August 2012
What is Imagery Re-scripting and Reprocessing Therapy? Experts at your fingertips call
Check out our new services in
in you local area
CBT in the City Message From the Clinical Director page 2
New service for those suffering at home! Find out more on how to overcome your problems page 3
Book review How to manage depression using CBT by Thomson & Broadway-Horner page 4
David overcame OCD Find out more on how to overcome worry page 6
CBT London and the Home Counties Our head office is based in at the
Harley Street, London, while we also hold London CBT Clinics
Healix Wellbeing Centre
Church Road Clinic in Highbury and Islington
in Southgate, North
Camberwell and Walthamstowe. In the home counties we have CBT Therapists available on Norwich,
the network in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex,
St Albans in Hertfordshire
, Kent , Surrey and Sussex. For more
information, book an appointment or enrol in a Group CBT Programs you will need to contact us, register online or telephone
0207 467 1508
Message From the Clinical Director Exciting news of my book will be available to purchase now via Amazon and released in September. It is called Managing Depression with CBT in the successful dummies series which is world wide. I hope you will like the book and find the chapters useful for your recovery. The testimonial this month is from an ex OCD patient who has kindly offered a wonderful account of the journey and that life is so much better since using the successful tradition that is CBT. I am glad to mention that our clinics are now available in Walthamstowe, Brixton and Camberwell areas, so please take advantage and book your appointment sooner rather than later. For all those looking forward to the olympics then let me give a great cheer to Great Britain team and go for gold!! Also please remember that we have packages to help any individual or problem which now includes video online chat, telephone and home treatment services as well as visiting the clinics
• Website: • Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB
New service update!
New Service
New service for those that need home based treatments Therapy to aid recovery and wellbeing
An on call system to meet the needs of the people and ensure expert advice in the time of need
2 CBT in the City Ltd Registered company in UK:6709268. CBT in the City is a registered Trademark copyright 2010 and all work produced and published is the property of CBT in the City Ltd. Any reproduction is prohibited 2012
BR book review
Managing Depression with CBT For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help) by Brian Thomson and Matt Broadway-Horner book review By Natalie O’Bryan
The book is a new exciting edition to the dummies range offering some needed advice to those who are managing their depression from a Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic viewpoint. The authors offer a range of ideas from the 1st 2nd and 3rd wave CBT approaches and I think they blend it quite well in an easy to read style that the dummies range is famous for. Much is offered to overcome the problem but here the authors help with strategies to help with the day to day management of depression.
A good read and provides a menu of tips and challenges to understake and for the dpressed indivial it is a bible to recovery and if not recovery then a of management of the day to day challenges that depression brings To order your copy then please go to
It has a chapter on how to develop intelligence about emotions which is essential to know when dealing with the mindfield of emotions and when knowledge is gained then the individual has power to make the changes. The writing style is good clear and inviting the reader to engage on a journey of self discovery. The beauty of the style is that the depressed person with reduced attention span can dip in and out the book and glen a gem or 2 in helping them that day
Available for order now on Amazon
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CBTMONTHLY January 3rd 2011
Testimonial of Recovery
cognitive behaviour therapy made a difference the human condition By David
I was fortunately referred to Matt by a specialist to help overcome the OCD that I had suffered from since childhood and that was increasingly made daily life seem intolerable. The most extraordinary thing about CBT was that without any medication and purely through having my thoughts guided in the right way I have been able to reclaim my life and do whatever I wish without the fear of being a mad, dangerous or a bad person. Before I met Matt, I had heard that you cannot ultimately change the way you think. My experiences of CBT have taught me that this is utter nonsense and that if you wish to change the way you think you can there is no need to suffer in silence. It is no exaggeration to say that CBT has fundamentally changed my life for the better. If you need help then book an appointment today and you have the choice of a male or female therapist as well as different treatment delivery methods i.e. group, 121, telephone, video online therapy and home treatment service
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CBTMONTHLY 10 Harley Street
Out in September!
London W1G 9PF
CBT in the City Wellbeing Clinic 1 10 Harley Street, Central London, W1G 9P for more information contact +44 (0) 207 467 1508
• Website: • Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB