PEDIATRIC SURGERY The mission of the Pediatric Surgery Division is to provide high quality family-centered surgical care. The Division of Pediatric Surgery offers a full range of clinical services for pediatric patients from newborns to young adults. This includes prenatal consultations, the treatment of congenital anomalies, head and neck surgery, surgery of the chest and abdomen, pediatric gynecology, non-reconstructive urology, surgical oncology, bariatric surgery, reconstruction of chest wall deformities, and trauma including burn care. Pediatric surgeons currently see patients in Farmington, Glastonbury, and Danbury, allowing easier access for the convenience of our patient families. Some outpatient procedures are performed at the Connecticut Children’s Ambulatory Surgery Center in Farmington. Same-day outpatient visits are available at our Hartford office for urgent problems, and at our satellites when a pediatric surgeon is there. We are committed to offering families outpatient appointments within one week of referral, if desired by the family. The year 2020 was unlike any other for the Division of Pediatric Surgery. We are proud to say that our division members met the challenge of Covid-19 and quickly adapted to ensure the safety of our staff and patients and to meet the ongoing demand for emergent surgery, which continued throughout the pandemic. Elective surgeries were halted in mid-March for just over two months. Many of our staff members stepped up to serve on hospital committees that were formed in urgent response to Covid-19. Division chief and Surgeonin-Chief Christine Finck, MD, served as chair of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Operations Resumption task forces. Richard Weiss, MD, served on the Covid Testing Task Force. The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic required rigorous new protocols and new clinical pathways. The division shifted to telemedicine for 80 percent or more of office visits, and we continue to offer telemedicine even as surgeries and office appointments have resumed.