Honouring the Best in Landscape Architecture - ILAM MLAA 2015

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Landscape Architecture

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w : www.ilamalaysia.org | f : Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM)



Landscape architects are broad thinkers that thrive on big picture viewpoint, able to communicate with many professions and leading multidisciplinary projects. Landscape architecture is not just the profession of the future, but is the profession for a better future.

MANIFESTATIONS OF LANDSCAPE EXCELLENCE MLAA 2015 award winners set the benchmark for future landscape marvels.




ANDSCAPE architecture combines design with the environment as well as art with the sciences. It is about the presentation of a certain environment regardless of being in an urban or rural placement, poised as the interface between people and natural ecosystems. The way in which landscape architecture work is astounding and can range from master planning of Olympic sites to the planning as well as managing of national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty. Landscaping can also include designing public spaces and parks simultaneously by nurturing communities and making a range of environments liveable. Landscape architects are broad thinkers that thrive on big picture viewpoint, able to communicate with many professions and leading multidisciplinary projects. Landscape architecture is not just the profession of the future, but is the profession for a better future. Landscape is most commonly highlighted today via application in various property developments across the board ranging from landed to highrise developments. Today, landscaping has gained great importance as most property purchasers demand better external living space for their homes as well as the quality of ambience in a given environment. Praxcis Design has been crowned the Honour Award, Professional Category Landscape Design Awards for two developments - Breezeway in Desa Parkcity and Debunga Residensi by IJM Land Bhd. Praxcis Design has won these honorary awards as the company has worked with many top property developers in Malaysia including new as well as upcoming developers. The challenge usually faced by the design house is working with layouts that are fixed and set before landscape is applied to the design of the given development. Some of the previous themes

incorporated by Praxcis Design are inspired by existing work sites which include existing vegetation, topography, architectural spaces, artwork, as well as fashion and design. Each project that is worked upon usually has a pre-determined theme and ambience that is to be achieved while most plants used for the landscaping are acquired locally for easy maintenance. Praxcis Design highlights that landscape is important as the role of a landscape architect is to create better and healthier lifestyles and to facilitate community development by creating landscape spaces for interaction and bonding experiences, capitalizing on each landscape activity. Malaysian housing development has been taking place in the last 60 years. However, enhancements on landscaping a residential environment has only taken place less than 20 years ago. Gone are the days when developers simply plant a tree in front of each home and call it landscaping. Praxcis Design director Yap Nga Tuan explained that the key design theme for Debunga Residensi is the topography of the surrounding development area, which is situated in a valley. During the initial site study, the company discovered streams, mini waterfalls, as well as brooks going through the township development site which have become the main design inspiration. As for Breezeway, the design approach is to create an experience of wind and nature through the incorporation of garden courtyards as well as larger linear groves to individual resident’s home. The softscaping concept of gentle trees as well as shrubs provide a visual and audio feel of the lush greenery, artistically intertwined with rain shelters to make the ambience within the Breezeway parcel true to its name. Yap also explained that landscaping as well as application of lighting in key areas of a development can increase the safety of a development. By incorporating lighting within a development, such an enhancement not only provides an illuminating guide but also highlights the unique design features of any given development.

Adding to that, layering and shrub planting does not only green an environment but plays an important role by creating a buffer between pedestrians and vehicles aside from providing a safety barrier from thieves when pedestrians go for leisurely strolls. Landscaping can also come in the form of rejuvenation as applied by Konsep Inovartis for The Saujana in Kuala Lumpur. The company bagged a Merit Award, Professional Category Landscape Design Awards, for their astounding work on the rather outdated landscaping style that had been incorporated prior to the involvement of Konsep Inovartis. Konsep Inovartis principal Sabaruddin Buang said when The Saujana was initially handed over to them, many plants were overgrown and some parts of the resort even required hardscaping as the hotel rooms at that time was been upgraded. The method of landscaping used by the company is referred to as landscape renewal or landscape rejuvenation as the landscape were entirely revamped, redesigned and reinstated. The key focus was to restore the energy of the surroundings resulting in a new and refreshed ambience as well as styling that added value to the luxury aspect of the initially aged hotel. Some of the methods used to rejuvenate the landscape design of The Saujana included replacing unwanted plants, introducing low maintenance plants as well as integrating the landscape character of the site. Some materials that were used in the landscape renovation of The Saujana included earth mounds, brick pavers, pebblecrete that involved the mixing of concrete and pebbles, the usage of gravel stones as well as tree uplighting. All the plants used for the rejuvenation of The Saujana by Konsep Inovartis were acquired locally while some of the plants used include red, pink, light oink and light yellow Frangipani, Phoenix species of Date Palms, Tamarindus Indica, Piper Sarmentosum and Ervatamia Coronaria, just to name a few. Konsep Inovartis also solved a major problem faced by The Saujana’s former

