Contents Meet the Team See the faces who
bring CBN SA to life.
Our Message A message from Ian, regional director.
SB First Christmas
03 05
Restoration Through Complete Surrender Restored Back to Holiness
A word from Gordon Robertson.
We share a few
Broadcast Schedule Where and what
with Jesus and
time to watch CBN
reaches your heart.
produced TV shows.
God’s Commitment to Reconciling Us to Himself He writes His law on
highlights that we’re ministry.
Restoration starts
Reflecting on 2020
awesome event.
grateful for as a
Salem to host this
Become the Person God Made You to Be.
Genesio’s family’s
Renewing your
He Makes All Things New
Superbook joins
Restoring Families|KFT
Q&A with Pat Robertson Finding Biblical answers to hard questions.
our hearts.
Superbook First Christmas in Paarl | Page 05 We hosted our first ever paid-for event in Paarl, in collaboration with Salem Biblical Gardens
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Battles and Blessings Written
I have heard it said that life is mostly about battles and blessings, battles and blessings. 2020 certainly showcased this statement for me personally and for us as a ministry. I’m guessing it might be the case for you too! Many battles, many blessings. And now here we all are in 2021 already, perhaps a little battlescarred but also, I believe, more aware of His blessings. In the gospels, we see this ‘battles and blessings’ contrast playing out in the life of Jesus again and again. For example, having just been powerfully affirmed and blessed by His Father after baptism - “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased,” (Matt 3:17) - Jesus finds himself wandering in the desert for nearly 6 weeks, hungry, alone and mercilessly tempted by the enemy. After facing this gruelling battle head on he emerges victorious and he is ministered to by the angels. Blessing at last. But the very next thing we read is that Jesus finds out that His dear cousin, John the Baptiser, has been imprisoned without trial. Another battle begins. And so it 03
Ian Walton
goes on. Battle and blessing. I think it was Rick Warren who suggested that the battles and blessings of our lives as Christians often don’t happen consecutively, but rather simultaneously – almost like parallel railway tracks. Even as we are giving thanks for His amazing blessings, we sense the growing danger of new battles looming around and inside us. But equally true is that in the depths of the darkest battle there are blessings for us if we keep our eyes open enough to see them and our hands open enough to receive them. The first theme we have chosen for this year as a team is RESTORATION. What a beautiful concept, used throughout the Bible to describe what God wants to do with fallen mankind and a broken world. It is something most of us desire personally, and something the world is in desperate need of. Restoration is what God wants to do in us as we surrender to Him again this year as King and Shepherd (“He restores my soul” Ps 23:3) and then what He wants to do through us as we seek to
follow and obey Him as Lord each day (“ shall be called... the restorer of streets to dwell in,” (Isaiah 58:12). May this new year be a significant year of God’s great restoration – in and through each of us. Please pray with us that it will also be a year in which CBN SA is used to minister to people in Southern Africa in a deeper, greater way than ever before! For you and your family, my prayer is that 2021 will be a
year with more blessing than battle - and that the battles you inevitably do face will be fought with the truth of His Word, leaning on His grace and loving restoration. From me and from all of my colleagues at CBN here in South Africa and all around the world, a very sincere and expectant “Happy New Year” to you and to your family. Ian Walton | Regional Director
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,” (2 Corinthians 4:17) 04
Taking the True Meaning of Christmas to Communities!
It is always with great joy when we, as a team, get to share with communities and the world, God’s grand gesture and biggest gift to mankind through a humble story that cuts through all social classes and backgrounds. The story of Jesus - our righteous Saviour! We could not pass up the opportunity to minister to the community of Paarl in the year 2020 with all its ups and downs. We teamed up with Salem Biblical Garden to re-tell this epic story. With COVID-19 protocols in place, we managed to reach 50 children and their families. Our aim for the event was to reach children with the Gospel and give them the opportunity to give their lives to Christ. Mission accomplished! Half of the children present gave their lives to Christ. Another aim was to introduce Superbook to the community of Paarl. We are hoping to build a passionate Superbook community through established relationships, where clubs and screening events are a regular feature in the community.
“Thank you CBN and Superbook for a really fun event, for your thoughtful precautions and for the children’s backpack too. The Superbook events are a highlight for our children.”- Edwina Hanslo
Transforming communities through the word of God, one Superbook episode at a time!
Become the Person God Made You to be Written As we begin a new year, it’s wonderful to know that God makes us new! We are fearfully and wonderfully made, says Psalms 139:14, and Genesis 1:27 tells us we are made in God’s image. Sadly, sin interferes with His perfect plan - but when you give your life to Jesus and trust in His forgiveness and grace, you are transformed. You’re not changed into something completely different from yourself; rather, He makes you what you were originally created to be. You truly become you! With this transformation come the good things that He has in store for you and the good works that He has for you to do. As Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” These plans are made uniquely for you by an all-wise God. They will show you His path, give you hope, fill you with purpose, and satisfy the desires of your heart.
Gordon Robertson
The world wants people to think that there’s no hope and no future. But in God’s kingdom, that’s not true! You are His beloved child, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. He takes you from an ash heap, puts a crown on your head, and makes you part of His royal priesthood. That is God’s truth, and that is what He wants for you. So start this new year by praying, “God, I want everything that you have for me. I want to fulfill my purpose and all that You have laid out for my life. I don’t want to miss out on anything. I want every good thing that you have for me in Christ Jesus.” When you pray that with all your heart, He will answer. God bless you! *Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.
Restoration Through Complete Surrender Written
I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about what to write for this first issue of Arise. All throughout my holiday I had ideas, but most of them were fuelled by what was happening around me. Often it was frustration from what I’d seen on social media regarding Covid and all the conspiracies, or my health taking its toll on me again despite prayer. After numerous versions I wasn’t happy with, I decided to take a break and go for a walk. And I did what I should’ve ages ago: I asked God what He thinks about restoration. Brokenness Chips Away at Us While walking and pondering restoration with God, I saw an image of a wooden human figurine. As life throws its curve balls, arrows and hurts at the figurine, it slowly gets chipped away. Sometimes small chips, sometimes larger chips. We try to super glue the pieces back together or replace it with other temporary fixes and materials. Often, it doesn’t work. We become hardened, sometimes bitter, and a whole array of symptoms 07
R o b y n Ti c h a u e r
of brokenness become our norm – brokenness has become the norm of the world. To some extent, the brokenness we need healing from is even celebrated and encouraged. But if we allow God in, He picks up the chipped pieces and starts to put things together again as only He can. We’re still aware of where we were chipped and what chipped us, but rather than acting out in brokenness, it becomes a part of our testimony and a way we can relate to others and share God with them. To add to the healing, when we spend time in complete surrender to God, when we speak to Him daily and let Him into every situation and hurt that comes with life - He adds His layer of protection over us. We may still get hurt, but His presence and peace become a constant in our life, making all those situations easier to handle and less likely to leave us feeling broken. Defining Restoration Restoration is defined in Merriam-Webster as “bringing back to a former position or
condition // the restoration of peace; restitution; a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition.” Biblically it means to receive back more than what was originally lost, the final state becomes greater than the original condition. The whole narrative of the Bible could be summed up as restoration. The whole point of Jesus’ life was to restore us back to God. Jesus came to restore us from broken sinners, to co-heirs with Christ and children of God. Restoration is God’s desire and purpose for all of us – no matter our history or present condition. Pursue Restoration! 2020, and maybe even 2021 so far, has damaged most of us in different ways. Losing financial security, losing a loved one, losing health, being hurt by people close to you, disappointment, divorce, losing faith in God’s promises, failing your own expectations... Whatever chipped you, the good news is that God wants to restore you. He wants to heal your hurts and restore you back to Him. One way I know that I need to
