2014/2015 Annual Report

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2014 / 2015 Annual Report 年報 1.4.2014-31.3.2015 City Contemporary Dance Company

城市當代舞蹈團2014至2015年報 CCDC Annual Report 2014-2015

出版 Published by 城市當代舞蹈團有限公司 City Contemporary Dance Company Limited 編輯組 Editorial Team 節目及市場部 Programme and Marketing Department CCDC舞台演出照片攝影 CCDC Stage Photos 陳德昌 Ringo Chan, 張志偉 Cheung Chi-wai CCDC舞蹈中心照片攝影 CCDC Dance Centre Photos Aerial Production, KK Lau, Mac Flow, Maxx Lee, Zhong Lei, Ke Zhou 平面設計 Graphic Design The Ambition One Limited 封面 Cover 樂知靄 Shirley Lok

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) 香港九龍新蒲崗大有街26至28號11樓 11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話 Tel : (852) 2329 7803 傳真 Fax : (852) 2351 4199 www.ccdc.com.hk info@ccdc.com.hk

目錄 Table of Contents 2

視野 Vision


主席報告 Chairman’s Report


董事會 Board of Directors


活動回顧 Review of Activities


使命一 Mission I


使命二 Mission II


使命三 Mission III


使命四 Mission IV


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


核數師報告 Auditor’s Report


舞團架構 Company Structure



CCDC is a Hong Kong-based professional dance company that rallies the best of Chinese talent to create dance in the contemporary context of China

Chairman’s Report

城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,於1979年 由曹誠淵創立,以體現香港當代文化及推動現代舞蹈發展 為宗旨。三十五年來,舞團保留了超過二百齣本土編舞家 的完整舞碼,包括曹誠淵、黎海寧、梅卓燕、潘少輝及伍 宇烈等作品,也經常與其他媒介藝術家合作,展現多元化 的香港文化特色。每年演出逾六十多場,參與人數超過五 萬人次。

Under the leadership of Founder and Artistic Director, Willy Tsao, City Contemporary Dance Company has inspired and elated audiences in Hong Kong and around the world with superb modern dance performances over the past 34 years. Founded in 1979, CCDC has presented more than 200 original works to critical acclaim, including productions by Tsao and leading choreographers such as Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-yin, Pun Siu-fai and Yuri Ng. CCDC has presented innovative collaborations with outstanding artists from other media and with artists from around the world.

城市當代舞蹈團致力以「立足香港,匯聚華人菁 英,創造當代中國舞蹈」為宗旨,在剛過去的三 十五周年舞季,無論在原創節目、海外演出、教育 與外展活動以及中國舞蹈發展計劃四方面均表現卓 越,充份展現作為香港旗艦舞團的風範。

自1980年以來,舞團開展頻密的國際文化交流活動,先 後代表香港在美洲、歐洲、澳洲及亞洲共三十多個主要城 市,包括紐約、蒙特里爾、倫敦、巴黎、羅馬、佛羅倫 斯、奧斯陸、羅韋雷托、柏林、里昂、悉尼、東京、首 爾、釜山、新加坡、馬尼拉、北京、上海、烏魯木齊、西 寧、台北、慕尼黑、斯圖加特、孟買、德里、布里斯本、 哥本哈根、布拉格、卡米爾(以色列)、聖彼德堡、莫斯 科、洛杉磯、華盛頓及三藩市等進行了二百三十五場海外 演出,備受國際藝壇重視。

CCDC is renowned for reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s vibrant, multifaceted contemporary culture, presenting works to an audience of more than 50,000 people annually. It has represented Hong Kong as it performed 235 overseas invitations at the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in over 30 major cities: including New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Montreal, London, Paris, Lyon, Rome, Florence, Oslo, Rovereto, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Prague, St Petersburg, Moscow, Copenhagen, Karmiel (Israel), Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo, Seoul, Busan, Singapore, Manila, Sydney, Brisbane, Beijing, Shanghai, Xining, Taipei and Urumqi.

除了「立足香港、匯聚華人菁英、創造當代中國舞蹈」的 藝術路線之外,舞團也積極推動舞蹈教育工作,於2004年 成立CCDC舞蹈中心,繼續發揚以往的舞蹈教育、舞蹈外 展計劃、社區表演及藝術推廣等工作。每年提供四十多場 的外展表演、現代舞、芭蕾舞、爵士舞及中國舞等不同類 型的舞蹈訓練,受眾超過四萬人。自1998年開始,舞團在 國內推展「中國舞蹈發展計劃」,為國內正在萌芽的現代 舞團體提供行政與技術支援,並於內地與北京雷動天下現 代舞團及廣東現代舞團合辦多個極具影響力的現代舞節, 鼓勵內地新晉舞蹈家進行探索性創作。

CCDC’s commitment to education and development results in around 40 outreach performances annually, offering highly popular dance courses to more than 40,000 students and audience members each year. CCDC also helps to organise dance festivals in China, and since 1998, through its China Dance Development Programme, provides administrative and technical support to emerging Hong Kong and mainland artists. The opening of the CCDC Dance Centre in 2004 has given young artists, students and the community the facilities and programmes that ensure the ongoing development of dance as a vital artistic pursuit in Hong Kong.

去年舞團於香港呈獻五齣由華人編舞家創作的作品 ─包括黃狄文的《思纏想後》、桑吉加的《那一年˙ 這一天》、龐智筠的《購人心弦2.0》、林詠茵、樂 知靄及阮日廣合編的《動靜》、黎海寧、梅卓燕、 龐智筠、桑吉加、曹誠淵、黃狄文及邢亮合編的 《風中三十五》;更主辦「城市當代舞蹈節」,邀請 兩岸三地舞蹈精英來港獻技。年內更主辦「跳格國際 舞蹈影像節」及「CCDC媒體實驗室」等節目,以善 用多媒體推廣當代舞蹈藝術。 在教育與外展活動方面,舞團位於黃大仙的CCDC舞 蹈中心恆常舉辦豐富多樣的課程,廣受區內以至全 港市民歡迎。此外,中心亦透過舞蹈培訓獎學金計 劃、學校現代舞培訓計劃、學校文化日等項目推廣 及拓展觀眾網絡,使中心成為香港舞蹈愛好者的熱 點。而位於中心的賽馬會舞蹈小劇場,亦定期舉辦 「真演出」新系列節目,鼓勵新晉編舞發表創作。 中心亦透過成立「夥伴計劃」,為不同界別的本地 藝術家提供難得的創作空間,並定期舉辦與舞蹈界 息息相關的座談及交流會。

With pride and relentless passion CCDC works hard to live up to its mission to “rally the best of Chinese talent to create dance in the contemporary context of China”. The last season marked the 35th anniversary of CCDC’s establishment in Hong Kong. As our city’s flagship contemporary dance company, it has achieved excellent results in a wide spectrum of activities through critically-acclaimed original productions, international tours, education and outreach activities, as well as its unique China Dance Development Programme. In the past season, CCDC proudly presented five exceptional stage productions created by choreographers from Hong Kong and Greater China, including: Second Thoughts by Dominic Wong, As If To Nothing by Sang Jijia, The Buying Game 2.0 by Noel Pong, In-between by Peggy Lam, Shirley Lok and Anh Ngoc Nguyen, as well as Amidst the Wind by Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-Yin, Noel Pong, Sang Jijia, Willy Tsao, Dominic Wong and Xing Liang. The Company also presented the “City Contemporary Dance Festival” – a grand finale of CCDC’s 35th anniversary celebrations – which also involved participation by artists from Mainland China and Taiwan. To promote contemporary dance through multimedia, CCDC has also spearheaded the Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival and offered a range of programmes at its CCDC Media Lab. For education and outreach activities, the CCDC Dance Centre at Wong Tai Sin organised a rich variety of dance courses, which continued to be hugely popular. The Centre’s Dance Training Scholarship Scheme, Modern Dance Animateur Scheme and School Culture Day have built a wide audience base, making the Centre a hot spot for Hong Kong’s dance enthusiasts. The REAL Showcase New Series, presented regularly at the Jockey Club Dance Theatre, has provided a good platform to encourage young choreographers to stage new works, while the Partnership Programme has continued to provide the much-needed creative space for local artists to create and exchange ideas through seminars and sharing sessions.

舞團作為香港的文化大使,去年曾於北京、廣州, 挪威奧斯陸及意大利佛羅倫斯演出;而「跳格國際 舞蹈影像節」委約的本地作品,亦獲邀於法國康 城、意大利烏迪內及羅馬、北京及廣州放映,以媒 體藝術推廣香港舞蹈家的創作。

As our city’s cultural ambassador, CCDC performed in a number of cities in the past year, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Oslo (Norway) and Florence (Italy). Dance videos produced for CCDC’s Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival were presented in Cannes (France), Rome and Udine (Italy), as well as Beijing and Guangzhou, actively promoting works by Hong Kong choreographers through new media.

此外,由舞團開展的「中國舞蹈發展計劃」繼續深 化發展,去年更透過民政事務局的「具競爭性項目 資助計劃」成立「聚焦香港」項目,帶領多位香港 獨立舞蹈家到內地兩個主要舞蹈節作交流演出。

The China Dance Development Programme pioneered by CCDC continues to expand. With support from the Contestable Funding Pilot Scheme offered by the Home Affairs Bureau, the Company has launched an innovative programme called “Hong Kong Focus”, whereby the works of Hong Kong independent dancers are showcased at two major dance festivals in Mainland China.

在剛過去的三十五周年團慶,舞團繼續展現獨特創 意,力臻完美。本人及董事會各成員懇切冀望香港 的當代舞蹈文化能生生不息,深入社會各階層,為 香港這個多元化社會呈獻當代表演藝術之美,而舞 團亦能不斷超越創新,體現其作為香港重要文化代 表的角色。董事會謹向創作和管理團隊致意,感謝 舞團同寅的努力和奉獻精神,以其卓越才華與專業 能力,成就舞蹈團的持續發展。我們亦同時衷心感 謝歷年來慷慨協助城市當代舞蹈團實現願景和使命 的各界支持者:包括政府官員、捐款者、藝術家、 學者、教育工作者、文化人、傳媒工作者與及廣大 熱愛表演藝術的觀眾。

As the Company moves on to its fifth decade, CCDC continues to strive for excellence and self-reinvention. Its works capture the splendors of contemporary performing arts in Hong Kong as a pluralistic society, and the Company has emerged as an important cultural icon that embodies our city’s own identity. I applaud our creative and management teams for their exceptional talents and dedication, the dancers for their unparalleled performances. I also salute with deep respect all CCDC supporters – government officials, donors, artists, scholars, educators, professionals in the cultural and media sectors and our dance-loving audiences – who have made it possible for us to realise the Company’s vision and missions.

簡美蓮博士 Dr Hayley Kan 董事會主席 Chairman, Board of Directors 02 / 03



董事會 Board of Directors 簡美蓮博士 Dr Hayley Kan Mee-lin 主席 Chairman 簡美蓮博士的專業及個人興趣涉獵層面廣闊,包括高等教育、電影、 音樂以及慈善工作。簡博士為唱片公司執行董事,致力開拓亞太區內 的不同市場,透過音樂產品及相關的舞蹈系列達致共融多元文化特色 的目標。她亦積極參與一系列慈善機構的義務工作,包括擔任城市當 代舞蹈團董事會主席、香港紅十字會董事局成員,及為香港基督教女 青年會的重建及復修委員會擔任籌款工作。簡氏的學術背景包括英國 文學及比較文學、工商管理,以及教育與經濟的互動關係。 Dr Hayley Kan’s professional work and interests cover a range of sectors, including higher education, film and music, as well as philanthropy. She is the Executive Director of a music company that specialises in generating music products that reach out to markets in the Asia Pacific region and cover different cultural characteristics. Largely based in Hong Kong, she engages in voluntary work for a number of charities: as the Chairman for City Contemporary Dance Company, a member on the Governing Board of the Hong Kong Red Cross, and a member of the Fundraising Committee for the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association. Her academic background includes English and Comparative Literature, Business Administration and Education.

文潔華教授 Prof. Eva Man Kit-wah 聯合副主席 Co-vice Chairman 文潔華教授現為香港浸會大學研究院行政副院長、人文及創作系系教 授。她的研究及著作範圍包括:比較美學、比較哲學、女性主義哲 學、文化研究、性別研究、文化藝術等。著作包括《美學與性別衝 突:女性主義審美革命的中國境遇》、《自主的族群:十位香港新一 代女性視覺藝術家》、《性別與創造:女性主義美學及其他》、《藝 術自然與人:中國美學的傳統與現代》。編著包括《雜嘜時代:文化 身份、性別、日常生活實踐與香港電影1970》、《朱光潛與當代中國 美學》、《粵語的政治:香港語言文化的異質與多元》等。於2004年 獲得美國福布萊特研究獎學金到柏克萊加州大學當訪問學人,於2009 至2010年亦獲委為美國威斯康辛州馬其特大學百周年紀念婦女聯會講 座教授。 Prof. Eva Man is the Executive Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing of the Hong Kong Baptist University. She obtained her doctoral degree in Chinese Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research areas and publications include comparative aesthetics, comparative philosophy, woman studies, feminist philosophy, cultural studies, gender studies, and art and culture. Prof. Man contributes to newspapers and hosts a cultural programme on radio. In 2003 and 2004, she received the Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Program Fellowship to conduct research at the University of California, Berkeley. She was appointed as AMUW Woman Chair Professor of the 100th Anniversary of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2009 to 2010.

Mr Robert Lewington 聯合副主席 Co-vice Chairman Robert Lewington先生自1984年起在香港成為執業律師。Lewington先 生於2001年11月加入西盟斯律師行,現為西盟斯律師行爭議解決組顧 問。Lewington先生於人力資源消費產品、建築、保險及能源等範疇的 訴訟及仲裁案件擁有經驗。 Mr Robert Lewington is a solicitor and has been practising in Hong Kong since 1984. He joined Simmons & Simmons in November 2001 and is a Consultant in the firm’s Dispute Resolution Group. He has experience in litigation and arbitration in many sectors including human resources, consumer products, construction, insurance and energy.

陳雅文女士 Ms Yama Chan 司庫 Treasurer 陳雅文女士獲加利福尼亞大學柏克萊分校文學士學位和芝加哥大學商 業管理碩士學位。陳氏曾分別就職於高盛集團、豐田汽車金融公司 以及Carsdirect.com,擔任管理工作。陳氏亦曾在香港大學教授經濟 學,並於2001至2005年擔任香港芭蕾舞學會主席。陳氏現為書伴我行 基金會委員會主席及漢語小學堂有限公司創辦人(專業於幼兒優質漢 語學習教材)。她現主要居住在香港和洛杉磯。

04 / 05


Ms Yama Chan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Berkeley and earned a Master of Business Administration from The University of Chicago. Her prior work experience includes executive positions with Goldman Sachs, Toyota Finance Company and Carsdirect. com in Los Angeles. She has also lectured in Economics at the University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education. Ms Chan has a passion for dance and has served as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Ballet Group from 2001 to 2005. Currently, she is on the Board of Governors of Bring Me A Book Foundation and is the founder of Chinese for Kids Ltd, a company which specialises in early childhood education in Chinese. She maintains residences in Hong Kong and Los Angeles.

