ChungWah Magazine Vol.6 - 献给母亲的爱 To Mum with Love

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第6期 ISSUE No.6 2012年5月 May 2012 双语双月刊 Bilingual Bimonthly Magazine


TO MUM WITH LOVE 中华会馆编辑出版 Published by Chung Wah assoCiation

ount e Disc rs insid he vouc 购物 餐饮 内含 惠券 优

遗嘱、已故者物业管理和信托服务 处理好自己的法律事务是您生活规划的一 个重要部分。大部分人还没意识到一份持久授 权委托书或一份遗嘱都属于法律文件。很多人 有养老基金、退休基金和保险,却没有及时地

Wills, Deceased Estate Administration & Trustee Services

办理一份持久授权委托书或遗嘱。 超过半数的西澳成年人没有为自己盘算“身 后事”,没有考虑在丧失了心智能力无法做决 策时该怎么办,或者死后他们的财产应该如何 处理。 即使您已立下遗嘱,也需要定期检查,尤其 是有结婚、分居、离异、事实婚姻、孩子出生 或死亡等情况发生的时候。 许多人错误地认为,指定某位朋友或亲人作 为自己的遗嘱执行人,是对亲朋的一种馈赠或 一种特权。而且还有人认为,指定一位朋友意 味着可以节省大笔的物业管理费用。事实上, 遗嘱执行人的工作并不容易,需要很多精力和 时间,尤其是当这个人还处于失去亲朋的悲痛 之中或遭遇家庭纠纷的时候。 “公共信托”是一家独立、公正的法定组 织,专门提供遗嘱草拟、持久授权委托书、已 故者物业管理、信托管理,以及私人管理协助 等服务。“公共信托”下属的西澳遗嘱银行, 安全地保存着 10 万份遗嘱。遗嘱执行人协助服 务,能在遗嘱检验的繁复法律程序方面,为执 行人提供帮助。 为您省心省事,今天就联系“公共信托”。

Getting your legal affairs in order is an important part of your life planning. Most people don’t realise that an Enduring Power of Attorney or a Will are legal documents. Many people have superannuation policies, retirement funds and insurance policies, yet simply put off making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) or their Will until it’s too late. Over half of all adult Western Australian’s haven’t planned for what may happen to them if they lose the mental capacity to make decisions or what happens to their assets after their death and how they might be distributed. Even if you have a Will, it still needs to be regularly reviewed - particularly if marriage, separation, divorce, a de facto relationship or the birth or death of a child occurs. There is a common misconception that it is a compliment to appoint a friend or relative as your executor and that it is a position of privilege. In addition, people believe that appointing a friend also means significant savings in the cost of administering the estate. In fact, the duties expected of an executor are difficult, demanding and time-consuming, especially when the executor is grieving or there is family friction.

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The Public Trustee is an independent and impartial statutory authority that specialises in Will Drafting, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Deceased Estate Administration, Trustee Management and Private Administrator Support. The Public Trustee’s WA Will Bank holds over 100,000 Wills in safe custody. The Executor Assist Service assist executors through some of the difficult legal requirements of seeking Probate. For peace of mind, contact the Public Trustee today.

我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah

推荐电影《金陵十三钗》 上一期“金兰情缘”专题,令我感触尤深。我来自台湾,是独生女,13岁就远离父母赴海外求 学,之后又独自在异乡定居。 20多年来,感谢神让我有幸结交到几位姐妹般的知心好友,陪我走过人 生的不同阶段。 当看到《关于女性友谊的电影推荐》一文时,我想把带给我感动的电影《金陵十三钗》也推荐给 大家。它以1937年的南京大屠杀为背景,描述了秦淮河上的13位风尘女子及一群教会的年轻女学生, 如何在一所荒废的天主教堂里共度患难,从起初的彼此排挤、斗争,到最后13位大姐挺身而出,为了 妹妹们慷慨赴死的感人经历。 虽然我觉得片中那些展现日军屠杀和摧残中国百姓的画面过于血腥和暴力,但是我更为中国女 人在这样生不如死的艰难时刻,仍能坚强地面对一切,彼此照顾和奉献的情义而感动。故事里两批年 龄、身份和背景截然不同的女性,虽然各有软弱、自私的一面,但是为了不向邪恶低头,她们最终都 选择了爱与勇气。 观影过程同时唤起了我的民族意识。中华民族曾经的苦难不得不让我反思:作为华人,不管出生在哪里,属于大中国的哪一个部 分, 能有今天,都不容易。我们的今天,是先人牺牲了无数生命捍卫得来的。不管政治分歧如何,大家都是苦过来的,何必相煎太急? 先人在天之灵最大的安慰,应该是看到炎黄子孙可以彼此肯定和珍惜,就如同电影里的十三位女子,在紧要关头为了保护同胞,甚至可 以牺牲自己的生命。我想说,身为中华后裔的我们,不要让历史分割了彼此,而是应该更加的团结。我愿与你们共勉。


MORE ON SISTERLY LOVE Thank you for your special feature on “Sisterly Love” in your last edition of

Many of our ancestors would have been affected by, if not the Nanking Mas-

Chung Wah Magazine. It really resonated with me. Having left home and lived

sacre, by one war or another. This movie reminded me that whether we were

overseas since 13, I don’t know how I could have managed without the special

born in China, Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia, we are all Chinese. Many of our

sisterly friendships that I have been blessed with throughout my life.

ancestors suffered and paid a price. Whatever we have today did not come easy.

I noticed in your list of movies on female friendship, “The Flowers of War” was not mentioned. It is a movie released in January this year; a story about a group of convent schoolgirls and women from a local brothel taking refuge together in a Catholic cathedral during the Nanking Massacre. They start off with holding serious animosity towards each other but end with laying down one’s life for another. As one critic puts it, the movie is “an unsettling mixture of spectacular brutality and sentimentality….”. Although I agree with some critics’ views on how the movie could have avoided some of its overly explicit scenes of massacre and notoriety of the Japanese

In order to honour the sacrifice that our forefathers had made for our freedom today, instead of rushing to criticize and belittle each other, perhaps we ought to affirm and support each other more as fellow Chinese descendents. I felt a quickening in my heart that said “Let not History divide us “ while watching the movie in Shanghai. If thirteen ladies can lay down their lives in the movie for one another at a time when there was so much pain and grief permeating the entire nation, mustn’t we unite ourselves in solidarity even more in the time of peace and prosperity? Just a thought. Shirley TSAO

soldiers, I believe it is the intention of both the author and the director to reflect the strength, resilience and solidarity of Chinese women in the face of such intense adversity. What unimaginable depth of agony they must endure in order to survive. It also captures human frailty as well as our amazing ability to reconcile and transform for a greater purpose. The “special” big sisters struggled between their own selfishness and the decision to become selfless for the younger ones, despite the little ones’ initial hostility and disrespect towards them. In the end, they have exemplified the greatest form of love, by giving up their own lives, for their sisters.


我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah

“钻石婚”纪念日时夫妻同切 蛋糕 Cutting the Diamond wedding anniversary cake

携手六十年的纪念 梁英源夫妇1952年时的结婚照 Wedding photo taken in 1952





















生活习惯上有诸多不便,但是在当年6月我们就找到 了中华会馆,同时申请成为会员,在“中华妈妈” 阮丽茹和郭郑素雯郭太的诸多帮助和照顾下,我们

梁英源 会员号码:4195

得 以 很 快 适 应 这 里 的 气 候 、环境和生活习惯。如 今,我们的会籍已经长达25年。 《中华会刊》第二期中的《心灵之约》写道, 无论你来自何方,无论你说什么语言,无论你在生 活上的任何感受,还是所见所闻的有感而发,无论 是句话,还是一篇文,都可以与会刊联系。在此, 我特别想感谢我的太太陪我携手走过60多年的风雨人 生,同时也特别感谢儿女们2001年在印尼雅加达酒家 为我俩庆祝50周年金婚纪念。2011年,在珀斯科莫天 主教堂我俩再次庆祝了60周年钻石婚纪念。 即使幼年就已相识,但是我和太太的结合并非一 帆风顺,我们几经分离方才终成眷属。婚后我们接纳


梁英源和黄幼华夫妇“钻石婚”纪念日全家福 Family portrait taken on the Diamond wedding anniversary of A Njan LIONG and Yoe Fa WONG

我们的声音 Voice of chung Wah


This year being our 60th wedding anniversary,

Local Government; Heritage; Citizenship and Multi-

represents a precious diamond anniversary. Some

cultural Interests.

The true story of Trinh Hong entitled “Finding Sis-

people say that “a blissful marriage is the union

terly Love Through Songs” depicting her traumatic

of mutual forgiveness by two people”. Along our

escape from Vietnam, published in the 5th edition

journey, we have always trusted each other, always

of the Chung Wah Magazine, was very touching and

ready to forgive each other, appreciated each other,

heart felt. We pray to god to bless Trinh and her

and still do so. The older we get, the more we ap-

family for a long and healthy life.

preciate and enjoy the pristine and wonderful later

My wife and I originated from Indonesia. Before coming to Australia, as ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, we were subject to discriminatory legislation against Chinese which sparked racial conflicts causing the Chinese in Indonesia to live in fear. In all these incidents, it was the Chinese people who bore the brunt of the consequences and made the

years of our lives. I would like to thank my wife of 60 years for her unselfish contribution to the family. I would like to say: My dear partner, it has been

Sammy spoke about harmony being a two way street in a light hearted and practical manner, which kept the 200 plus audience captivated and rupturing into laughter throughout the speech. At the end of the award presentation, he was widely congratulated by people from all backgrounds, on an excellent speech that was highly relevant and one which fully connected with them. (Reporter: Tina QIU)

tough on you! We would not have what we possess today without you. A Njan LIONG Membership Number 4195

叶俊帆会长在2012 西澳多元文化颁奖礼上致辞

scapegoat. At the time, we only wished that we


could leave Indonesia as soon as possible. Eventu-


ally, we migrated to WA in April 1987. Upon arrival



we found the Chung Wah Association in June that

The annual Western Australian Multicultural Com-


year, and applied to join as members. Under the

munity Service Awards recognise Western Aus-


care and assistance from “Chung Wah Mother”, the

tralian individuals, organisations and businesses

late Edie Hoy Poy, and Theresa Kwok, we were able

who have achieved excellence and innovation in

to adapt quickly to the local climate, environment,

advancing a multicultural society through participa-

and lifestyle. Until today, we have been members of

tion, equity and promotion. The awards are admin-

the Association for 25 years.

istered by the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI).

here, we experienced a lot of inconveniences due to differences in language and lifestyles. Fortunately,

In the 2nd edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, I remember reading the “Connecting With You” section

Last year, the Chung Wah Association won the Community Service Excellence Award category.

where you wrote “No matter where you are from,

At the 2012 awards held on 14 March at the UWA

what language you speak, whatever is on your

club, Chung Wah President, Sammy Yap, was in-

mind, whatever you have seen or heard, you can

vited to speak at the presentation ceremony. He

connect with us, be it just a sentence or an article”.

was the only guest speaker other than the host of

Hence, through this channel, I would like to thank

the awards, the Hon John Castrilli MLA, Minister for

my wife for accompanying me in the last 60 years

广,为形成一个和谐的多元文化社会而取 得了优异成绩和革新目标的西澳州个人、

2012年度颁奖礼于3月14日在西澳大 学会所举行,中华会馆会长叶俊帆应邀在 颁奖典礼上致辞,荣幸地成为了除主办方 代表——西澳遗产、公民和多元文化利益 部长约翰∙卡斯特里利之外,唯一的致辞嘉 宾。 叶俊帆以轻松和例举的方式,讲述了 通过双行道方式来促进多元文化和谐的主 题,现场200多名观众不时报以会心的笑 声。事后,叶俊帆受到了来自不同文化背 景听众的祝贺,他们认为这是一场成功的 演讲,主题同他们紧密相关。(秋小天 报道)

of my life, as well as my children for celebrating our 50th golden anniversary in Jakarta in 2001. In 2011, we celebrated our 60th diamond anniversary at the Como Catholic church in Perth. Even though we have known each other since a young age, my union with my wife wasn’t smooth sailing. We experienced a number of twists and turns before finally ending up as a couple. After marriage, we accepted our differences in personalities, endured tough times together, and afforded each other mutual respect and understanding. We built our career and family hand in hand, and brought up our 4 children to become successful adults. Currently, all our children live in Perth with stable careers and comfortable lives.





难民营往事 Recalling The Refugee Camp

献给母亲的爱 To Mum with love



松柏常青 Community & Aged Care




当我们社区的义工 Volunteering Our Own Community


扑朔迷离话木兰 54

难民营往事 Recalling The Refugee Camp


Mulan The Woman Warrior

向您介绍我们的咨询服务 Introducing CAC Enquiry Service



To Mum With Love

外面的世界 The World Outside

常青学院调查结束 Evergreen College Survey Completed




妈妈您辛苦了! I love you, Mum!


亲爱的妈妈,我想对您说...... Dear Mum...


我和妈妈的亲密瞬间 Intimate Moments with Mum


向母亲致敬 Salute To Our Mothers


我们的声音 Voice of Chung Wah



崇高的母爱 A Mother’s Sacrifice


母亲节的只言片语 Mother’s Day Thoughts & Quotes


我们也是母亲 We Are Mothers Too


母亲节美丽小贴士 Mother’s Day Beauty Tips


军中巾帼:站在女权斗争的最前线 Women in Australia’s Military : On the Frontline of the Gender War

华人星光 Shining Star 46

任国雄荣获澳大利亚国庆日奖 Dominic Yam Receives An Australia Day Award

活动早知道 Staying Ahead 39

吃喝玩乐在珀斯 What’s on in Perth?

会员优惠 Members’ Benefits 58

会员优惠计划加盟伙伴名单 Membership Discount Scheme Participating Outlets List


会员优惠计划优惠券 Members Discount Scheme Vouchers


连载专栏:寻根问祖 Regular Column - In Search of Cultural Identity and Heritage

墨尔本购房优待券 Melbourne Property Purchase Offer


友谊篮球赛优惠 YouYi Basketball Ticket Discount



旅游优惠 Travel Discount Offer

主播随笔 Broadcasters’ Journal 47

广播中的平衡 Balancing Public Expectations And Personal Ideals

第五篇:活字印刷 Part 4: Digital Era of The Chinese Language

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Leeming) Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office 128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 Facsimile (08) 9227 5694 电子邮箱 Email 网址 Website 木兰从军 Mulan the Woman Worrior


通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Morley) Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华青年组 Chung Wah Youth 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

版 权 COPYRIGHT 中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe


Pulished by


Chung Wah Association


社长 叶俊帆

Publisher Sammy YAP

9/117 Brisbane Street Perth WA 6000

编辑工作室 Editorial Team 主编 秋小天

Chief Editor Tina QIU

副主编 饶逸生

Deputy Chief Editor Dr Yit-Seng YOW

编辑 市场统筹 宋丽君

Editor Marketing Coordinator Quin SONG

视觉设计 汪德泉

Visual Designer Carl ONG

摄影 周丹

Photographer ZHOU Dan

翻译 何双子

Translator Dorothy HE

行政支持 曾梅兰

Administration Agnes TSEU


Printed by C J King Printers

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care

电话 Telephone (08) 9328 3988 传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990

中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Radio FM95.3 面书专页 Facebook Page

中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021 电话 Telephone (08) 9440 0265

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School (Rossmoyne) Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

Cost of Magazine: Members – Free of Charge Non-Members – $5 Contribution

电子邮箱 E-mail Addres

版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出 自中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于 对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对 题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


The story of Chung Wah Association Elder Trinh Quach of her encounter as a boat people, and her friendship with famous vocal teacher, Molly McGurk, published in the last edition of the

In May 1978, 29 year old Trinh was separated from her husband

One wonders how these refugees were able to hide and

during their escape from Vietnam. With restricted mobility in

retain their cash and gold from the loss of luggage and

one leg and not a single penny on her, she embarked on a

body searches on two occasions during their journey on the

journey of unknown with four young children by her side. After

high seas. When Trinh was separated from her husband,

5 days of hell and trauma on the high seas, they finally reached

she had nothing left on her. Hence when their group arrived

the Thai refugee camp on Leamsing Island. What was the fate

at Leamsing Island, Trinh and the children could only watch

awaiting Trinh and the children?

in despondence and continued to endure hunger while

Obstacles in Settling Down

others started to purchase food and water for consumption. Fortunately, she met an old friend from her youth choir who gave them a loaf of bread a can of coca-cola. When others

Chung Wah Magazine,

According to Trinh’s memory, there were at least 1,000

has touched the hearts

Vietnamese refugees on Leamsing Island of different origins

of many readers.

and varying arrival dates. They were temporarily placed there

Based on the feedback

while awaiting intake by various countries. The conditions in

we have received in

the refugee camp were very basic and its organisation very ad

the last two months,

hoc. Other than a weekly free ration of rice with some small fish

the readers have

and drinking water, other supplies had to be acquired through

been looking forward

other means or paid for. For example, their accommodation

The old woman’s hut was very small. With the additional 5

to the concluding

in the form of a simple straw hut was built by the refugees

people moving in, there was hardly any room to move, hence

part of Trinh’s

themselves. New arrivals at the camp had no pre-existing

it could only be a temporary solution. Although the island

story with eager

accommodation waiting for them. Those with money bought

was deserted, the refugees were able to establish contact


huts from refugees who were on the verge of leaving, while

with their families in Vietnam through the help of an American

those without had to go up into the hills to gather straw for

priest. This no doubt brought considerable spiritual comfort

constructing the hut. Tools and hardware for the construction

to the refugees living in very difficult conditions. By chance,

had to be purchased from the local peddlers. Each day, local

Trinh overheard a conversation by two brothers from her

Thai people would come around to trade for gold and currency,

group, expressing regret of not leaving behind a gold ring for

as well as sell every day use and fresh products to the refugees

their mother before they left Vietnam. In a flash of brilliance,

at exorbitant prices.