find restoration and be covered by Him daily is through the Word (Romans 12:2). When I am hurt or disappointed, I start living in my head and lose sight of God and His word. I need to intentionally, whether I feel like it or not, stay in routine and stay connected to Him. His Word breathes life (2 Timothy 3:16), it builds much-need faith centred on God’s character (Hebrews 11:1-3) and it builds security in your God-given purpose that blesses you and blesses others (Philippians 2:13). No matter where you are in your walk right now, I’d like to encourage you to join me on a journey of delving deeper into the Word and uncovering more of God’s character this year. We have no idea what this year holds with Covid and economic decline still plaguing our world, but we do know that God has goodness planned for us and is waiting to give us peace, revelations and joy in ALL situations! If you’re not sure where to begin, the YouVersion Bible app has some really great plans to get you started. 08
Restored Back to Holiness Written I am not really one to create new year’s resolutions however I do believe it’s important for us to continually assess our hearts and minds. For a lot of us, the new year marks a new beginning. So, it’s a good time to do this assessment and renew our minds. As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2). So, if I’m going to make a resolution this year, it is to renew my mind daily in the word of God. I am trusting God for restoration in my life. I am praying that He would restore me where I have fallen short in all the areas of my life. I am asking Him to change me to make me more like Him and that I may live with a pure heart and clean hands. I do believe that as followers of Jesus we need to ask ourselves if we are living HOLY lives. We need to assess our hearts and minds and where there is sin, we need to repent and ask God to fix us… to restore us to HOLINESS. Assessing Your Mind What do you think about as 09
M e a g a n Tay l o r
you go about your day? Every moment of every day you and I have the freedom to think about whatever we want. Our minds may fill with worries, gossip, or fear. Our thoughts may cultivate anger, lust, compulsive working, people-pleasing, or depression. Or we can “be transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:1) in God’s Word, letting it diagnose us (Hebrews 4:12), wash us (Ephesians 5:26), and give us life (Genesis 1, Matthew 4:4). Truly, the thoughts you choose to dwell on become the most important factors in how you feel and what you say and do. Ultimately, your thinking determines the kind of person you become. The Proverb is true: As a person thinks in his heart that’s who he or she becomes (Proverbs 23:7, paraphrase). Renewal Through the Word We then need to declare scripture into our lives. Romans 8:1 says that “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
“Ultimately, your thinking determines the kind of person you become.“ who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” This is a power scripture that we can declare over ourselves. I want to encourage you to say this out loud: “There is no condemnation of ME who is in CHRIST JESUS. I am free and God has restored me back to Himself where there is only freedom and holiness.” As you start this new year with a new hope, I want to encourage you to assess your heart and
mind. Repent of anything that is holding you back from holiness as we follow Jesus and meditate on scripture (read the full chapter of Romans 8). Thank you CBN SA partners for walking this journey with us. We are one community with one heart set apart for His glory. We can trust God to restore us and mold us this year. God bless you all.
He Makes All Things New Written
One word which I think sums up the whole Bible quite well is the word restoration. God restores and He makes new. Scripture opens with the completion of creation, and it was declared to be good. Man and woman were made in His image in perfect relationship with one another and the Father, enjoying the fruits of the garden together. However, as we all know too well, things did not remain that way, and that perfect relationship was ruined. Adam and Eve could no longer enjoy the fruits of that beautiful garden, as they were banished because of their sin. 11
Nic Barker
From that time on, until the time of Christ, we saw the outworking of God’s plan to restore us to Himself, and to make His enemies a footstool for His feet.
Restoration We see the outworking of restoration in most things. In nature, after a wildfire has completely destroyed a forest, new growth eventually appears. In our lives the Lord restores what “the locusts have eaten” and so much more. Although, it does not always look how we might expect it to look.
