CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
What is Performance Anxiety?
Wellbeing programs employee assistance with a difference
Deep Relaxation Techniques a portable solution 1
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
The Business edition Solutions for the Corporate sector Matt Broadway-Horner What is Mindfulness based CBT?Brian Morton
Wellbeing programs employee assistance with a difference Matt Broadway-Horner What is Performance Anxiety? Matt Broadway-Horner About Prescription Drug Addiction?Brian Morton
Deep Relaxation Techniques a portable solution Brian Morton
CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268.
Solutions for Corporate sector made portable By Matt Broadway-Horner CEO
With many pressures on the work force it is vitally important to aid the employees of your company to remain well so that productivity can remain at a high standard. This edition of the newsletter is the Business Edition to raise awareness to the potential of using our Executive Wellbeing programs. Rather than wait for a person to become ill and deal with it which is a huge cost to the business budget, why not try preventative measures which will prove to be more effective and efficient in the long term forecast. Employee Assistance Programs have been in existence for many decades but here in lies the problem, they are problem orientated and not solution focused from the beginning and being an enabler. The employee becomes unwell and they have a label of being mentally ill, or physically unwell leading to a chronic label when in fact the earlier signs may have been stress related and by attending a workshop or lifestyle wellness class could have made a few adjustments to their life which may not have led to a label. These labels do not help but they are around which can affect employment options for the employee later on in their career. Surely a contented workforce is one that will work hard and bring about a profit for the company. If they are left to struggle and ‘get on with it’ then this attitude will lead to a costly bill which in the current economical climate just does not make financial sense. Lets turn the tide and use the current difficulties to your advantage and be an enabler which will bring profit not only financially but also in the lives of the workforce who will want to be part of the vision you hold.
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
What is Mindfulness based CBT? an approach within the cbt tradition By Brian Morton
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is specialist area of psychological therapy which bases its foundation on traditional CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) methods with mindfulness techniques and the multi disciplines of Buddhism. The individual can be mentored in the managements of accepting thoughts and feelings without delivering judgement or boxing negative memories of experiences to the back of the mind. The core intentions of MBCT is not necessarily to generate relaxation and happiness but rather to alongside develop a "freedom from the tendency to let ones self be drawn into automatic reactions to thoughts, feelings, and events beyond ones control" which may become negative, stressful or troublesome to recall. The benefits are now proven within PET scans which are pictures of the brain when engaging in the Mindfulness approach. The images have shown significant reduction in the distress levels within certain areas of the brain that processes emotions. The main benefit of using MBCT techniques is the ability to prioritise learning the self discipline of how to pay attention and concentrate with purpose in mind, in moments which may cause concern without judgment or stress. With our Mindfulness based CBT programs our clients can learn to recognise that holding onto some of these feelings
The main benefit of using MBCT techniques is the ability to prioritise learning the self discipline of how to pay attention and concentrate with purpose in mind, in moments which may cause concern without judgment or stress Brian Morton
can be ineffective and mentally destructive to one wellbeing. If you would like more information on our Mindfulness based Therapy sessions please contact us and find out about how this approach can be a preventative measure rather than a reactive measure to take. Mindfulness program call 02075588894 For Executive Wellness programs please call 02075588894 For Employee Assistance Programs please also call 02074671508 and you will be directed through to the Clinical Director CBT in the City contact 02074671508
For information on programs for Business and Corporate clients please call CBT in the City and speak with Matt Broadway-Horner CEO 02074671508 For all emails please send to Head office matt@cbtinthecity.com
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY October 21, 2010
Each year 91 million working days are lost due to mental ill-health and 1 million people are on long term sick-leave due to mental illness, and of those on sick-leave for more than 1 year, less than 5% return to work. The cost to the economy of mental ill health is of the order of ¥77bn per year. Matt Broadway-Horner
wellbeing programs employee assistance with a difference By Matt Broadway-Horner
Employee Assistance Programs have long been linked with problem solving and dealing with the crisis presented. But here at the Wellbeing Centre the focus is on prevention and developing a focus that enables the individual to not have the crisis and avert it. It may be that a worker is developing an higher than usual absentee record and the traditional route would be to help when it reaches crisis point, which may be too late and be costly to the company paying for sick leave. The way forward is to aid workers to be taking steps to prevent damage and aid wellbeing which then reduces the need to take sick days. It is this way that proves more effective and reduces the cost to business and corporate industry. Why choose CBT in the City? The UK Health and Safety Executive has stated that 'Work-related stress,
depression or anxiety is the leading cause of working days lost through work-related injury or ill health, with an estimated 12.5 million days a year lost in 2003/4.'
such issues that may arise which our programs can tackle. If left then they can develop into stress related conditions that escalate leading to sick leave.