Trinh thought of a great idea. She proposed to “borrow”

started to negotiate to buy the huts, Trinh felt a sense of despondence again which grew as the night falls. Just when she was feeling despair, an old woman invited her and the children to stay with her temporarily. Thanks to the kindness of this old woman, Trinh was able to buy some precious time in settling down.

the ring from them, sell it and buy a hut with the proceeds


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

trading food for tuition fees.

and share the hut with them. She would then

Even though life

remained tough, Trinh and the children began to

write home to her family in Vietnam to buy a gold

enjoy a better quality of life. At the very least, they

ring of similar carat and weight for the brothers’

no longer needed to beg or borrow.

mother. The brothers agreed to the proposal,

Where is Home?

and Trinh eventually got her hut. Even though it was very small and broken with water seeping through each time it rained, and having to sleep

Having established contact with family in Vietnam,

on mats on the floor and put up with rat bites

Trinh found out that her husband had returned

during the night, at least Trinh and the children

home after being separated from her. Three months

had a place of their own!

after their separation, he tried to escape Vietnam again, this time with Trinh’s parents and 4 younger

Tough Times

sisters. However, there was no further news of them after their departure. Filled with anxiety,

After barely just settling down, and eating rice

Trinh would wait by the sea each day, hoping to

flavoured only with soya sauce daily, Trinh had

see her family amongst the new arrivals. To her

to worry about money, as everything on the

disappointment, each day passed by with no good

island were very expensive. She had to scrap

news. Subsequently, she sang regularly to sooth

and borrow from whatever means she could, but most refugees could barely cater for themselves. Once, when she managed to borrow 10 Thai baht, it was only enough to buy some soya sauce with it. When she returned to borrow more a week later, the other party could not help and

洪淑贞和一对儿女在良寻岛海滩 Trinh and her children on the beach of Leamsing Island

her anxiety and concern for her family. In particular

in grief, she hid and cried in the toilet, as she had to

sad song to put the young children to sleep.

during the nights, she would hum a sad song after

put on a brave face in front of the children in order not to worry them.

Under the harsh and droning living conditions in the camp, the refugees’ greatest anticipation is to be

suggested her to write to overseas relatives

Trinh felt a huge sense of guilt towards the

accepted for settlement by another country. From

for help. It reminded her of a person living in

children, not only because of the poor conditions

time to time, representatives of different countries

Queensland, Australia, whose address was given

they lived under, but also the invisible harm on

would come to Leamsing Island to select an

to her by a good friend before she left Vietnam.

their mental states of mind. An incident etched in

intake of refugees. Each time, tens or hundreds of

She immediately wrote to the Queensland person

her memory was when she was watching the sea

refugees would be accepted by different countries

for help, who not only replied promptly but also

with her son, he suddenly screamed and ran off in

based on different criteria.

sent her $50 Australian dollars. That was a huge

distress. The people around ran after him, caught

earlier arrivals, some countries such as Australia,

sum of money in the circumstances, which helped

him, and cuddled to comfort him. He was shaking

have very strict requirements, as they were only

Trinh and the children to survive for a few months

uncontrollably and kept muttering “I don’t want

willing to accept children and young people, with

in the camp. She recalled that in those extreme

to get on a boat, I don’t want to get on a boat”!

an approval rate of 20%. In contrast, the United

living conditions, the true colours of human

The people then noticed a fishing boat passing in

behaviour became clearly exposed where the

the distance. Trinh felt a sense of shock as she

“richer” people often pretended they did not see

never thought that the boat journey from Vietnam

her and the children, to avoid the embarrassment

would leave such a big mental scar on her young

of being asked for a loan.

son. Even though he was only 3 years old and did

Life was tough every day, where they often lacked money to buy food. Trinh recalled once

According to the

not really understand fear, the trauma was already deeply entrenched in him mentally.

when her 3 year old son found a piece of candy

Once, when a western journalist came to Leamsing

on the floor next to a food stall. He was ecstatic

Island to interview a refugee, Trinh played the

and ran home to ask Mum if he could eat it. After

role of interpreter. Realising that she is skilled in

getting permission, he shared it with his 4 year

English, someone gave her a simple English book

old sister. They took turns to lick and suck the

which she used to teach the 4 children and the two

candy slowly, taking time to enjoy the rare and

brothers who live with them, to learn English. Her

precious treat to make it last as long as possible.

original intention was just to prepare the children in

Watching this quietly by the side, Trinh could only

anticipation of their future settlement in a western

feel a huge sense of sadness with tears flowing

country. Unexpectedly, many families started to

uncontrollably, as she lamented that as a mother,

send their children to attend lessons with her, due

she could not even afford to buy a piece of candy

to her past experience as a teacher. Gradually, her

for the children. To avoid the children seeing her

small hut became a basic classroom with parents

洪淑贞的儿女纯英和志廉儿时在会馆参与活动 Trinh’s children, Anh and Chi Liem, participating in Chung Wah activities during their younger years


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

States of America (USA) have less stringent criteria with no age

faithfuls at a grand church in Bangkok. The next day, some

or illness restrictions but with the proviso that they had been

of these faithfuls visited the refugee camp where Trinh was

rejected by other countries.

temporarily staying, to donate old clothing and items. Two

Two months after arriving on Leamsing Island, Trinh met a US representative first up. Unfortunately, she was told that she had to be rejected by other countries first before they can consider if they will accept her and the children. She waited a further 3 months before the Australian representatives came to visit. At the time, the Australian official asked why she wanted to go to 洪淑贞夫妇在越南时的结婚照 Wedding photo of Trinh and her husband in Vietnam.

Australia. She replied in English, “Because my husband said that Australia is a good country, so we must go to Australia. We are now separated from my husband, so if we go to Australia, it will give my husband the chance to be reunited with us”. Perhaps it was her honest and sincere response, as well as her ability in English, that resulted in an unexpected acceptance by the Australian government. She and the children could finally see light at the end of the tunnel!

Love and Kindness The American priest who had been helping the refugees to keep contact with the outside world, was known to the refugees as “Father De” due to his high morals (De in Chinese means moral). He persisted in visiting Leaming Island once a month, and used the visits to play postman for the refugees.

days later, Trinh received an unexpected donation of US$100 from a Hong Kong priest who was amongst the audience at the Sunday service. He heard about Trinh’s story from Father De and decided to donate the money as a departing gift for her and the children. Trinh was astounded by the donation, as in the circumstances she was in at the time, it was like the equivalent of a million dollars! With the donation, she bought a suitcase, new clothes and shoes for herself and the children. To ensure they can have rice for future meals, she used the remaining money to purchase a large rice cooker!

New Life in Perth Trinh and the children had never been on an aeroplane. With mixed feelings of apprehension and excitement, they boarded the plane from Bangkok to Perth. Trinh recalled an amusing experience during the plane journey where she and the children watched other passengers tucking into delicious looking food and beverages, with great envy. With no money left on them, and not knowing that these services were free of charge, they repeatedly turned down the air hostesses’ offers several times.

Each time, he had to bribe the local police to facilitate a smooth

On 20 November 1978, after overcoming great adversities

“mail exchange” process. When news of Father De’s inpending

and obstacles, Trinh and the children finally arrived safely

return to the United States to get married reached Leamsing,

in Perth. They were settled at a refugee reception centre

the refugees organised a special farewell party for him. Trinh

in Graylands which comprised of groups of units of

was invited to sing at the party. “At the time, my biggest worry

accommodation. Trinh was allocated a 3 bedroom unit with

was the lack of a suitable costume”, recalled Trinh. She had

a small lounge, and meals were provided at a central dining

to wear the only clothes she had in possession which was

hall together with the rest of the refugees. The government

the one she wore during the escape from Vietnam. Keeping

paid the refugees a monthly allowance which Trinh spent

in mind that the priest was a westerner, she intentionally

frugally. In the first month, she managed to save $50 which

selected two internationally renown songs, “Serenade” and

she used to repay the person in Queensland, Mr WU Jiannan,

“Back to Sorento”. Her charismatic performance touched the

whom she had never met, but who kindly helped her out

hearts of many of the audience present. A week later, Trinh

financially when she was on Leamsing Island. A few years

received a letter of praise and gratitude from Father De on her

later after she had saved enough money, Trinh made a trip

performance, which included 100 Thai baht to help improve the

to Queensland to thank Mr WU in person, and they became

quality of the children’s living conditions.

good friends since.

When Trinh and the children were relocated to Bangkok for medical examinations as part of the Australian refugee intake process, they bumped into the newly wed Father De who coincidentally returned from the USA to visit the refugees. He was delighted to see Trinh again and recalled her lovely singing voice. Seeing that it was a weekend, Father De gleefully invited Trinh to sing some hymns during a Sunday service, which she happily accepted. When she told him that she could not remember the lyrics, Father De gave her two hymn books (still in Trinh’s possession today) from which she chose two songs. After diligently practising the songs the night before, Trinh sang at the Sunday morning service in front of about 100


1978年洪淑贞和她带到澳洲的4个孩子在格里兰 Trinh and the 4 children in Graylands in 1978, not long after their arrival in Australia

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

The government’s welfare department provided English lessons for the refugees, and it was where Trinh met her tuition teacher, Annie, who introduced her to vocal teacher,

Showing gratitude and Repaying the Society

Molly McGurk. Because of this, Trinh was able to sought

Her past encounter as a refugee has ingrained a strong will and

solace through music during difficult times, and developed

a gratified heart in Trinh. She and her husband have always

a life long friendship with Molly. The government also

worked hard, often holding a few jobs at the same time, and

organised social activities where local families invited

not taking breaks unnecessarily even during public holidays.

refugees for meals and gathering in their homes. With

Since arriving in Perth, Trinh was never willing to sit at home

Annie’s help, Trinh found two cleaning jobs which helped her

and continue to receive government assistance and handouts.

to eventually settle down in Perth.

She looked for every opportunity that would enable her to

Finally Reunited with Husband

live independently. When she heard a school was looking

After settling down in Perth, the only blemish was the

apply for the position despite a keen competition for the job. In

unknown fate of her husband and other family members.

February 1980, relying on her teaching experience, and ability

She strived to contain her fear and worry, and did everything

in English, Vietnamese and various Chinese languages, she

she could to search for their whereabouts by continuously

won the job amongst a field of 20 applicants with the Graylands

writing letters to refugee camps in the Philippines, Indonesia,

Primary School. Her main role was to help to settle the refugee

Hong Kong, France, and Sweden, as well as to Red Cross and

students and act as an interpreter, a job which she held for 25

other international charitable organisations. Her effort was

years. Trinh believed that life as a refugee had strengthened

rewarded 6 months later when she received a reply from

their resolve, ingraining in them an industrious mindset, as well

International Red Cross informing her that they have located

as a strong emphasis on the children’s education. Under the

to employ a teacher assistant, she gathered her courage to

her family members on the Bidong Island refugee camp in Malaysia. On hearing the good news, Trinh broke down in tears of joy, and immediately went to the Immigration Department to apply to sponsor them to come to Australia. Unfortunately, the Australian government only agreed to accept her husband. Her parents and 4 younger sisters were eventually accepted by the USA, keeping the family separated once again. In June 1979, Trinh and her husband were finally reunited in Perth after being separated for about a year. They embraced each other in tears, recalling the trauma they had endured during the journey, and fully appreciated the chance of a new life and being reunited. A year later, they decided to move out of the refugee reception centre and rented a house in Highgate. This way, they not only get to eat Chinese food every day, but also saved a lot on the cost of food. That also signified the real start of a new life for Trinh and her family. Until today, Trinh still considers Australia to be a paradise, a

洪淑贞的家人在马来西亚悲痛岛难民营时的合影,前排左起:父亲、妹妹、妈妈和丈夫,后排是其他3 位姐妹Trinh’s family at the Bidong Island refugee camp in Malaysia. Front row from left: Trinh’s father, sister, mother and husband. Back row: Trinh’s three other sisters.

lucky country that offers a great and quality life style!


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

which saw her played an active role in a number of services and activities run by the Association. She was involved in setting up the first Chung Wah Chinese School (the preceding body of the current Morley Chinese School) and assumed the role of Deputy Principal. She was also nominated as the leader of the cultural group where she founded the Chung Wah Choir, as well as organised cultural performances and concerts. The first official performance was held in 1980 at the University of Western Australia’s Octagon Theatre. Due to shortage of human resources, Trinh and her fellow volunteers had to take on multiple roles, including solo singing, group singing, choreography, stage management, ticket sales, sponsorship, program production, etc. Despite the heavy workloads, everyone’s efforts were repaid with a full house at the 800 seat venue in a highly successful performance.

In the following year, the Association

established a Concert Sub-Committee, where they moved the performance to the 1,700 seat Perth Concert Hall, and 1997年洪淑贞夫妇前往美国旧金 山探望家人时留影 Trinh and her husband visiting her family in San Francisco, USA in 1997

guidance of Trinh and her husband, the 4 children grew up to

achieved similar successes. During the 1980s and 1990s,

be successful adults. Trinh’s son is now a software engineer,

the Association held many large scale cultural performances

her daughter a teacher, her sister a banker, and her brother

and concerts, with the funds raised from these events going

a computer engineer in USA. She and her entire family are

towards purchasing a piano, donations to charities, and

eternally grateful to the Australian government and society, and

partially funded the purchase of the Balcatta land, etc. The

do not wish to add to the government’s burden. She continues

achievements by Trinh and the others before our time, truly

to work hard to serve as an example to others, which hopefully

represented their tireless efforts and contributions to the

will encourage the government to continue to accept intake of

Association. Trinh’s intimate association with Chung Wah is

refugees who come after them.

irrefutable, where she has given her time and effort for more

During an activity held at the refugee reception centre in 1978, Trinh met a Chung Wah member in David NG who invited her to sing at the Association’s New Year Dinner. Ever since, Trinh

than 30 years. This has taken the pride of place in her heart which is her best way of showing her gratitude and repaying the society.

commenced an enduring relationship with the Association

Beside was a song popularly sung by inhabitants of the Leamsing refugee centre –

Depressing Leamsing Island – written by an unknown refugee composer.

This song accompanied Trinh during her unforgettable times on the island, and till today, whenever she sings the song, tears would still flow. Upon our request, Trinh translated the lyrics into Chinese, from which we translated to English:


Depressing nights of Leamsing, people frantically fleeing their homes without saying goodbyes to their friends and loved ones, who are they longing for with sadness? Depressing nights of Leamsing, people looking into the distance at the land far away, how are the loved ones getting on, do they remember me? Depressing nights of Leamsing, people searching amongst the new boat arrivals, no sign of my good friends, my heart fills with sorrow. For whom? For whom? I must leave, separated from my loved ones, I reached a land of unknown. Why? Why? I left my beloved homeland, many a times I laughed, and laughed, but with tears flowing incessantly. Filled with loneliness, I watched the passing clouds in the sky, reminiscing the loved ones in my homeland. Depressing nights of Leamsing, the wrecks of the boat people crying in deep pain, waiting the day, the day I can return to my homeland.

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

Editor’s Note: Even though Trinhs’ children could not recall the ordeal and trauma of their escape journey from Vietnam in their younger years, the selfless love of their mother changed their destiny forever. Upon our request, Trinh’s daughter, Anh, agreed to share with our readers her gratitude and deep affection for her mother in commemorating the up and coming Mother’s Day.

To Mum With Love

en, we never really understood all the sacrifices she made, Mum has always been an inspirational person. As young childr love and care that she could give. Only looking back now as and all the hard work she put in to give us the best education, an adult do I truly see how much she has given us. both worked seven days to make ends meet. To give me My brother and I have so much respect for mum. She and dad us out and spend family time together whenever she could piano lessons even though it meant a whole day’s pay. To take te being exhausted each day after working long hours. Most spare any time. To help us with homework and teach us despi . We are a close and loving family. There is nothing I wouldn’t of all, she taught us the family values which we still hold today they wouldn’t do for me. It is this total trust and love we all do for mum or dad or my brother, and I know there is nothing we might have faced in our lives. have for each other that allows us to pull through any hardships has imparted to us. I remember whilst growing up that Our Chinese culture and values has also been something mum encouraged, where as watching English movies or listening watching Chinese movies and listening to Chinese songs was weekend was non- negotiable. During school holidays, mum to English songs was a ‘waste of time’. Chinese school on the and learn. Now I realize that it is because of this that would make us a booklet of Chinese words which we had to copy other Asian friends I know have forgotten their mother I can now speak Chinese, which is an invaluable skill. So many converse and find my way around. tongue, where as I can confidently go to China or Hong Kong and to tell you how much I appreciate your love and sacrifices. Thank you mum for all you have done for me. There are no words and let us, your children, look after you. All I ask of you now is that you enjoy the rest of your life Your loving daughter, Anh

纯英夫妇和淑贞以及淑贞弟弟(左 一,当年被带到澳洲的4个孩子之一) Anh and husband, Trinh and her youngest brother (first left, the one who came to Australia with Trinh)

1979年洪淑贞的声乐老师莫莉-麦格克教4个孩子送给淑贞的母亲节贺卡 The mother’s day card which vocal teacher, Molly McGurk, helped the 4 children got for Trinh in 1979


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

中华会馆元老会会员洪淑贞在1970年代曲折感人的“船民”经历,以及她和她的声乐老师莫莉·麦格克之间深厚而长 久的友谊故事,在上一期《中华会刊》中登载后,打动了很多读者的心,两个月来,我们不断收到读者的反馈,他们对于 继续倾听洪淑贞在泰国难民营中的往事,充满了期待∙∙∙∙∙∙

难民营往事 ◎ 秋小天 1978年5月,29岁的洪淑贞,从越南出












遭遇和漂泊之后,她们辗转来到了泰国良 寻难民营。在这个荒岛上,等待着洪淑贞 和孩子们的,又将会是怎样的命运?

落脚何其难 在洪淑贞的记忆里,当时良寻岛上居 住着至少上千名来自不同地方和不同时期 的越南难民,他们被临时安置在这里,等 待陆续被有关国家接收。难民营的条件非 常简陋,组织也极其松散。除了每周免费 发放两次大米和几条小鱼之外,包括饮用 水在内,一切的衣食住行生计用品,都得 靠自己来张罗或者花钱购买。以“住”为 例,难民营里最普遍的是简陋的茅草屋, 但是这也需要难民们自己搭建。新难民到 来是没有现成的地方可住的,要么花钱向

天知道在逃难路上经过行李失踪和两 次搜身之后,难民们是如何将宝贵的黄金 或现钞偷藏下来的,而洪淑贞从与丈夫失 散时起就已经一无所有,所以当他们一行 60多人抵达良寻时,看到别人立刻开始买 水买面包狼吞虎咽时,她只好搂着饥饿的 孩子们,心中充满了忧虑和彷徨,幸亏在 难民营中有一位健青合唱团的旧识认出了 洪淑贞,他开心地送给了她的孩子们一包 面包和一瓶可乐。当人们接着又开始忙于 买房时,洪淑贞再次陷入了孤立无援的境 地。天色愈晚,洪淑贞也愈发地绝望,正 当她一筹莫展之际,一位老婆婆主动邀请 她和孩子们暂住到家中。于是在这位善良 老人的收留下,洪淑贞得到了几天宝贵的 喘息时间。

说,遗憾离开时没能将手上的金戒指留给 妈妈。洪淑贞受到启发,想出了一个好办 法,她建议兄弟俩将戒指借给她,卖掉后 买个房子分一半给他们住,然后她写信给 家人,让他们在越南买了一枚同等重量的 金戒指送还给兄弟俩的母亲。兄弟俩同意 了,就这样洪淑贞买到了一个茅草屋。尽 管屋子很小也很破,每逢下雨屋顶就漏 水,睡在竹席的地板上,半夜还时常被老 鼠咬醒,但是洪淑贞和孩子们终于有了自 己的安身之地!