鄭慧華女士 Ms Vienne Cheng Wai-wah 鄭慧華女士的職業是註冊信託與財產從業者,專門為個人及慈善團體等成 立信託及基金等。鄭氏對音樂和藝術(包括表演藝術和視覺藝術)擁有濃 厚的興趣,希望透過參與CCDC,回饋社會及追求她的興趣。 Ms Vienne Cheng is a registered Trust and Estate Practitioner, specialising in setting up trusts and foundations for individuals and charitable organisations. She has a keen interest in music and arts (including both performing and visual arts). She hopes to contribute to the community and pursue her interest by being part of CCDC.

甘始莊女士 Ms Rebecca Kam Chi-chong 甘始莊女士曾就讀臥龍崗大學,獲得倫敦大學的法學學士學位。現時正修 讀倫敦大學的法律碩士課程。自幼醉心藝術,酷愛舞蹈、音樂及國畫。她 已通過倫敦音樂戲劇藝術學院的演講戲劇七級考試,並榮獲金質獎章。她 曾經從事過醫療保健與教育方面的工作,除此之外,還在香港不同的組織 機構擔任過義工。 Ms Rebecca Kam attended the University of Wollongong and went on to earn a law degree from the University of London. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s degree in Law at the University of London. Ms Kam has a great passion for the arts. She obtained Grade 7 with a Gold Medal in Speech and Drama from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She has studied ballet, music and Chinese painting, as well as attending summer programmes in Modern Dance Technique and Choreography and Musical Performance at Harvard Summer School. She has also worked as a volunteer for various organisations in Hong Kong.

鄧慧詩女士 Ms Audrey Winsome Tang 畢業於香港浸會大學傳理系,主修公共關係及廣告。入讀大學前已被香港 電台羅致,曾獲選全港最受歡迎電台節目主持人,同時兼任亞洲電視綜合 節目主持人,並幕後策劃國際音樂資訊節目。作為當年香港電台最年輕的 節目主任,除負責節目監製、策劃大型社區關係項目製作及推廣,並積極 培訓新一代廣播人。曾任華納國際唱片公司副總經理,主管亞太區國際唱 片及版權事務。 隨後加入和記集團旗下新城電台,擔任企業傳訊部主管。其後出任本港一 上市公司公共關係部門經理及主席助理。曾創辦財經公關公司,為企業提 供投資者關係及市務推廣策略;為企業策劃上市及業務推廣。財經公關公 司被收購後,為不同項目、企業及演藝名人策劃及執行市務推廣活動及管 理,同時擔任電台節目主持、司儀、廣告配音員等多元化工作。為框格音 樂事務有限公司創辦人及董事。 Ms Audrey Winsome Tang is a graduate of the Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Public Relations and Advertising. A talented DJ and programme presenter, she was recruited by the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) prior to college study and she was voted one of the most popular radio presenters in Hong Kong. Ever keen to take on new challenges, she then took up work at Asia Television Limited (ATV). Apart from hosting variety shows, she also planned and organised programmes on international music. As the youngest RTHK Programme Officer, she was also responsible for programme production, coordinating shows and projects to improve community relations, and training of new radio presenters. Recruited by Warner Music HK Ltd, she became their

deputy general manager, overlooking international repertoire and copyrights issues in the Asia-Pacific region. After Warner Music, she joined Hutchison Group’s Metro Broadcast as Senior Corporate Communications Manager. She later became the Financial Communications Manager and Assistant to Chairman in one of the locally listed companies. Later, she founded a financial marketing company, providing enterprises with professional financial advice, consultation on marketing strategies, and assistance in planning IPO and other promotional activities. Her business was later acquired by a locally listed company. She also worked, on an individual basis, as marketing planner and manager for various projects, enterprises, celebrities and artists. At the same time, she continued to enjoy working as a radio programme presenter, MC and advertising VO artist. Ms Tang is Founder and Director of Honger Music Venture Ltd.

道書華博士 Dr Ivy Tao Hsu-hwa 道書華博士於美國普渡大學獲得數學學士學位,在英國倫敦政治經濟 學院取得運籌學碩士學位,以及在香港大學完成研究「中國跨境高等 教育」的博士學位。畢業後,她加入香港IBM成為系统工程師,其後 繼續於倫敦IBM工作。回港後,她加入香港大學成為商學院的講師, 展開其學術生涯,教授工商管理學士和碩士課程。道博士隨後被委任 為 HKU SPACE 與上海復旦大學合辦的SPACE Shanghai 的教務長, 在 上海提供海外高等教育課程。 道博士熱衷於音樂與舞蹈,曾經接受多年的鋼琴和芭蕾舞訓練,成為 英國皇家舞蹈學院的正式會員。 Dr Ivy Tao obtained her Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Purdue University in the US. She graduated with MSc in Operational Research from the London School of Economics and Political Science in UK and completed her PhD degree at the University of Hong Kong with a research interest in “cross-border higher education in China”. After graduation, she joined IBM Hong Kong as a Systems Engineer and continued to work for IBM London. After returning to Hong Kong, she joined the University of Hong Kong as a Lecturer of the School of Business where she began her academic career teaching BBA and MBA programmes. She was later appointed the Director of Studies of SPACE, Shanghai - a joint venture school of HKU SPACE and Fudan University, offering overseas tertiary education programmes in Shanghai.

Dr Tsui has always been passionate about performing arts. She received vocal training at the Queensland Conservatory of Music and continued her studies in Hong Kong under soprano Lola Young. She holds the London Trinity College LTCL diploma in vocal recital, and is currently a member and soprano soloist of the Bel Canto Music Society. She is frequently invited to perform in public events and charity concerts in Hong Kong. As a mother of two, Tsui values the importance of promoting arts and culture, especially to our younger generation.

黃繼兒先生 Mr Stephen Wong Kai-yi 黃繼兒大律師曾任首席政府律師及香港法律改革委員會秘書長。1986年, 黃氏加入時為香港律政司署,任職皇家檢察官。1991年,黃氏借調至日內 瓦聯合國人權委員會。1996至2007年期間,黃氏出任副律政專員,負責 人權、跨境法律、基本法和其他法律政策。黃氏的專門知識領域亦包括商 業法、仲裁法、知識產權和刑事法。此外,黃氏亦積極參與社區服務,歷 任香港城市大學法律學院特邀教授、香港大學訟辯科考官、香港專家協會 秘書,以及中國法學會理事等。黃氏畢業於香港大學,並持有倫敦經濟學 院法學碩士學位。 Mr Stephen Wong is a barrister. He served as the Principal Government Counsel and Secretary of The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong. He joined the Attorney General’s Chambers of the Hong Kong Government as a Crown Counsel in 1986. In 1991, he was seconded to the UN Human Rights Committee based in Geneva. From 1996 to 2007, Mr Wong assumed the office of Deputy Solicitor-General, in charge of human rights, crossboundary legal affairs, Basic Law and other legal policy issues. His fields of expertise also include commercial law, arbitration law, intellectual property and criminal law. Mr Wong is also active in the community work, having been appointed as an adjunct professor of the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong; advocacy examiner of the University of Hong Kong; secretary to the Hong Kong Society of Experts; and a director of the China Law Society. Mr Wong graduated from the University of Hong Kong, holding an LLM from the London School of Economics.

Dr Tao has a keen interest in music and dance. She has received many years of training in piano and ballet, and has attained the full membership of the Royal Academy of Dance.

徐行悅醫生 Dr Michelle Tsui Hang-yuet 徐行悅醫生畢業於澳洲昆士蘭醫學院,並於2000年回港任中文大學醫 學院婦產科助理教授。徐氏於2006年起至今為私家執業的婦產科專科 醫生。徐醫生亦熱心於義務工作,除任香港中文大學醫學院婦產科榮 譽助理教授外,亦是聖約翰救傷隊的助理監督、香港基層醫療基金會 專家小組的顧問,及香港專科醫護基金的專家顧問。 徐氏熱衷表演藝術,於澳洲留學期間曾於昆士蘭音樂學院接受聲樂訓 練,回港後隨名女高音楊羅娜女士深造,並考獲倫敦聖三一學院LTCL 聲樂演唱文憑。徐氏現為華聲音樂團的成員及女高音獨唱者,常獲邀 於本地的音樂會演出。徐氏亦為兩子之母,對向香港的下一代推動文 化藝術十分關注。 Dr Michelle Tsui graduated from the medical school of the University of Queensland, Australia. In 2000, she returned to Hong Kong to work as Assistant Professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s medical school. After six years with the University, Tsui commenced private practice as a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She remains an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University’s medical school and takes part in various kinds of voluntary work. She is currently Assistant Superintendent (Surgeon) of St John’s Ambulance, Panel Specialist Consultant at the Hong Kong Primary Care Foundation and Specialist Consultant at the Hong Kong Specialist Care Foundation.


活動回顧 Review of Activities

本地演出:展現香港當代舞蹈精粹 2014年,CCDC跨入第三十五個年頭,在這多產的一年,呈現了許多 高質素節目。除了本地原創作品,舞團在2014年10月至12月期間舉辦 了「城市當代舞蹈節」,以一系列活動慶祝舞團成立三十五週年,其 中包括:有逾八十位香港、內地及台灣藝術家參與,為期兩週的舞蹈 展演;「躍定三十五-陳德昌舞蹈攝影展」,展示舞團副藝術總監亦 是享負盛名的攝影師陳德昌的舞蹈攝影作品;以及「香港當代舞蹈: 歷史、美學、身份」座談會,邀請藝術家、學者、舞蹈評論及香港舞 蹈界領軍人物,探討香港當代舞蹈近半世紀的發展及其特色與生態。 此次舞蹈節無論演出、展出還是座談會,都以其高藝術水準成功吸引 了公眾注意,獲得媒體正面評價。 去年的本地作品印證了香港編舞的才華和成長。CCDC全職舞者黃狄 文展示了他的第二部長篇作品《思纏想後》,探索當今世界中的微妙 互動,引人深思。而另一位CCDC舞者兼編舞龐智筠,其作品《購人 心弦》2013年首演便獲得好評。今年龐氏去蕪存菁,攜《購人心弦2.0》 登上大舞台。這兩部新作都憑其出色的編舞和舞者高超的技藝,廣受 觀眾好評,《思纏想後》更獲提名2015香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚編 舞」。另一部新作《動靜》,包括三個分別由舞者林詠茵、樂知靄和 特邀編舞阮日廣創作的短篇,展示了三位新晉的才華,其中阮日廣的 《感》獲得2015香港舞蹈年獎「最值得表揚編舞」。 去年上演的經典舞碼,再一次體現了舞團在藝術上一向的高水準。現 任駐團編舞桑吉加的大作《那一年.這一天》,換上全新CCDC舞者 陣容,載譽重演。本製作曾受邀赴北京、廣州、新加坡演出及後去年 在佛羅倫斯巡演,獲得空前好評,今年又再度受邀,將前往日本新潟 及台北演出。 「城市當代舞蹈節」在閉幕演出《風中三十五》中圓滿落幕。該演出 挑選舞團近十年來最精彩的選段,高質、多樣的作品讓人目不暇接, 獲得業界和觀眾的一致認可。此項盛事更獲提名2015香港舞蹈年獎「 其它最值得表揚舞蹈貢獻」。

「跳格國際舞蹈影像節」:十周年慶 「跳格國際舞蹈影像節」是CCDC致力推動的舞蹈影像及多媒體盛 事。去年是「跳格」創立的十周年,CCDC委約創作了七部短片,於 百老匯電影中心的開幕節目中首映。另有多部節目在尖沙咀The ONE 影院放映,包括第六屆「跳格國際舞蹈錄像節」入圍作品展及其它優 秀舞蹈影片。CCDC委約香港編舞及導演創作的影片在比賽中成績不 俗,更見於諸多個國際主要電影節,包括康城電影節「短片角」、烏 迪內遠東電影節等。 在過去的一年中,「跳格」在本土和海外影響力都大大提高。香港藝 術家創作的影片得以在北京、廣州,以及意大利的烏迪內和羅馬播 映。「跳格」也首次進入北京國家大劇院,在呈現舞蹈短片之餘,還 在大堂展示了《編舞之外》互動舞蹈影像裝置。同時,香港藝術家也 獲邀出席放映、映後藝人談及專業會議。是次合作獲得了同道和觀眾 的廣泛好評,為雙方未來的長期合作奠定了堅實基礎。

在香港和大中華地區的文化交流:展示香港獨特文化符 號 作為中國當代舞蹈發展的核心動力,CCDC的原創力絕不侷限於香港 本地。在過去的一年中,舞團在文化交流和合作方面成績斐然,多次 在諸如意大利佛羅倫斯歌劇院及挪威奧斯陸歌劇院的歐洲一流劇場演 出舞團經典舞碼,使舞團在全球舞蹈界廣受注目。舞團還亮相北京舞 蹈雙週和廣東現代舞週,在演出以外,舉行大師班、藝人談等文化交 流活動,向內地觀眾介紹香港舞蹈生態及藝術家。

06 / 07


作為香港旗艦舞蹈團體,CCDC連結香港獨立藝術家,參與了數個專業舞 蹈展會,拓展國際聯繫。2014年8月,舞團帶領十個小型團體和獨立藝術 家,參加了全球最大舞蹈市場──德國杜塞爾多夫「國際舞蹈博覽會」, 向世界推介香港舞蹈。代表團成功與舞蹈界重要單位建立聯繫,增加了香 港藝術家獲邀巡演的機會。

“Other Outstanding Achievement in Dance” in the 2015 Hong Kong Dance Awards.

透過第二輪民政事務局具競爭元素的資助,CCDC將數個香港舞蹈團體及 藝術家推介到中國內地,參與北京舞蹈雙週和廣東現代舞週。此外,舞團 還參與了廣東現代舞週的舞蹈交易平台【舞蹈交織會】,讓更多的國際藝 術節有機會認識香港的藝術家。

Jumping Frames is an initiative by CCDC dedicated to the development of dance in film and multimedia. Last year was marked as the 10th year of the Festival, the Company commissioned seven short films to be premiered at an opening event at the Broadway Cinematheque. More screenings, including a finalist showcase of the 6th Jumping Frames International Dance Video Competition and outstanding dance films, were held at The ONE Cinema in Tsim Sha Tsui. Commissioned works made by directors and choreographers in Hong Kong achieved good results. They were screened at major international film festivals including Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner, Udine Far East Film Festival, among others.

