Requiem HK House Programme

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2012年畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院學士課程,主修芭蕾舞表演。2014年完成Benesh Movement Notation*的證書課程,並於2016年以優異成績取得Diploma for Professional Benesh Movement Notators的專業資格。 鄧氏曾與多個機構合作,作品包括:一舖清唱《這夜免收人頭費》(譜舞師)、《石堅》 (重演) (助理導演);任白慈善基金《蝶影紅梨記》(舞段紀錄);香港弦樂團《全為 愛新春音樂會 - 圓圓月月粵粵弦弦》(排練助理/項目統籌)及進念•二十面體《華嚴經》 (動作排練統籌)等。 *Benesh Movement Notation被廣泛應用於輔助排練過程――記錄動作和傳譯編舞者的意圖,作為紀錄 及將來重演時完整還原原作。

Iris Tang graduated with a BA (Hons) in Fine Arts from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2012, majoring in Ballet. She then completed the Certificate in Benesh Movement Notation* in 2014 and achieved the Diploma for Professional Benesh Movement Notators with Distinction in 2016. Iris has worked with performing arts companies in different roles: Save the Next Song for Me, an a capella theatre production with Yat Po Singers (choreologist); Rock Hard (Re-run) (assistant staging director); Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom, a Cantonese opera with orchestra and Chinese dance performance by Yam Kim Fai and Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation Limited (choreologist); All About Love with Hong Kong String Orchestra (rehearsal assistant/project coordinator); and re-staging of Hua-Yen Sutra – Purification Practices by Zuni Icosahedron (rehearsal master). *Benesh Movement Notation is a language to assist the rehearsal progress, recording the movement created as well as the choreographer’s intention for future re-staging and documentation.


Benesh Choreologist and Rehearsal Mistress



Theatrical Productions





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