Brother Frank Commemorative Journal

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Brother Frank Byrne, FSC President, Christian Brothers Academy, 2009 - 21 June 19, 2021

The members of the CBA Board of Trustees are deeply grateful to have worked with Brother Frank, and proud to have made a joint gift of $120,000 in his honor as he completes his term as President of Christian Brothers Academy. Thank you, Brother Frank, for your leadership and inspiration!

Board of Trustees 2020-21 Joseph R. Tort, Sr. ’76 Chair Jack L. Kelly Vice Chair Br. Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 Treasurer

William D. Moss ’75 Vice Chair Brian O’Malley Secretary

Br. Tim Ahern ExOfficio Edward B. Bernot, M Ed ExOfficio Walter J. Brasch ’70 Kevin Golding Jeffrey I. Goldstein Michael Gualario W. Scott Havard ’76 Br. John Kane, FSC EdD ExOfficio Donald P. Norkus ’67 Sean F. O’Brien ’79

R. Ross Fales Recording Secretary Kathleen Cali Mary Ann Christopher Dennis A. Collins ’81 John F. Croddick ’63 Thomas Sipowicz ExOfficio Bernard J. Berry, Jr. Trustee Emeritus Thomas J. Carey Trustee Emeritus John A. Giunco ’70 Trustee Emeritus Mark D. Hall, Sr. ’71 Trustee Emeritus


Brother Frank Byrne, FSC President, Christian Brothers Academy, 2009 - 21 June 19, 2021

“I can proudly say that Brother Frank has shaped me into the young man I am today and will shape me into the man I seek to become.” A member of the Class of ’22

“Brother Frank is one of the most influential parts of a CBA student’s experience. He is truly loved by all and will be missed.” A member of the Class of ’21

Farewell to Brother Frank June 19, 2021 Words of Welcome Ross Fales Principal

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Rev. John Folchetti, Celebrant Pastor, St, Leo the Great, Lincroft Rev. Garry Koch, Homilist Pastor, St. Benedict, Holmdel

Thank You, Brother Frank Video Presentation

Introduction of Brother Frank William D. Moss ’75 Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, 2009- present

Farewell Remarks Brother Frank Byrne, FSC ’75

Reception Cafeteria and Outdoors

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass June 19, 2021 Call to Worship Gathering Song: Here I Am Lord Verse 1 I, the Lord of sea and sky I have heard my people cry All who dwell in dark and sin My hand will save I who made the stars of night I will make their darkness bright Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send? Refrain Here I am, Lord Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night

I will go, Lord If You lead me I will hold Your people in my heart Verse 2 I, the Lord of wind and flame I will tend the poor and lame I will set a feast for them My hand will save Finest bread I will provide ‘Til their hearts be satisfied I will give my life to them Whom shall I send? Refrain

Introductory Rites Sign of the Cross Greeting

…and with your spirit.

Penitential Rite Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father, Amen. Opening Prayer

Liturgy of the Word First Reading:

Job 38:1, 8-11 The Lord addressed Job out of the storm and said:


Psalm 107


Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Alleluia


sung A great prophet has risen in our midst, God has visited his people Mark 4: 35-41 Who then is this that even wind and sea obey? Homily

Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven, (bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Universal Prayer Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Song: Holy Is His Name Verse 1 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord And my spirit exalts in God my Savior For He has looked with mercy on my loneliness And my name will be forever exalted For the mighty God has done great things for me And His mercy will reach from age to age

Refrain And holy, holy, holy is His name Verse 2: He has mercy in every generation He has revealed His power and His glory He has cast down the mighty in their arrogance And has lifted up the meek and the lonely He has come to help His servant Israel He remembered His promise to our fathers Refrain (2x)

Celebrant: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. Celebrant: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Celebrant: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right and just. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Mystery of Faith (recited) Celebrant: The Mystery of Faith! All: When we eat this bread, and drink this cup, We proclaim your death O Lord, until you come again. Doxology Celebrant: Through him, and with him, and in him, O God almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is your, for ever and ever, All: Amen The Lord’s PrayerSign of Peace Celebrant: The peace of the Lord be with you always. People: And with your spirit. Let us offer each other the sign of peace. Lamb of God Invitation to Communion Celebrant: Behold the Lamb of God… People: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

Communion Song: In This Place Verse 1 We are all hungry people We need shelter and strength We are one in our hurting We are one in our pain In our suffering and sadness We are saved by the grace Of the power and the spirit That is here in this place Chorus We are gathered at table As one in the Lord We are gathered as people Who are living the word Our hearts and our spirits Are nurtured by grace It is Jesus who fills us He is here in this place

Verse 2 All our lives are a mystery We seek not where they lead We are asked now to trust you And we know we must believe As our feet become Christ feet We go forth with the grace Of the power and the spirit That is here in this place Chorus Verse 3 Though the world may tell us To look at ourselves We reach out to another Where suffering dwells As our hands become Christ’s hands We are healed by the grace Of the power and the spirit That is here in this place

Prayer after Communion Blessing and Dismissal Recessional Hymn: How Great Thou Art Verse 1 Oh Lord, my God When I, in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed Refrain: Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art

Verse 2: When through the woods, and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees. When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze. And when I think that God, His Son not sparing Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin Refrain:

Brother Frank’s connection with CBA began almost immediately after the school was founded. His father was an executive with the company that built the original sections of the school building we know today. Construction began in May 1960, at the end of the school’s first year, when classes were held in a remodeled stable. Brother remembers visiting the Lincroft campus with his father and brother as the main building was under construction. Brother Frank grew up in Shrewsbury, the second of Richard J. Byrne and Clair Maguire Byrne’s five children. Like his siblings, he attended St. James Elementary School, Red Bank, and in 1971, followed his older brother Richard to CBA. The campus in the 1970s was simpler than it has become. Although the number of students was about the same as today, the curriculum and class schedule was less complex, requiring fewer classrooms. The building consisted of two classroom wings, small science labs along the central corridor, the cafeteria and the gym. (The present-day library, office suite, and guidance center at the front of the school, with its impressive main entrance, would not be added until 2010-11.) Brother Stephen McCabe was CBA’s principal during Brother Frank’s freshman year; Brother Peter Mannion succeeded him in 1972. The majority of the faculty were Brothers, but the Academy had begun hiring more lay teachers. (Some of them would still be teaching at CBA when Brother Frank returned as President.) And of course, Dolly Sullivan ran the cafeteria, as she had done since the school’s beginning, and would do until shortly before she passed away in 2018. Students wore jackets and ties in the 1970s, but there were no rules about haircuts though most did keep their hair short. Then as now, Colts athletics included several championship programs, and the Academy offered a rich array of extracurricular activities and social events. A concert sponsored by the Student Council during Brother’s sophomore year featured local musician Bruce Springsteen, who had just released his first album, Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ. Brother Frank was an avid member of the indoor and outdoor track program throughout his four years, both as a runner and a hurdler, under Coach Tom Heath. He served on the Student Council, and in his senior year, joined the stage crew for that year’s musical production, Abner. Like nearly every CBA student in the ’70s, he played after-school intramural football most days in the fall.