舞團亦透過中國舞蹈發展計劃參與籌辦北京舞蹈雙週及舞蹈營,以及廣東 現代舞週等文化交流項目,將香港優秀的藝術家及作品帶到海外,獲當地 觀眾一致好評。

Mainstage Productions: Celebrating Artistic Excellence of Hong Kong Contemporary Dance In celebration of 35 years of CCDC, the Company presented a productive and fruitful year with high quality programmes. Apart from mainstage original creations, we presented a series of events from October to December 2014 called “City Contemporary Dance Festival” to celebrate the Company’s 35th Anniversary. The Festival comprised a two-week dance festival featuring more than 80 artists from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan, a dance photography exhibition of Ringo Chan, the Company’s Assistant Artistic Director who is also a veteran photographer, and a symposium “In Search of Hong Kong Contemporary Dance: History, Aesthetics and Identities”, inviting artists, scholars, dance critics and leading figures of Hong Kong dance scene to discuss the characteristics and ecology of Hong Kong dance scene as well as the development of the sector since the 1960s. Overall reviews on the performances, exhibition and symposium were very positive as they captured the public’s attention with their high artistic quality. For mainstage creations, we also witnessed a blossoming of local choreographic talents. Dominic Wong, full-time dancer of CCDC, created his 2nd full-length production Second Thoughts, a thought-provoking work on communications in the contemporary world. Noel Pong, another CCDC dancer turned choreographer, redeveloped her previous creation The Buying Game 2.0 after wave reviews in the premiere in 2013. Both productions received positive feedback from audiences for the quality of choreography and performance. Second Thoughts was nominated for “Outstanding Achievement in Choreography” in the 2015 Hong Kong Dance Awards. We also saw the quality of young choreographic talents through the mixed-bill In-between. We commissioned CCDC dancer Peggy Lam, Shirley Lok and guest choreographer Anh Ngoc Nguyen. Anh was awarded the “Outstanding Achievement in Choreography” in the 2015 Hong Kong Dance Awards. The Company also presented our repertory, reflecting our high artistic standard. As If To Nothing, a tour-de-force production by our current Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia, was restaged with a new cast from the CCDC dance ensemble. The production was invited to Beijing, Guangzhou, Singapore, and Florence last year. The response was phenomenally positive as the Company received another round of invitations from presenters to visit Japan and Taipei this year. Amidst the Wind, a gala performance showcasing the best of CCDC works from the past ten years, was staged as the closing event of the City Contemporary Dance Festival. This breathtaking piece demonstrated the standard of the Company and the vibrancy of works, which was well recognised by our peers and the audience. The Festival was nominated for

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival: Celebrating its 10th year

The Festival has grown tremendously last year nationally and internationally. Dance videos produced by Hong Kong artists were shown in Udine and Rome, Italy; and Beijing and Guangzhou. A new partner, the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing, presented a selection of short dance films and Hyperchoreography dance video installation in their foyer area. Hong Kong artists were invited to attend screenings, post-screening discussions and professional meetings. With overwhelming positive response from professional peers and audiences, we have established a long-term collaboration in the future.

Other presentations in Hong Kong and Greater China Region: Showcasing Hong Kong’s unique cultural identity As a catalyst for Chinese contemporary dance development, the scope of CCDC’s original creations goes beyond the Hong Kong territory. In the past year the Company achieved fruitful results in cultural exchange and collaborations as the Company maintained high visibility in the world’s dance scene by performing works from our repertory in leading performing venues in Europe including the Florence Opera House in Italy and Oslo Opera House in Norway. The Company also performed at the Beijing Dance Festival and Guangdong Dance Festival. Cultural exchange activities such as master classes and meet-the-artist sessions were also conducted to introduce Hong Kong artists and dance scene. As a flagship dance company of Hong Kong, the Company has also participated in various professional marketplace together with Hong Kong’s independent artists to build up our international networking capacity. In August 2014 the Company took the lead to introduce Hong Kong dance scene with ten small groups and independent artists at the Internationale Tanzmesse in Dusseldorf, Germany, the world’s biggest arts market focussing on dance. The delegation successfully made connections with leading arts professionals who would consider inviting Hong Kong artists in the future. The support of the second round of Contestable Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government enabled the Company to introduce various Hong Kong dance companies and artists to Mainland Chinese audiences at the Beijing and Guangdong Dance Festivals. Moreover, the Company also presented at the arts market “DanceX” in Guangzhou in collaboration with the Guangdong Dance Festival to

introduce our artists to international festival presenters. CCDC’s China Dance Development Programme also co-organises two major dance festivals in Mainland China: Beijing Dance Festival and Dance Camp, and Guangdong Dance Festival. These cultural exchange and educational activities introduce Hong Kong’s dance talents to China and abroad, and the productions have been receiving public and critical acclaim.

本地製作 Local Programme

日期 Date

演出場數 觀眾人數 No. of Audience Performances

入座率 Attendence

《思纏想後》 Second Thoughts





《那一年.這一天》 As If To Nothing





《購人心弦 2.0》 The Buying Game 2.0





《動靜》 In-between





城市當代舞蹈節 City Contemporary Dance Festival





《風中三十五》 Amidst the Wind







總數 Grand Total:

活動場次 No. of Activities

加料節目 Programme Plus 包括圖片展、公開綵排、大師班、講座、 藝人談及導賞等活動 Including installation and photo exhibitions, open rehearsals, master classes, talks, meet-the-artists and dance appreciation sessions, etc.

日期 Date

放映場數 No. of Screenings



第六屆跳格國際舞蹈影像節 The 6th Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 總數 Grand Total:


參加人數 Attendance 76,730

觀眾人數 Audience


網頁瀏覽人次 Website Hit Rate CCDC 網頁


跳格網頁 Jumping Frames Website


香港舞蹈錄像頻道 Hong Kong Dance Video Channel




作為本港旗艦現代舞蹈團——立足香港,胸懷神州,致力為中國當代舞蹈注入創新思維。 As the flagship contemporary dance company in Hong Kong, CCDC produces innovative works in China.

《思纏想後》 Second Thoughts 11 - 12.4.2014 8pm 12 - 13.4.2014 3pm 香港文化中心劇場 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre 編舞 Choreography 音樂 Music 佈景及服裝 Set and Costumes 燈光 Lighting

黃狄文 Dominic Wong 沈樂民 Shum Lok-man 陳 刀 Chen Dao 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe

舞評選輯 What The Critics Say 「……用了節奏性強的電子音樂,都有急速的追逐予人壓迫感的段 落,或可見出編舞對當下社會的急躁忙碌,以及身在其中的不自由 個體的關注。」 “... (The dance) uses upbeat electronic music with sections of tense chases giving a sense of oppression. This perhaps reveals the choreographer’s concern for the hustling and bustling society, and the tied-up individuals who live in it.” ─ 香港《信報》Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong

《購人心弦2.0》 The Buying Game 2.0

08 / 09


《那一年.這一天》 As If To Nothing

《購人心弦2.0》 The Buying Game 2.0

13 - 14.6.2014 8pm 葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium

編舞 Choreography 音樂 Music 首演燈光設計 Original Lighting Design 執行燈光設計 Executive Lighting Design 服裝 Costumes 錄像 Video

10.7.2014 8pm 葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium 桑吉加 Sang Jijia 李勁松 Dickson Dee 吳文安 Goh Boon Ann 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 孔德瑄 Charfi Hung 楊振業 Adrian Yeung

舞評選輯 What The Critics Say 「桑吉加……找到個性的舞蹈語法和風格。這種風格幫助他跳離『藏 族舞者』或『中國舞者』等『標籤』可能帶來的約束,真正從超越意 識形態紛爭的美學領域找到自己發揮的空間。」 “Sang Jijia ... has found his own choreographic vocabulary and style, which frees him up from ‘tags’ such as ‘Tibetan dancer’ or ‘Chinese dancer’. With this style, he can now go beyond the ideological debates, and unleash his talent in a pure aesthetic way.” ─ 香港《信報》Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong

10 / 11


編舞 Choreography 首演燈光設計 Original Lighting Design 執行燈光設計 Executive Lighting Design 服裝 Costumes 音響 Sound

龐智筠 Noel Pong 吳文安 Goh Boon Ann 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 孔德瑄 Charfi Hung 夏恩蓓 Ha Yan-pui

13.12.2014 8pm 葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium

編舞 Choreography

黎海寧 Helen Lai 梅卓燕 Mui Cheuk-yin 龐智筠 Noel Pong 桑吉加 Sang Jijia 曹誠淵 Willy Tsao 黃狄文 Dominic Wong 邢 亮 Xing Liang

舞評選輯 What The Critics Say 「整晚演出最精彩的就是作品的多樣性。一群十分出色的舞者 演員,將眾多選段無縫銜接,完美演繹了各種舞蹈風格。」 “The best thing about the evening was the diversity of works, performed by a group of very talented dancers able to embrace this wide array of styles seamlessly.” ─ HKELD, Hong Kong

《風中三十五》 Amidst the Wind

《木。目》Picture Triangle

《動靜》 In-between 26 - 27.9.2014 8pm 27 - 28.9.2014 3pm 香港文化中心劇場 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre


編舞 Choreography 林詠茵 Peggy Lam《木。目》Picture Triangle 樂知靄 Shirley Lok《囹˙圄》Besieged 阮日廣 Anh Ngoc Nguyen《感》Sense 佈景及服裝 Set and Costumes 孔德瑄 Charfi Hung 燈光 Lighting 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 音響 Sound 夏恩蓓 Ha Yan-pui

舞評選輯 What The Critics Say 「編舞不僅成功,而且完成得很漂亮……」 “The choreography is accomplished and well-crafted...” ─ 香港《南華早報》South China Morning Post, Hong Kong


12 / 13


「《動靜》極富當代感,在透過編舞表達某些驚人觀點時,處 理得遊刃有餘。」 “In-between is extremely contemporary and chilling in its execution of some very striking ideas through choreography.” ─ HKELD, Hong Kong

廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company 《鹽焗鶴》 Salty Roast Crane

《台灣新編》 Limelight Taiwan 《Hands》

城市當代舞蹈節 City Contemporary Dance Festival 4 - 14.12.2014

indepenDANCE:《聚焦香港》 indepenDANCE: Hong Kong Focus 6 - 7.12.2014 8pm 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Kwai Tsing Theatre Black Box Theatre

《聚焦香港》 Hong Kong Focus 《女身》 Women.Body

編舞 Choreography 梁芷茵 Cherry Leung《一一》Yat Yat 白濰銘 Pak Wei-ming《演繹2》 Interpretation 2 施卓然 Kenneth Sze、徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui《人工呼吸》 Breathe 黃志榮 Wong Chi-wing《聽說……這裡很美》 It is really lovely here...or so I heard 黃碧琪 Wong Pik-kei《女身》 Women.Body 黃美玉 Rebecca Wong《潛.藏.壓》 Baresthesia

《一處》A Place(巡演版 Touring Version) 廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company 《鹽焗鶴》 Salty Roast Crane

北京雷動天下現代舞團 BeijingDance/LDTX 《一處》 A Place

indepenDANCE:《台灣新編》 indepenDANCE: Limelight Taiwan 4 - 5.12.2014 8pm 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Kwai Tsing Theatre Black Box Theatre 演出 Performance MeimageDance 編舞 Choreography 張藍勻 Chang Lan-yun、羅凡 Luo Fan《Hands》 何曉玫 Ho Hsiao-mei《假裝》Camouflage 李貞葳 Lee Chen-wei《黑盒子》Black Box

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11.12.2014 8pm 葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium 編舞 Choreography 劉斌 Liu Bin 演出 Performance

北京雷動天下現代舞團 BeijingDance/LDTX

《鹽焗鶴》Salty Roast Crane 12.12.2014 8pm 葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium 編舞 Choreography 何其沃 Er Gao 演出 Performance

廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company

《聚焦香港》 Hong Kong Focus 《人工呼吸》 Breathe

第六屆跳格國際舞蹈影像節 The 6th Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival

CCDC 媒體實驗室 CCDC Media Lab

5 - 17.9.2014 百老匯電影中心 / 百老匯The ONE Broadway Cinematheque / Broadway The ONE 「跳格」於2004年由城市當代舞蹈團主辦,現已成為亞 洲規模最大、水平最高的舞蹈錄像節盛會,並積極在中國 及亞洲地區建立一個交流平台。透過委約製作、比賽、工 作坊、影展及座談會,促進導演及舞蹈家之間的合作,並 逐漸成為極具規模的國際舞蹈影像節。

舞蹈影像放映 Dance Video Screenings

Presented by CCDC since 2004, Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival is the only dance video festival of its kind in Asia, featuring commissioned works, a competition, and a selection of acclaimed international productions. It has served to promote dance video in China and in Asia, providing a platform for artists and audience alike to share their perspectives and explore the unlimited possibilities of the art form through talks and workshops.

《本地一手播:舞蹈影像首映》 Local Focus: Dance Film Premiere

3D《尋找大觀園》3D In Search of the Grand View Garden 概念、劇本、編舞及導演 Conceiver, Screenplay, Choreographer and Co-Director 曹誠淵 Willy Tsao 聯合導演及攝影 Associate Director and Cinematographer 鍾有添 Henry Chung

《哀溺文》Elegy 導演 Director

許雅舒 Rita Hui

編舞 Choreographers 陳冠宜 Chan Kwun-yee、莫穎詩 Vinci Mok、俞若玫 Cally Yu 香港 Hong Kong / 2014 / 24分鐘 mins

聯合導演 Associate Director 陳德昌 Ringo Chan 香港 Hong Kong / 2014 / 36分鐘 mins

《歡迎光臨》Welcome 導演 Director 皮亞.拉許沙 Pierre Larauza 編舞 Choreographer

CCDC於2013年成立「CCDC媒體實驗室」,旨在提供創 作平台,加強各種媒介的藝術家之間的合作,進行舞蹈與 科技的藝術實驗,發掘舞蹈與媒體的無限可能,務求打破 觀眾對表演藝術既有的概念,帶給他們非一般的觀賞體驗 和舞台以外嶄新的表演類型。透過民政事務局「具競爭元 素的資助試驗計劃」的支持下, 2014/15年度分別製作了 《編舞之外》、《尋找大觀園》3D電影及音樂資料庫,不 單吸引喜歡高雅藝術的觀眾,普羅大眾亦是此節目的觀眾 群,確立其實驗性、多元化的定位。

“CCDC Media Lab” is a new concept that breaks through the conventional practice of modern dance performance. The Lab was established to foster collaborations between artists of various media and facilitate experimental productions combining dance and technology. With the support from Contestable Funding Pilot Scheme of the Home Affairs Bureau, CCDC produced Hyperchoreography, In Search of the Grand View Garden 3D dance film and a web-based Music Library Management System in the past season, stimulated the Hong Kong arts scene and made an impact on audiences, including the mass public, through interactive experiences in the arts. It also successfully confirmed CCDC Media Lab’s mission to support exploration and diversity in dance.