From left: AECOM Perunding associate director Phuan Ying Zee, Mentari Design principal landscape architect Fairouz Che Ani, Konsep Inovartis principal Sabaruddin Buang, Praxcis Design director Yap Nga Tuan, and WDI Design Sdn Bhd principle Lim Teng Teng sharing a light moment.

design that was water-logging as plants were unhealthy. To solve this issue the design company had to incorporate a sub-soil drainage system to allow better water flow, providing better soil fertility. This process was the key that involved breathing technique implemented for tree roots that resulted in the 15 year-old trees finally flowering. A landscape project that will soon uplift the face of Kuala Lumpur is the River of Life project. The landscaping of this master planned project is handled by AECOM Perunding. This development has been awarded the Professional Category, Landscape Analysis and Study Awards, Honour Award. The River of Life (ROL) project started with a competition back in 2011 where AECOM Perunding was one of the five finalists. The company brought forward their award winning idea in the competition throughout the master plan development, and subsequently the landscape design for phase one, located in district four. The site has just under two hectares of river corridor reserved along a 10.7 kilometer stretch of the Klang and Gombak rivers. Tasik Titiwangsa is situated in the Northern region of the development and is connected to Brickfields in the Southern tip of the project. The project covers the confluences of the Batu, Gombak and Klang rivers, spanning over 63 hectares of water bodies. The framework for the ROL master plan is based on the principles of (C.A.R.E.) which is to Connect, Activate, Revitalise and Enliven, which reestablished the lost connections of urban fabric with the river, as well as from one district to another. In order to establish consistent design guidance for the ROL project, AECOM Perunding developed ROL Urban Design Guidelines (ROL-UDG) and Landscape Design Guidelines (ROL-LDG). For LDG, it is a handbook or manual that has set the direction for future public realms of the entire ROL development. AECOM Perunding created a kit as part of the manual setting bench marks for material used which included stone, paving material, wall,



lighting, sculptures, furniture and fixtures, as well as artwork and softscape. The master plant selection matrix comprised a collection of species, both native and naturalised to Malaysia. Plant selection has the ability to greatly enhance the designed landscape and inspire a deep exploration of place. With these guidelines, the plants incorporated throughout the ROL public realm will be cohesive, yet have the ability to be unique and exhibit the impressive biodiversity of the Klang Valley and its surrounding regions. The intent of this matrix is to guide the user from the beginning design phase, all the way through ongoing maintenance. The proposed Heritage Trail is one of the key initiatives that AECOM Perunding has made to support the heritage walk loops that accent the unique culture of each zone. The trails also promote conservation of the heritage buildings as well as neighborhoods, while integrating the modern future development. These are part of the development and mapping of walkable heritage trails that are a major draw factor for tourists and visitors to the area.

Working toward a rejuvenated KL

In addition to the Heritage Trail, there is a series of way finding and pedestrian signage systems addressed in AECOM Perunding’s design, a first in the area, assisting tourists and visitors to find key cultural and historical attractions. The research and compilation of information from the interpretive signs as well as key gateway signages share historical photographs and stories of Kuala Lumpur’s past, engaging visitors in its story. Landscape architecture can also be applied when it comes to softening the appearance of mammoth iconic malls. IOI City Mall is a mixed-use development built on a 33-acre plinth of land. The mall offers up to four levels of commercial retail component, two blocks of office towers as well as a business hotel. The total built-up area is more than 183 acres with approximately 10 acres dedicated solely to greenery. The green areas here are divided into three main zones, dubbed the South Entry, the West Entry as well as the North Entry. WDI Design was given the Professional Category Landscape Design Award, Merit Award for the landscaping of IOI City Mall, Putrajaya. WDI Design principle Lim Teng Teng shared that landscape serves as a unifying element, binding the various components within a development into one. The design concept integrates landscape into all aspects of the development, allowing end users the opportunity to enjoy various activities, for example shopping, working, dining, socializing as well as entertaining in a vast garden setting. It is rare that an urban mall would devote such a substantial amount of space for the luxury of an outdoor garden and this is what truly sets IOI City Mall apart from the rest. Lim explained that the West Entry is the

