Future of the City Centre - Panel

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urban farm + public market architecture speculation for joão pessoa, paraíba

It is then crucial to rethink agriculture in urban spaces and, mostly, in a true sustainable way, increasing productivity per m² and reducing waste in all steps of the food production. As WRI (2018) pointed out, 28% of wasting in food production in Latin America takes place in consumption phase, another 28% in production phase and 22% in storage, not to mention that, according to Prim (2003) transportation of food in Brazil is mainly by roads and the production centers are far from the distribution centers (such as supermarkets and street fairs), which increases waste.

9.8 BIllion people (2050) 7,5 billion (2017)

increase in 56% of food production


593 million hectares


(WRI, 2018)

food waste in latin america 28%:




6%: processing 22%: handling and storage 28%:


(WRI, 2018)




But how can architecture and design achieve a true sustainable argriculture in urban spaces, reducing waste in production and transportation? In this work, I studied agroecological systems and questioned urban farm typology, pushing it to become a mixed-use building including a public market and a cleaning/handling/ storage center for vegetables, also including a center for production of organic fertilizer to close the production loop and return vegetables that would be thrown in the garbage back to the production cycle - speculating about a future where we are geographically close and socially connected to the places where our food is produced.

ABÓBORA, TOMATE E ALFACE 2.current food production 14 PÉS/M²



1.contemporary speculations on urban farms

Studies by WRI (2018) previously mentioned poin14 PÉS/M² There are now various urban farms being develoABÓBORA, TOMATE E ALFACE ted out that the need for land for agriculture wiped, tested and constructed. Analyzing the state of CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO thout expanding deforestation causes a land gap, the art of vertical urban farms around the world, 14 PÉS/M² TOMATE E aALFACE andABÓBORA, on the other hand, there is demand gap cauthere are still some gaps lacking in adapting this sed mainly by waste in food production, 20 PÉS/M²which metypology to the tropical weather. More important CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO 14 PÉS/M² ans that, if food waste numbers stop increasing, than this, mankind have been producing food near the efficiency of yield canEslow demand growth. cities for ages but only since industrial times, the 20 PÉS/M² CEBOLINHA REPOLHO Part of food production in Brazil, according to world have been experiencing disbalances in proEMBRAPA takes places in large rural settlements duction and demand and effects of the Industrial 20 PÉS/M² CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO in agroindustrial monoculture systems that use Revolution and the Green Revolution. Now that ESPINAFRE E COUVE heavy machinery and chemical pesticides whithose effects are getting close to turning points, ch demand more water and 20resources. PÉS/M² However, exploring urban farms as architectural typologies 50 PÉS/M² most of the vegetables thatE actually to tackle some of those problems is interesting ESPINAFRE COUVEfeed people comes from family-based farms that have higher mainly because of the proximity to urban infras50 PÉS/M² rates in efficiency of water and productivity per m² tructures of water and waste treatment, and also ESPINAFRE E COUVE 2017). It is important thus to investigate on because it is an attempt to rethink agriculture wiBERINJELA, TOMATE(FAO, E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² PÉS/M² those processes and adapt50 them in urban areas, thout relinquishing positive aspects of urban life. ESPINAFRE E COUVE taking account of singular urban activities and incouve BERINJELA, TOMATEteractions. E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² coentro couve

couve coentro cenoura couve coentro couve cenoura coentro abóbora problem statements cenoura couve tomate coentro abóbora alface cenoura 3.contemporary markets and fairs tomate abóbora alface Green and Industrial Revolutions led to food clusters tomate and supermarkets over traditional street markets repolho alface abóbora and fairs. In addiction to increasing distances cebolinha tomate between production centers and sale centers, repolho alface supermarket spaces are barely appropriate for cebolinha social interaction. Explorations over user experience repolho in contemporary markets design indicate that there is a rising concern over negative aspects of this cebolinha street fairs couve‘speed of modern life’, allowing grounds to explore repolho espinafre interesting places in which people can ‘eat, yell and cebolinha play chess’. (Prince-Ramus, 2007) couve various entries and exits



In a near future, there will not be enough land to feed humanity. According to projections released by World Resources Institute (WRI) in 2018, the planet will need 593 million hectares to meet food demand for 9.8 billion people.This is nearly twice the size of India. Due to the harsh results produced by the effects of the global climate crisis, deforestation in natural landscapes to make land clear for agriculture must be avoided at all costs.

