june 2022
Value Them Both
Vote “ Yes” on Aug. 2 and Protect Sanctity of Life in Kansas
3 Embrace the Holy Spirit
4 First Communion:
Students and Parish Share in Joyous Celebration
6 Meet the Kidder
Family: Happy to Call Our Parish “Home”
7 The Feast of Corpus
n Aug. 2, Kansans have the opportunity to come out and vote “yes” for an amendment to the state constitution that supports an important issue from Catholic Social Teaching — the sanctity of all human life. Kansas’ current state constitution protects a woman’s right to abortion. “Value Them Both” is a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would put into place a number of regulations, such as parental consent for minors and limits on taxpayer-funded abortions, that were previously removed from the constitution. According to the Value Them Both website, “A recent Kansas Supreme Court ruling removed the legal foundation for all existing laws that permit basic regulations on abortion. Value Them Both simply allows for these existing laws to be protected.” Parish Administrator Paul Coquillette was present when Archbishop Naumann came to Queen of the Holy Rosary and spoke to the Johnson County Parish Administrators in March. “It was especially illuminating to me because I was not fully aware that Kansas had become a destination state for women from other states, to the point where abortions in Kansas are rising,” Paul says. Respect Life Ministry coordinator Judy Dowd shares this concern about the increase that Kansas has seen in abortions, particularly during the pandemic. According to a report by National Public Radio, 2020 was the first year in 50 years in which the majority of abortions performed in Kansas were for women from out of state. continued on page 2
Christi Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us
7023 W. 71st Street Overland Park, KS 66204 www.queenoftheholyrosary.org
The Knights of Columbus have had this bumper sticker on hand for parishioners to pick up at the parish Hospitality Desk in order to spread the word throughout the community to vote “yes” for the amendment on Aug. 2.
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
Value Them Both
continued from front cover
“This vote is important. It’s not just babies we’re protecting, but the moms as well
who suffer greatly through abortion. We want to help these moms.” — Judy Dowd Dave Janner, the Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, and fellow knight, John Rodriguez, are working with the Respect Life Ministry to inform parishioners about this issue and to help them to spread the word about voting “yes” to the amendment. On June 5, the Knights will be available after Mass to help people register to vote and to give out information about the amendment. Literature on the amendment is currently available at the Hospitality Desk. On July 31, the weekend before the Aug. 2 vote, Fr. Bill will speak to the parish about the amendment. Letting friends and neighbors know about the issue is important. “I hope they get it out and spread it around so people aren’t surprised when it’s time to vote,” Judy says. To help spread the word, bumper stickers supporting the amendment
can be picked up at the Hospitality Desk. Judy has been involved in the Respect Life Ministry for 10 years. Her connection to the pro-life movement stems in part from her personal experience of growing up with a sister with cerebral palsy, as well as having a premature grandson. “Things of that sort make you realize how important life is,” she says. The parish Respect Life Ministry also organizes a monthly Rosary at Planned Parenthood on the first Saturday of the month. After attending the 8:15 a.m. Mass at Church of the Nativity, members meet at 9 a.m. outside Planned Parenthood to pray the Rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet. “This vote is important,” Judy says. “It’s not just babies we’re protecting, but the moms as well who suffer greatly through abortion. We want to help these moms.”
Please be on the lookout for ways you can spread the word, and come to the Masses on June 5 and July 31 to find out more. The vote for the amendment happens on Aug. 2. If you would like to become involved or learn more, please contact Judy Dowd at 913-963-3191. 2
A Letter From Our Pastor
Embrace the Holy Spirit
Dear Parishioners,
ou’ve all heard homilies about Pentecost, which comes on June 5 this year. Pentecost was the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles while they were gathered for prayer in Jerusalem. Coming 10 days after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit turned the apostles from a collection of fearful followers looking for some direction into a band of courageous witnesses ready to declare their faith in Christ to the whole world. You’ve heard that Pentecost is the birthday of the Church because that was the day when, newly filled with the Holy Spirit, St. Peter preached the first Christian sermon, inviting his listeners to turn to Jesus as their Savior and their Lord. Those who accepted the invitation were baptized and “were added” to the Church (Acts 2:41). That day marked the beginning of the Church’s public mission, which continues to the present. But the Holy Spirit’s actions in the Church were not limited to the apostles in an ancient time. He remains active down to the present, guiding the pope and the bishops as they go about their work of sanctifying, teaching and ruling in the Church. The Holy Spirit acts in the sacraments to make them effective signs of grace. We see the Holy Spirit’s work in the witness of the saints through whom He continues the work of salvation. The Spirit, moreover, acts not only in the Church as a corporate body, but also in the lives of individual Christians. We become temples of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism. Then at Confirmation, which is our own personal Pentecost, we receive the seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit unites us more closely to Christ, increases the spiritual gifts we have been given, and strengthens us to spread and defend the faith. Ultimately, Pentecost is more than simply a feast celebrating something that happened a long time ago. Of course, the coming of the Spirit we read about in Acts 2 took place just once. But the Holy Spirit remains active today, guiding the Church as a whole, but also working in the life of each individual Christian to make us holy.