main drop off serving two business towers as well as the shopping mall. The forecourt is designed as a majestic arrival plaza supported by a grand open lawn and stately palm avenues. The company has incorporated multiple rings of hedges formed by Ixora Coccinea reinforcing the grand arrival area while gentle earth moundings have been carefully sculpted to camouflage an unsightly ramp to the basement carpark. Slabs of granite paving bring a class of richness to the arrival experience as well. The South Entry Landscape is the center of the overall landscape with a combination of garden space, outdoor retail, dining as well as water lagoon. The garden is lined on one side with alfresco dining, opening up to a central water lagoon. In addition, a palm court and an outdoor plaza are also available for holding events and staging performances, part of the programming space with additional retail pods throughout the garden, taking advantage of the beautiful setting. The central water lagoon is a musical jet fountain system designed to enliven the entire garden, providing a festive air to the outdoor space of IOI City Mall. The musical fountain consists of three rings and a linear ribbon with 90 water jets and a combination of six different types of display nozzles, with shooting heights ranging from 3m to 20m, to achieve an extravagant synchronized musical fountain. WDI Design used an exotic mixture of turquoise coloured mosaic that line the lagoon, produce a simmering water effect that dances with reflection of sunlight, bringing a dynamic waterscape to the South Entry garden. The South Entry garden is built up with approximately four acres of soft and hard landscape with a combination of more than 30 types of trees and shrubs species with more than 500 trees and 10,000 shrubs planted. Clusters of Caesalpinia Ferre are planted for its feathery canopy, Dalbergia Latifolia and Cola Gigantea provide the necessary shade to cool the outdoor spaces during the day, Elateriospermum Tapos, Garcinia Subelliptica serve as accent trees to add interest to the extensive garden, framed by the rhythmic arrangement of understorey shrubs comprising of Exocaria cochinchinensis, Bougainvillea Mrs Eva, Schefflera Arboricola, Ruelia Rosea, and Osmoxylum.

Framing a big picture

Lim added that the shrub beds are arranged cleverly to frame views, screen roads and buffer, yet connect the various activities and spaces. The hardscape surface is paved with alternate bands of rustic yellow and sesame white granite to create a strong and impressionable pattern. Adding to that, Royal Pearl granites are used to differentiate special areas such as outdoor plaza and palm court. The ring roads which encircle the development, are lined with stately Royal Palms. The understory planting of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis enlighten visitors with their

delightful red flowers. The ring road is accompanied with well connected, handicap friendly walkways to encourage a healthy lifestyle of walking and cycling within the IOI Resort City and IOI Palm Garden neighborhood. Landscape architecture is not limited to structures and land spreads, but it can also be applied on highways. The West Coast Expressway (WCE) is an expressway that is under construction on the West coast of Peninsula Malaysia. The expressway will connect Taiping, Perak to Banting in Selangor. Construction for the expressway began in May 2015 and is set for completion, five years from the date on construction commencement.

