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A spotlight on Chamber members that provide services and products to seniors and their familes.





VOL. 31, NO. 1

Details released for Chamber's 1920s celebration The television. Movies with sound and in 3-D. The first winter Olympics. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. All of these were a product of the 1920s, a decade that the Chamber of Commerce will honor at its 2014 Annual Business Awards Dinner. “Spirit of the Twenties: Business is Roaring” will be held at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa COHEN on Friday, Feb. 28. “The 1920s was a great era for new discoveries. It really set the stage for a lot of the things that we take for granted these days,” said Toni Padron, Executive Vice President and COO of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. “In a lot of ways, we share a lot of common traits with the spirit of that era — the sense of wonderment of scientific discovery, economic advancement and progress. That’s the environment that the founders of this Chamber were in, and it’s very similar to our situation today.” The Chamber has formed new categories for the awards it presents to showcase Carlsbad’s key industries. Awards will be presented in: Information and Communications Technology; Action Sports & Manufacturing; Life Sciences; Hospitality & Leisure; and Clean Technologies. The nomination period closes on our website (www.carlsbad.org) on Jan. 15. Nominations can come from a number of sources: From the businesses themselves or their employees, business partners or clients. Don’t delay, nominate a business today. The Chamber is also pleased to announce that CBS 8 San Diego-KFMB's

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he smallbusiness person can... make just as great of an impact on the local community as larger companies make globally.

Christine Davis of Coolest Shoes in California looks over her donation to the Women’s Resource Center Thrift Shop with Manager Glenda Pullen and Assistant Manager Matt Hoover.

— Toni Padron, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce


BY JOSÉ A. LÓPEZ Editor | Carlsbad Business Journal


very so often, you hear about a company that integrates philanthropy into its mission. Much has been written, for example, about Santa Monica-based TOMS and its “One for One” philosophy, under which it donates a pair of shoes to a poor child with every sale it makes. That “buy one, give one” philosophy has been adopted by other successful companies, such as online eyeglass retailer Warby Parker. You don’t have to be big to incorporate giving into your business plan. All you have to do is think creatively, and focus on what is important to you, said Toni Padron, executive vice president and COO of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, who has worked

with dozens of small businesses through the Chamber’s Pathways program, a peer advisory group. “TOMS and the larger companies are not the only ones that can do those types of things,” Padron said. “It’s like we at the Chamber always tell our members: you, the small-business person can do the same thing and make just as great of an impact on the local community as larger companies make globally.”


Like many retailers, Christine Davis of Coolest Shoes in California was ending 2013 with a surplus of unsold shoes in styles that were being discontinued by their manufacturers for the new year. After fall clearance sales, she still had about 60 pairs of shoes she needed to get off the books. A

retail consultant suggested she sell them to a liquidator, but Davis decided she wanted to take another route. “Since we are not going to be carrying these particular styles and colors in 2014, we felt it best to donate them at the end of the year, rather than liquidate them, so that they could go to good use,” Davis said. “Finding a local venue to donate to was also important so that the benefits could be realized right here in our community.” Since she specializes in the sale of women’s shoes, Davis said she also wanted to find a place that would benefit women. After bringing the issue up to her Pathways group she discovered the perfect place in another Chamber member: The Women’s Resource Center.



Leading for the sake of others Servant Leadership Institute Winter Conference Focuses on Changing the Game BY ROBIN SWIFT

5934 Priestly Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008

Servant Leadership Institute

Even if you are unfamiliar with servant leadership and know nothing about its methodology, it’s quite likely you have benefited from it. Many well-known organizations have successfully implemented servant leadership, including Southwest Airlines, Nordstrom, Zappos and Starbucks. What do they all have in common? Their employees are empowered to make a difference because management is focused on leading for

the sake of others. One of the most simplistic ways to think about it is service before self. Servant leadership is not a new concept; in 1968, AT&T executive Robert Greenleaf launched the modern movement in corporate America. It has taken some time to be embraced by organizations with leadership teams that have

been trained to lead with power and intimidation, but over the last couple years, we’ve seen a shift: instead of being asked to explain what servant leadership is, we’re more often queried about how it can be implemented.


Servant leadership is a set of principles and practices designed to enhance the lives of individuals, organizations and communities



Answer to riddle is key to your success I’d like to begin my column with a riddle. If you are a success-driven person, then read on. • I am your constant companion. • I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. • I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. • I am completely at your command. • Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. • I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. • I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures as well. • Those who are great, I have made great. • Those who are failures, I have made failures. • I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine, plus the intelligence of a person. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin - it makes no difference to me. • Take me, train me, be firm with me and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am habit! If you are success-minded, then the habit for you to train is the one that does not include procrastination, loafing, laziness, meanness, uncaring feelings, etc. Always remember, as Soichiro Honda, the father of Honda, once said, “success is 99 percent failure.” The power of positive thinking is now being proven in all kinds of studies. Studies show that the power of positive thinking can reverse illness, prevent illness, and in business can overcome nearly every obstacle even when things are grim. I am reminded of a portion of the story of David and Goliath. Before David was to fight the giant Goliath, David’s friends, fearing the worst, came to pay their last respects. “What makes you so sure that I will not return?” asked David, surprised at their pessimistic appraisal of the situation. One of his friends was quick to reply. “David,” he said, “Goliath is so big! How can you possibly expect to win?” David just smiled. “If he’s so big, and I use my slingshot,” he asked, “how can I miss?” You always get more than you give when you give more than you get. David did. Two final thoughts: “The road to success is always under construction.” The last one is, “The ladder of success may now be an elevator - but it’s still self-service!”

In writing my first article as board chairman, I thought I should tell you a little bit about my background. I am a second-generation San Diegan and was raised in the community of Del Cerro near San Diego State University (SDSU). My father owned a small hardware store and lumberyard, College Hardware & Lumber, and my mother taught bookkeeping and typing at Helix High school. I worked in the family business from the time I was 12 years old until a year after graduating from UCSD with a degree in Economics. I spent many years of my youth behind a retail counter and serving customers by cutting lumber, hoisting sacks of concrete and mixing paint. Although I now work for a large company as the director of external affairs for AT&T, my early background was in small business. In my early years of working for Pacific Bell, now AT&T, employees were encouraged to move around to different parts of the business. I initially was hired as a forecaster for specific products and spent time in outside sales, finance, and information technology organizations before moving on to external affairs. During that time I earned an MBA from the MBA for Executives Program and SDSU. In my current role, I am afforded some time to spend with business and not-for-profit organizations. I have previously served for two years as the chairman of the San Diego North Economic Development Council and two years as chairman of the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce as well as having served on the board of a variety of nonprofits including the Mottino Family YMCA. One of the primary roles of a board member is to provide fiduciary oversight to the organization



Meet new chairman of the board John Osborne FROM THE CHAIRMAN


and to act as a sounding board for the staff. The Carlsbad Chamber has been run extremely well and weathered the challenges of the recession far better than most. The Chamber has continued to provide an impressive array of services for chamber members and advocated for business with the city and state. Later this month, we will have our board retreat where we will discuss strategy for moving the Chamber forward in 2014 and beyond. I hope in this column to keep you aware of the collective insight and direction of a very impressive group of members representing businesses large and small. If you haven’t done so already, my ask of you is to “Do One Thing” with the Chamber. We are all busy building and running our businesses, but all of us can make time to do one thing. Pick a Chamber committee to be involved in that makes sense for your business. Commit to joining the Chamber’s networking group or plan to attend our monthly Sundowners or First Friday breakfasts. Connect with other like-minded folks to grow your business or influence. We are all better collectively as a group than we are as the sum of us individually.


f you haven’t done so already, my ask of you is to “Do One Thing” with the Chamber. We are all busy building and running our businesses, but all of us can make time to do one thing.

I wish you all a fantastic start to the New Year! Finally, please join me in congratulating our Immediate Past Chairman, Carlton Lund, on an outstanding two years as board chairman. Carlton’s infectious enthusiasm spurred on the entire board to do our best for Carlsbad and for the Chamber.

Unpaid internships: business opportunity or booby trap? What’s not to like about getting an intern? A small business gets a little free help and a willing student or former student learns how the business works. Some interns even end up with good jobs after learning valuable skills. What a great concept! But here’s the unfortunate reality, especially for California employers: The unpaid intern is largely a myth, because if your business benefits from their labor, you have to pay at least minimum wage. If you don’t and your happy intern becomes a disgruntled plaintiff, you face double damages, penalties, interest, attorney fees, even the shutting down of your business or a misdemeanor conviction. Such are the penalties for using unpaid labor. Some rather big players are learning this the hard way. In the last couple of years, interns have filed lawsuits against Hearst, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Condé Nast, Atlantic Records and others. Generally the claim is, “we worked our butts off for you and should have gotten paid at least minimum wage,” even though they agreed to intern for free. Many companies have now canceled their internship programs, while others have decided to pay wages to qualified candidates and let the rest find another way to “learn the business.” What Happened to the good oldfashioned intern? Just like “starting out in the mailroom” — which I did at CBS long before law school — interning has






a long and celebrated history in this country. Programs in competitive industries — fashion, advertising, media — attract many applicants eager to show up every day for nothing just to get a foot in the door, learn and make valuable contacts. Enter the class-action lawsuit for back wages: Many interns today claim they are being subjected to long hours, harsh conditions and, like Howard Beale in the movie “Network,” they’re “not going to take it anymore!” Maybe it’s Gen Y’s entitlement syndrome, but no matter, the law is on their side.


The rules permit unpaid internships, but only under limited conditions. Both state and federal authorities will consider these six criteria to decide whether they’re truly exempt from minimum wage: 1. The internship is similar to training the individual would get in a school, even if it involves actual operations of the employer.

2. The experience is for the benefit of the intern, not the company. 3. The employer gains nothing from the intern, and in fact the operation may be impeded. 4. The intern does not displace regular employees. 5. The intern is not necessarily going to be hired at the end of the internship. 6. It’s agreed that no wages will be paid. For most small businesses, these criteria are the opposite of what the business needs. They need a mutually beneficial arrangement where the student learns while the business gets cheap or free labor. Yet that’s precisely the situation that will likely lead your small business down a painful road to damages, penalties and attorney fees.


