi se Photogra 影协会联合 ine 摄 Ch 太 al 亚 ob 和 会馆 The Gl itors 由中华 观众 number of vis 作品展吸引了大批 家 界华人摄影
Group ph
oto of Aus
hic Assoc
iation 亚
the finer points urne discussing t left) from Melbo 赶来的摄影师 本 尔 墨 Photographer (1s 从 程 exhibition 专 with visitors at the 行现场交流 众进 (左一)与观
hours the day at early d preparations for 就赶来做准备 志愿者一大早
Volunteers starte
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
来自摊主的反馈 ER
Chinese Consul-G eneral W 中国驻 ang Yine 珀斯总 领事汪 r (1st le 银儿( 左一) ft) trying out a ga ,在游 戏摊位 me at the Gam es Stall 一试身 手
捐款 2月3日,中华会馆收到摊主梁女士的捐款100元 。在1月29日 的活动中,梁女士中租用了一个摊位销售自己的 手工作品。她 坚持要求不公开姓名,说这笔捐款只是她作为中 华会馆会员, 对本次文化节的成功所表示的祝贺和谢意。
On 3rd February 2012, Chung Wah received a donation of $100 from Ms Leong who took a stall at the recent Perth Chinese New Year Fair to sell her handicraft. She insisted on not making her name public, saying that the donation was in her capacity as a member of the Association, as well as her way of congratulating the success of the fair and showing her gratitude.
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
LEARN TO BE A HOST ◎ Sammy YAP – President of Chung Wah Association
The inaugural 2012 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was an unprecedented success. It created history where the Chung Wah Association, the Chinese community, Chinatown, Perth city, and even tourists, all benefited from the event. To me, the biggest achievement was seeing everyone sharing and participating in the activities harmoniously. The Chinese New Year celebrations on James
Australia. It is time that we learn to be a host in the
major annual event in the city of Perth, we will
Street on 29th January and at the Southlands
country we call home, to understand, take charge
attract more attention and support from the
Boulevard Shopping Centre on 28th January have
of, and exercise our responsibilities, obligations and
mainstream society, and in the process create
given the West Australian public the opportunity
rights on this land.
more commercial opportunities for all. I also
to get up close and personal with Chinese culture. Their increased understanding and appreciation of the Chinese culture will contribute to a more harmonious society as well as increase our profile in the community.
It’s part of our mission in
making Australia our home. In this migrant based country, people come from all over the world with a diverse cultural background. Irrespective of our backgrounds, Australia is our country, and it is our responsibility and duty to develop and protect her beauty and prosperity. Equally, it is also our right to share in the welfare and services available.
This learning process is neither easy nor simple. The Chinese community has been going through the process for a few generations and is continuing to do so. The Chung Wah Association holds the responsibility to maintain an open and continuous learning and social integration processes for the Chinese community. We can use our experience in organizing the Perth Chinese New Year Fair to demonstrate how we have learnt to negotiate and deal with the government, understand and abide by its rules and regulations, and most importantly learnt how to gain the attention and support of
strongly believe that if we stand up and walk out of our shell to assume the mentality of a host in managing our relationship with members of the public, government officials, other ethnic groups, and our countries of origin, we will be able to enjoy the freedom and equality provided by Australia. Accordingly, we will then gain the respect, honour, and status befitting that of a host. This kind of achievement is far more meaningful and worthwhile than carrying out our activities and blowing our own trumpets behind closed doors.
For historical and practical reasons, other than the
the mainstream society. Assisting the Chinese
Last but not least, I would like to thank all
contact through work, most Chinese people live and
people to achieve quality of life in Australia is the
those who have contributed and supported the
socialise within the Chinese community and lack
responsibility and obligation on the part of the
inaugural Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Looking
understanding and interaction with the mainstream
forward to seeing you again at the event next
society. A common observation is the generally apathetic attitude of the Chinese people towards government policies where we rarely express our opinions, behaving more like an observer or a guest, as if these matters have nothing to do with us. Even in matters or policies that may adversely affect us, we tend to keep quiet about it, preferring to compromise, unwilling or incapable of voicing our disapproval.
In the past, similar community events chewed up precious limited resources in the Chinese community. However, in the Perth Chinese New Year Fair, we have finally stepped out of our shell in successfully securing a funding of $60,500 from the City of Perth and the Office of Multicultural Interests. To my knowledge, this was the first time a Chinese community event has received such a high level of financial support for a single event.
With the “White Australia Policy” buried in history,
Our hard work, persistence, and effective strategies
the current day Australia is a well developed
have attracted the attention from the mainstream
multicultural society with her people living together
media such as The West Australian, The Sunday
harmoniously with mutual respect. Sadly though,
Times, the Guardian Express, Perth Voice, ABC
until now many Chinese people still possess a
Radio and 98.5 Sonshine FM, who approached us
subconscious fear and blind idolatry of authority.
for interviews, promotional photo shoots, and event
They have not caught up with the advancement
information. This is because it could be seen that
through time. They need to wake up to the fact
community resources have been applied to an
that Australia is a democracy operating under a
event that can be shared and enjoyed by the public,
sound legal system where the government is a
hence its success is the wish of the government
public servant and taxpayers enjoys a high level of
and the mainstream society.
rights and privileges protected by law. Today, there are approximately 140,000 Chinese in Western
I believe that if we keep up our effort and make the Perth Chinese New Year Fair a successful
Headlines in The Perth Voice on 21 January 2012 1月21日的《珀斯之声报》在头 版头条预告了此次中华新年文化节
Notice in The Perth Voice published on 21 January 2012 1月21日的《珀斯之声报》 的头版通告
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
学会做主人 文 ◎ 叶俊帆(中华会馆会长)
译 ◎ 秋小天
2012年首届珀斯中华新年文化节的圆满成功,开创了历史,中华会馆、华人社会、唐人街、珀斯市,甚至游客都从中 受益。看到所有人在活动中和谐地分享与参与,是我心中最大的成功。 分别于1月29日在詹姆斯大街、1月28
的文化根基和背景,同时澳大利亚是我 们共同的家园,我们有责任和义务一起 建设和维护它的美丽和繁荣,也有权利 来分享它的福利和服务。
个“旁观者”或“客人”一样的置身度 外,有时即使利益被触动甚至损伤,也大 多忍气吞声、息事宁人,不愿或是不能去 向政府“讨个说法”。
Article and photo published in The Sunday Times on 22 January 2012 《庆祝龙年新年》(配图) 登载于1月22日的《星期天时报》
© THE WEST AUSTRALIAN Article and photo in The West Australian on 27 January 2012 《迎接龙年的大联欢》(配图)登载于-1月27日的《西澳大利亚人报》
Article and photo in the Guardian Express on 24 January 2012 《北桥庆龙年》(配图) 登载于1月24日的《监护人快报》
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
◎ Written by Yit-Seng YOW, photographed by ZHOU Dan, WEI Jian Dong With the exception of the Aborigines and Torres
world, presented an inspiring and thought provoking
to acceptance by others.
Straits Islanders, all other residents or citizens in
speech in his Australia Day Address for 20121, at
perspective there are three pillars which
Australia are themselves migrants, or descendents
the launch of the Australia Day Council celebration.
contribute to the acceptance of our community
of migrants.
This inalienable fact tends to be
He spoke about improvement of racism sentiments
in Australia. The first pillar was the end of the
conveniently overlooked by some, in particular
in Australia over the decades since he was born in
White Australian Policy in 1973, put in place by
the “political novice” and “adventurists”.
1957, and noted that while Australia was “the best
the Whitlam Labor government, which set the
recent demonstration in Canberra on Australia day
nation in the world”, even his daughter had been a
tone for the future of Australia. The next pillar is
reminds us once again that race relation is still a
victim of abuse by drunken louts because she looks
multiculturalism, initiated by Whitlam, expanded
highly emotional, sensitive issue.
Chinese. In an ABC interview, Dr. Teo emphasised
by the Fraser’s Liberal government in 1978. It is
that some people tend to judge an entire ethnic
interesting to note that the three major migrant
community based on the bad behaviour of a few,
based countries in the world, the USA, Canada
and highlighted the significance of “2-way-street”,
and Australia, each has a different approach.
and the importance of community behaviour and
The USA adopts the “Melting pot”, Canada has
involvement in the Australian community after
a “dual language policy” (English / French),
arriving. Immigrants have a role to ensure that they
while Australia favours multiculturalism. The
are embraced!
Australian policy allows expression of individual
Amongst the ethnic Chinese community in Western Australia, two groups of “ABC” celebrate this day with other Australians. The first group are the Australian born Chinese. The second group are Australians by Choice, who come to Australia on their own freedom of choice through professional credentials, family reunion, refugees, work or student categories. Dr. Charlie Teo, an eminent Australian widely regarded as one of the leading neurosurgeons in the
Since Chung Wah Association was founded more than 100 years ago, members of the community
From a historical
identity, and is well accepted, though it was criticised by John Howard2.
are acutely aware of the importance of the “2-way-
To crown it all, the third pillar specifically
street”. The first part of the “2-way-street” pertains
enhances the acceptance of ethnic Chinese
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
traditional costumes, use of chopsticks or abacus,
so that others would have the confidence to support
etc. Our lion dance and cultural dance troupes,
our programs.
as well as our Chinese instrument orchestra perform regularly in a variety of activities and events organised by other ethnic and mainstream communities.
Asian dragons (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea) as advanced and high income economies gained respectability world wide. In the last 30 years, the emergence of China as the biggest trading partner of Australia, in particular Western Australia, resulted in a “sinophile” wave,
another milestone in our commitment to promote
Our major publications such as the bimonthly
general public. We were able to galvanise the
collective energies of more than 30 ethnic Chinese
information booklets, posters, as well as our website
associations in Western Australia to host the event.
are bilingual, where each article is meticulously
It was reported that an estimated 30,000 people
translated from Chinese into English, and vice
visited the fair on the day, with the endless positive
versa. The magazine has been transformed from
comments indicating it to be a highly successful
a newsletter that used to focus on activities of
event. While some of the performances were
the association, to now become a professionally
classically Chinese, we also witnessed dances
produced magazine that features Chinese culture
and songs that reflected a harmonious blend
for the general Australian public. The centenary
of the wider Australian and the diverse ethnic
souvenir publication is regarded by scholars and
cultures. The exhibitors, food stalls and performers
researchers as an authoritative text on Chinese
came from a wide spectrum of communities in
history in Western Australia over the past century.
Western Australia, highlighting our inclusive and
in Western Australia, Chung Wah maintains an
of the last century, the emergence of the four
Street, Northbridge on 29th January 2012 marked better understanding and harmony amongst the
As the public face of the Chinese community
as a community. From the 1960s to the end
The recent Perth Chinese New Year Fair in James
accommodating nature towards others, in an increasingly complex multicultural mix.
excellent rapport with all levels of government.
In years to come our community would celebrate
Some of our programs such as the Community
Australia day with increasing confidence, as the
and Aged Care Services and the Chinese language
“two way traffic” bears more fruits, while we
schools are funded or partly funded by state and
invariably share a common destiny with all other
federal governments. The recent Perth Chinese
New Year Fair was mainly funded by the City of Perth and the WA Office of Multicultural Interests. Actions speak louder than words! Support from
1. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/australia-day-
various levels of government to associations
that could organise activities for the benefit of their communities speaks volumes of Australian
2. John Howard released his “One Australia Policy”
egality and democracy. We need to invest in our
in the late 1980s, which called for a reduction in
organisational skills, accountability and discipline,
Asian immigration, a policy he later retracted, citing his then position as wrong
setting off interests in Chinese history, language, culture, etc. The other side of the “two way street” involves our interests and efforts to be part of the Australian community. To a large extent the answer is in our hands. In this respect, Chung Wah leads the community to share our cultural heritage with the wider community. Our activities such as Chinese language schools, lion dance, Chinese cultural dance, school based activities such as calligraphy, Chinese chess, etc, are open to all, irrespective of ethnic origin. We regularly host “school visits” groups in Chung Wah hall where students from government or private schools have a go at lion dance, Chinese calligraphy,
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
文 ◎ 饶逸生 译 ◎ 何双子 摄影 ◎ 周丹,魏建栋
次地提醒了我们,种族关系仍然是一个高 度情绪化和敏感的问题。
张正贤博士,世界著名的澳大利亚神经 外科医生之一,在2012年的澳大利亚国庆节 议会庆典上发表了一场激励人 心又发人深省的演讲1。他谈 到了自他出生的1957年这几十 年来,种族主义在澳大利亚的 演变,并提到即使在澳大利亚 这样一个曾被称为“世界上最 好的国家”的地方,他女儿仍 然因为她的华人面孔而遭到过 一些醉鬼的辱骂。在接受澳大
由维特兰总理提出、并由弗瑞泽的自由 党政府在1978年推广的多元文化主义。有 意思的是,世界上的三个移民大国,美 国、加拿大和澳大利亚,在这方面都各 有其招。美国自称“民族大熔炉”,加 拿大实行“双语政策”(英语和法语) ,澳洲则有多元文化主义。澳大利亚的 政策允许个人表明其身份背景,虽然曾 受到约翰∙霍华德的批评2,但还是被广泛 接受。
2012 珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2012
我们主要的刊物,如双月刊的中华 会刊、百年纪念特刊、小册子、海报和 我们的网站,都用双语呈现,每一篇文 章都是精心地翻译成英文或中文。会刊 由早期主要报道会馆动态的中华会讯, 发展成今天面向广大澳洲社会、推广中 华文化的一本专业刊物。百年纪念特刊 被专家学者们认为是西澳上世纪关于中 国历史的一本权威著作。 作为西澳华人社区的对外窗口,中 华会馆与澳洲各级政府保持着融洽的关
的硕果,我们也会有更多的自信和骄傲来 系。我们的一些项目,如社区和年长者服务 以及中文学校,都是全部或部分由州政府和
联邦政府资助。最近的中华新年文化节也主 要由珀斯市政府和西澳多元文化利益处资 助。事实胜于雄辩!澳洲各级政府对那些有 能力为其社区组织活动谋取利益的团体的资 助,正是澳大利亚平等和民主的最好体现。
1. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/australia-day-2012address-full-speech-20120123-1qdh9.html 2. 约翰霍华德于20世纪80年代末发表了他的“一个澳 洲政策”,提出减少亚洲移民,这一政策后来又被 他收回,并称他的立场是错误的。
我们则需要加强自己的组织能力、责任感和 管理制度,这样别人才会有信心来支持我们 的项目。
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
FINDING SISTERLY LOVE THROUGH SONGS To Trinh Quach, a member of the Chung Wah Council of Elders, famous West Australian soprano Molly McGurk is her teacher, her benefactor, and life long friend. This extraordinary friendship that came about through singing has lasted 33 years and still going, extended beyond the boundaries of age, status, and cultural limitations … Written by Tina QIU generation Chinese in
Separated from Husband
Vietnam. Trinh was born with a golden voice, a
Winding the clock back to 1975, during a
natural talent in singing,
tumultuous period at the end of the Vietnam war,
and started to sing at
many people were looking to flee the country
a young age.
to avoid living under the Viet Cong rule. The
finishing high school,
situation at the time was chaotic with many
she joined a local youth
conmen offering bogus escape schemes. The
choir, and became their
fee was only accepted in gold with many people
lead singer a few years
cheated of their life savings. When the escapes
later. She also took part
failed, the captured adults would be locked up
in a music examination
in prisons and only young children were spared.
in a field 127 candidates,
Trinh was married at the time with a 4 year old
where she came first
daughter and 3 year old son. Using their life
and was offered one
savings, Trinh and her husband planned to flee to
of the 7 places in
Thailand with their children, and Trinh’s youngest
brother (aged 10) and a younger sister (aged 15).
However, she gave up this rare opportunity as she chose to help out the family financially by taking a job as a 1月29日,洪淑贞在首届珀斯中华新年文化节上演唱 Trinh performing at the 2012 Perth Chinese New Year Fair
When fate brought her
Many Chung Wah members would be familiar with
to Australia in 1979, she was separated from her
Elder Trinh Quach, who was involved in organising,
husband and had 4 children by her side. At a time
and performing in, almost all of the Association’s
when she was facing an uncertain future, Molly
cultural concerts in the 1980s and 1990s, as the
McGurk extended a hand of help and friendship. She
Cultural Coordinator.
These concerts not only
enriched the lives of the Chinese people, but
to become the
were also an important fundraiser for Chung Wah.
