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Check out our new services in you local Message from Susie page 1 Book review
January 2013
page 3 Sex
dysfunction for men?4 What is Peyroine’s Condition? Page 4 Post natal depression THE FACTS page 5 Time table for group mindfulness therapy 6 What is in February edition of IMAGINE 2014
The journey started in January 2006 in 10 Harley Street when Matt Broadway-Horner was working full time at the Priory hospital in north London. Initially he started part time in his clinic working two evenings weekly for the first year and then gradually growing until now working full time in 4 locations, 3 in London and 1 in St Albans. This has been a dream come true for Matt to work using CBT to help people deal with their problems before it becomes chronic and they are forced to take time off work due to illness. Indeed the driving force behind the formation of the clinic comes from personal experience of Matt watching a relative struggle with mental illness with no alternatives proposed by the NHS until the conditioned worsened needing the enforcement of the Mental Health Act (1983)
Clinic services Our priority is work with you in finding the right therapist and that is convenient to you. There are 2 main ways to contact us Call on 020 7467 1508
What is CBT?
Message From Susie @ CBT in the City HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And what a year 2013 has been for me working here for 8 months now and enjoying every minute of it. Also for the Director Matt it has been an eventful year and he would like you to know that he is looking forward to 2014 as he will be getting married and also hopefully with fingers crossed be able to adopt a child via social services adoption agency which will add to his growing family. Matt is now spending some of his efforts now away from the clinic and will be reducing his time as clinical director and focusing on his family. Last year Matt published his book ʻManaging Depression using CBTʼ along with being significantly involved in project managing within the NHS, Department of health and CBT in schools project which is owned by CBT in the City. For this year I am pleased to
announce the dates for the mindfulness treatment packages on page 6. Be sure to enrol and save a space for the experience that will help you slow down and learn about resilience in this stressed out world. Matt will be group leader for this year taking over from Andrea who is now on maternity leave, Good luck Andrea hope to see you soon. Also in 2014 a new clinic for men suffering from Peyroineʼs condition is open and also a clinic for women suffering from Post Natal Depression and its various manifestations like Post Natal OCD which will be lead by our specialist. I hope that this year the team will go on to perform much more and be better than ever before! I wish you all prosperity in 2014.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a tradition that focuses on the way people think and act in order to help them overcome their emotional and behavioural problems. The effectiveness of CBT has been extensively researched more than any other Therapy and has shown that people stay well longer. This positive result is due in part to the educational aspects of CBT which can be applied to help an individual to become their own CBT Therapist
Which one? Within therapy services we offer different approaches with in the CBT tradition, like REBT, Behavioural Activation, ACT, Mindfulness, CT, Imagery and Rescripting therapy, and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy. All have evidence of working and can significantly improve your life
Social media Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB
A book review By Maria João Cabrita Managing depression with cbt for dummies is a very concise, practical self help book that is easy to read and guides people through identifying how depression develops, is maintained and can be treated making use of a set of skills described in a detailed fashion. Practicing the exercises and skills in a consistent way, can take you in a journey of self discovery and build your confidence in overcoming barriers in dealing with painful feelings and negative thoughts. The examples that illustrate the book throughout are varied and cover many experiences that are shared by people suffering with depression. The jargon is kept to a minimum and clarified by analogies that are easy to understand. Skills to tackle problems are demonstrated in real and diverse situations and experiences.
It has lots of practically tips to use as you progress with implementing skills and quick remembering points that encapsulate main learning ideas. The book is about depression but is light and uplifting making very good use of humour and cartoons (which I particularly like : D) The techniques and information in the book include the most recent developments in cognitive behavioural therapy and allow the reader to have a good overall understanding of what is available and chose what most suit him. Can be used as a stand alone tool , in conjunction with therapy and as a very good quick reference guide to continue to practice and develop skills once a therapy course Is completed. A very well rounded self help book to assist people experiencing depression in their journey of recovery and equally useful for families and friends wanting to be involved in this process.
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The CBT in the City Task force here to help YOU!
