A Christian Brothers High School newsletter focused on living out our Lasallian Core Principles.
2023 Lasallian Educator of the Year
New Hearts of Happiness Program Coming to CB this Fall
Leave to Serve: VENAVER El Otro Lado
Bishop Soto Visits CB Campus
Women's basketball Team Makes Lasting Memories with Little Dribblers
Brave the Shave: Haircuts for Good CB Photo Gallery
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Parent Committee
The Lasallian Core Principles are inspired by the life and work of the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, St. John Baptist de La Salle. Guided by his example and wisdom, Christian Brothers High School prepares its students for success in college, their careers, and in life, through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and a variety of co-curriculars. The CB experience fosters a spirit of service and respect for all in each and every student.
Greetings friends,
Welcome to our first edition of Lasallian Living This publication has been on my mind and heart since I joined the Christian Brothers High School community in 2020. At that time, I was blessed to participate in an interview process that included meetings with CB students, families, alumni, and members of the faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, and administration. Seeing this community firsthand and learning more about the transformative experiences unique to our Lasallian Catholic charism was all I needed. I was ready to pack my bags!
Three years after boarding a train from Chicago, I feel so grateful to have the opportunity and privilege to serve as President of this phenomenal school Combining my Catholic faith and passion for education is truly a dream come true. Doing so in collaboration with CB’s amazing students, families, faculty, and staff is an answered prayer.
In my time at Christian Brothers High School, we have persevered through a global pandemic, anchored by our faith and strengthened by our Lasallian Core Principles in some truly trying times. Thanks to the hard work and creativity of many, our students received an outstanding education in a loving and structured environment Our vibrant faith life and Christian service continued online and in-person, as did activities and clubs Looking back, I am in awe of the care and dedication of this community and look forward to the wonderful things ahead as we work to ensure that CB is not only the place to be, but the place to belong.
Through Lasallian Living, we will share stories, essays, vignettes, and photos that bring to life how the unique Christian Brothers High School education provides more than an excellent college preparatory curriculum and dynamic co-curriculars. Our faith-filled and inclusive community is what sets us apart and makes us stronger. At CB, the motto is “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”. It is a promise to our families who entrust us with the care and education of their most precious gifts, and a call to action for our current students and alumni
We invite you, dear reader, to join in this mission. May you read on and be inspired to serve and give back to your community, and through God’s grace, ours as well.
Together and by association,
Surrounded by family, friends, students, and colleagues, Mr. Dave Levasseur was named Christian Brothers High School's Lasallian Educator of the Year on May 5, 2023. Candidates are nominated by their peers and selected by the administration for being model Lasallian Catholic educators. Mr. Levasseur was lovingly honored during an all-school Mass at the Peter P. Bollinger ’57 Stadium.
“It was crazy and surreal,” said Mr. Levasseur. “It
"For me it starts with relationships and getting to know your students I’ve tried to do a good job of reaching them where they’re at,” said Mr Levasseur
Fellow cross country coach, longtime teacher, and friend, Danny Delgado ’79 spoke at the stadium ceremony for Mr Levasseur Mr Delgado fondly shared stories of their years together He said Mr Levasseur has many qualities that make him an amazing educator
For the past 18 years, Mr. Levasseur has made countless connections in the classroom teachi science at CB. He is also an assistant cross country coach, a Science Olympiad Moderato and Junior Class Moderator, and has previousl served as the dean of students. Among the many qualities that make Mr. Levasseur a grea teacher and a deserving Lasallian Educator of the Year, is his ability to form a meaningful connection with each of his students.
“When I look at Mr Levasseur, I see him as that cool uncle or dad figure that just knows when runners and students need a pep talk or a pickme-up, ” said Mr Delgado “He greets students at the door, plays cool music, and talks about sports, the arts, or the most recent Netflix shows In the end, he accepts people where they are and leaves judgement out of it He is a true Lasallian educator in all the ways that we define that role ”
CB student Michael Nelson ’24 also spoke on behalf of Mr Levasseur Nelson took Mr Levasseur’s sophomore chemistry class and he quickly became one of his favorite teachers Mr Levasseur even recruited Nelson to join the St Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises money to
Mr. Levasseur has made that same impact on countless students. He remains in touch with students he taught in Chicago during his time as a Lasallian Volunteer after he graduated from St. Mary's College. And when he and his family are out an about in the Sacramento area, he is typically stopped by at least a handful of former students just wanting to say hello. Despite the obvious impact he has made or perhaps because of it Mr. Levasseur remains incredibly humble.