After 2000, Trinh was anointed to the Council of
refugee student
Elders, and gradually retreated from the public
of this famous
eye to the “backline”. However, her popularity
with the audience remained, as evidenced by her
performance at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair on
29 January 2012. Despite tell tale signs of her age,
her vocals were still as enchanting as ever which
drew instantaneous applause.
again for Trinh,
Trinh was born in Cho Lon in Vietnam, about 15 minutes by road from Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City). Her parents originated from Nan An in the Fujian province of China. Together with her 3 brothers and 6 sisters, they represented the family’s second 22
The family’s escape started disastrously. In May 1978, disguised as villagers, the family were put on a bus to travel to a rural area and hid in a fisherman’s house. Their luggage was loaded earlier but the people were asked to hide until midnight before they were allowed to board. Some time after 11.00pm, two small boats arrived to take them to the big boat. Due to overcrowding, the small boats could not handle the load and started to sink. The captain asked some people to get off the boat and wait to be picked up in the second round,
and teacher.
opened great
solace and cheer to her life and spirit. 淑贞和莫莉在翻看旧照片 Trinh and Molly looking through old photos
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
Straying on the Open Sea
but no one was willing to do so. Realising that the
into the sea due to the extreme thirst. He then became unconscious and appeared lifeless,
stalemate would prevent everyone from escaping, Trinh persuaded her husband to get off first, and a
More troubles lied ahead not long after the Viet
prompting Trinh to regularly prod him to check that
few men followed. This helped to lighten the load
Congs left, when the compass broke down. They
he was still alive. Her heart aching for him, she
and enabled the small boat to continue its journey.
lost their direction and floated listlessly on the hot
would forcefully squeeze whatever saliva she had
When they boarded the big boat, they found it to be
and endless surface of the sea. Everyone was
left to feed it into his mouth from time to time.
an ordinary fishing boat with no cabin. They were
overcome with hopelessness. In Trinh’s memory,
told before hand that the big boat was 22 yards long
it felt like hell on earth –other than paddling like a
and could only accommodate 20 people. In actual
machine, people on board were squeezed together
fact, it was only 10 yards long, and there were 62
like packed sardines and hardly able to move.
people. Everyone had to sit on the deck which
The 20 litres of water did not last and people had
was obviously overcrowded. They also found their
forgotten how long they had gone without water.
luggage missing, and when questioned, the captain
Lips started to crack and throats hurting sharply,
simply replied “Don’t know”. To avoid the risk of
with many close to death. A breast feeding mother
getting caught, the big boat did not go back for the
was forced to drink her baby’s urine to cure her
remaining people and set sail. Trinh was stunned
thirst. Trinh’s daughter, brother, and sister were
as the fate of her husband was unknown and all
suffering from sea sickness since boarding the
the cash was with him. She had never travelled far
boat and vomited throughout. Trinh’s mind was too
from home, yet was heading to an unknown world
preoccupied to vomit due to worrying about
with 4 children!
her husband and the children, and the
Getting Robbed In actual fact, the bad luck had only just begun. As the plan was to reach Thailand within one day, food and water was not provided on board. Due
uncertain future.
Her son was
gradually going into a blurred state, talking gibberish and attempting to jump
Shark Danger In reflecting the entire voyage, Trinh’s deepest impression was the fear of the unknown future. She could not recall having to relieve herself, nor could the others on board. Everyone on the deck were fully exposed to the sun, but fortunately did not suffer from suffocation being in open air. There was an incident when they were nearly attacked by sharks! At the time, everyone heard the captain suddenly call out : “Everyone stay down, don’t move, don’t talk”. The boat’s engine was turned off and there was dead silence. Trinh pressed the children down and took a peek. She vaguely saw some flag like objects swimming around in the distance (she realised in hind sight that it was a shark’s fin). At the time, she quietly asked the woman next to her what it was, and the answer was : “it’s a fish that eats humans”. Fortunately, the sharks swam away,
to overcrowding, the boat was travelling very
and the captain quickly steered the boat away from
slowly with sea water constantly seeping into
the area. He expressed later: “If the sharks had
the boat. While scooping the water out of the
come close, the boat would capsize, and we would
boat, people on board had to be careful not to
have been finished”.
get too close to the side for fear of falling into the sea. Just as the boat was entering the open sea around noon the next day, they encountered a Viet Cong boat searching for escapees. The Viet Congs opened fire at the boat to stop it from advancing. During the gun fire, Trinh put her arms tightly around the terrified children, just like a mother hen protecting her chicks. The Viet Congs boarded the refugee boat, tied up all the men, and hoarded everyone onto their navy boat. The refugees were thoroughly searched and robbed of all their belongings. Trinh’s only remaining precious item, a gold wedding ring was thus taken away. The refugees were given the choice to stay or leave. Despite warnings of the danger of the refugee boat capsizing due to overcrowding, they collectively decided on leaving. After completing the search and robbing them of their property, the Viet Congs released the refugee boat with 20 litres of drinking water.
1970年代越南船民 Vietnamese Boat People of the 1970s
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
Landing on a Deserted Island Relying solely on the will to leave, the starving refugees survived at sea until they finally saw land on the fifth day which was a small village on the coast of Thailand. The first thing they did upon landing was to drink from a small muddy puddle. They didn’t feel the water was dirty, but in fact thought that the water tasted extra sweet. After being exposed to the sun and trapped at sea for several days everyone could tear a layer of skin off their faces, and there were plenty of sores on their buttocks. However, these were minor to the refugees who felt they had just escaped from “hell”.
is 20 years older than Trinh. Molly’s golden voice Immigration entry record for Trinh and the children in 1978.
The villagers reported to the police on the arrival
music talent came from her grandfather.
for the Vietnamese refugees. Upon arrival, the
started to learn to play the piano at the age of 8,
police demanded US$2,000 from the refugees,
and participated in her first piano competition at
and threatened that they would be dumped on a
the age of 18 in 1948 where she won first place.
deserted island if they did not pay up. The refugees
Since then, Molly McGurk became a bright new star
who had only just had a breather, went through
as a young pianist making it big on the Australian
body searches once again, and were subsequently
stage of classical music. Not long after that, Molly’s
taken to the Leamsing refugee camp. This was
favourite piano teacher had to leave Australia to
a deserted island inhabited by about 1,000
return to England. She tried out two new teachers
Vietnamese refugees sent from various parts of
but was unhappy with them, and decided to switch
Thailand. Trinh lived there with the 4 children for
to train as a vocalist. Being a strong willed person,
about half a year, and went through tortured and
Molly always strived to be the best, and she
suffering times. Finally, they were accepted by
succeeded again by winning a number of awards
Australia and arrived in Perth on 20 November
in her singing career. Following that, she won first
1978, and began their new lives.
place in the Concerto Vocal Competition in 1953,
1978年11月20日洪淑贞带着孩子们抵达珀斯时的入关记录 was inherited from her father, but her natural
and was invited to perform with the famous Sydney Symphony Orchestra. She performed with other famous singers and various symphony orchestras, and produced a number of albums.
for singing, and the kindness and persistence of a language teacher. In 1979, after Trinh had settled down in Perth, she started to attend the twice weekly English classes ran by Annie. After hearing Trinh’s story and how she got separated from her husband, Annie felt great sympathy for this diligent, but often depressed single mother, and was determined to help Trinh find happiness and to snap her out of her depression. When she found out about Trinh’s passion in singing, she asked her husband, a violinist with the Perth Symphony Orchestra, to introduce a good music teacher for Trinh. That was when he thought of
well known vocal teacher. Her reputation attracted
Annie did not give up easily and after a few
conducting her lessons from home until 2007 at the ripe old age of 78. Molly is an international music icon with students such as Sarah Macliver, Lisa Harper-Brown, Elisa Wilson, and Gregory Yurisich, all internationally acclaimed stars who are still active in Australia and around the globe. In 2004, Molly was awarded the “ViceChancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching” by the University of
vocal teacher. Born in 1929 in Armadale, Molly Molly getting emotional in recalling Trinh’s past 莫莉对淑贞的过去充满感慨
worlds brought together by their common love
given Molly’s busy schedule and popularity.
music institutions to teach, she persisted in
already a famous Australian soprano, pianist, and
Trinh and Molly came from two very distinct
Molly, though at the time, it did not seem possible
Irrespective of the unending requests from various
When Trinh arrived in Perth, Molly McGurk was
Fateful Meeting
conduct singing classes from home and became a
overseas, to seek her instructions and guidance.
Who is Molly?
in developing music talents from the institution.
Along with her singing career, Molly started to
many people from the east coast, as well as from
A young Molly McGurk 年轻时的莫莉
Western Australia for her outstanding contribution
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love The program of the Chung Wah 80th anniversary concert. Trinh was the organiser and a performer in the event. 中华会馆80周年音乐会海报,洪淑贞组织并参与演出
singing, and in particular Molly’s kindness and support, were ultra precious. She immersed herself totally in the pure and beautiful world of music, using singing to drive away her sorrows. It helped her to temporarily forget the harsh reality and fear of the unknown future, and attain inner peace and comfort. Singing also gave her the strength to face the realities of life, to continue to work hard, and to bring up the children with dedication.
Delightful Achievement In 1980, Molly recommended Trinh to participate in the Western Australian Musical Eisteddfod Competition.
Under the eyes of hundreds of
spectators, Molly of celebrity status, personally accompanied and helped Trinh (whose mobility
A young Trinh during her performance. 洪淑贞年轻时的演出照
unsuccessful attempts on the phone, she
established her own rental home. Molly gifted
challenged Molly to take in a Vietnamese refugee
her with bedding Manchester and other household
as a student. After hearing Trinh’s story, Molly
goods, and even knitted clothes for the children.
was filled with sympathy and respect for this
Molly could still picture the moment when Trinh
courageous woman. She agreed to give Trinh a
received the gifts; the ever strong willed Trinh was
chance, and invited her for an audition.
in tears and speechless, and asked Molly : “Why are
Because You Are Trinh Molly vividly remembered Trinh being drowned
you so kind to me?”, to which Molly replied : “Why? Because you are Trinh, you will always be my friend and family”.
in a state of sorrow when they first met. Thirty
Close as Family
three years on, 83 year old Molly can still clearly remember the 3 songs Trinh sung in her audition, and she hummed it during our interview. Trinh recalled one of them being a Chinese song entitled “Lark, You are a Beautiful Singer” which had a complex musical score. When she rehearsed this song in the choir in Vietnam, the pianist had to practise it for 2 weeks before they could play it to accompany the choir. But when Molly first picked up the musical score, she looked through it once, and was able to play it fluently. At the end of the audition, Molly was enthralled by Trinh’s voice, and took her under her wings, giving her half hour vocal training lessons each week. Annie helped Trinh to find two cleaning jobs to pay for the lessons but Molly refused to accept her payments, deferring the money matter until she is reunited with her husband. Ever since, Molly has never accepted any payments from Trinh. She also never saw herself as Trinh’s teacher, and was never willing to criticise her singing ability from the perspective of a teacher. Shortly after their meeting, Trinh and the children moved out of the refugee accommodation and
was affected by polio suffered when young) up the stage. Trinh realised her natural talents and repaid Molly’s faith by coming second in the competition. She was ecstatic with the outcome, but Molly felt that she should have been crowned the champion, and had been hard done by, possibly let down by her command of English. Molly complained to the judges’ : “Why can’t contestants perform songs in Chinese?”. The competition also brought another surprise outcome. Dr Margaret Pride, the conductor of the
The adults’ friendship permeated to the children.
Perth Australian ABC Choir, was in the audience and
Molly’s grandson, Andrew, was about the same
appreciated Trinh’s performance, and suggested
age as Trinh’s two children, Anh and Chi Liem, and
that she joins the choir. A few months later, after
they grew up together, forging a close relationship.
undergoing strict trials, Trinh successfully became
When they first got together, Anh and Chi Liem’s
a member of the famous Australian ABC Choir for
command of English was still poor, and it was
the following two years.
Andrew who learnt Chinese first. Funnily, Trinh was most amused as Andrew spoke to her in precise Chinese : “Wo Yao He Shui (I want to drink water)”. Each year, Molly would invite Trinh and the children to her house to spend Christmas with her family. Subsequently, she even sponsored Trinh’s parents to migrate to Australia, helping to reunite Trinh’s family.
Driving Away the Sorrows through Singing It was said that about 60% of the Vietnamese refugees lost their lives due to various causes during their escape in the1960s and 1970s. Trinh’s own brother and his family died in the high seas trying to escape after her. This news added to Trinh’s woes while still worrying about her husband’s fate. Anticipating with anxiety and anguish, music and
A young Molly during her performance. 莫莉年轻时的演出照
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
health deteriorated. She insisted on living on her own, though requiring part-time help coming in daily 5 days a week to help with the household chores. Molly looks forward to Trinh’s visit each time, and even though her leg injury and illness prevented her from playing the piano and singing, both of them always have unending conversations. More than 30 years have gone by, and although they never had a photo of both singing together, the “Song of Friendship” written between them will
儿时的纯英(左一)、安德鲁和志廉 Anh (first left), Andrew and Chi Liem during their childhood days
play on in their hearts forever …
Mother’s Love Trinh’s daughter, Anh has shown a passion for music from a early age, and wanted to learn to play the piano. At the time, piano lessons were
莫莉和淑贞与孩子们的近照,后排左起:志廉,安德鲁和纯英 Molly and Trinh with Chi Liem, Andrew and Anh
Notice for Next Edition
$18 per half hour, and friends were dampening
one year’s worth of lessons! Time flew by and
the idea, commenting that it is only for the rich
proved that everyone’s efforts did not go to waste.
and unaffordable for refugees. In order to give
Anh fully treasured the opportunity given to her by
Anh what she missed out on, Trinh was determined
achieving outstanding results, often achieving A’s
to help her daughter realise her dream, even if it
in piano exams. Carrying the anticipation of two
meant having to eat porridge everyday (Chinese
“mothers” on her shoulders, Anh now possesses
way of saying tightening one’s belt). Molly strongly
excellent piano skills and works as an English and
supported Trinh’s decision by helping to introduce
piano teacher.
We have finished telling the story of Trinh and Molly. Let us go back to the time Trinh spent in the refugee camp in Thailand. How did Trinh survive on the deserted island with the children? How did she persist in finding her missing husband in the refugee camp? How did she and the children get to Australia safely? Was she finally reunited with her husband? What were the good and bad memories from her past? In the next edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, we will continue to tell the story of the twists and turns of the life of Trinh Quach. To be continued …
a piano teacher and lending her old piano to Anh. Trinh said : “At the time, I had no idea how
Song within the Hearts
expensive relocating a piano was”. Molly just did it
In entering the later years of her life, and after having
without uttering a single word, and after Anh started
undergone a number of operations on her legs, Molly’s
her lessons, Trinh found out that Molly had paid for
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金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
歌声中的金兰情 ◎ 秋小天
对中华会馆元老会会员,曾经的越南 船民洪淑贞而言,西澳著名女高音歌唱 家莫莉∙麦格克对她亦师亦友,既是她歌 唱爱好的老师,更是她人生道路上的恩 人和益友。这段不寻常的友情,超越了 年龄、地位和文化的差异,因歌声而结 缘,历经33年而依旧常青∙∙∙∙∙∙
提起前辈洪淑贞,相信中华会馆的很 多会员都不会陌生,在1980和90年代,作 为文化组组长,洪淑贞几乎筹办和参演了 会馆所有的文艺演出。在当时,这些表演 不仅极大地丰富了华人贫乏的文化生活, 也是会馆筹款的重要方式之一。2000年以 后,年事已高的洪淑贞退居二线,进入中 华元老会,慢慢淡出了公众的视线,但是 观众们依旧挂念着她,在1月29日举行的 首届珀斯中华新年文化节中,63岁的洪淑 贞再次应邀登台,献唱了一首中文经典歌 曲。尽管已经鬓发染白霜,岁月上额头, 但是洪淑贞的歌声依旧甜美动人,当她一 开口,就赢得了满堂喝彩。 洪淑贞出生于越南提岸,距离首都西 贡(现称为胡志明市)大约15分钟车程。 她的父母来自福建南安,她同2个哥哥、1 个弟弟和6个妹妹一起,是这个华人家庭 的第二代。洪淑贞天生一幅“金嗓子” ,她自幼喜好唱歌,中学毕业后,她参 加了当地的健青合唱团并在几年后成为 领唱,还在有127人参加考试,但是最后 只录取7人的激烈竞争中,以第一名的优
1月29日洪淑贞在首届珀斯中华新年文化节上演唱 Trinh performing at the 2012 Perth Chinese New Year Fair
异成绩被越南国家音乐学院录取。然而 为了帮补父母维持家计,洪淑贞最终放 弃了这次深造机会,而是成为了一名普 通的语文教师,间中每周去上两次声乐 课。直到1979年,当命运的车轮将她带到 澳大利亚,当时的她与丈夫失散,身边 有四个孩子,举目无亲、前途渺茫•••••• 孤苦无依的她得到了莫莉∙麦格克伸出的 援助和友谊之手,她有幸成为了这位澳 洲著名声乐教育家的第一个,也是唯一 一个“难民”学生,音乐殿堂的大门再 次向洪淑贞打开,她的人生和心灵都因 此而得到慰籍。
老公别离 时光追溯到1975年,伴随着越战结束, 地处南越的提岸,正面临着被北越共产党
花光全部的积蓄,准备冒险带着两个孩子 和她最小的弟弟(10岁)和妹妹(15岁)一 起偷渡前往泰国。
由于人员众多,小船不堪负荷,一直往下 沉,船长要求一部分人先下船,说回头再 27
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
Molly in 1952 莫莉1952年留影
来接,可是没人愿意。眼看着僵持下去谁 也走不了,洪淑贞就劝丈夫先下船,紧接 着又有几个男人跟着下了船。负重减轻, 小船终于可以开动。待到上了大船,他们 发现这就是一条普通的渔船,连个船舱都 没有,他们事先被告知所搭乘的大船有22 码长,只收20个人。直到此时他们才知道 在一条10码长的船上,竟然一共有62人搭 乘。所有人只能一起挤坐在甲板上,而且 明显已经超载,同时,他们发现所有的行 李全都不知所踪,向船长询问,回答只有 一句:“不知道”。更为糟糕的是,为了 减少被抓住的风险,大船不愿意再等下 去,执意要开船。当船启动时,洪淑贞完 全吓懵了——老公生死未明,而所有的 现金都在他的身上!29岁的她从未出过远 门,现在却要独自带着4个孩子,逃向一个 完全未知的世界!