度日也维艰 勉强安顿下来之后,即使她们几乎 天天都在吃酱油拌饭,然而洪淑贞难免还 是要为钱而发愁。一开始,她只能厚着脸














献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love











































洪淑贞觉得愧对孩子们的,不仅是显而易见 的穷困,还有看不见的精神伤害,有一件往事令她 印象深刻,当时她和儿子站在海边,突然间儿子象 是受到了很大惊吓,发狂似地尖叫着向后跑,旁边

只愿意收留孩子和青壮年,而且只有大约20%的通 过率,相对来说,美国的接收条件最为宽松,老弱 病残都不受限,但是这些人必须是被其它国家拒收 后,才能被美国接收。

















有一次,有位西方记者前来良寻采访一位难 民,洪淑贞充当了翻译。得知她会英文后,有人送给 她一本简易的英文书,她就用这本书来教4个孩子

正是由于这样真实和诚恳地回答,加之会说英语, 洪淑贞出人意料地被澳洲政府接收,她和孩子们终 于看到了未来的曙光!



子,将来到国外的时候可以用得上,然而没料到,因 为她以前身为教师的经历,使得很多家庭都将孩子送 到她这里来上课,慢慢地,她居住的小屋变成了一所 简易的学校。家长们用食物来充抵学费,尽管生活依 旧艰难,但是洪淑贞和孩子们的基本生活得到了很大 改善,她终于不用再四处借钱了。

何处是归家 在与家人恢复通信联系之后,洪淑贞得知失 散当天,丈夫无奈之下返回了家,在他们别离3个 月后,丈夫再次尝试出逃,随行的还有洪淑贞的 父母和4个妹妹,他们所有人至今杳无音信。满怀

洪淑贞在良寻岛送别德牧师的 晚会上演唱Trinh performing her number at the farewell party for Father De on Leamsing Island

那位帮助难民们与外界通信的美国牧师,因 被认为“富有道德”而被难民们尊称为“德牧师” 。他坚持每个月来良寻看望一次难民,并利用这个

1978年底洪淑贞的孩子在格里 兰难民接待处公寓前玩耍 Trinh’s children playing out the front of the apartment of refugee reception centre in Graylands

机会为难民们充当“邮差”,每次他都要自己掏钱 行贿当地警察,才能顺利地保证邮路的畅通。当德 牧师即将返回美国结婚前夕,难民们特意组织了告 别晚会,洪淑贞被邀请在晚会上演唱。“当时最担 心的是没有合适的衣服”,洪淑贞回忆说,她一路 逃亡就只有随身穿着的衣服,没有办法就只能这样 上台唱。




献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love
















待到洪淑贞和孩子们被送离良寻抵达 曼谷,等待接受体检前往珀斯之时,新婚 的德牧师刚巧从美国返回。当他特意前往 曼谷来探望难民时,再次见到了洪淑贞,

士兰州从未谋面的善心人吴健南先生。几 年之后攒够了钱,洪淑贞还特意飞过去与 吴先生见了面,当面感谢他的帮助,并从 此成为了好朋友。

1979年6月,在颠沛流离中分别了近 一年的夫妻,终于在珀斯重获团圆!夫妻 二人抱头痛哭,回顾一路走来的腥风苦 雨,万分珍惜这得来不易的重生和团圆机






















教堂中,洪淑贞成功地在近百 名教徒面前进行了演唱。结果


第二天,马上就有教徒前往洪 淑贞他们一行人临时歇脚的难


















外的收入“砸晕了”,因为在 当时的环境下,“这简直就相

1979年夫妻团圆后的合照 Trinh and her husband reunited in 1979

竞争激烈,她依然勇敢地前去 应征,1980年2月,洪淑贞凭

















珀斯新生活 洪淑贞和孩子们此前从未搭乘过飞 机,带着忐忑和兴奋,她们终于坐上了由



个孩子全都长大成材——儿子成为了软件 工程师,女儿是教师,妹妹在银行工作,



















1978年11月20日,洪淑贞历经千难万 险,终于带着4个孩子平安地踏上了珀斯的 土地。她们最早被安置在位于格里兰的难


找他们的下落。皇天不负有心人,在抵达 珀斯半年之后,洪淑贞终于接到来自国际 红十字会的来信,他们在马来西亚的悲痛 岛难民营找到了她的家人!洪淑贞喜极而

早在1978年难民接待处组织的一次 活动中,洪淑贞有幸认识了中华会馆的会 员吴成忠,被介绍到会馆的新年晚宴上演

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

1989年洪淑贞的演出照 Trinh performing in 1989

当年洪淑贞带领孩子们参加了很多会馆活动和演出,这是女儿纯英 (1点钟方位)和伙伴们一起表演筷子舞 Trinh led the children to participate in many Chung Wah activities and performances in the earlier years - her daughter Anh (1 o’clock position) and the team performing the chopstick dance













票、寻找赞助商,和拟写节目单等。尽管工作繁重,但是所有人 的辛劳得到了最好的回报,800个座位的演出大厅全场爆满,而且 演出获得了巨大成功!第二年,中华会馆成立了音乐会筹办委员 会,将文艺演出搬到了能容纳1700人的西澳大音乐厅举办,结果

这是一首当年在良寻广 为传唱的难民营之歌


忧郁的良寻夜晚,有人仓促地离开了家园,未能与妻儿和朋友告别,他们在悲伤地盼望着谁? 忧郁的良寻夜晚,有人向着远方遥望,不知妻儿近况如何,可还曾记得我吗? 忧郁的良寻夜晚,有人站着寻找刚来的船民,为何不见好友的影踪,心中是多么的悲伤。









一位已不知姓名的难民 作曲家创作,应本刊的 请求,洪淑贞将它由越 南文翻译成为了中文。


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

编者按: 对于当年洪淑贞费尽千辛万苦带到澳洲的一对儿女来说,即使幼年的曲折经历如今已经很难追忆,但正是无私的母爱让他们的命运 彻底改变。在2012年母亲节来临之际,应本刊的请求,洪淑贞的女儿纯英愿与读者一起分享她对于母亲的感激与深情——


妈妈是一个很有感染力的人。小时候 ,我们从来都没有真正理解过她为我 们所做的牺牲,以及她尽其所 能给予我们的最好的教育、关爱和照 顾。现在长大了,回想起来才真正明 白她对我们的爱。 我和弟弟都非常爱妈妈。妈妈和爸爸 总是七天不间断地工作,花费一整天 的薪水供我上一堂钢琴课。一 有空妈妈就会带我们一起出去玩。辛 苦工作一整天后还辅导我们做家庭作 业。 最重 要的是妈妈教给我们的家 庭观念,我们至今仍然保留着。一家 人相亲相爱,非常融洽。我愿意为我 的妈妈、爸爸和弟弟做任何事情, 我知道他们也会为我做任何事情。就 是这份信任和爱,让我们能一起渡过 任何的难关。 妈妈还把中国人的文化和观念传给了 我们。记得小时候,妈妈总鼓励我们 看中国电影、听中国音乐,而 看英文电影和听英文歌被认为是“浪 费时间”。周末一定得去上中文学校 。放假时,妈妈会把中文词语做成 一本小册子让我们抄写。现在我才明 白,正是通过这种学习我才掌握了中 文,这是一门非常有用的技能。我 的许多亚裔朋友都已经忘记了母语, 而我却能自信地往返于中国内地或香 港。 感谢您,妈妈,感谢您为我所做的一 切。千言万语也道不尽我对您的感激 。现在我们期望的就是您能安 享晚年,让您的孩子好好地照顾您。 爱您的女儿 纯英

翻译 何双子

洪淑贞夫妇与新婚的女儿女婿在婚礼上合影 Trinh and her husband with their daughter and son-in-law at their wedding reception

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献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

I love yo

妈 Handmade by students from Chung Wah Chinese Schools Rossmoyne, Morley, Leeming


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

ou, Mum

了 中华乐思中文学校 中华摩利中文学校 中华黎明中文学校 学生 手工制作


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

亲爱的妈妈,我想对您说...... DEAR MUM


◎ Written by students from Chung Wah Chinese Schools - Rossmoyne, Morley and Leeming 插图◎于红波 在很久以前,我就有很多话想对


您说,可是每次话到嘴边都会咽下,怎 么也说不出口,因为我对您的爱是无法 用语言来形容的。 妈妈, 您是一位美丽的天使,是您 赐给了我生命,哺育了我,教育了我。 您的爱是雨天里的一把小伞,给我一方 晴空;您的爱是冬天里的一把烈火,让 我感觉温暖。 我想对您说一声“对不起”!您给 了我无私的爱,我却经常跟您斗嘴;每 次您教育我,我都会认为您很唠叨;有 时候我甚至还会对您说一些过分的话,

◎Illustrated by Ida YU

小孩子都很顽皮,当我在餐厅里 不停地跑来跑去,如果正好有服务员拿 着热汤走过,就很容易遇到危险,这时

受内心的折磨,我跑向妈妈,涕泪直 流地喊道:“妈,您别变老好吗?我不 能没有您啊!” 妈妈一听,愣住了,然后大笑起




会老的啊!只要你珍惜现在,你就不会 当我日渐长大,妈妈也会教我拼音

和文字。妈妈给了我基础和优势,为我 进入社会做好准备。 难道我不应该敬重妈妈吗? 她正是 我人生的第一个老师。 中华乐思中文学校 杨忠韩 14岁


后悔咯!你只要记住,当我真的老了, 你懂得孝顺我,我还能埋怨什么呢?” 听了妈妈的一番话,想明白其中的 道理之后,我终于破涕为笑。妈妈的白发 是会越来越多——这是不可更改的事实, 但是我们拥有许多美好的时光,我会珍惜 这些岁月,珍惜有妈妈相伴的日子。 中华乐思中文学校 吴惠乐 13岁

我从小到大都一直牢牢地记住您对 我说的那句话:“只要不死,生活里的







着我不停地安慰。—— 她,就是我平凡 的母亲!

也是您让我了解到,母爱是世界上 最伟大的爱。我会努力地去奋斗,当一




报答您。 妈妈,您的爱是我深夜里的一盏 灯,给我一份独享的光明。谢谢您为我 的付出,妈妈我将永远爱您。无论您变 成什么样,您都是我最尊敬的妈妈,我 也会是您最孝顺的女儿。 中华乐思中文学校 林心语 14岁 在这个社会里, 人们注重许多 不一样的东西, 但是我永远都会敬重 我的妈妈, 因为她是我人生的第一位老 师, 如果没有她,我无法变成一个对社

又是平凡的一天。放学后,我 搭上巴士顺利地回到了家门口。此时, 我的双脚已经累得发麻了。“妈,快开 门!”我用不耐烦的语气对屋里喊道。

向。 我们母子俩都最喜欢吃苹果。 妈妈爱护我的点点滴滴,都让我终 生难忘。有一天下午3点左右,我们还 在教室上课,突然听到“轰隆隆”的雷



















我刚出生时, 不懂得走路,也不懂


放学普通的一天, 但是,它深深地印在

得说话。谁能教我呢? 当然是母亲,她













我一起跑;如果我跌倒, 妈妈就会鼓励






妈妈教会我各种生活技能,帮助我 了解各种规则,妈妈会告诉我什么是


来开门时语气都不好。我越想越内疚, 手下不知弹错多少。最后,我无法再忍

这就是我的妈妈,我非常爱她。 中华乐思中文学校 康帅 11岁

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


























中华乐思中文学校5B班 曹南茜



格,不让我看太多电视和玩太多电子游 戏,我知道妈妈这是为我好,所以,我 非常爱我的妈妈。

母亲节快到了,首先我要谢谢您 给我们所有的爱。

中华黎明中文学校 7A班 杨丽娅

您为了养育哥哥、弟弟和我而辛苦 地工作,每天很晚才回家。您也很关心









逢星期六,妈妈都要带我去中文学校和 学钢琴;每当我生病时,妈妈就会很细 心地照顾我;当我考试没考好时,妈妈 也不会生气,因为她知道我有努力地学 习。

记得有一次我发高烧,您没去上 班,留在家里照顾我,您把三餐都送到 我的床旁,一直注意着我的病情,夜里 也经常起身察看我的体温,一旦体温升 高您就会拿块湿布放在我的头上,守着



我会努力地学习,做一个好孩子。从今 天起,我会像妈妈一样帮助别人,将来 我要跟妈妈一样做一名护士。

一个周六的下午,我跟妈妈学 炒菜。首先,我学习切菜,妈妈告诉

妈妈,辛苦您了。对您为我们所作 的付出,我充满了感激!在此我祝您母 亲节快乐!


中华黎明中文学校10年级 李沂镁

中华摩利中文学校9年级 韩慧欣

切好后,妈妈又手把手地教我怎样炒 菜。按照妈妈教我的步骤,我先往锅里 倒了一点油,接着放进葱、姜、盐、清 酱,再把切好的白菜倒进锅里,然后拿 着勺子不停地翻炒,过了大约5分钟, 这道菜就做好了。妈妈尝了以后说:“ 很好吃!”,我听了非常高兴,心里美 滋滋的。 中华摩利中文学校5B班 常锦程 一天半夜,当我刚迈进家门, 在一片黑暗中就听到妈妈冲我喊:“ 为什么现在才回家?!我不是要你在10 点之前回家的吗?!”那时我已经很累 了,刚回家就听到妈妈的训斥,感觉很 烦躁,于是我不假思索就脱口喊道:” 我想回家就回家,关你什么屁事?”说 完,我把门猛地一撞,冲出了家门。 离家出走之后,因为无处可去,我 只好去朋友家住了几个晚上。在那段时

从小到大,妈妈就像天使一样 地爱我,每天她都煮饭给我吃,还教我 做功课。妈妈把辛苦藏在心里,给我的 只有温暖,我的幸福就在她的白发中发

间里,我无所事事地跟朋友逛街,或是 到处惹事生非,直到手里的钱花光,我 想来想去,还是勉强自己回了家。 到家时我发现大门没有锁,觉得 很奇怪,当我隐约听到房里有人在呜咽

芽。 以前我真的很不听话,长大后,我 开始明白我取得的很多进步都是因为我 听妈妈的话,妈妈比我更清楚我未来的 路。现在我懂得自己读书和写字,已经 独立了,不需要妈妈担心。我要好好读 书,以后出人头地,还要帮助妈妈做家 务。将来,我要带妈妈去环游世界,我 想报答她对我的温柔和给我的爱,我要 给她买名牌的提包和一个大大的家,我 想快快长大来保护她,给予她同样天使 般的温暖和慈祥。妈妈,我爱你。 中华黎明中文学校1年级 叶永强

时,就立刻走过去察看,原来是母亲正 背对着我蹲在一角看照片,而且边看边 哭。好奇心驱使我走上前去,发现母亲 是在看我小时候的照片:有我还没学会 走路之前的留影,也有我小学时跟朋友 玩耍时的合照,还有我小学毕业典礼的 场景。任何语言都无法表达我当时的感 受,我的脑海中一片混乱,而且心如刀 割。我无暇多想,从母亲身后一把抱住 了她......这次经历,成为了我们母子间的 亲密回忆。 中华乐思中文学校12年级 何啓俊


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


IntImate momen


3 2




7 1. 秀丽和妈妈 2. 柯俊壹和妈妈 3. Michelle Thesman and her Mum 4. 林可雯(12岁)和妈妈佩涓 12 years old Ke Wen LIM and her mother Pey Chean HENG 5. 林嘉欣(14岁)和妈妈方吉珠 14 years old Beatrice LIM and her mother Alice HONG 6. 徐嘉乐和妈妈 7. 翁凯恩和妈妈 8. Tracey NG and her mother Loan Kim NGUYEN


8 8

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


nts WItH mUm 13



11 10


12 16

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

西瓜(7个月)和妈妈何双子 7 months old Robert Martin and his mother Dorothy HE 温郭杰盛(7岁)和妈妈郭佳文 7 years old Jason VOON KOAY and his mother KA-MAN KOAY 张盛智和妈妈 曹南茜和妈妈 韩慧欣(13岁)和妈妈碧珠 13 years old Emmeline HAN and her mother Karen HAN 黄宏圣和妈妈 谢旋丽,谢绵丽和妈妈 张诗怡(6岁)和妈妈刘雅君 6 years old Zhang Shi Yi and her mother Sunny LIU


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


ping industries. This is reflected in some families where the children speak the mother’s dialect, rather than that of the father’s. They are more familiar with the folklores and family history pertaining to their mothers. Upon marriage, a girl would look forward to fulfilling her aspirations as a “devoted wife and loving mother”. Though at different phases of her life she might have different priorities such as careers and lifestyles; once a child is born, whether she works full time or part time, her care and concern for her family, her husband and children remain her top priority. Many mothers would adjust their working schedule to cater for their children’s needs; transport the children to and from school, extra curricula activities such as music lessons, sporting events and tuition. Most mothers would also be comfortable for a position with less pay in exchange for the flexibility to cope with children. Ancient Chinese culture associates mothers with “love and affection”, whereas the father, who spends much less time with the child, is regarded as “strict”. Quite often, a wise mother would make use of the perceived “strict” image of the father as a warning to her child. In reality of course, a mother could be both “loving and caring” and “strict” with her children.

FAMILY UPBRINgINg The “family upbringing” is an important part of a child’s deA painting of “Educating The Child”

When we celebrate our birthdays how many of us would have given any thought to the fact that it was the day that our mothers might have suffered in various degrees of pain as they went through their labour, some of them might have rather uncomfortable pregnancy? Some mothers even faced life threatening situations. Given the physical and psychological experience of child bearing and birth, coupled with breast feeding for some babies, it is not surprising that mothers are generally emotionally closer to their children.

ranges from survival skills, human relationships, as well as continuation of traditional culture. The quality of family upbringing most likely determines whether the child knows how to handle or position himself in society, whether he is comfortable amongst his elders and peers. It deals with relationship issues such as addressing a person correctly according to hierarchy relevant to their culture. In this respect, the mother imparts to her child her values, thoughts, approaches, problem solving techniques, home management

Traditionally, the upbringing of a child is largely undertaken by

skills such as cooking, sewing, house keeping, and how to

the mother as she generally spends more time with the child

deal with people. She is aware that knowingly or unknow-

compared with the father. This is equally true today for new

ingly, consciously or subconsciously, she is setting herself as

migrant families where the fathers travel on business or work

a role model. She knows that however she behaves her child

between the country of origin and Australia. It is also applicable

might imitate somehow.

to families where the fathers work in the resource industry in a “fly in fly out” arrangement, or in industries where they are subject to deployment such as the military, the aviation or ship-


velopment in addition to formal education at school. This

It is interesting to note that in countries where a family engages a full time, live-in house maid; the child is looked after by the housemaid when the parents go to work. To their

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

chagrin, the child tends to be influenced by the maid. He

while insisting that her children get the best food that they

would speak in the manner the maid speaks, and assimilate

could afford. She would rather buy her child a book to read

some of the maid’s mannerism, ideas and habits. Parents

rather than a nice dress for herself, she would not hesitate to

soon discover that unless they spend some quality time with

save so as to buy her child a piano. She would certainly strive

their own child, the child might tend to take instructions from

to see that her child succeeds; to achieve whatever she has

the person whom she has more contact with, rather than her

not had the opportunity in her life to do so. In general she con-

own parents! In extreme cases, the parents might not be

tributes towards the family, true to the spirit of “self sacrifice”.

able to cope with the child when she throws a tantrum or refuses to eat when the maid is on leave! To their annoyance, the child would cry for the maid at bed time rather than the mother.

