CCDC Season Brochure 2017

Page 1

ॺ纏猻‫ض‬毆懪 Subscription Package Advance Booking

17.2 – 2.4

膚᫃ฎெ䰬䯤౮牫膚ᘏெ䰬矎娞牏䋊聜牫 3RS XS 'DQFH 6WXGLR 妔薪唰Ӟ㮆櫞஑ጱ秚䨝牧憎挨膚᫃֢ߝጱ藫ኞ牐 &&'& 疥矎娞ਰᑏ䒍ᛗ獍‫و‬绚樌牧虏薪唰ᴻԧ፡ྋୗᄍ‫ڊ‬牧Խ胼蚎蝱膚‫ݣ‬ 籗‫ط‬胙盅ጱ娞‫ۑ‬瞆牧፡憎‫ݣ‬Ӥ羊୸ᄍ‫ڊ‬ӥ‫܉‬袊ጯ簉ጱ螂纷牧薪搕‫ک‬ๅग़奞 ℄牧璢訅‫ڊ‬ๅ羊伛牏奞翭ጱፓ‫ط‬牐 ၚ㵕揲አ獊‫ع‬牧篷殾ጭ懿牧薪唰‫ݢ‬ᛔኧ蝱‫ڊ‬牧綍ᛗᛔ猋‫܌‬訇樋ོࣖ搕牐膚 㿁肬㹓疥ෝ匍䁰Օ奧膚᫃ᄍ‫ڊ‬ጱ獺֢螂纷牧稭蜰Ի窕獤Ձ牦

How to choreograph a dance? How dancers rehearse and learn?

“Pop-up Dance Studio” lets viewers glimpse into the creation of dance. CCDC moves the usually closed rehearsal studio to somewhere public, giving unprecedented access to the creative process through open rehearsals and excerpt demonstrations. Admission to “Pop-up Dance Studio” is free and no registration is needed. You are welcome to drop in and stay as long as you wish. Bring your lunch and see how dance is created. CCDC staff is on hand to answer questions and share insights.

磪 橕 Pop-up Dance Studio 膐 旰 ෭ ๗ 现 瑿 讨牧 藶 ኸ ఺物 For venue and time for “Pop-up Dance Studio”, please stay tuned: 礚扇 Enquiries物2329


7803 /






Artistic Director’s Message



About CCDC


CCDC Vision



The A Team



Assistant Artistic Director - Dominic Wong






Why Not Kill Us All...



The Little Prince



Dance Inspirations



Booking Guide



Dance Education Fund


City Contemporary Dance Festival 2017


CCDF - Testimony


CCDF - Moon-Looking Dog • I Saw the Elephant



2017 Touring Schedule



Jumping Frames



Programmes of Jockey Club Dance Theatre



Talent Development Programmes



Outreach Programmes



City Contemporary Dance Laureate





उ૱吚դ膚᫃℄ ̽挨᥺̾ उ૱吚դ膚᫃℄ ̽೘์ᇦ爤薪虡̾

International Dance Video Festival 2017

‫ڊ‬粚 Published by

翥蜉奲 Editorial Team

舣෈翥蜉 English Editing

戔懯 Design


磷硵㰽 Miranda LI



City Contemporary Dance Company Limited

棗疑聱 Dennis CHUNG

硢୽ Photography

玕䅰摁ۗ Make-up Sponsor

讙ည猈 Danny WONG Ԇ翥 Chief Editor

檔狅৙ Jaye CHAN

磷眻঎ Amy LEE

蟞ਜ覇 CHENG Yu-ching

Francis WONG


( ᴻ‫ݚ‬磪戢กक़ Unless otherwise specified)

誧ࣳ Hair Styling

蚅㳓৙ LAI Hoi-ting

੗ᶎ Cover

Liyan@Liyan Tse Make Up

ሴࡱ㰽 Kalia WONG

禼Ꭳ要 Shirley LOK

उ૱吚դ膚᫃㿁 City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

CCDC 膚᫃Ӿஞ CCDC Dance Centre

詂჈Ԝ谍碝荎䎿य़磪ᤋ 26 ᛗ 28 蒈 11 䰠

詂჈Ԝ谍讙य़՟ဉኦࣩ螇 110 蒈瑿ӥ

11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

G/F, 110 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong

襎扖 Tel物(852) 2329 7803

襎扖 Tel物(852) 2328 9205

㯽፥ Fax物(852) 2351 4199

㯽፥ Fax物(852) 2326 0220 / 2242 2363

襎蟈 Email物

Ӟ膢礚扇 General Enquiries :

翕殷 Website物

抓纷礚扇 Dance Courses :

उ૱吚դ膚᫃㿁ኧ詂჈粬獨ᤈ硰玟硰଱虻ۗ CCDC is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ©2017 उ૱吚դ膚᫃㿁粚稗ಅ磪 CCDC All Rights Reserved

瞲ਧ‫ږ‬ᇔ Official Magazine

甿誢犮֎ Media Partners

ඪ瞱秚䯤 Supporting Organisation

萬蔩者緳ጱ扖 Message from the Artistic Director 䌘ෝ &&'& 㬵藯牧 ଙฎ粬ྛጱӞଙ牧蝡ฎ詂჈ ࢧ稳ᐙ㾴ԫ‫܈‬珏ଙ牧֢傶詂჈ࢿኞࢿ裾牧㪔犥覍獡獺 蝨‫޾ێ‬᩻ṛ萬蔩࿜伛憎圸ጱ萬蔩㿁褧牧ᥝெ䰬蔭螈睃 ᐞԏ眐牧‫ݢ‬፥虏౯揲簘௏ᰁ牐胋ਧጱฎ &&'& 犋䨝 䌕槹翥獺Ӟ蟂稧毂̿詂჈㯽॰̀ୗጱ膚᫃牧㶴䨝ᘔஞ 蕣֢ࢥ‫ݣ‬羊ߝ℄ፓ牧‫ݚ‬क़ෝଙ皈಑蝨Ӟ㮆犥㾴褬吚դ 膚Ի窕ᄍ‫ڊ‬傶Ԇጱ̿उ૱吚դ膚᫃℄̀牧૶磭胼፥ྋ 䒻ۗ൉‫܋‬詂჈ጱ෈玕瑿֖牧犖ฎ౯㮉蝡ᗭࣁ膚㿁ૡ֢ ጱ吚դ膚ᘏ牧胼䄪糽妔ԫ‫܈‬ଙ詂჈咳疻ጱ磧抁䡗ஞ ఺牐

2017 is an extraordinary moment for Hong Kong and for CCDC. It is the 20 th

匍ࣁ傶‫֖ݱ‬വՕኧ膚ᘏ㮉獺֢޾ᄍ‫ڊ‬ጱ膚疄℄ፓ牧 ̽盅眤௔ 爤 䋿ፘ̾疥ෝӣ์皈ࣁ詂჈෈玕Ӿஞय़玀ᴺ Ӥᄍ牧ฎ洛㿁翥膚礱‫ےݴ‬ጱ磧碝獺֢牧犢้傶膚㿁翥 矎֢ߝ̽ᮎӞଙ 爤 蝡Ӟॠ̾޾̽簔臺 爤 獖̾牧璂癲茐 策ܹጱ๛Ӯ唰ኞጯ眲ว虡牧糷஑詂჈薪唰筕搕牐̽盳 爤 褸̾疥ෝԲ์ࣁ詂჈෈玕Ӿஞ玀䁰獉ᄍ‫ڊ‬牧揗揣翥膚 ጱฎ詂჈݈Ӟ֖獅笕獺֢‫ێ‬ጱ膚ᘏ讙瞺螸牐蝡֖ࣁ膚 ‫ݣ‬Ӥ虏Ո縄獮Ӟ犝ጱ‫ط‬毣膚ᘏ牧ࣁ ଙ詂჈ᄍ萬 䋊ᴺ膚᫃䋊ᴺ䋊౮盅‫ے‬獈 &&'&牧 ଙஃ聅㾴蝱 狕膚᫃翥膚嘛ॊ抓纷牧 ଙࢧ稳膚㿁牧‫ض‬盅傶膚 㿁翥矎ԧ犋੝Ꭸ牏Ӿ缰膚᫃牐蝡蟂̽盳 爤 褸̾ฎ讙瞺 螸ጱᒫӞ蟂य़֢ࣳߝ牧虏Ո๗盃牐

A highlight of the season are programmes created by dancer-choreographers. In late

anniversary of our city’s Handover to China. As a professional contemporary dance company founded and grew up in this city – and known for our creativity and artistic quality – I have been thinking over and over again how we should mark this momentous year. We know we aren’t interested in creating just one work to celebrate Hong Kong’s legacy. In the end, we decided to present four lovingly produced programmes and a special edition of “City Contemporary Dance Festival” focusing on international exchange in contemporary dance to wrap up the year. We hope our work will contribute to raising the cultural positioning of Hong Kong, and as contemporary dance practitioners, this is the most sincere tribute we can make to the development of our home in the past two decades.

March, Post-perception/Transcendence by our Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia will premiere at Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. His previous works for CCDC – As If To Nothing and Fragile Beauty – are enthusiastically received by audiences for the sense of life and living in the fin de siècle. In May we have Why Not Kill Us All … by our highly creative dancer Bruce Wong at Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. This dazzling dancer joined CCDC after his graduation from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2000. He left for the US for a Master in Choreography before returning to us in CCDC, creating many short and mid-length works for the Company. Why Not Kill Us All… will be Wong’s long-awaited full-length debut. Following the great success of Journey to the West , we have decided to create one

ᛔ݄ଙጱ̽ᥜ蝿懿̾य़‫ݑ‬稭蜰ԏ盅牧&&'& 懯㴟ྯ contemporary dance theatre for all families each year. Our second attempt will be ଙവ‫ڊ‬Ӟ‫ݣ‬粬獨傶疑ସ薪唰戔懯ጱ‫ݳ‬疑稭吚դ膚玀牧 The Little Prince . Created by our new Assistant Artistic Director Dominic Wong in collaboration with Sand Drawing Artist Hoi Chiu, this is a thought-provoking retelling ̽ੜሴৼ̾ฎᒫԫ蟂牧ኧ膚㿁碝犨‫ۅ‬萬蔩者緳讙粿෈ of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s children classic Le Petit Prince, which was first published 薥ᛔ翥獺牧犥ဩ㾴֢疑ਞ䩚疴 爤 璕‫ظ‬葍֫᯾咳蔭ෝ in 1942. ଙጱ㱾ᒏ෈䋊̽ੜሴৼ̾傶覄眤牧膏ဉ向萬蔩 疑ၹᄤӞ蚏獺֢蝡㮆咳Ո窼፜ጱ෈䋊妿َ牐̽挨᥺̾ Testimony , premiered in 2006, is a seminal large-scale multimedia work by Hong ฎ詂჈ྩ璤羷翥膚疑讝ၹ䌀ጱ‫֢ێ‬牧犥獮葍肥碻๗‫ א‬Kong’s leading choreographer Helen Lai, based on the life of Russian composer Dmitri 嬄ේ֢ใ疑菕ේ璼౧姘॰ጱኞଘ傶萠๜ጱӞ蟂य़ࣳग़ Shostakovich. This special revival performed by our fourteen company dancers also 甿誢֢ߝ牧ᴻԧ膚㿁‫֖ࢥ܈‬膚ᘏ㰆‫ێ‬ᄍ‫ڊ‬क़牧螭粬螩 features prominent theatre actor Lee Chun-chow as Shostakovich. The work’s premiere 詂჈᯿ᰁ羷扖玀ᄍ㹓磷椆窓ਮԀ觽ᄍ菕ේ璼౧姘॰Ӟ sent shockwaves through Hong Kong’s dance scene 薫牐蝡蟂֢ߝࣁ ଙḒᄍ碻牧ࢩ傶氂๭硵眤牏膚 with its incendiary subject, rich imagery and virtuoso performance. th ‫఺ݣ‬虡掘੄牧‫ے‬Ӥᄍ㹓㮉羊୸ጱᄍ‫ڊ‬牧୚蚏詂჈膚᫃ Its restaging will have particularly resonance in the 20 ኴጱ襖㵕牧ই犡ࢧ稳ԫ‫܈‬ଙ盅᯿ᄍ牧ๅ氥粬ྛ఺嬝牐 anniversary of the Handover. ᴻԧ๜瑿ᄍ‫ڊ‬牧膚㿁ጱၹक़癧ᄍ覍ଉၚ蛚牧౯㮉疥螂 ݄ԫ‫܈‬ଙ㬵皃֖᯿ᥝ翥膚疑磧羊୸ጱ膚᫃粙ྦྷ牧۱ೡ 讝ၹ䌀牏礱‫ےݴ‬牏讙粿෈牏谎ฬ缟޾౯ጱ֢ߝ牧奲౮ ̽觓Ӿԫ‫̾܈‬㷢‫ ے‬ଙ樌ಅ磪癧ᄍ牐ࣁ睃ᐞ詂჈ ࢧ稳ԫ‫܈‬珏ଙԏ褬牧蝡蟂̽觓Ӿԫ‫̾܈‬य़禊‫ݢ‬犥藯ฎ 䛑วԏ֢牧磪๏‫݋‬㺔傶綍讕‫̿ݞݷ‬觓Ӿ̀牧౯మᴻԧ ࣁ膚‫ݣ‬Ӥ磪战ग़̿觓̀ጱ఺虡ԏक़牧ࣁ螂݄ԫ‫܈‬ଙ樌 詂჈ጱ觓蚏襇竤牧౲战犖ฎ搝Ԩ‫ਁݷ‬覄眤ጱܻࢩ‫މ‬牐 篷抷ই֜牧虏Ӯኴ‫ݱ‬瑿ጱ薪唰膏詂჈Ӟ‫ݶ‬獤Ձ吚դ膚 ᫃萬蔩咳疻ጱ掘੄现舮䄉౮裾牧ฎ౯㮉ጱ๗磭牧ๅ᯿ ᥝጱฎ胼膏֦㮉Ӟ蚏獤Ձ౯㮉አஞ獺֢ጱ౮ຎ牐

In addition to our productions at home, CCDC will also be active touring internationally with a new edition of Amidst the Wind . This updated version features signature excerpts by our most important choreographers from the past two decades, including Helen Lai, Sang Jijia, Dominic Wong, Noel Pong and myself, reflecting the development of Hong Kong over the same period. I have been asked the meaning of the title by many friends. Other than the recurring imagery of flowing air in these works, the many changes and turbulences of Hong Kong in the past years perhaps also inspired me in some ways. Regardless, it is our dream to share Hong Kong’s vibrant dance scene with audiences around the world, and most crucially, to share the fruits of our creations with you.

उ૱吚դ膚᫃㿁獺旰Ո磈萬蔩者緳 &&'& )RXQGHU DQG $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU

็抁享 :LOO\ 7VDR 02

l5LQJR &+$1

उ૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

Ěżĺ?šŐ¤čŠ‚჈č?Źč”ŠčŚ„čŤƒç‰?Í€ Ě˝â€ŤÜ–â€Źč‹‰ŕˇąä ­Ěž

“The artistic soul of contemporary Hong Kong�

South China Morning Post

उ ૱ ĺ?š Ő¤ 膚 áŤƒ 㿠ฎ 节 ჈ Ḓ ㎆ ç?Š č‚Ź 䌕 猂 ĺŒ? Ő¤ 膚 㿠牧 ŕˇ? ŕŹ™áŠ§ŕš‡ćŠ 亍ç?şçź?牧犼誢ĺŒ?čŠ‚áƒˆĺ?šŐ¤ŕˇˆçŽ•çŽ°ŕ´ľăľ•ĺ?š Ő¤č†šáŤƒĺ’łç–ťĺ‚śç–?碍ç‰?ÓŁâ€ŤÜˆâ€Źç?ŒŕŹ™㏾ç‰§č†šăż ç‹’áŠ¸Ô§áŠťčž‚ÔŤáŒŻ 诸ŕšœࢿ翼č†šç–‘áŒąŕ¨ ç˘‰č†šĺ˜¨ç‰§ŰąŕłĄŕš‡ćŠ 亍ç‰?čŽ?á šäŒ€ç‰?ŕťśâ€ŤÜ“â€Ź çą ç‰?珳ŕŠ?ć–?çŽ°Őˇŕ¨œçŻ‡çź›Ö˘ß?牧犖匿ŕŹ‰č†?ŮŒçŠ˘ç”żŐ•č?Źč”Šç–‘ ‍֢ݳ‏牧疝ĺŒ?ŕĽšâ€ŤŘ˛â€ŹçŽ•áŒąčŠ‚áƒˆŕˇˆçŽ•粏ᜋç‰?ྯŕŹ™á„?‍ڊ‏č?¸â€ŤÜˆŮ…‏༚ ä °ç‰§ăˇ˘č†?Őˆç˘?ኝčž‚Ô˛č‹­Őˆç¨žç‰?