02074671508 Social media Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB
Sexual dysfunction
Problematic as men do not seek help
There is hope
sex life is possible
for men
sense of embarrassment
science has the answer
not cool to talk about
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is the answer
suicidal Tried and tested ideas feel like “less of a man” “ I am weak”
Call now to speak with therapist
marriages breakdown
hope is near
Peyronie's Condition A specific type of sexual dysfunction suffered by men is Peyronie's condition is caused by scar tissue, called plaque, which forms along the length of the penis in the corpora cavernosa. This plaque is not visible, and depending on the severity of the condition, the plaque can cause the penis to bend, making sexual intercourse difficult and occasionally painful. What Causes Peyronie's Condition? The cause of Peyronie's condition is unclear. Many researchers believe the plaque of Peyronie's condition can develop following trauma (hitting or bending) that causes localized bleeding inside the penis. The injury or trauma may not be noticeable. Other cases, which develop over time, may be genetically linked or inherited (passed on from parents to children through genes). The disorder could be caused by a combination of both factors. In addition, a number of medications list Peyronie's condition as a possible side effect. However, the chance of developing Peyronie's condition from any of these drugs is very low and there is no absolute evidence that Peyronie's is related to taking these drugs. Who Gets Peyronie's condition? One study found that Peyronie's occurs in 1% of men, according to the National Institutes of Health. Although the disease occurs mostly in middle-aged men, younger and older men can get it. In some cases, men who are related tend to develop Peyronie's, suggesting the disease may be genetically linked. What are the Symptoms of Peyronie's? Symptoms may develop slowly or appear overnight. When the penis is soft, no problem can be seen. But, in severe cases, the hardened plaque (which is benign, or noncancerous) reduces flexibility, causing pain and forcing the penis to bend or arc during erection. In most cases, the pain decreases over time, but the bend in the penis can remain a problem. Occasionally, milder forms of the disease will resolve spontaneously without causing significant pain or permanent bending. Overall, Peyronie's will resolve on its own between 5%-19% of the time.
Some men with Peyronie's develop scar tissue elsewhere in the body, such as on the hand or foot. How Is Peyronie's Diagnosed? First, your doctor will talk to you and ask about any circumstances, such as injury, that may have occurred prior to symptoms appearing. Your doctor can feel the hardened tissue caused by the disease during an exam, although sometimes it is necessary to do the exam with the penis erect. In some cases where the doctor's exam does not confirm Peyronie's, or in cases where the condition develops rapidly, your doctor may perform a biopsy. A biopsy involves removing tissue from the affected area to be examined in a lab. Can Peyronie's be treated? Yes. But, since some people's condition improves without treatment, doctors often suggest waiting one to two years or longer before attempting to correct it. Mild cases of the condition rarely require treatment. Also, the pain associated with Peyronie's occurs only with an erection and is usually mild What Treatments Are Available? Possible treatments for Peyronie's include surgery and medical treatment. 1. Surgery 2. Psychological treatment for Pain Management & self esteem In the majority of men with penile pain due to Peyronie's disease, the discomfort usually will resolve on its own as the penile injury heals and matures over time. What Is the Outlook for Peyronie's Disease? Peyronie's disease may be a self-limiting condition. Pain usually disappears with time, plaque formation stops, and the erection deformity stabilizes. Most men with Peyronie's disease are able to have sexual intercourse and mutual enjoyment with their partner. . If intercourse is satisfactory then no treatment may be needed.
Testimonial I have Peyroine’s and it ruined my life. I became depressed and suicidal not knowing who to turn to. I have had the diagnosis for 4 yrs and I did not see any point in living as my dick is bent so bad that I am ashamed to have sex with women for fear of them laughing. Then I sought help for depression with CBT in the City and there I saw a male therapist talking about my depression without mentioning the Peyroine’s. The therapist eventually found out as I was in pain in a therapy session and he wondered if I was ok. I then broke down in tears and shared my disgust of having Peyroine’s. He told me that he had treated men before with this condition and I felt relief using the therapy now for Peyroine’s which lifted my depression. I am not cured but I am feeling a lot better, brighter and can see a future. For all men out there DON’T SUFFER ALONE get help and come to CBT in the City All the best Shane
very rare for either mother or baby to be harmed. However, it is vital you seek help if you have these or other symptoms of postnatal depression. Treatment will benefit both your health and the healthy development of your baby, as well as your relationship with your partner, family and friends. Seeking help for postnatal depression does not mean you are a bad mother or unable to cope.