Mental illness is widely underestimated Contact our Executive Wellbeing and it is estimated that 280 million Practitioners on 02075588894 consultations with a general practitioner each year, 30% are related to mental illhealth 3 in 10 people have sick leave from work related to their mental health Each year 91 million working days are lost due to mental ill-health and 1 million people are on long term sickleave due to mental illness, and of those on sick-leave for more than 1 year, less than 5% return to work. The cost to the economy of mental ill health is of the order of ¥77bn per annum. The focus has to be on wellbeing programs to help before the disaster. Investment in employees is the way forward and the possibility of sick leave will reduce considerably. Here at the CBT in the City we have programs to tackle procrastination, How to develop resilience, Time management and other
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
This being a specific form of Social Anxiety that causes many business men and women to stumble and not reach their potential for fear of humiliation in front of colleagues. Fearful predictive thoughts get in the way of delivering a good presentation Matt Broadway-Horner
performance anxiety what is it? By Matt Broadway-Horner
This being a specific form of Social Anxiety that causes many business men and women to stumble and not reach their potential for fear of humiliation in front of colleagues. Fearful predictive thoughts get in the way of delivering a good presentation. Predictions like “they will think I am boring” “my speech should to be perfect” “Am I mumbling” are just a few examples of difficult thoughts that plague the person suffering with Performance Anxiety. The second part to address are what Cognitive Behaviour Therapists call Safety Seeking Behaviours and these are really used in response to the anxiety felt at the time in the feared event. These are used to neutralise the anxiety but their use becomes problematic. The constant use of SSB’s maintains the problem and so making the problem worse each time they are used.
And the third part is to address the anxiety which is the fearful result of maintaining the SSB’s which are in turn triggered by the negative predictions. Anxiety symptoms include, racing heart beat, sweats, blushing, can’t think straight, hot and cold hands, shaking legs, butterflies in stomach, trembling, toilet visiting, aching limbs are but a few. And this is not a sign of weakness but the individual may preceive this to be so and decide to avoid the public speech.
This problem can be overcome with the use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and so for further information on Executive Wellbeing Practitioners please call 02075588894.
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
About Prescription Drug Addiction? cbt solutions
Deep Relaxation Techniques a solution
By Brian Morton
By Brian Morton
The prescription drug addict will tend to use medications to a much greater extent than accurately prescribed by a doctor or for use in treating other symptoms or conditions for which the medication where not originally intended to taken for. Over time they become dependent on the drugs, just to simply feel better or normal, or to relieve cravings between doses. Prescription drug abuse often leads to repeated negative consequences for the user, including a loss in self confidence, the inability to cope with modern lifestyles, relationship difficulties, problems in the workplace and essentially the risk of physical harm from inappropriate abuse of a controlled substance The most common signs of addiction to prescription drugs may include the following: •Taking more than the recommended amount of the medication •Using prescriptions, intended to be prescribed for other people •Visiting different doctors and/or chemists •Complaining of vague symptoms with the intention to get more medicines •Disinterest in alternative treatment options other than pharmaceuticals •Previous history of drug abuse or addictions •Difficulty sleeping or over sleeping •Mood swings and general changes in behaviour CBT Solutions for Addictions CBT therapy sessions can aid the individual to contemplate the option of ceasing their addiction and then once a decision is made then a treatment pathway can be created to help them further in their journey. An example of a pathway is the CBT Clinics Staying Stopped Program which is a group that meets 3 times weekly for 6 weeks For more information regarding London CBT Clinics for Addictions and our Addictions Psychotherapists contact you
•Find a quite location, lie on your back with your hands by your side and close your eyes •Breath deep and slowly via your lower abdomen. In through the nose and out through the mouth and repeat 6 or more times •Initially start to think about your feet. Feel your feet. Sense their weight. Consciously tell them to relax. Tell each toe to relax, one by one and progress up through feet to your ankles •Tell you ankles to relax, think this slow and take your time to visualise you ankle further relaxed, released from the weight of the day •Move up through your legs, telling every muscle and bone to relax. Feel your knees. Sense their weight •Consciously feel you upper legs and thighs relax. Feel the weight. More an more heavy and relaxed •Feel your abdomen relax. Sense your breathing. Consciously relax your chest . Deepen your breathing and feel your abdomen and chest sinking down. •Notice your hands, feel them. Sense their weight. Consciously relax them and feel them totally relax •Feel your upper arms, their weight and consciously tell them to relax •Feel your shoulders and repeat the method, them on to your neck, head and skull •Tell every muscle in your face to relax. Relax your mouth, jaw and consciously repeatedly tell them to relax again •Feel your eyes and sense any tension. In your mind consciously relax your eyelids and feel the tension to disperse form the eyes. Do the same with your checks, forehead and ears, relax all your face, taking your time to remind each area to relax and relax even further •In your mind, scan your entire body. If you any place still remains tense, then consciously relax that are and let yourself sink deeper into relaxation You may wish to record these instructions and play them back to yourself.
CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited
CBTMONTHLY February 3rd 2011
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remember we are here to help contact the business centre 0207 558 8894 or email matt@cbtinthecity.com
CBTMONTHLY Head office 10 Harley Street London W1G 9PF
Wellness Centre CBT in the City Ltd 10 Harley Street London W1G 9PF