Like his father and brother, Brother Frank went on Notre Dame University, the fourth generation of Byrnes to do so, graduating with a BBA in accounting in 1979. He still travels to South Bend nearly every year for a Fighting Irish football game. Returning to New Jersey after his Notre Dame graduation, Frank Byrne renewed his connection with the Christian Brothers, teaching for a time as a Lasallian Volunteer at St. Raymond’s High School for Boys, a Christian Brothers school in the Bronx. He was soon hired as a math and religion teacher at St. Raymond’s by its then principal, Brother Andrew O’Gara. He also became re-acquainted with Brother Joseph Miggins, who was serving as vocation recruiter for the Christian Brothers’ New York District. Eventually, Frank Byrne discerned his own Lasallian vocation, received the religious habit in 1980, and entered the Brothers’ novitiate in 1981. Brother taught and coached track at St, Raymond’s until 1981, when he was assigned to LaSalle Academy in lower Manhattan. Meanwhile, he furthered his own education, earning his MS in religious education at Fordham University in 1987, and studying at Manhattan College for his New York state certification in administration and supervision (1995). From 1989 until 1992, he served as vocation director for the Christian Brothers’ New York District, and in 1992, returned to St. Raymond’s as assistant principal, becoming principal in 1993. Under his leadership, St. Raymond’s was named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence (a distinction which CBA has earned twice, in 1984 and 2017). He also led a campaign to raise funds for significant improvements in St. Raymond’s school facilities. Brother returned to District governance in 2002 when he was appointed the New York District’s “Provincial Visitor,” the De La Salle Christian Brothers’ term for the senior leadership role in each District. He would be the last Provincial Visitor for the New York District (which included New York, New Jersey, and from 2007, English-speaking Canada). During his tenure, he participated in the years of preparation that in 2009 combined formerly separate regional entities into a single District of Eastern North America.

Brother Andrew O’Gara, CBA’s first president, died unexpectedly in November 2008, and after some deliberation, Brother Frank was offered and accepted the appointment to succeed him. His responsibilities with the District would not end until June 2009, so for a few months, he straddled both roles. That alone might have seemed daunting, but Brother also faced the challenge of succeeding a charismatic leader who had served as president for seven years and as principal for the previous two decades, and of completing an ambitious capital campaign, Project 50th, amid a national economic downturn. Brother rose to these challenges, swiftly getting to know the faculty, parents, students and the alumni community, and becoming a familiar, energetic presence in every aspect of Academy life. He led CBA’s celebration of its 50th anniversary in 2009, and in 2011 he presided at the dedication of the new facilities funded by Project 50th. Always a teacher, he asked to teach a freshman theology course each year, and customarily spent early mornings in the school corridors, chatting with students as they arrived. He established CBA Pipes and Drums, now an award-winning marching band, and when a group of freshmen needed a faculty moderator to help them start a ping pong club, he took on that task. He routinely attended all the meetings of the Mothers’ Club, Fathers’ Club and Alumni Association; traveled throughout the country to host regional alumni reunions; oversaw the school administration, the business office, and facilities maintenance; served on the Board of Trustees (as well as the Boards of several other Lasallian schools), and led the Academy’s fundraising effort. In 2017, he launched a new five-year campaign – Forever CBA: Securing Our Mission – to fund much-needed capital projects and build the CBA endowment. As he departs, Forever CBA is very near its $12 million goal. Brother Frank’s term as president will end on June 30, 2021, when he will be succeeded by Brother Thomas Gerrow. On September 1, Brother Frank will take up his new position as Associate Provincial for the District of Eastern North America, serving with the newly named Provincial Visitor, Brother Robert Schaefer. Grateful for all that he has done for the Academy, the CBA community wishes him well, and will miss him greatly.

A message from the Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank Brother Frank for his leadership and friendship over the past twelve years. His wisdom and experience have proven invaluable to the success we enjoy here at CBA, and have led us forward to the path we are on today. It was Brother Frank who coined the phrase Securing the Mission, sharpening our focus, as a good leader always does, on fulfilling our central strategic intent. We will miss his engaging humor, stories of the past and vision for the future of CBA, passion for bagpiping, commitment to educating students and, most importantly, his faith in God and all things Lasallian. A famous Renaissance philosopher pondered whether it is better for a leader to be feared or loved. Br. Frank, you have answered that question for all of us.

Joseph R. Tort ’76 Chairman, Board of Trustees

“Thank you for providing the CBA men with your time, friendship, and love. You will be missed dearly.” A member of the Class of ’23

“Brother Frank, thank you for helping me throughout my first year of high school. From being the go-to historian for my student media articles to beating me in ping pong on Friday afternoons, you’re the person that welcomed us all to CBA” A member of the Class of ’24

A message from the Principal “The only constant in life is change.” We are once again reminded of this truth, originally attributed to philosopher Heraclitus. After a year that has already involved extraordinary change, we must now also bid farewell to our esteemed president Brother Frank Byrne, CBA class of 1975. It has been my distinct honor and a privilege to serve as principal while Brother Frank has been CBA’s President. Both CBA, and I personally, are lucky to have had Brother Frank here for over a decade. His steady hand and calming presence, as well as his unwavering commitment to our students have been hallmarks of his tenure. Brother Frank really ushered CBA into the modern era. We often discussed how CBA should actually operate like a small college and Brother Frank has definitely moved us in that direction. His vision was always the sustainability of CBA in perpetuity, as well as its accessibility to any qualified young man who wanted a CBA education. He retooled many of the business practices, built out the advancement and marketing offices, while always maintaining focus on increasing CBA’s endowment in pursuit of the sustainability vison. Brother Frank increased financial aid offered by CBA and started our scholarship program that now boasts over eighty named scholarships. These initiatives help offer a CBA education to students whose families might otherwise not be able to afford sending them. He came to CBA in the midst of Project 50th and saw that campaign through, but never one to shy away from work, he embarked on this new campaign; Forever CBA, Securing Our Mission. Perhaps a greater indication of Brother Frank’s commitment to CBA’s mission than all of his behind-the-scenes work is his obvious dedication directly to the students. A student-centered environment is a pillar of any Lasallian school and Brother Frank certainly personifies this ideal. He is one of few school presidents that I know of who takes such an active role within the school itself. Brother Frank teaches a course every year, moderates the ping pong club and is the founder and moderator of our legendary CBA Pipes and Drums. He has built relationships with countless students and has advised, supported, and mentored many, well beyond the purview of his office. Brother Frank’s ability to see the big picture, evaluate difficult situations often involving a number of different types of people, and make the right decisions,

is a tribute to his leadership. He is equally comfortable conversing with students, parents, faculty, prospective families, alumni, donors, and any other constituents. Brother Frank attended basically every single thing having to do with CBA, day or night, weekend or weekday. He had his finger on the pulse of the Academy. It is difficult to understand how anyone could find the time to do all that he did, but that is the type of leader that he is. He leads from the front and sets the example… and still carves out time to play golf. Being able to understand the different perspectives of a myriad of people has endeared him to many over the years. This is likely why Brother Frank has been tapped one more time to take on a larger leadership role within the Brothers; this time on the team heading the entire District of Eastern North America. Mark 10:45 says, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve…” Following Christ’s example, Brother Frank has lived a life of service and will now continue to do so, helping the Brothers persevere on their mission to educate and develop the youth of the world into the individuals that God intended them to be. He has been a shining example of servant leadership, of Christian leadership. CBA has indeed been lucky to have this type of man, an alumnus of the school who was so committed to its continued success. I would like to wholeheartedly thank Brother Frank for his leadership, but also for his mentorship. He gave me the opportunity to serve as principal and has been patient and supportive through all. I offer him a few words similar to the ones I sometimes iterate to our graduating seniors: Brother Frank, you know as well as any of us, CBA is much more than just a place or a school, but a community and a brotherhood that you are a part of for life. Once an Academy man… Always an Academy man! Let us not be disheartened by Brother Frank’s departure, but thank God for the blessings of his time with us. Good luck and Godspeed Brother Frank, may God bless you in all of your future endeavors!