遭遇拦劫 其实噩运才刚刚开始。因为计划在一天
是什么,回答说:“是吃人的鱼”。所幸 那些鲨鱼很快就游走了,他们当即调船全
就是骄阳,满目都是绝望。洪淑贞记忆中 这就是人间地狱——人们相互挨挤着,除
想往海里跳,就是晕沉得一动也不动,急 得她不时就要推他一下,察看他是否还活
当即有村民向警察报告说,来了越 南船民。警察赶到,开口就要收2000元美
1970年代越南船民 Vietnamese Boat People of the 1970s
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
要领,最后使出了激将法:你曾经收过越南 学生吗?没有。曾经收过难民学生吗?也没 有。既然从未有过,为何不尝试一次?在听 说洪淑贞的遭遇之后,莫莉对这位勇敢的女 性充满了同情与钦佩,她愿意给洪淑贞一个 机会,当即要求洪淑贞前来试音。
因为你是淑贞 第一次见到淑贞时的情景,莫莉至今 记忆犹新,她说,当时淑贞看起来非常的 忧伤。33年后的今天,83岁高龄的莫莉还 能清晰地记得和哼唱当年淑贞试唱时的三 首歌曲。洪淑贞回忆说,其中有一首中文 歌曲《百灵鸟,你这美妙的歌手》,乐谱 相当难,她以前在越南合唱团里排练这首 歌时,钢琴师提前练习了两个星期才能给
淑贞和莫莉近照 Trinh and Molly
越南难民。洪淑贞带着四个孩子在这里住 了大半年,历经曲折与磨难,最终被澳大 利亚政府接收,于1978年11月20日抵达珀 斯,开始了他们崭新的人生。
谁是莫莉? 洪淑贞在颠沛流离中抵达珀斯之时, 莫莉•麦格克早已是享誉澳大利亚的女高
星,如莎拉∙麦克利文、丽莎∙哈伯布朗、伊 丽莎∙威尔逊和葛里格利∙尤里斯奇,都曾是
唱结果,莫莉对淑贞的嗓音非常欣赏,自 此,洪淑贞拜莫莉为师,每周一次前往莫 莉家中学习声乐,每次半小时。为此,安 妮还特地为淑贞找了两份家庭清洁工的工 作,以支付学习声乐的费用,可是莫莉坚
唱片 。
份,居高临下地对待淑贞,也不愿以老师 的口吻来评论淑贞的演唱。两人相识后不 久,当淑贞带着孩子搬出政府难民单元, 自己独立租房居住时,莫莉买了全套的床 上用品和其它家居用品送给她们,还亲手 为孩子们编织了毛衣。当时的场景令莫莉 印象深刻,她说当淑贞看到这些礼物时, 从不轻易示弱掉泪的淑贞居然泣不成声, 反而问她:“你为什么对我这么好?” 莫莉说,她一直对洪淑贞的问题感到奇 怪,“为什么?因为你是淑贞,你是我永
大家都认为不太 可能,因为莫莉
致电莫莉都不得 Trinh (middle) and the Chung Wah Dance Troupe during the 1980s. 洪淑贞(居中)80年代时与中华舞蹈团的合影
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
伟大的母爱 洪淑贞的女儿纯英自小也显示了对 音乐的喜爱,她很想学习钢琴。当得知 钢琴学费每半小时要18元时,身边的朋 友都大泼冷水,说那是有钱人的玩意, 难民哪里玩得起?为了不让孩子重蹈自 己的覆辙,洪淑贞决心省吃俭用,也要 全力支持女儿追求梦想。莫莉对淑贞 的决定,给予了最有力的支持。她不仅 帮忙介绍钢琴老师,还主动提出将家里 的旧钢琴借给淑贞的女儿使用,洪淑贞 说:“我那时根本不知道搬运一架钢琴 的费用要那么贵。”莫莉就已经一声不 吭地将钢琴送到了淑贞家。不仅如此, 当女儿开始学琴后,洪淑贞才发现,莫 莉已经将第一年的学费全部提前付清 了。时光逝去,所有人的付出并没有白 青少年时代的志廉、安德鲁和纯英 Chi Liem, Andrew and Anh in their teenage years
亲如家人 大人之间的友情也延伸到了孩子们当 中,莫莉的孙子安德鲁与洪淑贞的两个孩 子纯英和志廉年纪相当,他们在嬉戏中一 同长大,彼此也有着深厚的感情。一段有 趣的回忆是,当孩子们刚刚在一起玩耍 时,因为纯英和志廉的英语还很生疏,反 倒是安德鲁先学会了中文,当他突然用中 文清楚地对淑贞说:“我要喝水”,洪淑 贞大吃一惊,同时忍俊不禁。圣诞节时, 莫莉还将淑贞和孩子们接到家中,一起过 节,吃团圆大餐。后来,莫莉还为淑贞的 父母提供担保,帮助他们移民澳大利亚, 促成了淑贞与家人的团聚。
歌唱解忧 据资料显示,在1960至70年代的越南难
死,更加充满焦虑。在揪心的等待和担忧 中,音乐与歌唱,尤其是来自莫莉的关爱 和帮助,对于洪淑贞来说,更加显得弥足 珍贵,她用歌声来排解忧郁,抒发心声, 单纯美好的音乐世界,令她暂时忘却现实 的艰难和未来的恐惧,获得了心灵的平静 和安慰。同时,歌唱赐予她力量,支持她 坚强地面对坎坷人生,勤奋工作,全心教 养孩子们长大。
心中的歌声 进入晚年,在接连接受了几次腿部 手术之后,莫莉的健康已经大不如前, 尽管每周5天都需要钟点工前来帮助料 理日常生活,然而要强的她仍旧坚持独 自一人生活。每次淑贞来看望她,莫莉 都非常高兴,虽然伤腿和病痛令莫莉已 经不再有精力弹琴和唱歌,但是两人之 间,总有说不完的话要讲。30多年时光 荏苒,虽然她们遗憾地没有留下一张歌
莫莉∙麦格克亲自搀扶着淑贞登上了赛场舞 台(因小儿麻痹后遗症,洪淑贞自小行走不
太方便)。最终,淑贞没有辜负自己的天分 和莫莉的栽培,她荣获了第二名!这样的 成绩已经令她喜出望外,但是莫莉却还在为 她抱不平,“应该是冠军才对”,她认为是 淑贞的英文发音拖了后腿,并因此而埋怨评 委:“为什么不可以选用中文歌曲?”
The program of the Chung Wah 75th anniversary concert. Trinh was the organiser and a performer in the event. 中华会馆75周年音乐会海报, 洪淑贞组织并参与演出
淑贞和莫莉的故事讲完了。让我 们将时光再拨回到洪淑贞在泰国难民 营的日子,洪淑贞带着孩子如何在荒 岛挣扎求存?她在难民营中如何坚持 寻找失散的丈夫?她和孩子们如何
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
HER BEST SELLERS BASED ON CHINESE HERITAGE “ I’ve always been interested in the push and pull of immigration. What pushes people out of their home countries? War, prejudice, persecution of one sort or another, famine, the desire to get rich and make a better life. What pulls people to a new place? The hope for freedom or the desire to have a better life for yourself and your family. The fact is that we all have someone in our families who was scared enough, brave enough, or crazy enough to leave their home countries to come here.” -------Lisa SEE Lisa See is an American writer and novelist whose Chinese-American family has had a great impact on her life and work. Her books include On Gold Mountain (1995), Flower Net (1997), The Interior (1999), Dragon Bones (2003), Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (2005), Peony in Love (2007), and Shanghai Girls (2009) which made it to the 2010 New York Times bestseller list. Both Shanghai Girls and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan received honorable mentions from the Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Peony in Love focus on the lives of Chinese women in the 19th and 17th centuries respectively. Shanghai Girls chronicles the lives of two sisters who went to Los Angeles in arranged marriages and face, among other things, the pressures put on Chinese-Americans during the anti-Communist mania of the 1950s. Lisa See was born in Paris on February 18, 1955, but has spent many years in Los Angeles, especially Los Angeles Chinatown. Her mother, Carolyn See, is also a writer and novelist. Her autobiography provides insight into her daughter’s life. See was West Coast correspondent for Publishers Weekly (1983–1996); has written articles for Vogue, Self, and More; has written the libretto for the opera based on On Gold Mountain, and has helped develop the Family Discovery Gallery for the Autry Museum, which depicts 1930s Los Angeles from the perspective of her father as a seven-year-old boy. Her exhibition On Gold Mountain: A Chinese American Experience was featured in the Autry Museum of Western Heritage, and the Smithsonian. She has written for and led in many cultural events emphasizing the importance of Los Angeles and Chinatown. Among her awards and recognitions are the Organization of Chinese Americans Women’s 2001 award as National Woman of the Year and the 2003 History Makers Award presented by the Chinese American Museum.
A young Lisa SEE 年轻时的邝丽莎
Lisa is also a public speaker, and serves as a Los Angeles City Commissioner.
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
whether it was 1,000 years ago or now. The nature of female
The questions and answers below captured Lisa’s thoughts in
you wouldn’t tell your husband. It leaves you vulnerable and
writing this book.
they reflect on their own friendships. I hope they get that
Q: In your latest novel, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, you’ve written about little known Nüshu, (for more information on
they have. Q: You focus on close friendships between women in all
edition) a phonetic code used between women in Hunan
your books. You wrote about the lao tong relationship in
Province in China. How did you become aware of it?
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan; you wrote about so-called
for the Los Angeles Times on the history of footbinding. It was just a short three- or four- page mention, but I thought, how
sister-wives in Peony in Love. This time you’ve written about sisters. What’s the difference between a relationship that’s “just like sisters” and real sisters?
could this exist and I didn’t know about it? Then I thought, how
LS: It is said that the sibling relationship is the longest we
could this exist and we all didn’t know about it? Because so
will have in our lifetimes. A sister is the person who should
often we hear that in the past there were no women writers,
stand by you, support you, and love you no matter what. And
artists, historians, chefs, and the list goes on and on. Of course
yet your sister also knows exactly where to drive the knife
women did these things, but that work has been lost, forgotten,
to hurt you the most. I think the biggest difference between
or deliberately covered up. Nüshu, on the other hand, was an
sisters and best friends who are like sisters is that actual
example of something that women had invented, used, and
sisters are for life. You share the same experiences growing
kept a secret themselves for a thousand years. That amazed
up. You share the same family secrets. You protect and
me, and I became totally obsessed.
defend each other. Much later, you watch your parents grow
Q: You’ve written three mysteries taking place in China before your latest novel. What is it about China that brings you back book after book?
old and die. This links us in ways that we just don’t have with a friend. That doesn’t mean the sister relationship is always easy or fun. Far from it! But blood is thicker than water, and the closer we are, the more we experience together,
LS: I’m part Chinese. My great-great-grandfather came here to
the more fraught and difficult the emotional relationship,
work on the building of the transcontinental railroad. My great-
the more grudges and hard feelings we harbor, the more
grandfather was the patriarch of Los Angeles Chinatown. I
we actually come to rely on and trust each other. As I said
don’t look at all Chinese, but I grew up in a very large Chinese-
earlier, sisters are for life, and that leads to some interesting
American family. I have about four hundred relatives in Los
dynamics that can play out over many decades.
Angeles, of which there are about a dozen who look like me. All writers are told to write what they know, and this is what I know. And when I don’t know something— Nüshu, for example—I love to find out whatever I can about it and then bring my sensibility to the subject. I guess what I’m trying to say is that in many ways I straddle two cultures. I try to bring what I know from both cultures into my work. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not, but perhaps the American side of me is able to open a window into China and things Chinese for non-Chinese, while the Chinese side of me makes sure that what I’m writing is true to the Chinese culture without making it seem too “exotic” or “foreign.” In other words, what I really want people to get from my books is that all people
In July 2011, the book was made into a film by Rupert Murdoch’s Chinese wife, Wendi Deng, who was the producer. (see article on Movies About Female Friendship in this edition).
High Praise Received On The Book “It’s hard to imagine that someone could write a better novel. The prose is elegant, the voice sure, the story unforgettable—at times punishing in its authenticity. With Snow Flower, Lisa See has written a novel that ranks with the best fiction of Amy Tan and Maxine Hong Kingston, the modern luminaries of Chinese storytelling.” — Philadelphia
on the planet share common life experiences—falling in
love, getting married, having children, dying—and share
“I was entranced by this wondrous book―the story of a
common emotions—love, hate, greed, jealousy. These are the universals; the differences are in the particulars of customs and culture.
core essence of female friendship and people have told me
Nüshu , see article in the Mysterious Orient section in this
Lisa See: I first heard about Nüshu when I reviewed a book
默多克和邓文迪夫妇 Wendi and Rupert Murdoch
friendship is unique. You tell things to your best friend that
secret civilization of women who actually lived in China not long ago. . . . Magical, haunting fiction. Beautiful.” — Maxine Hong Kingston
Q: What message would you hope readers take with them?
“Achingly beautiful, a marvel of imagination of a real and
LS: I find that women readers really connect to the friendship
secret world that has only recently disappeared. It is a story so
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
mesmerizing that the pages float away and the story remains
create a world her narrator, Pearl Chin, and her sister May fully
clearly before us from beginning to end.” — Amy Tan
in habit along with the reader.” — The Dallas Morning News
Shanghai Girls The questions and answers below captured Lisa’s thoughts in writing this book.
“Lisa See excels at drawing her readers into the rich history of China and providing her narrators with voices so unique that readers truly know and care about these women within a few pages, if not paragraphs… Shanghai Girls is a graceful,
Q: What is your book, Shanghai Girls, about? What inspired
meticulous examination of the lives of two irrepressible sisters,
the novel’s subject?
Pearl and May, first in Shanghai, and then in California, from 1937-57… And See, whose writing is as graceful as these
Lisa See: Shanghai Girls is about two sisters, Pearl and May,
“beautiful girls,” pulls off another exceptional novel.” — The
who leave Shanghai in 1937 and come to Los Angeles in
Miami Herald
arranged marriages. Four things inspired me. First, I’ve been collecting Shanghai advertising images from the Twenties,
“Shanghai Girls is a rich work, one that portrays an immigrant
Thirties, and Forties for many years. The so-called Beautiful Girls, women who posed for commercial artists, were right in the heart of the excitement in Shanghai. The charming and captivating life illustrated in advertisements is one thing, but I was interested in seeing what real life was like for those women. I also wanted to write about what it was like for Chinese women who came to America in arranged marriages. (We had a lot of arranged marriages in my family. I know how hard life was for the women.) Third, I wanted to write about China City, a short-lived tourist attraction in Los Angeles. And finally, I wanted to write about sisters. The sibling relationship is the longest that we’ll have in our lifetimes. A sister knows you your entire life. She should stand by you, support you, and love you, no matter what, but it’s also your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most. Q: Most of your other books have been set in China, but this book returns to the U.S. What about the story or time period
Old Shanghai images from Lisa SEE’s collection. 邝丽莎收集的旧上海图片
of Shanghai Girls brought you back to the U.S.? LS: I’ve always been interested in the push and pull of immigration. What pushes people out of their home countries? War, prejudice, persecution of one sort or another, famine, the desire to get rich and make a better life. What pulls people to a new place? The hope for freedom or the
experience as well as plumbing the relationship of sisterhood, with its friction as well as its support…See brings their experiences to life with thoughtful and deft prose. The result is as compulsively readable as it is an enlightening journey.” — Sunday Denver Post
desire to have a better life for yourself and your family. The fact is that we all have someone in our families who was scared enough, brave enough, or crazy enough to leave their home countries to come here.