The safer practice is to pay inexperienced workers minimum wage and treat them as employees. If the math doesn’t support the position, don’t hire. When clients ask me about unpaid internships, my advice generally is, “don’t.” It’s a rare case that fits the rules, and with so many college grads looking for fewer jobs, and the minimum wage going up, the setting is ripe for more of these “free workers” to end up at the labor commissioner’s office or in court. You don’t want to be the employer on the other side of the room. Lou Storrow can be reached at lstorrow@ hrlawyer.com.

INDEX CITY UPDATE................................4 TO YOUR HEALTH.........................5 MEMBER COLUMNS.....................6-7 MEMBER DIGEST.........................9-12 EDUCATION NEWS.......................13-14 REAL ESTATE................................15

MEMBER MARKETPLACE..............14 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES............16-20


Carlsbad Gourmet celebrates a sweet 10th year Carlsbad Gourmet’s Russ Bruhn had several major developments at the end of 2013: he opened his first “brick and mortar” store — filling a seasonal space at Westfield Carlsbad during the holidays — and helped baseball All Star Tony Gwynn launch and distribute a new barbecue sauce. These were among the milestones that Carlsbad Gourmet, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary in February, has accomplished since Bruhn, whose varied background included working with computer software, toys and beauty products, decided to go into the food industry. It was a development that, coincidentally, also had to do with baseball. Bruhn was coaching his son’s baseball team which, during a tournament, was playing a visiting team from Kauai. During their introduction, the Hawaiian team presented the Carlsbad team with branded items from their island. “We wanted to give something back to them, so we went searching throughout Carlsbad for branded items, but we couldn’t find anything,” Bruhn said.

Afterward, Bruhn started thinking about what could symbolize Carlsbad and he came upon the idea of food using California strawberries. He visited fancy food shows and couldn’t find any, so he hired a food scientist and she helped him develop his first recipes. Bruhn took his first product, the Strawberry Spread, to the Carlsbad Flower Fields and sold all his 120 cases in a weekend. It was an auspicious start to a product line of gourmet spreads and sauces, dressings, vinegars, mustard’s and other delicacies made with California strawberries and local San Diego products. Though he didn’t have experience in the food industry, Bruhn was determined to learn. “Once I get into something I want to own it,” he said. “I learned everything I could about it, to the point where I’ve been around for 10 years.” Part of the company’s success can be attributed to the fact that it has been able to ride several waves of popular culture. For example, he uses fresh and locally-sourced

Russ Bruhn and his son, Jordan, at the Carlsbad Gourmet store at the Westfield Carlsbad Mall. ingredients. Because he used less sugar in his spread than jams or jellies, it doesn’t burn in the oven, something that led LEGOLAND California Resorts to seek out Bruhn’s spread when it was developing its recipes for its “fruitizza.” The

Interim City Manager is stepping down The City of Carlsbad has announced that Interim City Manager Kevin Crawford has been selected as the new president and CEO of the United Way of San Diego County. The city is conducting a nationwide search for a replacement. Crawford will remain in his interim position to assist with the search before assuming his new role at the United Way in early 2014. CRAWFORD “Leaving my current post in good hands is of utmost importance, as is the continued health of the City of Carlsbad organization, where I have spent the last

28 years. I am committed to helping the City Council in whatever way I can with the recruitment of a city manager who shares my passion for this great organization and its outstanding workforce,” said Crawford. Crawford, who is the City of Carlsbad’s fire chief, took over the city manager position on a temporary basis. The City Council announced it would initiate a nationwide search for city manager utilizing a professional recruitment firm. “To see one of our own selected for such a prestigious leadership position, speaks to the caliber of talent in our city organization,” said City of Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall. “As hard as it is to see Kevin go, we can’t help feeling proud that now the entire region will benefit from his considerable leadership gifts.”

theme park uses Carlsbad Gourmet spread on its peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and also uses one of his creations as its house dressing. Bruhn also was able to team up with North County-based microbreweries — including Stone

Brewing Co. — to create specialty sauces featuring their craft beer. Bruhn was able to grow his business by taking part in the Carlsbad Village Faire (presented by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce) and by getting support from Chamber staff during his early days. It was at the November faire that a Westfield Carlsbad representative approached him about filling a spot in the mall for the holidays. Nine days later he opened the doors. His son, Jordan, is the store’s manager. “I can count the number of days off I’ve had on both hands,” Bruhn said. “I work constantly, but it’s fun and I enjoy it.” Bruhn said that part of the joy comes from the fact that he has found that it is easier to sell food than it was selling toys and computer software. “If you make something really good, all you have to do is have customers try it,” he said. “If they’re not going to buy, there’s nothing you can say to convince them, but if they like it they will buy. It’s the beauty of the food industry.”

Tri-City receives Joint Commission re-accreditation Tri-City Medical Center has been recognized for receiving top marks in areas such as patient rights, medication management and infection control by The Joint Commission, the national organization that establishes standards for healthcare quality and safety. The Joint Commission assessed the hospital unannounced for four-day on-site survey for compliance with standards addressing performance in key functional areas. The Joint Commission survey focuses on all programs including home care, behavioral health and emergency services. “Our mission is to advance the health and wellness of those we serve. For more than 50 years, we’ve shown our commitment to fulfill that mission,” said Casey Fatch, interim CEO of Tri-City Medical Center. “The Joint Commission’s re-accreditation reflects our

dedication to providing excellence in every aspect of our work.” In addition to receiving accreditation from the Joint Commission, Tri-City Medical Center has also received an “A from the Leapfrog Group for its Hospital Safety Score and was named one of “100 Great Hospitals in America” by the editors of Becker’s Hospital Review.

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Carlsbad businesses showed strong gains in 2013 as companies opened new projects and renovated space to prime for the future. The tourism, life sciences, telecommunications and action sports sectors advanced during the past year, firming up the City of Carlsbad’s economy. The city’s most noticeable 2013 opening was the LEGOLAND Hotel on the grounds of LEGOLAND California theme park. The new hotel, which welcomed guests for the first time in April, added 250 LEGOthemed and family-oriented rooms. The LEGOLAND Hotel debut marked the second grand opening of a major Carlsbad resort in two years and helped cement Carlsbad’s reputation as a desired tourist destination with international allure. The 215-room Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa opened in June 2012. “Tourism in Carlsbad is very strong right now,” said Sam Ross, executive director of Visit Carlsbad, noting that revenues from the Transient Occupancy Tax, the levy on hotel room stays, surpassed pre-recession figures. “TOT was up over 14 percent, at $14,675,000 for the fiscal year 2012-2013.” And those revenues help fund such everyday city services as police and fire protection, libraries and parks. Carlsbad’s other major resort properties were also active. The Park Hyatt Aviara Resort undertook a multimillion-dollar remodeling of guest rooms and its casual dining restaurant, California Bistro. And Dallas-based Omni Hotels & Resorts purchased La Costa Resort and Spa, which now operates as the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa. The resort also restored one of its two 18-hole golf courses — Legends — this past year. Tourism wasn’t the only segment of Carlsbad’s economy showing


Carlsbad’s economy showed strength in 2013 CITY NEWS

Economic Development Manager CITY OF CARLSBAD

revenue gains. The city’s retail sector flexed its muscle, as indicated by increases in sales tax revenues in 2013, with Car Country Carlsbad leading the way. A new retail center, the 180,000-square-foot Palomar Commons, developed by San Diegobased Sudberry Properties, opened at Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. Its anchor tenant, Lowe’s home improvement store, is a first for Carlsbad and will retain dollars in the city that went to home improvement stores in neighboring cities. In Bressi Ranch, Pizza Port opened the doors to a 37,000-square-foot facility that houses a brewery, a production facility, and Pizza Port’s corporate offices. And, best of all, it includes a new Pizza Port restaurant as its second Carlsbad location. And Westfield began renovating the 44-year-old, 1.15-million-squarefoot Plaza Camino Real shopping mall. After the remodel is completed in November 2014, the mall will be renamed Westfield Carlsbad and will offer new stores, restaurants and services, including a 12-screen Regal Cinema and a 24 Hour Fitness Center that will feature an indoor pool and rooftop basketball court. The new cinema and fitness center will be housed in the old RobinsonsMay department store building. On the commercial and industrial real estate front, vacancy rates continued to decline as business activity

increased. Dennis Visser, managing director at Cassidy Turley San Diego, a commercial real estate services provider, said that the vacancy rate in Carlsbad’s office buildings was high, but the trend is positive. “In three of the last four quarters we had positive net absorption,” Visser said. “We were at 27.6 percent vacancy in the third quarter of 2011, and we’re at 21.7 percent in

the third quarter of 2013 … nearly a 6 percent decline in the vacancy rate.” He noted that the industrial real estate sector is stronger than the office sector. “At the end of the third quarter 2011, we were at 14.9 percent vacancy” in the industrial sector, Visser said. “In the third quarter of 2013, we’re at 11.4 percent, a 3.5

percent decline. We’ve had positive net absorption in five of the last six quarters. That’s not robust, but it’s trending in the right direction.” He also noted that there were significant real estate transactions involving business properties during 2013, including the purchase of the 229,694-square-foot Faraday Corporate Center, at 2200 Faraday Ave., by Regent Properties, for $40.4 million. Visser, whose firm handled the transaction, said the transactions indicate that the real estate recovery has spread from the county’s central core to the suburbs. “I think investors are bullish on Carlsbad,” Visser said. “In the big picture, we’re encouraged about the improved market fundamentals and rising demand going into 2014.” Other business landmark events included: • In July, a new life sciences incubator and community laboratory, Bio, Tech and Beyond, opened its doors to scientists and other people who want to exchange and test their ideas. The 6,000-square-foot lab, made possible through a partnership with the City of Carlsbad, provides low-cost benches and equipment for people with dreams of turning their ideas into lifesaving medicines. • Life Technologies was purchased by Thermo Fisher Scientific in April for $13.6 billion. The deal merges two leading companies in the field of genetic testing. • ViaSat set records for subscribers to its satellite Internet service, reporting 590,000 subscribers at the end of September. The company launched its communications satellite, Viasat-1, in 2012. • Local action sports giants TaylorMade-Adidas Golf, which manufactures golf clubs, golf balls and other equipment, reported sales of $1.3 billion from January to September, making it the largest golf company in the world.