R. Ross Fales

The following have made gifts of $100 or more in honor of Brother Frank Byrne as he completes his term as President of Christian Brothers Academy The Aguilar Family John and Molly Aiello D. Robert (“Rob”) Akerhielm ’75 Victor and Susan Almeida The Annarella Family John Anderson ’67 Tommy Ankiewicz The Annarella Family Anonymous Anonymous Frank (’78) and Grace Antonides The Anzano Family The Arege Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael P Arnone ’67 Russell Arnone ’73 The Askin Family Bill and Linda Attardi Bill (‘82) and Maura Attardi Christopher S. Babeuf ’14 The Bagnell Family Arthur Baker Carol and Al Baker The Barber Family The Barc Family The William C. Barham Family Mr. and Mrs. William Barnett The Barr Family Bob Bartl ’72 Robert G. Bartlett ’89

The Bell Family Dr and Mrs. Juan David Bermudez Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Berry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Betz Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Birmingham Jr. ’82 Dominic J. Bossone Rick (’72) and Cindy Bott and the team at Merri-Makers Caterers The Boyle Family: Jack 2013 and Joe 2017 Robert (’91) and Kristen Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bracken Kevin J. Brandon ’80 Ed and Carol Braniff Harry Braniff ’19 The Brasch Family The Brennan Family Stephen J Brennan ’12 Alexander Breton, CBA 2012, and family Bruce J. Brodfuhrer ’75 Carole and Michael Brown Jake and Evan Brown Tom and Maureen Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydon ’75 The Buchenberger Family The Buckelew Family The Buckwald Family Terry Burke ’65 Bro. James L. Butler, FSC ’12 (Hon.), President, La Salle College High School The Butler Family The Byrne Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cahill, Jr. The Cali Family Mrs. Brenda Callahan Julia M. Callahan The Campanella Family Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Cancellieri Cynthia, Nicholas ’16, Brandon ’19, and Jason ’22 Cara The Carapucci Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carey

The CBA Alumni Association The CBA Fathers’ Club The CBA Mothers Club The CBA Teachers’ Association A.J. Celiano, Inc. The Cella Family The Chase Family Mary Ann and George Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cisar The Clark Law Firm Denis (’89) and Debbie Clifford Sean (’88) and Mairead Clifford Dennis A. Collins ’81 and Dennis W. Collins ’10 Frank Condon ’84 John J. Conklin ’75 The Connellan Family Samuel and Elaine Convery George M Conway Jr (’65) and Lorraine Conway Tom and Simone Cooney Josy, Bill and Will Coughlin ’22 Vinnie Cox Mr. and Mrs. John F. Croddick ’63 Arthur M. Crowley Brian J. Daley, MD, MBA, FACS Peter and Aura D’Amato

Evelyn, Chris, Liam (’23) and Owen (’24) Danaher Barry and Sandy Davall Bill (’63) and Margaret Davidson Bayley Seton Davis, Jr. ’87 Christopher and Lisa DeMasi Mr. and Mrs. John DeMuria Mr. and Mrs. James C. Diggs Dr. Michael J. Disciglio District of Eastern North America, Brothers of the Christian Schools The Dodge Family The Doehner Family Martha Donnelly The Donnelly Family P’23 The Doogan Family William and Maureen Dooley Patrick and Rita Dorgan and Family Daniel F Douglas ’81 Bob and Ann Doverspike Tom and Sarah Downey The Drechsler Family Sean Duffy ’70 The Dunigan Family Catherine and Michael Eager ’82 The Earle Family The Egan Family

Anthony and Kathleen Falcone The Falconite Family Megan and Ross Fales The Farina Family The Fittipaldi Family Michael (’85) and Kara Fitzgerald Terence (’63) and Linda Fitzgerald Bill (’74) and Susan Flanagan The Fleming Hall Staff Brian Flood ’67 Matthew Fonte ’07 Brian and Coco Forster Curtis (’01) and Alison Fox Edwin (’97) and Amy Fox Gary and Sally Fox The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Jersey Shore The Gagliano Family The Gaites Family Douglas Gallagher ’70 The Gavin Family Brendan Galvin ’16 and Sean Galvin ’24 Ronald and Kathleen Gaskill Tyler Gentile ’17 and Jason Gentile ’22 The Gibson Family Maureen and Sean Gill The Giunco Family Michael Goddard ’20 The Golding Family The Goldsteins The Gorski Family Christopher and Patrick Gotterup Paul Grabowski ’85 and Gavin Grabowski ’19 Julian Greco Michael Gualario The Guinnessey Family Ronald Habakus Mrs. John G. Hall Hall Construction Company, Inc. Mark Hall ’71 Trish and Mark Hansen and Family, P’19 Gloria and Chip Harter ’67 Scott Havard ’76 Charles (’79) and Diane Hayes Colleen and Glenn Hayes

John M. Hayes ’77 The Heite Family Bob (’86) and Elaine Hempstead Donald Henderson ’82 The Henderson - Martinez Family William T. Henderson ’76 Oliverie Funeral Home and Michael G Hennicke ’18 The Henning Family The Hines Family Brandon Hogancamp ’16 Horizons Jersey Shore Mr. Andrew Hohenstein ’15 Charles and Lisbeth Hohenstein Rich Holtkamp ’65 Chuck Hopkins ’71 Michael and Lucille Horowitz The Howe Family: Robert 2010 Mike Huggins, ’75 The Hulse Family Raymond Jaeger Charles, Sharon, Chuck (’91) and Dan (’96) Johnson Tara and Bobby Johnson ’83 Tom Joyce ’72 John E. Keale III ’09 Thomas and Karen Keaveney The Keenan Family Eva and J. Ryan Kelly ’92, P’22, P’25 Jack Kelly James Kennedy ’89 Mark S. Kennedy ’71 Michael and Kathryn Kimmel Michael (’63) and Susan King Dave, Barb, Colin and Erin Kirkpatrick John and Kristine Klincewicz Fr. Garry Koch Paul Kolarsick ’71 JP Koury ’11 and Jack Koury ’17 The Kruse Family John and Sandra Kuhn ’75 The Kwapniewski Family Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Lacewell Tara and James Langan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazewski ’95

The Randall P. Lazzaro Family The Richard S. Lazzaro Family Joseph Leather ’75 John LeBedda ’64 and Steve Jacobs Shane Leonard ’17 Shawn and Laura Leonard Mr. Pat Leonardo Locust Advisory, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lonergan Bob (’82), Louise and Will (’16) Lutkewitte Sil Lutkewitte ’81 Thomas J. Lynch III ’65 The Maggs Family Teresa and Jim Maguire Steven Maguire, Jr. ’11 Roger Malerba III ’16 Mike Malone ’80 Maurice (’67) and Beverly Maloney Manhattan College Ilene and Jeff Maron ’65 William Martis ’22 and Family Mr and Mrs Denis Massa The Mastroly Family Al and Valerie Mayro and Family The Mazza Family Lourdes and Terence McAlarney

Gene (’75) and Maureen McCabe Aidan McCague Kevin McCaig Chris and Peter McDonough ’75 Reynaldo, Nisha, Miles ’23, Tristan ’24 and Julian McFarlane The McGagh Family Hugh and Colleen McGuire and Family Frida Moore McLaughlin John and Susan McLaughlin The McLoughlin Family Paul and Maria McNamara The McPaul Family The McPolin Family Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McSherry and Family Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Meehan Lorri Mellish, CPA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Merkler The Michelli Family The (now CA) Millers: Paul, Pam, James ’13, Chris ’15 Mr.and Mrs. Stephen Mindnich ’76 The Molzon Family The Morse Family William D. Moss ’75 Dr. Daniel Mulholland ’78 Michael G. Mulshine ’81

