CBT in the City January 2011 Newsletter

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CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011


What is Imagery Re-scripting and Reprocessing Therapy?


2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited

CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011


This month: Happy New Year!Matt Broadway-Horner What is Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy Matt Broadway-Horner

My Journey with Worry? Read how Francesco discovered through CBT therapy how to find a new lease of lifeFrancesco Pitstop exerciseMatt Broadway-Horner Testimonial Lucile How to overcome the anger? Ever wondered how to work with those unwanted thoughts- well here is a step by step guide to get you startedMatt BroadwayHorner

happy new year! beginnings

Hopefully you all had a good Christmas. Now what is there in store for us in 2011! Here at the clinic we have fantastic solutions for personal therapy, Employee Assistance Program, Corporate seminars, workshops and Public sector resources. Remember we are here to help and I am sure we can find the right solution for you! We have 3 clinics in London, 1 clinic in St Albans, 1 clinic in Colchester-Essex and Central Norwich


2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited

CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011

what is imagery rescripting and reprocessing therapy? an approach within the cbt tradition By Matt Broadway-Horner

IRT is the Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) for those who have experienced a situation in relation to a trauma or suffering from the repeat memories concerning a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Imagery Re Scripting and Reprocessing Therapy has long been a element of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) although in more recent years there has been an increase in the use of imagery re scripting interventions in CBT, utilised for the majority of CBT treatments for people who suffer the distressing struggle against an intrusive imagery from within. Core Principles of IRRT: Reduce and/or eliminate the PTSD symptoms in relation to your personal situation Modify the patients trauma-related beliefs, which may be relating to an anger, fears, guilt or shame Encourage the individuals capacity to control and improve self-nurture and calm To promote personal development of adaptive schemas. This approach is useful for dealing with and overcoming problems like anxiety, Panic attacks, anger, self loathing as the approach brings about a long forgotten ingredient of compassion towards one self. People who have had IRRT have said that they

Imagery Re Scripting and Reprocessing Therapy has long been a element of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) although in more recent years there has been an increase in the use of imagery re scripting interventions in CBT, utilised for the majority of CBT treatments for people who suffer the distressing struggle against an intrusive imagery from within. Matt Broadway-Horner

are better and enjoying life again. They never thought it possible to overcome their difficulties but they are glad they took the journey of self discovery. CBT in the City provide focused treatments for patients suffering from trauma, stress, anxiety, bullying for more information contact us 020 7558 8894 and speak with Matt

Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy Can be arranged today you for or your loved ones 020 7558 8894

For Employee Assistance Program please call 020 558 8894

2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited

CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011

my journey in overcoming worry the doctors called it generalised anxiety disorder

“Through a number of reallife experiments together with the therapist I started to re-educate my mind. The practical element was paramount as it showed me the lack of real substance of most of those beliefs that were responsible for causing states of anxiety”

By Francesco

When I first considered doing CBT I was going through a very tough time characterised by excessive worrying and states of extreme anxiety. This was severely impacting on the quality of my life to the point that even simple, ordinary tasks felt like a big burden which in turn led to inaction. When I started the CBT it was important for my motivation to set clear and specific objectives and attach a timeline to them. Through a number of real-life experiments together with the therapist I started to re-educate my mind. The practical element was paramount as it showed me the lack of real substance of most of those beliefs that were responsible for causing states of anxiety. I soon realised that it was mainly down to me what I wanted to achieve and got rid of the erroneous conviction that the success of the therapy mainly depended on the therapist. A combination of raising-awareness discussions and real-life experiments gradually softened my mind and my approach to problems. Progressively I was taking ownership of my life whiles at the same time excessive worrying and anxiety were fading in the background.


By the time I finished my 14/15 sessions over a period of 4 months I felt much better, however the full benefit of the therapy only emerged further down the line when I realised that I had gained a new, more flexible approach to my life on a permanent basis and not simply a quick win on the wave of the therapy." For more information on treatment for worry/Generalised Anxiety Disorder call now on 020 7558 8894 or email matt@cbtinthecity.com

pit stop exercise By Matt Broadway-Horner

CBT skills lesson in pack of 6 lessons for more information contact


Once you have assessed your Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANT’s) then you need to reduce conviction in them. Rate you conviction level of how much you really believe it out of 100% this being the highest level of convictionDispute you ANT’s or core beliefs by using empirical, logical and practical disputing questions. For this exercise see how many practical disputes you can discover. Let me start you now with the following: How does thinking this way help me? What are the advantages of thinking this

way? What are the disadvantages of thinking this way? Now rate you conviction level again and hopefully there will be a reduction. Continue to do this until the level is as low as 30%. Now you need to find an Alternative Realistic Thought (ART’s) or helpful core belief and ask yourself practical questions to develop conviction it. So in the beginning conviction is 0% but then after the exercise then rate again your conviction level. Repeat until conviction level has been built upto 70%. For CBT skills lesson pack then contact the office on 020 7558 8894

CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited


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London Clinics are situated in Harley Street, Angel/Islington and Southgate. Outside London Clinics are in St Albans, Essex and Norwich

CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011

Anger-the animal within the anger 4 step skill By Matt Broadway-Horner

When your mood gets the better of you and destroys relationships then lets see if this skill will be useful to you. It is one of many skills and here is the first one. Ask yourself out of 100% of all the situations where your unhelpful anger got the better of you, How many would you regret the action or words said? Hindsight is golden and this is where the 4 step can help and use this to your benefit. The 4 step will help you make the choice between unhelpful anger and turn towards helpful anger. Helpful anger I will use the word annoyance as this a helpful situation for voicing displeasure if it is necessary. 1. Walk away- This not to be used as a form of punishment to the other person. But instead say “Can we talk about this later as I need to make a call?” You can use any reason, cooking, needing the toilet etc but the aim here is to make an adult attempt to talk about this in 1 hr or later on in the day and so you are arranging now to make time for a discussion later. 2. Get calm-Take the dog for a walk or if no dog then take yourself out. Have a shower or draw water for a bath and use your sense of touch, sight, smell and sound to listen to the water, look at the steam and smell the soap. 3. Rethink- Ask yourself these 2 questions a) Am I fostering a relationship with the other person? b) Do I have more than one option here? If the answer to both questions is yes then you go to 4th step if not then go back to 2nd step and spend more time in getting calm. If you are able to consider more than one option then it may suggest you are tapping into helpful emotions like helpful anger or disappointment. 4. Go back with a response-Do you still need to say or act in the way you wanted to right now? Maybe now you don’t need to say the unhelpful angry words or actions as it is a waste of your time and energy? If so then act inline with your new evidence and walk according to your new behaviours and tendencies. Or maybe you still need to talk about problem but now have thought about a more helpful way to convey your displeasure.

Hindsight is golden and this is where the 4 step can help and use this to your benefit. The 4 step will help you make the choice between unhelpful anger and turn towards helpful anger.

Matt Broadway-Horner

It is the hope of the author to encourage you to tap into cool thoughts and thinking styles that will help you reach your value directions and will aid flexibility ultimately achieving goals. The 4 step is to be used at your point of return and this will be discussed in another article, as it is no use if you have lost your temper already. As with any skill it needs to be practiced as many times as you think of it. Try using it as often For more information on therapy for Unhealthy Anger call as you can and remember its like building muscle in the gym. 020 7558 8894 and find out individual therapy. Our group The big weights are not the first choice but rather you develop therapy is called The Fury Fighters group which can be a muscle by increasing weight steadily. So don’t jump for the hot option that can be combined with 121 therapy tempered stuff but start with warmer situations and practice makes permanent.

CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011

cognitive behaviour therapy made a difference the human condition By Lucile

I was in a pretty bad way when I first walked into the clinic. I was suffering from constant anxiety, angry to others and acting unpredictably with those who loved me. I owe a debt of gratitude to my CBT therapist and I am more than happy to write this short testimonial as my hope is that others use CBT in the City to address their problems. I and my family are in a more consistent space in my life and with the use of IRRT I was able to address my troubling issues that did plague me and contaminate my experiences. The IRRT helped me to rest some of my torment that I had suffered for many years. I am now able to enjoy my sleep and enjoy and allow myself to be happy. I am a mother and I now feel that I will not repeat the troubles my mother had with me. My mother would constantly beat me at times when things in the house were out of order. Order was very important to my mother and I never had a warm relationship with her because she was so frightening and cold. My relationship with my daughter has been hot and cold but mainly cold and she is 4 yrs old. I am in a better space now and for the last 6 months I have had fun and enjoyed being a mother and long may it continue. Thank you

For more information on Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy then contact the office 020 7558 8894 or email matt@cbtinthecity.com Remember we are here to help

CBTMONTHLY 10 Harley Street London W1G 9PF

Matt Broadway-Horner 10 Harley Street London W1G 9PF

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