The road to nature

Mentari Design is the company responsible for the landscape studies of the WCE. Mentari Design principal landscape architect Fairouz Che Ani said that the direction of the landscape for the WCE focuses on key goals which include the reflection of Selangor as well as Perak’s character of place, to highlight the identity of the WCE by portraying a unique identity across the expressway, as a means of way finding portrayed via landmarks as well as creating identity for each interchange. Fairouz added that Mentari Design has also looked into the psychological aspect of users that may frequent the highway via landscape. This is done by using an array of attractive plants as well as brightly colored sculptures placed along the expressway to boost the focus as well as energy of frequenters of the highway, resulting in less fatigue and higher concentration. Adding to that, the landscape that would enhance the WCE would also pose as a means of education for passers by of the surrounding areas connected by the expressway focusing on the boost of historical value as well as to increase safety via providing visual clearance from any angle resulting in high visibility for WCE users. Fairouz explained that much effort was taken to reduce the carbon footprint of the highway to nature. Some of the key efforts that were made included the selection of trees that hold high absorption of carbon dioxide, balancing the number of trees to cater to an equivalent number of vehicles passing through the expressway, with the intention of providing more oxygen along the highway, incorporating LED lighting as well as incorporating shrubs at each interchange, acting as a means of further air filtration. The selection of plants used to landscape the WCE were carried out carefully, as many factors were taken into consideration to maintain the original ecosystem of the expressway. The existing flora and fauna was one of the key factors maintained to preserve the expressway’s natural ecosystem. The incorporation of several tress was priority to create a habitat and to provide food for the existing fauna to retain, contributing to the ecology of the WCE. The landscape design of the WCE also focused on keeping close attention to the original topography as well as landform of the surroundings to avoid land erosion,

while evergreen trees were used to allow for wind movement that would ultimately result in natural means of controlling the surrounding temperature. Some of the popular plants and vegetation that can be found along the attractive and functional highway include Fagrea Fragrans, Hopea Odorata as well as Messua Ferrea. Mentari Design was awarded the Professional Category Landscape Analysis and Study Award, Merit Award for the landscaping of the WCE. It is clear that landscape architecture can be applied across several fields, to soften surfaces, to create a luxury feel, provide a certain ambience as well as highlight pathways affectively. Without a doubt, landscape architects play a key role in creating a clear and in-depth picture of landscaped environment that each may wish to paint.



MLAA 2015 Categories PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY a. Landscape Design Award b. Landscape Analysis and Study Award c. Landscape Innovation Award LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR CATEGORY a. Landscape Construction Award DEVELOPER CATEGORY a. Property Developer Award GOVERNMENT & CITY COUNCIL CATEGORY a. Green City Award YOUNG PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY a. Young Landscape Architect Award RESEARCHER CATEGORY a. Landscape Research Award STUDENT CATEGORY a. Student Design Award

Philea Resort & Spa Ayer Keloh, Malacca, won Excellence in the Landscape Construction Award.




ILAM Celebrates The Industry's Best At MLAA 2015.

ILAM president Associate Professor Osman Mohd Tahir.

NDUSTRY practitioners involved in property and infrastructure development activities have a big role to play in safeguarding the environment and protecting the natural habitat of the country's rich flora and fauna. Developers, architects, surveyors, town planners, city councillors and other government authorities need to be armed with the right knowledge on the various methods of master planning and building projects that will strike a balance between the built environment and the natural environment . Given the severe changes in the global climate that have resulted in the severe weather condition, every little effort to protect the environment will go a long way towards a more sustainable living environment. While development is necessary to ensure growth and progress, indiscriminate building and land clearing need to be avoided to rein in the emission of carbon footprints and environmental degradation. Efforts by the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) to promote the use of landscape architects services among the building fraternity will add value to the living, working and recreational spaces. ILAM president Associate Professor Osman Mohd Tahir said since the establishment of the institute in 1981, it has raised the awareness on the role of landscape architects in the country’s built environment over the past 35 years. "It has been proven that landscape architecture can add value to properties by creating a conducive living environment and contribute to the economy as well as the environment and biodiversity, especially in urban areas," Osman explained. Besides focusing on efforts to green the nation, ILAM also focuses on collaboration with the National Landscape Department to formulate the National Landscape Policies to turn Malaysia into a garden nation by 2020. Osman shared that landscaping used to be synonymous with planting trees. It has since evolved into functional landscaping practices such as using landscapes to help in storm water management. Retention ponds have been turned into multifunction ecosystems and being used as community parks. "The practice of landscaping has also changed in highrise greenery, better known as vertical gardens. Greening rooftops into functional rooftop gardens have also turned these once unused spaces into useful community spaces."