Kevin, Suzanne, and Jack Murphy Lisa and Dan Murray and Sons The Neville Family Stephen (’75) and Nancy Newman Don (’67) and Joan Norkus John Norman ’75 Oak Hill Academy Sean (’79) and Kerry O’Brien Michael Ochotorena ’90 Blair, Elizabeth and Ryan O’Connor ’17 Brendan Thomas O’Connor ’72, Brendan Tyler O’Connor ’03 Liz and Henry O’Hern ’75 Mrs. J. Henry O’Hern The O’Malley Family Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Shea Michael Paduano ’18 Thomas M. Palisi ’14 Spiro (’71), Elayna, Dean (’06) and Alexandra Pappas Dr and Mrs Steve Paragioudakis Eric and Alyson Paterno The Patterson Family (Stuart Benjamin ’22) Marta Aviles Perk The Petrocelli Family Yevgeniya Pirozhenko Barry Pisano ’96 Joe Popolo ’85 The Przelomski Family The Punzi Family Mike Quinn ’64 Peter and Kara Ragan Anthony P Randazzo III, MD, ’77 Reardon Anderson LLC Michael and Anne Reilly Jim and Rita Reilly Reiss Construction Comapny, Inc. Donna and David Rorke Hari J. Roth ’16, Matthew Roth ’19, Luke Roth ’24 The Ruckert Family Ruotolo Associates The Russo Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Russo ’00 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Russotto Gary (’69) and Maureen Sagui

Richard J. Saker ’69 Peter R. Santanello, AFSC Tony and Pat Santoro The Santos Family The Scardiino Family Carl and Heather Scaturo, P’22 James C. Schatzle ’83, P’23, P’26 Ron Schrader ’67 Richard and Betsy Schwartz Jon Scoles ’66 and Family Andrew and Melanie Schueller Scotty The Sergeyev Family Timothy J. Sewnig The Shallcross Family The Shalloo Family The Sheehan Family Laura Sheehy The Family of William Victor Sherman ’24 John (’96) and Beth Shibles Paul and Deborah Signorelli Jeff and Teresa Skelton Mr. and Mrs. David Skrincosky Lawrence Smith ’69 The Sons of Ireland Joseph M. Sorrentino ’19 and Family Joseph Sparber ’17 and Family Christine and Robert Spencer The Sprake Family ’16, ’23 The Stackhouse Family Mrs. Bonnie Stahl Michael and Maureen Staub The Stefanik Family Kevin and Erin Straine The Straine MacGregor Family Mr. and Mrs. John W. Straley Jr. Ed and Marianne Striedl The Stuntebeck Family: Peter, Susan and Erich ’99 Daniel J. Sullivan III ’67 Mark (’79) and Nancy Sullivan Marc A. Sully ’85 Jack Surgent ’76 The Sweeney / DeRosa Family Michael DeRosa ’21 and the Sweeney Family Maureen and Larry Szablewski

The Tapinis Family Jim and Angie Tarabocchia Michael Tardio Lou Taylor ’76 William Thompson (’82) Family John and Nancy Tocci John C. Toole ’66 Martin and Patricia Torbert The Torres Family: Fernando, Vivian and Colin ’23 Miriam and Joseph R. Tort ’76 Robert Tort ’68 The Berger - Tortorici Family Mrs. Donna Toscano Mrs. Barbara Tucker Jack Van Deman ’65 Jim Van Nosdall ’82 Joseph (’94) and Christina Venezia Carmel and Peter Vickers Eric and Linda Wagner, David Wagner ’11, Evan Wagner ’12 Paulette C. Wall

Richard A. Wallace II ’21 Beth and Gerry Ward John and Trish Wedlock Mrs. Maureen Werthmuller Kathy and Joe Whall The Wheeler Family Nicholas Danna ’07 and Erik Wicks ’18 Jay Wilder Lisa and W. Brian Williams, Brian M. Williams ’20 William Wolf and Mary Catherine Cuff Thomas Wong ’13 Michael Wright ’75 Maria Young and Gary K. Field The Zapcic Family The Zarrella Family Rev. John J. Zec The Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski II Memorial Fund Dennis and Marion Zilinski Tom and Carrie Zita and Family

Personal messages from some of these donors appear elsewhere in this book in gold pages (gifts of $10,000 or more), silver pages (gifts of $5,000 or more), blue pages (gifts of $2,500 or more), full pages (gifts of $1,000 or more), half pages (gifts of $500 or more), or quarter pages (gifts of $250 or more)

Br. Frank,

Thank you for your inspirational leadership over the past 12 years.

The Giunco Family John A. Giunco, Jr. ’70, Janet G. Giunco, Dr. Jill A. Giunco, John A. Giunco III ’08

Brother Frank: Your energy, dedication, commitment and inspirational leadership is limitless. While many aspire, you continually achieve, always putting CBA first. A friend to so many, a mentor to all! Congratulation and Best Wishes

The Goldsteins Jeffrey, Michelle, Johnathan & Jordan ’16

CBA wrestlers, alumni wrestlers, parents and other friends of wrestling give a big thank you to Brother Frank for the support he has given the program over the past 12 years. During this time financial contributions increased exponentially, alumni became personally involved and team accomplishments set new records. None of this would have happened without Brother Frank. THANK YOU!

The Earle Family thanks Brother Frank Byrne for his years of service and dedication to CBA. Best of luck on your future endeavors! Thomas J. Earle ’91 Michael G. Earle ’92 Michael W. Earle ’22 Walter W. Cleary ’22 Joseph W. Earle ’23 Walter R. Earle III ’25 Robert W. Earle ’25 Christian Cleary ’25

Congratulations, Brother Frank! What an incredible honor it has been supporting you in guiding our young men of faith at CBA. Your inspirational leadership, humility and grace have blessed us all and will have immeasurable impact for generations to come!

With our very best wishes, Michael Gualario and Family

Brother Frank, Throughout your career at CBA Lincro , you have exemplified the Lasallian spirit with your leadership, unwavering dedica on, and commitment to educa on and our students. We appreciate and are grateful for all your contribu ons in making CBA the educa onal ins tu on it is today. We wish you well in your new role, and hope it will allow you enough me to keep your golf handicap low. The Kelly Family Jack and Jo-Ann Ryan ’92, Kevin ’96 Hayden ’22, Quinn ’25, Jack ’26, Gavin ’27, Lachlan ’30, Declan ’30

Br. Frank, “From the stage crew, track team and late bus together in the 70’s to President and Chairman of the Board together again for the last 12 years! I will miss working with you on everything!” May you enjoy continued success in your new assignment. Joseph R. Tort ’76 Chairman CBA Board of Trustees Miriam Tort Past Mothers’ Club President Joseph R. Tort Jr. ’07 Andrew J. Tort ’14 Sarah A. Tort

Forever CBA

Securing Our Mission Brother Frank,

The Parent Council lauds you for your vision and for your unrelenting commitment to the Forever CBA campaign. Campaign programs and projects will enhance the Academy experience for our sons, their classmates and for the young men who follow them. We are grateful for your leadership and for leading by example each and every day. With gratitude, The Forever CBA Parent Council Trish Hansen, P’19, Chair Timothy Andree, P’06, P’13, P’16 Jennifer Borenius, P’18, P’21 William Coughlin, P’22 Evelyn Danaher, P’23, P’24 Kiernan DiFeo, P’23 Meghan Donnelly, P’23 Kevin Gibson, P’21, P’23, P’25 Kimberly Gittines, P’21 Cathy Kruse, P’22 James Langan, P’21, P’25 Elizabeth Schwartz, P’23 John and Jennifer Tapinis, P’22, P’24

Thank you for your many years of leadership and friendship! Continued success on your journey.

The Stackhouse Family Karen and Tom ’83 Mollie, TJ ’14

Brother Frank,

Thanks for everything you do for CBA.

Don and Joan Norkus

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your 12 successful years of leading Christian Brothers Academy to new heights. I thank you on behalf of my late wife Kathy and our alumni sons George Jr. ’90, John ’93 , PJ. ’94, Rob ’97, Jim ’02 and grandson Jack ’21. Your spirit of enthusiasm as well as your friendship are most appreciated.

George Doehner

Br. Frank, What can I say but Thank You! Thank you for all you have done for CBA, and thank you for being you -- a leader, teacher, role model, visionary, mentor and a friend.

God bless you, Bill Moss ’75

Thank you for your many years of exceptional leadership. Best of luck as you move into your next chapter.