Maybe you don’t feel as if the Holy Spirit is working in your life. Well, God the Father gave us free will, so we can choose whether or not we’ll obey Him. And God the Holy Spirit, being united in the one Godhead with the Father and the Son, honors that freedom. He’ll never force us to turn away from sin or compel us to obey God’s commandments. The Spirit offers us grace. He will beckon us toward heaven, and occasionally we may feel Him nudging us along, but we always have the freedom to choose God or to reject Him. Perhaps you’ve made a commitment to worship at Mass at least weekly and spend some time each day in prayer. Maybe you have promised to use some of your talents in parish ministries and service to the community. You may even have turned in a card at our last renewal to indicate your pledge of a portion of your treasure to be used in God’s service. I hope you’ve done all of these. If so, both the Holy Spirit’s grace and your response were involved in your decision. And the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to fulfill your commitments. This Pentecost, make the Gradual verse we’ll sing just before the Gospel your personal prayer: Alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia. If you do, you’ll find the Holy Spirit working even more strongly in your life. You’ll be happier, and the world, at least your little corner of it, will be a better place. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. William Bruning Pastor
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
First Com
Students and Parish Share
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our young parish
in Joyous Celebration
hioners who made their First Communion this spring.
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
Meet the
Kidder Family:
Happy to Call Our Parish “Home”
or David and Carolyn Kidder and their three daughters — Natalia, 23; Elizah, 19; and Genevieve, 13 — Queen of the Holy Rosary is truly home. They love the people here and the connections they have made over the years. For David, having grown up in this parish, Queen of the Holy Rosary certainly feels like home. His parents, Bill and Marilyn, have been members since 1958. David and Carolyn feel that in recent years, the Queen of the Holy Rosary family has grown even stronger under the tutelage of Fr. William Bruning. “He has really made an effort to have more activities and events, like outdoor Masses and picnics,” David says. “Queen has become a much bigger parish, but it still feels very close because of the activities going on.” Carolyn didn’t move too far from her home parish. She grew up in Mission and attended St. Pius X. David and Carolyn feel so blessed by all the wonderful priests that have served at Queen of the Holy Rosary since they joined. Fr. Bill’s sermons are so valued by the couple. David attributes Fr. Don Cullen for helping him further develop his faith. “I always feel so renewed when I leave Mass,” Carolyn says. David teaches seventh grade School of Religion (SOR) at
The Kidder family
Queen of the Holy Rosary. He has also helped with the Confirmation program. Carolyn also taught for a few years. “I am a teacher by trade,” David says. “This scratches that itch I have to teach. I get a lot out of it. I never would have suspected how much it helps my faith. I learn a lot as I’m preparing for class.” “We thought it was a great opportunity for us to be involved since our children were at SOR anyway,” Carolyn says. “It was an opportunity to contribute to their faith life and the lives of other youth.” David hopes his SOR students will continue to grow in their faith and that they will be more devoted than he was at their age. The couple hopes that Natalia, Elizah, and Genevieve will continue to
practice the faith into adulthood. Genevieve recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation. In their free time, the Kidder family enjoys spending time together, whether going for a walk, sitting around a campfire, or playing Uno. They also love listening to all genres of music together.
“Queen has become a much bigger parish, but it still feels very close because of the activities going on.” — David Kidder
The Feast of Corpus Christi
Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us
f you were to make a list of “famous people from history” to invite for dinner, there’s a good chance Jesus Christ would make the cut. As a historical figure alone, the meal conversation would no doubt prove interesting. Yet, the thought of spending personal time with Christ ushers in additional considerations that far exceed a mere “getting to know you” routine. Jesus Christ is the only human being in history who is also your Creator — He already knows you intimately! You might then imagine that if Christ revealed Himself to you personally, then you would immediately love Him deeply and believe without doubt. You might think to yourself, “If I could just meet Him once, it would be easy to believe.” There is a bit of truth in this thought. As human beings, we are affected by personal presence, and the most intense communication transpires through physical contact. Just ask the apostle, Doubting Thomas. The sight of Christ alone was not enough – Thomas required physical touch to be satisfied. The beauty of the Gospel message is that it is universal. Just as the resurrected Christ invited Thomas to touch Him in the
flesh, so too does Christ invite us — His disciples in 2022 — to meet Him physically in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. So, if you would like to share a meal with Christ, the time is here! You have already been given a perpetual, open-ended invitation to dine with Him, in His Father’s house. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we are invited to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. This belief is the incomprehensible glory of our Catholic faith. We celebrate with great joy, therefore, the night in which Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Although “re-presented” at every Mass, we commemorate this event on two special feast days of the liturgical calendar — on Holy Thursday and on the Feast of Corpus Christi. The joy of this “holy gift” cannot be adequately expressed on Holy Thursday, due to its nearness to Good Friday. Therefore, the Feast of Corpus Christi — also known as the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ — is given its own day on the liturgical calendar. Throughout the rest of the world, the Feast of Corpus Christi is normally celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, thereby mirroring Holy Thursday. However, the U.S. does not maintain continued on back cover
If you would like to share a meal with Christ, the time is here! You have already been given a perpetual, open-ended invitation to dine with Him, in His Father’s house. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we are invited to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. This belief is the incomprehensible glory of our Catholic faith.
Queen of the Holy Rosary C at h o l i c C h u r c h
7023 W. 71st Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204 (913) 432-4616 | www.queenoftheholyrosary.org
The Feast of Corpus Christi
continued from page 7
this feast as a Holy Day of Obligation. It is considered a “moveable feast” — this year, the Feast of Corpus Christi occurs on June 16, but the celebration is transferred to the following Sunday, June 19. Please join us for our monthly Eucharistic Adoration and Procession on June 18, as part of the observance of this Feast. On this glorious feast, take the time to thank Our Heavenly Father for the gift He bestows on us through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta: “When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” Happy feast day!
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. | Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday: 8:15 a.m.| First Saturday: 8:15 a.m.