“I'm not someone who likes the spotlight,” said Mr Levasseur “My goal as a teacher is to get kids excited about science and get to know my
“He approached me about it, and after a bit of persuasion, I agreed to do it I was the only student there, but Mr Levasseur, Mr Reel, and Mr Delgado all shaved their heads as well He helped me start doing one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done. Mr. Levasseur helped me realize why CB is the place to be and I cannot think of a teacher more qualified for this award,” said Michael Nelson.
A good job indeed. Congratulations, Mr. Dave Levasseur, for the well-deserved honor of being named Christian Brothers High School’s Lasallian Educator of the Year of 2023!
Christian Brothers High School’s counseling team is expanding! Starting next year, CB will welcome two new staff members to campus. With a background in Catholic education,
"Incorporating animals, particularly the personality and disposition of miniature horses, into our student day is such a powerful experience," said Dr. LeRoy. "Students will be able to experience an emotional connection,
Miniature horses to be exact. They re part of the new Hearts of Happiness animal assisted intervention program a first of its kind among Sacramento area schools which will roll out in phases at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Their owner is CB counselor Michelle Timm. Mrs. Timm has been training her beloved horses to do this work since they were only four months old.
“Back in 2018, when I first got Felicity and Angel, I brought them to work with me at St. Mary's Elementary School in Sacramento. On campus, the horses helped students with anxiety and depression. The program was very successful, but unfortunately it ended due to the pandemic. I’m excited for the opportunity to work in partnership with my horses and the CB counseling team to help students once again,” said Michelle Timm.
Mrs Timm brought the idea to CB President, Crystal LeRoy, Ed D in the spring of 2022, when interviewing for a counseling position Dr LeRoy was immediately interested in bringing the program to CB
Felicity and Angel made their first brief public appearance during the counselors’ Stress Less Week in May 2023. Accompanied by counselors, small groups of students were able to briefly interact with the miniature horses in their private corral in the Brother Bertram Hall courtyard. It was part of a larger effort to help students alleviate stress during AP testing and finals and to test out the program before its
"We can't wait for the horses to be on campus It'll be great for students who need that support and they can really help with stress during the year and finals," said Millie Noufer '26
students, and sometimes students need a chance to experience a world outside of themselves Through the innovative spirits of Mrs Timm and the wellness team, we were able to bring Hearts of Happiness to CB and allow our students to practice mindfulness and stress management techniques in a way that is truly outside of their normal, everyday world,” said Mr Diaz
“Felicity and Angel’s debut was a hit! Once the initial group of students came by, the word spread quickly, and they had a constant flow of visitors. The students' reactions make me excited to incorporate the mini horses into our repertoire of interventions here at CB,” said Mrs. Juanita Patterson ’81, wellness counselor.
The Hearts of Happiness animal-assisted intervention program will be run by Mrs. Timm and fellow school counselors, Mrs. Emily McDougall and Mrs. Juanita Patterson ‘81. Students from all grades will be given an opportunity to interact with the horses in private and small group settings. In the beginning, the horses will only come to campus once a week. Their working days and hours will increase based on the need and comfort of the community and the horses. Armando Diaz ’94, the counseling department chair expects CB students to greatly benefit from this program.
“Nationally and locally we have seen a rise in mental health challenges for our young
Families will have the opportunity to opt in or out of the Hearts of Happiness program Participation will be voluntary and based on student interest and need As for the horses, careful planning has gone into the development of this program to keep them safe. Horses will have their own private corral with a shade tent away from students and the bustle of campus. They will also be given breaks between sessions with students to allow them to recharge, eat,
“I am excited for the Hearts of Happiness program to start this fall,” said Mrs. Timm. “I truly believe the horses can make a difference in helping students deal with significant stressors in their lives.”
For more information about the Hearts of Happiness program, please contact Mrs. Michelle Timm by email at mtimm@cbhssacramento.org.