When Jesus walked the earth, his disciples said to Him, “Lord are you now going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6) Even then, the disciples knew of the promise of restoration, however their picture and expectation was not quite in line with what the Lord had in store. Before this time, the Jews too had before them the promise of restoration, yet their expectation was that of a military conqueror similar to the conquests of David, who would free them from Roman oppression. And as a result, they missed their Messiah and eventually crucified Him. Often when we consider restoration, we think of it in terms of external things. For example: an investment gone wrong, a job lost, or some other loss which we hope God will return. And the Lord certainly can and does restore in these areas, but I would like to share one story which I think captures God’s first priority where restoration is concerned. Restoration in Luke 19 This is superbly illustrated in the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and thief, who would extort the people
in order to make some extra money. However, when he heard the message of Jesus, he was cut to the heart. When Jesus finally called him by name, Zacchaeus repented and said, “right here and now, I give half my possessions to the poor, and if I have wronged anyone I will give back four times the amount.” After this Jesus said, “salvation has come to this household.” It would be safe to paraphrase it to “Restoration has come to this household.” You see, although Zacchaeus entered restoration and repentance, it did not look like what we might expect. After he met Christ, he become A LOT poorer by giving away half his possessions and four times what he stole, yet he also became rich in spirit and was united with Christ in love and the Holy Spirit. His relationship in the community was also restored as a result of his repentance. So you see, restoration came to his household, but it was not an outward restoration as one would expect to see. Rather, it was one of the heart. And this is often God’s first call, restoring people unto Himself. May 2021 be the year where you seek out restoration through Christ! 12
God’s Commitment to Reconciling Us To Himself Writ ten “ To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord before all ages, now and forevermore. Amen” - Jude 1:24-25.
Yo l a n d a M a g i d a
There are many things that I love about God. Even the things I do not like, I love. Or at least I have grown to appreciate these things as I mature in Christ. His multifaceted nature never ceases to amaze and leave me in wonder! One of the things that I loved discovering and never quite left my mind last year was God’s commitment to restoring us and bringing us closer to Himself. He has created us for Himself. He is preparing us for Himself. We have been created to delight and take pleasure in Him.
that we will not repent and believe unless God does His work to overcome our hard and rebellious hearts. Regeneration is the natural process of replacing or restoring damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function. The organ that God mostly focuses on is the heart, because out of the heart flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick (Jeremiah 17:9). What I found to be so exciting and comforting is that with Jesus being the healer and with God’s intimate knowledge and experience with the human heart, anyone and everyone has a good chance of having their hard and rebellious hearts restored. This, to me, is one of many things that make God so great and His otherness incomparable. I mean… who does that! Who goes around pursuing people whose hearts have turned against them?
In his book ‘Desiring God’ (2019), John Piper calls this relentless pursuit from God and “divine work”, regeneration. He says
Again, in his book, John Piper explains this mystery by saying that we need to first experience the regeneration work of the
Holy Spirit. He says that the Bible is filled with scriptures of God promising to devote Himself to this work, to create for Himself a faithful people (Deuteronomy 30:6, Jeremiah 24:7, Ezekiel 11: 1920). Why? Without this “spiritual heart transplant” we will not know how to love and obey God. We are not able to do it through our own power or strength.
“For this is the covenant that I will make with you after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people” – Jeremiah 33:31.
This revelation of God’s unwavering commitment to restoring our hearts has been such an affirmation to the work that we do with Superbook. Working alongside the Holy Spirit in fulfilling Jeremiah 31:33. We provide children and parents alike with an exciting, media reach and immersive experience of the Bible so that His law may be within them, so that it may be written on their hearts. God is for us and He is committed to restoring our hearts so that we may love and obey Him.
Restoring Families Through KFT Written
Leonie Nortje
A testimony from Genesio and his family in Mozambique.
Genesio’s companion, Teresinha, at their vendor stand.