City seeking input on biking, walking to work in Carlsbad The City of Carlsbad is seeking input from local businesses and their employees about walking and biking in Carlsbad. The online survey is part of a larger project to develop better options for people to get to their work places, retail centers, homes, public transportation and the beach. This input will be used to develop two planning documents that will identify better ways to connect the city’s roads and trails: the Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategy and Trails Master Plan. The city is combining its community outreach efforts for the two plans because it sees an opportunity to create better connections for people using the road and trail systems. Through early February, the city is asking people go to www.carlsbadca.gov/input to

participate in a five to 10 minute online survey and participate in a map exercise where they can show the city locations where they’d like to see improvements or changes. “Connectivity is essential to Carlsbad’s economic health,” said City of Carlsbad Economic Development Manager Christina Vincent. “More Carlsbad businesses are providing transportation options for their employees for gained access to the community. We need to understand where the gaps in our transportation system are in order to provide our businesses with a greater network of options, specifically in our business parks and in the Village, where the majority of our employment base exists.” — Source: City of Carlsbad



Patients play key role in their own care CHRIS VAN GORDER

The start of the new year on Jan. 1 marks the beginning of a mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for most Americans to obtain health insurance coverage or pay a penalty. Companies with at least 50 full-time employees President and CEO have another year (until SCRIPPS HEALTH Jan. 1, 2015) to provide health insurance benefits to workers that meet minimum ACA standards or face financial penalties. Meanwhile, individuals and small businesses in California with fewer than 50 employees have been able to purchase health insurance for their workers through Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Individuals and small-businesses can access Scripps physicians on Covered California through all Blue Shield plans and the Health Net bronze plan. Covered California has been running smoothly compared to the federal health care exchange, which faced some major challenges at its launch. Despite its implementation issues and other problems with the ACA, its goals are laudable. It is intended to ensure health care coverage for the 48 million uninsured and to rein in the nation’s skyrocketing health care costs, which total more than $3 trillion a year. I have long believed that major changes to health care are needed. Health care in this country is already changing and must keep evolving, because it’s broken. While it is a crisis, it also presents an opportunity for everyone involved, including patients, to identify areas for improvement. We have to break out of the old paradigm of doctors ordering tests and treatments for patients as an answer to every real or perceived ill. Instead, patients and doctors must partner together to create individualized care plans that make sense, avoid waste and produce the best outcomes. In addition to the health insurance mandate, the ACA also places more emphasis on wellness and prevention of illness, with hospitals being reserved for the sickest of the sick. Insurance plans now must cover preventive services such as mammograms and annual physical examinations, but the real responsibility lies with the individual. While preventive care will be covered, for example, it will be the patient’s responsibility to schedule and complete screening exams and wellness check-ups, which can identify potentially serious illnesses such as cancer

in their earliest and most treatable stages. Also, individuals will be encouraged to take inventory of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, such as a diet high in sugar, fat or junk food, or a lack of exercise. Such behaviors have been proven to contribute to heart disease, diabetes and other preventable illnesses. Businesses can encourage their employees to adopt healthier lifestyles through employee wellness programs that promote and reward positive habits such as exercise, weight loss and stress management. At Scripps, we have had programs in place since 2006 to encourage our employees to adopt healthier lifestyles, including a smarter diet, regular exercise and a healthy work-life balance. Besides being in alignment with the spirit of health care reform, it’s the right thing to do for our employees, and Scripps physicians can help their patients make the same types of changes. Scripps also is working to enhance its services and facilities in ways that are making them more convenient and accessible to patients. Scripps’ 26 outpatient facilities are close to where patients live or work. And Scripps is playing a leading role in the fastemerging world of digital medicine by testing innovative wireless health and telemedicine technologies that will bring health care to patients’ homes and even their smartphones, helping them better manage chronic conditions and enhance their regular doctor visits. The ACA mandates other changes for health care, in effect as of Jan. 1. These include the expansion of Medi-Cal (or Medicaid outside California) to include those with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, and a ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. While the ACA and its initiatives may not be perfect, it is the law of the land and a step toward addressing the nation’s health care problems. We know the world of health care won’t change overnight. And real health care reform doesn’t happen in Washington. It happens when health care providers focus on patients and work with them to deliver the right care, at the right time in the right place. “To Your Health” is brought to you by Scripps Health. For more information on enrolling in the exchange or to discuss your options, please contact a trained staff member at 1-800-SCRIPPS or visit www. scripps.org.


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Google is most of the world’s go-to Internet search engine, so when it comes to SEO, it’s important to stay on top of the changes the company makes to its much-vaunted search

algorithm. The latest update, known as Hummingbird, took effect last August, but Google did not make its existence public until Sept. 26. Though the company regularly updates the algorithms that run its searches, Hummingbird is a much bigger change. Past updates such as Panda and Penguin just changed parts of the old algorithm, while Hummingbird is a complete algorithm overhaul. Hummingbird works to understand the meaning behind each word in a search to give users a better match the first time instead of asking them to sift through several pages of sites that might not be relevant. They chose the moniker Hummingbird for this update precisely because Google claims it is “precise and fast.” For businesses on the web, this means making some adjustments to SEO strategies to get optimal results from Hummingbird. Google’s Hummingbird update is more in tune with conversational searches. With more people browsing the web from mobile devices, more and more searches come from users speaking, telling the phone what they need instead of typing it. They ask specific questions looking for detailed answers. This is where Hummingbird comes into play. These adjustments were created to understand the meaning of entire questions instead of just individual keywords. For example, whereas before a user might have searched for “sandwich shop,” now they might ask their phone to find “inexpensive sandwich shop in Portland Oregon.” The Hummingbird algorithm is designed to process this information and find the most relevant and specific results. The idea is that pages that match the meaning


Google’s Hummingbird update TECHNOLOGY


of a search will do better in their rankings than pages that just match the keywords. So how is Hummingbird going to affect your business and its web presence? Past changes to the Google algorithm have caused less traffic for websites and forced them to rethink their entire strategy. It is best to be prepared by making your site as mobile-friendly as possible, if you do not already have a mobile version of your site. Use large fonts so that the text is easy to read on a small screen. Make your content specific a n d e y e catching by getting to the point a n d placing appropriate images on the page. Ensure that your site is built using responsive web design, which allows it to automatically adapt to whatever device it is being viewed on. The easier your site is to navigate, the more likely users are to return and stay on your

pages – showing Google that your site is relevant. The most important point to consider is whether your website has content that answers specific questions. Think about what users are looking for when they come to your site and adapt your content accordingly. One good strategy: Make a list of questions that someone might type into a search engine that relate to your business, and revise your content to match the answers. This will make Hummingbird work for you and help you continue to get plenty of hits. Google claims that Hummingbird will not have negative effects on your site if you continue to provide original, high-quality content, but it’s always a good idea to optimize further if you can. Overall, sites that are able to answer searchers’ questions effectively will have the most success with Google’s Hummingbird update. It is estimated that this new algorithm will affect billions of websites and be involved in 90 percent of all searches. If you want to keep your rankings high and get visitors to y o u r s i t e , make s u r e y o u r website’s content answers specific user questions in your field. Do your research, spend some time making your site mobile-friendly, and reap the benefits of Hummingbird with more hits and higher profits. Contact Brady Chatfield at brady@ higherpowerSEO.com

The Chamber’s Sustainability Committee was named the 2013 Committee of the Year.

Chamber honors its top volunteers of 2013 The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce celebrated all of the members who helped it achieve excellence in 2013 at its First Friday Breakfast, held Dec. 6 at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa. The Chamber presented awards to one member from each of its committees. Those chosen best exemplify the mission statement of their respective committees. “One of the big reasons that the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is where it is today is because of our volunteers — members who give their time to the chamber and to our committees, which are the life blood of what we do day in and day out,” said Ted Owen, the Chamber’s president and CEO. “We’re here today to honor the best of the best.” The winners were: Committee of the Year: Sustainability Committee Committee Chair of the Year:

Ross Fields, Marrs Maddocks & Associates (Sustainability) Ambassadors Committee: Dana Main, SendOutCards Business Resource Committee: Rich Clark, Fuzion Payments Education Committee: Carolyn B. Reinmiller, Carolyn B. Reinmiller Public Relations Government Affairs Committee: Amber Ter-Vrugt, SDG&E ReadyCarlsbad Business Alliance: Bob Welty Technology Advisory Committee: Stan Quinn, Quinn’s Rapid Recharger The Chamber also presented Meritorious Awards to Paula Anderson, Michael Howes, and Gary Whittlesey. Rick Kaufman was presented with the Rookie of the Year award and Fernando Beltran Lupi was given the Go-Giver Award. For more photos from the event, visit the Chamber’s blog at www. carlsbadchamberblog.org.

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A thorough screening helps avoid hiring mistakes Over the past few months, several local businesses were victimized by some very costly fraud and embezzlement schemes. In almost every instance, the perpetrators were current employees or subcontractors who had unfettered access to company premises. Roughly two-thirds of these crimes were committed by employees with prior criminal convictions, but they had never been pre-screened. In the remaining onethird, the level of screening research proved grossly inadequate. A common misconception within the business community is that prehire background checks are simply routine, regular or “one-size-fitsall.” Some employers request identical levels of screening regardless of the position. Although that may be better than no screening at all, it is neither best practice nor the most efficient use of company funds. Hypothetically, consider the positions of office clerk and accounting manager. The managerial-level person (especially one with financial and supervisorial duties) usually poses a far greater dollar-loss risk than the clerical employee, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Hence, increased screening for the potential manager is both lawful and prudent. Many employers believe ALL applicants should be free of criminal convictions which could be relevant to

GORDON SCHMIDT, CPI Palomar Investigative Group, Inc.

the position. From an investigator’s perspective, it is rather hard to disagree with this logic. Unfortunately, California does not have an effective statewide criminal conviction database available to the private sector. Therefore, a good strategy regarding research is to check the applicant’s current county of residence, along with other venues where he/she has lived in recent years. Of all the applicants screened each month for our clients, an average of 8 percent had felony and/or serious misdemeanor convictions within the past seven years. Many experts conclude that

past behavior is often an excellent indicator of future conduct. Consequently, employers may be wise to factor this into their hiring decisions. A driving record should be obtained to evaluate potential risk for on-the-job auto accidents when the position also requires companyrelated driving (office errands, offsite meetings, deliveries, etc). Such mishaps could create a significant liability for the employer. Additionally, driving records are useful in verifying identities/aliases, birth dates, and DUI’s. They also reveal suspended or revoked license status. For those seeking upper-level positions, such as accounting manager, it is appropriate to further search for federal-level convictions, recent bankruptcies, unpaid tax liens, unsatisfied judgments and related concerns. College degrees and professional certifications need confirmation since half of these are exaggerated or outright bogus, as reported by the National Student Clearinghouse. Prior employers should also be contacted for their feedback. If the prior employer is uncooperative, the applicant can be asked to provide copies of recent performance evaluations and separation documents. Any company considering the outsourcing of its hiring functions should proceed cautiously. Insist on proof of the investigative agency’s