For 37 years under the leadership of Founder and Artistic Director Willy Tsao, City Contemporary Dance Company has inspired and excited audiences – not only in Hong Kong but also around the world – performing superb contemporary dance pieces. Founded in 1979, CCDC has presented more than 200 original works to critical acclaim, including productions by Tsao and other leading choreographers, such as Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-yin, Pun Siu-fai and Yuri Ng. CCDC has also presented innovative collaborations with outstanding artists from other media and with artists from around the world.

á›” ŕŹ™çŠĽăŹľç‰§č†šăż ć¨„ç–ťćŻąŕŠ‚áŒąăž´č¤ŹŕˇˆçŽ•ÔťçŞ•á šăľ•ç‰§ â€ŤŘśâ€Źç›…Ő¤č”­čŠ‚áƒˆ࣠č …çŞ“ç‰?稨窓ç‰?ç­?çŞ“çŽ°ăŤŽçŞ“â€ŤŮˆâ€ŹÓŁâ€ŤÜˆâ€ŹŕĽšăŽ†Ô† áĽ?उ૱ç‰§ŰąŕłĄá Ž๩繮ç‰?瞴多ç‰?苉á??毉ç‰?ÓŁč?śŕŤąç‰?čŒšç˛ŹáŻž ĺ‡&#x;ç‰?盿疴ç‰?૲᯾ŕˇšŕšœç‰?ᴨ盓č‹&#x;盓ç‰?甂࡚褢ç‰?ç? ŕšœߢ礏ç‰? ㎖碄ç‰?૬čŽ?ç‰?ᯞ࡟ç‰?ຣŕş‹ç‰?çœśç–´áź“ç‰?࡚瑽‍ے‏粏ç‰?૲೉ ŕť’ç‰?叄泡ç‰?֥叄㎖࡚ç‰?叄茨輊玓ç‰?â€ŤÜœâ€Źç˝Ąĺ‡&#x;Ň çŠĽáœ‹â€ŤÚœâ€ŹŇ‚ç‰? č‚œŕŽ‚ç›“ç’Źç‰?芛࡚ᑀç‰?ŕ¨ˆć?Žç‰?盓ᯞç‰?ĺƒ‚ćš—ŕš™ç…śç‰?玖Ղç‰?Ó¤ á šç‰?áĽœäŒ€ç‰?泡疴೉ç‰?䊚Ղç‰?ç˘?䞤ç‰?Ḓĺ‡&#x;ç‰?á°ƒŕŞŠç‰?ç˘?‍࣠ے‏ 现‍ݣ‏玖矛č?ąá¤ˆÔ§ÔŤáŒŻŕ˘Ľâ€Ťŕ˘ĽÜˆâ€Źä °á šŕĽ˜á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰§çŒ‹â€ŤÝ‘â€Źăž´č¤Źč?Źäƒ§ ᯿憙ç‰? ᴝԧ̿çź?áŞƒčŠ‚áƒˆç‰?ăś“č‚žč‹‰ŐˆčŠ˘čˆŁç‰?ç?şč?¨ĺ?šŐ¤Óžăž´č†šáŤƒÍ€ áŒąč?Źč”ŠáŞ ĺ¨„Ô?ŕĽ˜ç‰§č†šăż çŠ–ĺ?ŒçŚ…ŕ´ľăľ•č†šáŤƒ祽čƒ?ૡ֢牧ŕˇ? ŕŹ™๎çź? &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç‰§ĺŞŁĺŞ˛ĺ’łä&#x;´çŠĽŕŽƒáŒąč†šáŤƒ 祽čƒ?ç‰?č†šáŤƒŕĽ˜ç–ťć‡Żă´&#x;ç‰?á?’çŽ&#x;č”­á„?现č?Źč”Šŕ´ľçšžçź›ૡ֢ç‰?ྯ ŕŹ™ŕľ‰â€ŤÜˆࢼ×€â€ŹŕĽšä °áŒąŕĽ˜ç–ťč”­á„?ç‰?ĺŒ?դ膚ç‰?臜č? 膚ç‰?ᆞ༊膚 现Ӟ㞴膚矛犋‍ݜ‏觊ࣳáŒąč†šáŤƒć‡şĺ¨žç‰§â€ŤÝ‘â€Źĺ”°áŠťčž‚ࢼč‹­Őˆç‰?á›” ŕŹ™ć¨„ত牧膚㿠࣠㞴ç?‰ŕ´ľá¤ˆĚżÓžăž´č†šáŤƒĺ’łç–ťć‡Żă´&#x;̀牧 ĺ‚śăž´ç?‰ŕž‹࣠č‹Ąčˆ„áŒąĺŒ?Ő¤č†šăż ŕľ‰â€Ť×€â€Źá¤ˆ祰č†?ಌč”ŠŕśŞŕľ”ç‰§ăŞ”ŕˇ? ç?‰ç‘żč†?玖Ղ輊㾕༠ӼĺŒ?դ膚㿠‍ݳ‏旰༚㎆猅Ů?୽掾â€ŤŰŽâ€ŹáŒąĺŒ? դ膚℄牧៊玎ç?‰ç‘żç˘?äŚ˜č†šáŤƒç–‘č?ąá¤ˆç&#x;?ᔹ௔ç?şÖ˘ç‰?

CCDC is renowned for reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s vibrant, multifaceted contemporary culture, presenting dance works to an audience of more than 50,000 people annually. It has represented Hong Kong, receiving 244 overseas invitations to perform on some of the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in more than 30 major cities, including Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Montreal, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Lyon, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Prague, Rome, Florence, Rovereto, Karmiel (Israel), St Petersburg, Moscow, Mumbai, Delhi, Urumqi, Beijing, Shanghai, Xining, Manila, Tokyo, Niigata, Seoul, Busan, Singapore and Taipei. CCDC’s commitment to education and development results in around 40 outreach performances annually, offering highly popular dance courses to more than 40,000 students and audience members each year. CCDC also help to organise dance festivals in mainland China. Through the China Dance Development Programme, founded in 1998, CCDC provides administrative and technical support to emerging Hong Kong and mainland Chinese artists. CCDC Dance Centre, opened in 2004, provides young artists, students and the community with dance facilities and programmes, ensuring the ongoing development of dance as a vital artistic pursuit in Hong Kong.


उ ૱ 吚դ膚᫃㿁

City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

氎ว 9LVLRQ 缏᪃詂჈牧㶓肞苉Ո芢舣牧獺蝨吚դӾ㾴膚᫃ CCDC is a Hong Kong-based professional dance company that endeavours to rally the best of Chinese talent to create dance in the contemporary context of China.

ֵ޸Ӟ Mission I

֢傶๜჈෪臊匍դ膚᫃㿁ʒʒ缏᪃詂჈牧胷睲ᐟ癥牧膌‫ێ‬傶Ӿ㾴吚դ膚᫃ဳ獈獺碝௏姘牐 As the flagship contemporary dance company in Hong Kong, CCDC produces innovative works in the context of China.

ֵ޸ԫ Mission II

֢傶വ皞现咳疻膚᫃硽胍ጱӾՕ秚䯤ʒʒ膐旰獊ᶎጱ硽胍现क़疻殻ፓ牧茐縄ෝ詂჈现Ӿ㾴 膚᫃ጱ裾螐咳疻牐 As an agency for dance education, CCDC organises the most comprehensive education and outreach programmes, with an emphasis on long-term projects in Hong Kong and in Mainland China.

ֵ޸ӣ Mission III

֢傶詂჈ጱ෈玕य़ֵʒʒ蝚螂ၹक़ᄍ‫ڊ‬牧ࣁ㾴褬Ӥ胋ਧ詂჈加粬ጱ෈玕ਧ֖牐 As a cultural ambassador of Hong Kong, CCDC helps project Hong Kong’s unique cultural identity through its extensive tours to different cities around the world.

ֵ޸ࢥ Mission IV

֢傶Ӿ㾴吚դ膚᫃咳疻ጱ໐ஞ㵕‫ێ‬ʒʒ傶苉Ո翥膚疑൉‫׀‬ᤈ硰牏ದ蔩现萬蔩䍅ᶎӤጱඪ ൔ牧㪔ෝ㾴獉坌禅വ㵕Ӿ㾴膚᫃咳疻懯㴟牐 As a catalyst for Chinese contemporary dance development, CCDC acts as an umbrella organisation offering administrative, technical and artistic support to Chinese choreographers. It is also the driving force behind the China Dance Development Programme in Mainland China.

©Conrad DY-Liacco



檔狎紪 Ivan CHAN

ິப斝 Felix KE

讝疑䌌 Bobo LAI

຋扅艏 Peggy LAM

磷疑ᐪ LEE Ka-ki

禼Ꭳ要 Shirley LOK

變ቤ㱾 Natalie MAK

谎ฬ缟 Noel PONG

㻊̴䮉 QIAO Yang

挹竔秌 Malvina TAM

้ว斝 Terry TSANG

蘛ከ搙 Tseky TSE

讙瞺螸 Bruce WONG


讙粿෈ ҆ ኧ̿膚ᘏ̀ᛗ̿‫ۅ‬萬蔩者緳̀ Dominic Wong From Dancer to Assistant Artistic Director ֢傶膚ᘏ牧讙粿෈૪ࣁ &&'& 聹聼ԫ‫܈‬ଙ牧ℂ膚ᘏ

As a dancer and choreographer, Dominic Wong honed his art with CCDC


for 20 years. He now takes on the responsibility of Assistant Artistic Director,


working hand-in-hand with Artistic Director Willy Tsao.

ኧ̿ ౮ 傶 অ ጱ 蔭 ᄍ ᘏ ̀ ‫ ̿ک‬ᆙ 觎 Ӟ 唰 膚 ᘏ牧 ഩ ൎ 匍

The change from “being a good performer” to “taking care of dancers,


mastering the whole scene” is rapid. Operating a dance company is not


an easy task. From finance, programming, partnership alignment to brand


management, each is a discipline of its own. Wong handles his ever-growing


task list with a humble smile and a firm professionalism, responsibility and




Our new Assistant Artist Director is dedicated to strengthening dancers’

胼 ‫ێ‬牐&&'& ྯ ‫ ℄ ݣ‬ፓ 觓 ໒ 蜽 吖牧 翥 膚 玲 ‫ݻ‬牏 ௏ ᪠

performing ability. Each CCDC production is unique in style, choreographic


direction and concept, posing a high demand on dancers. Wong


understands that only through daily practice can dancers find reliable and


sufficient energy from their body and mind. Dance is a lifelong exercise.

‫ڊ‬碝牐 “CCDC plays a unique role in Hong Kong and we are ready to develop

̿&&'& ࣁ 詂 ჈ ጱ 薫 ᜋ 加 Ӟ 篷 ԫ牧 ๚ 㬵牧 ౯ 㮉 ๗ 磭

further on the international stage,” says Wong. The art of dance is irrigated


by sweat; we shall always keep ourselves on our toes to explore the spirit of





礱‫ ےݴ‬ Sang Jijia


曋䰽禛 TANG Shu-wing

虄笕㾴褬ጱ萢碢翥膚疑礱‫ےݴ‬媣̽簔臺 爤 獖̾ 螇哴詂჈眤睲盅牧碝֢̽盅眤௔ 爤 䋿ፘ̾൏ 砗Ոኞጯ眲牧ᶎ䌘෭ଉ牏޸螀牏ኞ稴牧ࣁ犋 ਞӾ۴۶ᘒᤈ牐蝡‫ݣ‬碝֢犢फ़ೌ䔶㵇癷盅㿁 褧物玀֢瞲疩曋䰽禛牏ܻ獺ᶪ禼磷㵇礁牏㬙 ว戔懯皰㾴࿞牏๐蕕戔懯֜勾䆏犥现籗‫ط‬戔 懯㴤藠虦牧珊糽ଙଶ磧盵ਡԏ膚֢牐 Following his emotional letter to Hong Kong, Fragile

Beauty , world-renowned Tibetan choreographer Sang Jijia has created a new work to examine the many faces of life. Post-Perception/Transcendence travels down the path of life, from the mundane to the monumental, facing life, death, and fate. Making this epic journey with Sang are dramaturg Tang Shu-wing, composer Dickson Dee, set designer Leo Cheung, costume designer Cindy Ho Pui-shan and lighting designer Low Shee Hoe. This will surely be the most magnificent work of the season.

ᶎ䌘޸螀牧౯㮉篷‫ێ‬牪 ᶎ䌘ᛔ蛪㶕ԓ牧౯㮉篷‫ێ‬硬虋牪 ‫ֵܨ‬蒂蛪磧掘訵ጱӮኴ牧㶴Ֆ簁蝓犋螂盳䛽ጱ翕嬄牐 ̿獡ಅ磪ፘ牧緡ฎ蒅甊̀ 䋿ፘฎ፥ፘ牧篷犋ፘ㳷ኞ苭ဩ牪 磪ፘ牧篷ፘ牧薪Ԓஞ牐 ℂय़盔य़ఉጱहኴ覿䨝盅眤௔牧 疥Ոኞ᯿戔牧䢐磪篷褖‫ݢ‬胼௔牐 Life is full of suffering. We are powerless against fate. We don’t have the strength to change what we lack inside. Even when we live in a materialistically rich world, we can’t be free from fear. “All phenomena are illusionary and unsubstantial,” according to the Diamond Sutra . How one sees the world depends on one’s viewpoint. How one understands the emotional realm depends on awakening the senses. Reset your life to allow for an infinity of unlimited possibilities.


礹‍ ےݴ‏6DQJ -LMLD 玀֢瞲疊 'UDPDWXUJ\

曋䰽猛 7$1* 6KX ZLQJ ܝ�ᜪ猟 2ULJLQDO 0XVLF

磡ăľ‡ç¤ 'LFNVRQ '(( ㏙วćˆ”ć‡Ż 6HW 'HVLJQ

çš°ăž´ŕżž /HR &+(81* ŕš?č••ćˆ”ć‡Ż &RVWXPH 'HVLJQ

Öœĺ‹žä†? &LQG\ +2 3XL VKDQ çą—â€ŤŘˇâ€Źćˆ”ć‡Ż /LJKWLQJ 'HVLJQ

ă´¤č— č™Ś /2: 6KHH +RH ᜪ掾ćˆ”ć‡Ż 6RXQG 'HVLJQ

瓲௎� +$ <DQ SXL

礹‍ ےݴ‏Sang Jijia &&'& ć´›㿠翼膚礹â€Ťá¤ŠŰ’Ý´â€Źč™„ĺ‚śĚżçŁ§ŕ¨ č …áŒąč†šá˜?̀牧ä?„糡㞴褏ŕž›


猛牧㪔糡ŕŽ‘ăŤŽçŞ“ŕˇˆçŽ•㜧ä¨?糍ä‹Šá°‚ኾč …áŽ¸č œç‰Ş ŕŹ™ç?ˆčžĄĚżçŽˆ ‍ێ‏༊ç?şč?Źŕ´ľč?ƒč™ťŰ—懯ă´&#x;̀牧čž?ኾ盓㞴๎ĺ‚śč†šáŤƒáŠ´çŞŠŕˇŽশୀ牨ᑀ

膚‍ ݣ‏Stage

> Բ )ULa ‍ م‏6DW@ SP

áĽœ槚ኞ牧㪔‍؜‏盅࣠ည葌‍ظ‏á?°č‡śč? č†šăż çŽ°á‘€áĽœč†šăż ç žçŠ¨Ű—á‰˜翼膚 现á„?ăš“ç‰? ŕŹ™ࢧ㞴牧傜玖Ղ輊㾕༠ӼĺŒ?դ膚㿠ç‰?皞䊚ĺŒ?Ő¤

čŠ‚áƒˆŕˇˆçŽ•ÓžŕŽžŕĽ&#x;玀ᴺ Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

膚㿠现 &&'& ç?şÖ˘ŕĽšăŽ†裞矰֢ß?牧݈č†?ÓŽáŠ´â€ŤÝąâ€Źç‘żáŒąćŽ¸ŕŠ č?Źč”Šç–‘ çŽ°č†šăż â€ŤÖ˘Ýłâ€Źç‰§ŕŚ‡ŕ´‚শáŒŽá°‚â€ŤÜœâ€Źĺ?šŐ¤č†šăż ç‰?ŕ°şŕĽ&#x;‍ڼ‏çœ?č?ˆĺ?šŐ¤č‡śč? 膚 ăż ç‰?çŠ˘ŕĄ…áŠ çŞ•čŽ€áŒąčƒƒ誢承ä•?č&#x;´â€ŤÝłâ€Źç?…çŹ•çš°â€ŤŰŽâ€ŹáŒąčĽŽয়ᜪ猟㏾č—˘ćœ°ŕł


č™ĄáŒąçŚŠç›˘ç‰§Ö˘ß?犼筕篇ᄯáƒ?çŽ°ćŽąŕŽŒĺŠ 粏ć†Žĺœ¸ç‰? CCDC resident choreographer Sang Jijia has been acclaimed as “the



ŕ˛…çŁŞä °ç¨žç’‚ćˆ”á„?ç›…č?ŹŐˆč—ł Meet-the-artist after each performance

most perfect dancer� and has won numerous international dance awards and was awarded Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to study in the US In 2002, he was chosen by the Rolex Mentor and ProtÊgÊ Arts Initiative to study choreography under William Forsythe in Germany and remained at Ballet Frankfurt and the Forsythe Company as assistant choreographer and dancer. Sang returned to China in 2006 and, since then, has created a number of full-length works for BeijingDance/LDTX, Guangdong Modern Dance Company and CCDC. He has received commissions from famous dance companies across the world, including the Norwegian dance company Carte Blanche and Spellbound Contemporary Ballet, Italy. Sang is celebrated for his extremely physical and emotional movement language and his use of electronic music to interpret abstract concepts.