The Golding Family Kevin, Lisa, Christopher ’14 & Ryan ’16



EXPLORE YOUR VOCATION TODAY fsc dena .org/vocation

The Christian Brothers and our DENA Board of Trustee Representatives Br. Timothy Ahern FSC, Mr. Edward Bernot, Br. John Kane FSC, & Mr. Thomas Sipowicz

proudly celebrate Br. Frank Byrne for his immeasurable service to the Lasallian Mission

at Christian Brothers Academy.

Best of Luck, Brother Frank, on your next chapter with the Brothers and thank you for your time spent here serving at CBA. You will be missed!

The Reilly Family Michael Anne Katherine Patrick ’20 Colin ’22

Thank you, Brother Frank

John F. Croddick ’63

Br. Frank. As President of CBA, you have led by example each and every day. As an excellent role model, you have imparted invaluable life lessons to all our sons, as well as providing so much that will prepare your students, and the Academy itself, for all the future may bring.

With gratitude, Trish and Mark Hansen (P’19) and Family

Best wishes from George M. Conway Jr. and Lorraine Conway

Brother Frank, It seems a long time ago we rode the school bus together to CBA. Never imagined 45 years later you would be President and I would be a board member! It’s been a pleasure working with you to make the CBA community a great place. Wish you the best of luck in your new position as Auxiliary Provincial for the Brothers District. All the best! Scott Havard ’76

Brother Frank, Congratula ons and best wishes as you embark on a new role with expanded responsibili es. On behalf of the en re CBA community, thank you for your strong and innova ve leadership that will help ensure CBA’s successful future. These best wishes come to you from a fellow one- me resident of Shrewsbury who grew up a block and a half from you, though in a different decade. From someone who, like you, a ended St. James Grammar School in Red Bank and was a parishioner of St. James Church. Your warm and welcoming friendship has been long important to us. We wish you much success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

Sincerely, John LeBedda ’64 and Steve Jacobs

Thank you for your leadership and your friendship.

The O’Malley Family

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“We must find 4me to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” – John F. Kennedy Thank you for your vision, leadership, and extraordinary ability to bring the CBA community together. GO COLTS! John Shibles Class of 1996

Michael Oberdorf Class of 1996

Your unwavering dedication and devotion enabled CBA to become one of the top high schools in New Jersey.

Your indelible mark will remain with the school forever.

Terence and Linda Fitzgerald

Thank you for your life me of service and years of dedica on to the CBA community. We wish you the best of luck as you begin this new journey.

Gary and Sally Fox Blair, Elizabeth and Ryan O’Connor ’17 Edwin ’97 and Amy Fox Cur s ’01 and Alison Fox Michael and Kathryn Kimmel

Thank you for your faithful witness as CBA grad, Lasallian Brother, Principal of St. Raymond’s, Provincial of the New York District and President of CBA

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Berry, Jr.

Dear Brother Frank, Thank you for dedicating yourself to the Lasallian mission of infusing young men with a belief in the value of faith-filled, service-driven lives.

With gratitude, the Christopher Famliy

Brother Frank, Thank you for your tireless service and devotion to CBA. Your steady guidance and unwavering love of the school, its students, faculty, staff and parents will forever be missed. We wish you all the best in your new position as Associate Provincial.

Warmest Regards, Lisa & Dan Murray Dan ‘09, Ryan ’10, Patrick ’14 and Timmy ’19

To an amazing brother and extraordinary Chris an Brother,

May our Dear Lord and Blessed Mother con nue to bestow Their abundant blessings upon you! Wishing you all the best as Associate Provincial for the Chris an Brothers’ District of Eastern North America.

We love you! Dickie, Gina, Jeff, Michele, Mary Clair and Greg

Brother Frank With gratitude for 12 years of service and dedication to CBA Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!

The Cali Family Michael and Kathleen Michael ʼ05 Matthew ʼ07 and Andrea Christopher ʼ10 Brian ʼ11

Brother Frank,

Thank you for all you have done!

Dennis A. Collins ’81 Dennis W. Collins ’10

Brother Frank: You have made immeasurable contributions to CBA, and fostered lifelong memories for its men, past and present. Thank you for your guidance, your counsel, and your friendship. Our best wishes in this next phase of a life dedicated to the Christian Brothers’ mission. Warmly, Sean and Kerry O’Brien

Brother Frank Byrne Forever CBA: Securing Our Mission

With three sons and three grandsons who either graduated from CBA or are currently attending the Academy, the Attardi family is indebted to the teachings and guidance provided by the Christian Brothers exemplified by Brother Frank Byrne. We are eternally grateful! Our hope for the teachers and leadership of CBA is that they will continue their mission and good work, and for the students, that they will forever make all of us proud. Warmest regards and much love to you Brother Frank, Bill & Linda Attardi

Attardi Marketing

Thank you, Brother Frank, for all your great work and dedication to CBA!

The Drechsler Family

Brother Frank, Congratulations on a job well done. You will never know how many lives you touched and improved in educating our children. The entire CBA family will miss you. May we wish you much success in your future endeavors, but always remember, if you are ever looking for a another job as president of a high school academy I think we all know a spot where you can return to. All the best, The William C. Barham Family

Brother Frank, Our family was absolutely blessed you were in attendance all four years while Spencer attended Christian Brothers Academy. We know he will look back on his days at CBA fondly, and you will be a big part of those memories. May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past. The Barc Family Pete, Maria, Katarina, Spencer & Pierson

Brother Frank I would like to personally thank you for all you have done for CBA. You have been a tremendous asset to the school. I enjoyed all the events that I shared with you, especially the Brothers cooking dinner at the house. Best of luck on your new assignment and I know you will not be far from us. Doug Gallagher ’70

Br. Frank, Thank you for all you have done for the students of CBA.

The Family of William Victor Sherman ’24

La Salle College High School and Brother James Butler, FSC ’12 (Hon.) President

Thank and Congratulate

Brother Frank Byrne, FSC ’75 For His Service as President of Christian Brothers Academy

We thank you, Br. Frank, for everything you have done for CBA. We have enjoyed our friendship and look forward to many more years.

William and Maureen Dooley

Thank you!

Brother Frank

Best of Luck The Molzon Family

Robert ’70 Mark ’74 Paul ’04 Michael ’11

Paul ‘72 Gerald ‘78 Stephen ‘08

Farewell, Brother Frank! Your dedication to CBA and commitment to Catholic education is an example for us all!

We thank you for your service!! The Attardis Bill ’82, Maura, Billy ’22, Matilda, & Georgia

May God bless you. Thank you for your service to the CBA community.

Charles and Sharon Johnson Chuck Johnson ’91 and Daniel Johnson ’96

Brother, Congratulations on a job well done and best wishes for success in your new assignment. We know you will enthusiastically rally the new community. Most importantly, thank you for the insightful guidance and steadfast commitment to the traditions of CBA. We love all that you are and that you do and most importantly, we pray for your continued success. As Trey says; Brothers Forever!

Bill, Kathy, and Trey Dodge ’20

Brother Frank, Thank you for your tireless and inspirational service to the CBA community!

The Arege Family

The Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski, II Memorial Fund 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

IN HONOR OF LT. DENNIS W. ZILINSKI, II 12/23/81 - 11/19/05 Bayji, Iraq

joins CBA in

HONORING Brother Frank With Grateful Appreciation For Your Tremendous Support Our Mission is to honor the life and memory of Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski, II and to provide support to improve the morale and welfare of the members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. For Upcoming Events See:

Congratulations and best wishes to an educator and awesome mentor to the students of the Academy. You will be missed by all. Godspeed, The Brennan Family Kevin and Cathy Tim ’91 and Tracey Luke ’25 Sean ’96 and Amanda

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your service and dedication to the boys and institution of CBA!

Tara and James Langan

“To touch the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.” ~ St John Baptist De La Salle

Brother Frank, We will always remember you and your service to CBA!