Celebrating the industry's best In 2007, ILAM introduced the Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards (MLAA) as an annual industry awards recognition to recognise outstanding achievements in landscape architectural works by the industry professionals, developers, government agencies, research bodies and students. The MLAA, which is held in conjunction with the World Landscape Architecture Month Celebrations in April each year, is endorsed by the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). It is open to outstanding Malaysian landscape architecture consultancy firms, developers, researchers, students, contractors, government agencies and individuals for projects completed in Malaysia and abroad in 2015 that represent various aspects of the industry. A new category, Young Landscape Architect Award, has been added to the list of award categories for MLAA 2015, to recognise the achievement of outstanding individual young landscape architect. MLAA 2015 is open to all project submissions that have been completed for at least one year, and which have not won any previous ILAM Awards. Osman said MLAA is the only industry awards that recognise the best of landscape architecture practices. “We feel that we need to recognise the efforts of industry members that truly place importance on landscaping and greening their developments. "MLAA 2015 has some notable awards starting of with professional categories, for example the landscape design awards, whereby we look into this award in terms of design. " Additionally, there is another award focusing on industry members that not only come up with master planned designs, but at the same time pay attention to analysing and undertake viability studies prior to mapping out the master plan. "The Landscape Analysis and Study Award is given to projects that have carried out rigorous study that results in quality landscape designs," he added. Through the MLAA 2015 this year, Osman said industry practitioners who adopt good landscape architecture practices will be recognised and will stand out from the rest of their peers.

















BUILDING RESPONSIBLY TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABILITY SP Setia blazes the trail of holistic living.

communication with regards to landscape architecture and continuously cultivate a greener and healthier lifestyle for the people. Winning the awards is a testament of the company’s LiveLearnWorkPlay development philosophy where the Setia team has always been committed to create living spaces that communities can flourish in. Since its early days, Setia has been clear about its direction to build eco and sustainable living spaces for the community, their children and generations to come. Hence, landscaping and green features have always been a priority in all our developments, be it townships or high-rise developments. “At Setia, we respect the natural topography of the land and try our best to preserve their natural beauty, as well as conserve and transplant the flora through our expert landscape team,” Khor added.

LiveLearnWorkPlay culture Its first township development, the 700-acre Pusat Bandar Puchong, sets the benchmark for all subsequent Setia projects. It is a well-planned development that balances affordable quality residential and commercial properties with an




P Setia Bhd’s corporate culture of building responsibly to put in place environmental-friendly property infrastructure and innovative landscape design concepts has ensured its developments are well master-planned and designed sustainably for the current and future generations. The efforts saw the developer clinching five awards at the Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards (MLAA) 2015 by the Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM). Lepironia Garden at Setia Eco Glades in Cyberjaya won the Excellent Award while three other projects that clinched Honours are Urban Park at Setia Alam, Eco Village at Setia Eco Gardens in Iskandar, Johor, and Garden of 8 Fountains at Setia Eco Park, Shah Alam. Metamorphosis Park at Setia Eco Cascadia in Johor Baru received the Merit Award. According to SP Setia president and chief executive officer Datuk Khor Chap Jen, the focus on sustainability and ecological preservation is not only considered part of the company’s corporate responsibility, it is deeply embedded in everything it does. Whether it is landed projects or high-rise developments, the developer is committed to create green spaces for the community. “Ultimately, Setia aims to provide our communities with a genuinely eco and sustainable environment where they can live, learn, work and play. By providing a holistic environment that is the ideal setting for a sustainable way of life, we are offering our residents the opportunity to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for themselves and their loved ones for generations to come. We believe it not only provides space for community interaction and a more cooling environment for the residents, but it is also a welcoming sight to come home to ,” Khor said. He believes that it is pertinent that all parties keep an open 2

outstanding landscape and community-centric facilities. Since then, it has a plethora of eco-themed townships such as Setia Eco Park, Setia EcoHill in the Klang Valley, and Setia Eco Gardens and Setia Eco Cascadia in Johor, among others. This year, the public can look forward to two upcoming townships – Setia Eco Templer in Rawang and Setia EcoHill 2 in Semenyih. The masterplan of the 1,010-acre Setia EcoHill 2, targeted to be launched next month, is inspired by the natural terrain of the land. Carefully manicured landscape treats residents to a unique experience that encapsulates elements of nature within the development. The upcoming launch at Setia EcoHill 2 will comprise 354 two-storey terrace houses and cluster semi-detached homes. Setia Eco Templer in Rawang is a green paradise that incorporates exclusive residential development, a handicraft centre, a commercial centre and recreational areas for a tranquil lifestyle, within a cool, breezy and lush setting. The two-storey linked villas with built-up of 2,394 sq ft, 2,626 sq ft and 2,965 sq ft, two-storey semi-detached homes of 3,492 sq ft and 3,482 sq ft, and two-storey bungalows of 4,214 sq ft are some of the residential offerings at the project. In Kuala Lumpur, an upcoming high-rise project Setia Sky Seputeh, is a tropical oasis-themed luxury condominium