Post natal depression or PND. What do the doctors look for? by Fact corner Postnatal depression can affect women in different ways. They can begin to have symptoms soon after the birth which can last for months, or in severe cases for more than a year. Key symptoms are: a persistent feeling of sadness and low mood loss of interest in the world around you and no longer enjoying things that used to give pleasure lack of energy and feeling tired all the time (fatigue) Other symptoms can include: disturbed sleep, such as not being able to fall asleep during the night (insomnia )and then being sleepy during the day difficulties with concentration and making decisions low self-confidence poor appetite or an increase in appetite ("comfort eating") feeling very agitated or alternatively very apathetic (can’t be bothered) feelings of guilt and self-blame thinking about suicide and selfharming Postnatal depression can interfere with your day-to-day life. Some women feel unable to look after their baby, or feel too anxious to leave the house or keep in touch with friends. Frightening thoughts Some women who have postnatal depression get thoughts about harming their baby. This is quite common, affecting around half of all women with the condition. You may also have thoughts about harming or killing yourself. These thoughts do not mean you are a bad mother, and it is
Spotting the signs in others Many mothers do not recognise they have postnatal depression, and do not talk to family and friends about their true feelings. It's therefore important for partners, family members and friends to recognise signs of postnatal depression at an early stage. Warning signs include: They frequently cry for no obvious reason. They have difficulties bonding with their baby. They seem to be neglecting themselves – for example, not washing or changing clothes. They seem to have lost all sense of time – often unaware if 10 minutes or two hours have passed. They lose all sense of humour and cannot see the funny side of anything. They worry something is wrong with their baby, regardless of reassurance. If you think someone you know has postnatal depression, encourage them to open up and talk about their feelings to you, a friend, GP or health visitor. Postnatal depression needs to be properly treated and isn't something you can just snap out of. Postnatal psychosis A rarer and more serious mental health condition that can develop after birth is known as postnatal psychosis, thought to affect around 1 in 1,000 women. Symptoms of postnatal psychosis include: bipolar-like symptoms – feeling depressed one moment and very happy the next believing things that are obviously untrue and illogical (delusions) – often relating to the baby, such as thinking the baby is dying or that
either you or the baby have magical powers seeing and hearing things that are not really there (hallucination)– this is often hearing voices telling you to harm the baby Postnatal psychosis is regarded as an emergency. If you are concerned someone you know may have developed postnatal psychosis, contact your GP immediately or A & E service If you think there is a danger of imminent harm to you, your partner or your baby, call your local A&E services and ask to speak to the duty psychiatrist or mental health nurse.
PND helpline: 0800 063 1532 and ask for expert Matt Broadway-Horner What to do with PND? Above all be patient and don’t mimic or be hostile to your loved one as this will not change their situation but instead make it worse Be a cheer leader Encourage and congratulate the small steps Be a co-therapist Check in with your relative or friend to find out what they need to do for homework. Homework should be a central part to therapy. The help seeker will tell you if they feel supported and part of a collaborative relationship CBT is one of the effective therapies CBT, art therapy and other imaginal therapies are just as effective as each other. CBT has many educational aspects and this is what helps people to understand and take the led in therapy Therapy It can be like a dance, 3 steps forward and 2 steps back BUT remember the 1 step gained and keep positive
mindfulnessandthecity Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy MBCT 2014 IN ST ALBANS FOR A WEEKEND INTENSIVE Book now for your treatment or buy a gift for a friend. Please click on link http:// and make payment for the full amount of £195 February
8 & 9th Mindfulness weekend
1 & 2nd
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (town centre 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (town centre 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (town centre 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Group leader:
Group leader:
Group leader:
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
2014 IN NO 10 HARLEY STREET FOR A WEEKEND INTENSIVE Book now for your treatment or buy a gift for a friend. Please click on link http:// and make payment for the full amount of £195 for a weekend intensive February
15 & 16th Mindfulness weekend
8 & 9th
12 & 13th
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (John Lewis and 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (town centre 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Times Start 930am coffee & Tea 10 til 12 Mindfulness 12 til 1 Lunch (town centre 2 mins away) 1 til 330pm Mindfulness 330 til 4 tea & Coffee 4 til 5 MIndfulness
Group leader:
Group leader:
Group leader:
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
2014 IN NO 10 HARLEY STREET FOR 8 WEEK COURSES Book now for your treatment or buy a gift for a friend. Please click on link http:// and make payment for the full amount of ÂŁ360 for the 8 week program. This is 2 hours of mindfulness each week for 8 weeks February
starting Friday 7th February and finishing Friday 28th March 8 week program
starting Friday 4th April and finishing Friday 30th* May 8 week program * Good Friday April 18th no group meeting due to clinic closed for bank holiday
starting Friday 6th June and finishing Friday 25th July 8 week program
Times on each Friday Start 6pm coffee & Tea 630 til 730pm Mindfulness 730 til 745pm break for tea and coffee 745 til 830pm Mindfulness 830pm finish
Times on each Friday Start 6pm coffee & Tea 630 til 730pm Mindfulness 730 til 745pm break for tea and coffee 745 til 830pm Mindfulness 830pm finish
Times on each Friday Start 6pm coffee & Tea 630 til 730pm Mindfulness 730 til 745pm break for tea and coffee 745 til 830pm Mindfulness 830pm finish
Group leader:
Group leader:
Group leader:
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
Matt Broadway-Horner
Harley Street Central London W1G 9PF Nearest Tube Station is Oxford Circus and there are a variety of shops, restaurants and cafes for lunch and evening meals The Elms 24 Hall Place Gardens St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3SF nearest station is St Albans and local to The Elms are restaurants, shops and cafes available for lunch and evening meals
tel: 0044 (0) 2074671508 email: website:
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What is in next month s edition?
In February we look at
Worry and how
to manage it
. Mindfulness and how to
use it for 3 minutes a day
plus much
Social media
Join Our Facebook Groups: CBT in the City - CBT in the City for Schools - Mindfulness and the City • Follow us on Twitter: CBTDaily - SchoolsCBT - MindfulnessCB