MiraCosta recognized for its green practices MiraCosta College was recently awarded the Green Colleges Leadership Award for its comprehensive master plan that includes extensive green practices. The purpose of making the campus greener was generated by a committee of staff members to ensure green efforts cover every sector to create an energy efficient campus. A significant green effort that reflects the intention of the comprehensive master plan is the replacement of all campus streetlights

with LED bulbs. The college is continuing its efforts to replace all campus parking lot and streetlights with LED bulbs by March 2014 with Proposition 39 funds. The change pays off in reducing electricity use and the college’s energy bill. “Environmental sustainability crosses every discipline,” Tom Macias, director of facilities, said. “We’re going in the direction of being less dependent on the grid.”

state P.I. license, along with a current liability insurance certification (preferably, naming the company as an “additional insured”). With an abundance of some questionable Internet-based services that are only a few key-strokes away, use care when selecting a provider and always include your employment counsel in the process. Several California and federal statutes pertain to screening/hiring techniques. Authorization requirements are very specific and discrimination is prohibited.

Failure to conduct reasonable pre-employment checks often creates adverse consequences, a fact that so many businesses can attest to firsthand. Conversely, a practice of relevant, screening directly benefits a company and its employees. Crime-free workplaces are the most productive and enjoyable for all. Remember, many serious losses can be completely avoided, IF we learn from the mistakes of others. Gordon Schmidt can be reached at gordon@piginc.com

Sustainable Surplus Exchange wins grant from NBC Carlsbad’s Sustainable Surplus Exchange was one of several nonprofits that were awarded a total of $1.2 million in grants by the NBCUniversal Foundation. The program supports initiatives designed to address emerging and ongoing community challenges in new and creative ways. Sustainable Surplus Exchange, will be awarded $25,000 for its program, which

provides the business community a channel to redistribute their out-of-use assets to salvage for organizations in the educational and non-profit sectors while working to grow sustainable practices by re-purposing items from businesses and diverting the path of items to landfills. “We are thrilled to be chosen for our innovative and environmental solution for managing surplus,” said SSE executive director Sue Prelozni.


LEADING ›Continued from Page 1 whereby we create a better world by helping one another. The leader is there to serve those who follow. This is a paradigm shift from what many of us have experienced in our lives. Becoming a servant leader is a process and everyone grows as a servant leader at their own pace. Like many leadership approaches, servant leadership takes time to learn and implement in an organization. Servant Leadership Institute (SLI), now located in Carlsbad, has helped leaders understand the value of servant leadership and implement it into their organizations since 2009. SLI is in the process of building out a new training center at our facility that will allow us to offer more programs and workshops for businesses of all sizes. “Traditional leadership models simply aren’t working,” said Art Barter, founder and CEO of SLI and owner and chairman of Datron World Communications, Inc., which he transformed into a thriving servant-led organization. “Selfcentered leadership doesn’t lead to sustainable success, and as people come to realize that, they’re looking for a different way to lead.”


Those who have been schooled in wielding power to get employees to perform, which is pretty much everyone, often are initially reticent to relinquish their control and fearful of being seen as “soft.” What they ultimately come to realize, if they truly embrace servant leadership, is that this style of leadership is going to pay much greater dividends than power-driven models—and it doesn’t do away with oversight, but approaches it in a more caring manner. Treating an employee as asset versus a tool is not “soft”; it actually calls upon a stronger character as a leader. Think about those companies mentioned at the beginning of the article. All are known for having exceptional customer service, and that’s no coincidence. When employees feel valued, a key servant leadership tenet, they are going to work harder and be more loyal.

We’ve seen it time and time again; companies that successfully implement servant leadership maximize profits, people, and the planet. “Servant leadership is a smart leadership approach with a moral imperative to lead for the sake of others,” Barter said. “When leaders treat their colleagues as they wish to be treated and teams become laser-focused on their customers, the results are really astonishing.”


SLI’s 4th annual Winter Conference, which will take place at the Omni Resort Hotel in downtown San Diego on Feb. 4 and 5, will bring together people from across the country who are interested in thinking differently about leadership. The previous three conferences have sold out, and that is expected to happen in 2014 as well. The conference kicks off with a welcome reception at the Omni on the evening of Feb. 3. The stellar lineup of speakers includes Barter; Stephen M.R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust; Ken Blanchard, best-selling author and leadership expert; Cheryl Bachelder, CEO of Popeyes; Michael Tatelbame, Senior Director, HR of Kindred Healthcare; Olivia McIvor, Senior Partner of Organizational Culture Group; and two Senior Servant Leadership Trainers from SLI, Jeanne McGuire and Rodney Jackson. They will be presenting innovative information over three innings: • First inning: Connect Be a Game Changer. • Second Inning: Trust Change the Game of Trust. • Third Inning: Act Keeping Score/How to Achieve Results. Through interactive workshops, attendees will learn new behaviors and get the chance to practice them. A special highlight of the two-day event will be a Geoteaming activity for a local charity at Petco Park hosted by awardwinning sportscaster Dick Enberg. More information about SLI and the conference, including sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, is available at http://servantleadershipinstitute.com. You’ll also find a link there to register and take advantage of the early bird rate, which runs through Jan. 1.

GIVING ›Continued from Page 1 Formed in 1974 — it celebrates its 40th anniversary in October — the Women’s Resource Center was formed by five Oceanside women who saw a need for an agency to provide “rape crisis” services in North San Diego County. During its earliest incarnation, it consisted as several “underground” homes where battered women in immediate danger could go to escape abuse. It was the first emergency shelter of its kind in the county. Over the decades the program grew to include a transitional housing facility that offers services to domestic violence victims and their children, community outreach at local schools with an educational program about relationship issues, nonresidential counseling and case management and a resale shop. “We opened the Women’s Resource Center Thrift Store (at 3385 Mission Ave. in Oceanside) in 1994 with a two-fold purpose,” said WRC CEO Marva Bledsoe. “It helped us to better provide for the emergency needs of our clients when it comes to clothing and other needs ... and it also generates money to fund some of our other services.” The bulk of Davis’ donated shoes will be set aside at the thrift store, where clients of the Women’s Resource Center will be able to acquire them using vouchers they get as part of the program.

A QUESTION OF NEED The Business Spotlight is a paid advertorial feature. To get your business in the spotlight, contact Julie Miramontes at julie@carlsbad.org.

Statistics suggest that one out of every four women will experience domestic violence, said Marva Bledsoe, citing statistics from the state attorney general’s office. She added that since the WRC was formed 40 years ago, the biggest change has been that now more people can speak about domestic violence openly and not sweeping it under the rug. “Back when we opened, it was something that people didn’t want to acknowledge, but now you can talk about domestic violence in polite conversation,” she said. “The statistics mean that we all know people who are experiencing it, even if we don’t know it’s happening.” WRC’s clients are mostly mothers and their children, and they come from a wide range of economic levels and from varied backgrounds and races. “They’re young and old; black, white and Hispanic; and they’re all afraid,” Bledsoe said. “That’s the one thing they all have in common: they’re afraid.” Last year, WRC provided services to 6,100 families, most of them from North County. Bledsoe said that since most people wear out shoes, there is a big need for them at the thrift store. “Many of our clients come with us with nothing but the clothes off their back,” she said.

AWARDS ›Continued from Page 1 Dan Cohen will serve as the master of ceremonies for the dinner. Cohen co-anchors CBS News 8 This Morning and CBS News 8 at 11am. Jump starting his career while still in college, Dan worked for WFLD-TV, Chicago’s Fox station. Then came CNWG, a local newschannel in the Atlanta area. Making the move to Florida, Dan hit TV airwaves as a weekend anchor and reporter at WTXL-TV, the ABC affiliate in Tallahassee. Next came CBS News 8 right here in San Diego and a return to the Golden State. He is a three-time Emmy Award winner. “Businesses — large AND small — are the lifeblood of our community! One cannot be strong without the other,” Cohen said. “For over 90 years, the Carlsbad Chamber of

Glenda Pullen, the manager of the Women’s Resource Center Thrift Shop, said she constantly sees how much the clients benefit from the clothing that they can receive from the vouchers. She tells the story of a woman who came in and picked out three suits that had been recently donated to the shelter to wear for her job interview. “A month and a half later she came in bouncing through the doors,” Pullen said. “She’d gotten a job, an apartment and a car — just lifted herself up and moved on.” Most of the clients are going through major life changes and are in the process of making big decisions in the immediate future. They sometimes have to leave their homes barefoot, without shoes or jackets. “They come here sometimes from the shelter to get what they need,” Pullen added. “These shoes and nice clothes lift their spirits, give them confidence and help them get through as they figure out what they are going to do with their life.” Bledsoe said the WRC is always looking for donations, whether it be donated items for the resale shop, extra office supplies, canned foods and gift cards. “They can also have us come in to their business and have us talk to their employees about domestic violence,” she said. “It’s not just a family problem, it has a very negative impact on the bottom line and it does spread into the office. We can be a resource to help companies help their employees.”


Davis, meanwhile, said she plans to make giving back an integral part of her business. She said she’d love to make donations to the community part of her way of doing business, and also wants to help military families. “I think this is going to become something that we do at the end of every year,” Davis said. “I would rather see my excess merchandise going to people in the community than going to a liquidator. I feel better knowing where these are going.” Davis noted that larger companies often reinvest a portion of their profits in the community during good years, and added that this is her way of doing that. “I hope that some day I can be big enough to do that. Right now, I’m not big enough, but this is something that I can do.” Toni Padron said Davis epitomizes what the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is trying to teach its members. “Giving is better than receiving in so many ways,” Padron said. “We are constantly challenging our members to think about their businesses based on the larger picture. To think about the legacy that they as a business owner are having in their community. What kind of business do they want to be? How do they want to be remembered, and what impact do they make in their community.”