THE WINNING STREAKS Lepironia Gardens at Setia Eco Glades, Cyberjaya, Selangor

The Lepironia Gardens was designed to encapsulate a sense of peace, calm and tranquillity within the development. A fresh manmade waterway was carefully designed as the main attraction. The design enhances the value of the entire site by replanting original site vegetation partly from transplanted trees and wetland plants. Native resident fish were released into the completed waterways in order to create a balanced ecosystem. The Orchard Garden is designed to ensure bird and insect integration with plants for food and nectar which invite butterflies that flutter gently throughout this lush garden. The Lepironia Garden was crafted with an ecolandscape approach, which inspires human integration with nature. This approach is not only focused on the importance of conservation and preservation but also creates awareness among the community about the need for a sustainable environment.

Urban Park at Setia Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor


that showcases the longest ‘sky beach’ complete with sparkling bodies of water and a host of tropical beach facilities. Extending from one end of the roof to the other, the spectacular sun-soaked tree-lined beach-in-the-sky has islands with natural sands and coconut groves. The 290 exclusive residential units offer a choice of six spacious layouts from 2,300 sq ft to 3,000 sq ft. Each residence comes with a private lift lobby. In Penang, Setia Sky Ville, located in the mature township of Jelutong, offers two 33-storey highrise towers of freehold residential units with semidetached layouts over three acres of landscaped garden, a green roof clubhouse and a multitude of family-friendly facilities at the ground floor and level seven of the development. Meanwhile, KL Eco City is an environmentally friendly city-within-a-city that sets a new benchmark for a city of the future. It is an integrated mixed-use development with three tower blocks of luxurious service residences, a 40-storey hotel, strata offices and 12 blocks of boutique offices with private lift lobbies located on a retail podium. About a third of the overall open area in the 25-acre development will be aesthetic landscaping.

1 Lepironia Gardens at Setia Eco Glades, Winner of MLAA Excellence Award. 2 Setia Eco Templer is a nature lover's dream come true. It is surrounded by nine flowing creeks and a magnificent view of a tropical rainforest. 3 Artist Impression of Sky Beach at Setia Sky Seputeh. 4 Artist impression of Setia Sky Ville in Penang.

Urban Park at Setia Alam

Nestled within the commercial development of Setia Taipan and the high-rise residential development, this 1km long urban park provides space for the community to meet and relax, and also partake in the green network and the waterways which connect to other community hubs. Setia Alam Urban Park is designed to be a part of the green finger network and waterways of Bandar Setia Alam. This environmental-friendly development is in line with Masma’s (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia) requirements with unsightly concrete monsoon drains being replaced with calm waterways, wide, gentle slopes, and meandering earth swale, as well as wetlands. Each area can be utilised for landscape and recreational purposes. Designed for both passive and active use, the park is sectionalised, with an open plaza in the centre. Towards the south-east are the play areas, terraces, a basketball court and exercise stations, while towards the north-west sector are the wetlands, which is part of the water retention pond, designed to provide walking trails, pavilions, and as a sanctuary for local wildlife.

Garden of 8 Fountains at Setia Eco Park, Shah Alam, Selangor

The main features of Garden of 8 Fountains are the distinctive zones with eight unique fountain themes, inlcuding Fountain of Union, Fountain of Love, Fountain of Roses, Fountain of Wings and Fountain of Light. Located in Precinct 2 of Setia Eco Park, the park with a man-made waterway, which serves as a natural detention pond, is developed as a recreational park. The garden design serves as a communal recreation space that emphasises the beautiful local greenery in both flowering plants and tropical fruit trees. This garden provides contact point avenues for the community to spend their leisure time with families and friends for resting and picnics. The continuous pathways, easily accessible from any direction, allow the residents to take a stroll or cycle, and are convenient for the community as a whole. It has now turned into a favourite park for the surrounding neighbourhood to fulfil their recreational needs.