蘛ከ搙 Tseky TSE

ິப斝 Felix KE

&&'& 洛㿁 翥膚疑礱‫ᤩےݴ‬虄傶̿磧ਠ聅ጱ膚 ᘏ̀牧䍄糷㾴褬ྛ禛牪 ଙ獈螡 ̿玈‫ێ‬ॊ獺萬വ萃虻ۗ懯㴟


你何時䋊䨝恐䛽? 何時我㮉౮傶ԧ他㮉? When did you learn of fear? When did “we” become “they”?

疥犢Ո๜搡玕牧ᛔ౯蟴Ӥ㯔蕕ጱྋ吚௔ ಋ瞱‫ݳ‬Ԓቘ௔ጱྎ瑊牧憙ܻ瑿犋㵕ጱ傶犢ᘏ 疰磪ԧઃ穀ጱቘኧ ̿珿̀ጱ牏̿䘣̀ጱ牏̿অ̀ጱ牏̿瓥̀ጱ 獊᮷耻磪䛑஑ ฎ肍牫覍肍牫 犋ᥝ认认ၚࣁٌӾ牧褰ူ蝛窕牧犋֢吖肨 ྎ蔩膏膚᫃‫ݶ‬რ牐้糷獌‫ܠ‬ഩ٢敎牏獉疑೦٢敎ّ膚ᘏ讙瞺螸媣 ଙ ̽咳匍蒈̾ԏ ̻ŏŏฎই֜梤౮ጱ牫̼盅牧ٚ稞犥ྎ 膚薪ᆙӮኴ牐 Essentialise human beings. Self-match the legitimacy of camouflage. Rationalise weapons. Group those standing still as “others” and there is a reason for the massacre. “Virtuous”, “Vice”, “Good”, “Bad”, you reap what you sow. Yes? No? Do not be part of it, drifting, dead in silence. Martial arts and dance come from the same origin. Prizewinning practitioner of Baguazhang and Neijia Quan , also dancer of CCDC, Bruce Wong ponders on the world in martial arts and dance after his last choreography How to Become … in Eureka in 2015.


莙瞺螸 %UXFH :21* ㏙ว现ŕš?č••ćˆ”ć‡Ż 6HW DQG &RVWXPH 'HVLJQ

Öœĺ‹žŕŚŞ &LQG\ +2 3XL VKDQ

莙瞺螸 Bruce WONG &&'& 膚 á˜?ç‰? ŕŹ™ á˜? ç?ˆ 节 ჈ á„? č?Ź ä‹Š ᴺ牧 ŕŹ™ 糡 ㍎ 窓 ŕˇˆçŽ•㜧ä¨?糍ä‹Šá°‚â€ŤÚŠâ€Źč …㞴㡢â€ŤŰ’â€Źč …ăž´č†šáŤƒâ„„ç‰§ç›…糡čŠ‚áƒˆć?´ćłˇä¨?膚 áŤƒâ€Ť×žâ€Źčœƒŕ¤šá°‚糍ä‹Šá°‚â€ŤÚŠâ€Źč …ăž´čĽšŕş‹ŕˇšŕĽ&#x;ä‹Šç‹•ć??ĺ˜›ŕĽŠç‰?ŕˇ? ŕŹ™ ç?ˆčžĄĚżçŽˆâ€ŤŰŽâ€ŹŕĽŠç?şč?Źŕ´ľč?ƒč™ťŰ—懯ă´&#x;Í€ŕŹ™čŚ‡č†šáŤƒç–‘áŒąç?ˆç‘ťâ€ŤÝˇâ€ŹăťŒç‰? 翼膚֢ß?۹೥č†?ŕš‡ćŠ 亍现莙粿ŕˇˆâ€ŤÝłâ€ŹçżĽáŒąĚ˝ŕ¤‰૱ŕŠ—á?&#x;Ěžç‰?̽脒 蔏纨 ĚžÔ?̝䟊礖篡አ̟ç‰?Ě˝č?– 爤 旉̞Ô?̝膒੠ӤáŒąčŚ„čŤƒĚźç‰? ̽咳ĺŒ?č’ˆĚžÔ?ĚťĹ?Ĺ?ŕ¸ŽŕŚ‡Öœ梤๎áŒąç‰ŤĚźç‰?

CCDC dancer Bruce Wong entered HKAPA in 1995, where he was awarded several scholarships and was chosen to represent the Academy on overseas tours during his studies. In 1998, he was awarded an Asian Cultural Council Fellowship to participate in the American Dance Festival in the US. He received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Dance Fund Scholarship to attend Hollins University in the US for a Master's degree. In 2010, he was one of the few dance finalists worldwide to be selected for the prestigious Rolex Mentor & ProtĂŠgĂŠ Arts Initiative. His choreography includes The Legend and The Hero, Dress Me

Down in Strip Teaser 2012, Re/dis-connect in It’s My Turn and

How to Become ‌ in Eureka.

a > Բ )ULa ‍ م‏6DW@ SP


膚‍ ݣ‏Stage

> ‍ م‏6DW a ࡭ 6XQ@ SP

čŠ‚áƒˆŕˇˆçŽ•ÓžŕŽžçŽ€ä ° Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre $220


ćˆ”á„?ç›…č?ŹŐˆč—ł Meet-the-artist after performance


讙瞺螸 Bruce WONG

຋扅艏 Peggy LAM


谎ฬ缟 Noel PONG

一個 跨越

年齡、 地域的浪漫


A Fairy Tale for All Ages

Never forget, always young at heart ‫ݳ‬疑稭吚դ膚玀䁰 Contemporary Dance Theatre of Families

̿㾴褬翎萬‫ݳ‬疑稭 ̀℄ፓ Programme of the International Arts Carnival 2017

㬵ᛔ % จ純ጱੜሴৼ牧櫝樄ԧ犢ஞ眢ጱ紉紸牧疻樄Ӟ䁰獅笕眢膏玄穥ጱจ 褬笤蝿牐犢斾旉㬵‫ک‬瑿純牧ࣁ砥ߢ೉ဉ笟蝽Ӥ蝈蝝ጱ汜ᤈ㹓牧݈ࣁ蝝Ӿ藨蘷ԧ糄 ሉ牏蓷ᢐŏŏ膏ੜሴৼፘ蝽ጱ汜ᤈ㹓奰ෝกጮᛔ૩०苽ԧጱ奈፥膏‫ڡ‬ஞ牧究ਧ᯿ 碝አஞ眤‫ݑ‬ಅ眢ጱӞ獥牐 ‫ݳ‬疑稭吚դ膚᫃玀̽ੜሴৼ̾牧硬翥ᛔဩ㾴‫ݷݶ‬妿َ牧㪔ኧ膚㿁‫ۅ‬萬蔩者緳讙粿 ෈膏ဉ向萬蔩疑ၹᄤ᪜甿誢‫֢ݳ‬牧አဉৼ᯿匍汜秚䒍膏ੜሴৼࣁ砥ߢ೉ဉ笟Ӥጱ ‫ڡ‬憎牐℄ፓ疥羌‫ݳ‬膚᫃牏෈䋊牏匍䁰ᶪ禼牏匍䁰ဉ向膏㵕向୽猟牧疥Ӟ癷癷妿َ 䁰วၚ匍膚‫ݣ‬牧玕౮羊翭紸讀牏藉㵕Ոஞጱ向ᶎ牧膏य़Ոੜ๏‫݋‬Ӟ蚏眤‫ݑ‬眢牦 Leaving his beloved rose, the Little Prince from asteroid B-612 starts his space odyssey. On his journey, he comes across the Earth, where he meets a pilot lost in the Sahara and makes friends with a fox and a snake... This story of love and courage eventually leads the lost pilot to the meaning of life hiding in the dark. Based on The Little Prince , this dance theatre for families integrates contemporary dance, literature, live music, live sand drawing and animation – an inspired, unexpected and unique interpretation of this well-loved classic.

莙粿ŕˇˆ Dominic WONG

č&#x;ŚćŽąă°˝ Ronly KONG



ŕŹ™çś™çŚ‚ç›…â€ŤŰ’â€Źç?ˆ &&'& 傜膚á˜?牧 ŕŹ™çĄƒâ€ŤÜ‹â€Źĺ‚śâ€ŤŰ…â€Źč?Źč”Šč€…硳ç‰?

泡ä¨?č†šáŤƒ窟č?¨çłŤä‹Šá°‚ç‰?č …ăž´çł çŠ˘ŕĽ&#x;ä‹Šč?Źč”Šä‹ŠŕĽŠä‹ŠÖ–ç‰?3,3

ŕŹ™çŽ° ŕŹ™ç?¤ç?¨äšŁĚ˝3OD]D ; č†?ĺ?–č™‹á¤‹čž‡ĚžçŽ°Ě˝á‹ Őˆč—Ż

č?Źč”Šä‹ŠŕťŠč”­á„?č?Źč”ŠćŒ¨ä¨—çŽ°á€Šăž´çž çŽ€ŕĽ&#x;ä’? 3KLOLSSH *DXOLHU


ŕĽ&#x;ä’?ૡ֢ŕŁ‘ćŒ¨ä¨—ç‰?ŕš‰ĺ‚śŕšœç‘żçŽ°á šŕĽ˜㿠誢á„?‍ڊ‏ç‰?翼膚现祽

翼膚֢ß?۹೥̽áŠŤŐˆ玏觾̞ç‰?̽稭猟犥ç–?Ěžç‰?Ě˝ŕŽşç° ŕ˘Ľç–„Ěžç‰?̽Ӽ

䋊牧ç?şÖ˘čœą 诸č†šáŤƒŕŠœß?ç‰?ŕˇ? á›— ŕŹ™ä‹ŠŕťŠč†š

Óžá‘ Ěžç‰?Ě˝ŕŤ„ŕ¤‰祲Ԫ̞ç‰?Ě˝ç?¨çŁŞá ?༠̞ç‰?Ě˝ŕŻ?耣ఎ盅̞现̽೪č??̞牧

áŤƒâ„„ÓžçŚ›糡̿翼膚糍Í€ç‰? ŕŹ™ŕš…糡čˆŁăž´ăž´ç–‘č‡śč? 膚ăż


čžŠč—śç žçŠ¨ŕˇ?Ó¤á šÓŽçŽĄä¨?á„?‍̿ڊ‏༠濞Ô?ç˘&#x; Ĺƒ č†šáŤƒçŽ°ŕˇˆçŽ•Ôť

现̽Ӽ̞ç?¤ç?¨ŕˇ? 现 ŕŹ™糡̽â€ŤÜ–â€Źč‹‰ŕˇąä ­ĚžćˆşčžĄĺ‚śĚżç?ŠŕŹ™

窕懯ă´&#x;Í€Ô?翼膚ç‰?ĺŒ?ĺ‚ś &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžŕĽ˜ç–ťÔŞçŽ‡匿ቘ现

磧֯č†šáŤƒÍ€ç‰?莙࿄觓蚕ŕŹ&#x;莤Ô?č§“ŕť’ŕĽ&#x;â€ŤÝ‘â€ŹŕŚ…ćˆşç‰§ŕŁ ç?şÖ˘Ó¤Ô˝çŽ„ŕˇ?




Dominic Wong was a TV artist before he studied modern dance at HKAPA.

Kong graduated from HKAPA in 1989. She has received the Hong

He joined CCDC after his graduation in 1996 and was promoted as

Kong Jockey Club Music Fund Scholarship 1989-1992, and her

Assistant Artistic Director in 2016. He received the Hong Kong Dance

B.F.A. magna cum laude in modern dance from the University of

Award “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer� for his performance

Utah, US in 1992. She has been a dancer, choreographer, and

in Plaza X (2000) and The Comedy of K (2012). His choreographic

instructor in various productions in and out of Hong Kong. Kong

works include Men’s Chop Suey, E.Y.T., Xtremely Four Seasons, What’s

attained the Choreography Award in the 34 th to 38 th Schools

Next, Punk Side Story, Blind Chance, Second Thoughts and Travlogue

Dance Festival. Currently, she is the CCDC Dance Centre Outreach

(previous title: Little Pieces ). He was invited to stage his choreography at

Affairs Manager and the instructor of Dance Training Scholarship

the Guangdong Dance Festival and Beijing Dance Festival. Xtremely Four

Scheme “Teens of Colours�. She performs the roles of dance

Seasons and What’s Next were both hailed by South China Morning Post

administrator, instructor, choreographer and master of ceremony

as one of the “Best Dances� of their years. Innovative in choreography, his


works are physically demanding and feature a wide range of styles from comedic to sophisticated.


莙粿ŕˇˆ 'RPLQLF :21* ăąžá’?č†šáŤƒ翼膚 &KRUHRJUDSK\ IRU &KLOGUHQ 'DQFHUV

á šá„¤ Hoi Chiu

č&#x;ŚćŽąă°˝ 5RQO\ .21* ဉĺ?‘č?Źč”ŠçŽ°ĺŒ?ä °á„?‍ ڊ‏6DQG $UW DQG /LYH 3HUIRUPDQFH

á šá„¤ +RL &KLX Üťç?şáśŞçŚźçŽ°ĺŒ?ä °á„?༾ 2ULJLQDO 0XVLF DQG /LYH 3HUIRUPDQFH

ա篽ä Œ 3DWULFN 1* ㏙วćˆ”ć‡Ż 6HW 'HVLJQ

á´žçŹ ŕŚś <8(1 +RQ ZDL čŠ‚áƒˆŕšœࢿč?Źč”Šç–‘牧ฎ疼ဉĺ?‘č?Źč”Šç™˛â€ŤÚŠâ€ŹčŠ‚áƒˆáŒąâ€ŤŘśâ€ŹčŠ´ç‰§ŮŒá€‰ĺ?‘č?Źč”Š


ć†Žĺœ¸ŕˇ?㞴褏ç‰?ŕš‰ĺ‚śčŠ‚áƒˆčŒ?â€ŤÝˇâ€Źç¨§ŕ˛‹ćŞ”ç“˝čœŤč•ŁÖ˘á€‰ĺ?‘ 09ç‰§ŕŁ čŠ‚áƒˆ

> Բ )ULa ‍ م‏6DW@ SP


膚‍ ݣ‏Stage

֢现膚‍ݣ‏蕣֢༚‍ز‏á„?ĺŞ čŠ‚áƒˆč?Źč”Šç‰§ŕˇąç?Žŕš…ĺ‚śçĄ°ŕŹąç˘?č‚Ąč’‚ŕłŒ祢ാ



> ࡭ 6XQ @ SP

褏á šăľ•á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰§čœąŕŹ™ಭç?ˆá€‰ăľ•ĺ?‘čĽŽŕ­˝á šăľ•ç‰§á¸’ăŽ†á€‰ăľ•ĺ?‘糡贀Ꭸ粙

ဉኌŕĽ&#x;ä¨?ç’¤á„?༾皣 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall

,&7 ̿夺捚ᢓ̀5HG (JJ VDQG DQLPDWLRQ ŕš…๎â€ŤÜˆᤊۑ‏༚㎆ 㞴褏Ꭸ粙现㾕ĺ?‘輎୽℄ç?ˆç‘ťçĄŻç˘¸ç‰?




Renowned Hong Kong sand painting artist, Hoi Chiu’s skills are highly regarded internationally. His work in the music video for pop star Eason Chan led to the popularity of sand art in Hong Kong. He has since lent his

A ç¨Žä °ĺ‚śĚżč?˘čžˆäŒ•ä °Í€ç‰§ćˆ”磪夀承‍ݗ‏č?„ŕ­˝çŒ&#x; This is an Accessible Performance with Audio Description (Cantonese)

creativity to puppetry, painting and stage productions as well as films, TV and digital media. In 2014, he contributed to an official promotional video of Hong Kong.