《編舞之外》- 互動舞蹈裝置展 Hyperchoreography - An Interactive Dance Installation

概念及導演 Concept and Direction 西蒙.菲爾德斯 Simon Fildes 卡特里娜.麥克弗森 Katrina McPherson 編舞 Choreography

桑吉加 Sang Jijia

5 - 17.9.2014 藝穗會陳麗玲畫廊 Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery, Fringe Club

音樂 Music

李勁松 Dickson Dee

互動媒體製作 Interactive Design


攝影 Cinematography

賴榮昌 Lai Wing-cheong

參觀人數 Number of Participants : 900

場景設計 Set

何海藍 Leecat Ho

艾曼紐.雲遜 Emmanuelle Vincent

客席演出 Guest Performance 禤天揚 Huen Tin-yeung、李咏靜 Li Yong-jing、阮日廣 Anh Ngoc Nguyen、 吳承芳 Wu Cheng Fang、楊怡孜 Gigi Yang、楊浩 Yang Hao

中國 / 比利時 China / Belgium / 2014 / 15分鐘 mins

Let’s Say 導演 Director

霍栢濤 Fuk Pak Jim

編舞 Choreographer

德 Li De

出版 Publications

香港 Hong Kong / 2014 / 8分鐘 mins

《露西》Lucy 導演及編舞 Director and Choreographer

何其沃 Er Gao

中國 China / 2014 / 15分鐘 mins

CCDC 年報 2013/14 CCDC Annual Report 2013/14 發行日期 Release Date 10.2014 印量 Number of Copies 500

《一天》A Day 導演 Director

李中葉 Li Zhongye

編舞 Choreographer

中國 China / 2014 / 13分鐘 mins

偉 Will Guo

You Will Fall Again 導演及編舞 Director and Choreographer

CCDC 舞季特刊 2015 CCDC Dance Season Brochure 2015 發行日期 Release Date 2.2015 印量 Number of Copies 12,000

艾力.帕喬恩 Alex Pachón

西班牙 Spain / 2014 / 5分鐘 mins 16 / 17





CCDC 舞蹈中心 CCDC Dance Centre 「612未來舞士」“612 Mini Dancers”

作為推廣及發展舞蹈教育的中介機構——舉辦全面的教育及外展項目,著眼於香港及中國舞蹈的長遠發展。 As an agency for dance education, CCDC organises the most comprehensive education and outreach programmes, with an emphasis on long-term projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

CCDC強調教育節目的延續性,2004年成立CCDC舞蹈中 心,延續舞團教育及外展部的舞蹈教育、外展計劃、社區 表演及藝術推廣等工作,並設賽馬會舞蹈小劇場,銳意發 展成為香港舞蹈界重要地標,藉著中心各項活動及設施拉 近觀眾與藝術家的距離,創造一個活躍的討論、分享及資 訊交流的環境。CCDC舞蹈中心每年為超過一萬二千名學 員提供各類型的舞蹈訓練,舉辦多達八千個各類型舞蹈工 作坊。每年並舉辦多場免費社區表演,致力將舞蹈藝術普 及,觀眾超過一萬五千人。 CCDC舞蹈中心的舞蹈課程,一直以嚴謹的訓練與及多元 化的選擇著稱;而外展計劃及社區表演肩負起推廣及拓展 觀眾網絡的使命;夥伴計劃則積極推動本地舞蹈業界發 展,全力支持獨立藝人及舞蹈界新一代從事創作,提供創 作空間及行政與技術專業支援,亦為舞蹈愛好者策劃不同 類別的舞蹈活動及演出。CCDC舞蹈中心因著對香港舞蹈 教育、推廣和支持的工作,多次獲獎,包括香港舞蹈聯盟 頒發「香港舞蹈年獎2005」、香港藝術發展局藝術發展獎 之「藝術教育獎」(2011)及「藝術贊助獎」(2012)。 自1998年起,CCDC一直致力開展中國舞蹈發展計劃,在 北京及廣州建立平台作為戰略性發展中心,一方面凝聚內 地藝術家及藝團,同時為拓展香港現代舞的發展空間建立 橋樑及基地。2010年CCDC舞蹈中心及廣東現代舞團,憑 《青年舞蹈雙城–香港.廣州》計劃建立珠三角地區文化 交流的網絡及促進交流而再獲「香港舞蹈年獎2010」。

「彩色青春」“Teens of Colours”

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City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) is committed to the longterm development of contemporary dance and dance education. The Company established CCDC Dance Centre in 2004 as an extension of the Company’s work by its outreach division in education, community performance and art promotions. As the dance landmark in Hong Kong, the Centre’s rehearsal studios as well as the Jockey Club Dance Theatre provide a supportive environment for dance development. By organising alternative activities and experimental dance performances, the Centre is an excellent meeting place for dance lovers and artists. Each year, CCDC Dance Centre provides dance courses for over 12,000 students and organises 8,000 creative workshops. It also reaches out to the public by bringing free performances to schools, housing estates, parks and shopping arcades, reaching more than 15,000 persons. The in-house Dance Courses offer a great variety of choices and quality training, and the Outreach Programmes promote dance in schools, town halls and local communities to broaden audience base. The Partnership Programme is a platform supporting independent and emerging artists by offering rehearsal spaces, as well as technical and administrative support. Dance activities and performances are also planned for dance lovers. CCDC Dance Centre received the “Hong Kong Dance Award 2005” and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) Arts Development “Award in Arts Education” (2011) and “Arts Sponsorship” (2012) for its outstanding contribution in dance education, promotion and support in Hong Kong. The Company launched China Dance Development Programme (CDDP) in 2008 and has set up strategic partnerships with counterparts in Beijing and Guangzhou, which strengthen the collaboration with Mainland artists and organisations, and act as a catalyst for Hong Kong’s dance development to propel into the Mainland. In 2010, CCDC Dance Centre received the Hong Kong Dance Award for its “Youth Dance˙Two Cities – Hong Kong˙Guangzhou”, a community dance and education exchange project in the Pearl River Delta.

II 凝聚舞蹈愛好者、藝術家及觀眾參與各類型的舞蹈活動 To create a hub for dance lovers, artists and audience

CCDC舞蹈中心目標 Objectives of CCDC Dance Centre

1. 舞蹈課程及兒童舞蹈課程 Dance Courses and Children Dance Programmes CCDC舞蹈中心提供全港最全面及最多元化的舞蹈課程。 八個排舞室,每晚進行接近二十節不同類型的舞蹈課,包 括現代舞、爵士舞、踢躂舞、中國舞、芭蕾舞、音樂劇 舞、肚皮舞、身體條件訓練及瑜伽等,周末更達九十三 節;每年為本地舞蹈愛好者提供超過八千節課堂。 CCDC舞蹈中心2014至15年度課堂收入超過一千萬,佔舞 團總收入約百份之三十,所有收入均會用作舞團發展、教 育及支援舞蹈業界的經費。 ​ CDC Dance Centre provides the most comprehensive C dance courses with the greatest variety in Hong Kong. There are around 20 sessions of dance courses in the Centre’s eight rehearsal rooms every evening, including modern, jazz, tap, Chinese, classical ballet, musical dance, hip hop, flamingo, Latin, belly dance as well as body conditioning and yoga. The number of classes reaches 93 sessions during weekends, providing local dance lovers with a total of 8,000 sessions every year.

「彩色青春」“Teens of Colours”

I 致力培訓年青舞者,為學員奠下專業訓練根基 To inspire and train the next generation of dance artists 1. 舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃 Dance Training Scholarship Scheme 舞者培訓應由年幼開始。「彩色青春」及「612未來舞 士」是CCDC舞蹈中心為培訓年青舞者而設的舞蹈培訓獎 學金計劃。「彩色青春」專為中學生而設,「612未來舞 士」對象則為六至十二歲之小學生。兩個計劃均分別設有 初級及高級班,透過遴選挑選有天份之優秀學員,除了接 受技巧及表演訓練,更著重對專業態度及創作能力的要 求,鋪排可持續發展的舞蹈專業之路。參加者將獲CCDC 安排公開演出機會。歷屆學員已有不少展開專業舞者之 路。2015年,再有一位前獎學金學員獲CCDC聘任為實習 舞者。

學生人數 No. of Students

學生人數 No. of Students 2014年第二季 2nd Season 2014

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總堂數 Total Classes




Season 2014




Season 2014




2015年第一季 1st Season 2015











總數 Grand Total:

兒童舞蹈課程 Children Dance Programmes 學生人數 No. of Students 2014年第二季 2nd Season 2014 2014年第三季






課程數目 No. of Courses

總堂數 Total Classes




Season 2014




Season 2014




Season 2015







總數 Grand Total:

Annual revenue of CCDC Dance Centre reaches ten million Hong Kong dollars, accounting for approximately 30% of the Company’s total revenue. All income is used for the Company’s development and education as well as supporting dance sector in Hong Kong.

課程數目 No. of Courses

《My Own Dance》乃CCDC舞蹈中心為學員提供的舞蹈 創作平台,讓不同計劃的學員一嘗編舞滋味。共有九組分 別來自舞蹈課程、舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃及舞蹈青年平台舞 蹈表演計劃的學員參與。 My Own Dance is a platform provided by CCDC Dance Centre for students to create their own dance pieces. Nine groups of students from our Dance Courses, Dance Training Scholarship Scheme and WuDaoQingNian Podium Dance Project participated in the production.

舞蹈課程 Dance Courses

30 - 31.3.2014 賽馬會舞蹈小劇場 Jockey Club Dance Theatre 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences : 180

總堂數 Total Classes

中學組–彩色青春 Teens of Colours




小學組–612未來舞士 612 Mini Dancers




總數 Grand Total




《My Own Dance》

「612未來舞士」“612 Mini Dancers”

課程數目 No. of Courses

2. My Own Dance

Dancers start their training when they are young. “Teens of Colours” and “612 Mini Dancers” are scholarship schemes held by CCDC for training young dancers. “Teens of Colours” is designed for secondary school students while “612 Mini Dancers” targets primary school students aged 6 to 12. Both programmes are separated into junior and senior classes. Outstanding students are chosen to receive technique and performance training, developing professional attitude and creativity for long-term professional career in dance. In 2015, another former scholarship student joined CCDC as dancer trainee.

組別 Group

舞蹈課程 Dance Courses

III 進入學校,舉辦全面及具創意的舞蹈課程 To promote creative and well-rounded dance courses in schools

3. GOOD SHOW 2014 《GOOD SHOW 2014》乃CCDC舞蹈中心為學員提供的 舞蹈實踐演出平台,數百位學員與一班經驗豐富的舞蹈導 師共同分享舞蹈所帶來的難忘經驗。 Good Show 2014 is a platform that allows CCDC Dance Centre students to put their training into practice. Led by experienced instructors, hundreds of students undergo the professional technique and performing skills training, together they put on a good show on the stage. 20 - 21.12.2014 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Shatin Town Hall 參加人數 Number of Participants : 644 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences:1,841

4. CCDC舞蹈中心開放日 CCDC Dance Centre Open Day CCDC舞蹈中心舉行的開放日,除了安排免費的舞蹈課堂 供公眾一嘗舞蹈的樂趣外,亦安排中心導師及學員作示範 演出。更特別委約了編舞黃美玉創作環境舞蹈,於中心的 不同角落演出。 In the Open Day of CCDC Dance Centre, we offer a series of free classes and demonstration performances to the public. Choreographer Rebecca Wong was engaged to create an environmental dance work which performed at different locations in the Centre.

《Good Show 2014》

30 - 31.3.2014 課堂數目 Number of Workshops: 46 參加人數 Number of Participants: 690 環境舞蹈演出場數 Number of Environmental Dance Performances: 2 示範演出場數 Number of Demonstration Performances: 2 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences: 550

In 2014-15, CCDC Dance Centre cooperated with various organisations include Morethandance School from the Philippines, Centre of the Arts of National University of Singapore and Macao Cultural Centre Summer Dance Programme to co-present courses, performances and workshops. Meanwhile, the Centre continues to cooperate with “Operation Breakthrough” by the Hong Kong Police, a programme aims at creating positive influences on the youth through dance training. 活動場數 Number of Activities: 71 參加人數 Number of Participants: 404

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2. 大埔區現代舞訓練計劃 Tai Po Modern Dance Training Workshop

與康樂及文化事務署合辦的學校現代舞培訓計劃已踏入第 二十三周年,此計劃為香港舞蹈界培養不少人才、觀眾及 舞蹈愛好者,不少編舞、專業舞者及後台工作者均曾因參 與此計劃而投身表演藝術。計劃為學校提供全方位的藝 術發展課程,包括工作坊、學校巡迴演出、舞蹈日營、 講座、大型全校舞蹈工作坊等。2013至14年度結業演出 《舞出艷陽天2014之修身旅程》,由導師帶領同學創作屬 於他們的舞作。共有十二間學校、超過二百位學員參加演 出及超過一千名觀眾入場支持。

本年度CCDC舞蹈中心與大埔區議會、大埔區民政事務處及大埔區中 學校長會合作在區內推行現代舞訓練計劃,共有十間學校參與,以由 淺入深的手法讓同學學習基本舞蹈技巧,更安排同學觀賞專業舞蹈演 出,並經歷專業舞台製作及結業演出。

School Modern Dance Animateur Scheme is stepping into its 23rd year. This programme jointly organised with LCSD has fostered generations of professional dancers, audience and dance lovers in Hong Kong. In addition to organising courses, the programme also includes school tours, day camps, seminars and large-scale dance workshops. Dancing in the Sun 2014: Cultivation Journey, the finale performance of 2013-14, featured choreography created by students under instructor’s guidance. Altogether 12 schools and more than 200 students took part, reaching over 1,000 persons. 演出場次 (包括巡迴及結業演出) Number of Performances (Including the school tour and finale performance) : 13 巡迴演出觀眾人數 Number of Audiences (School tour) : 4,010 結業演出觀眾人數 Number of Audiences (Finale performance) : 1,081

5. 其他合作項目 Other Co-presentations 2014至15年度與多個團體合辦課程、演出及工作坊等, 包括菲律賓 Morethandance School、新加坡國家大學藝 術中心的來港交流活動及澳門文化中心暑期課程。同時中 心亦繼續與香港警察的「奮進行動」合作,以舞蹈訓練為 其學員提供正面的影響。

1. 學校現代舞培訓計劃 School Modern Dance Animateur Scheme

工作坊數目 Number of Workshops : 352 參加人數 Number of Participants : 246 CCDC舞蹈中心開放日 CCDC Dance Centre Open Day CCDC舞蹈中心開放日 CCDC Dance Centre Open Day

大埔區現代舞訓練計劃 Tai Po Modern Dance Training Workshop

This year, CCDC Dance Centre collaborated with Tai Po District Council, Tai Po Home Affairs Department, Tai Po District Principals Association to run an educational scheme in Tai Po. A total of ten secondary schools were involved. 演出場次 (包括巡迴及結業演出) Number of Performances (Including the school tour and finale performance) : 11 巡迴演出觀眾人數 Number of Audiences (School tour) : 4,061 結業演出觀眾人數 Number of Audiences (Finale performance) : 500 工作坊數目 Number of Workshops : 120 參加人數 Number of Participants : 159

3. 舞蹈藝術科 Dance Curriculum at Schools 除了課外活動,CCDC舞蹈中心亦積極與中學合作,把舞蹈藝術引入 常規課程。本中心與五旬節林漢光中學已經合作經年,為中二至中 六級別提供舞蹈課,由基本技巧到創作,循序漸進地增加學生對舞蹈 的認知。同時在新高中學制下,中心為嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院、基元中 學、藍田聖保祿中學、佛教大光慈航中學、粉嶺官立中學等籌辦舞蹈 藝術課程及活動 Apart from extra-curricular activities, CCDC Dance Centre also actively cooperates with secondary schools to introduce dance arts into regular courses. The Centre has been cooperating with Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School for years to provide dance courses for Form 2 to Form 6 students, from basic skills to creative dance to increasing their awareness of the art form. At the same time, under the New Secondary School Curriculum Other Learning Experiences, the Centre organises dance courses and activities for St. Francis’ Canossian College, CCC Kei Yuen College, St Paul’s School (Lam Tin), Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College and Fanling Government Secondary School. 參加人數 Number of Participants : 1,466

IV 為舞蹈藝術家提供創作平台,以場地、行政及技術專業支援舞蹈創作及演出 To be a platform for dance creation and to support artists with rehearsal space, administration and technical expertise 善用CCDC擁有的場地及在營運和製作上的專業知識,為 從事舞蹈創作的獨立藝術家及舞團提供創作空間及支援, 以推動本地藝術的發展,CCDC對夥伴的支援,將因應舞 蹈中心的資源分配、夥伴不同的需要及其活動內容,以排 練場地、技術人員、器材、宣傳及或行政資源作支援,以 協助其完成演出或其他活動。 Utilising the advantages in ownership of venues and expertise in operations and production, CCDC provides rehearsal space and supports independent artists and dance companies to continue their creations, as well as to promote the development of local arts. CCDC gives tailored support to different partners in response to the Centre’s resources allocation as well as their needs and activities, providing rehearsal space, technical staff, equipment, promotional and administrative resources to help them realise their performances or other events.

