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Welcome to Mount Athos Area - Halkidiki

Welcome to the Traditional Restaurant Bakatsianos Arnea, 19 May 2016 Ancient Greek Cuisine "The Feast of the Forest"

The Mount Athos Area KOUZINA The Mount Athos Area Kouzina is the premier culinary event of the year in the region of Mount Athos! In the shadow of the sacred Athos, in the cove of the bay of Mount Athos, on the sandy Ammouliani Island, at the foot of the Aristotelian mountain, in the Strymonikos bay, in the Akanthios Bay, on the verges of Cholomontas, we invite you to smell and taste our organic products and flavours in a magnificent culinary feast, in which you participate as of this day!

Enjoy! The Traditional Bakatsianos Restaurant Bakatsianos restaurant is built on the dense forest of Agia Paraskevi in Arnaia! It is one of the utmost quality culinary spots of the Athos region. Its owner Dimitris Polyzos, studied the culinary art abroad and managed to combine his professional training with the local tradition, by creating dishes with unique character, tastes which make the best of out of the local products and highlight every tasteful aspect of the region. Today you will enjoy an authentic “feast of the forest”, a genuine “ancient Greek symposium”, aiming at tantalising your palate, proving our gastronomic skills and in the end making you a customer of Dimitris for sure!

Bon appetite!


Homemade pita pie with Arnaia feta cheese* accompanied by salad with wild mushrooms** from Cholomontas, nuts and spring herbs of the mountain

(*Arnaia region is famous for the production of Greek feta and local goat cheese. The cheese factory of Theofilos Karagiannis is a reference point of this rich organic production). (**The wooded Cholomontas mount is known for its rich diverse flora and for the abundance of its natural assets. Six thousand plant and herb species grow on its slopes, which also bear its famous firs, and mushrooms -that grow everywherewithout human care. They thrive there because this is just how nature ordained. Every year around the beginning of autumn after the first rain has fallen, the residents of the mountain organise a big celebration where, after the rich mushroom harvest, they invite us all to the mountain to offer us their famous mushroom dishes, local wine and raki and their warm hospitality, which is part of their lifestyle).

Chestnut soup with wild chestnuts*** from the Cholomontas Forest Wine shot: Mount Athos Sweet Wine «Milopotamos» (***The Aristotelian Mountain is protected by the European network Natura 2000, while the 404 plants and herbs it accommodates on its slopes are same as those Alexander the Great used for treating the wounds and injuries of war, following the advice of his teacher – Aristotle, the philosopher. This helped the great warrior to recognize and describe the Asian flora).

Pork shank****of Varvara with herbs from the Aristotelian Mountain (**** The breeding of the black pig in Varvara region and the regions around the Aristotelian Mountain is one of the main activities of the residents).

Dessert: Early ripened cheese of Arnaia with honey*****, quinces****** and moundovina

(***** Arnaia is famous for the production of five varieties of organic honey. “Source of Honey by Dimitris Georgakas” and “Pavlos Repanis Honey” will offer you the chance to taste them all, and also taste the unique moundovina (tsipouro made with honey) – product with PDO) (****** The quince trees are one of the 4.500 trees/plants/herbs found on the slopes and shadows of Cholomontas. Arnaia women collect their fruits carefully and make with excellent art uniquely tasteful sweets, as the one offered to you today, revealing the nature’s taste and bringing you the aromas of the forest!)

Wine Domaine Claudia Papayianni, white Domaine Claudia Papayianni, red Price per person: 23 €

The ancient Greeks based their diet on the offerings of the land: fruits, nuts, honey, wine... They took every chance to organise banquets and celebrations to commemorate occasions, people, gods, days... This is the people that shaped not only the international cultural and athletic ideal but also the gastronomy and the culinary habits of the entire world! Our rich local production allows us today to adopt the culinary traditions of Greek antiquity, which make up culinary phenomena with personality, character and therapeutic nature. “The feast of the forest� utilizes in maximum the local production and the production of mushrooms and fruits from the Cholomontas forest and makes us travel with our imagination to the tables of the Dionysian feasts, where the wine flowed abundantly and the ecstaticism climaxed the senses! Restaurant Bakatsianos 63074 Arnaia Reservations: +30 2372022750 & Texts - Editing: Maria I. Pappa Design: Cat Advertising

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