čž•â€ŤÝłâ€ŹÓŁäľ‡çŠĽÓ¤ŐˆŕĽŠ Suitable for ages 3 and above

Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€ Dance Inspirations çž&#x;姴ྯăŽ†č†šáŤƒčŚ„çœ¤ç‰§çŠ‹ç?¤áŠ´č¤– Dance without bounds – grab every inspiration

‍ؚ‏ć?˛çłˇć?żĚżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€Źç‰§ç–§Ő ŕĽ&#x;Ӟ苉č?Źč”Šç‘żçŽ&#x;༚掝ರŕ˛•çŒťŕ°Łç‰Ś Free Dance Inspirations Card to enjoy exclusive privileges and discount offers in Greater China! Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€ŕ¸ŽÓžăŽ†粏ç?¨ĺ‚śč†šáŤƒçœ˘ŕŚ…á˜?á˜’ćˆ”áŒąć‡Żă´&#x;牧 Dance Inspirations is a tailor-made scheme for all dance lovers – helping you to č™?眅č†? &&'& ç‹’çžąĺ§´ŕŠ‚ç&#x;‘藉牧č?ŤĺŞ’č?Źč”ŠáŠžá šçťšć¨Œç‰? keep in closer contact with CCDC and take an active role in the promotion of ĺŒ? ‍ Ý?‏輑 ć?ł ć?Ž &&'& 膚 ç–„ 犨 Öœ ç?‹ ㎆ â„„ á?“ 槚 dance. Now with the purchase of two or more programmes of Dance Season çş?牧‍ݢܨ‏糡ć?żĚżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹÔšçš°ç‰§ç–§Ő ŕĽš掝çžŠŕ­¸ĺ› 2017/18, you will receive a Dance Inspirations card for FREE and enjoy an array č?˝ ç‰?

of great benefits and offers .

çŒťŕ°ŁŰąŕłĄ Privileges include:

• 犊ರć?łć?Ž &&'& á„?‍ڊ‏槚çş?Ň čž•áŠ ŕˇ?ྯăŽ†ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“Ḓç?‹çš°ć§šçş?Ň‚ • çŠĽçŒťŕ°Łă°ˇć?łć?ŽçšžäŠšĺŒ?դ膚㿠现玖Ղ輊㾕༠ӼĺŒ?դ膚㿠á„?‍ڊ‏Ô?槚çş? • çŠĽçŒťŕ°Łă°ˇć?łć?Ž &&'&ç‰?皞䊚ĺŒ?դ膚㿠现玖Ղ輊㾕༠ӼĺŒ?Ő¤č†šăż áŒąĺ¤ľç›˘ß?现 '9' • &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç–„ଶ抓纡ÔœರçŒťŕ°ŁŇˆăąžá’?č†šáŤƒćŠ“纡ÔœԲರçŒťŕ°Ł • ÔœರçŒťŕ°Łă°ˇć?łć?ŽčŠ‚áƒˆć‰–çŽ€ăż ç‰?ÓžčˆŁçŽ€ăż ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆč‡śč? 膚㿠ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆč†šáŤƒăż ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆá“•୥猟㿠ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆӞ猟㿠ç‰?č?ąç›˘ç‰¨ÔŤâ€ŤÜˆâ€ŹáśŽ誢ç‰? äŠščž˛č†šáŤƒăż çŽ°čŠ‚áƒˆčĽŽŕ­˝â„„çź›粏螥℄á?“牧犼现ŕˇ?č?Źá‘§ä¨?á„?‍ڊ‏Ô?槚çş?

• 㡢č†?Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€č†?ć—°Ô?á šăľ•Ň ŕŚ‡ç›…â€ŤÝŁâ€Źç–Šć?•ç‰?辡ྦྷá„?‍ڊ‏矛҂

• An exclusive 30% discount when purchasing tickets for CCDC productions in Hong Kong (applicable to the first two tickets per programme) • Special discount on tickets for programmes by Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GMDC) and BeijingDance/LDTX • Special prices on souvenirs and DVDs from CCDC, GMDC and BeijingDance/LDTX • 10% discount for Seasonal Dance Courses or 5% discount for Children’s Dance Courses at CCDC Dance Centre

• 10% discount on tickets of selected programmes by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Chung Ying Theatre, Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Zuni Icosahedron, E-side Dance Company and Hong Kong International Film Festival, plus programmes staged at the Fringe Club

• Exclusive activities (backstage tours, excerpted performances and more) ŕš…ŕĽšçŒťŕ°Łç‰§č—śĺ€ľč–Šč†šăż çż•採牊ZZZ FFGF FRP KN For more information of special offers, please refer to our website :

ç¤żç¨ çŽ°ĺĽž㳡 Terms and Conditions: 1. Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€ ç–§Ő çŒťŕ°ŁçŁŞçĄłŕš—á›— ŕŹ™ ŕšŒ ࡭ç‰? The benefits of Dance Inspirations 2017/18 are valid until 31 March 2018.

2. çŒťŕ°ŁçŠ‹čž•áŠ ŕˇ?粏ç?¨ćŠ“纡ç‰?ăąžá’?č†šáŤƒćŠ“纡á˜?手紑现ć?łć?ŽčŚ„á š༺çş?ç‰Şä ­â€ŤÝˇâ€Źç˘ťŕŽ 掞â€ŤÚŠâ€Źçşˆ磪祳Ô?Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€Źŕˇœâ€ŤÝ˘â€Źçłˇŕ˛°ŕ˛•çŒťŕ°Łç‰ŞçŒťŕ°Łâ€ŤÝ?â€Źč¤–çžąâ€ŤÜœâ€ŹŐˆÖľáŠ ç‰§çŠ‹čƒźč†? ŮŒçŠ˘çŒťŕ°ŁăŞ”áŠ ç‰Ş&&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç‹’áŠ¸ŕš…祏çŒťŕ°Łç¤żç¨ çŽ°ĺĽž㳡Ô?稗‍ڼ‏ç‰? Not applicable to Special Courses, Children’s Dance Examination Classes or the purchase of Flexicoupons. The offer is only available to the cardholder and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts. CCDC Dance Centre reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the offers.



膚疄༺çş?çŒťŕ°Ł Dance Season Subscription Scheme

ćŠ˜ć‰ŁéŤ˜é ”ä¸ƒćŠ˜ďź


Big Discounts for Early Bird, save up to 30%!

CCDC Dance Season

17.2 – 2.4.2017


Advance Booking Period

Ě˝ç›…çœ¤ŕŻ” 爤 ä‹żá?˜ĚžáŒąăŻ˝á?ĽçŽ°č&#x;ˆć?łŕąźŕžŠ࡭ŕš—ĺ‚ś ŕšŒ ࡭

Postal or fax booking for Post-Perception/Transcendence is opened until 17 March 2017

1 /çŒťâ€ŤŘśâ€Źć‡Şçş?çŒťŕ°Ł Advance Booking Discounts

ĺŒ?ç?Ąŕˇ? ŕšŒ ࡭๲Ô?ç?ŽçŒťâ€ŤŘśâ€Źć‡Şć?ł &&'& 膚疄༺çş?ç‰§á´ťâ€ŤÝ˘â€ŹŐ 磪ć–ƒÖŻÖ–á—?ç‰§ŕš…â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹçłˇçŠĽÓĽçŒťŕ°Łç‰Š Purchase the 2017 Dance Season Subscription Packages on or before April 2 to secure the best available seats and enjoy early bird discounts: çŒťŕ°ŁçżĽč’ˆ Discount Code

༺� Subscription Package


懪ć?łç?‹ä °ŕą˛çŠĽÓ¤çŠ‹â€Ťâ„„ݜ‏á?“槚çş? Two or more different programmes


&&'& 'DQFH &DUG ๲ &&'& .LGV &DUGçžąçŁŞŐˆ Holders of CCDC Dance Card or CCDC Kids Card

犼Ӽä¨?ăš“ćŒ¨çžąçŁŞŐˆç‰ŠčŠ‚áƒˆć‰–çŽ€ăż ĚżŕŚ…â€ŤÝ‹â€Źçą§Í€ç‰?ÓžčˆŁçŽ€ăż Ěżčƒźá° ç˝­ăż SOXVÍ€ç‰? čŠ‚áƒˆč‡śč? 膚㿠Ô?‍݋‏ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆč†šáŤƒăż ĚżçŠĽč†šä¨?â€ŤÍ€Ý‹â€Źç–§ŕŠ˘çŽ°çžŠčˆŁä¨?罕ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆá“•୥猟 ăż Ěżáƒˆ猟ä¨?Í€ç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆӞ猟㿠̿Ӟ猟ç ™â€ŤÝ‹â€Źä¨?Í€ç‰?č?ąç›˘ÔŤâ€ŤÜˆâ€ŹáśŽ誢̿č?ąç›˘Ô?‍̀݋‏ç‰? č?Źá‘§ä¨?Őžć?˛ä¨?ăš“

çŒťŕ°Ł Discount

犊ರ 30% off


糡ć?żĚżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€Ź Complimentary Dance Inspirations Card

ç?Œರ 20% off


çŠĽÓĽâ€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€ŹçžąçŁŞŐˆç‰ŠčŠ‚áƒˆÓžŕˇˆŕĽ&#x;ä‹Šâ€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Źç‰?čŠ‚áƒˆŕĽ&#x;ä‹Šâ€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Źç‰?


čŠ‚áƒˆŕ¤‰૱ŕĽ&#x;ä‹Šâ€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Ź Holders of the following membership cards HKREP Pals, Energy Fun Club plus, Friends of Hong Kong Ballet, Friend of Hong Kong Dance Company Prestige and

Ôœರ 10% off

Classic membership, Club Bravo Members of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Friends of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Zuni’s Friends, Paid Members of Fringe Club Holders of the following credit cards: CUHK Credit Card, HKU Credit Card, City University of Hong Kong Credit Card


ç?Š࡭‍ڍ‏䋊ኞç‰?â€ŤÜˆŮ…â€Źäľ‡๲犼Ӥ᚛诡ŐˆŕĽŠç‰?äľ?眧ŐˆŕĽŠçŽ°á?Ąč™ ŐˆçŽ° 翎‍ݳ‏á?’ä¨?ç‹’áľ‘ŕľ”Ű—â€ŤÝ‘â€Źŕ°ŁŐˆ Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients

ÜŽă°ˇ 50% off

ç¤żç¨ çŽ°ĺĽž㳡 Terms and Conditions: ಅ磪çŒťŕ°Łâ€ŤÝ?‏螕አŕˇ?ŕž‹㰡槚çş?现犋螕አŕˇ?ć?Ťć?Šçş?ç‰?All discounts are applicable to regular price tickets only, and are not applicable to VIP tickets. 糡ć?żÔ?Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹçŁŞçĄłŕš—á›— 2018 ŕŹ™ 3 ŕšŒ 31 ࡭ç‰?The complimentary Dance Inspirations card is valid till 31 March 2018. çŒťŕ°Łčž•áŠ ŕˇ?ྯ㎆℄á?“Ḓç?‹çš°ć§šçş?ç‰? á´ťçŒťŕ°ŁçżĽč’ˆ ' ŕĽ˜ Applicable to the first two tickets programme (except discount code D). ༺çş?çŒťŕ°Łâ€ŤÝ?‏螕አŕˇ?ĚżçŒťâ€ŤŘśâ€Źć‡Şçş?Í€ŕš—ć¨Œ๎‍ۑ‏懪ć?łÔ?槚çş?ç‰?All subscription package discounts are applicable to Advance Booking only. ྯ皰槚çş?‍ݢÝ?â€ŹčžĄä˘”ŮŒÓžÓž掝çŒťŕ°Łç‰§çŠ‹â€ŤÝ˘â€Źč†?ŮŒçŠ˘çŒťŕ°Łâ€ŤÝśâ€Źç˘ťÖľáŠ ç‰?Only one discount scheme can be applied to each ticket. ಅ磪懪çş?č”­ŕť’ç’‚çŠĽâ€ŤŘśÚŠŘśâ€ŹŕŽ‘ŕˇœá€Šč’‚á‰˜ç‰§ŕšœăż çŠ‹ç‹’ćŒ¨ŕ˛…磪懪çş?ŐˆŕĽŠç’‚čƒźŕąŽâ€ŤŰ‘â€Źć‡ŞçŽ˛ć§šçş?牧ᘒଷÖ–ç?¤č&#x;´ç–ĽáŠ§ŕšœ㿠֢磧弰犜ਧç‰?All bookings will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. CCDC cannot guarantee the availability of tickets. Allocation of seats will be at the discretion of CCDC. ŕš…ŕĽšçŒťŕ°Łć‰˜çœ?牧藜㡢褂 &&'& çż•採ç‰?For more discount schemes, please refer to ÓžŐˆÓžçş?牧ಅ磪č–Şĺ”°çŠ‹ćŠˇŕŹ™诡Խ掞䚣çş?ç?ˆä °Ň ćŽžá’§â€ŤÝłâ€ŹŕŹ™诡褖‍ڍ‏҂ç‰?ಅ磪槚çş?Óž匿ŕ “â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰§çŚŠçŠ‹č??ç¨ ç‰?One person per ticket regardless of age and subject to age limit specified for each programme. Tickets sold are non-refundable. ಅ磪â„„á?“௼çŠ‹ŕł—ç›ƒ 6 äľ‡çŠĽÓĽŕŠœá’?č?ąä °Ň Ě˝ŕŠœáˆ´ŕ§źĚžá´ťŕĽ˜ç‰§ç¨­čœ° 3 侇๲çŠĽÓ¤ŐˆŕĽŠč?ąä °Ň‚ç‰?Children under 6 years old will not be admitted (except for The Little Prince which is suitable for children ages 3 and above). ŕšœ㿠磪稗ༀ䝂๲ŕš…ç&#x;Śč”­á„?á˜?çŽ°Ňˆ๲ŕš…硬૪ç??ăŹ™áŒąâ„„á?“ç‰?ଷÖ–翼ç&#x;ŽçŽ°ŕ¨ťçžłč–Şĺ”°áŒąç˘?á?“ç‰?CCDC reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes, seating arrangements and audience capacity.

2 / ÓŁĺœľć‡Şçş?ŕˇœá€Š Three Easy Ways to Book č&#x;ˆŕŠ€ć‡Şçş? By Post

éœ˜ŕŚ—â€ŤÝŚâ€ŹćŽˇÔ?懪çş?č”­ŕť’ç‰§č&#x;ˆŕŠ€á›—ç‰ŠčŠ‚áƒˆÔœč°?ç˘?č?ŽäŽżŕĽ&#x;磪ᤋ á›— č’ˆ ä° ŕ¤‰૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż Ň â€Ť×žâ€ŹŕŠ—áśŽč—śćˆ˘ŕ¸ ç‰Š 膚疄༺çş?毆懪҂ Complete and return the booking form on the next page by post to: CCDC, 11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Please mark on the envelope: “2017 Dance Season Subscriptionâ€?)

㯽á?Ľć‡Şçş? By Fax

éœ˜ŕŚ—â€ŤÝŚâ€ŹćŽˇć‡Şçş?č”­ŕť’ç‰§ăŞ”㯽á?Ľá›— Complete and return the booking form on the next page by fax to 2351 4199

ŕˇ?उ૱ŕ “çş?çż•ć?łçş? Through URBTIX

ŕˇ?‍ݹ‏उ૱ŕ “çş?çż•ŕ “çş?č’‚ç‰?窕㾕ć?łçş?䛑አ纡ŕ­— * ๲â€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€ŹŇ ZZZ XUEWL[ KNŇ‚ć?łçş? Purchase your tickets at URBTIX outlets, mobile ticketing app* or with credit card (2111 5999 /

çœ…Ô˝â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹçŠĽŕˇ?ŕšœăż çż•ćŽˇŇ ZZZ FFGF FRP KN҂Ӽ斉̿ 膚疄̀ çŒťâ€ŤŘśâ€Źć‡Şçş?č”­ŕť’ç‰§éœ˜ŕŚ—ç›…č&#x;ˆŕŠ€๲㯽á?Ľá›—ŕšœăż ç‰? You may also download the booking form from our website (www. Please return the completed form by post or fax. * उ૱ŕ “çş?çż• Android 粚现 iPhone/iPad 粚窕㾕ć?łçş?䛑አ纡ୗ‍ݢ‏ç?¤ç?¨ŕˇ? Google Play ๲ Apple App Store ‍ؚ‏ć?˛ÓĽć–‰ç‰? URBTIX mobile ticketing app (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) is available to download for free at Google Play or Apple App Store.