Eco Village at Setia Eco Gardens, Iskandar, Johor

Eco Village offers a concept of ‘sanctuary’ through its beautiful, lush greenery and comfortable landscape facilities. Each residential unit in this precinct is linked by alley gardens, a simple yet effective retreat location for one to enjoy the serenity away from the hustle of the city and just steps away from one’s back door. The modern contemporary setting with green infusion elements reflect a ‘village resort’ concept, clearly shown through a sensory garden, a herb and spice garden, a floral garden, lush green lanes and well-maintained verdant roadside planting. Together with the comforting greenery, wide spaces and ample facilities designed to promote social and community activities enhance the communal ambiance as well as create memorable experiences. Essentially, it is an ecological and healthy living community that has instant access to clean and fresh air. Edible herbs, fragrant and aromatic flowering species, planted to stimulate the sense of sight, smell and touch, enhance the ‘eco village’ concept.

Metamorphosis Park at Setia Eco Cascadia, Johor


Metamorphosis Park is a 15-acre park, which uses the butterfly life cycle as its core concept. The elements are reflected in the landforms in the soft and hard landscape. Butterflies are unique creatures, astounding people with the miraculous parts of their short life, known as metamorphosis. The essentiality of butterflies are integrated into the design of the whole park with the shape of the lakes resembling an adult butterfly. The stages of the butterfly life cycle are reflected in the design concept of the pavilions, shelter, walls and plaza. The water bodies, used as retention ponds for water catchment, are transformed into recreational lakes for the local community. This adds aesthetic value to the entire development. The lakes, with their butterfly shape, further strengthen the concept and are visible from higher ground.




PNCorporation director Ng Cik Tuan Greg.

Creating conducive living environments.

1 Podium facilities floor, unparalleled urban oasis. Source: f3 capital 2 Welcome to the epitome of modern lifestyle. Source: f3 capital

PNCorporation director Phang See Ong.




P 2

NCorporation, which provides landscape construction under PNC Design and landscape production under PNCrafts, is moving forward to provide one-stop solutions for landscaping needs with reasonable and affordable pricing without compromising quality to fulfil clients' and consultants’ expectations. The company has served a clientele of over 20 developers, including public-listed companies, in the past four years. Landscape construction is a challenging endeavour because there are new problems and site issues that can’t be identified from drawings during site implementation. Among the challenges posed by unique designs and specific requirements of soft and hard landscape

construction include some materials that may only be sourced overseas, shortages in plant materials, or bad weather as most works outdoors take place. However, successful construction of such landscapes creates conducive living environments. For example, the landscape design of Urban360 at Sri Gombak places multi-activity spaces on a single floor, with the ingenious allocation of several split levels, which seamlessly connect at different corners of the property. Being either an active space or passive zone, the design was successfully created for users in different age groups. Most of the landscape elements were tailored, made to achieve the end result, such as floor materials, pool finishing, water feature cladding and roof garden features. In addition to being soft and hard landscape builders, PNCorporation differentiates themselves by specialising in glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC), exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), water features and swimming pool systems.


Highlighting Malaysia's unique heritage naturally. Scenic views of wide green plains with woods in the background.


LTHOUGH landscaping is a local authority requirement, it can add value to property developments and soften the views of constructed buildings. Madani Resources goes beyond this view and incorporates cultural elements in its landscape designs to highlight the unique cultural heritage of Malaysia. Through a collection of various species of plants, especially in respect to customs, medicines and ethnobotany, Madani Resources promotes research on plants for use in several industries locally and internationally. As an example, its hardscape and softscape works at Taman Etno Botani in Putrajaya underscore the cultural landscape of the village. The design creates an atmosphere of a traditional Malay village with paddy fields and crops, as well as ethno-botanical gardens. There are collections of plants from many ethnobotanical

categories that are used for cooking and indigenous culture. This also involves plants that are the source of medicine and for good health in the culture of the local community. The development area is an undulating hilly area, but there are also areas that are gently sloping, such as a large lawn area. Stretching over 12.7 acres, the concept of this park emphasises the provision of a collection of different species of plants for study and scientific research, conservation, exhibition and educational purposes. Madani Resources Sdn Bhd is located at 18, Jalan Selasih 18, Taman Selasih Fasa 2, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: 03-6189 0443, e-mail: Madani Resources managing madaniresources97@gmail.com director Alzahari Ali.