A REMARKABLE MOTHER Chinese families are familiar with the story of the mother of a great Confucius scholar and philosopher Meng Zi, who relocated her house three times to provide the environment

Over a period of time a mother’s ability to manage a household, looking after her family and bring up the family is as important as her looks and charms. It is the kindness of her heart, her smiles, her wisdom, wit, sincerity, self sacrifice that continuously inspires the household. Her success emanates from a combination of her dedication to her husband and family; her inner attributes as well as her external appearance would ensure that her brilliance radiates forever.

for learning. When Meng Zi was a young boy, they once lived

As we celebrate Mothers’ Day, it is relevant to bear in mind that

next to a graveyard. The little boy would play games imitat-

the family works together as a whole. Given the ideal situation,

ing the ceremonial and burial rites he often saw. His mother

the father invariably plays an equally important and crucial role

decided to move and took residence in a house next to the

towards the overall well being and success of their children. A

marketplace. There the little boy imitated the behaviour of

mother would perform well in an environment of harmony and

cunning business practice, bartering and trading, haggling

stability within the family, whereby the parents mutually sup-

over every bit. His mother then decided that this was not

port, restrain, encourage and protect each other.

what she liked and moved once again, this time close to a school. When Meng Zi was in the environment of students reciting texts, he too, wanted to study. This story, known as “the mother of Meng Zi relocated three times” , is part of the Chinese folklore. Consistent with this spirit, it is not uncommon for ethnic Chinese parents to buy or rent a house in a good school zone. South of the river for example, many parents would select houses in the Rossmoyne and Willetton High School zones. The choice of a school zone for the children overrides other personal choices, such as beach front, good scenery, easy access to their own work place, etc. The emphasis on excellence in education is reflected in better than average performance amongst many ethnic Chinese students in high schools, colleges and universities. In many occasions their academic achievements are significantly higher than their population percentage.

MATERNAL INSTINCT A mother is always determined to nurture her child through life, to give him the best that she could. Modern “mothers of Meng Zi” abound, with examples of successful people brought up by mothers single-handedly under very difficult circumstances. The maternal instinct is such that a lot of things are done for the children, even though it results in heavy workload, lack of sleep, endless concerns or worries. A mother is “happy” to put up with normal attire while her kids get new clothes. She doesn’t mind eating ordinarily,

A painting telling the story of “The mother of Meng Zi relocated three times”


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


文 ◎ 饶逸生 译 ◎ 王璀玫

A block printing of “Educating TheChild”























由于工作或生意的牵扯,需要在祖国与澳大利亚之 间两头奔波;



家教 除了学校里的正统教育,家庭教育在孩子的成









每个女孩都渴望婚后当个称职的贤妻良母。也 许她在不同的人生阶段会有不同的追求,比如她可 能对事业有憧憬,也可能想拥有更有质素的生活方





辈是否能和睦共处。一个家教好的孩子懂得根据辈 份,正确地尊称别人。在这方面,母亲的价值观、 思维方式、解决难题的技巧、家庭管理技能如烹

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

饪、缝纫、家政及与他人相处之道,都对孩子有极 大的影响。不管是有意识或潜意识地,母亲已为孩 子树立了一个榜样,她知道孩子们可能在模仿她的 行为举止。

母性的本能 在人生路上,母亲总是坚定地培育着孩子,给 予他最好的养分,新时代的“孟母”比比皆是,现 实中有很多例子证明了,很多成功人士都是他们的























时间,孩子就会吵闹不休非要女佣不可,就连亲生 母亲也取代不了。

一位卓越的母亲 华人家庭对孔子的得意门生——孟子的母亲三 次搬家寻求更好的学习环境的故事耳熟能详。当孟 子还小的时候,他与母亲住在一个坟场旁边。这小

长久以来,母亲照顾家人、管理家庭的能力与 她个人的样貌与魅力同等重要,她的善良、微笑、 才智、风趣、纯真及自我牺牲的精神不断地激励及 鼓舞着家中的每一个人,她的成功源自于她为丈夫 与家庭作出的奉献,她内在的特质及显现的外形将 使她灿烂的光辉永远散发不断。













间学校附近。孟子每天生活在朗朗的读书声中。这 样的环境最后激发起他的好学之心。“孟母三迁” 的故事流传至今,已成为中国著名的民间故事。 与孟母的精神相符合,现今的华人父母在好的 学校区域买房或租房已经司空见惯。例如,在天鹅 河的南部,很多父母选择在Rossmoyne或Willeton中 学区居住。选择居住环境时,父母首先考虑孩子 就读的学校,其次才考虑他们自己的要求如门 前有无海滩,风景漂不漂亮,去工作的交通方 不方便等其他条件。父母注重优质的教育使 到很多华人子弟,不论是中学生,大专生 或大学生都取得了优异的成绩。在很多领 域,在事业上有所成就的华人比例,已 经超越了他们在总人口中所占的比例。


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

A MOTHER’S SACRIFICE 崇高的母爱 译 ◎ 何双子

舍身母爱感化劫匪 25岁的中国四川眉山女孩刘菁身患尿毒症多年,母亲陈 瑞琼不忍心看到女儿一直遭受病痛的折磨,决定捐一个肾给 她。就在手术前夕的2012年4月22日晚,陈瑞琼在离家不远的 巷子里遭遇抢劫。她拼死搏斗,身中10多刀也不松手,保住了 包里为做手术而刚从亲戚那里借来的11,400元钱。经抢救,陈 瑞琼最终脱离了危险,她清醒后的第一句话,就是询问她的 肾是否受到了伤害。 案发后36个小时,眉山警方将两名犯罪 嫌疑人抓获。得知真相之后,持刀伤害陈瑞琼的犯罪嫌疑人 李川流下了悔恨的泪水,并表示愿意将自己的肾捐给李菁, 以此赎罪。

Robber Touched by a Mother’s Love

刘菁在医院照顾母亲 Liu Qing is looking after her mum

LIU Qing, a 25 year old Chinese woman from Meishan in Sichuan, has been suffering from uremia (a kidney failure illness) for many years. Her mother, CHEN Ruiqiong, could not bear to see her daughter continuing to suffer from this illness, and decided to donate a kidney to her. On 22 April 2012, the eve of the kidney transplant surgery, CHEN encountered a robbery in a back lane near her home. In order to protect the RMB 11,400 cash which just borrowed from the relatives for paying the surgery, she bravely fought the robbers and refused to part with the money despite being stabbed a number of times. After she was rescued and regained consciousness, the first thing she asked was whether her kidneys had suffered any damage from the stabbings. Thirty six hours after the incident, the Meishan police captured the two offending suspects. When LI Chuan, the robber who stabbed CHEN, found out about her situation, he shed tears of repentance, and offered to donate his kidney to LIU Qing to atone for his crime.

地震中母亲舍身救子 2008年汶川地震后,救援人员来到一个年轻女人倒塌的房子废墟前,透过裂缝看到了她的尸体。她的姿势看起来很怪,像拜神一样 地跪着,她的身体向前倾,双手撑着一个东西。倒下的房子砸到了她的背和头。 救援队队长费了很大劲才把手伸进墙上的一个小缝隙中,碰到了女人的身体。他希望这女人还活着。但冰冷僵硬的身体说明她已不 在了。队长和队员们离开了这个房子去搜寻下一个目标。 但冥冥之中,救援队长被一股力量驱使着又回到了那个女人的房子前。他再次弯下身把手伸进那个小缝隙,在死者身下搜索。突 然,他大叫起来:“孩子!有个孩子!” 整个救援队行动起来,小心地移开女人身边的一堆堆瓦砾。一 个三个月大的男婴包裹在一张花毯子里,躺在他妈妈的尸体之下。 很明显,这个女人在最后一刻尽全力救了她的儿子。当房子倒塌 时,她用自己的身体护住了儿子。 医生很快赶到,给小男孩做检查。打开毯子时,他看到一个手 机,上面有一条信息写道:“我的宝贝,如果你能活下去,永远记 住,妈妈爱你。”

纪念雕塑 Memorial Statue


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

Mother Sacrificed Herself in Earthquake After the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person worshiping; her body was leaning forward and her two hands were supporting an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head. With a lot of difficulty, the leader of the rescuer team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman could still be alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away. He and the rest of the team left this house and went to search the next collapsed building. For some reasons, the team leader was driven by a compelling force to go back to the ruin house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his hand through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed, “A child! There is a child!” The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3-month old little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made an ultimate sacrifice to save her son. When her house was falling, she used her body as a shield to protect her son. The medical doctor came quickly to examine the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cell phone inside. There was a text message on the screen that said: “Dear baby, if you can live, always remember that I love you.”

My One-Eyed Mother ‘How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!’ And to this, my mother quietly answered, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,’ and she disappeared out of sight. One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack where my mom lived, just out of curiosity. My neighbours said that she died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have. My dearest son, I think of you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your place and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. My mom only had one eye. I hated her... she was such an embarrassment. There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say

I’m sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you

hello to me. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored

were growing up. You see...when you were very little, you got into an

her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of my

accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you

classmates said, ‘EEEE!!! Your mom has only one eye!’ I wanted to bury myself.

having to grow up with one eye. So I gave you mine.

I also wanted my mom to just disappear. So I confronted her that day and said, ‘If you’re only going to make me a laughing stock, why don’t you just die?!!!’ My mom did not respond... I didn’t even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings. I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go overseas to study. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had

I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. With my love to you, Your mother.

kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts. Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance, but in the heart. Real treasure Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn’t seen me in years and she

lies not in what that can be seen, but what that cannot be. Real love lies not in

had never even met her grandchildren. When she stood by the door, my children

what is done and known, but in what that is done but not known.

laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. I screamed at her,


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

只有一只眼睛的妈妈 我的妈妈只有一只眼睛,我恨她,有这样的妈妈真丢人。有 一天,妈妈来学校找我,我觉得很难堪,她干嘛要来学校?我没 理她,狠狠地瞪了她一眼就跑了。第二天来到学校,有个同学叫








说的话,我当时太生气了,根本没有注意到她的表情。我真想离开 这个家,和她再没瓜葛。因此我努力学习,有了出国深造的机会。 再后来我结婚,买了自己的房子,有了自己的孩子。我对自己的生 活、孩子和舒适环境很满意。 有一天,我妈妈来看我。她多年来都没有见到我,也没见过 我的孩子们。当她站在门边时,孩子们开始笑她,我对着她大叫, 怪她不请自来。我对她吼道:“你怎么敢跑来这里吓我的孩子!

对不起,在你的生活里我一直是这样一个让你觉得丢 人的妈妈。你知道吗,你很小的时候出了一次事故,失去 了一只眼睛。作为母亲,我不能看着你只带着一只眼睛长 大,于是我把自己的给了你。 我的儿子能用我的眼睛替我看到一个全新的世界,我 感到非常自豪。





一天,我收到一封同学聚会的信。于是我骗太太说我要出 差。聚会后,我去了我妈妈曾住过的小屋,只是出于好奇。邻居说 她已经过世了,我一滴泪都没流。邻居把妈妈的一封信给了我。

真正的美不在外表,而在内心。真正的财富不是可见,而是 无形。真正的爱不是所做和所知,而是做了却不需要对方知道。

The Cost of a Mother’s Love A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: $.50 Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $.25 Taking out the garbage: $1.00 For getting a good report card: $5.00 For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00 Total owed: $14.75 Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he’d written on, and this is what she wrote: For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No Charge For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge For all the trying times, and all the tears that you’ve caused through the years: No Charge For all the nights that were filled with dread and for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: No Charge Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge. When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his mother and said, “Mom, I sure do love you.” And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: “PAID IN FULL”


母爱值多少钱 有天晚上,一个小男孩走进厨房,他的妈妈正在准备晚 餐,男孩递给妈妈一张纸。妈妈在围裙上擦干手,读起来,纸 上写着: 剪草:5块 这周整理我的房间:1块 替你去商店:5毛 你去买东西时我照顾小弟弟:两毛五 丢垃圾:1块 拿到一张好成绩单:5块 清洁后院:2块 共计14块7毛5 妈妈看着小男孩站在那,男孩也看到妈妈若有所思。妈妈 拿起笔,在男孩那张纸的背面写道: 当你还未出生时我怀你九个月:免费 每天晚上我坐在你身旁,为你祈祷:免费 这些年我为你挨过的困难和流过的眼泪:免费 每个担惊受怕的不眠之夜和对将来的焦虑:免费 所有玩具、食物、衣服,还有替你擦鼻子:免费 儿子,你把这些都加起来,我对你的爱还是:免费 小男孩读完妈妈的纸条后,眼里闪动着大颗的泪珠,他抬 头望着妈妈,说道:“妈妈,我真的爱你。”于是他拿起笔, 用大大的字母写下:“全款已付”。

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


译 ◎ 何双子

motHeR M... is for the million things she gave me, O ... means only that she’s growing old, T ... is for the tears she shed to save me, H ... is for her heart of purest gold; E ... is for her eyes, with love-light shining, R ... means right, and right she’ll always be. Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,” A word that means the world to me. •

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

Working mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to show that sleep is not necessary to human life.

No one in the world can take the place of your mother. Right or wrong, from her viewpoint you are always right. She may scold you for little things, but never for the big ones.

The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.

I want to have children, but my friends scare me. One of my friends told me she was in labour for 36 hours. I don’t even want to do anything that feels good for 36 hours.

Parents often talk about the younger generations as if they didn’t have anything to do with it.

The advice your son rejected is now being given by him to your grandson.

Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.

If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.

妈妈 M 代表她为我付出的一切辛劳 O 意味着她因此而日渐衰老 T 是她为抚育我而流过的泪水 H 代表她金子般纯净的心灵 E 恰似她充满慈爱的眼睛 R 则代表正确,因为她永远是对的。 这五个字母加起来在英文里读作“妈妈”,她代表了整个世界 • 世界上只有一个孩子最漂亮,每个母亲都拥有这么一个孩子。 • 男人爱情人最痴,爱妻子最深,爱母亲最久。 • 照顾孩子的母亲就如同实验中的豚鼠,用来证明人类完全可以不用睡觉。 • 世界上没有谁能取代你的母亲。不管是对是错,她总是站在你这边。她会因为一些小事而责骂你,但有大事发生时,她一定与 你同在。 • 孩子的未来掌握在母亲手中。 • 我想要孩子,但朋友的经历吓得我不敢要孩子。有位朋友说她的产程长达36个小时。就算是做令我觉得舒服的事情,我都不愿 意连着做36个小时啊。 • 当父母亲们聊起他们的下一代时,那口气就好像年轻一代的现状完全与他们不相干似的。 • 你儿子正把他当初拒绝接受的意见传给你的孙子。 • 如果你连自己的孩子都带不好,那你其它事情是不是做得好也都无关紧要了。


The YouYi Games for 2012 is an important event for both Team China and the Australian Boomers as they prepare for the London Olympic Games. Both teams will use the YouYi Games to fine tune their selection process and showcase their emerging and talented players. This year, it has been decided to hold all 3 games in Western Australia. Game 1 will in Perth on June 9th, Game 2 in Albany on June 11th and Game 3 in Perth on June 13th. The YouYi Games is an important sporting and cultural addition to an already strong relationship between China and Australia. Currently Australia is ranked 9th in the world and China is ranked 10th. Last year, the two teams battled it out in front of big crowds in Perth in Singapore with both games only decided by a few points. Organizer Andrew Vlahov of RV Sport:”This is the premium basketball event in this region. Two teams ranked in the top 10. Global TV coverage, the highest standard of play outside the NBA and all here in

Western Australia.” “We are very lucky to have the support of the State Government through Eventscorp and Tourism WA. This is a great opportunity to showcase Perth and Western Australia to all the Team China fans in China. Events like this are not easy to capture and execute, but with the help of great sponsors, the job has become a lot easier.” Vlahov referred to the Crown Perth, Atlas Iron and Auzcorp as great contributors to this important China-Australia contest. We have also received excellent support from the City of Albany, private enterprise and the basketball ‘family’ in Albany. RV Sport is fast becoming a recognized brand in Asia after delivering the inaugural YouYi Games and the Cable Beach Invitational in Broome last year. “This year we also developed a prototype event for youth, the Friendship Games. Western Australia hosted 68 athletes, coaches and officials in January this year across basketball, track and field and

swimming. The Friendship Games is a long term bi-lateral agreement with the Shanghai Sports Bureau for the exchanging of training and playing ideas as well as significant cultural exchanges. In 2013, 50 young Western Australian athletes will be given the chance to travel to Shanghai in the reciprocal visit and 2014 promises to be even bigger back here in Perth with additional invitations going to other Chinese provinces and South East Asian countries. ” “I can see the Friendship Games developing into something very special for the youth of our countries given the right support” RV Sport is also becoming known in regional Western Australia. This year they will facilitate events in Broome, Port Hedland and Albany. “We certainly enjoy getting out to the regional WA and placing major events in the towns. You get a whole new appreciation level from people and it is great for the youth in those communities. We would like to expand on this and are currently studying ways in which to do so.”