3 / ‍ؚ‏ć?˛çłˇçŽ˛Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€Ź Receive a FREE Dance Inspirations Card 懪ć?łçŠ¨Öœç?‹ăŽ†๲犼Ӥ℄á?“槚çş?牧‍ؚݢܨ‏ć?˛çłˇć?żĚżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹÔšçš°ç‰§ç–§Ő çŠŠರ槚çş?çŒťŕ°Łç‰ŚŮŒçŠ˘çŒťŕ°Łć‰˜ć†Ž á’Ť 採ç‰?Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹçŁŞçĄłŕš—á›— ŕŹ™ ŕšŒ ࡭ç‰? čˆ™çœ…çŠĽč&#x;ˆŕŠ€๲㯽á?Ľŕ­ľŕ­—ć?łçş?ç‰§Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€Źç–Ľŕˇ?祊‍ڊ‏懪çş?č”­ŕť’ç›…ÓžăŽ†ŕšŒç?‰ŕŠ€â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰? čˆ™çœ…ŕˇ?उ૱ŕ “çş?翕懪çş?ç‰§č—śéœ˜ŕŚ—â€ŤÝŚâ€ŹćŽˇč”­ŕť’Ó¤ăŽ†Őˆč™ťç˘˜č&#x;‚ç?¤Ň ๲ŕˇ? ZZZ FFGF FRP KN ÓĽć–‰Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€č”­ ŕť’Ň‚ç‰§č?Ťâ€ŤÝśâ€ŹçŠ¨Öœç?‹ăŽ†๲犼Ӥ℄á?“áŒąć§šçş?ŕ­˝çŽ˘ŕšœç‰§ŕˇ? ŕŹ™ ŕšŒ ࡭๲Ô?ç?Žč&#x;ˆŕŠ€๲㯽á?Ľá›—ŕšœăż ç‰§â€ŤÝ˘Ü¨â€Ź ‍ؚ‏ć?˛çłˇć?żĚżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹÔšçš°ç‰? Book ticket of two programmes or more, you can enjoy a free Dance Inspirations card and 30% discount on tickets! For details about other discount offers, please refer to p.19. The card is valid till 31 March 2018. If you are purchasing tickets by post or fax, your Dance Inspirations card will be posted to you within one month of receiving your application form. If you are purchasing tickets through URBTIX, please provide your contact details through the booking form on the next page (you may also download the form from CCDC’s website together with a photocopy of tickets of two or more different programmes by post or fax to redeem your complimentary card on or before 19 May 2017.

4 /ŕš…ç&#x;Ść§šçş? Ticket Exchange 懪çş?ç›…ŕŚ‡ĺ’łĺŒ?ŕšščƒźŕ˝źć?•á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰§çœ…â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹçŠĽŐ áŠ äŒ•ĺ‚ść‡Şć?łŕĽşçş?č–Şĺ”°á˜’ćˆ”áŒąç&#x;Śçş?ŕš?率牊 Season subscribers can enjoy our ticket exchange service: ĹŽ č&#x;ˆŕŠ€๲㯽á?Ľć‡Şçş? Subscribed by Post or Fax ŕŚ‡čĽ‘ŕš…ç&#x;Ść§šçş?牧藜ŕˇ?â„„á?“á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źŕˇ­ŕš—ç?Žâ€ŤÜˆâ€ŹÔ˛ăŽ†ૡ֢ॠč?˘áŽŁŕšœăż ç‰?槚çş?掞傜‍ݜ‏Ӟ℄á?“Ô?á?˜â€ŤÝśâ€Źçş?㰡槚çş?牧๲‍ݢ‏愆ࢧ癊㰡ç&#x;ŚçŽ˛ć–ƒáš›çş?㰡槚çş?ç‰?ྯ稞ç&#x;Śçş?ç’‚ 祊箲ྯ繰 $5 ಋ媲ć?˛ç‰? To exchange tickets, please contact CCDC at least 15 working days before the performance. Tickets may be exchanged for another performance date of the same programme, either of equal value or of a higher price band by settling the price difference. A service fee of HK$5 will be charged for each ticket. ĹŽ ŕˇ?उ૱ŕ “çş?çż•ć?łçş? Subscribed through URBTIX ŕŚ‡čĽ‘ŕš…ç&#x;Ść§šçş?牧藜ŕˇ?扗℄á?“ç??ć¨„ĺ’łŕ “ç›…ç‰§çĄĄâ€ŤÝśâ€Źŕ˛…čĽ‘ŕš…ç&#x;ŚÔ?槚çş?牧‍ݹڊ‏उ૱ŕ “çş?çż•ŕ “çş?č’‚ć—‰ç&#x;Śá?˜â€Ťâ„„ݜ‏á?“çŽ°ä °ç‘żáŒąâ€ŤÝšâ€ŹÓžä °ć§šçş?牧ఢ‍Ý?â€Źčƒźć—‰ç&#x;Śá?˜â€ŤÝśâ€Źçş?ă°ˇ ๲愆ࢧ癊㰡ç&#x;ŚçŽ˛ć–ƒáš›çş?㰡槚çş?ç‰?ྯ稞ç&#x;Śçş?牧उ૱ŕ “çş?çż•ç’‚祊箲ྯ繰 $5 ಋ媲ć?˛ç‰? Tickets may be exchanged for another performance date of the same programme and venue, by visiting any URBTIX outlet after the specific programme has gone on public sale. Tickets may be exchanged for those of equal value or of a higher price band by settling the price difference. A service fee of HK$5 will be charged for each ticket by URBTIX. 藜ဳ఺牧篡抡č?ščž‚č&#x;ˆŕŠ€ç‰?㯽á?Ľŕą˛ŕ¤‰૱ŕ “çş?翕懪çş?ç‰§ŕš…ç&#x;Śŕą˛â€ŤÜ‹â€Źçžˇć§šçş?ç–ĽçŠ‹ŮšŐ çŁŞçŒťâ€ŤŘśâ€ŹćŻ†ć‡ŞáŒąŕ˛°ŕ˛•çŒťŕ°Łç‰§Ö•Ő–â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹŐ 磪ç&#x;Śçş?碝ŕľ‰â€Ť×€â€ŹáŒąŮŒçŠ˘çŒťŕ°Łç‰§ŕŚ‡ Ěżč†šáŤƒčŚ„Í€â€ŤÜœâ€ŹáŒąŕ˛°ŕ˛•çŒťŕ°Łç‰?ಅ磪槚çş?ć—‰ç&#x;Ść†™Ô’ŕ “çş?çœ?丆ᘒਧç‰? Please note that all exchanged tickets, whether ordered by post, by fax or through URBTIX, will no longer be entitled to any advance booking discount. However, you may still enjoy other discount offers, such as Dance Inspirations card discount offers. Ticket exchange is subject to availability.


Booking From

I / 懪搳℄ፓ Subscribed Programmes 霘䌃蔭໒獮藶奞褂ᒫ 殷̿礿稠现奞㳷̀牐藶犥ྋ禇霘䌃犥ӥ虻碘牧㪔ෝ螕吚֖ᗝ霘Ӥ̿ ̀蒈牐 Please read the Terms and Conditions on P.20 carefully before filling in this form. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and tick the appropriate items. ℄ፓ Programme

ᄍ‫ڊ‬෭๗现碻樌 Programme Date & Time

纏㰷 Ticket Price (HK$)

纏碍 No. of Tickets

ੜ懯 Sub-total (HK$)

猻ణ翥蒈 Discount Code

ರಕ Discount

ರಕ盅ੜ懯 Discounted Price (HK$)

ֺ ̽盅眤௔ 爤 䋿ፘ̾

31.3.2017 (Fri) 8pm







e.g. Testimony

21.11.2017(Tue) 8pm


2 䋊ኞ







Total No. of Tickets

Total (HK$)

II/ 㮆Ո虻碘 Personal Information ‫ض‬ኞ Mr

ੜথ Miss

穇ॊ Mrs

玡ॊ Dr

硽ദ Prof

ন Surname

‫ ݷ‬Given Name

襎扖蒈嘨 Telephone No.

襎蟈 Email

ٌ犢 Other

瑿࣎ Address 詂჈䎦 Hong Kong Island

Ԝ谍 Kowloon

碝ኴ New Territories

‫ع‬揲矦覿̿膚᫃覄̀‫ ܜ‬Complimentary Redemption of Dance Inspirations Card ( 托憎ᒫ 19 殷 Details on p.19) ౯磪岉蚕 I am interested in ‫ے‬獈 CCDC 嬝ૡᤈ‫ ڜ‬Becoming a CCDC Volunteer

獍樄姟矎 Open Rehearsals

肥抝ၚ㵕 Gatherings

膚᫃୽猟ོ搕 Dance Video Appreciation

膚᫃ૡ֢࣑ Dance Workshops

盅‫ݣ‬疩搕 Backstage Tours

玀䁰蔭ᄍ Theatre Performance

萬Ո藳 Meet-the-artist Session

ٌ犢 Others

III/ 摁ۗ现瞾稠 Sponsorship and Donation ౯氎఺摁ۗ CCDC 现瞾稠 I would like to sponsor CCDC and make a donation of ჈發 HK$

磪橕摁ۗ懯㴟牧藶㷢褂盅殷牐Please refer to the next page for CCDC sponsorship scheme.

瞾稠 100 ჈‫ز‬౲犥Ӥ‫ݢ‬䚣硩硁֢ಕ纶አ蝝牐Donations of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible. 藶澕蘛 Please acknowledge ๜Ո҈๜獍‫ ݪ‬My name / Our company Ӿ෈ Chinese

舣෈ English

篷‫ݷ‬࿄ Anonymous

IV/ 玲纏҈玲̿膚᫃覄̀‫ ܜ‬Tickets / Dance Inspirations Card Collection 蟈ੀ By Postҁ槹纏疥ෝ硩‫ک‬懪纏蔭໒盅Ӟ㮆์獉ੀ‫ ڊ‬Tickets will be posted to you within one month of receiving your booking form҂ 薥蛪獮ஃ &ROOHFW LQ SHUVRQ

CCDC 膚᫃Ӿஞ At CCDC Dance Centre CCDC 碝荎䎿旰獍ਰ覿玲 At CCDC San Po Kong Office CCDC 獮‫ ݣ‬CCDC Reception - ෝᄍ‫ڊ‬吚෭蔭ᄍ樄ত獮 30 獤楮牧薥蛪獮ஃ CCDC ෝ蔭ᄍ䁰瑿戔ᗝጱ矑盃蒂覿玲牐

Collect your ticket(s) 30 minutes before the performance starts at CCDC’s reception at the performing venue. 旉盅殷 P.T.O.

V/ Őžç¨ Payment 掝á?“ Items

ŕŠœć‡Ż Sub-total (HK$)

懪ć?łâ„„á?“ Subscribed Programmes ć‘ Ű—çŽ°çžžç¨ Sponsorship & Donation 者懯

Total (HK$)

ă´&#x;娄ඪçş? Crossed Cheque Ň ŕ˛ťćŻŁŕśŞŐžŃ?̿उ૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒ㿠磪褖ç??‍ ̀ݪ‏Payable to “City Contemporary Dance Company Ltd.â€?Ň‚ ‍מ‏አ‍ Üœâ€ŹCredit Card:



çžąâ€ŤÜœâ€ŹŐˆčˆŁŕˇˆন‍ ݡ‏Cardholder Name in English â€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Źč’ˆĺ˜¨ Credit Card No. 磪祳࡭ŕš— Expiry Date

CVV č’ˆĺ˜¨ Code*

(*CVV č’ˆĺ˜¨ŕ¸Žâ€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Źčƒ™墣â€ŤÝˇâ€ŹäłąÓ¤â€ŤÝŚâ€ŹáśŽç‰§çŁ§ç›…áŒąÓŁÖ–ç˘?ਠç‰?CVV Code is the last 3 digits printed in the signature field on the back of the credit card.)

墣á—&#x; Signature Ň č—śÖľáŠ â€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€ŹÓ¤Ô?墣‍ݡ‏ୗ䰏ç‰?Please use the authorised signature as on your credit card.Ň‚

ŮŒçŠ˘ç˛Źŕ¨§ä¨?㚓牧藜ྉ‍׀‏ಅ瞹ä¨?ç˝•áŒąçŁŞçĄłä¨?ăš“ćŒ¨ŕ­˝çŽ˘ŕšœçŠĽŐ áŠ ć‡Şçş?çŒťŕ°Łç‰? Members of the designated memberships please provide a photocopy of your valid membership card to enjoy booking discounts. ಅ痀ä¨?罕 Designated Membership

ä¨?ăš“č’ˆĺ˜¨ Membership No.

ć—°ç??ਰ䌕አ For office use only çĄŠçĄ č’ˆĺ˜¨ Receipt No.


磪祳ŕš—á›— Valid until

ć?—ć?Łč‚Źăš“ Staff in charge

áŠŠč—śŐˆŕľ‰â€Ť×€â€ŹáŒąč™ťç˘˜â€ŤÝ?‏ä¨?አ֢č&#x;ˆŕŠ€ŕ¤‰૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż č?˘ć‡ąçŽ°çŁŞćŠ•â„„á?“Ô?ਯ㯽č™ťç˘˜ç‰?áŠŠč—śŐˆŕŚ‡á´ŤÓ¤â€Ť×žâ€ŹáŠ â€ŤÜœâ€Źč™ťç˘˜Ö˘çžžç¨ ๲懪çş?Őžç¨ Ô?አč??牧㳡࣠ŕť?ä‹żçŁŞćŠ•č™ťç˘˜ăŞ”ਠ๎旉蚄螂纡ç›…ç‰§çŁŞćŠ•č™ťç˘˜ç–Ľá¤ŠčĄ´ äľźç‰?ç¤ŹçĄ ăŽ†Őˆč™ťç˘˜Ň á?şč¤˛Ň‚礿ֺá’Ť ç‰?á’Ť 现ᴍ蔭 ç?‰ ܝ㳡áŒąć†’ਧ牧眅磪稗áĽ?犊ç¤šč¤‚çŽ°ŕš…ŕž‹ŕ˛…ŕľ‰â€Ť×€â€ŹáŒąăŽ†Őˆč™ťç˘˜ç‰?â€Ť×ąâ€Źčˆ™äŒ˜éœ˜ä ­ăŽ†Őˆč™ťç˘˜ÓžԪ磪犨֜眥㺔牧۹೥áĽ?犊礚㺔๲ŕš…祏č™ťç˘˜çź›ç‰§ č—śč†?उ䑜ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż č‚ĽĺŚ?ç‰? The personal data provided in the form will be used for mailing of CCDC newsletter and publicity materials of CCDC programmes. Credit card information provided for donation or payment of tickets will be destroyed after verification and transaction. You have the right to request access to and to correct personal data in accordance with sections 18, 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Enquiries concerning personal data, including requests for access and correction, may be directed to CCDC.

ć‘ Ű—ŕ¤‰૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż ç‰?ඪçžąŕšœç‘żč?Źč”Šĺ’łç–ť Support CCDC and Play Your Role Ö˘ĺ‚śçĄ°ŕŹąćˆ˘ă˛˜áŒąŕą…ç?żăż 誢ç‰§çœ…áŒąç?„çœźçžžŰ—čƒźč™?CCDCŃ? 媣媲č•ŁÖ˘ÓŽáŠ´çžˇŕżœäź›áŒąá„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‰§ćŽ˜ŕŠ„čŠ‚áƒˆáŒąŕˇˆçŽ•áŠžá šç‰Ş ç?şÖ˘çŽąç˘¸čŠ‚áƒˆŕĽšâ€Ťŕˇˆزâ€ŹçŽ•áŒąč†šáŤƒÖ˘ß?牧č?ž税ç?…ŕ­šÓŽáŠ´â€ŤÝąâ€Źç‘żáŒąč–Şĺ”°ç‰Ş ç’˘čƒ?ç˘?ÓžŐ¤č†šáŤƒŐˆŕ˛?çŽ°ŕ´ľçšžč†šáŤƒ祽čƒ?ç‰§ŕžŻŕŹ™ಊç˘?çŠĽâ€ŤÜ‰â€Źć‡ŻáŒąä‹ŠáŠžç™˛č?ąŕĽšç” ŕĽšŕ­¸áŒąč†šáŤƒÓŽáŠ´ç‰Ş ç™˛ăľ•Óžăž´áŒąĺŒ?դ膚咳疝牧ç?şč?¨ĺ?šŐ¤Óžăž´č†šáŤƒç‰?

CCDC is a registered charity. Your generous contribution can help this performing arts organisation in many ways: Continue to produce a diverse range of world-class performances; Create choreography that reflects the multifaceted culture of Hong Kong and stimulates the imagination of audiences worldwide; Draw thousands of students annually to dance arts and promote dance education; Create dance within a contemporary Chinese context, taking a lead role in the development of Chinese modern dance.