High Praise Received On The Book “If you’re looking for one of those wonderful “take me someplace exotic” books for summer, you won’t do better than Shanghai Girls, the latest from novelist Lisa See, who has carved a rich career chronicling the lives of Chinese women. In Shanghai Girls, she takes readers on a lively journey both tragic and hopeful, from the Shanghai of the 1930s to Los Angeles’ Chinatown in the mid-20th Century. She renders both settings with loving, precise strokes that 33
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
邝丽莎和她的中国背景畅销书 “我们生活在一个移民国度。我们的家族中,都有人足够勇敢,足够恐惧,或足够疯狂,才会 离开祖国,来到美国。我对祖先一知半解,可我知道,我家族中的华人一支当初之所以离开中国, 是因为要逃离战争、饥饿和贫穷。他们向往在美国过上更好的生活,但是离开中国也意味着对自 己出生的家乡说再见,告别父母、兄弟、姐妹,以及熟识的所有人与物。这种经历正是美国历程 的血与泪。”----邝丽莎 邝丽莎,1955年出生于巴黎,现居洛杉矶,著名美籍华裔畅销书作家,她的作品经常荣登《 纽约时报》畅销书榜单。邝丽莎有八分之一的中国血统,高鼻深目、一头红发的她,外貌上早 已没有中国血统的痕迹,她的高祖父是美国修铁路时来美的华人。由于她对自己的家族历史非 常感兴趣,她一直坚持自己的华裔身份,一直在研究中国,所有作品都以中国或华人为背景, 写中国故事,探寻中华文化。邝丽莎是目前最重要的海外华裔作家之一。 2001年,邝丽莎被美华 妇女会评选为全国年度女性。2009年,被美华妇女会授予“最佳母亲奖”,感谢她锲而不舍的寻根 之旅对维护华裔传统所作的贡献。 邝丽莎英文名为Lisa SEE,她祖籍广东,而“邝”的广东话发音与See音相去甚远,1995年在她 出版的第一本书《在金山上》(On Gold Mountain),讲述了其先祖从广东赴美做华工的历史。据《 在金山上》所述,其曾祖邝泗Fong See在家中五子中行四,因此得名。他1870年赴美,因移民官 不识中国人姓前名后之规,填表时误作See姓。邝泗也便将错就错,从此后代归于See氏之下。到了丽莎的爸爸,则名为Richard SEE,这 便是Lisa SEE英文姓氏的来源。 邝丽莎的作品(按出版时间先后顺序): 《在金山上》(On Golden Mountain) 《龙骨》(Dragon Bones) 《内地》(The Interior) 《花网》(Flower Net) 《雪花与秘扇》(Snow Flower and the Secret Fan) 《恋爱中的牡丹》(Peony in Love) 《上海女孩》(Shanghai girls)
Lisa SEE during her childhood 儿时的邝丽莎
2005年出版的《雪花与秘扇》(Snow Flower and the Secret Fan)取材于湖南女书,曾轰动一时,销量超过100万册,并被翻译为包括 中文在内的35种语言。《雪花和秘扇》讲述十九世纪清朝末期一群受压迫的中国妇女,她们都裹脚,生活在一个几乎与世隔绝的社会 中。她们凭着秘密文字的书写来表达心声。这本小说其实也就是关于“女书”的作品。 “女书”具有文字学、语言学、社会学、民族学、人类学、历史学等多方面的学术价值,因而被国内外学者叹为“一个惊人的发 现”、“中国文字史上的奇迹”。邝丽莎最初听说这种文字后,觉得非常不可思议。从此她迷上了女书,并且亲自到湖南实地采访, 拜访了会写女书的老人。她发现这个地方尽管十分闭塞,但是山清水秀。于是她以第一人称的手法写了这本小说。(关于“女书”的 介绍,请详见本期“神秘东方”专栏之《独特的女书》) 邝丽莎根据女书的流传范围及特点,在小说中塑造了两个主要人物,百合和雪花,这两个人物在7岁的时候,就是一对非常要好的 朋友,随着时光的流逝,她们经历了饥荒、动乱,也经受过婚姻中的孤独与绝望,她们都能相互安慰,但当误解出现的时候,她们终 生的友谊却突然面临着破裂的危险。 小说结构很有技巧,作者不但向西方介绍了中国的女书这一独特的文化现 象,还在作品中,栩栩如生地描绘出了当时中国妇女所经受的种种痛苦,也在字 里行间,充满了对人物深切的同情,同时,作者还探索了女性友谊这一人类关系 的永恒主题。邝丽莎说,“写这本书对我来说是一个探险,让我无法置信的事, 我的确感觉到了和旧时代女性之间的这种共通性。尽管我不知道观众和读者的反 映如何,但是我认为他们会感受到和这部分故事之间的联系,这也是我最希望看 到的。” 2011年7月,由《雪花和秘扇》改编的同名电影上映,由澳大利亚传媒大亨鲁 帕特•默多克Rupert Murdoch的华裔妻子邓文迪担任制片人,旅美华裔导演王颖执 导、中国演员李冰冰、韩国演员全智贤和美国演员休∙杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)联 合主演。(详情请见本期《讲述女性友谊的电影推荐》)
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
《上海女孩》 2009年5月邝丽莎推出小说《上海女孩》,书中讲述的故事,最初发生在1937年 的上海,靠着父亲拥有一家兴旺的黄包车行,21岁的珍珠和妹妹梅,衣食无忧、生活 优裕,快活地享乐着。尽管姐妹俩对于权威和传统都不以为然,但两人之间却有很大 的区别:珍珠是属龙的人的典型,坚强而固执;梅是典型的属羊的人,温柔而讨人喜 欢。姐妹俩都很漂亮、摩登、无忧无虑……直到有一天,父亲告诉她们,他赌博输掉 了所有财产,为了还青帮的债,必须把两个女儿卖给从洛杉矶来上海找新娘的两个华 裔男人做妻子…… 日本人开始轰炸上海了,珍珠和梅踏上了将决定她们一生的旅途,她们走乡村、 住茅屋,不幸还是落入了日本兵的魔爪,受尽蹂躏之后脱离了虎口……历尽千辛万苦 到了美国。 在洛杉矶,她们开始了自己人生的一个新篇章,努力从自己与陌生人的婚 姻中寻找着爱,与好莱坞的诱惑发生着碰撞和磨擦,尽量适应着美国的生活…… 《上海女孩》还是一个关于姐妹的故事。珍珠和梅是密不可分的最好的朋友,她 们有共同的希望、梦想以及相互间深深的眷恋,但是,就像任何姐妹一样,她们之间 也有小小的嫉妒和竞争。她们相互爱着对方,但两个人都知道怎样才会给对方造成最 大的伤害。她们在人生旅途上一路走着,面临着巨大的牺牲,做出了不可能的选择, 遇到过毁灭性的打击,保守着一个改变一生的秘密,但这两个姐妹始终保持着自己的 本色——上海女孩。 为写此书,邝丽莎专程到中国做了一次“研究之旅”。她说此行包括深入体察上 海建筑装饰风格的变迁,走访17世纪的乡村民居以观察清明扫墓的细节,以及参观北京的老戏园子。 她说,《上海女郎》的核心是思乡:“我们生活在一个移民国度。我们的家族中,都有人足够勇敢,足够恐惧,或足够疯狂,才 会离开祖国,来到美国。我对祖先一知半解,可我知道,我家族中的华人一支当初之所以离开中国,是因为要逃离战争、饥饿和贫 穷。他们向往在美国过上更好的生活,但是离开中国也意味着对自己出生的家乡说再见,告别父母、兄弟、姐妹,以及熟识的所有人 与物。这种经历正是美国历程的血与泪。”
我想为西方打开一扇了解中国的窗口 邝丽莎谈《上海女孩》 问:为什么钟爱写中国的题材? 邝丽莎:我有中国血统。我想说的是我愿意以多种方式横跨两种文化之间。我尽量把我对两种文化所了解的一切放入我的作品中。我 美国的一面使我为非华语社会的人打开一扇了解中国以及中国文化的窗口,而我中国的一面使我明确我正在写的是真实的中国文化, 而不是使它显得奇异或陌生。 问:什么契机激发你写这本《上海女孩》? 邝丽莎:有四个原因,首先,我一直收集上海上世纪20年代到40年代的广告画,那些女孩如此美丽而迷人,使我忍不住想了解这些女 性真实的生活。我也想写那些因包办婚姻嫁来美国的中国女性。我知道对于这些女性来说生活有多么艰难。她们在中国有自己的佣 人,但是到了美国却活得像个佣人一般。第三,我想写常作为洛杉矶人游览胜地中国的城市,最后,我还想写关于姐妹的故事。 问:为何选择上海作为故事的地点? 邝丽莎:部分是因为那个时代的上海有极端强烈的对比——赤贫和暴富并存。20世纪30年代的上海堪称东方巴黎,是世界上最现代的 城市之一。它迷人又有趣,是一个一切似乎皆有可能,也的确皆有可能的地方。 问:上海女孩》中的有些情节似乎出自你个人的经历,小说中充沛的情感力量来自哪里? 邝丽莎:当我还是少女时,我跟妈妈一起住,我在洛杉矶唐人街的我们家族的古董店中和我的曾祖父、叔婆、叔公共度了很多时光。 如今,过去唐人街的小古董店被时髦的艺术画廊取代了,过去的时光不再。写这些过去的故事可以使我还像小女孩一样能和我深爱的 人和地方多待一会儿。
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金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
Extracts of film critiques For those who may have wondered if foot binding,
wife beating and a crooning Hugh Jackman could fit into one movie, here’s the short answer: no. At once preposterously genteel and sadistic, “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan,” adapted from the Lisa See novel, turns on two sets of female friends, the first in early-19th-century China, the second in modern Shanghai. What joins all four women, beyond filmmaking folly, is love, feet and the sort of extravagant misery that routinely turned movie theaters into rain forests, drenched with the tears of audiences and characters who were cinema’s ladies of perpetual suffering. — Manohla Dargis (The New York Times) Like The Joy Luck Club, a film to which his latest film will no doubt be compared, Wayne Wang’s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan enters the world of women with complete openness to its sensory sights and sounds, its codes of behavior, secrets
Directed by: Wayne Wang
of the heart and sturdiness of the soul. It does this
Starring: Gianna Jun, Li Bingbing, Archie Kao, Vivian
through parallel stories, one set in contemporary
Wu, and Hugh Jackman
Shanghai and the other taking place in 19th century
Genre: History/Culture/Drama
Hunan province in central China. Sometimes the
Country: China, USA
switches in time and use of the same two actresses
Language: English
playing roles a century-and-a-half apart are
Release date: July 15, 2011
awkward. But so strong are the emotions — and,
Storyline : Based on the novel by Lisa See of the same name, set in the 19th century in China, two girls named Snow Flower (Gianna Jun) and
McDonald Genre: Action/Drama Country: USA, France Language: English Release date: May 24, 1991
Storyline :
about two women’s journey in rediscovering their
date. --- Kirk Honeycutt (The Hollywood Reporter)
true-self and the strength of their friendship on a
They are paired as laotong (sworned sisters) by a
and the Secret Fan’s” bestselling story of women
matchmaker who is also responsible for arranging
and friendship in 19th century China, director
their marriages. They are isolated by their families
Wayne Wang has been tripped up by his chick-lit
and communicate by writing in a secret language,
tendencies. He should have trusted that author Lisa
Nu shu (a historical practice in China in that
See’s moving portrait of two girls bound by fate,
period). Meanwhile, in the present day Shanghai,
custom and circumstance (as tightly and at times
their descendants Sophia and Nina struggle with
as painfully as the cloth that wraps and warps their
the intimacy of their own childhood friendship. As
feet) would be enough. Instead, he’s weighted down
teenagers, Sophia and Nina were introduced to
the big-screen version with a couple of 21st century
the idea of laotong, and they signed a traditional
Sex in Shanghai-styled BFFs who’ve had a nasty
laotong contract. Then, they must understand the
falling-out. -- Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times
lose one another.
Keitel, Brad Pitt, Michael Madsen, Christopher
Secret Fan represents one of Wang’s best films to
In trying to give a modern twist to “Snow Flower
them in the folds of the antique white silk fan, or
Starring: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey
yes, the melodrama — that Snow Flower and the
Lily (Li Bing Bing) are bonded together for eternity.
story of the ancestral connection, hidden from
Directed by: Ridley Scott
‘Thelma and Louise’ tells a story
fishing trip that turns ugly. Thelma Dikinson (Geena Davis) is a submissive wife to a controlling husband Daryl (Christopher McDonald) while Louise Sawyer (Susan Sarandon) is a strong and unmarried lady who works at a fast food restaurant as a waitress. The duo decides to escape from their typical lives one day and heads off for the road for a twoday vacation. However, their journey turns into a nightmare when Louise kills a man who attempts to rape Thelma. The two friends find themselves on the run when they are hunted by American police.
Extracts of film critiques Ticket to Freedom
“After viewing the well
known film Thelma and Louise, I found that it was much more than a female version of the classic road film. The film really takes on a feminist perspective as these two women leave behind the constraints
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
of their daily lives in order to find adventure and freedom. The road in this film along with their convertible represents their ticket to freedom. As long as they are driving on the road they are getting away from and escaping all that ties them down
back home, namely the men in their lives. Both
Extracts of film critiques The meaning of sisterhood “The sisterhood consists of four teenage girls. And each of the girls are special. They are each intelligent and introspective. And they take the important things in their lives in a mature, serious way. These important things include
women are in unhappy relationships and depend on
their personal lives, their personal development, their
each other for the only good and solid relationship
families, and the history of their families.
that they have in life.”
And the sisterhood is special too. Not because
Pure Friendship “I loved this movie from the
of the “trick” of the one pair of pants fitting four
first time I saw it, but it wasn’t until I sat through
physically different girls, but because the girls care
it the third time that I figured out why. It is clever,
for each other and supply support for each other
exciting, and funny and is shot in the middle of the
in a mature way that takes most of us decades to
breathtaking scenery of the American Southwest.
learn. They are there for each other for no ulterior
However, the thing that makes it special is its
motive. They help each other because there is a
illustration of pure friendship. It may be difficult
goodness and wisdom and healthiness in helping
for some men to cross the gender boundary and
another human being.
connect with Thelma and Louise, yet doing so is
The four girls are equals in this movie. Not only
critical to appreciating the film. If you can make the
are they equal in terms of their importance to each
connection then you can get its message -- we all
other, but also in time in front of the camera. This is
need a friendship like the one Thelma and Louise
not a star vehicle for one of these young actresses.
had. This movie will strike a deep emotional chord.....
Their relationship is the star of this movie.”
if you aren’t afraid to let it. And if you happen to be too emotionally closed off to appreciate what I think the movie says about friendship I think that you will still enjoy the characters, acting, action, and humor. It is a ten out of ten.”
Through thick and thin “The real heart of Directed by: Ken Kwapis
this movie though is between the chemistry of the
Starring: Amber Tamblyn, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel,
main actresses. Most of them are playing parts a
America Ferrera, Bradley Whitford
good five to six years under their actual age, and
Genre: Adventure/Comedy/Drama
Somebody said get a life. So they did! “For many years now, women have taken
yes they don’t all fit the images I had in the book...
Country: USA
but it’s what they present that shows off. I think it’s
Language: English, Greek, Spanish
the added and personal experience these girls have
power into their own hands. So I am sure the
Release date: June 1, 2005
had to go through in real life, mostly from age and
women that campaigned for freedom and liberty,
Storyline :
experience that helps them to really develop these
would have loved the movie, ‘Thelma and Louise’. The tradition of the American road trip is shown in such a refreshing way in this movie, with its two lead characters people who are fed up with life, and no longer take any crap from the men that they live with or that they meet. Thelma and Louise is a
The Sisterhood of the Traveling
Pants released in 2005 is a movie adapted from the young adult novel ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ by Ann Brashares. Portraying realistic lives of teenage girls, this movie tells about the bond of four best friends.
film that will make you feel warm, but also leave a
Tibby Rollins (Amber Tamblyn), Lena Kaligaris
somewhat ‘bitter-sweet’ taste in your mouth.”
(Alexis Bledel), Carmen Lowell (America Ferrera) and Bridget Vreeland (Blake Lively) have been best friends since childhood. And for the first time, they are going to spend the summer apart. When browsing at a local thrift shop before separating for the summer, they miraculously find a pair of jeans that fit perfectly on all four of them despite having different body shapes and sizes. So, as a magic symbol of their friendship, they decide to share the pair of jeans throughout their summer apart. Each of them would have the jeans for a week before passing it to the next. As they go their separate ways, things do not turn out well for anyone…
characters. I admire these girls friendships and connections, and at the same time I envy them... and even further on, it’s seems a little too hopeful for it’s own good. The world would be a better place if people could hold on like these girls do, through thick and thin, death and marriage.”
Growing up “This film is truly a coming of age story about young high school girls. It is beautifully filmed with lovely scenery from both Greece and Mexico. The actors portraying the young girls are very well cast and match the descriptions from the book. As a librarian, I can tell you that no movie can ever equal the movie you make in your head while you are reading a book. But, this movie is beautiful in its own right, and a lovely story of growing up female and experiencing love, passion, death, and disappointment. The girls learn that the love and friendship they share will help them to get through all the issues of growing up.”
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
with humor and generous with heart, Bridesmaids
Directed by: Paul Feig
-- and that we have the power to wriggle our way
Starring: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne,
out of the toughest spots if we let others help and,
Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Ellie
most of all, choose to help ourselves.”
Kemper, Chris O’Dowd, Jill Clayburgh
Dig or Fill
Genre: Comedy
reminds us of the value of true, enduring friendships
“The lead character is digging a hole
for herself and it keeps getting deeper. A surprise
Country: USA
讲述女性友谊的 电影推荐 雪花秘扇
toward the end brings a smile and drives the point home that one can’t blame the world for one’s problems and must take responsibility for getting out of the holes we create.”
Reality check “The movie I saw was about real women: flawed, conflicted, complicated, and funny women who sometimes suffer the cognitive dissonance that comes from wanting to be happily partnered but wondering what they might give up in the transaction. Men have been asking that question in films for decades; it is refreshing, for once, to see women asking the same thing.” 导演: 王颖 主演: 李冰冰 / 全智贤 / 姜武 / 邬君梅 / 休• 杰克曼 类型: 剧情 / 历史 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 美国 Language: English
语言: 英语 / 汉语普通话 / 韩语
Release date: May 13, 2011
上映日期: 2011-06-24(中国大陆) / 2011-07-
Storyline :
Annie (Kristen Wigg) is a failed
bakery owner who does not believe in love. The
15(美国) 又名: 雪花与秘扇
only real thing and source of happiness in her life
剧情简介 : 本片根据美籍华裔畅销作家邝丽
is her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph). Lillian
tells Annie one day that she is getting married
and that Annie is to be her maid of honour. At the
engagement party, Lillian introduces Annie to the
other bridesmaids – Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey),
Becca (Ellie Kemper), Megan (Melissa McCarthy),
and Helen (Rose Byrne). Annie immediately takes
dislike to Helen, a seemingly ‘perfect’ woman, who
quickly assumes control over the planning of the
wedding. Trying too hard to hold on to being Lillian’s
best friend, Annie finds herself making things worse
and letting the friendship slip away.
