CJC Newsletter
July 2021
CJC WALL NEWHOUSE HOUSE WALL By Andrea Lim (2T03) and Angeline Leonardo (2T31) Any CJCian can attest to the fact that CJ’s booming college culture is palpable - it is
furnishes a holistic JC experience. Any CJCian can attest to the factinclusive that CJ’sand booming college culture is palpable - it is inclusive and furnishes a holistic JC experience. Any CJCian can attest to the fact that CJC’s booming
She went on to add that ‘the fact that the wall was
Any CJCian can attest to the fact that CJ’s booming college culture is palpable - it is inclusive and furnishes done up by the students of each House strengthens culture is palpable - it is inclusive and furnishes acollege holistic JC experience. The addition of a picturesque house wall illustrates the various houses’ logos and pride amongst the student body and fosters a holistic JC experience. The addition of a picturesque their respective achievements, and reminds every CJCianhouse that they never walk alone throughout the course house wall illustrates the various houses’ logos and their collaboration with one another’’. of their journey. The house wall’s legacy has just begun.
respective achievements, and reminds every CJCian that It is a reminder CJCians, she making said, of of thethe values of they walkwith alone throughout the one course of their In an never interview Priyanka (2T31), of the sports leaders who was for involved in the house ‘camaraderie in competition, the duty of uplifting journey. The house wall’s legacy has just begun. wall, she shares that the house wall “adds to the vibrancy of the college with its bright colours” and is “placed each other, as near well the as unity’ . Lastly, she expressed that in a prominent location where students and staff frequent everyday”, canteen. the house wall ‘shows us the history of the college and In an interview with Priyanka (2T31), one of the sports reminds of the legacy from previous leaders who involved in the the was house She goes on was to add that “the factmaking that theofwall done up by theus students of eachpassed Housedown strengthens house generations of CJCians that we in turn pass on to our wall, she shared that the housebody wall ‘adds to the vibrancy pride amongst the student and fosters collaboration with one another''. juniors’. of the college with its bright colours’ and is ‘placed in a It is a reminder for CJCians, she says, the frequent values of “camaraderie in competition, the duty of uplifting each prominent location where students andofstaff other, as ,well Lastly, she expressed that the house wall “shows us the history of the College and everyday’ near as theunity”. canteen.
reminds us of the legacy passed down from previous generations of CJCians that we in turn pass on to our juniors”.