YouYi Basketball Game organiser, Andrew Vlahov, former Australian Boomers and Perth Wildcats Captain

在积极备战伦敦奥运会之际,中国 国家男篮队和澳大利亚国家男篮队将进行 2012友谊赛,两队都视之为一场重要的练兵 赛。两队将利用这一机会进行队列调整, 并展示各自的杰出球员。 今年的三场比赛都选在西澳进行,分 别是6月9日在珀斯,6月11日在阿尔伯尼,6 月13日在珀斯举行。 两队的友谊赛,作为一场体育和文化 的盛事,将为中澳两国已有的亲密关系再 度锦上添花。目前澳中两队的世界排名分 别是第九和第十。去年两队在珀斯和新加 坡的两场精彩比赛就吸引了大批的观众, 比分相当接近。 组织者RV Sport的安德鲁沃拉霍夫表 示:“这是亚太地区的重要篮球赛事。两

队都是世界前十强。全球电视报道,NBA 以外最高水准的比赛,三场球赛都将在西 澳看到。” “我们非常荣幸能通过西澳旅 游局及其赛事部获得西澳洲政府的支持。 这将是向中国队的球迷们展示珀斯和西澳 的绝佳机会。此类赛事的主办权得来不 易,组织上也颇费周章,感谢各赞助者的 大力支持,令我们的工作轻松许多。” 沃拉霍夫提到珀斯皇冠酒店、Atlas铁 矿公司和Auzcorp公司都是本次比赛的重要 赞助商。我们还得到了阿尔伯尼市政府、 当地的私营企业以及“篮球世家”的大力 支持。 去年,通过主办友谊赛和布如穆的凯 波海滩邀请赛,RV Sport已迅速成为亚洲知 名品牌。“今年我们还为年轻人度身定制 了一类赛事,友好运动会。一月份西澳就

接待了来自篮球、田径和游泳各项目的运 动员、教练和官员共68人。友好运动会是 我们与上海体育局合作的一个长期双边协 议,旨在为双方提供培训、比赛和文化交 流的机会。2013年,50名西澳的年轻运动员 将有机会去上海参加交换学习,2014年, 我们将会邀请更多来自中国其它省份和东 南亚国家的运动员到珀斯来。” “我能预 见,有各方的支持,友好运动会将成为两 国年轻人交流的特殊平台。”RV Sport在西 澳地区也开始广为人知。今年他们还将在 布如穆、黑德兰港和阿尔伯尼等地举办赛 事。“能在广大西澳地区的各个城市举办 赛事,我们觉得非常骄傲。能接触到更多 不同的观众,也能为当地的年轻人提供更 多的机会。我们希望在这方面继续拓展, 目前正在研究可行的方案。”



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献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


In 1996, a mother cat, nicknamed Scarlett, darted into a blazing abandoned building in Brooklyn, USA, and pulled out her 5 kittens, one by one to safety, badly scorching herself in the process. Once all the kittens had been rescued, she conducted a head count to make sure they were all there, touching each kitten with her nose as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see. Her 4-week-old kittens recuperated with her at an animal clinic. One kitten, weakened by smoke inhalation, died of a virus a month later. Scarlett was later adopted. She died in 2008 while with her adoptive family. 1996年,美国布鲁克林,一只名为斯嘉丽的猫妈妈,奋不顾身地从一栋炽热的 废旧大楼里,一只一只地把她的5只小猫宝宝们转移到安全的地方,她自己却被严重 灼伤。所有小猫都救出来后,斯嘉丽的眼睛都起了水泡,看不清东西了,她就用鼻 子去触摸每一只小猫,清点数量,确认一只也没有少。斯嘉丽和她4周大的猫宝宝们 在一家宠物医院中恢复了健康,其中一只由于摄入烟尘而导致身体虚弱,一个月后 死于病毒感染。斯嘉丽后来被收养,2008年她在收养家庭中去世。

In Ma Lian village in China, there was a successful and popular sheep soup restaurant that publicly slaughtered live sheep, a specialty designed to feature the freshness of their meat. It closed suddenly without announcement which got the customers wondering. A reporter then found out a moving story behind it. Earlier, the restaurant owner had bought a sheep and its lamb from a farmer and planned to kill the sheep on that same day. His employee laid the knife on a bench and went to prepare for the slaughter. When the butcher returned, he could not find the knife anywhere. The sheep was then seen licking the tears that were flowing down the lamb’s face. Upon seeing this image, the owner asked to separate the two to prevent further grief to the lamb, remembering the farmer’s words that they were mother and son. When the lamb was lifted, they found the knife lying underneath. No one knew how the knife got there and concluded that the lamb must have hid the knife to prevent his mother’s slaughter. In the end, the owner kept the sheep and lamb alive and decided to close the restaurant, vowing not to engage in this sort of profession anymore. 中国马连村有一家生意很好的羊肉汤馆,公开地生宰活羊,以显示他们的用料新鲜。有一天这家馆子突然结业,食 客们都很不解。一名记者揭开了背后的感人故事。此前有一天,餐馆老板从农场买回一头羊和一只小羊羔,并打算当天 宰杀这只羊。工人把刀子放在案板上准备杀羊,但回来时却怎么也找不到那把刀子,却看到那只羊正舔着小羊脸上流下 的泪水。看到这一幕,餐馆老板想起农场主曾告诉他这对羊是母子,于是老板叫人把它们分开,以免小羊伤心。当抱起 小羊时,却发现那把刀就在小羊的身下。没人知道刀怎么会在那,大家推断是小羊不愿看到妈妈被宰杀而把刀子藏了起 来。最后,老板留下了这对羊母子并决定结束餐馆的生意,发誓以后再也不做这类营生。


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

A baby squirrel had fallen to the ground and was pounced on upon by a dog which trapped it underneath its front paws as it closed for the kill. With no intentions of letting her baby become dinner, the brave mother squirrel attacked the dog with her sharp claws. The surprise assault gave the baby squirrel enough time to climb back up the nearby tree before its mother is thrown clear and rushed her baby back up into the safety of the tree. 一只小松鼠掉到地上,被一只大狗用前爪踩住,凶多吉少。松鼠妈妈不能眼睁睁地看着孩子 成为别人的晚餐,她勇敢地举起锋利的爪子扑向大狗。大狗受到这一突然袭击,小松鼠才得以挣 脱并有了足够的时间逃到附近的树上,松鼠妈妈被大狗甩开后带着孩子逃到了安全的地方。

Katjinga, a farm dog, took on motherly duties for a tiny pot-bellied pig Paulinchen after the baby runt was dismissed by its own mother. Lonely Paulinchen was luckily discovered moments from death and was placed in the care of the dog. Katjinga had just had a litter of her own, and she fell in love with the piggy at first sight and adopted it. 一条名为凯金格的牧羊犬收养了一只名为陈波林的小 猪仔。被自己妈妈遗弃的波林仔非常瘦弱,肚子鼓鼓的, 孤零零的快要奄奄一息时才被发现,并被交给了凯金格照 顾。金格妈妈自己有一只小狗仔,但她一眼就爱上了波林 仔并收养了他。

A ferocious grizzly bear nicknamed Secretariat wanted to make a meal of two little cubs named Sugar and Spice. Their mother was catching fish 150 yards away and was not facing her children, totally unaware of the deadly peril. When the cubs got nervous and started running, Secretariat ran after them, and was gaining on them very quickly. Cleverly, the two cubs separated, Spice made a left hand turn and Sugar ran out towards the mother. Secretariat chose to pursue Spice, caught him and bit him twice. When mother bear realized that one of its kids was about to die, she let out a blood curdling scream and went after Secretariat, twice her size, in hot pursuit. Fortunately Spice was bloodstained but survived. Sugar came to comfort her badly shaken brother until their mother came and walked them to the safety of the nearby grasslands. 一头凶残的大灰熊,外号书记,想吃掉两只名叫糖糖 和香香的小熊。他们的妈妈正在150码外的地方捕鱼,对这 一险情浑然不知。当两只小熊开始紧张地逃跑时,书记也 奋起直追,眼看就要追上了。两只聪明的小熊兵分两路, 香香往左,糖糖往右奔向妈妈。书记决定追香香,抓住香 香并咬了他两口。当熊妈妈惊觉自己的孩子危在旦夕时, 她发出声嘶力竭的一声狂吼,冲向了体型大她两倍、正紧 追着她孩子的凶手。香香被咬出了血,但幸免于难。糖糖 跑过来安抚着惊魂未定的哥哥,妈妈把他们带到了安全的 草地上。


献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

Mother’s Day Beauty Tips Mothers are usually fully occupied with attending to the needs of the family, often making sacrifices and neglected their own needs. As a Mothers’ Day gift to the mothers amongst our readers in recognising your sacrifices, we would like to share some tips for a healthier lifestyle that make you look good at the same time.

Oriental diet

of hair, skin and nails. It hydrates, moistens and softens the skin, improving the skin texture and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. Camellia nut oil is also particularly effective in treating hair loss or thinning. Pear powder is rich in amino acids and other minerals that help rejuvenate the skin, and maintaining a healthy and vibrant skin. It also has healing properties that calms inflammation and irritations, reduce redness and promotes healing.

Beauty Massage

rice powder, turmeric, nutmeg and a little water or spice oil. Yogurt, milk, and buttermilk are also used directly on the skin or added to a bath to nourish the skin. In Indonesia, goat, sheep and cow milk is used in milk baths to make the skin softer.

A healthy diet is an important part of many Asian beauty regimens, and Asians, mainly the Chinese

Exercises for beauty

and the Japanese, swear by their teas. Green tea,

As most know, tai chi, qigong and yoga exercises

white tea and Oolong tea are the most common teas consumed in Asia. Not only do these teas have detoxifying and anti-aging properties, they are also rich in antioxidants that help prevent free radical damage. Foods in the Asian diet found to improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles include dates, honey, rice, cucumber and Chinese mushrooms. Chicken

Therapeutic massage practiced throughout Asia in

feet, deemed as chicken waste in the West, are

various styles, are believed to have beauty benefits.

actually a delicacy in Asia. Found on the menus of

Stretching the muscles helps relieve tension, and

most Dim Sum restaurant, chicken feet are high in

increases blood flow to the skin cells to create a

collagen which is great for skin, hair and nails.

rosy glow to the complexion giving a youthful appearance. Many types of massage employ

Ginseng, used in Asia for centuries, is a highly valued

acupressure techniques which also promotes good

tonic for overall health and beauty. It improves blood

healthy skin. The technique is to use the fingers to

circulation and energises the body while reducing

press on energy points on the surface of the skin to

stress, presenting a clear healthy looking skin. It is

stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.

also said to contain natural steroids necessary for

Acupressure also increases body metabolism

the production of new skin cells.

while relaxing facial muscles. This enhances skin

Camellia Nut and Pearl Powder

elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Scrubs and Baths Scrubs, baths and wraps are widely popular both in the East and the West. Body scrubs such as sea salt, coconut, vanilla, and cinnamon exfoliate the skin and increase blood circulation. There are numerous A prized beauty secret in Asia is the topical use

Asian recipes for body scrubs; one mixture include

of white camellia nut oil to improve the condition

sandlewood, cloves, cinnamon, coriander seeds,


are incredibly beneficial for health, but do you know that they amplify beauty as well? These exercises are able to bring inner peace and tranquility and prevent and treat hormonal imbalances. Akin to acupressure, these exercises boost blood circulation, balance internal energy and stimulate the body’s self-curative abilities, again promoting radiant skin, as well as strong muscles and bones.

Make up tips There are many makeup manuals around which claim to suit all faces. However, the one-size-fits-all

献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love

approach does not always work. Here are some tips

start by curling the base, then the middle and finally

that suit Asian women.

the end. This ensures the eyelashes curl nicely in a


C shape and not an L shape. Apply numerous coats

译 ◎ 何双子

Foundation: Asian women generally have yellowish skin tone, hence should sought a foundation that

of waterproof mascara to emphasise them.

has yellow undertone instead of the usual pink. Pick

Below are steps to a look that’s natural and enhances

the colour closest to your skin tone. The best way

your beauty, suitable for both mother and daughter! 1.

First, apply concealer where necessary – under the eyes to conceal dark circles and around the nose if redness appears. Then,

妈妈们总是忙于家事,把时间和精 力都给了家人而忽略了自己。值此母亲 节之际,本刊特别为各位妈妈读者们送 上一些美容养颜小贴士,愿各位妈妈更 美更健康。


apply a gel foundation to the face and neck. Blend with a brush to make it even. Brush on a little foundation powder for a more natural look. 2.

Contour your face by applying bronzer at the side of your face along the cheekbones, on the temples and jaw.

to test the colour is to rub it in at the jaw line. The foundation should appear smooth and look natural


Apply highlighter on the bridge of the nose, the

without the appearance of lines of separation. It is

brow bones under the eyebrows and above the

always good to check out the colour in true daylight

apples of the cheeks to highlight key features.

before buying it.


Eyebrow powder: The rule of thumb for brow colour is that dark haired people should go one or two shades lighter than the colour of their hair and


light haired people should go one or two shades

with a brow cream or powder.


For the eyes, prime the lids so that eye


shadows will last longer. Apply a Champaign


colour on the inner corners of your eyes. Then


apply a light pink on the centre of the eyes


followed by a matte brown colour at the end of


the lids where your brush sinks in. Blend with



eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible.


Curl lashes and apply black mascara to top

too overwhelming if you use black even if you have

and bottom lashes.

Eyeliner: If you have small eyes and want to make


人参在亚洲入食入药由来已久,是美 容滋补的佳品。人参能促进血液循环、补

Line the eyes with a black or dark brown gel

darker than the colour of their hair. It might look

softer and more natural appearance.

作用。绿茶、白茶、乌龙茶都是亚洲人最 爱喝的茶。茶不仅有解毒、抗衰老的功

outer lids. Again, blend and buff with a brush.

black hair. Go for eyebrow powder as it gives a


After prepping the face, fill in your eyebrows

a brush. Next, apply a dark brown colour at the




Finish off the look with a matte lipstick closest to your natural lip colour and Voilà! Picture ready for Mother’s Day!

them appear larger, make sure you don’t line the bottom of your eyes. Only line the top and end the lines with a slight curve upwards to make your eyes look wider. If you must, line the bottom with white or a soft colour. White of soft colours will brighten up your eyes and not make them look small.

亚洲时下有一种昂贵的美容品---白山 茶仁油,能改善发质、皮肤和指甲。它能 使皮肤滋润、柔软,改善肤质,减少皱纹 和妊娠纹的出现。山茶仁油还对脱发和发

Eyelashes: Asians often have eyelashes that are


stick-straight, hence should invest on a powerful


eyelash curler, and a heated one might just do the


trick at keeping the curl longer. To get that nice curl,



献给母亲的爱 To Mum With Love


美容按摩 按摩在亚洲很流行,形式多样,人 们认为按摩可以美容。拉伸肌肉有助于缓 解紧张,促进血液流向皮肤,令皮肤红润 有光泽。许多按摩方式都用到指压法,这

发色深一两号的颜色。如果你的头发是黑 色,又使用黑色的眉粉就会看上去一片 黑,没有层次。应选用让眉毛看起来柔和 自然的颜色。

2. 在脸廓两侧沿着颧骨、太阳穴和下颚刷 上些褐色。 3. 在鼻梁、眉毛下方的眉骨、和脸颊骨上 打上些高光,以加强轮廓。 4. 之后再用眉粉或眉膏画眉毛。
















揉搓和泡浴 揉 搓 和 泡 浴在东西方都很 流行。用海盐、 椰子、香草和桂 皮等搓揉身体能 给皮肤去角质,





得漂亮,就应该从睫毛根部夹起,再夹中 部和尾端。这样可以使睫毛翘成C字型,而 不是L型。再涂上几层防水的睫毛膏。 下面介绍一款自然又漂亮的妆容,适合妈



其中一种就是混 合檀香、丁香、 桂皮、香菜籽、大米粉、姜黄粉、肉豆蔻 和一点水或香料油。酸奶、牛奶和酪乳也 可直接用在皮肤上,或加到浴盆内滋养肌

6. 用黑色或深褐色的凝胶画上眼线,尽量


促进血液循环。 揉搓品的配方,

5. 在眼睑上先涂些眼霜会使眼影更持久。

7. 最后涂上最接近你自然唇色的哑色 唇膏。大功告成!可以美美地去赴宴 啦!

1. 首先,在需要的地方涂上遮瑕膏,眼袋 处也涂上遮住黑眼圈,鼻子上有红印的 话也可涂一些。再在脸上和脖子上涂上 凝胶粉底。用粉刷刷均匀。再刷上一点 干粉会显得更自然。

肤。在印尼,山羊奶、绵羊奶和牛奶也被 用到泡浴中,使肌肤柔嫩。

运动美容 众所周知,太极、气功和瑜伽运动 都对促进健康非常有效,但你是否知道这 些运动还能美容呢?这些运动能令人内心 平静安宁,治疗内分泌失调。和指压法类 似,这些运动也能促进血液循环,平衡体 内能量,促进身体进行自我治疗,增加皮 肤光泽,并促进肌肉和骨骼健康。

化妆 有许多化妆品声称适合任何人使用,其 实不然。下面是一些适合亚洲人的小贴士: 粉底:亚洲妇女肤色普遍偏黄,应该 选用黄色为底色的粉底,而非通常的粉红 色。选择最接近你肤色的颜色。最好的方

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滑自然,看不出明显的颜色分界。购买前 在自然的日光下看看颜色通常会比较好。 眉粉:辨别眉毛颜色的主要原则就 是深色头发的人应选用比他们的发色浅一


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吃喝 玩 乐 在珀 斯 空闲时感觉无聊和无事可干吗?为 带家人前往何处消遣而烦恼吗?快 来 看 看 接 下来 两 个月在 珀 斯 和 费 文 图 有 哪 些 地 方 可以 找 到 乐 子!

WHAT’S ON IN PERTH? Fremantle Heritage Festival

(Free entry/participation for most events) Date: 25 May – 4 June 2012

Feeling bored and don’t know what to do? don’t know where to take your family or partner? there’s plenty happening around Perth and Fremantle, so check out the events below and have fun!

Date: 16 June 2012

Venue: Various locations around Fremantle The Fremantle Heritage Festival is an annual celebration of the city’s historic quality. The festival offers visitors the chance to learn about Fremantle’s rich history and admire its architecture through walks, building tours, workshops, seminars and many other activities. There will also be awards to recognise local historians and the conservation of heritage buildings. This year, the festival includes vintage clothing markets, a grand ball in the exquisite town hall and a vintage motorcycle ride. Bookings are required for most events. For more information, please visit Heritage_Festival

Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm Venue: Fonty’s Pool, Seven Day Road, Manjimup Admission: Adults $2, children < 12 yrs free

York gourmet Food & Wine Festival (Admission Fees Apply)

Date: 2 – 3 June 2012 Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Nitro Circus Live Capital City Tour 2012

Truffle Kerfuffle

(Admission Fees Apply)

Venue: York Town Hall (1 hour east of Perth), 81 Avon Terrace (Corner Joaquina Street)

This annual one day event highlights its regional food and wine, focusing on the black truffle where 70 per cent of Australia’s truffle harvest in 2011 was produced in the Southern Forests. The event includes wineries, food stalls, cooking demos, free kids food classes, food discussion/truffle seminars, and many more. Truffle hunts ($40 per person) will offer visitors the opportunity to participate in a live hunt with trained truffle dogs through the two most successful truffieres in Australia, and some of WA’s top wine writers, chefs and winemakers will be hosting 40-minute exclusive Master Class sessions ($60 per person). For more information, please visit

(Admission Fees Apply) Date: 9 June 2012

Up, Down and Around

Time: 7.30pm

(Admission Fees Apply)

Venue: Burswood Dome, Perth

Date: 25 November 2011 to 1 June 2012 Time: 9am to 4pm Venue: Scitech, City West , West Perth Admission: Adults $6, children <12 yrs free

The action sports touring sensation Nitro Circus Live is returning to Australian capital cities this year following record breaking tours throughout Australia and New Zealand and a sell-out show at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The shows in Australia this May and June will kick start the crew’s ambitious world tour of 40 cities across Europe, the US and of course, Australia. The biggest actions sports stars in the world such as 20 times X Games medallist Bob Burnquist; BMX great Chad Kagy; Switzerland’s Red Bull X Fighters Champion Mat Rebeaud; plus world number one FMX rider Nate Adams; will join the hugely popular Nitro crew in their most mindblowing stunts and extreme antics. For more information, please visit http://nitrocircuslive. com/australian-tour-2012/, and get your tickets at

The York Gourmet Food and Wine Festival will be back this year at the historic York Town Hall showcasing a huge variety of food and wine from WA and abroad, as well as fresh produce from the Avon Valley. This event offers flavours from all over the world with around 40 gourmet food and wine stalls for visitors to sample from. Products include Wines, Chili, Yabbies, Cheeses, Jams, Pickles, Exotic Spices, Sauces, Nuts, Chocolate and many more. There will also be interactive cooking demos and the brand new Peace Park Festival Markets offering art and craft, a chill out area, live entertainment and everything in between – perfect for a family outing! Entry price includes entry to the York Gourmet Food & Wine Festival, Peace Park Festival Markets and Masonic Hall Cooking Demos. For more information, please visit http://www.