The Paragioudakis Brothers, John ’18 , George ’20, Manolis ’24 Steve, Zoe, and Evdoxia

CBA Fathers Club Christian Brother's Academy • Lincroft • New Jersey

Christian Brother's Academy • Lincroft • New Jersey

Thank you, Brother Frank, for 12 years of leadership and guidance, commitment and inspiration. We will miss your presence, but we will always feel your Spirit. Good luck and best wishes on your new journey!

St. John Baptist de La Salle…Pray for Us Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever!

Brother Frank, I’m grateful for your friendship and encouragement. I hope to continue to follow the example of my father when the time comes for my sons to join the CBA community.

Anthony P Randazzo III MD ’77

Congratula ons and thank you, Brother Frank, for your leadership of CBA!

Chris and Joe (’85) Popolo

You’re an inspiration to us all!

Jim and Rita Reilly and Family

Best Wishes from your friends at

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Congratulates Brother Frank Byrne, FSC 75 on his selection as Associate Provincial The Brothers of the Christian Schools’ District of Eastern North America Ruotolo Associates Inc. has been privileged to provide capital campaign counsel to Christian Brothers Academy

FOREVER CBA! George C. Ruotolo, Jr., CFRE, Chair & CEO Steve Michalek, Chief Operating Officer Theresa A. Shubeck, Executive Vice President 1-800-RUOTOLO

Thanks for your service to CBA and good luck with your new assignment.

Dr. Dan Mulholland and the OrthoCenter

Brother Frank What an awesome example you have been for the CBA Community! Your accomplishments in the last 12 years will forever be a great influence. We wish you good luck with your new position at the Provincial! St. John the Baptiste de La Salle, Pray for us, Live Jesus in our Hearts, Forever

Spiro ’71, Elayna, Dean ’06 & Alexandra Pappas

Thank You Brother Frank!

Joe Whalen ’81, Bob Lutkewitte ’82, Sean Clifford ’88, John Burgess, Dennis Nitka ’88, Steve Brennan, Matt McGovern ’81, Mitch Martin, Jim Maggs ’82, Kevin Barnett ’88, Denis Clifford ’89 Continuing the Legacy with the Sons of the Sons Stephen Brennan ’12, Michael Maggs ’13, JP Burgess ’16, Will Lutkewitte ’16, Conor Clifford ’24, Danny Burgess ’25, Cormac Whalen ’25

Brother Frank, CBA has been blessed to have you lead the school. We will miss you -- and wish you great happiness.

The Quinn Family

The Lazzaro Family

Thank you, Brother Frank Byrne, for 12 years of service to Chris an Brothers Academy as President. We are proud to have traveled the path with you. Our faith is stronger. Our commitment to CBA ever more important. Saint John Bap st De La Salle...Pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts...forever!

George Cooper Crowley III 1966 Michael Fox Crowley 1968 Neil Vincent Crowley 1970 Arthur Manning Crowley III 1981 John Dolan Crowley 1984 Christopher Fox Crowley 1991 Aedan Cane Moran 2020 Dane Arthur Moran 2021 Caellum Mar n Moran 2024 James Chris an Crowley 2024

Thank you, Brother Frank, for all you have done for CBA!

Brendan Thomas O’Connor, Class of 1972 Brendan Tyler O’Connor, Class of 2003

To Brother Frank With immense gra tude for your inspiring leadership and fantas c stewardship of the mission, culture and impact of Chris an Brothers Academy Farewell, ll we meet again

Five Genera ons of Sheehans 1959-2023

Best Wishes, The Annarella Family

Manhattan College Extends heartfelt good wishes to

Brother Frank Byrne, FSC As we celebrate his 12 years’ dedicated service to Christian Brothers Academy We are profoundly grateful for his countless contributions to Manhattan College as a long-serving member of the Board of Trustees and for his enduring example of Lasallian principles.

Congratulations! Brennan O’Donnell, Ph.D. President

Thank you for your commitment and service to CBA.

Frank Condon ’84

Thank you, Frank, for your service and your example of humility. God bless! John J. Conklin ’75

Brother Frank Byrne, You welcomed us. We will keep you in our hearts…forever!

The Connellan Family

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It is with great admira on and apprecia on that we celebrate your passion, commitment and leadership of CBA and Lasallian educa on. Thank you, Brother Frank!

The Brasch Family

Brother Frank, Our sincere thanks for being such an amazing role model and for the positive influence you have had on our boys and the entire CBA community. You hold a very special place in our hearts and will be greatly missed! With warmest wishes on your new endeavor, Jennifer, Pat, Jack, Patrick & Gavin McGagh

Frank, We’ve known each other since we were kids. I appreciate your friendship and support to the Malone Family. My mother would be very proud of you; serving God and mankind. Please stay in touch. Mike Malone - Class of 1980

In thanks from the Gagliano Family to Brother Frank Byrne for his many years of service and friendship.

Congratulations Brother Frank # ! # #% # & # % # # &

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Congratulations Brother Frank Onward and Upward **** Mark & Nancy Hall


Brother Frank ~ ~ ~

Hall Construction Co., Inc.

With gratitude, admiration and prayerful best wishes, Peter R. Santanello, AFSC Eighth Principal of CBA

Brother Frank, Congratulations on your new position! We are happy for you but sad to say farewell.

Walter and Mary Merkler

“What a privilege we have been given by God to be able to spend our lives giving His love away.” Don Lessin

Th ank you, Brother Frank, for the many ways you have invested your life in the lives of our sons. Go Irish! Michael & Maureen Staub Tim ‘07 Dan ’13 Uncle Bill Staub ’76

Congratulations, Brother Frank. Thank you for your outstanding leadership and tireless service over the 12 years. Enjoy your new role as Associate Provincial.

Charles ’79 and Diane Hayes and Family Michael ’12, Emily, Christopher ’16

Thank you for all you have done during your tenure as President.

The Russo Family

Congratulations and thank you, Brother Frank! You are a shining example of the best of CBA.

The Santos Family John and Phyllis John ’83, David ’85, Ken ’88, Jake ’19, Graydon ’21, Ben ’21, Jack ’24

Our very best wishes and thanks to Brother Frank Byrne for your commitment and dedication to Christian Brothers Academy. The Tapinis Family

Congratulations Frank on your new position and all your efforts to help CBA grow. Our prayers are with you as you begin your new journey.

All our best, John & Sandra Kuhn ’75

Brother Frank, We wish you the best in your new position. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Jersey Shore.

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your dedication to the education and maturation of thousands of young men! All the best to you! The Clifford Families Sean ’88, Mairead, Brigid, Molly & Ciara Denis ’89, Debbie, Dermot, Mary Grace & Conor ’24

Brother Frank, Your stewardship of CBA and the young men who walked these halls will forever serve as an example of great leadership. Thank you for all that you have done for the students and our family. You will be missed.

Eric & Linda Wagner David Wagner ’11 Evan Wagner ’12

Thank you, Brother Frank, from the men of the Taylor family: Lou Taylor ’76 Justin Taylor ’82 Matthew White ’04 Christopher White ’04 Michael White ’21 Joseph White ’23 Alexander Taylor ’24

With sincere gratitude and appreciation of your outstanding leadership and guidance. We wish you continued success in your new appointment. You will always be remembered!

Michael DeRosa ’21 and the Sweeney Family

Best wishes, The Stefanik Family

Brother Frank, We feel so very fortunate that our Eric attended CBA while you were President. The leadership, compassion and spiritual guidance which you wear on your sleeve is unparalleled. Our son was amazed that you were able to know every kid in the school by first name. which speaks to the positive enthusiasm you displayed habitually as the face of CBA. The Jaeger family wishes you the greatest success in your next spiritual journey, though you will be sorrowfully missed in the halls of CBA. Our deepest gratitude, The Jaeger Family

Brother Frank, Thank you for your amazing support and leadership all these years! We thank God for you and pray for con nued blessings in your new ministry.

