CBT Newsletter April 2012

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April 2012 Experts at your fingertips call now

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Message From the Clinical Director

CBT in the City TV Tops tips for obsessive thinking and developing confidence Page 3

Golden oldie Tips for self accetance by Albert Ellis Page 4

Testimonial of Recovery Yasmin on childhood trauma page 6

Message From the Clinical Director How did you like your eggs? I liked mine and I hope you all enjoyed easter. The giving of eggs dates back to the pagan times and was a symbol of fertility and blessings to the family. I hope that you all have what you need and be prosperous in 2012. These are good times for finding out resources within that lay dormant and need to be revived to be creative and innovative in these days. Remember that we are falliable as human beings and can make mistakes, accept yourself, others and what life throws at you as an opportunity for growth and not as a threat to your self esteem. In this months newsletter is a revisit to some golden oldies and one of the Godfathers of CBT. If you enjoy any of the articles then please contact us via twitter or facebook

• Website: www.cbtinthecity.com • Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB



CBT in the City TV Introduction of CBT Services with Matt

Matt Broadway-Horner Founder of CBT in the City Clinics introducing the service and what Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is and how it can be used View more videos on YouTube: CBT in the City Clinics's Channel

Top CBT Tips

Explaining treatment for Obsessional disorder in a straight forward manner. Also giving tips for developing task confidence View more videos on YouTube: CBT in the City Clinics's Channel More videos coming soon.. Our head office is based in Harley Street, London, while we also hold London CBT Clinics at the Healix Wellbeing Centre, Southgate and Angel Chiropractic Clinic in Islington. In the home counties we have CBT Clinics Locations in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Norwich, Hertfordshire, Kent , Surrey and Sussex. For more information, book an appointment or enrol in a Group CBT Programs you will need to contact us, register online or telephone 0207 467 1508 CBT in the City Personal "Cognitive Behaviour Therapies" structured to suit you, and your individual needs


2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited 2012


guest writer

Intellectual Fascism Why had you better not rate your self or your essence? Albert Ellis provides a few more reasons: 1. Rating your self or your you-ness is an overgeneralization and is virtually impossible to do accurately. You are (consist of) literally millions of acts, deeds, and traits during your lifetime. Even if you were fully aware of all these performances and characteristics (which you never will be) and were able to give each of them a rating (say, from zero to one hundred) how would you rate each one?; for what purpose?; and under what conditions? Even if you could accurately rate all your millions of acts, how could you get a mean or global rating of the 'you' who performs them? Not very easily! 2. Just as your deeds and characteristics constantly change (today you play tennis or chess or the stock market very well and tomorrow quite badly), so does your self-change. Even if you could, at any one second, somehow give your totality a legitimate rating, this rating would keep changing constantly as you did new things and had more experiences. Only after your death could you give your self a final and stable rating. 3. What is the purpose of rating your self or achieving ego aggrandizement or self-esteem? Obviously, to make you feel better than other people: to grandiosely deify yourself, to be holier than thou, and to rise to heaven in a golden chariot. Nice work, if you can do it! But since self- esteem seems to be highly correlated with what Bandura (1977) calls self-efficacy, you can only have stable ego-strength when (a) you do well, (b) know you will continue to do well, and (c) have a guarantee that you will always equal or best others in important performances in the present and future. Well, unless you are truly perfect, lots of luck on those aspirations! 4. Although rating your performances and comparing them to those of others has real value because it will help you improve your efficacy and presumably increase your happiness rating your self and insisting that you must be a good and adequate person will (unless you, again, are perfect!) almost inevitably result in your being anxious when you may do any important thing badly, depressed when you do behave poorly, hostile when others out-perform you, and self- pitying when conditions interfere with your doing as well as you think you should. In addition to these neurotic and debilitating feelings, you will almost certainly suffer from serious behavioral problems, such as procrastination, withdrawal, shyness, phobias, obsessions, inertia, and inefficiency (Bard, 1980; Ellis, 1962, 1971, 1973; Ellis and Becker, 1982; Ellis and Harper, 1975; Ellis and Knaus, 1977; Grieger and Grieger, 1982; Miller, 1983; Walen, diGiuseppe and Wessler, 1980; Wessler and Wessler, 1980). For these reasons, as well as others that I have outlined elsewhere (Ellis, 1962, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1988), rating or measuring your self or your ego will tend to make you anxious, miserable, and ineffective. By all means rate your acts and try (undesperately!) to do well. For you may be happier, healthier, richer, or more achievement- confident (confident that you can achieve) if you perform adequately. But you will not be, nor had you better define yourself as, a better person. If you insist on rating your self or your personhood at all which REBT advises you not to do, you had better conceive of yourself as being valuable or worthwhile just because you are human, because you are alive, because you exist. Preferably, don't rate your self or your being at all and then you won't get into any philosophic or scientific difficulties. But if you do use inaccurate, over-generalized self-ratings, such as 'I am a good person,' 'I am worthwhile,' or 'I like myself,' say 'I am good because I exist and not because I do something special.' Then you will not be rating yourself in a rigid, bigoted, authoritarian, that is, fascistic manner.


2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited 2012



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Testimonial of Recovery

cognitive behaviour therapy made a difference!....with OCD morphing the human condition By Yolanda

When I first approached CBT in the City I was experiencing a high level of anxiety from my OCD which was about my strong belief in being possessed by The Devil. This belief ruined my day to day life. This was preventing me from carrying out routine tasks and I was struggling to cope. Â I had tried various other forms of treatment but found that CBT was the best approach for me. Â Matt was particularly knowledgeable and understanding of my condition and following a course with him I was able to once again enjoy my life.

7 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited 2012

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CBTMONTHLY 10 Harley Street London W1G 9PF

CBT in the City Wellbeing Clinic 1 10 Harley Street, Central London, W1G 9P for more information contact +44 (0) 207 467 1508

• Website: www.cbtinthecity.com • Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB


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