1. 賽馬會舞蹈小劇場《真演出》新系列 REAL Showcase New Series at Jockey Club Dance Theatre 《真演出》新系列是CCDC舞蹈中心與香港舞蹈聯盟合辦 的新晉編舞創作平台,把舞蹈中心的七號排練室轉化為黑 盒劇場─賽馬會舞蹈小劇場,提供製作費資助及技術支 援,並邀請資深編舞為藝術指導;自2006年推出以來, 已為協助超過三十組舞壇新秀製作其第一個長篇作品,在 小劇場有限的空間裡體驗無限的創意,並為他們日後的發 展鋪路。2014至15年度上演了兩個製作,共五場演出。 REAL Showcase New Series is a creative platform for new choreographers co-presented by CCDC Dance Centre and Hong Kong Dance Alliance, turning Studio 7 of the Centre into a black box theatre – Jockey Club Dance Theatre. It provides production funding, technical support and invites experienced choreographers as mentors to provide artistic guidance. Since its launch in 2006, the Series has helped more than 30 emerging groups to produce their first fulllength works, allowing them to realize their creativity in a small theatre and preparing for future developments. During 2014-15, two productions and five performances were staged.

《錯落》..Mis.. 13 - 14.9.2014 編舞 Choreography : 唐浩山 Michael Tong 參加人數 Number of Participants : 108

《跑法》Off State 3 - 4.1.2015 編舞 Choreography : 石嘉璇 Dorothy Sek 參加人數 Number of Participants : 170

24 / 25


2. 夥伴計劃 Partnership Programme CCDC舞蹈中心致力協助本地不同舞蹈種類活動的發展。夥伴計劃在 場地、行政等多方面提出協助,2014至15年度之合作夥伴及活動包括: CCDC Dance Centre is committed to assist local development of different dance activities. Partnership Programme provides various assistance include venue and administrative support. In 2014-15, participants of Partnership Programme and activities included:

附表︰「夥伴計劃─排練場地贊助」受惠舞團及獨立藝術家 Chart : Partnership Programme – Rehearsal Venue Sponsorship 計劃名稱 Project Name

編舞 / 導演 / 導師 Choreographer / Director / Tutor

團體 / 組織 Group / Company

Copennagen International Choreography Competition(CICC)

李思颺 Justyne Li

Chinatown Chinese Festival

伍詠豪 Skinny Ng


梁儉豐 Kenny Leung

舞蹈日 2015 Dance Day 2015

馬詩雅、徐奕婕、梁弘卓、岑智頤、余家豪、霍嘉穎 Alice Ma, Ivy Tsui, Marcus Leung, Henry Shum, Yu Ka-ho, Fok Ka-wing

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

5Y群組 I 5Y Clique I

馬詩雅、藍嘉穎、徐奕婕、岑智頤、余家豪、霍嘉穎、梁弘卓 Alice Ma, Rainbow Lam, Ivy Tsui, Henry Shum, Yu Ka-ho, Fok Ka-wing, Marcus Leung

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company 旅藝團 Voy Arts Ensemble

沒鎖上的憶記 2.0 Hollowed 2.0

黃美玉 Rebecca Wong

El Azabar Flamenco & F1 Azahar Flamenco 2: Entre Dos Sentimientos

王麗虹 Paige Wong


梁嘉能 David Leung


《數.你》舞蹈劇場 DepARTure

程偉彬 Rex Cheng

Kongtact Square: Organising biweekly contact improvisation jam gatherings.

M1 Contact Contemporary Dance Festival & D' Motion Contemporary Dance Festival

王丹琦、李思颺 Wong Tan-ki, Justyne Li

過渡 In Progress

李健偉 Max Lee

Room 9 Dance Theatre

Private Zone

李朗軒 Li Long-hin

旅藝團 Voy Arts Ensemble

•與踢躂舞團R&T(Rhythm & Tempo)已第四年協辦的香港踢躂舞節 為踢躂舞愛好者提供大師班及工作坊。

《數.你》舞蹈劇場 DepARTure

月台 Home

黃振邦、李健偉 Bruce Wong, Max Lee

Room 9 Dance Theatre

Tap dance group R & T: It was the fourth year of cooperation to organise Hong Kong Tap Festival and provided a series of tap dance master classes and workshops.

靜默邊境 Absent Presentee

導演及文本 Director:陳冠而 Chan Kwun-fee 編舞 Choreographer:徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui

小息跨媒介創作室 Littlebreath Creative Workshop

不會 / 忘記 Not Yet/ To Forget

陳俊瑋 Ivan Chan

•與不加鎖舞踊館、東邊舞蹈團及香港藝穗民化協會等藝團合作, 邀請來自世界各地藝術家教授「早舞課」系列,當中包括Janis Claxton(蘇格蘭)、張堅豪(台北)、李宗軒(台北)、世界裝置(日本) 等,為自由身舞者及編舞提供身體鍛鍊與創作力開發的機會;

板畫.人生 Imprint of Life

莊陳波 Chong Chan-po

La P en V 優之舞 La P en V Innovative Dance Platform

聚光 Converging Beams

余仁華 Jacky Yu

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

5Y群組 II 5Y Clique II

馬詩雅、藍嘉穎、徐奕婕、岑智頤、余家豪、霍嘉穎、梁弘卓 Alice Ma, Rainbow Lam, Ivy Tsui, Henry Shum, Yu Ka-ho, Fok Ka-wing, Marcus Leung

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

學校文化日《小丑狂想曲》 School Culture Day

馬詩雅、藍嘉穎、徐奕婕、岑智頤、余家豪、霍嘉穎、梁弘卓 Alice Ma, Rainbow Lam, Ivy Tsui, Henry Shum, Yu Ka-ho, Fok Ka-wing, Marcus Leung

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 (Programme 1) 節目一 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series

王丹琦、李思颺 Wong Tan-ki, Justyne Li

香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited

香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 (Programme 2) 節目二 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series

黃靜婷、盤偉信、馮樂恒 Chole Wong, Wayson Poon, Victor Fung

香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited

香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台系列 (Programme 3) 節目三 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series

曹德寶、李德、黃翠絲、黃俊達 Hugh Cho, Li De, Tracy Wong, Ata Wong

香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited


梁弘卓 Marcus Leung

街舞樂翻天 2014-2015 Street Dance Carnival 2014- 2015

趙浩然 Rex Chiu

由於香港租金高昂,香港舞蹈界一直面對缺乏排練空間的問 題。CCDC舞蹈中心獲得舞團藝術總監曹誠淵先生的支持,以廉價租 金營運四層空間的八個排練室,亦承擔與整個舞蹈業界分享,推出「 夥伴計劃─排練場地贊助」。本年度共為五十七個製作提供免費排練 場地,包括多個由康樂及文化事務署及香港藝術節主辦、或香港藝術 發展局資助的本地舞蹈製作、研究及海外巡迴演出。

完美 Beautiful Decay

梁芷茵 Cherry Leung

十全大舞走 Site-specific Dance Performance

余仁華、陳敏兒、方俊權、王丹琦、李思颺、王榮祿、曹德寶、麥沛恆、 梁芷茵、禤天揚 Jacky Yu, Abby Chan, Force Fong, Wong Tan-ki, Justyne Li, Ong Yong Lock, Hugh Cho, Arthur Mak, Cherry Leung, Huen Tin-yeung

香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre

漫影步落 Dancing Blog

許俊傑、藍嘉穎、植凱英、葉麗兒、黃碧琪、卡尼 Cyrus Hui, Rainbow Lam, Queenie Chick, Cally Yip, Rebecca Wong, K. Le.

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

Dance industry in Hong Kong faces the problem of high rent and lack of rehearsal space. Thanks to the support from our Artistic Director Willy Tsao, CCDC Dance Centre operates a four-storey building with eight rehearsal rooms for a low rent. To shoulder and share the difficulties faced by the industry, the Centre launched “Partnership Programme – Rehearsal Venue Sponsorship”, providing free rehearsal space for 57 productions, research projects and touring programmes over the year, including several local dance productions organised by LCSD and Hong Kong Arts Festival, and some productions sponsored by HKADC.

亞洲當代舞林匯演之AM篇5 Contemporary Dance Showcase Asian- Male Dance Episode 5

王丹琦、李宗軒、張堅豪、鈴木竜、李廷仁、柳碩勳 Wong Tan-ki, Lee Tsung-hsuan, Chang Chien-hao, Suzuki Ryu, Lee Jung-in, Ryu Suck-hun

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company


邢亮 Xing Liang

楊浩上海獨舞演出 Yang Hao Solo Tour to Shanghai

楊浩 Yang Hao


Alice Rensy、張天穎、楊浩 Alice Rensy, Jessica Cheung, Yang Hao


梁秀妍 Jo Leung

炫創者 2 Imagination Boom 2

張芷君、黎貴諾、梁皓棕、盧昐之、伍美宜、黃顯雅 Cheung Tsz-kwan, Jasper Lai, Odette Leung, Pansy Lo, Emily Ng, Camy Wong

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

舞.自由國度 The Neverland

編舞 Choreographer:林偉源 Allen Lam 副編舞 Assistant Choreographer:勞曉昕 Irene Lo

妙思舞動 Muse Motion

築動 5 Ginger Up

馬師雅、藍嘉穎、徐奕婕、岑智頤、余家豪、梁弘卓 Alice Ma, Rainbow Lam, Ivy Tsui, Henry Shum, Yu Ka Ho, Marcus Leung

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

愛護我們的環境 Greensco Outdoor Foyer Performance

黃振棠 Michael Wong

葱動派 Greensco

香港澳門舞蹈研究及演出計劃 Duo Research and Performance Project - Hong Kong and Macau

吳詩韻 、張楚誠 Ng Sze-wan, Oscar Cheong


李朋、 胡晶晶 、張君洳、 黃育德、陳穎欣、鄺漢斌、貓、楊毓瑋、郭佩欣 Free Will Theatre Lee Peng, Alva Wu, Sheena Cheung, Wong Yuk-tak, Yan Chan, Ben Kwong, Ar Mao, Ivy Yeung Wei Wei, Kwok Pui-yan

無雙 0│2

黃大徽、邢亮 Dick Wong, Xing Liang

“Good Morning Class”Series, co-organised with Unlock Dancing Plaza, E-Side Dance Company and Hong Kong People’s Fringe Association, invited artists across the world including Janis Claxton (Scotland), Chang Chien Hao (Taiwan), Lee Tsung Hsuan (Taiwan) and SekaiSouchi (Japan), providing freelance dancers and choreographers with opportunities in physical trainings and development of creativity.

3. 排練場地支援 Support on Rehearsal Space

結界達人 Autistic Genius

Alice Rensy Productions

進念.二十面體 Zuni Icosahedron

計劃名稱 Project Name

編舞 / 導演 / 導師 Choreographer / Director / Tutor

團體 / 組織 Group / Company

Incheon International Dance Festival

黃翠絲 Tracy Wong

Pier Window

揚力身體部署研修社 Body Lab for Priori Tropism

揚力身體部署研修社 Body Lab for Priori Tropism


陳智青、林廷緒、柯志輝 Chan Chi Cheng, Lin Ting Syu, Felix Ke

國立台北藝術大家舞蹈學院 School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts

原居地 Habitat Here

策劃/學術研究員 Curator / Researcher: 綠美Greenmay

揚力身體部署研修社 Body Lab for Priori Tropism

圖花緣 F.L.O.W

趙浩然 Rex Chiu

結界達人 Autistic Genius

情人.空間 The Room and The Lovers

河英美 (韓國) Megan Ha Youngmi (Korea)

我要安樂死 I want Euthanasia

導演 Director:黃俊達 Ata Wong 藝術顧問 Artistic Advisor:鄧樹榮 Tang Shu Wing

綠葉劇團 Theatre de la Feuille

元朗劇院大堂演出 Yuen Long Theatre Foyer Show

黃振棠 Michael Wong

葱動派 Greensco

土炮 Made in Hong Kong

曹德寶 Hugh Cho

左撇子 The Left Hander

藍嘉穎 Rainbow Lam

曾經發生,一些相似的事情 Here it goes again

許俊傑 Cyrus Hui

彈指之間 2.0 FRINGER 2.0

禤天揚、張天穎、招詠彤、毛維 Huen Tin-yeung, Jessica Cheung, Chiu Wing-tung, Mao Wei 四度工作室 Four Degrees Dance Laboratory

高中生藝術新體驗計劃 13-14 - 非凡舞意

藍嘉穎 Rainbow Lam

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company


藍嘉穎、岑智頤 Rainbow Lam, Henry Shum

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

局外人 L' Etranger

馮樂恒 Victor Fung

i.d Art Tour

黃振棠 Michael Wong

炫創者 Imagination Boom

陳綺婷、白濰銘、陳俊瑋、陳婉婷、邱加希、曾景輝 Vivian Chan, Ming Pak, Ivan Chan, Tracy Chan, Katie Yau, Terry Tsang

東邊舞蹈團 E-Side Dance Company

靜默邊境族 Present Absentee

文本及導演 Text & Director:陳冠而 Chan Kwun-fee 編舞及演出 Choreography & Performer:李思颺 Justyne Li 創作及演出 Creative Performer:鄭佩嘉 Cheng Pui Ka、戴俊笙 Johnxon Tai、 魏灝麟 Hollis Ngai

小息跨媒介創作室 Littlebreath Creative Workshop

小龍鳳舞蹈劇場 Siu Lung Fung Dance Theatre

4. 文化交流及海外巡演機會 Cultural Exchange and Tour Opportunity

參與之藝術家 Participating Artists 徐奕婕及施卓然

Ivy Tsui & Kenneth Sze

2014年CCDC獲民政事務局為主要演藝團體而設的具競逐 元素的資助試驗計劃資助,帶領十四組本港獨立編舞家及 中小型舞團前住內地參與北京舞蹈雙週香港日及廣東現代 舞周聚焦香港作展演,並組織一眾香港舞蹈家參與廣東現 代舞週舞蹈交織會交流及交易平台,與國際重要之藝術節 及藝術機構的代表聯繫,協助他們開拓國內及國際巡演的 機會,同時推動香港對外的文化形像。


Wong Chi-wing


Lee Ka-ki


Pak Wei-ming


Wong Pik-kei


Ivan Chan

In 2014, CCDC received the “Contestable Funding Pilot Scheme” from Home Affairs Bureau to present 14 groups of Hong Kong independent artists and small and medium size dance companies in the “Hong Kong Day” of Beijing Dance Festival and “Hong Kong Focus” in Guangdong Dance Festival. CCDC also coordinated local dance artists to participate in the DanceX exchange platform in Guangdong Dance Festival to meet representatives of international arts festivals and organisations in order to establish the market in the Mainland and overseas, and to establish the cultural image of Hong Kong.