A tranquil haven.






LANDSCAPE DESIGN CRUCIAL FOR GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING Unsustainable living depletes Earth’s resources.

1 1 Halimah (fifth from left) and Osman sharing the victorious moment with the prominent winners of the MLAA 2015. 2 Attendees browsing through the MLAA 2015 special pullout by StarProperty. my at the ILAM Gala Night Dinner.




ANDSCAPE architects should lead the way in sustainable design development to address the environmental challenges for the benefits of the younger generation. “Members of Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) could play a significant role in establishing committees such as sustainable waste management, national chemical management board, national climate change centre and national crisis and disaster management centre,” said Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Deputy Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique. In the 11th Malaysia Plan, climate resilient development will be focused on incorporating climate change and environmental considerations into policy and development planning, evaluation and implementation.

Citing findings from United Nations Environment Programme, she noted as the current usage of Earth’s resources is 50% faster than its coping capacity, its resources cannot keep pace with the current development rate. “With the rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, three planets will be needed to sustain our way of life at this rate,” said Halimah when officiating the opening ceremony of ILAM’s Gala Night on April 9. The annual gala was to celebrate the Eighth Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards (MLAA) that recognised the most outstanding projects in Malaysia and the surrounding region. ILAM president Associate Professor Osman Mohd Tahir said studies have shown that people tend to be healthier and happier when living close to nature. As more people are moving into the cities, green spaces and vibrant streetscapes are often cited as key factors in attracting residents and businesses. MLAA has seen a record number of 130 entries this year, including participants from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. SP Setia, the biggest winner of the night,

received the coveted Project of the Year Award and Property Developer Awards (Excellence) with its Lepironia Gardens project in Setia Eco Glades. Putrajaya Corporation won the Green Achievement Award with the Royal Floria Putrajaya project, while Wan Salamatul Juita Wan Hashim became the winner of Young Landscape Architect Award. SK Landscape Sdn Bhd (Philea Resort and Spa, Malacca) and Ipoh City Council (eze3@MBI) won the Excellence awards for Landscape Construction and Green City respectively. To showcase the official entries, ILAM has released the MLAA 2015 Yearbook. The awards was endorsed by the International Federation of Landscape Architects. The Gala Night was sponsored by SP Setia Bhd (platinum), Gamuda Land Sdn Bhd (silver), UEM Sunrise Bhd (bronze) and Tropicana Innovative Landscape Sdn Bhd (supporting sponsor). The supporting partners included Playpoint Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Design 218, Star Sanctuary Sdn Bhd, Park Games Equipment (M) Sdn Bhd and Isofu-Modern Living Concept.



Fulfilling communities’ hearts’ desires with Tropicana Heights Central Park. By MAK KUM SHI



ROPICANA Heights Central Park, with a lake in its midst, is the centrepiece of a township that combines convenience in accessibility together with a communal living environment. Recognised with honours in landscape construction in the contractor category of the 8th Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards, the central park is designed by Kashino Naohiro from Aroma Tropics Sdn Bhd and constructed by Tropicana Innovative Landscape Sdn Bhd to host a variety of elements to cater to different expectations of its community. It has five zones with different environments that would fulfil residents’ hearts’ desires.

Tropicana Heights central park.

A lookout pavilion, lily pond and willow garden, viewing bridge, cascading waterfall, amphitheatre lawn and fountain are Chill Zone features that create stunning views and environments, which allow residents to rejuvenate with peace of mind. A long stretch of beautifully landscaped lakeside walks with wooded trails and floating gazebos, punctuating the East Lake Promenade Zone, create the ultimate setting for a romantic stroll. The West Lake Active Zone has facilities such as children’s playground, basketball court, sports lawn and fitness trail, allowing physically active residents to exercise for good health. The community hall and recreational hub at the Central Zone is the meeting point between the East Lake and West Lake that brings the community together.






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