HIV+/ AIDS AIDS Vancouver 6048932201 803 East Hastings This is the Pacific AIDS Resource Centre, connected to international network of AIDS research and support services. Healing Our Spirit 6048798884, 100-2425 Quebec: Care, support for Aboriginal People infected and affected by this disease. Positive Living BC 6048932200, 803 East Hastings:.Lounge, iCafe, support groups, peer counseling, assistance with legal and housing issues, and complementary health services such as massage and dental clinic for people living with HIV. Free membership required. 10 am to 4 pm, Mon-Fri Positive Women's Network 6046923000, 614-1033 Davie: Supports women living with HIV / AIDS in making their own choices about HN related care, including treatments, reproduction, and advocacy. Mon-Fri, 9-4; drop-in 11:30am - 4:30pm Vancouver Native Health Society 604 2549949,449 E.Hastings: Positive Outlookdrop-in, outreach, medical, social services. Immigrant Services ISS Settlement Services 6046847498, 530 Drake:Housing, jobs, social services, translation. ISS Language Instruction: 6046842561,501 -333 Terminal: Classes. All welcome. MOSAIC 6042549626, Call for nearest location: Services in 22 languages translation. Settlement &aid. Evergreen Community Health Centre 604 82511 3425 Crowley Dr.:lmmigrants & refugees