Commerce has been a dynamic influential force for business. It’s my honor to help recognize the business people who serve as the North County’s economic engine!” The Annual Business Awards Dinner has a reputation as a must-attend event for the area’s business and community leaders, making it Carlsbad’s largest celebration of business, entrepreneurship and success. No details are spared to make the evening glamorous and inviting. We have many surprises this year, so stay tuned. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Awards Dinner is presented by NRG Energy Inc. Sponsors include Caruso Affiliated, Datron World Communications, Grand Pacific Resorts, L&L Companies, Omni La Costa Resort & Spa, LEGOLAND California Resort, Life Technologies Corp., SDG&E, Scripps Health, Tip Top Meats, Tri-City Medical Center, Westfield Carlsbad and Wells Fargo.


Meet some of the Chamber's newest members and those celebrating milestones.






› First Friday › Sundowner › Renewals

› Ribbon Cuttings › New Members › On the Move

› And More...


Happy new year!

I was all set to write a story about membership in the new year, when Mike Shea of Advicoach sent me the following article. It was too good not to share, so here it is with his permission. — Bev Jorgensen

For business owners, the new year brings a time of reflection on goals and strategies for the coming year. For far too many, these thoughts are quickly eclipsed SHEA by the responsibilities both personal and professional of day-to-day life and no formal planning process for the new year results. Consider this quick and easy three-step process and answer the only question that really matters. If you were to look ahead at your business a year from today, what has to have happened within that year for you to feel happy with the progress of your business?”


List the aspects of your business that worry you. Start by asking

yourself: what issues keep you awake at night and are based on the fear of losing something? Common responses are: not having enough profit, inadequate cash flow, flat or inconsistent sales, inability to find quality staff, not having enough time, growing too fast, poor work/life balance, and failure to build long-term equity in the business.


Next, consider what excites you about your business by reflecting on the outcomes that become possible if existing dangers are eliminated. Some examples include: predictable income, improving your own leadership and delegation, a valuedriven sales process to increase profitability, and more time for yourself to enjoy family and leisure activities. Your opportunities should be associated with the excitement of gaining something.


Three steps you can take for a more profitable 2014 MEMBERSHIP COUNTS


Vice President, Corporate and Member Relations CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Take a look in the mirror – what are your current talents, capabilities and skills you would like to reinforce and maximize in your business? Some ideas are: I have a solid community, peers, and circle of influence; my work ethic will not let me fail; I have strong management and motivational skills; my clients see the value in my products or service; I’m willing to adapt and make adjustments to keep my business successful as a result of competitive or regulatory changes. Once you have explored these three areas, narrow down your list by picking the top three dangers you want to eliminate. Follow this with the top three opportunities you want focus on as well as the top three strengths you want to emphasize. Doing this will allow you to easily see what areas of your business you need to work on in order to make 2014 a great year. Shea can be reached at mshea@advicoach.com


to the following Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce members, for referring at least one new member in 2013. Paula Anderson, First Citizens Bank & Trust Co Art Barter, Servant Leadership Institute Julieann Billings-Riordan, JABR Marketing Solutions Robert Boladian, Spectra Funding, Inc. Steve Cade - Solterra Lighting, Division of Seawind International Inc. Carrie Carey, Logicopy David DaCosta, Ocean Pacific Office Products Donna Dalton, ByteMarks Computers Deanne Goodman, Carlsbad Patch John Hanley, Solatube Global Marketing, Inc. Christina Kalberg, Elizabeth Hospice & Center for Compassionate Care Carlton Lund, The Lund Team Peter MacLaggan, Poseidon Water LLC Mary Massey, Massey Design Group Gina McBride McBride Financial Advisory Paul McCormick La Costa Resort and Spa Tyler Merrill, Merrill Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Sherry Molling, Botanicals by the Sea Nicole Murphy, V.I. Experts, Inc. Cynthia Parton, Maui Skin Renewal Karla Patino, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Carmen Rene, Life Technologies Corporation Chris Ross, Sylvan Learning Center of Encinitas Bill Roth Don Sando, Strategic Results Group Donna SanFilippo, Edward Jones Investments Michael Shea, Advicoach Bill Slattery, Bill Slattery & Assoc., Inc. Lou Storrow, Storrow Law, APC


NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Miguel’s Cocina hosting first Sundowner of 2014 Get ready for the new year of networking by attending the first Sundowner of the year, which will be hosted by Miguel’s Cocina Carlsbad from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Miguel’s Cocina is located at 5980 Avenida Encinas alongside Interstate Highway 5 near Palomar Airport Road. Part of The Brigantine Family of Restaurants, Mike and Barbara Morton established Miguel’s (which has five San Diego County locations) in 1982. The restaurant’s fun and colorful ambiance becomes apparent to visitors well before they step through Miguel’s inviting doors.


With tropical décor wholly reminiscent of an exotic and desirable island vacation, Miguel’s has succeeded in bringing a resort-like feel to its guests. Palm trees grow inside the restaurant walls, bamboo accents the full

service bar, and warm California breezes wash across the enticing outdoor patio. Miguel’s offers Happy Hour daily including late night on Friday and Saturday. They also offer takeout orders and have a “Fiesta To Go” menu for larger groups. This event is only open to chamber members for $5 each, cash only at the door. For more information or to donate a raffle prize, contact Kathy Steffen, at 760-9318400 or ksteffen@carlsbad.org. If you are a prospective member and would like to attend you must RSVP with the Carlsbad Chamber at 760-931-8400.

'Fish Guy' shows way to excellence Many businesses and organizations have used the information p ro v i d e d by Harry Paul to transform PAUL cranky workplace cultures by embracing winning attitudes, managing with trust and playing at work with his popular Fish Philosophy. Now, Paul (aka Harry the Fish Guy) is coming to the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce’s First Friday Breakfast on Feb. 7 with wisdom from his newest book, “Who Kidnapped Excellence?” Join the Chamber and Paul for a fresh look at what it takes to bring excellence back to an

FEBRUARY 7 organization. For more than 30 years, Harry Paul’s career has been about helping people and organizations to be their best. His writing, speaking, and training showcase common threads throughout his work: having fun at what you are doing at work, no matter what it is you do; helping people to be their best at work and at home; and showing organizations how to keep their employees fully engaged. The first book, “FISH! A

Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results,” was on various best-seller lists for over six years straight and is one of the best-selling business books of all time. As a result of this success, Harry travels the world sharing the philosophy with audiences. The First Friday Breakfast is from 7-9:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 7 at the La Costa Resort and Spa. First Friday Breakfast is the Chamber’s premiere networking and business promotional event, and one of the most regularly attended monthly programs. The cost is $32 for Chamber members who register before January 31. Afterward, the preregistration cost is $55 and $60 at the door. Prospective members must contact the Chamber at 760-931-8400.

Get new Employment n Order your poster from the Carlsbad Chamber and avoid the penalties The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is making it easy for your business to comply with California’s labor laws. No matter how many employees you have in California, your business is required by law to post a current California and Federal Employment Poster in a central location. As part of a special partnership with the CalChamber, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is now taking preorders for the updated 2014 California

and Federal Employment Poster. The CalChamber’s all-in-one poster contains the 16 required state and federal employment notices every California employer must post. CalChamber is a trusted source for California and federal compliance products, with more than 120 years of experience helping California business do business. As of Nov. 1, 2013, here’s what we know about 2014 poster updates: • Effective July 1, 2014, California’s minimum wage will increase to $9 an hour. (Poster Protect® customers receive a replacement poster if the Minimum Wage notice is released after January.) • A mandatory change, effective

January 1, 2014, to tion and Harassmen Department of Fair Housing (Californi Workplace Discrimin ment) adds “milita status to the categor employment discrim • Changes are pen tleblower notice an ment Developmen Notice to Employees • The Cal/OSHA changes. Choose from a la laminated all-in-one or Spanish. Failure to a current poster po

WELCOME NE Advertising & Marketing Agencies Plethora Media Group, Inc. Darius Aram | 877-314-1592 www.plethoramedia.biz

Churches & Synagogues

Faith Community Church Abe Thompson | 760-930-0400 www.faithcommunity.ws A Christ-centered Community Church. Weekly worship - Sunday services at 10:30am, Bressi Ranch (Boys & Girls Club) Clubhouse. Offering children and youth ministries and mid-week small groups.

Coaching & Training

Think.Change Charlie Martin | 214-869-6148 www.thinkchange.co We work with individuals and businesses that recognize that positive growth requires change. We help them identify and close the gap between where they are and where they want to go.

Coworking Spaces

Hera Hub Inc., Carlsbad Catherine Mowbray-Lorenz | 760-476-1498 www.herahub.com Hera Hub is a women-focused, collaborative, spa-inspired coworking space, with three locations in San Diego. Carlsbad is our third and newest location.

Dance Instruction

Arthur Murray Dance Studio Unique Platt | 760-754-1106 www.arthurmurraystudios.com Arthur Murray Dance Studio invites you to come learn to dance the fun and easy way! Learn the most popular social dances from certified dance professionals.

Distributors & Wholesalers Global Plastic Sheeting Nana Hinsley | 760-597-9298 www.globalplasticsheeting.com Global Plastic Sheeting has manufactured engineered plastic sheeting that is used in agriculture/ greenhouses, construction, aerospace, marine industry,oil fields, automotive, etc.

Electronic Component Design & Development United Pacific Electronics, Inc. Dewey Altenhofen | 760-438-2370 www.unitedpacificinc.com United Pacific Electronics (UPE) is a Distributor of electronic components, LCD’s, Memory Modules, IC’s, Passives, OEM products and peripheral products.

Financial Services Mickelson Capital Consulting David Mickelson | 760-804-8050 www.mickcap.com Financial services firm providing sophisticated planning solutions to individuals and businesses specializing in tax advantaged income and estate planning.

Human Resource

San Diego HR Advisor Donna Evans | 858-735www.sdhumanresources San Diego HR Advisors pr ing and HR solutions for y issues. Our services are fle

Insurance - Emp

SOI (Ian Saulsbury) Ian Saulsbury | 805-570www.soi.com SOI provides employee be ers compensation, health Resources and payroll. Th employees offers large di

Interior Design &

Laura Birns Design Ec Laura Birns ASID | 760-4 www.laurabirnsdesign.co Full Service Interior Desig sustainable solutions for c tial interiors. We offer spa sourcing and purchasing, improvement, lighting des

Marketing & Con


Client Connections 4 Wendy Haden-Clarke | 7 www.clientconnections4 We specialize in develop up systems for businesse and budget.