Rebecca Wong


Cherry Leung


Justyne Li & Wong Tan-ki


Elaine Kwok


Cyrus Hui


Rex Chiu


Chloe Wong

R&T (Rhythm & Tempo)

5. 業界講座及研討會 Seminars and Symposium 5.1 為了配合以上的巡演機會,CCDC舞蹈中心特別舉辦 了三場業界講座,向本地藝術工作者剖析在巡演及參與國 際藝術展銷活動時需要注意的地方。三次講座包括: To facilitate touring opportunities for Hong Kong artists, CCDC Dance Centre hosted three seminars to equip our independent artists and leaders of small companies for international arts markets and bringing their works abroad.

《如何把作品向海外推銷?》 “How to promote your work to overseas?” 講者:黃國威(城市當代舞蹈團行政總監)及張月娥(北京舞 蹈雙週及廣東現代舞週總監) by Raymond Wong, Managing Director of CCDC and Karen Cheung, Director of Beijing and Guangdong Dance Festival.

《展示自我魅力—在藝術市場的應與否》 “Showcasing yourself – dos and don’ts in international arts markets” 講者:陳頌瑛(西九文化區管理局舞蹈藝術發展主管) by Anna Chan, Head of Artistic Development (Dance) at West Kowloon Cultural District Authority.

《五分鐘法則—藝術市場推薦環節之實戰錦囊》 “Give Me Five – practical pitching tips in arts markets” 講者:劉祺豐(西九文化區管理局劇場藝術發展主管) by Low Kee Hong, Head of Artistic Development (Theatre) at West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. 5.2 2014年12月,CCDC舞蹈中心為配合舞團三十五周年紀念,舉辦 了 「香港當代舞蹈: 歷史、美學、身份」 研討會,邀請多位舞蹈家、 學者、舞評人及香港舞蹈界的重量級人士,回顧並展望香港當代舞蹈 半世紀的生態、特色與發展。 In December 2014, CCDC celebrated on its 35th anniversary and hosted a symposium “In Search of Hong Kong Contemporary Dance: History, Aesthetics and Identities”, inviting artists, scholars, dance critics and leading figures from Hong Kong dance scene to discuss the characteristics and ecology of dance in Hong Kong, as well as the development of the industry since the 1960s.

「香港當代舞蹈: 歷史、美學、身份」研討會 “In Search of Hong Kong Contemporary Dance: History, Aesthetics and Identities” symposium

V ​開拓觀眾網絡,讓更多觀眾分享舞蹈藝術 To build, broaden and share dance with a more diverse audience 1. 導賞 Dance Appreciation

2. 學校文化日 School Culture Day

邀請「現代舞培訓計劃」中學組的學生欣賞本團及其他本 地華人地區的不同舞蹈節目,包括《思纏想後》、《風 中三十五》、《一處》、《indepenDANCE: 台灣新編》 及《indepenDANCE: 聚焦香港》,及小學組的學生欣賞 《My Own Dance》的其中數個小品,並附以導賞環節, 引發同學對現代舞的興趣。

由康樂及文化事務署主辦,CCDC向數千位中小學生介紹舞蹈及舞蹈 錄像,包括「跳格國際舞蹈影像節」的作品,節目內容更包括《生日 快樂?》選段的現場演出。

Students participated in School Modern Dance Animateur Scheme were invited to enjoy CCDC and other performances by local and other Chinese artists. Secondary and primary school students were invited to enjoy Second Thoughts, Amidst the Wind, A Place, indepenDANCE: Limelight Taiwan, indepenDANCE: Hong Kong Focus and short works of My Own Dance respectively. Guided sessions were organised to trigger students’ interests in contemporary dance.

Presented by LCSD, CCDC introduced dance and video dance to thousands students in secondary and primary schools, including an excerpt of Happy Birthday? and works from Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival. 活動場數 Number of Activities : 8 參加人數 Number of Participants : 3,689

活動場數 Number of Activities : 6 參加人數 Number of Participants : 250

學校文化日 School Culture Day 26 / 27




跳格國際舞蹈影像展海外放映 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Showcase Overseas Screenings

作為香港的文化大使 ─ 透過海外演出在,國際上肯定香港獨特的文化定位。 As a Hong Kong cultural ambassador, CCDC helps project Hong Kong’s unique cultural identity through its extensive tours to cities around the world.

北京放映 Screenings in Beijing

跳格國際舞蹈錄像節以香港為基地,2009年起巡迴至不同 地區,透過與不同海外伙伴合作,舉辦不同規模的放映及 藝術家交流會,逐漸成為極具規模的地區性舞蹈錄像展。

Based in Hong Kong, Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival brings the excitement of dance video worldwide through screenings, and enhances cultural exchange through the invitation of renowned dance video artists to the Festival, made possible by the support of various national and international partners.

意大利烏迪內 Udine, Italy 30.4.2014

烏迪內 Cinema Visionario 放映場數 Number of Screenings : 1 參與人數 Number of Audiences : 30

北京 Beijing 26.7.2014

當代MOMA百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque MOMA

放映場數 Number of Screenings : 2 參與人數 Number of Audiences : 84

意大利羅馬 Rome, Italy 30.9 - 4.10.2014

羅馬當代藝術博物館 Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (MARCO) 放映場數 Number of Screenings : 8 參與人數 Number of Audiences : 250

廣州 Guangzhou 13 - 14.11.2014

二沙島星海草坪 Xinghai PA Garden 放映場數 Number of Screenings : 2 參與人數 Number of Audiences : 447

《野鴨˙女孩》 Hedvig from The Wild Duck

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廣州放映 Screenings in Guangzhou

意大利巡演 Italy Tour

挪威巡演 Norway Tour

《那一年.這一天》As If To Nothing 27 - 28.6.2014

意大利佛羅倫斯歌劇院 Opera di Firenze, Italy 演出場數 Number of Performances : 2 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences : 1,698

編舞及佈景 Choreography and Set 桑吉加 Sang Jijia 音樂 Music 李勁松 Dickson Dee 首演燈光設計 Original Lighting Design 吳文安 Goh Boon Ann 執行燈光設計 Executive Lighting Design 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 服裝 Costumes 孔德瑄 Charfi Hung 錄像 Video 楊振業 Adrian Yeung

舞者黃狄文與參加工作坊的當地舞者合照 CCDC Dancer Dominic Wong conducted workshop for local dancers

《野鴨.女孩》Hedvig from The Wild Duck 14.8.2014

挪威奧斯陸歌劇院 Oslo Opera House, Norway 演出場數 Number of Performances : 2 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences : 650 編舞 Choreography 伊娜.約翰內森 Ina Christel Johannessen 首演燈光設計 Original Lighting Design 吳文安 Goh Boon Ann 執行燈光設計 Executive Lighting Design 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 佈景及服裝 Set and Costumes 姬斯汀.托爾普 Kristin Torp

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MISSION IV 作為中國當代舞蹈發展的核心動力 —— 為華人編舞家提供行政、技術及藝術層面上的支援,並於國 內積極推動中國舞蹈發展計劃。 As a catalyst for Chinese contemporary dance development, CCDC acts as an umbrella organisation offering administrative, technical and artistic support for Chinese choreographers. It is also the driving force behind the China Dance Development Programme in Mainland China.

中國舞蹈發展計劃 China Dance Development Programme (CDDP) 自1998年起,CCDC一直致力開展中國舞蹈發展計劃,在 北京及廣州建立平台作為戰略性發展中心,一方面凝聚內 地藝術家及藝團,同時為拓展香港現代舞的空間建立交流 橋樑及發展基地。

Since the launch of China Dance Development Programme (CDDP) in 1998, CCDC has established strategic partnerships with sister companies in Beijing and Guangzhou. CDDP has strengthened the collaboration with Mainland Chinese artists and organisations, while also acting as a catalyst to propel local dance development on the Mainland.

中國舞蹈發展計劃經過十五年的努力經營,現已成功催生 了中國現代舞的獨立年代,並初步建立起以北京、廣州及 香港三城為基地、面向亞洲乃至世界性的國際現代舞蹈藝 術交流平台,在藝術上鼓勵原創、追求卓越;開展當代舞 教育及培訓;以及建立國際現代文化形象等方面都已經取 得了一定成績。

In the past decade, CDDP’s emphasis on long-term educational activities has nurtured a new generation of dance artists who strive for originality and excellence in their creative works. They have also helped promote the cultural images of contemporary China internationally.

在2014至15年度的中國舞蹈發展計劃的主要目標是鞏固 和擴大CCDC在過去多年來在中國大陸境內設立的平台, 並利用這些平台提供更多機會,讓香港及內地的藝術家作 深化藝術交流。

The primary objective of CDDP in 2014-15 was to consolidate and expand the platforms established in Mainland China over the past decades and to make use of these platforms to provide further opportunities for artistic exchange between artists in Hong Kong and their counterparts in Mainland China. CDDP initiatives during the past year included:

- 第三屆北京舞蹈雙週 - 第十一屆廣東現代舞週 - 跳格國際舞蹈影像展(請參閱29頁)

- The 3rd Beijing Dance Festival - The 11th Guangdong Dance Festival - Jumping Frames Dance Video Showcase in Beijing (Refer to Page 29)

廣東現代舞週 Guangdong Dance Festival

北京舞蹈雙週 Beijing Dance Festival

北京舞蹈雙週 Beijing Dance Festival 《香港文化的當下-讓舞蹈作為方法?》講座 “Hong Kong Here and Now - Let Dance be a cultural model?” talk

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廣東現代舞週 Guangdong Dance Festival 「舞蹈交織會」“DanceX”


北京舞蹈雙週 Beijing Dance Festival

關係;另外,有歐建平主講《香港舞蹈新一代》,由陳頌 瑛、李海燕主講《聚焦香港》。 參與的藝術家遍及世界各地,除城市當代舞蹈團、廣東現 代舞團及北京雷動天下現代舞團三個聯合主辦方分別呈現 最新作品外,還有以色列維帝戈舞蹈團、荷蘭巴拿馬映畫 舞蹈團及夏普舞蹈團、斯洛伐克舞蹈團、美國凱文.威廉 姆森舞團及歐尼舞蹈團、波蘭旋轉舞蹈團及羅伯特.普日 貝烏、加拿大老虎公主舞蹈團、台北 / 美國余承婕、台北 蔡博丞、澳大利亞蜜雪兒.希文和本.柯巴姆、荷蘭 / 珠 海凱文.波拉克和寧曦以及來自北京的汪圓清、許一鳴、 謝欣及郭偉。 透過「北京舞蹈雙週」近年來的發展和成功經驗的累積, 北京、廣州、香港三團傾力打造,逐步樹立自身品牌特 色——國內最具規模的現代舞盛事——成為聚焦國際現代 舞動向和發展前沿、鼓勵青年舞者原創實踐、國際化視野 下的舞蹈教育與資訊分享平台。

性舞蹈展演。2012年起改為「北京舞蹈雙週」,活動架構 借鑒「廣東現代舞週」的成功經驗,以北京完善的硬件配 套、全國中心的地理及政經位置,更有效凝聚全國與國際焦 點,影響遍及全國,成為國內最大、最開放的現代舞平台。 「第三屆北京舞蹈雙週」為期兩週,第一週為教學週,第二 週為展演週,於2014年7月13至25日舉行。與往年一樣, 【國際舞蹈營】拉開舞蹈節的序幕,這次迎來了一百七十 六位學員(分別來自中國內地、香港、台灣、美國、德國、 新加坡、紐西蘭和南非)參加六天全日制、系統化的舞蹈課 程及晚間活動;第二週展演週中,【焦點舞台】六場節目在 北京解放軍歌劇院上演,【另類平台】和【香港舞蹈日】合 計十一場二十七部作品在繁星戲劇村上演,而【青年舞展】 上演四場,總計三十六部作品(表演者分別來自全國各地及 澳洲、印度、韓國),觀眾達六千一百七十二人。展演週期 間的【大師班】,共開設二十節課程,合共一百三十一位舞 者、大學生及舞蹈愛好者參加。五場研討會以前一天演出節 目為話題,實現了編導與觀眾近距離的互動,參與人數共四 百三十六人。 「北京舞蹈雙週」的特設單元——【香港舞蹈日】是一個矚 目的香港現代舞蹈作品展示平台。其中包括四場十二部作 品,共十三個藝術家在「北京舞蹈雙週」中展現香港多元且 具活力的面貌。同期邀請作家陳冠中、評論人洛楓以及主持 人賈葭,舉辦《香港文化的當下——讓舞蹈作為方法?》講 34 / 35


The festival was participated by artists from all over the world, including Vertigo Dance Company from Israel, Panama Pictures and SHARP from the Netherlands, Slovak Dance Theatre, Kevin Williamson Dance and Oni Dance from the US, Zawirowania Dance Theatre and Robert Przybyl from Poland, tiger princess dance projects from Canada, Yu Chengchieh from Taipei / the US, Tsai Po-cheng from Taipei, Michelle Heaven and Ben Copbham from Australia, Kevin Polak and Ning Xi from the Netherlands and Zhuhai China, Wang Yuan-qing, Xu Yi-ming, Xie Xin and Guo Wei from Beijing China, and the three co-organisers CCDC, Guangdong Modern Dance Company and BeijingDance/LDTX who staged their new works. As the development of Beijing Dance Festival and the accumulation of successful experiences, the festival has built its own brand: the biggest open platform of contemporary dance in China, with Guangdong Modern Dance Company and CCDC, featuring focus on new wave of contemporary dance, original works from young choreographers, dance training and information sharing.

第三屆北京舞蹈雙週 The 3rd Beijing Dance Festival

「國際舞蹈營」 International Dance Camp


Kong. To accompany the programme, several talks were also held, including “Hong Kong Here and Now – Let Dance be a cultural model?”, with writer Chan Koon-chung, critic Natalia Chan as speakers, and Jia Jia as host; “Hong Kong New Dance Generation” by Ou Jian-ping; and “Hong Kong Focus” by Anna Chan and Joanna Lee.