Christian Brothers High School students have many opportunities to explore and deepen their faith. Through retreats and immersion trips, everyone is invited to connect with God and each other The Lasallian Student Life Office coordinates these retreats, which includes VENAVER
VENAVER is a series of " come and see " immersion trips and offers students opportunities to participate in faith-based experiences that foster human solidarity, cultural awareness, service, and appreciation for the sustaining value of faith in our students' lives Students also experience the realities of structural injustice, oppression, and poverty
"I learned about the many perspectives and nuances of immigration. This helped me gain a more well rounded idea of immigration in its totality," said attendee Abe Francis '23
"As Lasallian Catholics, we are called to seek understanding and empathy with our brothers and sisters who face hardships. This includes advocating for social justice relating to issues along the border," said Anna Fernandez, Assistant Director of Lasallian Student Life.
The trip helped open the students’ eyes and hearts to the complicated situation at the border.
"I will use this experience as a model for gaining a well rounded perspective on any situation that I’m in," said Francis '23.
From January 29 to February 3, 2023, ten Christian Brothers students participated in the El Otro Lado VENAVER program at San Miguel High School in Tucson, AZ
"On the El Otro Lado trip, we did many activities that helped us understand the situation at the Arizona-Mexico border from a variety of perspectives These activities included talking with law enforcement, meeting with an immigration attorney, visiting major crossing sites at the border, and talking with residents of the Tohono O'Odham Nation whose land is split by the border,” said attendee AnnaMaria Thomas '23
“The most important lesson I learned is that there is always hope. The humanity of the volunteers and the courage of the migrants we met inspired me to continue to be an advocate for underserved populations and to use my voice to positively impact the lives of those around me, ” said Thomas '23.
We are so blessed to have welcomed the Most Reverend Bishop Jaime Soto to campus on Friday, March 17, 2023, for the Feast of St. Patrick. Bishop Soto began his visit with a beautiful celebration of Mass in the Chapel of St. Joseph. He enjoyed breakfast with the God Squad, spoke to several classes, connected with counselors, and even made an appearance on KBFT. Thank you, Bishop Soto, for your visit! Here are some highlights from our wonderful day together.
Students, faculty, and staff show respect for diverse cultures, beliefs, economic backgrounds, competencies, and abilities of others through clubs, workshops, events, and acts of kindness. At Christian Brothers High School, we continually work to understand and appreciate others and ourselves. Below, is a story about the women ' s basketball team and an act of kindness some fledgling Falcons won't soon forget.
CB's league championship winning women ' s basketball team isn't just amazing on the court, they're also amazing humans We know this, but our larger community got to see it firsthand at a game in January 2023
Second graders from St James School Davis played a Little Dribblers exhibition during halftime at a CB women ' s basketball game Our Falcons not only cheered, but got off the bench and ran up to the girls on the floor and gave them high fives and hugs to celebrate every basket The joy on the girls' faces as they soaked up adoration from their new "big sisters" was undeniable
Dr Bill Iliff '76, a teacher who not only attended the game, but makes a point to attend as many of his students' home games as possible, said, "The young girls from St James may not quite yet understand how talented their new big sisters are at basketball, but they likely will never forget the kindness showed to them that night by our team "
And that is what being a Falcon and the Christian Brothers High School experience is all about! We love the respect our Falcons showed the second grade students, all out of the kindness of their own hearts
After the game, the St. James students stood near the locker room, waiting to give their new favorite players high fives. But once our Falcons saw the young girls, they scooped them up for the sweetest team picture.
At Christian Brothers High School, students receive an excellent college preparatory curriculum. When paired with opportunities to participate in a variety of co-curricular activities, CB students are encouraged to find and foster their God-given gifts. Below are some of the achievements our students have enjoyed in academics and the arts in the 2022-'23 school year.
In February 2023, CB rocked the Lenaea High School Theatre Festival Seven of our students took eight performances and two original scripts to the festival, putting their work up against submissions from 60+ schools CB medaled in nine of ten submissions, with Alexxa Riley '23 winning Gold and a Command Performance for her Shakespeare monologue
Congratulations to CB's award winners, including Abigail Vandepol '23, Aubriana Lene '23, Madelyn Whitnell '24, Caroline Kramer '23, Iliana Demas '25, and Natasha Reese '25 and everyone who participated in this festival held at Folsom Lake College Great job!