Extracts of film critiques Underlying Values “Bridesmaids should be
required viewing for bridal parties and book clubs
-- and any other group of women, for that matter.
Smart, sassy, and seriously funny, it’s the female-
centric, irreverent buddy comedy we’ve needed for
ages. (Seriously, why did it take so long?) Biting
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
编剧: Callie Khouri
主演: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey
Keitel, Brad Pitt, Michael Madsen, Christopher
《雪花密扇》是两个女人的人生,有如雪 花般易于融化,又好像秘扇一般奥妙,更 是一面微妙。危险的镜子。在现代的90年 代,李冰冰和全智贤扮演的女高中生,都 是外表有点叛逆,也很孤独,纠结在现代 和传统的夹缝中,相知相惜不能自拔,进 入一种近乎信仰的情感迷恋。另一段戏中 戏,晚清时期,百合与雪花,两个不同阶 层的少女七岁便结为“老同”,被一根隐 形的线拴在了一起,共同经历时代的风 雨。《雪花秘扇》在两段具有代表性的文 化时期之间转换,鲜明的时代符号和文化 元素,现出中国女性被束缚了一百年甚至 更久的枷锁,以及女人之间微弱却又不息 的自爱、自怜。她们想抗争苦闷的传统, 却又不自觉的被吸引并迷恋其中。 《雪花秘扇》坚决抛弃了“大叙事”,女
类型: 动作/剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国,法国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1991-05-24
剧情简介 : “末路狂花”讲述了一个关于 两个女人从一个重新找回她们友谊之间的 实力和真实自我的路程。故事里的Thelma Dikinson (Geena Davis) 是个服从丈夫的妻 子,而Louise Sawyer (Susan Sarandon) 是个未 婚的女强人, 在一间快餐店当女招待。有 一天, 她们俩决定摆脱惯例的生活,趁周
生都遇不到的事情。被逼迫着接近死亡, 同时也被逼迫着接近真理。这自然绝不是 一部让我失望的美国片。
一名试图强奸Thelma的男生时,她们的旅 途因此就变成了一场噩梦。两个朋友决定 逃跑,可是很快的就被美国警方追捕。
精彩影评 笑傲天地双姝记
导演: Ridley Scott
行,我大约也会考虑以壮美地死亡去结束 生命。旅途中经历了的是很多人长长的一
行不断向内里深化,原先强悍得外表渐渐 也会柔弱起来,原本缺乏自信的性格到后 来竟成惊人决绝。而相对应的男性角色设 置对女性角色的嬗变产生了不同程度的推 动和影响,影片的女性主义气场就在两位 女主人公之间相处擦出的火花(这是区别 于上述几部电影的最大特征)中得到升 华,结局两人驾车飞跃悬崖,完成了凤凰 涅槃式的洗礼。
已经被冠以太多“女性主义”与“公路电 影”新开拓者的头衔。而从男性的角度来 看,这片子忠实地反映了男人最大的弱 点——不够坦诚,尤其不坦诚自己的软 弱。即使女人拿枪指着他们的心脏,他们 也还是表现得自以为是,认为女人没有那
导演: Ken Kwapis 编剧: Delia Ephron, Elizabeth Chandler 主演: Amber Tamblyn, Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel, America Ferrera, Bradley Whitford 类型: 喜剧/剧情 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语,希腊语,西班牙语 上映日期: 2005-06-01 又名: 牛仔裤的姐妹 剧情简介 : 在2005年发布的“牛仔裤的夏
说“牛仔裤的姐妹”改编的电影。这部 影片描绘现实的少女生活,讲述着四个 好友所拥有的纽带。Tibby Rollins (Amber Tamblyn), Lena Kaligaris (Alexis Bledel), Carmen Lowell (America Ferrera) 及 Bridget Vreeland (Blake Lively) 从小已经是最要好的 朋友。而这夏季她们将第一次分开度过。 分离之前她们到了当地的旧货店浏览买东 西。虽然四位女生都有不同的身材和尺 寸,她们却奇迹般地找到一双完全适合于 所有四位的牛仔裤。她们因此把它视为四 好友之间的友谊魔法标记,决定这夏天共 享这条裤子。每人将收用此裤一个星期后 再传送给下一个人。她们分道扬镳之后, 不愉快的事情开始发生…
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
精彩影评 宣扬积极的生活态度
类似题材的电影,轻松愉悦,因为最终美 好的结局。 一个夏天,一条牛仔裤,四个 好朋友,四个不同的城市,四个不同的故 事。 其实并非那条牛仔裤有什么神奇的魔
Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey,
Ellie Kemper, Chris O’Dowd, Jill Clayburgh
类型: 喜剧
是抵不过生活。 友情之于生活,不应该只
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2011-05-13
剧情简介 : Annie (Kristen Wigg) 是一个不相信
己,让自己做出此刻的决定。 很迷恋希腊
朋友Lillian (Maya Rudolph)。有一天,Lillian
其他伴娘 – Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey)
, Becca (Ellie Kemper), Megan (Melissa
McCarthy), 及 Helen (Rose Byrne)。Annie立
几个闺蜜形影不离,穿一条裤子都嫌肥, 终日腻在一起,悲喜与共。哪个有了小小
短信,维系着关心,传递着牵念。从什么 时候起,我们在新的环境认识了新的人, 不知不觉中蓦然发现竟已许久未见,连通 讯的频率也随之降低。再然后,我们有了 千百度寻于梦里,终相见于现实的那个 他,所有的心思给了他,忽略了其他的一 切,除了匆忙转告最初难以抑制的兴奋 外,之后便踪影难觅。许多年后,我们都 会有自己的家庭,家里的事家里的人,偶 尔想起渐行渐远的过去,过去的时光过去 的姐妹,心中泛起淡淡感伤。问候该问候 的人吧,不仅为了那年夏天的牛仔裤,为 了曾经朝夕相处的旧友,也为了那飘逝的 记忆,那遥远的青春。
是女主角却看的我那样心疼。她和她的朋 友,从小一起长大,我们叫这种关系为“ 发小”,那应该是怎样的交情,所有的喜 悦都一起分享,所有的悲伤都一起承受,
导演: 张之亮
主演: 梅艳芳 / 纯名里沙
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 香港
语言: 粤语 / 英语
上映日期: 2001-07-12
又名: Midnight Fly
面,汇报近况,交流感情,但是在各自的 生活圈子里,她又结交了新的朋友,她的 婚礼上,不再只有你一个伴娘,你会有些 失落,觉得你不再是那个唯一,但是你安 慰自己:还好,你最了解她,在这一点上 没有人比得上你,她的喜好,她的愿望, 只有你可以帮她实现。然而有些事,不是 了解了就能办到,你感觉很无力,自己一 直想做的却让别人做到了,你渐渐觉得你 和她越来越远,仿佛你身体的一部分也被 别人抢走,所以失望,所以嫉妒,所以恐 惧,所以发狂,就算把她的订婚宴搞砸, 就算会失去这样一个你视之为自己生命中 一部分的朋友,也要发泄出来。你果然失 去了,她不能理解你,她大声对你喊叫,
导演: Paul Feig 编剧: Annie Mumolo 主演: Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, 46
的暗恋,哪个遭了大大的委屈,都要第一 长,不得不分散在不同的地域,邮件电话
让你不要再出现在她的婚礼上。那时你是 怎样的一种心情?最终,还是你挽救了朋 友的婚礼,果然,最了解她的还是你,但
灯,Michelle(梅艳芳)一个人到法国旅 行散心。与旅行团中一个来自日本的女孩 Miki(纯名里沙)产生了误会。不过二人 很快就冰释前嫌,Miki对生病的Michelle 照顾有佳,两人很快成为了无话不说的好 朋友。接触中Michelle了解到,Miki爱上了 有妇之夫,作为情妇的她内心深处极为痛 苦,Michelle只有尽力安慰。法国之行很快 结束,但Michelle却不愿回到香港,独自在 街头游荡的她又再次巧遇miki,二人于是再 次结伴去摩洛哥旅行。谁知就是这次旅行 改变了二人的一生∙∙∙∙∙∙
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
精彩影评 女人的友谊
的片子,炎热的季节却看得满心冰凉。 其
的红星作衬。 美人横剑,你看是不看?
友谊的挣扎,而苦心的投入到营救当中。 特别记得的是做为丈夫的任达华来了,却 不肯花更多的时间去寻找他曾经深爱的情 人,梅失望之余说,一个男人对一个自己 曾经爱过的女人只肯花一天时间。而作为 情敌的她却花费了她的全部,甚至自己的 生命。
或许他们会觉得这只限于女人们聚在一起 发发牢骚,谈论谈论男人,比不得他们“ 兄弟如手足”一般的义气,但是在这部影 片里反映的是关键时候这份小女人的友谊 却超越了爱情,带着一个女人对自己对另 一个女人的悲悯被放大到及至,衬托得一 个男人的爱如此卑微无谓。
导演: 徐克 主演: 钟楚红 / 林青霞 / 叶倩文 类型: 喜剧 / 动作 制片国家/地区: 香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1986-09-06
又名: Peking Opera Blues 剧情简介 : 民初时代国家动荡不安,军阀割
部分却像好莱坞大片。不过说起来确实有 一点揉杂的感觉。看完之后就在想,这导 演还真敢呐,他真敢让Miki被绑架,被卖 去做妓女,也真敢让女主角死掉哦。这样 会不会太惨了一点?可是,他大概就是想 通过女性的悲惨,来让我们思考一点什么
加霜,于是偷偷与革命人士联络。但是一 取舍而陷入内心的挣扎。白妞(叶倩文) 从小在戏班春和班长大,被戏班主的父亲 表演,却没有机会;湘红(钟楚红)是一 位贪财的歌妓,趁某军阀逃跑时偷走其家 中一大箱珠宝,却误打误撞让珠宝运进了 春和班里。这三位在姻缘巧合下结识,透 过这三位主角的生命交错,共同谱出一段
子,却比男人更乐意、甚至更有力量来实 践情义。我始终期待能够遇见侠骨柔肠的 男子,可是这个时代大概真的没有适合他 们生长的土壤。
花与爱丽丝 (花とアリス)
角的良性竞争和开拍前的“读剧本”这一 环节,都给影片加分不少! 最喜欢的还是
为了梦,编织了一出最精彩的戏码!在这 部电影中京剧作为线索与主题之一始终贯
或直率或灵巧,通过一次革命行动偶然的 相遇,并且经历了生死的考验后成为了患
吧。原本因为女性的生理特点,她们根本 保护。可是,当她们遇到了背情绝义的男
起,难得交待明晰,各人的心路辗转都看 的清楚。也没忘了小细节,小花旦们扭扭
代背景放在近代,时局动荡中各怀心事的 三个女子在他拍起来也有种洒脱的美。 钟 楚红扮演的湘红妩媚可人还有点迷糊。幸 好有这个小小歌女,三人中插科打诨横生 枝节都有了落脚处,不然该少多少乐趣。 叶倩文演白妞,戏班女子,直爽纯然,其 实是最寂寞的一个,但心地良善,演来倒 不觉得凄苦。 林青霞的扮相是值得大书特 书的。落幕后,有几个能忘得了灵动洒脱 的曹大小姐。督军府翩翩美儿郎,说芳华 绝代也不为过。 讲的是乱世,国仇家恨儿女情长搁在一
导演: 岩井俊二 主演: 铃木杏 / 苍井优 / 郭智博 / 广末凉子 / 阿部宽 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2004-03-13 又名: 花与爱丽诗 / Hana & Alice
金兰情缘 Sisterly Love
情,有点欣喜、有些感伤。看着电影中的 自己,身边坐着那个从前打打闹闹的闺
后时光被遗忘,她们选择继续相伴。 也许每
鞋。 只是这节奏,这感觉,总是有些过了年
看到自己的影子 这是 两个女孩之间的
花与艾丽斯双双考进宫本所念书的高校, 花也设法成为了宫本所在的相声社团的社
的故事是最交心的。 第一次看这部电影是在大三的寒假,很有 意思,是跟我的好朋友一块看的,高中时
Adding Adverts here (De Xing Duck)
的、淡淡的暧昧之情。电影中,两个女孩 喜欢上了同个男生,花为了爱情而撒了 谎,说不上恨自私,也许爱情是无关友情 的,爱情不能被友情左右,更何况那个时 候的花和爱丽丝还都是中学生。祭奠自己 的懵懂和幼稚,我们都需要蜕变,都在蜕 变,下一次看《花与爱丽丝》相信会是不 一样的心情吧,不管怎样,永远不变的是
剧情简介 : 自小一起长大的少女花(铃木
e m w o Sh h t r Pe
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MF COP0021248
Mysterious Orient 神秘東方 NüSHU – THE UNIQUE WOMEN’S WRITING
女书 发祥地中国湖南江永 Origin of Nushu - Jiangyong county in Hunan, China
之 独特的女书
Mysterious Orient 神秘東方
女书文物 Nushu artefacts
Nüshu which literally means “women’s writing”, is a simplified
familiar with Nüshu. They wrote their script on fans, paper
form of Chinese characters that was used exclusively among
and handkerchiefs or embroidered the characters on cloth.
women in Jiangyong County in the Hunan province of southern
Sometimes, they used the characters to make patterns and
China. It is not known when or how Nüshu came into being,
wove them into quilt covers and braces.
but, because it is clearly based in the standard Chinese script, hanzi, Nüshu could not have been created before standardization of hanzi. Many of the simplifications found in Nüshu have been in informal use in standard Chinese since the Song and Yuan dynasty (13th - 14th century). It seems to have reached its peak during the latter part of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) In the sex-segregated world of traditional China, girls and women did not have the same access to literacy as boys and men, though throughout China’s history, there were always women who could read and write. By late imperial times, women’s poetry became a matter of considerable family pride in elite circles. Most people—male or female—were illiterate.
In ancient times, the women in the area were good at needlework. As they did needlework, they enjoyed reciting Nüshu. Every year, there would be competitions during festivals where they could win prizes for needlework, Nüshu writing and calligraphy. When a woman got married, other women would write Nüshu for the occasion. In temple fairs, they would write and chant prayers written in Nüshu. A large number of the Nüshu works were cloth bound booklets created by “sworn sisters” and mothers, and given to their counterpart “sworn sisters” or daughters upon their marriage. They wrote down songs in Nüshu, which were delivered on the third day after the young woman’s marriage. This way, they expressed their hopes for the happiness of the young
Nüshu characters are an italic variant form of Kaishu Chinese
woman who had left the village to be married and their sorrow
characters, as can be seen in the name of the script, though
for being parted from her. Other works, including poems and
some have been substantially modified to better fit embroidery
lyrics, were handwoven into belts and straps, or embroidered
patterns. The strokes of the characters are in the form of dots,
onto everyday items and clothing.
horizontals, virgules, and arcs. Unlike Chinese, Nüshu writers value characters written with very fine, almost threadlike, lines as a mark of fine penmanship.
During the latter part of the 20th century, owing more to wider social, cultural and political changes than the narrow fact of greater access to hanzi literacy, younger girls and women
Older women from Jiangyong all still remember when they
stopped learning Nüshu, and it began falling into disuse, as
were little, after the Qing Dynasty and before Liberation (1912-
older users died. The script was suppressed by the Japanese
1949), when there were women in every village who were
during their invasion of China in the 1930s-40s, because they
Mysterious Orient 神 秘 東 方 feared that the Chinese could use it to send secret messages, and also during China’s Cultural Revolution (1966–76). The last original writers of the script died in the 1990s (the last one in 2004).
It is no longer
customary for women to learn Nüshu, and literacy in Nüshu is now limited to a few scholars who learned it from the last women who were literate in it. However, after Yang Yueqing made a documentary (see note
72岁的女书传人何静华和女儿蒲丽娟在吟唱女书 72 year old Nushu transmitter He Jing Hua and her daughter singing in Nushu
below) about Nüshu, the
Note: Nüshu: A Hidden Language of Women in China (a film in
Chinese government started to popularize the effort to preserve
Canada in 1999 by YANG Yue-Qing) is a thoroughly engrossing
the increasingly endangered script, and some younger women
documentary that revolves around the filmmaker’s discovery
are beginning to learn it.
of 86 year old Huan-yi Yang, the only living resident of the
In recent years, in cooperation with the local government, the Nüshu culture Research Center has set up a project to rescue Nüshu culture. This project will create a reference library for studies in Nüshu, build a museum, a cultural village and hold an international symposium. It is hoped that people both in China and abroad will be able to find accurate information about this special script.
Nüshu area still able to read and write Nüshu. Exploring Nüshu customs and their role in women’s lives, the film uncovers a women’s subculture born of resistance to male dominance, finds a parallel struggle in the resistance of Yao minorities to Confucian Han Chinese culture, and traces Nüshu ‘s origins to some distinctly Yao customs that fostered women’s creativity.