Scitech’s latest exhibition Up, Down and Around offers visitors the opportunity to investigate the concepts of forces, motion and energy and be inspired by the world of physics. The main feature of the exhibition is a unique 360 degrees bike which allows visitors to feel the concepts of free-fall, velocity and momentum. The exhibit is the first of its kind in Australia and the largest featured anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. It took designers and engineers involved a period of over nine months of research, design and development to create. Hurry before the exhibition ends this June! For more information, please visit http://


Mysterious Orient 神秘東方 Mulan the Woman Warrior

之 木兰从军

Mysterious Orient 神秘 東 方

千古《木兰诗》 木兰代父从军的故事在中国家喻户晓,它的来源就是有着上千年历史的《木兰诗》。 • 又名《木兰辞》、 《木兰歌》,是中国南北朝时北朝的一首乐府民歌,作者和写作年代不详。 • 选自宋代郭茂倩编辑的《乐府诗集》,在中国文学史上与汉乐府的《孔雀东南飞》被合称为“乐府双璧”。 • 全诗记述了普通女子木兰女扮男装,代父从军,征战沙场,凯旋回朝,建功受封,辞官还乡的故事。 《木兰诗》无论是思想内容还是表达艺术,都有很高的造诣,它生动地塑造了木兰这一不朽的人物形象, 既富有传奇色彩,而又单纯质 朴。木兰既是奇女子又是普通人,既是巾帼英雄又是平民少女,既是矫健的勇士又是娇美的女儿。她勤劳善良又坚毅勇敢,孝顺父母又忠心 报国,不慕高官厚禄而热爱和平生活。千百年来,木兰的形象已经深入人心,其事迹被多种样式的文艺作品所表现,尤其是电影和电视剧多 次重拍,1998年好莱坞拍摄的卡通片,更是将木兰介绍到了全世界。

扑朔迷离话木兰 木兰其人其事正史记载不详,所以其姓 氏、年代和故里,自古至今都有很大争议。 最早言及木兰籍贯的是东晋末、南北朝初的 何承天(370 - 4 47年),他在《姓苑》一书中 说,木兰姓“木”,是山东省任城人。而当前争 议最激烈的有安徽亳州、陕西延安、河南虞 城、湖北黄陂四个地方。


有史书、文物、和祠堂、墓陵或庙宇等建筑来 证明自己是木兰故里。 其中亳州及木兰戍边之地燕山一带均有 很多传说,这些说法普遍认为:木兰是汉代 人,从军的背景是匈奴犯境。同时有古籍证 明木兰姓“魏”,是毫州人。 第二种传说认为,木兰家住陕西省延安城 南万花乡花塬头村,为花姓,北魏人。死后葬 于村旁山上,称“花家陵”。陵园内遍植木兰 喜爱的牡丹花,并塑有木兰跃马横剑的戎装石 像。 后两个地方则都认为木兰是隋唐时期的 人物, 河南省商丘市虞城县营郭镇自称是隋 朝木兰故里,有花木兰祠为证,该祠始建于 唐代,占地面积7.2万平方米,原祠在1943年被 毁于战火,近年得到重新修复,尚有清代祠 碑保存完好。 湖北黄陂地区木兰山亦称自己是花木兰 故 里,当地特有的一个树 种被命名为木兰 树,并修建有木兰庙。 无论木兰是否真有其人,出身何方,这个 忠孝两全的传奇女子永远受到中国人的喜爱 和尊崇,各地的木兰祠和木兰庙历代都有修 复,现在还成为了当地重要的旅游资源。


唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。 不闻机杼声,惟闻女叹息。 问女何所思,问女何所忆。 女亦无所思,女亦无所忆。 昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵。 军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。 阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄。 愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。 东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯, 南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。 旦辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边。 不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。 旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头。 不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾。 万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。 朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。 将军百战死,壮士十年归。 归来见天子,天子坐明堂。 策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。 可汗问所欲,木兰不用尚书郎, 愿驰千里足,送儿还故乡。 爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将; 阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆; 小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 开我东阁门,坐我西阁床。 脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。 当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花黄。 出门看伙伴,伙伴皆惊惶。 同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。 雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离; 双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌!

Mysterious Orient 神秘東方

MULAN THE WOMAN WARRIOR Mulan is a legendary figure from ancient China who was originally described in a Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. In the poem, Mulan takes her aged father’s place in the army. She fought for 12 years and gained high merit, but she refused any reward and retired to her hometown instead. The historical setting of Mulan is uncertain. The earliest accounts of the legend state that she lived during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534). The Ballad of Mulan was first transcribed in the Musical Records of Old and New in the 6th century before the founding of the Tang Dynasty. The original work no longer exists, and the original text of this poem comes from another work known as the Music Bureau Collection, an anthology of lyrics, songs, and poems, compiled by Guo Maoqian during the 11th or 12th century. The author explicitly mentions the Musical Records of Old and New as his source for the poem. The poem is a ballad, meaning that the lines do not necessarily have equal numbers of syllables. The poem is mostly composed of five-character phrases, with just a few extending to seven or nine. The story was expanded into a novel during the late Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). Over time, the story of Mulan rose in popularity as a folk tale among the Chinese people on the same level as the Butterfly Lovers. It is one of the first poems in Chinese history to support the notion of gender equality. The poem itself is written in the form of a singing ballad called a “yue fu”, a version translated in English as follows:

Ji-ji, again ji-ji, Mulan faces the door, weaving. You can’t hear the sound of the loom’s shuttle, You only hear Daughter’s sighs. They ask Daughter who’s in her thought, They ask Daughter who’s on her memory. “No one is on Daughter’s thought, No one is on Daughter’s memory. Last night I saw the arny notices, The Khan is calling for a great force. The army register is in twelve scrolls, and every scrolls has Father’s name. Father has no adult son, Mulan has no older brother. Wish to buy a saddle and horse, and serve in Father’s place.” In the East Market she buys a steed, In the West Market she buys a saddle and saddle blanket, In the South Market she buys a bridle, In the North Market she buys a long whip. At dawn she bids farewell to Father and Mother, In the evening she camps on the bank of the Yellow River. She doesn’t hear the sound of Father and Mother calling for Daughter, She only hears the Yellow River’s flowing water cry jian-jian. At dawn she bids farewell to the Yellow River, In the evening she arrives at the summit of Black Mountain. She doesn’t hear the sound of Father and Mother calling for Daughter, She only hears Mount Yan’s nomad horses cry jiu-jiu.

Merits are recorded in twelve ranks And grants a hundred thousand strong. The Khan asks her what she desires. “Mulan has no use for a high official’s post. I wish to borrow a ten-thousand mile camel To take me back home.” Father and Mother hear Daughter is coming They go outside the city wall, supporting each other. When Older Sister hears Younger Sister is coming Facing the door, she puts on rouge, . When Little Brother hears Older Sister is coming He sharpens the knife, quick, quick, for pig and sheep. “I open the door to my east room, I sit on my bed in the west room, I take off my wartime gown And put on my old-time clothes.” Facing the window she fixes the cloudlike hair on her temples, Facing a mirror she dabs on yellow flower powder She goes out the door and sees her comrades. Her comrades are all shocked. Traveling together for twelve years They didn’t know Mulan was a girl. “The male rabbit’s feet kick up and down, The female rabbit’s eyes are bewildered. Two rabbits running close to the ground, How can they tell if I am male or female?”

She goes ten thousand miles in the war machine, She crosses mountain passes as if flying. Northern gusts carry sound of army rattles, Cold light shines on iron armor. Generals die in a hundred battles, Strong warriors return after ten years. On her return she sees the Son of Heaven, The Son of Heaven sits in the ceremonial hall.



Michelle Smith is an Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. Denying Defence Force women a role in combat is sex discrimination says Michelle Smith who looks at why it took so long to fix...

Women in Australia’s military: On the frontline of the gender war ◎Written by Michelle Smith befalling any fellow human at war, whether male or female. These ideas also overlook women’s willing participation in war zones as nurses, and ambulance and aid workers. The first women served as nurses in the Australian military from 1899, with thousands working overseas in the Second Boer War, World War I and subsequent wars. Millions more women are unwilling participants in war as civilians caught up in conflict. Like members of the Army, Navy and Air Force, these women’s lives are in danger.

The recent plan to see women take on frontline combat roles in the Australian military from 2016 removes one of the last formal barriers to women’s participation in all realms of work. Unsurprisingly, the notion of women engaged in combat has drawn out familiar fears that rely on ideas of femininity that prevent women from achieving their potential. Take the idea that women are physically weak and could slow battalions. Or that men’s instinct is to protect women and their presence in combat will put them in danger. There is also a perception that female soldiers are vulnerable to rape. To put these beliefs in context, we should consider the reasoning used to constrain women in recent history. In the nineteenth-century, the theory of “limited energy” held that adolescent girls must avoid intellectual work during puberty or their reproductive organs would not develop successfully. Physical or mental labour during women’s fertile years was not only unfeminine but would be detrimental to the race. Such quasiscientific explanations arose from perceptions of women’s weakness and intellectual inferiority. They also worked as self-fulfilling prophecies by discouraging higher education and sports for girls and women.


Most women will never be as strong, or have as much endurance, as most men. But this did not stop women taking up the majority of physically demanding manufacturing labour during World War II that was previously considered “men’s work”. Members of the US military today are not all tall, muscular young men who resemble extras in a Jean-Claude Van Damme film. With changes in warfare and the protracted nature of conflict in the Middle East, shorter men, men who wear glasses, men with a history of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and women make up the ranks. If a small percentage of women wish to serve in the military and can meet physical and psychological standards that also accept men who don’t represent the physical apex of humanity, it is sex discrimination to disallow them because they are female. If we accept that not all members of the military are as physically strong and intelligent as one another, arguments against women’s participation in combat rest on perceptions of their burden on male combatants. Male soldiers might feel a compulsion to protect women from injury and the threat of enemy rape. The torture of male prisoners of war shows that being male is no guarantee of safety from abuse. As Professor Catherine Lumby points out, we should be equally horrified of maiming or death

During the Battle of Britain, civilian women performed brave feats that saw them awarded for heroism. A senior member of the Girl Guides, Joyce Fagge climbed through the ruins of a house that had been attacked by long-range shells to rescue the sole surviving resident, applying a tourniquet to his femoral artery while another shell landed close by. The Girl Guides District Commissioner of Canterbury City single-handedly fought a three-storey house fire during three air raids in which incendiary bombs and shell splinters fell around her. Even a humble Brownie Guide leader, Peggy Prince, rescued an airman who had crashed into the English Channel by paddling out to save him in a canoe. If we dismantle perceptions of what girls and women are capable of we can be surprised by the result. During World War I, 90 Girl Guides acted as messengers for MI5 in London. They were entrusted with the verbal communication of top-secret pieces of information. Boy Scouts were initially chosen, but proved too talkative and unreliable in comparison with the girls, who took their jobs seriously. As this example shows, we need to base decisions on individuals not preconceptions of what women can do. War should not be celebrated – it is an outcome of patriarchal societies that has massive consequences for women worldwide. Nevertheless, the acceptance that some women have the capability to fight alongside men is progress toward equality. It would be preferable for Australia not to be involved in military combat in 2016. If we should, however, the presence of women on the frontline will help to overwrite ideas about women’s vulnerability, their essential preference for nurturing and need for male protection. It is myths like these that ensure that all women are still in search of substantive equality.


墨尔本大学文化与交流系的澳洲研究委员会博士后研究员米歇尔·史密斯提出,禁止国防军女兵加入前线战 斗是一种性别歧视,这个问题为何久拖未决 ?

军中巾帼:站在女权斗争的最前线 文◎米歇尔·史密斯 译◎何双子 最新规划显示,从2016年起,女兵可以








乔 伊斯∙法格,爬上了被 远程炮弹炸塌的房



于担心女性的 “妇人之仁”会影响她们发挥
















青春 期的女孩必须避 免脑力劳动,以免影
























如今美国部队里的军人们也不是个个 都像电影里的尚格云顿一样高挑、强壮又年


屋顶端去援救唯一的一名幸存者,并用止血 带为他包扎股动脉,当时另一枚炮弹又轰地 落在了他们附近。坎特伯雷市女童军的区域 长,在三次空袭中独自一人去一栋三层高的 房屋救火,当时不断有燃烧的炸弹和炮弹碎 片袭向她的周围。甚至还有一位小女童军队 长,佩吉∙布林斯,划着独木舟救下了坠落在 英吉利海峡的飞行员。 如果我们摈除对女性能力的成见,我们 会发现女性能做的绝不亚于男性。在一战期 间,90位女童子军为伦敦的M15军当信差。她 们要传递高度机密的口讯。起初选的是男童 军,但发现他们太多嘴,不可靠,而女孩们则 更严肃认真。这表明,我们应该看个人表现, 而不应一棒子打杀所有的女性。 我们不应该庆祝战争,它是男权社会的 产物,给全世界的女性带来了惨痛的影响。 但是,争取女性与男性并肩作战的权力,仍然 是迈向男女平等的重要一步。我们不希望澳 大利亚在2016年参与任何战争。但万一发生 了,战斗在前线的女性们将改写那些关于女 性柔弱、只想着生儿育女、需要男性保护的旧 观念。正是由于这些误解和歧视的存在,才 激励着女性不断去追求真正的平等。




DOMINIC YAM RECEIVES AN AUSTRALIA DAY AWARD On Australia Day 26 January 2012, Chung Wah Association past Honorary Secretary, Dominic Yam, received a Premier’s Australia Day Citizenship Award presented by the WA Premier Colin Barnett MLA and Joondalup Mayor Troy Pickard. These very special and prestigious awards recognize the outstanding community work of active local residents in the City of Joondalup. Dominic was the winner of the Individual Active Citizenship Premier’s Award. He has been recognized for his longstanding commitment to the health and wellbeing of the local seniors’ community through his involvement in a variety of mentoring roles. He is a registered professional Fitness Instructor with Fitness Australia, runs the Fitness 50 Club, is a supporter of Heart Moves and the Heart Foundation, teaches Tai Chi and fitness classes for seniors and encourages social activities and interaction between seniors in our local community. Dominic is also a volunteer in the City of Perth – visitors’ information Kiosk. He was also recently a volunteer at the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth. He is an example of his community spirit and willingness to give up his free time for others.

Dominic migrated to Perth from Malaysia in 1980 and joined the Chung Wah Association in 1988. He went on to serve as the Honorary Secretary of the Association from 1992 to 1993, and again in 2010, assisting in the centenary celebrations. He also assisted in organising several Chinese cultural concerts as the stage manager, and was involved in organising Chinese New Year balls over the years. Currently, he is still active in assisting the Association in conducting school visits in demonstrating the history of lion dance, taichi, Chinese calligraphy, etc, to help promote Chinese culture to visiting students from various Perth’s schools.

Joondalup Mayor Troy Pickard (1st left) with Dominic Yam and WA Premier the Hon. Colin Barnett MLA. 君德拉普市市长皮卡德(左一)与 任国雄和西澳州长巴奈特

任国雄荣获澳大利亚国庆日奖 今年1月26日的澳大利亚国庆日上,中华会馆前秘书长任国雄先生荣获总理国庆日公民奖,并从西澳州长巴奈特和君德拉普市市长皮 卡德手中接过此奖。这是为奖励君德拉普市积极参与社区工作的市民所设立的一个特殊又很有份量的奖项。 任国雄先生荣获的是积极公民个人奖。任先生一直为当地社区的年长者们担任各类健身指导,此奖就是为了表彰他长期为年长者的 健康安乐所做的积极贡献。他是澳洲健身协会的职业注册教练,经营着健身50俱乐部,是心脏运动和心脏健康基金的支持者,他给当地 的年长者上太极和健身课程,鼓励他们参与当地社区的社交和互动活动。他还担任了珀斯市政府访客问询处的志愿者,最近还在珀斯召 开的2011联邦首脑会议担当了志愿者,这正体现了他服务社区、乐于助人的精神。


任国雄1980年由马来西亚移民珀斯,于1988年加入中华会馆。1992至1993年他曾出任会馆秘书长,并在2010年再次担任相同职务, 协助会馆举办百年庆典,他也曾作为舞台总监协助组织了多场中国文化演出,并协助举办了多年的春节舞会。目前,他仍在积极地协助 会馆举办“学校参观日”活动,通过向珀斯不同学校的中西孩子们介绍和展示舞狮、太极和书法等,来促进推广中国文化。



广播中的平衡 文◎李丽华 插图◎于红波

每个人都有自己的喜好,我喜欢作为一 名电台主播,在节目中与别人分享自己喜爱 的音乐。在成为中华广播电台广东话主播两 年多的时间里,我对个人喜好和大众期望之 间的差距,有了切身的体会,有时我的个人 喜好并不一定可以得到听众的认同和接纳, 但是为了迎合大众的期望而放弃个人的喜 好,又会让我失去作为主播的动力。现实让 我明白到保持个人的喜好并不是想像中地那





有一次,在准备一个有关香港乐 队“Beyond”的节目时,我对如何做出这 种平衡又有了更深的体会。Beyond乐队也 曾面临金钱和理想两者间的抉择:要么是 制作大众喜欢的音乐好赚钱,要么就是坚 守自己的理想没歌迷,但是最后他们坚持

乐商业化的需求。Beyond的成功令我明白 到,即使别人不一定认同及接纳我所喜爱 的东西,但是所有人不同的喜好都有可能 达成互相尊重和欣赏。这种认识成为了我 的信念,而且这种信念将会在我的广播节 目中得到延续和发展。

Balancing Public Expectations And Personal Ideas

◎Written by Rita LI, Illustrated by Ida YU

Everyone has their own hobbies and mine is radio

This reality made me realise that maintaining one’s

or persisting with their own ideals and risking zero

broadcasting where I can share my favorite music

personal preference is not as simple as thought.

fans. Eventually, they succeeded and became very

with the audiences.

The most important thing is to work out how to

popular because they never gave up their ideals

balance the two.

while producing music that met commercial needs.