ć‘ Ű—č§Šç?¨ Sponsorship Categories

ć§‘áŽŞć‘ Ű—Őˆ Diamond Patron HK$500,000๲犼Ӥor above

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“â€ŤÝąâ€ŹÓŁâ€ŤÜˆâ€Źçš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Thirty complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

áŒŽá°‚ć‘ Ű—Őˆ Platinum Patron HK$100,000–499,999

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“â€ŤÝąâ€ŹÔŤâ€ŤÜˆâ€Źçš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Twenty complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

á°‚ć‘ Ű—Őˆ Gold Patron HK$50,000–99,999

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“â€ŤÜˆÝąâ€Źçš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Ten complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

襼ć‘ Ű—Őˆ Silver Patron HK$30,000–49,999

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“‍ݹ‏ç?Œçš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Eight complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

ć‘ Ű—Őˆ Patron HK$10,000–29,999

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“â€Ťŕ˘ĽÝąâ€Źçš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Four complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

CCDCÔ?‍ ݋‏Friend of CCDC HK$3,000–9,999

糡ć?ż č†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“‍ݹ‏ç?‹çš°áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş? Two complimentary VIP tickets per local production of 2017/18 season

CCDC䋊ኞçş?ć‘ Ű—Őˆ Student Ticket Scheme Donor < HK$3,000 ๯㎉疼࣠膚疄ç?‰áŒąá„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źä °â€ŤÚ–â€Źç‰?ŕŹ™ä ­çŽ°çż•採ç?‰ćž•č˜› 裿Ӽç‰?çžžç¨ +. ๲犼Ӥ‍ݢ‏糡ć?ż ŕŹ™ଶč†šç–„ŕšœç‘żá„?‍℄ڊ‏á?“áŒąć?Ťć?Šçş?犼现 &&'& ŕ˛…č•ŁÖ˘áŒąĺ¤ľç›˘ß?ç‰? á„?‍' ڊ‏9' ޞ玢‍ږڏ‏ᇔ‍ݹ‏Ԛ犊牧㪔糡螊㡢č†?ç?ƒá?žč&#x;¸ä¨?牧č†?ç?şÖ˘Őˆăš“现膚á˜?Ӟ‍ݜ‏ç?¤Ő á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€ŹŕąŽâ€ŤŰ‘â€ŹáŒąŕĄ…ç›˝ç‰?çžžç¨ +. ๲çŠĽÓ¤â€ŤÝ˘â€ŹäšŁçĄŠçĄ Ö˘ŕ˛•çşśáŠ č??ç‰? Donations will be acknowledged in house programmes, annual report and webpages of the 2017/18 season. Donations of HK$3,000 or above will be entitled to complimentary VIP tickets of CCDC’s local productions, souvenirs, production DVDs and publications issued throughout the season. You will also be invited to exclusive cocktail receptions to share the joy of successful performances with our artists and dancers. Donations of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible. č—śéœ˜ŕŚ—ŕšœč”­ŕť’ăŞ”č?‘ࢧ  Please fill in the form above and return by

č&#x;ˆŕŠ€ Postç‰ŠčŠ‚áƒˆÔœč°?ç˘?č?ŽäŽżŕĽ&#x;磪ᤋ 26 á›— 28 č’ˆ 11 ä° ŕ¤‰૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż CCDC, 11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 㯽á?Ľ Fax牊2351 4199

Ň ăŻ˝á?Ľç›…č—śŕˇ?ć—°ç??碝ć¨Œç?‰č†ŒčĽŽ 2329 7803 ֢䋿 Please call 2329 7803 within office hours after faxing for confirmationŇ‚ çş?率礚扇 Ticketing Enquiries : 3761

6661 (10am – 8pm)


℄�礚扇 Programme Enquiries: 2329

7803 /

਀胍獺఺ 箑竪ଞ舏

Nurture Creativity, Support Growth

膚᫃硽胍चᰂ Dance Education Fund &&'& ฎ詂჈戢㲘ԏ౅珿秚䯤牧Ӟፗ膌‫ێ‬൉‫ ׀‬CCDC is a charitable arts organisation committed to providing high quality ṛ搡ᔰጱ๜瑿ܻ獺膚᫃℄ፓ现膚᫃璢懺抓纷Ԩ local original dance programmes and dance training courses to residents of 詂჈૱࿆牧吚Ӿ夹磪ӣ౮܎傶獊෭‫ګ‬䋊ኞ牐膚 Hong Kong. About 35% of those we engage in our work are full-time students. 㿁֖ෝ讙य़՟ጱ̿&&'& 膚᫃Ӿஞ̀ྯଙ傶᩻ CCDC Dance Centre, located at Wong Tai Sin, provides a variety of dance 螂Ӟ苭ԫ‫ݷ܉‬䋊㹓൉‫ݱ׀‬觊ࣳጱ膚᫃懺娞牧膐 training to more than 12,000 students and organises up to 8,000 dance 旰ग़螈獌‫܉‬㮆ग़‫ز‬玕膚᫃ૡ֢࣑犥现ग़䁰膚‫ ݣ‬workshops each year. The Dance Centre also holds stage and community 膏 ᐒ 玟 蔭 ᄍ牧 ‫ ݑ‬唰 ᩻ 螂 Ӟ 苭 Բ ‫ ܉‬Ո牐 ଙ performances annually, reaching more than 15,000 persons. In 2016, CCDC &&'& ౮缏̿膚᫃硽胍चᰂ̀牧㶓肞ᐒ䨝‫ݱ‬ኴ establishes "Dance Education Fund" to gather community support so the 瞾稠犥ඪ瞱膚㿁ጱ膚᫃硽胍现വ皞ૡ֢牐

Company can further dance education and promotion work.

眅ጱ睄禊瞾ۗ胼虏౯㮉വᤈ犥ӥ懯㴟物 Your generous contribution can help us in the following ways:

䋊ኞ纏虻ۗ懯㴟cStudent Ticket Scheme 虏䋊ኞ犥斃犵ጱ纏㰷ོ搕膚㿁羊୸ጱ膚᫃ᄍ‫ڊ‬牐 Allows students to enjoy performances at a lower price.

膚᫃璢懺糫䋊ᰂ懯㴟cDance Training Scholarship Programme 蝚螂̿୸ᜋ覇ช̀现̿ ๚㬵膚ॊ̀傶‫م‬ᛗ‫܈‬獌䵇䋊ኞ戔缏羊舣膚᫃璢懺糫䋊ᰂ懯㴟牧璢胍๚㬵ጱ䌕禂膚ᘏ牐 Supports dance training scholarship programmes, including "Teens of Colours" and "612 Mini Dancers", nurturing students aged 6 to 18 to explore dancing professionally.

膚᫃硽胍咳疻懯㴟cDance Education Development Plan 坌禅膏य़䌕现Ӿੜ䋊‫֢ݳ‬牧൉‫׀‬ኧच๜ದૣ‫ک‬獺֢ጱ膚᫃抓纷牧盌ଧ侅蝱瑿ी‫ے‬䋊ኞ䌘膚᫃ጱ藨Ꭳ牐 Works with universities, secondary and primary schools to bring dance into the campus through long-term cooperation, holding dance courses from basic technique to production creativity to gradually increase awareness of the art form.


檔狎紪 Ivan CHAN

磷疑ᐪ LEE Ka-ki


㻊̴䮉 QIAO Yang


City Contemporary Dance Festival (CCDF) is a major contemporary dance event in


Hong Kong. It aims to present high quality dance pieces to local audience as well


as to introduce local and Asian dance artists to international presenters. Organised

᫃㿁 &&'& Ԇ旰牧Ḓ䌵̿उ૱吚դ膚᫃℄̀疥ෝ

by CCDC, the first CCDF will be held in Hong Kong from November 21 to 26,

ଙ ์ ᛗ ෭ࣁ詂჈膐ᤈ牐



City Contemporary Dance Festival 2017


The development of dance in Asia has attracted much attention in recent years.

᫃℄ ̀疥犥䩚㫎傶Ԇ氂牧獉਻ኧ疻ᄍ现Ի窕

This year, CCDF will focus on East Asia, presenting the Hong Kong debut of world-


class dance troupes, Daegu Contemporary Dance Company from Korea and

现෭๜碝侤 1RLVP 膚㿁獋㮆㾴褬殸羷吚դ膚㿁Ḓ 稞 㬵 ჈ ᄍ ‫ ڊ‬ጱ 羊 ୸ ℄ ፓ牐&&'& 膏 蝡 獋 㮆 膚 㿁 ෝ

Noims1 from Niigata, Japan. CCDC and the two companies were first linked through the "Cultural City of East Asia" network established at the 1st Niigata


International Dance Festival in 2015. Through hosting dance festivals and touring


the three cities, the network aims to foster exchanges on creation and interaction


between the troupes. Along with BeijingDance/LDTX, the three dance companies


form “Asian Focus” showcase – a highlight of City Contemporary Dance Festival



Ḓ 稞 ࣁ ჈ 膐 ᤈ ጱ̿'DQFH ; 膚 ᫃ Ի 而 䨝 ̀ ฎ 禂 ኴ

"Dance X" dance art market will be hosted for the first time in Hong Kong. It is a


platform for exchanging experiences, networking, exploring artistic perspectives


and possible collaborations through a series of showcases, seminars, talks and


sharing sessions, bringing together internationally renowned art festival curators,


organisers, critics, scholars and artists as well as the public.

̿'DQFH ;̀Ӿ磧傶藉ፓጱฎ妿螂ࢥଙ碻樌蠪衅现

The heart of “Dance X” will be the "East Asian Dance Platform" which has been


in the works for four years. CCDF joins hand with SIDance (Seoul, Korea) and


Yokohama Dance Collection (Yokohama, Japan), two of most influential dance


festivals in Asia. Focusing on the three East Asian countries – China, Korea and


Japan, the platform aims to enhance contemporary dance exchange within the


region and integrate resources to promote the art of dance in Asia to presenters


from around the world. This new platform will be held in turns at the three festivals.


Representative and experimental creations by contemporary dance groups and


independent choreographers from the Greater China Region (including the


Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), Korea and Japan will be staged,


introducing works by talented and promising new choreographers to international presenters.

ๅग़℄ፓ托眐疥褢媲咳㬙牧藶倵薩 ZZZ FFGIHVWLYDO KN牐

Stay tuned for more festival programmes at


̿䩚㫎膚᫃ଘ‫̀ݣ‬ኧउ૱吚դ膚᫃℄肥蔺覮㾴Ḓ凟㾴褬膚᫃℄现෭๜秡倗㾴褬膚᫃℄牧犥䩚㫎ӣ㾴ҁӾ෭覮҂傶蚏讨奲౮翕妏牧犥വ㵕玟獉吚դ膚ጱ ԰㵕޾咳疻牐 CCDF joins hand with SIDance and Yokohama Dance Collection to form the "East Asian Dance Platform". Focusing on the three East Asian countries – China, Korea and Japan, the platform aims to enhance contemporary dance exchange and development within the region.


詂჈ Hong Kong

̿Ӟ蟂磪橕菕ේ螈ṛ姘瓼Ӟኞጱ裾缰膚 ֢牧֢ߝ䔶ᘒ磪‫ێ‬瑿疥膚᫃牏玀䁰现袅 猟ᣟ‫ݳ‬牧襖破Ոஞ牐̀ ̽‫ܖ‬苉෱䁭̾ “A powerful, full-length work based on the life of Shostakovich, combined dance with theatre and video to striking effect.” – South China Morning Post


Top Chinese choreographer Helen Lai and veteran stage actor Lee Chun-

‫ݶ‬薹䯤獮葍肥碻๗茐 ‫ ֢ ݷ‬ใ 疑 菕 ේ 螈 ṛ 姘 瓼 ᶪ ᒧ ੂ

chow decipher the music of Shostakovich together. Don’t miss out on the


return of this seminal classic!


Regarded as a music giant during the Soviet period, Russian composer


Dmitri Shostakovich was a pioneer and spiritual leader of the music circle,


giving voice to the revolutionary socialism at that time. Unfortunately,


under Stalin’s orthodoxy, he became the enemy of the people and faced

盅ጱ֢ߝӾ㬙ӥӞ㮆㮆蘔承牧褲萢䌘硰လ಑瓟ጱ犋笕牏 harsh political persecution. Feigning compliance with the government, Shostakovich embedded his resentment and rebellion against the 篷瓺现玱ಯ牐

government into his music.

ℂ猋‫ݑ‬凗捍ጱ菕ේ螈ṛ姘瓼ࢧ䛂袅̽挨᥺̾‫ڊ‬咳牧讝 ၹ 䌀 羌 ‫ ݳ‬膚 ᫃牏 ᶪ 禼牏 玀 䁰 现 襎 ୽ ‫ ز‬ᔰ牧 犥 ग़ 虋 ‫ڊ‬

Inspired by Testimony , the controversial memoirs of Shostakovich, Helen


Lai presents an unprecedented fusion of dance, music, moving image and


theatre. The Hong Kong Drama Awards Best Actor Lee Chun-chow returns


to join in this pioneering dance theatre, playing the Russian composer,


Shakespeare's tragic characters as well as funny man in Chaplin’s slapstick


style of silent movies, weaving between dance, music and drama.


Ě˝ćŒ¨áĽşĚžçłˇčŠ‚áƒˆĚ˝â€ŤÜ–â€Źč‹‰ŕˇąä ­ĚžčžĄĺ‚ś ŕŹ™Ô˛ŕĽ&#x;磧֯č†šáŤƒÖ˘ß?Ô?Ӟ牧㪔猛 糡 ŕŹ™čŠ‚áƒˆč†šáŤƒŕŹ™糍ç‰?

Testimony was selected as one of the “2006 Top Five Dances� by South China Morning Post and received the Hong Kong Dance Award in 2007.


čŽ?á šäŒ€ Helen LAI čŽ?á šäŒ€ĺ‚ś &&'& ç?şăż ๎㚓牧ŕˇ? á›— ŕŹ™ĺ‚ś &&'& áŒą

�‍ ڊ‏Performance

č?Źč”Šč€…硳牧 á›— ŕŹ™ŕš—ć¨Œç žçŠ¨ &&'& ć´›㿠翼膚ç‰?ŮŒç?ş

उ૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż &LW\ &RQWHPSRUDU\ 'DQFH &RPSDQ\

Ö˘â€ŤŘ˛â€Źá”°áŞœኟçŠ‹â€ŤŕˇˆÝśâ€ŹçŽ•çŽ°č?Źč”ŠčŚżŕ¤’ç‰§â€ŤŰ’â€ŹÓ¤çą†çœ˘ŕˇˆä‹Šç‰§ç?şÖ˘čŚ„眤çś? çšžç‰§áŠ§ŕźŠć—´â€ŤÜœ༢ÜœÚŠâ€Źç‰§áŠ§â€ŤÜœâ€Źĺ‡&#x;ĺ§˜č˜Šâ€ŤŕŤśÚŠâ€Źč† çœˆçŽ€ç‰?Ö˘ß?犚娞弞腞牧 ç?…珕ᜪ猟ŕŻ”çŽ°çž çŽ€ŕŻ”ç‰§ŕŽƒŕŽƒčƒźçœ¤ăľ•ŐˆŕŽžç‰?ŮŒ᯿áĽ?Ö˘ß?۹೥̽Ôœ 稧̞ç‰?̽ชÔ?çş?Ěžç‰?̽褲୾उ૱̾ç‰?Ě˝çŠ‡ŐˆŕŽžÔŞĚžç‰?Ě˝áś?޸Ő‚ çŽ€Ę’ÔœçŠŠŕŠ—çŽ˘Ěžç‰?Ě˝ç?şÓŽć‡żĚžç‰?Ě˝3OD]D ; č†?ĺ?–虋ᤋ螇̞ç‰?Ě˝2 ‍؜‏ኞ疑碢稴çŠœÔŞŐŻĚžç‰?Ě˝á‹ Őˆč—Żç“ľĚžç‰?Ě˝ćŒ¨áĽşĚžç‰?̽犇䨗̞ç‰?̽࿞

翼膚 Choreography

čŽ?á šäŒ€ +HOHQ /$, 粏螊á„?‍ ڊ‏Guest Appearance

磡椆窓 /(( &KXQ FKRZ

篡՝ྩ̾ç‰?̽膚牌膚牍 膚 Ĺ?Ĺ?Ěžç‰?Ě˝ 捕 उ 懿 Ĺ„ 节 ჈ 爤 Ó¤ á š 爤 çš°

㏙วçŽ°çą—â€ŤŘˇâ€Źćˆ”ć‡Ż Set and Lighting Design


çš°ăž´ŕżž /HR &+(81*

Helen Lai was a founding member of CCDC, and was the

ŕš?č••ćˆ”ć‡Ż Costume Design

Artistic Director of the company

from 1985

to 1989 and

'DYLG 6+((.:$1

Resident Choreographer from 1991 to 2011. Lai’s works are

袅çŒ&#x;ćˆ”ć‡Ż Video Design

cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary. Fond

檔ୋਞ 7HUU\ &+$1


of literature, Lai’s

span Chinese classics, Kafka, Italo Calvino and Greek



subtle, exquisite and moving dance. Her

major works include Nine Songs , The Rite of Spring , Invisible

Cities , Loose Pages from a Woman’s Diary , Revolutionary Pekinese Plaza


Opera The

(Millennium Tragedy


Mix) , In Mr

the Beginning ,

O, The



K , Testimony , Her Story, No End, Very Dance! , Tales of Two Cities – Hong Kong Shanghai Eileen Chang and Soledad . Her choreography has won her numerous awards, and has earned her a prominent reputation in the Hong Kong dance scene.