There are no accounts about Nüshu in either historical records or local annals and nothing can be found in genealogies or inscriptions on tables. In academic circles, there are various opinions about the origin of Nüshu. Some believe that it is a variant of regular Chinese characters. Others think that it stems from cuts made in wood. Still others maintain that it is the official writing of the Yi (ancient name for tribes in the east of China). But Nüshu still remains a mystery. Lisa See, a well known Chinese American writer, describes the use of Nüshu among 19th century women in her book entitled Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (see article on Lisa See and Her Best Sellers based on Chinese Heritage in this edition). As an ancient script accessible only to women, Nüshu continues to attract attention, but questions still remain. Which dynasty did Nüshu originate in? Why is it only used among women? What kind of relationship is there between Nüshu and the standard, pictographic Chinese characters? Maybe one day, we will find the answers.
女书传人 A Nushu transmitter
香港现代舞《女书》 Contemporary Nushu dance in Hong Kong
Mysterious Orient 神秘東方
尽管仍然存在争议,但是目前学者们普遍认为女书是清代的文字。女书大约 有1200多个表示音节的单字,其中大部分是借用和改造汉字而形成的。汉字有几 千年的历史,分为古汉字和今汉字。古汉字指商周时期的甲骨文、金文,篆文以 及战国时期的六国文字。今汉字指汉代流行的隶书,以及汉代以后通行至今的楷 书等。研究发现,被女书借用和改造的汉字中,绝大多数不是古汉字,而是今汉 字楷书。而且女书作品中所反映的观念,也基本上是明清时代的,例如其中对于 女书传承展览 Nushu heritage exibition
女性的思想感情、生活和审美情趣,不涉及男性生 活,一般男子不用,也不认识,因此这种女性文字 成为世界文化史和文字史上一种奇特的文化现象。 女书最早被外界发现和收集于1940和50年代,但 是直到1980年才得到学术界的鉴定和发布。自此,女 书从偏僻的山村农家走了出来,它所具有的传奇色 彩和深厚的文化价值,引起越来越多中外学者探讨 的兴趣和重视。有学者认为,女书在文字学、文化 学、社会学和人类学上有着特殊的意义。随着女书 研究的不断深化,许多学者在女书的族属、源流、 体系、性质、产生年代以及女书与汉字的关系等诸 方面进行了大量有益的探讨,写出了很多有分量有 影响的专著和论文。
女书传人蒲丽娟和各种女书作品 Nushu transmitter Pu Lijuan and a variety of Nushu works
Mysterious Orient 神 秘 東 方
THE NüSHU CULTURE VILLAGE The Jiangyong Prefectural Government opened the Nushu Culture Village in 2002 at Shang Jiang Xu Zhen Pu Mei Village and established the Nushu Plaza there. Villagers from the Yao tribe demonstrate the making of folkcrafts and the ancient wedding ceremony, attracting large groups of visitors. In the cultural village, Nüshu lessons are conducted in a study room large enough to accommodate 40 students. The teachers consist of five women who were granted the title of “Nüshu transmitter” by the prefectural government in 2003, and they were paid a monthly subsidy of 20 yuan. The five women are YANG Huanyi, HE Yanxin, HE Jienghua, HU Meiyue, and YI Yuanjuan.
The Nüshu Culture Village in Pu Mei Village 2002 年甫美村被政府命名为“江永女书文化村”
He Jinghua (born in 1940) started to write Nushu in 1997. 何静华(生于1940年),从1997年开始学习女书
A selection of Nüshu characters and their Chinese equivalents 部分女书和繁体汉字对照表
Nüshu classroom甫美村里的女书学堂
San Chao Shu, written in Nüshu, is a narration of women’s suffering and sorrow of parting. It is usually presented to a woman when she is getting married, by her mother or a sworn sister. 用女书书写的《 三朝书》,通常当一名女子结婚时,由她的 母亲或者结拜姐妹完成后送给她
Yang Huanyi, born in 1906 died in 2004, also known as the “100 year old Nüshu woman” 阳焕宜(1906 - 2004),被 称作“百岁女书传人”。
Mysterious Orient 神秘東方
女书的女红背景 中国湖南江永女书是世界上现存的唯一的女性专 用文字,但不是唯一的女性用字现象。从汉语言文 化圈来看,日本的“平假名”,韩国“谚文”均与 女性有关。这些文字虽然起初是靠女性们的使用维 持和发展起来的,然而最终与两国所使用的正统汉 文融合,成为全民通用字。这两种文字不能形成相 对独立的女性文字的原因固然很多,但是其中一个 重要原因在于它们缺乏象中国女书那样的女红文化 背景的支持。 女红,又称女工,指古代中国女性所从事的家庭 手工劳作——纺、织、染、挑、绣、撷、缝纫等, 同时也泛指这种女性家庭劳作的产品。促使中国妇 女与女红结缘的是中国“男耕女织”的自然经济生 产模式,这一模式在中国延续了数千年之久,具有 极大的稳定性,这在客观上促使以家庭手工劳作为 代表的女红文化得以迅速发展。
女书织绣 Nushu embroidery
红,大量时间消磨在自家阁楼,被称 作“楼上女”。“楼上女”一生最宝 贵的时光都用于从事女红,勤劳巧慧 的女子秉性和乐观向上的生活态度 使她们不甘寂寞,常邀友结伴,三五 成群边做活边唱女书,也自然而然将
巩固和强化了中国女性的群体审美意识,促进了女 红技艺的传承和发展。
女书的书写格式也是艺术化的, 没有深厚的女红功底,没有日积月
经验积累 中 将 女 红 技 艺 发 展 成 为 精 美 的 民 间 工 艺
江永一带为女红之乡,据说旧时当地缠足之风 颇盛。女子缠足后足不出户,四季于闺房内从事女
妇女们聚在一起做女红 Women carrying out embroidery work
着时代的发展而消释了,然而它作为民俗工艺品的 艺术价值依然存在,里面蕴含着中国女性的情愫和 审美理想,是一份风格独特的文化遗产。
江永风光 Scenary of Jiangyong county
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413 William St, Northbridge, 6003
Wa’s Chinese Videos books & news 胜者影音
10% off
273 William St, Northbridge 6003
hair dJ
10% off
4/415 Newcastle St. Perth 6000
25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser
Till 30/06/2012
291 William St, Northbridge
25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser
Till 30/06/2012
357 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park
south ocean Chinese Restaurant 海洋酒家
5% off (Except lunch special)
Until 6 / 2012
17 south St, Kardingya WA 6163
endless delight Chinese Cuisine 味中味餐馆
5% off
Unit 5/145 Newcastle St, Northbridge WA 6003
its More than a sip tea art gallery 品之味茶艺中心
10% on tea and tea sets (Except furniture )
5-7 Pacmerston St, Northbridge, WA 6003
Xin Tian Di Restaurant 新天地餐馆
10% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)
Till 30/06/2012
40 Francis St, Northbridge utopia Formosa square 14/109 James Street, Northbridge utopia Victoria Park 859 Albany Highway, Victoria Park utopia Myaree 50 Hulme Court, Myaree
10% for drinks only
utopia garden City K07, 125 Riseley Street, Booragoon utopia barrack 71 Barrack Street, Perth utopia southlands 4. 41 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton utopia Carousel 1019B, 1382 Albany Hwy, Cannington utopia Westfield Whitfords City 231A Cnr Marmion & Whitfords Ave, Hillarys
SPECIAL THANKS TO UTOPIA In February, the Chung Wah Association received sponsorship from the UTOPIA (AUSTRALIA) Pty Ltd in the form of items below. These items will be used as promotional items, prizes or lucky draws in future Chung Wah activities. 今年2月,中华会馆荣幸地收到来自UTOPIA公司的如下优惠赞助,特此鸣谢。这些优惠将在会馆未来的活动中用作推广品、奖品或是抽奖礼品。
100 x $1 Bubble Tea Voucher
present this voucher and redeem a cup of 500cc Bubble Tea for $1.00, extra charges on add-on * This offer is not in conjunction with any other Utopia offer(s).
50 x VIP Key Chain which can be used for the following offers: Offer 1: 10% Discount on Drinks | Offer 2: 10% Discount on KTV | Offer 3: 5% Discount on Baked Goods (Excluding Birthday Cakes) Offer 4: 5% Discount on Formosa Vegetarian frozen food | Offer 5: 5% Discount on Meal at Formosa (Excluding Banquet) * These offers are not in conjunction with any other Utopia offer(s). KTV Voucher worth $200
* This offer is not in conjunction with any other Utopia offer(s).
加盟及反馈热线 Contact details for participating and feedback 市场推广协调人 Marketing Co-ordinator 宋丽君 Quin song 电话 tel: 9328 8657 / 0421 031 199 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 e-mail: marketingcw@chungwah.org.au
主播随笔 Broadcaster’s JournaL
感谢你带给我的快乐 文 ◎ 彭康宁 插图 ◎ 于红波 俗话说,人生难得遇知音,几世修来姊妹亲。患难之时来慰问,恩情似海胜千金。 姐妹间的友谊是彼此一种心灵的感应,是一种心照不宣的感悟。 姐妹就是那个连你自己都记不 清跟你认识了多少年的人,偶尔的闲聊提起初次见面的情景,才想起彼此刚见面时原来看对方都不 顺眼,才知道我们已经认识了那么久。茫茫人海,你我相遇,就是一种缘分。有甜一起享,有苦一 起担,同舟共济,一生一世不忘怀…… 我们一个像夏天,一个像冬天,当我们在一起时,却能把每天变成春天。你曾经拖我离开一场 爱的风暴,我也曾经背你逃出一次梦的破碎。遇见一个人然后生命全改变,原来不是恋爱里才有的 情节,如果不是你,我不会相信,朋友比情人还要死心塌地。就算我忙着恋爱,把你冷冻结冰,你 也从不会骂我恨我。如果我是忙忙碌碌的小蜜蜂,那你一定是那翩翩飞舞的彩蝶,如果我是那盏美 丽的烛台,那你一定是那根精美的蜡烛。 亲爱的姐妹,有你相伴的日子,我每天的笑容都很开心、很灿烂!日子随着撕下的日历而流 逝,旧日的回忆在车轮下流转,当落日照着我们的笑脸,有泪水,有欢笑。亲爱的姐妹,即使我们 不同父也不同母,但初时的陌生都已变成回忆,请允许我们住在彼此的心里,永远陪伴彼此,心心 相映,永不分离!
THANK YOU, MY FRIEND, MY SISTER ◎ Written by Connie PANG, Illustrated by Ida YU There is an old Chinese saying: Meeting a soul mate takes a whole life time, but it takes a few life times to realise a sisterly relationship which is more precious than gold, and where one can find comfort during hard times. Sisterly friendship is felt through a spiritual connection with unspoken words. It may be that someone whom you don’t remember how long you have known each other, but when you occasionally talked about how you first met, you recalled that it wasn’t a good first impression, which then reminded you that you have known each other for a long time. Amongst the sea of people, it was fate that brought us together. We stick together through thick and thin, sharing memories that last forever ……… We are so different, one like summer, the other like winter, but together, we can turn every day into spring. You once dragged me out of a disastrous romance, and I once helped you to escape a broken dream. Meeting someone who changes your life does not only happen in a romance. If not for you, I would not have believed that friends are more loyal than lovers. Even if I indulge myself in romance and ignored you, you would never scold me or hate me. If I am a busy little bee, then you must be the colourful butterfly. If I am a pretty candle holder, then you must be that exquisite candle. Dear sister, when you are around, my smile is filled with happiness and sunshine! Time passes us by as each calendar page is torn off. Memories of the good old days turning like the wheels. As the setting sun shines on our smiling faces, there were tears and laughter. Dear sister, even though we do not share the same parents, the initial unfamiliarity is a thing of the past. Please let us live in each others’ hearts and keep each other company forever. Heart to heart, never to be separated!
中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Radio FM95.3 每周三下午6点至7点(普通话广播)Every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm - Mandarin broadcast 每周六上午10点至11点(广东话广播)Every Saturday from 10am to 11am - Cantonese broadcast
闲言碎语 LIght hearted taLk
Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the football before helping around the house.
Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
A Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer quickly to No 9 for the meaning of nothing.)
That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
(I want to add a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’, which is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ - that will bring on No. 7). 7.
Whatever: Is a woman’s way of saying, “F-- YOU!”
Don’t Worry About It, I Got It: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to No. 4.
Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine”.
Send this link to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology. Send this link to all the women you know to give them a good laugh, because we know it’s true!
女人爱用的九句话 1.
行了:当女人在争吵中占了上风, 她们就会用这句话来结束争吵,此 时你就应该闭嘴了。
五分钟:如果她在梳妆打扮,这 五分钟就等于半个小时。如果她说 让你在帮忙做家务前可以看五分钟 球,这五分钟就一定只有五分钟。
去吧:这等于说“有胆你就去!” ,而不是真的说“你可以去”。所 以千万别去。
长叹一声:这其实是一句话,一句 往往被男人误解的无言的话。女人 长叹一声的意思是她觉得你是个蠢 蛋,她干吗要浪费时间站在这里和 你做无谓的争吵。(立刻参考第9 条,“没事”的含义)
那好吧:这是女人会对男人所说的 最危险的一句话。意思是她需要花 一些时间认真思考一下,看看要在 何时用怎样的方法让你为自己的错 误付出代价。 谢谢:这是女人在感谢你,不要 怀疑,也不要诧异,只要回答不用
谢就行了。(我要加一句:这确实是 真的感谢,如果她说的是“太谢谢你 了”,这才是百分之百的反语,她根 本没想感谢你。这时候别回答“不用 谢”,不然她会说第7条。) 7.
随便:女人的意思其实是“去你XX 的。”
没事,我来就行了:另一句非常危险 的话,意思是女人已经叫男人做某事 叫了好几遍了,到头来还是她自己在 做这事。男人事后会问“怎么了?” ,女人的回答请参考第4条。
没事:这是暴风雨来临前的平静。意 思其实是有事,这时你得警惕啦。由 这句“没事”开始的争吵通常都会由 一句“行了”来结束。
把它发给你认识的男人们,提醒他们 记住女人这些用词的真正含义,以避免口 舌之争。 把它发给你认识的女人们,以搏她们开 怀一笑,因为我们知道这说的都是真的。 (翻译 何双子)
连载专栏 RegulaR Column
这是一个向英文读者介绍中国文化的连载专栏,内容出自饶逸生博士所著的《中国文化面面观》。我们将这个专栏看作是一种 交流,由会馆的一位长者会员,写给那些由于种种客观原因而对中文和中国文化失去传承的其他会员。当你们需要了解更多中国文 化的时候,这里有一条寻根之路∙∙∙∙∙∙ This is a column written for the English speaking readers, introducing various aspects of Chinese culture, partly based from the book “The Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, written by Dr. Yit-Seng YOW. We perceive this column as a form of “cultural infusion”; dedicated to those who, through no fault of their own, did not have the opportunity to be exposed to the Chinese language and culture. When you need to know more about Chinese culture, here lies a path to your cultural roots…
In search of cultural identity and heritage
寻根问祖 Part 4: Chinese word radicals Learning of the Chinese language would be easier if you understand the building blocks of Chinese characters, in particular the word radicals. A “word radical” 部首 [bushou] is a component of a word that contributes to the meaning or core idea of that word. Characters pertaining to sentiments or emotions normally have heart [心] as a radical. They include words such as “angry” 怒, “forget” 忘, “loyal” 忠, “tolerance” 忍, “fear” 怕, “feeling” 情, “love” 愛, “sad” 悲, “thought” 想, “worry” 忧, etc. Chinese characters are derived from pictures. The Chinese word for “heart” [xīn], is depicted in 2 forms, in the form that has a close resemblance to the heart 心, or 忄as a word radical.
心 Picture
Most objects or concepts pertaining to water, including “cool” 凉, “river” 河, “wave” 浪, “stream”, “swamp”, “sweat” 汗, “flow” 流, “ocean” 海, “flush” 冲, “gush”, “soup” 汤, “tears” 泪, incorporates “water” or as the word radical.
The Chinese character for “water” [shuǐ], is depicted in 3 forms, in the form that has a close resemblance to the water 水, 2 dotted 冫or 3 dotted water 氵as word radicals.
The Chinese word radical system is the world’s earliest, large scale, across the board classification of knowledge at the fundamental level. The system is unique in its capacity to associate a range of objects, concepts or ideas under a single umbrella. At a very stage in written history, the Chinese understood the notion that complex matters are made of various simpler components. They also grasped the idea of lateral thinking, association of ideas, networking or linkage.
A sample of xing kai calligraphy by current day artist Qi Gong 行楷斗方(现代 启功)
连载专栏 RegulaR Column
Some of the word radicals are more easily understood than others. Examples of some of the 190 or so radicals commonly used are as follows: ‘Bow’ 弓, found in “draw in” 引; “extend” 张; “weak” 弱. ‘Child’ 子, found in “grandchild” 孙; “learn” 学. ‘Double persons’ [彳], found in “walk” 行; “very” 很, “towards” 往.
Most words today are derived from a combination of radicals and an appropriate component with an appropriate connotation, or satisfy the phonetical requirement for the word. Word radicals remain of the most effective way of searching for a word in a dictionary, as words are classified according to their radicals. Indeed an understanding of word radicals is the essential step in learning the
‘Female’ 女, found in “mother” 妈; “elder sister” 姐; “younger sister” 妹, “woman” 妇.
Chinese Language!
‘Fire’ 火, found in “heat treatment” 炼; “heat” 炎; “cigarette, smoke” 烟, “beacon” 烽.