Beijing Dance Festival started in 2008 and has hosted international and national programmes in alternate years. From 2012, the festival evolved to a two-week programme, borrowing from the successful experience of the past Guangdong Dance Festivals. Being the political and economic centre that is equipped with the best facilities in the country, Beijing Dance Festival attracted national and international attentions and has become the biggest open platform for contemporary dance in China. The 3rd Beijing Dance Festival was held on 13-25 July 2014, comprising an educational week and a performance week. As in previous years, the festival opened with the International Dance Camp. A total of 176 participants from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the US, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand and South Africa took part in the systematic, full-time, six-day course as well as other evening events. In the performance week that follows, the festival presented six Focus performances at the PLA Theatre, 27 works and 11 performances under the Springboard programme and the Hong Kong Dance Day at the Star Theatres, and 36 works through four performances of Youth Dance Marathon (with performers from all over China, Australia, India and South Korea). A total of 6,172 visitors attended the festival’s performances. A total of 20 master classes were given during the performance week, which attracted 131 dancers, university students and dance amateurs. Moreover, five dance symposia were held during the festival to provide a forum for audiences and choreographers to share their views on the previous performances. The symposium attracted 436 participants. Hong Kong Dance Day was a special unit at the 3rd Beijing Dance Festival and a remarkable platform that showcased contemporary Hong Kong dance works. Twelve works by 13 Hong Kong choreographers were staged in four performances, representing the lively diversity of Hong

《購人心弦》The Buying Game 21.7.2014 北京解放軍歌劇院 PLA Theater, Beijing 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences : 566 編舞 Choreography 首演燈光設計 Original Lighting Design 執行燈光設計 Executive Lighting Design 服裝 Costumes

龐智筠 Noel Pong 吳文安 Goh Boon Ann 劉詩豪 Low Shee Hoe 孔德瑄 Charfi Hung

舞評選輯 What The Critics Say 「70 分鐘的作品中,有許多量身打造的舞段和場面耐人尋味。」 “In this 70-minute dance, there are many sections and scenes that are tailor made and thought provoking.” ─ 歐建平教授 Prof Ou Jian-ping 「堆滿衣物的舞台、不斷轉變的曲風、誇張的表情動作無一不衝擊著 觀眾的視覺和心靈的雙重體驗,讓人們在驚慌失措後不得不細細思索 錯綜複雜的現實和心靈。」 “A stage full of clothes, music that keeps changing style, exaggerated expressions and movements... All these strike the audience both visually and psychologically, forcing them to reflect on the complex reality and human spirit after plunging into a state of fear and panic.” ─ 中國舞蹈網 Wudao.com

廣東現代舞週 Guangdong Dance Festival 「廣東現代舞週」已成為中國最有影響力的舞蹈節之一, 除了作為內地主要的獨立新晉藝術家的創作展演平台,它 也是一個國際舞蹈活動,吸引了全世界的關注。自2012 年起,「廣東現代舞週」銳意拓展新的發展方向,並得到 廣東省創意產業基金以及廣東省文化廳的全力資助,開展 【舞蹈交織會】舞蹈交易平台,為中國以及亞洲年青藝術 家搭建國際巡演機會;【社區藝術拓展計畫】把現代舞帶 進不同社區,除了展演以外,也有不同的互動環節,將現 代舞與廣州本土更有機的聯結。【國際展演】將來自世界 各地的節目於劇場以及社區空間演出。今年更重新推出舞 蹈營的精裝版,由多位國際藝術家向專業學生及舞者示範 不同的藝術理念及訓練方法。 「第十一屆廣東現代舞週」於2014年11月8至15日舉 行,11月8至11日為【舞蹈交織會】,共有十四個國際藝 術節及文化機構參加,包括:荷蘭藝術節、慕尼克國際舞 蹈節、杜爾塞多夫NRW舞蹈中心、墨爾本藝術中心、華 沙旋轉戲劇節、首爾國際舞蹈節、韓國國際表演藝術項 目、香港藝術節等。在這四天集中展演來自中國以及亞 洲的作品,其中慕尼克2015國際舞蹈節、墨爾本藝術中 心、華沙旋轉戲劇節、香港藝術節以及韓國國際表演藝術 項目分別向不同的展演藝術家發出邀請。 【聚焦香港】是本屆【舞蹈交織會】中一個專題活動,由 城市當代舞蹈團主辦,集中展演十一個香港年青編舞的作 品,主辦了兩場研討會、一個交流聚餐並設置了展示攤 位,積極向國際業界推廣香港年青編舞的創作。 社區活動以「舞裝花城」為題,與廣東省博物館、廣州市 少年宮和廣州大劇院合辦,合力打造廣州的人文風景線, 從去年的沙面島移師至今年的二沙島做主場,其餘場地分 佈在廣州市第二少年宮、花園酒店和廣東歌舞劇院小劇 場。連續六天在四個場地呈現了十二台共十六部作品、三 個專案以及兩場戶外舞蹈電影。演出隊伍來自加拿大、以 色列、美國、意大利、葡萄牙、荷蘭、中國香港、珠海和 廣州五個社區的市民群眾。節目多達十八個,參演人員達 一百四十五人,觀眾人數達三千六百一十七人。 【精裝舞蹈營】於11月10日至15日舉行,共有九堂三十 六節課,在廣東現代舞團大排練室進行。因場地有限,只 能容納三十四人,但場場爆滿。舞蹈營特別邀請挪威喬. 斯特朗姆格蘭舞團的兩位老師來教授「為競技體育藝術而 舞」。其他課程包括有以色列、葡萄牙和荷蘭藝術家的技 術課及工作坊。 「第十一屆廣東現代舞週」合共二十四場戶外以及劇場的 演出,共接待八個國家、六個中國城市及香港的藝術家及 藝術機構代表。參與的藝術家包括新加坡舞人舞團、意大 利無證舞劇團、美國巴特利舞團和歐尼舞蹈團、以色列尼 奧雙雄和泰咪舞團、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹舞製仕、加拿大老虎 公主舞蹈團、廣西谷舞點典舞蹈中心、日本的多田汐里、 葡萄牙的法蘭西斯科.卡馬喬、荷蘭/中國珠海的KheN、 廣州二高表演、北京的楊朕、古佳妮,台灣的蔡博丞、 廣州的譚遠波,和【聚焦香港】的一眾藝術家/舞團包括 R&T舞蹈團、許俊傑、李家祺、黃靜婷、趙浩然、黃志 榮、黃碧琪、黃美玉、白濰銘、李思颺、王丹琦,澳門的

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Guangdong Dance Festival has become one of the most influential dance festivals in China. In addition to its prominent status within China as a premiere platform for independent and emerging artists, it is also an international dance event that has attracted significant worldwide attention. Since 2012, the festival has been exploring new directions and has gained the sponsorship by The Culture Industry Development Fund and the Department of Culture of Guangdong Province. The exchange platform “DanceX” sought international touring opportunities for the young Asian artists. The Community Arts Project included not only performances, but also interactive activities, bringing the art of dance into different communities of Guangdong. The International Performances showcased works from all over the world in theatres as well as communities. In addition, the 2014 festival has brought back the upgraded Dance Camp, in which internationally recognised artists shared diverse artistic concepts and training methods with dance students and dancers. The 11th Guangdong Dance Festival was held between 8 and 15 November 2014. “DanceX” took place from 8 to 11 November, with 14 registered international arts festivals and cultural organisations attending, including: Holland Dance Festival, Dance 2015 Munich, Tanzhaus nrw, the Arts Centre Melbourne, Poland Zawirowania Dance Theatre Festival, Seoul International Dance Festival, International Performing Arts Project (IPAP), and Hong Kong Arts Festival. The performances focused mainly on works from China and other Asian countries, among which several have been invited for touring by Dance 2015 Munich, the Arts Centre Melbourne, Poland Zawirowania Dance Theatre Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival and IPAP. As a special programme of “DanceX”, “Hong Kong Focus” was organised by CCDC to promote works from young Hong Kong choreographers. Dance pieces from 11 new talents were showcased. The programme also included two panel discussions and a dinner party. An exhibition booth was also set during the “DanceX”. This year’s Community Project was titled “Dance Land”, which aimed at creating a new cultural scene in Guangzhou together with Guangdong Museum, Children’s Palace Guangzhou and Guangzhou Opera House. The 2014 Community Project was based on Ersha Island instead of last year’s Shamian District. Other venues included Guangzhou No.2 Children’s Palace, Garden Hotel and Guangdong Song & Dance Theater. In six days, 12 performances and 16 works were staged at four venues, together with three special events and two outdoor screenings of dance films. The 145 performers came from Canada, Israel, the US, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and five communities of Guangzhou. A total of 3,617 visitors attended the 18 performances. The Dance Camp took place from 10 to 15 November at the Rehearsal Studio of Guangdong Modern Dance Company, offering nine sessions and a total of 36 hours of courses. Due to the limited capacity of the venue, only 34 participants could be admitted. However, each and every class was full. Two instructors from the Jo Strømgren Kompanis (Norway) were invited to lead the workshop “A Dance Tribute to the Art of Sports”. Other courses included dance technique classes and workshops led by

許琦琦、劉嘉虹、洪可晉、劉沛麟,以及作為東道主的城 市當代舞蹈團及廣東現代舞團。共有五千九百一十四人入 場觀看。

廣東現代舞週 Guangdong Dance Festival 「舞蹈交織會」“DanceX”

instructors from Israel, Portugal and the Netherlands. The 11th Guangdong Dance Festival included 24 performances in theatre and public space, and hosted artists and art organisation representatives from eight countries, six Chinese cities as well as Hong Kong. The artists participated in the festival included: T.H.E Dance Company from Singapore; Sanpapié dance and physical theatre from Italy; Battery Dance Company from the US; Niv Sheinfeld & Oren Laor from Israel; Dansmakers Amsterdam from the Netherlands; tiger princess dance projects from Canada; Good Dance Company from Guangxi, China; Shiori TADA from Japan; Francisco Camaco from Portugal; KheN from the Netherlands and Zhuhai, China; Er Gao Production from Guangzhou, China; Yang Zhen and Gu Jaini from Beijing, China; Tsai Po-cheng from Taipei; Tan Yuan-bo from Guangzhou, China; artists and dance companies of “Hong Kong Focus” including R&T (Rhythm & Tempo), Cyrus Hui, Lee Ka-ki, Chloe Wong, Rex Chiu, Wong Chi-wing, Wong Pik-kei, Rebecca Wong, Pak Wei-ming, Justyne Li, Wong Tan-ki; Hoi Keikei, Lao Ka-hong, Hong Ho-chon, Lao Pui-lon from Macau; and also CCDC and Guangdong Modern Dance Company as the hosts. The festival has attracted 5,914 visitors in total.

第十一屆廣東現代舞周 The 11th Guangdong Dance Festival 《風中三十五》Amidst the Wind 8 - 9.11.2014 二沙島星海草坪 Xinghai PA Garden 演出場數 Number of Performances : 2 觀眾人數 Number of Audiences : 400 編舞 Choreography 黎海寧 Helen Lai 梅卓燕 Mui Cheuk-yin 龐智筠 Noel Pong 桑吉加 Sang Jijia 曹誠淵 Willy Tsao 黃狄文 Dominic Wong 邢 亮 Xing Liang

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 CCDC is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 指定刊物 Official Magazine: 2014/15 城市當代舞蹈團金贊助人 2014/15 Gold Patrons of CCDC 城市當代舞蹈團謹向下列機構及人士致謝: CCDC gratefully acknowledges the following corporations and individuals for their support : 3200k Productions agnès b. 藝術地圖 art plus 藝頻 北京雷動天下現代舞團 Blink Brain Creative 盛邦興業有限公司 CASH 音樂基金 嘉昱有限公司 CUP Magazine 三角志 台北市政府文化局 香港浸會大學人文及創作暨電影學院 廣東現代舞團 廣東星海演藝集團 HKID Gallery 香港藝術發展局 易卜生國際 香港有線電視 魯氏美術製作有限公司 康樂及文化事務署 ManChing KC MOViE MOViE 陳頌瑛女士 何嘉露女士 Mr Chris Chan Mr Duo Poon 莫震熙先生 麥婉婷女士 Mr Ku Chun-ching 何海藍先生 黎宇文先生 潘少輝先生 四海 香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室 Puma Shammer Creative Studio 深圳華夏藝術中心 Studio Espresso The Ambition One Ltd. The Bay Bridge 國家文化藝術基金會 tn PEACOCK Villageman 偉信裝飾有限公司 www.timable.com

38 / 39


3200k Productions agnès b. Art Map art plus Arts News BeijingDance/LDTX Blink Brain Creative C’est Bon Projects Corporation Limited CASH Music Fund Cheer Shine Enterprise Ltd. CUP Magazine Delta Zhi Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government Department of Humanities and Creative Writing and Film Academy, Hong Kong Baptist University Guangdong Modern Dance Company Guangdong Xinghai Performing Arts Group HKID Gallery Hong Kong Arts Development Council Ibsen International i-Cable Television Service Ltd. L’s Fine Arts Production Ltd. Leisure and Cultural Services Department ManChing KC MOViE MOViE Ms Anna CY Chan Ms Carol Ho Mr Chris Chan Mr Duo Poon Mr Hayden Mok Ms Ivy Mak Mr Ku Chun-ching Mr Leecat Ho Mr Maurice Lai Mr Poon Siu-fai Mr Xu Si Hoi Office of the Arts Administrator, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Puma Shammer Creative Studio Shenzhen Huaxia Arts Centre Studio Espresso The Ambition One Ltd. The Bay Bridge The National Culture and Arts Foundation tn PEACOCK Villageman Wai Shun Decoration and Production Company www.timable.com

萬全堂 華美銀行 映藝劇團有限公司 新昌營造集團 陳雅文女士 簡美蓮博士 Mrs Sophia Kwan 道書華博士 徐行悅醫生 汪穗中先生夫人

Chain’s Medicare Centre East West Bank Focus Theatre Limited Hsin Chong Construction Group Ms Yama Chan Dr Hayley M L Kan Mrs Sophia Kwan Dr Ivy H H Tao Dr Michelle Tsui Mr & Mrs Patrick Wang

2014/15 城市當代舞蹈團銀贊助人 2014/15 Silver Patrons of CCDC 花旗私人銀行 Mrs Tasha Lalvani 施向虔女士

Citi Private Bank Mrs Tasha Lalvani Ms Lilian Shih

2014/15 城市當代舞蹈團贊助人 2014/15 Patrons of CCDC 無名氏 Korn/Ferry International (HK) Ltd LH Executive Search 凱盛置業有限公司 陳蔭陵先生 周文潔女士 林超英先生 Ms Jane McCarthy Mr Tsui Pui Yan 嚴李燕釗女士

Anonymous Korn/Ferry International (HK) Ltd LH Executive Search Victory Shine Properties Limited Mr Chan Yam Ling Ms Chow Monica Man Kit Mr Lam Chiu Ying Ms Jane McCarthy Mr Tsui Pui Yan Ms Yen Lee Yin-chiu

2014/15 城市當代舞蹈團之友 2014/15 Friends of CCDC 無名氏 白朗唐先生 陳頌瑛女士 關秀菁小姐 林雲峯教授, JP Mr Robert J Lewington 曹浣女士 Ms Teresa Wu 嚴中明女士

Anonymous Mr Tom Brown Ms Anna CY Chan Ms Kwan Sau Ching Prof Bernard V. Lim, JP Mr Robert J Lewington Ms Ellen Tsao Ms Teresa Wu Ms Grace Yen