street stands

various entries and exits

1m 1m



espinafre couve espinafre tomate couve alho espinafre tomate berinjela supermarkets alho 50 PÉS/M² tomate objectives | goals methodology berinjela cenoura coentro alho BERINJELA, TOMATE E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² couve cenoura coentro berinjela tomate raise productivity per m² couve kale tomato Programmatic-related questions pimentão cenoura were studied according to Evidencealho coentro through agroecologicalBERINJELA, TOMATE E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² cilantro garlic abóbora PIMENTÃO, RÚCULA E RABANETE rúcula -Based Design by Hamilton and Wacenoura systems(close land gap) berinjela carrot eggplant pimentão tomate tkins, and Problem Seeking by Peña rabanete abóbora ABÓBORA, TOMATE E ALFACE 86 PÉS/M² PIMENTÃO, RÚCULA E RABANETE and Parshall. Spaces were conceived rúcula alface tomate reduce waste in transABÓBORA, TOMATE E ALFACE pumpkin abóbora bell pepper 14 PÉS/M² pimentão according to the necessity and quanrabanete alface portation and resources tomate titative numbers of food production abóbora tomato arugula PIMENTÃO, RÚCULA E RABANETE 86 PÉS/M² rúcula ABÓBORA, TOMATE E ALFACE 14 PÉS/M² vegetables would be yiel(manage demand) in an agroecological system. Works alface lettuce tomate rabanete radish ABÓBORA, TOMATE ALFACE pimentão ded in E a 1-meter width tray by Koolhaas, specially analyses made 14 PÉS/M² of heavy 86 PÉS/M² to avoid the usePIMENTÃO, repolho alface RÚCULA E RABANETE repolho rúcula by Rafael Moneo in his book ‘TheoreCEBOLINHA E REPOLHO 14 PÉS/M² closed-loop production machinery, enablingPIMENTÃO, maREPOLHO E ALFACE bell pepper alface cebolinha pimentão cabbage repolho tical Anxiety and Design Strategies in rabanete maitenance. CEBOLINHAnual E REPOLHO 86 PÉS/M² cabbage the Work of Eight Contemporary Arrepolho cebolinha 20 PÉS/M² scallion 18 PÉS/M² repolho PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO E ALFACE raise consciousness rechitects’ were also studied in order to alface pimentão lettuce CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO 20 PÉS/M² cebolinha garding food production trays have up to 10 meter repolho propose a mixed-use vertical building, repolho CEBOLINHA E REPOLHO PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO 18 PÉS/M² E ALFACE understanding congestion as a posilength can accomocebolinha alface 20and PÉS/M² beets pimentão beterraba kale tive factor that enhances social incouve construct in a urban void date vegetables intercro20 PÉS/M² repolho arugula 18 PÉS/M² rúcula the teraction between consumers/users espinafre spinach to articulate with local ppings according toPIMENTÃO, couve REPOLHO E ALFACE alface presented diagrams on BETERRABA E RÚCULA and production. ESPINAFRE E COUVE beterraba residents espinafre the right. couve rúcula 18 PÉS/M² ESPINAFRE50 E COUVE 44 PÉS/M² PÉS/M² BETERRABA E RÚCULA 0.25 0.5 beterraba espinafre couve proposal | outcomes PÉS/M² ESPINAFRE50 E COUVE rúcula espinafre 44 PÉS/M² BETERRABA E RÚCULA tomate ESPINAFRE50 E COUVE beterraba PÉS/M² The use of agroecological techiniques enhances Versatile pavements where all sorts of activities can take place were inserted in the food alho BERINJELA, TOMATE E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² tomate 44 PÉS/M² production tower, connectedrúcula PÉS/M² productivity per m². Vegetables can be50 grown by the red spiral staircases. The color red was also used BETERRABA E RÚCULA berinjela alho BERINJELA, ALHO PÉS/M² in TOMATE associationEwith other vegetables that 49 does tomate to draw attention to the elevators responsible for the transportation of food from the food crop not compete with the same nutrients and have production center to the handling/storage pavement and later to the market. Small areas berinjela 44 PÉS/M² alho BERINJELA, TOMATE E ALHO 49 PÉS/M² tomate of vegetable gardens were placed outdoors to enable visitors to take urban gardening a different root growth. Those intercropping alho berinjela BERINJELA, TOMATE ALHOby Brazilian Agricultural 49 PÉS/M² systems are E studied classes and workshops and thus enhance physical interaction with food production. Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and those berinjela food crop pimentão data were used to quantify the space needed to growPIMENTÃO, 15 types of vegetables, most conRÚCULA the E RABANETE rúcula pimentão flexible-use sumed in brazilian families, which are: tomatorabanete PIMENTÃO, RÚCULA E RABANETE rúcula pavement pimentão es, garlic, pumpkin, lettuce, eggplant, beets, 86 PÉS/M² rabanete carrot, PIMENTÃO, scallions, cilantro, kale, Espinach, bell RÚCULA RABANETE rúcula pimentão 86 PÉS/M² food crop pepper, cabbage, arugula and radish. PIMENTÃO, RÚCULA E RABANETE rúcula rabanete 86 PÉS/M² flexible-use rabanete pimentão pavement 86 PÉS/M² repolho pimentão PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO E ALFACE alface repolho food crop pimentão PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO 18 E ALFACE alface PÉS/M² repolho pimentão PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO 18 E ALFACE PÉS/M² alface repolho PIMENTÃO, REPOLHO E ALFACE alface 18 PÉS/M² beterraba food production 18 PÉS/M² rúcula beterraba tower BETERRABA E RÚCULA rúcula beterraba BETERRABA E44 RÚCULA PÉS/M² rúcula beterraba market composBETERRABA E RÚCULA 44 PÉS/M² One of the main goals of the building’s design ting center rúcula was to enhance social interaction and BETERRABA E RÚCULA 44 PÉS/M² consciousness about food production through 44 PÉS/M² congestion. By interacting both visually and physically with the processes that food goes through, the consumer/user at the market is given the opportunity to reflect on the work that enables food to arrive at our homes. This has its architectural implications. The public market was then placed under the tower of food production and the horizontal surface between these two spaces is transparent to enable visual interaction.

cleaning facilities and storage

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references CHING, Francis D. K.; JARZOMBEK, Mark; PRAKASH, Vikramaditya. Architecture of First Societies: A Global Perspective. John Wiley and Sons, 2014. DESPOMMIER, Dickson. The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century. New York, Picador. 2010. EMBRAPA — Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Produção Orgânica de Hortaliças: O Produtor Pergunta, a Embrapa Responde. (Coleção 500 perguntas 500 respostas). 306 p. Brasília - DF. 2007. ISBN: 978-85-7383-385-0 FAO, FIDA, UNICEF, PMA y OMS. El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo. Fomentando la resiliencia climática en aras de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición. FAO, Roma. 2018. World Health Organization. COP 24 Special Report:Health and Climate Change. Poland, 2018. WRI (World Resources Institute). Synthesis Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future: A Menu of Solutions to Feed Nearly 10 Billion People by 2050. 2018.

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