Genesio is 25 years old and was born in the Gogone district of Quelimane, Mozambique. He had a childhood much like most of his peers – he attended school until the 5th grade when his mother died. His father also abandoned him to live with another woman, so Genesio then grew up with his unemployed, widowed aunt. His daily life was not easy. 15
Later on, he started living with his companion Teresinha. Teresinha doesn’t know how old she is as she didn’t go to school and does not have a birth certificate. They had four children together, two of whom passed away. Through one of these losses, the local church reached out to Genesio and Teresinha. As a result, the family came to know Jesus as Lord
and Saviour. Due to the family’s vulnerability, they were selected to be part of Orphan’s Promise KFT (Keeping Families Together) project. They remain active members in the congregation. The aunt that took Genesio in now serves as a community health member through Life Child and is making a positive change in the community. It is wonderful to see how this family’s circumstances have changed today and to see them happy. Genesio and his family are in a very different situation now from when they lost their two children. Today, as a part of their local church, they are learning to care for their children and family in a healthy way. They recently shared with us that their two children are well and growing. They are expecting another child and are incredibly thankful to God for changing
their lives and their story. Thank you for supporting CBN’s Orphan’s Promise and our projects! Without your help, families like Genesio’s would never go from vulnerable to thriving. Your promise means the world to children in need. Your monthly partnership means stability, security, and peace for children who have never known any of these things. If you would like to contribute and change a life, feel free to send your contribution to: Christian Broadcasting Network ABSA Bank Branch Code: 632005 Account Nmr: 4077528368 Cheque Account Put “Orphan’s Promise” in the reference field, and we will direct your contribution specifically to Orphan’s Promise projects. Thank you for caring!
Follow CBN’s Orphan’s Promise on Facebook to stay updated. Globally, OP is helping thousands of individuals, their familes and the communities they live in. The work we are enabled to do through generous donations truly makes a difference. Like OP on Facebook for regular updates from all over the world - @orphanspromiseonline 16
A Reflection on 2020 There’s no need to remind you of why 2020 will be a year we’ll never forget. But we would like to take a moment to reflect on 2020 and all of the blessings, innovations and moments of gratitude, with you. First off, thank you for your continued support into our ministry. You enabled us to help people who found themselves in dire situations and continue the work we were doing. Despite being separated and working from home, we still found God working in great ways through our team and we found new, innovative ways to reach people. Here are just a few of our highlights:
Africa Arise Conference - Ethiopia
It’s crazy to think that this happened in 2020! We were incredibly blessed by this trip. It reignited a passion for Africa in our hearts and what we learnt fed us throughout the year.
First ever prayer event.
In March, before we knew Covid was a real threat in SA, we hosted a prayer event in Cape Town. Church leaders from across the city came together to pray for our nation.
COVID-19 Relief Fund
We started this relief fund in response to the pandemic in April 2020. We were amazed at the donations that poured in that enabled us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 17
Zoom Team and Prayer Meetings
Despite not being able to meet together in person, we found great richness in our online meetings. God stirred us as we met to pray together and as we spent time discussing His Word.
Take 3 - Weekly News
We started Take 3 while our little studio was also our temporary food relief store room. The aim of it is to call people of SA to take 3 minutes to pray about various happenings in our nation.
Food Relief - On the Ground
Thanks to generous donations and great partner organisations, we were able to be on the ground regularly in 2020 - supplying much need food and sanitary parcels to those in need.
First Online Partner Event!
Unfortunately we couldn’t meet you in person last year for our annual event. Instead, we put our teams’ wonderful talents to use and successfully hosted our first online partner week!
Recording Alvina’s Story
We were fortunate enough to record Alvina’s testimony despite the pandemic. We published the video on our social media in December and we’re in awe at how God is using it. 18
Interview with President Chakwera
We had the honour of interviewing the president of Malawi, President Chakwera. He is a man after God’s heart who sees his role as pastoring a nation.
Superbook event in Paarl
As we mentioned on page 05, the Superbook Christmas event in Paarl was something we felt called to. Telling kids about the good news of Jesus is such a privilege and blessing!