The Berger -Tortorici Family Jim, Suzanne, Nick ’11, Alex ’13, Chris an ’17, Ben ’24

Best Wishes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawson

Thank you and best wishes,

William Wolf and Mary Catherine Cuff

Thank you, Brother Frank

Nicholas Danna ’07 & Erik Wicks ’18

On behalf of the entire Keaveney family, we wish Brother Frank all the best as he takes on his new responsibilities in service to the Christian Brothers. We also want to extend our personal thanks for his tireless efforts on behalf of our beloved CBA a job well done! Thomas & Karen Keaveney

Dear Brother Frank, Thank you for your leadership, inspira on and dedica on to CBA. You set a high example of professionalism, authen city, and faith throughout your many years of service at CBA. We will be forever grateful to you and we wish you the very best moving forward.

Ray, Sherilyn and Connor Przelomski ’20

Congratulations on your new opportunity and all good wishes for continued success. CBA and we will miss you. God bless, Go Colts and Go Irish! The Stuntebeck Family Peter, Susan and Erich ’99

Congratulations and Good Luck, Brother Frank William Thompson Family ’82

Our sincere gratitude to you, Brother Frank, for all that you have done and continue to do for the CBA students and the extended CBA community. We share our warm wishes and blessings for continued success, health and happiness in your new adventure.

Congratulations and best of luck! Evelyn, Chris, Liam (’23) & Owen (’24) Danaher

Brother Frank, It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work for you. Thank you for your guidance, devotion and calming presence over the last twelve years! Your Staff in Fleming Hall

Brother Frank, Congratula ons! Best of luck on your future endeavors.

Beth and Gerry Ward

To Brother Frank, in gratitude for his friendship and excellent service to CBA Gene and Maureen McCabe

Godspeed as you assume the duties of Associate Provincial. Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever! Michael and Susan King

The Gaites Family

Thank you, Brother Frank, for welcoming Horizons to the CBA family. Your commitment to the community will carry forward for years to come. The Horizons Students, Staff, and Board of Directors

Dear Br. Frank, Your time at CBA has touched the hearts of countless families, including ours. Knowing you, and experiencing your kindness and generosity, is a gift and grace of God. We wish you continued success, love, and God’s blessings always, Joe, Angela and Joseph Sorrentino ’19

Brother Frank, As difficult as most thought it would be to fill in after Brother Andrew, you have been nothing short of perfect. Since 2009, your warm friendship, compassion, wisdom, kindness & leadership are all very much appreciated! May God continue to bless you on this next path & we hope to see you around. Bob, Louise & Will Lutkewitte

Congratula ons and Good Luck Brother Frank! The Heite Family Jonathan ‘20 and Christopher ‘24 Br. Frank Thank you for everything you did for CBA, and best of luck in your new endeavors. Godspeed. “Once a Colt, always a Colt.” Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mindnich ’76 Congratulations Br. Frank on your appointment as Associate Provincial and thanks for your years of service to CBA. May St. John Baptist de la Lasalle continue to guide you. Robert and Kristen Boyle

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your many years of service and dedication to the CBA men and community. Very best wishes, The Scardino Family

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It has been an honor and privilege to work for Brother Frank for the past 10 years. His vision has brought CBA into the future and his important contributions will never be forgotten. Best of luck to you Brother Frank as you embark on the next phase of your journey. Thank you for your support and for making CBA an amazing place to work and learn! Lorri Mellish, CPA Congratulations to Brother Frank! Live Jesus in our hearts forever! Go Colts!! Oliverie Funeral Home Michael G Hennicke ’18 Brother Frank, The dedication and energy you have brought to the Academy has been an inspiration to all of us. My family wishes you all the best in your future endeavor which we know will bring much success. Fondest regards, Jon Scoles (Class of ʻ66)

Congratulations, Br. Frank! You have made such an impact and you will be missed! The Maggs Family Thanks for all you’ve done! Sean Duffy ’70 Board of Trustees member 2003-2017 Brother Frank, Thank you for being such a positive influence in Aidan’s life. Our family feels incredibly blessed to have been touched by your presence. We are forever grateful for the significant impact you’ve made in such a short period of time. We wish you many, many years of health and happiness and will never forget the difference you made in our lives. The Neville Family In my many travels across the country as a college admissions officer, I have visited countless high schools and met many outstanding, caring people - none finer than Brother Frank Byrne. You have contributed mightily to the success of your alma mater. Though you will not move but two houses down the road, your daily presence as President will be missed. However, we know your support, love and care for CBA will never end. Take care. Congratulations on the new appointment. Mr. Pat Leonardo

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives” John F Kennedy Brother Frank, Thank you for the difference you made and the brotherhood you created. Your presence, your leadership, and your smile will be missed. Enjoy your next adventure! Warmest regards, Stuart, Kerry & Ben Patterson

Frank, you’ve touched the lives of so many....even from afar. Wishing you much success and happiness as you transi on to the next part of your journey.

Mike Huggins, Class of ’75 Thank you, Brother Frank, for your years of service and commitment to the students, family, and faculty of CBA. Wishing you all the best with your new assignment. With sincere gratitude, Connor ’13, Jake ’14, Liam ’18 and Martha Donnelly

Best wishes, Brother Frank

Mrs. Brenda Callahan

THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING The Meehan family would like to thank you, Br. Frank, for your incredible reflection of the Lasallian virtues of Vigilance and Zeal! We feel blessed to have worked with you in this shared mission of Lasallian Education. You have left an imprint on us that will help guide us through the rest of our Lasallian vocation. Thanks for touching our hearts and the hearts of the students who have adored you in the halls of CBA! God Bless and May the Road Rise Up to Meet You during this new chapter of your vocation! Christ’s Peace! Matthew Meehan, Dean of Students Victoria Meehan, History Department

Thanks so much, Brother, for your many accomplishments at CBA over the past 12 years. Pat and I, as well as the entire CBA “family” will greatly miss you. Best wishes for continued success in the future. Tony and Pat Santoro

Brother Frank: Thank you for your years of service and dedica on to CBA and all that you have done for the CBA community. You will be missed. Wishing you the best in your new role, The Zarrella Family Ma hew Zarrella ’16

With Deepest Gratitude for a Job Well Done, Brother Frank Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever! Mark and Nancy Sullivan ’79 and Kyle Sullivan ’15 Br. Frank, Blessed and grateful to have you as such a positive influence in my life and my son’s education and life. Your leadership, compassion, and caring has been a true gift. Here’s to hoping our paths cross often in the future. Wishing you health, happiness, and success! James C. Schatzle, ’83 Jimmy Schatzle, ’23 and Jack Schatzle ’26 Brother Frank, You have made a real difference in this world! Grateful for your leadership, kindness and steadfast loyalty to our sons at The Academy. You will live in our hearts forever. Lots of love, Trish Straine MacGregor, Finn ’17, Charlie ’20, Declan ’24 and Adele Dear Brother Frank, Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for CBA and the boys. The way you enlighten a whole generation is commendable. Your guidance showed the right path to our boys since they entered the learning phase. Thank you for your endless inspiration. We never get to worry about our boys because you were there for them. Thank you for your sincere dedication and for confirming a great future for them. Have a beautiful new journey. We will be forever grateful to you. Sincerely, Yevgeniya Pirozhenko and Andrey Krutikov ’23

Best of luck, Brother Frank!

Tara and Bobby Johnson ’83 Thank you for all you have done for the young men at CBA. Building men of faith and character. The Howe Family Robert ’10

Thank you very much, Brother Frank, for taking such good care of our grandsons. Your dedication to CBA and its students is greatly appreciated. Michael and Lucille Horowitz Brother Frank, Thank you for your outstanding service to CBA and your friendship to our family. Best wishes on your new endeavor.

