In 2020, the Nephrology division continued to experience significant expansion with growth at satellites throughout the region. The division expanded its hypertension services and the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) program. We celebrated the grand opening of the Robert R. Rosenheim Foundation Dialysis Center, Connecticut’s only pediatric, state-of-the-art dialysis facility, which is designed to ensure that children receive the best care in the most comfortable environment possible.
Nephrology continued to participate in prestigious research consortiums including the SCOPE (Standardizing Care to Improve Outcomes for Pediatric ESRD) Collaborative and the Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium (MWPNC). These collaboratives produced quality- and research-driven outcomes in the department. The division continued its participation in multiple research initiatives and demonstrated high productivity with papers and abstract presentations at national and international meetings. The division has 18 active IRB-approved research studies as well as joint research collaborations with other divisions.
Despite Covid-19, the year was marked by many clinical successes, with the growth of Nephrology services in the Fairfield and western Massachusetts regions. The division has maintained a clinical presence at five satellites across Connecticut and Massachusetts, allowing children to access renal care close to home. The division continues to be robust with three boardcertified pediatric nephrologists, a dietitian, two APRNs, three nurses, a dialysis RN manager, and a dedicated full-time social worker. Strong clinical relationships exist with the divisions of Urology and Transplant Surgery to provide seamless, comprehensive care for our patients, regardless of where they are located in our hospital. The division continues to expand its ambulatory blood pressure monitoring program, which is co-managed by Robyn Matloff, MD, MPH. This program provides comprehensive hypertensive care not only in Hartford, but at all Connecticut Children’s locations across Connecticut and western Massachusetts. Dr. Matloff serves as the physician liaison in Fairfield County, and she has helped spearhead growth for all Connecticut Children’s specialties in the region. The Division of Nephrology experienced continued steady growth in outpatient visits for the year. These visits included pre-transplant, post-transplant, inpatient, and outpatient consults as well as acute and chronic dialysis. Our renal transplant service continued with three recipients for 2020, and our patients are now undergoing cutting-edge, steroid-free protocols. The division continues to work closely with the ICU on a regular basis to provide continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration for our sickest patients.
Our team continues to exhibit national and international academic excellence. Division chief Cynthia Silva, MD, FAAP, remotely presented her work on nephrogenic diabetes insipidus at the Pediatric Academic Societies National Conference. Sherene Mason, MD, FAAP, MBA, joined the medical advisory board of the National Kidney Foundation, Connecticut and Greater New York chapter. She was invited to co-author the chapter on Pediatric Lupus Nephritis in the eighth edition of Pediatric Nephrology. She was elected to the board of Connecticut Children’s Specialty Group, the board of directors for Read to Grow, and the board of directors of the New Haven Innovation Collaborative. On an international level, two division members, Drs. Silva and Mason, were among the co-authors of the abstract “Access to Kidney Transplantation for Minority Children With End-Stage Renal Disease and Predictors of Outcomes.” The abstract was selected for oral presentation at the 28th International Congress of the Transplantation Society (TTS 2020), which was originally scheduled for September in Seoul, South Korea, but was held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
THE FUTURE As we look forward to the upcoming year, we will be welcoming a fourth nephrologist, Hanan Tawadrous, MD, and expanding services in Glastonbury and Enfield. We will continue our extensive research portfolio and increase IRB-approved, research-funded studies. PUBLICATIONS D’Alessandri-Silva C, Carpenter M, Ayoob R, Barcia J, Aftab Chishti A, Constantinescu A, Dell KM, Goodwin J, Hashmat S, Iragorri S, Kaspar C, Mason S, Misurac JM, Muff-Luett M, Sethna C, Shah S, Weng P, Greenbaum LA, D Mahan JD. Renal outcomes in children with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: a Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium Study. Front Pediatr. 2020 Jan 21; 7:550. Thomlinson P, Carpenter M, D’Alessandri-Silva C. The evaluation and treatment of metabolic acidosis. Spring Nature Switzerland AG. 20 Apr 2020. b3GhD. Kudose S, Batal I, D’Alessandri-Silva C, Lin F, D’Agati VD, Markowitz GS. X-linked Alport syndrome with “empty capsule sign.” Kidney Int. 2020; 97(2):426. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.kint.2019.08.025. Herbst KW, Tomlinson P, Lockwood G, Mosha M, Wang Z, D’Alessandri-Silva C. Survival and kidney outcomes of children with an early diagnosis of posterior urethral valves. CJASN. 2019 Oct; CJN.04350419. https://doi. org/10.2215/CJN.04350419. STAFF Cynthia D’Alessandri-Silva, MD, FAAP, Division Chief Sherene Mason, MD, FAAP, MBA Robyn Matloff, MD, MPH Sonal Fisco, APRN Susanne Johnson, APRN