RAM Air Engineering Mark Moore | 760-431-9102 www.ramair.net In business since 1984, Ram Air Engineering, Inc. is one of California’s leading heating, ventilating, and air conditioning companies servicing the Southern California area.

Kilburn Media Consul Shelley Kilburn | 760-637 www.linkedin.com/in/she Media strategy consultat publicity, promotions, soc communications specialis organizer/announcer, voic


provides an opportunity for 8 chamber members to meet for breakfast or lunch and learn more about each other’s businesses. A Carlsbad Chamber member hosts and facilitates at a local chamber member restaurant. This program is open exclusively to Carlsbad Chamber members; and the only cost is the price of your meal. RSVP’s are required and can be made by contacting the person listed next to the date.



Friday, January 17

Wednesday, February 12

Thursday, January 23

Friday, February 21

Call Lee Sterling (760) 492-5151

Call Paula Anderson (760) 696-9733

Call Christine Davis (760) 644-2121 Call Lupe Hairston (760) 744-5510

For more info call: (760) 931-8400 or visit www.carlsbad.org



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4625 Red Bluff Place, Carlsbad 760-730-9450 | www.goddardsc san-diego/carlsbad-red-bluff-pla T h d e best childhood preparation for

Chamber and Board of Equalizati Join the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the California State Board of Equalization (BOE) for an informative session on basic sales and use tax and tax preparation. The workshop take place from 8-10 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 31 at the Chamber, 5934 Priestly Drive. There is no charge to attend this event, but due to limited seating, attendees must RSVP to Kathy Steffen at ksteffen@carlsbad.org or by registering online at carlsbad.org.

The workshop will cover the following topics: • Applying for a sellers permit through eReg. • Resale certificates. • Supporting and reporting exempt sales. • Taxable and nontaxable labor. • Avoiding common mistakes. • Maintaining adequate records. • The Get it in Writing program.

• Free resources a • How to properly electronically us • How to locate p try guides and t Website. The California St ization (BOE) was e by a constitutional BOE was initially ch ing county proper practices were eq


notices poster for 2014

o the Discriminant notice from the Employment and ia Law Prohibits nation and Harassary and veteran” ries protected from mination. nding to the Whisnd to the Employnt Department’s s. notice has some

aminated or none poster in English o comply and have osted in a central

location at your workplace could result in significant fines and penalties. Posters must be displayed in a conspicuous place where all employees can easily read it, such as a break room, common hallway, payroll office or other common location. Employers must also display posters in each company location.

The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce wants to make sure your business is in compliance and urges you to order your 2014 poster today to ensure delivery by Jan. 1. Please call the Chamber at 760-9318400 or go to www. carlsbad. org and order your poster today.

rs -1300 s.com rovides complete recruityour business needs and exible and affordable.

ployee Benefits


enefit pooling for workh insurance, EPLI, Human he pooling of 250,000 iscounts for employers.

& Decor

co-Furnishings, LLC 438-0731 om gn company, focusing on commercial and residenace planning, product , remodeling, tenant esign, custom design.


You 760-617-9227 4you.com ping customized followes specific to their needs

lting 7-5419 elleykilburn/ tion, copywriting, cial media management, st, media relations, event ce over, on air talent.

Painting Contractors

Advanced Painting Group Samuel Attenberg | 760-930-0094 www.advancedpaintinggroup.com Specializing in superior quality, highly detailed finishes, latest nanotechnology and lithium paints.

Photo Booth-Mobile

Tap Snap / Sandy Entertainment Peter Sandy | 760-212-0767 www.tapsnap.net Tap Snap has re-imagined the photo booth rental for the digital era. Open-concept, highly interactive, and instantly social so everyone can join in the fun

Real Estate –Commerical

Cushman & Wakefield Amy McNamara | 760-602-4800 www.cushwake.com An independently-owned and operated real estate firm providing sales and leasing, landlord and tenant representation, acquisition and disposition services, property management and corporate services.


Cafe Panini Gene Desantis | 760-730-9183 www.cafepaninicarlsbad.com Corner Bakery Cafe Mike Tasevski | 760-444-3105 www.cornerbakerycafe.com Bakery cafe offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. Large selection of sandwiches, salads, soups and breakfast items.

Signs & Graphics

Signarama of San Marcos Richard Black | 760-744-5046 www.signarama-sanmarcos.com Signarama of San Marcos uses the latest technology and highest quality products to produce custom signs and marketing materials for your business.

Social Gaming

Buzztime Barry Chandler | 760-438-7400 www.buzztime.com Trusted by more than 3,500 bars and restaurants in North America since 1984, Buzztime is the world’s leading in-venue social gaming, marketing and entertainment provider.

Vacation Rentals (Monthly & Weekly)

North Coast Vacation Properties Cindy Fultz | 855-487-4772 www.itrip.net/northcoastvacationproperties North Coast Vacation Properties, an affiliate of iTrip.net, the world’s most innovative and fastest growing vacation property management company is now serving North County San Diego.

Video & Multimedia Production Four Ten Digital Video Timothy Kline | 760-529-6576 www.carlsbadvideoservices.com Digital HD Video Production Company that offers every genre of video production services, video editing and cinematography using cinema cameras and creative styles.

Yoga Instruction

Mantra Yoga & Juice Bar (open Jan 2014) Melissa Smith | 619-610-8206 www.mantrayoga.com



chool.com/ ace-ca The Goddard School’s comprehensive play-based curriculum, developed by early childhood education experts, provides the social and academic success.

3247 Camino de los Coches, Ste. 100, Carlsbad 760-633-4822 | www.titleboxingclub.com High-energy, high-intensity total body boxing and kickboxing fitness workouts in a group setting with a personal training feel. We don’t actually fight, but you may cry uncle!

ion join forces for tax workshop

available by the BOE y file your tax return sing eReg. publications, industax law on the BOE

tate Board of Equalestablished in 1879 l amendment. The harged with ensurrty tax assessment qual and uniform

26-30 YEARS

Foursquare Properties, Inc. (28) Eckert’s Moving & Storage (27) White Construction (26)

21-25 YEARS

Solterra Lighting, Division of Seawind International Inc. (22)

throughout California. Currently, the tax programs administered by the BOE are concentrated in four general areas: sales and use taxes, property taxes, special taxes, and tax appeals. In 2010-11, BOE-administered taxes and fees generated $53.7 billion for essential services for Californians. BOE-administered programs provided approximately 34 percent of the annual revenue for state government, and $9.1 billion in funding for local governments.

BOE-administered revenues support hundreds of state and local government programs and services including public schools and colleges, hospitals and health care, criminal justice, social welfare, consumer services, natural resource management, transportation and housing. In addition to administering key state revenue programs, the BOE acts as the appellate body for property, franchise, and personal income tax appeals.

Chamber Events F ree Score Business Counseling by Appointment Mondays & Fridays Chamber Closed - New Year's Day

16-20 YEARS

Carlsbad Police Officer’s Association (19) Lauber Enterprises (19) Polito Eppich Associates, LLP (17) Mohnacky Animal Hospital of Carlsbad (16) JetSource, Inc. (14)


New Year’s Day (Chamber Closed)

11-15 YEARS


es Consultants


JetSource, Inc. (14) Herold & Sager, Attorneys at Law (11)

6-10 YEARS

Intercare Insurance Solutions a HUB International Co. (10) K1 Speed, Inc. (9) Animal House Pet Care (8) West Inn and Suites (8) Market Capital Management, Inc. (6) Homewood Suites by Hilton Carlsbad (6) Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association (6)


Business Resource Committee


Ambassadors Committee


Coffee Connection


Sustainability Committee


January Sundowner –Miguel’s Cocina




Partnerships With Industry (5) Morgan Stanley Wealth Management (Christian Nagle) (4) Total Lifestyle Concept (3) TPC HR Payroll Consultants (3) MAAC Head Start (3) Keller Williams Realty (3) Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt (3) Ranch House Veterinary Services (2) Workplace Services, Inc. / Kuske Interiors (2) Carlsbad Magazine (2) M Bar C Construction (2) Berdan Holdings, LLC (1) Golden Care (1) prAna Living, LLC (1)


Technology Advisory Committee


CHAMBERNET10 Education Committee




Military Affairs Committee


Basic Sales & Use Tax, and preparation workshop



t i r i p S


es i t n e Tw



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2 014








Agreement guarantees CUSD students admission at CSUSM initiative through a project called The Alliance to Accelerate Excellence in Education. The alliance will oversee the eleven other guaranteed admission programs that CSUSM has with regional districts and partner organizations, helping to create a strong, integrated program that supports teachers, students and families. For example, the alliance is developing a joint faculty development program between Cal State San Marcos professors and area high school teachers will help ensure a seamless transition for students as they leave high school and enter college. “The MOUs are a unique part of what we do here,” said Patricia Prado-Olmos, director of the alliance. “We support students long before the come to us – beginning as early as middle school. This gives young students the opportunity to focus on the goal of college and to prepare for admissions.”


Vice President of Community Engagement CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS

You’re in! That’s the message being sent to thousands of students in Carlsbad thanks to a new agreement between Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and California State University San Marcos (CSUSM), providing students the opportunity to take advantage of a fast-track plan that guarantees admission to the university if all admission requirements and deadlines are met. In a special ceremony held during a regular district board meeting on Dec. 4, CSUSM President Karen Haynes and CUSD Superintendent Suzette Lovely signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines the compact. “Today we are affirming our commitment to educating the students of our region and to being stewards of change for our schools and our communities,” said Haynes. “We are partnering for a common good.”

CSUSM President Karen Haynes and Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) Superintendent Suzette Lovely sign a MOU guaranteeing University admission to CUSD students, from the class of 2017 and beyond, who successfully complete all requirements.


oday we are affirming our commitment to educating the students of our region and to being stewards of change for our schools and our communities. We are partnering for a common good.