‘Food’ 饣, found in “hungry” [jī] 饥; “drink” 饮; rice 饭. ‘Grass’ 艹, found in “grass” 草; “flower” 花, “fragrance” 芳. ‘Hand’ 扌, found in “hit” 打; “search” 找; “bend” 折, “shift” 搬. ‘Horse’ 马, found in “drive” 驾; “proud” 骄; “tame” 驯. ‘Knife’ [刀], found in “cut” 切; “distribute” 分; “fight for” 争. ‘Mountain’ 山, found in “peak” 峰; “collapse” 崩. ‘Mouth’ 口, found in “call” 叫; “animal cry”鸣, “eat” 吃
Y. S. Yow: “Chinese Dimensions: Their Roots, Mindset and Psyche”, Pelanduk Publications (Malaysia) 2006, ISBN 967-978-927-6 Y. S. Yow: “Chinese Word Radicals”, in “SL Magazine”, London, U.K., Winter 2008 / 2009 Yow Yit Seng: “Word Radicals” in “Berkshire Encyclopedia of China”, page 2459, Berkshire Publishing, U.S.A., 2009
‘Movement’ 辶, found in “passing by” 过; “reach” 达, “near” 近, “enter, “advance” 进 ‘Speech’ [讠], found in “speech” 话; “remember” 记; “permission” 许, “promise” 诺 ‘Strength’ [力], found in “add” 加; “work” 功, “effort” 努 “Wood” 木, found in “forest” 林, “Jungle” 森, “tree” 树, “plank” 板, “material” 材
A sample of zhuan shu caligraphy by Qing dyansty artist Wu Rang Zhi 篆书孔庙碑文节选(清代 吴让之)
松柏常青 Community & Aged CAre
A JOURNEY TO WELLNESS 探索身心健康的旅程 ◎ Written by Ricky LEE
Filial Piety – to be or not to be? Asians have always been traditional and hold on strongly to their cultural beliefs even in distant lands. Filial piety has always been top of the list. We believe in doing everything for our elders as a way of showing our love, care and respect. We work very hard and work very well to look after our elders to make them feel loved and important. Our elders also felt that after all their years of toiling, it is time to sit back and let the younger generation repay some of their ‘debts’. This ‘giving’ from the younger generation to the ‘receiving’ by the older generation has worked very well in the past. Now it is time to relook at the true essence and meaning of filial piety. The old way would see our elders’ daily needs taken care of by others and living a comfortable life without realising that it is contributing slowly towards losing their life skills capacities and their independence; whereas, by actively helping them through encouragements and practise to retain and prolong their life skills, we can prolong their independence which in turn provides them with a better quality of life. 文 ◎ 李檽亥
译 ◎ 潘之霖
“孝”的重新定义 古语有云,“百善孝为先”,更有“二十四孝”典故传颂至今。在中华民族的各项传统美德中,“ 孝”一直是被人们广泛认同、名列前茅的。身为异国他乡的移民,传统的文化依旧深深地植根于我们 心中,当然也不例外对“孝”的重视和推崇。长久以来,我们已经潜移默化地认同应该为年长者做一切 事,因为这表达了我们的关爱和孝敬。 就以我们机构而言,每一位员工 都辛勤工作、通过汗水让诸多的老人 家感受到他们在我们心中的分量,也 通过无微不至的关怀体现我们的孝与 爱。日复一日,老人家们也慢慢觉得 操劳了一辈子之后,是时候不必再事 必躬亲,而应该让年轻地一代为自己 做些事情了。于是,年轻人“付出”和年长者“享受”就成为 了一种默契,渗入了我们的工作理念。 然而,时代在变,“孝”的定义也需要重新审视。若是我 们继续这样的工作理念,我们就不得不面对若干时间后,会有 老人家因为过于依赖他方的服务、而慢慢丧失独立生活能力 的现实。而这样的结果,无论是我们作为服务的提供方,还是 老人家作为服务的接受方、包括其家人和朋友,都不愿意面对 的。反之,如果我们将认真、仔细地工作态度运用于鼓励老 人家参加力所能及的活动,学习、发展并维持力所能及的技巧,我们却有极大的机会延长他们的独立生活能力,全面提高身心健 康,从而获得更好的生活。
松柏常青 Community & Aged CAre
Exploring Wellness – a journey without end How do we bring the message across to the younger generation and our seniors that their cultural beliefs and expectations of filial piety are actually bringing harm to our elders and hastening their need for dependency and other services? Our organisation needs to embark on a ‘Journey to Wellness’. We need to involve everybody within our organisation from top down to all our clients. We need to ensure that the concept of wellness was completely understood and accepted. We need to be walking as one in the same direction. We need to change our thinking across the board and inculcate it into all services. As can be expected, we face many difficulties. Clients and their families found it hard to accept the changes and also felt their needs were not being met. Support workers, too, had difficulties realigning their long held beliefs and initial resistance can be expected.
A JOURNEY TO WELLNESS 探索身心健康的旅程 探索身心健康,没有终点的旅程 那么,对于“孝”的再定义,要如何传递给所有的老人家和年 轻人呢?要如何让大家明白——鼓励客户“勤动手、多用脑”,是 以提高客户生活质量为目的的尽孝呢? 我们首先要明白,探索身心健康的旅程,没有终点 ——我们 需要同舟共济、共同参与的决心和勇气。从机构管理层到员工, 从接受服务的老人家到他们的家人朋友,都应该转变对于“孝” 的理解,都应该全面、深入地了解“以促进身心健康为目的的工 作方法”。诚然,困难一定会有,或许家人会觉得长辈没有得 到“应有的”服务,或许员工会觉得没有做到“应尽的”责任。 但是,如果我们认准了这个目标——让所有的老人家都生活地更 有质量——我们就可以找到解决问题的方法。
松柏常青 Community & Aged CAre
Evergreen College – refreshing the 5 Elements of Education Through the ages, Asians, in particular, the Chinese, have sought to attain ‘selfbetterment’. This ‘self-betterment’ consists of 5 elements, namely, Character, Intellectual, Physical, Social and Aesthetic. To us, the concept of filial piety and the 5 elements of education go hand in hand. Here, at Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC), we are combining these elements together with the Chinese value of ‘self-betterment’ by starting the ‘Chung Wah CAC Evergreen College’. We aim to conduct courses with these 5 elements as themes to improve the functioning capacities of our seniors and help them attain ‘self-betterment’ and thus, achieve a better quality of life. Surveys will be conducted amongst our existing clients to identify and gauge their areas of need and interest. In the near future, Chung Wah CAC’s wellness team will hope to be able to collaborate with other mainstream professional bodies to design and enrich our programs, with the 5 elements of education as themes that are culturally appropriate and easily understood. Training will be conducted for staff, support workers and volunteers who will be involved in the running of this college.
A JOURNEY TO WELLNESS 探索身心健康的旅程 常青学院,重塑“五育” “德、智、体、美、劳”,这五个教育的元素已为很多 华人所熟悉和遵循。他们同儒家学说所讲的“自我优化” ,有着不可分割的联系。在我们看来,这“五育”也正是 探索身心健康的最佳途径。因此,我们即将成立的常青学 院将以“五育”为核心设立一系列课程。每一个学员都可 以按照自己的兴趣爱好和实际能力选择课程,学习并完成 相关的单元。我们希望通过提供学习机会和不断地激励, 学员能不断提高自身能力,获得更好的生活质量。 为了让学院的课程贴近长者,我们将首先在现有的客户 中做调查问卷,了解大家兴趣所在。我们也将成立工作小 组,积极地同相关主流长者服务机构和专家合作,设计并 丰富学院的课程。培训将提供给所有将参与到学院建设中 的员工、照顾员和义工。
松柏常青 Community & Aged CAre
Celebrating the Dragon Year Together
欢聚庆龙年 CAC CEO Theresa Kwok (first left) with guests 中华社区与长者服务部 行政总裁 郭郑素雯(左一)与嘉宾合影
God of Fortune sharing
festive joys with the
seniors 财神和老人们
ky Draw prize ht) giving out Luc representative (rig 奖,右一为澳华代表 Aus World Travel 抽 助 赞 游 旅 m 澳华 sponsored by the
Lucky draw幸运抽
The image of Dragon is often related to ‘power’ and ‘authority’ in Chinese culture. At Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, however, the Dragon Year is more to been seen as another fresh beginning of our journey to cater for Chinese, Vietnamese seniors and community members. On 25th January 2012 Wednesday, the 3rd day of the Dragon year (lunar calendar), we celebrated the new year with more than 150 guests including our staff and management, clients, volunteers, Asian residents from nursing homes as well as guests from mainstream aged care service agencies. The luncheon was organized at Xintiandi Chinese Restaurant in Northbridge. In addition to the food and laugh, we all had the opportunity to take photos with the God of Fortune, enjoyed the Lion Dance and the chance to win table games. Maybe the performance standards were not as professional, but everyone at the function has shown their total involvement; the true excitement of Chinese New Year.
Cantonese opera per
Seniors singing Des
cendants of the Dra
Wugong Fan
在华人文化中,龙的形象往往与权力、权威联系在一起。然而,对于中华社区与长者服务机构来说,龙年的到来和每一个新年一 样,更多地代表了我们服务华裔、越南裔和其他亚裔长者及社区成员的崭新开始。 2012年1月25日(周三),也就是农历新年初三,我们在北桥区的新天地餐厅同超过150名宾客一起庆祝龙年的来临。这些宾客包括了 我们的管理层、员工、客户、义工、来自养老院的若干亚裔长者以及来自主流养老服务机构的各位嘉宾。 美食与欢声笑语之外,每个人都有机会同“财神”合影留念,欣赏舞狮表演,以及赢取游戏奖品。也许节目的表演水平并不那么专 业,但每个人都参与其中、乐在其中才真正体现了春节的真谛——无论长幼和肤色, 每个人都获得邀请,共同庆祝!
活动早知道 Staying ahead
吃喝玩乐在珀斯 空闲时感觉无 聊和无事可干吗? 为 带 家 人 前 往 何 处 消 遣 而 烦 恼 吗? 快 来看 看 接 下来两 个月在 珀 斯 和 费 文 图 有 哪 些 地 方 可 以 找 到 乐 子!
WHAT’S ON IN PERTH? 2012 Angove Street Festival (Free Entry) Date: 1 April 2012 Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm Venue: Angove Street, North Perth The 2012 Angove Street Festival is an event that celebrates all that is North Perth, featuring demonstrations, fashion parades, live music, street performances, car art, and so on. There will be activities for all ages and lots of various foods to sample. Attracting over 10 000 people, this event aims to provide opportunities for local businesses and services to promote their brand, as well as foster relationships between residents and businesses to build a stronger community. For more information, please visit http://www. angovestreetfestival.com.au/
Feeling bored and don’t know what to do? Don’t know where to take your family or partner? There’s plenty happening around Perth and Fremantle, so check out the events below and have fun!
WesTrac Fiesta Concert (Free Entry) Date: 10 March 2012 Time: 4.00 – 9.00pm Venue: Sir James Mitchell Park, Coode Street, South Perth
Corymbia Festival 2012 (Free Entry) 1. Corymbia Movie Night
This event will be featuring the Amazing Men of Music Theatre supported by a fully choreographed show from the Rat Pack’s Back, performing songs made famous by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior as well as songs from renowned musicals such as Phantom of the Opera, Cats and Jesus Christ Superstar. Daren Reid and the Soul City Groove will also be making a special appearance. There will be plenty of kids’ activities and a delicious selection of food available for purchase. Visitors are welcome to bring their own picnic.
Garden Week 2012 (Admission Fees Apply) Date: 19 to 23 April 2012 Time: Thursday – Sunday: 9.30am – 5.00pm Monday: 9.30am – 3.00pm Venue: Perry Lakes Reserve, Floreat The Garden Week 2012 features all things gardening and outdoor living focusing on sustainability, the importance of gardens on health and wellbeing and how to have a beautiful and productive garden in times of tough water restrictions. The event will showcase inspiring displays, the latest garden trends, new products, outdoor living and loads of plants to buy home. There will be cooking demonstrations to show visitors how to turn vegetables and fruits from their backyard into a delicious and beautiful feast, as well as activities and entertainment for the kids. What’s more, the ever popular Rob Palmer from Better Homes and Gardens will be present and ready to charm the crowds with his fun character and talent as a DIY knowhow. For more information, please visit www. gardenweek.com.au
Date: 9 March 2012 Time: 6.00 – 10.00pm Venue: Fleming Reserve, Newburn Road, High Wycombe
Blues Alive Art in the Park Festival 2012 (Free Entry) 2. Corymbia Festival Fun Day
Freo Village Market (Free Entry)
Date: 10 March 2012 Time: 2.00 – 8.00pm Venue: Hartfield Park, Hale Road, Forrestfield
Date: Every Thursday from 2 February to 26 April 2012 Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm Venue: Kings Square, Fremantle
The Corymbia Movie night and Festival day are free events that welcome all. The Movie Night will include a family movie, the Foothills got Talent Quest, and fireworks display. The Festival day offers rides, fun activities, the bicycle stunt squad, Foothills got Talent Final, the inaugural dog show, a free concert, and a spectacular fireworks finale. For more information, please call 9257 9833 or visit www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au
The Freo Village Market is situated in the heart of Fremantle offering visitors an insight into Freo’s culture. There will be food stalls, showcases of creative products, fun workshops/get-togethers for stitching and knitting lovers at Stitchville, and entertainment for the kids at Club Fairy offering activities such as face painting, Fairy Yoga, games and craft workshops. For more information, please visit http://freovillagemarket.blogspot.com/
Date: 18 March 2012 Time: 10.00am – 6.00pm Venue: Churchill Park, Corner of Rockingham Beach Road and Railway Terrace Get into the rhythm of this community event this March, with live blues music presented by the West Coast Blues Club Rockingham, and plenty of stalls and activities available for visitors to enjoy. Visitors can relax on the green grass beneath the shady tree near the ocean, and enjoy the entertainment or browse through among the art and craft stalls. There will be free activities to keep the children happy and international cuisines to sample. For more information, please visit http://www. westcoastbluesclub.com.au/
西澳华人社区第一网站——AUPEOPLE澳群网 隆重推出中华会馆及《中华会刊》互动专栏,欢迎中华会馆会员及其他朋友前往讨论互动。 详情请登陆 http://aupeopleweb.com/ChungWah
校园天地 The School Yard
中国评选海外“华文教育示范学校” 中华黎明中文学校西澳唯一当选 文 ◎ 李华 摄影 ◎ 周丹 2011年10月,在由中国政府主办的第二届世界华文教育大会 上,公布了第二批当选海外“华文教育示范学校”的46所学校名 单,中华黎明中文学校名列其中,并成为西澳唯一获此殊荣的华 校。 西澳教育部的官员2010年访问黎明中文学校之后,就对学校 的专业运作和管理给予了很高的评价。黎明中文学校目前拥有一 支强大的师资队伍,近30名教师中,具有博士学位的有6人,具 有硕士学位的有4人。老师们都具有对孩子和中国文化的爱心、 教育孩子的耐心、与孩子相处的童心,和备课教学的细心。四心 合一的结果,给黎明带来了今天的荣誉。 在2011年的汉语考试中,黎明中文学校取得了优异的成绩, 参加三、四、五级考试的平均成绩分别为93.2分、91分和86分, 2012年1月19日,中国驻珀斯总领事汪银儿(右二)向中华会馆会长叶俊帆(左二)和黎明中文学校校 长李华(右一)颁发牌匾,左一为领事邓方 Chung Wah President Sammy Yap (2nd left) and Leeming principal Dr Li Hua (1st right) receiving the Exemplary Chinese School award from PRC Consul-General Wang Yiner (2nd right) and Consul Deng Fang (1st left) on 19 January 2012.
在同类学校评比中名列前茅。黎明中文学校今后一定会再接再 厉,无愧于“示范学校”的称誉。
CHINA AWARDS OVERSEAS EXEMPLARY CHINESE SCHOOLS CHUNG WAH LEEMMING CHINESE SCHOOL CLAIMS THE SOLE AWARD IN WA ◎ Written by LI Hua, photographed by ZHOU Dan Our Leeming Chinese School was named one of the 46 overseas “Exemplary Chinese Schools” at the 2nd World Chinese Education Conference organised by the Chinese government in October 2011. Leeming School is the only Chinese school in Western Australia that won this honour. After visiting our Leeming Chinese School in 2010, the WA State Education Department officers were impressed by the professional operation and management of the school. Leeming School currently has a strong team of close to 30 teachers, with 6 of them holding doctorate degrees and 4 with master’s degrees. All the teachers have demonstrated their passion for Chinese culture and the children studying at the school. They teach these children with patience and dedication, and get along very well with them. All these have combined to bring this honour to the school. In the 2011 Chinese language examinations, the Leeming Chinese School has achieved outstanding results. Their Level 3, 4 and 5 examination results averaged scores of 93.2, 91 and 86, respectively, achieving top position compared with all other schools in the same category. The Leeming Chinese School will no doubt keep up its good work in educating our children, befitting the honour of the Exemplary Chinese School of Western Australia.