In January 2023, CB's Quiz Bowl Club competed in a tournament at Rio Americano High School in Sacramento Twelve schools throughout Northern California participated Questions covered various topics, from trivia and general knowledge to math and literature CB's Team A finished with a record four wins, and Team B took home three wins Way to go!
Scan the code to read a student story about CB's Model United Nations in the studentled digital newspaper, CB Talon
CB's motto is "Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve". Throughout high school, students have the opportunity to participate in service projects, clubs, and events which inspire them to give back in their lives and careers.
On March 6, 2023, students, faculty, and staff braved the shave and the cold on campus. Their new haircuts, although stylish and practical, were more than a fashion statement.
“We’re shaving our heads for the Saint Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises awareness and money to find a cure for childhood cancers, ” said Mr. Dave Levasseur, CB science teacher.
Mr. Levasseur, who has also participated in these types of events for years, says shaving your head often sparks meaningful conversations with his students.
en every day. A lot of times we talk about things that are in our control and out of our control. When kids get cancer that's totally out of their control Hair comes and goes Hopefully it’ll come back for me, usually it does, but it’s just a small way for me to start that conversation and hopefully make a difference,” said Mr. Levasseur.
It’s a cause that hits home for many, including Derek Larson '23 who’s been participating in events like this for St. Baldrick’s for the past eleven years.
“I had an early experience with cancer in my life. So ever since I was about six, I have been shaving my head for St. Baldrick's. I’ve raised about $80,000 over the past eleven years, ” said Larson.
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students, faculty, and staff raised an extra $200 to donate to the foundation
Christian Brothers High School works hard to be the place to belong for everyone. Inclusive community is one of our Lasallian Core Principles and is essential to our mission as Catholics. To build upon our vision of a campus community that goes beyond tolerance of difference, CB continues to offer opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and families to learn about and challenge our perceptions, develop and show empathy for others, and celebrate the various cultures represented on campus.
To aid in this important work, CB formed the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Parent Committee in 2020. Laura Hewitt is a CB parent and serves as the committee chair. She says the volunteer group’s purpose is simple.
"We're really clear that as parents, we want to support CB in living out its Lasallian values,” said Hewitt. “CB has a vision of itself as a place where there is respect for everyone. There are inclusion and service opportunities for students and families that make it unique. For CB to live its vision, it really needs to look at issues related to diversity and inclusion.”
The DEIB Parent Committee meets regularly on campus, is open to all CB parents, and partners with student and staff DEIB groups on campus. Together, they bring a wealth of perspectives from different ethnicities, religions, genders, and identities. The group has recently discussed ways to support campus efforts to improve mental health, create more ways for families to engage, and help everyone feel included. The committee also developed a mission statement.
“A priority for us is lifting up the voice of students, and identifying ways in which we as parents can be allies to our students,” said Hewitt.
Their work focuses on five A’s: Awareness, Action, Advice, Accountability, and Alliance. It’s all geared toward creating a better campus culture right now, and for the future.
“We believe diversity is our strength,” said Hewitt.
Parents who are interested in joining the Parent DEIB Committee can contact Laura Hewitt at lvhewitt9@gmail.com
Scan the code to watch a conversation on belonging with Dr. Crystal LeRoy, and special guests, Laura Hewitt, Lydia Ramirez, Sr. Vice President, COO and Chief DEI Officer for Five Star Bank, and Dr. Bill Iliff '76, CB teacher.
"We believe diversity is our strength."Laura Hewitt, DEIB Parent Committee Chair, talks about how the group is helping CB live out its Lasallian Core Principles. ReparteewithDr.CrystalLeRoy February 2023: Black Student Union Mardis Gras Block Party October 2022: Latino Heritage Festival
Families and graduates are invited and encouraged to become actively involved in the Christian Brothers High School community as volunteers. With constant events and activities taking place on campus, there are many opportunities to join the fun! Scan the QR code to find an opportunity that fits your interests, skills, and schedule.