A ROADMAP TO COLLEGE SUCCESS The agreement sets a structured roadmap to college success, improving university accessibility for Carlsbad students. It promises that all graduating seniors, from the class of 2017 and beyond, will receive guaranteed admission to CSUSM if they meet California State University (CSU) eligibility requirements and a minimum GPA of 3.0. Not only does this MOU guarantee admission to CSUSM but it helps students become college-ready, qualified to apply to

‑— Karen Haynes, CSUSM President

any of the CSU system’s 22 other campuses. As part of the agreement, CSUSM will assist in the creation of professional training opportunities for CUSD teachers, develop a parent and student orientation and

visitation program for pre-collegiate advising, assist in the recruitment of CSUSM college students as tutors in CUSD middle and high schools, and will encourage Cal State San Marcos alumni to volunteer as speakers or mentors in District schools.

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Recently the Price Family Charitable Foundation agreed to provide CSUSM with $555,000 in initial funding over three years to address core, foundational goals of the University’s guaranteed admission


Approximately 435 students have come to CSUSM through established agreements so far. These students have higher GPAs and retention rates and require less remediation, proving that the agreements are working. “CSUSM firmly believes in the transformative effect education can have on families,” said Haynes. “We know that our signing these MOU’s is about more than institutions coming together; it’s about forging stronger relationships with parents, businesses and civic leaders. It’s about engaging with our region to ensure our students’ success — to ensure that students know what’s expected of them and how we will support them. When our students earn their college degree and take that knowledge back to their neighborhoods, start businesses or become involved citizens, we all win.”



The Champion Lancers lead by positive example CARLSBAD SCHOOL NEWS


Eight high school seniors advocate for healthy choices Eight accomplished Carlsbad High School seniors — the Champion Lancers — are challenging kids to make healthy choices and remain drug-free. As student ambassadors, the Champion Lancers visit all of Carlsbad Unified School District’s elementary schools at lunchtime to share their positive, drug-free mottoes. The Champion Lancers program was established in 2011 to capitalize on the influence of high school seniors serving as ambassadors to younger students. The Champion Lancers must apply for their positions and are selected based upon their academic success, involvement, in extracurricular/co-curricular activities; and commitment to a substance free lifestyle. Let’s meet this year’s Champion Lancers and hear their thoughts about the program: • Christian Tabone plays ice hockey for the Anaheim Jr. Ducks

The 2013-2014 Champion Lancers pose for a photo with CUSD Board Member Lisa Rodman (center in white) and Student Services Specialist Rosemary Eshelman (far right in purple).

and roller hockey at Carlsbad high. His motto is, “I put drugs in the penalty box.” Christian focuses his message on getting students to make good choices and maintaining healthy lifestyles. • Hannah Evans is a member of the CHS-TV broadcasting

team. Her slogan is, “Like a camera, I shoot for the Stars!” Hannah enjoys playing sports with the kids, giving hugs and offering piggyback rides. • Kamalani Peneku plays softball for CHS. Her motto is, “I hit drugs out of the park.” Kamalani notes,

“Whenever we come to a school, the kids have fun. They especially love the trading cards.” • Jacob Heene’s sport is wrestling. His slogan is, “I wrestle to take down drugs.” Jacob loves working out, eating right and feeling good about his health. Advocating

these principles to adolescents has been truly rewarding. • Marissa Sprague is a cheerleader, and her motto is, “I cheer for a healthy lifestyle.” She got involved in the program to motivate kids to stay healthy and have a great time in high school without using drugs or alcohol. • Laura Vasse plays water polo. Her motto is, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming towards healthy choices.” Laura got involved with the program to counteract unacceptable peer pressure through positive modeling. She strives to be role model not just through Champion Lancers, but in every aspect of her life. • Matthew Tomaneng plays basketball at CHS. His motto is, “Dribble past drugs.” Matt feels like a “superhero” to younger students knows that his influence matters. • Brock Stuessi is a musician who plays both jazz and classical upright bass. His motto is, “Jazz Say No To Drugs.” Brock says it pains him to see peers and younger kids smoking or drinking. Being a Champion Lancer gives him an outlet to fight these actions. And what’s next for the Champion Lancers? They are all applying to top colleges and universities, aspiring to careers in engineering, music, medicine, journalism/film-making, business and science. No doubt, these young people are all headed for great success. If you are interested in learning more about this program, you can contact Rosemary Eshelman, CUSD Student Services Specialist at 760-331-5021.

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There are a number of factors; financial, practical and even emotional that influence whether to lease or buy where you do business. When a business grows to the point it can consider for ownership, it is, or arguably should be considering purely the investment value of leasing to that of owning. However, key variables, some of which are not financial, are significant in this consideration: 1) Market value, or the probable price it would sell for at a specific point in time to an informed buyer; 2) Investment value which differs based on its situation or goals. Investment value is unique to each business. Location, features, personal finance of the principals, tax situations, flexibility, and personal pride of ownership can affect how a business perceives investment value. In addition to pure “number crunching”, it is critical for a business to understand which components define investment value to it when considering whether to lease or buy. Advantages to leasing include having physical and partial economic use of a facility for an agreed to period for a specified monthly fee. This increases the availability of cash because it is easier to negotiate lease terms than get a loan. It preserves working capital for use in running the business rather than using it to invest in or maintain real estate. Also, lease payments are 100 percent tax deductible. Even real estate can become obsolete by fast changing technology or changing demographics. By leasing, a business is protected against this risk by allowing a relatively easy move


Deciding whether to lease or own commercial real estate COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE


to another property which supports cutting edge technology, or it can easily move to a premier location that would otherwise be unaffordable. Finally, a business can focus on its core profit center instead of having to become a property manager. Of the disadvantages to leasing, the main one is that without an ownership interest, there is no participation in equity build-up, or appreciation. In addition but harder to quantify, some business need to substantially alter the property to meet technological requirements, make physical changes to accommodate staff or equipment, or just make cosmetic changes to impress customers. If the improvements alter the property or reduce the range of potential uses, the landlord may not permit them. In any event, the investment is lost when the lease expires. Leasing does not allow control of other tenants who may not conform to the type the business started out with or the image it seeks. No operational control over business amenities, or input regarding changes to the building typically

Whether you lease or buy commercial property depends on a number of factors not all of which are financial. come with a lease. Finally, if the property becomes obsolete or the lease becomes uneconomical, the business must keep making the payments and may not cancel without substantial penalties. Ownership, especially as the primary user, overcomes all of the disadvantages of leasing as a business now has the means of to have the full economic use of the property for an unspecified period of time. Other advantages include tax savings, appreciation, income if a portion is

rented, and control of how to use the property. Through ownership, a business has the freedom to make changes, control the appearance, and significantly, control expenses. With an understanding of investment value, a business can assign a value and use it in connection with internal performance numbers to develop its own unique opportunity cost percentage. Once the opportunity cost percentage is established, the decision to lease or own becomes a simple mathematical

comparison of the after tax cash flow requirements of either leasing or buying for the anticipated holding period. This gives us the internal rate of return (IRR). If the IRR is greater than the opportunity cost then buy. If the IRR is less than the opportunity cost, then lease. If they are equal or close, have fun and go with your gut. Your CPA or a qualified Real Estate professional can help here. Happy shopping. Tyler Merrill can be reached at tyler@ merrillcre.com

RECENT COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Colliers International has reported the following recent commercial transactions in Carlsbad: • New Man, LLC purchased and office at 2782 Gateway Road with a square footage of 5,740 square feet for $1.37 million. The proposed use of space is general office. Chris Williams of Colliers International represented the buyer. The seller, Wells Fargo Bank, was represented by Mike Erwin and

Chris Williams of Colliers International. • A lease transaction at 2105 Camino Vida Roble, D and E in Carlsbad. The Lessee was Industrial Maintenance and the Lessor was RJ Land Company LP. The square footage was 2,400 square feet and the lease value/total consideration was $53,784. It’s a 36-month lease with a proposed shop space and storage.

2782 Gateway Road, Carlsbad


Shelly Tinder

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• Flex/R&D Buildings for Sale, Lease or Lease option • Building Size: 4,389 – 12,058 square feet • 30-65% Office Build-Out • Electrical Service: 400 amps per 5,000 square feet • Gas Available • On-Site Sales Office, 3146 Tiger Run Court, Suite I-108 Carlsbad, CA 92010

• Space from 854 - 5,500 square feet • High Quality New Construction & Improvements • High Visible Identity at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive • Parking Ratio 3.3/1000 • On-Site Leasing Office, 3146 Tiger Run Court, Suite 108, Carlsbad, CA 92010

Shelly Tinder

(760) 599-6111 DRE# 01394870

Celebra more thting an

30 Years!






Seniors can benefit from new medical technologies PULMONARY HEALTH

Some of the more wellknown steps you can take toward staying healthy as you get older include: exercising on a regular basis, keeping an eye on your nutrition, and completing routine medical check-ups. But they are not the only ones. There are plenty of new technologies and preventive tools than can help you be proactive and savvier about your well-being.

TAKING HEALTH TO HEART The odds of developing heart disease increase as you grow older if you have a family history of heart disease, you smoke or you are overweight. High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and previous heart attacks or strokes are other factors that may increase your chances of having cardiovascular complications. Scheduling a cardiovascular screening is a smart move if you want to stay on top of your heart health. By completing Tri-City Medical Center’s comprehensive screening program, you will have a clear picture of your heart health, plus you will get education on the appropriate steps you need to take in order to decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The recommended tests that can help you catch a life-threatening issue before it becomes a real problem include: comprehensive heart risk assessment, nutrition and exercise consultations, atrial fibrillation risk assessment, sudden cardiac arrest screening, and vascular screening.


stability and flexion for total knee replacement patients.

Robotic systems have enabled doctors to perform minimally invasive surgeries to treat numerous conditions on seniors because it takes normally less time to perform the same procedure using these advanced technological innovations which means less time under anesthesia. For instance, the Mazor Robotic’s Renaissance™ system used by Tri-City Medical Center allows surgeons to perform safer, more accurate spine surgeries. For patients, this means lower complication rates, less pain, shorter hospital stays and a faster recovery. In addition, senior patients can also benefit from the use of other minimally invasive robotic technologies such as the da Vinci surgical system - for urology, gynecology, heart and general surgery. Tri-City Medical Center also offers an advanced total knee replacement device called the E+™. This new technology consists of a resin made out of polyethylene blended with vitamin E, a natural antioxidant. The resulting device is designed to improve strength,


As a natural result of aging, men and women tend to lose awareness about the way they walk and move around. Their muscles are not as strong and their reflexes may be dimmer. That is why the prevention of falls is vital to avoiding injuries and maintaining personal independence. Learning how to reduce fall risks and how to stay safe when out and about is key for all senior members of our community. Simple balance and strength training, as well as clear information on how to identify potential hazards are very useful tools for elderly people who want to stay active and move around with confidence. Stepping On, a free falls prevention workshop designed by Tri-City Medical Center, can help people 65 years and older acquire such tools. Pre and post balance assessments, an exercise manual, weekly highly-participatory classes and a home visit are also part of the program.