As a Cantonese program

broadcaster for almost 2 years, I have had intimate encounters with the disparities between personal preference and public expectations. Sometimes, my personal preference may not necessarily receive the recognition and acceptance of the listeners. However, if I have to give up my preferences, I may lose my motivation and passion as a broadcaster.

Once when I was preparing a program about a Hong Kong band “Beyond”, I developed a better understanding of such a balancing act. Beyond were facing a dilemma between making money by producing popular music acceptable to the public,

Beyond’s success taught me that it is not necessary for everyone to agree with or accept the things that I prefer, but it is still possible to achieve respect and appreciation. This thought has become my belief, which will be further developed in my endeavours on the Cantonese program.

中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Radio FM95.3 每周三下午6点至7点(普通话广播)Every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm - Mandarin broadcast 每周六上午10点至11点(广东话广播)Every Saturday from 10am to 11am - Cantonese broadcast



这是一个向英文读者介绍中国文化的连载专栏,内容出自饶逸生博士所著的《中国文化面面观》。我们将这个专栏看作是一种 交流,由会馆的一位长者会员,写给那些由于种种客观原因而对中文和中国文化失去传承的其他会员。当你们需要了解更多中国文 化的时候,这里有一条寻根之路∙∙∙∙∙∙ This is a column written for the English speaking readers, introducing various aspects of Chinese culture, partly based from the book “The Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, written by Dr. Yit-Seng YOW. We perceive this column as a form of “cultural infusion”; dedicated to those who, through no fault of their own, did not have the opportunity to be exposed to the Chinese language and culture. When you need to know more about Chinese culture, here lies a path to your cultural roots…

In search of cultural identity and heritage

寻根问祖 Part 5: Digital era of the Chinese language

Printing by a set of dancing printing blocks was featured as one of the main themes of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.

As late as 30 years ago, typing Chinese characters used to be a complicated, time consuming and laborious undertaking requiring months or years of training. Before the digital era of the Chinese language, prior to the invention of photo copiers, if a book needed to be duplicated, it had to be copied word for word by hand! Unlike the European languages, there is no alphabet in Chinese language. To produce any document one needs to identify thousands of words, and there are too many to put on a typewriter. The traditional Chinese “keyboard” is fascinating. Compared to 26 letters in the English alphabet, there would be thousands of distinctive, unique characters. A typical Chinese type setting


machine consisted of trays of commonly used words arranged in a certain order, the “typist” had to select each word carefully and place them in neat rows in a printing tray, as shown in the picture. Imagine a keyboard with thousands of words in blocks! They are kept in small cubicles in well defined rows. Traditionally these words were arranged according to their “root radicals”2, 部 首 [bù shŏu], a component that associates the meaning or core ideas to the character. The type setter needed months of training to choose and pick the required words one by one from the correct tray, bearing in mind that the word blocks are laterally inverted when viewed. An extraordinary amount of patience was required, in addition to good eyesight and nimble fingers.

If she has to print characters in two sizes, she needs two sets of characters, each comprising of the same thousands of words. If her boss wants the text to be printed in two different fonts, she needs two entirely different sets of words in different fonts. In those days it was a real luxury to have any document in more than one font type, though 2 font sizes were sometimes used. Before the invention of fax machine, the only way to transmit messages quickly over long distance was the telegram, a machine using the 26 English alphabets, together with the numbers and symbols. Frustrated with this constraint, the Chinese compiled a system for Chinese telegraphic code in 1911. Each Chinese character was given a particular number, the sender types in the code number for each Chinese word she


sends, and the receiver decodes the numbers back into the original Chinese word. The process was slow, it required training and good memory, and there was no other option. When fax machine was invented by the Japanese in the mid 80s, it was a welcome breakthrough in technology for the Chinese community world wide. Chinese words could be handwritten or typed, and transmitted over long distances like any other picture. An average business executive could write the message himself, rather than relying on specialist telegram typists and decoders. Business communication was substantially improved. When personal computers became more commonly used in the 80s, the Chinese were very concerned that their language would not be “usable” on computers, and that they would be left even further behind. It was obvious that the system of assigning a code number for each word would work; utilizing the enormous memory of the computer, rather than the memory of poor type setter or Chinese character decoder, the issue was how the words could be organised in a systematic, user friendly manner. The adoption of pinyin, the romanisation of Chinese characters in 1958 proved to be a winner! Rather than involving a complex system using word radicals, a neat, elegant way of classifying every Chinese word was born! In the days before Microsoft Windows came into prominence. Chinese software writers were busy to codify Chinese language into the Disc Operating System (DOS). On typing “pin”, for example, a series of words having the same sound would appear, all the typist need to do is to choose the correct word. Some software helped by automatically moving more commonly typed words to the front of the list. The invention of Chinese software brought printing to offices and households. Today we can input Chinese characters in several ways, including [pinyin], [zhuyin], [five strokes], [Cang Jie], etc. Most advanced software programs allow access through typing just the first romanised alphabet of compound words. For example the words “friends” [péng yŏu] 朋友 could be input through typing “py”, from which a limited list of words such as “friend” 朋友,“cheap” 便 宜,“cultivate” 培养 “pinyin” 拼音 could be selected.

Chinese words with [diàn] in front, such as “phone” 电话, “telex” 电报, “battery” 电磁, “electronics” 电子, are displayed. How wonderful! More advanced software enables input through equivalent of English words in meaning. A list of Chinese characters matching the input is then displayed, from which the appropriate word is chosen. With these and other features, Chinese character input can be done at a rate equal to or even faster than typing in English. To type the word “cultivate” in English would require 8 keystrokes. It can be done in Chinese with 3 keystrokes, “py” and the appropriate number. Needless to say the Characters are now easily resized, presented in several font types, be it traditional or simplified, bold, italics, hollow, creative, etc. The following represents four different font types of the proverb “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” by Lao Zi.


Bì Shēng 毕升 (990–1051 AD) was the inventor of the first known movable type technology. Bi Sheng’s system was made of Chinese porcelain and was invented between 1041 and 1048 during Song Dynasty China.

千里之行始于足下 千里之行始于足下 千里之行始于足下 The Chinese language is in no way disadvantaged in the age of information technology, Chinese characters have been digitised. The Chinese is probably the second most important language on the Internet after English, merging seamlessly into the information age. China has more internet users than any other country in the World! It is not surprising that in the foreseeable future an independent Internet system based on Chinese language would emerge.

Further Readings: 1.

YOW Yit Seng, “The Chinese Dimensions – their roots, mindset and psyche” Pelanduk Publications, ISBN: 967-978-927-6


Y. S. Yow, “Chinese word radicals”, Chung Wah Magazine, March 2012


Y.S.Yow - Digital era of the Chinese language, China Ethos, London, U.K., Winter 2009

王祯 Wang Zhen (fl. 1290-1333) feature in his book 《王祯农 书》 at 1313, arrangment of movable type printing block on a shelf according to pronouciation.

Other features include auto-generated word suggestions for commonly used additions. For example once the word 电 [diàn] (electricity) has been typed in, a series of choices include


宝禄旅游成立于西澳珀斯,是 一家有着20年历史,信誉良好的教育 及出入境旅游公司。服务项目主要为 提供客户优质的出入境旅游咨询及 中国古语说“读万卷书不如行万里路” ,读书和旅行自古以来就是中国人推崇的求 知方式。旅行可以拓展视野,帮助验证书本 知识,调整现实与认知上的差距。譬如华裔 或华人移民在西方成长和生活的过程中,不 可避免地会遭遇文化冲突,年轻人可能会因 为难以出人头地而感到沮丧;年长者可能会 由于感觉与时代脱节而对自己失去信心。如 果大家能够迈出积极的一步,去中国旅游, 无论是大陆,还是台湾和香港,有可能会对 自己开始有不同的定位。悠远的历史,浩 瀚的江河,勤奋的同胞,络绎不绝的国际游 客,会让你感受到中国文化的魅力和中国的 进步,会让你不由自主地抬起头来,以中国 血统为傲! 旅行还可以激发思维,满足好奇心, 帮你获得暂时的放松及弥补内心的空虚。 让每一次旅行都成为一次心灵与生命的跋 涉,让每一次旅行都有重生的收获,当你 回到现实生活的时候,不是感到无奈和疲 惫,而是发现原来眼前的一切,并不是人 生唯一或最差的光景,原来这世上还有那 么多人和我们相似或是不同。正如著名的 英国旅游作家比尔-布莱森所说:“旅行的 奢华及最大的回报,就是可以在经历日常 生活中的每一件事时,都能以新的眼光, 犹如是第一次一样地看待,而不是因为过 于熟悉而养成理所当然的心态“。因此, 旅行可以使我们更懂得珍惜当下,学会感 恩与知足。如果对自己和他人的文化有更 深的了解,可以让我们更加肯定自己,并 更加接纳和体谅他人。 秉持追求身心健康旅程的信念,珀 斯宝禄旅游教育集团将在未来一年内,专 为华人社群推出一系列前往中国(大陆, 台湾,香港, 澳门)的“寻根”之旅和在 西澳本地旅行的“家园”之旅。我们将带 您前往大中国,探访历史轨迹,品尝著名 小吃,游历摩登都市,感受新旧交错的氛 围......同时,我们也期望能带您去真正地体 验西澳许多独一无二的风情及景点。让宝 禄通过旅游和学习,带着大家去寻“宝”, 祝愿大家都能因有“宝”而有“禄”。 According to an old Chinese proverb , “ It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” The combination of reading and travelling has always been highly regarded as a method for acquiring knowledge by the Chinese people since ancient times. Travel can expand one’s horizon and help one put what he or she has learned from the books to test. What we think and believe about


ourselves affect us in everything that we do. Travel can help reconcile the difference between reality and one’s belief system. For example, while growing up and living in the western world, young Chinese descents or migrants might feel frustrated because they cannot excel in the local mainstream society. Some Chinese seniors might lose confidence in themselves, because they feel they are out of touch with the modern life. However, if everyone can be proactive and take a step forward, go travel say for example, in the Greater China, whether it be the Mainland, Taiwan or Hong Kong, it will cause one to re-evaluate one’s identity. Having even just a little glimpse of a civilization with such long and rich history, magnificent natural sceneries, hard-working citizens, and a constant stream of international visitors and professionals, can change one’s pre-conceived notion of what it means to be a Chinese. The progress that China has made in recent times has become pivotal in drawing the world’s attention to the charisma of Chinese culture. Our Chinese heritage is something that we all ought to take pride in. However this process of change cannot take place without taking the step to explore.


Travelling relieves us from our daily mundane affairs and satisfies our curiosity about the world out there. It can even temporarily fill that void we all sometimes feel within us. Every trip can turn into some kind of wellness journey for one’s growth and rebirth if you allow and guide yourself to experience with an open mind. When it’s time to return to the real life, instead of feeling reluctant or simply worn out, you will find yourself able to see things in a new light and realize whatever that is in front of you is not the only and definitely not the worst possibility. You will have learned that despite how different we may all be, we also have so much in common. Famous travel author Bill Bryson writes in the introduction to The Best American Travel Writing 2000 :

Blue’s company name in Chinese consists of the Chinese characters of 宝(Bao) meaning “treasure” and 禄(Lu) meaning “prosperity”. It is thus our vision to embark you on journeys where you will find treasures to lead you to prosperity, be it wealth or health.

“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” At the end of the day, travel aims to teach us to be thankful and content in the here and now, cherishing the present, in whatever form or shape. Deeper understanding of ourselves and those of other cultures can in fact lead us to better affirm ourselves of our own identities, accept and respect others as they are.

交通预订,公司奖励旅游,及会议, 晚宴策划安排。入境以西澳为主,出 境目前则以中国大陆,台湾,香港为 主。寻求生命的自由及编织美好永恒 的回忆,是宝禄的理想,无论是学 习还是旅行,宝禄用“心”来为您服 务。 Based on such philosophy, Blue Travel seeks to offer a series of Chinese “Cultural Roots” and WA “ Backyard” tours to Chung Wah members in the next 12 months. As Bill Bryson also writes, “ you don’t necessarily have to go far to achieve something memorable. You just have to be able to see things in a different way.” Blue will take you not only to China/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau, but also many places of wonder in WA, as many do not realize how many “ world’s mosts and onlys “ we have right at our door step. Whilst appreciating our own heritage, we shall not neglect the treasures right in our own backyard.

Blue Travel is a licensed and accredited locally-owned travel company based in Perth, Western Australia. With 20 years of experiences, Blue is well reputed for providing the following services , traditionally in Western Australia and now also in Greater China, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau: • Personalized itinerary planning for individuals/groups • accommodation, transport and tour bookings • corporate travel and event management • Whether travelling in WA or overseas, we pride ourselves in guiding our clients in their travel planning and ensuring that their needs are well looked after with attention to details and a high standard of service.


Beijing Intensive Mandarin Study & Chinese Cultural Experience Camp*

三天两夜玛格利特河 经典美酒佳肴之旅 宝禄旅游独家推出;探访世界知名葡萄

Age: 5 to 13 year olds accompanied by adults, 14 to 17 year olds

酒庄, 金牌得奖特色餐厅,品尝地道澳

Dates: 11/01/2013- 26/01/2013


Deadline: 15/10/2012, group minimum 16 people or individual booking

格利特河和中国特别的连结及世界之最 日期: 25 - 06/2012

Inclusion : Perth-Beijing return flight; 2 weeks of intense Mandarin study, accommodation, meals, all cultural activities, transportation and entry fees to famous sights and travel insurance.

费用: $850 报名对象:成年人士 截止日期:14/06/2012

For further information, please contact Shirley at

费用包括:珀斯-玛格利特河往返接送; or mobile: 0424504198

住宿,三餐,景点门票 更多课程内容及报名方式, 请恰 或 来电 0424504198曹佑如

北京密集汉语学习及 中国文化体验营 * 报名对象: 5-13岁由家长陪同,14-17岁青少年, 报名人数:自由报名或至少16人成团 出团日期:11/01/2013 – 26/01/2013 报名截止:15/10/2012 费用:$3799, 包括来回机票,两周密集汉 语学习学费,全程住宿,三餐,观光文 化活动,旅游保险。家长费用另外计算。 更多详细内容及报名方式,

The trips that we have planned specifically for Chung Wah members in the coming months are as follows:

3 Days 2 Nights Margaret River Gourment Food & Wine Tour

* Blue Corporation works with Beijing Capital Mandarin in bringing you this unique Mandarin study opportunity in China. After numerous visits to various Mandarin teaching schools in Beijing, interviews with students and learning about different Mandarin teaching methods, Blue has identified that Capital Mandarin’s method has proven to be highly effective. Students of all ages and backgrounds can learn Mandarin in a short period of time, gain confidence and maintain interest in their Mandarin learning journey. All will have the opportunity to meet other keen Mandarin learners from all over the world and be encouraged with their study. The study tour group here will be fully escorted by Blue Staff from Perth. Individual direct bookings from the school’s website, www., for this or any other available program at the school are welcome, Chung Wah members and Blue Voucher holders receive FREE registration fee.

Exclusive to Blue Travel; world famous wineries, award winning restaurants; authentic bush experience; local delicacies; hidden traces of connection of Margaret River to China; the region’s “ World’s Onlys and Mosts”. Date: 25/06/2012 to 27/06/2012 Fee: $850 Per Person, Twin Share

请恰 或 来电

Age: Mature Adults, minimum 10 people


Deadline: 14/06/2012

*此项目为本公司和北京天下汇友汉语学习中心 精心 为西澳有心学习汉语人士在北京提供学习汉语及体 验中国文化的服务。北京天下汇友是本项目负责人 在多次赴北京实际考察该校教学情况及学生的学习 果效之后,所选定的合作伙伴。学校会以学生汉语 程度的不同进行编班。除了一同从珀斯处发同伴之 外,学生们还能认识到许多从北美和欧洲一起在北 京学习汉语,年龄相似的中西方学生。更能激发西 澳华人后裔学习汉语的热情。凡持有中华会馆会员 卡的会友,可享任何一个课程免报名费的优惠。非 中华会友则可来信索取宝禄优惠券。

Inclusion: fully escorted tour; return transfer from Perth; 2 nights 4 star accommodation; all meals at various well reputed and award winning restaurants; entrance fees. To register and further detailed information, please contact Shirley at au or mobile : 0424504198



We Care We Help Volunteering Our Own Community ◎ Written by Jillian PAN Community, caring, giving, and serving ----

getting a chance to learn more about the local community,

all these human values can be sustained

and obtaining a platform to access quality training etc. On


the other hand, asking for volunteers’ input is one of the

generation by generation. As a not- for-

important channels which helps us to identify gaps between

profit organization serving non-English

the existing services and community needs and therefore to




migrants and community, volunteering is particularly important as a fundamental building block for Chung Wah’s every step in the past, present and future.

continuously improve our service quality. On this occasion, we would also like to take this chance to thank all our volunteers who contribute their time, knowledge, skills and most importantly, their heart to Chung

Volunteering is beyond social class.

Wah’s establishment and development. We appreciate

From the start, we relied upon our

your heart as a volunteer regardless your cultural and

volunteers who generously offered

ethnic origin, religion, age, gender and physical, social and

their time, talent and energy to our

economic position.

people and to our communities, without any expectation of financial or material reward. They chop vegetables, cook meals, wash dishes,

Definition of Formal Volunteering “Formal volunteering is an activity which takes place through not for profit organisations or projects and is undertaken:

teach English, and organize events and so on. Not everyone is well educated and work

• To be of benefit to the community and the volunteer;

as a professional but they all come together with the same

• Of the volunteer’s own free will and without coercion

purpose ---- to help those who are in need of care.

• For no financial payment; and • In designated volunteer positions only.”

Volunteering is our power to change. With our volunteers, those socially isolated seniors in the nursing homes now

---- From “Definition of formal Volunteering”,www.

have a friend to chat and play Mah Jong in their mother

language. With our volunteers, seniors from a non-English background now have access to mainstream aged care service information and resources. With our volunteers, hundreds of clients are enjoying healthy and culturally appropriate lunches at our day centres. With our volunteers, community news and events are regularly sent out to the community at large via our radio programmes in Mandarin and Cantonese. And for many, volunteering opens the door to new opportunities for individual and organizational development. On the one hand, our volunteers often report benefits that include acquiring new contacts in a new country, increasing social interaction, gaining an opportunity to practice English,


Welcome On Board No matter whether you are available for one hour a week, or a few times a year, we value your contribution the same. We provide our volunteers with on-going support, training and recognition. If you are interested to find out more, please feel free to contact Jillian Pan, Volunteer Coordinator.