Superbook Christmas Online
We also hosted our first ever online Superbook Experience - streaming our First Christmas episode and sharing our Adventure Guide. Watch this space for more!
Victoria Hospital Visit
It has been one of our desires for a while to bless children at hospitals with Superbook packs. We were thrilled when we got the opportunity at Victoria Hospital in Cape Town!
Orphan’s Promise Support Continues
Even though we couldn’t visit the families we support through OP, we still received reports of how your donations are helping our vulnerable familes thrive during the pandemic. 19
Get Involved Thank you for everything you’re already doing, especially during these trying times. For those who want to get more involved, here are some easy ways to contribute.
Follow us on @cbnsouthafrica on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date, share our content and be encouraged!
Be sure to be connected with us on WhatsApp for easier communication and for great content to share! +27 78 473 0313
Help us by sharing social media posts and WhatsApp messages or by telling friends about CBN.
Every time you swipe at Woolworths, you donate without spending any extra when you make us a beneficiary.
B ANKING DETAILS EFT Christian Broadcasting Network ABSA Bank Branch Code: 632005 Account Nmr: 4077528368 Cheque Account
Online Payments: For Zapper, Payfast and our reference codes simply go to: 20
Broadcast Schedule Th e 7 0 0 C l u b / 7 0 0 Club Nigeria TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Mon, Tues. & Fri at 12:00pm Tues. & Thurs at 12:30pm
Tu r n i n g P o i n t International ( TPi) TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Mon. at 12:30pm
FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Mon - Fri at 12:00pm - 1:00pm Mon - Fri at 12:00am - 1:30am FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) (Repeat) Tues - Fri 12:00am - 1:30am (Repeat) Tues - Fri at 4:00am - 4:30am Tues - Fri at 1:00pm - 1:30pm
FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Tues at 4:00pm - 4:30pm FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) Tues at 4:00pm - 4:30pm STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Thu at 6:00pm - 6:30pm
STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Fri at 8:00pm - 8:30pm Mon - Fri at 5:00pm - 5:30pm
SPIRITWORLD CHANNEL Mon at 12:00pm - 12:30pm (Repeat) Fri at 8:30am - 9:30am
SPIRITWORLD CHANNEL Tues at 12:00pm - 12:30pm (Repeat) Sat at 8:30am - 9:30am
We’re on Zapper! It’s a QR code app that you can download on your phone. Simply download Zapper from your app store, link your card, and start scanning!
LIFE CBN Tues at 2:00pm
Scan the QR code below to make payments:
Superbook TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Saturdays at 7:30am FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Tues at 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Repeat) Saturdays at 7:00am - 7:30am FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) Tues at 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Repeat) Saturdays at 7:00am - 7:30am STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Fri at 4:00pm - 4:30pm
URBAN BREW (Channel 301) Saturdays at 3:00pm Saturdays at 5:30am & 8:00am LIFE CBN Sundays at 9:00am Tues at 10:00am Thurs at 10:00am
Zapper QR code:
Q&A with Pat Robertson
What is the purpose of life?
The Westminster Confession of Faith says, “Man’s chief aim is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” God made us in His image to give Him praise, to give Him enjoyment, and to enjoy Him. There’s a great God, and there’s an evil force named Satan. God put human beings in the midst of that to say, “Here are people made in My image and I’m going to prove that love will triumph over evil.” The devil has shot at us and God gave His Word to us and we’re in the middle. We are a witness to principalities and powers and to created beings throughout the universe of who God is. And when we love God, we bring glory to Him.
Do you have a question for Pat? Log on to and follow the instructions to submit your questions.
We Want to Pray with You! “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
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We’re back in action and eager to pray with you! We’ll be available on land line Monday to Thursday from 9am until noon. Call us on +27 71 701 1776 Message/call us on WhatsApp on +27 71 763 3810 OR send us an email at For general enquiries: Call us on +27 71 701 1776 or email us at