Breathing is something that is sometimes taken for granted. But for people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other types of lung disorders such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and pulmonary fibrosis, breathing can be difficult or nearly impossible. Learning how the lungs work, recognizing and preventing flare-ups, as well as getting some physical and strength training can help you improve your quality of life. Believe it or not, something seemingly simple like learning how to breathe properly can have a positive effect on your overall health. People suffering from pulmonary disorders can find continued support in Tri-City Medical Center’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program -the only one in North San Diego County.The program consists of weekly progressive, supervised exercise sessions and comprehensive education on pulmonary health. A free monthly “Better Breathers Club” is also offered at Tri-City Medical Center, and other locations throughout the county, through the American Lung Association. These support groups feature educational presentations for people with chronic lung disease, and their families, friends and support persons, on a wide range of relevant topics, including: exercise, treatment options, supplemental oxygen, lung transplant and breathing techniques, among others.

Medicare and the Affordable Care Act There are several items you should consider before making a decision about your Medicare choices. Number one and perhaps the most There are several items you should consider before making a decision about your Medicare choices. The most important items are: 1. Is your physician in the plan that you are looking at? 2. Is your hospital in the plan that you are looking at? Other important items are the existence of copays (for primary care and/or specialized care visits), the monthly premiums and the skilled nursing facility benefits. “It is also very important to know what your prescription drug usage is going to be, because a few dollars change in the copay amount or in the cost of prescription drugs can have implications of thousands of dollars a year for some people,” says Tri-City Medical Center’s Senior Vice President Wayne Knight. These are some of the key things you should know about enrolling in a Medicare plan: 1. You are only allowed to switch plans once a year, during the open enrollment period, unless special circumstances arise.

2. The commitment to enroll in a certain plan generally works on a calendar year (from January to December.) 3. If you are happy with the plan you have and you have confirmed it will be in effect next year, you need not do anything. You will be automatically reenrolled. You only need to take action if you want to switch plans or disenroll. “This year Medicare is stronger than ever,” says Knight. Because of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare will be providing three important services that were not included before: 1. Free preventive care with your primary care physician 2. Free cancer screenings 3. Free annual wellness visit This is a very important opportunity. It is your time to visit your physician, share with him/her your health concerns and ask for advice to stay healthy. “This new requirement has been well received in the medical and the patient community,” says Knight. “Now, instead of waiting to get sick, you can focus on managing your health and keeping a healthy lifestyle that you can enjoy.”

Advancing Into a Healthy State of Mind Starts Here Tri-City Medical Center’s Outpatient Behavioral Health Services is here for you through all of life’s emotional changes. We offer a comprehensive program with individualized care, designed to help participants over the age of 55 address challenges often associated with aging, and various mental health symptoms. Some of the therapies we offer are: • Adapting to Life Changes and Transitions

• Managing Depression and Anxiety

• Coping with Grief and Loss

• Stress Management and Relaxation Skills

For information please call the Community Liaison at 760-940-5051 or visit www.tricitymed.org

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SENIOR SERVICES DIRECTORY Home Care Services Age Advantage Home Care Services

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Avalon Home Care, Inc.

390 Oak Ave., Ste. B, Carlsbad (760) 730-3955 www.avalonhomecare.com Our passion is providing the highest quality of homecare services to our clients at the most reasonable prices. Open seven days a week and answering live 24 hours a day for your convenience.


Hospice of the North Coast

2525 Pio Pico Drive, Ste. 301, Carlsbad (760) 431-4100 www.hospicenorthcoast.org Compassionate care, for the terminally ill and their families, including bereavement support for all ages. Our goal is to maintain dignity, comfort and the highest quality of life for those we serve regardless of age, race, disability, creed, sexual orientation or ability to pay. We are your community hospice.

Hospitals & Medical Centers

Tri-City Medical Center

4002 Vista Way, Oceanside (760) 724-8411 www.tricitymed.org Located in the city of Oceanside, Tri-City Medical Center is a Gold Seal-approved, full-service, acute-care hospital with two advanced clinical institutes and physicians practicing in 60 specialties. Opened in 1961, we have grown to meet the needs of our North County residents. We are community owned and operated, with 397 beds and over 500 physicians. The hospital, a leader in robotics and minimally invasive technologies, has served the community for more than a half century.

Pacific Place Retirement Community

3500 Lake Blvd., Oceanside (760) 414-9411 www.merrillgardens.com Pacific Place provides a relaxing and ideally located retirement community, complete with independent living, assisted living and memory care. Oceanside Pier and Harbor and the Calavera Hills Community Park are nearby, and the Tri-City Medical Center is just minutes away. Residents take advantage of the Anytime Dining and Active Living lifestyle programs, as well as a library, salon and barbershop, comfortable gathering areas, billiards room and private dining room for special occasions.

Water Filtration & Conditioning UltraStream SD 2647 Gateway Road, 105206, Carlsbad (855) 603-0604 www.ultrastreamsd.com The world’s most advanced, most affordable water filter, alkalizer and ionizer. It’s like drinking fresh mountain spring water that is simple to install, zero maintenance, and supplies a family of four with 2 liters of water per day for up to one year. Made in the USA.

Mortgage Lenders The Aramco Group

5927 Balfour Court., Ste. 205, Carlsbad (760) 438-2552 www.aramcomortgage.com Purchase financing, refinancing, lines of credit or second mortgages. Mehran Aram is a mortgage analyst for AM-600 KOGO and appears daily on George Chamberlain’s “Money in the Morning.”

HNC’s Pacifica House now accepting patients Hospice of the North Coast (HNC) is pleased to announce that its new, six-bedroom Pacifica House hospice residence at 4411 Park Drive in Carlsbad is now accepting patients from throughout the north coastal region. The State licensing process was completed on Dec. 12, 2013, five months to the day after HNC cut the ribbon on July 12 for what is the first freestanding in-patient hospice facility in North County. Pacifica House is also the first hospice residence of its kind licensed under the State Legislature’s Senate Bill (SB) 135. The January 2013 passage of SB 135 and the City of Carlsbad’s lead funding through a $1 million Community Development Block Grant provided to HNC earlier this year enabled the purchase of the 4,500-squarefoot facility, which was built in 2003 as a residential care facility for the elderly. HNC Executive Director Nerice Kaufman believes, “Pacifica House will fill a desperately-needed healthcare niche by providing a welcoming end-of-life home for terminally ill patients in a warm environment with compassionate and comprehensive 24/7 care. Prior to its existence, many dying patients suffered unnecessarily because of limited options for placement.” Pacifica House can serve up to six terminally ill patients at a time. Acceptance is based upon physician order, Medicare regulations regarding appropriateness for hospice

Retirement & Life Care Communities

care, and demonstrated need for a safe environment. In accordance with CDBG requirements, overall placement also will be based upon Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income levels established for HNC’s service area. HNC will continue to serve the vast majority of its client population in their homes and/or appropriate residential facilities. Ensconced in graciously appointed individual suites, each featuring a private bathroom and special touches such as bird feeders within view from the window, Pacifica House patients will be supported by concierge-like teams of physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual care providers and integrative therapists. Amenities abound indoors and out on this tranquil property situated on three-quarters of an

acre in “Olde Carlsbad.” The facility features a full kitchen, dining room, living/gathering spaces, garden, garages and on-street parking. All six Pacifica House rooms are currently available. Specific eligibility requirements, admission guidelines, patient care services and other details as well as tours are available by calling HNC at 760-4314100 or clicking the Pacifica House tab on the website at www.hospicenorthcoast.org. Naming opportunities and other donation vehicles also are available; please contact don@hospicenorthcoast.org for information. HNC and Scripps Health have entered into an exclusive agreement to discuss an affiliation between HNC and Scripps that would benefit both organizations’ hospice programs, their clients and the community as a whole.

For information call 760.431.4100 Visit us at www.hospicenorthcoast.org



A reverse mortgage may be right for you A reverse mortgage is a financial solution that taps into the equity of your home and is only available to people over the age of 62 and is much easier to qualify for than a traditional mortgage. By taking out a reverse mortgage, the homeowner no longer makes a mortgage payment in principal or interest. The loan, plus interest, is due when the last surviving homeowner passes away or decides to move. It is an attractive option for people who have built up strong equity in their home and want to tap into that cash for retirement or other expenses such as health care costs or significant home improvement projects. In fact, trends show that younger seniors are seeking out this form of financing. Recent reports show that 20 percent of homeowners applying for reverse mortgages were between the ages of 62 and 64.

The latest regulations have changed the way reverse mortgages will be handled in the U.S. Hence it is more important than ever to understand your options before proceeding with this type of loan. Some of the changes include but are not limited to: reduction in the amount of cash received, financial assessment, and the creation of escrow and impound accounts for property taxes and insurance. Make sure you consult reverse mortgage professionals like the ARAMCO Group if you’re concerned about your own unique situation. The ARAMCO Group’s president and CEO, Mehran Aram is a Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP)—a designation that requires years of experience, large volume of loans closed, passing numerous classes and a comprehensive exam, and it has been given to only about 70 individuals in the U.S.

CONVENIENT AND AFFORDABLE FILTERED, ALKALINE, IONIZED, ANTIOXIDANT WATER. • Simple to install on your faucet or under counter • Removes 600+ contaminants • Costs less than bottled water • No hauling www.UltraStreamSD.com Carlsbad, CA | 855-603-0604

Reverse Mortgage A type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage (principal or interest) is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. —Source:investopedia.com

COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH At Pacific Place Pacific Place, a Merrill Gardens Community, is proud to offer our Anytime DiningSM program! With Anytime DiningSM, you can enjoy fresh, restaurant-style meals served on your schedule – 7 am to 7 pm – 7 days a week. Enjoy our Anytime DiningSM experience for yourself! Call today for a complimentary lunch!

(760) 536-4753

3500 Lake Blvd Oceanside, CA 92056

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