Phone: (08) 9328 3988 Email:


爱心关怀,温情照顾 当我们社区的义工 文◎潘之霖 译◎叶丽婷 人类的价值来源如社区、关怀、奉献、服务, 得以一代传一代地延续及强化,有赖于义务精神。 作为一家服务非英语背景的移民及社区的非营利机 构,义务精神对中华社区及长者服务在过去、现 在和未来的每一个阶段,如同一座楼的基础支柱般 重要。 义工服务是不分阶级的。从一开始,我们就依 赖一班不计较经济及物质回报的义工,慷慨地付出 他们的时间、才华、力量给我们的社区。他们有的 在厨房切菜、炒菜、洗碗碟,有的教英文课、有的 筹备活动等等。不是每个人都具有高学历或是专业 人士,但是他们为着一个共同的目的成为我们的义 工- ----- 帮助有需要的人士。 义工服务是社区得以改善的力量。我们的义 工,让那些与社区隔离长者,在养老院仍可以与说 同一母语的朋友闲聊和搓麻将。我们的义工,让不 谙英语的长者可以获取主流社区的服务信息及资 源。我们的义工,使日间活动中心的数百名客户可 以享用到健康及符合文化习惯的午餐。我们的义 工,将社区新闻和活动预告透过普通话及广东话广 播节目传播给广大听众。

义工服务为义工个人和机构本身提供了许多发展的机遇。一方面,我们的 义工经常表示自己的服务中获益不浅,比如可以在新的国度增添人脉关系、增 加交际机会、练习英语、进一步了解当地社区及获得有质量的培训。另一方 面,义工的宝贵意见帮助我们找出服务和服务对象需求间的落差,并进一步、 持续地改善服务质量。 在这特别的一栏,我们想借此机会感谢所有的义工,感谢你们贡献了自己 的时间、知识和技能,最关键的是你们对于中华社区及长者服务的关心、对于 广大亚裔移民和社区的热心。无论你来自什么文化、种族背景、宗教信仰、年 龄、性别,无论你的身体情况、社会地位、经济状况,请接受我们对于你们爱 心奉献、义工服务的由衷感谢。

定义:正规的义工服务 “正规的义工服务是一项活动通过非营利机构或项目进行,并是 • • • •

对社区及义工有好处 出自义工的意愿并无迫使 别无财务上的支付 仅赋于义工职位


欢迎成为我们的义工 无论你的空闲时间是每周一小时,还是每年几次,我们同样重视你 的贡献。我们提供给义工长期的支援、培训和认同。如果你想了解更多, 请联系我们的义工主管潘之霖小姐。

电话:9328 3988 邮件:


松柏长青 COMMUNITYSERVICE & AgE CARE Now, You can ring us from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday ! 现在开始,每周一至周五,你可以从 早上8点到晚间5点打电话给我们!

CAC staff (from left): Walter Cho, Jillian Pan, Elvie Yap, Amy Ly, Jorie Ng, Cecilia Ho, Violet Tsai, Nunu Chen 员工合影,左起:曹华德,潘之霖,叶丽婷,梁晴雯,吴君 仪,何美霞,蔡美意,陈奴奴

Bridging the Gap

Introducing CAC Enquiry Service ◎ Written by Jillian PAN “Good Morning, Chung Wah Community and Aged

etc. Therefore, we are here and equipped with

Care, this is …… How can I help you?” Since

information and resources to answer, assist or

January 2007, Chung Wah Community and Aged

direct your queries to appropriate channels ----in

Care has started to provide the Enquiry Service

your language and from your cultural perspective.

for non-English migrants and community at large. This Inquiry Service was established to reduce the language and cultural barriers encountered by migrants when accessing mainstream services and resources.

started to take phone calls from 8.00am since last December. When you ring us, you will be greeted by our reception staff first. You will then be asked

During the past 5 years, we have recorded more

answer your question directly if the information is

than 2400 enquiries with the total duration

immediately available or they will direct your phone

of approximately 35000 minutes.


call to enquiry service team for further discussion.

those enquiries, over 70% have been provided

An appointment could also be made for you to come

satisfactory answers while another 23% have been

and meet our enquiry service staff.

enquiries is very diverse – aged care, Centrelink, settlement, immigration and legal, health, volunteer and employment, interest groups and other. We believe in ‘small things matter’ as we all come from a migrant background. We understand that you could feel really lost the first time riding on the train, the first time receiving an English letter, the first time making a medical appointment,


• Reception 前台接待: Cecilia, Jorie & Meng • Enquiry Service 咨询服务: Nunu, Amy, Elvie, Jillian, Violet and Walter

To make our services more accessible, we have

about your query. The reception staff will either

internally followed up by our staff. The content of

Our Team 我们的团队

Alternatively, you are always welcome to visit our office from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday or check out our trilingual website (www. anytime anywhere.

• Our languages & Dialects 我们能讲的语 言和方言: English 英文, Cantonese 广 东话, Mandarin 普通话, Vietnamese 越 南语, Hokkien 福建话, Hainanese 海南 话, Malay马来语…… Chung Wah Community and Aged Care provides an Enquiry Service for: yourself, your families and friends, community members, health professionals and agencies, service providers, government departments, and EVERYONE! 中华社区与长者服务的咨询服务 面向:客户自己、其家人和朋友、社区 成员、医疗系统专家和机构、服务提供 方、政府部门以及每个人!

(08) 9328 3988 Unit 9 / 117 Brisbane Street, Perth WA 6000


做提供信息的桥梁 向您介绍我们的咨询服务 文 ◎ 潘之霖 译 ◎ 叶丽婷 “早上好,这里是中华社区及长者服务,我是……,请问我能怎样帮助您呢?” 自2007年一月,中华社区及长者服务开始推行咨询服务给不谙英语的移民和广大社区。这项咨询服务的目的,是为了减低移民取 用主流服务和资源时所面对的语言及文化障碍。 在过去5年,我们的记录显示逾2400个咨询总计超过35000分钟。这些咨询当中,超过70%的都得到满意的答复,另外有23% 由内部员工跟进。咨询内容也相当地广泛,包括长者服务、政府福利部、定居、移民、法律、健康、义工、雇聘、兴趣小组 和其他等。 我们相信 “问题无大小”因为我们都是移民。我们完全理解您心中的迷茫,当您第一次乘搭火车、第一 次收到英语信函、第一次预约看医生等等。因此,我们装备了各方面的信息和资源,用您 的语言来解答您的疑问、协助您找到答案或将问题转介到有关当局。 为了让我们的服务更加广泛使用,我们已经在去年12月份开始 在早上8点接听您的电话。每当接听您的电话,我们的员工会先 与您打招呼。接着,会询问您疑问的内容。前台接听的员工 或许会直接解答您的问题,否则他们会将您的来电接驳到 我们的咨询服务团队为您解答。我们也可以为您向咨询 服务的员工预约一个时间,当面解答。 您 也 欢 迎 于 星 期 一 至 五 9点 至 5点 到 我 们 的 办 公室,或者随时随地浏览我们三种语言的网站

Evergreen College Survey Completed


In the last article, we have revealed that an Evergreen College survey would be conducted amongst our existing clients to identify and gauge their areas of need and interest.

上一期的文章提及我们会针对常青学院给现有的客户进行 一项问卷调查,以辨别及判断客户所需要及感兴趣的课程。

Since then the survey has been conducted at our day centre in Balcatta from 13th to 15th March and in Maddington on 23rd March. The survey asked about clients’ understanding of the 5 Elements of Education as well as their preferred interest courses of the college. In total, 128 clients completed the survey and shared their valuable feedback with us. When being asked about the 5 Elements of Education, “physical development” is valued the most by our seniors following by “Social Interaction”. Regarding the interest courses, ‘Exercise’ inevitably becomes the most popular choice while ‘Computer’ and ‘English ’ is also highly welcomed by our seniors who strongly believe in ‘Never too old to learn’. Some traditional Chinese activities such as ‘Tai Chi’ and ‘Mah Jong’ have their own followers too. Based on the survey results, our wellness team is going to discuss and gradually establish our Evergreen College in more details. In the meantime, we also hope to collaborate with other mainstream professional bodies to design and enrich our wellness programs. (Repoter : Jilian Pan)

有关问卷调查分别于3月13 日至15日在Balcatta 和3月23日在 Maddington进行。这几天,调查对象被问及他们对五育(德、 智、体、群、美)的理解,以及所偏爱的课程。结果有128客户 完成了这项调查,分享了他们宝贵的意见。 当被问及五育(德、智、体、群、美),体力发展成了长 者最为关注的,其次就是群体社交。至于感兴趣的课程,无可 否认身体锻炼是最受大家欢迎。对许多“活到老,学到老”的 长者而言,学习电脑及英语成了他们的首选。其他华人传统的 运动和游戏,如:太极和麻将也有其支持者。 我们机构的身心健康项目团队,将会根据这项问卷调查的 结果进行讨论,以循序渐进地建立这所常青学院。同时,我们 也希望可以与其他主流的专业机构设计及完善我们的身心健康 项目。(潘之霖 报道 叶丽婷 翻译)


西澳华人社区第一网站——AUPEOPLE澳群网 隆重推出中华会馆及《中华会刊》互动专栏,欢迎中华会馆会员及其他朋友前往讨论互动。 详情请登陆



SAVE! SAVE!! SAVE!!! 中华会馆会员优惠计划 加盟伙伴名单 网站持续更新

use your Chung Wah membership card or voucher to enjoy discounts for dining and shopping! Condition of use : Membership card cannot be used in conjunction with vouchers. Other conditions may be imposed by individual outlets.

VMC = Valid Membership Card NAME




Busy Bee Pharmacy

10% off



201 William St, Northbridge

G.C STONE 金石石业

5% off



5-72 Westchester Rd, Malaga

(Limit 1 per person, no conjunction with other offer)

15% off

Till 08/2012


2/98 Lake St, Northbridge

融侨速汇 Money Chaim Foreign Exchange

20% off service fee



1-354 William St, Northbridge


3% off



370 William St, Northbridge


10% off

Till 12/2012


Shop 19,243 Water Rd(West), Morley


10% off

Till 30/06/2012


27 Lake Street, Cnr James & Lake Streets, Northbridge Piazza


(Except Fri, Sat, Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve) Maximum numbers apply per membership card



Shop 67, Floreat Forum Shopping Centre, Floreat

Cafe Myridae

20% off



10% off except Sat & Sun, dine in only



76 Francis St, Northbridge

Golden Gates Asian Gifts Fashion & Accessories 金门亚洲礼品时尚服饰店

10% off



314 William St, Northbridge

Perth Dae Jang Kum 大长今韩国烧烤

Free pancake



74 Francis St, Northbridge

Shanghai Flavour Restaurant 上海人家餐馆

10% off



hop 2, 375 William St, Northbridge

JOY GARDEN 乐涛园海鲜餐馆

10% off lunch (Except Sunday) 10% off dinner



65 Francis St, Northbridge

Welcome Inn Tea House 美心茶楼

5% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)



354 William St, Northbridge


$10 off international flight tickets 10% off travel insurance



Shop 6, 109 James St, Northbridge

Great Australian Natural Selections 大澳保健礼品中心

10% off (Except products on sale)



Shop 3, 369 William St, Northbridge

dshop Photographic studio 周丹摄影工作室

20% off



0423 881 212

James Computers 西澳电脑

10% for computer repair



U10, 117 Brisbane St, Perth WA 6000

Regent Cake 丽晶饼屋

5% off



Shop 10, 45 Francis St, Northbridge 6003

little bubs baby and Children’s Wear

10% off



2/117 Brisbane St, Perth WA 6000

Formosa Cafe 福尔摩莎

10% for food and beverage only



58 Francis St, Northbridge 6003

little lamb Restaurant 小尾羊餐厅

10% off off steam boat only (Except Saturday & Sunday)



91 James St, Northbridge 6003

the Red teapot 美食屋

10% for lunch only



413 William St, Northbridge, 6003

Wa’s Chinese Videos books & news 胜者影音

10% off



273 William St, Northbridge 6003

hair dJ

10% off



4/415 Newcastle St. Perth 6000


25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser

Till 30/06/2012


291 William St, Northbridge


25% off or $15 max Whichever is lesser

Till 30/06/2012


357 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park

south ocean Chinese Restaurant 海洋酒家

5% off (Except lunch special)

Until 6 / 2012


17 south St, Kardingya WA 6163

endless delight Chinese Cuisine 味中味餐馆

5% off



Unit 5/145 Newcastle St, Northbridge WA 6003

its More than a sip tea art gallery 品之味茶艺中心

10% on tea and tea sets (Except furniture )



5-7 Pacmerston St, Northbridge, WA 6003

Xin Tian Di Restaurant 新天地餐馆

10% off (Except Saturday & Sunday)

Till 30/06/2012


40 Francis St, Northbridge utopia Formosa square 14/109 James Street, Northbridge utopia Victoria Park 859 Albany Highway, Victoria Park utopia Myaree 50 Hulme Court, Myaree


10% for drinks only



utopia garden City K07, 125 Riseley Street, Booragoon utopia barrack 71 Barrack Street, Perth utopia southlands 4. 41 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton utopia Carousel 1019B, 1382 Albany Hwy, Cannington utopia Westfield Whitfords City 231A Cnr Marmion & Whitfords Ave, Hillarys

加盟及反馈热线 Contact details for participating and feedback 市场推广协调人 Marketing Co-ordinator 宋丽君 Quin song 电话 tel: 9328 8657 / 0421 031 199 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 e-mail:

Vouchers Only Availabl



rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W em g ch un t S Ch oun sc Di

le in Printed Magazine


ar 寻找 ch 封 Fo 面 r 美少 Co 女 ve r Gi rl

Ever dreamt of being the cover girl of a magazine but never had the chance to realise your dream? Well, you can stop dreaming now, as the Chung Wah Magazine is looking for young Chinese ladies of good character aged from 18 to 29 to be considered as the cover girl for future editions of the magazine. We have a professional working team, and a rich source of clothing sponsors to package you into the star of your dream. If you think you are up to it, and are willing to share your beauty with the public, submit your details such as name, date of birth, contact number, and a recent photograph by email to, for your chance to realise your dream! Don’t just think about it, ACT NOW! Who knows, you might just be that rising star on the horizon!!! 嗨,年轻的女孩,曾经梦想成为杂志的封面模特而不可得吗?好吧,你现在 可以停止发梦了,因为《中华会刊》正在寻找封面美少女——凡是年龄在18至29 岁,品端貌淑的华人女性,均有机会成为未来会刊的封面女郎。 我们有专业的工作团队,有丰富的服饰赞助资源为你提供包装和服务,一定 能够满足你成为大明星的美好梦想。 只要你够美够靓,品行良好,乐意将美貌与微笑与大众分享,请将姓名、出 生日期、联系方式和近照发送到我们的邮箱,梦想就有 可能成真啦! 心动不如行动,明日之星正在冉冉升起,说不定那个她——就是你!

rs r be che em u M e Vo ah W hem g c un t S Ch oun sc Di

Vouchers Only Available in Printed Magazine EXCLUSIVELY FOR


第2期 ISSUE NO.2 2011年9月 SEPTEMBER 2011


《中华会刊》广告邀请 中华会馆是西澳最大的华人社团,现有约2,000名会员。会馆成立于1909年,有着悠久的历史和传统,近期刚刚庆祝了她的百 年诞辰。中华会馆得到澳大利亚联邦政府和西澳州政府的共同承认,是西澳全体十四万华人的官方代言人。 《中华会刊》由中华会馆编辑出版,是本地最资深的华人社会杂志。会刊除了报道会馆新闻与内部事务之外,还有更多精彩 内容,其中有对本地华人生活的细致描绘和真诚表达,还有西澳社会动态和海外华人大观。 《中华会刊》中英文双语发行,现暂为双月刊。中华会馆定期向所有2,000名会员和1000名全社会各界人士免费寄送。在可以 预见的将来,《中华会刊》的读者覆盖人数将扩展到一万名,并将面向整个华人社会。会刊开启了中华会馆未来100年的新篇章, 它将促进会馆与会员之间更有效地沟通和互动,促进华人社会与西澳主流社会之间的理解和融合。

INVITATION TO ADVERTISE IN CHUNG WAH MAGAZINE The Chung Wah Association is the largest Chinese organization in WA with around 2,000 members. It has a long and rich history having being established in 1909, and recently celebrated its centenary. The Association is recognized by both the federal and state governments as the official spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers around 140,000. The Chung Wah Magazine published by the Association, is the most established Chinese publication in Western Australia. In addition to reporting on matters concerning the Association, it also covers local and overseas Chinese news, as well as true and detailed accounts of issues affecting the local Chinese community. The magazine is bilingual and is currently published every two months and posted to 2,000 members and 1,000 other members of the community and government departments. In the foreseeable future, we plan to increase circulation to 10,000 and make it available to the general Chinese public. The magazine represents a new chapter at the start of the next 100 years for the Association, and seeks to communicate and interact with members more effectively, and further promote understanding and integration between the Chinese and the mainstream community in WA.


全页 Full Page

半页 Half Page

¼页 Quarter Page

封底 Outside back cover

$1,500 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

封面内页 Inside front cover

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

封底内页 Inside back cover

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

普通内页 Inside pages

$600 + GST

$300 + GST

$200 + GST

(有时广告设计需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required)

广告热线 Contact details 市场推广协调人 Marketing Co-ordinator 宋丽君 Quin SONg 电话 Tel: 9328 8657 / 0421 031 199 | 传真 Fax: 9227 5694 | 电邮 E-mail:


The Chung Wah Association has a century of history and is the largest and strongest Chinese organization in WA. The Association is recognized by federal, state, and local governments as the official spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers around 140,000. 有着百年历史的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实力最强 的华人社团,得到澳洲联邦政府和西澳州政府的共同承认,是西澳全体14万华人的官方代言人。

Our motto is 我们的口号是


Membership Hotline Just dial 9328

8657 to join the Chung Wah Family

Annual Membership: Single $30 and Family $45. Concessional Rate: Single $15 and Family $30 – For students and pensioners. 直接拨打9328 8657 即可加入中华会馆大家庭,年会费单人30元,家庭45元; 优惠价(适用于学生和退休人士)单人15元,家庭30元

三条快线 Three Direct Email Contacts for Services Members Discount Scheme 会员优惠计划

JobSeek Assistance 求职援助计划

Volunteer Development Program 志愿者发展计划

With your Membership Card, you can access discounts from 5% to 25% at participating outlets. Participating outlets are increasing and being updated constantly!

Helping members to match jobs that suit them. In 2012, we will run job application workshops to help members better able to apply for jobs.

凭借会员卡,您可以在加盟餐馆、 商店和其它服务机构中,享受到 5%—25%的折扣优惠。加盟商业伙 伴数目在持续增加之中!

帮助会员寻找适合的工作职位。在2012 年,我们计划开办求职申请辅导班, 以帮助会员掌握更好的求职技巧。

Providing training to volunteers incorporating personal and professional development with real practical work experience. Also provides valuable local work experience for new migrants and professional references where appropriate. 结合个人和职业发展的需要,提供 实用的工作经验,为志愿者提供培 训机会, 同时为新移民提供适合的、 有价值的本地工作经验,并出具专 业的推荐信












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UDIA 2010





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