> ÔŤ 7XH@ SP

čŒ§čŚ‡çŽ€á´şá„?č?ŹçšŁ Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre $250



ćˆ”á„?ç›…č?ŹŐˆč—ł Meet-the-artist after performance


膚‍ ݣ‏Stage

茎㞴 Korea

ć‹œ ćœˆ 犏 爤 觀 蹥 ŠLEE Kyung-yoon


čŠ‚áƒˆá¸’á„? Hong Kong Premiere

翼č†šç–‘á ’๎֚ฎ茎㞴č†šäƒ§á’ŤÓžŐˆç‰§ć¨„ĺ’łăľ•

When it comes to contemporary dance scene in Korea, Hong Sung-yop should


be the first name to remember. His ability to craft dance movement is described


as unique. Together with his gift in expressing human introversion, his beautiful productions have brought him international awards.

á ’๎֚癲茿ŕĽ&#x;᎕ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż ç‰§á¸’ç¨žĺ‚śčŠ‚áƒˆ 薪唰癲㏾դ蔭֢ß?Ě˝ŕł˜ŕšŒá‡ŚĚžçŽ°Ě˝č–Şč™ĄĚžç‰?

Hong Sung-yop leads Daegu Contemporary Dance Company (DCDC) to Hong

Ě˝ ŕł˜ ŕšŒ ᇌ Ěž ŕš‰ 糡 螊 㡢 ‍ Ű’â€ŹŕŹ™ ည ăž´ ᯞ ࡟

Kong with Moon-Looking Dog and I Saw the Elephant . Moon-Looking Dog was

č†šáŤƒćŤ•ŕŹ™ç–ťç‰§ç–¨ć†–Űąč• ࣠á?’ä¨?č›ŞçŠŠÓĽáŒąá?Ľ

invited to Lyon Dance Biennale of France in 2000, seeking the inner self within the

๯牪̽ č–Ş 虥 Ěž á?— 瞲 ÔŞ ᇔ ŕšœ ć?Ąç‰§ ྉ çşˆ 犼 ா 縄

modern identity; I Saw the Elephant questions the nature of thing, urging the reuse

薪ᆙ苭ᇔç‰?‍Ý?‏á„?Óžä °ç‰§ĺĽžç˘?ĺ?šŐ¤ŕĽ&#x;茎ŕˇˆçŽ•

of mind’s eye. DCDC will visit Hong Kong for the first time, presenting the beauty

Ô?č …ç‰Ś

of contemporary Korean culture in a night!

膚㿠Օ弧 ŕĽ&#x;᎕ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż 傜茎㞴Ḓ㎆ĺŒ?դ膚㿠牧ŕŁ

The first public contemporary dance company in Korea, Daegu Contemporary Dance


Company was established in 1981. It produces two new creations every year,


and tours around the country as well as the other countries in Asia and Europe. In

ŕŹ™ ŕšŒčš?ç‰§á ’๎Öš๎傜ᒍ‍م‏犨č?Źč”Šč€…硳ç‰?

November 2014, Hong Sung-yop was appointed as its sixth Artistic Director. With its

膚㿠ä˘?磪ࢼâ€ŤÜˆâ€ŹÔ˛â€ŤÝˇâ€ŹŕąŽăš“ç‰§ŕŁ â€Ť×?‏č?ąčŚŽăž´ĺŒ?Ő¤

45 members and high-quality works, the company has been significantly contributing


to the development of the contemporary dance scenes in Korea.


Ěżčƒƒ誢ç‰?č†šç” ç‰?膚ಌĹ?Ĺ? ਠç?ŠčĽ–ç?ˇč–Şĺ”°ç‰ŚÍ€

“Body, dancing, technique... overpower the audience!�

茎㞴̽ç™—â€ŤÜ–â€Źŕˇ­ä ­Ěž

á ’๎Öš HONG Sung-yop á ’ ๎ Öš ฎ 茎 ăž´ ĺ?š Ő¤ 膚 䃧 áŒą 茿 ć•Ž Őˆ ᇔç‰? 犢 茿 ç–Š 䌕 猂 膚 áŤƒ ăż Ěżč?ąč†šáŤƒçŽ€ä °Í€ŕĽšŕŹ™ç‰§ăŞ”糡čžŠç žçŠ¨čŚŽăž´ăž´ç–‘ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż áŒą

- Yeongnamilbo, Korea

�‍ ڊ‏Performance

ŕĽ&#x;᎕ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż 'DHJX &RQWHPSRUDU\ 'DQFH &RPSDQ\

č?Ź 蔊 者 硳ç‰? ㍎ 窓 膚 áŤƒ ç”› ăš“ ä¨? Ḓ äŒľ č‚Ľ ‍ ݳ‏Ԇ ŕŹ… 现 茎 ăž´ ăž´ 褏 ĺ?š

翼膚 Choreography

Ő¤ 膚 áŤƒ 犉 ć?´ č?Ź 蔊 者 硳ç‰? 犢 糡 糍 篡 ç˘?牧 Űą ೥ á’Ť ‍ ࢼ Üˆâ€ŹäŒľ 䊚 ㍎

á ’๎Öš +21* 6XQJ-\RS

č†šáŤƒçŠ‰ć?´ŕĽ&#x;糍ç‰?á’ŤÔŤäŒľçŹ čž¸ŕˇˆçŽ•糍ç‰?Ḓĺ‡&#x;㞴褏č†šáŤƒâ„„ÔŤçź› 糍ç‰?č†šáŤƒč?Źč”ŠçłŤÔŤçź›糍ç‰§çŠĽçŽ°čŚŽăž´ŕˇˆä‹Š㜧ä¨?磧Ů?ŕˇˆä‹Š糍ç‰? ŕŹ™ç‰§çŠ˘çłˇčžŠăˇ˘â€ŤŰ’â€Źá€Šăž´áŻžŕˇźč†šáŤƒćŤ•ŕŹ™ç–ťç‰§ŕąŽâ€ŤŰ‘â€ŹáŒ­Ó¤ç¨¨ 窓膚‍ݣ‏ç‰?

ᜪ猟 Music

á°‚粏‍ ظ‏.,0 7H-NQ ŕš?č••ćˆ”ć‡Ż Costume Design

ŕš&#x;纨á‰? -22 +\R-VRRQ

Hong is a leading force of the Korea Contemporary Dance. He

çą—â€ŤŘˇâ€Źćˆ”ć‡Ż Lighting Design

has been leading the professional dance company "Dance Theater

ኊ伎ç°&#x; 6,1 6HRQJ-KZDQ

On" for many years and has served as an invited artistic director of the National Contemporary Dance Company, the first cochairman of the Asian Dance Committee and the Artistic Director of the Korea International Contemporary Dance Competition.

Hong won the 14th Dong-A Dance Competition Grand Prize, the

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP

2nd Hanbang Culture Prize, the Seoul International Dance Festival

čŒ§čŚ‡çŽ€á´şá„?č?ŹçšŁ Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre

2nd Prize, the 2nd Prize of the Dance Art Prize, and the Korean Literary Association's most literary awards. In 2000, he was


invited to the Lyon Dance Biennale of France and successfully led the European stage with a record of sold out.



ćˆ”á„?ç›…č?ŹŐˆč—ł Meet-the-artist after performance


膚‍ ݣ‏Stage

उ૱膚㵕 蛚匍㾴褬 dance wherever We Go ̿蝡ᗭ禅ԏ䌕禂牧ದૣṛ᩻牧蛪ಋӞ窕ጱଙ斕膚ᘏฎ 詂჈磧অጱ෈玕य़ֵ牐̀ 盓㾴̽ේ瑽‫ے‬粬䁭̾ “Thoroughly professional, the young, technically brilliant Hong Kong Chinese with highly efficient acrobatic skills are the best cultural ambassadors of their city.” Stuttgarter Zeitung, Germany


&&'& ᛔ ଙ獺㿁犥㬵牧ᴻ膌‫ێ‬蕣֢ܻ獺℄ፓ牏 വ㵕硽胍膏क़疻ၚ㵕现ඪ瞱Ӿ㾴膚᫃咳疻懯㴟क़牧 㪔胆揗෈玕य़ֵጱ薫ᜋ牧ӣ‫܈‬獌ଙ㬵ग़稞糷螩դ蔭 詂჈㷢膏Ӯኴ‫ݱ‬瑿ጱ萬䃧ፐԪ牐

CCDC has always been one of Hong Kong’s leading performing arts companies since the Company was first founded in 1979. CCDC rallies the best of Chinese talent to create dance in the contemporary context of China. As a cultural ambassador for Hong Kong, we have toured to the world’s foremost dance stages and notable festivals over the past decades.

螂݄Ӟଙ牧膚㿁‫ض‬盅蚎我盓㾴๱ल凟螇ॢ牏筏窓ᴨ 盓苟盓牏覮㾴य़ᮕ牏泷㬵ᥜ㫎‫ݴ‬ᵇ࣠牏Ӿ㾴玖Ղ现 皞癥缛उ૱癧ᄍ㪔㷢膏ग़殻㾴褬Ի窕ၚ㵕牧۱ೡ膚 ᫃୽猟硯碸牏膚᫃籧牏拻ଷ牏य़䒍紑膏ૡ֢࣑缛牧 嘦缏詂჈膚᫃෈玕ෝ㾴褬ጱ加缏ਧ֖牧㪔‫ݻ‬Ӯኴ疻 匍吚դ詂჈萬蔩覄諃ጱ加粬諅‫ێ‬牐

Last year, CCDC toured to Dusseldorf (Germany), Adelaide (Australia), Daegu (Korea), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Beijing and Guangzhou (China) to share Hong Kong’s unique cultural identity and contemporary artistic soul. The Company reached out to international audiences through stage performances and a variety of cultural exchange activities, including dance video screenings, dance camps, seminars, master classes and workshops.

2017 ଙ膚㿁癧ᄍ෭纷牘 2017 CCDC Touring Schedule:

26.7.2017 玖Ղ膚᫃櫕蝰 2017 2017 Beijing Dance Festival

28-30.8.2017 犥ᜋ‫ڜ‬粬೉姘ॢ葍納ূ 爤 盓೉凟膚᫃Ӿஞ Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv, Israel

11.10.2017 覮㾴य़ᮕ现䩚㫎膚᫃℄ Daegu and East Asia Dance Festival, Korea

15.10.2017 ෭๜碝侤㾴褬膚᫃℄ 2017 Niigata International Dance Festival 2017, Japan

Ԇ旰秚䯤狒ኸๅ硬℄ፓ现癧ᄍ෭纷ጱ稗‫ڥ‬ Programmes and touring schedule are subject to change


้ว斝 Terry TSANG

讝疑䌌 Bobo LAI


̿᪡໒̀膚᫃ग़ᶎ፶ Jumping Frames, A Multifaceted Dance Spectacle ̿᪡໒̀‫ݻ‬㬵膌‫ێ‬傶萬蔩疑ୌ缏Ӟ㮆‫୽ط‬傶甿Օጱ

Jumping Frames strives to establish a platform of creation through media


art and to offer a different perspective to seeing dance. The festival this


year has commissioned six works in diverse styles: the opening work

讝 ਜ ෈ 墯 猋 妿 ଙ ጱ 夵 袅 粙̽ ካ ኞ 爤 硲 Ԫ ̾ ๅ ౮ 傶

Boy Story , a documentary by Maurice Lai is already the talking point of

Ӟ 碻 ֯ 扖牪 ᘒ 皞 癥 ጱ ֜ ٌ ࿿ 现 ‫ ݣ‬玖 ጱ ୻ 缢 艏 蝚 螂

Hong Kong’s dance scene, while outstanding works by two participants

&&'& 膏ᥜԜ෈玕玟‫֢ݳ‬ጱ̽碝֢抷䃧物‫୽ط‬膚᫃̾ of "New Works Forum - Screendance ", He Ergao and Peng Hsiaoጱ䋿涢Ꭸ粙统瑻ᘒ‫ڊ‬牧̿᪡໒ٌ̀盅甛夹犢㮉獤獨

yin, develop from their original ideas to become longer pieces. This is

蕣֢膚᫃Ꭸ粙̽蝡ฎӞ㮆櫚䁰̾现̽腙茐Ոኞ̾牧 a Chicken Coop and Recycle Project respectively, these projects have 獋粙ࣁ㾴褬膚᫃୽猟℄ӾԽ覍ଉ喠ፓ牐

already received invitations to showcase at international dance film festivals.

犡 䌵̿ ᪡ ໒ ̀ 疥 ಩ Ԇ 氂 戔 ਧ 傶̿EHKLQG WKH VFHQH̀牧ᘒ犡ଙጱ甛夹蕣֢疥䨝肞ᆌ詂჈牧಩౯

The spotlight of this year’s Jumping Frames will be on “Behind the


Scene", to bring to light stories of Hong Kong dance makers. They



̽獐ᆙ᪡̾Dance Hong Kong

̽ካኞ 爤 硲Ԫ̾Boy Story

讙箾璢 ݈ӞઊՈ 牏ᮍ犝牏໶‫ܓ‬籠现շਜ篇̽獐ᆙ᪡̾


Dance Hong Kong

by Stanley WONG (aka Anothermountainman), featuring XING Liang, MUI Cheuk-yin and Yuri NG

Into The Wind



݈ӞઊՈ 蝫奾ӣ֖膚᫃ኴጱ螈Ոঅ‫݋‬物ᮍ犝牏໶‫ܓ‬籠现շਜ篇牧Ӟ蚏蝱

缏疩ᄍ战褷ᛥ牧媣 ଙጱ̽珜ხ෈̾盅牧







Dance Hong Kong is a dance challenge captured on film and developed

Independent film director Rita Hui started her film

from the long friendship between visual artist Stanley Wong, and Hong

experimentation in dance and movement before

by Rita HUI

Kong’s veteran dance makers - Xing Liang, Mui Cheuk-yin and Yuri Ng. The

she took part in Jumping Frames. Into The Wind

premises has no boundary: no stage, no form, no audience, its only aim is to

plays with the form of a musical but the scenes

rediscover the nature of dance and the city they love through explorations of

either featuring songs without dance or dance

people, space, objects to create something new that is half an hour long.

without singing, exploring stories of loneliness in

℄ፓ玀ᆙ茹咳ᤈ獍‫ֵٵرݪ‬አ Photos are included by the distributors' permission.


a city.

̽腙茐Ոኞ̾Recycle Project ̽ࣁᰀ̾Into The Wind


Boy Story

爤 硲Ԫ̾ ҁ᪃๜҂

by Maurice LAI (Full version)

୽粙ℂշਜ篇 ଙಅ翥ጱ̽ካኞ̾癲

A documentary on the revival of Yuri Ng’s 1996 masterpiece


Boy Story by the original cast of Malaysian Chinese dancers.

瓵ጱ硲Ԫ牧ࣁ݄ଙḒ碸ጱ 獤楮粚๜搱

The 40-minute version released in the last edition of Jumping


Frames moved audience to tears, we are excited to bring


the complete version featuring in-depth interviews with each


dancers, and additional footage of the revival’s performances


in Taipei.


Other than new creations, we handpicked Dance Shorts ,


documentaries and outstanding performances which will be included


in this edition of Jumping Frames. Please stay tuned for more updates.