Gloria and Chip Harter

Dear Brother Frank, Thank you for your leadership, education, kindness, friendship, and most of all, the valuable life lessons I will keep with me, always. Wishing you continued success. Julian Greco ’18 Brother Frank, Thank you for your constant support, encouragement and friendship. Best of luck in the new role. Sláinte, Patrick Egan, Jr. ’11 Kevin Egan ’19 The Egan Family Dear Brother Frank, Thank you for all of your wonderful years of service at The Academy. You have been such an asset to the entire CBA community, shaping the lives of many grateful young men who can now appreciate all of your guidance and words of wisdom. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and much happiness down the road. Sincerely, The Davis Family

Thank you for your leadership and vision for the past twelve years.

Vinnie Cox

Brother Frank, You have been a guiding light to the CBA community. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for all the support and kindness you have given our family. Best of luck in your new endeavors. You will be greatly missed. With love, The Carapucci Family Brother Frank, Congratulations on your new appointment. May God bless you on this new journey. Thank you for your endless dedication to Christian Brothers Academy. Fondly, The Butler Family

Dear Brother Frank, God bless you always, every day, all the way. Live Jesus in our hearts - forever!

Robert G. Bartle ’69

Thank you for your service. The Wheeler Family

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Best wishes, Brother Frank

Rick and Cindy Bott And the team at Merri-Makers Caterers

Congratulatee Brother Frank Byrne And thank him for his unwavering commitment To Christian Brothers Academy

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Eric and Alyson Paterno

Br. Frank Thank you for your years of service as CBA President!

Gratefully, The CBA Teachers’ Association Thank you for your leadership, guidance and energy! Forever CBA! We wish you all the best, The Ankiewicz Family Tommy - Class of 2020

Dear Brother Frank Thank you for your leadership, particularly during the recent Covid shutdowns. The critical support that CBA provides for young men stays with them for their entire lives and they will remember you forever. Best wishes for continued health and success, Kevin Brandon ’80

Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

Christopher and Lisa DeMasi

Thank you for your many years of commitment to Christian Brothers Academy, its students and their families, and the future of this incredible institution. You will be truly missed. Best wishes on your future endeavors! Paul Grabowski ’86 & Gavin Grabowski ’19 Dear Brother Frank, I can’t believe these four years went by so fast! I remember back in freshman year when I first met you at ping pong club and you dominated with your killer spin paddle. Thank you for all that you have done, from being an excellent ping pong teacher to an amazing role model for me! You really helped shape me into the man I am today and I can’t thank you enough for it. I hope for all the best for you in the coming years. Sincerely, Tim Shallcross ’21

Thank you and best wishes,

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carey

Thank you, Brother Frank, for all that you have done for the men of CBA and their families. May God bless you as you begin work in another location in the vineyard of Our Lord. Alexander Breton, CBA 2012, and family

Brother Frank, EVERYDAY was a good day at CBA. Thanks for the memories. Wishing you only the best as you con nue on your journey, but know you will be greatly missed here at CBA. With love and gra tude, Patrick & Rita Dorgan Sean ’98, Brian ’01, and Caitlin RBC ’07 Brother Frank, Would we like to wish you the best of luck and a smooth transition into your next position. Thanks a million for your hard work and generosity. The Galvin Family Kevin, Liz, Tadhg ’23, and Ferdia Brother Frank, We wish you luck in your new endeavor. Thank you for all your help and guidance over the past two years. We are thankful to have had this time with you. We will certainly miss you and your presence! The Henderson - Martinez Family

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Br. Frank. Thank you for leading CBA. Go Colts! Go Irish! The Lazzaro Family

Dear Brother Frank, It’s been and honor and a pleasure getting to know you in and out of CBA. Congrats on all of your major achievements at CBA, our three boys were lucky to be part of your legacy. Wishing you much success in your future endeavors. Love The Keenan Family

In honor of Brother Frank Byrne and his efforts and leadership at CBA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydon ’75

Dear Brother Frank, Thanks for the wonderful experiences and memories that you helped to create in your time here at CBA. You will be greatly missed! The McLaughlin Family (Matt, 2016)

Brother Frank, Congratulations on your new position with the Brothers’ District of Eastern North America. Although we have only been at CBA for 2 years, we are thankful for the opportunity to experience your leadership and kindness. We are excited to know that you won’t be far and that the boys can still try to beat you at ping pong. May your journey be as fruitful as it has been at CBA, With gratitude, The McFarlane Family

Good luck with your new endeavors and thank you for your thoughts and prayers on my behalf! Mark S. Kennedy, Class of ’71

Best wishes from John and Molly Aiello Brother Frank, May God bless you and the Academy always for your awe-inspiring guidance, example and enrichment of our five grandsons: Michael Convery ’14, Thomas Convery ’18, Patrick Convery ’20 Vito Mazza ’20, Vincent Mazza ’23 Forever CBA! With grateful appreciation, Samuel and Elaine Convery

Brother Frank, Congratula ons on your new assignment. Thank you for your dedica on and wonderful contribu ons to CBA. You will be greatly missed. Best of luck, Heather & Carl Scaturo

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your Leadership & Wisdom! God bless you, The Mazza Family Vito ’20, Vincent ’23 Dear Brother Frank: We send our most sincere congratulations and Godspeed on your new appointment as Associate Provincial for the Christian Brothers’ District of Eastern North America. Thank you for all your years of dedication and service at Christian Brothers Academy. The Shalloo Family Matt ’76, Sherie, Brittany, Carling, Madison and Matthew ’13

Thank you, Brother Frank, for continuing the traditions so strongly instilled by Brother Andrew. You will always be in our heart and in our prayers. Remember that one never leaves CBA. It remains in your heart forever. Paul and Deborah Signorelli Brother Frank - throughout my 4 years at CBA, you were an ever-present positive influence on the entire student body. I enjoyed my time with you in the GURU program and have fond memories of you stopping by on the Sunday following Thanksgiving as my family and I set up the school Nativity set in front of the campus. You humbly embody all of the values that make CBA exceptional; caring, strong, intelligent, righteous, compassionate, honest and fair. You fostered an environment and built a reputation for the school that made me a proud CBA student and alumnus. You were always there for all of us, and for me, in particular, through prayer and moral support when I suffered an illness during my sophomore year. Your tireless commitment to the boys, our families and the entire community has in turn, inspired my family to continue their support of the school even after I graduated. I wish you the very best of luck and congratulate you in your new role with the Christian Brothers’ District of Eastern North America. We’ll miss you as our President, but your impact will last well beyond your tenure. Classmates today, Brothers forever! Thank you for everything and may God continue to bless and protect you as he guides you in all of your future endeavors. Tom Zita IV (Class of 2019) & the Zita Family

Dear Brother Frank, Thank you for years of commitment, leadership and inspiration here at CBA. Your daily presence will be missed on campus. May God bless you as you move on to your next adventure. Sincerely, The Lazewski Family

Thank you, Brother Frank, for your dedica on to the young men of Chris an Brothers Academy. The Farina Family Tom, Carol, Tommy ’17, Giiulianna and Ricky ’23

Thank you for your dedication to CBA and to all of our young men. The Kwapniewski Family Class of 2022

Best wishes to Brother Frank! The Zapcic Family

Christian Brothers Academy Alumni Association We thank you for all that you have contributed to the CBA community since you joined the ranks of alumni in 1975, and particularly since you returned as President in 2009. You have done so much for the school, the alumni, and the entire Academy community over these twelve years. We wish you much success on your new journey. GO COLTS!!! Joseph C. Kraft ’90 President William E. Denver ’88 Vice President Steven A. Nardiello ’97 Secretary Barton Henderson ’08 Treasurer Patrick J. McGann ’71 Director of Alumni Relations

Christian Brothers Academy 850 Newman Springs Road • Lincroft, NJ 07738

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