我的家庭 中华黎明中文学校10年级 黄靖茗 | 指导老师 彭珠珠 好的家庭。我家有四个成员,爸 每个人都有自己的家庭,我也不例外。我有一个幸福美 把每个家人介绍一下。 爸、妈妈、姐姐和我。我们都是马来西亚人。我现在就 喜欢用电脑查看 日。他是一位勤劳的工程师。他常常早去晚归。我爸爸 我爸爸叫黄敬诚,他今年四十岁,他的生日在三月十六 通常在周末睡午觉。 电子函件,每天回家后,他就用电脑。他也喜欢睡觉, 道又一道令人垂涎 妇,她喜欢做各种好吃的食物给我们吃,她经常做出一 我的妈妈叫魏华娟,她今年三十八岁,她是一个家庭主 间就 ,转眼 的食物 道鲜美 那些味 ,我们每次都狼吞虎咽地吃 三尺的美食,如饺子、包子、薄饼等,人人都赞不绝口 吃得一干二净。 她喜欢听音乐。 我的姐姐叫黄美瑾,她今年十四岁,她是一名中学生, 我也是一名中学生,我喜欢看故事书和杂志,我也喜欢 我叫黄靖茗,我今年十三岁,我的生日在十月三十日, 玩电脑游戏,打球和看电视,我还喜欢看电影。 下。这就是我的家庭。 学校假期时,爸爸会带我们去郊外游玩,让我们轻松一
校园天地 The School Yard
写给外星人的一封信 中华黎明中文学校10年级 黄美瑾 指导老师 彭珠珠 外星人: 你好吗?我一切安好,只是最近忙着关注外星球的新闻
。 你叫什么名字?你和你的家人最近好吗?你有没有想过 来地球或别的星球玩吗?如果你想来这里玩,请 联络我哦。不然的话,我会很伤心。你知道吗?地球的 风景美不胜收,山水如画,很多地方让人流连忘返, 还真是名不虚传呢! 我还记得我的科学老师跟我们说每个星球都有自己的气 候。有的星球气候是热的,有些是冷的。我对那 神秘的宇宙充满兴趣。这是真的吗?你可以告诉我你住 的星球是热的还是冷的吗?看见书本上八大行星的图 片,我真的迫不及待地想去亲眼目睹那各具特色的行星 。我读了很多关于天文和宇宙的书籍,发现外星球有 很多人类无法解释的谜。我很想能亲自去你的星球探索 ,解开这些谜底。 可是,我有些害怕去别的星球,因为那里的气候,环境 和地心吸引力跟地球差异很大。你看见过人类去 太空吗? 还有,你的身体有多高,体重有多少,手和腿有多大, 肩膀有多宽,头部如眼睛,耳朵,嘴巴,牙齿, 鼻子和头发是长得什么样子的?你的头有没有像大石头 那样大呢?你的眼睛会不会发光?你每天吃的食物是 什么呢?你的生活是怎么样的呢?你的星球上的人是不 是长得一模一样? 我知道要成为一名飞碟宇航员不是一件易事。我必须有 健康的体魄和灵活的头脑,同时还必须懂得科学 和数学。我会持之以恒地做运动,锻炼体魄,还要学好 科学与数学。我希望我是第一个被你带上飞碟的人。 我很希望你跟我一起过着美好的生活。我也很希望你有 一天会来探望我。如果你来地球玩,记得带一些 礼物给我做纪念品。真希望有一天你能带我去游历各种 星球。 最后,我希望你记住这句话:“地球的一草一木都是引 人入胜的。”我期待你的回信。 祝你健康快乐!
友 美瑾
我和哥哥有 中华摩利中 很多难忘的 恐怖的事情 文学校 十 回忆。当我 年级 。我记得那 八 岁 左右,我们 时间。这时 天,哥哥骑 在马来西亚 已经过了我 着脚踏车, 度假的时候 半路上,突 们应该回家 载 ,经历过一 然 吃饭的时间 我去公园绕圈。天 件不但刺激 气很好,我 扶我起来。 间一辆摩托车出现 , 因 为怕被婆婆 在前面,哥 而且 们玩的很痛 当时我觉得 骂,哥哥在 哥用力刹车 还是被她骂 身体没有受 回 家的路上踏 快,因而忘记了 ,然后我从 了,因为她 伤,于是我 得飞 后座上飞出 婆婆于是更 担心我们的 们 来倒在地上 快。然而就在 加担心。 安全,后来 继续赶路回家。当 回 ,哥哥赶快 在 家 我 见 的肚子上发 到 大家各有各 过来 现了一条长 婆婆的时候,她很 的 童 年 生气,我们 趣 疤 拥有的回忆 事,这就是 痕,就是路 。(戴敏丽 我的故事。 上的意外造 ) 虽然受了伤 成的, 小时候我和 , 但 是 这 我 是 的 我 朋 和 友一起出去 哥哥共同d 了,急忙跑 的经历,我 玩, 到 们一起 话的手势。 我身边来把我扶起来 我们在街上跑来跑 去,一不小 , 然后她 朋友很小声 问我有没有 心,我突然 动。我和朋 的问我:“ 受伤? 还 摔了一跤 友 怎么了?” 好吗? 我 是受伤了。 一起走过去, 我捡 没有说话, 。 我朋友看见 起一根树枝 我指了指地板。 原 于是我和朋 打了 来是地上躺 碰了 友一起跑回 我和朋友一 着一只小鸟 一个不要说 家,拿了一 碰那只小鸟, 小鸟 起 回 ,一动也不 到 的 个 我 帮小鸟包扎 翅膀 纸盒子,然 家。我去问 了。首先我 后小心翼翼 动了动。 原来小鸟 奶奶要红药 棉花棒沾 们 没有死只 的 水 搬来一盆水 把那只小鸟 ,我朋友回 一点 , 我们把 放在了纸盒 家拿绷带。 了。最后我 红药水,小心翼翼 布 弄 里。 我朋友回来 湿,然 地涂在小鸟 帮它包扎了 之后,我们 的伤口上, 后慢慢的擦着小鸟 它 的 翅 就 膀 开始 受伤的翅膀 就这样过了 ,花了一分 这 ,之后, 好几天, 钟,我终于 时小鸟有轻微的挣 看小鸟,发 我 扎, 但是 包扎完了。 现它的伤已 我们天天帮它涂红药 ,它很快就 们用 唤, 那声 经好了。突 水和包扎, 不挣扎 音听 然, 小鸟 喂它食物和 朝着窗外叫 把它放回家 起来多么焦急呀! 水。有一天 我想, 一 了起来, 去。我把窗 ,我还是象 定是小鸟的 我 走了。( 陈 户打开, 往常一样 妈妈找孩子 抬头看去, 原来窗 晓瑛) 小鸟对着我 外也有一只 去 来 拍拍翅膀, 了 。 我 看了看 鸟在叫 我的弟弟叫 象是在说: “谢谢你” 纸盒子里的小鸟, 明的学校主 小明。他不但会讲 , 然 后 英 办 ,它就跟着 决心 语 耐烦,但是 了一个讲话比赛,于 ,而且还会讲很流 妈妈飞 利的汉语。 他还是继续 是小明就去 他走到哪儿 讲不停,所 参加。他讲 小明什么事 都说 以 了 啊 说:“不要 ?别哭了,小明别哭 同学们站起来走出去 半个钟头,实在太久 个不停。有一天, 小 。于是弟弟 了,每个学 紧,他们不 了”。弟弟 突 生 真的。”弟 是 说 弟又变得开 不喜欢你,而是因为 :“同学们不喜欢我 然哭了起来,老师就 听众都不 来 心了!(林 你讲得太久 讲 皆凯) 了”。弟弟 的话,走出去了”。 问他: “ 问我:“真 老 的吗?”我 师跟小明 回答说:“
ar 寻找 ch 封 Fo 面 r 美少 Co 女 ve r Gi rl
Ever dreamt of being the cover girl of a magazine but never had the chance to realise your dream? Well, you can stop dreaming now, as the Chung Wah Magazine is looking for young Chinese ladies of good character aged from 18 to 29 to be considered as the cover girl for future editions of the magazine. We have a professional working team, and a rich source of clothing sponsors to package you into the star of your dream. If you think you are up to it, and are willing to share your beauty with the public, submit your details such as name, date of birth, contact number, and a recent photograph by email to editorcw@chungwah.org.au, for your chance to realise your dream! Don’t just think about it, ACT NOW! Who knows, you might just be that rising star on the horizon!!! 嗨,年轻的女孩,曾经梦想成为杂志的封面模特而不可得吗?好吧,你现在 可以停止发梦了,因为《中华会刊》正在寻找封面美少女——凡是年龄在18至29 岁,品端貌淑的华人女性,均有机会成为未来会刊的封面女郎。 我们有专业的工作团队,有丰富的服饰赞助资源为你提供包装和服务,一定 能够满足你成为大明星的美好梦想。 只要你够美够靓,品行良好,乐意将美貌与微笑与大众分享,请将姓名、出 生日期、联系方式和近照发送到我们的邮箱editorcw@chungwah.org.au,梦想就有 可能成真啦! 心动不如行动,明日之星正在冉冉升起,说不定那个她——就是你!
第五期 ISSUE No.5 2012年3月 March 2012 双语双月刊 Bilingual Bimonthly Magazine www.chungwah.org.au
大家好,我来自 台湾,1996年和父母 一起移民珀斯。蔚蓝 的天空,绿草如茵的 大地,新鲜的空气, 让我爱上了珀斯。在 这里,我从连ABC都 不认识,一直到学会 英文。现在我在科廷 大学就读药剂学,也 在实习当中。我认为 助人为快乐之本,我 也常爱帮助别人,因 此父母和朋友们都常 说我有一颗善良的 心。
Photographer : Dan ZHOU 摄影师:周丹
ount e Disc rs insid he 物 vouc 购 餐饮 内含 惠券 优
我的兴趣是弹钢琴、听音乐和打扮自己。 小时候,母亲常会把我打扮得如同一个小公主, 长大后的我,也非常注重美貌。当模特是我的梦 想,并曾有过几次模特经验,希望能有更大发 展。这次很荣幸也很感谢《中华会刊》给了我这 个机会成为封面模特。 我认为友情可贵,因此忙碌的我,始终会 抽空去和朋友们聚会。祝大家龙年快乐,心想事 成,万事如意。
我来自中国东 北,性格开朗,喜欢 交朋友,喜爱蓝色和 淡淡的粉红色。澳洲 美丽的海滩是我最喜 欢的地方,似乎所有 的不快与悲伤都会随 着海浪荡漾离开。 从小学到大学, 我一直都有参与校内 广播和活动主持,也 曾到电视台做过客串 主持人,还当过业余 模特。我的大学专业 是商务英语,我在生 活中非常温柔,但同时也比较要强,总是想做一 个女强人。虽然生活告诉我做女强人并没有那么 简单,但我坚信:有梦想就会有成功! 我在澳洲一旦见到华人就会感觉非常亲切 和高兴!因为我们所有的华人在海外都是一家 人!我希望所有西澳华人在龙年身体健康,步步 高升,好运多多! Cover Girl of January Edition of Chung Wah Magazine – Lina LI
Cover Girl of January Edition of Chung Wah Magazine – Cha-Lin Sun (Christine)
I am from North East China, I have a bright and cheerful personality, and love the colours blue and
Hello everyone, I was originally from Taiwan and migrated to Perth with my family in 1996. The clear blue skies, green grass and fresh air quickly made me fall in love with Perth. I went from having no knowledge of the English alphabet to being able to speak the language. I am currently undertaking a course in Pharmacy at Curtin University, and am also in the midst of my practicum. I think that being able to help others is a joy in life, so I love helping people as often as I can. Because of that, my parents and friends often say that I have a good heart.
pale pink. The beautiful beaches of Australia are my favourite place, as it seems like all unhappiness
My interests are playing the piano, listening to music and dressing up. When I was young, my mother would often dress me up like a little princess, and so I grew up placing a great importance on beauty. My dream is to be a model and I have had a few modelling experiences. Hopefully I can develop a career in modelling one day. I would like to thank Chung Wah Magazine for giving me this opportunity of being a cover girl for this edition. I think that friendship is extremely important, and so I will always take the time to meet up with friends regardless of how busy I am. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
Makeup Artist – Motives Consultant Lesley WONG 化妆师:黄小娟 Service include: Bridal, Glamour, High Fashion, Skin-care, Colour Match, Hairstyling Mob : 0411 871 020 Email: siaw_k@yahoo.com.au
and sorrow are taken away with the rippling waves. From my primary schooling to university years, I have been involved in campus broadcasting and presenting activities, been a guest host at a TV station, and have also done some modelling. I majored in Business English in university, and am a gentle person, but at the same time, I want to be a strong woman. Even though life has taught me that being a strong woman is not easy, I believe that when there is a will, there is a way! Whenever I meet a Chinese person in Australia, I feel a sense of familiarity and happiness! This is because we are one family in a foreign land! I would like to wish the Chinese community in Western Australia good health and good wealth in this Dragon Year!
Private Hairdresser – Toyoko KING 发型师:金丰子 Qualifications from Japan –– come 2 me or me 2 you, Services in hairstyling, cuts, perms, colour dyeing, etc Home (Carlisle): 9361 6668 Mob: 0448 610 963 Email: tadatoyo@gmail.com
第2期 ISSUE NO.2 2011年9月 SEPTEMBER 2011 www.chungwah.org.au
《中华会刊》广告邀请 中华会馆是西澳最大的华人社团,现有约2,000名会员。会馆成立于1909年,有着悠久的历史和传统,近期刚刚庆祝了她的百 年诞辰。中华会馆得到澳大利亚联邦政府和西澳州政府的共同承认,是西澳全体十四万华人的官方代言人。 《中华会刊》由中华会馆编辑出版,是本地最资深的华人社会杂志。会刊除了报道会馆新闻与内部事务之外,还有更多精彩 内容,其中有对本地华人生活的细致描绘和真诚表达,还有西澳社会动态和海外华人大观。 《中华会刊》中英文双语发行,现暂为双月刊。中华会馆定期向所有2,000名会员和1000名全社会各界人士免费寄送。在可以 预见的将来,《中华会刊》的读者覆盖人数将扩展到一万名,并将面向整个华人社会。会刊开启了中华会馆未来100年的新篇章, 它将促进会馆与会员之间更有效地沟通和互动,促进华人社会与西澳主流社会之间的理解和融合。
INVITATION TO ADVERTISE IN CHUNG WAH MAGAZINE The Chung Wah Association is the largest Chinese organization in WA with around 2,000 members. It has a long and rich history having being established in 1909, and recently celebrated its centenary. The Association is recognized by both the federal and state governments as the official spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers around 140,000. The Chung Wah Magazine published by the Association, is the most established Chinese publication in Western Australia. In addition to reporting on matters concerning the Association, it also covers local and overseas Chinese news, as well as true and detailed accounts of issues affecting the local Chinese community. The magazine is bilingual and is currently published every two months and posted to 2,000 members and 1,000 other members of the community and government departments. In the foreseeable future, we plan to increase circulation to 10,000 and make it available to the general Chinese public. The magazine represents a new chapter at the start of the next 100 years for the Association, and seeks to communicate and interact with members more effectively, and further promote understanding and integration between the Chinese and the mainstream community in WA.
全页 Full Page
半页 Half Page
¼页 Quarter Page
封底 Outside back cover
$1,500 + GST
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无 Not Applicable
封面内页 Inside front cover
$900 + GST
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无 Not Applicable
封底内页 Inside back cover
$900 + GST
无 Not Applicable
无 Not Applicable
普通内页 Inside pages
$600 + GST
$300 + GST
$200 + GST
(有时广告设计需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required)
广告热线 Contact details 市场推广协调人 Marketing Co-ordinator 宋丽君 Quin SoNg 电话 Tel: 9328 8657 / 0421 031 199 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 E-mail: marketingcw@chungwah.org.au
The Chung Wah Association has a century of history and is the largest and strongest Chinese organization in WA. The Association is recognized by federal, state, and local governments as the official spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers around 140,000. 有着百年历史的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最强 的华人社团,得到澳洲联邦政府和西澳州政府的共同承认,是西澳全体14万华人的官方代言人。
Our motto is 我们的口号是
Just dial 9328
Membership Hotline 8657 to join the Chung Wah Family
Annual Membership: Single $30 and Family $45. Concessional Rate: Single $15 and Family $30 – For students and pensioners. 直接拨打9328 8657 即可加入中华会馆大家庭,年会费单人30元,家庭45元; 优惠价(适用于学生和退休人士)单人15元,家庭30元
三条快线 Three Direct Email Contacts for Services Members Discount Scheme 会员优惠计划
JobSeek Assistance 求职援助计划
Volunteer Development Program 志愿者发展计划
With your Membership Card, you can access discounts from 5% to 25% at participating outlets. Participating outlets are increasing and being updated constantly!
Helping members to match jobs that suit them. In 2012, we will run job application workshops to help members better able to apply for jobs.
凭借会员卡,您可以在加盟餐馆、 商店和其它服务机构中,享受到 5%—25%的折扣优惠。加盟商业伙 伴数目在持续增加之中!
帮助会员寻找适合的工作职位。在2012 年,我们计划开办求职申请辅导班, 以帮助会员掌握更好的求职技巧。
Providing training to volunteers incorporating personal and professional development with real practical work experience. Also provides valuable local work experience for new migrants and professional references where appropriate. 结合个人和职业发展的需要,提供 实用的工作经验,为志愿者提供培 训机会, 同时为新移民提供适合的、 有价值的本地工作经验,并出具专 业的推荐信
HIA 2011
UDIA 2010
HIA 2011
UDIA 2010
UDIA 2010