᪡໒㾴褬膚᫃୽猟℄ 2017

羊螡℄ፓ Selected Programme ূথ胙盅ጱካՈ

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2017

Strike a Pose

7-12.9.2017 ጯ聲㶓襎୽Ӿஞ 詂჈萬蔩Ӿஞ襎୽ᴺ Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong Arts Centre's Cinema

CCDC č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžć?´ćłˇä¨? č†šáŤƒŕŠœçŽ€ä °â„„á?“

ŠAerial Production

Programmes at Jockey Club Dance Theatre, CCDC Dance Centre Ԇ旰现蕣֢ Presented & Produced by

ŠCCDC Dance Centre

ă€Ščˆžé?’ DNA》 WuQing DNA

č†šáŤƒ 疰ฎ๯ăŽ‰áŒąŕ¤šࢊ

Dance N Alive

Ěż 膚 áŤƒ 茇 ŕŹ™ Í€Ň č†š 茇 Ň‚ ฎ &&'& 膚 áŤƒ Óž ா ༚ ŕŹ™ ㏾

WuDaoQingNian(WDQN) features outstanding young dancers from

áŒąáŻżčŽ¨ć‡Żă´&#x;ç‰§ç’˘č¨…Ô§ÓžŐ¤áŒąč†šáŤƒૡ֢á˜?ç‰? ŕŹ™

the community. With the mission of "from the masses, to the masses",


selected budding dancers receive a wide range of rigorous training and


intensive rehearsals throughout the year. They share their achievement


with their community at the end of the programme.WuQing DNA is a

ć‰‹ŕ ´č‚¨ç‰§ŕ˛­ç?ˆ翼č†šáŒąç?şÖ˘ÓŽáŠ´ç‰§ŕ˛ŠăŽ†ŐˆáŒąÖ˘ß?ç †â€ŤÚŠâ€Ź

platform dedicated to WDQN members who wants to try their hand at

çŽ€ä °ć„Šç–ťá„?ç‰?çŠĽč†šáŤƒ䯤๎çŠ˘ăŽ‰áŒąáŠžá šç‰§ŕ˛ŠáŠžá šáŁ&#x;ç?ˆ

choreography for the first time. Coming from different backgrounds and


heading into different futures, they share the same DNA under WDQN!

ćŞ”č …č‡ľ )DQNL &+$1

檔紪ॹ -RH\ &+$1

> ‍ م‏6DW@ SP

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP SP


Öœá… ŕŻ‘ -R\FLQH +2 莙ภణ ,ULV :21*

$80Ň ă´&#x;Óž祊ć?˛ )L[HG 3ULFHŇ‚ 槚çş?ç–Ľŕˇ? čš?ŕˇ? &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç??ć¨„ĺ’łŕ “ Tickets available at CCDC Dance Centre from 1.3.2017 onwards

çžščŒščŠ‚áƒˆá„?č?Źä‹Šá´şçž™â€ŤŮľâ€Źăˇ˘č†?č•ŁÖ˘ %\ NLQG SHUPLVVLRQ RI +.$3$


犚č œŕˇ?çžťč œá°‚č?ˆç‰?窞ć?˛Ô†ĺŹ?áŒąŕĽ&#x;産猟疑Ӟá?—Ő â€ŤŕŁ Ý‘â€ŹÓ¤çŞ•á?’ä¨?Óžç şç&#x;’稗‍ێ‏牧

ă€Œçœ&#x;柔出ă€?çłťĺˆ— ─

çť—á’Œâ€ŤÝšâ€ŹÓžčž˛ä“Šŕ˛Żĺ‡—á˜?áŒąč‚¨áśŞçŁŞáŠ ăť&#x;牍Ӟ犚á?ĄçŠ˛ŕ´‡č›Şá˜’â€ŤÚŠâ€Źĺ‚śŕż†ŕŹ˜çŽąáŒąăŻ”ಯ凗

《大 娛 大 ć…ž 》 REAL Showcase 2017 – Happily Forgotten

á˜?ÝˆçŠ¤ŐˆćŤžç?¤á?ĽăŻ”牧稗ć?Ťć¨Œâ€ŤŰŽâ€ŹĺĽžčˆ”ÓŹç‰§ćŠ‘Ýˆâ€ŤÝ˘â€ŹçŠĽá?ĄçŤƒá?’ä¨?Ó¤áŒąá?Ľá?Ľâ€ŤŘƒŘƒâ€Źç‰Ť ŕŹ™čŚ‡翼č†šç–‘ćŞ”éŒŒçŚ‚ç–Ľç™˛č–Şĺ”°ŕ˛­ç?ˆč?ĄăŽ†ŕĽ&#x;産ŕĽ&#x;ç?†áŒąç˘ťŐ¤Ô?Óžç‰? In today’s society, the entrepeneur enjoys controlling power and all the entertainment and diversions available. But, can those lower down the chain protest and voice their needs? Somebody steps out and pretends to be a representative of the people, but are they really helping the poor? Who can see the reality of our society? What is truth? Who is lying? Young choreographer Chan Wing-yip leads a journey through an extravagant but hypocritical time. 翼膚 &KRUHRJUDSK\

ćŞ”éŒŒçŚ‚ &+$1 :LQJ \LS

> ‍ م‏6DW@ SP

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP

$100Ň ă´&#x;Óž祊ć?˛ )L[HG 3ULFHŇ‚ 槚çş?ç–Ľŕˇ? čš?ŕˇ? &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç??ć¨„ĺ’łŕ “ Tickets available at CCDC Dance Centre from 24.5.2017 onwards ඪçžą Supported by čŠ‚áƒˆč†šáŤƒč‚Ľá?‘ Hong Kong Dance Alliance čž‚ŕŽƒá„?‍ ڊ‏Archieve: Š č&#x;žÓŽâ€ŤŰžâ€Ź

ŠSteve LI@June's Production

ă€ŠäşŒĺťśéŤ”ă€‹ 2nd Stage Ö˘ĺ‚śŕšœç‘żč†šáŤƒç?şÖ˘áŒąç&#x;ťç˝?牧&&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžŕ´ľâ€ŤÚŠâ€Źč†š

As the cradle of local dance creation, CCDC Dance Centre introduces


2nd Stage , a creative platform to develop existing works. This is a 2nd


chance for dance pieces which have already been performed to continue


its journey, an exploration of potentials and creativity. It is also a golden


opportunity for local young artists to review their work, to deepen and


extend their creation.

> ‍ م‏6DW@ SP

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP SP

$100Ň ă´&#x;Óž祊ć?˛ )L[HG 3ULFHŇ‚ 槚çş?ç–Ľŕˇ? čš?ŕˇ? &&'& č†šáŤƒÓžŕŽžç??ć¨„ĺ’łŕ “ Tickets available at CCDC Dance Centre from 16.8.2017 onwards

ŕš…ŕĽšć‰˜çœ? More Details牊 çş?率现℄á?“礚扇 )RU WLFNHWLQJ DQG SURJUDPPH HQTXLULHV牊

2328 9205 /


CCDC čˆžčšˆ中ĺżƒ

ĺ°ˆć‰?ĺ&#x;šč¨“č¨ˆĺŠƒ CCDC Dance Centre Talent Development Programmes

612 ćœŞ äž†čˆž 壍 612 Mini Dancers äŒ˜č™Ąç‰Š 侇 č?ščž‚čž?čžĄć‰‹ç‰§ĺ‚śçŁŞŕŽŞŕˇ?č†šáŤƒč?Źč”Šĺ’łç–ťáŒąŕŠœä‹ŠáŠžŕ˛‘ŕŚ… च器ç‰?ŕľ‰â€ŤÜ‹â€Źč†šáŤƒದૣ现蔭á„?珴čƒźç‰§ăŞ”㡢č†?ç??樄á„?‍ڊ‏ ç–ťçşˆä‹Šč œ๎ຎç‰? For Aged 6-12 The programme helps students enhance their abilities in dancing and performing and provide a solid foundation for their future development in dance. 612 Mini Dancers are invited to participate in public performance.

彊色é?’ć˜Ľ Teens of Colour

äŒ˜č™Ąç‰Š 侇 äŒ•ĺ‚śÓžä‹ŠáŠžá˜’ćˆ”ç‰§čĄ˛ŕ°şç’˘čƒ?ŕšš㏾膚á˜?牧č?ščž‚ྯŕŹ™áŒą čž?螥手牧೴螥䋊㚓牧ç&#x;‘â€ŤÝ‘â€Źĺ‚śŕš—â€ŤÜˆâ€ŹăŽ†ŕšŒáŒąáš›瞡č”­á„?懺 娞牧㪔㡢č†?ŕšœÓžŕŽžÔ?ç??樄á„?‍ڊ‏ç‰? For Aged 13-18 Aims at nurturing teenagers with dance potential to become future dance artists. Through a strenuous audition each year, young dancers are selected to attend a series of effective, systematic and creative dance training and perform at the public showcase at CCDC Dance Centre.

ŠAerial Production

äŒ˜č™Ąç‰Š 侇 ç??ć¨„ŕł—çŽ‰č†šáŤƒčŠ˘čˆŁç‰§ŕ´ŚçŠĽŕĽšâ€ŤŘ˛â€ŹçŽ•áŒąç‘ĽćŒ˜çŽ°ŕŠ‚褸ŕ­—ć‡şĺ¨žç‰§çŠĽŕŹ˜ â€ŤÝŁâ€Źč†šáŤƒáŒąŕ­ľŕ­—ç–ťçşˆ๎ຎ牧ಊč?Źč”Šç™˛ŕ˘§á?’çŽ&#x;ç‰? For Aged 16-27 A handpicked selection of outstanding young dancers from the community, they receive a wide range of rigorous training and intensive rehearsals throughout the year. Their extraordinary achievement is showcased to the community through podium shows.

䌕ŕ˛?璢懺懯ă´&#x;ć‰˜çœ? Details of Talent Development Programmes:


čˆžčšˆé?’ĺš´ Wu Dao Qing Nian

ŠAerial Production

CCDC čˆžčšˆ中ĺżƒ

ĺ¤–ĺą•č¨ˆĺŠƒćź”ĺ‡şé ?ĺ‘Š CCDC Dance Centre Upcoming Outreach Programmes ăť›áœ‹ç‘źĚżč†šč›š篡猅̀ ĺŒ?դ膚璢懺懯ă´&#x;弞猂á„?‍ ڊ‏ Modern Dance Animateur Scheme of Sik Sik Yuen Schools: Finale Performance

ŠAerial Production

á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źä‹ŠŕťŠç‰Šăť›áœ‹ç‘źç—€ÓĽÔ?ç?Œć¨ŒÓžŕŠœä‹Š Performing Schools: Eight secondary and primary schools under Sik Sik Yuen

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP ઉ槚ŕĽ&#x;ä¨?ç’¤á„?༾皣 Auditorium, Tuen Mun Town Hall

ĺŒ?դ膚䋿擅懯ă´&#x; 弞猂á„?‍ڊ‏ Ě˝č†šâ€ŤÚŠâ€ŹĺłŒćŞš༠Ô?襼á?˛çˆ¤č›ŞčŞ˘ăś“Ěž Modern Dance In Practice Project 2016/17: Finale Performance Dancing in the Sun 2017: Jubilee Celebration á„?â€ŤÚŠâ€Źä‹ŠŕťŠç‰Šăˇ˘č†?ኧçš?猟çŽ°ŕˇˆçŽ•ÔŞçŽ‡á—&#x;Ԇ旰 ĚżĺŒ?դ膚䋿擅懯ă´&#x; Í€Ô?â€ŤÜˆâ€ŹÔŤć¨ŒÓžŕŠœä‹Š Performing Schools : Twelve secondary and primary schools participating in the 2016/17 School Performing Arts in Practice Scheme by Leisure and Cultural Services Department

> ࡭ 6XQ@ SP SP čŒ§čŚ‡çŽ€á´şá„?č?ŹçšŁ Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre

ŕšœć‡Żă´&#x;ኧउ૱ĺ?šŐ¤č†šáŤƒăż ྉ‍׀‏ 穥ඪ羱çš?猟çŽ°ŕˇˆçŽ•ÔŞçŽ‡á—&#x;Ԇ旰Ô? Ěż ŕŹ™ଶä‹ŠŕťŠá„?č?Źä‹żć“…懯ă´&#x;Í€ * Project offered by City Contemporary Dance Company in support of the 2016/17 School Performing Arts in Practice Scheme

ä‹ŠŕťŠč†šáŤƒč?Źč”Šá‘€ ç–Ľč†šáŤƒç™˛ç?ˆä‹ŠŕťŠ School Curriculum Introduce dance arts into school curriculum ĺ‚śä‹ŠŕťŠá’˝ă´&#x;çŽ°çżĽäŒƒ祽礯ç‰§ŕŹśč›Şć‡Şč?¨ç?¸ĺ’łç?şŕ°şçŽ°ăż 褧â€ŤÖ˘Ýłâ€ŹáŒąč†šáŤƒćŠ“ 纡ç‰?áŠ§ŕ¤šŕšœದૣ‍ڊ‏ç?şÖ˘ç‰§ç›Œଧäž…č?ąç‘żäƒ€â€ŤŰ’â€Źä‹ŠáŠžäŒ˜č†šáŤƒáŒąč—¨áŽŁçŽ° 岉蚕ç‰? Design specific dance course for schools according to their needs. From basic skills to creative dance, it helps increase students’ awareness and interest of the art form. ŕš…ŕĽšć‰˜çœ? More details 礚扇 Enquiry

2328 9205 /



उ ૱ 吚 դ 膚 ᫃ 㿁ҁ&&'&҂ ᛔ ଙ ౮ 缏 犥 㬵牧 ୚ 覿 詂 ჈吚դ膚荲ۡ咳疻牧憎挨吚դ膚ጱ౮裾牐膚㿁ग़ଙ㬵ᴻԧ 㿁獉౮㹓现萬蔩疑ጱ认认՞‫ڊ‬牧Խ஑茹犋‫ݶ‬覿ऒՈॊ‫ݶو‬ 傶膚㿁咳疻֢‫ێۘڊ‬牐傶蔭䟴螂݄Ӟଙ傶詂჈吚դ膚֢‫ڊ‬

Founded in 1979, City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) is a key player and witness of the vigorous development of contemporary dance in Hong Kong. As such the Company set up the “City Contemporary Dance Laureate” in 2016 to recognise individuals who made significant contributions to contemporary dance in Hong Kong in the previous year.

揙糽ጱՈॊ牧&&'& ෝ ଙ蚏戔缏̿उ૱吚դ膚᫃螈

Nominees can be of any nationality and from any territory, and from


diverse backgrounds including creativity and production, education,


publicity and promotion, and sponsorship of cultural exchanges.

Ո ኧ &&'& ౮ 㹓 ൉ ‫ݷ‬牧 㪔 糷 膚 㿁 茙 Ԫ 䨝 ໐ ‫ ٵ‬毈 咳牐 ݄ ଙ 糷螡‫ڊ‬ጱӣ֖̿螈Ո̀牧獤獨ෝ෈玕Ի窕牏膚᫃戺抷现膚 ‫ݣ‬戔懯ොᶎ揙糽臑ग़牧犢㮉ฎ物ᥜԜ෈玕玟ᓕቘੴ萬蔩咳

Candidates are nominated by CCDC members and approved by the Company’s board of directors. In 2016, three Laureates are selected for their contribution in cultural exchange, dance criticism and stage design: Ms Anna Chan, Head of Artistic Development (Dance), West Kowloon


Cultural District Authority; art critic Ms Natalia Chan (Lok Fung); and


lighting designer Mr Lee Chi-wai.

̿ उ૱吚դ膚᫃螈Ո̀஑糫ᘏ物ᥜԜ෈玕玟ᓕቘੴ萬蔩咳疻Ԇᓕҁ膚᫃҂檔毂紱穇ॊ牏 虻窼萬戺Ո၎祹穇ॊ现籗‫ط‬戔懯䒍磷ฬ狰‫ض‬ኞ牐ҁᒫԫᤈૢ‫م‬蚏҂ 2016 City Contemporary Dance Laureates: Ms Anna Chan, Head of Artistic Development (Dance), West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; art critic Ms Natalia Chan (Lok Fung) and lighting designer Mr Lee Chi-wai. (Second row, from the sixth person on the left)

̿ उ૱吚դ膚᫃螈Ո̀毈糫因

"City Contemporary Dance Laureate 2017" Award Presentation Ceremony

ҁ‫ م‬6DW҂ SP

詂჈෈玕Ӿஞᄍ萬य़䰠ࢥ䰠य़璤 4/F Foyer, Auditoria Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

磪橕̿ उ૱吚դ膚᫃螈Ո̀糫殻现஑糫ᘏ‫ݷ‬㻌牧藶ኸ఺物 For the result of City Contemporary Dance Laureate Award 2017, please stay tuned: CCDCउ૱吚դ膚᫃㿁

礚扇 Enquiries物 2329

7803 /


變ቤ㱾 Natalie MAK

禼Ꭳ要 Shirley LOK


挹竔秌 Malvina TAM

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