volu m e 49
issue 1
sept 2013
A A U W : a l o c a l a n d n at i o n a l o r g a n i z at i o n t h at supports equity for women and girls, life-long e d u c at i o n a n d p o s i t i v e s o c i e ta l c h a n g e .
annual fall mum flower fundraiser . . . .
Our annual mum flower fundraiser- 2013 u s eptember
ear our mums are spectacular - so donÕt program . . . . . . . . . . 1 miss out. This is a win win win!!.... price, beautiful mums, and supporting AAUW Funds. Be sure to ask friends.
Hills is our supplier. The mums are grown in a 1.5-gallon pot and are ximately 14Ó-17Ó tall and at least that large across, but usually larger. Our price u c ollaboration 0 each. You wonÕt be disappointed Ð see AnnÕs picture above. for growth . . . . . . . . . 2
Thursday, Sept. 5th Dr. Michael Maniacci: How to Find Happiness
date deadline: September 5th Ð via email or snail mail or bring to meeting. Networking 7pm • Program 7:30pm nt: Pay at pick up or at first meeting Sept 5th, Bethlehem Lutheran Church • 1125 North Fifth Avenue (Rt 25) ase make payable to AAUW. St. Charles, IL (enter from lower level back parking lot) Thechecks Nominating Committee p dates:is Sept 20 Friday from 5 to 7pm working to fill the position OR Sept 21 Sat from 9 to 11am Dr. Maniacci is one of our favorite speakers. We are pleased to start our 2013 of president-elect, vacated NOTE: if you cannot pick up at these times please callhim to speaking make arrangements. year with on “How to Find Happiness”. This will be an extension by Marian McClellan when Ð Norma Ð 847-695-5157 on his presentation from last year. After all, can we ever get enough about how sheDark moved. We were sorry to White and ble colors: Red, Yellow, Bronze, Purple to bring happiness into our lives? see Marian go, but certainly p location: Ann MorrisÕs home, 5N023 Stonebridge Ln, St Charles. wish her the best. If you have Michael Maniacci, Psy.D. licensed ns: take Randall Rd. to Middlecreek Ln (just north of Crane Rd) P. Ð go east, then takeisaaleft onto clinical psychologist with practices a suggestion for the position, in Naperville and Chicago. He has been in the field since 1981 and has worked dge Ln. Look for a driveway full of mums!! we would appreciate your ng line if mailing Ð keep upper portion for your records in and make a settings. note of what you ordered. numerous Dr. Maniacci has over 50 publications (including five contacting a member of the and has been a core faculty member and instructor order to: membershipaauw@yahoo.com (paytextbooks) at pick up) committee (Maryrose Biallas, at several graduate programs throughout the area. order with check to Sally Griffin, 1216 Ash St, St Charles, IL 60174 or slgriffi2@yahoo.com. Ann Morris, Chris Bruun). ****************************************************************************************************** Thanks for your input. e: ________________________________________
e: ________________________________________
Annual Fall MumQuantity Fundraiser Price per unit
Every year, the mums from Shady Hill are spectacular, so don’t miss out, this is a win, win,win! Great price, beautiful Dark Red flowers, and Yellow supporting AAUW Funds. Be sure to ask friends and family. The Bronze mums are grown in a 1.5-gallon pot White and are approximately 14"-17" tall and at least that large across, but usually Purple larger. You will not be disappointed!
u Price: $10.00 each TOTAL Price u Order deadline: Sept 5th (quantity x price) $10 u How: email membershipaauw@yahoo.com or
slgriffi2@yahoo.com or mail to Sally Griffin
$10 1216 Ash Street St Charles, IL 60174 or $10 bring order form to the September branch meeting. $10u Payment: Pay at pick up or at Sept 5th meeting (make checks payable to AAUW.) $10 u Pick up: Fri Sept 20 5-7pm or Sat Sept 21 9-11am
$10 Note: If you are unable to pick up at these times
contact Norma (847) 695-5157 to make arrangements.
u Colors: Dark Red, Yellow, Bronze, White and Purple $ u Pick up: Ann Morris’s home 5N023 Stonebridge Lane, St Charles
Our annual mum flower fundraiser- 2