2014/15 學生票計劃贊助人 2014/15 Student Ticket Scheme Donor 灣仔扶輪社

Rotary Club of Wanchai

鳴謝 Acknowledgements 2014至2015 CCDC 舞蹈中心導師及客席藝術家 Dance Centre Instructors and Guest Artists 2014/15 Janis Claxton Sekai Souchi 歐嘉美 結界達人 陳頌瑛 陳俊瑋 陳國恒 洛 楓 陳綺婷 張堅豪 查海欣 陳 凱 張秉權 錢秀蓮 趙穎妍 趙浩然 蔡敏蕊 張彩婉 莊陳波 周凡夫 周 紅 鍾碧霞 方俊權 馮誠健 馮曉嘉 何皓斐 許俊傑 黃思豐 甘嘉琪 鄺韻儀 郭偉傑 郭曉靈 黎海寧 黎家寶 黎貴諾 黎德威 林恩滇 林志光 林 波 林詠茵 賴詠珊 黎雅端 劉天明 劉燕玲 李智偉 李以珊 李海燕 李家祺 李佩佩 李宗軒 梁芷茵 梁秀妍 梁結文 李朗軒 李毓源 李思颺 李曉文 李咏靜 廖展邦 羅廖耀芝 勞曉昕 盧淑嫺 盧慧怡 盧偉力

40 / 41

May Au Autistic Genius Anna CY Chan Ivan Chan Michael Chan Natalia Chan Vivian Chan Chang Chien Hao Char Hoi-yan Chen Kai Cheung Ping Kuen Miranda Chin Gloria Chiu Rex Chiu Kristy Choy Trista Cheung Chong Chan-po Chow Fan Fu Sally Chow Jocelyn Chung Force Fong Benny Fung Helga Fung Ho Ho-fei Cyrus Hui Eric Huynh Kaco Kam Ronly Kong Ken Kwok Elaine Kwok Helen Lai Lai Ka-po Lai Kwai-lok Lai Tak-wai Icey Lam Lam Chi-kwong Lam Po Peggy Lam Bie Lai Eunice Lai Lau Tin-ming Stella Lau Lee Chi-wai Coral Lee Joanna Lee Lee Ka-ki Lee Pui-pui Lee Tsung Hsuan Cherry Leung Jo Leung Leung Kit-man Li Long Hin Derek Li Justyne Li Kate Li Li Yong-jing Bruce Liu Virginia Lo Irene Lo Mimi Lo Tiffany Lo Lo Wai Luk


核數師報告 Auditor’s Report 盧秀琼 樂知靄 劉祺豐 呂沅蔚 呂永禧 陸耀麟 陸惠恩 馬師雅 麥卓鴻 文慧琦 巫嘉敏 梅卓燕 吳家慧 易 峰 伍禮言 伍宇烈 甯明敏 王榮祿 歐建平 白濰銘 包慧湘 龐智筠 石嘉琁 潘少輝 施礎傑 單洛文 蘇婉兒 孫銘傑 施卓然 施寶穎 譚渼樺 譚玉芳 鄧麗薇 唐浩山 曾婷欣 徐偉業 徐奕婕 曾景輝 王鈿茵 黃果茵 黃秀貞 黃志榮 黃碧琪 黃振邦 黃狄文 黃羡晴 黃振棠 黃靜婷 王銘聰 王麗虹 黃大徽 黃美玉 黃銘熙 王丹琦 黃 梅 胡詠恩 楊 浩 多空間 楊春江 邱詠欣 游家傑 余菁華 楊惠美 葉潤霖 葉麗兒 葉淑筠

Venus Lo Shirley Lok Low Kee Hong Evains Lui Marco Lui Anfernee Luk Kinki Luk Alice Ma Kelvin Mak Vicky Man Mo Ka Man Mui Cheuk-yin Dikky Ng Nikki Ng Sean Ng Yuri Ng Mon Ning Ong Yong Lock Ou Jian Ping Pak Wei-ming Pau Wai-seung Noel Pong Dorothy Sek Pun Siu-fai Freddie Si Mandy Sin Gloria So Anthony Suen Kenneth Sze Iris Sze Malvina Tam Tam Yuk-fong Mary Jane Tang Michael Tong Tsang Ting-yan Terry Tsui Ivy Tsui Terry Tsang Ada Wong Anita Wong Anna Wong Wong Chi-wing Wong Pik-kei Bruce Wong Dominic Wong Janette Wong Michael Wong Chloe Wong Ming Wong Paige Wong Dick Wong Rebecca Wong Ronny Wong Wong Tan-ki Tasha Wong Janet Wu Yang Hao Y-space Daniel Yeung Milh Yau Yau Ka-kit Fiona Yee Yeung Boswell Wai-mei Henry Yip Cally Yip Suki Yip

城市當代舞蹈團有限公司 City Contemporary Dance Company Limited 收支表 Income and Expenditure Account 截至 2015年3月31日 Year Ended 31 March 2015

2015 HK$

2014 HK$


資助 / Subvention from - 民政事務局 / Home Affairs Bureau 其他收入 / OTHER INCOME 票房收入 / Box office income







- 非指定捐款及籌款 / Non-designated donations and fund raising



- 商業贊助 / Business sponsorship




其他特約演出 / Other hired engagements 捐款及贊助 / Donations and sponsorship

- 其他指定捐款 / Other designated donations 中國舞蹈發展計劃 / China Dance Development Programme (CDDP) 非中國舞蹈發展計劃 / Other non-CDDP projects









製作費用 / Production costs



薪金 / Personal emoluments











日常開支 / General overheads and others

應佔聯營公司之虧損 / Share of loss of an associate 年內盈餘 / SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR


核數師報告 Auditor’s Report 城市當代舞蹈團有限公司 City Contemporary Dance Company Limited

城市當代舞蹈團有限公司 City Contemporary Dance Company Limited

權益變動表 Statement of Changes in Equity 截至 2015年3月31日 Year Ended 31 March 2015

財產狀況表 Statement of Financial Position 至 2015年3月31日 At 31 March 2015


物業、機器及器材 / Property, plant and equipment 聯營公司之權益 / Interest in an associate















應付賬項及欠款 / Account and other payables



僱員福利撥備 / Provision for employee benefits



流動資產 / CURRENT ASSETS 應收賬項 / Accounts receivable 按金及預繳款項 / Deposits and prepayment 現金及銀行結存 / Cash and cash equivalents 流動負債 / CURRENT LIABILITIES












儲備 / Reserves 匯對儲備 / Translation reserve



電子媒體發展基金 / Digital media development fund



培訓及發展基金 / Training and development fund



大廈維修基金 / Building maintenance fund



長期服務福利賞金基金 / Loyalty payment fund






批核 / APPROVED BY 董事會主席 Chairman, Board of Directors

董事會聯合副主席 Co-vice Chairman, Board of Directors

簡美蓮博士 Dr Hayley Kan Mee-lin

Mr Robert Lewington


保留盈餘 Retained surpluses HK$

匯對儲備 Translation reserve HK$

電子媒體發展基金 Digital Media Development Fund HK$

培訓與發展基金 Training and Development Fund HK$

大廈維修基金 長期服務福利賞金基金 Building Loyalty Maintenance Fund Payment Fund HK$ HK$

總計 Total HK$

於2013年3月31日結存 / Balance at 31 March 2013

年內盈餘 / Surplus for the year










4,844,157 715,508

轉移入長期服務福利賞金基金 / Transfer from Loyalty payment fund

存貨 / Inventories

42 / 43

2014 HK$

於2014年3月31日結存 / Balance at 31 March 2014

年內盈餘 / Surplus for the year



















轉移入長期服務福利賞金基金 / Transfer from Loyalty payment fund 於2015年3月31日結存 / Balance at 31 March 2015

2014至2015 年度高級行政人員總薪酬 Annual Total Remuneration of the Administrative Staff for 2014-15 港幣 HK$

員工數目 No. of Staff

>1,000,000 700,001 ─ 1,000,000 400,001 ─ 700,000 <400,000

0 0 6 0

舞團架構 Company Structure

42 / 43

董事會 主席 聯合副主席 司庫

簡美蓮博士 Mr Robert Lewington 文潔華教授 陳雅文女士


道書華博士 黃繼兒先生 甘始莊女士 鄭慧華女士 鄧慧詩女士 徐行悅醫生






陳綺文 (至6/2014) 黃國威 (自7/2014)

藝術部門 副藝術總監 客席編舞 舞蹈員

陳德昌 梅卓燕 邢 亮 陳俊瑋 (自7/2014) 黎嘉寶 (自1/2015) 黎德威 (至8/2014) 林詠茵 林 波 (至6/2014) 李家祺 樂知靄 呂沅蔚 (至7/2014) 麥卓鴻 麥琬兒 (自9/2014) 莫 嫣 (至8/2014) 龐智筠 喬 楊 譚渼樺 曾景輝 謝甲賢 (自8/2014) 黃振邦 黃狄文




行政經理 助理經理 (會計及行政) 高級主任 (會計及行政) 辦公室助理 清潔員工

唐秀芳 高聯英 (自6/2014) 高聯英 (至5/2014) 楊德光 張鳳轉

節目及市場部 高級經理 節目經理 節目經理 (具競爭元素的資助試驗計劃) 助理節目經理 助理節目經理 (具競爭元素的資助試驗計劃) 節目統籌

黃國威 (至6/2014) 李敏儀 (自1/2015) 李敏儀 (至1/2015)

技術部門 技術總監 製作經理 駐團燈光設計 舞台監督 執行舞台監督 助理舞台監督 服裝經理 服裝助理

林禮長 梁鴻略 劉詩豪 朱日日 (至8/2014) 謝穎琦 (自9/2014) 謝穎琦 (至8/2014) 周芷鈴 (自9/2014) 霍樹榮 李慧娥 梁頁盈


黃沛傑 黃頌茹 (自3/2015) 葉掌珠 (至5/2014) 陳依婷 劉寶軒 (自7/2014) 李慧妍


總監 高級經理 (會計及行政) 高級經理 (中國舞蹈發展計劃) 經理(中心事務) 經理(外展事務)

經理(節目) 助理經理(節目) 助理經理(中心事務) 助理經理 節目統籌 節目統籌 (中國網絡計劃) 課程統籌 課程統籌(兼職) 技術主任 (製作及場地管理) 會計及行政助理 行政助理 行政助理(兼職) 雜務員 雜務員(兼職)

黃建宏 文耀基 張月娥 杜麗莎 鄺韻儀 馮澤恩 (自9/2014) 馮澤恩 (至8/2014) 朱愛蓮 (自1/2015) 李美瑜 (自9/2014) 李美瑜 (至8/2014) 陸矜兒 (自2/2015) 李雪彤 (自9/2014至3/2015) 羅雪芬 (至3/2015) 朱愛蓮 (至12/2014) 張紫欣 周麗萍 查海欣 陸矜兒 (至9/2014) 張麗嫦 (自7/2014) 夏慧婷 (自8/2014) 周芷鈴 (至8/2014) 張裔姍 (自10/2014) 吳安琪 (至6/2014) 應燕萍 (自6/2014至11/2014) 鄧塏熹 (自11/2014至12/2014) 林玉如 (自12/2014) 梁瑞薇 (至6/2014) 徐淑賢 (自7/2014) 梁瑞薇 (自7/2014) 張麗珍 田惠貞 甘玉英 何其穎 楊美鳳 (自10/2014)

Board of Directors Chairman Co-vice Chairmen Treasurer

Dr Hayley Kan Mee-lin Mr Robert Lewington Prof Eva Kit-wah Man Ms Yama Chan


Dr Ivy Hsu-hwa Tao Mr Stephen Kai-yi Wong Ms Rebecca Chi-chong Kam Ms Vienne Wai-wah Cheng Ms Audrey Winsome Tang Dr Michelle Hang-yuet Tsui

Honorary Legal Consultant

Mr Michael Cheung

Founder / Artistic Director

Willy Tsao

Managing Director

Clementine Chan (Until 6/2014) Raymond Wong (Since 7/2014)

Artistic Department Assistant Artistic Director Associate Choreographers Dancers

Ringo Chan Mui Cheuk-yin Xing Liang Ivan Chan (Since 7/2014) Bobo Lai (Since 1/2015)

Lai Tak-wai (Until 8/2014) Peggy Lam Lam Po (Until 6/2014) Lee Ka-ki Shirley Lok Evains Lui (Until 7/2014) Natalie Mak (Since 9/2014) Kelvin Mak Jennifer Mok (Until 8/2014) Noel Pong Qiao Yang Malvina Tam Terry Tsang Tseky Tse (Since 8/2014) Bruce Wong Dominic Wong


Nelson Hiuu

Administrative Department

Administration Manager Assistant Manager (Accounting & Administration) Senior Officer (Accounting & Administration) Office Assistant Janitor

Christine Tong Alice Ko (Since 6/2014) Alice Ko (Until 5/2014) Peter Yeung Cheung Fung-chuen

Programme and Senior Manager Marketing Department Project Manager Project Manager (Contestable Funding Pilot Scheme) Assistant Project Manager Assistant Project Manager (Contestable Funding Pilot Scheme) Project Co-ordinators

Raymond Wong (Until 6/2014) Miranda Li (Since 1/2015) Miranda Li (Until 1/2015)

Technical Department Technical Director Production Manager Resident Lighting Designer Stage Manager Deputy Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Wardrobe Manager Wardrobe Assistant

Anther Lam Thomas Leung Low Shee Hoe Coffee Chu (Until 8/2014) Olivia Tse (Since 9/2014) Olivia Tse (Until 8/2014) Krizce Chow (Since 9/2014) Fok Shu-wing Linda Lee Grace Leung

Danny Wong Eveline Wong (Since 3/2015) Jennifer Ip (Until 5/2014) Jaye Chan Xanthe Lau (Since 7/2014) Amy Lee

CCDC Dance Centre Director Kevin Wong Senior Manager (Accounting & Administration) Henry Man Senior Manager Karen Cheung (China Dance Development Programme) Manager (Centre Affairs) Lisa To Manager (Outreach Affairs) Ronly Kong Manager (Programme) Jacky Fung (Since 9/2014) Assistant Manager (Programme) Jacky Fung (Until 8/2014) Assistant Manager (Centre Affairs) Irene Chu (Since 1/2015) Assistant Manager Eileen Lee (Since 9/2014) Project Coordinators Eileen Lee (Until 8/2014) Olivia Luk (Since 2/2015) Christy Lee (Since 9/2014 to 3/2015) Project Coordinator Georgina Lo (Until 3/2015) (China Networking Project) Course Coordinators Irene Chu (Until 12/2014) Kristy Cheung Momo Chow Course Coordinators (Part-time) Char Hoi-yan Olivia Luk (Until 9/2014) Angel Cheung (Since 7/2014) Heidi Ha (Since 8/2014) Technical Officers Krizce Chow (Until 8/2014) (Production & Building Management) Sandy Cheung (Since 10/2014) Accounting & Administration Assistants Goretti Ng (Until 6/2014) Shirley Ying (Since 6/2014 to 11/2014) Adah Tang (Since 11/2014 to 12/2014) Cherry Lam (Since 12/2014) Administration Assistants Leung Sui-mei (Until 6/2014) Carman Tsui (Since 7/2014) Administration Assistant (Part-time) Leung Sui-mei (Since 7/2014) Janitor Cheung Lai-chun Tin Wai-ching Kam Yuk-ying Janitors (Part-time) Ho Ki-wing Yeung Mei-fung (Since 10/2014)

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